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L Rt AP6029429 leukocyte count. Results showed that 67.8% of the experimental animals survived compared to 5% for the controls (the majority of deaths occurring from the 5th-12th days after irradiation). The test animals lost less weight. Leukocyte count decreased uniformly on the fifth day for both groups, but then returned to normal in the test group. Dicaptnl apparently forms a complex compound with the metal enzymes which partic- ipate in tissue respiration, inhibiting their active role. Penetrating radiation cannot destroy this compound, so the metal enzymes remain unharmed. Dicaptol later separates from the metal enzymes, freeing them to participate in tissue respiration. Dicaptol, cyanide, and irradiation, all of which increase the sensitivity of animals to hypoxia, inhibit, and therefore protect, the activity of metal enzymes (cytochromes and others) in tissue respiration, ISWI~ SUB CODES 06/ SUBH DATEs 23Sep65/ ORIG REF: 005/ ATD PRESSI 5073 Card 2/20~-~ kCC NR. Ap6025930 SOURCE CODE: UR/0301/66/012/004/0435/0437 AUTHOR: Surinov, B. P.; Manoylov, S. Ye.; Abramov, E. F. ORG: Leningrad Chemical--Pharmaceatical Institute, Chair of Biochemistry (Rafedra biokhimii Leningradskogo khWt,*-farmat~evticheskogo Instituta) TITLE: The use of ton exchange resins for the desalination of proteolytic enzymes SOURCE: Voprosy meditslaskoy khtaii, v. 12, no. 4, 1966, 435-437 TOPIC TAGS: trypsin, proteolytic. enzyme, ion exchange resin, enzyme desalination ABSTRACT: A mechod for desalinating solutions of proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymo trypsin) with ion-exchange resins Is described. Various anion and cation ex6iange resins are used [EDE-10, AN-M, SBS-1, KU-5, and KU-2 with 4.8-12% divinylbenzene]. The most favorable combination seemed to be anion exchange resin EDE-10P and cation exchange resin KU-2 with 8% divinylbenzene. These have suffi- cient atability and are produced commercially. Experiments showed dynamic con- ditions of demineralization to be the most favorable. An increased release of resins was observed under static conditions. Conclusionsvere that KU-2 with 8% divinylbnezene sorbs trypsin or chemical trypsin poorly. Anionite ODE-10 has the capacity to bsorb some mount of proteins which can be washed away. The loss of protein enzymes by desslinating performed only In resins Is 20Z. In such a way, ion-exchango of resins can be used successfully for de~saltlng compounds of protea Card 112 UDC: 615,779.94:577.156-012:661.163.123 ACC NRsAPAP6025930 enzymes. This method wbich to particularly Important during purfication *nzyms, avoids long process of dialysis,, SUB COD3% 05P/SMM VATS% 09jan65/ OaXG BEY: 002/ OTH RZFt 003 Card MAIMIUVo V. YE. PA 15/49 M MANOYWV, Vladimir Xov 1~~Iyevich; FRENKELI, G.L., prof., zasl. &3~atell nauk, red.; AYZENBERG, B.L., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. [Problems of safety in electrical engineering] Problemy elektrobe- zopasnosti. Pod red. G.L.Frenkelia. Moskva, Gas. ener izd-vo, 1961. 294 P. f~~ 14:9) I.Chlen4obrrespondent Akademii nauk Kirgioskoy SSR (for Frenkel'). (Electric engineering-Safety measures) (Blectricit7l Injuries from) MANOYLOV, V.Ye. --Zz~ International conference on the use of electronics in medicine. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;prib. 4 no.4:128-132 161. (MIRA 14:9) (&=Tpm= IN micnm~-~F=Es) .5/146/62/005/001/001/0 11 j23,!/D304 AUTHQR6: Tairova, D.A. TITLE: Electrostatic focusing of electron beans by electrets Pt,RIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1ch z;Av4Ldt-niy. Priborostroyeniye, v. 5, no. 1, 1962, 3-8 TEXT: A short description of the properties of electrets is given. use of electret discs uith an opening in the center is studied; Such a disc is found to be analogous to an ordinary clactrosatic lens. It is stated that approximate theoretical calculations show that a set of electret discs with alternating polarity could conduct stable electron beams tip to beveral amperes. it was found by experiments that clectrets made of cerami'c ma- terial 7-150 (calcium titanate with an admixture of zirconium dioxide) the most suitable for focusing purposes. A.N. Uublcin is mentionvd for his contributions in the field. There are 5 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: M. Eguchi, On the permanent i~lectret. Phil. Card 1/2 s/146/62/005/001/GOI/Cll Electrostatic focusing of ... U234/D304 Mag., 1925, 49, 178; B. Gross, L.F. Denard, On permanent charges in solid dielectrics, Phys.Rev. 1945, 671, 8, 253-259. ASSOCIATION: Lenin.-radskiy clektrotekhniclieskiy institut im. V.1. Ul'yan- ova (Lenina) (Leningrad Institute of Electrical ngineering im. ~. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin) SUBMITTED: July 26, 1961 Card 2/2 MANOYLOV, V. Ye. "The Problem of Safety Rules for E'leotrical Insta llations of Indutrial Enterprises," Prom. -;~rierget., No. 12, 1949. vv I'lectric Apparatus an-, Ap.,,Iian~~es TnFAr,sn~,nt "-,r the contro I sf energ., 1952. Mo n t,,i 1-Li-St O-f' R1133ian ARCLC;tel~~J-'--i-rlls. -Hbrary rch 7 ';C' ZL -CLO7 (E USSRM~ectricity - Electric Drive Feb 53 "Soviet Scientific School of Electric Drive," Do- cent V. Ye. Manoylov, Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Elec Eng Inst imeni U11yanov. (Lenin) Elek-vo, No 2, P 74 Discusses briefly founding of lst chair of elec drive (1922-1933) at Leningrad Elec Eng Inst, vhere there are now 4 such c"airs, the role of this field in electrification of Soviet industry, and Prof S. A. Hinkevich's part in founding above-mentioned chair and in directing sci and tech activities in field of elec drive. Nam 1. MAUQYLQM. V. Ye-; PALLADTMA, N. 114., Eng. 2. USSR (609') 4. X-Rays - Safety Measures 7. X-~ray radiation of high voltage kenotron installations and protective measures against it. Elek. sta. 24, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953. Unclassified. AYZE v B.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, detsent; ZARKH 11, M.M., iszhessr; MAWYIOT, V.Ye.. kandidat tekhaichookikh nauk. . I Calculation and reduction of losses of electrical enarg7 in city networks. Trudy LIBI ".7:129-141 '54. (MLRA 9:9) (Blectric networks) AYZENBM, B.L*, kandidat takhnichaskikh zauk, dotsents MANOYIDY, V.YO., Ir-Aidat takhnichaskikh nank. , . I Neutral system in the distribution networks of industrial plants. Trudy LIZI ne.7:150-162 154. (MLRA 9SO (Riectric networks) VICH A.A;. pro 4 0 ior tekhnichealcikh nauk, saaluzhanyy ~e oi dayo;ell natki i te~`ilki; IVANOV, V.I., professor. doktor tekbnicheskikh nauk; MMM. A.Y.. doktor takhnichookikh nauk; RAZVHOYSKIT, N.N.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; DKITRIM. A.N.. dotpeat. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; MCMVSKIY. B.I.. dotsent. kandidat t6khaichaskikh aauk; BASHARIN. A-V., doteant. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; MAHM'fAll wKw&., dotsent. ksa(Lidat takhntcho-- slcikh nauk; RYZHOV, P.I.. doteent, kandidat takhnichesL-ikh nauk; KUTIRMAN# A.G., knadidat tekhnicheskikh navk; BARYSHRIKOV, V.D., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk On the article "Development of automatic control and telemechanics in the fifth five-year plan'. Avtom. i telem. 15 no.1:78-79 Ja-Y 154* (KIRA 10:3) 1. Laningradakiy elektrotekhnichaskiy institut im. V.I.Ullyaaova- Lenina. (Automatic control) (Remote control) MPNMOV~ V, Ve. UNOYWV, V.Te., kandidat toichnichaskikh nauk; GLAZICW.H.S., kandidat ~BWiskikh nauk; GRIGORIYEV, Y.T., Inzhener. Connection of the transformer neutral in a low-tension network. Promeenerg*12 no~2:20-24 Jr 157, (MLRA 10:3) 19 Ioningradakiy alaktrotakhnicheakly inatitut imeni T.I* UVIianovs, (Lenin). Plectric currents--Grounding) Fecri )ci -- ( ":;ri-ntl'l'ic tr.S V. Ye., Doc and ways of sniving une troclem of Len, 1956, 29 pp (Vin of i!igficr Len zlec%ricai #%.ineering Inst ii",l V*I. Ullyanov (Lerdr) ) 1 () coci-es bibli-ovranny: p 26-29 (11 tiLlp:l (?'.L, 27--~,h, 107) - 72 - PHAM I BOOK &IMITATION HUW/1297 Weasoy"nays, usuchno-takhnlche okays kozfarantalys po, prlmencniyu radlosirtlTnylth I stablllnykb Izotopov I Itluchonly v norodnou Xboxyaystva I nauke. Nooczw. 1957 Polumbonl7a isotopov. Moshchnyye gamme-ustanow". Radloostriya I dosimmIrlyaj trudy konforentall ... (Xxotopa Production. 31gh-onargy Gamma-ZIRdiatIon Facilities. Radlomotry and Dosi- "try; Transactions of the All-Union Coalwoeme - the Use of Rad1jactlve and Stable Isotopes and Radiation in the National Sconceir and Wonco) Koscow, Ixd-vo AS 3SSR, JL958. 293 P. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Ageneyi Akadowlya nouk SSSR; Olaawye upravlanile po Lapollsovanlyu atounoy onergli 3331t . AdItortal bmrd: "olov, Yu.S. (Rasp. Zd.). Zhavoronkov, M.N. (Deputy Rasp. 941.), Aglintsev, K.K.. Alokmayev, B.A., Bochkorev. T.Y., lAshchlnakiy, R.I.. HLIkov, T.P.. SIsLitsyn, V.I., and Popova. 0.L. (Socretary)l Tacit. Id.s Novichkov, N.D. FMIM: This collection is published for sclentlAts, technologists, persona engaged In medicine or medical research. and others can- dGrOld with the production and/or use of radioactive and stable Isotopes and radiation. CQVMWBx ihirty-olght r2ports are Included In thin oollection twWor three main subject divisional 1) production of isotopes 2) high-energy Zama-radiation facllitlem~wad 3) radloostry and daslmtr7. TAWS OF COWMNTSt PART 1. PRODUCTION OF 130TOPW Frolov, lu-3., Y.T. Dochkarev, and Yo.Yo. Mullah. Development of Isotope Production in the Soviet UftIcn ' 5 Thin report Is a general survey of productiAm methods, apparatus. raw material&, applications, Investigations and future prospocts for radio Isotopes In the Soviet Union. Card 2/12 untratow, N.Y., V.Ye. nanoTlov, and O.A. ft"drlkov. A PbotocolorIMMv Rwtnat! or-anta-doolmotry 246 Daronov. 3.A. and A.M. Polevoy. A Counter for JDaterainingi the AbsolZl* (Activityl of Charged Particles 251 lAntratov, X.F Yo. Nano lov and D.A. JW&zdr1.kov. A Galvanic %mi9N;z.=ur nZ~tA-&ctivIt7 254 togan. R.X.,and NJK. Ptraydalova. The Use of a Pbotofilm- Scintillating Crystal System for ReglaterIng Gomm, Radiation 26o Ulugtn. I.S. and V.V. Karkelow. On the Problem of MaGurins ~'desik currents 264 Card 11/12 AUTHOU t Panonar-kc, F. T., Gmyll.b, To. A., 5/10 60/-/04/023/024 I-- It 1.'D.; Waylov, 7 r T::.- .reboy.hlk, 1, X., lbukowakly, V.M-77rs 7ar, .1 khaylay, X. X., Kay"&., 1. a .1. ?1TLF. (1. 1. 5kanali PM110DICALz El.ktrih..tvc, 1960, 21 4, p 94 (USSH) TEXT: This Is ea obitu&77 for Professor f.,orgly- Jw-p-, In the flel at physics of dielectric*. who died an govember 11, 1959. B* graduate d from the f1siko-aekhanichoskly fakul'tot Isaingradatogo politekh.1cho- skogo Institute (Dtpart.vot of Physics "4 ble.hanic. of the 1,aming-A Poly- t-baio ruCtswts), and than worked at the *12ektroolla* Vorka in Leningrad. Yrom 1935 to 1938 he worked &S the Isa6huo-isol.d.,.tol-ekly im.tttat (Soles- is 0 as a to- leader, "I later as director of a a*%**- t. The same prodmatioA at caresto r.414tathoical capacitors was started in one a the ark I. a - and with him dits" ot : an hl 461,621 t1v a. took his doot r's dogre 1& 9 and Met became a professor. rrca 1940 until him death .he worked at the pislaboakly lav%itut Akadmail sauk S931 (Fbys as lastltute CC the a$ 9532). first under the direction of S. A. Tal, card 1/2 Corresponding Ktabor of the AS USSR, and later indepon4estly am Director of th k&:bor%tory of the Physics CC Dl-'-Gtrlcd. From TO to 1958 b- evoto the ,.: nw.. ti.i.imik., (Onjaies of Disluetri3o" &a organived tho Sace" k11 ftice Coafarce,do am Me "I*& of Dielectrics in govesbor 195~. During the last years of his life he sea teaching physics &s Kookovskly anivervitat (son. vauvrossr). Is vas Sears" of the nAll party organization. ThorG 1. 1 figure. Card 2/2 MANOYLOV, V.Ye. M.V.loomoaoaov 'a workq on electricity. Izv.vys.ucheb.zaT.; prib. 4 no.5:10-15 761. (Pa-RA 14:10) 1. Leningradskiy elektrotekhnichesk:Ly institut imeni V.I.Ull.-anova (L-anina). kLomonosoir.. IM-khail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) GLAZENAP, M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAJIOYWV, Me., kand.tekhn.nauk Design and industrial accidents. Prom.energ. 16 no.9:37.-- 40 S 161, (MIRA 14:8) (Electric engineering-Safety measures) s/196/62/000/010."nOI/004 E194/E455 AUT11ORS: Manoylov,.V.Ye., Tolmachev, G.P. TITLE: The effect of the P-radiation radioactive isotope of isotope of sulphur s35 on the characteristics of lead-acid accumulators type Pr (RG) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.ig, 1962, 14, ab~stract 19A83. ..(Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, no.46,. 1.961, 319-327) TEXT: The increase in capacity of alkaline accumulators type HKH-lo (NKN-10) that is observed o~ .introducing into the electrolyte 15 to 20 millicuries Ca.5 has been attributLed to the radiation. As the ionizing particles pass through the water the number of radiolysed water molecules reaches 10- 12 for every. 100 eV of absorbed energy of radiation. The introduction into the electrolyte of s35 with a max'imum radiation energy E0 = 67 MeV was expected to produce 16- 17 radiolysed molecules of water per second per dissociation. Experiments have'shown that on introducing 60 to 80 milliCuries of S35 into the electrolyte type RG the capacity increased by 3- 4%,for a short time. 'Card 1/2 s/196/62/000/019/001/004 jPhe effect of the P-radiation ... 9194/E455 M,eAnwhile, the oLther.characteristics of-tho accumulator were impaired. 5 illustrations. 4 literature references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation .1 . j Card 2t'& --- '--- IIIYAZDRIKOV, Oleg Aleksayevich; HAKOYIDV Vladimir Tow2taflyevich; ZAYEV, K.Ye. - --' 'W' ' ~ . retsen;ent~,-'~A~OSR~YD. . ~, '.; ' ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., takhn. red. [Blectrets] Elektrety. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 97 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Electrets) AIEMEYEV,, A.Ye.; BASHAR321, A.V.; BOGORODITSKlY, N.P.; VASILIUV, D.V.; IVANOV$ V.I.; LYUTER, R.A.; MANOYIM, V.16.; YERKOLIN, 11-P-; FRAM.. A.V. Vladimir Tikhonovich Kaslianov; on the sevent3-fifth armiversary of his birth and the tenth anyi~,.)rsary of his death. Faektrichestvo no-4:95 Ap 162. (141RA 15:5) (Kmlianov,, Vladimir Tikhonovich,, IM-1952) MA'NOYWV, V.Ye.; TAMOVA, D.A.. Using el6ctrets in f6cusing electron beams. Izv.vys.ucheb. zav.; prib, 5 W,1:3-8 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Laningradskiy elektrotekhnichebkiy institut i=nj V.I. Ullyanova *nin-). Rekomandovana kafedroy tekhlniki bezopas- nosti. We ic beams) (116'retrets) MMIAV, V- XQ-. kand. takhn. nauk, dotsent; TOWACHEV, G. P., inzh. Action of the /9 -radiation of a SM sulfur isotope on the characteristics of Fig-type storage batteries. Izv. LETI ~q no-46:319-327 162. (MIRA 15'.10) (Storage batteries) MANOYLOV,, V. To., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; GLAZEW, M. S., kand. 4 .--UXW.-nauk., dotsent Transient electrical processes In Living tissue. Izv. LETI 59 no.46:169-178 162. (MIRA 15:10) Trarmients(Blectricity)) ctricity,, Injuries from) 0 MAIZOrWVI V. Y6., dotsentp kand. takhn. nauk Radiochemistv7 laborator7. Inv. ISTI 59 no.46:272-279 162. (MOU 15: 10) (Radiacbemistr7) .4ANOYWV V Ye kand. tekhn. nauk, doteent; WAZDRIKOV, 0. A., kand. takha. mauk,--doteent Electrets and some possible practical uses. Izv. LETI 59 no.46:290-288 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Electrets) MUOTLOV, V.Te.j doktor tekhn. nauk (Leningrad) Study of the speoial features of the electrical conductivit7 of the human body. Eiektrichestvo no.1139-13 K 163. I%MIRA 16:11) MANOYLOV, V.Ya,s doktor tekhn.nauk; GLAZENAP, M.S., kand.takhm.nauk; 'TENTER, Yu.K., inzh. Investigation of injuries from electricity. Prom. ener 18 no.9: 7-11 5 163. 1M*IRA 16:10) ATABEKOV, G.J.; BELOUSOV, M.M.; BULGAKOV, K.V.; VASILOYT:V, D.V YEGIZAROV, I.V.; ZAKHAROV, S.N.; ZEYI,IDZON, Ye.D.; "TARhTEVSKIY, B.I.; RYZHOV, P. l.; S( V SYROMTNIKOV, I.A.; FABPIKJ-.,','T, V. L.; CHF]P117N, I.E.; N.V.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M.; SHABADASH, B.I.; SHCHEDRIN, FATEYEV, A.V. Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov, 1900-1964; an obituary. no.11:80, N 164. Mt,NqYl,(-,'i. Yu,', KOMOV, V.P.; MANOYIL~X, S,Ye. of Infrared Bpectra c-f and ther-ir compcnents, Bicfizik,a 3.0 Pv,,9,.-i82--78? 165. (MIR-A 18!10) 1, lieningradskly khiffdkc-farmataevtiche6Riy institut Minist,-,rstva zdravookhre,ienJyq 1101SR i Teninggrads~iy gosudar--tvennyy universitet I-seni A.A.Zhdgncv-a. .t76,120-61 A lob CURC 19 was ivat dk--.,eno -'-"d 4.21--io* idbtalned- T6r-, tha~-.4dt 'I /'j 0 y 4- 6 Vig 117he variation of the enzyme functibn in the blood of healthy hurian beings," S. Ya. Baranovskaya, K. G. Kapitanald and 0. S. --lanoilova. J. Ph- Ij ysiol. ( USSR) 21, 96-9 (1936); Chem. Zentr. 1937, 11, 3908 The enzymic function of the blood Is closely connected with its general conditiOn. ;kith the ordinary eating of a meal the enzydee content of the blood undergoes v~--riations, this being true of the catalase as well as of the aWlase contents. 1111ththe same f,od intake, the changes in the catabse aiid arirjlase contents are not the warie. The catalase content of the blood decreases 10 min. after f.od is eaten and does not vqgain its original value after 70 min. The aaWlasd --nntent is increased 10 min. after eating and likevrise does not again reach its original value after 70 min. The amts. and kind of food taken (amts. of protein, fat and carbohydrate) have no effect on the changes in the catalase content of the blood durir-g the course of I hr. after eating. However, the amt. of carbohydrate eater, does affect the an7lase content of the blood; increasing the amt. of carbohydrate increases the conen. of the enzyme. USSR/.Medicine - Biochemistry Card 1/1 Pub 33-15/24 FD-2464 Author : Manoylova, 0. S.; Bakulina, N. D. Title : The content of water and non-protein nitrogen in the brain of animals during inhibition and ei:citation P~!riodical: Fiziol. zhur~'/2, ',262-264, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract : "In 94 experiments on rabbits, cats, white rats and white mice, the content of water and non-protein nitrogen of the brain was decreased during anesthesia (ether, chloroform, amytal), and increased after cardiazol. Graphs, Five references, all USSR and all since 1940. Institution: Chair of Biochewistry of the Medical Institute, Kuybyshev Submitted : August 17, 1953 MA.NOYLOVAp YO.S First Crimean Conference of Nurses. Md. sestra 19 no.5:45-46 Vf 160, (KRA 13:9) 1, Predeedatell Soveta maditainakikh oester Yovpatoriyokogo kurorta. (CRDMA-NURSES AIM NURSING) ZAYXOV, Boria Dmitriyevich, professor, doktor geograficheakikh nauk; MOOYMI,L.P., redaktor; SOLOVETCHIK,A.A., tekhatcheskiy redak- to [Essays in limAology] Ocherki po ozerovedeniiu, Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheekoe izd-vo, 195".. 270 P. (MI8A 9:4) (Lakes) TV -.ental .,j r ph Sc' .~urlm- of Tec'-:1ic t 0., is rr 31892 0 0 s/186/61/003/005/015/022 Ei.60/E185 A,"THORS; Nesmeyanov, An.N., Filatov, E.S., and Mansfe-11di-A- TITLE3 Chemical action of the Br82 recoil atoms after (n, y)- reaction on some derivatives of benzene PERIODICALg Radiokhimiya, v-3, no.5, 1961, 61o-613 TEXT~ In order to get a more detailed knowledge of the influence of the mass of colliding particles on the chemical reactions of recoil atoms the substitution Of Br82 recoil atoms, obtained in the reaction ~r8l(n,y)Br82-, with atoms or atom groups in benzene derivatives., was investigated. Mixtures of C2H5Br with C6H5Cl, C6H 51) C6H5CH3 and C6H5C2H5 were irradiated with neutrons. The yields and activity retentiona were recorded (see Table 1), It has been shown that the substitution of the monoatomic benzene derivatives by the Br82 recoil atom is in direct relationship ith the mass ratio. Good agreement between X 2/Eo)~ derived on the assumption the calculated (from R = a(E I that elastic collisions of the Br - X type lead to C6H5Br Card 1/3 31P92 Chemical action of the Br 82 recoil ... S/186/61/003/005/015/022 E16o/Ei85 formation, where E energy of recoil aiow -efore collision, E2 - energy given to X, a - constant) and experimental yields, ronfirms the assumption that elastic collision mechanism opprates in the formation Of C6H3Br from haloger substituted benzenes. In the absence of complete experimental data on C6H Br formation from alkyl benzenes, the reaction mechanism cannot ge determined at present. Th,~re are I figure., 2 tables and 5 references! 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non.-Soviet-bloc;. The English language references read as follows~ Ref~4s J.M. Miller. R.W. Dodson. J. Chem. Phys., v.18, 6, 865 (1950). Ref.1q. J. Willard. Symposium on the Chem. Effects of the Nuclear Transformation. Prague (1960). SUBMITTED: Aprtl 20, 1961 Card 2/3 318.)2 Chemical action of the Br82 recoil.. S/186/61/oO3/005/015/022 E16O/El85 Table I oncen- Yiel d (in %) General Solvent ration C 2H5Br C 2H4Br 2 C6H 5Br CH H4Br 3C6 Poly- retention I (mol.%) mers 9m 3.7 4.9 8 b - W. 5 C6H5CH3 9- 5 3.1 5.4 8:o 8.2 3.2 36~9 92 4.9 6.4 7.3 17. 1 4.1 39.8 99 ~ 3.3 - 28.o - - 51.0 C H C H 6 r% 2 5 2 9 5.2 25.0 - 53.9 95 2.o 2 l. 6 - - 52.4 C6H5C1 95 6.o -ig.8 - - 53.1 90 11.0 - 20.4 - - 49.5 6H51 95 1.8 2.3 17.8 - - 37.0 Card 3/3 PASDEW.LK, I&A , r romcr7any chemik; B!~ ~FZID I Molf,, promovaw ohemik CWtinuous measurement of water radioactivity, Vodni hoop 13 ~".V LOJU05-107 163. 1. Vyzkumrq ustav vodohospodarsky, Praha& MANSEFELD, J. The skoda 1201 car. F. 300. SVE-T MOTORU. (Svaz pro cnoluj~raci s armadou) Praha. Vol. 10, no. 10, May 1956. Miniature racing car. F. 302. SCIUhCE: East European Accessions List, (EFAT). Library of Congrpss. Vol. 5, no. U, December 19%. A~ 1; MIANSFELD, J. The s1koda 1201 car. F. 300. SVET MOTORD. (Svaz pro spolupraci s armadou) Praha. Vol. 10, no. 10, May 1956. MIniature racing car. P. 302. SOURCE: East "European Accessions List, (EEAL). Library of Congress. Vol. 5, no. U, December 1956. e ego-.: r 4 Thentuil MADdify of Oechnicid bact~fW procrinsioe .wgjkcjO Anti k. Uwaiinik Wrartn-. Crt,li. I i. nhRof 24, K 1110(1V49).- In 11.0 suln. thc Aettvitv 4 tech. batlerial prusch-Aase is irreversibly jtlr,,Y.j $1 heitnI S 30 min. above 50' anti for 6 or in..r,- [if, lwl,,u The enzyme activity As,fctd. con )(0min I.V yl-- metric larthuti. hil Mick., KANUM, T.; WMIRTHOVA, I. Preparation and use of crystalline trypsin and chymotrypsin. Cook. farm. 3 no.4:145-147 Ap '54. 1. Z vyzk-game laborators Organofarma A.P. TRYPSIN, *prep. & use of crystalline trypsin & chymotrypsin) E-L-D- --V;vX-T- ZAMMMI R.; MANSFELD, V.. SOUCEK. V. Analytical use of the reaction of histidine and histamine with carbon di3ulfide. Ceek.farn. 4 no-3:119-125 Apr 55. 1. Ustw- hygleW prace a chorob z povolani v Praze a Organc farna, n. p.. Pra-ba. (HISTAMINE, determination, in drQgs. use of reaction with carbon dioulfide) (HISTIDDE. determination. in drugs, use of reaition with carbon disulfide) (CARBON DIStWIEDS. effects. in drugB, reaction with histamine & histidine ai method of determ.) RANSTELD, V.; KULAC, K. Studies on reactions of crystAlline trypoin. Z0'Rffsct of tryppin and of trypain-inhibitore on blood coagulations Cook* famo 4 no, 9:462-465 Nov 55. 1. Z Vyskumnsho ustava pro farmacii a blochemit a x Kontrolniho ustnvu. farmacoutickeho, Praha, (TRYPSIN, eff. of trypoin & trypoin-inhibitore on blood Coagulation) (BLOOD COAGULATION, effect of drugs on, trypoin & trypain-inhibitors) Poi.'dip/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Therapeutic Drugs of Enzymatic Origin Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No II, 1958~ No 52018 Author Farkas L., ;Aamezak T., Mansfeld V. Inst Title On the Local 14pplication of Digestive Enzymes Orig Pub Polski przegl. chirurg., 1956, 28, No 4, 334-,1,48 Abstract Pancreatin (25 units/lg) and trypsin (500-600 uni.ts/Ig) was used in the form of solutions and powders in the treat- ment of 26 patients with chronic indolent wounds and tro- phic ulcers of the skin., of traumatic origin. Complete healing took place in 15 patients, improvement in 7. Crystalline trypsin proved to be the most effective. fl, ~_rd : 1/1 FARKAS, Ladyalaw: ADAMCZAK. Teobald; MANSFELD, T. Local application of digestive enzymes. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no.4.-339-349 Apr 56. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Plastycznej Uniweraytetu Karola w Pradze Dyrektor: prof. dr. Franciszek Burian. Teobald Adamczuk. Warszawa, u1. Swierczewsklego 67, 11 Klinika Chirurgiczna A.M, (LEG, ulcer, ther., digestive proteases (-Pol)) (ULCER, leg. ther., digestive proteases (Pol)) (PROTEASES, tlierapeutic use, digestive proteases in leg ulcers (Pol)) PIAINbEELD, V.; Fldi~DOVEC., J. Study on the reactions of crystalline trypsin. II. Relation between the activities of heparin and trypsin. p. 975* (Chemicke Listy, Praha. V-31. 50, no. 6, June 1956.) SO: Monthly List of Ea.5t European Acceosion (EEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. HOWOVA, Z. , MNSFALD, V. HI&MVEC, J. Depressing effect of trypoin and of Its inhibitor on experimental infia&- nation in rats. Cask. fYsiol. 7 no.3:268-269 May 58. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha. (TRMIN, off. antiphlogiatic eff. of trypsin & trypoin-antag. (Cz)) (INFUMATION, exper. aame) HIAjOVHC, J.; HOWOVAI, Z.; MANSF310, V. Effect of potato tr7pain inhibitor.II. Lffect on burns and further anti- inflammatory activity. Gesk. fYsiol. 7 n0-5:467-468 sept 58. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha. (TRYPSIM. antagoniatn. potato try-poln irahi~itor, off. on burns & ir-flamm. (Oz)) (BMIS, exper. eff. of potato trypsin inhibitor (Gz)) (ANALGESICS AND AJiTIPIMIM, notato tryTsin inhibitor. eff. on exper. inflamm. & burns (Cz)) HORAKOVA, Z.; HIADOVAG, J.; MANSFELD, V. 3ffect of potato trmoin inhibitor. III. 3ffect on experimental gastric erosion in rats. Conk. fyoiol. 8 no.3:198-199 Apr 59. 1. VyzkumrW uatav pro farTacil a biochemii, Praha. Predneseno na IJI. fy9iolcgickych dnech v Brno dne 15. 1. 1959. (PEPTIC UUM, exper. eff. of trypsin inhibitor isolatad from potatoes (CZ)) (POTAT03S, extracts, trypsin inhibitor, eff. on exper. peptic ulcer (Cz)) (T-.Tf PS Ili, tryDein inhibitor from potatoes, eff. on exper. peptic ulcer (Cz)) KOGI, J.; RYBAK, M.;-MANSFELD, V. Inhibiting action of antilysine fractions on proteases. Coll Cz .Chem 27 no,9:2119-2124 S 16-2. , 1. Institut fur Haematologie und Bluttransfusion, Frag und Forschunginstitut fur Pharmazie wid Biochemie, Prag. K&NISHORINOVO 7,8.$ band. khim. naw,-. cross sections at enneentration points for the component systems with stratifications. Trudy Sib. met. 200-207 15?, (ftse rule and equilibrium) study P-0 four- (xim 11:6) MANS11ERON, D. D. Mansheron, "The Investigation of Mechanisms by the Aethod of Higher Accelerations." p&pW qr*z*nWd at, %be 2nd All-Union QW. on Fundamental Frobl&w In ths Tbeor7 ct Machims and Mrahanism, Mascot, UM, 24-28 Mwah 1W. KASSHILIN, 1,V. Patriotic initiative of N.I.Dabovik's brigade. Ugoll Ukr. no.,,: 20-21 Je 160. 041RA 13:7) 1. Treat -budennovugoll. (Donets Besin-Coal mines and mining-Labor productivity) sov/65-59-4-5/14 AUTHORS: Agafonovj A.V., Basovs A.N., Manakov, N.Kh. and Manshilln, V.V. 14 TITLE: Combined Plant for Fractional Distillation of Petroleum and of Catalytic Cracking Residues on a Microspherical Natural Catalyst (Kombinirovannaya ustanovka pryamoy petegonki nefti i k&taliticheakogo krekinga ostatochnogo syrlya na mikroafericheskom prirodnom katalizatore) PER11DICALt Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1959, Nr 4, pp 25-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Petroleum refineries have to process asphalt-tar substances of petroleum which can be extremely difficult. Processing methods hitherto applied use high temperatures (above 4500C) at high or low pressures. A high yield of tarry residues and poor quality gasoline or distillate fractions and petrols of low quality and also hard residues in the form of petroleum coke are obtained by thermo-cracking. The temperature is an important factor during thermal destructive processes. It has been found that temperatures should be selected to give fractions Card 1/4 with octane numbers exceeding 70 and that the cetane sov/65-59-4-5/14 Combined Plant for Fractional Distillation of Petroleum and of Catalytic Cracking Residues on a Microspherical Natural Catalyst number of the diesel fuel fraction should not exceed 42 to 43. The VNII NP have developed an economical catalytic destructive process for the treatment of residual petroleum crudes which makes it possible to obtain high grade gasoline and diesel fuels in industrial quantities. The process was tested under laboratory, pilot plant and industrial conditions. The VNII NP is, in collaboration with the Giproneftezavod Institut-, at present designing two plants where the simultaneous fractional distillation and catalytic cracking of the petroleum crude can be carried out, one with an annual capacity of 2 million tons and a second of 3 million tons. The lay-out of both factories will be the same as is shown in Fig 1. The asphalt-tar substances will be subjected to the direct action of aluminium silicate catalysts which will be sufficiently active to ensure decomposition of the high molecular petroleum fractions (boiling above 530 to 5500C). The light gas-oil fractions of the petroleum will not be Card 2/4 decomposed and the cetane number of the diesel fuel sov/65-59-4-5/14 Combined Plant for Fractional Distillation of Petroleum and of Catalytic Cracking Residues on a Microspherical Natural Catalyst fraction, obtained during the process, should be 42 to 43 or higher. The newly-formed fraction of the gasoline should have an octane number of 76 to 78 and above. The crude petroleum or fuel oil can be direutly supplied into the reactor. Various further improvementa in the process are described. The percentage composition of the end product obtained on a natural microspherical catalyst in an industrial plant is given, as well as experimental data, obtained by VNII NP du-ing 1958, on fuel oil subjected to catalytic cracking on a pilot plant. The coke deposited on the catalyst can be separated by roasting at a temperature of abouc 600*C; the importance of the catalyst is discussed. By using pneutnatic transport for the catalyst in a highly concentrated current it is possible to decrease the height of the plarnt and. therefore, to lower construction costs. The regeneration of the catalyst is intensified. The considerable enlargement of the desorption zone in the Card 3/4 reactor, and also the creation of a counter-current sov/65-59-4-5/14 Combined Plant for Fractional Distillation of Petroleum and of Catalytic Cracking Residues on a Microspherical Natural Catalyst desorption zone in the regenerator for degasification and activation of the regenerated catalyst, decireases coke-formation and the yield of methane, gives higher grade gasoline and simplifies the further separation of cracking gases. Practically all the heat, generated by burning the coke and other component gases, is utilised. These vapours are used as power and also for desorption or for heating. The plant is also equipped for utilising the effluents. Comparative technical and economical characteristics are listed in a table. The authors also refer to a relevant article by Sherwood which was published in "Petroleum", 1959, Nr 2. There are 2 figures, I table and 1 English reference. Card 4/4 _NkP9HILIN, V.V.; W24NAKOV, N.D.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; VASIMOKO, V.P.; MASLOV, I.IA,; KM-ZEV, V.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: BEELCUSOVA, I.V.; 2F.REZ(YVSKIY, V.D.; BOLISHAKOVA, K.A.; 3~-LIYANOV, A.A.; ZaTROVA, Ye.G.; NEMTS, L.L.; OKINSHMCH, N.A.; RYABOV, V.M.; STEPMNXOI I.A.; STOLYARENKO, Ye.G.; SOLOTSINSKIY, S.Ye.; MMMOV., A.Ye.; CHELOGUZOVA, Ye.F. Engineex~Lng development of a ne-j system of catalytic cracking in a fluidized bed. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.6:41-50 je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vsosoyuzn.-,rj nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (C rac king process) (Fluidization) VISILENKO, V.P.; MANSHILTIN, V.V.; MUM, N.M. Pneumatic-tube transportation by a high concentration flow. KhimJ tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.7:,1-4 J1 162. OMU 15:9) 1. VaesoyumW nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut po pererabatke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Pneumatid-tube transportation) (Cracking process-Equipment and supplies) GREKOVAP A.M.j MA96tv N.Kh.; MANSHILIN V.V. Some hydrodynamic properties of a fluidized bed of powdered catalysts.. Khim.i tekh.tipl.i masel, 8 no.D4-10 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gr-,ov i polucheniyu iskusstvennago zhidkogo topliva. (Fluidization) (Catalysts) MANSHILIN, V.V.; MIkKOV, N.Kh., VASIIZNKO, V.P.; VAYLI , Yu.K. Izngi tudinal -d id of components of the gas phase in a fluidized Ixid of aluminosilicate catalysts. Khim, i takh,, topi. i masel 8 no,700-35n 163. (14IRA 16:7) I* VaesoyuzrV7 nauchno-isaledovateliskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo, topliva. (Aluminosilicates) (Fluidization) GREKOVA, A.M.; NaTM, L.L.; 14~18111LLN, V.V.; MANAKOV, N. n. Using a hydrocyuion as a thi-ilkener for smopens'icani of ver7 low cannentrat'~ons. K-1-im i t&kh. 1 aasel 7 no.10:1,6-.11 01 04 17r) MAUSHILIN, V.V.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; MANAK(YV, N.Kh.; VASILENKO, V.P.; I.Ya.; KNYAZBVl V.S.; STEPANMKO, I.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: VAYL'p Yu.K.; HRETS, L.L.; BELOUSOVA., I.V.; STOLYARENNO, Ye.G.; MMELIYANOV, A.'A.; HYABOV, V.M.; BEMOVSKIY, V.D.; ZEFIROVA, Ye.O.; CHELOGUZOVA, Ye.F.; SOLOTSINSKIY, S.Ye.; BOLISHAKOVA, K.A.; KHRAMOV, A.Te. Catalytic cracking of raw heavy distillates on a microspheric catalyst of Troshkovskiy clay. M12a. i tekh topl i masel. 8 no.3:1-6 Mr 163. ~MIRA i6:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellsk4-y institut po pererabotke neft! i gazov i poluchenlyu iskusetvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Gracking process) (Catalysts) MANISHOV, P.. pensioner Bathe mouthpiece of progressive technical thinking. 14ias.ind.SSSR 30 no.6:54-55 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Meat industry) LY FAMp Z.A.p prof. L 1~ ~, M H ~pyu - ~S- Modified wheelchair. OrtoD.travm.i proter. no.6:61 161. 011W. 14:8) lo Iz Gosudarstve2mogo nauchno-isoledavatellskogo ortopedicheakogo instituta Im. G.I. Turners. (dir. - prof. M.N. Goncharova). (HOICAL IVSTMMTS AND APPARATUS) MANSIKOV, A. --Z. 5636. MANSIKOV, A Z kak predupredit' travmatiam ni sel'skokhozyaj9tvennykh rabotalh* 3~~ i9;4- t1s 21sm (Nurgawkoye obl. upr. kulltury. lektsionnoys Byuro. V pcmish h' lekt ru i besedchiku; vyp. 2). 2.000ekz B. to. Bea t.t. 1. 1 obl. W5732TJ 631.3 658.283+616.ool:63 So Knishnaya, Letopis, Vol 1. 1955 KANSIL! . 0; MIKSU'. Lyadmila'Samanovne; GLYAZER, L.S.. red.; I ... I ==KOV, A*V,, red,izd-ya; GRIGO-CHU, L.A.. takha.rad. [Accuunilation of capital and Impoverishment of the proletariat; lecture on a course of political economy] Hakoplanie kapitela I obnishchanie proletariats; laktaiia po kursu politichookoi ekanomii. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo *Sovetskaia nai*a." 1959. 76 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Economics) MMISIL,IYA Anas TSER, Ye.K.j red.; GOROKHOVtj S.S., tekhn. P- red. (The process of the accumulation of capital; commeW- to the seventh sectiori of the first volume of Karl Marx's "Capital") Protsess nakopleniia kapitala; kommentarii k 7-mu otdelu, per- vogo toma "Kapitala" K.Marksa. l'oskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1961. 85 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Capital) MANSKA, Anna Therapeutic action of Adonis vernalis on circulatory Insufficiency. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no-13:567-570 26 Mar 56. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologii; kier.:prof. dr. Jozef Hano I z III Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych Akademii Nedycznej we Wroclawiu; kier.: prof. dr. Edward Szczeklik. Warszawa, Plac Konstytucji 5 m. 76. (CORGESTIVE HEM FAILURZ, therapy, Adonis cernalis (Pol)) (ADOUrS, vernalis, tbar. of circ. insuff. (Pol)) W v wv 7W JF -- 0 -1: f-f-Y-4 Z N R 0 0 41 41 0 06 J-4 S-C-4 -J i - es A 66 A A,: Kus""V " 'wfk4b*~~ ReaL bU.. IOW" gm fill . but no Lavat mw. The Ocder Ig met la:#Wgw ..HmWhdm wse abun&nt L- Asq. (at h&L Ci f th u coo . a puts o e p 4DO es Jae "VALLURCC4& LIVIR&ILOC CCASUPICATIMa a a- sta." lit, Aswo 1*24so 4xv ar an at A lli-liww.- is'; It .0 It at 0 600166 see 00900 00-00-4:; .0 000 0000*00*000 b ~-Si' soo a +"O'Os' 'g O-Wo 01.410~'O;.* 4k.0 OLO -0 *-* 0-0'.0o -00.0 0, 0.0 0 0 40 0.0 Of 0 G C Q 6 rff 0 CP 0 0 F,7 U094*4*9*40906090 0004 v is' Aa m it aidiskula*441a"m a' OlicktLea isk wise. m"N. rfad, ac4d. sd. U. R. S. S. 10, WIM Winn we" treated with pestakime ar with Penm- &sw &M It^ both chens. atul m9anolePlic Ic'Is.11-ml that they W acquiced the Imowrties of ag~l wine in a (ew days. 1. willaman 0 tt*C A 6 a$ L A s4LTALLtllGK-L LIMAIM C% ASSIVICAMN 9 1 lo4l 1 m NJ A.. 4 v Ow 0 94 0 Colo 0 0 A 1 0 1 a it a 11L, Ed INS IA is 16 1. r. 00 A 0* *0 00 0* 100 0 so 00 00 so ,I oil 211 ku bly Nicem 04344 4. -10 Oxidstilic Manskay'a duld .00 coctia"s in witse. 9L(IJUP); d adl. .00 .16 of Willi fwfmldw~ g600 WAI "y 11 hi-t1of coo 00 go 0 "00 *0 0 !We* I Z) U959 4 S a. L 7ALLUSHICAL LITERATAI CL&SUFOCA 1:146 V66 14 -1 190909 .41 054131 CK G- III AT 10 9 a . ; ; I u a 5 a a 3 a 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I st Am -110- ..................... ........ %w me wilts MCCIL~ 1 -14 -it % 1). 7!- -T~mw . - W. IOW, NOA,39; d. C. A. 34-6NOV.-Aging wUW is tvgs.W as a low Oxjdatk,,~ of mm"Otlimccappmemb Oy tbeb a( the mviously for"N4 Pecull-Ics. Adda. of pnoxicisle cau" , mpid jpewc. 00. rtknto(thequat!tYoftnaaykirAsolwim. Thiswasac. Companied bY a -=U dwmm of a&-.- sad am-I& y& ... FII and - incresm of voktile ackts wd utgc go, ptrd&,,. 00 1 treated Wine StIWL41 I- 1 '40 days was of the vante quail, y a, '.'-v"rAd untcrat"I wine. W. R. lienn oo- *0-9 00"41 F. -- C-z.Ir=7.".'m=-- TALLMICAAL LIT944TUGE CLAIWICATOO Ass.% A a &T Z --04'a *04imv 411411 g- All IvIor, wit Gov oat 0 A 0 2 4 9 6 4 Ir -r ir- 14' o a I I ; *1 ; ; i 0 44 see 4 00-0 0 0:01 *~& 1 010600 0-0 S -C 9 LIL-00 N ad 0 m wmmft ft 00 00 .90 gotil tloo goo Mee goo zoo 'goo Voo goo 000 He 0 0 0 0 Ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 110 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11 a n Ad a A v A 11-C &-1 0 A &--L- v x L-A--mi ft,Qc a JL-L 11--M 1 4 a 1-1.1 Y- A Ill 0.0 1- Callf.1, *a --- ; .0misill, ..D to .1-11 1. a r 00 A 00 e 00 Or as Oxids-ion of catechol by peroxidaw 0 a NI 1nw-Vv;&tuivu. BtAki"imi 5, 4:1'-'-42( : ,. id;l- humvil, file .,%idatiml wIlk-11 elfi,1- 0 in III, .4t1w 4) The m Ow twl, (,at(Owl. vanillill. tannin - 14av, vl 00 00 00 z 0 077;e we to IF 0 *4 4k 0.460000400*4000*00 Its )AV MIOAQ it Ida ififfice it IS- a & A -t t a 4 -A k 4 a t- -t - W W, I. ;f!?09 -00 -00 .00 ..0 0 La~i"no -00 14W -00 hm-, -I Mee A)o --a 00 as* .00 M-Ei -W- oo # go* 00 a '700 00 S a L 0 .11ALLUPriCAL LITINAtOt CLASSOICATIO. It 00 lie 0 S -1 V-11 0 rp K If It It at A re 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 Zee "acee'O 00*6 ease ***Soo* IS 96.4606009*6990699600 M litj S < P"~ f,4. S - byv) - J! Enzymic formation of vanillin, heliotropin, and aubepin. S. MANSKAJA and H. Emelianova (Biochimia, 1942, 7, iog-116).- several phenolic substances with an unsaturated side-chain, such as isoeugenol, isosafrole, and anethole, are oxidised by per -4 dase#H 0 and yield aromatic aldehydes. It is assumed that vanillin is fo=d in cognac from eugenol, or coni:eryl alcohol by enzyme action. J. N. A. (hocrionswe the vishbotor Senced of kq*.Ugbi--) U. MAKS"TA and G. I. POPOV (Iluill. Acad. Sri. US.S.R..-R'r. 8W., 1941, No. 4, 10-02; Plant FAv,e,btvg Atft.. 190, 16, X%.-W'Iwn the nini. of "nary kok-mChis plAnis intricaw in -iie. the content of rubber does not inirteate but Up behind I con%,que"lly, the 111AIII hirvier cannot place unfewivetl ItivI in the ~1'4 of 4, a guide in his clot-ire. A im-w type of plant hA% l"n discoveted, howc%vr, in the root of " hich 2dilit i.inAl vauvLar bundles occur, each surrounded with harn ivssets. Tue roots arg not Only farm Will the normal, but contain wre latex. The origin of the additional vessels is disctcosed. They am r%lwcitllv numerous near the crown of the foot, and accio inloc connected, therefore. with the k-Af Anti %lent by%icin of the plant. The cluracief de,%cril~l wa% found it, be franiunissible Ilifftigh %two-cialve geurcitiom, both vevetativelv arvej by 'Ced. LMIMIJ 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 # 0 0 JL as -~(Ssfl 00 CfiaWW ctitapasitum of the 1~pln in IlLffefent plant Croups. S. M. %lan,k;t" (Vernad-ky lal.wuNry 4 h l P G i ~ C 4 .-, "w etn ca f . , -rc -. i. V'R.S.S. 54 ,44r, 0(101111)(iij Fretwh). A, talive. 4 alor, til-w'. nd 4 ' .4virwAUM aa-ww (lit. J14.-Jk- F&CUS $"Valor (1). 1 Ilmosum %111111), And Cyllataters frdrills (IV) wcrr alvalvird 0-7 Cirighton. C.0jim. dud IfflAtcrt it' ~ I by lite turthod-4 of so go 35. 1107-Y The MAUIV fell WA, 11?g itl fvrTY --1- g0 z vallillift was 1111%cm III I And 11, Ifitc- .- jw-of %,I lit, and a rield i4 4.8`~ *am obtalued froln IV, by 114C of 'Mli- roe J; dati,n) wilb Rik. slit I idwil Ittir. The rrsulto C."Ififul Mild extend the work of flibbert tl al. and suiggent the utilizi. limi of lhr.-c moh,-I, f-w the examn. nf lbohn in fiWl, Carl S Giflwff Le 0 so a 10 *0 zoo is* ''as "*a too t LlttllAlk~ht LtASSIFtCAJW~ i s too n0vt- S al No r 14 I 4. .I 1~~ v w I, if" ilt-It"If NO $tu it 1. It r, 00 a 1 14 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 a 0 0 0 i 4 40 g 00000 age 0 6 a 0 ease 0 9~ 0 go 0 e 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 004 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 %1 KUSK&YA, S. M. ~~ --:1-4~a Yermentative oxidation processes and their significa-ace in wine teabnology [in Hassian with Inglish summary]. no.1:9- 21 147. (KEHA 7:10) 1. Institut biokhimii imeni A.K.Bakha. (Wine and wine making--Analysis) (Oxidation) MANSKAVA. S.M. Biochemistry of cognac aging (in Rassiaa with Inglish summary] no.1:22-31 147. (KERA 7:10) 1. Institut biokhimli imeni A.N.Bakha. (Brandy) M"SK)-YA, S. 14. "Lignin formation ih plants.0 (p. 203) b.V 9- M. Hanaskaya, SO: Advances in Modern Biology (Uspekhi Sovremennoi 3iologii) Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 1947 MANSKAYA, SIX. Manskaya, S.M. "Conditions of development of lignin in plants In eMosium: Issledovanlya v oblasti teellrilocy I yeye sputnikov, Moecow-Leningrad. 1948. p. 158-71 - Bibliog: P. 170-71 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnallrqkh Statey, No. 1, 1949 fee 0 0 0 q 0 O-W-G-w 6 ip * 6 1 N 11 Q 13 14 IS ft It 16 W I M It a it m able IOU Oft4141 014&46 0 of 4 00 00 0 Jr J, o* 400 of t to I v o I v ho Olkocill"s -k* offortfillill -Oft r Partcipittion of Ori&ACS in lignin (Ormation. S. Nfamicayu. DaUndy Ika4 Nuum S..V,S,R. 62 'MrIl ij I)CrtlXJ414V mitill (MOlyphent'l-axl"i.m. ill the 1wirrutnid.if h%vr iif comifit% it w.t% ifiamit th3t Ifir va 111,61 fis,tir mill vVIIIII'me of Ow 114-W alsillt'd 1.41r, to rml th.11 "ill mid WiltstAttvr% 1wirmidai. tr- thol in t-tmtmi 4 I~itti.fllv ImAvim-riml c%m4mv) A,- sudderivs. pri-vimOv the th, $1w '-dvirel. 1-.0 1, high ."d 0- ,%t.1 ,, .."Imtv 0, m .. ............ .th, G M K 34# Ilill ANDiv. : ! zoo go ::9 Art A 4 9 N 4 ON 9 1 111 0 a a 4 3 4 It IS it It 0 , 40- : : o :: 0 1 0. Oil Ots 1*1 .0 a a 6 a 1 40 0: so so 00A 00 oo C so .3 sit x 1 A_ .r ..0 '1. r~4 T.: - s. P61 Aay Lrn* d various plant Vrcup: -00 ' ,"r Lit.! -',I. IMS). Ilimim. of Virioui, ;A.slit li'mo., by 111,01 -00 06 oI fuluillexie"t 111j"O'KVI)y and nuerwhein. Ills r- VVAW that tiSAITS Showing C112MCIC636C lWUiUCSCTnCtii and poll. ch"n. tests contain vanillin or its closely related 00 Substances. Plants free Of fignin do not give phtwogtu- citiol test anti give a weak v, flow luminescence. Plants -00 with a pronounced stage of wo,-I formation give a pos. 109 phloroglucitiol test anti a gliten-blue to deep-blue flulwvs- crucv. The mate" o( the "mifers icontg. vandluil '00 lutllluc~~.s swulc%hat difTcrClitly front that 01 plaillsetilolit. =0 syroiginc. Fittus jetratitz: weak lumin~vntv (yellow- t-JO. SpAmenit- itp. twight y0lo. mitt %T-u hutu-- "0 t,~twe lit c0l wall-. ljoetes ethenotpo,a. weak phloroithi COO cut.1 test, weiik yvllaw lumitim-ttim; LycopWim"t hit pos. Ithlotoglucinol ttst. bright-blac luminewicizirc, &mv lelum ane'llf: similar; Atiophila austrahs- sinitUr. zoo grtivin-blue; Gingko bd,,to mitt Encephalartus olitimart'la,: - ll l b1 k E d d i 30 Si l" ar, ue-gretcin; ij e r.j frag sim lar, color it, p d--p blue, #ives pos. Nicuble Wit; Araucaria cidurtilis 4:00 similar, bluish-green to linty; Calluna vidgurij: similar, bliji'll. cixliferin gives a milky-blue luminescence; 600 Valifflin a brichl green-blile. clivill. analysis for Ill.. so* -"lllin fa ... ily talk. I'llSO" th"o SAISOO. confirtnel the rrillioll of lulnjl;t~riirr to 01,11 m too Wag I L A KTALLMWAL 401441 ILASWICATOG* atom 40.6m. "4111W. ------_'___" --- _ -_ Slow I S41](3110 410 C." 04C 111till ON C.V Ot y T-V-r -a #0 A. % a Md a a 0 1 if a 0 dB a 6 V Is Is . as It IS ~; " " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 40 MISKAYAP -S~- If- "Enzymatic Oxidation of Phenol Compounds." Thesis for degree of Dr. DicloElcal ~ci. Sub 25 Nav 49, Inst of Biochemistry imeni A. N. P-akh, Acad Sci USSR ~umriary 82, 18 Dec 52 Dissertations Presented For L;epreas in science and i~rlgineerinK in Moscow in 1949. From VechemykYa Moskya. Jan-Dec 1949