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ACC NRs AP7005854 states with absolute negatiN.: conductivity Maxwell equations and the equation for the 7be volt-ampere characteristics in the reg locations of the points where the slope of noted that a spontaneous electric field ca: negative conductivity without applicztion , - .- -_- -24- 44-- A+ trivan r1ai Is evaluated from an analysis of the fluctuation density of the electron charge. on of instability are determined from the the characteristic is negative. It is be produced in a semiconductor with - f an external field, and since this field tn a tininue dnmqin rtructure. The a G L4 a M a L% is a a a A A a AkA a -Mummomwo -2. A, a we "a -00 re-Toy" 0110, Urd r&acfty dim- 7/8. ik the o(P-1w"lo o(Vml rdmoo y clay. r ur de"bed. Tito pttWtlt,-. an. tabulatol. %f. V-1oille w2=1 P~ S. -1 , I USSR/Engineering - Refractories, Titanates MAY 51 1 "Properties of Calcium Titanates and Refractories Made of These Compounds," Prof Dr P. S. Manykin, B. A. Loshkarev., Cand Tech Sci, Ural Polytech Inst 15-1957-3-2743 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 31 (USSR) AUTHOR: Manykin, S. S. ~_~ TITLE: Spore-Pollen Groups and Some Questions on tlie 3trati- araDhv of the Tertlarv Rocks of SouthArn R.R.RR 15-1957-3-2743 Spore-Pollen Groups and Some Questions on the Stratigraphy of the Tertiary Rocks of Southern BSSR 1! number of evergreen forms were present. In the upper Eocene and the Oligocene, ancient varieties of broad-leaved deciduous trees were introduced into the subtropical flora, and by the end of the dligocene and during the Miocene they graduallv be- IVI K, Ji MAWKIN. S.S. Importance of the study of opore-pollen complexes for the stratigraphic correlation of Tertiary sediments in the Vhite Russian S.S.R. Trudy Inat.geal.nav. AN BSSR no.1:61-67 ' 58. (MIRA 12:1) (White Ruasia--Geolog7, Stratigraphic) AUTHOR: Manykin_, _S-. SOV/51-58-4-2C/63 S, TTTLE: Deposits of the Upper Eocene Epoch in 11CMth WeStAEMM &.10russia (Ob otlozheniyakh verkhnego eotsena severo-zapada Belorussii), PERTO"ICAI.; Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody, OtOkel geologicheskiy, 19,58, Nr 4, pp 146-147 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a summary of a report given by the author at a MANYKIN' S.S. Upper Eocene deposits in the northwestern part of White Rassia. Biul. MOIP. Otd.geol. 33 no.4:146-147 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Grodno Province--Geology, Stratigraphic) KANYKIN, S.S.; GOLIJBTSOV, V.K., red.; MARIKS, L., red.izd-va; SIDMKOO [Stratigraphy of Tertiary sedimenta in White Russia] Strati- -rafiia tr~tichnykh otlozhenii Belorussii. Kinsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR. 1959. 151 P. (MIRA 12:9) (White Russia--Geology, Stratipraphic) i,,,iin,ii, Condltlr)L,s ,,-, tiitj ---r 3 -.. . , tha vicinity of Grodno. Veit,;l :. . 1 Ot,rt-, I, :'l, .: (Grodiin Provinco-dooloa, Strati~,r, MANTKIN, S.S. Pliocene sediments in the Antopol' a-rea. Vestsi AN BSSE.Ser.fiz.- tekh.nav. no.1:90-95 '60. (KIRA 1-,,:6) (Antopoll Diatriet ~Brest Province)--Geology, Stratipraphic) MANYXIS, S.S. I . ifind of Poltava sediments in the Grodno region. Trud7 Inst. geoi. nav. An BSSR no. 2-90-93 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Orodno regioa--Rocks. Sedimentary) MANYMN, S.S. Age of the sediments of the Foltavskiy series in White Fassia. Geol. zhur. 20 no.2:69-75 160. (WRA 14-5) (White Russia-Geology, Stratigraphic) MANYKIN, S.S. Littoral facies of the Kiev S~Jries f White Russia. Vestsi AN 0-M. Ser. Fis.-tekh. nav. no.k'453-0 163. (MIRA 17-4) GURSKIY, B.N.; MANYKIN, S.S. Littoral facies in the Kharkov series of White Russia. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.12:825-828 D 163. (NIRA 17:8) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komitets, SSSR i Geologo-gidrogeologicheskaya ekspeditsiya Glavnogo upravleniya goologii i okhrany nedi- pri Sovete Ministrov BSSR. MAYYER., A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; VARSHAL, B.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; MANYLOVAP N.S., kand. khim. nauk; VARLAMOV, V.P., inzh. Dehydration of some zeolites in a vacuum and their rehydration under hydrothermal conditions. Sbor. trub. ROSNIIMS no.27: 3-23 163. (MIRA 17:1) -I- lilt fit I adt e;le MANYOKY, Sandor, dr. Price fixing of new products. Musz elet 18 no.6:2 14 Mr 163. 1. Koho- e9 Gepipari Miniszterium Erosaraml BerendiFesi Igazgatosag revizora. MMOKY, Sandor, dr., revizor Is the quick introduction of ar innovation always expedient? btusz elet 18 no.12:5 6 Je 263. 1. Koho- es Gepipari Miniazterium Erosaramu Berendezesi Igazgatosag. MANYS, B. Retting of pressed flax straw. Biuletn 'W'lok, Lyk. P. 1. MANYS, Boleslawp mgr inz.; TOMA, Alojzy, mgr inz. Reconstruction of the Etrich turbine set. Przegl vlokien 16 no.7/8:Suppl.: Biul inst przem w1ok lyk 9 no-4:3-4 Jl-Ag 162. ZOTIKOV, Ye. A.; POROSHINA, L. P.; MANYSHKINA, R. P.; URINSON, R. M. - --- 11 "Bound antibodies of skin homografts." report submitted for 10th Cong, Intl Soc of Blood Transfusion, Stockholm, 3-8 Sep 64. Inst of Blood Transfusion & Hematology, Moscow. PIVOVAROVA, Z.I.; AMGBA., V.A. Use of mechanization in processing actinometric obserw-ations. Trudy GGO no.129.-31--39 162. (MMA 16:2) (Solar radiation) MANYUG !NA I V A . ; FTEDCROVA , Ye ..A . Cri tioal Sul-Vey o~ the niimbe.~ of days w-' th ','ros*, or, ti.~,, 3( 1', ~ 11 si:rface. Tr-.~dy GGO I I ~ !If: * , MANYUKANpU., inzh. Efficient use of waste products of the metalworking industry in powder metallurgy. Prom.Arm. 6 nL.909~-44 S '63. (M~111-1~ 16'.12) . -- ., IM . I_Kik_q ISO;)) Nl_knrV , y,'' I,j ~.. "Die Fischfauna, der Zustand der Fischbestffiide und die Ertragsverhgltnisse iin Kurischen Haff." report submitted for the 14th Intl. Limnological Congress, Iienna, 20-Aug - 8 Sept 1959. i--atlons follo~.i--'ng for tn~-otoxicoois; based o,: data fro-., Probl. endok. --' Form. 11 no. 2 :8-11 Rr-Ap '65. i . Khirure. !,--heskoye ordel P: y- '7varic.-F v bo' '.,,.itry (gi,~ivnyi vr!.ich V.Ye.KhoK.1,T-yakj,!; !,c~ Share the experience of leading woe-cers with all poultry farms. Ptiteavodstvo 8 no. 7:23-26 il 158. (KIU 11:8) 1. Sekretarl Alekoeyevskogo raykrma Kommunisticheskoy Fartii Sovetakogo Soyuza. (Alekseevka District(Belgorod Province)--Poultry) PETROSYAN, M.D.; 14AIPfUKRIN, N.M. Device for the automatic proportioning o'L a surfactant solution. Nefteprom.delo no.11:32-35 '63. (':%IRA 17:3) 1. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye I'Leninneft". AIFSKEROV, S.S.; VARTANOV, B.G.; 14ANYTJYHIN, N,14.; CMIBANt)V, ().V. Exploiting wells with , filter covaren by coarse sand. Neft.khoz. 41 no. 12-36-40 1) 163. NIRA 17:6) MAMMIN, V.M., inzh. Device for tbe a ub-zgrfj tm a tm~-.fn~ . f a nc . ~,, I my-.Te 164- (M I R.A, : i. I . j ,F,SK".ROV, S.S.; V.C.i PAYUKh7Y -.OBAN()Vg -.7. Suspensior: w,-' roate,4~~,', in an flov. !;Pf:. kh-)z. 4,2 r.-).-- l~.Ir-'--l(I N fbd, (m ~, i", It '? z, ) MAMROV, G. A. FacilitAtiRg outside vall brickUying. Rate. i isobr. predl. v stroi. no.91:3-6 '54. (KLRA 8:8) 1. Tokchnicheakeye upr&vlono skspluatAtmil kinisteretva ugollnoy 4" promyshlonnosti SSSR. Wrckuying) MANYUKOV, G.A. -Uwge.brick blocks filled with lightweight concrete.LSuggested b7 G.A.Maniukov]'Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.151*7-11 156. (Building blocks) ("ightweight concrete) (MIRA 10:3) FXDOTOV. N.; MANTUMDV, G.."YiA*. large brick-faced blocks. Stroitell no.4:19 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:5) l.Nachallnik kombinata Karagandashakhtostroy (for Fedotov). (Concrete blocks) KAIEM. V.; kand.telchn.nauk; RMffMOV, G. _..Inzh. Brick concrete vall panels. Strottel' no.6:6-7 Je '59. (Building blocks) (KIRA 12:9) MANYUKOV. G., inzh.; SAGIMYAN, V., inzh.; PEDOTOV, N., inzh. Making brick-concrete wall blocks and panels. Stroitell no. 12:19-23 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) (K%zakhatan--Building blocks) KIRIYANOVA, O.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHERHYSH, A.A.; MANYUKOVP G.S. Organization of the transport of local freight on sections with lengthened haul distances. &el.dor.transp. 44 no.9:77-81 S ,62. (MIRA 150) 1. Zameatitell nachallnika sluzyby dvizheniya Mookovskoy dorogi (for Chernysh). 2. Glavnyy inzh. sluzhby dvizheniya Moskovskoy dorogi (for Manyukov). J.- .. I - , . . % /--., I .. - UMRIKHIV, N.G.; KOROVKEVICH, N.V., inzh., retsenzent; MANYUKOV, G.S., inzh., red. (Experience in high-speed freight train traffic; from the practices of the Southern Ural Railroad] Opyt skorostnogo prodvizheniia gruzovykh poezdovj iz praktiki lUzhno-Urall- skoi dorogi. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 61 p. (MIRA 17:3) MANYUKOV, S.I., mashiniat One of the beat efficiency promoters. Neftianik 7 no,221~ D 062, (MIRA 16.6? 6) 1. Territoriallnyy-tokhnicheakiy uchaigtok Neftepromyslavogo upravleniya im. IM allyezda Komnunisticheekoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuzao (Neftyanyye Kamni region-Oil wejjs-Eq~ipment , V/0 ,C~O V,"i Z-, 6~- - X-Ra,*f investigation of the structure of alloy5 in the system C~;GaSe2-Ga2Se3. L. S. Palatnik, Yu. F. Kcmnik, Ye. K. Balova. PAI INI K KC %T' K KC I N fHa-'t-hynFts"-Y!, [A 11 T,' K-, PL~,Tn~'e2-- Eiectric i,rcferr-i~.s a-~oys -:n sy9tern ()(~ -, -9, ). I-Ikr. fiz. z'nur. ~4 nd--9: ~ns WRIP1 QZETT --I ACC NRs AP6028299' SWRCE CODEi u*363/66/002/oo6/iol/ior, AUTHOR& Palatnik, L. S.; Manyukova, L. G.; Koshkin, V. M. ORGt Scientifio Research Institute of Basic CheRistry (Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut osnovnoy Ithimii); Kharkov Polytechnic Institute im. V. I.. ler4p-, (Eharlkovskiyj politakhnichaskiy institutY TITLE: Electrio prmrties/tof alloys in the Cur#aSe2-Ga2Se3 system r6 -7? -7 , - /7 L 06487-67 ACC NR, AP6028299 ~effect of increase iniit during ordering annealing was observed on some alloys with ,stoichiometric defects. Both the concentration ordering and thermal ordering of the ,crystal of a multicomponent semiconductor increase 4C. The observed influence of the 'light and thermal conditions of the history of the sample on tho magnitude of the Ithormal emf Is thought to bo duo to tho prooonce of a considorablo number of electron 1traps. The concentration of free charge carriers was estimated from the thermal emf. ,It is concluded that the decrease in the concentration of impurity carriers is due to ;the snecifir- nrm-iartv of iqAmInnrAvj,,tnrA with n rinirnn+ 1~++4-- GOLOVICH, M. (Holovych, M.]O inzho; LZBEDI, 0., inzh.; MANMENKO, G. [Man- uilenko, H.I. zootekhnik New farms for raising and fattening cattle. Sill.bud. 13 no.10:4-5 0 163, (MIRA 17:3) MANYULENKO, Yu.FI Calculating the size of marker sigm. Geod. i k-art. no.12:2,,(32 D '63. (MIRA 17:1) MAJIYULCV, A.; KASHKUREVICH, M. Mr 163 - Toward new frontiors. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no -1:5 .-_ (KIRA 16:9) 1. Kazkhleboprodukt~(for 14anyulpv). 2. Nachaitnik plavnogo otdela Stavropollskogo mellrlichnogo kombinata (for Kashkurevich). MANYULOVA, M.N.; RIKITINA, L.P. Metamorphism of Pre-Cambrian rocIcs in the soatharn Khama -Vaban Range and Tunkinski7e Golltsy Range. Trud7 Iab. geol. dokem. no.11:217-229 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Khmar-Daban Range-Ketamorphism (Geology)) (Tunkinski7e Golltsy Range--Metamorphism (Geology)) LIEKSUDROVICH, G.L.9 dotsent; M&NYURIUI~Y~-ordinator Imediate and late results of surgery for ecatrophy of the bladder. Zdrav. Bel. 6 no.12:47-49 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Iz fakulltetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki Khabarovskogo medit.~- sinskogo instituta (direktor - professor S.K. Nechepayev), (BLA.DDEI-ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) :-taneous t s iriEkogc Ins t; .1 , !-, 1~ NYU . , H : .--: . Kq ! 11 u 3 , --~ I j F.'ektrenat a ci'~~ C f " ~ !Mual,'lan power 11"', -~ .,~ s'~ r c I . nc. . I , lu-',, 1 '~-, 5 . ( m: p A 19 - *I. --tikretai- I 71'--firitra' Inc go komli te ~ a Kormnani 9 ~,, --riesk-)y Pir I I ~. , t tv). ~ MAUYUSHISs I.A. (Maniusist I.A.] In the interest of the greateet use of industrial products in construction. Stroi. mat. 7 no.10:4-10 0 '61. (IM-U 14:10) 1. Sakretar' TSentral'nogo komiteta Kommunifticheskoy artij Litvy. t. -,z (Lithuania--Building materialfindustry5 MAIIYUSHIS, I.A. (Maniusis, I.A.] Development of a construction supply center in the Lithuanian S.S.R. Stroi. mat. 6 no.8:3-6 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Litvy. (Lithuania-Building materials industry) M~~M~~P,,'.,I.A.[Maniushis, I.A.; USPENSKIY, v.V., kand. ekon. naA ~~ red.; GLIBAUSKAYTE, M.[Glibauskaite M 1, red.izd- P va; LUKOSHYAVICHYUS, S.[Lukosiavicius, S.I,'tekhn. red. (Development of construction and its material and technological base in Lithuania] Razvitie stroitel'stva i ego materiallno-tekhnicheskoy bazy v Litovskoi SSSR. Villnius, Gospolitnauchizdat, 1963. 239 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Lithuania-Construction industry) MANYUSHIS, I.t- [Maniusiso 1.), kand.ekonom.nauk I I I .. , -,-, Building mdtarja1s industry 'is deveicping at ar frareased rate, Stro-I.mat. 10 no.12.-32-34 D 264. (MIRA 18.1) 1. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo Kom~tata Komanisticheskoy pa.-t'A'.'- L1. tvy. ZAKHAREVICH, K.M.; likMTA, I.M. Cassette shaped window boards. Stroi.i dor.mash, 6 no.4:29-32 Ap 161. (,MIiL-'- 14:3) (Windows) (Reinforced concrete construction) MAN7UTA, X*M... i=h. - -N Machine for glue application on tenons and mortises of structural parts. Der.prom. 10 no.10:28 0 161. (MIRA 1-4:9) (Gluing) (Woodworkjng machinery) jnzh. WnTA,_I.& Painting and sizing unit. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.4:19-21 Ap o62. (MA 16:7) (Painting, Industrial-Equipment and supplies) T.M. MANILUTAR L I inzh.; KULIX, B.F., inzh. New facilities for transporting crams. Stroij dor.w-sh. 7 no.10:11 0 162. (KRA 15: U) (Cranes, derricks, etc.-Transportation) (Truck trailers) VOIDDIN, M.A... inzh,; NANYUTA Clamp for wall blocks ax*balu=&#- Mont. i spots. rab. v strol. 24 no.10:22 162. (KMA 15:10) (HoiBting machiAeL%Y) Mg~~#'vich; KULIK, boieslav Fadeyevich; FINKINSHTEWI, B.A., inzh., red. [Transporting long reinforceu-concrete products on trucks used for moving girders and beams; practices of the "Orgtekhstroill T.-ust and the "Vekhpogr-,izstroi" Of-- fice of the Vinistry of Construction of the White Russian S.S.R.] Perevozka dlinnomernykh zhelezoDetonnykh izdelii na ferrr.-ovozakh i balkovozakh; opyt tresta "Orgtekhstroill MAHYUTA,__.I.M.,,-~. Universal mold for the manufacture of ruinforeed concrete slabs for basement rooms. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.5.28-29 My 163. (MIR& 16-5) (Precast concrete) -aNYUTA,---j.LM. , inzh. ; -j i, ~ !, i , I .! . I : r'. 11 . Set of -,A tartris 1'~- r :f;h,'IU f , -, '.i,rl V " L: I ,,, "I !; , , -, ~., : . , - , .. -, - I , I i dor. mash. 9 : I "" a .. -~ 11 -- .. 124-58-6-7020D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 107 (USSR) AUTHOR: Manyuta, I. V. TITLE: An Experimental Investigation of the Deformations and Strength of Peat Bogs (Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya deformatsiy i qc3nrotivleniv bolotno-torfvanopo grunta) DEMMAKO, Yu-B.; MAIffUrA, M.G. Regional seismic studies in the nortIr-restern part of the Dnieper- Donets Lowland based on the Yagotin-Baturin relief. Sav. geol. 6 nov6:1(Y7-112 Je 163. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Trest nUJwgeofizrazvedk&." (Dnieper-Doma Lowland-Geology, Structural) Fowl ACCESSION NIL: AT4016846 S/2819/63/000/005/0107/0114 AUMOU.- Dejaidenko, Yu. B.; Manyuto,.H.- G.; Ly*senko, V., A,; Spikhina, L. M. TITLE: Results of seismia investigations.of the deep structure of the earth in the Eastern Ukraine 'ACCESSION MR: AM16846 asible to determine the position of the basalt'layer. the surface of the sub- crustal substrate ad seismic boundaries within the basalt and granite layers, !`--iniicated on Emclosure. The crust is an ordinary continental typo with a man ,:~,;o..thickness of 48 km, Us basalt layer averages 30 ka, the granite layer averages MANZA, A.F.; I.IASLOVA, N.S., doktor ekon. nauk, red. [Correspondence between the growth of labor produc- tivity and wages in industry in the lioldavian S.S.R.] Sootnoshenie rosta proizvoditellnosti truda i zarabot- nol platy v promyshlennosti Moldav:,koi SSJ. Kishinev, Kartia moldoveniaske, 1965. 78 p. (MIiiA 18:9) ACCESSION NRI AP4043279 S/0065/64/000/008/0021/0026 AUTTIORS Zakupra, V. A. ; Lebedev, Ye. V. ; Manzag.j.,.- A. TITLE: The effect of chemical treatment on the structure and adsorption property of silica gels with 6ifferent trade marks e, SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel/ ~o. 8,'1964, 21-26 ACCESSION HR: AP4043279 mixture to be studied as a result of a decrease in the volume of the desorption fraction used in identification. Thus, a decrease in the volume of the mixture to be analyzed decreases the consumption of silica gels. It is noted that this method is advantageous for a sertes of determinations, since the size of the apparatus dimensions and the time needed for analysis are also decreased. The characteristics ~ -~- A --34 --4 -1--- 1 6-A--~ a vhnn Fr Art Inn a -a Pn A rat- a A is ra a I %ran In Tah I ga IIACCESSION NR: AP4043279 ASH, KSH, and KSS-4. The activity determination of the silica gels tused in the separation of benzene showed a decrease of 4 to 5 units for fin silica gels which had been chemically treated. This ,:.,porous decrea in activity is explained by a'decreane in the specific surface on which the process of absorption of benzene depends. A sharper decrease in the specific surface (from 590 to 470 M2/g) as a result of chemical treatment occurred in ASH silica gel, From the ACCESSION NRt AP4043279 ASSOCIATIONt UkrUllgiproneft SUBHITTED1 00 ATD PRESSs 3080 SUB CODEI HTs 00 NO REF SOVi 007 ENCL: 01 OTHSRI 003 ACCZSSIOU HRI AP4043279 SHCLOSUREt 91 Table 1.- Characteristics of 'individual starting hydrocarbons Synthetic mixture of Boiling Point Refractive Hydrocarbons GC* Index 'Density 2 by Compound H M60 mm oL n 11 volume .Benzene 80.0-80.5 I 1.5010 O.B790 1 33.5 07 c-n7 0 1 ZAKTJPRA, V.A.; LEBEDD-V, Ye.V.; 14ANZ,A,,..I.A. Chromatographic analysis of the cracking and dehydrogenation products of paraffin bydrocarbona, Khimq i tekh, topl. i masel 10 no.2:28-34 F 165. (MRA 180) 1, UkrNIIGIFRONEFTI, AUTHOR: Manza, P. I. sov/68-59-8-23/32 TITLE: Ap-p ~Ma ion of Cast Stone Lining on the Kallmiusskaya TsOF (Primeneniye futerovki iz kamennogo litlya na Kallmiusskoy TsOF) PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 8, PP 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Diabase plates for lininx equinment subjected to MANZEL, H. Manzel, It. and Adam, J. Investigations on borate glass systems. 111. The system K20- DeO B203, MANZLTT, Adam, mgr inz. Intentions of the Polish machine tool industry to build machine tools for the requirements of technology. Vochanik 36 no.6-.253-256 Je 163. 1. Zjednoczen-ie Pirzamyslu Obrabiari:ic i Sarzedzi, Warszawa, KONONENKO, V.I.; MAJJZHELA, V.I. Electrographic examination of clothes and skin caused by stabbing-cutting and stabbing inst=ents. Sud.-med.ekspert. no.4:25-28 O-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra sudebnoy med"Lsiny (zav. - dotsent N.P.Marchenko) Khartkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Submitted February 28, 1964. L 29814-66 EWT(d)/KRT(m)/EWP(w)/EWP(v)/EWP(k) IJP(c) WW/EM ACC NR: AP6014216 (A) SOURCE CODEi UR/0198/66/002/004/0032/0038" AUTHORS: Binkevich, Ye. V.(Dnepropetrovsk); Gashko, A. L. (Dnepropetrovsk); Mhanza V. P. (Dnepropetrovsk) ORG: Dnepropetrovsk State University (Dnepropetrovskiy goaudarstvenrWy universitet) TITLE: Calculation of rib reinforcing on a cylindrical shell loaded with radial force 11A L 29814-66 ACC NRs AP601.4216 dN.' +Qfa - SOR , 0; LQ" - N, - 0; !!!-' -',RQ. - &, d0 do do dri.. _ W. ~ - -~- N.. - !!!I-. + !~!-- - M m -W E.F. d0 dO2 E.I. 00 0 -L 29814-66- ACC NRs AP6014216 0 in the rib (when the radial load is applied at the cylinder ends) in the form of a stopped reinforcement of angle 2 ~,( t < IMb). Numerical results are obtained on the "Ural -ln ETsVM computer and agree well with experimental data. Orig, art. bass 18 equations and 3 figures. -qTM MEE, 1 20/ SUBM DATEt 05Jul65/ CRIG REF, 005 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/018/0032/0032 INVENTOR: Krysin, Ye. P.; Hanzhak, Yu. H.; Bogacheva, E. S. - -- - Y0 ORG: none _Y1 ~? Y, TITLE: Method of obtaining cqmium tetroxide. Class 12, No. 185865 [announced by the State Chemical Plant im. Voykov_(Gosudarstvennyy khimicheskiy zavod)) 16(1);24(o) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3o48 Manzbalovskiy, Vladimir Pavlovich integrirovaniyu nekotorykh odnorodnykh lineynykh differentsiallnyCP uravnf,niy.vtorogo poryadka s peremennymi koeffitsiyentami v . . , . "-,-1,4- ~ 4 irnlrh Mn +-.ha Tni-.oarntinn nf Snnw:~ Hnmnj7pnAnuq On the Integration (Cont.) SOV/3048 considerable number of particular equations, integrable in a given class of special functions, are cited. There are 15 references. MAINZHAVIDZE, Z. 3H., RoDfA~~.v.---,:, N1. N. "Some Prol'~lelns of Senprat~ Dn of Strurir~, Par-ti-,je,9.,, ,ort suh~--i-ted ror the Intl. Con'. :m 3cs.-ni- 'a:,-s anfl harti-, Storm ~-- FAF)l rep - k- , Kyol,,,o, TPLPan 4-15 Sept. !961. 125-56-4-2/15 AUTHORS: Podgayetskiy, V,V,, and Langer, N.A., Candidates of Technic- al Sciences, Malevskiy, Yu,,B-, and Manzheley, G~P., En- gineers TITLE: A Study of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Seams Welded Under Flux (Issledovaniye nemetallicheskikh vklyucheniy v shvakh I I ~ 1 -1 N 125-58-4-2/15 A Study of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Seams Welded Under Flux general oxygen content therein, increase with increasing Sio content in the flux The composition of non-metallic inciusions is determined by the flux composition and is com- paratively little - affected by the composition of the plpnfrntip wi?-P- mnn-nf.lli~ 4-1-1- KALEVSKIY, Yu.B., MEDOVAR, B. I., KAUZHMM, G.P. Chemical composition of the d'-phase In 25-20-type austenite weldo. Avtom. evar. 13 n0-8:33-36 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Kransogo Znameni Institut elektroovarki im. Te.O. Patona AN USSR. (Steel-Welding) (Steel-Analysis) PODGAYETSKIY, V.V.; MAN!j! ~YG~ Intercrystallite silicate layers and the danger of hot cracking. Avtom.svar. 15 no.10:50-56 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elaktroavarki im. Ye.0. Patona AN ljkxSSR. (Steel-Welding) (Welding--Defects) KORMYUK, Yu.M.1 MARFELEY, G.F.; RABKIN, D~M, Rear.i.lon bet-.teen metal and s."rie dii-ring the vf,'~Jlne, (,f' oopper undjr flux. Av-tom. svar. 17 nr,.50:~,39 My 5~14. 0141RA 17- U) 1. Institut alektrosvarkl tmeni Patona AN UkrSSR,, r7b'~6d , t __(]� ,. mz Le - ;;,roctt to 0.0 V.f~ ---'r-lm-enatlda of the gAturd f th L55V.,05 A--' Ovvioti./S+ cm. Or au de~Twa -if4o in the ad. with