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-97 68334 -5--W s/076/60/034/01/003/044 AUTHORS- Manzheley,-K. Ye.p Voyteriko, L. V. BOIO/BO14 TITLE: Electroreduction of Acrylic Acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiiq 196o, Vol 34, Nr 1, pp 27 - 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Electroreduction of acrylic acid on cathodes of pure platinized platinum as well as on a gradually thicker deposition of mer- oury on the cathode was investigated in the present paper. The cathode potential (with Luggin's capillary) was measured with increasing polarizing current and simultaneously the volume of the hydrogen formed* Besides, charge curves were drawn (Refs 3 and 09 and hydrogenation was observed in the adsorbed hydrogen layer (Ref 5). The electrode production, the drawing of charge curves, and the calculation of the actual surface were carried out by a method elaborated by A. 1. Shlygin and A. N. Frumkin. 001 N H 2so4 solution purified by means of electrolysis was used as an electrolyte. Figure I shows the results of hydro- genation in the adsorbed hydrogen layer. Hence it may be seen that acrylic acid reacts with the adsorbed hydrogen both on Card 1/3 pure platinized platinum and on platinum partly covered with 083114 Blectroreduction of Acrylic Acid 3/076/60/034/01/003/044 BOIO/BO14 mercury. In the latter case the reaction is slower (Fig 2 and Table). If about 35% of the electrode surface is covered with mercury, the electroreduction ceases. As may be seen from 'he charge curveso the ability of the electrode to adsorb hydrogen changes consequently. in the case of a thicker deposition of mercury on the electrode (up to 200%, 400%) it acts like a mercury electrode (Fig 3)- It was found that electroreduction may take place both on platinized platinum and on mercury, how- ever, only with potentials which differ by more than I v. Fur- ther experiments with addition of atomic arsenic obtained by reduction of HA902 furnished the following results: Admixtures of arsenic caused a considerable deceleration of the reduction process on the platinized platinum cathode. With a 2% deposi- tion the electrode was completely poisoned. On the basis of experimental data and considering data of publications the fol- lowing mechanism of electroreduction of a, P-unsaturated acids may be assumed: On a cathode of platinized platinum, reduction is brought about by adsorbed hydrogen atoms under the catalytic action of the cathode surface on the adsorbed acrylic acid Card 2/3 molecules. on a mercury cathode, reduction may take place due 6 -"'d 3 3 h Electroreduction of Acrylic Acid ASSOCIATION: to a direct addition of cathode polarized molecule, in which the tron acceptor. A reduction scheme K. I. Rozentall, and Z, A. Iofa There are 3 figures, 1 table, are Soviet, S/076/60/034/01/003/044 BOIO/BO14 electrons to the strongly 0-carbon atom may be an elec- is suggested. E. Razumovskaya, are mentioned in this paper. and 13 references, 12 of which Kiehinevakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED; March 17, 1956 Card 3/3 MANZHELEY, M.Ye.; SHOLIV, A.F. Electrochemical hydrogenation of allyl alcohol. Dokl. Ali SSSR 141 no.4:897-899 D 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikom A.A. BalarzUnym. (Allyl alcohol) (Hydrogenation) (Electrochemistry) L 18309-63 EWP(q)/EV4T(m)/BDS AFM/ASD/ESD-3 RM/RH/JD ACCE=011 Hns A'P3004978 A831 5/6076/63/637/608/i825 & 3 AUrHORS3 Manzheley, M. I Sholin. A. F. TITIEg Elect roreduct ion of unsaturated compounds on a platinized Pjatinum cathode SWRL",131 Zhurnal f~izimii, v- 37, no. 8, 1963, 1825-1831- TOrICTAGSs electroreduotiong unsaturated compound., platinized platinum$ allyl alcohol, Hg, As, I, TI, NaOH- A332RAUt The electroUdliction al I alcoho~ion a platinized plati _ _ f _ly _ - e with clean surface and with add~iions of Hg, As, I- and fl-'F has been investigated by plotting the polarization curves Phi-log i, measuring the absorption of hydro- gen (charging curves) and of allyl alcohol and carrying out the hyirogenation reaction in a layer of adsorbed hydrogen. It has been found that, in both an acid (0' 1N H2SO4) as well as in an allraline (NaOH) medium, the electroreduction begins at a potential zone more positive than the reversible hydrogen electrode potential. A considerable difference between the two media has also been revealed, with progressive reduction products such as C3H6, C H and small amounts of the hydrogenolysis products CH C2H and C H6 being foKead in the acid medium. Reduction is reiarded and ~h'en cimpleteiy inhibited in the zone of hydrogen Card 0 L 18309-63-- ACCESSION M AP3004978 overvoltage. The use of addition agents made it possible to establish the cata- lytic character of the electroreduction process and its dependence upon the presence of adsorbed hydrogen on the electrode surface as well as upon the energy of the hydrogen-platinum bond. Orig. art. has, 4 fikures, I table. ISSOCIATIONs Xish1nevskiyg)sudarstvenny*y universitet (K~shfnev state university). SUBMTEDv 050ct61 DATE ACqt 06Sep63 VIM 1 00 SUB CCDEz CH NO REF SOVt 007 OrEMs 004 Card 2/2 MANZIIELEY, M.Ye. Effect of the nature of the substituent on the kinetics of nitrobenzene eleatraWubtlon. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.10t 2113-2117 0 162. (MIRA 1714) ~l 11 ~ 1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. MANZHELEY, M.Ye. .- .-I .... -1- -- -, -- -1 Mercury electrode. Uch.zap.Kish.un. 68:41-44 163 (cover 1641. (MIRA 18:12) NOVIMDV, B.G.; MAIMHEM, - V.U-. Development and growth of ducks roared at different seasons of the year. Trudy Inst.zool.AN MSR 12:54-67 155. (MLRA 9-7) (Racks) IROVnWV, B.G. (Novykov, B.H.1; MANZ , T.U. Biological foundations of year-round raising of waterfowl. Vimyk Kyi*.un. no.5i Ser*biol. no.2:91-97 962. (MIRA 16:5) (DUCKS) t Iul an in A ciallitific Category: USSR/General Division. Congresses. Meetings. Conferences. A-4 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol-, No 6, 25 March 1957, 21365 Author Manzheliy, I.I. Inst -no-f - given- Title The December Session of the Academy ~ V.I. Lenin Agricuitux-ai Sciences-7. Orig Pub: Agrobiologiya, 1955, No 1, 150-153 Abstract: The session, held from the 6th to "he 13th of October 1954, examined the accomplishments of scientific-experimental work for 1954 and thematic plans for 1955 of the institutes inclu- ded in the academy system, and the Kazakh affiliate of the academy. Card 1/1 -19- IVI,~ N 7 HE I- / Y 2 1 1: U33R / Cultivatod Plantc. Ccrcal3. MI Abs juur R,I!f Ztimr - 3iol. , 14l) 8, 195~':, 140 34611 Author Manzhc1iy, 1. 1. inst r7l ~ TO Tit1c, : Lairgo-Zar, Lo,' ci.-tprt Varictice of Winter '-fhc)at. OriC,, Pub : Vostn. s. kh. nauki, 1957, iio 3, 118-121. Abstract : 'Jork dono botwc;)n 1911-0 and 1956 lod to the dc.- v.-lopm,-;nt of ShOrt-BtOM, largj-oar wirt;.r wh,.~at, int inlm7fr-l harVL 3t Y6ars, by m~-ano of .3,,'Jo~LtJon- --nd by rals,,-13 plants undur ~:oi-.di- tions, pr,:vaI,nt ii, trio 1,11oscow Oblast, f ror. samplos of' wint,~r wh,~at varictics recoivcd in 1949 from t~i- 1`~---rLian :),;mocrat.*c -public, wh-r,~ thay iav(-; chos,.~n -y th,, sci,~nLisr, Er. Ric- bi~ocl. A doscription is -,ivon of 6 13-1p1~3 with -a positivc ratin,.~. -- Yu. L. Card 1/1 KANZWOM, I-I., kand. sell skokhoz.nauk. red.; HWKHINA, V.V., red.; PZCHERKIN, I.T.. (Monoopermous sugar beat] Odnosemiannaia sakharnaia avekla; abornik etatei. Pod red. I.I.Manzheliia. Moskva, Izd-vo X-va sell. khoz. SSSR, 1960. 183 P. (MM 13:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnaya inspektsiya po zemledeliyu. 2. Uchenyy sekratarl otdeleniya zemledeliya Vaesoyuznoy akademii Bellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni Y.I.Lanins (for 14anzheliy). (Sugar beets) -YAN7HRUT, I.L. kand-selskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Session of the Lening AU.-Union AcademW of Agricultural Sciences. Zemledelle 8 no.10:90-91 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Agricultural research) "I. '61. SMAGD1, I.I., akademik, red.; BUZMOV, I.F., akademik, laureat Leninskoy prerii, red.; KAZLWOV, A.L., akademik, red.; MAYSURYANI N.A.,, akademik, red.; VASILENKO, P.M., akademik, red,; VASlLENKO, F.M., almdemik, red.; 'rWIZHELIY,. T-T-,, red.; GORELIK, L.Ya.,, red.; ANTONOVA, N.M., tek'bn. red. [Achievements of science and advanced practices in sugar beet gfowing] Dostizheniia nauki i peredovoi opyt po sveklovodstvu. I-loskva., Sellkhozgiz, 1961. 403 P. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.lenina. 2. Uchenyy sekretarl sektsii tekhnicheskikh kulltur Otdeleniya zemledeliya Vsesoyuznoy akaderrii sellskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for I-lanzbeliy). (Sugar beet breeding) MANMLIY I L. S. The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analysis of High-Purity Elements, held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Uni- versity im. N. 1. Lobachevskiy, was sponsored by the Institute of Chemi- stry of the Gorky State University, the Physicochemical and Technological Department for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and the Gorky Section of the All-Union Chemical Society im. D. 1. Mendeleyev. The opening -address was made by Academician N. M. Zhavoronkov. Some 90 papers were presented, among them the following: V. A. Novoselov and T. K. Aydarov. Spectrochemical analysis for S. Se, Te, 8b in InAs. L. -M.-, Ivantsov. Possibilities of increasing sensitivity of emission spectroscopy. A. 1)E,_jaMjgakova, N. P. _,~a_lyi~~ovskaya, and.!,,._-.S,, WLte "li . A high -sensitivity amperometric method for determining 1, Mo, and Tu in LiF, CdS, NaI, CsLand other single crystals. ANAL. Iq AD-6, 1961 &--777_~~" MANZHELEY v Tenperature effect ;-.n tl,e kinpt~,~s ol F-lectroreducti-n of unsaturated orgaric cornp-up.~s, Zhl;r. f"z. kl.-im- 36 nc:.9: 1958-1964' S 162. (MThA 17:6) 1. Kish in evs~iy got, un 3tvr ni~.' Y ~.k J ", P. ',F-. t , ~i' C PH. rt, f i skoy kiii-mii. SOV/58-59-8-17735 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 108 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dolgopolov, D.G., Manzheley, V.G. TITLE: The Determination of the Coefficient of Diffusion in Liquids by Means of the Volatile-Component Method PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kharlkovsk. un-t, 1958, Vol 98, Tr. Fiz. otd. fiz.-matem. fak., pp 365-367 ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for measuring the coefficient of diffusion D in liquids during the evaporation of a dissolved substance. By means of this method, the D of benzene at 17.50C in octoil (2.5% of benzene) was computed. Its value proved to be equal to 0.75 . 10-6 cm2/sec., which agrees with an accuracy of about _3% with the D previously obtained by means of another method (RZhFiz, 1957, Nr 8, 19637). Since the convection which arises upon a variation in the density of the so- lution influences the accuracy of the measurement of D, a condition was found under which convection will be absent: 13 6 g4C IV D 1100, Card 1/2 where 1 is the height of the convection region, 41'~,C is the difference SOV/58-59-8-17735 The Determination of the Coefficient of Diffusion in Liquids by Means of the Volatile- Component Method in concentration, and V is the viscosity. The proposed method for measuring D entails the danger that the solution may begin to boil. In the opinion of the authors, this danger can be avoided in the case of an arbitrary difference in pressures by admitting into the apparatus a vapor or gas which does not dissolve in the system under con- sideration, so that the total vapor pressure exceeds the pressure of the saturated vapor of the solution. L-P. Kholpanov Card 2/2 5 (4) AUTHORS: Manzheliy,,V. G., Verkin, B. I. SOV/76-33-8-13/39 TITLE: Investigation of the Diffusion Phenomena in Liquefied Gases PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 8, PP 1758 - 176! (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation method, as well as the corresponding apparatus, for the study of diffusion phenomena in liquefied gases at low temperatures were developed. The advantage of the method of the gaseous phase applied (Refs 1-4) in contrast with the capillary method (Ref 5) lies in the fact that the former permits the checking of the occurrence of a convection as well as the con- tinuous recording of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the concentration. The system methane (I)-propylene(II) was in- vestigated, since it possesses relatively simple molecules. The test arrangement (Fig 1) contains a copper flask (250 cm3) in which the pressure can be measured by means of a manometer and read by means of a cathetometer. The flask is contained in a Dewar vessel. The dependence of the diffusion coefficient of M and II) on the concentration in the range of 0 - 27.5 mol% at 90.24 was examined, and the results obtained were indicated Card 1/2 (Table). The aggregate error in the determinations is given as Investigation of the Diffusion Phenomena in Liquefied SC-7/76-331-8-13/39 Gases amounting to 6% at most. The authors thank V. A. Pikovet8j Ye. A. Sen1ko, and G. L. Shatrovskiy. There are 2 figures, I table, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTED. January 17, 1958 Card 2/2 MM4ZHEL1Y, Y.G. [Hanshelil, Y.H.);TOIMHNY, A.M. Device for investigating the diffustion of weekly soluble gases In nonvolatile liquila. Ukr.fia.zhur. 5 no.3:431-433 Ify-Je 16o. (MM 13:'/) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy umiversitet. Pif f as ion) M"ZIIELIY, V.G. [Manzhelii, V.H.] Some -pe~-I~arties of diffusion in liquids vith great molar volume. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no. 5:696-701 S-0 16o. (MIRA 14:4) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Diffusion) S/ 0 7 6'160/3 54;'006/0 32/ 039,IXX B015/BO63 AUTHOR: Manzheliy, V. G. TITLE: Study of Diffusion in Some Organic Liquids With a Large Molar Volume PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 8, PP. 1856-1861 TEXT: The diffusion theory (Ref. 1) of liquids is only valid if the diffusing molecules are much larger than those of the solvent, otherwise the effect of the solvent upon diffusion must not be neglected since it might lead to different rules. As thepe may besignificant, the authors studied diffusion in organic liquids whose molar volume is larger than that of the diffusing substance. The method of the gaseous phase (Refs.2-4) was applied which, in principle, consists in bringing a certain quantity of the vapor of the diffusing substance into contact with the solvent and determining the diffusion coefficient from the variation of weight or vapor pressure in time, i.e., until equilibrium is reached. The validity of the Henry law is presupposed. A series of gravimetric experiments were Card 1/4 Study of Diffusion in Some Organic Liquids S/'076/60/034/00,9/052/039/XX With a Large Molar Volume B015/B063 conducted at 20 + 0.05 0C (Refs. 5, g), and the viscosity ~_of the solvent was simultaneous 0 C by means of a capillary viscosi- fy determined at 2 meter. The measurements included the diffusion of methyl formate, acetone, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, etc., in tricresyl phosphate, dibutyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate, and oleic acid. The results indi- cate that the diffusion coefficient D is little dependent on the type of diffusing substance, but chiefly on the solvent properties. The value of D-7 differs for the various solvents. If a mixture with a solvent having a small molar volume(of the order of magnitude of the diffusing substance) (resorcinol in the p:-esent case) is used instead of a solvent with a large molar volume, D will change with the diffusing substance (Table 2). On the basis of the Lole theory of liquids formulated by Ya. I. Frenkel, in Ref- 5, it is shown that at low concentrations of thr. diffusing sub-- stance the energy of hole formation is a function of the solvent proper- ties, that the activation energy drops with an increase of the holes, and that the D values of different substances are about the same in the same solvent. Resorcinol in the mixture apparently leada to a decrease of the mean hole dimensions and, thus, to an increase of the activation energy and a dependence of the D values on the type of diffusing molecule. The Card 214 Stud~- of Diffusion in Some 'Organic Liquids /00 ~ /C 2/"- 39/ 7. S/07~/60/034 With.a Large I-Jolar Volume 1 ' DOI 206 change of 14 and D of the solvents wiith temperature shozi- that t'--e act-I'lla- tion energiLes of diffusion and vis-couc fio---i re--r:~'ble ea'! ot-er , an ! activation energy is thus apparently smull as compared v.-it" the energy of hole formation. Professor 9. 1. Vprkin and Docent D. -;. Doi(7anolov are thrj,n~.'ed for suggeations, Docent Ya. '(P. 11-,)~-;zin for a 'Iirlc,lsoion, an,] C. L; Shatrovskiy for meac-irements. Tl-ere are 4 fig,irel---, ? tablc-, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 TTS. ASSOCIATI01IT: Kharlkovskiy gosularstvennyZ~ universitet 13orlkoc-lo (Kharlkov State University imeni A. I',% Corlkiy) S7BITITTED December 10, 195P Card 3/4 , -%Oa/C 33,2/0 39/:g 3/07 60 '0 -,"o 1 5X306 3 I a 0.1a Ila :1 2- 71 AI4tpYImI1pYmuxec Hememno PaCTOOP 1 D 10. cen T 1 PRICPOMI(b~,LT 4() )[0.1 . % :ZIIGYT)I.,I(j'T2.aaT 60 AIO.7. 00 A McTIIJI~OPsflTGT (C-H,O~-) 1178 AacTOR (G3U1cO) 1.79 DTJIIODWfr 3#p (CJ11,30) 1,77 pe-lopivin 35 % 60 1 MC-171111~0PIMaT (C,11,01) . 1,16 AltOT011 ((,'~,1140) 1,22 A3TA.30HUff '34PUP (C41,100) 0.71 JTII.'II1k(1Ta-r (C,11.01) i 96 1 2 Leeend to Table 2: 1 = -niffusing 2 = 15olution; 3 ~'rl"O poises; 4 = D-10 /sec; 5 Yethyl forrna'~-,; 4, ;,cetone; 7 = -7t'.yl ether; 6CM2 10 = Dibutyl phthalate; 8 = Ethyl acetate; 9 = Tricresyl 11 =-Resorcinol. Card 4/4 MANZHELIY, V. G.j CAND PHYS-MATH SMI I "INVESTIGATION OF DIFFUSION IN LIQUIDS WITH HIGH MOLAR VOLUME." KIEVt 1961. (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC Eo UKSSR, KIEV ORDER OF LENIN STATE UNIV im T. G. SHEVCHENKO). (KL, 3-61,204). 57 ACCESSION NR: AP4041734 8/0181/64/006/007/2194/2196 AUTHORS: Gavrilko, V. G.; Manzheliy, V. G. TITLE: Density of crystalline xenon SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2194-2196 TOPIC TAGS: xenon# argon, density determination, thermal expansion coefficient, solid phase, melting point, crystalline phase ABSTRACT: The density of solid xenon under equilibrium vapor tension iwas measured in the range 120--160X by a pycnometric method (V. 6. ~Manzheliy and A. M. Tolkachev, FTT v. 5, 3413, i963). The experi- mental error did not exceed 0.25%. The results agree well with data ;obtained below 120K by an x-ray method. Inasmuch as there were no published data on the density of liquid xenon at the triple point, the authors determined pycnometrically the density and the coeffi- cient of thermal expansion of liquid xenon at 162K and obtained values ,!Card 1 1/3'_ ACCESSION NR: AP4041734 3 3 12.963g/cm and (1.46 + 0.20) x 10 deg respectively. These .yielded for the jump in volume at the triple point a value V = 5.65 + 0.20 cm3/raole, which agrees well with the result calculated by the -Clapeyron-Clausius formula. The authors also found that the density 1 3 )of crystalline argon at 77.4K is 1.648 g/cm , which agrees with data 1by others. The authors thank corresponding member of AN UkrSSR B. I. Verkin for valuable advice and also N. N. Grinchenko and V. 1. Kvtchnev for participating in the measurements." Orig. art. has: 1 l :figure, 1 formula, and 1 table: !ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR, Khar'kov (Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperature, iAN UkrSSR) .SUBMITTED: 13Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: SS NR REF SOVs 002 OTHERs 008 Carcl -------------- '14KS:' AFw -17 uke. rv Mud 'of; T Or ~6% 0 -dd a 0.1 Ti.. uc pp, dusing 0.0mucto KRUI-SF.IY) I.N., [JoILOI~Oujv, L.G.; M"A"Ilf-11Y, K,,~-i i c,"em, r,;np, tht, heat crnduc tivI, ty r)f* ;-,- ~'! in ,, ,Y.; , F%-f,g -1 1 ,1 rc-~I. z. zhur. 8 no. 1: 11 -1 ~ Jn '(,c. (I-'; ~-. -'~ I F -, 3 ) 1. FIziko-t.pkhrichr-nkiy insti tait rilz~~ik~ 'All Ukr-,iR, Khar"Kov. L If zak;x M) -th W, JD/GG/RV _.A~CC NQ Ap6q05439 SOURCE com GE/om/66/013/002f035.1705 AUTHOR:- Manzhe1fy%~,!V;:G..*-TolkacheY A..M.4. Vdytovich ye, 1. -8iAUie::: f ir,~temver~ature Techn -,P~jslcs- and ology AN UkrSSR Kharkov heskir institut nizkikh temperatur) -ilk TITLE:: Thermal-~~ an st hane e-xp gion of cry alline nitrogen oxygen, 4nd met CE: -Pb~riic~.Astui'iolidi, v. 13, no. 2 -358 1966, 351 ~.`,TOPIC TAG.S; oxygen methane, crystal, thermal expansion ABSTRACT. stals The experimental data obtained on the physical propett es of cry with simple'moledular.;6tructure cannot often be properly nterpreted because of the ~.lack. of data on- hernial ,~-expansion of the cr ystals.- The thermal expansion data are verifyingmany.conclusions based on the dynamic theory of a ---'lattice. -This. paper cleals with the linearcoefficients ofthermal expansion of crystallized solid nitrogen, oxygen, and methane for which the linear coefficients were, measured: in.the temperature range 21 to 45K, 21 to 45K, and 21 to 60K, respec- tively'.. As in 'the - first-order phase transformation temperatures are approached from the low-tenrpej,~ature phase side, thelinearexpansion. coefficients exhibit an anomall?usly'. rapid, increase.- - A. possible explanatimi-of these anomalies based on the idea of lat .tice:oifeniation defects in molecular-cytetals .is given. The specific heat av co, natan:t- v6ium~ and the Gr~ewisen coeff Icient for crystalline methane are :_~dalculatdd and a possible - explariation of the low values for the Grueneisen co- Card 1/2 SUB '-'CODE'S 20/.: SM:DATEi': IIN6~651 OR mw; oo4/ IG REF: 001/ OW, WW: 001/ SOV BE7UGLYY, P.A.; YEREMENKO., V.V.; KUFUSHKIN, L.S.; KULIK, I.C.; V.G.; HRESADA, V.I.; PESCW~NSFIY, V.G.; J"OPOV, V.A.; SHTSFIKIN, L.A. Conference on the physics of trie (-ondensed statue. ;'s~. f~z. rlauk 88 no.2:387-393 F 166. ( !". 117~ -1 , Q, -. '. . .. i - I 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur AN ~'krSSR, --1,293W-66- -ACC-.NR8-' A? 2458 v.. . Fig., Diagr- atomietero"--.J.i;,", Bearing,'-platform bellow -6. --ampou e,,.. )fx inp ule- .7 Xih-ger- gla th6nnoc.014 I d plat gu hiri- -1 u 119" ii CMU'dI - jad ke t AdIa . _R i z ut c Or ILUIZEERCU, D. [Mangeran,D.] Optimal functional equations of dynamic programing related to the new class of boundary value problems with 'total de- rivatives*. Soob. AN Gruz. WR 33 noo3t521-528 1r 164 (1-11':LA 17:8) 1. Fbam~mska7a Narodnaya Respublika, Yaoskiy politek-hnicheskiy institut. Prodatavleno akademikom O.D. Chiashvi-Ii. .11 I Y) 0 "i Z_ L (,\, " N, 1) 1 SUBJECT uss~ / PHYSICS CARD 1 // 2 PA - 1913 AUTHOR MAN ERON,D.I. TITLE On the Reduced Accelerations of Any Order and on Some of their Extremum. Properties. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 112, fasc.1, 27-28 (11957) Issued: 2 / 1957 Let it be assumed that 4(n) is the acceleration of the n-th order of the point M M of a body which is in plane-parallel motion. This motion is expressed by the following generalized formulae by SOMOV: X(n+l)~ (X(n+l)~ ~ -A -B ~ x _x 1 10 + n n~ 1 10) x(n+1) X(n+l) B -A _x 2 ~ 20 n n x2 20~ Here A = A n(t) and B Bn (t) are determined by the following recurrence formulae : An+1 A + QBn Bn+1 =B n - GA n9 Al = 9 2 B 1= 9('=-d/dt),xi(n+l)- =(d/dt )x~ n), (1 1,2; n 1,2,....).The following theorems are then true: I 1.) The geometric locus of the pointSM7* which are determined by the vector ) (n) w is a straight line (D which, with the straight equat4on r M rM + ~n M V)q line (DM ) comprises the angle y n which satisfies the relation tgyn - ~n Bn/ (1- A nAn). Here M is a point which is located on a certain Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 112, fasc.1, 27-28 (1957) CARD 2 11 2 PA - 1913 straight line (D,,) and which participates in a plane-parallel motion. 2 ) The reduced accelerations satisfying the relations _' (n) . 1(n) /A nP w 1)= w :11 _'(1)/A1 A, (n - 1,2,...)are characterized by wthe extwremum properties of the function tgqR nB n/(1 nAn). Here An and B n are expressed by the above mentioned extremum properties. 3.)(On the distribution of the accelerations of any order): The geometric lo- cus of the end points of the reduced accelerations of the n-th order of the points of the straight line (D), which is in planeparallel motion, is the straight line which is vertical to the given straight line (D r). 4.)(Generalized theorem by KOTELINIKOV); The circles, which have the reduced accelerations of the n-th order of the points of any planeparallel body as dia- meter, pass through the present center of the accelerations of the same order. 5.)(Generalized similarity theorem): The ends of the accelerations of n-th or- der of the points of a planeparallely moved solid body form a figure which is similar to this solid body but is rotated through the angle 9 a=arc tg(Bn/A n) if the initial points of these accelerations are located at one point. Here A n and Bn satisfy the first mentioned conditions. The theorems mentioned here are the basis of further theorems and lead to a new method (worked out by a group under the supervision of the author) which is called "method od reduced accelerations of any kind". INSTITUTION:Polytechnic Institute JASSY, Roumania KANORRON. D.[Hnnjeron. D.] prof., dok-tor fiz.-mat.nnuk 1. ~ - - ~ - Creative coo-nerntion ("Bulletin of the Jassy Poly-technicpl Institute' [in Rnmanian]. Reviewed by D. Manjeron). NaukA i 7hiznl 25 no.5:76 My 159. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Redaktor zhurnpla "Izvestiyn Ynaskogo Dolitekhnicheakogo instituta,m Rumyniya. (Rumania-Science-Periodienle) . [manjeron. D], prof. (Yassy, bmnyniya). "ffiam3"~- Scientific activities of the Jassy Polytechnical Institute. Friroda 47 no. 5:109-110 IV 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Jassy, Rumania-Golleges and universities) S/179/6o/ooo/ol/024/034 E031/E535 AUTHOR: Manzheron, D_.(Yassy, Roumania) TITLE. Three-Dimensional Generalization of Kotellnikov's Cross PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i nashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 1, pp 168-169 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some theorems are given below which serve as the basis for the method of reduced accelerations of any order (Refs 1,2), generalized for kinematical problems of three-dimensional mechanisms, The method of "threads" is used in the description. Theorem 1. (The fundamental theorem of the three- dimensional method of reduced accelerations of any order). The geometrical lo us of the ends M of the reduced tM n accelerations a Mr of the n-th order defined by the vector equations (n) EM :~: M Mr where the point M lies on the straight line D Card 1/5 S/179/6o/oOO/01/024/034 E031/E535 A Three-Dimensional Generalization of Kotellnikov's Cross 2 EM = Lo + )IM U, u = 1 (1.2) belonging to some rigid body in complicated three- dimensional motion, where 11M is a parameter, u is the vector of the straight line (D), r is the radius vector of the point 01~ (D), define3 by Eqs (1-3) to (1.5) and An(u), the straight line (D 12 ) which is perpendicular to the given straight line, is derived uniquely from An by the operation of "resolution on ull defined by the expression of Eq (1.6). Following A. P. Kotellnikov (Ref 3), we shall call the set of vectors whose origins lie on the straight line and whose ends lie on the other straight line which is perpendicular to the first, a cross ofvectors; the first straight line on which lie the origins of the vectors we shall call the initial straight line of the cross and the second straight line on which the ends lie we shall call the final straight line of the cross. We have the following Card 2/5 theorem. S/179/6o/ooo/ol/024/034 E031/E535 A Three-Dimensional Generalization of KotellnikovIs Cross Theorem 2. (generalization of Kotellnikov's throyem). The reduced accelerations of the n-th order a n of the -Mr points M lying on the same straight line belonging to some rigid body in general motion in space belong to a cross of accelerations of the same order. Theorem 3. (Theorem on isogonal crosses). The geometrical locus of points Mx defined b- the vector equations n R (n) (n) dn-I am EMnME= rM + Xn aM aM dt n-l (1-7) where the straight line (D X ) X 2 EM = io + I'M U~ U (1.8) belongs to some rigid body in complicated motion in space, where 4 A 11 Xare parameters is a straight line n~ M (DX and the complex angle (wEitten in the form sometimes Card 3/5 caYled dual) a a + wd , w = 0, between (DK) and(D M n n n n) LIZ S/179/6o/ooo/oi/024/034 E031/E535 A Three-Dimensional Generalization of Kotellnikov's Cross where 0 n is the ordinary angle between the unit vectors of the axes of the straight lxnes and d U is the shortest distance between the straight lines is expressed in terms of trigonometrical functions of the complex angle by the Eqs (1.9) to (1,11). Theorem 4. (The extremal property of three-dimensional accelerations of any order). Reduction of the scalar product of two free unit vectors on the straight lines (D ) and (D a) given by Eqs (1,7) and (1.8) of theorem 3 to a purely ndual (moment) form corresponds to the values -g = rA - A (1.12) n n n where A and A (u) are determined from (1.4) to (1.6), which are known from theorem 1. Since in this case the ordinary angle between the given unit vectors is a right angle the term extremal, given by the theorem, is justified. The results obtained can be used for the Card 4/5 solution of problems in the analysis and synthesis of S/179/60/000/01/024/034 E031/E535 A Three-D-imensional Generalization of Kotellnikov's Cross of three-dimensional mechanisms, (Note: This is a complete translation except for copying some of the equations) There are 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: October 16, 1959 L// Card 5/5 MANZHERONP D. (-Jassy, Narodnaya Rearblike, Rumynii); DREGAN, K.(Jassy, Marodnaya Respublika &mqnii Tensor forma of the basic equations of the kinematics of chains and mechanisms. Izv mat inst BAN 4 no.2:57-65 160. (EEAI 10:9) (Calculus of tensors) (Mechanical movements) 35869 S10441621000100210621092 ClIlIC222 UT-0 R 3: Manzheron, D., Krivoshein, L. Ye. The aj,'~roximate solution of some linear inteGro-differen- ti"! -(uation,- P I ii i~ ' ~-- r t L I, ~ v-, ~- .- zllurn:~1, Matematika, no. 2, 196-1, 4o, a'-.-Lract 2V215. ("Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi", 1')60, 6, no. 1-2, TEXT: Accor in.., tu U-ic G-lericin -,iethoct, the CL4uchy Iroblem J (x I10 1,-, n-1) x. La b for t~ie inte.-ro-t-ifferentic.1 equation of the Fredholm type b m L f ( x) + A ~ 7 Ki.~X,t) Y(i)(t) dt (2) a 0 n i~ 301VO-d Uj)P1'OXiAUte1~. Here L[Y]= Y (n)(x) + ai(x)y (n-i)(,), n:;?: m, parameter. The solution is sought in the form Card 1/3 3/044/62/000/002/062/0c92 The approximate solution of ~;ome C111/C222 k Yk(x) = P(x) + bsy S(X), 1 where ',he n-times differentiable functions (f~x) and T (x) L-re lin~,arly iride,-,endcnt Lund satisf- the cunaitions (i) 61, , ~1) 4 - j T (XI) = YO fs (X0 0 ~i = C, 1, ..., n-1; s The unknown coeffici-~nts b of the ai,~rozin~ting function y (x) are detc-rwined % c, k system, of eqaa~ions, which is obtained in one of' the following ways: a) frow the condition that the deviation is orthogonal to an arbi- ~rtir- s~:~tem oil k linearly- independent functions; b) froui the condi- u j tion that the square intejral A* the deviation is a minimurt; c) with .h,~ coilocati,)n :-,~~thoa; d) from the condition that the duviation has a contact of first urCer with the x-axis. In all cases, the deyiation of the approximate solution from the rigorous solution of (1) - (2) is. estimuted for all x e Ea, b] )A I c I (assuminC that certain in- equalitieis ~-re fulfilled). Card 2/3 S10441621000/0021062/0~2 .,cIAtioi: cf C1 1 1/'C222 ::I)"Ll L ~-;n-~ ol ~,rublQin, z,re curi:~truct~,d in ~;.n wialu-ous o- e(-uzLtionj of the, Volterra tyrie, wherr, an 1. L, t k~. 4 1 i6 --.Izio Ll,~-pliu' to the inte.,~ral ~:, t LiVL,' U to ~1)-(2); t'Lie error i~i eutimated. The method of inteUrul uquat.Lon~; is used to solve (1)-(2) in the case M, n, wi-,jre it iL; assumed that the functions a,(x), f(x) and the .;~'rncls .:.(X, S) Ure Gifft!rQntiUble as is necessary. Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 3/3 3 P 5~)O 3/04 62/000/005/041/072 C 11 1YC444 .,U 1Z.GRS. 'anzheroA, D, Krivoshein, L. Ye. IM TITLE: The appruxi:iiative solution of boundafi valui.,. -,foblems for ordinary diffcrential equations PEHICDICAL: Refefativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 5, 1962, ;_,bstract 5V182. ("Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi,111',160, 61 no. 5-4, 21-30) TEXT: It iz; ,resumed that the boundary value problem n- I (i Ri y~ a 7: Eaijy(')(c) + b ijy (d)j = ~j (j=1,2,...,n) 0) i=0 b f (X) + ~, \ K (j)(t) dt L L ~'_S (x,t) y (2) a j=O where ai,, bij, (i+1, j-1,...,n) are well-known numbers; L[_~) Y (n)(.). n + aj(x) Y (x); the functions appearing in (2) are pi,:-cewioe Card 1/3 S/044//62/OCC)/CG5,/04 1/072 ThF_ Lp-ro,x-im~.,tive solution of bo,.inu,,_r, C1 I I/C444 continuous for n ~~ in and p = n-m-times differentiable nith respect to x on 1 LL,b] for in 5 n; ~ is fa paraDI'Acter; Fc,d] -7- [a,bj posse6ses a onlution. The solution is searchud with the rate k + .*.!"ere the v,ell-known linear independent functionrj f O(X), k(x) V! -ru n-timc,; continuousij d-ifferentiable, satisfying tile bounu-ir,, con- c~itiL)ns Rj~,i0] = Ni; Rj E(ts I = o ( j = -1 9.... n; s=l,...,k). The unknown coefficients_ -re neter:Anc(' according to methods of Galerkin, b. thp lcz st e.,ru_- E-nd b~ colloc~ution; the deviation of the fun,;tior (141) The ex-ct, Lolu-.icn of (1), (2) is estimated. Analot;ously one ~;clv_L -he bounuar: value ;-,roblew,(1), for the Volterra inte~ro-,~iffcrcn- tial X in L [y f (X) + '7 K d t (4) 0 i=O ',--d 2/1 3/041,Vi62/000/005/041/072 T'n e a .~prox in- tive ~ulution of boundE:Lry ... C111/C444 whure L L y (X) + a (Y-) Y (x) , x t- [ a, d Th,: JiVQn LI~jj)fOXiRt-,LtLUn ,roblems -nd (I)i '1), (2) 1 balled so-'vin~- integral 0 case of m > n). (Abstracter's note: Complete t;LCtIIOd3 Ure not only applied immediately nn the (4), but also on uspeciall~ constructed sc- equations (-is well in the case of n -~!- m a3 in the translation.] Card 3/3 M&NZBER014,, D. (Yasay, Rumynskaya NarodWa Respublika) I Generalized forms of equations in analytic dynamics. Izv.M? SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk.Makh.i awhinostr. no.2:128 Mr-Ap 162. MRA 15:5) 1. Yasakiy politekhnichookiy inBtitut. (Dynamics) go.~:.COD,Rt, un AV 34 51MP~ -AGMSSION NRI AP4031760 SM51/64/033/003/05U/0528 AIUTHORt kianzheron) Do TITLEs o:ptimmaal fumnotioar equations of dynamic programing related to a class or boundary- value problem in "total derivatives" (Presented by Academician Oe Do Oniaahvili on 25 Jazuary 1963) SaJRCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobahcherdyao v. 33, no. 3,. 1964a 521-528 TOPIC TAGSt optimal function equation, dynamic programming, boundar7 value problems total derivativap calculus of variations, differential operator, harmonic oscillator v a3*e prdbl~ the solution of two bowd=7 ABWRACTs The author considers - , - X(o).w1f(1)Mo (2), .and ON P-1.4(x, V)o-o, (3) dxo ayp 04cxc: (4Y .Card - 1/2 j 0A AGGESSION NRs AP4031760 where ul is given by (5) 61 dxj ... dxt. 'lHe reduces these problem to problems in the calculus of variations which he solves by obtaining functional equations by the method of d7namic yrogrMdn Orig. art. has s 40 forunilas AS=L4XIONt RuM*mkaya Narodnaya Respublika Yasskiy politeknicheakly institut (Rumanian Peoples Republics Jassy Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTEN 25Jan6j DAT3 ACQ i OlMay&4 MLs 00 SUB GODSt MA NO R1W SOVI 005 MM 1 018 MANZHEYU 7 Analyzing fulfillment of the labor productivity plan at an Wustrial enterprise. Bukhg. uchet 15 nn.5:3.2-17 97 '58. (MIRA 11:5) (labor productivity) KCFhTAIEV) V.P., dots.; NASSARYGD1, F.S., dots.; MOZHEYE7, D.N-,, dots.; KOPhYAY-EV, V.P., dots.; USATOV, I.A.2 kand, ekonor.. nauk; IL111-4, V.14.9 dots.; ',:CLYAKGN, D.S.3 VDrOV, S~I., dots.; KOAOTKOVA, L., red.; MEEDVEDEVA, E., red.; TEI-EGDA, T., telkhm. red. [Analysis of the financial and economic operations of enter- prises]Analiz finansovo-khoziaistvennoi dei-tellnosti pred- priiatii. Pod obshchei red. hoprWayev,:. Noskva, Goofinizdat, 1962. 357 P. (MIRA l' - 12) (Finance) (Industrial management) DORDZHIYEV, B.S.; KIRBASOVA9 M.B.; MUSHRIOV, S.P.;.MANZM CMMNOUSOV, I.P.; KITEVSKAYAq V.I.; DZHELACHINOV, E.B., red. GAYDASH, Ya., tekbn. red. (Economy of the Kalmyk A.S.S.R.; statistical collection] Narodnoe khoziaist-vo Kalmytokol ASSR; statisticheskii abornik.. Elista, Kalnytskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960o 107 po (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kalawk A.S.S.R. Statisticheskoye upravloniye. 2. Kollaktiv rabotnikov Statisticheskogo upravleniya Kalmytskoy ASSR (for all except Gaydash). 3. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Kal- mytakoy ASSR (for Dzhelachinov) (Kalmyk A.S.S.R.-Statistics) I Y,ANZhllq, V - V - "Cod ex of Law c-~ ancl ieozi I ar -fon:- for Coamerciai Sertfarint: an?; - ~,rt-- ", ~ iL~-, _ I . b~ Sta-le PublisherE cf S,,,a LiLeruture, lllx;z,H7-Ns~IY, -;.. ik. 1 Cortem~-orqrv intern qtA one I tr,3 le in t'le c- ii.91 i9t rfllr-P- .4,,-j8Kvn, Vne8ilt-r:, 17(:Rt. III J. Y-0ZHIP01A G.A., S17J-ZHNIYCV, P-%, TOLOXCIrTIFT, V.V., FOYT71, MMM, =~~TTN,SKAYA, A.B., KVA~FINA, L.-T. "Akchagyl Deposits in the Lower Reaches of the Amu-Darya" Dokl. Uz. SSR, 1953, No 12, 16-21, (U7'--ekistan resim-e) In 1952 in the lower reaches number of vrells the drillers Akchag-,rl age with thicknesses up on an eroded surface of the Paleogene sedimentary deposits of the Anthronorene. fauna testifies to the strm- of the AMU-Darya during columnar drilling in a uncovered sandstone-clay deposits of the to several dozen meters. Tilese deposits lie and are superimposed by ancient delta The character of the ostracod 7 MLl '7 fresh--vrater nature of Akchajl f. (R,,hGeol, No 3, 1954) SO: W-31187, 8 Mar 55 14ANZ110LA, Ye.I. [Manzhola, IE.I.] Novocaine block of the active points of the skin in the treatment of patients with bone and joint tuberculosis. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 8 no.2:210-213 Mr-Ap 162. (I-11IRA 1 :5) 1. Laboratory of the Higher Nervous Activity and Trophic Func tions of the Nervous System of the A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. and th: Kiev Research Institute for Orthopedics and Traumatology. (NOVOCAINE) (SKIN) (TUBERCULOSIS) MANMORA, A.A. I'-- ~ ~ . Experience in the operation of the Troltskoye Pate Combine. Masl.-zhir. prom. 24 no.1:33 '58. (KIRA 11:3) l.Troitaki7 zhi4rkonblnat. (Oils and fats) MANZHOSj A&M, Larch Nature of development of the female gametophyte of Siberian larch in cross-pollination and self-pollination, Dokl. AN SSSR, No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. A. ',iolo~--,- of llosr-,o:-':,~ fert! Df t:,- 5-)o~rian larch ,,,,i t- -enn,.a *,c vnrl ,eitono-,.min fertilizati-,n.ll ~,cnd ')Ci TJS,--.". In--t of Forentry. i,oscow, 19',(- (Dissortition f -w th.- de~-,ree oC 7anditiate in Bioloi~ical 3'clence) Krl i z,,. n a1 e t oS .0. I~oscm? AUTHOR 204-%/64 TITLE The tib_eddEig~knd Grouping of the Small Microsporq*= Spadices of the Sihorian Larch(Larix Sibirica LDB)During the Course of Gne Annual Cycle. .Zalozbeniye i formirovaniye mikrosporofillovykh koloskov u listvennitsy sibirskcy (Larix Sibirica LDB) - Russian.) 'PERIODICAL Doklady 4kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 114, Nr 1, pp 195-198 (I.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The paperunder review deals with the investigation of the different stages of microsporogenesis and of the time span connected with it, with respect to the larix Sibirica. Very little research has been done on this process so far. The investigations were conducted during 1951-52-53, i.e. during the two annual cycles 1951-52 and 1952-53. During this period, the young shoots were cut off twice a month. The preparations were colored with iron hema- toxyli.n and with Newton's gention violet. The observations described in the paper under review showed, inter alia, that in the early stage of develop- ment there are produced in the microsporophyll four microsporangia, of which only two become fully developed. The recognition of this fact is of great importance for a correc*w picture of the evolution of the micro- sporophyll. No deSD hibernation exists for the sprout buds of the Siberian larch. During the winter, the differentiation process of the archeospores takes place. Oard 1/2 (1 chart,references- S.V.Viktorov, Usp.sovr.biol.14,v.3(1941),K.I.Meier, The Embedding and Grouping of the Small Microsporophyll 3padi- 20-1-54/64 ces of the Siberian Larch(Larix Sibirica LDB)During the Course of One Annual Cycle. Razmnozhenis rastenii, m., 1937, J.Dovle, Ann.Bot.Soc.1916, K.Schnarf, Handbuch der Pflanzonanatomis, LIer-.-To-, Berlin, 1933. ASSOCIATION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 "HOS. A. H. Bud types in the Siberian larch and their phenology. Bot. shur. 44 no.8:1148-1154 Ag '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Institut less. AN SSSR. Mosk7a. (Larch) (Plante, Flowering of) c n ane c.~. in, s DOBRTEPTSOVA, T.B.; LUTKOIJ, A.M.; M--VEHOS, A.14. Spontaneous U017-Ploid and Laplold forms of twin --lga:- hr-et plants. Dokl. All SSSR 164 no.4:9211-924 0 '0'5- (Iv :?.A 18:10) 1. Inatitut toitologlJ I genet,lkl SIbIrckoFc) ya AN SFO. Submitted July 20, 1964. MAITZHOS, F. M. Short manual on woodworking Moskv--, Goelestekhizdat, 1945. 267 p. (55-2'648) ~ 5 TT180-M32 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 868 Andreyev, N.V., Kalyuzhnyy, V.G., Konstantinov, A.S., Livshits, M.P., Manzhos F.M., Savkov, Ye.l.; Uspasskiy, P.P., Feygina, A.Ya., ieo arevsZi~, V.V., Sheydeman, I.Yu. Nemetallicheskiye materialy, ikh obrabotka i primeneniye (Nonmetallic Materials, Their Processing and Use) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1949. 535 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Kalyuzhnyy, V.G.; Ed. (inside book): Ponomareva, K.A.; Tech. Ed.: Zudakin, I.M. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of aviation institutes and other institutes and it may also be useful to engineering technicians dealing with nonmetal materials. COVERAGE: The book consists of two parts and deals with various nonmetallic materials used in the aircraft industry. The first Card-lkb&- Nonmetallic'Materials fCont.) 868 part discusses wooden materials and the second part presents basic information on plastics, adhesives, textiles, paper and rubber. The basic mechanical and chemical properties of nonmetallic materials, their engineering requirements and methods of processing them are presented. The book was written by personnel of the Moscow Aircraft Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the Moscow Aircraft Engineering Institute, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Aircraft Materials and other organizations. Chapters 1, 11, V, and VI were written by Ye. I. Savkov, chapter III by Candidate of Technical Sciences F.M. Manzhos, chapter IV by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.G. Kolyuzhnyy, chaptersVII and VIII by Candidate of Technical Sciences A.Ya. Feygina, chaptersIX and XI by Professor P.P. Uspasskiy, chapter X by Candidate of Technical Sciences N.V. Andreyev, chapter XII by Candidate of Technical Sciences I.Yu. Sheydeman, and N.V. Andreyev, chapter XIII by Candidate of Technical Sciences I.Yu. Sheydeman, and Engineer A.S. Konstantinov, chapter XIV by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.V. Chebotarevskiy, and I.V. Andreyev, chapter XV by Candidate of Technical Sciences Card 2/28 Nonmetallic Materials (Cont.) 868 V.V. ChebotareVskiy, and chapter XVI by Engineer M.P. Livshits and Candidate of Technical Sciences N.V. Andreyev. The authors thank Professor A.V. Shepelyavyy, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences I.P. Losev, Engineers A.A. Babichev, V.S. Bondarev for their assistance in supplying data and reviewing the book, and they also thank Engineer V.P. Leont'yev for his assistance in preparing chapter X, Paper Materials. There are 60 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction PART 1. WOOD MATERIALS, THEIR PROCESSING AND USE 3 7 Card 3/28 7 F. Y. Disserta,~ion: 117.:Psic 'rroblers of the -,reci~:ion of I,-ec!.anical .,ocdw(rkin~,." Dr "ech Sci, Moscow ForeFtrv i.ngirieerinu Ins'., 1-11 A; r `4. (Vc-cl:ernyaya I'c sk-va, ",-)Zcc-.;, !'- ;~t Ir - -i. '~Y 2-41, 1( I -,, Cct !~--,4 professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; KRYUGER, Yu.V.. r6& or. TOKKR, A.14. redaktor. [Uhnual for the wood~orAmx --chino operator; work with circular saws] Pamiatka atoliaru-stanochniku: rabota na kruglopilInfth stankakh. Moskva. Goa.izd-vo lit-ry no stroit. i arkhitakture, 1956. 54 p. (KLJLA 9-.5) 1.14oacow. GosudArstvemy -ti..LiTut po vnedreniyu peredovykh metodov rabot i truda v etraltal-fitve. (Sevon ) (W'~ I '- -) MANZHDS, Feder Matvayevich, professor, dektor takhnichaskikh nauk; ROZHKOV, KOLISVIKOVA, A.P., takhnichookiy, redaktor. [Tasting wood working machines for precision] Ispytanlis, :ieravo- razhushchikh stankov ua tochnest' v usloviiakh skepluatataii. Mosk7a, Goolasbumizdat, 1956. 113 P. (MLRA 9:2) (Woodworking machinery) 17 , L NWMAYEV, B.K.; KANZHOS, F.M., prof., dok-tor tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KRYUGER, YU-.T.-,-T#T.-riRr--va, STEPANOVA, B.S., [Manual for carpenters operating machine tools; work on circular Sawa] Pamiatka stoliary-stanochniku; rabota na krugloDillufth stnnkakh. Izd.2-oo. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry Do stroitA arkhit., 1957. 54.p. (MNU 11: 1) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvannyy institut po vnedrenlyu Deredovykh metodov rabot i truda v stroitellAve. 2. Starshiy. instruktor peredovykh metodov thida po stolyarno-plotnichnym rnbotam instituta Orgstroy Ministerstva stroitel'stva predpriyatiy metallurgicheakoy i khimicheakoy promyshlennosti (for Nachunayev). (saws) U07NIN, Mikhail Savel'yevich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; WHns- Y.H., prof.. doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KCHMAMKIN, le.F., dote., red.; TARKOVWSUYA, A.I., red. izd-va; S(KCWTA, L.T., tekbu. red. I 11feeding machanisms of woodworking machinery] Fbdaiushchis makha- nizmy derevoobrabatyvaiushchikh stankov. Moskva. %9. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 178 P, (MIRA 11:7) (Woodworking machinery) AFANASI YEV, Pavel Semeaovich,ond. takhn. nauk, F-M-. prof..doktor tekhn.aauk, reteenzent.; MMIMKOV. F-N-, ins h. -i-ei-iranzent.; YANYSHEVSKIT. A.F.,iazh., red.; PROKOFITEVA. L.G., red. iid-va,; TIKHAUOV. A.Ya. (Woodworking machinery] Kountruktaii derevoobrabatyvaiushchika Btankov. 14oakva. Gos. nauchao-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol. 3. CInetallation. repair. and operation] Montazh, remont i e1csoluatataiia. 1953. 566 p. I (KIRA 11:12) (Woodworking machinery) - KAU2306. Zedar Hatveyejri.cbL,._d.oktor tekhn.nauk; IVANKOT. P.G., red.; 'I FADMOV, B.H., redAzd-va; XARASIK, H.P., (Precision of mechanical woodworking] Tochnost' makhanicheakol obrabotki drevesiny. Koskva, Goolosbumizdat, 1959. 261 p. (KIRA 13:3) (woodwork) MMOS, F.M..doktor tekhn.nauk; BU IYAWY, V.P.,inzh. ---j- Zfficient arrangenont of rqvolving c7ltter blocka In p]Anlnr, machinese Der.prom* 8 no.1:9-13 Ja '59. (KM 12:1) (Planing machines) I MABZHQS, F-M., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; VOSERESENSKIY, S.A.Jprof., doktor tekhn.rouk; ORLOV, M.N., dots., kand.tekhn.nauk; 801011YU, A.A,,, assist-6nt I ErTors in P.S. Afanaslev's book "Deeign of woodworking machinery." Der. prom. 10 no- 4:25-26 Ap 1610' (MUd 14:4) 1, Kafedra stankov i instrumentov Moskovskogo lasotelchnicheakogo instituta, 2. Zavedupwhiy kafedroy stankov i instrumentov MoB,kovsk6go leootekhnichaskogo Instituta (f Manzhos). (Woodworking machinery) Ma;slev, P.S.) PIZHURIN, Andrey Abramovich, kand. tekhn. nauk-, MANZHQS.6 F.M... red.; LEBEDEVA, I.D., red.izd-va; VDOVINA, Y.M., TIeKnn. reu. [Principles underlying the process of wood turning] Osnovy protsessa tocheniia drevesiny. Moskva, Goaleabumizdat, 1963. 115 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Turning) ,%LA.NZHOS, F.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. "Atlas of the design of woc'jworkin~~, , Ler. . . -, .-. - ; :Z -:. :.1. . 110 JI 164. .-fan,,.9-1.y Ivanovich, karld. tekhn. rLauk; MAMZHUo, N.V., :)f ~hu- quality contru- !:~.p of ,ar,,r wood plastics, ..v-tor--aLjZat!3UR V -V rl rj ~rb ~ eSV 9 prxi-,/j'rdE.-r-nost' ,1~) 6 S. 2 ! 1~: ~- , MANZHOS, G.A., dotsent Use of Ultrasonic techniques in the industry of the Ryazan Economic Region. Za indus.Riaz. no.2-.61-63 D 161. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy tekhnologii materialov Ryazanskogo radiotekhniches'xqgo instituta. S/194/62/wo/oio/o48/o84 A061/A126 AUTHORS: Manzhos, G.A., Posokhin, A.I. TITLE: The use of ultrasound for cutting circular quartz resonators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radiaelektronika, no. 10, 1962, 19, abstract 10-5-38k (In-collection: Prom. primenentye ul!trazvuka. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, Kuybyshev. ig6i, 97 - 103) TEXT: A 1.8-kw quartz-machining ultrasonic machine tool with a working frequency of 20 kc has been developed by the Kafedra tekhnologii metallov I el- -radiomaterialov Ryazanskogo radiotekhnich. in-ta (Department of Metal and Radio- electric Material Technology at the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute) in colla- boration with other organizations. The tool is intended for cutting plates and circular resonators from quartz, but it can also be used for making grooves and complex openings, and for cutting other brittle materials of poor workability. An amplifier in the frequency range of 15 - 20 kc ensures a power output of 500 1,800 w; the master oscillator works on an RC circuit. The electroacoustic transducer consists of a magnetostriction oscillator and a concentrator with the Card 1/2