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14ALIGSKO IASZIO Growth velocity investlg&tions of crystals. Magy ft~x folycir 11 no. 6: 501-51-2 "63. Muszaki Egyatem Kiserleti 1. Epitoipari ~Kozlek6d~Ed Fizikai in e ete, BudaPept* MALIGLO'-;3KI,- B. Centennial of the 71re and RoDe Faci-ory In 1,H,ndpnbvrq. P. 305 Vol. 22, no. 9, 3ept. 1955 h-UTNIK Yatourice SO; Monthly List of East Euronean Accession s (ERAL), Lr., Vol. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1956 IMIGMISKI, B. MALIGIZISKI B. The wire and wire products industry. p. 345. HUTNIK. Katowice., Poland. Vol. 9. No. 4, Apr. 1956 SOURCE: Fast European Accessions List (FEAT) LC Vol. 5., No. 6., June 1956 KCSTOLOWSKI, Antoni, mgr. i~z.; MALIGLOV1,411, Bernard,, inz. The metal-processing industry of Krakow ':-.',rodeship. Przegl mech 21 no.9/10:28E-291. 10-25 MY 162. 1. Zjednoczenie Przemyslu Wyrobow Metalowych, Krakow. MALIGOV, A.A. (at. Balltay Moldavokey doregi) Rainfe7cimog slopes with slag coverings. Pat' i put. khoz. se.2:23 Ir ' 57. (MIRA 10:4) (Railroads-larthwork) I I X41 /". " I) I /j //~ KALIGON, A.A. - - -7 . Cutting the edges of ballast troughs. Put' I put.khoz. no.12:21-22 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Ballast (Railroads)) MALIGON. A.A. (stantsiya Bellts7 floldavek07 dorogi). Ditches cannot replace drains. Put' i put. khoz. no.5:32 My '58. 041RA 13:2) (Railroads-Track) (Drainage) M'LI', A4ojA__ir, 4ww, wmiklw~ Activity of some onzymse during the course of infactious mao.- nuclaosis. Pol. tyg. lek. IS no.11:379-384 21 Hr 163. 1. Z I Maiki Chorob Zakaznych AM w Warasawie; kierovnik: doe. dr mod. K. Rachon. INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS) (ENZYME TESTS) ALDOLASE) (AMIUOTRANSFERASES) ~ (CHOLIUMT0ASS) GM/Chemical Technology - Cellulose and Its Derivatives. H-33 Paper. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Khimiya, No 24, 1958, 838o4 Author : Malik A. Inst : Title : Heat Consunption in the Manufacture of Sulfite Cellulose* Orig Pub : Zellstoff and Papier, 1956, 5, No 4, 78-85- Abstract : Nc abstract. Card 1/1 MALIK, A.; NIEWUROWSKI# S.; RACHON, K. Behavior of serum aldolase and transaniminase activity In trichinosis; preliminary communicatioa. Vladonosci parazyt., Warsz. 4 no.5-6:377-379; Engl tranal- 379-380 1958. 1, Z I. Klin. Chor. Zakaznych Ak. Red. w Warazawie. (TRANSAMIUSZS. in blood. in trichinosis (Pol)) (MBROIASES, in blood, aldolase in trichinosis (Pol)) (TRICHINOSIS. blood in, al4olase & transaminasee (Pol)) MALIK, A.; HIEVIAROWSKI, S.; RACHON, K. Elevation of serum aldolase and trausaminases level in the cow of trichinellosis. Viadomosci parmsyt. 6 no.4:325-328 16o. 1. 1 Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Medical School, Warsaw, Poland. (TRICHIVOSIS blood) (AIMOLASE blood) (TRANSAMI-HASKS blood) POLAND MALIK, A icja, First Clinic of infectious Diseases (I X11- nika Chorob Zakaznych), AM [Xicadomia Modyczna, Medical Academy] in Warsaw (Directort Docent, Dr. mad, K. RACHON) "Activity of Some Enzymes in the Course of Infectious Mono- nucleosis.11 Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 11, 11 Mar 63, PP 379-384. Abstracti [Author's English summary modified] In infectious mononucleosis cases, activity of SGPT, SGOT, serum aldollase, and alkaline phosphatase was found to increase, especially during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the disease, whereas that of cholinestorase decreased, especially in the first week. These findings, especially the SGPT increase and the in- verse SGOT/SGPT ratio suggest damage to liver colls, an observation further confirmed by the fact that these chan- ges were twice as pronounoed in adult than In child patients. of tho 41 referonoes, 3 are Polish, 2 Fronch, 9 German, and the others English. L-Vi J KLIMES, V;K&IK, L A. Treatment of tuberculosis of the upper respiratory tract vith, streptonVein at the Red Cross hospital in 1948-1950. Brattel. Isk. listy 31 no.7-84,77-5.41Q 1951 (CLKL 220) 1. Of the OtolariiW-63logicia Clinic and of the Red Grosg Ho0fr&j. S/.126/63/015/001/011/029 E97A/F420 AUTHORS: ZaliVadnyy, S.Ya., Mikhaylovdlofy; VJI., tialik A.K. 'I I TLE Simultaneous influejqqp, of.-cy,61fc heat treatment and an external tensile load on certain-properties of polycrystalline zinr. PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i,,Netallovedeniye, v-15, no.1, 1963, 91-94 TEXT: From 99-.96% pure zin'c sheets, strips were cut in the direction of r,olling, their surface was electrolytically cleaned, rolled to 5550' at 500C and,afttiea'led in a horizontal electric furnace at 900C for 10-hoitrs in air. This was done to retain the priginal -preferential crystallographic orientation of the material. From those blanks, 5Q,m(n long specimens with a gauge section of 36 - X 3 x 2. 5 mqi x'A*qre cut and ground by the spark-erosion method and then-poli_-464,d q)Aemically and electrolytically. The obtained specimens were subjected to cyclic heat treatment in the temperatore' range 150 to 3000C, each cycle consisting of heating foe 5 minutes and cooling for 7 ininutes in a vacuum of 10-2 mm Hg. Two gi-oups of cyclic heat treatment were applied: 1) 400 cycles C~trd`*1/3 S/126/63/015/001/011/029 Simultaneous influence ... E073/E420 with a tensile stress of 100 g/mm2; 2) 50 cycles with a tensile stress of 600 g/mm,2. Another batch of specimens was subjected to 1200 thermal cycles without any external load. The results are given in Table 1. Dletallographic studies indicate that the elongation of the specimens was due primarily to slip in the grains; mutual'displacement of grains and porosity are less important. No qualitative difference was observed in the behaviour of the specimins during simultaneous application of cyclic heat treatment and an external tensile load and cyclic heat treatment alone, There are 2 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: March 26, 1962 Card 2/3 S/126/63/015/001/011/029 Simultaneous influence E073/E420 Table I Speci- ]Experiment' Dimensional changes, % en No. I-- -' - duration, on- jiidth -ii-i-c- k--ne 9 a Treatment L hours 1 400 thermal cycles 80 +3.0 +2.0 -4.o 2 External load I 100 g/MM2 80 +0.6 -0,3 -0.3 3 400 thermal cycles with an external load' a = 100 g/mm2 80 +11.0 -0.5 -9.0 4 50 thermal cycles 10 +0.3 very very --M&ll small 5 External load Ia = 600 g/mm2 10 44.3 1.8 -2.7 6 50 thermal cycles with an external load 600 S/MM2 10 +33 -8.5 -16 - Card 3/3 f2t glolv-,r-a -e Atms ........ trature--tand 66--Ats-resis.tine 4- ti6-- fott --pe. ea -r.. fb rination of anneeled ere -of 'ahiup --~cryst --ttre--a aing7during cyclic- ~heai Area ment was -'crystalline'- zinc.'ahd of" lea--:g Ib- pol -samp yo _u -,h g t. Sul"I W Utj-%;vlllpU L14C U-. A~ lilt: UlUllgd -Ul -I;nU IJL-Ug I'i:LXUIUt: U bUllIj MALIK, A_.-Pal --I.-. The SOT - 40A beat loader and cleaner. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.4:56-58 160.*. WMA 13 - U) (Sugar beets--Harvesting) MALIK, D.M. Manufacture of reinforced concrete trusses and pipe in the Makstroi Trust, From. stroi, 40 no,,2:49-51 162. (KEM 15;7) (Precast concrete) 85044 1.127 .>to 23oq, 2709 q-P, S/l26/6o/oio/oo4/ol4/O23 E021/E4o6 AUTHORS: Garber, R.I., Polyakov, L.M. and Malik, G.N. TITLE: Welding of Copper by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i m1tallovedeniye, ig6o, voi.10, t~ojk, pp-590-596 TEXT3 Investigations were carried out using an oscillator, a magnetostriction device, an arrangement for loading and a vacuum chamber. The apparatus is shown in Fig.l. The specimens were simultaneously loaded with static and dynamme pressures. The experimentswere carried out in a vacuum of 10-D mm mercury. The influence of the applied pressure, the temperature, the time and regime of vibrations on the strength of the joint were investigated. The samples were heated by a molybdenum heater and shields of thin sheets of stainless steel. The samples were prepared from oxygen.-free copper in the form of a disc, 16 mm in diameter and 10 mm high (Fig.2). The strength of the joints was tested on an IVIMAP (IM-4R) machine. The optimum time of exposure to sonic rIvibrations in order to produce the strongest joint is 20 to 30 seconds at 8250C and a pressure of 1.5 kg/mm2 (curve 1, Fig.3) and 2 to 3 minutes at 7006C and a pressure of 2.5 kg/mm2 (curve 1, Card 1/3 8901h S/126/6o/olO/004/014/023 Eo2l/E4o6 Welding of Coppev by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations Fig.4). The curves were obtained after a ten minute heat treatment after the sonic treatment at the same temperature. Curves 2 in Figs-3 and 4 show the strength of joint without the sonic vibrations. To obtain joints of similar strength to those obtained with vibrations, the pressure has to be maintained for one hour at 8250C or three hours at 7000C without the application of vibrations. Thus the time is considerably reduced by the use of the vibrations. Fig.6 shows the microstructure of a specimen after 4 minutes application of vibrations at 6oO*C (the optimum time for this temperature). The grain size is 3 to 4 times smaller than that of the original material. The strength of this sample was 19 kg/MM2. After 20 minutes vibration, the grain size becomes coarser and cracks begin to develop (Figs.7,8). The strength fell to 14 to 15 kg/mm2. Fig.9 shows a sample after 10 minutes vibration at 825*C. Cracks have developed in the grain boundaries of the coarse grains. Fig.10 shows the relation between the strength of the joint and static pressure at 600*C, Curve I is aft~.-r 4 minutes vibration treatment, curve 2 after 10 minutes and cuiv-e 3 after 3 minutes treatment without vibrations. It can be Card 2/3 890biL S/126/6o/olo/60-4/014/023 E021/E4o6 Welding of Copper by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations seen that with vibrations the static pressure can be considerably reduced to obtain the same strength. The use of vibrations also enables joints to be obtained with low values of plastic deformation of the samples. There are 11 figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet, 1 German and I English. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physics and Engineering Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 29, 1960 Card 3/3 L l9gog-6 EWP(q)/EWT(m),/EWP(B)/131)S AFnGASD JD ACCESSION NRt AP3005808 3/0226/63/000/004/0006/0016 AUTHORS: -Polyakov, L. nlik.1 G. N. JIM- Investigation of metal sintering no. 4, 1963, 6-16 SOURCEs Pc~-oshkovaya metallurgiya JOPIC TAGS: sintering, activationr ~ABSTRACT: Experiments were made on the sintering ~f technically pure iron samoles.. Sintering was crried out in a vacuum 1.53-0.1"m at 525-1060C-,pres:Fu-res of 1.0-607.6 MWm and time intervals from 3 minutes to 10 hours. The relation of the consolidation strength to temperature, pressure and sintering time was ,determined, and the relation of the beginning of setting to crystallographic grain .orientation, roughness of grain surface, and the presence.of scales on the surface shave been studied. It was established that the increases in pressure, temperature, .and sintering time increase the strength of the product. The microroughness of the fragment surfaces prevented a simultaneous contact along the whole contact- surface. The contact was achieved subsequontly by a further'increase in pressure .to level the rough places. An increase in strength is possible because of the ,diffusive growth of contact areas due to creep, coalescence, and closing of voids Card 1/2 t 199o9-63 AGGMION NRs AP3005808 between the coalescing surfaces. This is achieved by increasing temperatures and sintering W.mes. Durable bonds were obtained by a close contact between the particle surfaces and by nondiffusive local rearrangements of the crystal lattices on the contact surfam The adtivation energy of atomic diAplacement during rear- rangement was 35.1 kj/mol., considerably smaller than the activation energy of iron diffusion. "The authors express their appreciation to R. 1. Garber and V. S. Kogan for their participation in the discussion of the results and to V. K. Skiyarov for his assistance in conducting the experiment." Orig. art. had: 5 formulas, 5 figures and 7 graphs. ASSOCIATIONi Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physico-Technical Institute, Academ-Y of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR) SUM1TTED: 203ep62 DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 ENCL: 00 VJB CODE- ML NO REF SOVI Oll OTHERt 010 Card 2/2 ACC NRo AP6033056* SOURCE CODE. UR/0126/66/022/002/0310/0,012 ~AUTHOR: Garber, R. I.; Malik, G. N. jORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN SSSE (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITIX: The effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the mechanical properties of copper SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 2, 1966, 310-312 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic radiation, mechanical property, copper, magneto-striction ABSTRACT: The authors study cold hardening as a function of sound irradiation inten- I s1ty and the effect of cold hardening on subsequent recrystallization on commerically pure copper tubes and deoxygenated copper rods 10 mm in diameter and 1-12 mm long. Thei tubes were annealed and irradiated at high temperatures up to 9000C in a vacuum cham- ber. The PMT-3 unit was used for measuring microhardness. The specimens were sub- je'bted to torsional deformation and the angle of torsion was measured. The specimens were irradiated by a magnetostriction transducer coupled to the specimen by a multi- stage concentrator. The end of the specimen was clamped onto the thin part of the concentrator by a locknut. The resonance frequency of the system was 17.6 kc with a half-wave equal to the length of the specimen. Graphs are given showing microhardness as a function of the distance from the end of the system. It is assumed that.destruc-! tion dispersion of the blocks and grains occurs during irradiation, increasing the .292i 548.o. 539.3 ACC NRt hardness and yield point. Graphs are also given for determining yield point variation in irradiated copper specimens. After sonic treatment the specimens are torqued up to a given point. Scratches were made by a corundum stylus along the generatrix of the cylindrical surfaces ot the specimens both before loading and after load relief. The distance between these marks along the periphery was used to evaluate reaLdual shear. An additional'graph is given showing maximum yield point as a function of the ampli- tude of sonic irradiation. An increase in vibration amplitude strangthens the speci- men although embrittlement or failure may occur at large amplitudes and ultrasonic irradiation doses. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 3.1,.20/ SUBH DATE: o3jul65/ ORIG REF: 004/ 07H REF: 001 ACC NRt AP70052o6 SWRCE CODE: iWiff~#66t6illoull2431 K.--' AUTHOR: Hindin., Y. A.--Gindin, 1. A.; Malik,, H. m.-- ffechvolod,, 14. Nechvolod, N. K; Starodubov.. Ya. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut AN UkrSSR); Pedagogical Institute, Khar1kov (Pedagogichesk:Ly institut) TITLE: Effect of ultrajonic irradiation on the creepof UP single crystals, Ii. SOURCE: Ukrayins'lWy fizychrwy zhurnal, v. 11, no- 110 19", 1243-la46 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride., creep, ultrasonic irraoiation, crystal dislocation phenomenon, plastic deformation, crystal defect ABSTRACT: Part I is published in the same issue as part 11, which reports an investi- gation of the influence of prior low-intensity ultrasonic irradiation on the creep of single crystals of LiF to which the load was applied in steps, and the influence on the change in the dislocation structure. The investigations were made on single crystals measur ing 1-5 x 2 x 5 m having a dislocation density 6 X 104 _ I X 10S crC2. The method of preparing the samples and their etching are described in part I. The creep tests were made under uniaxial compression and under identical conditions. The results show that prior irradiation weakens the samples, leading to an increase in the plastic deformation and to an increase in the creep rate. Prior ultrasonic irradiation also contributes tr, the lowering of the stress required for the transi- tion from the deformation damping stage to the stage where the deformation increases Card 1/2 ACC' NR, 'AP7005kZ rapidl,y under stepwise creep conditions. The results, are interpreted from the point of view that the ultrasound loners the potential barrier for the motion of the dis- locations in the crystal and facilitates their motions It is also possible that point defects are produced under the influence of the ultrasound. Orig. art. has: I 5 figures. t USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-7 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2109 Author Malik I.V. Inst Rostov-on-Don -stitute of Civil E neering ngi Title Study of Shell-Rocks with the View of Their Utilization in Asphalt Concrete Road Building. Orig Pub : Tr. Rostovsk. n/D. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, 1957, No 7, 35-59 Abstract : The recomnended asphalt concrete made from shell-rock (S) with non-crushing mineral mixture, differs from the known types of asphalt concrete made from S, by the following features: 1) non-skeletal structure; 2) use of particles of equal strength; 3) use of sand fractions and mineral powder nade from S; 4) non-crushing mineral mixtures; 5) lower cost of the asphalt concrete. Physico-machanical properties of different types of S are described. Card 1/1 MALIK, J., RNDr.; MALIKOVA, V., PhMr. Dry charged iead-acid accumulators. Elektrotechnik 19 no.9-.254-257 S 164. 1. Prazaka akumulatorka National Enterprise, Mlada Boleslav. L 40814-1.)6 EWT (d)/Ee!P(w)/ )/E,'1P(h) E M ACC NR: Ap6o13158 (A) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/66/ooo/oo4/0024/oO24J 111TVENTOR: Mgik, Jan (Engineer; Prague) ORG: Nonel TITLE: [A lzvice ~or inflating oi- deflsting the outer covering of airplane wings] CZ Pat. No. PV 528-65, Class 62b ISOURCE: Vytalezy, no. 4, 1966, 24 TAGS: auxiliary aircraft equipment, pump, aircraft wing J WTRACT: "his patent intr9duces a device for inflating or deflating the outer covering oji airplane wings.1 '(The unit consists of a pu1nating crigine placed in an iWector picip, in such a way that the output of the engine is located in the narrow aec- tion of th,! injdctor. A gap in the proper section of the wing is connected by feed IiAes to th! injector. The line between the injector input and the gap is used for deflation, thile the line between the injector output and the gap is used for inflation. [Translation] CODE: )1/ suBm DATE: 26jan65 z L 31010.-66 ACC NRs AP6023U5 (A) SOMICE CODF-i CZ/0060M/000/006/0237/021M AUTWR: plav (Major); Janda,_Karel (Captain; braduate pIwTi#aq) 4"', ORG: Surgical gection, Military 11ospital /headed by Colonel, Doctor of medicine B. Pitra/, Ceske Budejovice (Chirurgicke oddeloni. vojonske namocnice) 400 TITM Occurrence of qLUFmnt tumors in soldiers SOURCE: Yojenska adravotnicke listyR0. 6, 1965, 237-240 TAGS: tumor, histology. disease incidence, military medicine ABMCT: Cases of 35 soldiers treated at the surgical department of the 111ilitary Hospital during the last ll years are discussed. The rate of malignant tumors is increasing in recent years; the method of sending the afflicted patients to suitable examinations leaves a lot to be desired. All. patients in whom biopsy must be per- formed should be sent to specialized hoWitals; all. materials removed by surgery should undergo thorough histological examination. Orig. art. has: 3 tables- fJ-PRJS SUB CODEu~ 06 SUEM DATE: none ORIG RE F: 008 ~d: I UDC: 312.6j616_0,06.C4-. MALIK i a thl=yauate method for detertairung ilt- fall ill " of =*"of ukkal. Karel Goribul tt4.J jCbades Univ, Prague. Czech.). Ckem~ L a Yq.9,31).-T`be'cokw rcactim of Pelif and SCV- beenfound suitable for the C010,iftd,4: des. ~f Fe in the p vscuce I considerable Xi. The ab4orption if=. at Fe(SzNh lk~ It 4&V) A., the abwriitian min. of -Ili,-C, 'it fi-'W A. The optimum concns. of UNCh and S01;1- a" 0.1 J1 and 0 .5 ft, rc%p. The reaction ii carrW out in 50% aq. aetone and the extinction measurei after I hr. with the filter 5415 in.. From So to WO it. of Fe per 100 ini. was dctd. even in the presence of HOW times 419 Illuch ANI. M. fludlickg QERNYP V., inz.; MALY, V., inz.,,dr.; FROTIVA, K., inz.; JICINSKty J., Inz., dr.; HECVAR, J., inz.; PETR, J., ina. I Information on metallurgy. Hut listy 18 no.1:57-68 Ja 163. NLI& MALIK, Jiri, inz. Use of fuel oil in rolling mills. Hut listY IS n0-4:247-254 Ap 163. 1. Vitkovicke zelezarny Klementa Gottwalda, Ostrava. MALIK, J., ing. (,'zechoslovakia); VRTEK, J.Ing, (Czncho3lovakia) 3omo considerations on power dfmand of iron metall,irgical plants. Ipari energia 5 no.3.56--57 M '64- v r , -~-- t~ 0 " . 3Effective exploitation of ashes and poultry manure.* p. 10 (Pion, Vol 4 No 4 Apr 53 Warszawa) SO: Monthly Lilt gol Egat Eur2R21M Acceallons, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Gongress Sept 53 EThol C o ri c,3 p t 0 f c - o, r a h c -- I T o c p 01. 95 j tul o' (Geskoslo,,,eiiska akaci(--~ ~ie v :6. K ~1)1 ~i(,,t pro lrc---ifto Praha SOU 'L ",: East a!, s r Voi. 19- MAL IK, K. Concept of the economic-geographical map. (Conclusion) p. 117 Vol. 9. no. 3. Sept. 195.4 FCARTOGRAFICKY PREHLED Praha, Czechoslovakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4, ADril 1956 MALIK., Harel,, inz. Fwaluation of separate ventilation in deep mines. Uhli 3 no.11067-371 K 161. 1. Banake projakt7, Ostrava. J'-) C. 41 Z/046/62/000/001/005/007 D007/D102 AUTHOR: Mali'k, Koloman, Engineer TITLE: A study of the structural. stability of austenitic CrNi steels of the 16/13 W type PMODICAL: zvaraEs ' sbornik, no. 1, 1962, 105-126 ky TEXT A number of melts of W-modified 16/13 CrNi steels with graduated V.-contents were studied and compared with 16/13 MoVN'b and 16/13 Ti types to determine the influence of annealing on the composition of precipitates, structure, notch toughness, macrohardncss and microhardness. binealing was done at 700, 800, and 9000C for periods ranging form 5 to 5,500 hours. Samples were investigated b electron microscopy of electrolytically etched surfaces and by microroentgeno- Y a graphy of isolated precipitates. Results: (1) First to precipitate during an- nealing are chromium carbide M C and carbide of the stabilizing element IMC. ~3 6ourse (2) 2,11 23C6is instable and in t e cof precipitation decomposes into Fe2,.q and sigma phase due to carbon rediffusion. (3) In W-modified melts no sigma phase was found even after prolcnged annealing. Instead the Laves phase Fe2li was formed. However, sigma phase was found in the melt constaining Mo and V. (4) M23C63 Fe2W Card.1/2 A study of the structural ... Z/046/62/000/001/005/007 D007/D102 and signia phase preferentially precipitate along the grain boundaries. (5) The notch-toughness values decrease with increasing IV-content and annealing time due to the increased formation of precipitates. Appreciation is extended to Engineer 1. Hrivnak and Engineer 0. Opravil for preparing the electron-photomicrographs, and isolation and analyses of precipitates, respectively. There are 20 figures and 7 tables. The references to the most important English-language publications read as follows: R. Franks, W,O. Binder, C.R. Bishop, Transactions American Society for Metals 29, 1941, 35; H.J. Goldschmidt, J. Iron Steel Inst. 160, 1948, 345-362. (Technical editor: Doctorl. Herrmann, ~dZ Bratislava) ASSOOL&TION: VUZ Bratislava Card 2/2 G/014/62/000/004/004/006 J%do, D030/D109 AUTHOR: ~halik, K. , Engineer (Bratislava) TITLE: Structural stability of austenitic chrome-nickel. steels PERIODICAL: Schweisstechnik, no. 4, 1962, 1-86 TM : Austenitic steels used at high temperatures must have sufficient fatigue values and structural stability, i.e., weld decay as a function of time must be as low as possible. Tests showed that weld decay or the decrease of notch impact strength of austenitic steels depends to a certain degree on the amount and form of the separated material. Examinations concerning the actual separation process in austenitic Cr-Ni steels of the 16/13 CrNi type with tungsten or molybdenum and vanadium addition, which had been heat-treated under various conditions show that the of-phase is formed in the area of M23C6 carbides and not in the solid r-solution. The influence of tungsten is displayed by the formation of an intermetallic phase of another type. Card 1/1 mnv., r.; rommxf, v~; Rova~, A7. Magnetophonic announcer. p. 1,10. SDELOVICI TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 5, May 1956. SOURCEs East Em-opean Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 12, December 1956. ~-141 / " -//I xnu. L.K. Some features in the development of spring floods of the rivers of Altai and Kuznetsk Ala-Tau to be considered in maximum anowmelt calculations. Izv.vat.fil.AH SSSR no-7:87-92 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Sektsiya po nauchnoy razrabotka problem Yodnogo khozyaystva AN SSSR. (Altai Mountains-Snow) (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau--Snow) (Floods) AUTHOR: Malik, L.K. 50-58-5-9/22 TITLE: On the Fydraulic Parameters in the Determination of Maximum Flawoff (0 gidravlicheskikh parametrakh pri opredelenii maksijijal'nykh raskhodov) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 3, PP- 40-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The hydraulic factors to which belong also the nature of the river bed and ita unevennesses, vAiich are responsible for the de- velopment of floods, are- investigated. For both factors the parameter m,( applies. For the coefficient q , which represents the characteristic feature of the "hydraulically equivalent river bed", the follow.- ing equ4tion is given: -1 RI 14,4 14 1 (H) I ~ 711k 91, where -J takes the shape of the cross section of the river (~, , 1) i14 Card 1/2 bed into account while the expression on the right takes into On the Hydraulic Parameters in the Determination 50-58-3-9/2-2 of Maximum Flowoff * the relative curvature of the slopes of river banks. The parameter mk can be calculated from the equation: v 3-, 5S 1'14 (Q F, 1/6 F and is given for various kinds of river beds. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 references., 3 of which are Soviet. l..Inland waterways--USSR 2. Fluid flow--Analysis 3. Mathematics 4. Floods--USSR Card 2/2 MALIK. L.K. Sumer floods. Prlroda no.6:127 Je 160. (MIR& 13:6) 1. Institut geografii AN SM, Moskva. (Ob Valley-Jloode) ~ALR, L.K. Characteristics Of Vle 3-11011 cover as a fartcr cf flc,(;d formation ir the Obt flasino Izv, Sib. otul ill, SSSR6 no.9:'~',*- 43 '61. (14r"2, 1'~:Jc.'% 1. Inctitut geoG--afi--' AJ- 0-33R, 140shve-0 (0b' Valle~,-----Snow survey,-) KDEERIKH., A.O., kand.geograf.nauk; 14ALIK L.K.; KACHURINP B.S. Spring floods. Priroda 50 no.5:124-125 Vq 161. (MM 14:5) 1. Institut Zeografii AN SSSR (Moskva). (Spring) (Floods) 1. MDROV, S.L.; K"I L.K. Conference in Stavropol-on-Volga on reservoir studye Isve AN SSSB* Ser.geog, no.6:234-136 N-D 262o (MM 15122) (Reservoir-Congresses) V124DROV, S.L.; MALIK, L.K. Practice in determining the influence of on the local climate. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no.4:35-46 164 (MIRA 17!8) 1. Inatitut geogra-M All SSSR. _nLIK, M., dr.; HRUBY, J., inz. Adjustment of rotary kilns after their repair. Stavivo 41 no. 12: 458-459 D 163. RALIKP M, Teaching apparatus in the Soviet Union. Tech praca 16 no. 4:264-266 Ap 164. RALIKJI,M.A~~- -?- Development of the insulation material production. Stavivo 42 no. 3:82 Mr 164. 1. OSMO, Radotin. 0- ~A, A V MAIIIKP M. Soviet special projectors for educational motion pictures. Tech praca 16 no.5065-366 My 164. Z/040/61/000/004/003/006 A205/A126 AUTHOR: Mallk, Miroslav TITLE: Development 6f aerial photography PERIODICAL: Letec* obzor, no. 4, 1961, 112 - n4 TEXT: The author briefly describes the development of aerial photography from its early beginnings to the present state. Mcdern instruments for aerial photography can be divided into manual cameras, mostly used for single shots, and into serial cameras, mostly used in topographic mapping. The latter are high-precision cameras which have a maximum deviation of 3% and which record altitude, date and time when the picture shooting on the margin of the photograph. The sliape of 'these cameras is adjusted to the place of the fuselage where they 4- are mounted and their weight ranges from 80 - 150 kg. The high-speed objec.1ves are precisely o6rrected 3-lens anastigmates with focal distances df 70 - 210 mm, the resolving power ranges from 190 - 280 lines1mm. Filters are used at altitudes above 2,000 m to reduce the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The central shut- ters with rotating lamellas have speeds of 1/100 - 1/1,000 sec. Shutter setting, film transport, exposure, overlapping of photographs and frame fixing are automatic.- Card 1/ 2 Z/040/61/000/0()4/0031006 Development of aerial photography A205/A126 ally controlled; Intervals between exposures are automatically set in dependence to the aircraft speed. Some cameras are equipped with gyros to secure overlapping of photographs when the aircraft is In inclined position. Most cameras use film bands %451,~h are 18 cm wide and 80 - 150 m long, for up to 600 exposures. The USSR produces several types of Aeroplenka film with sensitivities of 400 - 800 deg. GOST; theGDR produces Aeropan and Aerorapid films with sensitivities of 14 - 23/10 DIN. Both states are developing positive color films. Aerial photography is very economical for geological purposes and topographical mapping, since an area of 25,000 km2 can be surveyed in one day, and one single aerial photograph, taken at an altitude of 4,000 m, covers an area of 150 km2. Very important are aerial photographs taken by rocket and satellite-borne cameras. In case the satellite Is not- 7ecovered, the photographs must be transmitted to the earth. Cameras, used for this purpose in 1957 - 58 were equipped with a shower-type, rapid-developing tank, and transmitted the negatives to the earth via radiotelegraphy. Today, photographs taken by satellite-borne cameras, are recorded on magnet!,; tape and transmitted to the earth when the satellite orbits at, an optimum distance from the earth. This method was also used to transmit the Soviet photographs which were taken from the far side of the moon. There are 8 figures and 6 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and ~ non-Soviet..-bloc. The reference to the Lnglish-language publisa- tIon5 reads as follows. M.H. Good; Aerial and Rocket Photography; G. W&115: Space Card 2/2 photography. GARBER, R.I.; GINDIN, I.A.; _IIALIK,_II.I-_A* STARODUBOV, Ya.D. Machine for testing materials for tension and compression at the temperatures from 1.4 to 1500 K. Zav.lab. 28no.7:865-868 162 (MIRA 15:6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR. (Testing machines) MAIJK# P4zsot okl. vegyaszmernok Construction and production technology of fine mechanical parts from -,q, the viewpoint of stwface protection. Meres automat 8 no.7:222 160. MALIK, at. Problems of economic effectiveness of electric traction and motor traction ox railroads. Zelaz dop tech 9 no.11:340-341 161, WOLF, Jaroslav.,_inz.; KOUBEK, Jarosl~vj MUK, Stanislav TecWdcal and econmio indexes are tba. tuis of the seven-year plan* Poz stavby 11 no*3.-117-123 163, 1. Monotovans stavby Praha (for Wolf and K"k). 2. V~I~ ustav stavobnl vyroby Praha (fo~ Malik). HALT , S. Hov to design airplaine models. Xr7l-rod- 3 no-11:20-22 IF 152. (AirPlanse-Models) (KWA 8: 8) - MALIKI, S. A. Modeli Dobeditelei. Po itogam vsesoiUZTrkh sorevnovanii aviamodelistov. sportsmenov. (Kryllia rodiny, 1953, no. 1, p. 20-23, diagrrs.) Title tr.: Prize-winning models. Based on the All-Union sporting contest of airplane modellers. DLC: Slavic Room SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1955. wmr, S. Kounting airplane models on floats. Kryl.rod. 4 no.6:16-17 Je '53. (91-R-4 6:6) (Staplanes--Models) MALIK, S, .......... VbOq.WA%SW Directing models by radio. Radio ita.12:41-44 D #53- (MLRA 6:12) (Airplanes-Kodels-Wia control) MALIK', S Subject Card Author Title Periodical Abstract AID - P-148 USSR/Aeronautics 1/1 Malik, S. Instrument for Measuring the Time of Flight of High Speed Models Kryl. Rod., 1, 19, A 54 : A simple apparatus for visual observation of aircraft and electrical registration of aircraft speed, is described. This apparatus was made by the DOSAAF laboratories. Diagrams. Institution : None Submitted No date BABAYRY, N.; LEBEDINSUY, M.; MALIX S.- X4.RTYNOT, B.;GRIGORIYEVA, A.. re- daktor; KUHTTAN, T., takhnichookiy redaktor. (Flying models in the air; international competition of aeroplaze model makers in 19543 V vosdukhe - letaiushchis modeli; mazhduzta- rodnye sorevnovaniia aviamodelistay 1954 goda. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSA&F, 1955. 103 P. [Microfilm] MRA 9:6) (Aeroplaaes-Models) Subject USSR/Aeronautics- Aircraft (models) Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 8/10 Author Malik, S. Title Copy-model of the Jet MIG-15 Periodical Kryl. rod., 2. 16-17P F 1956 AID P - 4471 Abstract The article gives some practical advice as to the con- struction of simplified models of the Mig-15 for com- petitions. Both models destined to b6 driven by jets, and those intended for piston engines are considered. Five sketches. Institution None Submitted No date MALT K, S. MALIK, S. i-,aximal use of anode ~-atteries. p. 29. Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1956 RADIOXATOR TEMMOLOGY I Idarszawa, Poland So: East European Accession, Vol. 6. Noe 2, Feb. 195Y 85-57-12-20/29 AUTHOR: -Malik,--S., sportsman 1st rank (Alma-Ata) TITLE: More Attention to Radio-Controlled Models (Bol'she vnimaniya radioupravlyayemym modelyam) PERIODICAL: Kryllya, rodiny, 1957, Nr 12, p 26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on the Second All-Union Contests for model-airplane builders held in Alma-Atap at which 23 radio- controlled airplane models and 7 glider models were demonstrated. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Model airplanes-Remote control 15 log H 69 0 M -. E-al A A Ag Lh %d 'o 9~0 w ON 00 0 (40 i% '. ~ -4,A'3 .05. -00 ;I y 11191 K, S. master sports. Assembling actuating mechanlams of the EM-1 equipment. Irryl.rod. 11 noil:26-27 N '6o-.- (MIRA 13-10) (Servomechanisms) ACC NR AP6032015 SOURCE CODE: UR/0362/66/002/009/0981/0982 AUTHOR. Malik. S. A.; Babikov, E. P. ORG: Rostov State Universiti. (Rostovskly gosudarstvwWy universitet) TITLE: Pressure gradient performance and strong winds (Northern Caucasus) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 2, no. 9, 1966. 981-982 TOPIC TAGS: pressure gradient, wind, atmospheric pressure gradient, atmospheric pressure gradient performance, wind velocity ABSTRACT: A study was made of variations in the performance of the horizontal pressure gradient per unit mass in time and space as a function of strong winds near the Eartbl~ surface in the Northern Caucasus. It was found that the per- formance of the, horizontal gradient per unit mass varies between 2-3 orders both in-irime and space. The absolute magnitude of the performance was some- times 108 erg/g'for a 12-hour period. Before the onset of maximum wind speeds (approximatdly'12-24 hours in advance) there is a positive increase in the per- 112 AP6032075 formance of the:'horizontal pressure gradient from the Earth's surface to about -mb. Apparently such a distribution contributes to the further increase i~ -wirA speeds near the Earth. The negative performance values of the horizontal s 0 mb, correspond to pressure gradi4nt per unit mass, ob erved up to 500-30 stronger winds hear the Earth's surface. Orig. art. has: 1 table. ISPI SUB CODE: 08JSUBM DATE: 05Jan66/ORIG REP: 001/ 1-11,L IK) S. A. Sluchai poleta planera v terlom sektcr-~,- vdoL'khoIodi,.ogo fronta. i gidralogiia, 193h, no. p. 57-60, maps) Title tr: ~',xreriences in glider ~li,jht in a warm sector along t.*,),c cold front. SO: Peronautical Sciences and Aviation in t,.-- Soviet Union, Library o' Conuress, 1955. I-LALIK, S.A. RT-968 (Masldng of fronts in the Caucasus) 14--sicirovlm frontov Kavkazom. l-EEOROUGIIA I GIDROLCZIIA.$ 5(6,): 34-45, 1939. MAL 1K 0 S. A. Malik, Sp A. - "Atmospheric processes over the Nqrthern Caucasus and Lower Don,f, Uchen. zapiski (Rost. n/D g-s. Un-bt, In. Molotova), Vol.. XIII, 1948p p. 81-95 --- Bibliog: 21 items SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (letopis IZhurn,1 Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) MALIK, S. A. "Effect of the Physicogeographic Conditions on the Synoptic Processes and the Weather of Northern Caucasus and the Lower Don ValleY. " Min. Higher Education US3F, Rostov State U imenI V. M. Molotov, Geology and Geograpby Division, Pbstov-on-Don, 1955. (Dissertation for the Do~gree of Candidate of Geographical Sciences) SO: Knizhn -Letopisl. No. 22, 1955, PP 93-105 AUTHOR: Malik, S. A. __ SOV/50-58-11-20/25 TITLE- On the Report "Natural Barometer" (Ilo povodu stat'i "Yestest- vennyy barometr") PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 63-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aforesaid report by K. M. Nadelyayev was published in the periodical "Prirodall Nr 3, 1958. The author reports that a small trunk segment of a young fir cut off together with a branch, that has been barked and fastened to a support, reacts to weather, This hypothesis presumably will raise no doubts~ The author then maintains that such a branch also may be used for weather forecast. Furthermore, in summer it forecasts not only precipitat-'-, :is for 24 hours, but also their intensity and duration, According to the author, the branch behaves neutrally in winter. On the other hand, therevieiRw maintains that the reaction to weather and weather forecast are two different factors, It is possible that the branch end declines some time before rain, but rises only when rain is over. But if this occurs still during rain, one should investigate the force that lifts the branch. Further the author maintainbthat "the branch Card 1/2 reacts t0 the variations of atmospheric pressure". On the Report "Natural Barometer" Yet no mention was made of the All th,-se considerations of the baroleter" undoubtedly result from arrangement of the experimental interpretation. SOV/50- 58-11- 2 0/ 2 r mechanism of this connection. inventor cf the "natural methodical errors, improper conditions and a superficial Card 2/2 3(7) AVTHORS: Panov, D. G., Malik, S. A. SOT/50-58-12-17/20 TITLE: A Useful Help (Tsennoye posobiye) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya', 1958, Nr 12, p 51 - 5.1' (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first part of the "Kratkaya istoricheskaya spravka po razvitiyu gidrometeosluzhby na Severnom Kavkaze (I amezhnykh a nim rayonov, vkhodyashchikh v obsluzEtivayemuyu SK UGMS territoriyu)" (A short historical information on the develop- ment of the hydrometeorological service in the Northern Caucasus (and the adjacent districts within the competence of the SK UDMS)) I's discussed. SK UGMS (Severo-Kavkazakoye Uprav- leniye gidro.Teteorologicheakoy bluzhby - Northern Cauaasus Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service) pub- lished the information mentioned in its Informatsionnyy abornik (information compilation), Nr 5 (21), 1958. Hitherto a summary on the history of the service under veview in the Northern Caucasus, the lower Don and Volga has been lacking. It was very necessary since it contains important data on the development of hydrology, meteorology, and.climatology of the area mentibned. The reseamhexs of the Kafedra fizicheskoy geo- Card 1/2 grafii, Rostovskiy n/D gosudarstverwyy univer3itet A Useful Help SOV/50-58-12-17/20 (Chair of Physical Geography of the Rostov.--m Domo State University) hope for a successful conclusion of this valuable work. A. P. Belya,yev one of the veterans of the service in the district mentioned has given particularly valuable assistance for this work. Card 2/2 PAMOY, D.G., prof.,; GAVRILYUK, F.Ta., prof., red.; KALIK -S.A., dotsent, red.; ZA INA. I.Ya.. red.; PAVLICHXff_67,k.P_I__., teWn. red. (Division of the Northern Caucasus and the lower Don Valley into natural regions; reports of an intercollagiate conference] Pri- rodnoe raionirovanie Severnogo Kavkaza i Nizhnego Dona; doklady. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovi3kogo univ., 1959. 110 p. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Kazhvuzovskoye soveshchaniye po prirodnomu rayonirovaniyu Savernogo Kavkaza i Nizhnego Dona. 1959. (Caucasus, Northern--Physical geograpiky) kDon Valley--Phvaical geography) 3(7) AUTHOR.- Malik, S ~ A. SOV/50-59-4-IV21 TITLE: '----;hor-t-A-g-r-o-c-I1"a 1-c Characteristic of the Rostov ;YDlast' Forth Caucasian Administration of the Hydrometeprological Service. Rostov-na-Donu. 1957 ("Kratkaya agroklimaticheakaya kharakteristika Rostovskoy oblasti.n Severo-Kavkazekoye upravleniye gidrometeosluzhby, Rostov-na-Donu,, 1957) PMODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Ur 4, pp 68-70 (USSR) AMTRACT: This is a book review,, The book consists of 7 chapters: general data on the area and the climatic characteristics, description of the climatic elements, soil conditions, phenology, agroclimatic characteristic, river condiftions, and tables. The climatic maps for individual months are very good. The book in itself is found to be very valuable, Shortcomings and inaccuracies are, however, pointed out which should be eliminated in a new edition. The individiial chapters are too much separated, and there is no proper connection between them. The impression is produced that only the Tsimlyansk Irater Basin, which besides lies outside of the Rostov oblast'l influences the climate. Many passages contain general deliberations, Card 1/1 others again premature conclusions. H&LIK, S.A. --- Symoptic processes determining the climate of the T13ymlyansk Reservoir region. Uch. zap. RGU 44:179-184 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Ts7ml7ansk Reservoir gegion-Climate) (~ 14ALIK9 S.A. Why do the Yergeni Hills present a climatic boundary? Izv.Vaes. 9009-ob-va 93 n0.51436-439 S-0 161. OKM 14:10) (Yergeni Hills-Climate) 1111'. . f~, MALIKO S,A*, kand.geografonauk Stronger than boras. Priroda 51 no.10:M 0 162. (KIM 15:10) 1. Rostovskiy gosudarstvanny7 universitet. (Armavir region-Bora) MALIK, S.A., kand.geograficheskikh nauk (aostov-na-Domx) Zone of maximum temperature shifts in the Caucasus. Priroda 52 no.8:127 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Caucasus-iitmospheric temperature) MALIK, S.A., k8d4.'g'aogr&f`.nauk (Rostov-na-Donii) X's-tribution of atmospheric precipitation in the Northern Caucasus. PrQbda 53 no. 11:133-134 164. (WRA 18il) MkLiK ~ ~ SIgnificancv of mr)"51.,,Lre tal;ince ,n cali~ulating roms for -hic. irrigation in tho Illortherr. Caucarup, Izv. Vses, gpog,, oh=va 96 nc.5.4-28~429 S-0 164. (M:R-A 17~~--2; B0KA, Tibor, ina.; MALIK, Stanislav, inz. Operational experiances in cleaning supple2pental surfaces of steam boilers by ball bombarding. Energetika Cz 15 no.3:134- 140 Mr 065. 1. Elektraren Novaky National Enterprise (foi- Baska 2. Organization for Rationalization of Power Lagim,aring Plante, National Enterprise, Prague (for Malik). QMALIK, Toodor, C*Sc.Inz. Fruit growers in Slovakia dealing with the problen of production intensification. Vestnik CSAZV 8 no.4:251-252 161, (EFAI 10:6) 1. Vyskumny ustav rastlinnej vyroby Pobocky Ceskoslovenskej akademie polnohospodarskych vied, Piestany. (Czechoslovakia--Fruit)