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k at S/1 A05?~AIOI AUTHORS: Olszak,Feliks, KozielSKi, -Tozef, Biaiowas, Wies~aw, Makows Henryk, Szczepanik, Zenobiusz TITLE: A mrthod of increasing nickel concentration in an iron-nicke! alloy PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, *~Ietallurgiya, no. 10, 1,)62P 2-j4p abstract 10016,-,P (Polish pat, no. 4:~833, jully 2G, 1961) T'_,,-YT: The method consists in conversion of Fe-Ni alloy accompanied by a partial slagging of Fe as a result of which the Ni concentration in the alloy irr-reases. Air or ox-jgen blast is used. The converter lining should be preferably a basic one. In the process of conversion acid-fluxes are added to bind Fe oxides being found. Y4. Dozorets FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Qard 1/1 MAKOWSKI, Henryk - History of the coal basin discovery along the Bug River; on the occasion of the 3d anniversary of the death of J. Samsonowicz. Przegl geol 10 no.U:579-582 N t62. 1. Uniwersytet,, Warszawa. BUCH(YoIICZj, J.; REIFER, I.; MAKOWSKI, JJ, Metabolism of 14C_L carbamylaspartic acid to pyrimidine derivatives in excised wheat blades. Acta biochim 8 no.3:377-385 161. 1. Institute of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Polish AcadenW of Sciences and Department of Biochemistry, Central College of Agriculture, Warsaw. (METABOLISM) 14AKOWSRI, T. Effect of serum on agglutination of leukocytes. Pat. polska 4 no-3: 185-193 July-Sept 1953. (GIRL 25:4) 1. Of the Institute of General. and Erperimental Pathology (Head-Prof. J. Makowski, M.D.) of Szczecin Medical Academy. MKOWSKI, J. ', 14.ACHOY. Z.; RINGAL. M. Paper electrophoresis of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid. Act& physiol. Polon. 8 no,3:458 1957- 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej A. X. w Szczacinis Kierownik: doc. dr J. Makowski. ( cerebrospinal fluid, electrophoresis (Pol)) - KFOWSKI. J. . TRTHA, B. Effect of vitamin B12 and of Itspofactors on the regeneration of serum proteins. Acts, physiol.polon. 11 no.5/6:821-822 160. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Og. i Dosv. Pomorskiej A.M. v Szesecinie. Kierownik: doo.dr J.Ktkovski. (VITAKII BIZ pharmacol) (BLOO PRWEIIS pharmacol) M&NOWSKI, J.- RCESSLF-R, R. Comparative electrophoretic studies on proteins In arterial and capillary blood. Acts, physiol.polon. U w.5/6:823-824 16o. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Og. i Doov. Pomorskiej A.M. w Szesecinie Kierovnik: doc.dr. J.Nkowski. (BLOOD PROTEINS) LIGHT.N.; MACHOX,Z., MAKOWSKI J Xlectrophretic studies on serum and cerebrospinal fluid portoins during the cours*cf tuberculous corebrospinal meningitis in children. Pediat,pols)m 35 no-3:25?-275 Mr 160. 1. Z II Xliniki Pediatrycznsj Pomorskiej A.M. w Szezecinia, Kierownik: prof. dr mad. B. Goruicki; i z Zaklada Patologii 0golnej i Dosviadozalnej Pomorskiej A M. w Szczacinie, Kisrownik: doe'. dr m*d. J. Makowski. (TIM9RCUL05IS iWINGX&L blood) (TUBERCULOSIS MENINGRAL caf) (PROTRINS caf) (BLOOD PROTEINS) PROCHACKI, Henryk-; MAKDWSKI, Janusz; YACHOT, Zygmant Protein fractions of blood serum in the cource of sicin tuberculosis treatment. Przegl. derm., Warsz. 8 no.4:419-427 July-Aug 58. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej P. A. M. w Szczecinie Kierownik: doe. dr H. Prochacki Z Zakladu Patologit Ofolnej i Doewiadczalnej P. A. M. w Szczeeinie Klerownik: doe. dr J. Makowski. Adrea: Szczecin, Klinika Der- matologiczna Pomorskiej Akademil Medycznej, u1. Powstancow 72. (TUBERCULOSIS. CUTANMOTIS, blood in protein fractions, off. of iBoniazid, streptomycin & vitamin D2 ther. (Pol)) (VITAMIN D. ther. use D2 in tuberc., mtaneous, off. on blood Dreteian (Pol)) (BLOOD PROTEDIS, in various dis. tuberc., cutaneous, off. of isoniazid, streptomycin & vitamin 112 ther. (Pol)) MOWJMSKL, Krystyna; MAKOWSKI, Janusz - Remote results of nailing of fractures of the femoral neck in relation to the angle of the plane of fracture. Chir.narz.ruchu ortop.polslm Z5 n0-1:3-6 160. 1. Z I Zakladu Chirurgii Urazowo-Ortcypedycznej Studium, D:)akonalenia lekarzy w A.M. w Warazawie. Kierownik: prof.dr. S. lukasik. (FEMUR NECK fract.& disloc.) LUKASIK, S.; IUKOWSKI, J.; SMICZYK, W.; ZMXBLOWSKI, W. -w~ Complicated union in the treatment of fr4ctures of the long bone. Clinical analysis. Ghir. narz. ruchu ortop. polska 26 no.5:613- 617 161. 1. Z Klinik Ortopedyczno-Uramovej Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy v Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr S.Lukasik. (FRACTURRS surg) MAKOWSKI, Janusz; RINGEL, Michal; MACHOY, Zygmunt; MAKOWSKA, 'Fei7ina Concentration of protein-poor body fluidB b7 !;o_-&ns of -i_,aiy:3!a with pulverized arabic gum. Report 1. Roczn. pom. h~cjid. hle,i. Swierczewski 11:333-342 165. Concentration of protein-poor body fluids by means of dialysis with collodion bags. Report 2. Ibid.:343-349 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiaqczalne,i Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. .1'anusz Mkk.Dwski~. MKOWSKI, ~apusz; NIAKOWSKX, Regina Concentration of protein-poor body fluids by means of ultra- filtration with the use of collodion film and Seitz's filters. Roczn. pom. akad. med. Swierczewski 11:351-356 165. 1. Z Zakladu Patoiogii Ogolnej i Do9wiadczalnej Pomorskiej Akadendi 14edycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr. med . Tanusz Makowski). KAKCIVISX1, J. ; Y'OLIV, R. ; 3111!31~11y, 'v. Radiography of reinforced-concrete constructions. P- 153 ARCHMOM HYDROTECHNIKI. (POISKA AKADFIUA IZUK. INSMUT LUDMINIMA W01MIEGO) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 6. no. 2. 1959. Monthly List of European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1959. Uncl. MAKOWSKI, Jerzy (Gdansk) Continuous viiasuring of the level of running water, using gamma radiation. Archkw hydrotech 6 no.4:483-487 '59- (EEAI 9:9) (Streams) (Gamma rays) M&KOWSKI, Xerzy. MgT, Influence of radioactive radiation on the "ed of sedimentatiorr of bentonite. Archiv hydrotech 8 no.1:147-3./+9 161. (MAI 10:9) 1. Adiunkt Instytat ftdownictua Wodnego Polskiej Akademil Nauk, Gdanak-Mmeszoz, u1. Majakowskiego 11. (Bentonite) (Radioactivity) CHBERTWOICZ, Romua3 d-; MAKMSKI, Jerzy- --- On the possibilities of applying radioaaUve isotopes in obser- vations of ground water level variations. IRozpravy hudrotechn n0.9: 3-10 161. MAKOWS(I, Jerzy Methods of neutralization of radioactive sewage. Rozprairf hudrotechn no.9:139-172 161. CHUDzK, Miroslaw, mgr., inz.; KAKWKII Jerzy, mgr. Modern methods for testing rocks, hrick lining and determining the water inflow into mine works. Przegl gorn 18 n0-4.205-213 Ap 162o ~t- MKW-ja"--;er-v.I, Studies on the application of P91ish coal to the purification of radioactive water and sewages. Rozpr hydroteohn no..12:141-1.46 362. M&KMKI, Je,~Ziy - Possibilities of measuring water wzve elements by methods developed by nuclear physics. Rozpr hydrotechn no.12:11+7-150 162. MAKMKI,, FArol Anproadmate analysis of steady state procesase and selp-etion of tba parameters, of the controller in optimalizing relay control systems. Archiw automat 8 no.1.45-65 263. 1& Zaklad Teorii Sterowwa, Inst3rtut Automatyki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. IERVER, A.J., prof. dr n.t.; MAKCMSKI, Karol, mgr inz. (translator] Prospects for the automation of industrial processes. Pomiary 9 no.2:65-~ F 163. SOTSKOW, B.S. [Sotakov,, B.S.]; MAKOWSKI, Karol, mgr ina. (translator] Reliability of automatic control components and devices. Archiv automat 9 noJs229-246 164. 1. Institute of Automatic Control and Telemeohnnics, Moscow (for Sotskov), 2, Institute of lutomstio Control of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (for Makowski). -MAKOWSKI, Rioczyslaw, inz. The KH-50 hydraulic digger. Przegl mech 21 no.15:476-477 10 Ag 162a MM04SKI, S.; JELENSKI, E.; LUTORADZKI, S. Influence of the feedIng of cat:le on the economic returns of a farm. P. 133. NCWE ROLNIC7-dO. Vlarszawa. Vol. 115, no.1/2, 1955. Soulce: East European Accessions List, (EEAL& Lc, Vol. 5. no. 3, March, 1956 -- I-TAK9.-ISKI, S. JEISU~Kl, E. LOORAOM, L. ,,ost to transportation. p. 114 ZA7rATITEPTIA EKOIIIO'~IKI 'Wfarazawa. Vol 5, No. 1, Jan. 1356 SOURCE: East Euro )ean Accession List (EEALI) I,,' Vol. 5, No. 3, Ma -ch 1156 14ITCZET) S. JEL:-I;SKTI L. LUEGI-11"D.11,I) Calculating the producti.-)n cost of 8 lit-ere~of milk. p. 127 ".~'kGADNIE-,IA a.GNUmIl-I HOLK."J. Warazawa Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East 1kropean Accession Lizt (FSAL) LC Vol 5, No. 3. March 1956 . MAKU-NISKI, S.: MENSKI, E. LUBORA-MI, S. 1~ . . ........ L Production cost of certain t9. ~. 131 Za-ainieni~i .101nej. Warazavia. Vol 5, No. 1, Jan 1W, SOUUE: East Euro ean Acce7sion LiFt M.:.AT ) L" , Vol. 5, No. 3, Marc-, 1)5~ Production cost of rye rel,te.~ t..-) rotnti-m , 125 ZA-32ON" pljtt 'F ROL,".J. ',4arazaw.~ Vol 5, No. 3, March 1)5~ SOURCE;': East Euro,je;~n Accession List EAL) L-, '101. 5, Na. 3, Ya rc.1i 195~ ACC NR, A146052634 Monograph FO/ Makowski, Stefan (Lieutenant Colonel, Doctor) Rocket technology in antiaircraft defense (Technika rakiet(rwa w obronie przeciwlotniczej) [Warsaw] Wyd-vu TjW, 1965. 253 P. illus., biblio. (At head of title: Uniwersytet WarazawGki. Studium Wojskawe) 620 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: air defense missile, antimissile missile, surface to air missile, missile control PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book would be useful to rocketry engineers, rocket troops, and, in higher educational institutions, in rocketry engineering courses* -It includes comprehensive an8lysis of air-defense'missiles and their aerodynamic and flight theories. Missile design and construction, combustion systems and engine types) exhaust systems, fuel types, and fuses used in missiles are dis- cussed, as well as the remote-control and guidance systems used in air-defense missiles, radio control, radar applications, aircraft-detection systems, and tracking and homing systems. The missiles are classified according to whether they are used against low, medium, or high flying targets, or whether they are used against such large targets as military concentrations. The latter type of miss1le is launched from a permanent launching prad. The concluding chapter features a discussion of defense against rockets and the capabilities of the US "Nike-Zeus" and "Nike-X" missiles. Warning systems are also covered, as well as systems to detect missiles while still at a distance from their targets. C,rd 1/2 U D C ". A1.0 Al F_ AC.C NRt Am6032634 TAM OF CONUNTS (Abridged): Historical sketch -- 5 Ch. I. Aerodynamics of antiaircraft missiles -- 16 Ch. II. Design of antiaircraft missiles -- 78 Ch. III. Remote control principles of antiaircraft missiles -- 157 Ch. IV. Modern intiaircraft missiles -- 195 Ch. V. Antimissile defense -- 217 SUB CODE: 15,19/ SM DATE: 16Jan65/ ORIG WW: 004/ SOV PJW: 004/ OTH REF: fat ilicistum'-d.;4w, orm at'. Lot", M,'i - -rA Z7 P102116 2/000/003/002/00 2 D263/D301 AUTHORS: Golifiski , Jacelt and Makowski , Zbigniew TITLL: Resonance phenomenon iri capacitive voltag~e transformcrs Pi~i(IOJICAL: .Przeglad elektrotechniczny, no. Z5, 196-1, 99-i0-1 TEXT: The conditions for the occurrence of ferro-resonance in a capaci- tive voltage transformer and the influence of the transformer elements on the occurrence of harmonics are illustrated by means of vector (iiagrams for the cases of parallel and series ferro-resonatice. The prcblem of damp- ing of ferro=resonance oscillations is discussed in connection with the existing foreign standards. The prograin of author's investigations ca-rried out at the Institute of ElecLrotechnic3 and described in this paper in- volved the study of the possibilities uf occurrence of ferro-resonance in cases other than those covered by the Swedisch Standards SaN9-1952T 29, finding the appropiate nethods of oscillation dainpiag, and laboratory tests on an unbalanced capacitive voltage transformer during non-tial work- ing conditions. The method of oscillation damping based on connecting Card.1/2 P/021/6 2/000/003/00 2/,')() 2 Resonance phenomenon in D265/D301 the resistance during unb.lance and that based on the use of permanerit resistive load are described anct illustrated by diagrams. Conc I us i ons are draw-a that for high capacitance of the condenser potential divider during the unbalanced load causing the core saturation, ferro-resonance is most likely to occur. Damping is best accomplished by additiunallzadin,- of the transformer coil. The Swedish standards requirements SEN9 proved to provide a simple and effective test procedure. There are 12 figures and 16 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 13 non--joviet-bloc. Tile -1 most re- cent references to the t~nglish-language publications read as follows: T.T. Norimatsu and H. Uyeda, Power Apparatus and Systems, 1960, June, LIQ, 48, p 264; F.L. Hamilton, The Reyrolle Review, 1958, no. 172, VV. Gray,Proc. IRE, Pt. 11, 1953, p. 577; N. Knundsen, ASEA J., 1954, nov 7-8, ASSOCIATION: Instytut elektrotechniki (Institute of Electrotechnics); ZakXady wytArcze aparat6w wysokiego napilcia (Manufacturing Plant of High voltage Devices) Card 2/2 GOLIF-SKI, Jacek; MAKOWSKI, Zbigriew Capacitor voltage transformers. Przegl elektrotechn 38 no.2: 46-50 162. 1. Instytut Elektrotechniki, Warsaw (for Golinski) . 2. Zaklady Wytuoreze Aparatow '4ysokiego ~!apiecia (for Makowski) GODIEWSKA. , W. ; , , ~ 3 Durability tes%E- cathoJes. 7rze,-. -*,Iz-:t e~eitron rra.-e r - I - r no.2: 109-114 ' ,. 1. Experimental Laboratory of the IndustrIal institute of Electronics, A i I Warsaw. Submil.%ed A-uKust I'--, 19C3. ir, ACC NR- AP7003460 SOURCE: CODE: PO/0097/66/007/004/0403/0419 AUTFIOR:' Kaliski, S. (Warsaw); Kapelewski,- J. (Warsaw); Makowski, Z. (Warsaw) ORG: Department of Vibrations, IBTP, Polish Academy of Sciences TITLE: Surface waves in piezoquartz SOURCE: Proceedings of vibraiion problems, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 403-419 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, piezoelectric crystal, quartz crystal, crystal vibration, piezoquartz, surface wave, ultrasonic surface wave, hypersonic surface wave, surface wave amplification, surface wave amplifier, perturbation solution, closed form solution ABSTRACT: Numerical solutions of the problem of surface-wave propagation in piezoquartz were presented. Surface-wave propagation veolcities and damping decrements in the xl, x2, and x1, x3, planes of the crystal were determined. A closed-form perturbation solution with a simultaneous isotropic approximation of the crystal's elastic properties was also given. The qualitative and quantitatii usefulness of such a approximation was evaluated. The present piezoqllartz Card 1/2__ ACC NR- AP7003460 surface-wave research, in addition to filling a gap in existing solutions, becomes particularly important in connection with problems of amplifying ultrasonic and hypersonic surface waves in piezoelectric crystals, and especially in piezoquartz. The perturbation solutions make it possible to obtain closed-form solutions for problems of surface-wave amplifiers. Before, however, they must be evaluated and verified with accurate solutions, which was the actual purpose of the present study. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 98 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) [DR) SUB CODE: 08, 091SUBM DATE: 25Aug66/ORIG REF: 007/SOV REF: 001/ Orm REF: 003/ Crd 2 / 2 1,UKOYE,V, U. A. MAKOYEV, U. A.: "The determination of the drift of R shio at a hy- droloRical station in the open sea." Acpd Sci USSR, Maril.ime Hydrophysics Inst. Moscow, 1956. (Dis5ertation for 'he Degree of Candidate in Fhysicomathem-tical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letmisl, No. 2~, 1956 4=2 3/263/62/000/018/005/006 1031/1242 AUTHORS: B4k4s '.'artonn4-~nd 7,sigmond TITLE: Pergontl exposure indicator PERIODICAL; Referntivnyy -9hurnil, Otdelnyy vypusk. 32. Iqmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 18, 1962, 55, abstract 3e--lR-395- (Yagyar tud. ak-,.d. KZ57,p. fi7. kut-tol int. k6ql., v.9, no. 4, 1961v 251-262 ~Hungqriqn; resumes in Russian and 13nglishl ) TEXT. A person-i indicitor is described which, together with newly developed type,,i of film holders permits the determination of the 0 and ~ -ray dos-,-e as well as thpt of thermal neutrons, between'20 rads and 200 rqds. Beta and gamma rays are recorded Card J/ 2 S/263/62/000/018/005/006 1031/1242 Personal exposure indic-tor in one holder fitted with lp.,d .nd copper filtenznz*e--,&sj while thermal neutrons !,.re mens,tred in another holder with cndmium nnd tin filters. Agfa D-3 ,.nd D-A films are used. The enerTj of X-rays -nd gamlia r-di-,tl,):i is ev.,~lu~ited according to the difference in the blackening of film, wi-L.1i the of' two copper filters of different thicknes3, the extent of error being 25%. The dosage of 0 -rays is indicated by the extent of blackening of the film which lies under the hollow pirt of" the holder. The films were sensitive for up to 1 mon*.,,Ii 7nd were developed along with the control film which was c-libr-ted with the aid of standnrd radiation sources. there are 12 figures and 7 references. ~Abstracterls note; Complete tr,-.nsl--ition Card 2/2 MAKU, Zeigmond,, fizikus Application of automatic spectroscopic analysis in testing materials, Term tud kozl 7 no*5:201-203 My 063. 1. Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezets, Budapest. MAKRA, Zsigmond, tudomanyos kutato Radioactive aerosols. Term kud kozl 7 no.12:564-567 D 163. 1. Kozponti FizikL' Kutato Intezet, Budapest. MAKRA., Zsigmond Cabinet-like nuclear instruments. Musz elet 18 no.13:10 20 Je 163. MAKRA, Zsigmond Radioactive aerosols. Musz elet 19 no. 15:13 16 JI 164. MAKRA, Zaigmond, tudomanyos munkataru Neutron generators. Term tud kozl 8 no.4:177-180 Ap 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. KAKRA, Zsignond, fizikus Measuring ionizing radiations. Ft.l. Tt m tud kozi 8 no.10:465-468 0 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. MAKRA, Zeigmond Neutron dosimetry. Magy fiz folyoir 13 no.1:1-18 165. 1. Central Research Institute Of PIIY31CS of the Hlingarian Academy of -Sciences, Budapest. MAKRAP ZsigmpAd Fall course on radiation shielding. Fiz szemle 15 no.3:97 ~Lr 165. yjjKRAj, Jozsef (Budapest) -- Some proposals. Radiotechnika 12 no.4SIOI AP 162. Al IYI-i-A -T, 74 tit A MH 2 sa MARRATICZY, Bela Quenching circ~uit to Geir-er-Yu-Iler counters elimincating its I dead time. AT,).',-t*,7 kozi "1 161. MAKPANCZ -I,, Bela . ~ - " Low-voltage g~is dii3char~e ~~, , -, z `~' - "', C. - :, 12 no. 1. 11-Y) '64. 1. 'n.9tiL0,.,q ~~-T,frlrwntnl "hyg-if- ; 0 14AMMCZY, Jozsef; 140HAI, Bela Gas absorption studies. Ptz.11-13. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no.2:173-196 162. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari '-,gyetem Altalanos es Szervetlan Kemia Tanazek. V ( MAKRANCZY. Jozaef Sulfur dioxide absorption in various bases. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no./+:347-352 162. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem Altalanos es Szervetlen Kemia Tanazek. BODOR, Fhdre, dr.; MOHAI, Bela; PAPP, Sandor; MAKRARCZY, JozBef Gas absorption Investigations. Pt. 10. Veszprem vegyip egy :kozl 5 no.l.-85-98 161 1. Veszpremi Tegyipari Egyatem Altalanos es Szervetlen Kemila Tanamek. 2. OA VieszFemi Tegyipari Egyetem Kozlemenyei"' szer- kesztoje (for Bodor). S/137/62/000/002/018/0: A0061AI01 AUTHORS. Kr&lik, B. Makray, T.,Toth, G. TITLE: Investigating Al distribution In semi-killed steel ingots and plates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no, 2, 1962, 43, abstract 2V26, ("Dunal vasma", 1960, v. 1, no, 1, 22-32, Hungarian) TEXT The author describes a technology for melting and teeming 1.11 - 3.0-ton semi-killed steel ingots at the Dunai Metallurgical Combine. Final deoxidation is performed with Al powder (0.18 - 0.24 kg/t) through a funnel prior to completing the filling of the mold. The authors studied the distribu- tIon of deoxidation products in Ingots and plates (8 - 25 mm) by the method of radioactive Isotopes (with the use of Al tagged with Zn65). They investigated also topography of plate defects by ultrasonic control to reveal the causes of rejects due to surface (15.16%) and internal (13.19%) defects. The non-uniform distribution of Al 03 impurities revealed over the cross section of ingots and sheets was a:boat A (increasing percentage towards the center) and over the height was -~-71% (displacement 'towards the top of the ingots and plates). Rejects during the rolling of plates increase on account of a stronger segreg~&Ion Card 112 Investigating Al distribution of Al 203 impurities which is accompanied by the to be welded-up, at the ingot top in the case of and by the formation of internal blisters in t~,e The formation of cavities which are unable to te joint effect of emanating gases and shrinkage. it is recommended to use risers and to add the through a funnel during the teeming into molds, rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] S/137/62/00O./002/018/144 Aoo6/AlOl formation of cavities, unable excessive final deoxidation, case of weak final deoxidation. welded-up, is explained by the To improve the quality of ingots, metal after final deoxidation Yu. Minayev Card 2/2 I X tAKRENTSEV. B. N. I Togting the wiiuUng lnsulatjAu.,.Qf.ljxv-!voj.%vgs mehinery, Bnsrgetik 5 no.5:20 yq 157. (Illectric mehinery) (KM 10:6) YARTSEV, M.; KOCHKAREVA, L; MA partiytkyy rabotnik (pos. Stoyba, Selemshinskogo rayona Aamrskoy oblasti); SOL4DDOVMOV, V., Ater (Ri ); KAZARTSEVA, 0., alushaBhehaya; BRUIS, A., inzh. (NoArva5a; D,OR,,,TS, Ye, Frank convereation. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no.3:28-29 Mr 162. (MIFLA 15: 10) p 1. Zameatitall direktora gostinitay "Oktyabrtakaya", Leningrad (for Yartaev). 2. Direktor dvortaa kulltury g. Lipetska (for Kochkareva). 3. Miniateratva -rtroltallstva alaktrostantaiy, Moskva (for Kazartseva). 4. Direktor Moskovskay kinostudii nauchno-populyarnykh fil'moy (for Dworzhets). (Hotels, taverns, etc.) ,A~~Nj . ~p -kovnik; KHALIPOV V., kapitan -Q~ I New instructions for Comminist Youth League organizations. Kom. looruzh.Sil 1 no.17:78-83 3 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Russia-Armed forces--Pblitical activity) (Communist Youth League) MAK_RIDIN,__A_._,_polkovnik What can we learn from the results of report and election confer- ences. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.2:67-71 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Pomoshchnik nachal'nika Glavnog,3 politicheskogo upravleniya Sovetskoy Armii i Voyenno-Morskogo, Flota po komsomol'skoy rabote. (Russia--Armed forces--Political activity) (Communist Youth League) MAKRIDIN, B. P. 26OT41 USSR/Geology Coal Deposits 11 May 53 "Problem of the Alluvial Phase of the Upper Batskiy Coal-Bearing Deposits on the North- western Border of the Donets Ridge," G. V. Karpova and-"B. P. Makridin DAN SSSR, Vol 90, No 2, pp 263-?65 Assume that, on the right bank of the North Donets, below the Izyum River, where sandy rocks are separately distributed, more 3ignifi- cant upheavals are experienced than in northern and western recumbent areas, where sediments 26oT41 play an inferior role, but clays and sil- stones predominate. Presented by Acad D. S. Belyankia 13 Mar 53 - BOVIN, G.R.. kmndidat takhmichookikh honor. ShortcomlW In the excavator repair system. S 156. (Kw 9:10) l.Vseooyuzxyy mauchno-lasledovatollskly institut *rganIzatsif moutazha shakhtestr*itelletva. (Rxrevating muchinery-Repairing) BEUMMOV. P..; TORMTA. K.; KAMUDIN. T.; BZWVA. T.. redaktor; TRIBUMOV. I.. redaktor. ft~,A~~- - EPUzt and animal life of Kostrom Province] lbstitollnost' I shlyotayl air Zostrouskol oblasti. [Norekhtal Kostrouskoe obl. Izd-vo, 1949. 123 pe (MLOA 7:1) (Xostrom Province-Botany) (Botamy-gostroms Province) (Xntrous ProTince-Zoology) (Zoology-Kostroma Province) KR `Th!-~ E~Llo- :n, -I . -~ ~'I: :t in thiF~ 'Tenet Farm*n_~-, Anirdl Pelt in an_, _;t, L~nn:rrn '.'0 SC: 6LE-. 55: 41FI-15 MAHIDIN, V.P. Materials on the biology of the wolf in tundras of the Nenets National Area. Zoo!. zhur. 38 no.11:1719-1728 N 159 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Yamal Agricultural Xxperimental Station, Research Institute of Agriculture of tbLe Far North, Ministry of Agriculture of the R.S.F.S.R., Salekhard. (Nenets National Area-Wolves) -XMIDIN# Tasilly ZLaIQWyjj*; LMMIN, K., red.; GIL'IMBRANT, Is.., (Arctic wolves and their control] Pollarnyl volk i bor'ba a nim. Krasnoiarsk, Krasnotarskoe knizhuos izd-vo. 1960. 72 P. (KTLRA 14:4) (wolves) Routes and time of the migration of reindeer in the Taymyr National Area. Zool. zhur. 41 no.6:927-934 Je 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Far North, Norilsk. (Taymyr National Area-Reindeer) (Animal migration) HAMMINO V.P. NortItem boundary of the range of elk. Zool. zJnw. 41 4'q.7t-Ib9O-;--1094-'4 1-62. (KM 15: 11) flex6aroh Instituto of:Agrioulture of the tar North, Norilsk. (Russia, Northern-AU) MAKRIDIN, V.P. W-,lf in the Yamal-Henets National Area, Zool. zhur. 41 nc.9- 1413-1417 S 162. (MT.1RA 15:11) 1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Fjir North, Norilsk, (Yamal-Nenets National Area-Wolves) DAGIS, Allgirdas Stanislavov:tdh; EALRIDIN,-J.P., prof., otv. red.; GRIGORIYEVA, A.D., red. izd-va; HYLINA, Ya.W., tekhn. red. (Upper Triassic Brachiopoda of the southern U.S.S.R.] Verkh- netriasovye brakhiopody iuga SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 247 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Russia, Southern-Brachiopoda, lVossil) MAKRIDIN, V.P. .2 Routes and time of spring ~aigration of i4ild reindeer,.in Verkhoyanskiy and Bulunskiy Districts of the Yakut A.9.S.R. Zool. zhur. 42 no.5-. 782-785 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Far North, Norilsk. (Yakutia-Roindeer) (Yakutia-Animal migration) BILYK, O.D.; E&ULID11j, _YJ.. [Makrydin, V.P. 1; MIGACHEVA, Ye.Ye. (Myhachova, IE.IE.1; STERLIN, B.P.; SUKHORSKIY, R.F. (SukhorsIlWi., R.F.] Stratigraphy of Jurassic sediments in the eastern Ukraine. Geol. zhur. 23 no.5tlO2-103 163. (MIRA 16:1-2) 1. UkrVNDIGaz. iV KAMIDIN, V. P. "Upper-Jura Deposits of the Krasyy Oskol Dome (Boss) in the Northwestern Borderland of the Donets Ridge," SO: Dok. 0, 66p No. 21 1949. 1. YUNGEMM4, A. Yo.; 'MAKRIDINI V. P. 2. ussiz (6oo) 4. PalcontoiuEy 7. Pros*nt state of Soviet paicontoioa and the prospeAs of Its iovaioprent. izv. An SSSR Str. biol., No. 6, 15152 9. Monthly List 2f Russian AccessionSl Library of Congress, Fabruari -1953. Unclassified. TUNGERKAM. A.Ye. -. tS2Lqhjd.; MALIVIIN. D.V., akademikc. Lower Jurassic deposits of the Krasnocalcol boss at the northwestern outskirts of the Donets mountain ridge. Dokl.AN SSSR 92 no.2:409-411 S '53. Off-RA 6:9) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR (for Ralivkin). 2. KharIkovskiy gosudaretvennyy unt- versitst Im. A.M.Gorlkogo (for Yungerman and Makridin). (Ookol valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic- Oskol valley) KAKRIMN, V.P. NeW data on Jurassic brachiopods of the Suropeau part of the U-S-S-R. Biul-ROIF. Otd.gsol. 29 no.2-.102-103 Mr-Ap 154.(XM 7:7) (Brachiopoda, Fossil) -, Song Jumsele Rhynchortellidae of luropean Russia. Uch. sap. KhOU 61781-91 '55. (MIJU 10-8) (Brachiopoda, Poesil) KkNSKIY. H.Ye.-, HAKRIDIH, V.P.; STERLIN, B.PO Facies and paleageograpby of Jurassic sediments of the northwestern borders of the Donato fold area. Uch.zap.KHGU 73:123-150 '56. (MIR& 12:12) (Donate Baaln--4oology, Stratigraphic) mw%~~ BIOX, Oleg Denisovich; KAMIT. Nikolay Telise7evich; 46EMIN. Tladiad IN, Boris Pavlovich; 66~~Zr. Romen Filippovich; LMINO I.Tu.,; OMWA, ToNe, red.; BZ49ON', T.T., [Facies and palsogeography of Jurassic sediments in the oil- and gas-bearing area of the eastern Ukraine] Fatsii I paleogeograflia iurskikh otloshenii Tostochno-Ukrainskogo gazoneftenoonogo bassaina. Kharlkov, Iod-vo Xharlkovskogo gon.univ., 1960* 71 P. (KIRA 14:4) (Ukraine--Palsogeography) (Ukraine--Geology, Stratigraphic) MAKFUDINO V.P.; MIGACEEVA, Ye.Ye.j STERLIN, B.P. Controversial questions in the stratigraphy of the Jurassic and lower Crkaceous of the northwest Donets Basi. and Dnieper- Donets Lowland. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:108-13.7 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Donets Basin--Geology,, Stratigraphic) (Dnieper-Donets Lowland--Geology, Stratigraphic) 14AKRIDIN . V.P. ---- Stratigraphic importance of Jurassic brachiapods of the Ru3sian Platform. Tru4y VNIGNI no.29:171-275 vol. 2.. 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Russian Platfom-Brachiopoda, Fossil) MAKRIDIN, V.P. Polytypic concept of the species and practice of its use in the study of braebiopods. Paleont.zhur. no.1:7-18 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Khar*kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gor'kogo. (Russian Platform--Brachiopoda, Fossil) HAKR I D D,' Vladimir Petrjvichj 0 7,(:1 YU.1j. ,akade,~~jk, SPD,'A?-,'SK 1 -Y , V. N. LrC re t. s. E: r zer. t V.G., ~rof., retsenzen,~; I-EK-K-E-H, 3TERUIOV, Z.L.s i-raf., retserizent; STMLJ' c!-'-.. [Jurassic brach-Jup(ids ~-f n-n., regions ad4a,-,ent to it': skoi ilatf~jry i I - DAGIS, Allgirdas Stanislavovirn; MAKH17-lt~, V F-; c"J, rsd- (Triassic Brachiopoda of 91benal Triaswrle brFLkn,opody Sibiri. Moskva, ~auka~ 1965,~ 185 p~ (MLRA 18 4) MAKRIDIN, V.P. Distribution and biology of the glutton in the Far North. Zool. zhur. 4.3 no.11:1688-1693 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Birskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. T(O)t 15(6) SOV/32-25-2-44/'18 Gusevskiy, V. 11. AUTFORS: Kaplan, a'.. Z.., ~,:Iakridin' TITLE: An Apparatus for the Deter7ination of the Depolarization Resistance of Polymers (Pribor dlya opredeleniya depoli- merizatsionnoy ustoychivo,3ti poli,nerov) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, '959, Vol -95, Fr 2, p 219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Additions of polyisobutylene, vinipol etc dissolved in lubricating oils decompose when heated, thus char~ginE the viscosity of the oil. An apparatus has been designed which makes it possible to test simultaneously 8 oil samplei containing such additives. The design is a modification of the standard apparatus by Pinkevich (GOST 5162-49) for the detcrmination of the corrosiveness of oils. Each of the ei-ht test tubes (Fig) containing an oil sample has a opherical cooler and a glass agitator (Fig). The litter is .1riven by the mechanism. of the apparatus. The samples are hoated up to a maximum temperature of 2200 by an oil bath. The samples are taken by means of a pipet. The reliability of the appara- Card 1112 tus described was proven by an experimental operation over An Apparatua for the Determination of the Depolarization SOV/7~2-25-2-44/78 Resistance of Polymers a period of 400 hours. The limit of error for two arallel determinations amounts to maximally � 2%. There are ! fio-ure and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 MM.RIDINA, K. V. MAYRIAINA, K. V. -- "Aspects of Feeding Female Silver-31ack Foxes in the North during the Winter Yonths.11 Moscow Veterinary AcaderV. Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow, 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences). So.: Knizhnaya IRtopis', No. 2, 1956. KAWSHCH, P,,D., kandtekbu.nauk; POLYAKOT. G.Ta., insh.; FRM, SPea insh., red.; KAIRIDOT. Ta.T.; NOMIN, G.D,, ENonautoclavad gas concrete made with perhydroll Bezavtoklavnyt gazobston na pergidrole; opyt stroitallstva Kuibyshevskol. (INS. Kuy-4byehav, Organergostrot.1958. 14 p. (KM 12:3) (Lightweight concrete) (Hydrogen peroxide) MAKRINOV, V. A... Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "Sanitary -toxicological investiga- tion of the maximum permissible quantity of Nekal. /detergent/ in reservoir water". Voronezh, 1959. 16 pp (Min Health RSFSR, Voronezh State Med Inst), 250 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 141) I'MMOVO V.A. Sanitary toxicological characteristics of isoprene dimers. Trudy Vor. med. inst. 47:14-18 162 WIRA 16:12) Effect of the similtanecyus presence of styrene and nekal, on the flavor of water. Ibid.934-35 1. Kafedra gigiymy Voronezhskogo meditainskogo institute.