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-MALKINJ Alek e YVMjevichj doktor tekhn. nauko prof.; CHARNK09 D.V.t of H senzent; BUTUZOV, Ye.A.%, kand. tekhn. nauk# dotsent, 4R% naucbwjy red.; BALANDIN, A.F., red. izd-va; DOBRITSYNAt R.I., tekbn, red* [Fundamentals of technological processes in machining machine parts) Osnovy tekhnologii mekhanicheakoi obrabotki detalei mashin. Moskva, Gos. nauelmo-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 198 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Mechanical engineering) (Metalwork) TORNER, R.V.; VEYKRANSKIY, P.G.; MALKIN.. A.Ya. Theory of the design of single-screw extruders. Plast.massy no-5:47-49 161. (MnA 14--4) (Plastics industry-Equipment and supplies) (Extrusion process) 1100 AUTHOR: Malkin, A.Ya. 23h28 S/121/61/000/006/001/012 D04O/D112 TITLE: Progress in cutting-tool designs, production and inspection PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no,6, 1961, 1-4 TEXT: The Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellaliiyinstruinentallnyy institut, or VNII, (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Instruments) developed new cut- ting tools in the course of 1960. Multifaced hard-alloy tips screwed to normal shanks (Fig.1) have eliminated brazing. Such tips have to be turned only vrhen an edge is blunted, and shanks need to be regrinded only after 20-25 tips have been worn out. Quickly-replaceable cutters for automatic machines and transfer lines were built on the same principle (Fig.2). The Kombinat tvprdykh splavov (Hard Alloys Combine) supplies multiface cutter tips to order. A special tool holder (Fi:g.3) was developed for tool resetting off the machine (to eliminate stoppages for resetting). A special mill enabling locomotive wheels to be milled under the locomotive in situ is fitted with round cutting tips that revolve about their axes about 10 times during their service life and besides cut with both ends (so that each tip can work in 20 positions without regrinding). Drills are rovided with ducts for the cutting fluid, with the outlet on the bottom end K rd 1/~ 231426 S/121/61 /C)01,'/r)-D,' -/0011012 Progress in cutting-tool designs ...... D040/D112 (Fig.6), and serve 2-5 times longer than usual. The "Frezer" and the Sestroret3k and Tomsk tool plants are producing these drills, All-hard-alloy drills and mills for narrow bores and slots (Fig.8) raise the work rate 5-20 times High- speed threading taps for automatic transfer lines are provided with a spiral grcov-_ for chips (Fig.9). The new VNII developments include a semi-automatic E324 (YE324) machine-tool for cutting round files (produced by the "Komsomolets" Plant after a suggestion by engineer V.I. Romanov &IIJ ); a five-spindle automatic machine for continuous grinding of spiral drills, with a maximum capacity of 1000 drills per hour, and an automatic test unit revealing in 3 seconds the quantity of residual austenite in tools. The first unit is designed for drills 5-15 mm in diameter. It is said that determination of residual austenite in tools is a novelty. FAbstracter's note: General views of the two mentioned machine tools and the au-stenite test unit are shown in photographs. Design details are not describe A conference of machine-tool makers held in Tomsk at the end of 1c,60 is Oriefly mentioned. Over 40 VNII reports were distributed to participants and discussed. There are 12 figures. Card 2/3 Progress in cutting-tool designs ...... Fig, t E9.2 23428 S/121/61/000/006/001/012 D040/D112 r(Q. 6 Af; IIS F; 9 Card 3/3 S/876/62/000/000/007/007 Eigi/E481 AUTROR: Malkin, A.Ya. TITLE: Tool design for automatic production lines SOURCE: Proyektirovaniye i ekspluatatsiya avtomaticheskikh liniy mekhanicheskoy obrabotki. Mosk. dom nauchno- tekhn. prop. Ed. by A.P. Vladziyevskiy. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. 262-273 TEXT. Cutting tools, tool clamping devices and inspection jigs for tool-setting purposes are considered. A fast rate of metal removal, a long tool life, rapid tool changing, fast tool setting and re-setting and convenient chip removal must be ensured by good tool design. A reference face for longitudinal adjustment is required in cutting tools. High cutting speeds (2 to 3 times faster than normal) are usual in automatic production lines which require top quality cutting materials. Tools with internal cooling are used. Examples of rapid tool changing designs, automatic adjustment of tool position and automatic replacement of end mills from a magazine are shown. - Mechanisms are illustrated fo.i:- automatic tool changing with wear compensation. An Card 1/2 S/876/62/000/000/007/007 To9l design for automatic ... E191/E481 inipection fixture for tool setting in the machining of stepped shafts is shown. The best chip for automatic mach3-ne tools is a coil of 100 to 250 nun length. Chip breaking is achieved by superimposed feed motion pulses. A warning device which detects broken cutting edges is described, based on the sensing of pronounced rises in cutting force components. There are 9 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 SEIAUICMIKO D~ I a taki r- i~ U,%HA,,-hEV , V , L j RALKIIi A Ya. ~jvktor ~eknr,. ria k pro'., red.; SUZANOVIGi [Instruments for pn-~jul--tion in use a0road] in- strumnt dlia avtcvati:,-ircvarm,)ac) proizvodstva zai-ubezh- nykh firm. Vloskva, 1963. 85 p. (Novye maslATV, obomdo- vanle i sredstva avtoi,~atizratsii. Sariia: U-?7) (~! I r~A 17. 5) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy iii6tAtut naw-~hnc-tekhnicheskoy In- formatsil Do avtomatiza%sii j S=a results of the activity of the All-Union Research Institute of Metal-Cutting Tools in 1962. Stan.i instr. 34 no.5:3-6 Fq 163. (KM 16:5) (Metal-cutting tools--Technological innovations) ~,Ya. . , - -, -, , -, "r, - -~,-_ I : 076, Dr,-'nerlt r " e e z: ", g- f-. a r ! - - r,' f'-- - ~ .-:- ~ - ' " 7, ~ - , - , . . , ;, . , . - -.. r I ''i --, 64. ~ I . Ian. 1 35 - i . "I. - upon- Us - p !~~JMM WIDJUS --V~ Oyiou j Uve'daroruti at varimAemPaStures. at with rope-at to relal on UrA.VG.Tious Conatant apeads of Im, -_0 M64, t -Df r a X -- -va tiowl zMa) and of. etreas -ve dVirsg atres-3 rel=tIon aftox- flaw ims CO-131= Tho duthoro developod 4 ldm-4~r~ + 0 -definad which is val -bj--ths -4Lrical - isquation. - R Card - 1/4 17-201- ACCZSSI(HI--3Rv:A.P 002 is a -Variablo dogining'tbo strength w atumet-Ion of molacuUr-wci&4it ard UW4ratwe.. The ex w -led to ttw establichment, of the perlmantal -data - hiah amp -formAs-Gro glvcn:in-a logarit r--7Z/)I, - va - - Dyn- iq h4c-graph Irical _ 0 - at t4characteristics were'alco fitted- to the empirical equationa- + .10-4 (tang) f w- a: thd diiiaoic atrangth pwa=t W in ths dynmic frequoncy.. -II(W)- herc i lar, d 'A Lk andd are is the Laplacolunctions "k constant* obtained. tro:% the equation for ' ne t~mparaturo inv2riaiT-. ~trcss vo ui= relationship is givan in the cc, MUSTAFAYEV, E. (deceased); MALKIN, A.Ya.; PLOTNIKOVA, Ye.P.; VINOGRADOV, G.V. Rheological properties of po2yisobutylene. Vysokom.soed. 6 no.8.,1515- 1521 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut neftekhimicheakogo sinteza AN SSSR, laboratoriya reologii polimerov. k VINOGRADOV, G.V.; ZABUGINA, M,F.,, KONS'l-AINT-1-NOV, A.A.; KCITi'IJKI";, --.*,'.; MALK-N, A.Ya-..;_.PRO7,OR0V-EFAYA, N.V. Viscosity measz.,rements of po-yuiers .n t-,e ~",Lnderise-J suat.e and cap-,llary instruments. V- ys,)kom.soed. 6 (YIRA 17 jr)) Institut nef',, LZONOV, A.I.; MALKIN., A.La.; IIINOGRADOV, G.V. Effect of the rigiditLy of dynamometers on the results of rheo3icgical measurements. Koll. zhur. 26 no.3:335-340 IKY-Je 164 (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut neftekhinLtcheskogo sinteze. Ali SSSR-imeni Topohiyeva. VINOGRADOV, G.V.; BELKIN, I.M.; KONSTANTINOV, A.A.; KRASHENINNIKOV., S.K.; ROGOV, B.A.; MALKIN, A.Ya.; KONYUKHP 13. Rotating elasto-viscosimeters'for the testing of polymeri,- .~41 systems. Zav.lab. 30 no .364"367 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. ~e 1-4 kl R 8310 974 bes s) Ac-ade.V. -of' S&I e SSSR enc 3 UUMITMI 19 Tul-63 ENCL: 00 fj '370 BC'0 D E OC. 00 NO REF 5011: 0 0 42 OTIMM. 010 .ACCESSION NR: AP4019982 S/0020/64/154/006/1421/1424 ,.AUTHOR: Vinogradov, G. V.; Malkin, A. Ya.; Plotnikova, Ye. P.; Kargin, V. A. (Academician) TITLE: Thixotropy of polymers in viscous flow SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 6, 1964, 1421-1424 TOPIC TAGSi polymer thixotropy, polyisobutylene, thixotropy, shear strength, polymer structure recovery, relaxation, structure recovery kinetics, polyieobutylene P-20 ,,ABSTRACT: Investigations were conducted with polyisobutylene P-20 (moleculer weigkt 20,000 - StaudLnger; 100,000.,- Flory) to determine the existence of thixotropy in polymers and to show that reve.rsLble changes in their structures occur on reaching the shear strength prtor to steady-state flow. The present work confirme that deformation of. polyisobutylene can be accompanied by thixotropic breakdown of its supramolecular structures which occurs on reaching the shear strength.. The rate of structure recovery is much lower than the rate of decrease ..of stresses during relaxation. OrLgo art* hass 4 figured* Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRt AP4019982 IASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya reologii polimerov Instituta neftekhimi- ;Pheskogo ainteza Akademii nauk SSSR (Polymer Rhe6logy Laboratory., ,institute of Petrochemical Synthesis Academy of Sciences SSSR) ISUBNITTEDt llOct63 DATE ACQs 23Har64 ENCLs 00 0C NO REP SOVt 003 OTHERs 003 ~SUB CODEz ATD P=s-. 3044 ZfOr~T-,.2/2 -2 a NO 0 vl~cbu,a ~flow.. -stresa relaxation, Maxwel 1 law/ OP 30 PO ypropy one pol,,Wopylehe, tiobis.- PEEV 1 elastoviscosimeter A01:13T,~_CT:1 The purpose of the inves tigation was to, extend-- the availa pre sently Cie. 7- -data --6n- poiyp~qj~flene Ino fo owing-,prbpertiea vere studied: lgrowth -of' defoy-u-'ation,'W-th ti-mei ~throw-h the sheprinr limit,,- attain-' -Aransition -i- -fl ---'a -cha cterigtics of- -65 --d do- alrid c ara the _and-:charactgristi r- nditlcmn T steady ow, condi` of ~strdsa -rela=tion d2ter -attairlment of' steady- flow at c onstant defor- t i Oil EV- arizients were porfoimwd on polypropylene Qf typo OP-~30 atabilizzed by 0.51 !~tiobiall. sto Measurements. were--carriod out by Meana ~of:a rotbational.lo]A visco'eimeter of tyke I-ST-1. Thar viscosity of polhwopylone is given in ternsdf I t1ho tecaperature --invdriantu empiric(Ll- relationihip -of G V_ Vinogradov, -A. Ya --890o 24111kin 11 4. ',-v* rro, zorovskaya- i964) The- d IV. A Kargin, (DAN SSSR, 154 Card MALKIN, A.Ya.,; VINOGRADOV, G.V. ..Dependence of the viscosity on the molecu.Ur weight,, temperature, and parameters determining strain in polymers in the state of viecous flow. Vysokom.soed. 7 no.7ill3/+-1139 JI 165. ('.~nRA 18:8) L Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. MI-KiN A Va . YANOVSM, Yu.G.; ~V'INOGRADOV, G.V. UniverBality of the temperat-urs-invariant characteristics of the *,namic properties of ii-near polymers in the state of flow. Vysokom. I soed. 7 no.7t1140--allb 'T, 165. (MM 18:8) I, Inatitut lie f tekhImI,.;hr3 6kogo sinteza AN SSSR, --MqT~, A.Ya.1 V MRADOV, G.V. Rheology of polymers. Relaxation properties of polymere in a state of visco-plastic flow. Koll, zhur. 27 no.W34-241 Mr-Ap, 165. (MIRA 1936) l..Institut neftekhimichookogo sinteza AN SSSR9 Moskva. E-A F- i ri ,t~ A . ;TMS 1,qov zV..A- z Modifying the design of a frame cross member of GAX-51 and GAZ-63 automo- biles. Vq '53. (YIRA 6:5) 1. GorIkovskiy avtoz"od im. Molotova. (Antomobiles--Design and constrac- tion) ACC NR: AP7002603 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413A6/000/0213/0110/0110 INVENTOBZ: Agayev, A. I.; Kollchenko, A. V.; Malkin, B. D,; KUZ46tsovap !. ;Nikitin, G. M.; Gusman, M. T. ORG: none TITLE:, A stepped rolling axle support. Class 1+7, No. 189254 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 110 TOPIC TAGS: antifriction bearing, ball bearing, bearing race ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a stepped rolling axle support containing thrust roller bearings, spacing collars, and an annular elastic element (ice Fig. 1). To eliminate loose axle holes and to increase the efficiency under dynamic loads, the ball bearings of the support are placed in two rowss with the balls runaing be- tween the outside flanges and the internal flange. The annular elastic element is mounted on each side of each ball bearing at a small distance from a spacing ring. A split bushing is placed between the inner flanges of the corresponding ball bear- ings, Card 1/2 UDC: 621.822.3 ACC NRx AP7002603 Fig, 1. 1 - balls; 2 - outside flange; 3 - inner flange; 4 - annular elastic element; 5 - space; 6 - spacing ring; 7 - split bushing Orig. art. has; 1 figure. SUB CODE: .131 SUBY, DATE: 05Mar66 f-ULL,&.u-" .5. 1. - -.1 7633-134. MAI, 111, B. 1. -- Ubrabotka dableniyem, liteynoya delo I termicheskaya obrabotka. pod obshch. red. X. 1. Gosteva. A., oborongiz. 1954. 22 sm. (materialy po, obmeau proizvod.. - tekhn. opytom). bespl. 2. (sost. R. P. Kofman) 35. s. s ill. -- (55-3768) 3. (sost. B. I. Malkin). 36 s. s ill; 1 L. chart. -- (55-3939) zael. vyp. 1, 4: obrabotka davloniyam, liteynoye delo I svarka. SO: Knizhnaya Leto-osis'. Vol. 7, 1955 i~.achl-ne-Shop Practice I Universs,,l Device ff"r t~.e !zetting o' a grlndin~ wheel., Stan. i irstr., !;,~. 1'7 ~ P 1, ~'~ . NONTHLY LIST OF ITJSSI41*1 ACCEESI.NS. Library of Congress, March 195,% IUNCLASSIiJED. MAIM24-169w-votarsMy inah.; ANDREYEV9 V*H*t profeg otveredo; SUKHOV9 I.V., starshiy inzh.9 red*; NADEMINA, A.M., (Universal attacbments for profile grinding of dies] Universallnoe prisposoblenie dlia profillnogo shlifovaniia puansonov. TAningrad, 1952, 9 p. (Informatsionno-tekhnicbeskii listak, no.45 (386)). (HIRA 14t6) 1, Leuingradskiy Dom nauabno-tekhnicheakoy propagandy. 2. Lenin- gradaki-y Dom nauabno-tekbnichaskoy pi. -opagandy (for Sukhov), (Grindin,g machines--Attacbments) I ~ i ~ I I . I , -1 : , , :- . r . Machine-Shop Practice Angle plate with magnetic fastening of wori, parts. Stan. i inst., 23, lic. 2, 19,Z7, MCETELY LIST OF HUSSIIY; ACCESUCIIIIS. Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLAS2FIU. 2. ussR WO) 4. Grinding and Polishing 7. Device for dressing grinding wheels, 3tan. i instr. 24 No. 2 1953 9. LIonthl .y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Kay - 1953, Uncl. MAIKIN,-B ~ ~~ -0--_t,7--~ ..,- - - m, Kagnetic plate for polishing parts at different angles. Stau.i instr. vol. 24 no.9.,26-27 S 133. (MLU 6:10) (Grinding and polishing) Mmo. B.M. IPT~~ ~-- ~Ixl Sine-bar attachments for grinding machines. Stan. i instr. 24 no.10:34-35 0 '51. (HLZ?A 6:11) (Machine tools) MALnV, B. III. ....... Univeroal device for trusing grinding whaels without or with diasonds. Stan.1 instr. 24 no.11:28-29 N g53. (KLRA 6:12) (Grinding wheels) RAZZIN, B.H., Whener. Profile grinding of a complicated toothed punch die. Test.mash. 33 n0.3'0' 46-47 Mr '53. (NUU 6:5) 1, Leningradskiy zavod *]Clektrik* 0.0. lhallsinga. (Grinding and polish- ing) PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 505 - I BOOK Call No.: AF635127 Author: MALKIN, B. M. Full Titli7_7M9CHA=ATION OF PROFILE GRINDING (ON SURFACE GRINDERS AND SHARPENERS) Transliterated Title: Mekhanizatsiya pri shlifovanii fasonnykh detaley (na ploskoshlifovalInykh i zatochnykh stankakh) PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Scientific Machine-Building and Shipbuilding Branch Date: 1954 No. pp.: 144 Editorial Staff Editor: and Technical Publishing House of Literature ("Mashgiz") Leningrad No. of copies: 6,000 Lomachenkov, S. Ye., Engineer Appraiser: Kharchenko, K. S. TEXT DATA Coverage: This monograph deals with form-tool grinding. It contains examples and descriptions of various devices and processes. The methods of control are also discussed. Special attention is given to problems of the profile grinding of punches, dies, stencils, etc. The monograph is provided with many illustrations, diagrams, and tables. The explanations are simple and clear. 1/3 Mekhanizatsiya pri shlifovanii fasonnykh detaley (na ploskoshlifovallnykh i zatochnykh stankakh) AID 505 - I Table of Contents Foreword Ch. I Selection of Grinding Wheels and Special Features in the Grinding of Tempered Steels (Characteristics of abrasive materials and of grinding wheels) Ch. II Tools and Devices for Dressing Grinding Wheels (Dressing tools with and without diamonds) Ch. III Devices for Mounting, Fixing and Changing the Machine Elements Ground on a Magnet Slab (Design and manufacture) Ch. IV Universal Devices for the Adjusted Grinding of Machine Elements on Surface Grinders (Purpose and various designs) Ch. V Grinding of Machine Elements on Sharpeners (Design and machining conditions) Ch. VI Grinding of Special Gears on Surface Grinders (Grinding of toothed punches) Purpose: The book is intended for designers, workshop qualified grinders and polishers. 2/3 Pages 3-4 5-12 13-38 39-77 78-123 124-135 136-141 engineers and Mekhanizatsiya r.,i shlifovanii fasonnykh detaley (na ploskoshlifovalInykh i zatochnykh stankakh) Facilities: None (1947-1953) No. of Russian and Slavic References: 9 Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. AID 505 - I 3/3 HALXIN, B.H. -~R 2 Universal nachine for coordinAted grinding of shaped products. Stan.1 instr. 25 no.4:34-36 Ap 154. (KERA 7:6) ~ririnding and polishing) 0 0 103 -.-9' W~ ttd~:16r~-Aa ~6txt Arid -esse ~*:YqP "A0 ... -~A' n' stk.: ~32- 2 -3 j Feb 95_5 for aya-." .!~*OYIWILt. 4 magae id- pl~t6s..- ~~16~k and:: wwk ia~ de-o'cribldC, the, M-a-~' 40" gas ta~- -~-Cm-Qt Fe: hig-h- 1~ ~ie~iit~il h I vibrat ioas and t-.: a Me,c an da Periture- akfq6ts.--' T6 magast-i Pi4te- with:cons .tam,~'-maji.pats is considered OX-P h, t i 1-44i ~oi63 eaafte-t an.:any'o her,-ua ~rer~a px~rtdsea ird less Of its 10'ng' ;SaMwa: iifajr.' i~arq~.:. I'lit i - of -'a' -mag-aetia. aw ng~~ 0 - - KALKIN.B.K. ~,- Universal attachment for making profiled grinding wheels. Stan. i instr. 26 no-8:26-28 Ag'55- (KLRA 8:12) (Grinding wheols) KALXIN, B.H. Mechanizing cam-disk set-up operations on automatic lathes. Stan.1 instr. 26 no.12:28-29 D 055. (KLHA 9:2) (Machine tools) (Lathes) AA, AID P - 5170 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 11/19 Author Malkin, B. M. Title Fast-rotating pneumatic grinding spindles Periodical Stan. I instr.,,, 6. 36-37, Je 1956 Abstract Three different pneumatic-rotor type grinding spindles are briefly described. One of these is the author's design, another is similar to the first, and the third Is of the two-turbine type. The rotor-type spindles out-last those operated by belt 1 to 10. Three drawings. Institution : None Submitted : No date 7- Subject : USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 9/25 Author Malkin, B. M., Engineer AID P - 4284 Title Highly-efficient grinding on the micro-optical precision grinding lathe. Periodical Vest. mash,36#2, -37, F .1 P. 34 1956 Abstract The shaping of curved surface profiles with any prescribed radius of curvature can be efficiently achieved on micro- optical machines. This precision grinding as applied to shaping of dies is described. Diagrams, photo. Institution None Submitted No date 254) FHME I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1351 WkIn, Boris Moiseyevich Stanki I prisposobleniya dlya koordinatnogo shlifovanlya (jig-grinding Kaghines and Attachments) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 241 p. 10,000,copies printed, Reviewer: Vskser, D.B., Decent; Ed.: Mmachenkov, S.Ye., Engineer; Ed. of Publiab, Lug House: Layidna, T.L.; Tech. Ed.: Soiolova, L.V.; Chief Ed. (Leningrad Division,, Nojhgiz)-. Boltahakov., S.A.., Engineer. PMMVSE: This-book is intended for engineers,, technologists and designers. It may also be useful to swei&Uzed grinders and machinists. COVEWME: Jig-grinders and universal attachments for optical-jig, surface, and tool and cutter grinding machines used for grinding hardened parts are described. Kethods and techniques of internal and external grinding of intrIcate-contour toolso dlesv and other parts are presented. Various problems-of design and re- pair of hiet-speed belt-driven and Pneumatic grinding spindles are discussed in detail, and various diamond and non-diazond vheel-dressing devices are described. No personalities are mentioned. There are 12 references, 10 of which am Soviet and 2 English. Card 1/4 Jig-grinding Machines (Cont.) SOV/1551 22. Universal diamond form-grinding device 176 Ch. VII. Jig-grinding of Parts Using Special Attachments on an Optical-Jig Grinder Equipped with Pantograph 186 23. Brief infirmation on construction and setup of the grinder 186 24. Indexing device 194 25. Attachment with wrtical centers and angle devices 196 26. Universal attachment for Jig-grinding of parts vithout using pantograph 202 Ch. VIII. Polishing and Finishing Parts After Grinding 219 27. Polishing parts 219 28. Finishing part-profiles 225 Ch. 1K. Selection of Grinding Wheels and Special Features of Grinding Hardened Parts 229 Ch. X. Methods of Checking Dimensions of Part Profiles 234 Bibliography 240 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TJ 1280 M29) GO/sfm Card 4/4 4-3-59 /V) k L A.) ~ /V j 8, M ~ in,,-.nener. p IS t S,s3y bushings with hard al 10Y I! 3erta for automatic low~-bed i(Itiea, Vest,mash 37 no.-?:43-45 L '57. (MLRA je 9) f-athea) jig-grinding Machines (Cont.) SOV/1351 Ch. III. Form Grinding on the Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder and on a Machine for Grinding Tapered Rings 91 13. Designs of grinding attachments and methods of form grinding on universal tool and cutter grinders 91 14. Machine for grinding tapered rings for die-molds 100 Ch. IV. Sine-plate Type Magnetic Chucks 15. Electromagnetic sine-plate type chucks 16. Plernament-magnet sine-plate type chucks 17. IzLdexing device for magnetic chucks Ch. V. Universal Attachment for Jig Form-grinding on Surface-grinding 108 108 112 120 Machines 125 18. Attachment for grinding templets on surface grinders 124 19. Universal attachments for contour grinding with single setup of part 131 Ch. VI. Tools and Devices for Grinding-wheel Dressing on a Surface-grinding Machine 162 20. Requirements for dressing tools and devices 162 21. Non-diamond dressing devices for wheel dressing on a surface-grinding machine 168 Card 3/4 AUTHORs Malkin, B.M. Engineer TITLEs Device for Controlling the Wobble of Lathe Collazs (!,r_J's;c- sobleniye dlya kontrolya biyeniya tsang) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 5, pp 22-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lathe collars in automatic turret lathes exist in a variety of types and dimensions; they can be divided in 3 groups. straight cone collars, reverse cone collars and double cone collars as shown in figure 1. The checking of these collars for size and accuracy is a difficult job involving great responsibility. Figure 2 shows a device constructed by M.Ya. Rabinovich, which permits checking the vacillation of lathe collars up to 2nd class accuracy. This portable device con.- sists of a neck with a set of interchangeable rings and con- trol pins, a special -auge and a support plate. After in- serting the collar to be checked into the gauge and securing it with two suitable rings, the control pin is inserted and fastened. It is now possible to ascertain the wobble of tt.e collar by means of an indicator mounted on a stand as is shown in figure 2. Vacillation should not exceed 0.00~~ mm, Card 1/2 Depending upon the type of collar to be checked differenT Device for Controlling Wobble of Lathe Collars 117-56-5-8/24 sets of rings are used. There are ') figures and 1 table. AVAILA.BLEs Library of Congress Card 212 1. Turret lathes-Operation 2. Collars-Applications AUTHOR: ( Mallcin, B.M1., Encineer SOV/122-58-6-30/37 C, TITLE. ~-~The G~rindi~n.,o~ Profiled Components on. a Magnetic Cluck by.rorm Wheels Profiled from a Master (Shlifovaniye na magnitnoy plite fasonnykh detaley ',,,ru6ami, profiliro- vann,ymi po kopiru) p a PERIODICAL: Vestnik 1,1ashi no s troy eniya, 1958, rir 6, -p (USSR) ABSTRACT: A practice dcveloped in Czechoslovakian tool shQps is described with of tools and fixtures in which split die plates and ~,empl,~-tes of press tools are ground on the ma,-,nctic chuck of a surface grinder b,7 a broad profiled --r-'LodinC~ ',Tlhe(~J. The profiled openin,,s of die plates .~iitLou-u a split are Sround on a jiv, rinding machine. In 1,-'Le former ~~rocess, the component profile, wLich is, conjuiate to t'L-,e die T-,lat,~ profile is similar to that of the .-.-heel nrofile. The c,)m-:)rcnt is therefore used as a masterA.;idinE the feeler :~f the wheel dressing attachzient. TI., -rocedurc is discussej ;~n comparison -,,~itL othe-r im--'A.ods. The advantaes lie :Dalnly ~',-rd 1/2 SOV/122-58-6-30/37 The Grinding of Profiled Cor.:o-Icnts on, a Ya~-ne'ic b.7 Yor::i C, v Wheels Profile& From a Master in the elimination of tLe need for auxiliary templates or complex profile calculatuLons. A sioilar procedure is recommended in tl-.e formin- of ?.rofiled cuttincr tools. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 1. Cutting tools--Design 2. Grinders--Equi4)tnent 3. practice 4. Templates--Machining 30V/lal-58-10-17/25 AUTHOR: Mal TITLE: A Pneumatic Machine niashinnyye tiski) Vice (Pnevmatictieskiye PERIODICAL:Stanki *J Instrument, 1958, Nr 10, p 38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A large pneumatically actuated machine vice is illustrated by an external photographq cross- sectional drawings and its compressed air circuit designed for connection to the shop distribution system. The pneumatic circuit includes a control valve for fast approach and pre-loading, strong clamping and release. The compressed air acts on a disc sealed by a diaphragm. The disc operates in a shallow cavity inside the base of the vice and actuates the moving cheek througii a bellcrank. The cheek bracket is adjusted to the approximate length Card 1/2 of the component by sliding along slideways which SOV/121-58-10-17/25 A Pneumatic Machine Vice form part of the assembly displaced by the air mechanism. There are 3 illustrations including 1 photo. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Mal Engineer SOV/122-58-12-28/32 TITLE: Fixtures for Surface Grinders (Czecho-Slovak Works Practice) (Prisposobleniya k ploskoshlifovalinym stankam (I z opyta zavodov chekhb~iovakjj)) ~ I: PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyal 1958s Nr 12t pp 72-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A number of fixtures mounted on sine bars are illustrated and described. Fig 1 shows an adjustable set of blocks containing fixed centring cones. The blocks slide on the top face of the sine bar and are clamped against a T- profile. Fig 2 is a V-block with external T-profile on top of a sine bar. Fig 3 is a machine vice swivelling at one end with a sine bar corner at the other. A sine bar with 45 and 300 Slopes on the top is illustrated in Fig 4. Fig 5 is a sine bar with clamping fittings. Fig 6 is a universal sine fixture which permits the setting up of a component at compound angles, The accuracy of setting up with sine bars is stated to be 30 sees of angle. Card 1/2 SOV/122-58-12-28/32 Fixtures for Surface Grinders (Czecho-Slovak Works Practice) In Fig 7 a universal fixture is shown plates between interchangeable jaws. manner in which this type of fixture complex profilee There are 9 figures. for clamping die Fig 9 shows the is used to grind a Card 2/2 HALKIN, B.M., inzh. Grinding Ghaped work-pieces on a magnetic plate bV copy--profiled grinding wheels. Vest. mash. 38 no. 6:74-76 is '58. WRA 11:7) (Grinding and polishing) MALKIN, B.H., Insh.