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USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. General Problems.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12223
Author Makkaveyev B,V., Plcskiyp V. P.
Inst C Essa �nstitute
Title Intraarterial Tracts in Horses Suitable for
Administering Medicinal and Narcotic Substances.
Orig Pub: Tr- Ideask. a.-kh. in-ta, 1955, 7, 185-190.
Abstract: A 4iscussion is made of the efficacy and velocity
of the effect if intraarterial injection of sulfamide
preparations, such as penicillin, rivanol, and others
in acute purulent processes of the head;-and extremi-
t3r-regions. The following arteries were used for
injections: the large metacarpal, the middle and dorsal
metatarsal, and the common carotid. Intraarterial (intra-
carotidic) barbiturate narcosis required 1.5-2 times
Card 1/2
KAKKAVEYEV,_A.~., kand.-teterinarnykh nauk
Horse serum as a tissue preparation. Veterinariia 39 no.1:59-61
Ja 163. ()URA 16:6)
1. Odesskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut.
(Serum) (Veterinary materia medica and pharmacy)
KAVUIIGV, Petr Aleksandrovich; MAKKAVEYEV, M., red.; MAKKAVEYEV,M.,
(Cities of Saratov Province] Goroda Saratovskoi oblasti.
lzd,2,, dop. i perer. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-
vo, 1963. 210 p. (MIRA 17:2)
ne i;:j a i.
KAKKAVEYEV, N., prof.; CHAIDV, R., inzh.
Methods of improving navigation conditions on the ObI River.
Rech. transp. 22 no.9z45-47 S 163. (MIRA 16:10)
MA,KKAVEYEV, N., doktor geograf. nauk
Useful book. Rech. transp. 22 no.10-.62-63 0 163. (MM 16.-12)
USSR/Hydrology - Sedizentat-Lon Jal/Aug 48
Harb ors
"Regressive Re-Formation of River Islands," N. I*
"14eteorol i Gidro:ONo 3.- pp 44-50
Discusses several cases in -which, along with
p~acement'of bifurcation modes downwards along-
current, opposite type of phenomena occurs, ioe*jj~
several bifurcation nodes re-form regressively.
In these cases, tip of individual island grows
Abd bifurcation point "swims" upvard along river.
Diagrams show growth of rolodnyy and Denezhny
ussR/Hydrology - se~ftwtion Jul/Aug 48
iilands in the Volga River. Steadily increasing'
accumulation of sands in approach to harbor 'of
Stalingrad Ship Repair Plant necessitates yearly
dredging of 200,000 cu m. Submitted 7 Apr 47.
MKLIVERIEVs N. I. "The locat'L--n survey of openinggs" In the symposium Materialy tekhn.
soveshchaniy po putevym rabotarr. (11.1-vo rech. flota S.SSR)p MoEcow, 150, P. 109-112
SO: U-5240* 17DeC53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 19L9).
r.invVALM"VU1~1, ky. 1.
"Peculiarities in the Formation of the River Bed in the Lower Parts of Lowland
Rivers," Problemy Fizicheskoy Geofrafii (Problems of Physical Geography), Vol. 16,
Symposium, MoscCrw, 1951.
u-1483, 25 Sept 51
"Research on Congestion in Coves," Collected Works of ~VMNIIRF M., 1951.
u-1886, 29 April 52
"Erosional Accunulative Processes and Relief of the Bed of a River." Dr Geog Sci,
Inst of Geography, Acad Sci USSR, Moscowp 1954. (RZhGeol, No 1, 1955)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Stm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
14AKKAVEM, N.I.; AVSTUK, G.A., doktor geografichookikh nail, . redaktor;
I.Y., doktor 6-cografichaskikh nauk. redaktor; MMOT.
T.Ta., redaktor; SRSYCHENKO, G.N., takhnichaskly redalctor.
[River channel and erosion in its basin] Ruslo reki i arozii& v
as bassaine. 14nskva. Izd-vo Almdamit nauk SSSR, 1955. 345 p.
(Rivers) (Ilroolos) (KLRA 8:10)
ueography of Rivera FD-169o
Card 1/1 : Pub- 129-.15/25
Author : Kakksmeyev, N. I.; Kapitsa, A. P.; and Khmeleva, N. V.
Title : Experimental investigation of the processes governing the development
of the longitudinal profile of a river (preliminary account)
Periodical : Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. I yest. nauk, Vol. 10, 139-152, Feb 1955
Abstract : The author attempts to establish the int'luence, upon the development
of the longitudinal profile and upon the formation of terraces of river
valleys, of variations of saturation of streams by alluvia; to investi-
gate the peculiarities of the variations for fluctuations of the princi-
pal basis of erosion of a river system and the form of the terraces
occurring under these conditions; and to determine the nature of the
influence upon the longitudinal profile of reservoirs constructed in the
middle reaches of the river. No references.
Periodical : Chair of Geomorphology
Submitted : october 26, 1954
I' ~ i ?~ ~ Ii 4~ --!j 'T ~-l
r n .,~ ( 1,;, V ,E If /: V .. oi L
MAMV&EV, N. I. - /"
"The Stream Bed and Basin Erosion," Publ. House Acad. Sci- USSR, M., 1-955.
ZHILIN, V.K., otvetstveanyy za vypusk; DOIUNIVSKIY, N.A.. kandidat tekhni-
cheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; JUMIFIM. N.1 professor.
dolctor geograficheakikh nauk. nauchny7 reCaICt-or;-MSNATA, A.K..
tekhnic!ieskiy redaktor
[River channel work] Futevye raboty na rekakh. Koskva. Izd-vo
ORschnoi tr"a'nsport,O 1956. 89 p. (HIRA 9:8)
1. TSentralinyy nauchno-iasladovatellskiy institut skonomiki i
ekepluatataii vodnogo transporta.
(Rivers) (Hydraulic engineering)
N.A.;AZROVA, A.G., rodaktor.;BEGICHNVA, tekhnicheskly redaktor.
(Channel processes and Improvembut
channel rivers.]Ruslovye proteessy
wRechnoi transport, "1956. 458 p.
dovatellskii institut ekonomiki i
Trudy, no.8).
(Rivers--Regulation) (Dredging)
of the navigable course in open-
i putevye raboty. Moskva, Izd-vo
(Moscow. Tsentrallnyi nauchno-issle-
eks-pluatatsill vodUGgO transporta.
(KLRA 9:11)
Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 56 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Makkaveyev, N. 1.
TITLE: ---R~ive,-b`edProceses and Grading Operations in the Tailwater
Areas of Hydraulic Works (Ruslovyye protsessy i putevyye
raboty v nizhnikh blyefakh gidrouzlov)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. n. -i. in-ta ekon. i ekspluat. vodn. transp. , 1957,
Nr. 12, pp 5-86
ABSTRACT: Presentation of the results of river-bed investigations and
grading operations during 1954 and 1955 in the tailwater areas
of hydraulic works on the upper Volga, the Don, and the lower
Dnepr, which were performed by the author with collaboration
by A. V. Serebryakov, G. F. Fedorov, N. A. Domanevskiy, T. A.
Drobnis, and A. M. Kurochkin. Data are shown on the changes
in hydrological. regimen in the tailwater area (redistribution of
discharge rates, run-off of sediments, and influence on the
water level of a controlled release of water through a dam for
the purpose of raising an otherwise inadequate depth in a tail-
water shipping channel) and on the peculiarities of river-bed
Card 1/2 regimes (bottom erosion and attendant lowering of the water
River-bed Processes and Grading Operations (cont)
level, new river-bed formations). It is noted that certain types of sandbars,
formed wherever a river is subjected to appreciable changes in cross section,
may be improved under favorable conditions. Data are adduced on the un-
favorable influence on a river-bed regime exerted by increased hibernal dis-
charge rates. Also examined are the changes occurring as a result of the
passing of flood crests from tributaries.
V. N. Goncharov
1. Inland waterways--Analysis 2. HvdrolOgY--USSR 3. River currents
Card 212
1 7, N. I.
Conference on Genmorphological Problems. Izv.ILK SSSR.Ser:9609,
no.5:141-144 S-0 1 58. (MIRA 11.12)
(Geographical research)
. ~ ~W ; KHMEIMVA, N.V.
4NO IMIMYMN ki W~ 4. _Ij -
Result of laboratory analyses of the silting process in reser7oirs;
summry of the report. Trudy Lab. ozeroved. 7:91 '58. (mm, 11: 10)
l.Moskovskiy- gosudarstvenny7 universitet.
(Reservoirs) (Silt--Analysis)
KAUAVEYEV, N.I., doktor tekhu.nauk, profi; LAFTEV, H.I., Inzh.
Various cWmwel improvement operations in unregulated rivers. Froizv.-
tekh. sbor. no*2:87-10~ '59- (KIRA 13:10)
1. TSentral'W nauchuo-iosledovatelskly institut ekonomiki i
ekspluatateii vodnogo trans orta'
(Rivers-Regulation3 (Dredging)
Choosing temporary channels in straightening out rivers with unstable
channels. 11ach. transp. - 19 no.3:3.~~ Mr 160. (MM 14:5)
MMV=Vj V.S.; LMAMTAp L.V., tekhn. red.
(Experimental geomorphology] Eksperimentallnaia geomorfologiia.
By N.I.Yakkaveev i dr. Mosk7a,, Izd-vo Mosk. univ... 1961. 193 P.
(MIRA 15:1)
(Geological research)
Laboratory studies on the influence of tectonic movements on.
river valley formation. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 4illO-117
Jl-Ag"61. (MIRA 14-7)
1. Mo3kovskiy gosudar3tvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova.
(Geology, Structural) (Valleys)
MAKKAVEYKV, N., Pror.; RA7NOV, V., inzh.; KOSARSKIY, P., inzh.
Laboratory kavestigation of channel-formating processes at
river bends. Rech. transp. 20 no.1-1:29-31 N 161. (MIRA 115:1)
(Hy&aulic models)
f M.
Geamorphological stadiso on vhich to base plane for 1xproving
the navigable conditions of rivermi experience of the ffortbern
Dvina expedition of the Geography Department of Moscow University,
Vopogeog. no.52tlOO-104 161. (MMA 14:6)
New development in the theory of the lingitudinal profile of rivers.
lur, AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.6t].19-121 N-D 162,
(Rivers) (MIRA 15:12-)
Morphological indications of current accumulations in a river valley.
Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.3:84-8q Yq-Je 163. (KRA 16:8)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova.
(0b' Valley-Alluvium)
DEVDARIAN-I, Ana-toliy Seitovich- YIAKKAVEYEVP N.I., doktor geogr.
nauk, -ttv. red.; ZO~Tfr. T IYJiOKIMVA,
S.G., tekbn. reC-. -
[Measurement of the movements of the earth's surface] Iz-
merenie peremeshchenii zemnoi poverkhnosti. Moskva, Izd-
vo "Nauka,' 1964. 243 p. (MIRA 17;3)
Surface relief development of r'ver terraoes and the symptoms
of river bed erosion; based on the example ol~ the upper GO.
Izv. M SSSR Ser. geog. no.4:120-225 164 (MrIRA 1718)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarst-,rermyy universitet.
(Plianinin the navigable channels of unregulated rivers.]
Proektirovani-3 sudovykh khodov na avobodnykh rekakh. Moskva,
Transport, 1964. 261 p. "%-'Wft(Moscow. TSentrallnyi
nauchno-isaledovatellskii institut ekonomiki i ekspluatatsii
vodnogo transports. Trudyp'no. 36). (MIRA 18:12)
mRKoVc-YF-\/1 rA -
" 'i hAw .,redaktor; GLEYKH, D.A.,
' =Mo
[Uyedinaniye Island] Ostrov Uedineniia. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo
geogr. lit-ry, 1957. 102 p. (MIRA 10:5)
(Uyedineniya Island)
IIARWAVJBMVB V'Ao-' HILITYUKOV, Vol., kandidat pedagogichook1kh nauk, redaktor;
Ta.A.. redaktor; SHIKIN. S.T9, takhnichaskly redaktor.
(Instructions for the use of sound amplifying apparatus In schools
for deaf antes and the hard of hearl*] Rukovodstva po Ispollsovanliu.
syukousilivalushchel apparatury v shkelakh d1la. glukhonewykh I tugs-
ukhikh detei. Pod red. LIJel'tiukovs. Kooky&. Gos. achobno-podagog.
Isd-vo Kinisteratva proeveshchoulta WSR, 1955. 63 P. (KMA 915)
(Hearing aids)
AUTHORS: Vinolcurov, V.I. and Mal-kaveyevi V.I.
TITLE: Distributed parametric amplifier with losses
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyli-.h zavedeni'y,
Radiotelclinika, v. 4, no- 3, 1961, pp. 270 - 279
T E.Mr Analysis of distributed parametric amplifiers
(Ref. 1 P.K. Tien, J. Appl. Phys., 1958, 29, no. 9, 1347;
Ref. 2 G.M. Roo, M.R. Boyd - PIRE, 1959, 47, no. 7, 1213;
Ref. 3 K. Kurokawa, T. Hamasaki - IRE Trans., 1959, -7,
no. 3, 260) is usually based on the assumption that the non-
linear capacitances and the line elemonts of the amplifier are
lossless. In the folloiin~;, an attempt is made, therefore, to
include the losses of these elements in the analysis of the
system leading to the evaluation of its -ain parameters. The
equivalent circuit of the system is illustrated in Fig. 1, where
all the stages are identical.. The resistances R and r take
into account the losses in the inductai-re ::oils and the non-
linear cai-)acitances of the diodes. C is the stray capacitance
of a coil and C is the voltage-dependent capacitanc,_~ of the
Cnrd 11;4cy,
Distributed parametric amplifier ... E192/E382
diode. The individual cells of the line containing the non-
linear capacitance can be regarded as a system with variable
parameters which are functions of time and are independent of
signal. In this case, the phenomcna in the circuit can be
described by linear differential equations with variable
coefficients. The solution of the system of equations can be
in the form of a super-position of i-,raves which can excist in such
a system. The differential equation relating the voltages at
three nodes of the line of tine amplifier is in the form:
W, d2 (U.,, 2U. + U. r -, C' d(U.., - 2U.+U.-I)
dil R C_ dt
+ (11.+, -- 2U. 4- U.-O (-' 4- (4)
(U.+1-2U,,, + U.-I)dt- 0.
-0- dt
Card 2/k
Distributed parametric amplifier .... E192/E382
The dependence of tne capacitance on tirie is a periodic
function and can be expressed in terms of a Fourier series.
Only the first few hart-.1onics of this series are of importance
and these are ex-,)ressed by:
C (MI 0 --- 011 11 +Cos (-It - M11) C" + C(m)ej"'t+
-j~'t I j(,-,t - 111,1)1J ("'t mp)
C*0n) - e=C~- + -f '-.e + -2- Ze I 1 (5)
where C(m, t) is the time-dependent capacitance of the in-th
cell of the line,
C0 is the average capacitance of a diode,
t is the i,.iodlulation parai-,ieter of the capacitance,
W is the pumpinr; frequency, and
P is the phase-shift of the pump voltage per stage.
The other parameters of Eq. (5) are defined by:
Card 3//0
Distributed parametric amplifier .... E192/E382
-j Pia A jPM
C(M) = 0-5COte C' Oll) = 0 - 5C., e
By assuming that the higher frequencies are rapidly attenuated
in the transmission line of the amplifier, the solution of
Eq. (4) can be represented in the form:
-f..t -jwlt J-,I -J-.t
U. = U 1(m)-e + UAM)e + U, (m)e + U,*(M)e1 (8)
i-.rh er e w 2= W - W-1; wl is the signal frequency and UiW
are the complex voltage amplitudes in the line. Eq. (8)
neglects not only the combination frequencies such as w + w I
but also the higher harmonics of the signal frequency. By
substituting the solution of Eq. (8) into Eq. (4), it is possible
to obtain two equations for determining the complex amplitude
of the voltages. The gain of a stagre of the amplifier is
Card 4016~
Distributed parametric am-Plifier .... E192/E382
defined by: 6
K = e
The parati-loter 6 in this equation can be expressed by:
a + jb
- = p + j q
c + jd
,-.r'Liere p" represent5 the real component of the transfer
coefficient of the systeia. By consider:-ng the solution given
by Eq. (8), it is shown that the real component of 6 is
ex.)ressed by:
P [(-,-,rC.)'+ (o,1 olIC02r)3 (22)
2-MnPj-w23CO*r-I -U)1 CI 2siii P. - co, 'IC,,' - r(02 CI
Card 51IL6CK,
Distributed parametric amplifier.... E192/E382
where sin 0 . and sin P. can be determined from:
Cos Pi = 1 - 1 (12)
2(- wiC1
Eq. (22) is valid for the case when the losses in tlie inductances
are sinall compared with the losses in the non-linear capacitances.
From Eq. (22), it is seen that if the capacitances are constant,
the parameter p is smaller than zero and in this case the wave
is attenuated. The amplification can be obtained if the
numerator and denominator of Eq. (22) have the same sign. The
denominator of Eq. (22) is positive if the following relationships
are met:
__ '> w 1C1; w2CJ (23) - al
w1L (1) 2L
Card 6 6;
Diatributed parametric amplifier.... E192/E382
-Con~s-equently, parametric amplification is possible if the
num.e.rator df-Eq*,(22) is greater than 0 or:
(2W W C 2r)2 IkW W C 2r2
2.> 1 2 0 1 2 0
2 2 2 2 2
W W rC +W W C W W r C + 1
1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0
influbnce,of the losses on the characteristics of a para-
metric-- - lif ior wer-e investigated on a specially constructed
mod -61 -,~Iiich-ope~rat ed at frequencies between 10 and 150 Me/s.
.-Tft~e-system--emiployed 5 cells based on diodes, ty
p e (D2G),
whos e paranieters:satisfied Eqs. (23). The cut-off frequency
of t h e. I-ine was-170 Mc/s and the driver or pump frequency was
Por, this
particular' amp'lifieri tne gain coefficient c,ould be expressed
Di-stribut ed:'.~pdrametrfc amplifier.... E192/E382
SIn Pj'.w,2
+ 302'(012, -0) C (28)
-,The_',-picbe'i" ental and- calculated gain characteristics are
illilstir'atiad in Fig -tile rital points are indicated
',graphs. of 'Fig. 3a are taken f
or tfie following
-prqssds.--._. he
V fi2 "M 1~ -8
m 11; 3) m and
m h';'df Fig. 36 were calculated for
e~ Crap s
l6 valueb of r varied as: 1) r = 0.36
A: r 5.7 -Q. and 4) r = 10 4-)_ By comparing
and experimental results, it is seen that the
'r, i!v!e-erl','e~xperimbnt and theory is satisfactory.
and 4 references: 1SQviet-bloc and
T ferences are
-bb '60 he,,:tIxree RnOIish!--IanSfIage re
zxozLr ovI e
S/ 12946296 l/ 004/003/004/016
Distributed parametric amplifier .... E,192/E382
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov radiotakhniki
Leningradskogo clelctrotekhnichesltgo instituta
im. V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina) Department of
Theoretical Principles of Radio-engineering
of Leningrad Electroteclinical Insitute im.
V.I. Ullyanov (Lenin)
SUBMITTED: July l-, 1960
Fig. 1:_
c;;j ~i LC=j
Ji.rR Umj rR R
C_ C_
Card q/
ACCCSSrON RR-. MUMS 9/30711/62/000/0%7/0063/0072
AUIROR: Vinokwav, Ve I* (Candidate of Technical Sciancest Docent); Makkaveyevo
M Absolute measurement of the power of mvLU hammde sipols with the
of a radiometer
~-SCURCE: laningred. Mektrotekbnicheskiy institut. Izv., no. 479 1962, 63-72
MPIC TAGS: mxkdation radiawter, radiamterg null type modulation radiometers
microwave power meassurrement, noise power measurevent, cors I inn function
&BsTRAcr: A nuU-Vjpe modulation radiometer is pmposed fcv the measurement of
I the power of a weak microwave harmonic sigial by o=paring it with the noise power
mdiated by a heated abscirber. 7he detector of the appa.Mus reoeives altexuately
(at the moddation fkvquency): (1) the intrimic noise voltage and the measwed
humcPic 816bal, Voltapq and (2) the kft*wic noin voltage ad the fluctuatkg
Isixial fim a standad motave. in awdtiam to Wth the aMm dywil at the-
output of t1w appastm Is am an CalewAted by dOMOMMUS the owyeladm
funaticn of the cumqont In the dfftwtw load. Odg. wt. hu: 1 flo" arA 30
ASSOCEMON: Lin .wallokly *2nktrateJdmddms)dy inftitut (ladngrad Electm-
chnical LvsUtute)o
I MMKr=s OOM%xGl DME ACQt 2OKuGls EMM: 01
SUB COMS. GC sv,'-"~, wwvt 006 .000.
card 2/3
4, E140/3435
AUTHORS: Yurov, Yu.Ya., Vinokurov, V.I., Makkaveyev, V.I.
TITLE: Design of a correlator based on-a linear system with
variable parameters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Radiotakhnika,
v-5, no.6, 1962, 672-681
TEXT: A parametric element has been used as the multiplier on
which a correlator has been based. The element is applied in
the commonly used balanced bridge modulator. There are
4 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov-radiotekhniki
Leningradskogo elektrotekhnicheskogo instituta
im. V.I.Ullyanova Manina) (Department of
Theoretical Fundamentals of Radioangineering,
Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute imeni
V.I.Ullyanov (Lenin)
SUBMITTED. April 13, 1962
Card 1/1
ots ML 1 00
L; Za,
ACC NR, AT6022271 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0033/0033
AUTHOR: Makkaveyev, V. 1.
ORG: none
TITIX: The noiseproof qual--ties of pulse modulated photon communication channels
yashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sekt-
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posw L
siya kvantovoy elektroniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 33
TOPIC TAGS: photon emission, laser application, telephone system
ABSTRACT: 7he opera-Ling features of photon communication channels in transmittiing
-telephone signals are discussed. The FIM, ShIM, CKM and IXM pulsed communication sys-
tems are analyzed. [Abstracter's note: This is essentially the entire text of the
SUB CODE: 17114q SUBM DATE: l1Apr66
.., .,I,I,
MAMAVEYEV, V. M. - /,~ I" fi /V' A ", ' / ~ i, ~ /
"The Theory of Hydrodynamic Processes of High Energy Lose," Trudy ofithe
Second All-Union Congress of Hydrology, L., 1930-
"Theory of Turbulent Condition's and the Suspension of Sediments"p Izvesti-va GGI
(N,bwo of the GGI) No 32.. 1931.
SO: U-3039, 11 Mar 1953
-~kt`on,-. of "!-.e Dy-n
1 te -1 I-V
3, rt,.7, n'. -o-inl
530: U- -'5 ?
". - y ,
, , , V V. -
I -A ...~ I .. "
, -1, ,
"So e T~ieo-ret-c-a - )' It.a *~--n-- -. ~ ---, -)-' --;--n --!~-v,7.", - - ~:I, :., - - (" - 1, 1 ,
sn-: U- ~-' -10 , 1 ..~ , -1 -- , I
, 1, 1 - - -
MAMIFEYEVj, V. M. "The latest viork in the field of river currents.," In the symposium
Materialy tekhn. soveshchaniy po putevym rabotam (1-1-vo rech. flota SSSR), MoEcow,
1949, P. 75-81
SO: U-52hO, 17DeC53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey,, No* 25, IA9).
25690 1-takkaveyev, V.M. Prosteyshie sluchai raschata izotakh otk-rytykh
potokov prinalichii popere-chnvlea techeniy. Trudy Leningr. in-ta
inzhenerov vod. trans-porta, v". 159 1949, 5- 3-17
SOt Letopial Zhurnal'rWkh Statey, Vol. 34, Iq
,01;k7a, 1910
2. USSSR (600)
4. Dredging
7. Frequent problem in calculations for deepening of navigation channel, TKudy LIW
no. 18, 1951.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL - 1953, Uncl.
20 USM (6CO)
4* Sedimentation and deposition
7,, Theories concerning the movement of turbulent arrents, containing suspended
sedimentary material. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk, No. 2, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
PANCHURIN. N.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; KAKK.AVBYBV V.H., professor.
doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, rodaktor.
(Collection of problems on hydraulics] Sbornik sadach po gidraylike.
Koskva, Ird-vo Ministerstva morskogo i rachnogo Flota SM, 1953-
(MMIA 7: 4)
(Hydraulice--Problems, exercises, etc.)
MaUXAVEYEV. V.M.. doktor tekhn.nauk Prof.
Hydraulics of natural waterways with complex branching. Trudy
LINT no.20:16?-i6g '53. (MRA 12:1)
"Certain Problems of Principle in the Laboratory study of Rivers',
Tr. Gos. GIdrol. In-ta, No h0 (94, 3-13, 1953
In the modeling of river-bed processes an especially complicated task
is to ensure the necessary similitude of dimensional analysis during
reproduction of the natural conditions and phenomena. The similarity
of the velocity structure of flow in the simplest case is presorved
when one ensures the similarity of the ridlief of the free surface of
flow. The author also considers the problem of utilizinp aerodynamic
models for the investigation of river-bed processes, especially in
establishing the character of circulatory currents and in the study
of local resistances. (RZhGeol, No 3, 1954)
SO: 11-31187, 8 Mar 55
KARAUSH.Wj,Anatoliy ~aeillyevich; MAKKAVWEV , T.H., professor, doktor
tekhnIcheskIkhnauk, redaktor Ar" W.I.L.
7V= . . . takhnicheekly redak-
[Hydraulics of rivers and reservoirs (in problem forms Gidrav-
. lika rek i vodokhranilishch (v zadachakh).Pod red. VA Kakka-
veeva. Leningrad. Izd-vo "Rechnot transport," 1955. 290 p.
(Hydraulic engineering) (MLRA 8:8)
PANCHURIV. Hikolay Arleksandrovich. kandidat tekhnichaskikh aauk; KAMV&yEV
V.M.. Professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor;
--tOMMeaskly redaktor
(Collection of problems in hydraulics) Sbornik sadach po godravlike.
Pod obahchei red. V.K.Nakkaveyeva. Izd. 2-os. ispr. Ioningrad.
Izd-vo IRechnoi transport.0 Part 1. 1956. 198 p. (KLRA 10:3)
(Hydraulic engineering--Problems. exerclaes, ate.)
KARAUSHMV, Anatolty Vaailleyvich; PANCHURIN, Mikolay Aleksandrovich;
jAUjnTW jj.. dokt9r takhnicheskikh nank, professor. redarktor;
LIBMT, Y.T., redaktor; VCWHOK, K.M.. takhnichookiy redaktor
(Collection of problems in hydraulics] Sbornik isadsch po gidravlike.
Pod obahchei red. T.g.Makkaveava. Leningrad. Izd-vo "Rechnoi
transport,* Leningr.otd-nis, Pt.2. 1957. 10/7 P. (NLRA 10:9)
(Hydraulic engineering--Problems, exercises, etc.)
V In.
AUTHOR: Popova, K. L. SOV/50-59-7-20/20
TITLE: Coordination Conference on Problems of Water Economy
(Koordinatsionnoye soveshohaniye po voprosam vodnogo khozyayst-
PERIODICAL: Keteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 7, PP 59 - 60 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A Sovet po problemam vodnogo khozyaystva (Council for Problems
of Water Economy) under the chairmanship of V. V. Zvonkov,
Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, was organized at the
Otdeleniye tekhnichesk-'kh nauk AN SSSR (Department of
Technical Sciences of the AS USSR) in 1958. One of the principal
functions of the Council is the coordination, generalization,
and orientation of the scientific research work on problems of
water economy ca-rried out by the institutes and branches of
the AS USSR, and in the Academies of Sciences of the individual
Union Republics, as well as the coordination of the scientific
activity of the leading governmental institutes and universities
concerning the main problems of water economy. - The ordinary
coordination conference was held by the Council on
Card 1/3 December 11 - 13, 1958- 8a representatives from 51organizations
Coordination Conference on Problems of Water Eoonomy SOVI~0--~V-1-20120
took part in it. - V. T. Turohincvi~h (Councii for Problems of
Water Economy of the AS USSR) spoke about the basic directions
of scientific research in the field of water eoonomy in the
Years 1959 - 1965- M- K- Davydor ~Goepian SSSR) named some
problems whioh are to be included in the pian. I.V.Yegiazarov,
Academician of the AS Armyanskaya SSR~
, spoke about the tasks
in the exchange of experian~,,e and of internati-onai coordination
in the field of hydraulic resear,,,h. - 7 M. Makkaveyev
-L~~ -fa-
(Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo transpor
(Leningrad Institute of Water-traffic Engineers) spoke on
f#Some Problems of the Structura of Turbulent Currents". -
V. S. Knoroz (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut
gidrotekhniki im. B. Ye. Vedensyeva) ~Ail-Union Scientific
Hydrotechnical Research Institute imen.4 B. Ye. Vedeneyev)
spoke on "Macro Roughness and Its Influence on the Hydraulic
Resistance of the River Bed". - A. G. Nazaryan ~Institut
energetiki i gidravliki' AN Armyanskoy SSR) (Institute of Power
Engineering and Hydraulios of the AS Armyanskaya SSR) reported
"On a Method of Investigating the Irregular Turbulent Current".-
The scheme of scientific research work for 1959 on the
Card 2/3 coordinated problem "Extensive Utilization of Water Reserves"
C94Tdination Conference on Problems of Water Economy SOV/50-59-7-20/20
contains about 300 subjects ~o be worked out by 78 organizations,
and consists of 4 sectionss 1) Investigation of the funda-
mentals for the utilization of water reserves. 2) investigation
of the processes in river beds. 3) Hydromechanization of
excavation and mining work. 4) Investigations connected with
the working out of standards and technical conditions in the
field of water economy (carried out by order of the
Goestroy SSSR).
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Makkaveyev, V. M.
TITLE: On some fundamental problems of the theory of
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 1, 1962,
90, abstract 1B623 (Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh.
vodn. transp., 1959, no. 26, 21-31)
TEXT: A model of turbulent flow is proposed, based on consi-
derations of rotational and translational motion of fluid, the
latter's direction being perpendicular to the wall. Correspond-
ences are given referring to the dynamic analysis of such a
model and its elements. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete transla-
Card 1/1
KARAUMW, A.Y.; MAKKAVEM, V.H., prof4, doktor tekhn.nauk,;
IVZHMK6',-I-.IM-..-r-e'cT.-; MAUMj M.Ta.,
(Wind waves and swella on reservoirs and lakeal Sgonno-na.-Oanye
iavleniia. na vodokhranilishchakh i ozerakh. Leningrad, Gidro-
mteor.izd-vo, 1960. 215 P. (MIRA 13:7)
(Waves) (Wind pressure) (Reservoirs)
KARAUSM, Anatoliy Vasil 'yevich; -_XAKKA=MN---Y-K..; IV 0,
A.Kh., red.; BRATKINA, 9.1.,
[Problems in the dynamics of natural water streams] Problemy
dinamiki OStOBtvennykh vodnykh potokov. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.
izd-vo, 1960. 391 P. (MIRA 13:9)
MAKKAVEYEV, V.M dokt6r tekhn.nauk, Prof.
Calculating the parameters of high turbulence occurring during
hydraulic jumps. Trudy LIVT no-7:41~48 '60. (MIRA 15.2)
.(Hydraulic jump) (Turbulence)
Structure of large-scale pulsations in open streams.
Trudy GGI no-74:3-21 160. (KmA 13:7)
MAKKAVMV, V.11. , doktor tck-hn.naul-, prof. . !j. 1
F Approximation theory of waves cf the type which affect ships
=der conditions of a finite depth and two layera..'of a lAquid
with vai7ing density. Trudy LIVT no.13j25-32 161.'
(MIRA 14~10)
(Ships-Hydrodynamic impact)
,%UT-,ICII,: vlahkaveyev, V.,M.
TITLE: Parameters representing turbulence
SOML CE: Modelirovaniye yavleniy v atmosfere i gidrosferc;
trudy Pervoy mczhduvedomstvennoy Iconferentsii 22-26
noyabrya 1960 g. X'oscow, Izd-vo SSSI',, 19621, 104-
TEXT: The author considers the case when turbulence occurs
in a liquid due to "bottom friction" because of motion of walls;
this is known as "normal turbulence". The followin- factors govern-
'ing "normal turbulence" are discussed mathematically: the velocity
of motion of a wall in relation to a region at rest; the distance
of the region at rest from the wall; "roughness" of the urall; the
linear dimension representing the volume of turbulent-flow re,,,ion
divided by the rouge surfzice area causing this turbulence (this is
known as the hydraulic radius of the active cross-section of the
flow); period of the oscillations causing turbulence. The effect
Card. 1/2
Parameters representing turbulence D207/D308
of roughness is estimated by the ratio of the absolute height of
projections to the linear dimension representing the whole flow
(usually the hydraulic radius). Two special cases are treated.
1) the most important terms in the equations of motion arc the iner-
tial forces for steady-state motion and forces due to the effective
viscosity; 2) the most important terms are the inertial forces of
non-steady-state motion and those due to the effective viscosity.
Card 2/2
Theory of the turbulence and movement of sediments. Trudy VI
no.100.-54-87 163. (KRA 16:9)
. (Sedimentation and deposition)
Interaction of a turbulent stream with the underlying surface
and its formation. Trudy GGI no.111:61-80 164.
" -- .t (MIRA 17:6)
Turbulence of channel streams. Trudy GGI no.124t4O-54 165.
(MPA 18 S 9)
L 08465-67 L%T(,n)/E14T(1)/Z-1T(m) Mil1W
_4CC-NRi AR016)M CM) SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/65/000/012/DO95/BO95 5-1
AUTHOR: Makkaveyev, V. M.
TITLE: Processes in the formation of rotary motion in pulsation at the boundary
Isurfaces of a turbulent flow
ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12B673
REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-ta vodn. transp., vYp- 77, 1964, 21-31
TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, turbulent flow, fluid viscosity
ABSTRACT: The author considers some phenomenological explanations for several known
empirical results pertaining to the internal structure of turbulent flows./ It is
postulated that there are two zones of flow near the wall, each zone having different
characteristic frequencies of pulsation flow which are constant with respect to cross
section. The frequency in the zone-near the bottom is assumed to be proportional to
that in the .'low nucleuB,; this frequency is identified with the value at the wall of
half the derivative of the velocity along the normal to the wall. Validation is then
given for the relationship between the Chezy coefficient and the relative roughness ofi
hydraolically rough walls, and for the existence of a certain boundary condition at
the wall for the velocity appearing in the dynamic differential equation of flow with
constant eddy viscosity. The condition gives a linear relationship between velocity
Card 1/2 UDC: 532.5
L o8l,65-67
and the derivative of velocity at the wa~ * Finally, a certain formula is validated
for mass flow weight rate of bottom pumpsland for the resistance of hydraulically
smooth walls. In conclusion a solution is given for the problem on velocity profile
and flow between two parallel walls with differing roughness (assuming a constant eddy
viscosity coefficient). V. S. Sinel'shchikov. [Translation of abstract]
MAKKAVS"Vi V.V., doteent.
Using normal horse serum as a tissue therapy preparation. Sbor. trud.
Khar'. vat. inst. 22:408-410 154. (NIRA 9:12)
le Kafedra khirurgill Odesskogo selldrokhozyaystvannogo instituta.
(serum therapy) (Tissue extracts)
Field determination of the adsorption capacity of clay
rocks by the benzidine titration method. Kora vyvetr.
no. 3:360-364 160. (KMA l3tl2)
1. Gidroproyekt in.S.Ya.Zhuka i Inatitut geologii rudnykh
mestorozhdenty, petrografit, mineralogti i geokhimii AN SSSR.
(Clay--Analysis) (Adsorption)
M. ~ ylz.~ , 'a YEw , F. I I
lapirt :--tbr. ~' for :ieter t i,; crntent In -nal.%!h ctlel-C
and b---en. -)t-r.rrrr. 6 n- .7: 1~q j I I ~-. (,;]*-~l
I.Tz,ertral'nkira nauchnc!-'-.Qr laboratcriya Prichochnry
( atch ird-t-y): (*%-.-)d--."l"n4pture)
Effect of blood circulation disorders in the
gio,ally de-tected., on the fetus. Dokl. AN BSSR
1. Minskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut.
umbilical cord, mcrholr,
8 no.9z609-612 S 164*
(MIRA 17:12)
Morphology and tjign-Ificance of the ',,ue xTr'b
of the umbilical cord, ~,-kli. pat. 27 no,9z~!-~6
J~ 12,
1. Kafedra patQj-gjr~je.,jk,jy ejnrtI_)MII (zav.- Prof" YI-V. (,u.
Minskogo meditsInskogo, -I"ubmitted rlecornt,- , 'Ct,I-,.
Populational and biomass d7namics of Rissoa splendida Zichv. in
shore waters of the Crimea. Trudy SBS 11:101-107 '59.
(MIRA 13:5)
(Black Sea--Algae)
Biocoenosis of Cystoseira ba#4U Ag. (Wor.) in the coa9tal area
of the Black Sea. Trudy SBS 12:168-191 '59. (MIRA .14:10)
Seasonal succession of epiphytic algae occurring on G7stcseira
in the Sevastopol region. Trudy Gictrobiol. ob-va 10:201-20~,
l6o. (MM 13:9)
(Sevastopol region-Algae)
Ecology and seasonal changes in fouling diatoms attached to Cysto-
seira. Trudy SBS 13;27-38 160. (MIRA 14-.3)
(Black Sea-Algae) (Marine ecology)
Biology and seasonal variations In the abundance of some Smphipods
in the Black Sea. Trudy SBS 13.,119-127 160. (MIRA 14:3)
(Black Sea-Amphipoda)
Small worms, crustaceans, and marin- mlte3 in the Cystoseira
biocoenose. Trudy SDS 1i,:147-10'-' IrA. (MJRA 15!4)
(Sevastopol region-Mat-Ine f-,;ology)
w, Y K -,,, V ". !Y-- Y v f B .
Blocenoser, asoociated With Lbe aQuaLC plar,*.s r.7' ,rc-
Mediterran,E~an "ca. Trudy S)N; 16.2(A-21C 163.
Population ol same shnals