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MAMV, Te. "Conclusions from an Inventory of Trees in the Region of the Sliven Forest Reservation." p. 1613, Softya, Vol. 10, no. 4, Apr. 1954. SO. Last Zuropean Acceesions List, Vol. 3, No. 'I, September 1954, Lib. of Congress MAN.- V, F. On some new trends in the cons,ruction of arricultural machinery, 1'. 5. (Mashinizirano Zemedelie, Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1957, Bulgaria) SO- Monthly List of East European Accessions (SEAL) LC, Vol. 6v no. 6, 1957, June. Uncl@ XAN'oi,- 'I-ntern,itiinal APr'r,u',t,;_-a' Ex.-:-'Iit-- n,-; @evfe-, ` -he ' @ 11 - .1 1 - - - @re:@n 11 1 1 ,- -15 (Kcioper.-tivno Zeux.,delie, !Jo. b, J,me 11@51@,3, 'iil, 150@-z" I' :@'onthly inc'ex o2 East European Accessi, n (_HlAil) L(,, Vol . ', Ac. 11, Nov. 195P MANOV, Emil A method of combined uninterrupted and manual sugar beet thinning. Selskostop nauka 2 no.5/6:525-533 163. RAN011, Krul Increasing the See A' ng tj Xne g---a3.9 3eC: 41 -,y mechanlral meRns. @P19k-';3top nali@-i 2 nr.7 : %,3- r - I t,3. Bop" SOV, ^2 @ -, V @ I @J: - 1 @jn C', "'., 5- , -,- @:. - . n- I - -,r,- -,- - k@ - .-"- -@- @@ -- ke- 1-1 .-ol-a@y EMN -- - - , - -- 1-1- 1 It@bm@-ttei J-ira 3, : -4,i- MANOV, V. F. (Aspirant) "An Inveetigation of the SbALving of Gears With Internal Gearings." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Automotive Mechanics Inst, 11 Doe 54. (VM, 2 Dec -54) ,9urTey Of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: SUM No. 556, 24 Jun 55 IVANOVY A A.; OB0DOVSJKlY, B.A.; SMIRNOV, G.M.; BOCHAROV, V.A.; KOS'I'IUCHEINKO, MEDY'ISKIY, A.F.; MISHCHEMKO, V.P.; N. r.; LYIJBQV, V.A.; M@NUV,@ I FJRSAI I.G. Investigating 35(@- and 490-'on ut-lded steel-pouri.V ladles. Izv.vys.uche,.zav.; chern. met. 8 no.4:220-223 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Zhdanovskiy mptallurgic-heskiv institut. SMjRvcJV' knnd.tekhn.nnuk; IVANOV, A.A.,; 1,10C 11, V - i Inzh.; MISHCHIMKO, V.-,,., i_nzh.; KO.'37TICHRIKC, N.T., im,'ri., FURSAI, I.G., i-nzh. Measuri@q Px-tornsl surfqcp tpmpF-rgtur-s of q Jprg@cqpr,2J.'*.y conv@rt'-,r and convertpr lndlp. Stall 25 no.5:4)6 W 16-5. I -A lq.(@ MAROV, Vanil The high pressureo qauka i tekh. mladezh 14 no.12t25-27 162. VORONTSOV - V-AL'YAMI NOV,; 14ANOVit, G.A. -.1. -j " Visible condensations of variable stars of the 141ra Ceti t7pe. Astron.tair. no.139:5-6 Je t53. LR-A 7: 1 ) @Stars, Varij,0a) Subject USSR/Astronomy AID - P-58 Card 1/1 Authors Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, B. A. and Manova, G. A. Title Chart of Galactic Depths Periodical Astron. zhur., V. XXXI, 1, 27-30, Ja - F 1954 Abstract The chart shows the visible and sgatial distribution of known super-giants in zone 1 8 from the galactic equator. Star symbols correspond to distances. The chart is divided in six sections of 600 of galactic longiuudes each. The article is based on catalogs and the works of A. Wallenquist, Morgan, R. Trumpler, K. A. BarkhLtova and others. The bibliography gives 15 references (2 Russian). Institution : State Astron. Inst. Im. P. K. Shternberg Submitted : June 6, 1953 MANUA, G.A. !-iv New variable SFZ 1167 Cassicpeiae. Jl 154. Astron.tEl-. no.151:26-28 (K,;?A 8:)) (Stars, Variable) MANOVA, G.A. Some now clusters in the Galaxy. A-stron.tair. no-153:9-10 0 154. (Stars-Clusters) (MIRA 8:5) VORONTSOV-VELITAMIflOV. B.A.; DOKUCHAYNVA, O.D.; YBMIVI. Yu.I.: KOZARENKO, B.I.; KARIMOVA, D.K.; KOSTTAKOVA, Ye.B.; WZINSKIY, A.M.; M,MVA, G.A.; TSITSIN. F.A.; SHAROV, A.S. Observations of Arend-Roland's comet (1956 h). Aatron.tair. no.180:2-4 Wy '57. (14M 13.4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheekly institut im. P.K.Shernberga, MO 9 k-va. (Comets--1956) KANOVA, G.A. Now emisslon stars In the constellation of Orion. Astron. tair. no.191:1?-13 My 158. (MIRA lls9) 1. GosudarstveLaWy notronomichoskiy Institut im. P.K. Shternberga. Moskva. (Stars--Observations) 30) AUTHOR: Manova,G.A. SOV/33-36-1-26/31 TITLE: Newly Detected Emission Stars in Orion PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1959,vol 36,Ur 1,pp 187-190 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives a table of 32 stars with a bright HOLline in their spectra (table 1) which were observed in photographs taken with an objective prism attached to the 70 cm meniscus telescope of the AbastumarALObservatory Together with the stars detected previousl b A H Joy L-Ref ;2 and G.Haro, B.Iriartey, and E.Chaviray`ZyRef'@@ these stars discovered in the region HII near A Ori form an extended system with two condenaations in the region of CO Ori and in the region of the emission nebula S 280 near FU Ori discovered by V.F.Gaze and G.A.Shayn. There are 3 tables, 3 figures, and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet, and 2 American. ASZOCIATION:Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut imeni P.K.Shternberga (state Astronomical Institute imeni P.K.Shternberg) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1956 Card 1/1 23701 3j k'A-' I/A 10 1 AUTFOR: Manova:, G.A. TIMLE: Luminosity function of ten galictic clusters PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal. Astronomlya i Geodeziya, no. 4, l'-y" 4; -4-), ab- sT,ract 4A-595 ("Soovshch. Gos. astron. in-ta P.K. Shternberga" 191-,9, no, 106, 10 - 22) TEX-41 The author presents the rf ;ullts ( f processing the negatives of galac- tic clusters NGC 2251j 2301, 2323, 23@5, 2353, 2447, 6011, 6645, 6694, 682-5. The negatives were taken with th-, 50-cm Maksutov telescope of the Astrophysical Insti- t,Ae, AS -KazSSR. The extreme magnitudes were 16@0 and 16T8. "hotometr.0 -2valua- tion was carried out by means of Kapteyn areas. Numbere of stars were calculated within the range (ai, m-K).5) in squares embracing clusters and their vIcinities. The results are tabulated. To investigate the variation of stellar density, Eitars were also 3alculated ir. annular zones with the center in the densest section of the cluster. Trhe curves of visible stellar density reveal, in the author's oplini- on, as if the cluster is divided into 2 parts: nucleus a-nd peripher1c region with a smooth fall off of stellar density. Graphs of luminosity func'@ion are pr@sented Card 1/2 23701 'L_T.!.nes1t,y funrtlon of ten gaiaptic r-lusters AO G l./A 10 for all 1G o-Dusters. To (draw Curther "onclusions, the aut:.r- i.s@ a!Fo -)i' luminosity functions for Pleiades, Hyades, roma Bererlil, Pi,aesE-pe, r P-r, Ng,@ 7510 and ic 4665, obtained by other aut`@ors. '11wo groups of clus,,,i:s a-@ .-or.sj4=-_ clusters _;o-,itaining s'ars n BO-P-A, ;ivd clusters w1lose earli-t stari are B8, Bq, or A. It turne(, out lumino%lty funct-lor, -,)" @tars of t-,"_ f'I _- s t21uster group has a suffle-Inetly extended 1-nitial SeCLIOT. , slow I:-- cre@tse of number of stars with increase of their magritnde. In sta.-; )f cluste- group tt-.e luminosity function rises vapldly from t.,@& very Another peculiarity of stars of the 2nd cluster group -'s ti@e e-xistenoe In ti,e as- cending section of the luminosity curve of the primary maximum. By m@ans )t' Diml_ nositv functions found, the author determined integrated magnitudes of Tt-.e Ther. are 14 references. B. Fesenko [Abstracter's note Complete translationi Card @1_2 !vc. or, r.,- m ton t c e C; ee rm F.P method. Prac. :e-. ustav ur. ler:arj'Lvi Kar@@w: -."i v :,raze reanca-.a F a c il GEM, P.Ya.. prof..doktor. KAITOVA. 14-1. Age chnrRCteriatic of cervical epitbellum. Topr.klin.lech.zlok. novoobras., Riga 1:74-96 1953 (C]MVIX, UrERINE. anat. 6 histol. at ag of 2 to 72 PEIVTSOVJI G.A., MANOVA, T.G. Spectrochemical method for the deteimination of microimpurities in sodium and potassium chloride and in tartaric acid. Zhur. anal.khim. 16 no.6.*720-723 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khiTnicheskikh reaktivovP Moskva. (Alkali metal chlorides) (Tartaric acid) (Spectro--hemistry) PEVTSOV, G.A.; MANOVA, T.G.; ZELOVA, V.S.; SUYATKOVSKAYA, R.G. Chemical-spectral deter-miration of the traces of metals in chemical reagents. Trudy IREA no.25.303-310 163. 041RA 18:6) 14ANOVA-TOMOVA, V. Significance of rhythmic stimulun on the development of wovo-ments in infant; proltminar7 communication. Suvrmm.mad, Sofia @ no.11: 87-94 1954. 1. Iz Nauchno-izoledovatelskila institut po pediatrila - Sofiia (dircktor: dots. As. Fikov) (MOVEMOT, off. of rhythmic Btimuli on davmlop. of movwnentb in inf.) (INFANT, physiolog-, off. of rl%ythmic stimuli on develop. of movemomts) BELOGORSKALA.g N.I.; BLUDOV, 14.1.; BROMAN, E.M.; BULATOV, N.P.; GALANIN, D.D.; GOLIDFARB, N.I@; YLTROFIN, G.F.; YBGOROV, A.L. YENOKHOVICHY A.S. - ZVORYKIN, B.S.; IVAJIGV, S.I.; KAWETISKlY, 6.Ye.; I KRAUKLL) V.11.- LiSBI&Lity G.R.; IMALOVP 11.11. MANNETOVA, G.P.; 1,EIBRUTIN N.F.; PERYSHUfT-,x.-V rufwu ITINCHENKOV Ye.Ya. VsKly A.A.; POPOV) P.I.; RAYEVA, A.F.; REZNIKOV, L.I.; SOKOLGV, I.I.; YUSKGVICH, V.F.; ZVENCHIK, Z.'e. Dmitrii Ivanevich akharov; obituary. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.1.109- 110 ja-F 162. (14IRA 15:3) (Sakharov, Dmitrii Ivanovich, 1889-1961) ;1301 S/058/62/boo/ol2/037/048 A0621AI01 AUTHORS: Radautsan, S. I., Manovets, L. M. TITLE: Electrical conductivity and thermo-electromotive force of certain alloys of indium arsenotellurides PERIODICAL: Referativnyj zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 45-46, abstract 12E339 ('Izv. AN Mold. SSR", ig6i, no. io (88), 71-75, summary in Moldavian) TEXT: Alloys of the oomposition (In As) 3x (In2 Te3),-X Were prepared by ampoule synthesis from components 90,999% pure and were subjected to a homo- genizing annealing for 400 - 460 hours at 450 - 6000 C. The alloys have a Zn S type structure: p X decreases the lattice period increases from 6 -06 at x--0.75 to (.110 A at x--0.25. Alloys with X=0.57 and 0.50 show an app4ciabie in- ternal mici 'oliquation. The microhardness of the alloys passes through a low max- imum (450 Ig/mm2) at x--0.50. The temperature.dependence of the electrical con- ductivity ((r) of the alloy with x=0.75 is dharacteristic for the Impurity semi- conductors; the width of the forbidden zone isA E=0.35 eV. At X-0.57 and 0.50, Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/012/037/048 Electrical conductivity and thermo-electromotive... A062/A101 is by three orders higher than at x--0.75 and changes very insignificantly with temperature, The thermo-electromotive force (o(-) of the alloys at room tempera- ture is equal (in LL Vdegree) to 60 at x--O. 75; 25 at X--O. 57 and 40 at x-O .50 and increases linearly with temperature. The alloys examined are degenerate ma- Iv terials. V. Neshpor [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2,12 tur-Al Kishifteiv C a 0@, rty L 1301.5-- E7WT(l)/BDS/EEC(b)-2 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3 - TP(C) ACCESSION hR: AP3001335 VOOV/63/033/00@;O735/07,3E AL.J"OR: Ostrovskly, Ye. K.;.Zy*kov, A. I.; Kononenko, S. G.; Makhenko, L. A.; Demlyanenko, G. K ; Manovets, Yu. A.; Rubtgov, K. S. TITLE- Investigation of a shaping section with constant phase velocity for wave propagation SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 6, 1963, 735-738 TOPIC TAGS: electronics, linear accelerators ABSTRACT: The axial motion of electrons in a loaded waveguide in which the phase velocity for wave propagation is constant along its length was calculated by the method of J. Swiharta and E. Akeley (J. Appl. Phys., 24, 5, 1953). '."he wave- guide is intended to be the initial section of an electron linear acceleratcr. The calculations were performed for a section 83 cm long excited to an electric field strength of 67,5 kV/cm and with the electrons injected at an enercy of 80 keV. The resul'4s are displayed as a family of curves giving the exit elec- tron energy as a fmiction of the entrance phase for different values of the phase velocity from 0.91c to 0.99a. From these results.. and taking into acco-zit the resolving power of a specific magnetic analyzer, the average energy of thn electrons'at maximum current in the bunch and the current at maximum density Card 1/2 L 130)15-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3001335 were calculated as functions of the phase velocity. These calculated results do not agree with the experimental data. The experimental data indicate that capture and acceleration occur in a much narrower range of phase volocities. The divergence between experiment and the calculations is ascribed to end 01 fects in the input junction, is an H sub 10 to E sub 01 transforuner similar to the Stanford variant. The effect of putting inserts in the ."Lnal waveguide cavity at the junction wall was investigated, and an insert that greatly improves the operation was found. The authors do not consider such inserts to be a satisfactory solution, however, owing to their deleterious effect on the electric strength and because of the analytical complications they involve. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR, Khar1kov (Physical-Te2hnical Institute, AN USSR) SUBMITTED: 21May62 DATE ACQ: O1Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:- 00 NO REF S:7: 001 OTIMP: 005 Card /2 OSTROVSKIY Ye.K.; MOV A.I.; KONONFIIKO,, S.G.; MAKRnNKO, L.A.; DENSYAN&MO, G.K.'; MANOVETSP Yu.N.; RUBTSOV, K,S, Study of a forming sectian vith a vave of constant phase "locity. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 nc.6s735-738 Je @63- (MM 16i6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy, institut AN UkrSSR, Khar'kOv. (Wave guides) V LANVICI hl4hed Sci -- (diss) "Dynamics of the Functional 1, Z. Condition of the muscular and Vascular Systems in@Lumbar4mmp Fiadiculitis and Its Importance in the Clinic @Lrd Therapy". 'Los, 1957. 15 pp (Kin of a* Heal th@- Central Inst for "v of Thysicians). 200 copies. (n, 1C-58, 121). If EO it ere n lum I ;-,iE -a Is air@nes jz kliaiki aervnyich nolezaijy @7b -:o re. -),-.f-'e c tvitellzryy chlen AMN @'-z)SR pn,j t. J. @:en'c(.-. ) '@,entri LLtUta usovershenstvoveniya -vnj@-rey t --. --ozhLoy :;--ti.7 IMP .,-nashko 14osk-ovslco-Eurrico-lionbaciL~,c~.-, zt-.:.ezroy ciorLIgI WWWACRAL REGION, -aiE. radicular syndn-me. rtjuslw@ spasms) kIIASCULAR DIbSASk;S, Dattio-le:i radicular eyad., ill IUMII(@63--'.2. cn-o spasms) @LZ&Rnti, 6PINAL, 1'.Fea-leC, radIculitis. lumoosacra., dic. (RUE)) (Oj@RDDUVASCULAR neurovase. ais. caueet. y KANOVICH. -.Kh. GliriL'cal significance of ttie @@tudy of p.Vsiological lability of r thp. tieuro-muscular aoL)aratus in lumbosacral radiculitiB Lwith summary in Frenchi. z hur.nevr. I Psikh. 57 no.10:1253-1257 157. (MMA 10:12) 1. Klinik-a nervaykh bolezney (zav. - erlen-ko-respondent AN SSSR, doyi3tviti.-IInyy chlen AMN S@SR pr.,f. II.I.Grasnelienkov) TSentrallno- co Instituta usoverslienstvavaiiip, I Dorovinoy I-ollnitsy imeni om-ishko Moskov~-ko-Kursko-I)ori'~)asii~.(~y zhtilezrioy dorogl. (UERVES, SPIUL, diseaspg, lumbosacral J@j@@ )411ty test (Rus)) MANOITH @7 letter to the editor. Zhur. nevr. i paikh 58 no.12:1524-1525 f58- (N3RM , SPINAL-DISEASSES) (KIRA IL2: 1) MANQVjGR@_Z,Q.v kand.mud.navI Diagnostic significance of an investigation of the Misetlar biopotentials appearing following irritation of the nerves in poliomyelitis patients. Vrach. delo no. 3:90-93 Mr 61. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Klinicheskiy otdol (zav. - prof. Ye.N. Bartoshevich) Inst,'tuta po imicheniyu poliomiyelita. AMN SSSR. (ELECTROMYOGRAPHY) (POLIOMLITIS) I- KANOVICH, Z.Kh. Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of stimulators and mediators in the restorative period of poliomyelitis. Pedia- triia no.10,.60-64 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Iz klinicheskogo, otdeleniya (zav. - prof. Ye.N. Bargashrvich) Instituta po izucheniyu poliomiyelita (dir. - prof. M.P. Mmmakov) AMN SSSR. (FMIMMITIS) (AUTONCKIC DRUGS) MANOVICH., Z. Kh. Characteristics of a disorder in the conductivity of nervous -',M- pulses in the nerve-sy-napse-muscle system in poliomyelitis. Zhur. nevr.i psikh. 62 no.7:988-992 162. (KIRA 15:9) 1. Klinicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - prof. Ye.N.Bartoshevich) Instituta po izucheniyu poliomiyelita (dir. - prof. M.P.Chumakov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. (POLIOMYELITIS) (ELECTROMYOGRAPHY) DOROSHCHUK, Vladimir Pavlovich; MANOVICH. Z.Kh., red.; BELICHIKOVA, YU.S.9 tekhn. red. [Disorders of respiration in acute poliomyelitis and other diseases; pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical aspeks, and treatment] Narusheniia dykhanila pri ostrom poliomielite i drugikh zabolevanilakh; patogenez, diagnostika, klinika i le- chenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 235 P. (MIRA 16:7) (POLIOMYELITIS) (ESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) MABOVICH, Z.Kh. Studies on the rate o@f spreading of neural excitation in some dis- eases of the nervous system. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. vol. 64 no.5:719- 722 164. (@U-RA 17:7) 1. Institut 110myelita i virusnykh entsefalitov (direktor - prof. M.P.Ghumakov AMN SSSR, Moskva. L._M51-66 ACC. SOURCE,: C069: 1000190/66/008/003/0444/0449 dichloride with glycols 8, no. 3, 1966, 444-449 TOPIC TAM glycol, phosphorus chloride, diethylene glycol, hydzo- quinonej resorcinol, hydrogen chloride, propane, phenol, polycondensat AB.STRACT:, Self-extinguishing phosphorus containing polyesters have beit prepared by.pol.ydondensation of allyphosphinic acid dichlorides with diethylane 'klycblij. triethylene glycol, hydroquinone, resorainol, and '-2@2_di-..(4__hydroxyphenyl) propane. It was established that oligomers are formeA_during the Interaction of acid dichlorides of allylphos- phinic acidis' with the dihydroxy compounds. Parallel to the formation of polyesters from. gl y@cols, the polymer decomposition caused by the hydrogen chloride:liberated during the reaction, occurs; there is no -decomoo.sition with the use of diatomic phenols. It was found that Ijestars are not easily inflammable and phosphokus-co-nialaing p2 card 1 2 .:UDCt 541.64+678.86 n L 22751-66 P6010108 _5 : 1:.. ACC NRI A . . 0 Diptri 4E3d@jUat if,heiQ ) Pregaration of th resins, soluble in oil, from 41WOW014101 1. Natitt itud 1. Nlautivicitt. Acad. r" opt are owthr, Baw rereedri 11mij. Thmparu Smlri@' V, , a re 7 p cercridri lifful. 5, 145-OLX1958).-The alkylatioil of phem,,, for the prepa. of the synthetic rcsiwi is tvitially .I)- tabled with secondary or tcrtiary alillhatic aics. The exptl. work showed th'at BuOll can be itsed f.)r the --rep, of butylphenol which was used to prt!p.tre file ,,if. symimic resin. After investigating w-werid kii-,wn methods if alkytation, it was found that tliv use if Zt,C;: i, m(ire ccc- nomical in a method which call anaintain it vi-ry dF y mully.91. In this ease a large anit. of c-atalyst c;m I, ow I (n-l" file be inning and It can be reuml. 'rite -f alkylation = p!am In a short tinte attif with g-jod yield. The Imalonal distn. of the ullreacted alkylate givv!i a large _.f monb y1phe, Wmw,, whid, ai-v in he @ - -14t: . . iptheds of oil-soluble re-shis, altex evapit. of a small anit of ether. po" P., @Crohprlv-- NANU, I., prof., conf.; MANCItjCIU.,&-.I. On some phenolic resins soluble tn vegetable oils. II. The izoar-71- phenol-fomaldehydic resins. Studii mat Timisoara 7 no.1/2:169-1?7 Ja-Je 160. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Coaitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari, Stiinte chimice, Baza de cercetari stiintifice Timisoara (for Hanu). (Gums and resins, Synthetic) (Phenols) (Vegetable oils) (Isopentyl alcohol) (Formaldehyde) NANUP I., prof.; MANOVICIU, I. The alkyl phenols for the synthetic resins soluble in oil. III. Alkylation of phenol vith technical cyclohexylic P.Luunol. Studii chim, Timisoara 8 no.1/2:109-112 Ta-Je 161. 1. Institutul Politehnic Timisoara, Laboratorul de produsi macromo- laculari. 2.Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari, stiinte chimice [Academia Republicii Populare Romine, Baza, de Cercetari Stiintifice Timisoaral (for Nanu). (Phenols) (Hexyl group) (Alkylation) NW,- I., prof.; MAVOVIGIU, 1. - Some phenolic-roolea soluble in vegetable oils. M. Cyclohexyl- phenol-formaldshydic resirs. Studli chim Timisoara 8 no.3/4:775- Z79 JI-D 161. 1. Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Studii si, cercetari, Stlinte chimice" (Timisoara) (for Manu)- H&NOVIMIT. T. On virgin lands. Prof.-tekh.obr. 11 no.8:8 N 154. (KLRA 8:1) (Farm mechanization) k) USSR/Hydromechanics. Viscous fluLds, "oundary la-liers and heat tr,,nsfer. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Me khan ika, ';o 1, lj_E't, i@_'C Author M. I. Manovozov Inst Title Application of a 3ystem of Heat- and kass-Excil-lan,-a feiential Equations to the Process of Contact DryL,-q, Orig Pub: Zh. Tekhn. Fiziki, 1D5-5, 2"), No 1-4, pp 2@'11-2_:15 Abstract: Using the operational method of Laplace, t1ae author Eivas a solution to tine system of differential equa- tions proposed by Lykov (A. V. Lykov, "Tile fheory of Heat Conductivity", M., -ostekhizdat, 1052; "','hermal Power EnCineerinE", DA, No 6) to describe tira trans- fer of heat and matter. These solutions make it poss- ible to compute the expenditure of heat, the speed of drying of fine materials on the heatini- surface, and also to determine the temperature and moisture content In terms of the thic'Icness of the mate'rial at any ;--I*ven moment. M. S. Smirnov Card 1/1 ------ Z.Mcr =-rTO.L., NO @1, 1@5t@, No 51@1 ,@T@ , .., : -:: - - r.,@', PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3761 Manovtsex---knatoliy Pet rovich, and Gertsel'Iosifovich Ravvin Osnovy teleupravleniya I telekontrolya; metody peredachi soobshchenly, Shifratory I deshifratory priznakov posylok (Principles of Re- mote Control; Methods of Message Transmission. Encoders and De- coders of Message Characteristiop) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 751 P. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: V.A. Dubov, Deceased; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin. PURPOSE: This textbook Is Intended for students of remote control at schools of higher technical education and academies, and may also be used by engineers and technicians working in this field. COVERAGE: The book contains information on component units of re- mote control systems and general ideas on methods of communi- cation transmission in these systems. The book discusses methods of selection and d 4scrimination of signals and methods of division of communication channels, as well as the principles and theory of such basle elements of encoding and decoding W stems as pulse GaZL.3,/4 Principles of Remote (Cont.) SOV/3761 gen-rators, pulse shaping components, encoders and decoders of message characteristics. A.P. Monovtsev wrote sections 2-2, 2-4, and 2-5 of Chapter II, Chapter XII, and the appendixes. The rest of the book was written jointly by the authors and edited by A.P. Manovtsev, Thle authors thank Professor N.A. Livshits, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and V.A. Dabov (deceased). Tiiere are 176 references: 148 Soviet, 19 English, 4 French, 3 German, and 2 Italian. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART I. GENKIAL INFORMATION AND METHODS OF MESSAGE TRANSMISSION Introduction 9 Ch. I. General Information on Telemechanics Systems 18 1. Basic concepts 18 2. Component units of remote control systems 26 3. Types of remote control 35 Card 2/9 v AN%l V; A ;'.-Igor'; Y@@kc)v' kand. tekKr,. wiuk, lo b. , rea 3 L .,adjoe I ec rprnen- .i :-@i t n)nnye I zmeren I ii. IV,) s k va s n e r %7,-- 1 z k! T:iA 16 i 1c)) (Ei-3-tr- -ie,isuremenTsl meiisu-emcnts ACC NR: AT6022302 S61jid 60DE-: U-R- 00-00 6-6/000/000/0014/0018 AUTHOR: Manovtsev, A. P. ORG: none 71-ILE: Optimum discrete representation of random processes in information systems SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sek-csiya telemekhaniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 14-18 7OPIC 'LACS: signal analysis, data sam I ing, signAl processing tUSTIRACT: T"he prol'blem of optimum representation of a randomly variable function of time by a minimum number of namples from which the original function may be rpcon- structed with a preset degree of accuracy is analyzed. The criterion of optimality .s the mean square error of the function reconstructed from samples which undergo deterioration because of initial quantization with its associated errors and trans- mission impairments. The set of optimum samples is represented by functional re- lationships involving Euclidean vectors. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar66/ ORIG REF: 004 Card 1/1 (f A .@ 6 .,MataMmAme and w4tw cooltAg of rVAry Was. T. 0. kqevymn. rjew*W 17, No. 6. 7-9 ISILAbbflan and & M; .- a the Aiii-miilmit &imiut works the outside shell I(IOW). , IS asud-bl"ted, then tPutter-coated with Al. and after. wVda, coding troughs were Installed for coding the thell. 161. It @ t -Abefriots . v3w. 4 Coly QE amw WAJZ JULM. Iram"t ( MMC MMOWI o V01 V 16 7 Industrial 1 F # P. .-# 4 l 9 , . t Furnacear, Nius, , IIs Etc. s'. Combustion q T!,'fICI:.'@ 3, J','. @1. ; j@'ngS. MANOVYAN, A. K.-; K--'tL@ -ILK Cemen' ".i-';n3 Proce.@s of erea5e form,-*.ior; ir !:'j. I, '111i-@. 9- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -- I. @In C, 1953, Unclassified. SHLKBB"YAN, T@O-. inzhener; UNOVYAN. A.. iinzhener. Metallization and water cooling the surface of rotary kiln walls. TSement 17 no.6:7-9 V-D '56. (KLBA 9:8) (ArmenAa--Kilns,?.otary) (Metal spraying) MM - --- Graphical analysis method for the design of a pipeline between the furnace and the rectification colume MAmol tekh.topl., J masel 6 no.l.-48-51 Ja 161. (MIRA 14-1) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy nauchnc-issledovateldciy institut. (Petroleum--Refining) (Distillation apparatus) NAZARETOVA, N.B..; @MOVYAN, A.K. Efficient type of tybular heat-3--. Khim.i tekh.topl-.1 navel 6 no-4:51-55 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. ,Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy neftyanoy institut. (Furnaces, Heat treating) KOZOREZOV,- Yu.I.; BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; I-WIOVYPJI, A.K. Effect of the intermediate circulating reflux on the Process of distillation in a column. Khim. i te:ffi. topl. i rvasel 6 no.11: 27-32 N 161. (14IRA 14:12) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy-neftyanoy institut. (Plate towers) KOZOREZOV. Yuj.; BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; MANOVYAN, AK.; GONCHAROVA, N.A.; LHACHATUROVA, D.A. Studying the operation of troughed plated of industrial reatifi- cation columns. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.2%40-44 ? 162. - (MIRA 15:1) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy neftyanoy institut. (Plate towers) MANOVYAN, A.K,,; BAYBURSKIY, L.A. Particular features of the Aesigt of the intermediate sections of complex rectift tian columms. Ehim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no-4:20-26 Ap '69. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy naftyanoy institut. (Petroleum-Refin-ing) (Plate tovers) BAYBUFLQKIY, L.A.; 14ANOVYAN, A.K. Operation of the stripping sections of complex columns. Khim. i tekh. topl, i masel 8 no.9:55-59 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy neftyanoy institut. M,LNOVYAN, A.K., BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; GONCHAROVA, N.A. Calcu'ating the nxmiDer of theoretical plat--3 for rectlficatlor, towers. KhLm. i *'-. i masel 9 no@2c5O-56 F 164. (@URA 17:@',- 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy naii,@hno-issledovat-qllskiy institut. KOZOREZOV, Yu.I.; BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; MANOVYAN, A.K.; GONCHAHOVA, N.A. Operation indices and the evaluation of certain methods for designing rectifying coli s for ind,@strlal petroleum refining plants. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:148-164 163. (MIRA 17:1)) BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; MAROVYfiffl., A.K.; ODINTSOV, O.K. Diagram of the atmospheric distillation of oil and the operation of topping towers. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.8:12-15 163. (MIRA 17: 8) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut. E.. I I e P 7 V BUR&OMSKA, M.;KWINK, S.;K&NOWSKA, W. -WE -le MWIld-, ZEO@Xdz_@. _- Application of glass and test-tube methods in determination oi sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antibiotics. Gruzlica 21 no-3:193-202 mar 1953. (CLML 24:5) 1. Of the Department of Bacteriology of the Institute of Tuberculosis (Director--Prof. J. Misiewicz, M.D.). Warsaw. BURASZRdSKA, Maria; UNOWSKA, Wanda G&mbined action of 1KH and otber tubarculostatic agents on acid-fast bacilli in vitro. Gruzlica 23 no.4:235-242 Apr '55. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Instytut Gruzlicy.Kierownik: doc. d-r M. Buraczewska. Dyraktor: prof.dr J. Misimwicz. Warszawa, ul. Plocka 26. (MYCOBACTFMUH TUBERCULOSIS, effect of drugs on isoniazia with other tuborculostatic agents, off. in vitro) (NICOTINIC ACID ISO111L%9, effects loonlazid on M. tuberc.,with othmr tuberculostatic agmnta In vitro) BUnCiMSn, Karia; KAHOUM, Wanda. Emergence of drug resistance of acid fast bacilli In vitro. Gruslica 23 no-8:537-542 Aug 55. 1, Z Zakladii Mikrobiologii Instytutu Gruzlicy. Kierownik: doe. dr. H.Buraczewska. Dyrektor: prof. dr. J.Misiewics. Adree: W-wa, Plocka 26. (KYGOBACVMIJM TUBKRCU140SIS. effect of drugs on resistance form. to bacteriostatice) BAGDASARIAN, G. S.; BURACZEWSKA, M.; LTCZINSK-A, J.-, KANOWSKA, W. Actinn of tuberculostatic agents on metabolism Of acid-fast bacilli. Report III. Investigations on the influence on rmspirstion by the Wartburg technic. Gruzlica 23 no.12: 853-860 Dec 55. 1. Z Zakladu Blocbemli, Kierownik: prof. dr. G. S. Bagdasartan, I Zakladu Mikrobiologli. Kierownik: doc. &r. M. Buraczewska, Instytutu Gm2liCy. Dyrektor: prof. dr. J. Misi"wics, Warszawa, ul. Plocks. 26. (MYCOBACTRRIUM TUBERCULOSIS, off. of drugs on antitubarc. drugs, on metab. of &cld-fast M. bibarc, detarm. by Wartburg technic) BURANNSKA, Maria; WOWSKA, Wanda The affect of cyanoacetic acid hydrazide on acid-fast bacilli in vitro. Gruslica 24 no.1:1-8JmLn 56-. 1. Z Zakladu Mitrobiologii Inetytutu Grazlicy w Warazawie Klerownik: doc. dr. M. Buractowska. Dyrektor: prof. dr. med. J. Misiewics, Warszawa, Instytut. Gruzlicy. (ACETIC ACID, deriv. cyanoacatic acid bydrazide off. on acid-faet M. tuberc. in vitro. (MYCO'BACTMRIMI TUBIRCULOSIS, off. of drugs on cyanoacetic acid hydrazide, off. on acid-fast strains in vitro. BURACMSKI, Olgierd; ICUDWSKA, Wanda Effect of various factors on the course of erperimental tuberculosis in 6-iinea pigs. 1. Effect of tuberc:)lin, of killed BCG vaccines, and of superinfection with 14,-cobacteriwa tnbercnlosis on the course of experimental tuberculosis in immunized and not Immunized guinea pigs. Gruzlica 24 no.7: 583-590 July 56. 1. Z Zakladn Bakteriologit Instytutu Gruzlicy Kierownik Zaklttdu: doc. dr. M. Buraczewska Dvrektor: prof. dr, J. Misiewicz, V-1ra, ul. Plocka 26. ('-MJBYRCULOSTS, experimental. off. of tuberc,ilin, killed BCG & M. tuberc. superinfect. in immunized & not Immiinized guinea pigs (Pol)) BURAGMSKI, Olglerd; MANOWSYA, Wanda Effect of vrious factors on the course of tuberculosis in guinea Digs. Gruzlica 26 rio-3:131-192 Mar 58. 1. Z Oddzialu Baktoriologii Instytntu Gruzlicy. Kierownik: doc. dr M. Buraczewska. Dd-rektor: nrof. dr J. Misiewicz. Adres: Warszawa, ul. Plocka 26. (TUBERGUIAOS IS, epxer. develop. of tuberc. in guinea pigs previousl@y 3mfected & imnninized, nathogen. mechanisms (Pol)) ZAJACZKOVSKA, Jadwiga; KASZCZYK, Zinaida; FIEKARNIAK, Kryspin; MANOWSKA, Wanda a-Ethylthioisoniectinamide (Th-1314) in the treatment of pulmorLary tuberculosis. Observation ozL 30 cases. (Preliminary communication). Gruzlica 28 uo.10:765--774 o 16o. 1. Z Oddsialu II Inetytutu Gruzlicy, Kierownik: prof. cIr med. W. Jaroazewicz. Z Pracowni Bakteriologiemej Inetytutu Gruwlicy Kierownik: doo. dr M.Buracnewska, Pyrektor Instytutu; prof.dr mod. W.Jaroozewics. (ANTLTU132RCULAR AGENTS ther) - MkNOWSKA,, Randa, Sensitivity of acid-fast bacilli to tuberculostatir, c=,.oundz. Gruslica 30 no.5.-443-448 '62. (ANTrLIBERCULAR AGE21TS pharmacol) (MYCOBACTE-RIM4 TUBERGUL40SIS pharmacol) -T- KURYLOWICZ, Wlodzimierz; BURACZEWSKA, Maria; KCSTRZ121SKI, Wladyslaw,- KULFJEWSKA, Magdalena; M.FC'WW,.T1anda; MERKEL, Mieczyslawa; PICHULA, Kryst-yna, PAKILTS'KA-POER&M, Hanna; TUSZMSKA, Ba--- bara. Comparative studies on BCO substrains of varioim origin. Obier- vations on the streptomycin and isonicotinic acid hydrazido- sensitive and resistant variants of the Brazilian Moreau substrain. Xrch. immun. ther. exp. 12 no.2t182-195 164 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Tuberculosis, Warsaw. 1. "I''@";CY-Y) IT- 2. U @'3-i (6ADO) 4. :dectric Cont.-xt.,.rs 7. Switc' in,F in a c-ritact r. F?j-. 'i - N . '. , 19 5 @. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jurie 1953. Unclassified. "4 n \1 @ V \f 1-11-11 " I - ) Id . mAtIC)EV, YU. itadio Clubs Our firs, experience. lzdio No. @, Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congre@@6, June '15@. L:,ricj. MANOYEV, Y11. POPIllarize widely the creative activity of radio L,@tcrirE- kaxilo no.@;:14 Ag '5 3. (XLRA 6:8) (Radlo--Rx@Ab)tions) Y.,E V U 107-5-14/54 AUTHOR: Yu. Manoyev TITLE: Radiohams for the National Economy (Radiolyubiteli narodnomu khozyaystvu) A Realized Dream (Osushchestvlennaya mechta) PFMODICAL: Radio, 1956, Nr5, p. 11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Sergey Petrovich Sherumetinskiy, engineer in the Electric -@@_ve & Automation Division of the "Giprougleobogashcheniye" institute, Leningrad, has developed a new electronic metal locator adapted for use in coal-concentration plants. First, the locator was tested at -,@he Voroshilovogradskiy plant imeni Parkho- menko. Then, in 1955, the final model was tested at Ka-I'mius central coal- concentrating plant. The State Commission of the Ministry of Coal Industry, USSR, has endorsed the final model. A sketch showing S. Sheremetinskiy. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress. Card 1/1 L) 107-8-5/62 AUTHOR: Burdoll P. #and Man_qyjyL Yu, Council Member of the Leningrad Municipal "W-SiAlf"Radio TITLEt Creative Power of Radio Amateurs - C rstructors (Tvorchestvo radiolyubiteley - i.onstruktorov). PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, # 89 P 5 (USSR) ABSTRAM Laboratory workers of the K)ev Polytechnical School have de- signed and displayed a TV-inetallation for industrial control purposes. Also exhib'4ted were a radio installation for auto- matic traffic control, and a ne ortable ultra-short wave radio receiver that weighs onlywl; kg together with antenna, power supply, and vtrious measuring instruments. A frequency recorder which records frequency characteristics of any one of the 12 TV-channels was also shown. Such 4evices are not yet manufactured by the Soviet industry, The instru- ment type "rIHT" manufactured by Soviet plants allows only 3-channel tuning. A set of measuring instruments (oscillographs, valve voltmeter, Card 1/3 sound generator), was shown, and a simple commutator for five TITLE: Creative Power of Radio Amateurs - Constructor (Tvorchestvo radiolyubiteley - konstruktorov). 107-8-5/62 TV channels which can be easily manufactured by radio amateurs. in the visual aids section there was an instrument called a ca- thode ray curve tracer which permits observation of the cha- racteristics of various semi-conductor instruments. About 200 designs of radio amateurs were shown at the exposi- tion. More than 360 exhibits were demonstrated in Leningrad: radios and television sets, sound recording and sound reproducing de- vices, short and ultrashort wave apparatus and various other instruments and apparatus. The basic blocks of the portable TV-receiver "Festival" contain semi-conductors except the scanning blocks. There was also a combined radio-TV console consisting of a superheterodyne first class communication r6ceiver and a six- channel TV-receiver with miniature tubes and remote control. Portable 2-way stations and receivers and transmitters with Card 2/3 frequencies up to 420-425 Mc/s were also shown. l(Y7-48-5/62 TITLEs Creative Power of Radio Amateurs - Constructor (Tvorchestvo radiolyubiteley - konstruktorov). Numerous other short and ultraehort wavelsets were displayed alone with a control panel for the wave duct (volnovyy kanal) a ntenna. For applications of radio methods to the popular economy, there were such devices asi a oscillographic spectroscope and spectro- graph device, various oacillographic optical measuring devices and a stroboscopic precision RPM indicator. More than 100 various constructions have been selected by the Jury and the Committee of the 14th All-Union Expositlon, INSTITUTIONt None PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress Card 3/3 S,,V-l-n7-5 A, - A U, -Z H C FZ C.-;urcil '-er@ber of Leningrad City Halio aster Radio @@unstructor T I T LE The Croative cf Rad--, A.,-.iat*,iirq (Tv )rchestvc r-il-Iolyu- biteley@ ; 7;ew A,-@ arm -:us from eringrad rabot@ lenli.gradtsev) Z, rl I C A. L 1@ Fit (I i 0 9 r 1) y '-x-AI@`Ticn -f the 'rp- CT Some of tl-@a Px1hibits at 'lie X' Cit ativi, '."ork of -.a.-I-io C:@rqtru@tors lisc-!@@,ed ,--'th partiiular reference to electronic d@,-;J-ces in '-niustry and th.,ir value to t@e national economy. Tho@ _Ocal :,)r commi t t ie is cri tic: s-?d f or i ts lack of '-p- I tr.) -imateur ra- dic, con,,tructcrs. -,h-3re are 3 photos. 1. Radio operat-ors-Performance 2. Radio equipmeri-,--Design Card l//l 05905 9( SOVi07-59-7-8/4w_- AUT;iGR N! an oxty,_l i, 4., r krrl I o De s I gne r TITLE: Frize@3 for Radio Amateurs from the Leningrad 3ovnarkhoz PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, 'Ir 7. P 10 (USSR) ABSTRACT@ In Leningrad an ex1ibition of radio equipment designed by local enterprises and radio amateurs was organized by Lensovnark-hoz, the Naucho-tekhnicheskoye obshchest- vo radiotekhniki 1 elektrosvyazi imeni A.S. Popova (Scientific-Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov) and the Leniiigrad City Radio Club of DOSAAF. A number of 350 amateur designs were developed for the national economy. V, Kol'tsov received the first prize for a "program-controlled electron-ray spectrometer". Second prizes were given to Yu. Kapanitsyn and B. Nikitin for an "instrument for measuring the vibration of Card 1/2 shafts", and to A. Baranovskiy and B,, Dokuki.n for a 05905 SOV/107-59-7-8/42 Prizes for Radio A-mateurs From the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz "magneto-electronic dc amplifier". Third and fourtla prizes were given to G. BelenIkiy for an "Equipment set for measuring and graphic recording of tempera- tures" and to V. Mikhaylov for an "ultrasonic pulse generator for removing scale in boilers". L. Vino- gradov and V. Derevyanko designed devices for in- vestigating logical advances and the process of speaking. Further, a large number of broadcast re- ceivers, amateur receivers and transmitters were shown, designed by E. Tomson, V. Yakovlev, V. Iva-nov, K. Yezhikov, E. Berkull, F. Kuzin, A- and G. Pukhtenko, D. Budagovskiy, A. Kazakevich, D. Pavlov, I. Blak- shin, V. Kupriyanov, I. Svirin, A. Drozdovskiy, G. Dzhunkovskiy, E. Sokolov and others, Besid,@s ama- teur radio equipment, transmitters and receivers for application in the Soviet economy were also shown. Card 212