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L - AP6023392 SOURCE CODE: tIR/0374/66/000/00310330/0336 Panshin, B. 1. AUTHOR- BuyMov. G. 1. Kasyuk, V. D. Malinin, N. 1. ORG: none TITLE: The creep of polymer materials subjected to cyclic loads A:3 SOURCE: Mekhanika polimerov, no. 3, 1966, 330-336 TOPIC TAGS: creep, thermoplastic material, polymer A13STRACT: A method for constru.cting the cree Vcurve of one-dimensional 5 proposedL polymer material subjected to periodically applied alternating stresses i The creep curves obtained by tests under constant loads were used as basis for calculation. The mathematically derived curves agree within 1016 with the experi- mental results, thus proving the applicability of the nonlinear heredity theory (viscoelasticity) expressed by M. 1. Rozovskiy's equation. Experimental examina-~ tion has shown that the proposed method may be used with sufficient accuracy for Card 1/ 2 UDC: 678. 744. 325:539. 388. 1 ACC NRI AP6023392 predictions of creep behavior of thermoplast polymers ic cler periodically applied (cyclic) loads. Diagrams showing the constant-load creep curves obtained experimentally, and the cyclic-load creep curves obtained mathematically and experimentally are presented in the original article. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, and 11 formulas. [KPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Nov65/ ORIG REF: 012/ Card 2/2 V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; M&~ ~IN ~ inzh.; MATVIYENKO, N,I,, student; ZUBAMV, V.V., student Determination of th- optimum operation of a hydroel6CLr~- power stationwith seasorall regulation using analog computpers. Trudy MEI no.46.s13-24 163. (MIRA 19,3) 1. Kafedra gidroenergetiki Moskovskogo ordena Lenina energetJ- cheskogo instituta. LANDAU? M.A.1 MALININO N.K. Trimerization of chloroclanogen. Zhur. fis. khim. 39 no.3t779 W f65. (MIRA 18.-7) One dimenrional problem, r4or'-stat4onar'Y creer. 1., 1951. W)NTHLY L.T-'r Library cf Convr,ss -!a "" - I '-' - -T-,- 1 ~' - - V~.- . -.1 V. i,%) - - -.- ~ I- - .I - 1-1 , - I . Mzchinery - Constrliction 7 "Principles of modern methods of calculatinL durability of machine constx-,Iction. Reviewed by Prof. A. A. i1olov. Vest. mash. 31 no. 12, 1-)51- Montbly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Septeliber 1~52. ~,",!(MASSSIFIZD. Trea3ure island BibliograFliic Report 00COCC63 BOOK Call No.: AF58002 Authors: PONOMARE71, S.D. ; BIDERMAN, V.L.; LIMAR01, K.R.; MMISHITI, V.M.; MALININ, N.N.; FEDDSIYEV, V.I. Full Title: ' VIMMIENTALS OF ;.'ODMN METHODS FOR STRENGTH CO11'.PUTATIONS IN 'MACHINE- BUILDIUG. (Computations of dynamic loads. Stability. Creep). Transliterated Title: Osnovy so-~rremennykh metodov rascheta na prochnost'v mashlnostroyenii. (Raschety pri dinamicheskoy nagruzke, Ustoychivost'. Polzuchest'). PubUahit*. Data Originating Agency: None. Publishing House; (MASHGIZ), State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Machine Building. Date: 1952 No. pp.; 862 No. copies: 10,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Prof. Ponomarev, D.D., Technical Editor: None. Dr. Erg. Sci. Editor-in-Chief: None. Appraiser: None. Others: Golovin, S. Ya., Eng., editor of literature on heawj machine tA.,ilding. Text Data Coverage: The three parts of this book discuss: 1) the stren0h computation of various machine elements under dynamic loads, 2) the stability computation of machine elements, 3) the creep computation of machine parts working at high temperatures. The first section describes the computation of the strength of moving machine elements, particularly 1/2 00~)00063 2/2 Call No.: AF58002 Full Title: FUNWMFULS OF _-0DMJN !.TE'rhODS FOR STRMIGTH COMMATIONS IN 7,%CHPTE- BUITDING. (Computations of dynamic loads. Stability. Creep). Text Data Coverage: (continued) discs and wheels; investigates questions of elastic vibfation in connection with various practival problems (harmonic, non- harmonic, quasi-harmonic, non-linear and other types of vibration); and analyzes the strength of elements under variable loads. The second part concerns methods of computing the stability of rods and springs (twisted and compressed-coiled), or rings and flat shapes of curved thin strips, of the elements of thin-wall construction and non-symmetric profiles, of thin rectangular plates, and of rota- ting casings. The thrid section analyzes the questions of creep and relaxation of tension, permanent deformation, and aging of parts subjected to the action of high temperatures.. Purpose: A textbook for design engineers in the field of machine building and students of the technical colleges and also for scientific workers. Facilities: None. No. Russian and Slavic References: 382 of total 409. Available: Library of Congress. "Computing a Rota:ting Disc Attached to a Shaft" an article in the book "Computing the Stability, Hardness and Creep of Elements in Machine Constructio2Z' Mashgiz, 1953- P- "Calculating Round Symmetrically Loaded Discs of Variable Thickness." an article in the book "Computing the Stability, Hardness and Creep of Elements in Machine Construc- tion," Mashgiz, 1953, P- 36- "Steady Creep of Round Symmetrical Loaded Plates" an article in the book "Computing the Stability, Hardness and Creep of Elements in Machine Construction", Mas 1953, p. 221. KALININ, U.N., doteent, kandidat takhaichaskikh nank. --" Calculation of rotating disks taper-fitted on shafts.[Trudy] MTTU no.26: 5-21 153. (HLRA 7:5) (Disks, Rotating) W-1911, N.M., doteent, kandidat teWmichaakikh nauk. Calcm1ation of round mad annular symetrically loaded plates of varylag thickmess. [Trudy]KVTU no.26:]8-6) '53." NEIRA 7:5) (Blades) luLININ, U.S.0 dotsent, kandidBt tekhrdcheskikh nauk. 7 -- Continuous creep of round symetrically loaded plates. [Trudyj.14V= no.26:221-238 '53. (MLF-A 7:5) (Elastic plates and shells) (Creep of metals) Ponoma-rev, S.D. Viderman, V.L. Likharev, K.K. Malinin, N.H. Yakushin, V.M. Feodoslyev, V.I. "Elements of Modern Methods Moacow Highier Technical School of Calculating Strength in imeni B Machine Building" No. 37763--Netod povysh~,-'e~niya nesushehey sposobnosti pruzhin. V sb; Povyshen4t prochnosti d~~taley M.-L., 1~49, S 136-45--Bibliogr: 9 Nazv. So: Letopis' Zhurnelinykk Statey, Vol. 7, 1049. ran nr,)' so k diclat taV7),nlc nklkh nat~k: 9.~ f p -,r ,.loktor tekhnicherkfk~ na4; BEY!,EL'fWJ, iwhaner, BELYAW. il. 11. . ke nd. Ids t 1. o- V ~ r i c te nk i k-h nauk ; B -111 Gi:.- , I . A. . , I-,- !jfl i 'I" n t t " khni - cheskikh nank; BCGWl-AVSK,.,'Y. P.Ye., tBadltd;)t tekhnicesk,,h nank: BORUVLCH. L.S.. kandiiat telfticheskikh nsul~; VOLIAIR, ornfeasor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk: GONIKB-12G, Yu.M., in7,henqr-, ,;-,lRO-UF,TSKlY. 1-ye., Drofess,):r, dnktor tekhnieher.~-ikh nauk; GC)RDCTI, '1.0.. Drofessor; MANNTBERG, Y.P. , kandidat tekhni-Keskl;rb nauk. -DO&ChATOV. V.V., in7hener, WAAW. A.G, kandidat tevhnlr,pskikh nank; KI"S05FI-111. R.S., orofessor; KODULP, D.S., 'mi-Ai,isT f-heskikh neuk; A.i-., kandid-91, tekhnicneskikh riaiik: KRUTIK(M. I.P., knrididat, talchnit~hp.,~lrrilch nauk-, KWAU,'~', kandi- !qt tekhnlihev~,ikh nsiik. L&V-0,)UN. Ye.M., inzbener: nAZYllh;, I.'V., inzhener; MkLlltli. ',-andidst te~7~--iiheqsk-ilch nauk: MAR'v,'-OY. ksri~idat teklinIFFMIT natik: NU.,MG, lf.Ya., kandidat,~Pskikh aatil:; NIKOLAW, G.A., nrcfessor, dn;-tnr tek-hnicbeskikh riwik; P-3TRUSEVICH, A.T., dokft~y takhnichesklikt. aruk: P022)HY,-.F~V, S.N., dotsent: PONLI(OPEV, L.J., orofessor, d~kt~,,r tekhnicheslrikh nsi)V; ?RIGORMUY, H.I., orrf(-.--r4or, doktor te'khnicheskilcb FR(,.,vill, B.A.. knrLdidat tekhni-i-ec-kikh nank, RZS~TTOV, D.N.. nrrfe-nr, do!-tor to-khnicheskikh nauk: SPTE-". E.A.. orcfeE~5!,~r, tioktar nouk; SMNSEN. S.V. ; SLObODKIN, M.6- , inzhener: SPITSYN, orcfespor, doktor te~tnlr-henkikh nauk; STCLMll. G.R. , kandl+ t tsklinichaskikh nauk. TAYT!:~. B.A., kandiat tal-l~ntchenktkh n~!ulk; TETELIBAMI. 1.M.. kar-didat talkhnicheskiMi na-l-; UMANISKlY, 1-1- , nrofescor, doktor nank. nQDl,;S'Y'&V, V.I. dnktor takhnicbselrikh ns,:t~: (Continued or next card) (corAtinwd) Carl IMAYT, D.1%. kam!i-Int te',~nicheslrikh rauk-, --'Yj1J,.V. V-Yz~., -,indijat takhr4chark-ikh nai.,-; Y.Y.. Inshenpr, is, I%rr.7 rt~~Ialrt-r; ,iMROV, V.S.. kan~iilgt tel-hnirheakikk naub-, nw:c..%~7,- r:,i~-Irtcr; TSVETJiQV, A.F., dctf-ont, rn!.,chnvy redairtor; irzhener, nauchxkvy redektor; M.Ya.. iazhener. w-.6invy rpf-'Aktor; KARGAIM. V.G., inzi-,enur, nsuchnyy redu'ctmr: N.',., dolr-tcr takhnichaskikh nauk, professor. redal-tor; T-F.. tekliniche- skiy radaktor Narual of Tachir~,ry r-.u-f'Fi c+ tire i SDr,-- r~-ntic v trak'n Uos.nauchnc- lit-ry, Vol.!. 1 51 1099 p. 1. Deyst-titel' r-- A*csde~*- L-2: ,frr Serena,?-.) ANDRETW, L.Te., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; BIDERIW, T.L., kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; BOYARSHIBUT, S.T.. Itandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; VOLINIR, A.S., doktor takhnichaskikh nank. DIMEMIRG, F.M. kandidat taktinichaskikh nauk; ZASELATEW, S.H., inshener; KINASOSHVILI. R.3., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk. professor; KOVALEM. A.D..; KAKUSHIN, V.14.. kandidat takhaichaskikh mim, 14ALININ H.N . krandidat takhnichookikh nauk; POKOHAREW. S.D., *ottrr%47-hi~k;hask1kb nauk; PRIGOROVSKIT, H.I., doktor takhal- chaskikh nauk; TXTELIBAUH, I.K., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; UKANSKIY, A.A., doktor takhnichadlkikh nauk, professor; MBOSITIV, V.L. doktor takhnichookikh nauk; SMNSU, S.T., radaktor; TRAPEZIN, I.I., kandidat tak-linichaskikh nank. radaktor; KARGMT, V.G., inzhener, redaktor; SOKOIDVA. T.F.. tokbnichaskly redaktor. [Mechanical engineer's mannal; in 6 volumes) Spravochulk mashlno- stroitelia; v sheatt tomakh. lzd.2-e, ispr. i'dop. Koakva, Goa. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Val-3. 1955. 563 P. (Mechanical engineering) (HLRA 8:12) SOV,/124- 57-4-4q70 Translation from: Referativnyy zhUrnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 146 (USSR) AUTHOR: Malinin, N. N. TITLE: The Design Calculation of an Unevenly-heated Rotating Disk of Variable Thickness in the General Case of Axisymmetric Deformation (Raschet vrashchayushchegosya neravnomerno nagretogo diska peremennoy tolshchiny v obshchem stuchaye osesimmetrichnoy deformatsii) PERIODICAL: V sb,: Raschety na prochnost' v mashinostroyenii. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1955, pp 124-153 ABSTRACT: Ref. RZhMekh, 1954, abstract 4177 Card 1/1 KALININ, ff. N. "POTOW? I Momentless states rotating slightly beat bars* [Trudy]W*-U no*31: 29-34 155 (HIBA 8: 5 ) (;UAes) (Homents of inertia) NALIMY, N.N. Design of non!--uniformly heated noo3li46-62 155, (Pipe) (Turbomchines) thick-walled pipes. (Thermodynamics) (Trudy] KM (HrHA 8:5) -V KALININ, N.H., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent. Calculation of a rotating, irregularly heated disk of varying thickness in the general case of eqaiaxial strain. [Trudyl KM no.46:124-153 155. (MM 9:4) (Disks, Rotating) PONOMARNV, S.D., d&tor takhaicheakikh asuk. profersor; BID11,11MAN, VA.; LIKHAREV. K.K,,,- MAMMSHIN, VAL, KALI14IN N.11.- YBODWYNT, V.I.; Z-z FOPOVA~ S.M.. tokfinichaskiy r(jrbikT6P%-" Y-6.11., telchnicb-a- skiy redaktor CCalculations of the strength of materials in machine manufacturej Rascbety na prochnost' v manhiaostroenii. Pod red. S.D.Pollomareva. Hoskva, Goa. nauchno-takha. Izd-vo usstAnostroit. lit.-ry. Vol. 1. CTheoretical priaciplas and experimental methods. Calculations for atractural rod elements under atativ load] Teoratichaskia oanovy i akaperimentallnya metody. RaDchoty starzhnavykh elamento-v konotruk- tvii pri Btaticheskot nagruzka. 1956. 984 p. (HLRA 10:3) (Strength of materials) 011asticity) SOV/124-58-3-3277D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR: Malinin, N. N. TITLE: Strength and Creep Calculation of Rotary Blades and Discs of Turbines (Ra-~,chet na prochnost' i polzuchest' rabochikh lopatok i diskov turbomashin) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. vyssh. tekhn. uch-shche im. Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical School im. Bauman), Moscow, 1957 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. vyssh. tekhn. uch-shche im. Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical School im. Bauman), Moscow. Card 1/1 124(0)~,'235(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2037 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Imeni N.E. Baumana Raschety na prochnost' v mashinostroyenil; [sbornik] Design for Strength in Mechanical Engineering; Collectio of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 244 p. (Series: Its: FTrudy] 89) 3,300 copies printed. Ed.: G.A. Nikolayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker in Science and Technology; Ed. of Publishing House: N.P. Chernysheva; Tech. Ed.: B.I. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineering staffs in the machine-building Industry and may be useful to scientific workers and senior students of mechanical engineering vtuzes. Card 1/8 Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 COVERAGE: The articles cover the graphoanaly-tical method of designing circular symmetrically loaded reinforced plates, methods of designing rotating heated disks for transverse bending, and calculation of preloaded belleville springs. Also discussed are differential equations for deformation of rubber-cord shells of rotation, the theory of flexure of rubber-cord hose, and stability problems of elastic cylindrical shells. Results of experimental investigations of strength and ductility of constructional steels and other materials are preaented. Several articles are devoted to problems of vibrations in machinery. There are 78 references; 71 Soviet, 4 German, 2 Englishand 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Sergey Dmitriyevich Ponomarev (on his 50th birthday) 7 Ponomarev, S.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Graphoanalytical Method for Designing Circular Symmetrically Loaded Ring-ribbed Plates 12 Card 2/ 8 Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 The method of design discussed is claimed to be less time consuming and simpler than the existing analytical methods. It allows for easier evaluation of the stiffening effect of shape and location of the ring rib. Malinin,-N-_N. , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent. Radial and Transverse Bending of Disks 43 The author gives an approximate method for determining stress relieving coefficients in transverse bending (symmetrical to the axis) of a rotating, nonuniformly heated disk of variable thickness. "Radial bending" mears the effect of radial forces, (e.g., centrifugal) analogous to the effect of axial tension forces acting on lateral-y loaded beams. This method allows for quick evaluation of the stress relieving effect due to rotation of the disk while taking into account changes in the elastic properties of the marerial due to temperature. Card 3/ 8 Design for Strength In Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 Sokolov, S.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Design of Preloaded Belleville Springs and Experimental Investigations of Springs 63 A method of designing plastically preloaded belleville springs is presented. Change of the disk and residual stresses equalizing nominal stresses in operation are discussed. (This fact causes an increase of carrying capacity of the springs). The theory was experimentally checked. Alfutov, N.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; V.F. Sokolov,. Engineer. Determining the Lower Critical Pressure for an Elastic Cylindrical Shell and Behavior of the Shell Following Buckling 95 Solution of the problem is claimed to be new and simple. Examples of design are presented. A comparison Is made with results obtained by methods of other authors. Lapin, A.A.,. Candidate of Terhnical Sciences, Docent. Investi- gation of Flexure of Rubber-cord Cylindrical Shells ill This article presents results of w9rk done in 1950 with V.L. Bideman at the Nauchno-issledovatollskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute for the Tire Industry). Me possible forms of elastic Card 4/8 Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 equilibrium of a rubber-cord flexible hose under internal pressure are analyzed. Biderman, V.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Differential Equations for Deformation of Rubber-cord Shells of Rotation 119 The article Investigates general cases of deformation in rubber hoses, tires, shock absorbers, etc., subjected to internal pressure. A method is presented for analyzing a cylindrical longitudinally fastened shell under arbitrary periodic loading. Sapozhkov, N.M., Engineer. Investigation of Optimum Dimensional Proportions In T and I Sections 147 The author finds conditions for most rational configuration of T, I, and I cross sections for castings or weldments designed for bending. Card 5/8 .Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 Likharev 11 K.K.P Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Comparison of Characteriaties of Materials Under Unlaxial Tension and Compression 168 The article is based on experimental data obtained at the Department of "Strength of Materialp" at MVTU (Moscow Highe'r Technical School imeni N.Ye. Bauman). The author points out the necessity of establishing a method for complete testing of materials in tension and compression in order to correct some not too well-founded views on the characteristics of materials. Many stress-strain diagrams and tables showing the mechanical properties of several materials are included. Konyushko, Z.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Construction of Stress-Strain Diagrams for Shear of Brittle Materials Based on Results of Tension and Compression Tests 197 A method is described for obtaining stress-strain diagrams for shear from stress-strain diagrams for tension and compression of materials with different characteristics in tension and compression. Results of experiments are compared with theoretical conclusions. Card 6/8 Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 BlinnikJ, S.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Calculation of Free Vibrations in a Four-column Press 210 A method for determining the fundamental natural frequency of a four-column press, allowing for elasticity tf the foundationlis discussed. The formulas derived can also be used for cases of very rigid foundations by putting the coefficient of soil compressibility equal to zero. Kolesnikov., K.S.J. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Deflections of Beams in the Case of Vibration of Their Supports 226 A method is presented for determining the deflection of variable cross-section beams subjected to forced vibrations arising from the periodic motion of supports. Svetlit5kiy, V.A., Engineer. Determination of Basic Premises for Forced Motion 234 The paper presents a method for checking whether the forced motion analyzed is in accordance with the initial assumptions used for the theoretical solution. The possibility of Card 7/8 Design for Strength in Mechanical (Cont.) SOV/2037 deviation of existing conditions from initial assumptions is discussed. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/Jmr 8-25-59 card 8/8 PU= I met CMT4jTA=M a-Ayrr Pr*chaoCt'; tGOVOtIcheskla I ekpcrlzeatts~'11770 ko-trukUly. UbOrulk ~tatey. v"- 3- (Cklcul&tlftg for Strength; Th*.~stjc4a or Me -4 Experi-cow usoemh '*I- 3)-a asat. Used I' Main' Vc-t""'l MU-11tICS of Artil., IthI Str --. -has, 1VA. 555 p. %.000 anges M: T"'b"c" N.V., D"t*c` or Witorigi Tilboul 304MIts raw TO-1 ffc=nd worlmr or th. In Belecc* and Tschoolcy, Prof" IC';"); Btr--., S.T., Actirs Vmbsr, MwMWlQ MR Madcay of D*Otor or Tftbalc4a Solgangs. ftofe,s*rl Glabgs, *.a.~ Doctor of -80=1 Scleame. Profedsori ftomers, 8 D Datar of ftchntoal Scleacts ftafts-ri 5cj=2aw, 8.1r. Doctor of Professor; Tu*beaav:w.&.. Doctor of Technical act". Pror'door; ead Kd=sWn T X., CeOdIdto at 1*4k- Gical Sclecoss. Doctat (Boc;:t T*ch. Zd. I TlkbZ*;, A.Te. i Rene" CL .7), for Literaturs Gecarel Todud*4 so, Trev-POrt X-Ata* &Llulrg (Kubas)l ..A- bglntqr. 10120a: This **'Uctlau Of srtIQl*d If lZionl4d for ecgtmqrs gal Udlaw" vorkIng In the f1*24 of R.Cu. cotrOcuon, fcr res4arch relimm, #ad scientific varts". mU*atl*m Is am inter.vuz PtLbllc&tlca of transcatl*m, cca~rftg :trength problezA. it ecut4dRA OrISIAeX Marts Go CalculatIOU far a amber r structures u"d 12 netchins bUUlng sod their CoKM=ts. 00.1d..tlO. ars Own to calevaetions, or the mu-.. or bydrsaUc pvcgcg, *A couUnser lb"ry or ogre, wpua, grableas in thA cou.1stica of rubber ;,Gftu. theorltie'd and c'prj-.'4j L""ti"u" or eireaiw plat" or waste" sca IsrIchle stIffbass. lawstiCstlOw Of Conical shells wA of straxamd cesdablits or X--Um CONVOcauts. Calculstious is thA *j"Juplastia Iae&" rv;Msemted by Na Uv*gtlCltlOm of Tarud fits at 41808 cal tko awp *C OV*rsIIr4 Uzfft" 1-7-0- PrOblaws Of o3atact in Me 0"a of Lzpr4t WA the stability theory Of elastic "Ttess *I* pasm-al ter"a as 4*=Iurjd, Tbon U% lish. U4 -fervaces, 99 of ftleft am "et, p Mmush, 4 lecuse, I FrelA. I Pb Whoolse. Tjl-, tagiseer. Agalrals of ror"S Wits or DISGO g23MA Me Clutle Unit 07 Doctor or T mebalcal sciences, Docent. Aaajfts Of thA it oversting -Mae s-~ 252 FAIM rn. MUM CALCMATICM An CAICUArr= PON &fAXZLnT ftlaneira`- rs-N-l K-OrA 581MIXIO WA Tftbnlc*l Va xUr Of the Negates F-Cret" 'Amo Revabud, F~r... F~-'- Todmjc~4 geleame. Professor. gmdl_ 24(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2397 Ponomarev, S.D., V.L. Biderman, K.K. Likharev, V.M. Makushin, N.N. Malinin, and V.L. Feodos'yev Raschety na prochnost' v machinostroyenii. t. II: Nekotoryye zadachi prikladnoy teorii uprugosti. Raschety za predelami uprugosti. Raschety na polzuchest' (Design for Strength In MWhinery Construction. Val 2- Some Problems 6 the Applied Theory of Elasticity. Calculation Beyond Elastic Limits. Design for Creep) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 974 p. Errata slip inder,4ed. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.D. Ponomarev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: N.P. Chernysheva; Tech. Ed.: B.N. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature of Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers, designers, and process engineers in the,field of machinery design and construction. It may also be useful to students, aspirants, and scientific workers. Design for Strength in Machinery Construction (Cont.) SOV/2397 COVERAGE: Thts book deals with some problems of the applied theory of elasticity and the calculation of plastic deformation and creep. Design methods for circular and rectangular plates, shells of rotation,and thick-walled tubes are presented. The theory of contact stresses, the design of structural elements made of rubber and rubberized cord, calculations of elastoplastic strains, and calculations of steady and unsteady states of creep are discussed. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface SECTION 1. DESIGN OF PLATES AND SHELLS 3 Ch. 1. Theory of Flexure of Circular Plates and Its Technical Applications 7 S/124 /61/000/009/029/058 D234/D303 MTHOR: Malinin, P.N. TITIZ Radial-transverse bending of disco PERXODMU.: Referativnyy zhurnal. Melchanika, no. 9, 19619 a f abstract 9 V69 (V sb. Raschcty na prochnout v mashi. n tr. Q-IVTU, 89), 14, 1958, 43-62) os TE)CV: An.aiwproximate method is given of determining un- loading coefficient;pt-at the axially symmetrical radial-tranrverse bendin gof a rotatfiJ,-, inhomoge-neously lae-ated disc of variable thick~7ess. The unloading coefficients are understood as the ratios of deflections determined Twithout using the principLe of conserva- ith t tion o-! initial dimensions, and the deflections determimd i-r he use of this principle. Variation of elastic characteristics with the radius,, due to temperature variation, is taken into account; ..,variatiori of the characteristics with thicImese is neglected. Abstracter's note: Complete translation 7 Card MALINIM, dots., ioktor tekhn.nauL- Proof stress analysis of disks. ffauch.dokl.v7a.ghkoly;mash.1 prib. no.1:49-61 ' 58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. PrdAeta'vle"no kafedroy "Soprotivleniye materialov" Moskov- skogo *ygihe~o tekhutcheskogo uchilishchs Iment N.B. Baumana. (Steam-Turbine disks) Ob .41-fied k to ble. uc~ iyi~,yj-o no low 7L 11 rj JI, 6 Iii G46 -Tut Ane Ob rud lon,wo -Owl. di-iLb .41 . . . . . . . . . . NO M v4:;-;2;;27/a ti~ilt - ~-co n, f e r e n e, o i i h e st re, h~~, t 6 67f cin un'. drya t elevated temapp arures. r -vatem in hich ithe follo-i-Anc ele.-itl,antr om?rate so-i shdlls and xin;S~shaped rods. T4i his- paper "CC-tt'ain Methoda of Solving thp- Axis- Sl,~,=Metrilcdl Problem of the Theory of Slanticity Taking- 4eraii.6n Mass Porce-_ th- TeMrjtirat~~e" 'Into. conni lp t e me Umansir-i- e1widated. an appro- Lm -thod -of, n1culation Vf? the stresc state.' The paper -of V. J.-Danilovskiye(Mechanics In's'itute Ac.3c. USSR) was devoeed- to calculatin~j tha teaperature. f-4c-,lds "In trLirrsbells, The p f A 1. Ve:~nlk'(Pov,,ur lrfntit.,uca, AcSc. Byglo- n5er o w r w, L6 3-a rqipro, - iil_,W vauthod of* solvirig 7.1 ~ax.4 4/9 Wk, L"j(j -60 !Jn~ j _: ~ ~_a 75 1 ~ ~_It h I A'b dioaj "Tblhp_qr~' uria' Stresses' hi Thin 71al-lad _Struc:t&eYjn by I. A. Bir B. F. 8hor"dealt' t~ith, tEa"ipd out by TsMI on tho th,3.7~mal ~tres'sav_ "E.;j in. lpto consid-eratlon variable elaovicity of Olln a I I!q d lli(-h aro Co t (A, ~11;rovrvfl i-11 Eluiilvllt~,; of GaLl Illul"1~1jiuo UnA,3r CrAiditiont) Of ljoll-ntollfly stato 'Thermal ,. ~t`m 211-2-27/26 ihq_;--cpnf arpne e. on the stran-,th -of elametit-;; of, turbq- tit, elevated tumperatures..- r, A. -G. ko s tyuk. ~- IW3 Iconhidercd. the tbod 'of .1pproximate solution of the pr6blo_n of tl c non-steady state, temp ri3ure fiold. I~a which- the omponont Is., 'd red a s , aso-mi-inf iziite body during- the initi4l of -A -de-alt.--witv- G~ t Yi6v C. ~he tatiperattire tb in V, 01 led ~-'i~ulaxrly- In bodles of aviation 1~. S. Kurmtov-~TMI) qn.,l'Yd. M.,Molchan.,m~tM) reported -on cbraple;e invostigat-_4ons of 4'110 V 130.ratU3N3"'l--`~~ : - I:, VS; fie-1&3 -th6 st- tat -wid thci th '~Suti'gup' P't- rp e rotoirs 0l def ibi . .... -to turbines~ Tl al In his ptiper-~Ex~erimentz -Investigation of 06- ~8~pa a -strasseb 'in Plally Porged RotorsP G. A. Rd t experizental investitpaftdxin 'cb---rried out a 11' t.the- aw~~ ei:111ipmd_iit`-_t or - I - -heating -ihdiv a idu the- - -4: 'turbine'. durlng -st-arting., RT 2,~ The recond part o;r i;he confegence was -~Ae voted. td Droblem6 of the. cobstr~ctiojiall Etrength of. elementS o n turbo-machinery At elevated tempq Ur . rat i's. In his paper "Work o� the-institute of 'Metallo;,,er=iCs and Special Alloys, Itrainian, Ac.Sc. In the Field of r-nthll G. S. Pisarerfko"* *igh 'Ntltporature -at ecribed- cQ;rtLjia _rasults,,Obtained by the(-Paam of the 4t rongth oo Divisidn of-the Inatiruto its re'g%rds the davl6lobmeut of no ;nr,.Vtoda and tent equipmet -it for-cttwlying 'he mochtiaibaj- h crlaractpi~lrtica of -h tomperaturt ilaterialn 41t , Q ro 8 14P t) 158 o 0 for h4l. - ton a o f Ic an" 9-Lilv t r ::iot 1 OC0,11am rind o f 11 ajol aluc> cartsin rorultt~ uf- at "UIL J nd ~v6tod t f G. ftolchin A.' B. PliltoW-11xid 24o cjr o NA 96iiaintiri o. Collfo~oneo DII :-tfie stron6th o f u I ri t U;I~ 0 xl~r a, 'a 10V 71turen. ated t e _410 r "T,~chnlquo of 111 gh Temperatu-pe Tw3tr- App*d by W-11115" q;_14 I'd th~..m~ of YQ,.p V G P. rA or. - (VLU, ) "On Certai-rl New methodn~ srature Metallocqgr.-.~rAc. Ma-terialt" - wid of Tps~ing RiGh Tci:i L P pvtpat, of V. Z. TpeytlU', M4. A. Filatoval--A-V Ryabehbiko and A. 1. IM a 121-&r.-iov ~(TsNIITUASI,) I'lon& Dura tijon.. and 74tiV S iW~ t h in Air rira~ in Gageoub Media of a A-Uoy Used fwl Trant, Gas) Turbines" warf) ail portatibn devoted to the E~tudy of hi6b teraperature -pterfrl- -sults-of natural"invebti-ationr, of f- The. 3~e U tuYb6-machindry woriiderlt with in papors presantog! by i- tba pprf~onnel of TsXTI imeni Polzunov. 21. -KaIIIIoVskiy,(IIiIj- dealt ;E6ith the- resulte of ~0 inves tiCation, of the carrying capacity and 'Uhe long d% -of specim e-ns cTf eas tu_rbi;jp discs io~ qation Btrength _ nevi desIgti and a complicatLid_-donfig~ration tind,er ra-onditIoma -Similai-to the opewating: conditipiz. _itbe ~'iuiho d or;*Ibed the -featu*res of -the:-heatihg SY'Ste -an& c_ of am-p3mg equipLq-ent whi h eAsu:ras thepossil -m of of :kiDng uratimi 'tepts of hatiiral discs by. ie~ans at a. high temperatu.~e'lantil disruption 0 C, c ur s. '=d- Aie~. ,considered the deforimations of ,of 6 di-se- in 87506 3/1 2416,010a-lo i 21rx,~410(,~, A005/A001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1~160, N~_), 12, pp. 204-205, # 16700 AUTHOR: Malinin, N.N._ %_ -1 TITLE: The Creep Calculation of the Operating Blades of Turbines PERIODICAL: V sb.; Raschety na prochnost', No. _3, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958, pp. 252- 286 TEXT: The blade is conqidered to be a three-dimensional, weakly bent, natur- ally twisted rod of variable cross section, uniformly heated over its cross se,-;- tion. The calculation is performed for, stretching and bending with the neutral line beyond the cross section, In the conditions of the stationary Oreep land m0n0_ axial stretch, the dependence is assumed of the creep strain ir zp on the tension z p n (-,) , 6z and the function of temperature and time Q In the form t z 1. For a variable temperature, is a sumed to be the product of the temperature !'~_,nctlor and the time function t 1: n = T 0 1. On the basis of trie hypcthesi5 on the plane cross sections, the correlation Is obtained: Card 1/ 2 87506 S/124/6o/Ooo/o12/0oq/(,,oq A005/A0O1 The Creep Calculation of the Operating Blades of Turbines 1/n 6zps 1/n z Q 1/rn + S ) where ~_ z is the deformation in the gravity center of the croas section,~ Is the ratio of ?hSe plastic bending deformation to the plastic stretch deformation in the gravity center. Under the assumption that 6 is small and independent of the time., two cases are considered: + C~ ) 1/n + /n 1 /n n-1