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~~M-F-P-.#-uchitell (gorod Kanash Chuvashakoy ASSR) Lessons on the honey bee. Biol. v shk-Ae no.4:15-10, Jl-Ag '61. (Bees) (MIRA 14:7) MAKSIMOV, Palladiy Petrovich; YEFIMV, A.L., red.; YEMKLIYANOV, F.V., - 'red., TATURA, G.L., tekhn. red. (Beekeeping]Pchelovodstvo; posobie dlia uchashchikhaia sell- skoi srednei shkoly. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1962. 183 P. (MI RA 16: 1) (Bee culture-Study and teaching) KAKSIHOV. P. .-*Q~ Lot us supply the Industry with hi&-grade raw material. Hias.ind. S= 24 no.6:49-52 '53. Off-RA 6:12) 1. Mwhallnik Glavnogo upravlonlys, po sagotovbam skota. (Animal indbcLatry) lam"OVI"P.. GINMIM I., inzhener; MWMIMOV. P., inshener. An efficient ammonia system for refrigerators. Khol.tekh-31 no.2:22-27 AP-Je '54. (MLRA 7:7) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) MAKSIMDV, P., inzhoner. Some solutions of technical problems in France's cold storage plants. Khol.takh.33 no-2:39-44 AP-Je 156. (MLRA 9:9) (France--Cold storage warehouses) KARSIMOV. P.. tnzh. Standard plans of small cold storage plants. Khol.tekh. 33 no.4:41-44 O-D '56. (MIRA 12:1) (Cold storage warehouses) USSR/General Problems. Tillethodolo."~ry. History. ScientificA -Lnstitu+,-*Lons and Conferences. instruction. _~Uest_icns Concernin:~,- B-*Lb11*oi_7ra.-1-_.y and ~7cie-_ tific Documenluition Abs Jour -lef -, 4 ya :Io I. lindlin Author P. Maks _'_- ov Inst State institute for ~lanrini~ Refrii-,erators and Dry Ice and Ice Cream F-qctorie~ Title- State Institute for Plannin,-, Refri.i.rerators and DiT ice and Ice Cream Factories Orig ub ~2iolodil'naya tek-'inika, 1957, No 3, 2"?-23 Abstrqct ~.`o the 4.0-uh anniversary of the -Treat -'.ctobe-- Socialist .,evo_1i_,.tio-. A revie,,v of the Institute 7activities ~incr.- !_,,751. Card 1/1 (State Insititute for ~t!signing 1L'n,--rpriseq 0. Lhe iLa-ri-leraLLig Industry, AIOSCui): "Improved schemes for the kMJflL,,- ia LnC-Ut PUM,3 ~;YSteT," ircui-atiuri 0, rrench - 5 page2/ report presented at the International Inst. of tafrigeration (11h), Annual k4eetings of "mmissions 3,4, and 5, Moscow, 3-6 6ep 1958. MMINDY, P., insh. a ~' designs for distributing cold storage varehouses (with ij"mmry in Englishl. Xhol. tekh. 35 no.4:22-26 Jl-Ag 158. (Km U:10) l.Gosudaretvennyy inatitut ibetitut po proyaktirovanlyu predpriyatiy kholodillnoy molochnoy, maelyanoy i syrodelluoy pronVehlennosti. Nold storage varehouses) Pr K-S ~M--,v - - - A 111.6 A tot A ell! al - ve 41- :31i HI, :vj 44 cu 14(l) AUTHOR: Maksimov, P., Engineer SOV/66-59-2-2/31 TITLE: Standard Designs of Small General Purpose Refrigeration Warehouses (Tipovyye proyekty nebol'shikh kholodillnikov obshchego naznache- niya) PERIODICALi Kholodillnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 5-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Giprokholod has developed 4 standard designs of refrigeration warehouses of 12, 25, 50 and 100 tons capacity. They are in- tended for community centers, working mens quarters, sovkhoz and kolkhoz organizations, for temporary storage of fresh and frozen food products. Using standard building material and equipment, ensuring maximum efficiency at lowest possible cost, these stand- ard types of refrigeration warehouses are designed for large-scale construction. The refrigeration compartments have an even tem- perature of -120 to -150C as indicated in Table 1, giving also capacities of the 4 types equipped with automatically controlled ammonia refrigeration systems and operated by compressor con- denser units. Characteristics of equipment and requirements of heat, cold and eiectric energy are shown in Table 3. With opera- Card 1/2 tion and temperature being automatically controlled, attendance is SOV/66-59-2-2/31 Standard Designs of Small General Purpose Refrigeration Warehouses reduced to periodical inspection of the control devices and re- frigeration equipment. There are 2 sets of diagrams and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION& Giprokholod Card 2/2 25(5) AUTHOR: Engineer Sov/66-59-5-16/35 TITLE: Protection of Structures Against Damage by Transportation Mechanisms PERIODICAL: Kholodil'naya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, PP 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes various ways and means of protecting exposed parts of buildings, such as pillars, corners, door ways, passages, en- trances and exits from suffering damage by careless driving of trucks and wagons. The protection consists in most cases of wooden boards tied together by metal strips, of sheet metal or metal bars. The fic--rs of elevators, exposed to extra heavy wear, should be provided with a removable top layer of wooden boards 50 mm thick. There are 2 sets of diagrams, Card 1/1 KAKSIMOV, P., inzh. btandard one-stor7 medium-size refrigerating plants. Mias. ind. SSSR 30 no.5:6-10 '59. 'MIU 13:1) 1.Gosudarstvanny7 institut po, proyaktirovani7u predpriyatiy kholo- dilluo7, molocb-no7, maal7ano7 i sy-rodellnoy promvshlennosti. (Cold storage varehouses) - KUMIMOVj P., inzh. Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery in the Chinese People's Republic. Khol.tekh. 37 no.4:60-61 J1-Ag 160. (KM 13:11) (China--Refrigeration and refrigerating machiner7) f~6~en-: meat ~,~ :A flooi plan of the man bidi, d f- ding Id's the.te6hfiical ped ficat -tb refr geration equipment. arv -,g ven,, ions of 6 -f g c g~;Ailit ..has.#,:-,3 ureff, 1. ~,:~ ~, RIG Mr. SUB CODB.-:! A SUBM bAlt 00i Ooo/ OTH REF t, i7, 17 vy Wm IMOV I lb a --- - - VR 0 Neu hArbor oold storage warehouse in V2.adivestak, Khole tokh, 42 no#A.01-72 JI-Ag 165, (mA 1829) I-MAKSIMV. Pj~., kapitan I-go ranga zapasa Tactical training of officers of small ships. Mor. sbor. 47 no.lM&50 J& 164. (MIRA IS.-7) MI,KS*DUVP Pov., kaplta-m I-gv range, zapasa Is necessav.- t.:-, ru'~-'-rate the comuna dei-16 ' dependence in and InitiatIve. ~~r. sb--:-. ~8 no.."Al-66 ~~ 165. (MITRA 18t6) MAKSIHOV. Fetr Yakovlevich; USPENSKIT, B.V., redaktor; MALIKOTA, N.V., ~'-"tV=h-Ire'8Vfr'?ddakt , r [Road surfacing with soil asphalt] Dorozhnata odazhda iz grunt- aefallta. Moskva, Hauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotranap. lit-ry, 1956. 25 P. (MLRA 9:8) (Pavements) CHUDARS, Ya. [Cudars, J. ]; SKVO".' VA, N.; -MW-TKQV, -4, Comparison- of tba possibilities of determining the moisture content of building materials using neutron radiation and neutron baokscattering methods. Izv. AN Latv. SSR no.10: 91-98 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Institut fiziki AN LELtviyakay SSR. (Building materials-TestinR) (Neutrons) (moisture) I-LAKS D~GV S. A. Polet v slozhnyir-h meteorologicheskikh usloviiakh. (Meteorologiia i gidrologiia, Informatsii-17:yi sbornik, 1946, no. 5, p. 36-49, biblio- graphy) Title tr.: Flight undt3r un.1~2vorable meteorological conditions. QC851.1-127 1946, no. 5. SO: Aeronautical Sciences and I-viation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. elAYMMU, S. A. ln~y~rograpn and 'iliermograpti of a Polar Model," No 4, pp ci-82. (Meteorolo~~-Jya i Gidrologiya, No t) Nov/Dec 1947) SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 19:503 WSR/Wetearalogy - Preissure, Jul Atyibispherle Meteorological instruments "V14trumerItS fo:~ M*asm-ing AtmospherIc Presmwe- U*ing Priwatic Ccnnection, of Units,n S. A. "Meteorol i Gidrol" No 4, p 86 r.4d bar=eter and baro- Original designs for ar. graPh by Engineers Ma-MuYlov and Maklakov of M06- co,w Hydrometeorol. Instr BIdg Plentr in vhich cylindzrical connectiona of mechanical elements 162T88 USSR/Meteorology - Pressure Jul/Aug 48 Atmospheric (Cantd) are replaced by.connections using sL-ts having pointed 1=ismtic knife and inner prismatic support. Submitted 3-1 Feb 47. 1u; 162M8 Leva.ndovskiy, Kaziipir Frantsevich, Fiftieth anniversary of 1A.F. Levarslovskiy's acientific I'ct- i ';O.r, 194j. H'anthiv List of Russian Access4-ons. T-dbrary of Com-ress, October, 1 *:r:L-'- MW-D40V--S.A. PEMIN, I.M. ',!ete - oro' oF, ,y, Agricultural 11 i. History of agricultural meteorolD,-,:i -1: the i p-i-Irol. '~o. 5, i-,;-9 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October, D12. Abs t. 551-5:63:92(47) Vel 1, 1',). 3 Mak,:mev, 5, N P. I. Brounov-osnovopolozhnik sel'skokhozialstvennol tneteorologii. - [P. I Brmlll""-I Lenin;:ra(I,Gidrmet.lzdat.,l950., 4 3 p. 5 figf; DLC- P 1. Mov~%oN . born in IRS2 in St. Petcr;hurr Rus~ia- worked about fifty vea, in pli-ical pc,)~zraph%. oreanotzraphy, general metellrology and especially in ag-ro- t , lie ha5 u ril tell abotjt 120 P, r5 and c5tiblilhed in 1807 the first agrrimeteoro- me eorokw, -1 Pe I'Vir-ij iwr,i(~ n tl,c ,otld. A map of the agronieteoNogiral stations and a map with thr'l l1mributiot, of dr,)ijvht- in Rij5-ia are given. StOP-cl 11caditigs: 1. Biography 2. Brounow, 1. 3. Agro-r!~eteorologicsJ services 4. Drought 5. U.S.S.R.-A.A. YL4KSIMOV, S. A. P. I. Jrounov, founder of agricultural meteorology. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1952, 55 p., figs., bibl. MeteorologJmal Abet. Vol. 5 . No.- 1 Jan. 1954 PaA Workg'.Of SpeCial Inteiest All SSI.SM orgloglit I ;41'skoe kbotfalstwo. [Meteorology and agriculture.3 1952. 94 p. 25 figs., IS tables. Price: 2 rubles. DLC- Includes short history of agricultural meteorology in Russia (beginning with Lomo'.40sov, 17391 with cnnsiderable attention paid to the organization of agrometeorological service in the U-5.S.R. since the Revolution. The work at agrometeorological stations is described. The effccts of radiation. soil and air temperatures, snow cover and its conservation, soil moisture, humidity and wind on crops are treated in separate chapters based on actual data from crop grawth in U.S.S.R.: harmful met eorological conditions such as drought, hot winds. hail, i fron. cluudbursts. glaze, and intense freezing; the means by which the agrometeorological "rvice helps agriculture ((orecast, warnings, studies. etc.) and, finally, on the transforma- tion of nature in the U.S.S.R. according to the ideas of allgaulig; and Lysm.Ko (effect of -helter belts. etc., Pre retiet%ed. Subjea Heading:: 1. Agricultural z4atearology 2. U.S.S.IL -.lL R. WSIMOV, i ologioA Ab S*fract -A~dupts 1.953 Part I 'General Meteorology. 68-23 551-5:e1&92 ziaYstvennol ksmo S. A., Osnovatell sellskoUho m-etddrO1dgTr-Mtr Ivanovich Brounov, fThe founder of agricultural meteorolo , Petr Ivanovich Brounov. 7 Meteorologiia idrologiia., No. 7:51-pj, 1952. 13LC- Review o~ scientific works of P. L BROUNOV (born December 21., 1852, die&April 24, 1927). P. 1. BROUNOV, after graduating from ~he-Physical-Mathematical Faculty of Yetersburg University in 1875,, started to work at the Central jPhysical Obs-rervatory. Many original investigations by BPOUNOV on weather analysis and study of directions of cyclone movements were carried out there. He was the first to introduce the so-called isobar method. In 1890 he was elected professor of Kiev University and continued his scientific activities by investigating the relation between- climatic conditions and'hariculture. BROUNOV formulated the problem of a - new icience-agricultural moteoroloMr as ,A~st,,,dy of neteorol-or-lion! factors and their rel9tion to soil and life o--F' plants an-1 eni-1-31s. In 1897, at BROUNOVIS sugge'stion., a special'twtit "Lon, "Meteorological Bureau,n for the orgaidittion of a spee'lal. net'w6rk - -of 'a'gro-.;ieteord1bgica'1 stationq~ investigation of if4uence Of metporologidaX. statlohsp investigation of. influenc .of meteorologicala e 'Uments on gr.owtA, ~;r cultural plantdp dqvelo nt of methods.-of agm-msteorological Pme observations and.for.special study of atmospheric,procisses dangerous fdk a iculture wa.s~ established. In 190k BRO"OV founded "Trudy po Ssliskokhosia- i gsrtv3ennoi MeteorologAll (Transactions in agricultural meteorology), a periodical wen known inside and outside of Russia. Genetic system of climates and criterion of &rought'iAroduce7d by BROUNOV were used largely for agrocUmatic regionalizition. Subject Headings: Is P. 1. Brounov '2. Agricultural meteorology 3, Biography# , N, T. Z, f, MAKSL~,OV, S.A. The 75th AmAversary of the Meteorological ObservaLory imeni V.A. Mikhellson Met.-orol. i gidrolo-:Iya, No 1, 1)53, pp "-/,5 Z-No abstract ~;iven. 7 (UhGecl, No 5, 19~1) SO: Sum. No. 568, o Jul 55 'IS.14- M wro t A ich;GOL'TSB3RG,I.A., redaktor; NOISEYEV,I.T., "'~I 0 . '%0 IK,A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Meteorology in agriculture] Meteorologiia i sel'skoe khosiaistvo. Izd. 3-e. ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichookoe Izd-vo, 1955. 141 p. (%ff-'RA 9:1) (Meteorology, Agricultural) -feilik - o itt f ivi- it, V~ A.. grannotillit g a; 19S5.' '31 0 li" 47 I Pnk.- ~n DLC,- A ranshilwai Irim) Rugaum. iiif Ifigitr It book- Itod' L,,iduliiqtd, n1d -let IM-Thig mt ~rfrlllturiltlnlet -mtology I - ' i ck -h- d F ~_Lppiicif a. 5 - strictly. pr, 'cal in ita 4ppmu to t e atu y: awl, f4 a isciples ancl tixti Aqui~a to agricti4tiral -praitka. U-jillilling thit provedauil. [it k k Itt LL illit! Ttq - -tfid- r t bfl ined.:- Thil L06 14-MI-lAitiv i 10 its t rproation 4:115t; j k, 41~ o Me tvi mmu4 far6tttillg 1.11 ibloAsi rt,,aho& for detcrin it ing.- The [pillier deGfor~w~- 1 perinicaul fiab ~Soit tu re Cell I re ra tC z 0."Ictlia-tilig,* `mMiInt, Or ProLluctive ntatstllre~ dot6mination 6('the - -;-vs i; ~11*rh-a,-; velluille imight Of on o( total porom y title _64 calcuLation a :7 and ui- jl-~~,,,,Ji fi, Ilui ernrwli 1) a agrivulf4ral cro ilild iiatUTAI PAM T`Lz: Ilatur, PI. 2d IR'Mth 13 14 - VA f m ugioll _-uLb"C-,rur3*_G( pr;AtlCEiVL~lIlDhjtIj, Elie begirilliliz 7:~ oftile,mclatt"apterpud a it'd on- the m-seii* a( kive-maistureint twistaifbftf.~ ~Cmt~ K M IMOV. S.A., kandidat geograficheskikh nauk. Return of cold weather. Priroda 45 no.6:127 Js '56. (KLBA 9:8) 1. Koskwoskaya sel'skokhozyaystvannaya akademiya imeni K.A. Timirya- z6va. (Spring) .- WAKSIMOV ndidat geograficheakikh nauk; KLLYUZHNYY, A.S. - 2~~r&s Q. id~~ Sleet. Priroda 45 no.12:127-1-28 1) 156. (MY-RA 10:2) 1. Noakowskaya sel'skokliozyaystyennaya akademiya imeni K.A.Timi- ryazeva (for Kakalmov). 2.Rostovgkoye byuro pogody (for Xalyushnyy). (Ice) BROYNOV. Petr Ivanovich; MAKSIMOV, S.A.. kancl.geograf.nauk, red.; SIUMLISHCHIKOV, 11". ~.,~O&~nnyy red.; GROSMAN. R.V.. red.; FIAUX, Ufa., (Selected works] Izbraanve sochinentia. Ianiagred, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Vol.2. [Agricultural meteorology] Sell skokhozialetvennata mateorologiia. 1957. 337 P- (MMA 11:2) (Meteorology, Agricultural) KAXSIKGV, S.A., kandidat geographicheakikh nauk. Cold weather in winter. Priroda 46 no.1:125 Ja '57. OW& 10:2) 1. Koskovskaya sel'skokhozyastvennaya akademiya im.K.A.Timir7azeva. (Frost) KAKSI14DY, S.A., dotsent, kand.geograficheakikh nauk Nature of forest fires and the prediction of general bydro- meterological conditions of weather. Izv.TSKhA no.6:233-238 '59. (MM 13:6) (forest fires) MAKSIMOV, S.A., kandgeograficheakikh nauk, dotsent Hundred years from the birth of V. A. 144-khellson. Izv. TSKhA no.3:237-239 160. (MM 14:4) (Mikhellson, VUfliml AlekWdrovich, 1860-1927) Y"SIMOVI S.A. Vladimir Aleksand ovich Mikhol'son; 1860-1960. Yeteor.i gidrol. no.7:45-48 Jl '60. (MIRA 13:7 (Mikhollson, Vladimir Alsksandrovich, 1860-196o) MAKSIMDV. S.A. Harvest time. Priroda 49 no-7:127 JI '60. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Kookovskaya sallskokhozyaystvennava akademiya imeni K.A.Timiryazeva. (Summer) 4AKSIMCV, Semen Andreyevich; KULIK, M.S., otv. red.; SAGATOVSKrY, ". , 'r6 - AEMEVIP A.G. , tekhn. red. [Weather and agriculture] Pogoda i sel'skoe khoziaistvo. Leningrad, Gldrometeoizdat, 1963. 201 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Meteorology, Agricultural) DAVYDOVA, Yu.S., kand.tokhn.nauki LAGUROV, L.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; KAKSWOV. S.1., inzh.-tekhnolog. Obtaining a vitamin A concentrn.e by molecular distillation. Trudy VNIRO 35:272-282 158- NMA 11:11) 1, Laboratoriya novoy tekhnologii Veesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovatell- skogo institute. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii i Vita- minnyy taekh Moarybknmbinata. Oitamias--A) (Distillation, Molecular) S/194161/000/002/006/039 D216/D302 AUTHORS: Yakobi, Yu.A., Maksimov, S.I. and Za~;orenko, G.M. TITLE: Photoelectric installations for work in the ultra- violet region of the spectrum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1961, 34, abstract 2 A265 (V Sb. spektr. analiz v tsvetn. metallurgii. M., Metallurgizdat, 19601 79-86) TEXT: The design of a photoelectric attachment for spectral anal- ysis is_given. The design is based on a quartz s:.)ectroscope WC7T - 22 (ISP 22). The attaciment is inserted instead of the cassette into the camera part of the spectroscope. It has one output slot which can be moved in the plane of the spectrum by a micrometer screw. The photorecorder which registers the spectral lines inten- sities is attached to the slot carriage together with its light screen. To adjust the slot for the required analytical line a spectrogram is used, obtained with the spectroscope. The spectro- Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/002/006/039 Photoelectric installations ... D216/D302 gram is analyzed by a pointer with a highly tied magnifying glass. The fine adjustment of the slot position with respect to the analyt- ical line is achieved by means of an optical adjustment indicator type 6ESC (6E53), to the input of which is applied the output volt- age of the photo-recorder. A second photorecording is made in the comparison circuit which registers the light dissipated in the spectrograph. The trials of the installation have been made using two different systems of measuring the photocurrents of the analysis channel and the comparison circuit, stored at the respective integ- rating.eircuits. These systems have been described earlier (see Carpenter, Bois, Sterner, "JOSAII, 1947, 37, 707 Hasler, Lindhurst, Kemp, 1948, 38, 789). A constant light source ~a filament bulb) was used. The error of measurements 0.5 - 0.6%. No positive re- sults could be obtained with an arc light source. 4 figures. 2 references. Card 2/2 I 14AP11401, S. 1. . inzh.-takhnolog I-.-- Molecular distillation of vitam:,n A fmm marlne animals. '7t-ud-.- I VIIIIRO 45:88-95 162. , 1 -11 ~-- -.A I ~ : 5 1*1 (Distillaticn, 1-blecular) (Marine animal oils) (Vitar,~ns-A) ,24(7), 9(7) S07/46-27-9-23157 AUTHORS: Yakobi, Yu. A., Maksimov, S. 1. TITLEi A Photoelectric Apparatus Base~i Oil the Spectrcgraph ISP-22.A New Method of Automatic Spectral Analysis of an Electrolyte PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk 33SR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19::.9, Vol 23, Nr 9, PP 1103 - 11r,5 ~USSR) ABSTRAM The photoolectrical apparatus described consists of a photo-- electrical headpiece and two different recording instruments. The headpiece makes it possible, by means of an outlet gap, to isolate any kind of spectral line within the investigated range, because it may be adjusted by means of a micrometer screw. It operates with the photomultiplier of the type FEU-18. For the superposition of the gap and of the desired spectral line, a spectrogram produced on this device is used, which is located on the OUt3ide of the headniece. An optical indicator is used to indicate the exant position. Correspondence between the gap -tnd the indicatcr is checked Card 112 either visually or by means ofan Hg-tube and an ultraviolet A Photoelectri.- Apparatus on the Bas-s or- the 3~-V/48- 2 3-9-23/57 Spectrograph ISP-?2. A New Method of A.,itomatic Spectral Analysis of an Electrolyte indicator. In one of the two recording instruments a direct cuirent amplifier is used, which has an instrumental error of 0.'76. The second recording instrument has an error of 0.81o (Refs 1 and 2). In the following, experiments concerning the au,omatic spectral analysis of electrolytes are described, in wh-ch electrolytically separated metal is used as carrier eltictrode. In this way the accuracy of the analysis is increased, anit, at the same time, amperage is reduced, Moreover, the eloctrolytical purification of the carrier electrode material mal:es it possible te eliminate the influence of the preceding experiment without having to employ mechanical methods or chomical reactions. There are 1 figure and 2 references. Card 212 STEPANOV, V.P.; MAKSIMOV, S.I.; GAVRILOV, M.N.; SEYDEL, L.R. Electronic instrument for measuring the interface leqel of raffinate and extract solutions. Mash. i neft. obor. no.3:22-25 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut po kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy promyshlennosti. KOZHIFI, 1-I., prof., glav. red.; A6AKUI-M, V.A., zam. glav. red,; BLINOVA, Ye.N., red.; MO' , V.F., red.; S VI.AKSMIM, S.I., red.: red.; ~.-T., red.; IIELICHKO, Ye.,-'.., red. [rapers of Younj-. -,choiarsi 'I.-udy rrx)iod,!kh uchenylch. Voskva, Pishchevaia proryshlenno:itl, 1961,. 261 p. WIIII 18:1) 1. Moocow. Vsesoyuznyy nziuclinc,-i:;sl(-,~dovittell:3')"iy in:',titut 1'..')r9kogo rymoj,'o khozyaystva i okeanografii. ',,se:3oy-aznyy riauchno-issiedovatellskiy in:ftitut morskogo ryonogo ki.o- zyaystva i okeanografii, 1-~oskva (for Abakuinov, Blinova, 4kov). I Y, M.V. ; BE C i ~rii cal stati5tIca 1. analyssi8 the ',rpatv,,r,'L rf fra the lark,e tii~A.Iar bones for five years. Timidy ';rr. -nec:. :n-zt. 5 "-~ : 12 2 7- ' 3 1'~-3. :,at, r~~suits ~-' a (-~mp-c,-nd tr~:&tment f,i' fresh fra:-t-reLi f, t:.,- lqrL,zlc- tubular t,(,nH-, :2-43-- 3~, 124 - 5 8 - 6 - 7 189 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6. p 123 1USSIR, AUTHOR: Maksimov, S K. TITLE The Plasticity of Copper (Plastichnost krasnoy medil, PERIODICAL V sb. - Prochnost' metallov Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 1 0- 143 ABSTRACT The author believes that tle new creep criterion of a ' plistic resource' (see Ivanova, V.S , Zavodsk. laboratoriya, 1955, Vol 21, Nr 2, pp 212-216; also RzhMekh, 1955. Nr 10, abstract 5817) can be applied to copper under high-temperature conditions For highly ductile materials which exhibit great strains at the initial moment of loading the "plastic resource' was observed as a reduction in the further elongation At high temperatures the copper became brittle From t~e resum& 1. Copper--Kastic--ty Card 1/1 SKAKOV, Yu,A., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKSMOV, S.R., Inzh.; SILAMIIATKIIIA, A.V,, in7h- Structural changes during the aging of commercial iron. Met&lloved. i term. obr. met. no.3:20-24 Mr 162. (~UPIUA 15:2) 1. '4oskovskiy institut stali. (Iron.-Metallography) MAKSIMV, S.K._;__4KAKOV, Yu.A.; ZHETVIN, N.P.; PAISOV, A.I. Rcle of phase ccmposition of precipitates in the magnetic aging of mild steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.3:122- 124 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut stall i zavod "Serp i molot". (Steel--Hardening) (Case hardening) KRISETAL, M.A.; FIRSANOV, I.A.; VAY*M, Yu.I.; GOIDVIN, S.A.; MAK93MOV. S.K. Mechanical properties of statically and dynamically deforned alloys. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 15 No.2:305-309 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Tullskiy zaekhanicheskiy institut. (Alloys-Testing) 7-, 7- 4, 'Az T AEVP(ti) SD(ml:~3 ~jD/Aik- a A. meta j3;, arl a.tq&onny-ys:yavieniya-v i lb~ iy; ti ucl~-*- ko n'6-r- e-:n- t i num ~allo ,,sbee. :6th i e er a, Mff 711 fj gt 0 e- t "r g u TA i6 m, iong~ a t orque,-~--p a . ;'Under giD Arvorki Astee ,xe c Am 'd f e o% -ed - in6ressi n icq,~aq ge 41-,~ o,4erin pLd o. _.t"(ej;q _~~y~ ete gd,'~ y~,t n - aii AV ee ani titute, of'St on i--be-ome` cr t -te~,fect6d im'"!~_ yi~v .., . M&KSIMV, S.K.1 SKAKOV, Yu.A. .1--lZ~~-~->~.T.~,.,'-~f~rl.k~,~..:-h irlz~,W..,,,_~, Combined effect of packing errors and Suzuki atmospheres on the 3ocation and profile of an X-ray line in a face-centered cubic crystal. Kristallograftia, 10 no.3:316-323 My-Je 165. (MM 18:7) :.. Moskovskiy institut stali i eplavov. p.onenr-s,,.-.a.L.L-'~'na,ve.,.~:t:iie.~--same.; sum -~inm_ces-. -are- oniy.,.-snir-tea-,----~:11-1-", dom au"mis'~:,~of"'i -'d' s --- are, n -.---in :Lce ponq#t9 e_~: sp lttih4~- sho' ng; -up,- a h. the form, of ~'.broadenin otmation'l.concer--nin-ll..:7th~e-~~S'tiiixki.-.atmosphe*re;s,,~-_diiii- (-20 isom o _-'t prqfil:~Ba ne rom,a_~I f ,,Q6, ?45-0 .26.11o2o 111-210 AUTHORS: TITLE, 8 6 ~?2 s/o65/ 000/011/009/009 E194/E484 Tereshchenko, Ye.P-, Zaloga, B.D~ and Maksimov, S,M, Evaluation of the Combustion Characteristics Aviation Gas Turbine Fuels on a Small-Sized Combustion-Chamber Rig k\ of Single- PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1960, No,11 pp.64-70 TEXT. The rig employed a single combustion chamber 376 mm long of maximum diameter 178 mm with f-'.- ! tube 294 mm long, of maximum diameter 148 mm and volume 0,0045 -J~ Air was delivered through a receiver and electric heater, Fuel was delivered through pumps and filters. A magneto and sparking plug were provided for ignition, The principal characteristics of an aviation gas turbine that depend on the quality of the fuel are; starting, limits of stable combustion, completeness of combustion and deposit formation in the combustion chamber- These properties were accordingly tested, The properties were assessed by comparison with a reference fuel, grade T-1 being chosen. Starting properties were assessed with an air flow through the chamber of 0~1 kg/sec at an inlet temperature of 600C, the criterion of I ! ; I/ Z; 85182 s/o65/6o/ooo/oll/ooq/ooq E194/E484 Evaluation of the Combustion Characteristics of Aviation Gas Turbine Fuels on a Small-,Sized Single-Combustion-Chamber Rig starting properties being the optimum fuel/air ratio, the weaker the mixture at which igmition occurs the better the starting properties, Combustion stability tests were made at an air flow rate of 0.25 kg/sec and an inlet temperature of 601C, the stability limit was flame extinction with weak mixture and appearance of flames beyond the chamber with rich mixtures. Completeness of combustion was assessed by relating the amount of heat evolved to the composition of the fuel-air mixture, The formula used to assess the completeness of combustion is given and a typical characteristic for the reference fuel T--l is shown in Fig.2, The tendency to deposit formation was assessed by the weight of deposit formed in the combustion chamber in one hour with an air flow rate of 0.25 kg/sec, an inlet temperature of 60^C and a fuel/air ratio of 4. The physical and chemical properties of fuels tested are given in Table I and data are given on starting properties. The fuels differ considerably in starting properties, the lighter the fractional composition, the greater the vapour pressure and the lower the viscosity the better the starting Card 2/5 85182 S/065/60/000/011/009/009 E194/E484 Evaluation of the Combustion Characteristics of Aviation Gas Turbine Fuels on a Small-Sized Single-Combustion-Chamber Rig properties, Fig.3 shows a graph of the starting characteristics of fuels T-2 and T-1 obtained on a full-scale combustion chamber with an inlet air temperature of -350C, Fuel T-2 was shown to have better starting characteristics than fuel T-1, In this respect the small and full-size combustion chambers give results that are in good agreement. Stable combustion under all operating conditions is a fundamental requirement of aviation gas turbines, and maximum and minimum fuel air ratios for a number of fuels are quoted, Gasoline grade G-70 (B-70) and the wide distillation-range fuel grade T-2 have wider limits of stable combustion than heavy fuels of the kerosene types TC -1 (TS-1) and T-1. This is also true for full-scale combustion chambers. Fig.4 gives completeness-of-combustion data for various fuels in the small-scale combustion chamber, the properties that give good starting characteristics also give complete combustion, F1_9~5 shows graphs of completeness of combustion of dviation gasoline grade B-70 and fuel T-2 in a full size combu9tion chamber under altitude conditions, Fis.6 shows graphs of completeness of Card 3/5 85182 S/065/60/000/011/009/009 E194/E484 Evaluation of the Combustion Characteristics of Aviation Gas Turbine Fuels on a Small-Sized Single-Combustion-Chamber R'Ig combustion of fuels T-1 and T-2 in an engine type SK -1 M-.I)~ taken during flight at altitude, Comparison of the data given in Figsc4,5 and 6 shows that assessment of completeness of combustion on the small single chamber installation is in qualitative agreement with the assessment in full-scale combustion chambers under high flying condition5, Data an the tendency to deposit formation of various fuels in a small-size :hamber- are given in Table 2 and it will be seen that paraffinic fuel gives least deposit and aromatic fuel the greatest, Of the fuels tested the lighter the fractional composition the less the tendency to deposit formation, A formula is given which expresses the tendency to deposit formation in terms of the carbon hydrogen ratio, the hydrocarbon composition, the fractional composition and the rosin content of the fuel, see Eq.(I)~ Table 2 gives comparative data of the deposit forming tendency of various fuels determined by tests in the small Lhamber and calculated by Eq~(A and it will be seen that there is reasonably good agreement, Eq.(I) relates to deposit formation for a particular combustion Card 4/5 R5182 S/065/ /000/011/009/009 E194/E484 Evaluation of the Combustion Characteristics of Aviation Gas TtLrbine Fuels on a Small-Sized Single-Combustion-Chamber Rig chamber under given test conditions, the tendency to deposit be formation in other chambers and under other conditions can expressed by the more general Eq,(2). Table 3 gives data on the deposit-forming tendency of fuels T-2. TS-1 and T-1 tested in engines types VK-1 and Pla (RD) . Comparison of the data given in Tables 2 and 3 shows that the deposit forming tendencies as assessed by the single-chamber rig are in qualitative agreement with the engine test results, There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 English, ASSOCIATION, TsIAM im, Baranova Card 5/5 ~,7 L 02304-67 EWT(m)/EVJP(f) -2 F _/T P ACC NR- AT6015190 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0005/0017 AUTHOR: Tereshcbenko, Ye. R.; Zaloge, B. D.; Mak~iF,.~V,_,S. m. ORG: none :TITLE: Met-hod of evaluating reactive fuels on a small turbojet engine combustion chamber 'SOURCE: Metody otsenlci c,csr):. svoystv reektivnykh topli v , ~smazochnykh materialov (Yet~ods for the performance evaluation of et :propellants and lubricant'S). i'01-LCd, I'd-vo Mosbinostroyeniyel, 19~60 5-17 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum fuel, cc.--) L,io,-. characteristic, combustion :chamber test, turbL-'et engine test J ~ABSTRACT: The Dossibility of e,~ C; atin, fi:cls on small single combustion' ,chamber laboratcry equipment -*-gs. 9nd 2) was investigated. Tests. yere run on B-70 eviaLlon was,11 cii T-211 '-S-1//and 'P-1 fuelsband .kerosene for fuel start--up c-aracicris.- s, limit of stable combustion, 'completeness -.f combustion and carllon (-ennsition. 'be laboratory method is sufficiently accurate for prsc-1--al .::~-pose3. T63t values are in aEreement with those obta-f.ed or. :L11 -`7~~ turbojet .-.Fine combusticn chambers. The laboratory methc6 IL recorzended for evaluating new fuels j Card 113 -I,DC--:-. 662.753,Z2:629.13.00i.L L 02304-67 ACC NRs 'T6015190 and 618L for testing standard fuels DrEpared Irom now crudes or by Ichanged technoloEy- Orig. art. has: 7 tables, 8 figures and 3 equation., ILI Card Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of small single chamber installation: 1--receiver, 2--electric air prebeater, 3--small combustion chamber, 4--induction coil, 5--stopcock, 6--fuel valve, 7-- fuel pump, 3-- filter, 9-- gages, 10--fuel tanks. L 02304-67 ACC NR: AT60i~"1-9-0 J70 Fig. 2. Diagram of snall corbustion ebamber: 1--diffluser, 2--bousing, 3--fire tube. 0TH REF Ol Card 313 _SIM _C.ODF,:_Zj,j4/_qUBM DATE: 1ODec65/--QRI PP ~-03/-- --0 RUBnISIITEYN. A.L., professor; KBILWV, A.A.. dotsent; 4-H1, IYEVA, T.L. aesistent; MAMIMOV, S.N., Inzhener. Method of forecasting the deformation of loose soil under ?,~~dxotechnical stritctures. Gidr.i mel. 5 no.9:3-13 S '51. (KT.Rgi 6:,j) (Soil mechanics) ZURABOV, K.G., Inshener; VAESIXOV. S.R., inshener. Depositing gravel in the ba4y of an earth dam. Gidr.strot. 22 uo.11:16-17 N-D '53. (MLOA 6:11) (Dame) KAISIKOV, S.N.. inshener. Rzample, of examining clay. Gidr.stroi. 23 (Glay~--Testing) the displacement resistance of carbonate no.4:42-43 154. (KM 7:7) YIAY,Sll.l")Vy 0. N. MAKSTMOV, S. N.--"The Effect of Changes in Moisture Content on t~ie Com- pressibilit-f of Loess Soils.n Moscow Geological Prospecting Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidw. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Geologicondmeralogical Science) So Knizhanay letopist No 2s 1956 KAOIHOV, S.H., kandidat geologo-mineralogicheakikh nauk. .--=N=mwm=mmmw Evaluating the construction properties of loses rocks. Gidr.stroi. 25 no.10:52-54 N '56. (PI-RA 9:12) (Loses) (Soil mechanics) CHAPOVSKIT, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich; KAKSIKOV, S.N., kand.gool.-miner.nauk, -W: red.; ENTIN, K.L., red.izd-v , ~P~859-7-1-,-19.I., LLaboratory work in soil science and soil mechanics; practical manual] Laboratornye raboty po gruntovedeniiu i mekhanike gruntov; praktichaskoe rukovodetvo. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. t okhrane nedr. 1958. 271 P. (Soil physiea) (MIRA 12:4) MAKS I MOV , I -- Effect of thn r.-at-urp of rocirs on the Bhear resistance triat. Nazich. dokl.vys.shkoly; gaol.-nauki no.4-. 17~-181 ',i8.(t4IRA 12:6) 1. 14nakovskiy universitet, Peologichnskiv fak-til'tet, kafedra gruntovede- nlya i inzhennrnoy gnologi!,' (Rocks, Tooting) SOV/98-58-11-11/15 AUTHORS: Maksimoy S.N. Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, an Molokovq L.A., Geological Engineer TITLE: The Disruption of the Natural Density of Sands During the Digging of the Poundation Pit (Shrusheniye yeatestvennoy plotnosti peskov pri vskrytii kotlovanov) PERIODICALt Gidrotekhnicheskoyestroitellstvo, 1958, Kr 11, pp 54-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT. During the last years several hydrotechnical constructions have been erected on sandy foundations. The authors stress the importance of preserving the natural density of these sandy layers. The untimely pumping out of the surface water from the foundation pit (before the layer of coarse- grained sands was reached) creates an excessive pressure in these layeraq and this pressure again creates the sus- Card 1/2 pension state which disrupts the density of the overlying SOV/98-58-11-11/15 The Disruption of the Natural Density of Sands During the Digging of the Foundation Pit fine-grained sands. As a result large scale slides along the side slopes of the pit occurred. The builders were obliged to install filters on the whole perimeter of the pit. By these measures the filtering waters were inter- cepted, and the fine-grained sands again became dense. The authors mention that the surface water must be pumped out at the same time as the subsoil water. This way, the sand layers retain their initial density. There are 3 profiles~ Construct'on--USSR 2. Sands--Control 3. Water--Xontrol Card 2/2 NIKIFOROVA. T.I. [transistor]; ZOLCTAREV, G.S.. red.;'MAKSIMOV,,S.N..' red.; KARASET. A.D., red.., FMAPMOVA, Te.S.. takhn. red.; RBZOTXHOTA, A.G., takhn. red. [Problems of engineering geology; collected studies. Trans- lated from the Znglish and French] Problemy inzhenernoi goologil; abornik statei. Pod red.i a prod. G.S.Zolotareva i S.N.Maksimovs. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry. No. 2. 196o. 382 p. (MM 14:5) (Nngineering geology) SERGEYEV, le*M.j MAKSIMOV, S.N. Impressions of Norway. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser. 4: Geol. 15 no.2:7(~-75 Nk--Ap 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Norway-Geology) MAKSIMOVv S.N. Some experiments with optical model tests in solving engineering :7-?olog-'cal problems. Biul. MCIP. 0-,d. geo-'. 3f; no. 3:168 V-Je 16C.. (I Tzi-, 14:2) (Soil mechanics) MAKSIMOV. S At the Ministry of Geology and ConBervaticn of Mineral Resources of the U.S.S.R. Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.5t62,3 of cover My '62. (MIRA 15-5) (Geologists-Education and training) 'n, 1~8 3 K L t 3ABKOV, Valefty Fedcjrwvi,,~h, pro"., noktor tekdm. nLuk, ~~ GEYLk)VICTI, Andrey VIac'-Inalro-vich, kand. ru,uk; DaISOV, IN.Ya., prof., dokL(.)r gool.--mIrb:-. nm'w, retserizent; MAKSTOV, S.N., nauchn. rod. [Frincjp~es c~f soil sclance and . 1: gnintoveden; a i ir-#,,khar-4ki g-r-untav. Vvsshaia shkola, --9~'Z- 3,~ ~ I . : --~ L 19168-63 EPF(o)/9W(m)/BDS AMC/APGC- ' hr,-04 1)4 S/0285/63/000/007/0005/0005 ACCESSION NR: AR3005462 SOURCE: RZh. Turbostroyeniye, Abs. 7.49.28 AUTHOR: Makstmov, S. P. TITLE: Deteicmination of periodic motion of a rigid, rotor under the action of the lubricant layer in a sliding bearing V,\ CITED SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhn.. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn,in-ta. no. 3, 1962, 61-65 TOPIC TAGS: turbine rotor, bearing lubrication, hydrodynamics, rigid rotor, sliding bearing TRANSLATION: The author attempts to construct periodic solutions for rigid rotors and thereby to establish that expression for hydrodynamic forces obtained on the basis of conventional bearing lubricationttheory reflect in sufficient degree the mechanism of self-excitation of rotor oscillations. He considers a rigid symmetrical ideally balanced rotor on two similar cylindrical sliding Card 1/2 L 19168-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3005462 bearings. The study showed that these oscillations are stable. Three illustra- tions. Bibliography with six titles. DATE ACQ: 2 Aug 62 SUB CODE: FL ENCL: 00 MAKSIMV, S.P. (Leningrad) Natural vibrations of a flexible shaft in a near eq-iilibrium state supported by sliding benrings. Izv.AN SSSR. Mekh ! mashinostr. no.4-10-17 J1-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:4) MAKSIYjOV, S.P. &f't rotatto Finding periodic motion of a rigid symmetric sk -g in sliding bearings near the state of equilibrium. Trud# LPI no.226*1X-29 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Sh&fting) ACCESSION NR: AP4043896 S/0179/64/000/004/0133/0139 AUTHOR: Maksimov, S. P. (Leningrad) TITLE: Experimental study of the autooscillations of a rotor in slide bearings SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mekhanika i mashinostroyealye, no. 4, 1964, 133-139 TOPIC TAGS. bearing, slide bearing, shaft oscillation, rotor oscillation, self-excited oscillation, auto-oscillation, compressor rotor ABSTRACT. The phenomenon of self-excited shaft oscillations caused by hydrodynamic forces in the oil film of slide bearings sometimes results in dangerous oscillations. This danger is usually eliminated by empirical means, on the basis of model tests, but the problem is best solved mathematically. The author performed tests at the Nevskiy Mashinostroitel'ay*y Zavod imeni Lenina(Neva Machine-Tool Plant) to investigate the dynamic properties of high-speed compressor rotors in slide bearings. Two 59 and 106 kg (I'light" and "heavy") rotors were used with a center- to-center bearing spacing of 1195 mm, diameter of 35-()- 1 and natural frequency (calculated) as follows: "light". 0.12, f1=647/sec and f2=2330/sec; "heavy", fl=642/see and (2=1970/see. The rotors were get Card 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AP4043896 either in cylindrical or out-of-round slide bearings, and the oscillations were measured by a sensitive element and telemetric instruments. The amplitude and frequency were accurately reflected depending on the speed range. Every 300-500 rpm, beginning with 2500-3000 rpm, rotor oscillations were registered vertically and horizontally at an oil temperature of 18-20 and oil feed pressure of 0. 5 kg per aq cm. The time of appearance and disappearance of self-excited oscillations was also noted. The oil feed pressure was then changed and the test was repeated. The effect of oil viscosity was studied by changing the temperature of the supplied oil. In all tests. the shaft oscillations were shown by oscillograms. The effect of imbalance was investigated by adding a screw with a-certain weight to the shaft. The rotor frequency amplitudes registered by induction elements are shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure, as well as the self-excited oscillation frequency. An increase In anplar velocity led to a higher self-excited oscillation amplitude, reaching a maximum at 14,500 rpm with a ratio of oscillation frequency to rotational velocity of 1:3. A further increase in velocity lowered the amplitude. Fig. 2 in the Enclosure shows data for out-of-round bearings. In some tests, selrexcited oscillations were not observed for cylindrical and out-of-round bearings. Im balance up to 80 g-cm affected the rotor oscillation regonance amplitude only sughtly for all types of Card 2/6 ACCESSION NR: AP4043896 bearings. Only an imbalance of 100 and 150 g-cm affected the oscillations when the bearing play was low. Oil feed pressure variation did not affect self-excited oscillations either. The lower limit of self-excited oscillations droped significantly, however, when the oil temperature rose. As a result of the tests, it was found that self-excited oscillations appear at double critical velocities and at higher velocities. no frequency varies depending on the bearing clearance. For self-excited oscillations of the rotor at high amplitudes, the rotor journal amplitude is approximately equal to the bearing clearance. The most dangerous self-excited oscillations were observed when the synchronous oscillations were set with a ratio of 1:3 between the natural and forced frequencies. Lowering of the bearing clearance resulted in disappearance of self- excited oscillations. The results of tests with the "heavy" rotor did not show whether the cause of the oscillation was load variation or natural frequency variation. It was found, however, that the natural frequency of the rotor significantly affects rotor stability In slide bearings. In conclusion, it is noted that the mathematical solution of the problem of rotor oscillations in slide bearings should assume a self-exciting system under the influence of an intermittent external force. "The author expresses his thanks to A. M. Stepanov and B. V. Andreyev, who took part in the experiments, and to G. A. Rayer for his attention to the problem". Orig. art. has: 7 figures. card 3/6 ACCESSION NR: AP4043896 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l2Oct63 SUB CODE: IS Card 4/6 ENCLS 02 NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 ACCESSION NR: AP4043896 ON ENCLOSURE: 01 W JAW /m/10 IJAV Fig. 1. Horizontal oscillations (a); vertical oscillations (b); point I - at Increased rotational velocity; 2 - at decreased rotational velocity; 3 - oscillation frequency; fractions show the ratio of the oscillation frequency to velocity of rotation. A M Card 6/6 ACCESSION NR: "40438961 ENCLOSURE- 02 off Z6, a Af Fig. 2. Horizontal oscillations (a); vertical'oscillations %ul-, point I - under normal working conditions; 2 - operation with 150 g-om imbalance; 3 - with 105 g~-cm imbalance; 4 - rotor oscillation frequency; fractions show the ratio of the oscillation frequency to velocity of rotation. Card 6/6