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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 ~;.'h~~ mh~rma.?~~nan:i.c .nvestigt~.tivri of trig Sy.:.tcm ~OV; 7h 3~ .~ 13/37 ~. cc,~npUnun~t~~ ln. the case of c~.:rnnara.ra (.~.: amounts of F,bC1 and KC; ca~~r~. ~~arri~:d out acco-r�diag to "b~l.ance" method accord- ~t.n~; to ;;-;1�t~?;~r-ern~~,kersg tra,kin,> ~ntt~ %3i:coiznt the pa.per.s by V,G, i~hivpl.r; tt.rtt; h~r3 si;u?F:rtt,s (~tr.:r 1/~) ~,,; v~ ~.l:l. ns t;,y G ~.., l~~f~','lii,';t~t ~:t.n~j N T.~ ~x;.f~.nt�,�; ~vsi t~~t::~f:~ 1 j 17)., From the ;~U_-t i tl'f ':;'rl~ u.n~li.y~19 t}7 t; C(~.l~E,'r11T'atl.t7nS o~ tht? COILpon(?nt3 zn thr~ :3tyi ~.r a.r~,.' 1 iqui 3 ph~~,s~: wf~re~ cs.~ cull:~ted and. the valur;s cj:`' ~h~~ ~~-~a'i'ic,ic-nts cif fr~~...tions.tian wire detcrminet? anti �;t.v~~n rrl r~. ~.rit~~,Y The .{i~~tr.rminr~,tcEn of thr v~~.ppr pres:;urE~~ r3br}ve tht flq~leou:~ ~ry,~l,~ U i, ions (sr~.ture,t(~c3 ;vi th KC:1 or I,bGl , tGS~?::C,T,1V.'1' ref, %~~o,) WriS t:E.,TT1Vrt OUP f3,CC0I't~?ing tCi ,}1EJ 180� ~,; ,:, ti : Inri;n~:~.i t~s at r;o~!ing t~z tt;~� d~ita b,y I~ht~.rn(~~i .~.nti Uut~n it.~i~ 2t~) c { i.~ tit, l.c tju,t~.i are obt~,in~:,:i zesFnt ,o,~Er for hirr:er concentr~~.t;ions i;. deterriincd lr~ the i ' ~ - 1: z- 25�o Usir~~; tine eriur~.tion by Gibbs-Duhem a posh+lc~1, ion t:;tyvl~y ~ ra ._~ calc;ulw~tiorz o:f thr~ ;~a~;nitude of the r:~es,r: p of tine detex~~ninatiun of coefficient yr, ie ti-vir~ f:zr the co,se of grater for hi~?~er concentrat~.oras tivit th ;~ e a,c the val.ucs of f the electrolytes emplo;~in~; tlic d~.ta already exiNtir:~~; in t~iis f 1 o The isopie ,tic method by Rabia7son ~~nd (Re field , s employed for the det;err;lir:~.tion of tl~e :~,ater -activity; hi ' era s r.d Ouen (Ref 2~ had proved t'r.e reliabilit;; of t KYiarned e ~ Card 1~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 - r i c r~ -r i ~. ~. - Thermodynamic Investigation of Coorystalli~ation in the 'j f3-~T10~~3 System KC1 � ~~C1~ - F~0 i,n the solid phase are given in fig. 3. The extrapolation was only possible for RbCl. ~z'he pu ;tins of the vulue;~ oe the coefficients of activity int~~ the equntian (1) which was determined from isopiestic data (reference fi) makes possible the ecmputation of all factors of Ratner's equation. From this the free energy of the ~trarisition 1 mole RbC from pure crystals to a mixed K(flb)C1 in which RbCl is in a standard state, can be determined. This free energy a~nount s to Q~S ~~oS ~~5~ ~ - 490 cal. `1'he molar, free e:aergy of the formation of mixed crystals L1~ (fig. 4) x w~,s computed simultaneously. The entropy of mixture LS,Hx w~,s easily computed by comparison of this latter value with the corresponding values ~ S (referenxe 9,10). 1'ne mixed crystals are similar to the regular crystals at 25�C. T;he concerned system is characteristic with respect to the c~~mpoaition by the asymmetry of the function x Card 4~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 Thermodynamic Investigation of Cocrystallization in the 78-~-10/43 System ~~, . Rbi~l - H2O it was mare useful to study the common crystallization v~~:ithin a wide range of relation: from micro concentrations cif one oc~mponont to those of they othex. In this case the E~pplication of the equation by Gibbs-Dyugem and the Y~elations by Storonkin and Shul~ts (reference 7} with the ;tygtems concerned, becomes possi.bls. `l~he required values of the coefficient of activity ~'or micro concontration.s, c;an be determined by extrapolatj.ons of these lots.. Sy~ltems ~~f alkaline halides ~vh:ich form ~~nhydxous mixed cryst,~,ls were I~elected for the sake of simplicity. Water was selected :~'or the controlled or "third" cc~mpanent. In view of determining the change of the chemical potentials, the distribution of the components between the phases, as well ,~,s the dependence of the steam-pressure on the composition of the solution had tY~,o'rougly to be investigated. 1'he isotherm of solubility KCL - RbCl - H2O in rectangular coordinates is shown in fib;. 1. `f he dependence of thF~ chemical potentials of the components on the composition of the mixed crystals K(Rb}C1 is shown in fig. 2. The Card 3 5 values of the coefficients of activity of the components APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 d amic ;investigation of Cocrystallization iri the System 7a-1-1043 Thermo yn KC1~AbCl-Hg0 ~ ~ _ is the molar share of the micro in which case x s _ are the component in the solid phase, whereaea"+ and a"+ "practical" coefficients of activity of the ions of the microT and macro-componentscoDrespondingftocthen activities coefficient; ado and aLo of the micro- and macro-compen~bsence of totherdaomponent); each of them in Rater (in th 05 and ~ S the ct-emical potE~ntial of the mioro- component, corresponding' in thE~ir or~n pure crystals and in the �olid solution with a standard stthe=aationnnumbersion in mol per 1000 g water; V'~ and ~ Rhiah are formed in Nater with the dissanaiitindicegthe salts of the micro- and macro-components; S base. A strict corresponding to the solid and liquid p analysis of these relations has not been carried out up till now for any system, s~ncTheeauthorsf criticizeethelqualitative difficul+, to determine. evaluations of various factors on the strength of non- strict simplifications (references 2 to 6). In this connection Card 2~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 ,. ,'~ ~. P. (Deceased, Makarov,_._~'.' L, tner ~t AUTHORS: , a TImLE: ~"hermodynamic Investigation of Cocrystallization in the O (Termodinamicheskoye izuaheniye H 2 ;System KC1 - RbCI - 0) KC1 - RbCl - H 2 ;sokristallizatsii v sisteme PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Near~anioheekay Khimi~., 1~~�, Vol. 3, Nr 1, PP� 46"50 (t15SR~ ABSTRACT: Aocordin~ to the thermodyn~unic theory of sleotrolyte- talliile and the liquid distribution be}wean the solid arya theor - s@t forth 25 years ado the value Rat't Y phase, - of the fractionating coefficient D is expressed by thermo- dynamioal functions: ~' a, ~'05-' S Card 1/~ 0 a Lo APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 k_ ( r� ~ _ ` tl;n- ;-r^..Gi.~ __;:,:1C ..�i.tCa 0~ ,; r;�%;.','.1 ; v" ~.,,,,-,........~" 1!022~~13~ ~, Turbulent: ~' _ i{ P Behind ~,erad~rnam~i a ali.y Poor (H:ittn�~) Body- ~=~ x rd a Hounded ~~ r` eam of l4~ of the t,roas~se~:ti.onal area undex the condi.ti.ons approximating to those ,.n the combustion chambex'�~ The ~'lape= invest.igat ed are shown in Figs 1 ~ and xhe object of the expera.ments wa,s to determine total. Pr~~kercausedtby tpheseubodies~ t�he d.irea�tion a~f' flow over the whole The tunnel used for' the exper i:ment s was of the s tr�a i s~ht-~M t,hrough type closed working sections and two=�climensional f'l:ow was simulated .in it o The 4ontrac.ti.on 4ection was designed according to the method of Witaszynsk.iy The working sEa:t,i.on dimensi.ori.s were 0~2 x 0�>G x 2 m~, The measur�eme7~ts were taken always at t�ha same :station wl~i].e the model was moves along tt~e wind tunnel, The direction o� f.']ow inclination of the stream linrs)b~as measured by tne:~n~, of a thrc~H�~t.ube~inW~yne prober the pro inclination be:i~rig adjusted unt:i.l the tubes read thc: same pressures the middle tap tube being u:~ed f"or~ a rough est.imat:ian of the total. p:r~essure at a. giuen poz.n~k. ~ The exact value robehe total pressure was ir.hen measured by means of a separate p ' Gard ~~ / ~, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 o - ~ll~9f~ ~U ,~(1C'~~ Eo22/E1.35 s :, ~~ , Ata'f f~t(l~ty : A~-t~ ~mc~v~~ c: h ~; t~ ~ N ~ a ~1~xka~ o-~ {, ~ 4 5 L , and Khud ~nko ~; T.~TLEo Tur~bul.ent Wake D+~h:Y.atd ~erQdynctr~si.~: ~, I~ca~ax ~. Eilui~t. ~ Bodies in a Houncl ed ~t.~' earn pERIODICAL;, I~~resti~-a ~rys~h~kh uz:hebnyk~h xa�~ede~na.y s ~ onnaya t~ elchn.ika ; 1961 :, Noe :1 ~ pp ~, 61.73 TEXT` The theo.reti.c~a1 aa.l.ution of"' the processes ts:ki�ng place behind the t'l.ame stsbxlisex`s rlnter~bl~rmocfbdesi.gning high:lX~~.upe etc) Gould app~" ease .he p However" , t..he diffi.culti es xn efficient rombtast.on chambex~s� ,per teat.;; mainly due obtaining such ~theoreta.c~+.l solutions rlocesses of combustion are to the fact tlaa't. certain` the lama's governing the 1 noi, under~staod~ 1n p stl.ll .~, st.x.1 flow of gases immed~at.ely beh~_nd tY-e blunt. are lack~.ng9 in spite of t_he facts that that region affects emery stx�ongly the proc of combustion as wa11 xs etimental~investi gahe flamed The present article presents s~rrne e p tiaras of tshe str~uctux a of the turbuleatstr ~ambandneaus~-rag blockage of different form placed i n a bound s ~ and .1 ~/~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 ACC NR: 11T'601II9QG` :, ; + SGUI~C~ COnB; ~1I~/017Q/66/010/006 f 0707; f37t ~ AUTHOR; Makarov, I. S. ; Khudenko, B. G. `~r' _ >~ 013.G: Aviation Institute im. S, (7rdzhonilcidze, `I~7~7~;r`o~if ~Avi.atsio~anyy 1-n:~tittEt} ''iTLFa; A sygtEm o.f flat tr.irbulent jets in a r:~7a~;i;f~,~ SOtTR,CE: Inxhenerno-fi.zicheskiy zhurn~~l, v. 1f?, rr~}. ~:, i,~lE1G, i07M711 ~iy0~'IC TAGS: turbulE;nt jet., ie~st ch,~mi:ai~r, f~~,~~.- ;~~r�si{ tc~~�c~ ABSZ'IIAGT; The results of experimental investigations of thc~ turbulent Its in a c}lamher reveal the same ,t. , ~ _.~__._......_....,...1..~..,..._r. si~~e.c~ific pE~ctalari},it ,+ ref ~r7~ t flr?et- ~~ ~ ire i-~~fi~ait.~~ :~T7,.,t_~E~: difo;rn~ation of jet ~~xes while mixing, t}~c. pr~r~;;t~rlce cif c~;~tendc:d and ir~tc>z7sf: regions of back currents, etc. I-iowever, all thes~r p}~r:~clri7er~:,~ ,3..rf= interisii'irc.} in the c~h~~.rn}per, Tlaer'e is a possibility of affecting the str. ucttar� cif th.~ riot. flc.~�~, dF~c,r~~asin~ its nonuniformity, and diminishing hydraulic losses in the ch�rr:l:~er }~,- r;h~.~~~~tr~~ the. dimensions of lateral jets. Oz^ig. art. has: 4 figures 41x~d 1 ta~~1c. [based o~~ authors- ___ abstract) l~.T~ ~t3l.l ~~,-)~~i;; fit)/ ~~~TF.I}Vl 1~~'l'l; t(il'7c~c6~/ f)Itt~~ 1i-?;"I~-~ ~~?~;~I _ Cnrd Y ~ 1. _ _-- _._._ ~-- tI"i7 C : 53 2, 517 , 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 - bRG; none ;, ~,,, , ~'~ ~ -- `2TTLE: zn aP ae ets at the wall ~' ~~ _ ~ . ,;. ` SOt3RCEs IWx. Av3:atsionnaya tokhnka, no. 2, 1.966, 137-T~+2 5~:. ss ,. TOPIC TAt3~: racket ez~giz~e, gas dynamics ,~ et, het mixing ~s. ~:: ~{ ;? ABSTRACT:, The mixing of gas bets is of great importance in the operation af. reaction e~agi,nes. Thin, problem has been studied experimentally and. a method was proposed for the ~pgrox~.mate calculation o~ the veloc~.ty fields of the resulting s et. ~ f;' ~ The test, asseu~bly G.4ns3.sted of :a squaxe duct wi,tih ,tY~ree uni~'ormly spe,ced nozzles r,.. ,located in a: ~~pl:ane~.paral~.e1 to the ~aall s.nd one ;nozzle located at a greater' distance ~,;`~ � dram the ~ralZ but symmetrically with respect- to the three nozzles. The total ~pres~ ._sures of tMe ,jets near the wa11 and the velocities were measured as a function of d~.stance Pram the nozzle outlets The experiments were conducted at discharge velac- itieg of-30 5C, and. $0 m/dec, which were-equal ;far all four nozzles. An in'i,eresting ~eau~.t way that- the a~ti~aT velac#~tie~ of the bets changed writh distance at different ,~ ~ rat~s~ axtho~gh~ the discharge ve].acities, f~.ow rite, i~oxzle side, s.nd totay momentum. ~., ~ ~- Card l ~ ~ 5~:._ UAC: 533.1. ,. _ ~ a APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 _ T. 3_215-66___.._~W~m)/EWT(1)/EWT(m) N16V/JW __ __ _ "',_ ACC NR: AP6010859 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/001/0154~0158~? i AUTHOR: Abramovich G. N. (Moscow); Bakulev, V. ;I. (Moscow); Makarov, I. S. (Moscow); Khudenko, B. G. Moscow) '~~~Y.,_;~,-_.,.,.,..,~ j~ {ORG: none j TITLE; Investigation of a submerged turbulent stream of real gas SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 1, 1966, 154-158 TOPIC TAGS: axisymmetric flaw, turbulent flow, Taal gas, gaseous substance, Prandtl number, nitrogen 9 .~ ~ c~+ui o ~~~ r~oF ~' ~ J ~~ ~ T'~~'~y~-- ~F Ssvi~ ABSTRACT: The results of the experimental investigation .of the axisymmetric flow of liquid nitro~enltat supercritical pressure in gaseous nitrogen are presented. The ob- servation of the flo;~ with ordinary and shadowgra:ph cameras indicates that the liquid flow is distinguished by the absence of droplets at the boundary layer, due to vanish- ing surface tension at supercritical pressure. The conditions of the experiment and the apparatus used are described (the Reynolds number at the exit nozzle was in the range of 1.7 to 5.8105). The kinetic pressure and temperature profiles were measured at upper and mid-stream sections of the flow and the data are compared with the theo- retical computations. The Prandtl turbulence number was so chosen that a phenomenolo- gical constant employed in the comparison of the results was about the same for the Card 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 .- - ,~`~? is'. i~ /~ //~ ~,~ ACCESSION NR: APb020~41 ENCLOSURE; Oi D r ';~ ~axirr~um; to miinimum. Quantitative proceeeing of the expeximantal data sha~v~: ~~ tofiml ~~ f QgY to tl~~ pxacesaes of heat exchange and mass exGhang~ in the. system of j~t~. Thee ~~ ~ di#ferenee~ noted in the characteristics of the individual jets are presented and discussed. ~, - ~ Orig, art, -bads 4 figur~sa` and 1 tabte. ~~,~ ,~. ~ :.~_ - __ 'Fig. l ~' Schematic of the :' ~ ,sue�rin~enta~ devise. ~; ~A end B puce `', ~ ' ~aB~9rV0Ix~; 1, 2, 9, F : 4 ~ 5 ars ~ete~ t :~., ~,~ - ,~, a 3 r { APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 ~ ~ ~ - - ~ __ ~ f �i' ~, .'i~ `~l6 {j t ~fy _(/~1 J f ~4~ ~~;`t `f ' ` ~/aY~a/a5/aaslaaz/ales/a186 ~~~~ ~ } 532.622 ~ ,ACT~fIfII~ ov,wf.:-gam., i~hudeailco, ~. G. (~ !,fir ~ /~~ ~ lp t S,~ '~t'f~''~E: A's team.. a f plane turbulent beta ., t, :, _ _ ~ ,E ~~1 ' 8{DURG~s. Iazh~n~rna-fiz~eheekiy zhtu"nai, v- 9, no. 2 _ .,,.. ~.~ , 1965, 130 1g6 i ~t~ r x~, ~~`x ~'UUPI~ 'T'AGS� ~ 8aa flew, turbulent flaw, turbulent f E-t, turbulent mixing . `~ ~ ,carbon dioxide, 3~~ .flow, nozzle flow, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer . ~-.. , ', TRACT: The _, Paper gives the results of investigs,tions of the mixing of five plane turbu-~j ~r ~ ; le>~t air .jets.,. flowing out into the atmosphere from alit nozzles see Fi ( g. 1 of the ~dosutn~, ~ Identical Nits f$ .x 30 nun) were placed eg~iidistant from each a ~~~~~ ~ then{aa rnm), The flow l ,, l rate, tednperat~xe, Qoncentration of carbon dioxide, and the direction of flo ~, distari+e$a >~rom the. nazzlle cute pup to 350 mrn j were ~lnvesti ~ ~' at various `~ air being fed info nazzles 2 and ~ was .seated ~ a ma~i~ g ed in the resultsant flow The i e~tn _ um of ~OC~ It~ is found that heat . ~{ Inge ~tix the 'het ~8ihi~ long before -the boundaries cif the individual eta i ~, ~k~ ini~dng Qf the beta (arose sec~ticn ~ e~ mzn} the t+~~m eacattt ~ ntsraectt After ~. s"tr- f~- ~~ - , _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE= 06/23/11 = CIA-R~P86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-R~P86-005'13800'103'1500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE= 06/23/11 = CIA-R~P86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500048-6