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t, r r-,
1,L,,,nt.. -All
Makovetskiy, N. I. - "Wilil grapes on the Dnestr," Vinodeliye i vinogradarstovo
Moldavii, 1949, No. 1, P. 33-35
SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 1-nykh Statey, No. 13, 1949)
I.IKO-rb-TSKIY, 11. 1.
35363. Vvyavlenie i izuehenie mestnykh sortov vinograda. MSR. nauch. zapiski
moldav. nauch. issled. Bazy akad. SSS.11, T. 11, 1949, s. 223-30
SO: letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 34, loskva, 1949
Gas equipment cf a kiln for cerar-'-c tiles. '~az. prom. 10
no.7:34-35 '65. (MPA 1P: 8)
/)~ A It' 0 1/ Z / ~ /,--- ,-
Determining the nonhydrocarbon compounds in the middle fractions
of tars of semicoked Ukrainian lignites by the adsorption-chroma-
tographic method. Ukr. khim. zhur. 23 no.5*.695-699 '57. (KLHA 10t11)
1. Institut teploenergetiki AN USSR.
(Ukraine-Lignite) (Coal tar) (Chromatographic analysis)
VZ~ T50
L-.Ction 4--rc-'rin)
co-il of t~ie Dne-)r*jmMt*y L. -in ci' tho ;Olin. he,-t-c rrier."
Dnepro t rov s (;-.I , ~-c im. F.E. Dzer,,,..41 nskdy)
130 1
11 A 1< T -, J~ ) I ~) '),
Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut teploenergetiki
Izucheniye i kompleksnaya pererabotka smol i bitumov burykh ugley Dneprovskogo
basseyna, ch. 2 (Study of Tars and Bitumens of rnepr Basin Brown Coal and
Their Comprehensive Conversion, Pt. 2) Kiyev, 1956. 127 p. 1,000 copies
Resp. Ed.: N. M. Karavayev, Professor,, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of
Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: T. K. Remennik; Tech. Ed.: I. D. Xilekhin.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific workers in fuel
research institutes as well as for technical and engineering personnel study-
ing problems of comprehensive utilization of solid fuels.
COVERAGE: This collection of articles on the utilization of coal for chemical
products is the result of investigations made by the Institute of Thermal
Power Engineering of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR. The process
of converting tar and carbobitumens produced through the thermal decomposition
of Dneper basin brown coal is analyzed. The importance of the utilization of
gases and products of thermal conversion of solid fuel for the growing
Card l/ 4
Study of Tars and Bitumens (Cont.)
production of sypthetic materials is pointed out. The use of solid fuels
both as a source of heat energy and as a source of chemicals is empha-
sized. References accompany individual articles.
Govorova, R. P. Chemical Composition of Gasoline Obtained From Tar
P-,:)duced by Semi-coking 5
Fadeicheva, A. G., and V. I. Kuznetsov. Study of Phenols Extracted
From the Fraction of the Brown Coal Primary Tar 13
Fadeicheva, A. G. Study of the Composition of Refinery Slops Resulting
From Semi-coking,.of Bitumenous Brown Coal and Conversion of Primary
Tar 22
Makovetskiy, P. S. Study of Paraffinic and Naphthenic Hydrocarbons of
.-- the Intermediate Tar Fraction Produced by Semi-coking of Brown Coal 27
Makovetskiy, P. S. Study of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Intermediate
Tar Fraction Produced by Semi-coking of Brown Coal 45
Card 2/4
Study of Tars and Bitumens (Cont.) SOV/2794
Makovetskiy, P. S. Deteraination of the Presence of Alkene Radicals in
a Side Chain of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Inteime-diate Tar Fraction
Produced by Semi-coking of Brown Coal 57
Makovetakiy, P. S. Neutral Oxygen Compounds of Intermeliate Tar Frac-
tion Produced by Semi-coking of Brown Coal 64
Kuznetsov, V. I., and A. A. B~brova. Brown Coal Caxbobitumen and Its
Production by Means of Extracting Bitumenous Brown Coal 67
Bobrqva, A. A., and V. I. Kuznetsov. Study of the Addition of Water
to Solvents Used in Extraction of Brawn Coal 90
Bobrova., A. A., and V. I. Kuznetsoy-l- Problem of Removing Tar From
Brown Coal Carbobitumen 101
Bobrova, A. A., and V. I. Kuznetsov. Possibilities of Utilizing the
Extracted Brown Coal 112
Kigell, T. B., and V. I. Kuznetsov. Paraffin Wax From Tar Produced
by Semi-coking 122
Card 3/4
Study of Tars and Bitumens (Cont.) SOV/2794
AVAILABLE: Library of Congreas (TP953.A35)
Card 4/4 Tm/os
Rapid method for determining sulfur content of liquid fuels.
Xhim i tekh. topl. i masel 3 no.3:71-72 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3)
l.Ki.revski7 institut teploenergatiki.
(Liquid fuels-Anal7sis)
Disp5-csment of brown coal in drim dr7ers during, the -dr7ing process.
Trudy Inst. tepl. AN UM no.15:65-71 '58. (MIRA 11:10)
and chromatographic method for stud7ing the
intermediate tar fraction separated by semicoking t4crainlan brown
coal. Trudy Inst. tepl. AN UM n0-15:95-112 '58. (MIRA 11:10)
(Coal tar)
11 (2) 'Makovets'k-yy, P.S.). /-E
A'Z'_HOR,~_ Tllakovetsfciyi P'S. -arid I T.2~
TITLE- Ali Exa-lination of t'l- Chemical Composition
Li-juid Products of Brown CoaL Gasification
froni the Irsha-Borod ins r'.cye Deposit e
khi:-.icI.o9kogo scstava zhidkikh prod-ilik'Gov
b1tro-o uglya Irsha-Borodinskogo mestcroz).d9.,.-*.,),a)
PE-RIODTCAL- Dopovidi AkademJi nauk Ukrains7koi RSR, ';r 2
pp 17C.-180 (L'6bR)
P~ B bTTR A C T This ~irticle is a study of the liquid gasification
produz.,taii~~:,~P'of ~jiberian broan coal from. e
sits named in the title, whicl~ contain r
1.09% "coom", had a specific gravity P
4 e t c
1.048 and, on an average, inlcuded 85% C, 7.R6% III,
0.60~- S, 6.28% O+N. The study of hydroc.-.rbon employ-
ed the chromatographic method of analysis in V-shap-
ed columns. Silica gel of the 6h6K sort e.,.qployQ,'
as adsorbent. Benzole, a mixture of qpirit -;nd ben-
Card 1/3 zole (1:1), or/and pure acetone were employed as
QW/21-r50-2-1 6/26
An Examination of the 'heraical Composition ofL the L-4---ii'd
of Brown Coal Gasification from tl-.e Irsha-Borodinsk Derc-
solvents. Separqted mixtures of hy1roc.-rboi-sivere,
by the adsorption chromatographic method, broken
down into four -roups: mixtures of paraffin, oil
and olefine hydrocarbons; aromatic monocylclic,
aromatic, bicyclic, and aromatic tricyclic hy0ro-
carbons. As desorbing fluids, dearomatized petro-
leum ether, mixtures of petroleum ether with 10%
benzole and benzole mixed with a 1:1 mixture of
berizole and spirit were used. The fractional con-
.tents of -anification tar are shown in tablesl and
2. The results of the examination of the paraffin
fraction are shown in table 5. Data on h 'drocarbons
is given in table 4. The examinations showed that
gasification tar contained 15.72% phenol, 3.86%
pyridine foundations, 33% hydrocarbons, the majorit d
Card 2/3 of which were of the aromatic variety with boiliric,
1121 -1" 9-2- 1 r,12t'
A n Ex, L,,,,,inqtjn,l nt' t,-e Cher.,.-ical Composition of4
the Li::Uid Pr.-)duct,~,
of Brown Coa 1 Gasi fi c aticri from the Irsha-Borodinsk De-o-
s i ts
points of 290-245 0C, and could be utilized in the
chemical industry for the production of plaptics,
By the extraction of chemical components of tar
water it is nossible to create a series of bypro-
ducts. There are 5 tables, 1 diagram, and 2 Soviet
ASbOCTATION: Institiit tnn~e-iier-,etiki AI", Ukr&'R (Inotitutc. of
the AS
PRE~--ENTED; By N.N. Lx,-brc,4hotov, (M.M. Ek--bro.Li-liotov) the iU7
SUMITTED: August 30, 1958
Card 3/3
Gasification tar from brovn coal of the Irsha-Barodino field is a
source of rav material for the chemical industry. Gas. prom. 4 no.4:
16-19 Ap 159. (KIRA 12:6)
(Krasnoyarsk Territory-Coal gasification)
(Coal tpr)
AUTHOR: j4Akp._v sov/65-59-7-10/12
TITLE: Chromatographic Analysis of Brown-Coal Tars
(Khromatograficheskiy analiz burougollnykh smol)
PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1959, Nr 7,
pp 48-51 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author has used chromatographic analysis for tar from
Ukrainian brown coals (Ref 3 . He now describes his
application of this method with a U-shaped column (Fig 1)
to crude freshly distilled paraffin oil (290-346 oc
fractioni from Siberian (Nazarovsldy)coals. After
separating into hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbom compounds
(Fig 2 shows the chr'~'matogram) the mixture of hydrocarbon
was again subjectea c;o absorption chromatography in the
same column. The chromatogram obtained is shown in
Fig 2. The absorbent was a 1 .1 1 mixture of types ShSK
and KSM silica gels dried for 8 hours at 125 OC.
Desorption was effected by (successively): de-aromatized
petroleum-ether, mixture of petroleum ether with 10%
benzene, benzene and a 1 : 1 alcohol-benzene mixture.
Fig 3 shows the chromatogram obtained. The properties
Card 1/2 and yields of the hydrocarbons are tabulated. They
Chromatographic Analysis of Brown-Coal Tars
consisted mainly of
widely used for the
substances and thus
Card 2/2 There are 3 figures,
which are Soviet and
aromatic hydrocarbons which
production on surface-active
form a useful raw material.
1 table and 5 references, 3
2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut teploenergetik--" ANUSSR (Thermal Power
Institute AS Uk-_ SSR)
Rapid macromethod for the determination of carbon and bydrogen
in organic substances. Khim.l tekh.toplA masel 5 no. 11:70-
72 m 16o. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Teploenergetichaskiy institut AN USSR.
(Garbon--Analysts) (Hydrogen--Aaalysis)
MAMMS= P.S. (Makovetalkyis P.S.]j Prinimali uchastiye: SWMJK, D.P.;
Characteristics of the petroleums of the central part of the
Dnieper-Donets Lowland. Dop. AN URSE no.9:1205-1212 161.
(MIRA 34:1-1)
1. Inatitut geologichaskikh nauk AN USSR. Predstavlano akademikom
USM V.G. Bondarchukom (Bondarchuk, V.H.I.
(Dniaper-Donets Lowland-Petroleum)
~IjC-V--I:t L.A.
U _, L
[Lc-hi" ne.. 1-k.. - PLSTLHAY, i.Ya.
Pe fc- YL eum of' the sou"',hwe~!te!,n zone of the Dni aper- -DrinE, ts LoWljvv~~
IT -kT
--'4'- J MIRA L4:1'
-Ins" mux AN USS:2. PredstaT.-ieno
akadpm~k~jm AN MIR V.'-'.Fonlal chuxom -fBondar-huk., V.1 .4.
D,-)net~e ~,)wl,%rid geolog-y.~
MAKOVE-,TSKIY,, P.S.. (Makovetslkyi, P.S.]
Characteristics of natural gases from gas and gas-petroleum beds
of the Dnieper-Donets Lowland. Dop. AN URSR no. 11:1519-1522 161.
(MIRA 16:7)
1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom AN UkrSSR V.G.Bondarchukom (Bondarch4k, V.H.I.
(Dnieper-Doneta Lowland--Gas, Natural)
MAKOVETSKIY,, P,..% [MakovetsIkyi,, P.S.]j SERDYUK, D.F. [Serdiuk, D.P.]
Petrolems of the CIlinsk-RombyBhevka deposits of the central part
of the Dnieper-Donate Depression, Dop. AN URSR no,12&1628-1629
162. (MIRA 1692)
1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AB UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademi-
kom AV UkrSSR V.G. Bondarchukom CBDndarchuk, VA.].
(Dnieper-Donets lowland-Pletrole=)
MAKOVETSKITP Pavel Stepanovich; TITOVA, N.M., red.; TURBANOVA,
"W'C" "' i__ 6n ed.
.. . , e . r
(From coal, petroleum, and gas] Iz uglia nefti I gaza.
Kiev? Izd-vo AN Ukr. SSR, 1963~ 106 p. (MIRA 16:11)
(Petroleum products) (Coal-tar products)
(Synthetic products)
MAKOVEETSM, Pavel Stepanovich; DCBRUK''OTOV, N.N., akademik, otv.
I ~ I -
., , red.
(Brown coal and products of its therrall decomposition]
&lrye ugli i produkty ik-h termicheskogo razlozherLiia. Kiev,
Haukova durpla, 1954. 178 p. (MIRA 17: 6)
IWOW'PAU, P.S. (Makovetalkyl, F.S.]; SERDYUK, D.F. [S6vdiu~, D.P.]
Potroleum of the Kach&ncvskc7e oil fiie]A -',a the Z,:tfu
of the stopped faults of the Dniepimr-jAnet3 Lowland. Dop. All UP- R
noseil.086-1089 162, (MIR-A 2-1.8:11)
I. -~nititut geolog!rhaskl~h nauk AN U~-S-R.
ne ~s
r) r
14AKOVETSKIY, p.S. r,,,jakovets,kyj, p.,.I; SERDYUK, D.F.
Lignite '.a a valuable chemical raw material for the production
of montan wax. Khim. prom. 'Ukr.] no.3:17-19 JI-S 164.
(AURA 17:12)
XAWVXTSKIY, P.T. (Leningrad)
Problems for seniorChigh school] students. Fiz.v shkole 16 no-3:74-75
NY-Je '56. (MLRA 9:7)
1.Institat aviatsionnogo priborostroyanira.
(Physics--Problems, exercises, etc.)
r ~/-;N 1 1.) k / M A K 0 V
*.~ V. V,
V. I _V-
TITLE On the Generation In Photoelements and Photomultipliers~
PERIODICAL &rn.techn.fis,26, fasc.12, 2652-266o (1956)
Issued: 1 / 195_7
Oscillations produced in a photomultiplier of the type FEU-13 in the case of over-
burdening are described. When measuring the pulsation of the illumination of illu-
minating devices which are fed by alternating current, the author discovered oscil-
lations of supersonic frequencies in the current of the multiplier. These oscilla-
tions arose and broke off again at certain points of the pulsation curve. Six of
these curves are shown here. The generation domain shifts with growing distance
from the source along the curve and follows the constantly illuminated point. If
pulsation as regards amount is comparable with the constant component of the illu-
mination, several generation domains can be observed simultaneously on the pulsa-
tion curve. The generated frequencies are supersonic frequencies. Something similar
has already been discovered by ROMIG and later by VAJITSTEIN and MALJAVKIN. Ex-
periments were carried out for the purpose of clearing up some new properties of
this phenomenon. The experimental device and its system are described. The de-
pendence of the amplitude and the frequency of oscillations on illumination are in-
vestigated and plotted as curve. It was found that generation is not connected
with a certain illumination of the photocathode but with a certain light flux. The
attempt was made to modify electron flux by "screening". This is possible thanks
to the louver-like construction of the FEU. Next, the dependence of generation on
Zurn.techn.fia,26, fase.12, 2652-266o (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1819
the two variables, illumination and accelerating voltage, was investigated. Re-
sults are shown in form of a ourve. A further diagram shows the behavior of the
potential differences on the single cascades of the multiplier as a function
of illumination in the case of a total voltage of 1500 V. The diagram shows that
with an increase of illumination one cascade after another is overburdened, and
that each time a new cascade is overburdened, generation takes place. Experiments
have shown that generation is connected with a certain density of the electron
flux at a certain point of the amplification domain. The mechanism of generation
can be best explained by the dependence of the generating frequency on the time
constant of the cascade and by the fact that oscillations are produced at such
a moment of the regrouping of potentials at which a reduction of voltage takes
place in one of the cascades, and simultaneously an increase of voltage takes
place in neighboring cascades. The extraordinarily complicatedness of the system
makes it, however, impossible to explain the mechanism of generation -.o the end.
In conclusion it is said that in the photoelement oscillations are produced by
high, and in multipliers at low illumination. In both cases the oscillatory
range is very small, both as regards illumination and voltage. Oscillations in
the photomultiplier have muoh in common with that in the photoelements.
Translation from% Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No 12, p, 2()2,
# 25991
AUTHOR- Makovetskiy, P.V-._
TITLE, On the Image Interferences Caused by Aircraft
PERIODICAL-, Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr,, 1958, No, 18, pp, 95-104
TEXT,- The problem of the image intib-rferences arising due to the inter-
ference of the direct beam and the beam reflected from a flying aircraft is dis.
cussed, The Interferences consist in a pulsating change of the Image contrast
To eliminate them, an increased antenna directivity, an Ins-allation of suppres-
sion filters of 0.5-0,25 cycles, or an introduction of AF'J (ARU) are proposed.
Translator's note. This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract,
Card 1/1
Translation frorp: -Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 17, p 189 (usn)
AUTHOR: Makovetakiy, P.
TITLE: Electronic-Optica _Amplifier)-5
PERIODICAL: Tr. Zonin" in-t avlats- nroborostr., 1958, Nr 23, pp 11-28
ABSTRACT: Properties of an electronic-optical amplifier are analyzed. The dependence
of the amplification coefficient of the light flux and photocurrent on the
parameters of the amplifier is given. At the present state of technology,
amplification coefficients of approximately 80 - 120 per stage at a voltage
of 20 kv are possible, and when multi-slot cathodes are used, the amplifica-
tion coefficient of photocurrent can reach 400 - 500. The conceptions of
the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the amplifier, as a relation of
the module of the amplification coefficient to the incoming signal fre-
I-uency, and of the amplitude characteristic, as a relation to output cur-
rent amplitude of the amplifier to the input current amplitude, are in-
troduced. Methods of formation of the frequency characteristic of the am-
plifier (mixing of two and more luminosphores with different afterglow
constants and others) are suggested. Amplitude characteristics of some
Card 1/2 screens are given. The problem of signal-to-noise X
Electronic-4jp-,icai Amplifier
ratio is investigated
the amplifier does
high inertia, this
posed to use the
eff.Lcienc~, is given.
and it is shown that in the
not impair the signal-to-noise
ratio, on account of a narrower
electronic-optical amplifiers in
tubes, and the design of such a
Ther6 are 19 references.
case of an inertialess luminophore
ratio; in the case of a screen with
pass-band, improves. It is pro-
order to increase the sensitivity of
tube, having also an increased storage
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Makovetskiy,P.V. COV/33-36-3-14/29
TITLE% Antiradiant of a Yeteor Stream
PERIODICAL; Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 369Nr 3PPP 487-490 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author considers the influence of the Earth to the density
of the meteor stream. It is stated that in the neighborhood of
the Earth in the direction contrary to the radiant (denoted as
antiradiant) there appears a zone with an elevated density of
meteors. This zone forms a danger for cosmic vehicles. Observa-
tions of the occultation of t~,e radiant by the Moon can give new
data on the parameters of the stream and the atmosphere of the
Moon. The results of N.D.Moiaeyev fRef 22 are not used. The
pre3ent paper is shortened; the complete text is published in
"Trudy Laningradskogo instituta aviatsionnogo priborostroyeniya.
1958, Nr 28".
There is 1 table, 1 figure, and 5 references, 3 of which are
Soviet, 1 German, and 1 French.
ASSOCIATION,Leningradskiy institut aviatsionnogo priborostroyeniya(Leningrad
Institute of Construction of Aviation Equil3ment
SUBMITTED: December 2, 1957 (initially)
January 28, 1959 (after revision)
Card 1/1
S/029 ~1~,000/002/001/005
3' 24 4/0 V) B1177B!205
AUTHOR: Makovetskiy, P., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Cliffs in space
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 2, 1961, 4
TEXT: This article deals with the accumulation of meteor particles,
which is very dangerous to space navigation. In 1957 the author has
made the following observation: When the Earth traverses a stream of
meteor particles, their density increases in a certain direction and the
danger involved rises accordingly. The existence of meteor particles,
which are invisible in space, is perceived only when they are destroyed,
that is to say, when passing through the atmosphere or impinging on the
piezoelectric plate8 of the pickups of an artificial earth satellite.
The percussions caused by the impact of such particles are registered by
special devices and transmitted to the ground. It is for this reason
that only those streams of meteor particles of the solar system are known,
the trajectories of which intersect the orbit of the Earth. The fact that
meteors seem to come from one point, the so-called radiant, depends on
Card 113
Cliffs in space
the perspective and indicates that the particles move on nearly parallel
trajectories. The most dangerous area to space travelers is the spindle-
shaped area of space, which stretches along the axis of symmetry of the
particle stream and is orientated in the direction of the particles, as
seen from the Earth. As this direction is opposed to the radiant, it
is called the antiradiant. The increase in the particle density within
the zone of danger has been calculated by the author for a rocket of
4 m diameter. When, at a distance of 385,000 km from the Earth, the rocket
reaches the axis of the increase in density caused by the Earth in the
particle stream, where the particles had originally moved on parallel
trajectories at a velocity of 30 km/sec relative to the Earth, the number
of particles impinging on the rocket increases by a factor of 10,000,000
in relation to the number of particles in free space. At a distance
of 1 km from the axis of the increase in density, the number of particles
will be of the order of 20,000, and at a distance of 1000 km they are
only 30 times as numerous as in free space. These figures demonstrate
the serious danger encountered in the zone of increase in density. It
is therefore necessary to know when and where such concentrations of
meteor particles may occur before launching a rocket into outer apace.
Card 2/ 3
Cliffs in space
S/02 9/6 1/000/ 002 /001/ 00 5
As the main streams of meteor particles in the neighborhood of the
Earth are known, such predictions are not very difficult. On the color
insert this is illustrated for the case in which the Earth and the Moon
pass through two streams of meteors simultaneously. The zones of danger
are hatched. It is seen that navigation in space can be calculated in
advance. The further exploration of space with the aid of artificial
earth satellites will permit the prediction of danger zones even in the
range of other planets. There is 1 figure.
Legend to Fig. on color insert: (1) Earth; (2) Moon; (3) and (4) streams
of meteors; (5) antiradiants; (6) trajectory of the rocket.
(Note: Due to the size of the Figure, we were wl&ble to fit
it to a master.)
Card 313
Elementary television channel and its characteristics. Radio-
tekhnika 16 no.4:52-62 Ap 161. (MM 14:9)
1. Dq;y4tvitel'nyy chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo obshchestva
radiotekhniki i elektrogvyazi im. A.S. Popova.
--MAKOVETSKIY,-P.V., kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad)
Artificial Trojans. Priroda 51 no.4g85-87 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Artificial satellites in telecommunication)
AR7000899 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/HO58/HO58
AUTHOR: Makovetskiy, P. V.
1TITLE: Phase-shift in a system of a transmitter and receiver stationary with
respect to each other during motion relative to a medium
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9Zh411
REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. vyp. 45, 1965, 53-59
TOPIC TAGS: acoustic system, phase shift, phase measurement, velocity
ABSTRACT: A study is made of the phase-shift occurring in a system of an acoustic!,
transmitter and receiver stationary with respect to each other while the system is ini
motion relative to the medium. In that case, the phase-shift appears to be a
measure of the velocity of motion. In the presence of acceleration, the phase shift
becomes variable, which leads to the appearance of a difference in frequency. The
latter then becomes the measure of acceleration. [Translation of abstract]
ACC NRiAPbO19bO4 SOURCE CODE: LM/0293/66/004/003/0493/0495
AUTHOR: Mak'ovetski ~-! P ---V. c~2
ORG: none
TITLE: Meteor danger in the antiradiant of a meteor stream
SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 493-495
TOPIC TAGS: meteoritics, meteor stream, radiant, meteor density, spaceflight safety
ABSTRACT: The possible danger posed to spacecraft by meteor concentrations in the
antiradiant of a meteor stream is analyzed. In earlier works (I. Astron. zh.J36,
no, 3, 487, 1959. 2. Tr. Leningradskogo in-ta aviatsionnogo priborostroyeniya,
28, 76, 19591, the author has shown that when passing through a meteor stream, the
eartn focuses the stream in the antiradiant, i.e., in a direction opposite to the
radiant, resulting in an increased density of meteor bodies in that region. In the
case of a point radiant the meteor danger along the axis of the antiradiant increases
infinitely. In the immediate vicinity of the axis it is inversely proportional to
the distance from the axis. Even though no strictly parallel trajectories exist in
actual meteor streams and the radiant is therefore Aiffused into an area of some
extent rather than being concentrated in a point, the degree of meteor focusing still
remains great enough to constitute a hazard to spacecraft and must be taken into accouat~-
Card 1/2 UDC: -_62J.198.
-L 295671-66
ACC NR, A-P6olq6o4
in planning flight paths . Coefficients of mf-~erjr conc entrat ions are pre-sented in
tabular form for the case of it diffilaed area whone angular diamnter exceedo the
angular diameter of the radiant or antiradiant. The total number of particles pas-
sing through this area will be the same for point or diffused radiants. It is found
that even in the case of weak streams the danger of meteors in the vicinity of the
antiradiant is great. However, sporadic meteor particles are not focused by the
earth. Such studies of meteor concentrations find application in astronautics in
planning the spacecraft's attitude and approach to other celestial bodies. Orig. art.1
has: 1 table and 2 formulas. [DMI
SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr64/ oRiG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESSJO 1,5-
-.,~'-M~,71~T~KIY, P.V., kanc:.!,
Skjuriotil; storoo o:'fecui. Pl`roda 55 no.1:6_i-i,~ ja '4'.
('-'~`,A 10:1)
1. %u-- : -- rtr:,-~-l''ial
MOVEY, A.G., inzh.
Automatic control of the steaming regime for reinforced concrete
products. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.7:26-28 Jl 163. (KIRA 16s10)
1. Dam tekhn-tki Rostovskiy ugollnogo kombinata Ministerstva ugollnoy
promyshlennosti SSSR.
AUTHORS: Teodoresku, I., Pakovey,-M., Teodoru, V.
TITLE: Widening the energy range of the Y -120 (U-120) cyclotron
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10. 1-962, 4, abstract 1OB31
("Rev. phys. Acad. RPR", m61, v. 6, no. It, 555 - 565)
TEXT: Described are changes in the h-f oscillator circuit, as well as in
the accelerating system and in the system of mag
netic field correction, that
have been performed on the U-120 cyclotron of the Institut atomnoy fiziki (Atom-
ic Physics Institute) in Bucarest (Rumania) to widen the energy range of acceler-
ated particles. Changes were produced in the oscillator throughout all five
power-amplifier stages so that it fully spanned the new frequency range (7.3 -
IP-5 Me), at the same time retaining theenergy'parameters. The oscillator wils
practically redesigned and can now be tuned in the frequency range of 5 - 16 Me.
The necessary magnetic field correction was ensured by uaing central and periph-
,eral shims. It Is reported that the achieved widening of,the energy range has
already permitted experiments to be conducted on low energies (4 Mev/coulomb).
FAbstracterl note: Complete translation] A. Fateyev
Card 1/1
MAKOVEYEV, M., polkovnik
Love your native land# hate its enemies- Kam.Vooruzh.5il 3
no.3340-44 D 162. (N:ERA l6s2)
(Patriotism) (Russia-Foreign relations)
Author of article, "In the Central Arctic," concerning a visit to the scientific
stations on floating ice Ulands; North Pole 3 and North Pole 4. (Krasnaya Zvezda,
Moscow, 21 and 24 Jul 54)
SO: SUM No. 239, 13 Oct 1954
AUTHOR: Makoveyev, Mikh.
TITLE: Brotherhood (Bratstvo)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1958, Nr 1, pp. 15-19 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a story about a pilot and a navigator who
bailed out of their burning aircraft with one parachute
after they had completed their aerial photography mission
on the Caucasus front during the war. The story is
interwoven with the expression of strong patriotic
feelings and with a description of a romance between
the young navigator and a girl.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
1~/ill 1, ~ . " , t'I. /// '),
MAEDVIffEV, Hlkhail Stepanovich; PWAKOV, I.L., redaktor; FLWM, D.A.
taklmichenkly redaktor.
[Arctic diary] Pollarqyl dnafnik. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.
lit-ry, 1955. 94 p. (KLRA 9:1)
(Arctic regions)
Single litter system as a means for increasing mat proftation In
avine. 'reterinariia 34 no.10:58-59 0 '57. (MLRA 10:11)
1. GlavVy vetvrach Krasnoyarskogo krayevogo upravleniya sovkhozov.
( breeding)
C ompara t., Ive analysis ()f various rubber and w,4-,e rc,pp- bellf.
Vop.bazop.v ugoll.sba~,.. 41283--289 '61,.
~ I - - ~--
Elimination of infeLotions atrophic rhinitia in swine on a
state farm. Veterinar-lia 40 no-4--18-19 Ap ~63-
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Starshiy veterinarnyy vrach veterinamogo otdola Krasno-
yarzkogo krayevogo upravleniya proizvodstva i zagotovok
sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov.
Communist relationsidp to labor. Veterinaxiia 41 no.1.5-7
Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Starshiy veterinwnW vrach veterinarnogo otdela Krasnoyar-
skogo krayevogo upravieniya proizvodstva i zagotovok sellskc-
hozyaystvennyk.h produktov.
20777. Makoveyev, P. D. Proizvodstvennyye ispy-taniya elaktropil A.'TI-1. 3bornik nauch.
issled. Rabot (Arkhrang. lesotekhn. in-T im. Kuybysheva). U1, 1949, s. 105-15.
SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949.
. HAKOVEM. F.D.; UOVOSELITSEV, II.V., red.; ZHURAVLEV, B.A., red. jzd-ve,;
VOLMYER, R.S., tekhn. red.
[manually operated electric instrument for removing bark] Ruchnoi
elektrifitsirovannyt instrument d1ta okorki drevesiny. CHOSICV81
M-vo lesnoi promyshl. SSSR 11956) 6 o. (MIRA 11111)
MIOTIM, P.D., inzhaner; SHCFMTININ, I.P., Inzhener.
Now electric tools for logging. Lee. prom. 35 no.2:12-15 1 '57.
(Lumbering-Kachinery) (Power tools) (KM 10-4)
YAKOVBYU, S.G., kandidat teiffinichaskikh nauk; BERDICHEVSKITY, G.I.,
VA . 1%
"IMM11 IT-tekhnichaskikh nauk.
Increasing the prestress in reinforced concrete beams; evaluation
of T.K. Dolobko's article. Bet.i zhal.-bet. no.9:340-341 D 155.
(HLBA 9:3)
(Girders) (Prestressed concrete)
SOV/1 24- 58- 1-1187
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 151 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Makoveyev, �-. G-
TITLE: On the Consideration of the Flexibility of Reinforced- concrete
Bending Elements in the Determination of the Deflections and the
Width of Cracks in the Concrete Ob uchete gibkosti zhelezabeton-
nykh izgibayemykh elementov pri opredelenii progibov i shiriny
raskrytiya treshchin v betone)
PERIODICAL: V 5b. 15-ya nauchn. konferentsiya Leningr. inzh. -stroit. in ta.
Leningrad, 1957, pp 48-53
ABSTRACT: The author proposes the introduction into the calculation formulas
of a correction coefficient that would take care of the effect of the
flexibility, which has a substantial effect on the formation and widening
of cracks, the development of plastic deformations, and the magni-
tude of the deflections.
Reviewer's name not given
Card 1/1
MAKDVMV, S.G., kand. tekhn. nauk
Analyzing reinforced concrete components for shearing force taking
into consideration the reduced width of cross sections. Sbor. nauch
tradev LISI no.26:215-223 157. (MII?A 12:1)
(Reinforced concrete-Testing)
~inecr, and Makovwn-
AUMOR: MawoLto'vo !., Erv ~14 L
Technical Scien-.-ea
TITLE: Mazt-afacture of Prestresse-' Reinforced Concrete
with Ehescription of Stres,,q Gauging and Tensic-ni~-)g :-f
Reinforef-3nent (Izgoto-v-leniye predvaritellno
nastilov s sovmesh!--h-=r-iy---m opere-tsiy po kv-li1)r-)--!'ke I
PERIODICAL: Beton i Melewbetor:,, 1958, No, 5, USSR Fj-, !94-11)~
ABSTRACT: The article deals with tensioned hot rolled
s-~andiqxd profile from steel Maxk St. or 25 C-2S
by stress calibration. The reinforcement is
special plan', and then tensioned against specia; !-'i-
steel forms (in case of continuous production) or tensioned
with special enchors (in the case of individual casting.) For
checking the tensioning of a greater number of steel bars after
stress calibration a special balancing mechanism I-E! This
balancing process is necessary to make certair, of eq,---tLity of
stress in in&-.,:~Ldual bars e.g. a six metre long b,-4.r t,-, Y-9-ri o-.;
slight deformations could differ -from F. perfect-1.17 stzaight, I)a-r
Card 1/2 by up to 10 m. The Leningrad factory for reinrc,:-2~3 --incrE-.t~-
T(- 5P- 5 - 10/4
Manufacture of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs with
of Stress Gauging and Tensioning of Reinforcement.
products "BAILRDCADA" turns o-Lit floor slabs vIth tv- h-'-Luvs
Mark BP-2 reinforced with hot rolled steel reinfor-~,em,ri - -.j.
standard profile. The reinforcement in thas-- pr,--,uu.-t,,
calibrated and Tensioned. ac~!ording to the descritoF~14 metni 11
Figare 1 illustrates the plant for simultaneois stress --g-libral-I ~i
and tensioning of stress reinforcement. The t.tin!F,r)n-Ing Dir U,.e-
above mentioned slabs was carrLed out to a limit of 5(', tons 'by
means of a -winding Jack through a reduction po-wered ".)y -in electric
motor. The tensioning I a control I ea by a manmiritei . -To I -ant
tensions simu~ftaneously three 14mm diameter bars, 'FlIe.
is as follows: - Reinforcing bars are anchored tI.-I one elde (),17 tie
framework and tensioned at that stage and the othEr siele. cf th.,~
framework is removed. Then the second end of the. fraiaev-Drk -~~!-,h
anchoring plates is fixed to paxtially tensionei tjass and t=--.isioned
further to the required stress. The magnitude .)f =-houid not.
be more than 0.9 of the value of "sectionad f:3. the f-,y-,)-
of steel used.. There is one figure.
1 . Reinforced concrete--PrOrj,,(,
CarrL iorj 2. Reinfcr,~r.-~
AUTHORS: Mamontov, I. I., Engineer, and
Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Floor Slabs with two Hollows Reinforced in the Bottom
PERIODICAL: Beton i zhelezobeton., 1959, Nr 3, p 137 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: These hollow slabs have reinforcement of periodii se,3tioa
14-24 mm in diameter of steel mark St.5 and 215 GS, or of
steel mark 30KhG2S. The remaining reinforcement ef the
slab consists of welded mesh made of 6-8 mm diameter bar3
600-1000 mm long (see Fig 1). Tests were carried out in
the Leningrad Factory of Reinforced Concrete Produ3ts
"Barrikada" to find a means of simplifying this rej.nfurce-
ment. Instead of three 14 mm diameter bottom bars. two
18 mm diameter bars were substituted in the corners, and
instead of eight 4 mm diameter wire in the bottom mesh,
mesh consisting of five wires of the same diameter was used
(see Fig 2). Tests carried out with this simplified re-in-
Card 1/2 fcreement of the slabs were successful. Simplification is
Fioor Slabs with two Hollows Reinforced in the Bottom Corners
also advocated for hollow slab consisting of 4 hollows.
There are 2 figures.
Card 2/2
Lineless raster, Radio no.9126-2? 3 lo~4.
- " - , i ,
., ~c - . ' - ':" )
L 02h03-67 ' &'T(d)/F~S-'2 GD
ACC NRi AT6022318
SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/ooo/0022/0025
AUTHOR: Katayev, S. I.;_Makove7ev, V. G.; Smirnov, V. V.; Dywich, E.
ORG: Non'e
TITLE: Experimental converter of television signal standards
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio, 22d, 1966.
Sektsiya feleviden'iya. Moscow, 1966, 22-25
TOPIC TAGS: signal to noise ratio, TV converter, TV equipment, TV system, vidicon
tube, video signal
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the various problems involved in exchange oil Lele-
vision programs due to the existence of four incompatible television signal stand-
ards. A brief description is given of an experimental converter developed by the
television department of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications
in 1964-1965. This device converts a television signal froal a system with a
line frequency of 625 per second at 50 frames per second to a nignal wW1 525 lineal-
per second at 60 frames per second and vice versa. The basic unit in the converteri
is a device for rephotographing the image containing an optically interconv~qcted
kinescope and transmitting tube which operate in different scanning systems.
Card 1/2
1 02403-67
ACC NR, AT60223-18
Since the transmitting tube in the camera used for the original photography is re-
sponsible for most of the distortions which appear in the converted image, par-
ticular attention is given to the requirements for this tube. Some of the spe-
cific requirements for this component are uniformity in the amplitude of the
video signal on the working section of the target, proper transmission of infor-
mation on the black level in the image and a target time constant of about 40 msec.
This time lag in the transmitting tube reduces the amplitude of low frequency
spurious modulation of the output signal, improves the signal to noise ratio and
increases line "beat-frequency". It was found that vidicon tubes give the best
results. The best lens for the intermediate optical system is the OKS1-50. The
reproduction unit uses the 23 LK61 kinescope which gives a peak brightness of the
order of 500-600 nit at an accelerating voltage of 25 kv. The size ratio of
image conversion is 1:1. Provision is made for both automatic and manual suppres-
sion of spurious low-frequency modulation of the output signal at lcps. The
converter also contains input and output signal channels, a monitor for
suppression of specific distortions and synchrogenerators for both standards.
The output image has 7-8 differentiable gradations when there are 9 differen-
tiable gradations in the input image. The signal to noise ratio at the output.
is 31 db for an input ratio of 27 db, i. e. a gain of 4 db. There is practi-
cally no flicker in the output image due to spurious modulation. Magnetic
shielding of various units is used to eliminate the effect of a-c background
from the 50 CPS bower supRly. Orij;.Art.,haa:.,1 table
UB CODE: StM DATE- 2hM&r66
Card 10
NRv AM5001713 Monograph UR/
Samoylov, Vladimir Fedorovich; Makoveyev, Vladimir Grigorlyevich
_kUlse technologyk (Impullanaya tekhnika) (Moscow] Izd-vo "Svyaz'",
1�-6-4.-279 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 27,000 copies
,TOPIC TAGS: pulse signal, pulse amplifier, pulse modulation, pplse
generator, pulse transformer, pulse shaper, multivibrator, trigger
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is recommended as a manual for atuden
In technical schools of communication. It presents the fundamentals
of pulse technology and the essentials of appropriate theories and
Foreword 3
Ch. 1. Pulse parameters and spectra
1. Basic pulse-signal parameters 4
2, Spectral composition of the pulse process 9
31 Connection between pulse parameters and spectrum width -- 19
ACC NRt AD15001713
Ch II. Linear pulse converters
i. Transient characteristic of a linear four-terminal network 30
2. Differentiating circuit -- 34
3. Shortening circuit -- 38
4. Inductive RC -- 47-
5. Integrating RC -- 53
Pulse transformer -- 57
Reproduction of output pulse top in a pulse transformer 6o
Formation of an output pulse front in a pulse transformer 71
9. Artificial delay lines -- 74
Ch. 111. Fundamentals of the theory of pulse amplifiers --
1. Principles of designing a pulse amplifier ci-rcuit' -- 83
2, Pulae front distortion and its correction --- 84
3. Pulse top distortion and Its correction 91
4-'Cathode follower -- 95
5. Transistorized pulse amplifiers -- 103
Ch. IV. Nonlinear pulse transformers
1. Limiters using diodes -- 113
2. Limiters using electron tubes- -- 122
3 Limiters using transistors -- 128
4: Voltage effect in a separation capacitor 130
=_W"- -1
%~'toif~461~fixation circuits 133
ko Types of pulse generators 137
9".Blocking oscillator -- 142
3: Pulse shaping In a blocking oscillator circuit -- 145
4- Pause shaping between pulses in a blocking oscIllfator circuit 15
5, klultivibrator -- 155
6, Synchronization of pulse generators 163 -
Pulse generator under standby condition -- 168
Trigger -- 17T
9, Transistorized pulse generators 183
10, Transistorized blocking oscillator __ 184
11, Transistorized multivibrators 185
12. Transistorized triggers -- 189
Ch. V1. Saw-toothed pulse generators
1, Saw-toothed pulses -- 192
2, Saw.-toothed voltage generators 194
3. Saw.;toothed current generators 211
ACC NRt Am5001713
Ch. VII. Pulse modulation and selection
1, Pulse frequency divider -- 217
2. Pulse signal modulation and demodulation 218
3, Pulse signal selection -- 226
Ch. VIII. Pulse dividers and frequency multipliers
a 1. Pulse frequency dividers -- 246
2. Pulse generator synchronization on a multiple frequency 246
3. Dividers with step-by-step energy storage 254
4, Frequency dividers using binary circukto 261
Complex frequency divider circuits -- 261
Pulse frequency multipliers -- ~65
Multipliers with inert synchronization 275
Bibliography 278
SUB 0ODEt 091 SUBM DATE: 23Mar64/ ORIG REFt 017/ OTH REF: 001/
dT / F, t,,
-L.oh67-6--67----F~~T(c)LE7-dP(k)/F (d) _r(m)/T/EWP(v)/1501 (z)/E1TI/FW(1)
j Ct- NKt A 21525 SOURCE CODE: UP/0089/66/020/006/0482/0485
AUTHOR: Subbotin, V. I.; Koz1ov., F. A.; Ivanovskly., N. No; Mlv3xovp V. M.
ORG: none A -71
TITLE: Detection of leaks in steam generators of the sodium-water type
~SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no.6, 1966, 482-485 3
TOPIC TAGS: liquid metal cooled reactor, sodium, hydrogen, nuclear reactor technologyp
nuclear safety
ABSTRACT: After showing that the most sensitive 4~ehod of deSIcting small leaks frol~'
the steam generator is one based on the diffusioa f hydrogen'from the sodium into
vacuum the authors describe the construction Zif two'~ickups, one used in the liquid-
sodium%Zeam and the other in the gas space over the circulating sodium, and the test
loop-for this purpose (Fig. 1). The experimental procedure, the calibration, and the
plotting of the pickup characteristics are described. The characteristics of the en-
tire system are obtained as functions of the temperature, the hydrogen concentration
in the sodium, and the velocity of the flowing sodium. The results show that the
penetration of the hydrogen from the gas phase into the pickup and from the sodium I
into the pickup is approximately the same for a given concentration. Bath pickups
begin to detect the presence of hydrogen at sodium temperatures higher than 360C. The
pickup placed in the gas aver the sodium, however, exhibited a larger time delay and
gave less unambiguous resu1ts as a function of the sodium bydride content in the
Card 1/2 uDc: 621.o39-534.6: 621-039-534: 44
ng. 1. Diagram of installation. Main loop, -
auxiliary loop; 1 - heater, 2 - centrifugal Pump, 3 -
hydrogen Pickup, 4 - Pump tank, 5 - water and hydrogen
supp1y, 6 - auxiliary tank with gas volume, 7 - oxide
indicator, 8 - sodium trap.
sodium, and a greater dependence an the sodium velocity was observed. It is conclu4
that by asking use of the unique dependence of the penetrability of hydrogen from
sodium through nickel into vacuum it is possible to produce an instrument which not
only detects leakage from the steam generator, but also determines continuously a14
remotely the content of the hydrogen in the sodium and in other reactpr coolants,
Orig. art. has: 5 figWes, 3 formulas, and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 21 sm DATz: 3oDec65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003
Card 212 ~- /,/-
z f
SAI.,.OY-LOV, Vladinir Fedorovich; ]~AKOVFYEV, Vladim!,~~-Grigorlyevich;
FUFAYEVA, M.N., red. -
[Pulse techniques] Impul'snaia tekhnika. Moskova, Izd-vo
"Sviaz"I 1964. 279 p. (MM 17:5)
DOPONMI, Yevogeniy Filippovicl,,; Vjad4jrjr
10,AKC'Fh-YEV,L V~G,s, otv. red,; TSEITLIN, P'~G, r-eA-,
(Transistorized pulse generators] Tranzistorny&
impullsov. Mosk-va, Sviaz" 1965. 237 p. (Y.~IHA !F,;-!)
Attachment to horizontal milling machines used for simultaneous
cutting of two ends of rollers. Stan.i instr. 28 no.9:41 S 157
(MIRA 10:10)
(Milling machines--Attachments)
Isotope effects during the reaction (n, 2n) in antimony.
Radiokhimiia 5 no.5s643-646 163. OGRA 170)
Millisecond thallium isomers. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45
no-5:1344-1351 N 163. (MIRA 17:1)
Effect of Iyophilization on the polymerism and i - "n inological
propertiev of desoxytibonucleoproteins. Biul. eksp. biol.
i med. 52 no.11:51-54 N 161. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz laboratorii i=mnokhimii (zav. - prof. V.S. Gostev)
Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.
M4yakiy) A121 SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelinym
chlenom Al-2-1 SSSR, 14.11. Zhukovym-'Werezhnikavym.
Methods for testing laminated glued wood. Standart-*Lzatsiia 25
no.11:45 N 161. (MMIt 14:11)
I was not afraid of a fall. P. 199.
SVET MOTORU. (Svaz pro spolupraci s armadou.)
Praha, Czechoslovakia
Vol. 13, no. 7, Mar. 1959
Monthly list of East European Acessions (EL-AI), W, Vol. 8, no. 7
July 1959
11 -T "
PT' k, Jan .14UDir.
:',pse of extirnated i`i--,~-rn-in if bronchi. Cesk. otoL-4,-.
Aug 57.
1. Otolaryn-olopicke ITN7 v Parflubicich, -ii-Amorta MTTDr.
'Inclav Hortteek.
(BIONCHI, nenr'ns-i
chondro-.- . q,Trp. (Cz
(CHONDR01%, -nirp,.
bronchin' (~;z
Makovicka K. and Brabeck S. IV. oddeleni Statniho zdravotniho ustavi. Zkusenosti a
no~ ~ivnimi pu6vd pro kultivaci ze stolice Our experience with new selective
media.-for stool cultures Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Prague (Czechoslovakia) 1947, 86/37
(1138-1140) Illus. 2
The efficiency of Leifson's selenite F medium, the desoxycholate-citrate agar, and
the Wilson-Blair's bismuth sulphite agar was compared with that of Endo's agar
and Kauffmann's tetrathionate broth.
From 1,876 specimens of faeces were isolated:
Kauffmann's Leifson's
medium medium
S. typhi ............ 92 132
S* paraty 94
,phi Bo ... o. 116
S. typhi murium ..... 4 5
A number of 1,,073 specimens of faeces-~ere inoculated simultaneoubly into
Kauffmann's medium (with subsequent subculture on Endo's agar) and on Wilson-
Blair agar. From this series were isolated:
Kauffmann's Wilson-Blair's
medium agar
S. typhi ............ 160 2h9
S. paratyphi B ...... 71 85
A number of 4,,056 specimens of stool were plated simultaneously on Endo's
agar and desoxycholate-citrate agar. Isolated:
be" PHI 0614b" vy"Itsvivonals bloillaw" 4pmtwlle
sdmvo Ildw 194-2 Jeft-M 50 PO 0
2, or the Fourth Divisuft of the Buts ROOM% rawtItaft
(Bud - Dcomt Radcas, H.D*).
CM %1. 19V No. 2 Aug. I 9W
* "Notes on the formation of chemosesistant strains of bacteria by Mutation."
Folia, Micrdbj2jqdca Praguep No.l., Jan 1961 pp62-63
Dept. of Epidemiology,, Military Research an& Postgraduate Training
Institute (Vojewky vyzkumny a doakc1ovaci ustav) in Rradec Kralove.
Chronic respiratoY7 disensen In welders. Pracovni lek. 10 no.1:54-57
Khr 58.
L Klinika chorob z povolania a tk'/Pieny Drace v Bratislava, prednosta
prof. Dr. M. Nosal.
occup. in welders (Cz))
reap. dis. in welders (Cz))
Health services in Soviet industrial plants. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no.5:
286-294 May 56.
1. KMOetnik poverenika zdLravotnictva.
in Russia (Cz))
P"f /I, I'\ u V~ t' ~'_' (-N IL
Present status of the organization of ambulatory services in
Bratislava. Cask. zdravot. 5 no.5:261-264 May 57.
ambulatory sarv. In Czech. (Cs))
- - - . - i
MOVICKY . .,+,,namestnik poverenika zdravotnietva; ESTOK, G. poverenictvo
- i I
r-Vj"%Vw- Ivico nietva.
Considerations on the development of public health in Slovakia in
the Czechoslovakian People's Democracy. Ce9k. adravot. 5 no.12:
672-682 Dee 57.
in Czech. (Cz))
I --
r" aining of health workers for aare of industrial workers. Cesk. zdravot.
6 no.9s548-553 Sept 58.
health serv. staff training (Cz))
MAKOVICKY, 3. Mr.; A., MUDr.; PALNG, R., HUDr.
Principal trends in the development of health services according to
long-term planning. Cesk. zdravot. 7 no.9:552-570 Oct 59.
to 40
Wi inn. 97
A R; t9 1.11 a
0 OU a
mw . 1~ . T. va "M V,0 0 fk4 -, ~ p
'00 vpa ;, 1 9
hl , go -li I ~~d 3~:
Z,9 F, Pt
E, 88 i 1. K.
i~ W
is ct 0
MAKOVICKYS E., doc. dr.; STIPEK, J., inz.
On the problem of technical aids in hospitals (with special reference
to laundries and -na ement of linen). Cesk. adrav. 10 no.10;/,,97-
503 '62.
1. Veduci katedry teorie a organizacie zdravotnictva Slovenakeho ustavu
pre doakolovanie lekarov v Bratialave (for Makawicky). 2. Studijni,
typizacni a vyvojovy ustav pro vystavbu zdravotnickych zarizeni v
Prazq.(for Stipek).
Chair of Theory, Organization and History of
Medicine of SUDL (Katedra teorie, organizacie a
historie zdravotnictva SUDL), Bratislava
Bratislava, Lekarsky obzor, No 4, 1963, PP 193-200
"Population Trends in the Former District of Myjava."
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Natural Science of j. A. :-omensk,; niv-,rs: ty
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