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Investigations in the Field of the Synthesis of 79-2-55/64 Steroid Hermone Analogs. 2 III. The Production of 3-(p-Methoxy Phenlvl)- A6 -Cyclo pentene- 1-on-2-Acetic Acid Robinson aid Terner. The methyl ether obtained from the acid, however, had its meltinF, point at 88-890C as already given in technical literature. The acid quoted in the title was synthesized also accordine to the method by Robinson, however, also a melting point of 145-5 - 1460C was obtained. The spectroscopic iivestigations of the acids obtained by both methods with the melting point 145.5 - 1460C confirm the acid quoted in the title. Apparently Robinson and Terner obtained an ot,-ier polymiorphous modification melting at 17/30C. Detailed data of preparation are given. There are 1 fiCure, and 6 references, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: All-Union Ctiemicall-Pharmaceutical Scientific Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze). SUBMITTED: November 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of ConCress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Grinenko, G. S., Maksimov, V. 1. 79-2-56/64 TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Steroid Hormon(- Analocs (Issledovaniya v oblasti analoeov .9teroidnykh I-ormonov). IV. On the Catalytic Hydrogenation of the 3-(p-Me.hoxy Phenyl)- 4 2 Cyclopentene-l-on-2-Acetic Acid 2 P. 0 kataliticheskom gidrirovanii 3-(p-metoksifenil)- tsiklopenten-l-on-2-uksusnoy kisloty). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 2, pp. 532-538 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the ~.orks by Weidlich it was found (ref. 1) that on the occasion of the prcduction of the u, 0-unsaturated ketones, under the presence of a Pd-catalyst mainly transketone occurs in the alcoholi:-- or neutral medium, while ci.,;-ketoz e is produced in the acid medium. This aErees with the observations made by Zallkind (ref. 2) and Otto (ref. that on the occasion of fast hydrot:enation (in the Fizid medium) the cis-i3omer with greater enerey wh~.le an the occasion of the prolonEati--n of the rea2tiDn '.in the alkaline medium) the trans isomer 17~th less ene-cy J3 formed i -- L to an increased extert. On the o3casion of hydro,,enation of Card 1/3 the acid quoted in "he title trans-,'-/p-r-ethcxy phenyl)- Investigations in the Field of the Steroid Hormone Ana'Lri;s 79-2-56/64 cyclopentane-l-on-2-acetic acid (I), lactones of the syn- cis-3 (p-methoxy phonyl)-ryclopentane-l-or,-2-acetic acid (II) and cis-2-(p-methoxy p~,~ioriyl)-cyclol)entane-l-acetic acid (III) were obtained in alkaline or neutral medium while tht: latter occurred only in acid medium. The verification of the cis- confit;uration of (M) was carried out accordinp to a method by Klemmen3 mod"fied ~y (zl~f- 4). The syn-cis-confi- Luration of (I!) was by verified the reduotion of the carbonyl f it - 'de -~asion t~ie group 0 J) Tt4th Na-boror, hydr- -)r. which uc reaction took Diace stereo-directed. On this oc,,asion 7~.6 ~o of an anti-trans-oxy-acid (melting point 36-87`0 and 20 of an ant_-*-ci3-oxy-a_-id was formed which was isolated as lactone (:.,elting point 141-1420C). Since the first also after an action of lonCer duration did not lactonize it proves the anti-trans-confi,:uration oorresponding to the Alder-Stein theorem (ref. 5). The results of hydroCenation obtained correspond to the propositions made by Neidlich (ref. 1) and Teilacker and Dr53sler (ref. 6). Hydrogen addition may take place on the double bond C=C or C=O. Since hydroLenation in the acid medium is possible only accordinC to the second Card 2/3 method no saturated ketones can be obtained. The isolation Investigations in the Field of the Steroid Hormone Analoes 79-2-56/64 of an alcohol intermediate product confirms the mechanism of the catalytic hydrofenation of a, P-unsaturated ketones mentioned before. Detailed data of preparation as well as structural formulae are given. There are 7 references, 1 of which is Slavic. LSSOCIATION:AU-Union Chemical-Pharmaceutical Scientific Research ins'~i~UL (Vsesoyuznyy nauchnoissledovateI-Iskly khimiko-farmatsevti6heskiy ii1stitut) SUBMITTED: November 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUT17'RS: Maksimov, V. I., Grinenko, G. S. S')7/7 9- 2 6-8-55/66 TITLE: Investigation of the Synthesiv of the Steroid Hormone Analogs (Issledovaniye v oblasti sinteza analogov steroidnykh gormonov) V.Synthesis of Some Compounds of the Cyclopentanetetrahydro- naphthalene Series (V. Sintez nekotorykh soyedineniy tsiklo- pentanotetragidronaftalinovogo ryada) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 8, pp. 2179 - 2182 (USSR) ABSTRACT: InvestiC;ating the syr~thesis of the analo.-s of the steroid hormones the authors found tricyclic cpmpounds which contain the rings B,C and D of the steroid nucleus. The cis- and trans- -4-keto-6-met,lioxy-1,2-cyclopentane-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphtha- lene, (II) and (IV), were formed at the intramolccular acylation of the cis-and trans-isomers of the 2-(p-methoxy- phenyl)-cyclope.itane-l-acetic acid (I,V) (Ref 1',. The cyclization occLixei according to three methods: Under the influence of the polyphosphoric acid, of hydrogen fluoride and according to Friedel-Crafts (Fridel~-Krafts), using Card 1/3 tin (II) chloride as condensing agent. In any case, the Investigation of the Synthesis of the Steroid Hormone SOV/79-28-8-39/66 Analogs. V.Synthesis of Some Compounds of the Cyclopentanetetrahydro- naphthalene Series cis-acid (I) yielded nearly quantitatively the cis-tricyclic ketone (II), the trans-acid (V), however, yielded 70% only of the trans-tricyclic ketone. Compound (II) and its semi- carbazone have low melting points and are more readily soluble than the corresponding compounds of the trans-series. This is in accord with the well-known fact, that a trans-isomer, as a rule, melts at hig'ner temperature and is less soluble. The various tendencies towards cyclization of the cis-- and trans-acids (I), (V), the phys-,cal constants and solubilities of the tricyclic compounds produced from these acids confi=. the accuracy of the sugCested configuration (Ref 1). There are 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chemical- Pharmace,itical Research Institute ime' S. Ordzhonikidze) Card 2/3 Investigation of the S.,-nthesis of the Steroid Hormone SOV/79-28 _8_7 9/66 A,nalogs. V. Synthesis of Some Compounds of the Cyclopentanetetrahydro- naphthalane Series SUBUTTED: June 28, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Maksimov, V. I., Grimenko, G. S. SOV/79-28-8-4o/66 TITLE: Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of the Steroid- Hormone Analogs (Issledovaniya v oblasti sinteza analogov steroidnykh gormonov) VI. Experiments on the Cyclization of the Trans-3-(p-Methoxy-Phenyl)-Cyclopentane-l-One-2-Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives (VI. Opyty po tsiklizatsii trans-3- -(p-metoksifenil)-taiklopentan-l-on-2-uksusnoy kisloty i yeye proizvodnykh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1956, Vcl. 28, Nr 8, pp. 2182 - 2187 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to obtain a trans-configuration of the rings in the tricyclic ketone (Formula 17) at the cyclizatior of the trans-keto acid (XVI), the carbonyl group of this acid must be converted into another one which excludes the possi- bility of an*pim~~rization cf the neighboring asymmetric hydrocarbon atam. Par this reason a cyclization of the ethylene- ketal of the trans-3-(p-methoxy phenyl)-cyclopentane-1-one- -2~aaetic acid (X111), of the anti-trans-3-(p-methoxy phenyl)- -qyc I open t ane- T-acetozy-2-aceti c acid (XVIII) was carried Card 1/3 qut. The-athyleneketal af the trans-keto acid (XIII) was Investigation In the Field of t1m ftn'thosis mff the la/79-28-8-4o/66 Steroid-Hormone, Analogs,. VI. Ex7ertments = the QyeZiZation. of the Trans-3- -(p-Mothoxy-Phenyl)-Cyclopentane-T-4kTe-2-Acatio Acid an(t Its Derivatives obtained accord-ing- to them methadl hy 'SUludo Anner, Miescher (Tilando. Annerp Ulxhew-~ (~ftt s4ftae 5~)., Summarizing, attempts were mad* t;o, pwforw ths (WaUWtot of the trans-3- -.(p-methoxy acid, of the athylene-ketal of' this wid and,-.of tht antl-trans-3-(P-me- thoxy 6611 by means of hydrogen fluori&&p w14 tad, socording t~a the method- byy ftie&*I~~tfta, It was seen that in all threw me ear th* oylfliz~"ion- of these com- pounds which. hav& ta. jpa&tlaw T 9L flMot1oft&I otygen atom occurs, undem fammaSiton. at W* mMevpA&rfg 14t4tones and not of' the expected; tx_:I~apa=o~ ko~ew.- V&*M avr* I figures and WE referencesp 1' af WHI& is Sdvi4t.- ASSOCIATION.:. Vessoyuznyy naucfhno--i4illail~OvWtol:"sktyf khimi1