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MAKSIMOVA, T.S. Somiroly fastening wooden heals to shoes. Iag. prom. 18 no.l.-314--35 A 158. (Shoe industry) (MIRA 11:2) GORLUKO, M.V.; VOROUKEVICH, IS.; MMINOVA. T.S. ~- -- Relation of the onion fly and onion bulb fly to bacteria causing soft rot in plants. Zool.zhur. 35 no.1:16-20 Ja 156. (KLRA 9:5) 1. Moskovskava atantsiya zaghchity rasteniy. (Files) (Insects as carriers of plant diseases) GAUZE. G.F.; IMOVA. T.S., POP07A, O.L.; BR&ZHNIKOVA, M.G.; USMSEkTA. T.A.; ROSSMI140, 0. K. Hutomycin, a new antibiotic produced by Actinotayces atroolivaceus. Antibiotiki 4 no-3:20-23 MY-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Inatitut po izy9kaniyu novylch antiblotikov AJOI SSSR- (ANTIBTOTICS, mutmWcin, prod. by ActinaWcea atroolivaceus & phar"acol. (Rua)) PREOBRAZHENSKAYA, T.P.; KUDRINA, Ye.S.; SVESHNIKOVA, M.A.; MAYLSIW7A, T.S. Electron microscopy of spores in the systematics of actinomycetes. 14ikrobiologlia 28 no.4:623-627 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AMN. (ACTINOMYCES) (MICROSCOPY EMCTRON) FFSOBRAJENSKAIA2 T.P. [Preo&azhen-qkaya, T.P.]5 KLIDRINA, K.S. [Kud-rina, Ye'S'b SVFZNlliCVA, M-A- (SveShnikova, M.A.]; MAMIMGVA, T,S. Use Of el8ctronic microacr;py of spares in the of actinomyces. Analele biol 14 no.1:167-172 Ja.-14r 160. PBMRUMqrATA, T-P-; KMIM, TO.S.; MKSIMDVA, T.S.; SVXSHNIKOVA, K.A.i, BOTARSIATA, R.V. Electron-micrOBCOPiC study of spores in various actinmmycete qPecles. Mikrobiologlia 29 no-1:5U55 Ja-7 160. (KIM 13 :5) 1. Ingtitut po izyskanlyu novykh autibiotikov ANN SSM, (ACT MMTGAS) (NICROSCOPT MCTROIF) PREOBRAZHENSKAYA, T.P.; KUDRINA, Ye.S.; SVESENIKOVA, M.A.; MAKSDILOVA, T.S. On diagnostic significance of varioys characters in classifying representatives of the genus Actinomyces (Streptomyces). Mikro- biologiia 29 no.3:455-462 ltr6-Je 160, (KUiA 13:7) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov ANN SSSR. (ACTOOMYCES) SVESIIIIIKOVA# M.Asp- KUDIIIIIAq Ye.S.; AAKSIMOVA, T.S.; PREODRAZHENSKAYA, T.P. Stability of physiological characters and t.%eir significance for the systematics of actinomycetes. DUkrobiologiia 29 no. 4:611-616 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut po izyskainyu novykh antibiotikovp AMN SSSR. (AOTIN014YCES) (BACTERIOWGY--CLASSIFICATION) MAKSIMOVA T S PREOBRAZHE?ISMA, T. P.; KUDRIIIA, Ye. S.; M. A. Species composition of actinomycetes in some regions of southern China. Mikrobiologiia 30 no--3:396-401 My.-Je 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut po izyskaniy-u novykh antibiotikov AMN SSSR. (CHINA-ACTINOMYCES) IVANITSKAZA, L.P.; KRUGLYAK, Ye.Bi_LlMJ140VA_,_ T.S.; PREBBRAZHENSKAYA, T.Fd Production of echinomycinlike subrtances by various types of actinomycetes. Antibiotiki 6 no.5:393-39/ My '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AM SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS) (ACTINOW4MES) SVESHVIKOVA, M.A.; MAKSIMOVA, T.S. Utilization of different carbon sources by Actinomyces. Hikro- biologiia 31 no.6t966--971 N-D 162. (MIRA 1633) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AMB SSSR. (ACTINCHYGES) (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) KlJDR INA I YE) S. ; ll~~'A)VA , " ~S . , r.rlo (.!- ~ -1 1, L'~,: " Some speci,~! - I China and their antirjiotic ct~ara~, t- ri.Li tics. log~llrl 3- no.4:t,')23-631 JI-Ag '63. 1'/: 1. Institut ~o izyLivwiiyu n,-vik'n antLt,it-:tiK(.)v L ~- MAKSIMOVA, T.S.; KOVSHAROVA, I.N. Early identification of antibiotics of the actinomycin comn]AX and the systematic position of their producers. Antibiotiki 9 no.2.-110-1.15 F 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Liatitut pa izyskanlyu novykh antibiotikov, AIM SSSR, Mosk-va, KUDRINA. Ye.S.; PUMMMENSKAYA, T.P.; SVESHNIKOVA, V-L~KSIMOVA, T.S. Comparative evaluation of various nutrient media for discovering morphological and cultural characters of Actinomyces. 14ikrobiolo- giia. 33 no-5:873-879 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu ncrvykh antibiotikov A14N SSSR. Pf(FlOBRA-llq'NcF-,"A, T.F.,, IJLAK.~IMOVA, lr.S.- RLIkOVP N.G. I-,,,Iy of the green pigment5 of some actdnomyceteS spec!68 DY ~.&Per chromatography. Antibiotiki 9 no.11:96.3-970 N '64. (MIRA 180) - " R ' . lnsti'*.u'~ pf, llzy3kar-yu novykh an".lblot~kov AMEN - prfr-)dnykh .9 ye"nen-y AN J35R, Moqkva. MAKSIMOIA, T.S.; TOROPOVA, Ye.G.; KOVAIZNKCIVA, T.K.; GAUZE, G.F. Antitumor antibiotics if .he enkaline jrroup prcdfuced --7 actinamycetes. Antibiotiki 10 no.3.2CII-207 1-t 165. (M-1w. l8tio) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AMN SSSR, Moskva. F,REOBRAZHENSKAYA9 T.P,,, MAKISIMOVA, T.,';.,, IXOYANOVTCH~ V.M.; TEVK0, E.I. Using carbon r-aplica irethcd for the elpctron strudy of the surface of Actinoyycea Bp~,res. ll4lkrobirj'llCg-'-.'ft 34 ne.3:519-523 165. OGRA 18,-11) 1. Institut po izYskaniyu novykh FLvrlblm-lkrv Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya S~SR. MASSIKOVA. V.A. Moniliasis of thp mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and larynx [with summary in English]. VeRt.oto-rin. 20 no-5:96-98 S-0 158 (MM 11312) 1. Iz otolaringoloeicheakogo otdeleniya. Leningredskoy oblaatnoy klinichaskoy bolinitsy (konsulltant - Prof. 1.M. Rozenfelld). (ANTSIOTICS. Injurious effects monilinsis of mouth, pharynx & larynx (Rue)) (MONILIASIS, etiology & pathogenesis oral, pharynge-1 & lnryngesl, caused by antibiotic ther. of various die. (Rua)) (MOUTH, di3eases moniliaois caused by antibiotic ther. of various die'. (Rus)) (PHARYNX, diseases same (Rua)) (LARYNX, diseases same (Rua)) ,4AOTM97A, V. A., Cand Nied Scl (diss" -- "Zome indext-s of 'L~-e r- 1 1, 1 1 activity of the organism in patients with typhoid fever trPated witi, antibiotics". 0 Kursk, 109-?. 14 7pp fSecond Moscow '-~)tate Med Dist im N. T. Pirogov), PI-O copi.f~s ~FT,, NO 10, lc,~~O, 1~6) MAKSIMOVA.-YA,_ Some indicators of the immunological reactivity of the body in casesof drug sickness arising in typhoid fever patients treated with antibiotics. Antibiotiki 5 no.4:74-78 JTI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. F-afedra iyLfektsionnykh bolezney (zav. -ahlen-korr. AMN SSSR prof. A.F. Bilibin) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni N.I.Pirogova. (ANTIBIOTICS) (TYPHOID FMR) (IMUKITY) MAKSIMOVAO V.A. Some indicators of the immunological reactivity of the organism in patients with typhoid fever treated with antibiotics. Zhur. mikrc- biol. epid. i immin. 31 no.7;37-43 Jl 160. (,MIRA 13:9) 1. Iz II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituts. im. Pirogova. (CHLOROMYCETIN) (TYPHOID F M R) MAKSIMDVA. V.A Present-day status of the problem of the indications for tracheotomy. Zhur.ush., nos.i gorl.bol. 22 no.2:33-37 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15: 1-1) 1. Iz otdeleniya, bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa Leningradskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy ( lavnyy vrach - V.P.Sukhobskiy, konsul'tant - Prof. I.M.Rozenfeltdi (TRACHEA--S;RGERY) ANIENKOV, ',.A.; MAKSIMOVA, V.A. 'Comparison between the of !.Idolase and an electrophore- gram of proteins in Botkin's disease. Sbor. trud. Kursk. gos. med. inst. no.16:173--177 162. (MI,~,,A 17 -.9) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. 14.1. Havich-Shcherbo) i klirLiki infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent M. Ye. Gallperin) KursLogo meditsinskogo instituta. VA"EI=s, 1. L j . F , SUCITYADMOVSKIYA, T. IL Botany - Ceographical Distr-ibution; Pastures; Veadows Geobotanical territorial divisicn of pastures and hay fields of the western Caspian region; the Ergeni, the Sarpa Lowlands and the Chernozem belt iu. MOIP. Otd. biol. No. 1, 1952. SO: Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952 #11, Uncl. MAKSIIVVA, V.P. -..- Formation of the Baer hillock soil-vegetation complexes. Test. Mosk. un. Ser. biol. Pochv-, genI., geog. 13 no.2.*243-251 158. (MM 11:9) 1. Moakovekty goa. univereitet, Kafedra giogeografii. (VqT& Pelt&-Botany-Rcology) . - MAKSIKOVA, V. F. Checking the reliability of basic atmospheric processes in May. TRUDY TSIP no.1153-3~6-42 7,62. (KIRA 1696) (Weather forecasting) MKSIMOVA, V.G.,- MOISEYEEVA, N.A. Iacquering of furniture by polyester lacquers. Lakokras.mat.i ikh.prim. no.2:27-30 '60. (MIRA 14*4) (Furniture fainting) (Lacquer and lacquering) I- -; MIONOV, A.G., prof., otv. red.; DANILICHMO, O.P., red. (Botanical geography with the fundamentals of genr,-.ql botany; methodological instructions for second year ~,or-- respondence students of state university geography faculties] Botaricheskaia geografiia 8 osnovami obshchf-i botaniki; metodicheskie ukazaniia dlia studentov-zao,h- nikov Il kursa geograficheskikh fakullteto-i gosudarb""Wll- nykh universitetov. Moskva, Izd-vo Mo3k. univ., 1964. 36 p. (,A.IkA IF: 12', MAKSIMOVA, V.G.; YELISEYEVA, K.G.; GORDINA, N.V.; DINERSHTEYN, P.A. Finishing of wood articles with FF-219H maleic acid polyester by means of the flow coat method. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. t63. - no.4:38-41 (MIRA 16.10) MAKSIMOVA, V.G.; DIIOWTEYN, P.A.; YELISEYEVA, X.G.; GOLOVENA, K.N. Using the PE-220 polyester lacquer for finishing wooden articles. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.4:48-50 162. (MIRA 16:11) Vw I GAVRIDDVA, T.I., inzh.-, MAKSIYDVA, V.G., inzh. Method of determining soot carbon In keramzit. Sbor. trud. VNIINSM no.8:173-175 163. (MIRA 17,9) HANSIMOVA9 V.I.v kanA.tekhn.nauk,-dots. Features of a dethod for testing paper used in electric cables. Izvevywo.uoheb, zavo; energ. 1+ no.1;26-30 -Ta 161. (MM 14:2) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnichookiy institut, imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy elektroizatlatsionnov i kabellnoy tekbidlei. (Electric cableal (Electric insulators and insulation-Testing) MAKSIMOV, A.I., inzh.; POBEGArW, K.M., inzh.; MAKSIWVA, V.I., inzh.,- POPOVICH NIA.P ":7 9 inzh.; FILATOVA, L. I., inzh , ~bMMV-, V.S., in*. Economically expedient distribution of reserves in the electric power plants of the electric power system of the Donets Basin using a compensation technique. Elek.sta. 34 no.2s52-59 F 163. (MIRA 16W (Donato Basin-Electric power plants) a r, s ni~ DI RM 2 ILLS TOPIC ~-ABSTRA MAOD4011A, V. I. The followin.- is amonp di3seriations of the 1-eningrad rolytec~jlic instif.,te ~',all,iin: Splection of insulation for Gas-Filled Cables under a i'oltential of up to 35kv.11 22 June 1953. The work deals with the selection of insula tion for gas-filled cables under a potential of up, to 35 kv, which o erate reliably on inclined sections of cable runs and with an investi~-ation of the aping of the selected insulation. Problems of dTvir)F- t~'P i-s-,,lation and noist,,,i- absor-F- tion by the r.ried insulation are examined. SO: M-1048, 28 Mar 56 MXSDIOVA, V. 1. MMIMOVAP V. I.-"Determination of Optimum Parameters of a Fan-Shaped System of Processing." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Dist of Nonferrous Metal and Gold imeni M. 1. Kalinin. Chair'of the Development of Ore and Placer Deposits. Ordzhonikidze, 1955. (Dissert.-tion for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) SO Knizhanay letopis' No 2. 1956 Si 263 ~62 000 003 006 01 1004 1204 AUTHOR: Adakhovskiy, A. P., Gordov, A- N., Lapp, G K. Lebedeva, Z, S., ivtaksinio~a, V 1. Omelchenko, G. F., Prokopyev, P N. and Erhaidt, N. N TITLE. Investigation of new types of thermocouples for measurement oftemperat tires 111) it) 1800 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. lzmeritel'nava Icklinika, no 3, 1962, 1h, ah'Mad 32-3.229. "Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i wmerit pithoio%, pri SoN, .1fin. SSSR". 1960, no. 42 (102). 29 38 TEXT- The authors studied thermocouples, both electrodes of %hich ~%ere made offilatinum-rhodium ailoy~ of varying composition. Sverdlov sovnarkhoz (district economic counc)h Produced platinuin-rhodiurn "Iro with different rhodium contents.0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 mm in diameter and studied their thermoelectric uni- formitv. The latter was determined on a semi-automafic industrial set-up consisting of an oven for heatjni~ thejuncdon of the investigated N%ire with a comparison electrode, a reiAinding unit and a laboratory poteptio- meter. The degree of uniformity of the thermoelectric material was determined by the value of the thermoelectric cmf created at the junction of the investigated "ire % ith a comparison electrode The comparison electrode was formed by a piece of wire cut from an end of the investigated bundle, The oven of the set-up NNas built or r th Cojj 111)(190 r' 'ge~a1lbr P/. a 4,77 1 an,, el. "of) r, .7 It '017L, th CO Vt. or th //,Vf 1. U the the CSIJ llpzcs 'Idleof th - I the , )c tClatl S, Sll,(i,- r/170 Ppoltl -/79 stel,71h1r, cIr Cal 1`177001, 0ecte 01, en I . 11till? beat 126 ? 14c's Cot, CL-r gf la.~ ( /00, 16" eCt let cr /17ca /S ples 117 /- Otlo, r1c.C0RI).11 erp, thr 0()l"0( bo1jr st"efl7ent C017cy jjd III),/ er V Of (11"1r Ifr" ) C or I Y In 07ill ?04 s cor ar. er C/71 qr4cle I e I e6 or "or or , th lot, ell I co 177ejt~v rj%cl COz a t-v /77" n,s"z, Q&1171~ oper. C117per" a' the -5 opera,,. I?2po - C *S 4ev. a 14 () 1117S or ~Jtlol,. J/7 11117 'lloll 11res thclr,71 fIg Sit." 0/7 11),7 Ilel~, /7(1 rl/?,?/ I/Al rde I' to a pt A, ),If I Qtj th tjn(j(,. Ce r e tt t1floler Of 07oh. OcloOple'. C017(iltio r h,. or, I-PC(/ , 6145b Vrj, Intl, bstracter Ith titall.clet1jal C17 417 or /7,~4Ale e C011tactar a 1), de, Oc,()Ij I)OIC Itirp work Cta1v the ere Al per, CI 1) Iaj/()r letho'l , lat'On c1c) 0 OP .10,16 ill"r0Ot ,,VC of tb Ot C. '1//b /",)q, or IC I (p - .,I S4Coj7(j It/ 1) the th .%e Pr 2 tansl 'j,('. ")Per 30 6) reStIll 017S ,et, Opertle 12 at/017.1 are 5livilir alt1re, tj, PC or 41)(1 it, )?()(./ CC,s Py ~, 4b0p are thes C I tf(),J Cs ligore~, 417d the e 14 the e Co "Ib/b, t;1 Pr,),%(I '770v, ")PI-elle- J If hies. at'd Cct, t, C C., /;,J, ~(,L .I(.*(.1/r.J 'J",C /n, MA KS I I U. "'. , - . ; - I-Aksiii.ova , ,'. I.'. - 11 -n the cost price nd arrjertiza L.- ~-,r in a n;,Ttl i,usLardrj," Ucherj. za~-,ioki (l,,osk. ekcn.-stat. in-t, .,i1. : , ~,. i~ I '. SO: U-4~~551 L4 AuguEt 53, (Letc.:--is I -liurnal, I --t4Aey, 1~ ; 'ic'. C, ~ 4. PBMV,, A.I.,, prof.; LISHCMSKIYp H.Lp kand. ekon. naukt-4g�AjLYA&__V.R._F doteent; HAMp I.G.1, dotsent; HOSKM9 P.M., dotsent; TITELIBAMW,- F.P.9 dotsent; UR31SO, M.S., dotesiat; gr=')W', H.R., kand. ekon. nauk; GURSVICH9 S.M.9 red.1 MffAZNOV, V.I., red.; PTATAKOVA, N.D.9 tekbn. red. [Gourse in economic statiatiael Kura ekownicheskol statiatiki. Izd.3., dop. i perer. Moskva, Gosstatizdat TsSU SSSR, 1961. 5(77 p. (MMU 14:6) (Statistics) AVDEYIZIKCVA, L.M.; KORDLIKOV, N.V.; ktAUIMO 'A TREFILOV, N.; V.I.; OriLVA, I.A., red.; KORMU, A.I., tekhn. red. (Large-capacity (permanent) memory devices for digital computers; some design principles] Dolgovremennye (postoiannye) zapominaiushchie ustroistva dlia TsVM; nekotorye printsipy postroeniia. Moskva, VTs All SSSR, 1963. 53 P. (MIRA 17:1) (Electronic chleulating hiachines--Memory systems) MkKSIMOVA V.N., dofisent, Characteristics of vascular reactions in patients with lesions of the central nervous systeml. Vrach.delo no,3t84-& Mr 163. 1. Kafedr (KIRA 1624) 4nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. G.D.L4chenko) i ,I kafedra f~zicheskogo vospitaniya i vrachabnoy fizicheskoy kulltur7 (zav. - M.B.Machkovskiy) Sharikobskogo meditsinskDgo Instituta. (NERVOUS SYSTEM-DISEASES) (EXERCISE THERAPY) 88543 5/19 60/00 2 /0 10/ 0 18/0 2 6 B004,BOr,4 AUTHORS: Lipatov, Yu. S., Sergeyeva, L. M., and Maksimova, V. P. TITLE: Investigation of the Interaction of Polymers With Fillers. II. Adsorption of Polymers From Solutions on Glass Fiber PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1569-1574 TEXT; The authors studied the adsorption of polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate from solutions of up to 3% on glass fiber (diameter 7 ji). The adsorption experiments were carried out with polystyrene dissolved in the good solvent benzene or in the poor solvent cyclohexanone, as well as with polymethyl methacrylate dissolved in acetone or in toluene. The intrinsic viscosities of the initial solutions are given in Tabl 8 2* The decrease in concentration due to ads.-)rption at 25, 40, and 60 C was determined by means of an ~DM-56 (Fm-56) nephelometer. Fig. 1 shows the course of adsorption at these temperatur,39 for polystyrene in benzene; 0 Table 1 gives the data for polystyrene in benzene at 25 C. Fig. 3 shows thLr adsorption of polystyrene from cyclo'nexanone solution at 40 and 600C; no adsorption occurred at 250C. Fig. 2 siows the adsorption of polymethyl Card 1/2 the Interaction of Polymers Investigation of With Fillers. II. Adsorption of Polymers From Solutions on Glass Fiber S~~18fl~60/00 2 /0 10/0 18/0 2 6 B004/BO54 methacrylic acid from acetone. Dissolved I.n toluene, this polymer showedno adsorption. In contrast with diluted solutions, not individual macro- molecules are adsorbed from concentrated Eolutions, but their secondary associations existing in concentrated solutions. The authors mention papers by T. V. Dorokhina, A. 3. Novikov, and P. I. Zubov; V. A. Kargin, M. B. Konstantinopollskaya,and Z. Ya. Berestneva. They thank G. A. Kovtunenko for a prescription specifying the treatment of glass fiber, and V. A. Kargin for his discussion. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 4 Soviet, 2 US, anl 2 German. ASSOCIA'ION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN RSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS BSSR) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1960 Card 2/2 LIPATOVA, T.E.; BERLIV, A.A.; Prinimala uchastiye MAKSIMOVA, V.P. Carbwium polymerization of polyester acrylates. Dokl. AN SSSR W no.2:353-356 Ja 163. (MIRA 16$2) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN Balorusakoy, SSR i Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavlano aka- demikom V.N. Xondrat'7 M m. (Am7lic acid) (Carbonium compounds) (Polymerization) M'11