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Card 2/2 Text Data call No- AF56"()6 Coverage:- (continued) The author defines metrology as a scientific disciplines Which h-W for Ats object the establishment of units and standard calibrating devices* 1w.this,science measwomento are the objects of# and not the means to knowledge as in other sciences* Purpose: The book is dedicated mainly to young metrologists as a textbook in fundamentals in metrology* Facilities: None. No Russian and Slavic References: Scattered references in footnotes. i;;irab;;: A.I.D.., Library of Congress. MIALIKOV~ M. F. Tziv I -.1mloar Jan 4~, "Carc Vie ~--Udlcn Of Y!. r, Y"a-lilezv, 'The ThAroduction of Abwlute I~Iectxlc and aetie j- * tICS 917 ,Wnt, 14 PP IjaU M-ektri--hestovo" '110 1 Artalcle-j L-j V. Ye. Solov lyevo V. A. Zems U-ys Bp 1e InkliLrison,' X. 1~. 1,0 1 -iV- mv, 1 Kh-lantarov, zj~d Y. F. !~alikov c?iscmuso the practiebility of ada-pting "the absolute. clectrcwguetic .9yetam of mit tall instGad olf the internatioml syste-z. Tho lattter two r-en advocate t4ho a4mi Systm. FA 35/49TIC-2 1. MALIKOV, M.F..Prof.; GORBATS-EVIN, 3.V.; YMIMTOV, A.A.; BIRVALKS, YU.A.; POLIVANOV, K.11.,Prof. 2. USSTI (600) 4. Electric Measurements 7. Dete=dning amperage - the fourth fundamental unit in the practical absolute unit system, Prof. M.F. ifalikov,, S.V. Gorbatsevich, -,.ngs. A.A. Yumatov, Yu. A. Birzvalks, Prof. K.M. Polivanov, Elek-trichestvo no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, UncL. KALIKOV,H.F.; TUDIN,H.F. E.G.Shramkov's 60th birthday. I=. tekh. ao.1:59 Ja-F 155. (Shramkov,E.G.,1894--) (MMA 8:9) ljh~LIKOV Tbe hybrid ratabags. Zemledeli,~ Z-7 no.4-74 4p. O'~, (x--.~-A 18--) 1. Glavnyy agronom Ulu-Telyakollcogo sovkhoza, Bashkirskoy I rl~ L I K (7, 14 ~ 1 r - k 11 kh sh r; o. Z. -, I Ap 1. Voronezhsk;-y MALIKOV, N.I., inzh. Unevenly heated cylinder sleeve becomes oval.. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.8:27-38 164. (MIRA 17:11) -ACC_NR /0145/66/000/006/ooal/0085 AUTHOR: MalikovL N. I. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: None TITLE: Effect of~ tangentiq_h(lat transfer on the temperature state of a-ribbed c der Y' SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1966, 81-85 TOPIC TAGS: radiative heat transfer, thermodynamic efficiency, heat theory ABSTRACT: The heat transfer process in a cylinder with ribbing of equal height around the entire perimeter (see figure) is theoretically analyzed to determine the effect of tangential heat transfer on wall temperature and the temperature of the air in the space between ribs. It is assumed that the specific heat transfer from working gases per unit length of aiiy section of the perimeter is constant. Approximate formu- las are derived which are sufficiently accurate for practical purposes for the temper- ature at the baze of the rib, air temperature between ribs and the efficiency of the cylinder. An example is givcn showino application of the proposed method to calculat- ine the temperature otate of a ribbed cylinder with specific parameters. It is shown that the effect of heat transfer on the temperature of the cylinder wall amounts to 5-100C and is still less for cylinders with ribbing of variable height. Consequently r"~rd 1 /2 uDc; 621,143 AbCN R_,__kP_766~7_~27 -temperature state may be calculated without accounting for ,t transfer in the tangenLia-1 direction. Article presented publication by Candidate of technical sciences A._I%.._ ~omqk.iy_, Lecturer at Voronezh Agricultural Instil Orig. has: 3 figures, 1 ta f~_,f2"_f0_r_m_uI:as. CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: MugW ORIG REF: 002 Card KAFRALOV, I.I., HALIKOV, H.P. Possibility for controlling a discharge by negative voltage pulses. Izv.Sib.otd-AN SSSR no-7:123-126 160. (MMA 13:8) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Filectric discharges) ' I lK0 M AL T, P. "Regarding the 7heory and Technique of Green 'Pud Grafting of Tree V.9rieties in Connection With the Problems of G~r----n -,Ian'lin;~,-s." Cand Priol '3ci, Vorr~nezh -tate 1:, Voronezh (KhBiol, No 1, Qep 54) 9 1953. 1 SO: Sum 4.32, 29 Mar 55 ~D , , Y'LT'-'OV, . 110ak in the Valley of the Cand Biol Sci, Kirov Pedago.gical 1953. (RZhBiol, No 1, Seo 54) V,,atka and Tt3 LUI-iiatAm in Green ~-)nstrijction." Inst; Lenin-.ra~'~ "'tate Pe ;a--,-,-,-1ica', -:n3t, Kirov, ~ -1 30: Swa 432, 29 ',%r 55 NALIKOV, P.H.; IN, M.D. -- Ramestlng, Ulan grass by separate eta,-,Os- Zemeledelle 6 no*6:10-12 je 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Su.dan crass-Hamesting.) MALIKOV. P.M. Propagating mulberry trees by means of cuttings. Biol. shkole no.2: 84J W-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Oblastnaya seliskokhozyaystvennaya oprnaya stantsiya, g.Fruzhany. (Kant cuttings) (Malberry) VALIMT, S. F-. of textiles at the capital of the Donate Basin. Sov. torg. 34 no.12:49-50 b 060. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Upravlvayushchiv Ukraiaslw7 kontoroy "Ukropttekstilltorg". (Stalino-Textile industry-lbchibitions) . i .. I .--MALIKGV-r-S.9~, Gonsumer views on -,~'abrics. Tekst. prom. 21 no.2:75-76 Ja t~!. 0~-L-LIUI 14:3) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Ukra inskoy k~etoroy "Ukropttekstilitorg.n (Textile fabrics) ' T7URINq N.I.; BAR OV, V9A. p pmf,-p red,~ MMKOV, S.F.9 otv. red. [Gentenhial of the State Service of Weights and Measures# 1845-1945] Sto let gosudarstvennoi sluzbby mar i vesov, 1845-2945. Hoskval 19/+5. 22 p. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kcmitet standartov, mer i, izmaritall- rqkh priborov. (Weights and measures) KUZNETSOV9 A.P.p otv. red.; MALIKOV, M.F., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki i tekhnikip prof., red.; BARBOV, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; IZONOV, B.M.p red.,,- MALIKOV, S.F.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, red. KOLICIMIKO, G.N., red. [Hundred years of the state weights and measuro-t service in the U.S.S.R.] Sto let gosudarstvennoi sluzhby rer i %.sov v SSSR. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1945. 376 P. (SSSR. GosudarstvenrWe standarty) (MIRA 14:7) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritell- nykh pr--'borov. 2. Predsedatell Komiteta. po delam. mer i izmeritell- nykh priborav pri Sovete NarodrWkh Komissarov SSSR (for Kuznetsov) 3. Chlen Komitats. po delam mer i imneritel'Wkh priborov pri Sovete Narodnykh Komissarov SSSR (for Leonov) (Weights and measures) MALIKOV, S. F. Vvedenie v tekhniku izinerenii. Moskva, !-'-ashgiz, 1949. 185, 1/ r.. dialers. At head of title: Komitet po delam mer i izmeritelInykii priborov. Bibliography: p. 186 Introduction to the technique of measuring. DLC: T50-M3 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Scviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. '~ALIK)V, S. F. Vvedenie v tekhniku izmerenii (Introduction to the teclhnology of measurements). Izd. 2-e. Moskva, Masligiz, 1~52. 216 p. SO: Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 1953 KA11KOV, S.F. - Systematization of electric and magnetic values. Izm.tekh. no.6:19-23 N-D 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Electric units) (Magnetic measurements) FRASE I B00r. -.1SLU1. TION SOV/5230 Malikov, Sergey Pedoseyevich Yedinitsy elektricheskikh i magnitnykh velichin; iotoricheakly ocherk (Units of Electrical and Magnetic Quantities, Historical Outline) 2d ed., rev. Moscow, Gosenergolzdat, 1960. 167 P. 12,000 copies printed. Ed.: N. G. Vostroknutov; Tech. Ed.: N. I. Borunov. PURPOSE: This book may be of interest to engineers and scientific personnel engaged in electric and magnetic measurements. COVERAGE: The book describes the historical development of the system of units of electrical and magnetic quantities. It dis- cusses methods of establishing unit systems and presents several tables illustrating relationships between the units of different systems. No personalities are mentioned. Thare are 144 refer- ences: 46 Soviet, 35 English, 41 French, 20 Oerman, 1 Serbo- Croatian, and I Italian. _j IK.0y.,-..Sergpy.-~edosey~vi.chj TTURIN, Fikolay ivanovloh- DOLIUSM, Ye,F., retsenzent; SHIROKOV, K~P,.&AT-tekhn. nauk,red. [Introduction to metrology] '..',7ederiie v metrc~logiiu. M,oskva, Izd-vo standartov, 1965. 239 p. (MIRA !8;4'1 KAIIKOV. T. Concern for improring the qualifications of personnel. 3ov. prof- soiuzy 5 no.9:66-67 9 157. (KLHA 10;9) 1. Ghlen zavodskogo komitets, profsoyusa Minakogo traktornogo zavoda. (Minsk--Tractor industry) (Mmployees, Training of) KALKOV, A.. inzhener: KALIKOV, V-, inzhener. .......... ~~, - -1. Ixtending the service life of storage batteries. Avt.transp. 32 no.2: 15 P 054. (KLRA 7:6) (Automobiles-Batterias) GURVICA"V.B. 'BALANDINA, V.A.; BRIGHKIN, N.I.; NOSKOVA, M.P.; I -MALIKOV,--Val~~ Device for automatic determination of moisture conteAt by means of Fischer's reagent. Plast.massy no.11:39-43 161. (AIRA 14:5) (Titrimeters) AID P - 3430 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 15/18 Authors Sadykov, A. S., 0. S. Otroshchenko, and V. M. Malikov Title Solubility of some salts of the alkaloids Anabasis Aphylla_ Periodical Zhur. prikl. kh1m., 28, 5, 552-554, 1955 Abstract : The solubility of chlorides and Iodides of anabasine, lupinine, aphylline, and aphyllidine in organic solvents has been studied, One table, 6 references, all Russian (1931-1955). Institution : Chair of Plant Chemistry of the Central Asia State University. Submitted : D 21, 1953 7 ty ' ' Wr A.S. Sulykov~ O. & Otioshchenko., u A i; fCentm1' M~ State~ Unir : ., - ew 28 5m, ab ibi l L JOQ g 4 an u . . as a n put I int- hfesCO wir added 25.5 g; NHsC1; the-mbL4 was xe-~ I 'fluxed 30 hrls.1and chikM to ly 85 -M-59 itr 9'& M omEt m OITM (f co . . r et M" ME iWarly gave 94.4% ambasixeWr jar M (ftura"etmELORY., zmxxk~ with, mez CG'SoJU_d He[ PVe 90.4% Ha sait, m. 212-43'.'*Apkyuidi"-HC1 $df (ormed in'the same minw m 2354 its HI sdi re d . -, , , p p from tbm bawand ffli-m. 240-L*.: The foUawing goly; 140r h ...... t ese salts witsfaund (in MetCO a so at b.PF.. res in -%):. anAastne-M& O.OW3j 0.1721, 0-0 M7. & 0108 0167 04254 0 0129 0 . . . , , . . ~40.0, 66.26; anabasiuL~HTO-12&, O'Jw, 0.4630. O~M. , 4.18, 6.9. L1.19; _4 aiap-RCII OM28-::0MA7, 0.22W 0.0054, ' OMl O OM ZO . , 0.0439, O , 0=4,13.42; 27.27. 53.15; HCJ OJIL46. Oj)M' 0.1w, 0.05m, O.fms. 0.163 4 -'0 01 0 2A 10 0 0 4992 h ffidL UCI 0 . . . ue- , p y 0.3m, OSM O'Osu"G-0239~, OM12, 0.01 22, 0.0181 -01737 14 81 20 47 42 3 a . . . , , phyUldine-H 0. 0.3617, i ; X1.4189. OJM5, OM05, 0 -0,0396 0. 0 17' [a ff F7 5/147/59/000/04/020/020 3031/Z413 TITLA The So lost If is -Technical conference at Kh^r-kry Aviation Institute P19RIODICAL lave& tlya vya&hLkh uchobnykh saved.uLy, AviAtsionnay, tskbJLtk*. 1939. Mr 41. pp 161-163 (USSR' A03TRACT& I~L May 1939, the Teashing $tsff to" place. b T -W~ 11.4 Ccl-.- by O"ant. CandIcAste of T..boic.1 ;-rd 5/11 oThO SAMMIAtIDA of Static Up-riffients an Tbln-Vall.d .r T-hitical Scienci-i-_- Stem.tur..- br C..dL"t .4 3 -1 Inatmotor V.K.Zolotakhinj :, WIL -= I Lq. 4 4 . .w d,., Be- frasig an Op..ins" by *. ; .: Cam4ldmt. of T.Ch..I I *Th WL%avso of the Rlg14Lty of Ribs and Dean& on jr the D-MdLWS ; b7 AAOL*t.At Th. ILO the V-diats of Roctan~l- Plat CAIGUI the a 4ret. by All Latest I: Sh*l1o1bY the ..1h.. .Th. C.14MIAtLan of C i 1 ,I d r W of Discrete Variable ir t , . . . ; ; W..I.. C ... trn.ti.. 7 h"*"ty 5 Ch or "An LA"atization or the Process of bre.11 D lt ..ior ftjtAjkiUZ by a. A by Candidate of Technics. . I:_ -Th. .g % Y L1v`*.tLS.tAcQ of the Operation of . 11-amat card 6/11 Urdraulle Kanto by Aaalstant V~. toy_SX_l ' -A-Ststio iaslys" -4 C.1c.Lti., If Ch --,y of A I chi~",.:,~ the Technological Fr as ..... of tL. by A _Q.AJSLWLqA*___!Wj a '_ tL, W,1AL.jj of Lc.s ZE T .I. -ou.. Ii-m-n- !y or T T post. 1. the Us. of .,L.~L..d Co.p.t.r. for the Determination Pf the optimum Geometry of C a- br Vacant. C..dkd.t. or Technical 3.1.... , $prs.dlnX of the f kc wTh trn ! ~* E 4 ::i a. 2.0 Ication of Organizational- . r :. Technical Heasc.res In Machine Construction* by Senior In L"A hurt hl. Feat-a of Vrnator I : K.. b Abr..L.. zi t:.S Tool In Fine Sharpening- 4 a b7 "A Iloa.tLS-tio. of the n V.....t... of pr or C6 .1 ". S h dt. of Technical S.L.n... 00; by Docent. C..dL A,X.Dayovt -The Standazdisation of Vibr&ti on Lff,ets ;2- 0a the Human Organisus In Aircraft P-d-tic.1- by S..i.r X"t".t or V.T.X-.Q. Th.." ..d Csrat-tic. of Aircraft E.9L... And Card 7/11 Propel lo-Dr I van P-mchinas Section. 'The Investigation * d Out' " f the Flu. Between the I.I.t I Vol"' I a :. L to of T hnL.Al S. n... Candid T%xrbin.- by In : :tructor 1 1 Vor t on I Ch. S Ca P1 ,. . h T l 1 1 M .7. r 1 =r fIL pro In Ac-rdance with 5 i~ i gj L ; C by Assistant O"."~H11 :0. the Radial Pr blow N -t.t ionary 11-t Tr-hofr- byA ,.. t." wr,l,v :The Ifl..n.. f .. J., trL~ 11.1d ___L as or Bu-rw by Senior EnSin::r P,P.E..t-.h- +be Fr. of the Temperature Coupon Ion of Pro..-. Flek-Ups- by A.sist&nt_!,.Ya.~.%txf'y- hyd-dy-i.4 Sotion, !.r Id a Body" by A..i.t--1 : -1-I.Kh,1Y41k~1 -Th. Q-rl , th. '_"d:!~, WL.S by P.1C.-ti- of the L..di.9 Edge . by a Y..P.V.r.h-.w, Th. GA-Hydroulic Aral.Z7 rd it. ApP1IC iion- by Senior In, ruc_r D.A.?-hnhtuk. I Th. A:rodynamic Investigation of or mall Reynolds N-ntors"Iby EnSLno ; S/121/60/000/007/005/011 AUTHOR: Malikov, V.N. TITLE- -ih Trimming Edge for Finishing Boring PERIODICALi Stanki i Instrurnent,-1960, No. 7,,pp. 24-25 TEXTt The author states the results of investigations In the field of improving cutting tools for finishing lathe operations. He points out that for fine turning operations it is not expedient to use cutting tools with a rounded off front edge. since this results in an increased wear of the tool. It is suggested, in order to increase the tool durability, to use tools with a trimming edge, located parallel to the feed direction. Such cutting tools make it possible to use higher feeds with fine turning operations and thus increase the efficiency on account of a higher cutting speed. The tests were carried out during the turning of specimens of the 35 grade steel on the 1616P lathe. The tools were fitted with T15K6 grade hard-alloy bits, which were honed with a boron carbide paste of 320 granularity. Machining was effected without coolants at a cutting speed of 200 m1min and a depth of cut of 0.1 mm. The investigation results are given by the author in the form of graphs and tables. The laboratory Card 1/2 S/121/60/000/()07/005/011 Cutting Tools With Trimming Edge for Finishing Boring J- teat results, showing a aurface fi-nish of the 7th-8th class, were confirmed during .0- cutting tests at the Khar'kovskiy zavcd "S,7,rp i Molot" ~Khar'kov "Serp 1 molot" Plant). There are 1 diagram, 3 graphs, I table and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Malikov,--V-.11,, Assistent 32243 S/14 61/000/004/007/008 D2 21 YD3 01 TITLE: Determining the sharpness of the cutting edge with the aid of the image of an ellipse PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashin- ostroyeniye, no. 4, 1961, 187 - 191 TEXT: The usual model of the cutting edge is a cylinder with a ra- dius p; the lateral edges are tangent planes of the cylinder. The tool is placed in the plane of axes of the tubes of a twin micros- cope designed by member of Academy V.P. Linnik. Then the plane of "light section" forms an angle V with the plane normal to the cutt- ing edge. Since any section of a cylinder is an ellipset one will observe in the visual tube a part of an ellipse defined by (x2cos2 1)/p2)+ y2/p2 = 1. Measurements are made with a micrometric eye-pie- ce with two perpendicular threads placed so that the major axis of the ellipse bisects the right angle, and the threads are tangent to the ellipse. The radius of rounding is then determined by b = a - Card 1/3 3224) S/145 61/000/004/007/008 Determining the sharpness of the D2217D-,3!01 P the equation of the threads being x + y = a and x - y = a. cosly ' The magnitude of b is measured directly by the eyepiece. The author derives a working formula for determining the radius of rounding expression P = b cos 2v - microns where b is the corres- N( V1 + Cos 1) ponding reading multiplied by 10 and N is the magnification of the microscope with the additional lens. If IY= 450,1~ = 3.14b/N. The error in the use of this equation for V between -70 does not ex- ceed 5 %. The maximum angle of the tool point P is given by P = 2 are tan(l/cosV). Finally, the author indicates the minimum length of the tool ed,-,e which would permit- the measurement of the round- ing radius. The additional items used in this method are a bracket with a clamp for fixing the tool on the microscope table and a 10- magnification lens for setting the tip at an angle of V = 450. The instrument permits determination of radii from 5-7 microns, and on- ly 2 minutes are required for one measurement. There are 2 figures Card 2/3 DetermininL; the sharpness of the ... and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 32243 3/14 6110001C04100710108 D221YD301 Kharlkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Khar,kov Avia-- tion Institute) May 18, 1960 Card 3/3 S/145/61/000/009/003/003 D221/D301 AUTHOR: 11alikov, V.Ii., Z..'saiste-at TITLE: Tool wear during fine turning with large feeds PERIODICAL: Izvestiya v,,trssliik-h uchebnyl,:h zavedeniy. Hashino- stroyeniye, no, 9, 1961, 132-136 TFX.r The study of tool wear was carried out by turniag steel 35 with T301C4 tips - which are described in detail - and with- out coolaut. The results of experiments are plotted in the form of curves indicating the rise of wear with the speed. Their sLo in- creases when the speed of machining goes up from 130 to 510 Zanin' the feed being 0.0~ mnVturn. In the case of a larger feed (0.2 mm/ turn), the speed of machining has a greater effect on the wear, but slope of curves decreases when the speed increases. The rate of measured wear is conventionally characterized by relative. -uear x1bich is represeuted by the tangent of inclination of the curve of wear to the axis of abscissae. To analyze the effect of the -niachin- Gard 1//4~~ S/145,/61/000/009/003/003 Tool wear durin,-~ f in(--. turnin'-. . . D221/D301 ing SDeed on tool wear in E-ine turning with conventional and large feeds, a ,raph illustratin,~ the relationship between the relative L' wear ard machining speed was plotted (Fig. 3). The relative wear was deter-m-i- -ned 'Dy U0 Mm, L where u0 is the relative wear in min; u is the measured wear of tool on the steady part of curve, in iicim; L is the lenath of turning in the steady zo-L-L-- in ran- The curve exhibits a minimum and reveals that the results of both experimolits are close to each other. The chip section in differei,--t case's c1hanged little, although it was larger at hi,-,-h feeds. The i'Acr(-,.ase of heat during fine turning With lar-c feed was compeasated 1)y its distribution over a greater 0 - j letigth of tool. Tlu,- gr.,nerated heat produces a paralbolic relation- ship between the relativc- i-.,ear and -Lachirin,r speed. The optimum speed, kno~,n Erom literature, cj,i ')(~ tran~;ferred to large feed op- eration .Athout ad(Ilitional i.-vt--,tigatio-as. The importance of large C ard 21A-Y S/143/61/000/009/003/003 Tool wear c1pring fine turning... D221/,D301 feed is ghoym by a. plot of the dependence of wear on the area of the machined surface. The tool wear in fine turning differs from that of -machining steel with large cross section of chip. This is shown by the appearance of grooves at the front part of the tool surface. The experimcilts proved that these can also form during fine turning. C.2 They are copied on the machined surface and contribute to the in- crease of residual micro-roughness before the tool loses its cutting C> capacity. The zone of speeds where mininulft measured xiear is obser- ved in fine turning with a large feed coi4icides trith that of normal fine turning. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. AS3001ILTION: Miarllrovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kharlkov Avia- tioa Institute) 3UJI-11TWED: February 17, 1961 C ard 314_~ AUTHOR8 Malikov, V.N. 26,591 S/121/61/000/010/005/005 D040/11113 TITLE2 The effect of the cutter position obliquity on the height of microscopic roughness in fine turning with high feeds PERIODIOALj Stanki i instrument, no. 10, 1961, 35-36 TEXTa The article deals with the problem of sawtooth traces produced by fine-Urning cutters (Fig.1) on the surface of a workpieoe when the position of the cutter is not accurately parallel to the direction of the feed, In- formation on these cutters with three cutting edges had been previously published (Ref.l: Malikov, V.N., "Stanki i instrument", no-7, 1960). Fine finish turning with high feeds (up to 0-3-0*4 mm/rev) raises the product- ivity of the process several times and the work accuracy is improved. Two cases of the tool position obliquity are analyzeds I - when the'y angle characterizing the obliquity forms counterclockwise (Fig.2), and II - when it forms clockwise (Fig.3). It is proven by calculations that the heigh 4, cf the microspopic protrusions is proportional to the feed value and the Card 1/4 26891 3/121/'61/000/010/005/005 The effect of the outter position obliquity ... a D040/Dl13 anglep and also depends on the and f2 angles. A graph (Fig. 4) shows the dependence of the caloulabed protrusion height (H ) on the ti-It of the finishing edge of the too! (for case I where f P, 100,11. it is obvious that class 9 surface finish can be achieved when he feed rats is 0.2 mm/rev. and the maximum angular tilt is 0.75 mm/100 mm of length or when the feed rate is 00 mm/rev. and the maximum angular tilt is 0-5 mm/ 100 mm of length. It is not difficult to produce socket's in boring bars for outters with such a tilt& The calculated data have been verified in experimentse The article includes a photograph of tool traces made with an 14H(! -11 (MIS-11) double microscope* It is recommended to use lapping or special finishing to reduce the roughness of the finishing edge of the outters to a minimum. There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/4 HALIKOV, V.N. Calculating the errore in va--~hin-'ng raused lb-j the wear of cutting toal and thR of It3 adjustment. Ves-.. mashinostr. 41, no.5~60-62 My 164. (RIKA 17:6) PUCEP2,1LITSA, Miji,. v, 7.,,,.; T31,? r ()- I - . Thu IFY-1 au-~ir~---afe instrutwent. i n'orm. no.11:8 fc;c . I I (Ifine ~~Uots-l~,-asuremert ) 1:1..?) 1 1-1 -- .. 'ea-;-. I~i~_.- . 11 ". - - ~.- .-*:-,-." ~:, -~ 1. - ~ - ~ .- --.- - Z, : I - - .1. - VISHNEVSKAYA,, N.B.; GERASIMOV, N.I.),MALIKOVA, A.F.; PLTHOVICHV Yu.A.; SHESTERIKOVI, T.P. - ---- Influence of insulin an glycemic curves in neuroses. Trudy Goo. I nauch-isal. psikhonevr. inst. no.20:237-241 159. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatgllskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy institut, Odessa. (INSULIN) (NEUROSES) GLADKOV, I.A., doktor ekon. nauk; KOSSOY, A.I., kand. ekon. nauk; VIDOLOV~ S.S., nauchn. sotr.; SAMOYLOVA', I.D., nauchn. sotr.; GORiiUNO-11, E.P., kand. ekn-. naurk; WEVSKII, I.V., daktor ekonor.. nauJk;CHEBOTAREV,V.A,, kand. ekon. nauk; WIUSHER, L.N., nauchn. sotr.; STROYEVA, Z.N., nauchn. sotr.; FOMINA, L.V., nauchn. sotr.; WWBIYEV, Yu.F., kand. ekon. nauk; IULVEV, M.A., doktor ekon. nauk; KAPLINSKIY, Ye.M., kand. ekon. nauk; LAPINA, S.N., nauchn. sotr.; YAKOVTSEVSKrY, V.N., kand. ekon. nauk; OHWV, B.P., kand. ekon. nauk; DIKFTYAR, G.A., doktor ekon. nauk [deceased]; PLOTNIKOV, K.N.; I-MLIKOVA,,A.I., nauchn. sotr.; TOVYOSYAN, M.Ye., red.i74-va; PoffKOVi.1 T.V., tekhn. red. (Socialist national economy of the U.S.S.R. in 1933 to 19401 Sotsialisticheskoe narodnoe khoziaistvo SSSR v 1933-1940 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 665 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akaderiya nauk ESSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Sektor istorii narodnogo khozyaystva Instituta ekonomiki M! SSSR (for Stroye-k-a Fomina, Kaplinskiy, Lapina). 3. Chlen-korresponderit AN SSSR ~for Plotnikov). (Russia-Economic conditions) HUNGARY/SOVIET UNION NESHERSKIY, R. M., and Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neuropbysiology at the Soviet Academy of Sciences (Institut Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti i Neirofiziologii, AN SSSR) in Moscow, USSR; and ADORJANI, Csaba, Institute of Psychology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pszichologiai Intezete) in Budapest. "Corticofugal Regulation of Latent Periods of Bioelectrical Responses to Photic Stimulation in the Rabbit Visual Cortex" Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae, Vol 29, No 3-4, 8 Jun 1966, pp 235-246. Abstract: (English article] The authors attempted to elucidate the change in amplitude of responses of the lateral geniculate nucleus attributable to excitatory and inhibitory corticofugal effects by studying the latencies of evoked potentials in different !jtates of the vtauaL corcez, tiuch aa strychninization or deprefiDion. 7"he f indingu, presented and discussed in some detail., supported the assumptions published by other authors in this regard. 18 references, including 10 Russian, 1 Czechoslovak, 1 German, and 6 Western. (Manuscript received 2 Jun 1965). 1/1 Q_~ ~#A-~K-~ Comparative evaluation of various mebtods of artificial abortion after 3 months. Akushei gin* 36 nool:61-65 Ja-F 160o (HIRA 13:10) (ABORTION) KOFMANp Ye.B.; MALIKOVA, A.N. Dberease of the stability and adenosinetriphosphatase activity of myosin in solution during, thermal denuturation and due to the if-feet of cadmium chloride. Biokhimiia 25 no.2:242-250 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSRP Moakva. (MYOSIN) (ADEPOSINETRIPHOSPHATASE) MLIKGVA~ L.G. bbthods of determini the seepage factor of loessUke soils. Vest. lbskeunAere4 -. Geol. 17 no.5:66-67 S-0 162. 04IRA 15:1-1) 1, Kafedra, gruntovedeniya, i inzhenernoy geologil lbakovakogo universiteta. (LOGOS) (Peepage) TURCEK, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt - a contribution to the evaluation of pathological elements of his creations. Bratisl. Lek. Listy 42 no.5089-299 162. 1. Z Protialk*lickej liecabne (prednosta MUDr. M. Tureek) MUNZ, Kestskej nemocidee, Il. polikliniky v Bratislave, riaditel MUDr. V. Dautsoh, a z Mestskej galerie v Bratislave, riaditell LI.Medvecky. (MEDICINE IN ART) (PSYCHOPATHOLOGY) RTBNIKOV, K.A.. prof.# red.; SPASSKIT, B.I.. dotsent, red.; GORDEYEV, D.I., prof., red.; IVANENKO, D.D.. prof., red.; KORTATTSW , P.S., prof., red.; KWHKIN, B.V.. prof.. red.; KULIKOVSKIT, P.G., doteent, red.; HIMILOT, G.K., starshly nauchnyy sotradnik, red.; KEIRGIAN. A.Kh.. prof.. red.; SHIVTSOV. U.5.. prof.. red.; VEBKMOV, T.M., assistant, red.; KONONKOV, A.F., red.; MALIKOVA. M.A.. red.; SOROKINA, L.A.. red.; 13RHAKOV, H.S.. [.%mmries of papers and reports of the Interuniversity Conference on the History of Physics and Mathematics] Tezisy dokladov i soob- shchanii Nezhvuzovskoi konferentsii po istorii fiziko-matematichaskikh nauk. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1960. 187 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Nezhvuzovskays konferentsiya po istorii fiziko-matematichoskikh nauk. )-96o. (Hathematics--Congresses) (Physics--Congressea) -i: --f_ qj~ T --l --- N -6-: -_-A wmm~m , -2 ~ - I - , - ~ 7--t, .,'~ -.. " I 4~ -I , - - l4z~ SVIRINA., Ye. P.; NIALIKOVA, M. A. "The Hall and Nernst-Ettinghausen effects in the ferrites." report submitted for Intl Conf on Magnetism, Nottingham, a, Sep 64. Moscow State Univ. from E~- 5 P J-) h'l (b'/0-4P 11 M EKP al/in L V651=1004/009410096 536-632 621-318034: AIM -likova M. ois Bvirina T _M~ ~Q - ----- ~T IT LE, iHal1-'szr%4--Nern6t-V I Be e in, 1' -ferrite _4 ,tingsl au n ffecta- _111dum z#. SMMCD: o--::Mdbco'v. UjAvereitet. Vestnik. Seriya no -36 Fizikaj astronomiyd, 4# 1965 J .94- 96 TOPIC TAGS: solid stiite, physics p Hall affea ,-lithium, n-st -effect Ettingshausen !effect ;a5TELk0T:, Expaximental curves -were. obtained -of. Hall emf-FIj--magnetization 1 and- 77-7~_ 4el el~~ic:-.resisti~01+,Y~of:-rolyoT7st&lline -lithium -ferrite, for -various -temperatures. in~ -,-to -780X~ -&t- a - temPerat-are ~ of 489K --th6:~Fexmt-J-;'ttirigshausen:(N-;E) obtained as -a--funotion of. the magnetic field. The -ape-cimen was7aparallelepiped. empera, e -ranp-5- iWD9M6tic:field -is 1fidreased4 Tworeasons are given for this behaviorvl a. decreased ~in the spontaneous - Hal -.coefficient in - the region of true-,magnetization kpara-7 P !-Proces'g)o -Wid.72) the:difference in sign betweon the olao sical and the sDontansous C, 01, ESS 101T.M. ~~AP5020246 -curve -The -,.E~eml 9-s, i4g 1T r at gipn~ OT IUM- - - : clle__ :~Suscwat t:~-;Grsua_ the-par-p-pr CRu--ve-_xs--z onn-a ~ ib UU7 ' -thium- a Irl Y- in f 'In Fig~ 1 0 the Radlosure The Hall ribli -o ec-ron-condu t ratuxe, (See th Tig. emp f erri t 9w~s --obtain d ab- e ratio-R as 6 fun dtion of the t 22~ - Accordin to semiconductor theoryt crease in mobility ~2 of the Mlclo6ure).- the in - ' - , ~ h te m current carrier scatter of perat=e indicates the impurity charaoteristio in. 'the tem-oarature-range of -the tests. "The authors thanIc Professor K. P. BelGv f or, he u interes art. haa, OR ' 6 ~_kSSOCIATIOM Idoakovskly -enn~7 universitet, Yafedra obshchey fiz:Vici godudaretv (MT6scor.State University, tMent or c4neral pbsysiss_) b SUB CODE SIOTINITM 11pe 65, S E14 0 RMT SOVt DPRF 005 01=1 000 AT SS.4% `~295; J 3`31 N- 0. NID AP P02 50- 46. . ENCLOSURVII 01 1 2 All d J A ,;w A ~2 A., -3 ~M j! ar a ion of N ,-09 Vi7 00 500 COO 700 AV T scept- ~of th - as a. Pmctiwa 'of the Fig. 2.- Variation of the susceptib-411ty of the gall mobility vith the 'a at 4 8 proces - temperature . MLIKOVA., M.V. Gatalase activity in Brucella. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid i immn. 31 no.3-103-99 N 160. ~MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Odesskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Mechnikova. (CATTALASE) (BRUCELLA) L 46923-66 OWN 1 )IM, 0/9" 1 IJP(c) JD/W/AT ACC NR: AP6015488 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/005/1599/1601 _51 I AUTHOR: Svirina, Ye. P.; Malikova, 0. A.; Malikova, M. A. r. OR,f: Hoscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer- sitet) TITLE: The Hall and ~ernst-Ettingshausen effects in ferrites containing excess iron .ions - SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1599-1601 .TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, Hall effect, Hall constant, cobalt compound, manganese compound, Nernst effect, Ettingshausen effect, semiconductor research ABSTRACT: The Hall (H) and Nernst-Ettingshausen (N-E) effects have not been suffi- ciently researched with respect to magnetic semiconductors, e. g., ferrites. Using conventional potentiometric instrumentation, the authors examined the temperature re- lationships of the H and N-E effects, the electrical resistivity (p), and the magneti- .74Fez ZOO, ( U.bqFe2.~10 zation intensity (a of the following ferTites:',,(Mnu Ni 4 and 00.94Fez.bUN). These ferrites have an electrical'VListivity ~of only 10 to 100 ohmiVM-Ccat low temperatures (BOOK and above). Measurements of Hall emf in Mn and Ni ferrites in a broad temperature range showed that the proportional relationship be- tween R.1p and a7 (where % is the spontaneous Hall coefficient, p is the electrical Card 1/2 L 46923--j6 ACC NR: AP6015488 resistivity, and aais the spontaneous magnetization intensity per unit mass) were not satisfied. However, there is a linear relationship between R IRO and oz (where Rv is a 8 the classical Hall coefficient) for the entire investigated temperature range. In view of the complex nature of the Hall mobilil.-y, it can be assumed that in the presence of several types of scattering of the current carriers, R depends only on the scat- a tering of the magnetic discontinuities. Similarly, the relationship between Q VQU avid 02 for ferrites of Mn and of Co was established (where Q and QU are the spontaneous S 8 and the classic N-E coefficients, respectively), and,was found to be linear. Thus, we have the empiric relationship Q'=A R. To Rol where A is a proportionality factor. Upon expressing RU through the current carrier concentration n, and making some transformations, we obtain Q, =f (r) R, -, Vhare-f(r) is a function that depends on the scattering parameters at varying tempera- ture, and a is the electrical conductivity. The authors thank K. P. Belov for his in- terest in the work and for taking part in the discussion of the experimental results. Grig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATE: 14Jul65/ ORIG REF: 012 Card 2/ 2 aMM Q JK K, 9") -65 R1 ildk(b)-2 iACCES&~ON-- Ri-- -AP5~0801k- 0031005Z10056 s/Oo16/65/pOP/ 4 IMEF, 0 Rt- MaIlIto T Ucella ~Peroxidase a tiv#7 tudy of bi~ S 0 URC,-L, Zhurndl--milwobiologii) epidemlologil- I :Lmmnobio ogii.. .52-5 156$,j 6-, no i Br, melitonsis abo-bovis,, Topic b,,uooIjaj. Br. tit~ s Br* . . . . . . . . . .perakidasel ~aatalaaej a FEW ii iZ -al reacti-=on, T5enz ine, -te-F62 Tj~-cigallol W NR - H AESTRN0aT--.,--:1 ase--ao'kv;Ity-* 11 .1ture's (B 0 bx-uoe a cu r Ter6xid no s tans- -ud- -ifying -var-d- .6as r-oxid9z 0 -tur -V -~f,irst 'inve s t i t d-'b' a qualitati-ve: benz idine- - te st as as f -rxix! and then by a semiquanti-bative pyrogallol -method devoloped-by- do- -1 sts~ of adding hydrogen -(l 59 --~h e f irst- m othod .1a.L "ide' etate benzidine to-a brucalla suspension -which -turns c;noz. and ae_ p 1, b 31. 11 a I n -a day old Ose idas With IL-emer-y's nothod he p nee of perox 0, 0-. ucana ebltifre -was- Placed Anto- salt-was. zddedj: -and them- *dens-' sured with a photomat r Using an ity was raea L-7 L12944-65: -YT -gallol: -lutU_ ~-I~. ~di f Oran 086n orango' 0 so on a& I ml - of J-he ere-added to ntl porox da~aonab R~ 6 a "th pyrogmllol -aharigad into 'I n- Tile ris an o purogal -.1upo ion pur rea madial - rrdn. Tnto sity 0 -ely and:continu d fo 3-5 f o'lort-atarted- u a -'-( , - d with a in' the A,2rcmery ulothod: -J In e s v a s at a _st-em, _point:s7l 0-d by-,-a -qs~s-hydrog_~~ --pbr-oxi dase~ nac pe:Pox ase Wo removed- b--- ar; tivit Iyt-ls reztored. -if -excess hydrog'a~n pol-oxid-e i a .7' J c f, --pe Cl q cal al B* ` h- e s MIS rtse,~: ot. t t; thods corif iriued the presen a o roxi ase I. all--: ctilt~ir-&s -of----the: three brucalla- apecies~,_- Br,6-- suis - can - be easily as- ';~q;~~ntlate& froxa Br, melitensi nd Br. a~TboVrs by - Kramery th VYroa~al_ ol-tes ..w7 lae and -h7dr09QA_ 1 ty of brulpella ~cultures -tinder- ;evb~lda Sol tion vi Per nds--:,orL--4dts-:.catalasa --ac ivlty - t. has.* b: 4 ojvjg.~ ar 2 ables~-~~__ AS3001ATION: Odes6ki-y-institut-opidA-miblogii-i mikmbiologil, 140ohniko sa 0 1. 1. va. Odes Institute f Epidemiolog7 and Morobiol A ~SUBDMED::..~- ENG-Lvoo :SUB CODE: 6 SOV: -:012 OTffm t 001 MALIKOVA M,V6 Study of the pero-Aldase activitiv of Brucollas Zhur.milsroblol., epid i immin, 42 no.3:52-56 Mr 165. (MIRA 1836) I~ Odeaskiy institut epidemiclogil i mikrobiologil. lineni Mechnikova. a H&LIKOVA,N.F.; SH7NSGV,M. I. Gravimetric determination of JI-Ag '55. air density. (MMA 8: 10) (Air) (Gravimeter) A, -E. FDrai-Koshits and N. I. 'Malikova, Investigations on the field cf t-autcneric compounds. VI. Abcut the structure of the condensation liroducts of phenyl-3- ethyl- pyrazolone-5 with aldehydes. P. 519. Described are the condensation products of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-,oyrazolone-5 with aromatic aldehydes. Besides the two known series of compounds, dimetine (red) and dipyrazolonyl-plienyl-methane of enole character (white) a third series of compounds (yellow) has been found, representing the k-Ao-desmotropes of white series. Studied, have been the properties and mutual transformations of these three series of pyrazolone derivatives. Refuted are the incorrect data about the structure of these compounds found in foreign literature. Inst. of Cruanic Chemistry of the Acad. of Sci. USSR December 9, 1947 SO: Bulletin of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (Chemistry Series) Izvestia Akad. Ilauk, S.S.S.R., No. 5, 1948. K&LIKOVA, N.Ya..assistent Materials on the problem of early diagnosis of pyorrhea alveolaris. Probl. stom. 3:215-219 '56 (KLRA 10-5) (GUMS--DISEASF.S) "LA J b- i . U~.UVAY V- I a. y M~-Jbtrcr 57c1 - ( Uj C~::) "hi i.LtC2-- -1 5 071 -~rle C-1 in I r,%'- --;, CCt MCI ~L diag-losiv of' the initial forms 0' pcriOCIOrItO.-!iI3." LL)!)'/j ~i pp . (h" Puu"IU)alth I-L&M.. K.,jjxI.-uv State Mect Liot ol' Sujjziatoloa), 4uU copico. M, No 40, 1,-)57, p. c,'5) STCM. N.A., prof. (Kharlkov); HIKHAYWTSUYA. T.S.. kand.blol.nauk (1har tkov); BOLOTIA, Z.L. (1har lkov); med.nauk (Darlkov); GOLIDOVA. T.G. %Marlkov) Active acidity and content of pyruvic &aid in the seliva of patients with paradentosis. Probl.stom. 4.-89-92 158. (MIRA 13:6) (PTRU IC ACID) (GUMS--DISEASES) KMAYLOTSWA. T.S., kand.wd.nauk (Rharlkov); SYGM, M.A. prof. Mar gkov); ~ (Xharlkov~ Study of the phosphorus compounds and calcium in the saliva in paradentosis, Frobl,atem. 4:93-97 158. (MBA 13:6) (GUM-DIMUSICS) (PHOSPHORUS-ANALYSIS) (CALCMN--ARLLYSIS) GCWDOVA, T.G., (Miartkov); MALIKOVA, Y.Ya., assistant (narlkov) -------- Diffusion of paradentools as shovn by data from an investigation of blood donors. ProbLetom. 4:195-200 158. (NM 13:6) (GUMS--DISEASES) REUSOVA, ye.p.; MAUKOVA, N.Ya.