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1.,,ACC.NRi K. ~ce ossibi t, uW~ntis A-uie''o, foi" A ID P - 1098 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 9/21 Author Maksimov., S. P. Title Problem of the formation of oil deposits in the coal and Devonian strata of Samara Luka Periodical Neft. khoz., v. 32, #lo, 4o-47, 0 1954 Abstract The article explains the problem of formation of oil de- posits in the coal and Devonian strata of the Samara Luka bend of the Volga River. The origin of oil and gas de- posits is considered in relation to the regional rise of the layers and is studied by the geochemical analysis of oil and bitumen deposits throughout the Ural-Volga Region. One table and 3 Russian references (1937-1950). Institution : VNIGRI (All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Institute for Geological Survey) Submitted : No date KAKSIMOV,S.P. Geological conditions of petroleum deposit formations in the Yablonavo ravines. Trudy Akad. neft. prom. no.2:129-137 '55. (Samara Bend-Petroleum geology) W-RA 8:5) AID P - 3626 Subject USSR/Geology Card 1/2 Pub. 78 - 10/20 Author : Maksimov, S. P. Title : "il-he~fo-rm-ing-o-f"~~P~-emian oil deposits in the Ural-Volga petroliferous region Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 339 #10, 45-52, 0 1955 Abstract The author discusses views of various geologists pertaining to the genetics of the Permian oil deposits in the Ural-Volga region. He agrees with those scientists who consider those deposits as secondary and formed by vertical oil migration from lower-located Carboniferous, Devonian or even Silurian strata. The relation of the content of nitrogen compounds to coke in oils is, according to the author, an important indica- tion of the origin of 0110aince it shows the primary era of Its formation. Tables, charts, 15 references, 1919-1955. Neft. khoz., V. 33, #10, 45-52. 0 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 78 - 10/20 a Institutions : Names of many geologists are mentioned Submitted : No date AID P - 3626 M!~-v - I::,- -. ' '11A r---77777-77777~ 7- 77 i .4 - w- Ftiff, X-! t Derr - ".Ppac.,~4iintj -I~Cmlaar~ tot. 3~! c: u 3 f"un, ils~- l(:.L-f ll!~ ~,Iwj by S, a vltd ve ~i~ d J., lid b-- ~,j' Par of Ah- 7i P; mn Ju abQ -eT hilv- y "10 Emma M ct K i~ i wi 0 L) , 'S, P VYSOTSKIY, I.V.; TMMENKO, N.A.; KLITOCHENKO, I.F.; KORNILTUK, Yu.I. MAKSIMOV, S.P. Classification of drilled wells. Geol. nefti 1 no.8:8-12 Ag 157. (MIRA 10: 1-2) (Oil wells--Classification) IVINA, B.S., kand.geologo-minaralog.nauk; YELINA, L.M.; 11YZHOVA, A.A.; BUZINOVA, V.H.; DKITRIYEVA, L.Ya.; . GIMPELEVICH. S.D. j GALAXTIONOTA, N.M.; ILOIRSKATA, T.T.; SOLOVYWA, N.S.; KARASU, K.S.; BAKIROT, A.A., red.; VEM, T.T.. red.; DANOT, Aj., red.; DIKINSOWYN, G.Kh., red.; AUMM-116-1 , red.; POZHYSH, N.A., red.; UIDOV, M.N.. red.; =KWOVA, N.V., red,; TUMMITAUB, N.M.. red.; MIYANOV. A.V., red. [deceased]; KHALTURIN, D.S., red.; SWAYEVA. Te.V.. red.; GHIZHOT, A.A., vedushchiy red.; YASHCHURZEINSKAYA,. A.B., LCoal deposits of the central provinces of the Russian Platform] Kamennougollaye otlozheniia ta13ntra1'nykh.oblastei Rusakoi platformy. Pod red. N.S.1l'inoi. Leningrad, Goa.n~uchno-tekhn.izd-vo 'left, i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry, 1958. 209 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Russian Platform--Coal geology) PIMOVA. O.T., kand. geol,-mineral. nauk, red.; BAMOV, AoA*, red.; V TITo, red.; 1"OVe AeVo. red.; DIMMSUAIN, GJ%., r-9d.; HAKSIKOV, ~Twd.; POZNM. M*Ao,, red.; SADW, MIN., red.; ----�tP SUMUTMA, S*Vo, red.; IT=, NIX" red,; KRUMIN. D.S., red.; SHABLWA., Ys.A.. red.; ZARITSK&U. AIL, vedushchiy 'red.; FABOTOTA. I,G,, takhn. red. [Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits Russian Platform] Nezosoiskle i uylkh oblastel Rusokol platformy. Goo. imuchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. 291 P. of the central provinces or the tretichrqe otloshenlia teentrall- Pod red. O.T. Flerovoi. Roakwa, I gorno-toplivnol lit-ry, 1958. (MIR& 11:10) 1. Moscow. VsesoiuzW natichno-iseledovatellskiy geologo-razvedoch- nyr neftyanor institut. (Rassian Platform-Geology. Stratigraphio) FILIPPOVA, Mariya Yilippovna, kand.geol.-miner.nquk; ARONOVA. S.M.; AFREMOVA. M.Y.; GAIAKTIONOVA, II.M.; GASSANOVA, I.G.; GIMPHLNVICH, N.D.; KARASEV, M.S. -, LYASHMO, A. I.; MAYZEL', Z.L. ; RATETV. M.A. ; SCEOUNA, L. 1. SOLOVIYEVA. U.S.; KHAIIIII. A.A., SHISHENINA. Te.P.; SHNEYDER, N.P. BAKMOV, A.A., red., VEBER, V.V. , red.; DAIIOV, A.V. , red.; DIKEN- SiffW111, G.Kh., red.; MAY'"'1140V S.P. rf)d.,. POZIIYSII, N.A., rod.-, SAIDOV, M.N., red.; 8,911MUTOTA737-T., red.: TURKEPTAUB, N.H., red.; ULIYANOV, A.V., red. [deceas9d]; KHALTUHIN. D.S., red.: SH-ABAYEVA, Ye.A., red.; HAZINA, G-M,, vedu3hchiy red.; GENIJADIYEVA, 1.14., tekhn. red, Cb,,wouian deposits in the central :jrovinces of the aussian Phatform] Devo,iskie otlozheniia tspntralInykh oblastai RuEskoi olatforuV. Pod red. M.F.Filiooovoi, Lenin---,raci, ~;os. n~mchrio-tPkhn.izd-vo neft. i gorrio-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. 404 o. (HIJU, 11:4) (Russian PLatform-Geology, Stratigraphic) GLUSHKO. Y.V.,; KLITOCHWO, I.?..; HAKSIROV, S.P. -, Comparati7e estimation of oil and gas potentials of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geol. nefti Supplement to no. 7:21-3) 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Ukraine--Petroleum geology) (Ukraine--Gas.Natural--Geology) ASHIROV. K,B,; HAKSIHOV. S.P. Factors determining the presence of gas in Tolga Valley near Klkvbyahev. Geol. nefti 2 no.2:40-46 7 '58. (MLELA 11:2) 1. Giprovostakneft'. (Ku.ybyehev Province-Gas, Natural-Analysis) :' . ~ 11: . I ~, ~' - : ~ ~ 'i -- I - -_", _.L~ - . - . , - . I I - I :__ b.' _: ".. ~ . I ~ I M&KSIMOV. S.P. Decisions of the conference on further studies on the origin of oil and gas and the formation of pools. Sov.geol. 2 no.1:153- 156 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural--Geology) MAp , YEREMMM, N.A.; ZHURHOVITSKTY, A.A.; 11URULITAUB, N.M.; jHaL,Z.V,~ --- BOTNEVA, T.A.; PANKIN.A. R.G. Relation between the changes in the composition of casing-head gas and the increase of stratigraphic depth. Geol.nefti i gaza 3 no-1:55-63 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-isaledovatellakiy geologo-razvedochnyy neftyanoy institut. (Gas. Natural--AnalysiB) MAKISIHN, S.P.; CIUMDAMOV. V.S. Formation of oil and gas pools in the elevations of the Kum-Dag zone- Geol,nefti i gaza 3 no.6:23-29 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. VsesOyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy goologo-razvedochnyy neftyanoy institut I VeogoyuzW neftegazovyy nauchno-inaledovatel'- skly institut. (Kum-Dag region--Petroleum geolog7) (Kam-Dag region-Gas, Natural-Geolog7) K"SD(OV, S.F.; IVANOV. &.I.; KIROV, V.A. - -------------- Factors governing the formation of oil and ga8 pools in Paleozoic sediments In the nearer trans-Volga portion of Saratov Province. Gwl.nefti I gaza 3 no.12:1-8 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Vaesoyuzw" nauchno-iseledovatel'skiv geologo-raivedochny7 neftyanoy institut (VNIGNI). (saratov Province-Petroleum geolog7) (Gas, Natural-Goolog7) TEROVEYST, N.S.; KOZLOV. A.L.; SAYCHFINKO. V.P.; TELIN, N.D.; ALEKSIN, A.G.; KAKSIKOV, S.P.; DA IOT, T.N.; SIMUM, A.A.; KOZHUKHOV, T.A.; KOPOSOV, I.A.; 73HIKZM, P.H.; KALANTAROT, A.P., vedushchiy red.; TROPIKOV, A.T., [Efficient method of prospecting for gas fieldd; studies of the temporary commission of the State Scientific and Technical Committee of the U.S.S.R.] Ratsional1naia metodika razvedki gazovykh mostorozhdanii; materialy vremennoi komiasii GMX SSSR. MosIcva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-To neft. i gorno-toDlivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 125 P. (MM 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-tekhnicheikiy komitet. (Gas, Natural) (Prospecting) KIRCHINK, M.F.,; BHOD, 1.0., zameatitell, VFA.M, V-V., red.; DVALI, M.F., red.; !~ ~SIMO~V,-- S.F., red.: TROFDM, A.A., red.; GHEPIKOV, K.R., red.; MSSMOVA, S.K.--,red.1zd-va; 3-.--TSZULS, V.V., te khn. red. ' [Regional and structural problems of petrol3um geology] RegionalInye i strukturnye problemy geologii nefti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1960. 152 P. (Doklady aovetakikh goologov. Problema 11). (MIRA 13:9) 1. International Geological Congress. 21st, CopenhBgen. 1960. (Petroleim geology) YS,RFMNKO, N.A.; MAKS1NOV, S.P. 301re distributicn characteristics of the oi.1 and gas accumlatiom in the Northern Caucasus. Trudy 111ITGNI no.2:272-221 6o. (MIRA 14: 7) 1. Vsesoyuznyj nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazvedoc~nyy neftyanoy institut. (Cauca-pu ,a, Northern--iletroleum geology) (%,aucasus, Northern--Gae, Natural--Geology) TIMBNKO, N.A.; MANSIXOT.- S.P. Characteristics of the distribution of petroleum and gas accumulations in foothill troughs and adjacent sunken parts of platforms. Geol.nefti i gaza 4 no.6:12-18 Je 160. (MIRA 13: 7) 1. Vseooyuzrqy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologo-razvedochnyy neftyanoy institut. (Petroleum geolog7) (Gas, Matursl-GO01097) MAKSIKOVP S.PR Some regularities in the formation of large oil and gas fields in southern areas of the Volga-Ural oil-bearing region. Geol. nefti i gaza 6 no.1:8-18 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy n-suchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut, Moskva. (Volga-Ural region-Petroleum geology) (Volga-Ural region-Gas, Natural--Geology) VAdWYEV, V.G.; DENISEVICH, V.V.; DIKENSHTEYN, G.Kh.; ZUBOV, I.P.; YEROFEYEV, N.S.; ZHUKOVSKIY, L.G.; MAKSIMOV, S.P. Role of the natural gas reserves of the Central Asian ropublics in solving the problems of increasing the over-all gas production of the U.S.S.R. Geol.nefti i gara 6 no. 11:1-8 N 62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vsasoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prirodnykh gazoV', Turkmenneft',Vesesoy-uznyy nauchno"issledovatellskiy geologorazve-iochnyy neftyanoy institut, Glaynoye upravleniye gazovy promyshlennosti SSSR, Glavnoye upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete minisyrov UzSSR, i Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. PAJ"INA, R.G.; MAKSIMV, S.P. Regularities in the change of isotopic composition of sulfur in connection with cyclical oil formation processes. Geol. nefti i gaza 8 no.12t8-12 D It2. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy inBtitUt, Moskva. DICKENSTEIM, G.K., KALINKO, M.K., MAKSIMOV, S.P. KRALTURIN, D.S. "Efficient methods of finding now oil and gas beds in less explored regions." RePOrt submitted to the ronf,, on the APPUCAtion of Sciemb a Te, , '4; for the '39nefit Of the LOSS Develapod Apeaso -, ]jd 1, f -*'I aenevas, Switzerland 4-2o Febmary 1963 GLUSHKO, Vasiliy Vasillyevich; KLITOCHENKO, Ivan Filippovich; KRAMAMIKO, Vladimir Nikolayevich; MAKSIMOV 'I- Stepan Pavlovich; CHIRVINSKAYA, Marina Vlad rovna; OrNiNiKOVA., S.V., red.; VORONOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Geology of oil and gas fields in the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Geologiia neftianykh i gazovykh mestorozhdenii Ukrain- skoi SSR. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 314 p. (MI-A 17:2) AVROV) V.Ya.; BLINNIKUV) I.A.; BUYALOV, N.I.; VASIL'YEV, V.G.; ZU13OV, I.P.; DIKi,1k;HTEYN, G.Kh.; KALININ, N.A.; 14MIMOV, S.P.; SIMAKOV, S.N. Reconnaissance map of oil and gas rest;rves of the U.S.S.R. Geol. nefti i uaza 7 no.6:1-8 Je 163. (1,MiA 16:9) 0 1. Gasudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet SSSR; Vsesoyuznyy nap- uchno-issledovateliskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut, Moskva; Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vrirod- nykh gazov i Vsesoyuznyy nuftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel skiy ge- ologorazvedochnyy inatitut. AVROV, V.Ya.; BLINNIKOV, I.A.; BROD, I.O.[deceased]; DUYALOV, N.I.; ','ASILtYEV, V.G.; DI-ITRIY--7.', Ye.Ya.; YELR;, II.D.; N.S.; ZUBO'V, I.F.; KALDID', N.A.; KUDRYASHOVA, N.14.; MAY4 ,-S.P.; LIVOV, M.S.; MIKCH~;K, M.F.; OVCHIII'IdKOVA, T.G.; SIMAKOV, S.N.; TROFIVUK, A.A.; TKHOSTOV, B.A.; FEDCjIOVA, M.I., ved. red. [Predicting gas potential of the U.S.S.R.) Prog-noz gazonc,sno- Sti SSSR 1. Leningrau, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 175 P. ('I,'.L,A 17:4) BROD) 1. 0.; KTROV, V. A.; NIAKSDIDV, S. P., ROZAINOV, L. N.; R. B. Tr , " -.V I -.. Motrlbutlon of rj' arl-i vft:; !r, llrj(~ 7,-wL-Jra~ f., report submitted j,01. -, -151 :-'-- 1;64. VASIL'YZV, V. G. ; MAKSDIOV) S. P. -, TRGFL%M,, A. A. "Oil and gas basins cf ti.e ',,*SS-'R." report submitted for 22nd Sess, Intl GeoIogik-a-L 'ong, New De--,ii, De-- 1964. IMI21, V.V.; DIKENSMYN, G.Kh.; YER2-01U, R.A.; ZRABREV, D.V.; )4AX3B40VjI S.P.; X,.A.; I.7EKIITIYEVA, V.L.; RCIDIC1107A, K.F. Developing the theories of I.M. Gubkin concerniig the origin of oil and the formation of oil fields. Trudy TNIGNI no.40:5-29 'U. 17:6) BOTNEVAJ. T.A.; ~LUVSWV, S.P. Geochemical investirritionf, of oils and gases in the study n of the laws of the spatial distribution of their fields. Trudy VNIGNI no-40:95-128 '64. (MIRA 17:6) TROFIY.UK, A.A., otv. red.; MAKSD,~OV, 3J., ret.:. GAIERU"-'A~: , A..,... red.; S", AFI-2, 5.' m.m. , rad. .y] Geo-!o,~iia neft':. [~etrolaum geolo~r No S Kw~ p 1964. 399 p. (Its: Doklac,.y So~a~ DIF.EN311TEYN, G.Kh.; Y"ENIKEY-EV~ P.N.; WkKSIMOV 3 I.P.: SEMIOVIMI, V.V. DevGlil,pment of r,61-rolleum production in Central Asia. rool. nef~.j gaz-A. 8 no.9.3?-O 3 '64. ('IIPJ. i'lill) .1. Vsesoyuzr.,-,-y miuchn,,lasledovatellskly geolngorazvedochnyy n~ftyanoy in-atAtut, Mosevza, G,)sucLELrstvennTj geologichasKiy korail'et 3,~ISR i -redaz- aomark-hoz. -ACC NR,.AT~ SOURCE CODE: 4761i go [013010140' 9? 979 AUTHOR: Vasil yev V. G.; M!!~gjmgX.A,,, P. TE2fimuk A A-- ORG: .:~none TITLE: :-0i1 and gas basins of the,SSSR .SOURCE- I al.Geologica elhi Geologiya nternation 1-Congress. 22!1.qew 196k. nefti (Petroleum, geology). Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964, 130-14o .TOPIC~TAGS:,.,geology, geologie conference, earth crust, map, natural gas, fuel, shale::oil petroleum �~z ABSTRACT- Oil'And',gaz deposits in the earth's--crust, are confined to the series of sedimentary.:rocks :filling up depressions in the folded or cr7stalline basement. The existing oil and ga~s-basins are located in such depressions. According to 1. 0. the term.."oil and gas and potential oil and gas basins" means "depressions in the pre .sIent,,-st rueture of the earthl,s crust. differing in-their geotectonic position and: dimensions i in -most I casts 'by inherited - sagong , composed of relatively thickAeries of sedimentary rocka;j'an&dontaini~g accumulations of oil and gas the -distribution of Which. is controlled by~ the peculiarities of the geo- -~logical structure:bf each basin an,d 1. ite,specific.hydrogeologicitl environment." By theirposition relative to the:large,&ostructural elements of the earth's crust the basins- are. subdivided into: -a) intr.aplatform depressions located in the interior L 226ol-66.'. .ACC NR: -AT502897Q part of ancient.'and younger platforms;~b) subgeosynclinal depressions, also located .-on platforms,but adjacent to and,genetically closely associated with geosynclinal s developedin the form:.of.superimposed depres- -.region6- d),intermontane depression -sions on geosynclinal* i mbst e area ratum The total estimat d of j?rospective oil and :gas region's 'in the Soviet Union is 11,875,000 a kilometers. There are over qua~L and gas and.potential oiI and gas basins wit nthisarea, b longing to the 40 oil e thr' t' ' of ge6struct al-elemeAs. Within each.oil and gas .,above mentioned ee ypes ur basin of platform- type- three stru-6tural: stages are- discernible:- basement, intermedi-i ~-ate stage, ::an4. platform- cover proper Within !continents oil and.gas basins of siibg4~osynpl~-ina7~~16.tfdi!~i:typ&, associated with a 'single folding system, can form cont nuo -belts'of oil~and gas accumulati s. Oil and gas - bas iris on platforms us on usua i-j.- complex -geological structure, and individual 11y. have. ve oil and gas regions -be.diitinguished within them., With.the regions it is advisable to discriminate individual -oil. -evaluation of the supposed reserves of ahd-~ gas: h * -Comparatiie-: elds. 'd*.-b3r~types.of bas nsi based on the geolo ical omalies met oil and. gas, was. ma e g an hod.'' A. -curate estim4tion of . the: supposed':, reserves of - oil- can.~ be made by the volu-' -meth -in ge eral system of their-evalua- ric-kenefic ~d ac6' rd d with a Single met o an e n -the:gre -thedretical~and pr acti6al, importance- of oil and gas _--tion.~ Considering At advisableto.,~se ~up Spec al, disionof representatives seems collm of:.-geolo .gi6ba'--. se.rv ces~ .of -thi ~:coiin'tfies,~.of, aliqe, 'Aaiai "Americaj, Airicai*, and Lia`ifithih'.the~,-4~t4rn itional -aedlogica'.Congress to--prepare ~a map~of "Oil azid`_ Iustrd: :JAuthor' -Basins of,' he. W-orld II:'::Orig..*:iA hi -1- ablest a ~nd 1 ril~we_ 9 abstract 3 cobt--_~zbg/ 211%6464i 1 ORIG,: REF SUBM MATE. Sul 0071-: d -2/2 M.P.; VASIL"Y!'.V, V.C.; DIKENSI'TEYN. G.Kh.~ YEN:K-L)EV, P.N.,- MOFEYEV, N,--.: V-t(A, VA..) MAKSIKOV, S.F.; IRU-43.AK~WAI L.Ya., rfid. (Geological prere(iulsltes for the delie-Lopment Gf ',re petroleuir~- and ps-produetion indijs~r7 of fte 0 1 leologlche6kie prwdpov3~lki ra,.svitiiii nuftegaz~-dohyva!,.- shc~pi promyahlomio:3ti 51S,11f, Le .piz,grad Nedra, 19i;~~, 1.,~o A Y' '~ N~-'! .-A; kl~, N5 A Z. - YF N I KF.YPV , ?.N. ; MAKS I MOV, -..F. 1 ")V of a n~-w oll and ga.9 producIng center dn the Caspl8n i,mlland and ad ja:!ent re-gions. Geol. neftl i gaza q no.-IL:l-P ja 't-.5. ( V2 RA -,sul ge( (:Yeskiy kom,' ~el SSSR; 'Jse--oy-L)7r:y-V nerl~yaric,y rauc~.r,(-,-ls6ie(,(,vatel-'.gK-y geologorazvedochiny-Y lnstitut, 'en'ngrad; Vsesc)yuznyy natichno-issledovatellskaya eLl orazve- 11 - C. -) c g dochr,yy nn~tyanny Instilut, Moskva; Nauchno-issledovatePskfiyA laboratoriya gnmloglcheskll~.h kJrteriyev rtsenki rjerspek'tv neftegazc-,no.,most.1 I '4izhnt,,vr;'Lzhrkiy rau,~-hno-iss,.er-iovltp-','.'Akiy 1-islAt.7ut gen-log'Al i ,ecfizlkJ MIRCHINK , M.1 . : VASILrYEV, V.G..- DIKENSHTEYN , G.Kh.; YZNIKEfEV, P.,':.; YEROFEYEV, N.S.; KI~WV, V.A.; LIVOV, M-S.; -- _,j RUSAKOVA, L.Ya. , red. MA- ~S~IMOV ;5-,P [Giological prerequisites for the development of oil and ga3 production in the U.S.S.R.] Geologichaskie predposylki razvitiia neftegazodobyvaiushchei promyshlennosti SSS,-,. Leningrad, Nedra, 1965. 112 p. (MlitA 19:1) fl/ 7 (~ " ( - /" " ~ ) - , ( - AUTHORS: krtsimovich, L. A., Shchepkin, G. Ya., Zhukov, V. V., 89-12-1/29 Idakov, B. N.,.Maksimov,S. P., Malov, A. F., Nikulichev, A. A., Panin, B. V., Brezhnev, B. G. TITU: Electromagnetic Isotope Separating Device for Heavy Elements of High Resolving Power.(Elektromagnitnaya ustanovka s vysokoy ra- zreshayushchey siloy dlya razdeleniya izotopov tyazhelykh elemen- tov) PhaIOLICA,L: Atomnaya Energiya, 1957, Vol. 3, Nr 12, Pp. 483-491 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The constructed apparatus, which shall be able to separate clear- ly isotorpes even with a relative mass difference o f 1/24o, must have a high dispersion, a high resolving power and especially well stabilized magnetical andelectrical fields. An axial-symmetrical field, the dispersion of which is proportional to the square of the focusing angle, was used as a magnetic field. The focusing angle is 2250. The measured dispersion of the apparatus amounts to 2o mm at a relative mass difference of the masses to be se- parated of 1%. The stabilization of the magnetic field of the separating device has been brought to 0,005% by the aid of a valve scheme.The ac- celeration velocity for the source of ions (up to 4o kV) is sta- bilized by a double cascade scheme up to O,ol%. But also the current in the discharge source of ions is stabilized. The vacuum Card 1/3 chamber is constructed from stainless steel, in a C -sharpe.The Electroma,.,netic Isotope Separating Device for Heavy Elements of 89-12-1129 High Reeolvin,, Power. Pump system has been aranged so that a working vacuum Of 4-6.1o-6 ium Hg is always guaranteed. When separating toxic materials mov- ing locks, valves arid regulators fro;7u synthetic and rubber are applied. The high vacuum here is maintained by means of a surge chamber. A normal gas discharge source of ions, in wnich the material to be separated can be heated up to loooOC, is used as source of ions. Boxes from copper or graphite are usually used as targets. The following results were obtained: Concentration factor: 75 to 3o2 for Pb2o8 concentrated fro;,,i the natural lead-isotope mixture 22 to 71 for Pb2o7 -1t- 151 to 214 for U238 corcentrated from nat-.Yal t-ani-u.a 985 to 142o for U236 _11- 1000 for Pu239 concentrated fro:2 samples of dif- ferent isotrope compositions Card 2,13 190 to 300 for pU240 -If- Electroma~-netic Isotope Separating Dt!vice for Heavy Element of 89-12-1/29 High Resolving Power. 16o to 36o for pu241 concentrated from samp-les of different isotope compositions There are 4 tables, 8 figures and 3 Slavic references. SjBMITTED: AU6"U3t 21, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 --19.6kj- WID Xesm-taticins --Vd bz ,h" a ",'Author t s I Q -no lt -ar 0~ -degre, e -Ven 8918; 16'~:_:iP4046181- 9 of dmportantz Tac. ors -4 i I-he' kied --the. surf466 ha li~ubl ~s ~imf t iface, 3r Z a :r Aj -6f, rv 3 e3 v , n -castjron_ n c Mny.tjine6 t I ~ft :, he -s ee whed.'~ftlbja lom flar id ded ~-arici ~.the,--coi4- or---expen I of' --t h 4. arimtmerit &ra~-- i S- b-A: b-Y-.:.4-'tian'.da id t_i_-'__iVe--lde`A ca qua irlIv - an k imovs- "A 14 All~il-Fdzicill8_tWqWf, eqtf6rf FWaus 6d .--by- _-114 ~b I layer -`oi f OUid~~' ea -0 ra- 4" PYRIFI-I Ai~eni M. J. Kaliniha--_ L- I Olyteaulic lxi~titutfii) v"~- This- pa_p~er--__g'ives__ _r__ c.o-4416~_ of theoriet- ical ~~4 exp p _~z exe eariq- Audy f s c f~~ a ~r6toi in, ~iain b a a ty -0 Ovemen, ta-_~iiiw xators were examined. -I~pli a t*.~:ai f The' e;mdasur e.4cri es 3 behavior:--of-the rotor uri ges ser.; m A41 edd- i in Ykng~._-p UO ib -internal f to- nc ar. g Wig I ara ya gr --c&a dins s'd fl`n--_~ - P94 &,-~ ~ - - e ing, t=o - a. na:~ ikftbrwl f-If fi-Ma 4 gatac _.;bluaing--a v las, LIP c ritaitia .1611"Ah"-4 - -d' n lrlg~ _.Toup .:ASSOC TIONc:AiiM ji 11 11 oil I; SIMOII, I.B., kand.lchlm.naWc (Khar'kov) ON WSVOWWUOW~~ Some drixgi3 with a tkvpocholeaterinemic action. Vrach.delo no.2:119-123 If '59. (141RA 12:6) (ARMUOSCUMOSIS) (CHOLESTEROL) (PHkM&COLOGY) .MAKSIHDT,,.S.j..;.-SDLRnVICH, I.N. (Khar1kov) Che-uge In thyroid gland function during prolonged nee of vitamin Bu . Vrach.delo no.!]-:1133-1137 N '59. (MMA 13:4) 1. Otdel Yozrastnov endokrinologil (zaveduqushchiy - S.1'. Yak-simov) I gistofiziologii (zavedrqushchiy - zaaluzhenW deyatell nauki, prof. B.V. Aleshin) Ukrainskogo instituta eksperi- meittallnoy endokrinologii. (THMOID GLAND) (CYANOCOBALAMM) MLM IIAGV 1. $ 0 v 0 - 11* Some esults of research completed at the Ukrainian Institute of Eft"per L=tal Endrocrinology in studying the neural regulation of endocrine glands. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ukr. nauch.-laol. inst. eks r. endok. 15%7-18 159, (MLRA 14s Ur RESEARCH) (UKRAIW--ENDOCRINOLOGICAL MAKSIMOV, S.V.; NOVOKHATSKAYA, Z.V.; SHARKEVICH, I.N. ------- Some data on the functional state of the thyroid gland In rats of varying ages during an excess administration of vitamin Bl. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-isal.inst.eksper.endok. 18:71-76 161. (MIRA 16 11) 1. Iz otdela vozrastnoy endokrinologii Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii. (THYROID GIAND) (THIAMINE) MAKSMOV, S. V. '%xperience in controlling endemic goiter in Ukrainian SSR" report to be submitted for the United FRatimma C,-7,ferevce cc, tl-e Application of Seience aad flechno'ov for the Bvt~3fli, of the lewl Developed Areas - Gezeva, Svitzerland, 4-PO Feb 63, MUSIMOVY S.V.; SHAR M-1, ICH, I.N. . ~ W;= Development of alimentary hypercholesterqmia in normal and castrated animals of various ages. Probl. endok. i gorm. 10 n0.4394-100 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Otdel vozrastnoy endokrinologii (zav.- kand. med. nauk S.V. Maksimov) Ukrainskogo naiichno-issledovatellskogo instituta eksperMentallnoy entlokrinologiJ. (dir.- kand. med. nauk S.V. Maksimov),*Kharlkov. ~L 4481-66 EWT(1)/E'dT(tM)/FCC/7/E0A(h) IJP(c) GH Ae~ '~~0246~35 BOU= OM: UR/0046/63/029AM/1690/1692 AMOR: V0rn0vL_A.N. ; TIgorov, T.A, ; "ff!inov, N.M. ; Krasil'sitkon D.D. ; Kuslmin_, A.I. Makalmov, s.v.; Nesterovit. N.M.; HIkoI'skIj_, S.I.; Blepisov"te.- 1-.-; Shafer, YU, a-. Ono: none TI TtA: Plan for a large installation at Yakutsk for study of eXtVAO_Lye akr__1119W-qrWPj /Report, All-Union Conference on 008nic Ray Physics held at Apatity 24-31 August 1964/ SOURCE. AHSSSR. Izvrntiya. Seriya fixicheskaya. v. 29, no. 9, 1965, 1690-1692 TIDPIC TAGS: primary cosmic Tay',-secondary resmic ray, extensive air shower, spectrrl energy distribution, cosmic radiation composition, cosmic radiation ruitsotropy, ABSTRACT: After a discussion of the 91(pu ricance of extensive air showers for the in-' vestigation of ultrahigh energy primary cosmic rays, the authors briefly describe an Installation to be completed in the next two or three years near sea level at latitude 620 N in the Yakutsk region; it is anticipated that the Installation will yield Infor- mation concerning the energy spectrum, composition, and anisotropy of primary cormic raya with energies up to 1020 eV. The installation, Intended for investigation of ex- - tensive air showers. will comprise 65 stations spread over an area of 23 km2. Each station will be equipped with scintillation counters with a total sensitive area of 1 B2 or 4 m2, and at the oentral station - 10 U2. The total sensitive area of scinttl- - Card 1/2 1 _j, L 44si-~,,, AP3024035 C) lation counters in the whole installation will be 204 R2. Each station will be equip- ped with photamuLtipliers (total cathode area lgo c02 at each station) for recording the Corankov flash accompanying a shower. In addition, there will be muon detectors wit" a total sensitive, area of 22 w2. Pulses will be tranmotted from the mors remote station$ to the central laboratory by radio. It to anticipated that this InstOllAtic" will record 2 x 103 abovers per year with energies exceeding lotS ev -W 2 showvro per year with energies exceeding 1020 ~V. Orig. art. bass I figure and I tabl*- BLM OMEt Xp/ SUBM DATZI 00/- ORIG Mrs 002/ 0111 Mrs 008 0 CO :of,-ve A-,. 12: -x~ -,se edtions.-wate-i e;. 1~1 7 U61 ss kj4 lomialb 8 ek ...4 01 e Of ag,46 with :-. .-- - . - --, - -* ~* ~ --. f - "-- I ~:- *11, ~: -. - ; 4 ;!. , k~ ~ . 'k; --Ii - . , , - ~, I X. . ~ - . lv~ - -11 "~ , -, - , -, . %~ - - - - , , iAIL. : . ~~ ;~~ I p -- ~~ --, , al" ---- 'MAKSTMOV j S, YA, MakAmov, S. Ya. "Preparatior of inlaid staris and window-sills," Sbornik rabot po mest. stroit. materialam (Upr. Prom-sti stroymaterialov i stroydetaley Mosgorispolkoma, Ilauch.-issled. i eksperim. stantslya', Issue 1, 1948, p. 35-40 SO: U-3264, 10 April 53 (Iatpis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 4, 1949). MAM YO-V, S. YA. Techn,)logy (Houses assembled from large panels). V'oskva, Moskovskii rabochii, 1951. Monthly List of "ussian AccessLons, Lijrary of ConZress, November 1952. T,CLASSIFIED. MAKSIMOV, S.Ya. Precast concrete poles for street lighting and contact wires for street- cars and trolley buses. Gor.khoz.Kosk.30 no.6:10-17 Je 156, (MLRA 9:9) (Blectric lines--Poles) (Ilectric current collectors) - r-AKSIMOV, S.Ya., - am Concerning the article "Standard plans for precast reinforced concrete plantg and ebope." Bet. i zhel.-bet. m.4:152 Ap '57. WIRA 10:6) 1. Glavnvy Inshener Glavmoazhelezobetona. ~Concrete plants) masil(OV, S.ra. e. Gor. khoz. wook. 32 110-4' ..... ..I... - /110 Cvality of reinforced concrete product (1(1" 11:4) 9-10 Ap '58- MamoszhelezOb8tOua* 1. Glvq7 iuzheuer (Re,nforced concrete) MKSIMDV, S.Ya. -I"wo"wK Ung 1~arg6 wall panels for housing and civil construction. Gor. khoz. Hook. 32 no.6:15-17 Je '58. (MIRA 11:7) I.Glavu" inzhener Glavmoszhelbetons. (Concrete blocks) MAKSDOV, S.Ya. For a more rapid expansion of the work experience of leading large-panel housing enterprises. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.10t 433-436 o 163. (KrFLA 16:12) 1. Chlen Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po at.-oiteltnym materialam pri Gosstroye SSSR. MAMNOV, S.Ya. Basic of industrial constr..i--Tion. SLroi.mat. 10 no.8:1-2 Ag (MJRA 17-.1,6 1. Chlen GosudarsTvennogo komiteta po promyshlennoati aLro"tellnykh materialov pri Gosstroye S.SSR, nact,allnik Upravleniva promyshlernost.i sbornogo zholezobetjjna. -MAKSIMV., S.Z. Determining the index of the ravine growth limit in various parts of the Central Black Earth Region. Izv.Vor.otd.Geog.ob-va no.3;111-115 161. (MIR& :L5.11) (Central Black Earth Region-Valleye) -IOSS-IMOV, 6.Z.; NESTEROV, A.I. Discussing K.I. Gerenchuk's book "Tectonic regularities in the orography and river network of the East European Pladn." Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 93 no.4:370-371 Jl - Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (East European Plain-Mountains) (East &uropean Plain-Rivers) (Gerenchuk, K.I.) nP;KQV,_q,Z- --.. i - . . Surface -qrd 1 ~ ne a r er :,s~ Oni a" ze ": ~ ~-e ", s I T' "-' - ; "";a "I -' ' '- "7 7' part of ule C--- n.ra-'- Upland . Nau ". zi;,, 7 - r . , - - - -,;- V - ob- va.81-88 .133. : "I .,'A - , : " MAKSIMOV S Z ;_.kEVZ, N.S. Adam Adamovich Virskii; on his 80th Urthd#. lz*,r.V.,3es.gecg.ob,--fa 95 no.3:266-268 Yq-Je 163. (16RA 16:8) (Virskii, Adam Adamovich, 1882-) NEDASHKOVSKIY, I.Yu.; NIKOLISKIY, E.V.; POTAPIYEV, S.V.; Prinintali uchastiye: KUZNETSGVt V.V.; OSADCHUK, V.M.; MAKSIMOV, T.M. Recording PS reflected transformed waves In the southern part of the West Siberian Plain. Trudy Inst. geol. I geofiz. Sib. otd.AN SSSR no.16:172-181 162. (MMA 16:9) Odest Siberian Plain-Seismic prospecting) YEROFEYEV9 B.V.; NAUMOVA~ S.F.~ MAKSIMOV, T.P. Kinetic-8 of T"! - ~ndL-_-ed poiymerizaticr of _.' :~y,,-,onexadfere -1 4 -16-72- Ap 0 in benzene so UtIcn. VYE'liam. soed.. 6 no.4;7- 1 4. (MIRA 1736) 1. Institut flzlxo_organi,.he5koy chlml-, AN BSSR. S,254162-1000,~004'001 1002 /0'V) 75; f225 " 102 AUTHOR: NLIk-Symov-, V. TITLE: The monomolecular film PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhyttya, no. 4, 1962, 27-28 TEXT: Evaporation is the greatest enemy of hydrotechnicians destroying their efforts for water conservation in reservoirs Ukrainian scientist found ameans to cover the water with a monomolecular film, which reduces evaporation by 40-50%. One uses chiefly fat (cetyloidal) spiritus of hexadecanol, octodecanol and others, which are obtained from animal fat, oils and naphta products. The film being neutral, does not affect the quality and properties of water in any respect. In the dry season up to 50% saves half a million m' for a sq. km. of water surface. To obtain the film with the required pressure automatic feeders are placed near the reservoirs. The quantity required is extremely small. On the average: 0.01 gr for one M2 of water surface. Light winds up to 4 m/sec are without effect. With winds from 5 to 10 m. per sec. the evaporation increases, and with stronger winds the film is liable to be destroyed. The feeders must then be disconnected. Card 1/1 I 'i -- -1W!"."i"t.- -,.- - ' ' - I"; - -lord, ' oen. Y-Tla-- - .1 no.. , a - -- , l. .~ Course -') - . S. Vladimir- AKMOV-. YLIKOVSKIY Ivan Dmitr4ysvich[Ifi14KOUSKI, I.D.11 M .!!~sandrovidbjKaksimau, U.A.], naucbrqy sotr.; KATSYUSHYN, M.S., red.; UCEUKffl=U, A.A., tekbn. red. (Intensive fattening of young cattle)IntensiuEy adkorm malad- niaku buinoi rab&t&i-zbVve1y-. Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-va sell- skab.&~rcbal Iit-U BSSR, 1962. 32 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Beef cattle-Feeding and feeds) MAKSIMOV. V.A. Scientific-atheistic indoctrination of students in the fifth clas Geog. v shkols 20 no.1:47--49 Ja-F '57. (MMA 19:311, (Religion and sciente) (Geography-Study and teaching MMIMV, V.A. . Inculcating the habita of inlopendent work in the atudents of the nifplntb grade. Cring. v shkole 21 no.5:66-69 S-0 '58. 1. Belokbolunitskaya shkola No.2 Kirovskoy oblasti. (Geography, Economic-Study and teaching) IMAKSIMOV, V,A. Working with economic maps in the seventh and eighth grades. Geog. v shkole 26 no.6:42-45 11-D 163. (MMA 17:1) 1. Belokholunitskaya shkola no.2, Kirovskoy oblasti. ISIKQVt_V ~~SBNZNKO, A.N. (Leningrad) GOGIN. Te.ya.; MA Diagaosis of pheochromocvtona. 34 no.10:67-79 0 156. (9LRA 10:1) 1. Iz kafedry Fakulltatakoy terapii (nacA. - prof. A.A.Yeeheyev) Voyanno-morskoy maditainakoy akademii I klinichaskoy bollnitay iment Chudnovskogo (glavnvy, vrach A.N.Shakanov) (MOCHROMOCYTOKA. diag. ) MAKSIMOV, V.A Effect of mild Dhysical effort on certain hamodynamic Indexes in coronary disense. Tera-o. arkh. 29 no.7:70-72 Jl 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1% kafedry fakulltetakoy teraDii Wo.2 (npchal'nik kafedry-nrof. A.A. flechnyev) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina Akpdemil imenj Kirova. (CORONARY DISEASE, physiolop_v, eff. of mild exercise on hemodynamic indices (Rua) (EMICE, effects, on hemodynamic indices In coronary dis. (Rua) BONDAFMKO9 B.A., Kl-KSlllOVj V.A. (Leningrad) Upodystrophy cases in disorders of the hypothalamue. Klinemedo 38 no.9t:L25-128 3 160. (MIRA 13&U) 1, Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy terapii Toyanno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akdemii imeni S.M. Kirova (nach. - Prof. A.A* Nechayev) na bass Bassaynovoy bollnitsy imeni Cbudnovskogo (glavnyy vrach A.F. Shikuno~)- (HUOTHALANUS-DISKASES) (METABOLISM, DISORDERS CF) CHERTAVSKIKH, A.K.; NAUNKINA, I.V.; Prinimal uchastiye MAKSTIM, V.A. Use of generator and natural gases for the nonoxidizing heating of nonferrous metals. TSvet. met. 35 no.3:74-77 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Nonferrous metals) (Furnaces, Heating) itQ )AM 6054 oa t TUMMN Tn P. IS* gol --.Way. TOP -pro 4 MOU _VBS, e-V -Wo tj doi%3 mdq, LLO hi I* -'h A"J" i~ , w on$ ear.9 rsso~tst lir Lod t, ti 40 "JAU GURKOV, Konstantin Stepgnovich; KOSTYLEV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; mas MOV- Veniagla A-lekaandrovich; YUSHCHENKO, Aleksey Ivanovich; KOWMTYTSgVi A.D., otv. red.; LOMILINA, L.N., tekhn. red. [PFM-4m loader] Pogruzoahnaia mashina PFM-4m. Moskva, Go8- gortekhizdat, 1963. 131 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Loading and unloading-Equipment and supplies) I YEVTEYEV., V.P.,, kand.tekhn.,nauk; MAKSIMOV, V.A., inzh. i`7 .- P~-- - ", ~"~! v~ ~ 4 Using computing machines in ship control systems. Sudostroenia 29 no.9t65-67 S "63. (MIRA 16: 11) N MAKS1240VA IJ.A. Gal-calation oi, z-Lmoff when ~he 8,--at cf a ahower movea. Melzcr. i gidrol. no.?:l~-18 164 (141RA 17:8) .L. Ukrainskly ixi s t i tut. SOV/24-58-7-7/36 AUTHORS:Barenblatt, G. I.1 Vak imov, V. A. (Moscow) TITLE: The Effect of the ionuniformi-t-y--oT Oil-Bearing Strata on the Determination of their Parameters with an Unsteady Flow of Oil to the Well (0 vliyanii neadnorodnostey na opredeleniye para- metrov aeftenosnogo plasta po daanym nestatsiona nogo pritoka zhidkosti k skvazhinam) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR Otdeleniye teklmichesk-ilch nauk, 1958, Nr 79 pp 49-55 (USSR5 ABSTRACT: The application of the Laplace transformation (Ref 3) to an unsteady oil flow to the well is considered for the case of a nonuniform oil-bearing stratum. The noauniformity of the stratum could be caused by contamination of its boundary layers or by a geological fault at some distan e from the well, It is assumed that several neighbouring wells show a constant prodUction of,oil during a sufficiently long period before the observations,, so that the distribution-of pressixre in the -strat- um Po can be considered as constant. The thickness of strat- um h is also taken as constant. The we" for which the cal- culations are carried out has a reduced radius r. and is surrounded by a zone of the radius R with k 1 and K, being Card 1/6 the coefficients of porosity and piezoeonductivity, respectively SOV/Z4-58-7-7/36 The Effect ,-z Vhe Nonuniformity of GfD-Hearing Strata on the Determin- ation oftL-5,--rParazeters with an Unsteddy Flow of Oil to the Well (k2 , K 2 - respective coefficients outside the surrounding zone). The calculation begins at the time t - 0 which could be the closing of the well when its discharge (volume) is Q-0 - The measuremenl;a of the pressure and oil flow are carried out at various int&46is of time. The pressure in stratum d63 ends on the time, thetefore it can be shown as a function (1.1 for t > 0 (where-,~r, (p - polar coordinates with the origin in tl?e~centre of the well). The elastic conditions of the funet- ion u(r. t) can be shown as Eq (1.2) and the initial cond4t- ions and those at the boundary of the encircling zone - as Eqs (1-3) and %-.4, 1.5) respectively. Also from Eq (1.1) the formula (1.6) can behfined, which describes the conditions .on the wall of the well ( pc(t) - pressure at t I POO - Initial preseure). By differentiating Eq (1) in respect to r the second equation.Eq (1.7), describing the conditions on the wall is obtained the left term of equal to the flow Q(t) and the Ini7tial part of the right term - to the Card 2/6 SOV/24-58-7-7/36 The Effect of the Nonuniformity of Oil-Bearing Strata on the Determin- ation of ~-,eixParameters with an Unsteady Flow of Oil to the Well initial flow 0, Therefore, the second equation can be shown in its fiRal form as Eq (1.8),, The formulae (1.2) to (1.6), (1.8) can be solved by the application of the Laplace transformation of thp. function u(r, t) (top Of P 51). Thus the formula (2.1) is obtained, the solution of which can be derived from E a (2.2) and (2.3). The transformation of the Eqs (1.4) and ~1.5) can be performed when the conditions (2.4) and (2,,5) are considered., while the conditions (1,G) and (1.8) will take the transformed form as Eqs (2,6) and (2,7), from which the final formula (2,8'), is obtained. This can be written as Eq (2,9) when the a_-jj-mpt.-ct-ic arguments of the Bessel funct- ion K and I b 0, ttrl-m, P 51) are applied. The formula (2.9) can algo be wri?tea~ as Eq (2,10) where the radius -I c is sub- stituted by the radius rNr defined by Eq (2~11') (Ref 1)., The difference between the cui-es obtained from Eqs (2.9) and (2,10) is shown ir- Fig 1. wher~l: Card 3/6 When the relative thl:lmess of the. surroanding zone SOV/24-58-7-?/36 The Effect of the Nonliniform.ity c-f 0ii-Bea_-:Lag S~trata on the Determain- ation of Paxame-lere. with an Unstead,7 Fl~;w of Oil to the Well 6 (R :onv=_.r-ge-s to 0 with s,.ich a decrease of porosity that 6/k, = ^cnst ~Eq ~2~12) M - digit) taen Eq (2,10.) retainH its f "rul all(I 1." is found from Eq (2,13). For the large R,4_1 ~_t the formula (2,9) takes the form (2.14Y, In the cas-:: of -,i wpll situated at the distance from the straight f:!~ult (Fig 2),, all the formlila,~- shown above should be ad,ustei. _; ,j 111 respect tQ a new 11stance r i between a point (r, (p) axad. an in-agizaa-ry well sit",iiated symmetrically in respect tc. the fault. Tii-:~n the pressuriz. can be calculated from Eq (3~,l), tLia fon.-tion u(r,t) must satisfy the condit- ions (3.2) arLA the condition on the wall of, thLe well is defined by Eq (5,A) and the final formula (3.5) obtained by differentiating Eq (3,1), -~he left-hand term of which is equal tc Q, whii(- th- f,rst pai-t: -.)r ta,~, right-hand term is equal to q 0 1 Thuts ',,y tra-naEcr-mation the formjia (3-5) is written as Eq ThLe s-olut-1-on is found by meane of the Card 4/6 SOV/24-58-?-?/36 The Effect or the vonuniformity of Oil-Bearing Strata on the Determin- ation of ".1w.-ir Parameters with an Unsteady Flow of Oil to the Well Laplace transformation (3.'7) and the Eq (3.2) takes the form of Eq (2.1), while the Eqs (3-3) (3.4) and (3.6) take the forms of E~'(358), (3-9) and OJO), respectively, The solut- ion of Eq 2.1 takes the form of Eq (3.11)which., when sub- stituted into Eq (3.9) and (3.10)., becomes Eq (3,12) written also as Eq (3.13) or (3.14) or (3.15) when the ratio r. /'t is equal to unity. The transition from Eq (3,14) to (3.15) as a relation of (~ ' and t n to (bottom of p 54) is shown in Fig 3. The results obtained by calculation were verified .from the experimental data. In general, it was established that in the case of moderate contamination of the exploitation zone, its porosity will be equal to that of the external zone with a decrease of the radius of the well. In this case the curve q) (.9nt (Fig 7) enters an asymptote the inclination of P to the porosity of the external zone, When iune curve dow-Lwards, this indicates a Iiigh degree of contamination. i.e. a large encircling zone. Similarly, in the case of a fault., a normal curve (Fig 3) shows its dis- tant position but when the ourve bends upwards, this indicates Card 5/6 the proximity of a fault. The author expresses gratitude to SOV/24-58-?-?/36 The Effect of the Non-liniformity of Oil-Bearing Strata on the Determin- ation of Parameters with an Unstea.dy Flow of Oil to the Well A~ P, Krylov for his criticisms, There are 3 figures and 4 references, of which 3 are Soviet and 1 English, ASSOCIATION-. Institut nefti AN SSSR (Oil Institute, Academy of Sr,iences, USSR) SUBMITTED- March 20, 11)58, Card 6/6 AUTHOR: Maksimov, V. A. Ofoscow) SOV/179-59-3-30/45 TITLE: On the Effect of Non-uniformity oil the Parameters of Oil Bearing Strata as Determined by the Unstable Liquid Discharge into Wells (2) (0 vliyanii neodnorodnostey na opredeleniye parametrov neftenosnogo plasta po dannym nestatsionarnogo pritoka zhidkosti k skvazhinam)(2) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i inashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 168-171 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of the paper published in Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 7. The method described is applied for determining the filtrating properties of a compound well. The thickness of the stratum is h and its coefficient of permeability and the piezo-conductivity are k and x respectively. The cracks in the strztum c a u g e the variation of the pressure (Eq 1.1) in the area r around the well Card 1/3 (q0 - initial output, A - coefficient of oil viscosity, r and T - polar coordinates). The elastic conditions SOV/179-59-3-30/45 On the Effect of Non-uniformity on the Parameters of Oil Bearing Strata as Determined by the Unstable Liquid Discharge into Wells (2) of the function u(r,~p,t) are described by the equation of piezo-conductivity, Eq (1.2). The area r can be defined from Eq (1.4), where p c(t) and pco - pressure at the moment t and the initial pressure respectively. From Eq (1.1) a second equation defining the area 11 can be obtained in the form of Eq (1-5), which becomes Eq (1.6) when the Laplace transformation is applied. As a result, the formulae (1-7) and (1.8) are defined from which the function (1.10) and its asymptotic expression (2.4), based on the formula (2.1) can be obtained. The above calculation is illustrated by four examples: 1) the data of a circular well are; radius r rcl W z, e = 1. The radius of a compound weli o r is required for which the harmonic function v c 0 is expressed as unity. This function coincides with a harmonic function v for which the area r also is expressed as unity. This is obtained from Eqs (2-5) and Card 2/3 (2.6). 2) Similarly for an elliptical well, the required radius r c SOV/179-59-3-30/45 On the Effect of Non-uniformity on the Parameters of Oil Bearing Strata as Determined by the Unstable Liquid Discharge into Wells is found from Eq (2-7). 3) A circular well is connected with two vertical cracks of the lengths, L1 and L 2' respectively. They are directed along the axis , of the coordinates, the origin of which is placed at the cGntre of the well. The radius rK is obtained from Eq (2.8) or from Eq (2.9) in the case 0~ only one crack. 4) A well with the radius r and n radial cracks of the length L is considered. cThe area r on the plane 't is transformed into the plane z (as in example 3) by the n A formulae (2.10) and z Z2 . Then the equivalent radius r is found from Eq (2 .11), which for n = 1 becomes Eq (2.9)c and for n = 2 - Eq (2.1.2) or Eq (2.8). For a well consisting of one crack only Eq (2-13) can be applied. The time required for (t ) with an accuracy of 1% can be determined from Eq V14), where kax - maximum diameter of the area. Acknowledgments are made to G. 1. Barenblatt for his advice. There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: June 18, 1958 Card 3/3 MAKSIMOV, V.1" (140sk7a) Effect of the nommiformity on the detsrmina'!',r. of an oilbearing layer based on the etudiet; L*i U aa --y fluid flow toward wells as exAmplified by layer. Izv.A.N SSSH.Otd.tekh.r-,aizk.MeLh.1 160. (Oil reservoir engineering) MAKSIMOV, V. A.,Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "On the effect of heterogeneities upon the determination of parameters of a petroleum-bearing layer tpe~hke' data of %v , 'Iv~ """MAY nflto of i" liquid to the wells." Mos, 1961. (Inst of Mechanics, Acad Sci USSR). (KL, 4-61, 184) -26- BAN, Akosh; BOGOMOLOVA, Antonina Fedorovna; MAKSIMDV, KalerV_ .Aleksandrovich; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Viktor Nikolayevich; 0GANDUMANTS, InAdimir Grigorlyevich; RYZHIK, Viktor Mikhaylovich; CHERNYY, I.A., red.; KAYESHKOVA, S.M., ved. red.; POLDSINA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Effect of the properties of rocks on the fluid flow in them] VIIiante svoistv gornykh porod na dvizhenie v nikh zhidkosti. [ByjA.BsLn i dr. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 274 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Oil reservoir engineering) MAK-SLMOV, V.A. (MoFkva) &Iuilibrium shape of bodies solidified around a cold source in a fluid flow. Izv. A21' SSIR-MRkh. no.4:,'1-45 Tl-Ajy 165. (~aRA 18:121) 141MDEVII P.A., inzh.3 GURKOV, K.S., inzh.; MWIMOV, V.A., inzh. Results of an experimental study of the vibrating working pa:t of a c.-ontinuous loader. Gor.zhur. no-4-51-54 Ap 162. (I'MiA 15:4) 1. InBtitut gornogo dela Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (YAning marhinery-Testing) (Vibration-Electromechanica.1 analogies) KOSTYLEV, A.D.; RODIONOV, G.V.; GURKOV, K.S.; MAKSIMOV, V.A.; VOLODIKO, K.P. Vibrating working part of a loader. Gor.zhtw. no.8%71 Ag 62. (AURA 15:8) (Mining machinery)