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MAKOVECZ, Istvan, dr. Toot of strength for man and machines. Auto motor 16 no,4:5 21 F 163. -4 t ?I i MAKOVEGZ, Istvan, dr. Interpretation of some rules from the Traffic Regulations for Public Thoroughfares. Pt. 1. Auto notor 16 no.18:23 21 3 163. MMUM, Zs Istvan, dr. Altam~ luterpretation of saw rules of the Traffic Regulations for Public Thoroughfares. Auto motor 16 no.19:23 6 0 163. MAKOVIEZ, Istvan, dr. Interpretation of some rules of the Traffic Regulations for Public Thoroughfares. Pt. 3. Auto motor 16 no.20:24 21 0 163. MAKOVEGZ, Istv&n,, dr. Interpretation of somc rules of ~v~ Traffic Regulations for iublic Thorouo,hfaros.Pt.4. Auto motor 16 no.21:24 6 N 163. 0 MAKOMM, Istvan, dr. Int4pretatiob of same rulee of ibe Trafflac RegulationB for Public Thor&&fardd.Pt.7. Auto motor 16 no.2.4:26 21 D 163. MAKOVEM, lbt~ftA,, dr. interpretation of some rules of the Traffic Regulations for Public Thoroughfares.Pt.8. Auto motor 17 no.1:24 6 Ja '64., '~-rruirk about the a r e "Dehato a abi;uf. a D;Yz 1 1 T3.9tion in r!(-nnpc,.!qn with tlv~ L ~ -ghfares.ll Auto 17 ic. ro 1. j, , - !* . f) r- nag./ l1w. I 1 1. Iq - I ., - I iWf ~ ~ - Wsn, , minated ~L-qas. Al-T ~~ mc)z,-,r I - '~ r: ~ '1;-' 3 'll i , Ap ")r,. 11 MAKOVELISKIY. A.0. Spinoza and his place In the histor7 of psychol no-5:71-78 S-0 159- (MIRA 13og Vop-psikhol- 5 3~* 1. AN.&zerSSR. (Spinoza. Benedict, 1632-1677) MAKOVENKOF I., general-mayor aviataii In close connection with life and problems. Voen. vest. 43 no.9t42-" 3 r63. (MMA 16:10) (Russia-Amed force a-Poli tical activity) MAKOVEq2L_Yja.------ - Clinical and antomical. data to establish the charaeteristics of the course of acute appendicitis in elderly and senile persons. Trudy 1203-75 160. (NIRA l6s4) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii Kishinevskogo gopudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (GERIATRICS) (APPENDICITIS) 1. MAKOVXR, M. D. , Eng. 2. Tissp (6oo) 4. Labels 7. Technique of preparing metal labels. Technical instruction. Vest mash No. 11 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - April -1953, Uncl. MAKOVER, Mjkbgj_%qa1oyi - ZANYSHLYAYEVA, I.M., red. izd-va; _Qbj LEINKM, A.A.r tekhn. red. (Care and maintenance of home and household goods]Ukhod za zhilishchem i domashnimi veshchami. Moskva, Izd-vo kommun. khoz.RSFSR, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 15-9) (Home economics) K. 6ASNOV, Nikolay Petrovich;,LIAKQUatMkb&i"=ilUic4 KOLIONENKO, Inn-a Ivanovna; KRA-010V, Yuriy I.Iatveyevich; ClOtETAKEINA, Anna Rikolayevna; UVIYA =-r, N.P., red.; BAKKrITI'Y-kiOVA, R.Kh. 4 SELY EF red.izd-va; BOIDTINA, A.V. red. izd-va; &VYS YAYEVA, I.M., red. izd-va; X.IrU-TOVA, R.N., red.izd-va; NEROINNA, M.D., red. izd-va; LEUUKHB;, A.A., tekhn. red. [Home and family life]Dom khoz.RSFSR, 1962. 315 P. (Home economics) byt. Moskva, I?Al-vo M-va kovinun. (MIRA 15:11) MAKOVER, Mikhail Danilcmich; KOMAROVA, V.V. , red. [Minor repairs of household articles] M-alkii remont do- mashnikh veshchei. Moskva, legkaia industriia,, 1965. 56 p. (MiRA 18-k) KAKOVER, R.G. Treating ambulant patients vith slow healing ulcerations of too skial, with 4IPK-Y preparation of the Leningrad Institute of Blood ftansfustoM. Test.ven.i 4isrx. no.2:57 Xr-Ap 153. (KLRL 6:5) 1. Koxhno-vansrologiaheskiy dispenser 10-13, Leningrad. (Skin--Diseases) LIPSKATA, M.I.; MAKOVER, R.G.; SHVARTSMAN, S.M., Treating pustular skin diseases with a synthomycin emulsion. Vest.derm. i van. 31 no.206 Mr-AP '57. (MIRA 12:1?) 1. Iz kozhuo-venerologicheakogo dispansera NO-13 Prunzenskogo rayona Laningrada. (SKIN--DISEASES) (CHLOROMTCErIN) MOVER S. Sanin P. Nametkin S. and Tsyba A., Kataliticheskoye Obesserivaniye Kashirskogo Benzina V. Atomosfere Vodoroda, Goryuchiye Slantsy, 1933, No. 1,32. SO: Goryuchiye Slantsy # 1934-35, TN. 871 G .74 MAKOVER S. Sanin P. Nametkin S. and Tsvba A., Obesserivaniye Slantsevykh Benzinov Gidrirovaniyem Pod Davleniyem V Prisutstvii Katalizatorov, Goryichiye Slantsy, 1934, No.1 SO: Goryuchiye Slantsy # 1934-35, TN .871 G .74 1. MAKOTa, S. G. 2. US'~R (600) 4. Prospecting - Geophysical Methods - Siberia 7. Preparation, summarization, and dissemination of the material of the gravimetric and magnetic plottings of Siberia. (Abstract) Izv.Glav.upr.geol.fon. No. 2 - 1947. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. RAXOV-~q' -3. C. Planets - Phases Approximation formulae for the computation i-n advance of the dste of o7-nosition of a small planet. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 4 no. 3, 1949 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Ccngress, AuVust 1952. Unclassified Axovmp 9. ~. Planets, J!,inor - (250) Corrected ~-oits of the planet (250) Pettina. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 4 no. 6, 1949 Monthly Idst of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified. 14AKOVER, 8. C. brbits Corrected Orbits of the planet (250) Bettina. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. " r1c. 1, 1951 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952, UNCLJ,.SSIFIED 1. MKOVER, S. G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Planets, Minor 7. Approximate amendment of the orbits of five minor planets of the type of Hecuba. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 5 No. 49 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. MIOVIR, S.G. ------ -- Ilements and ephemeris of Encke-BacklundIg comet for 1954. Astron.tair. no.135:2-4 F '53. (MI-RA 6:6) 1. Institlit Tooreticheakoy Astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Comet, Eacke-Backlund's) KAKOVER, S.G. PosAbility of observing Bncke-Backlund's Comet during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1954. Aston.teir. no.145:1-2 Ja 154. (P12A 7:6) 1. Inatitut Teoretichaskoy Astronomii AN SSSR. (Comet. Incke-Backlundle) Name: MAKOVER, Samuil Grigorlyevich Dissertation: The Enk-Baklund Comet (movement during the period 1937-1954) Degree: Doc Phys-Math Sci Affiliation: Inst of Theoretical Astronomy Acad Sci USSR Defense Date, Place: 14 Feb 55, Council of the Main Astro- nomical ObservatoryAcad Sci USSR Certification Date: 29 Jun 57 Source: BM%10 18/57 MAKIDVM, B.G. Determining original orbits of long-period comets. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 6 no.4:244-248 155. (KIRA 13:3) (Comets--Orbits) MAX , 1 so Encke-Backlundle comet. Report No.2: Determination of the mass of Mercury on the basis of observations of the comet during 1917-1954. Trudy ITA no.6:67-7S 456* (KLRA 10:5) (Mercury (Plant)) (Comet, Encke-Backlund1s) `4 "425 116ve4 f 'a5O b -t w.-A'kMWn'_' J, liw~, c ratc Coln- Wit a -sys 0 1 elir~f~a a ounde' for ri&-l- CM-3- thq m: ~PWM f rdUK-7 "0=d Ai MAPPM-0- a,. -de~cdbadAu-P-3D-_,ner ritar --coTiputa. qnv e aU ~Lt Ah I p6aie piavial a -twit RM, -q -thd t4appy- --lot ficaV,,- Yocl~55- --""f, b~4 'Ge &I ~7~7- - . .. . . . YAXOVIM. B.G.; ROZHKOVSXIY. D.A.; H&TYAGIII, V.S. vzk~~~ Obsorvations of Nncke-Back-InM Ia comet (1957 a) at the Mountain Obeervdtory of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh B.S.R. (Alma Ata). Latron.tair. no-193: 2-3 J7 158o (MIRA 12 : 1) 1. Institut teoreticheakoy-aetronamii AN SSSR i Astrofizicheakiy institut AN Irazakhakoy SSR. (Comqtet-1957) MAKOVER, S.G.1 BOXHAN, N.A. Notion of the Ibcke-Baledund comet In the years 1898-19U , and a recent determination of the mass of Mercury. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no-3:552-554 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1, Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR. Pred- stavleno ak9A. V.G* lesenkovym. (Racke's comet) (Mercury, (Planet)) RAKOVER, S.G. Sphemeris of Backe-Baklundlo comet for 1960-61. Astron.tsir. no.211:3-5 W 160. (MIRA 13-10) 1. Institut tooratichaskoy astronomii AN 335R. (comets) HUOVER 3 S. G. ; BOKHAN, N. A. Encke-Backlund's ccmet. Uo.3: The amet's motion in 1898-191-1 and a new determination of the mass of MercuI7 (with SwMIa'7 in English). Trudy ITA no.8:137-179 161. (MIRA 14:8) Comets) (Mercury (Planet)) 14ANOVERI S.G. Calculatin,, orbits of artificial earth satellites. Biul.sta.- opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.24:3-11 161. (MIRA 15:,) 1. Institut teol'sticheskoy astronomii AN SSSR. (Artificial satellites-Orbits) S; 816/61/0COi-024, AUTHORS: MiakoverS.G., Gontkovskal-a, V. T, , Y(-(,hina, N. G., Sochilina, A.~~ and Subbotina, N. S, TI T ~, E: Investigation of the motion of *n~ second Sc.-~, artifictal ei--F (Sptjtnik 11 or 19570). SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Astronornicheskiy sovet. Byulleten starit opticheskogo nablyudeni~a iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli, no. Z4, 19 61, 11 - 16. TEXT: This is a presen-ation Of the r(-,!i,iits of calculations of the tjrf,ii uf Sputnik 11 from November 1957 to Mar.-h 1959, based on visual tracking cllat,, in the short-range prediction of the ephemerides. The inethod emptoyed paper by Makover, S.Gr, The orbit determination of artificial earti. In the sacellites. By-ulleten' stantsiy . .. no. 24, 1961, 3-11 (Abiitracl S/816/hI000 :;.'4 11C1,"003). Computations were performed on the B3CM (BESM) el(:(troni(: hig~i speed computer of tht: AS USSR Computing Genter (A.A.Dorodnitsin, all preparatory work was done at the State Astrmornical Institute irrieni (D. Ya. Martynov, Director). The computat:on prograrn comprised the followi.,ig -~W(-~fic steps: (1) Computation of the instantaneous orbit elements for ,..e t,.rjit- given observation, (2) computation of the rectanguia. atellite coordina-,-i Car,H 1/3 In-.,--itigation of !hf,, ri.otion . . . S~ k 16/ b I/ 00(G(J,~4. -n, for,.14'ah of its e l3ij)LIC. 11 3) C"ril P;IaLI(.)n of Lhe local side r,,.,, . rvct,~.ngula r coo rdinate , of the As(- rvation s tation. (4) cornputatiot, -t ti), equatorial co,,)rdinates of the satellite ancl comparison between -)hhr-rved cuorflinates. (5) cornputatiori of the cuvfficien~iof ?entat .ve c(i,i,I-. it,, 1~ Compitati,)n of *hf- corresponding (--m.ponen, for the rwrm,t: Ce..inpulattional stagt~, (1) through (6) were pt -!L)rtijvd for -t- rt-i~lltmgy if) the ultimate Coefficients ut !he r)orrrAl eqaauons. `i- rl - I I were then wrformed: 17) Determin,it on of c-ri,r:tturis to 1,!t- i ;i~, obmined from the 'Olution of the svstern of n,,rma! eq!, ons, and Of Iln improved syitem of elements. (8) deterrnivat.,,in of ,,,ht factor, -rom -0 n, T k r. o An entire cycle of orbit mipro.crner.- 0 minii-p ~)f machine time. Upon complet:on :)f ail (8), 'he entire corn pu-.,i cycle ~,cis approximations wts achieved (usually, 5 t'j 6 L',cie,). A!, a,l,~ rnputation v-lz, madc of the :io-callvd "variatioi-n,- i.e., ht. ,I~Lt':';51011 1'),: ~!,-clinanou of the satellite due to an a-,,~mied -rr,):- deLvi-minati,m, ~iy L~itf ribs-rver, this vdriiLiejn t )un(~ '(i tie Ailal.VSI~I ~ITIO 1`~--:-.,nciliation of differen--es het,.x.,,t-r: (;l,,,-rvationj: va!--ips ~t of grwi~, "rrors, C. q.. mCorrect --idings, rrista'~vn was achiev,d 13v any a BMW A-r. AKOVER~ S.G. Ephemeris of Neujmin's periodic comet III for 1961. Aztron.tair. no.218.-2-3 F 161. MU 14:7) 1. Institut tooreticheakoy astronomii All 333R. (Comets-1961) MAKOVER S Some problems in the theory of the moon's physical libration. Biul. Inst.teor.astron. 8 no.4:249-263 162. (IURA 16:6) (Moon-Libration) MAKOVER, S.G.; LUCHICH, S.I. I Motion o~' Enckes comet in 19--'-.11957. biul.Inst.teor.astron. 9 no.4.,224-233 163. (,MIRA 17:3) otv. red. [EphemerldeS r' mincr planets for 19'51 Uer-erd-v :,,~al~-kh planet ria 19c 5 god. 19. god izd. No-Ava, I-auka, i9r,'.. 150 P. Q-',TR~ 17:8) 1. r;~uk !USSR. MAKOVER-a-G. Per'awbations of JOY fiXed StArS. Piu-l.lnsc.fd--or.astrcn. 9 no.8:525-536 164. (MIP-A 17:12) MAKOVTP--,-_S.G.j BELYAYEV, N.A. Program for numerical integration of equations of the motion of minor planets and for the comparison with observations. Biul.Inst.teor.astron. 9 no.81542-549 164- (MIRA 17:22) C. AV, G., --eweric-es cf L~drioj fD5n~,--- Col 7- CA na god. ;~;i-r' 51 MAKOVER, S.G. ~ Wre exact orbits for 36 minor planets. Biv-1. Inst. tear, astron. .. ~10 no.3:181-191 965* (MrRA IS.-8) MOM, S. G. of Enckets comet for 1963-1964. Astron. tair. Ephemeride (MIRA 17:6) no.23913-4 Ap 163- SR* 1. lnst_itut, teoreticheskoy astroncmii AN SS, -MAKOVETSKAYA, G.A. - - ---- ---- - Mucoviscidosis in children. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.8:79-81 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I.Miloserdova) Kuybvshevskogo meditisinskogo instituta (rektor - D.A.Voronov). (CYSTIC FIBROSIS) MAKOVETSKAU, G.A. Celiae disease apdrane in children. Vbp.okh.mat.i det. 8 no.3:77-q9 Nr 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Iz kafedx7 detakikh bolezney (sav. - prof. A.1. Miloserdova) Kuybyshevokogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CELIAC DISEASE) So;id solutions in the system InP-GaP. N. N. Sirota, V. V. Rozov. investigation of solid solutions of InP-GaAs. N. N. Sirota, L. A. 1, ..akovetskaya. Physical properties of the system ZnTe-CdTa. N. N. Sirota, V. 0. Yanovich. P.1%ysical properties of ternary alloys of the system zn3 As2-Cd3As2- N. N. Sirota, E. M. Smolyarenko. Semiconducting propdrt.les of manganese-telluride and selenide. N. Sirota, G. 1. Makovetskiy. V VI ?roduction of films of semiconducting compounds of the type A a and A118V on antimony by reactive diffusion. N. N. Koren', N. N. Sirota. (25 minutes). (Presented by_N._N. Sirota). Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on SegLiconductor Compounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 1, 9FURFPT-!~.On odnw, :~'., ~.: -., - - ~ . :,-.- :" ! ~ - t~vf '1~ ~4/Peb -19 APSO 0 1 a v '632- -BSS-R t I.C~~`T S.s---:,v'emico-ft Ucteir I -d- ni um- offohl: i ~Iii t r OUn di lyh i4th'; ppil-li UM' a- r -6 e h- ido i- 0 I-e-C tr Lc- -conduc t iv Zan -a f - -th e te a-':' een. ade~-, mpera ure 4 upe- - 't'h - i-, -.7-apn uct; gIz~pera ure- e h -he-- - f 6 rIdde'n' fe~,'-- h 4 ra- d as a- ~c t --`--tetioet-i t- U- K qp V- 'A roM, -___th_*t -f. ai, ki~ 1411,-i it-, ran flotin t g vard.turgs -wRl 4V V! 40-;K t a -'conduat to ab'otit::50 C a en- -0 -h tr, UG P t--bec*M,8~A~i trins, the';. 17~ 7-- -~j v? -1H 346!~ 65 Accz AP500119 o U!I'ri -.v_GiAs '4114 p y i I -upon 'e.~-;;one-~ b- d-Am,'_,t '-e-. ~fid _nc -6 slu re t 6 sarya al U' s- a v-don , en't --, n".a. 0 t,,3r:L ---50a~60 ik- a--~s'u stantial-1-d6viat'i on f rom th6: A it v _L i Iv i V ia- on-u,,!to, -the -.,Iorbiifdeh ~46ne i"Vh_ c a -Appare d' a jli& i -on-, to--It e:-,:e d__ fir nergy--.o t ;:4 f is-ur- 4tt ce~- tion"A L I tjr-: I I __3ssR Ati-o 61A, T-1 0 p a uprOVO t ttftc.-af-4o Ado!; a a, ~-aem conda 7T, ii - - - ~_ - __ - - - __ -, - _.;~: , ~ _Df "--,:-45Jtt J1 UB --c0 DR 9 Lt I 6~:- RE T:~-_SOV _003'- THERU - -2 -4 t `0 :00 As 4 g f 7: 4 iy 7 7 af, mo Aw p6 sit'jon 1A. oml -On itii dden r iath i6d i -Oil he y g ---L6382 ~~651 Am (b) (4) ty ACCE.13SIbr.~N~~R--.'-...-AP5019324'.. /025o/65/0,69/00T/04351043 Amon N lf-a-Mikii~et f -o- ----.t e'~- solid-sb :0 n-diu- M_ -I m u ons P_ 810 __4 f~` L -oxse -do i i - iff'--aX Eal th~~rmal_ e e 9:*. ~.Oyj _t re e- ence,; eace,~tli peti&l ermp_1:1_._P#~.7_,_,_ Olvera, u T -t em a--a e---- epen on- Th - A t ompos l6r_-_-_an _~t gette ,d- h IS ELI oys:-:W~ compos 0 Varying ELAA i4 '94-4-m-pur t --concenti I ne'l -The ~'t h c 19 'mf_,waA _--meAsa;FgcL- alli T pe melker a-- f b Abb, gs asing tenip-e-, #!id- h i4"4 in cre. ratum'After:ij~ass ng-:ih-rough a, min e'~ AV:'alll-tes -te# e. era ures_-~~-_.t axi v t_. Y- aU 13 ACC N~ iP6026963 SOURCE CODE: UR/0250/66/010/007/0449/0451 AUTHOR: Sirota, N. N.; Makovetskays, L. A. ! 'ORG:. Institute for Solid State Physics and Semiconductors AN-BSSR I(Ins ti tu-t-fT-zYkf-fiFefd 6-g-ot-el-a-1- -'p--o-l-u-p-r-ov'o-d-n-ik-o-v---A-ICWg-RI VITLE: Heat conductivity of solid solutions of semiconducting compounds of the system indium phop_R~orous-rEpllium arsenic SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklad7, v. 10, no. 7, 1966, 449-451 TOPIC TAGS: ~Reo~k conductivity, phosphorous qompound, indium compound, gallium compound, arsenic compound I -S'0 ks3k V~ "a IN I ABSTRACT: The article reports be results of determination of the beat conductivity of solid solutions\o'f Indium pbospbide and gallium arsenide at a temperature measurements were made on prismatic samples ~itb a length of 20-25 mm and a. cross section of approximately 3 x 4 mm , out from polycrystalline ingo,6s synthesized in a two temperature furnace by the zone meltingl$rocess. The article gives a diagram of the experimental appaidtuis-.- Measurements of the beat conductivity were made with a temperature drop of 6-80C. Calculation pf the beat passing through the sample was made from the power of the -Card__I/-Z--- ACC 11R' AP6026963 ., 1o-3 mm Hg, beating furnace. All measurements were made in a vacuum,,> Based on the experimental data, the article gives curves for the h at conductivity of alloys of the InP--G&As system with different or compositions. The measurements abowed that the beat conductivity of indium phosphide is of the order of 0.67/watt/cm-deg . and that of gallium arsenide 0.41 watts/cm-degree. It was found that with a rise in the concentration of the dissolved substance, the beat conductivity of the solid solution decreases considerably. Experimental results are compared with literature date, and the conclusion is drawn that these alloys are very promising for application in thermoelectric Instruments& However, it is also indicated that with an increase in the degre of randomneass wbiab is characterized by an Increase In the entropyt the mixture, the beat conductivity drops conaiderablye Orige arte bas: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: llg 20/ SUBM DATE: 30M&r66/ ORIG REF-0 0051 OTH REF: 007 ACC NR' AT7W ~1`1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/oOo/oOO/o2o8/o2il AUT1:OR: Sirota, N. N. (Academician , i 14;akovetskaya, L. A. ORG: none TITLE: Width of forbidden band and coefficient of linear expansion of semiconductor i' alloys InP-GaAs SOURCE: Ail ROSR. Inn-titut fizilki tverdogo tela i poluprovodnikov. Khimicheskaya svyaz' v poluprovodnikakh i termodinuiflluL (Chemical bond in semiconductors and thermo-1 dynamics). Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1966, 2o8_21-1 TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, solid solution, indium compound, phosphide, gallium arsenide, forbidden band, thermal expansion ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the variation of the forbidden band at room tem- perature by determining the edge of the optical absorption band, using polished thin plates and a procedure described earlier (DAN BSSR, v. VIII, no. 9, 572, 1964). The plots of the width of the forbidden band and of the lattice constant against the com- position of 'the lrxP-GaAs alloys were similar to those obtained by others for other solid solutions of III - V compounds. The coefficient of linear expansion was mea- sured with a quartz dilatometer in vacuum at temperatures of Z70 - 600K, and the values of the characteristic temperature were calculated from the measured linear- 7 expansion coefficient and the values of the lattice constant. Both the coefficient of linear expansion and the characteristic temperature showed a slight variation with Card 1/2 UDC: 541.57 ACC NR3 AVOO-AM1 the corLposition. This variation,, however, together with the deviations observed in the width of the forbidden band from the additivity law and the deviations of the lattice-constant curve from the Vegard straight line, agree with the proposed in- crease of the energy of the interatomic Interaction in the crystals as compared with the InPn-GaAs compounds. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2DAug66/ ORIG RM. 0091 OTH RW: 005 L Card OSTROUSHKO, YU-I-; HUCHIKHIK, P.I.; AUKSZMA, T.V.; NABOYMCHIKOVA, T.F.; KOVDA, G.A.; SMEOVA, S.A.; AT-Or , H.H.; MAKOVETSKATA, M.A.; PANASKUKOVA, Ye.l., red.; KAZAV, Te.I., (Lithium, its chemistry and processes for the treatment of its ores] Litii, ego khImiia i takhnologiia. Koskva, lzd-vo Glav.uprav. po ispollzovaniiu atomnoi energii pri Sovete Kinistrov SbSR. 1960. 1. 198 P. (HIRA 13:9) (Lithium) ZIFXROV, A.P.; MUOYMSKAYA, M.A.; ZARWOVA, Mel* Ptesent state of lithium technology and its industrial use. Not. i netalloved. chist. met. no. 2:159-171 160. (MIRA 13:12) (LIthium--Metallurgy) - N.0-6=06=w - --------- MAKOVETSKIY Aleksandr F einrnvioh ovetelkyi, O.F.1; PETHOVSKIY, P V.V.,, red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., tekhn. red. (Physical culture for older people) Fizychna kulltura dlia liudel starshoho viku. Kyiv, Derzh.medychne vyd-vo, 1963. 42 P. (MIRA 16:10) (PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TITE AGED) MkXov=KIY~ A- I- ,,A plumb Iine with a Spherical LOad-v" So. r No. lp 1949. . or. Zhur-o mic) ko VE 7-5 Kl~ C . / So:id solutions in the system InP-GaP. N. N. Sirota, V. V. Rozov. investigation of solid solutions of InP-GaAs. N. N. Sirota, L. A. makovetskaya. Physical properties of the system ZnTe-CdTa. N. N. Sirota, V. 0. Yanovich. Physical properties of ternary alloys of the system Zn3As2-Cd3A$2' N. N. Sirota, E. M. Smolyarenko. Semiconducting propirt.ies of manganese-tellu.-ide and selenide. N. N. Sirota, G. 1. Makovetskiy. V VI Produciion of films of semiconducting compounds of the type A a and Al 8V on antimony by reactive diffusion. N. N. Koren', N. N. Sirota. (25 minutes). (Presented by N. N. Sirota). 6- Report presented at the 3rd flational Conference on semiconductor Compourdsj Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 ACCESSION NR: AP4002835 S/0250/63/007/011/0740/0742 AUTHORs HakovetskLy, G. I.; Sirota, N. N, TITLE: Dilatometric analysis of manganese selenide SOU RCE: AN BSSR. Doklady*, v. 7, no. 11, 1963, 740-742 TOPIC TAGS: manganese selenide. dilatometric analysis, stable modification, unstable modification ABSTRACT: The experiments described are part of a series of system- atic investigations of compounds of manganese and elements of group VI which ate being carried out in the laboratory of the Otdel f iziki tverdogo' tela i poluprovodnikov AN BSSR (Department of Solid State Physics andSeml.candudtors, AN BSSR). The immediate purpose of the present work was the investigation of the temperature dependence of the lin(jar expansion coefficient within the 100 to 700K range.' A quartz diiatometer with a (reading accuracy of 0*002(m2a in vacuum was used ih the measurements. The specimens, 25-30 mm long and 5.2 mm in dLam- eter, were obtaLned, by oLntertng HnSe at 800C after the two components had been synthesLze*d in quartz tubes by prolonged heating at 1100C. Card r t I , 4 ACCESSION NR: AR4002835 :The specimens, aqcording to analyses, were single-phase. The results show a considera1zle anomaly of the coefficient at about 140-150K, ~ ~presumably cause4 by antiferromagnetic con,,6erqion. At 260-270K the dilatometric curve contracts appreciably. A aonsiderable temperature hysteresis was ob'served during the cooLing process, accompanied by expansion of the,specimen with cooling between 180 and 160K. X-ray :graphs of lattice modificatia,.n, taken at room,itemperature and at 197K. .show, in the lat'ter case, th-epresence of lines characteristic of non- stable low-temperature modifti-,cation of HnSa, whose specific volume appreciably exceadp that of;high-temperaturelmodification. Thus the anomalies observed in the 250-270K range iannot be ascribed to anti- ferromagnetic convprsLon, but represent a polymorphLe phenomenon. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION*. Ot4l, fiziki tv'erdogo tela ,i p9luprovodnikov AN BSSR (Department of Solid State P'h7sics and Semiconductors, AN BSSR) SUBMITTED: 23Jul63 DATE ACQ: O3Jan64 ENCL: 00 SU3 CODE: PH NO, EF SOVs 003 OTHER: 007 Cold. - 2 / 2 AGcEssiw im: APW40920 5/0250/64/008/005/0289/0291 AUTMORSi Makovetskiyj G. I.; Sirota., N. N. (Academician) TITLE t X-ray study of quasi-binary systems KnSe-4-IrGe SOURCE: V1 B35R. Dolclady*, v. 8, no. 5, 1964~ 289-291 TOPIC 'AW55,. smlid solution, lattice charge, single phase, quasi binary system, oloctrolytic manganese) oxide filinj microhardness,, tellurium, selenium'x ray instrument URS 501, PHT 3 device A331'iLkC'*"z Prc-paZation domains of solid solutions and laws governing lattice chari-os as a "kinction of the statke and single phase domains in quasi-binary systams were nve5tigated by x-irradiation of ~hSe-M06, specimens. Electrolytic managanese w~- used, and its surface was kept clean of oxide films by heating in vacldui'll 7,rice disrilled (99.99 To) To and Se specimens ware prepared by sintertng in macuated ,rials, under careful, mixing. The x-ray instrument was a URS-50I da~ri-o ~Tith - copper radiation with a Geiger-1411ler counter. The experimental results were ' "apicted graphically in terms of lattice constants a(X) and cll) versus --,io1% MrSe-sMuCe. By increasing the To contant the lattice constant gr(rus up _L2 AGCESSION Mi APhOhO920 to a - 5.611t 9 at 30'.1 MnTe. On the other hand, increasing the We content causes a linear drop in both c and a, down to c - 6.552 X, a - L-005 X at MnSe content of 40%, whereas C/a grows to 1.636 in the same interval. Hicrohardness H measure- ments on the PIMT-3 device indicate. a sharp rise in the solid solution hardness g/mm2 at 0 Mae to 223 kg/mm:2 at 30 mo1% VT26,' On the other hand, H rises from 90 k. with MnSe content from 100 kg/mm2 at 0 MnSe to 208 kg/r=2 at 40% M-5e. These results show the presence of a wide range of solid solutions with selenide and ,telluride bases. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki tvardogo tela ipoluprovodnikov AN BSSR (Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors Ali BSSR) suBi-aTTED: l7jan64 ENCLt 00 :SUB CODEs SS ND REF SOVt 002 onaR: oo6 Co'cl, IcAM voi WIN -Aw 2A C) , 7~.4 861 -Ac Ode M/oi 5 lit' AMOR J wf_'o Iherta f ti mt WOO -77 AXiUM qk.TA _V~__ 13~17, oumun ito 16 angahOse 6~iiirit t emf tbiym~i~ yi - - f-, e _--.,eMerazWe.,d_pendemdd~.o :616 alf- ri e Arm ng--th-e---tranottih6al on- occurri ervat.-, ng -cy Tz e -reammei 0. n -ders- "pi-a'acr-, ikfid- ]MI..- o1rig' 9 ore am erz Im amnimok ThO~ 641 -A ortitioli-vai. ksWib4d DAN- vimp &t_, OrAu-t v iii~s ..": It ng --the p- -tio-m- ~X t b#_~ M_~ 0, C U4 NEW 43' ti-A -41 ---.Tristx ut zikcL*--.' rd'o-g' A, roy-odalko- i"T6 --UP an MAKOVETSKIY, G.,O, [14akovetalkyi, H.0.1, robitnik Use of transverse Dlann.InR machines for cuttin pipes. 1,1,ek-h. sill. hosp. 12 v- 9:15 9 16l. IMN 14:11) 1. Maysternya Verkhrlokhortitslkogo rayonnogo viddilennya "Sillgooptekhniki". Zaporizlkoi oblasti. ' (Planning machines) 1, lAyInli 11"SKIY , --I. ,- I L -1. Monuments of' the people's irchitecture of Uv~,er Vol.ra r,-Fion !,,o-kv,?. I~d-vc) Akaderrii -.,tuic SS,;, 1911,71. 1~0; D. MAKOVETSKIT, I. V. Monuments of fold architecture of the Ml~ddle Volga region. Pioskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1954. 133 P. 1. Architecture - Volga Valley. MAKOVETSKIY, I. V. ~ ~ 11 "Ark-hitektura r,-isskrjgc narofincgr. (novye :r.-ateria.L~ -" --*.=s-e--ir-va:,- ..-a). report submitted for *7til Intl Cong, ArithropoLogicEd & ' ' I I Moscow, 3-10 Aug "D4. BUZANOV. I.F., akadamik; MAKSIHOVrOH, A.Ye., kand. sal's1gokhozyaystvennykh nauk; HAKOVETSKIY, K.A. Using sodium tricbloroacetata *nd iSODropyl eblorophenyl carbamate In the control of monocotyledonous weeds on sugar beet fie24s. DoL-1. Akad. sel'kboz. 23 no. 6:6-9 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Ysesoyuznyy na"bno-iseledovatellakiy institut sakharnoy evskly. (Sodium &estate) (Carbanic acid) (Veed control) REIRUSFEL!]D, V.O.; MAKOVETSKIY, K.L - YF.ROKRINk, L.L. Cyclic trimerizatian of acetylenes. Zbur.ob.khim. 32 no.2:653 F 162. (14MA 1512) 1. L-eningradskiy takhnologicheskiy institut imeni, Lensoveta. (Acetylene) MAKOP-',"!3KIY,-K, L.; REYKHSFUJ, V. G.; Y~.?,OKHINA, L.L. Si.T.LL'Itaneous cyclic T-rLmeerization of bitylace-tyene '4i h phenylacetylene. Drur. ob. KhLT. 34 no.6:1.968-1~~70 15 '04. (114 1.14 17:9) 1. erkinfrudAiy teVnno-'ogir!ieskLy in.9titut imeni L.F!n5ove~a. MAKMTSKIY, K.L.; LEYN, B.I.; RFYKHSFFL'd.. V.0. --1--1-,-, Cyclic trimerization of tert-butylacetylene. Zh-ur. ob. irmim. 34 no.10:3505-3506 0 164. (MIRA 17-11) 1. LA3ningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta. ta L 10782--066 -17 UR/0080/6 -38 11/251OP594.'' Team' SIT" 6*dusti7,Adti,()ii,-;~bf.-~--th---, th iivltgitldiii3l,., I Utif, t.-,of t the. 9;4 ~Card REYX,HSFELID, V. 0.; MAKCVFTSKIY, K. L. Mechanism of the cyclic trimerization of acetylenes on complex organometallic catalysts. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:414-417 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Leningradksiy tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Lensoveta. Predstavleno akademikom A. A. Grinbergom. BUTOMOP S.V.; REYKHSFELtDv V.O.; MAKOVETSKIY, K.L. Synthesis of trimethylbenzenes for the measurement of natural radiocarbon by the scintillation method. Radiokhimiia 7 no.3:364-366 165. (~ff RA 18 17) POZIN, Maks Yefimovich. Prinimali uchastiye: ARMIYEVA, L Z.; KAGANOVICH, Yu.Ya.; KLEBANOV, G.S.; KLEVKE, V.A.; KOPYIEV, B.A.; SOKOIDVSKIY, A.A.;,,MAKOVETSKIY, L.A., red.; GRIVA, Z.I., red.; ERI-I , Ye.Ya., tekhn. r'E~f. (Technoloa of mineral salts; fertilizers, pesticides, industrial salts, oxides and acids) Tekhnologiia mineraltrqkh solei; udobrenii, peatitsidov,, pronyshlenrqkh solei, okislov i kislot. 2., izd. pdrer. i dop. pri uchastii: L.Z.Arsentevoi i dr. Leningrad, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry, 1961. 1008 p. (MIRP 14:10) (Fertilizers and manures) (Salts) VIJLIKHP A.I.; STATSENKO, A.A.; MAKOVFTSKIY, M.I.; ICLISKIY, S.A. Chemical method for the preparation of welding fluxes. Prom.khim. reak. i osobo chist.vashch. no.2:18-22 163. (~ffRA 17:2) VULIKH, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; STATSENKO, A.A., inzh.; MAKOVETSKIY, M.I., inzh.; MILISKIY, S.A., inzh. Now technology for the production of fluxes for solderi and welding. Svar. proizv. no.9t24-26 S 163. IMIRA 161lO) 1. Novosibirskiy zavod khimicheskikh reaktivov. 98 777 NAUMOVA, S.F.;-VAKO%IETSKIY, M.I.; YFROFEYEV, B.V. Sul-foacid cation exchanger based on 1,3-polycyclohexadiene. Dokl. AN BSSR 8 no. 3:161-164 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut fiziko-organicheskoy khim-4i AN BSSR. YEROFEYLI~`, :%.V. Eraf-~eu, B.7.1; S.. J; TSKIY, Study of ti-e ther:.-.a I stzb s a exchange Ve s t s i :ktl e 1- 4C Z tekh n a Ir . no .4 : 4~~-52) IF:3i :6 ,(.-~4-00 A057/Ai~6 AUThOR3: Tishchenko, T.O., '.Ia?ovetskiy,. N. TITT13 - -1he reaction of peracetic acid with isomeric mesi-~yl- oxide SOURCE: Yerofeyev, B.V. and I.G. Tishchenko, eds. Zhidkofaznoye oki:3.enlye nepredel'nykh organicheskikh soyedine-dy, Minsk, 196!, 113 - 11-7 .EXT: The reaction between mesityl oxide and peracetic acid was investi- gated by the present authors in an earlier work. Kinetics of the oxidation of mesityl oxide were studied by 1.V. Khvostov. It is known, however, that mesity! oxide usually contains isomesityl oxide, which differs from the normial compound in the position of the double bond. The effect of peracetic acid, oxidizin.g more easily the isolated double bond, on isomesityl oxide was therefore of partic- ular interest. The separation of the isomesityl oxide was effected in the present investigation by fractional distillation, and the obtained p;oduct ~'boiilng at 121-12'.5oc/76o mm, nP = 1.4210) digested in absolute alcohol with peracetic acid at 23-240C for about +8 h. From the reaction proauct there was obtained the new,~'-keto oxide me sityl-4 -me thy 1-4, 5-e poxypentanon -2 with 52.5% yield, with the Card 1/2 The reaction of peracetic ..... A057/A126 characteristics: boiling point 71-72OC/24 mm, n i.42-2, ~4 1.0056, rather soluble in water, well soluble in organic solvents, and -,table in atomospheric air. Infrared absorption spectra of 4-methyl-4-pentene-2-o:i ind its product mesi tyl -4 -nx, thy! -it, ~-e poxypentanon-2 were taken on an" 'TKs- ,4' - ~ ) spe c Lrophotome te r in *.i,,e range 300 - 1 , WO cm- 1 and the ,.-.a z ima ' T~ 3" (carbonyl group) were observed M both substances, while tl-e absorption band 1647 cm-1 (of the isolated double bond) and 11,610 cm-1- (the double bond --on.'u- with the carbony'l group), which were observed in the isomesity! oxide, disappeared in the spectrum of the "- -keto oxide . Instead, the maximum 860 cm-1, apparently characteristic of the isolated epoxide cycle, was obserled in the spectrum of the f) -keto oxide. There are 2 figures. X, Card 2/2