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I ., -1-1,,:- 'm MAKOGONY Ya,Ye.1 master-sadovod; VOLCHENKO, V.V. Letters to the editor. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.3ti 13 '64. (KrRA 17:4) 1. Yasinovatskaya distantsiya zaahchitnykh lesonaeazhdeniy Donetskoy theleznoy dorogi (for Makogon). A w MAKOGOvp YU.F.- VOYTSITSKIY, V.P.; rZTUKHOV, Ye.I. Temperature schedule for the operation of gas-wel-I head setup and gas field pipelines. Gaz. prom. 6 no.12:7-13 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Gas wells-Equipmant and supplies) MAKOGON..Yu.. F. Preventing the formation of hydrates in the ezploitation of the Shch*Uovo underground storage. Gaz. delo no. 11:24-3o 163. .. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moskovakiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zzlemeni institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni akademika I. M. Gubkina. TREBIN, F.A.,-,;.-14A.KOGO.NYu,.Fo Certain results of laboratory irvv~-stigations of hydrate formation. Trudy 14INKHiGP no./+2;196-20'i 'u3. (MIRA 17:3) l,aKOGON, YusF. T Moisture content of natural gases. -.1rudy M-l!EHllGF no.42:228-245 a '63. Unit for investigating the formation and disintegration of hydro- carbon-gas hydrates. Ibid.s.246-255 (MIRA 170) MAKOGO!I, Yu. F. _ Equipping gas fields- Trudy IfIlrKHiG? no.48:219-227 164. M EU, 18:3) IMAXOGA. Yu&To. of hydrates if-' a gaw-baur-ing bed urder thd corditions Of rmf~-ost, Ga.2,..prcm. .10 no*5s24-15 '65- (MIRA 18:6) MIMIRGVj Zellq ~MX=lp W- *,p luMdo talfto nn7jk Ustla cakim ch2wldo fcw pmanting bVmtis fmMatima Mae tokh6-bokon* leamo Goo@ nowN-loolf Imto n=aho I takh" Inferno 28 noi,200--lo V 165.p (IJVA 28o12) MAKOGONCHTTICA_ P. A. (Veterina ian) Treatment of wounds with streptostaplaylococcal bacteriophage. SO: TABCON Veterinariya; 4-5; Aprillmay 1945, Unclassified. k GORBOVSKAYA, T. G.; CHMMINSKAYA, X. S.; KAXOGONCHUX, P. A. Preliminary data on the combined antibiotic therapy of chronic gonorrhea in girls with combination of antibiotics. Vest. von. i derm. no.5:43-46 S-0 155 (MLRA 9:1) 1. Iz Kiyevskogo nauchno-iseledovatellakogo kozhno-venerologicheakogo instututa (dir. G. Ye Koryalcin. nauchrqyTukovoditelf-prof. K. A. Karyshava) i Kiyovskogo gorodskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo dispausera (sav. A.S. Ivanov) (GOROMUM, in infant and child ther, antibiotics combination in girls) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use gonorrhea in girls, combination ther) GORBOVSKAYA, T.Q.; XAZOOONCHUK. P.A.; POIRORATSKIY. V.G. Characteristics of bacterial flora in postgonorrheal diseases of urogenital organs in men. Vest.ven. I derm. 30 no.2:35-37 Mr-Ap 156. (KIBA 9:7) 1. Is bakteriologicheakoy laborstorti (Xav.-kandidat meditainakikh nauk T.G.Gorbovskaya) Kiyevskogo naueno-iseledovatellskogo dermato- venerologichaskogo institute, (dir. G.R.Koryakin) I gonorroynogo otdole Klyevskogo ogoradekogo vendispansere (glavnyy vrach A.S. Ivanov) (DROGENITAL SYSTEM, die. postgonorrheal in men, bacterial flora in) (G(WORRHIA postgonorrheal die. of urogenital system in man bacterial flora in) USSR/General. Problems of Fatholo6y. Immunity. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 8, 19581 3703- Author Gorbovskaya, T.G., t4akogonchuk, P.A. Inst ( Title To the Problem of the-To =eor-Vre--N9rreus- System in the Formation of Antigenceoceic '"onplenent Fixation Materials in Rabbits. Orig Pub: v. sb- Sovrem. vopr. derratol. Kiev Gosmedizdat. USSR. 1957, 43-46. Abstract: Fivefold iu:lunization with gonovaccine of rabbits kept intermittently under the effect of urethane-veronal sleep, produced a higher conplement titer (CT; 1:1200 - 1:1500, in controls 1:200 - 1:800). Following a single irxmization during uninterrupted sleep for 72 hours, antibody formation did not take place. Following stimula- Card 1/2 142 1. MAKOGOIWKO. G. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Radishchev, Aleksaadr Nikelaevich, 1749-1802 7. A. N. Radishchov and Rassian social thought of the 18th century. Vest. AN SSSR 22 NO-9, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 11144,4Z MAKOGONENKO, Georgiy Panteleymonovich MAKOGONEI-10, Georgiy Panteleymonovich - Academic degree of Doctor of Phi-Iolo- ical Sciences, based on his defense, 31 g etober 1955, in the Council of the Leningrad Order of Lenis State U imeni Zhdanov, of his dissertation entitled: "Rhdishchev and his time." For the Academic Degree of Doctor of Sciences SO: Byulleten' Ministerstva Vyshego Obrazovaniya SSSR, List No. 2, 21 January 1956, Decisions of the Higher Certification Commission concerning academic degrees and titles. p7 130-8-10/20 -AUTHOR: Klyucherov, A.P. and Makogonov, L.V., Engineers. TITIZ: Improved open-hearth Furnace in(i~_(V`so`vershenstvovannyye I gd1qvk1 martenovskikh pechey) P34.0DIOAL: Netallurg, 1957, No.8, pp. 26 27 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The~authors describe a design of open-hearth furnace and adopted at the gfzhniy Tagil' Metallurgical Combine in 1954 for 140-ton furnaces fired with mixed (coke-oven and blast furnace) gas. oThere are three air ports, two of them arched inclined at 11 to the bath surface and situated on either side of and on the same level as the gas port, and the third above the gas port. Two 1 1/4-inch diameter tubes were provided on vither side of the port for compressed-air injection, and the authors discuss briefly compresaod-air injection practice at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine (KMK) (through a slot under the gas port). The Kuznetsk method was less effective than that of injecting the compressed air at the sides of the port, and the latter practice was extended to Ninturi furnaces (leading to a 9.5% increase in production per urit working time, compared with one of 11.5% for arch ends). Ine authors present compwative data on the operation of 140-t-in furnaces with various types of head with comprtiaoeu_ air injection and also Card 1/2 for a Venturi-end furnace without the injection. The data KLSHUITSKIY. L.A.; KMIYANOV. N.F.; MAKOGONOV, V.A.Z PARBIWI, I.E.. redaktor: POLOSINA, A.S.. tekha CrOWWII~?M'Vtor r [Instructions for plaaning, accounting and calculating the cost of oil and gas production.3 Instruktaiia po planirovaniiu. uchetu i kallkulirovaniiu sebestoimosti dobycll nefti i gaza. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi t gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 123 P. (KIBA 9:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Miniaterstvo aeftyanoy pronyahlen- nosti. (Petroleum industry) (Gas, Natural) IvMCGMCV, V. Ye.: Master Phys-~Z'Qa Sci (,!so) -- '7-rny Investigat~on i-.1' thp, fatigue break6own of large-twain metuals". Frumn, 11 p-p (Min Hir.-Jinic. Ed-uc, Kirgiz State U), 200 copleB (KL, 11c, 6), 19~'), 124) 21025 1~-1550 )LIPJ, Mt,;.0 ID35- 8/0 58/6 1/000/tO 5/10 335/b 50 116-16-10 1 A001/A101 AUTHOR-. Makogonov, V.Ye.- TITLE: Growing of single crystals of metals by the rearystallization method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 5, 1961, 289, abstract 5E4o4 ("Tr. Frzheval'skogo ped. In-ta!', 1957 (1958), no 5, 15 - 18) TEXT: The author describes designs of installations for the recrystalliza- tion annealing of Al, Cu and Fe specimens with the crystalline degree of deforma- tion. He gives information on the procedures of deformation and annealing for growing large (several cm3) crystals. [Abstracter's noe: ComDlete translation.] Card 1/1 sov/58-59-8-17942 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 135 (USSR) AUTHORS: MakogonT~, Terminasov, Yu.S. TITLE: An X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Metals Possessing Crystals of Dissimilar Sizes PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. inzh.-ekon. in-ta, 1958, Nr 23, pp 46-67 ABSTRACT: Al, Cu and commercial Fe with crystals of dissimilar sizes were studied by means of the Laue and reverse-exposure method. The samples were subjected to a bending o alternate sign. The samples of Al had crystals ranging in size from 10-'~ to 5 em and were subjected to the fatigue test at amplitudes of 1, 3 and 10 mm. In fine-crystalline samples at all test amplitudes distortions of the second type (crushing of the crystalline blocks and of crystallite deformations), which would have been manifested in the line width, did not arise during cyclical loading. For a crystal size of 10-2 cm a crushing of the crystalline blocks is observed, and their incidental disorientation can be discovered on the Laue diffraction patterns; however, orystallite deformations do not arise. For samples Card 1/2 having crystalline grAins of a size ranging from 1 mm to greater dimensions, SOV/58-59-8-17942 An X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Metals Possessing Crystals of Dissimilar Sizes crushing occurs without the development of crystallite deformations; furthermore, the greatest crushing takes place at the crystal boundaries. The above-mentioned pro- cess of deformation of the crystalline structure of Al ()crushing of the blocks) reduces the sample to a condition of "friability", which is the cause of the metal's loss of endurance after the passage of a certain nil ber of cycles. Unlike Al, few crystallite deformations arise in red Cu during the first period of cyclical loading. In other respects the process of the development of the fragmentation of crystalline blocks is analogous to the corresponding process occuring in the Al samples, with only this difference that a greater amount of crushing of the crystalline blocks, observable only in the pre-fracture period itself, takes place at the site of the sample's fatigue fracture. The samples of commercial Fe, subjected to cyclical loading, disintegrate in a manner analogous to that of the copper samples, and in the first test period small crystalline deformations arise in them. The development of crystalline deformations in the structure of metals is connected with the physical nature of the materials under investigation and can not serve as a structural indication of metal fatigue. The author's conclusions Card 2/2 XP 9.~ 00 68873 /Y. Y.2 0 0 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 9091/E191 AUTHORS: Buyko, V,,M*? Xakogonov, V.Ye.. Terminasov, Yu.S., and Toropov, A.M. 10 TITLE: X-ray StudyNof the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Bon-Ferrous Materials and Alloys Z-Mono- and Poly- Crystalline Specimens) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, PP 93-101 (USSR) (+ 1 plate) ABSTRAG2: The aim of this work is the elucidation of the following problems; 1) the reason for the broadening of interference lines in X-ray photographs of metals subjected to cyclic deformationi 2) whether the change in intensity of the X-ray lines can be used as a criterion for fatigue; 3) how does the fatigue process proceed in specimens of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys of different crystal sizes up to monocrystals, and 1+) whether low temperature brings about changes in the structure of metals subjected to fatigue. The authors have submitted the following metals and alloys to fatigue Card tests: commercially pure iron (Armco iron), cuprite, 1/6 aluminium, and brass. Brass specimens were tested first.,.., These were cylindrical in shape. Various crystal sizes 1r 68873 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 H09l/Hl91 X-ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys (Mono- and Poly-Crystalline Specimens) were attained in these specimens by means of heat treatment. The latter were tested in a fatigue testing machine of the NU type at room temperature. One part of the specimens was tested in the annealed condition7 the other part in a worked condition (work hardening was due to turning in a lathe). All tested specimens were subjected to deformation by bending to a definite degree at definite loads for different numbers of cycles. The second group of specimens was made from sheet material. The specimens were in the form of a uniform resistance beam or rectangular plate (Fig 1). One part of the specimens had a fine-grained structure (normal poly- crystal-line specimens), the other part was submitted to preliminary working and subsequent recrystallisation which enabled crystals of different dimensions, from 1o-3 mm to several cms, to be grown. For fatigue testing the authors Card built an apparatus in which specimens could be bent 2/ 6 symmetrically. Its construction was based on the principle of constant deformation (Fig 2). In this 68873 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 9091/3191 X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys (Mono- and Poly-Crystalline Specimens) machine the specimens were tested at amplitudes of 1, 3, and 10 mm, Testing of all the above specimens was carried out at normal temperatures as well as at liquid nitrogen temperature. The specimens were X-rayed by the back reflection method as well as by the Laue method. The significant portion of the polycrystalline specimens was X-rayed in an ionisation apparatus of the URS-50I type. Specimens submitted to testing at liquid nitrogen temperature were subsequently X-rayed at normal temperature. In order to be able to predetermine the place of fatigue fracture of these specimens during testing, their middle portion had a different diameter from those portions of the specimen which were close to the grips of the machine. By means of heat treatment the following cvstal sizes were attained in brass specimens: 10- mm, lo-3 and 10-2 mm (vacuum annealed Card specimens). X-ray investigations of these specimens were 3/6 carried out by the ionisation method. The investigation of finely crystalline specimens (with crystal sizes of 68873 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 9091/E191 X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys (Mono- and Poly-Crystalline Specimens) 10- 4 mm) led to the following results. In the testing of these specimens at cyclic stresses of 11+1 18 and 22 kg/mm2) and different numbers of cycles, no secondary effects (broadening of interference lines) were observed. X-ray investigation of specimens of the second group (with crystal sizes of 10-3 mm), tested at the same cyclic stresses, exhibited a broadening of interference lines within limits of up to 1 million cycles (Fig 3). The third group of specimens (with crystal sizes of 10-2 mm), tested under the same cycle stresses, exhibited a broadening of interference lines within the limits of testing up to 3 million cycles. The maximum broadening of the lines was 20% as compared with the initial width of a non-deformed specimen (Fig 4). Figs 5 and 6 show the dependence of the intensity of the (5'11) line on the number of cycles at a cycle stress of 22 kg/MM2 for Card crystals of 10-2 and 10-4 cm) respectively. Fig 7 shows 4/6 the distribution of points in the specimen which were X-rayed. Fig 8 shows a Laue-graph of Al before, and 68873 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 9091/3191 X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys (Mono- and Poly-Crystalline Specimens) Fig 9 after, fracture. Fig 10 is a Laue-gram for Armco iron. The physical mechanism of fracture of coarsely crystalline metals is the same for all the different metals investigated in this work. Specimens of the metals investigated, which were submitted to fatigue tests at liquid nitrogen temperature and then X-rayed at normal temperature, exhibited stronger distortions in their crystal structure. A comparison of the results of the investigation of fine grained metals with that of coarse grained ones, which essentially represent monocrystals, shows that the development of secondary effects (fragmentation of crystal blocks and crystal distortions) depends on the initial condition of the metal and is not a structural characteristic of fatigue. The change in line intensityt reflecting the development of tertiary distortions, signals the approach of fracture of the Card specimen, but for the time being it cannot be used as a 5/6 universal criterion for fatigue, and further work in this direction is required. However, there is no doubt that ~/ 68873 S/139/59/000/05/016/026 B091/El9l X-Ray Study of the Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials and Alloys (Mono- and Poly-Crysta:lline Specimens) the "disintegrations" in the metal structure appearing in fatigue testing are associated with dislocations which in their turn cause the development of tertiary distortions which, in a definite measure, are responsible for fracture. Card There are 11 figures and 5 references, of which 1+ are 6/6 Soviet and 1 is English. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy inzhonerno-ekonomicheskiy institut (Leningrad Engineering-Economics Institute) I SUBM-TLTED: February 13, 1959 I A 1485 USM/Madicine - Conjunctivitin .Jun 1947 Medicine - Therapeutics "Acute Larval Conjunctivitio," M. S. Makokha, 1 p "Voyenno Med zhur" No 6 Brief discussion of emergency and regular treatment of patients with the "Oriental" blister. 14T85 MAKOKHA, N. S. -- "Shock-Absorbing-Extension Method of Treating Fractures of the Hip." Sub 15 Jan 52, Central Ins'. for the Advanced Trainiag of Physicians. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Medical Sciences.) SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 MAKOKHA. B.S.. kandidat meditainakfth nauk; BRMNAM, R.Sh. Case of stranollated embryonal hernia. Akash. i gin. no.3:80 MY-Je 154. (MIRA 7:8) 1. Is gospitallnoy khirurgiehookoy klinikl (saw. prof. A.N.Mangvm) Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (MENIAO *umbilical cord) (UNBILICAL CMD, diseases, Ohernia) (IVAST, NMMN, diseases, *hernia of umbilical cord) WAX0-7TU' 1-1.51 Law sethod of the treatment of fractures of the femmr with skeletal traction and with simmItaneous walking. Khlrurgiia no.41.57-59 Ap 154. (NMA 7:6) 1. Is kafedry fakulltstakoy khirurgli (sav. prof. Ye.R. TSItritakiy) Chernovitskogo maditsinskoo Instituta (dir. dotsent N.B.Yanlkovskly) (HIP. fractures. Other., traction with sinmltaneous walking) (MGTUFM, *hip, ther., traction with vivaltansous wa]Jdjzg) WOKHAO N s----GUDKOV. V.I. I- -------=~~ I Case of late secondary hemorrhage in a patient with rupture of the kidney. Urologiia 25 no.6;49-50 '59. (MIRA 13:12) (KIDNEYS-RUPTUM) (RDIATURIA) MAKOKRA, N.S.; KOTFJZVSKIY, S.S. Torsion of the gall bladder. Khirurgiia 36 no./*:55-59 Ap 160. ON IRA 13 : 12 ) (GAIL BIADDEP,-ABNORKITIES AND DEFOR41TIES) MAKOXHAS H. S., dotsent; ZINOVIYEV, A. S., kand. med. nauk Case of papillary cystadenoms. of the pancreas Khirurgila 37 no.7:140-142 $1 161. iMIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Cbmkoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach K. I. Shekhurdina) (PANCREAS-TUMORS) MAICWP II.S., dotsent (Owk) Case of acrute hydatid cholaMtitis. Klinmedo 39 no.22139-10 F 161* (MM 140) 1., Iz Onskoy obLIaBtnoy klinicheskoy bollbitay (glavnyy vrach K.I. Shokhurdina). (GALL BLADDM-HYDATIDS) MAK01ULA N.S. dotsent Problem of the diagnosis and radical surgical treatment Of pancreatuduodenal cancer. Khirurgiia no.8:77-M Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. N.A. Telkov) Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Nauchnyy konsul'tant - deystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Savitskiy. (PANCREAS-CARCER) (DUODENUM-GAZiGER) 14AKOKUP N.S., doteent Tuberculoma of the head of the pancreas. Khirurgiia 39 no.10:121-123 0 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz Omskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR K.I. Shokhurdina) i Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta. WOKHA, N.S.,.Ootsent . ~ Combined anomaly of the annular head of the pancree.B and cancer of the duodenal papilla. Khirurgiia 40 no.3:39-42 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Klinika gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav.- dotsent N.S. Makokha) Omskogo medit'sinskogo instituta i Dorozhnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.2 (nachallnik S.F. Mellnik). MAKOKHA, N.S., doktor mad. nauk Pathogenesis of acute vascular dystonia during surgery for pancreatoduodenal carcer. Khirurgiia, 41 no-4:64-70 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - doktor mad. nauk N.S. Makokha) Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Kalinina. P-3 Dt. --lina MOKINA, S.M.; KHOWDOV. Tu.A. Conditioned Inhibition and conditioned disinhibition in chimpanzees, sphynx baboona, and dogs. Zhur.vys.ner7.deiat. 9 no.4:555-560 JTI-Ag 159. (MIRA U-.U) 1. Kafedra fiziologii vveshey nervnoy deyatellnosti Mookovskogo gosudarst-vennoge univeralteta. (P CONDIT IOMM) MJkKOKINA, S.M. Effect of aminazine on the activity of the higher sections of the central nervous system in white rats. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. patofiziol. no.9:123-133 161. (MIRA 15:4) (CHLORBROMAZINE) (CONDITIONED RESPC29) MOKINA, - -- - Effect of repeated administration of aminazine on the activity of the higher sections of the central nervous syster. of uhite rats in diphtherial intoxication. Trudy Inst. rys. nerv. deiat. Ser. patofiziol. no. - :134,21+3 161. (MIPA 15:4) ( G I ELORF ROYA Z I TIE') (CONDITIMM PJ75POJSE) (DIPHTHERIA) MAKOKINA, S.M. Effect of aminazine on the interaction of alimentary and defensive conditioned reflexes. Trudy 1-go 1-241 26:2F5-292 r, 63. (MIRA 17:2) MATOU, Irkrian &iployment of Pbl-ish workers in Vne Czschoslovak SocialiBt Republic. Praca zabezp spol 6 no-4932-36 ApI64 Y~ M5 Clylay) mi;L -ski S. A1109"e"aftw -YefffleA T i!4k[ A-, Nt4#~qA __J., Mako-g% Yerryly manganowo-cynkowV. Prze" Tb1ekonVA%ffcwYJftY- NO- 1958, pp. 231-239. 19 figs., 3 tabs. This paper Indicates how advisaMe it 13 to use Ntn-Zn fen-ites havIM a JhWh perineability over the freqtmmy ranM of up to I COEO- cycle. Present views are discussed concerning the crPstalllne structure of the farrites under discussion, the oxidation and reduotion proms, and the effect of this process on the magnetic permeability, Informatim 4ingredletris) aid the Size ix included concerning the effect of additions of crystah upon the Magnetic propertim, together with a cam*kOa of the prepertles of a few Items now being produced In Poland and ,.BPAGINSKI, Alokpander, mgr.ins.; XULIKOWSKI, Jadek, mgr nauk ~echn., mgr .~t lLz'.-,-'%XOLAGWA,-Stefan, inz. , Temperature coefficients of the permeability of Mn-Zn ferrites. Prace Inot teletechn 3 no.ls3-/+O 459. 1. Zaklad Materialow Magnetyeanych, Biuro Badawcze, Iribtytut Telei Radlotechnicany, Warozawa. MAKOIAGWAs S. - Wfect, of potaissim ions on final properties of Kn-Zn ferrite. In English. Bul Ac Pol tech 8 no.9:543-545 .160. (MW 1087) 1. Research Laboratory For Magnetic Materials wPolferm, Warsaw. Presented by J. Groszkowski. (Manganese zinc ferrates) (Potas'aiun) (Ions) 41005 3/058/62/000/009/028/069 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Ciastofi, Wladyslaw, Kulikovski, Jacek, Makolagwa; Stefan TITLE: Mn-Mg-Zn ferrites with almost rectangular hysteresis loop and low coercive force H. PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Fi7.ika, no. 9, 1962, 40, abstract 9E285 ("Prace zaki. apar. mat-. PAN", 1961, v. B, no. 8, 9 s., ill., Polish) TM: The authors investigated ferrites of the Mn-Zn-Fe-0 system described by general f ormula MnzZnyFex04+ r, where 1. 2 --e-' x 4. 2. 0 and 0 -_:~ y 0.9 a~nd H. of about 0.3 oersted. They can therefore be used as cores in computer storage systems. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 AUTHORS: TITLE: Ciastofi, W., Kulinowski, J., Makolagwa, S. 41079 S/058/62/ooo/oo8/o91/134 A062IA101 Mn-Mg-Cd ferrites having rectangular hysteresis loops PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 19~2, 36, abstract 8E262 ("Prace zak-k. apar. mat-PAN", 1961, B, no. 9, 8s., i1., Polish; summary in English) TEXT: An investigation was made of the magnetic properties of the Mn-Mg- Cd-Fe-0 system which may be described by the general formula M2CdyFex04+t, 1.4 .4- x :!~;2.2; 0 -,-y ~~ 0,9. These ferrites are ranged in the class of magnetical- ly 4oft materials. The addition therein of a certain quant1ty of MgO converts them into materials with rectangular hysteresis loops. Likewise the coercive force and the hysteresis loop shape of the (MgO)x(Mno.6C;do.4Fe2O4)1-0.5x system, wherein 0 4 x 0.9. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 04/(j()' 01/0 2/05 -1242 'YOM Oik .0 0'- 419 19 b1i c'T rta. -~.00,9 .1 1 1~0 o -L, r 100,9 01,0 1 ve-re 'b1 5-r- 0~,, O-qe& st -r9 0~ el te 0 sjull-If M C L'~ -9 1.009 OS4. loy o-f x . -at ?01 tAc5 b -5,9 'Pea OT tl -tell" of Zct PCs 0. a st a, t-~.c OT 0~.e IL V~ r 0-,-*' 1 Ts ,e 90T Cal 11 - SN)S 'at I co~ Cr~.stI- - cl, r/053/62/000/007/004/004 1010/1242 Pronerties of some Polisii ferrit~s... , I for ti-e i.,ia;:J-,z-a squareness factor S are different. ..,idth &nd the Hm ~.A No material with Hc'tz,- 1.5 - 2,0 oersteds was found. Dynamically, 'Uhc- R-2 has a very Iow H waich a-5- reach*es its maxirlurfi. Its -a opt ~" drawback consists of a lon6 -r (3 psec).UZ The R-3 has 'Y = 1.5 pscc but, its Hm op~ is 3 tui.aes highcr . The R-1 has intermediate proper- ties so that it is uoeful both for meniory and switchinj circuits. ThIc mcasurtments provcd that the R-2 may be used in automatics, tele- tcchnical systems, ferr&ctor systtus of di6ital~ machints etc. and R-3 mainly in matrix coinciL'ance memories. The shortest Erwitching tLnt obtaint:d wit.'a 'qIle 11-3 cores is stuill too long for application in fast computers. Faster elcncnts are being developed. Thera are 12 figuras and 1 tablc 4.1-atIAL, V, Assur,wrioN., Z-A4~,L RP 7 /14 jwrlt dj1#2YdA. D ic P "A tal e-4 I I' c/ III Card 2/2' Li6 79 P/053/62/000/009/002/003 D27L/D308 i`2;*C~R'S: Cioston, .,Xa('ysXxi, Kulikowski, Jacel- and Makolqgwa, iTL" squarc Loop ferritcs with low i1c no. 9, 1962, 5L6-549. ="C'2: The (Icvrlo 'wient of square loop ferrites -aith low coercive forc(, is re.)ortcc'.. In tlic te-i-i)erature raage of 1280c) 13600C tlic qmp1c.,; were ,*,i-,itcre(" in air, at higher temperatures in onr,,(--ii iii orr'ler to rr!duction to Fe24 The samples were water quencrted Eor c1ticnical zi-aalysis, and cooled in vacuun, or ar-,;on j'a1:erW&- for elcetrical tosts. The 1-.n-Zn ferrite wa3 taI~en as t'ac )asis oj- devc1optic-at, 'iM. 3quarcuess ratio and coercive fo-j~ce c '-,iractcr-T-sticr, arc 7or a ra..,.,c of compositions corresponding to the formula 1" T1YZ1"','!C3-(:-+y)O4�'T; x was varied in ex-periments- be- t,dccii 0 and 0.4, Vc cOnt-at - betimen 35 and 50510 mol, with cor-res- on(I-ing variations i-a '""-i contcut. On the basis of the above .)rclim- inary work., the composition of 50'j-0 Fe, 20% Zn and 30'76 11n was chosen Card 1/2 P/035/62/000/069/002/003 square look.) furritcr; D271/D303 a3 tlic~ starti-,v- poiat. 1-1-0 a-'(Icd to it in v,xyln- )I-o-portioi-L3, at t,IC )ru )Ortional A,-12_nlnl~ COTA,)OnCntr,- The infiuclftcc of '.,g(D is rn in Of the squarcncss ratio an(-'. cocr, civo ~--Orcc, i-L, t~,(- 0 Al, k - .6 in thc fomula (I'r"O)