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66503 On Thermodynamics of Steel Crystallization in the Mold ST /137-59-7- 14595 occurs. If, however, the procesa is accompanied by deep supercooling, the thermo- dynamic potential. is considerable and a certain portion nf the energy reserve is consumed by forming crystallization centers. The first case is considered as the thermodynamical basis for the theory of subsequent crystallization; the second case pertains to the theory of volume crystallization. It is concluded that these theories can not be opposed. I.G. Card 2/2 7 3/137/61/000/011/029/"123 Ao6o/A io 1 AUTHOR: Madyanov. A.M. TITIE: Quantitative characteristic of crystallization zones in the process of steel hardening in the casting mold FERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 61, abstraQt 11V358 (V sb. "Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka", Oor'kiy, 1959, 5 - 9) TEXT- To investigate the tertiary hardening process of steel in the casting mold the method of simulation was applied, based on the thermal-hydraulic analogy. Tho data obtained make it possible to represent graph1cally the quantitative va- riation of the crystallization zone with the passage of time. Curves divide the entire field of the diagram into three regions corresponding to the dimensions of the crystallization zones: the zone of' solidified metal, the crystallization zone, and the zone of molten metal. Starting with this diagram, it is possible to characterize the conditions of the cristallization of steel as a function of the viscosity of the medium for any ingot cross section. The comparison of the diagram of the crystalline inhomogeneity of the ingot and the graph of the quanti- Card 1/2 ,9/137/61/000/011/029/123 Quantitative characteristic ... A060/A101 tative variation of the zone as it hardens makes it possible to establish the in- fluence of zones upon the structural inhomogeneity of the lngot. The zone of fine grained crystals corresponds to the period of steel hardening at the lowest thick- ness of the heterogeneous zone. In the formation of the transcrystallization zone, there arise conditions favoring the growth of spiky crystals; their crystalliza- tion occurs at definite ratio of the rate and the temperature gradient. The axiai zone cf the ingot is formed tefore the final hardening out of the heterogeneous medium of greater viscosity. The rise of zonal liquation is accompanied by the vanishing of the molten metal zone. The final formation of liquation strips in the metal occurs in the heterogeneous zone. The calculation of the critical crystallization rate at which liquation strips occur is shown, using the solidus. F Arsent'yev [Abstracter's note: Complete transialionl, Card 2/2 3/137/1-5- 12/0-, 0j"!Z- VDG'-/~6 9 A006/A 10 1 AUTHORt _~a~yanov _AX- TITIE.- Dimensions of crystallization zones and the'-r eff,~,ct -,n the heter.:_ geneity of forged ingots PFRIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no-3, 1961, 44, 3V31a. (V sb. "Puti uluchsheniya kachestva o-ClIlvok". Gor'kl-y, 1959, 156- 164) TEXT: Data from the method of thermohydraulilo analogy were 1,issd t3 plot a diagram on changes of crnjstallization zones of an :Lngot in the mold, which makes it possible to determine the dimensions of,the crys-?:a-.Iization z-,ne for dif- ferent sections of theingot at any moment of solidification. :1, was fo_rii tha-, the zone of fine-globular crystals correspondea to that peri,,-)-d of steel silidif_'_ cation when the thickness of the heterogeneous zone has the least value. T.7-he zone of transcrystalliza~ion is located so that it begins aT. a certain mag-_itlda of the heterogeneous zone and ends with the vanishing of the liqjid metal zone. During this-period columnar crystals are being formed. The ax-fal se-__'on 'Of ths Card 1/2 ingot (coarse-globular crystals) is formed withou-~ a liquid metal zone, wh,&n aij thizf metal volume, prior to final solidifi~catlon, represents a hetercgeneCJ3 medium of considerable viscosity. The formation of off-ax-I'al segregation is ac- companied by the varnishing of the liquid metal zone. The fr=a,,I,jn of segrega- tional streaks takes place in the heterogeneous zone. V. G~ [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 FHMM I MON EXPLOITATIOV SOV/4199 Leningrad. Politaidinicheskly institut SoTremennyya doatizhenlya liteynogo proizvodstva; trudy mzhvuzovskoy nauchno-takhnichealcoy konferentail (Recant Achisvirmento In Pot4ndings Transactions of the Scientific and Technical Conference of Schools of Hlzhar Education) Moscow, XanUiz. 1960. 336 p. Errata slip Lanorted. 4oOOO copies printed. Reap. 24.s Tu. A. Ralchondzip Doctor of Technical 341encen, Professor; Zda.t m. a. airshovichp Doctor of Technical 5cloncess Profeasort and IL P. Lebedov, Docent; MazuLgIng Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Uningrad Department, Kashr1c) : To. P. Naumov~ Engineer, Tech. Ida.z Te. A. Dlugokannkaya, and L. V. Shch*tinina. FURPOSEt This basic to intended for the technical persannal or foundries. It may be used by students of the field. COVERAGIs This collection of articles discusses problema in founAlng processes. Individual articles treat trio asIttog of watals " their alloys, McChani::dtlon and w4t0mattOn of canting proceearas aspects of the manufacture of eto*lo cLat Lron, and nonferrous metal coatings. No porocnalitiom ment~"d- References accomcany Individua.1 articles.,., Recent Achievement. In Pounding (Cont.) 3OV/4199 25. A= Fzpor3-%antn1 Investigation or the Zld ~~.Gs 191 2-6. Noalcov, B. A. Raterials for Shall Holds 201 27. Atr=zon~l.-D. Ceramic Coma for Investment Casting of H ftt;~'ftsL5t=t Alloy Hollow Products or Compl" Conf!:=tlon 205 25. Temperature Regime in Production of Shall Kowa and Strength 212 V. 31= CASTINOS 29. enter Lj~~ macnaniam or the Formation of' Out- suation in a Steal Ingot 219 30. Oknoy-*~ R-Ba3lc Patterns of Crystallization of Corroston-Rentatant Sttala With a Lower Content of N101cel 222 C"-d 6/9 sl i '1'(A21r,()(jAo;_)1o 17/ 14 '1 A0061A101 AUTHORS: Madyanov, A. M., Perlitin, Ye. S., Tiunov, F, A r--T--E, Comparing the chemical heterogeneity of an 8-ton ingot of a new shape with a bulk ingot PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya,no. 2, 1962, 42, abstract 211256 (V sb. "Novoye v liteyn. proiz-ve. no. 3", Gor'kiy, 1960, 2-58-24o) T= A medium carbon steel ingot (0.41 - 0.53% C) of a new shape is different from a bulk Ingot by a lower fl ; D. To compare the chemlcal hetero- geneities of both ingots, a chemical analysis was made for C, P Md S in samples taken off longitudinal and transverse templets. It was established that the new ingot shows a lesser range of changes in the C, P and S concentration over the height in the axial section, than the bulk ingot. P. Arsentlypv rAbstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 1/1 MADYANOV, Aleknandr Mikhaylovich, kand. tokhn. nauk; RYZIIIKOV, A.A., --------prDT.-,--do-ktor-tekh-n-.--n-aQ,- red.; POZDNYAKOVA, G.L., red.izd- va; ISLENTIYEVAJ, P.G., tekhn. red. [Solidification and new methods of steel casting]Zatverdevanie i novye sposoby razlivki stali. Pod red. A.A.Hyzhikova. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 109 p. 041RA 15:12) (continuous casting) (Solidification) 14AVY ANOV A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; TIKHOLOV, G.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., otv. red.; ZAALISHVILI, Sh.D., doktor khim. nauk, prof., retsenzent; ASTIROV, Ye.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; KOZYULINA, R.M., red. [Principles of the theory of metallurgical processes; manual for students of the department of metallurgy] Osnovy teorii metallurgicheskikh protsessov; uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov metallurgicheskogo fakullteta. Gor'kii. Pt.2. 1962. 112 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Gorkyi. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Kafedra liteynogo proizvodstva. 14 A DY ANOV 4,j4g I lhayD.~-,rich, -kand. tekhn. nauk; CHUDINER, ._ ~ijk - - - -"--:-'-Rudo1'f Wita-!Tjevi~h; FEREITIN, Vladimir Yevgenlyevicn~ TREIIII, Vaieriy Fedlorovl,--h (Sollidificat.-on and pouring nf steel under a liquid m6diwal Zatvarde-vanie I razI.I.vka stall pod zhidk-A sredri. Moskva, Metallurg-iia, 11465. 90 p. (MIRA 18-.7) --A.14., kand, tt~khrj na M~Y lnv-~sf,'gal,ing th(~ ]I flisible, flux Irudy ~,Pl -Hif"tNIFi, inzh. 4 inder a layer BORISOV., Yevgeniy Filippovich; BROVER, Izraill Moiseyevich, prof.; PYPJJOV, Aleksandr Stepanovich; LARINA, Raisa Yefimovna; KA SPNOYLENKO, Ivan Ivanovich; CHETUTYSHEV, Nikolay Tikhonovich (Reader in economics; precommunist means of production] Khre- stomatiia po politicheskoi ekonomii; dokommunisticheskie spo- soby proizvodstva. Pod red. I.M.Brovera. Moskva, dos. izd-vo "Vysshala shkola," 1963. 378 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Prapodavateli kafedry politicheskoy ekonomii Volgogradskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta (for Brover, Larina, Madyanov, Samoylenko, Chernyshev). 2. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy finansovo- ekonomichaskiy institut (for Borisov). (Economics) ,-_M&DITAR, 1. Diabetes and arteriosclerosis. Vest.=I SSSR 16 no.3:3-9 '61. (MIA 14:7) 1. Iz 1-y terapevticheskoy kliniki Budapeshtskogo meditffinskogo universiteta (dir. - Prof. Ishtvan Ruonlyak). (DIABIETES) (ARTrWIWGLEIWSIS) CaT MMAW/Analytical Chemiatry Analyllia of InorU!inic ChMiotry E-2 "b's Jour Ref Zhur - nirJiYa,, No 3) 1958) No 7569 Author Madyar Jan Inst Fiot -Given Title Polarographic Determination of UrLivalent Copper in the Pre- sence of Bivalent Cu in an iaimoniacai Solution of Univ,_ler Copper Acetate. t Orig Pub Cheri. prumysi. 1957, 7, No 6, 299-300 Abstract A polarographic method for the Cu~ determination is -suggest- ed which mkeG possible the simultaneous determination of Cuj+ . The resiLlts of the pollarographic Cut determination are in good agroement with data obtained by the titrimetric method and can be uzed for its control. The polarogram is rum with IN NH40H-4.-]-N NH4Cl as the supporting electrolyte. Card 1/1 MAD'YAR; lolbrWq (Minig*ry of Agri=zII=o of the %ngarian P*p4lar Republic), for Doctw of EZ'fjlogical Scionew on the basis of disoer- tation defended 4 Feb 60 in Council of the Institmb~e of Genetics of the Acad Sci USSR, entitledi "Thiprovement of the Hungarian Grey nnd I Hungarian Red-Variegated Breeds of Long-;ktrrsed Cattle with K OSTAOMA -%119. (MMSSO USSR, 2-61, 25) 236 P~ MOV R.S. Purpose of industry and t"-,e protection of the health of workers. Nauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:39-41 164. (MIRA 8:9) 1. Kafedra istorii Kommunisticheskoy partil Sovotskogo Soyuza i politicheakoy ekonomii KarAnskogo nieditsinskogo instituta. 71 in2 MADZAROV,I, On some topographic ezd age-related characteriatir-,s of the adrenergic neurovascrular skin reactivity. Folia med. (Plov- div) 6 no.5.*309-314 1644 1. 11ohes Modizinioches InoUtut 111~P. ravlov"' zu Plovdiv Bulgarien Lehrstuhl fuer Haut- und 'es ch-Lachtakrankhei ten (Vorstand: Prof. Dr. B. Batqchwarc-,- [Bach-varov,B.]). 7- T~__ MADZIfAGALADZE, N. A. Cand Med boi "Nervous apparatus of the circle-of-Willis artleries in norm and in disorders of 1011a cerebral circulation." Tbilisi, 1960 (Acad Med Sci USSR). (KL, 4-61, 210) HOMAGLADZE, II.A. Innervation of the arteries of the brain. Topneirckhire 24 no.lt26-31 Ja-F 160. (HnA 13:10) (BR.M-BWOD SUPPLY) Madzhar, L. - Znachenie i vliianie na faktora na mshtta cos v=kLni elektrich. tsentrali i nachinite za podobrenieto zim. 70 figuri 1 18 tablitsm- v teksta Ili prilozheniia. Sofiya, Ministerstvo na elektrifikatsiiata, 1951. 134 p. (-Significance and influence of the factor co3 upon electric-power stations, and waye for its inprovemnt.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress., Vol. 2, No. 9, Oct. 1953, Uncl. MOLOTKOV, L.F.~ MEROV, V.M.; KRYZIIANOVSKIY, A.L.; SWRAN I.K.; DOILTUNGVP Ye.14.., SCROCHAN, N.G.; MADZHAR~ N.I.- VOROBlyri, A.F. Investigating pressures duriag the rolling of universal strIP5. 1zv.vys.uzheb.zav.� charn.mqt. 5 no.4376-81 162. OMU 15-5) 1. Dnaprodzer,-.h1wkiy meta1lurgicheskiy iwtitut I Zavod im. F.EOzerzhinBkogn. (Rolling (YBtEL!wrk)) (preasure) HMMAR, P. I. -Vork-iffethod of V*I*Kravets senior universal mill operator. Hatallurg no-8:30-31 Ag 156. (HLPA 9'10) 1.Hachallnik universalinogo stona zavada imeni Dzerzhinskogo. (Rolling (Metalwork)) MOLOTKOV L.F., aotsont, kana. Loidin. nuak; ',1'1jF..'WV, V."., ~io,oFjnt, kan~i. -IV Y V iauk; inzh.; SuLLuGHAN', N.G.; M_-DZHA_'*_,,P.1* Way5 of increasing th, output of rolllea acceptab-i- for ti.elr mechanical properties durinC, the roilLng o" St.3", ;4,i~ 1',irl~MD steel on universal mi1ils. 24 3 16- L - T7 :77-77--777-777 1.%DZHAROV, D. Pi-olonged muscle relaxation in orthopedic practice. Khirurgiia. Sofia 12 no.2:142-146 1959. (POLLOMYNLITIS. surgery, oBtectonW. postop. rm, c. relaxant ther. (Bul)) (HMGLE RZIAXANTS, ther. use, in oBtectomy in polio., postp. use (Bu.1)) K&DZHLROV, D. On cutaneous manifestations in anesthesia. Lhirurgiia, Sofia 12 no.10:882-889 159. 1. Institut za protezirane, vuzstanovitelna xhirurgiia i trudo- ustroistvo. Direktor: IA. Rholevich. (RTM ETHYL anesth.& analg.) (SKIN DISAASES et iol. MADZH&ROV,D. Com))ined barbitil-te anesthesia in plastic-restorative surgery of the extremities. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.2-3:119-.122 160. 1. Iz Instituta za vuzatanovitelaa khirurglia, protezirane I trudoustrolavane. (MITREMITIES surg.) (BARBITURATES anesth. & analg.) RUSEVV G.; MAMHAROV, D. Changes of the gas content in the blood in the extremity under the influence of a pneumatic tourniquet. Khirurgiia 15 no.5/6: 518-523 '62. 1. Vissh voennomeditsinaki Institut. Nachalnik: prof. G. Krustinov. Nauchno-izeledovatelski institut za vuzstanoei- telna khirurgiia, protezirane i trudoustroiavane. Direktor: dots. IA. Kholevich. (EXTREMITIES blood supply) (CARBON DIOXIDE blood) (OXYGEN blood) FILIPOV, S.; IORDANOV, I.; MAWHAROV, D. The problem of resuscitation and anesthesia in burns. Khirtxrgiia 15 no.9/10:794-798 162. (BUMS) (PMUSCITATION) (ANESTHESIA) 791-F M-7 1-177 - -- -------- MADZIIAROV, D. A ease of Cheyne-Stokes respiration fol-lowing administration of a muscle relaxant. Khtrurgiia (Sofia) 16 n0.3:321-322 163. (RESPIRATION) (APNEA) (MUSCLE RELAXANTS) E' Pc-.roca-r~i pL -- c ch a nice ~3 an e -e :-~ fa Vest. Khir. 1. 1z nauchno-iasiedovat,~~ -'I s4c.wo inoti tuta vosst-n.1- -I '-to '110Y khir-urgii , prc,! ~lv,] rovan I -:a i~ ixoyr, di r . IV. lliyc"v,; su,':yap Boli"a.-iya. k Ov MAVAINOV, N.' 9SOkK7EROV, Mr. 14ADZHAROV, G. Some functional manifestations of h7partension during treatment In the health resort of Bianka. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.9:41-48 1956. 1. Is III vutreshna klinika pri ISUL (Dlrektor: dots. V. TSonchav) I sanatort7m No 2-Bankia. (Gl. lakar: D. Kochankov). (HYPKRTENSION. ther. determ. of physiol. manifest. during & after ther. in health resort) KOGHMKOV, D.; MADZHkHQV.,_q-; KUIIGHgV, If. TSV3TKOV. T.; DIMCEOVA, L.; M)STOVA, K. ; Sanatorial therapy of diabetes at Bankia spa. Suvrem. med. Sofia 8 no.3: P-43 1957. 1. Iz. Sanatoriwa No. 2 - MSKU - Bankia (G1. lelmr: d-r D. Kochank-ov). (DIABREI; W,,ILLITUS, therapy, sanatori,al (Bul)) ` ~777 MADZIMROV, G., irzh-;__ILIFV, Iv., IrA. Speedy shaft sinking and speeiy removal of excava44 blodk3. Min delo 17 no.1:41-43 Ja 162. 3. Kurzhavno minno predpriiatie "Gorbuoo~ 1. Is Klinikata po kozhal I venerichaski bolesti pri Ked. akademila I.P.Pavlov, Plovdiv. Za.: dots, B.Buchyarov. (MITU# Pediculoides ventricosue. causing grain Itch in Bulgaria) (DMMTITISO grain Itch, spidem. in Bulgaria) TASHY,V, Tod.; HADZHARDV. Iv. A caas of congenital anhydrose ectodernal d7splas4&. Suvrem. mod.. Sofia 7 no.10:124-126 1956. 1. Ic Katedrata po paikhtatriia (Zav. katedrata: prof. K. Cbolakov) i Katedrata po kozbni I vaner. bolesti pri VMI I.P. Pavlov - Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: prof. Buchverov). (SKIN, abnorm. anhydrous ectodermal dyaplasta) ZL;,TI'CV A.; li V If Treatment of scabies witL 1;eguvon. Der-mato vener Sofia no.3: 2r-27 162. 1. Iz Eatedrata po kozhni i venericheski bolesti r~ri V111 "I. P. Pavlov".. Plovdiv (rukcv. na katedr. p~of. B. Buchv~-xov). NESTOROV, Nikola; MADZHAROV, Ivan; ANDREEV, Andrai Effect of the placenta tissue preparation on the leeding of pigs. Izv Zhivotn nauki I no.3245-54 164. 1. Vasil Kolarov Higher Agricultura-1 lnmt-ft~-Ae, FIcvdIv, and Institute of Animai Husbandry, Kostinbrod. 14ADZTHAROV, KH. "Permanent Rationalizers Exhibition in Sofiia." p.20 (Ratsionalizatsiia, Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) ~Ionthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 H~, KJ' New displaYs in t1,e Permanent RaIA-enalizers' ExYf"ition. p. 1.~ R,-tsicnalizatsii Vol. F3 NIc. 31, Mar., 19~P. -3cf-iia, Monthly Inclex of Last Dironean Accegsions LCI Vcd. Y, Nc. 10, Oct. 58 .4 --- - - - - - -- -I.- T E'_- Ill OLOGY .reriodical: !~TSIMJ,ALT-i ?Sell no. July 19 5E 7 ._,~DZIIIAK 'New exhibits in the IlPem-_-nent !Iationali!~orls .ontlily List o' East --uro-,ean Accessicn IL D7., "ol. 6 no. 2 February 1959, Unclass. R F KHRISTOV, M2=isto Iv., k.t.n. ir;2;h.; MADZHAROV, razar.. inz-h. Measures agaiLst hydraulic impact in pumping stations. Khidrotekh i melior 8 no.6tl88-189 t63. TOMCAT, i., inzh,; VADZKk-ROY. R. _in zh. A system of automatic optLmizaticn. Mektroerergiia 13 no,'-.- 10-13 Ja 162. MADZHAROV, N.Ye. 0,Dtj -'zation of an au:.omat' c search process wl th presence Of rand= disturbances. Trudy ~EI noe50,125-134 163o (~JJR.A 17: 12) -AL ---- - ---- - MADZHARG7. Nikola., inz. A practical method of plotting static characteristics In the throttla automatic, control of a synchronous electric motor. Elektroenergiia 14 no.l.-14-16 A ~63. 1. Mp Moskva. L 2613-66 EVIT(d)/Fr)P(,t)/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/EWP(l) IJP(0 'EC 1ACCESSION NR:- APS0197z6' UR/6144/65/6001067 Wq~39 6?.li395.385 AUTHOR: AleksandrovskiX, N. M. (Cajididate of technical sciences, Docent); arov,_-N. Ye. (E~q Madz1f gineer). TITLE: Investigation'of one class of extremal sampled-date systems under random-noise conditions no. 7,1965, 733-739 iSOURCE: IVUZ. ElektromekhanikJ TOPIC. TAGS: automatic control thzory~sampled data automatic control G),51< iABSTRACT: An automatic -control system- in which the sampled signal is used for both controlling the actuator and forming the control law is theoretically considered. 'It is assumed that: The plant is first-order linear; The sampling period is much longer than the total time of control operations. It is found that qonsiderable deviations'from the absolutd'bptimum. do not seriously affect systein Card 1/2 ............ MOLUAROV, N.Y-,. Prcblars of st.aLtlmtlcal of discrot6 syBtema. ~;f optim-lzatior. Tyud7 R" no.59-.159-171, 165- (MiRA 18-CIO) L 2 523-66 EWT (d)/EWP (v)/IW W/9W (h)00%WP (1) :ACC NR:. AR6008994 SOURCE CODE: UR/027l/65/doo/oio/Aol8/Aoi8~ 'AUTHORS: Aleksandrovskly, N._M 14adzharov, N. Ye. 5,61 ----------- ITITLE: Investigation of one dimensional tgradientl systems of .1dutomatic optimization under noisy conditions SOURM, Ref., zh. Avtomat. telemekh. i vychisl. tekhn., Abs. IOA131' REP SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ In-ta.. VYP. 59, 1965, 175-183 ITOPIC TAGS optimal automatic control, automatic control-design, automatic control theory., signal noise separation, error correction, statistic analysis tem fori. ABSTRACT: The main indices of the quality of the gradient sys ,:.:-!automatic optimization can be-the mathematical expectation and the dispersion.of the output channel. The.indices are functions of the ;.-Iparameters of the controlling part of the system,, tbal't-1 is functions f'of the-coefficients of.the working and trial steps. An additional )correcting automatic optimization system is introduced to effect, iautomatic choice of.the parameters on the basis ofminimization Card 1/2 UIDO: 6~-506 ii 334,L.6-60' ACC NRi kR6014180 SOURCE CODE: LJR/W1r "5660611 AO 1 2/AO 12 AUTHOR: Yegorov, S. V.; Kosyakin, A. A.1 Madzharov, N. Ye. 0 TITLE: Random signal generators intended for studying automatic systems SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychisliteltnaya tekhnika, Abs. 11A88 REF 5OURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, vYP- 59, 1965, 229-243 TOPIC TAGS: random signal generator, automatic control, automatic control system, automatic control theory ABSTU,CT: The problem of generating random processes with required characteristics (spectral densi *ty and distribution density) is considered; it arises in simulator studies of automatic control systems subject to various random influences. Methods described for generating time-quantized processes with characteristics close to those of white noise, in a finite infralow-frequency band. The correlation function of such a process is investigated. A method is given for selecting parameters of a forming filter, when the dispersion and approximation error values are specified. I Certain methods for generating the random processes are set forth: a method based on selecting and recording a h-f periodic process at time moments separated by random intervals; a method for generating binary noise (generalized telegraph signal)l a method for generating a pseudo-random process with arbitrary discrete distribution.1 Circuits of random-process generators designed wiwi operational amplifiers, Polak trigger, and step switches are presented. Seven figures. Bibliograpkw of 12 titles. V. M. [Translation of abstract] Cardl/1 SUB CODE: 13, 09 *~`i' UDC: 62-9-91 L 4 -p 6p 1 1 ~BG V, ACC NR: AR6o13697 SOURCE CODE: UR/OO58/65/OOO/O10/M5VW51 AUUiOR: Yegorov, S. V.; Kosyakin, A. A.; Madzharov N. Ye. TITLE: Random-signal generators for the investigation of automatic systems SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. lOZh345 REF SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, vyp. 59, 1965, 229-243 TOPIC TAGS: random process, spectral distribution, automatic controlp design, random noise signal, correlation function, very low frequency ABSTRACT: The problem considered is that of obtaining random processes having stipu-i lated statistical characteristics (spectral density and distribution density), occur-i ring during the investigation of automatic devices subjected to various types of random signals. Methods are described for obtaining processes with time quantiza- tion and with characteristics close to those of "white noise" in a certain finite I range of infralow frequencies (0 - 10 Hz). The correlation function of such a pro- cess is investigated. A method is proposed for selecting the parameterc of the shaping filter for specified values of dispersion and approximation error. Certain methods are developed for obtaining the considered random processes, viz., a random- process generation method based on the choice and fixation of the values of a high frequency periodic process at the instants of time separated by random intervals, a method for obtaining a binary noise (generalized telegraph signal), and a method for obtaining a pseudorandom process with arbitrary discrete distribution. Diagrams of 1/2 "-~77 4,~4ZO5-66 ACC NR: AR6013697 random-process generators using operational amplifiers, using a Pollack trigger, and using n-blade step-by-etep co=a;4.ators are prese_=ed. V. X. [D7ansls;t tion of abstract) SUB CODE: 09 hs 2 L 05280-67 GD ACC NR: AT6022693 -- ----- SOURCE CO -D-E: UR-/0000~66/00-0/000-/0-2661-/,0272- AUTHOR: Madzharov, N. Ye. ORG: none 71 7ITLE: Application of'elements of the theory of statistical decisions to problems of optimal search in discrete systems of automatic optimization SOURCE: Moscow. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Sam oobuchay-ushchiyesya avtomntich- eskiye sistemy (Self -instructing automatic systems). Moscow, Idz-vo Nauka, 1966, 266-272 TOPIC TAGS: optimal automatic control, automatic control theorv, control StOtlStics ABSTRACT: The presence of intense disturbances 9t the output of a controlled systern Is the cause for an Inaccurate determination of the index of the extrenlUrn which leads to th( ap- pearance of false motions in the system. The change from continuous r9ndom variqhles to their discrete analogs when solving the probleni of selection between two hypotheses 3tenis from the development of techniques o' discrete computation on digital computers. The use of dis- crete control is sometimes the only possible control for systems with complex dynanlics. The technique of averaging statistical data substantially depends upon the character and level of the Card 1/2- L ACC NR: AT6022693 noise. There is an optimal value of the number of search measurements at vhich th- tranfilent period is minimal. The effelL Of averaging is especially noticeable at a high noise level In comparison with the useful signal. For E > 1 the decrease of search time will not be large, but, in return the probability of the appearance of false steps will alwsys be smaller in comparison with all other methods of processing statistical data. In this case the established error will also be minimal. To some extent this justifies the complication of the logic arid circuitry of the computer performing Valid's successive procedure (Posledovatellnyy analiz. Fizmatgiz, 1960). in most cases it was assumed in this investigation that the static characteristic of the controlled system was piecewise-linear. This is far ff~oni true, but on the other hand it sub- stantially simplifies the analytical investigation. The "stability" of the upper and lower thresh-j, olds for asufficiently wide range of change of the coefficient of slope of the statisticaI charac- teristic in the vicinity of the operating point makes it possible to form a sequential analysis of the values of the mathematical expectation of a random variable for any real characteristic of the controlled plant, which is still another advantage of Valid's method. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 02Mar66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 zi~ BULGARIA/Cultivated Plants Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 3, 1958, lo866 Author : Madzharoval D. Inst Title Spinach Varieties Suitable for Cultivation in the Region Around Sofia. Orig Pub Nauchn. tr. M-vo zemed., ser. rasteniyev"dstvo, 1956, 1, No 5, 1-10 Abstract Over a five-year period three spinach varieties (Zinmly krupnyy, Viktoriya, and Matador) were tested on the vege- table splection and seed-production station in the villa- ge of Negovan, Sofiyskiy rayon, and a study was made of several related agricultural engineering problems. Mata- dor proved to be the best variety (the average yield being 105 centners/heetare). The hig[iest yields were ac- quired when the spinach was sown as a winter crop on a Card 1/2 Wjp,pM/cultivated Plants. potatms_ Vegetablea. MOlons- M Abbe j0,": R--f Zhur-Biol-, No 5, 1958, 20362- Au-"I-or D. 14adzbarova Inst iorL Conditions for Mther Roots* Title Harvest Times and Preservat niya matochnykh kornoplodov). Oroki uborki i uslOviWa khrane Orig pub- Ovoshcharstvo i, gradina"-st", 1956, xo 6, 57-61. Abstract: The best time is noted for harvesting vegetable root crops for seed cultivatiOnt nj ly dry weather with an atmospheric temPerature of about +4 to +50- During the course of 3 years, the mother roots Of Parsley and paranip,were planted towards winter. The beat results wera obtained by covering the root heads during plant- ing with a layer of soil of 10-15 =- With a strong Card 1/2 _z) v /,9 J), 13ULGO T,... mn-L. vo 1,-)53, 3'9343 Author Inst Titic of aGQj:,I,!1L;II t 195Y, 11 3, 35-3(, pui) u Abstract tes--'s watery-iclx, SO&I S,~Iocticm anc! jo Vijja.~C 1954-1955 arc! ivL I,bMT-10rIIYY (stal-'a'Ir" Lirionsa, Are'-ar1m, lhrshovshfty, ,14 'GI as ?~3 .1 VotC1.1 aIC._ L~)--i-s-1-4y varictics wore s- crupf-, TIu rows was 1.5 a-Z -Ll-c t -Ic,~ r" plavit-, _n1 was I I.I. MixLIU.1 :,i CA" (22"1 cvt/La wa-, vf-L!" U'.L; Slavyw1hp. varl(.;~.Y. T_i, ,f~c_rc 0-31~ -..,ora yi0l.L'- Staj_riard C1-01, but L~,_ 5:."o Card 1/2 .31 Country 13ULrARL~ Category: Cultiated P-I-aits. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons, m AM ,b6 Jcur: RZhDiol., No U, 1958, No 48959 .,,uthor Madzharova, Dcs~,.,.na List Title Pre-Winter SoirinC; Of Carrots for Obtaiain~; an Early Crop. OriG Pub: Ovoshcharstvo i ~~radj.narstvo, 1S~57, No 10, 37-38 Abstr'-ct: No abstract. Card , 1/1 M-71 MADZHARGVA., D. (Bolgariya) Effect of seed and seedling hardening on the frost resistance, early ripening, and productivity of tomatoes. Agrobiologiia no.5t7O5-708 &-0 162. OURL 15:11) 1. Opytnaya stantsiya po ovoshchzWm kullturam, Sofiya. (Bulgaria-Tomatoes) ---------------- "AL- PULGARIA L. GERDZHIKOV, H. STOYANOVA and Kh. M"D -UAROMk-EAffiliation not Ogiven.] "Treatment of Laryngitis with Penicillin Gombinations.11 Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina, Vol 14, No 5, 1963; pp 14-15. Abstract. Senior author has long b(~cn advocating use of single but large doses of combined penicillins to prolong penicillemia beyond that achievable with the commonly used 600,000 units daily for 3 days in streptococcal throat infections. Comprehensive clinical data are now reported on 11 and 7 children treated with the two methods. Results confirm that the combined single massive dose is superior in preventing recurrence, increasing antistreptolysin titers and in other ways improving the clinical conditions. 18 GERDZIjIKOV, L.; STOMMU, II.; ~IADZMOVA, SU-Tr Treatment of angjna~3 vith Penje-11-in combrination,8- no.5:14-15 163- (ppi,111CILLIN) 'MNSILLITIS) KADZHAROVA, R. Experiments in cultivating potatoes through seedlings and seeds. Izv. Inst biol, BAN 10:305-314 160. (EW 10:4) (POTATOES) MOZHAROVA, R. Research on propagation of potatoes by seeds and tubers from seed- lings. Izv Inst biol BAN 11:261-266 161. (ME 10: 9) (Potatoes) (Seedlings) BULGARIA .MAD,ZHARM.--ViQleta, Dr, Head of Lpboratory, State Veterinary Inspection (nachalnik na laboratoriyata na durzhaven vetsan nadzor,) Sofia. "Sanitary and Quality Inspection of Butter." Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 60, No 6, 1963; pp 27-30. Abstract; of the annual 8000 tons [metric] of butter produced in Bulgaria, T666-ar-e exported to England, both Germanys, Czechoslovakia and some Near Eastern and African countries. Yet hygienic conditions in its production are very heterogeneous, poor care in many areas forces destruction of much valuable butter even apart from the frequent lack of good refrigeration and other storage facilities. Some ofthe major remediable defects and ways to correct them are described and discussed. 18 RADEV, Atanas G.f inzh,; MADMAROVA-KOCHEVA, Antonidao inzh. Soundproofing of floors in dwellings. Stroitelstvo 9 no.3:16-21 My-Je 162, Nauchnoizsledovatelski stroitelen institute M[IOGOLYA.,G.; BMIAL, Kh.; VASILIYEV, F.; POPOVICH, ff.; MJSHIN, Anna; MADZHARU, M.; YAMB, A.; LAKAMSH, L.; DLW, D.; PATFASHKU, S. Determination of bismuth in Rumanian drugs by means of EM titration. Apt.delo 8 no.6:67-69 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz Instituts. po lintrolyu kachestva medikamentov Miniatorstva zdravookhraneuiya Ramynakoy Varodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest. (13ISMUTH--ANALYSIS) POLYAKOV, Vladlmir Ivanovich; L4ADZHIDKHODZH&YEVA, M.,_red.; BABAKHAKOV, A., tekhn. red. . - .1 [Transformation of the social relations in villages] Preobrazovanie obshchestvennykh otnoshenil v derevne. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 37 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Uzbekistan--Rural condttions) MADZHIDDV, A.;.ABDUVALIYFV, A.; SULTANOV, A.S. Production of 2,5-dilmsthylolfuran. Uzb.khim.zhur. 9 no.1:72-75 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1.- Ingtitut, ispollzo'Tranipi topliva Gosudarstvennogo neftekhimicheskogo komitets pri Gosplnne SSSR. z. MADZHIDM', F.Kh. Topography and comparative anatorW of urinary orgine of goats in Uzbekistan. DorclXl Uz.SSR n0-1:53-55 '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Predstavleno chlenom-korreapondentom All UzSSR G.A.Kudryavtsevym. (Uzbekistan-Goats) (Urinary organs) USSR Human and Animal Physiology (Normal arA Pattiologicai) Nervous System. Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60812 Author : mdzhidov N. x. inst "0 ;iven- Title : The Unconditioned Vegetative-Vascular (Cutaneous- Temperature) Reflexes with a Unilateral Extirpation of the Superior Cervical Sympathotic Nodo OrIg Pub :twd. zh. Usbekistana, 1957, No 5, 57-61 Abstract :Immediately after the removal of the superior cervical sympathetic node from all animals (15 cats and dogs), the (Claude -Bernard -Horner) syrArome was noted: eno- phthalmia, contraction of the pupil and the eye slit, and the appearance of the so-called 3rd lid. On the operated side, the temperature of the skin in the region of the forehead, ear and neck rose) and in some animals it Card 1/2 151 L 0 r~ t q~7 USSR lluliuln and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pfithological) Norveyus System. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60812 also rose in other parts of the skin. The temperature aw symmetry was equalized within a few days, but there renained an impairment in the vascular adaptation with a dominance of dilation. A. 14. Ryabinovikaya Card 2/2 EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12 6 Neurology June 59 2815. CEREBRAL PSEUDO-TUMOUR OF INFLAMMATORY ORIGIN (Itustiian textj - Shargorodski L. Y. and Madzhidov N. M. - LILINEV110- PAT.1 PSIKHIIAT. 195B, 58/5 An attempt was made to establish data for the differential diagnosis between genuine and pseudo-turnours of the brain. Fifteen patients were studied. The anamnesis re- vpaled that all patients with pseudo-tumours had suffered from a fever or infec- tion. The affection was characterized by a chronic course. with headaches per- sisting for years. Half the cases showed slight papillary stasis. Study of the CSF, psychopathological examination and PEG made it possible to distinguish between JUM 59 the residual manifestations of infectious encephalitis and cerebral tumour. The mounting intracranial pressure in certain inflammatory affections caused disturb- ances of the higher nervous activities, leading to deafness, somnolence, indolence and apathy. In some cases there were also disturbances of memory, distraction, and bad moods with aspects of asthenic depression. In encephalitis, the focal symptoms manifested themselves more weakly than in cases of tumour. and often showed a more diffuse character. When manifestations of meningo-encephalitic sequelac are associated with mounting intrarranial pressure and progressive aggravation of the patient's condition, decompressive trepamition is indicated. This measure, however, must only be resorted to when the various methods of dehydration have proved unsuccessful. (V 111. 14) OM2 W&I lksLmrj~-b=6rrhkdc mmdngoencephalitis. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.5:43-46 My 160. (MIRA 15:3) 1. 1z kliniki nervykh bolezney (zav. - prof. L.Ya. Shargorodskiy (deceased])-Zighkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo instituta. MUZHIDOV, N.M.,; GAITIYEV, U.G., Case of a tetarrus syndrome following A2 influenza (wintero 1959). Med. zhur. Uzb, no.5:83-84 My 160. 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh (zav. - prof. T.Kh. Nadzhmiddinov) i nervn-ykh bolezney Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TETANUS) (INFLUE IMA) MADZHIDGVq N.M. clinical aspects of eyringomyelobulbia. Our.nevr.i paikh. 60 no.9slI20-1122 160. 0 04M 14:1) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney Uspo4rjayushchiy obyazannosti za-7e- duyushchego dotsent G.Ya. Pallyants) Tashkentskogo meditsinskago ,4nstituta. (SYRIIIGCDMLIA) -T. z ij-F~C) C 1j, 62-506 ' l 2, 0 L~P. C E ,Rel .. zh. Avtomatika, telemokhanika i -vyc .,Iis 1-ital I naya tekhaika. svc~~rQ'Y~ tom, Abs. IIA-7;01 T . Yr-.1 -UTHOR,- ktadzharcv, J T 1T LE ()Ptfimlzing the process of automatic search uDdl-u2l-the in-fluence of a raxadon disturbance , . - GITEDz OURCE:-I Tr. 1 -S 11osk.: 6nerg i -.a -Ir 901 125 134 50 Ifi autor TOPIC-TAGS: automatic troLULILs. niatd,c s-arch, optimal automatic search - ejj TRANI 5 !A'TION: !t is pointed out that a ra.-icdotl, roi-se at the r-ea-5urin.-element, input 1 n c:r-tremal system increases the of extremwm search, The probaW i o f a -1 tv of :t a ~-:A r- earching, st by a e a eD can be. reduced statistical wrreragincp of several (.0-1trol'Ied-hunting steps, which makraa these steps longer and therefore, the ~ota'Y-, search tiifte. it f: n ted that th 0 9 liald method of sta-t,'Btical sequeret.'Lal analysi-5 io the opt-inium nothod with respect to the accep'[.able number of halliting steps consistent vith a wafficiently short search tir's- T'his method IrIVGstiigates the-random process by observing it and by setting up hypotheses: Cc,-d MADZIIIDO',', N.M. (Mc-,kva) Cliange~3 in the roots of the vrarJal rvDrves Jn chronir, f.10rcs-lin'C' I" 'torieningites (arwh~nites) of the posteri.or cran.ial fossa. 1, -4:17 ') Jrkr. pat. 27 no -' 2 165. (MIRA 18:5) I. In,9tttut morfologii cheloveka (dir. - chlen-korrespondent ANN S,5z-')R prof. A.F.Avtsyn) i Nauchno-issledovatell-Ady inst.,tut n--yr,--,khir-urgii;ni Burdenko (0.1-1r. Ievstvit.-Ilr-yy c~len AMN 'SR prof. B.C .Yegorov). KOFY-LOIIV M,B,; MADZBIDOVO NsMo Changes in the cranial bones in 1-eptomeningitis of the Fcste,-Alor- cranial fossa. rad. 40 no.517l-72 S-0 165. (MRA 18:12) 1, Nauchno-Isaledovatel'skiy ordena Trudovoco Krasno!~o Znamrrii institut neyrokhirurgii '-menI alaidemika N*N*Burdenko AYIN SSSR, Moskva. HADZHIWV, V.H.. kandidat med. naul, Experienee in therapy of bracellosis with aureomycin. Sov. mod. 18 no.11:39-40 9 154. (KLRA 7:12) 1. Iz kliniki Infek-tsionnykh bolezney (dir.-saaluzhannyy dayatell nauki prof. T.Kh.HaAzhmitdinov) Tashkentskogo mad. instituta imeni V.M.Holotova. (BRUCOLLOsrs. therapy chlortetracycline) (CHLORTZTRACYCLINN, ther. use brucellosis) MAIDZHrDOV, Y.H., kandidat meditainakikh nauk Treatment of brucenosts with streptomycin; prellmia=7 data. Klin. mad. 32 no.8:51-54. Ag l54. (MIRA 7:10) 1. Is kliniki lnfaktalonnykh bolozney (dir. zasluzhonvy dayatall nauki prof. T.Kh.liadzhaiddinov) Tashkentakogo meditsinskogo lusti- tuta Y.H.Holotova. (STREPT GIN, therapeutic use, brucallosis) (BRUCELLOSIS. therapy. streptomycin) J%DZHIDPV, T.M.9 dotsent Reinfeation in brucel-losiso Medo zhur. Uzbo no.12:4L-47 D 160. (MM 14:1) 1. Iz kafedry infektoiqnnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.L*Katsenovich) sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo i pediatricheskogofaku-lttetov Tashkept- skogo gosudarstvennogo maditsinsko o instituta. (BRUCELLOSM KADZHIDOV, V.M.I dotsent Peculiarities in the clinical course of brucellosis in recent ars. Med. zhur. Uab. no-5:53-56 My 161. (HERA 14: X 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.L.Katsenovich) sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo i pediatricheskogo fakulltetov Tashkent- skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BRUGELLOSIS) MADZHIDOV, V.M., dotsent Clinical aspects of septic metastatic (subacute) brucellosis. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.7:32-37 Jl 61. (11-~LiA -15:1)' 1. Iz kafedry infekt4ionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.L.Katsenovich) sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo i podiatricheskogo falval'totov 'raslikentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BRUCELLOSIS) MADMIDOV, V.1'1'. sent, Hemoculture, myeloculture, and complement fixation reaction in cold for antigen detection at various stages of brucellosis infection. Kea. zhur. Uzb. no.12:55-59 D 161. (I'MiA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney sanitarnogo i pediatricheskogo fakulltetoV (zav. - prof. A.L.Katsenovich) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinsko instituta. >kJdOLOGY--CULTU.d~S AND CULTURE IEDIA) (COMPLEMI'diT FIXATION) (BAUG.6LLU3I6) KATSENOVICH, A.L.j prof.;IMADZHIDOV, V.M., Ootsent; KADYROV, V.K., assistent; SIMMELI, A.I.; B"MEIMVJL.-M.G-; Prinimali uchastiye: KIMVKINA, Ye.B.; SADDOIKO, I.I.; VASILIYEVA, T:L.; ATAYEVA, T.I.; MYATISHKIIIA, Z.I.; TUTAYEVA, V.F.; SAIDOV, T.I.; YAKUNINA, N.I.; SOKOLCVA, Ye.G.; WPAT09 E.A.; ABDULLAYEVA, N.A.; YELIOKULISON, L.M.; BAGDASAROVA, K.A.; DENISOVA, A.P. Some unsolved problems of influenzal infection from the aspect of the epidemic of influenza in 1957 and 1959. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.2: 3-8 F 162. (MIRA 15:4) (IMUE NZA) MADMIDOV, V.M., doteent (Tashkent) Daration of brucellosis infection in man. no-3: 39-46 162. (MM, 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney Nav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Uzbekskoy SSR prof. A.L. Katsenovich) sanitarno-gigiyeniche- skogo i pediatricheskogo fakulltetov Tashkentskogo meditsins~.ogo instituta. (BRUCELLOSIS) MAI)ZlIIDOVF V.M., dotoont Clinical aspects of residual phenomena following the re^,overy from brucallosis. Sbor,nauch.trud,TashG.MI 22:170-178 162. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra infektsionnykh bolezney sanitarno--gigiyenichaskogo i pediatricheskogo fak-ul'tatov (zav. kafedroy - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof, A.L.Katsenovich) Tashkentskogo gosudarstven- nogo meditsinskogo instituta. MADZHIDOV V M dotsent (Tashkent) Clinical aspects of residual manifestations after a history of brucellosis. Klin. med. 40 no.7:21-26 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnvkh bolezney sanitamo-gigiyenichesko-o i podia-tricheskogo fakul'tetov Taehkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo instituta (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, Uzbeksko7 SSR prof. A. L. Katsenovich) (BRUCELLOSIS) u rii~t~ .4t, ~ - , - ~ . - ~ , -11 ;.w~~ -- I I I ..- . - . i , I - - - - ---- - `~-- I.-I-. , I -- ------ C_--, ---- - I --- ....j - , - I - --- - . -- -1=- . - I L 12858-66 EWT(1)/RiA(j)/T/EV1A(b)_2 A 41_C'MR: AP5028176 SOURCE CODE: UP/0242/65/000/007/0028/0031 AUTHOR: Hadzhidov, V..H. (Doctor of medical sciences) ORG: Department of.Infectious Diseases of the Sanitary-Hygiene and Pediatrics Fac- ~ulties, Tashkent Medical Institute Qafedra infektsionnykh bolezney sanitarno- gigiyenich;skogo i pediatriche,?.kogo fakulltetov Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo Institu- ta) ,TITLE: Latent brucellosis SOURCE: 14editsinskiy zhurnal Uzbekistana, no. 7. 1965, 28-31 API ,;TOPIC TAGS: brucellosis, infective disease, epidemiolorj, animal disease ABSTRACT: Essentially healthy people with positive seroallergic reactions are rela- tively frequently found in epidemic foci brucellosis. Such reactiahs are sometimes ,a manifestation of theprimary latent form of brucellosis, sometimes a sign of re- ;sistance to infection resulting from natural immunity.\1 The symptoras of the primary .1atent,form of brucellosis are very faint in a number of individuals, and are ex- pressed as slight enlargement of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes, autonomic Xard W L 12858-66 .ACC NR: AP5028176 Aisturbances (hidrosis, bradycardia), vague pain in the extremities. The length of :'time the positivereaction persists depends on local enzootic conditions. In placas. I :where positively-reacting individuals are exposed to repeated super- and reinfec- tions, the seroallergic reactions may remain positive a long, time owing to the pene-' itration of new bruc-llas into the body (additional antigenic stimulation). But when' 'there is no possibility of super- or reinfection, the seroallergic reactions gradu- Ally subside and disappear. U13 CODE: 06/ SUBH DAM. lOMay65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH IMF: 000 :Card 212~_HAJO- M.A-M-HIDOV, V.M. Clinical aspects of bruceliosia in vac-cl-nated patLents. Sar. med. 27 no.12:80-83 0 164. (ML,-A 18:11) 1. Kafedra infektsionnylkh bolezney (zav.- doktor med. nauk V.IM. Madzhidov) sanitarno-gigi-yenicheskogo i pediatr-icheskogo faku-11tetov Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo instituta. r L. D. -- "The -L;tages of t.--c Fe-tillitv Or-nzi of Rice as Related to t;-.e Ccnd4IJc.ns of 3ro-,.,rt- anc o -~ c Order of Lenin and 1,qbor Red Banner Stat~. Univer' z* ity ineni m. V. Lorionosov, Faculty of Soil Biology, Krasnodar, "Soviet Kuban," 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences) SO: Knizhnav.1 Letonjs' No 49, October ]-j()SCoT.1 A 4 P o U ' L-0- A USSR/Physiology of Plants - Grovth and Development. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., Bo '~, i,-8, 10429 1-4 Author Madzhirolra,,-L.D. Inst All-JUnion Experimental Ri,:~e Station (Krasnodar) Title : The Influence of Light and Tenperature on the Development of the Fundament9l. Stages of Rice Organogenesis. Orig Pub : Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, ser. biol.., pochvoved., geol., geogr., 1950611NO 2,. 81-94 If Abstract : In 1954-1955 at the All-Ur-ion Experimental Rice Station in Krasnodar the development of the growth cone /konus naras- taniya/ of the late-ripening sort UZROS-269 was observed. A description of 12 stages of the orVanogenesis of the rice raceme is given. The influence of the amount of illumina- tion, as well as its intemsity and quality, on the speed with which the rice passed through various stages was Card 1/3 -j a-Lou -uupuuuu passage Lnrougn the se,26-n-d- stage. i7hanges in the temperature of the ~-overing layer of water had al- most no effect on the development of the first three sta- Card 2/3 ges USSR/Physi olo[~y of PTaEns - ~ro,,rh ~a_n- ~1)'--~,relj-uraent . 'A~s J'our Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 3; IT5~, 104z-9 of organoseneezis. DurinC the fourtt and fifth stagEs inc-reasing the tc 28- ?1;0 (the ~empe-ratlure o- the control being 20-25G) spe~d~-d up develaxnert by two or three days, and th,~_r- ~tas also a -,harp rise in the number of earl; Es well as J_ri timowit of w-n-ich they contained. th,:! tenrperatLu-a (to 15' or 200) had the op-,ozite t7- _~' ft?t , t Bibli~)~~-aphy of 1h tfi-l,t-s . 1-4 Card 3/3 ~/i -,- 4 USSR/Cultivat,,d Plants. Gr -ins. Abs Jour Rc~f Zhiur-Biol., '-ic 139 19'79 -,131 Author -1,iadzhirova, L. D. b T --Tf-j ~,~ Ah Ins' Idi-Trijon, - Inent St--ition Mr.-sno- dar). -iosm~, S-u:'t~_, University. Titl.--, Basic St'-.gos uf ~(iac Or,;,,inog,~nusis Somu of Their Ch;,r-ict~~ri7,tics. Ori~, Pub: ;%grobiolo~,Ay,-J, 1956, I.,o 69 73-82 Abstract : In 1954-1955, 7. stu('y *vas L-idr) (~t tli,~ All- Union ilticc) Exp(-rinont St,tion ii, Kr~~snoC.-_Ir anC' at th,_; Dc-n:irt[ic,,nt of D_r-iinis.-I o' tn-, 1.10SCOV! St;to tniversity o~ F,,inicl,- 'or,-,.a- tion in plants ef 1itu-.,,,-,.turin,-: ric-- v,.rio- tius, UZROS 269 ric 1 variety was inves'ki.,-,,-~ted. Thore arch 12 striF-_,s ir, th.. fori-.ation of ricc.- Card 1/3 34 USSR/Cultivated Pl~-_nts. Grains. Jour Ruf Zhur-Biol., '-c 119 68131 paniclus, analogous to th-, st,ig,~!s of v:hel-t orgnnog~jn,~sis ,is r1otcrr,in_-(! by F, 11. Kup;_,r- man, In th,_ first staCu gro,.'Ith con(-.) neith,~~r lenUtl,. nor int~_'nsity of illw1ination, not thr-, quality of the light had -.-aay effect on tc!npi of morphogonusis~ this stage lastod ~ibout 12 d-iys in :ill v,~rio_nts. Li the second and third (b,_;fore the DarLic- les put out branchos, am' bcforr-- th,-; char tu,.bor- clus fori-i) thc~ pln-nts requir,.~ a short d-,y. Lon- ~htcnin;- thu day scv,-mAy rot7,.rd~_d th,_. coi-,ple- tior of th- second staE,-_,. In thj fourth stage (when th'-, paniclos anO uar tubcrclus put out branchos) tho pl!~ntst li.,;ht needs arch i:-. thc_- blue-violet part of th_~ sp(-,ctrui-,. IA sixth stave Ulifferc~ntiation of sporogunous tissuus) Card 2/3 USSI-Vcultiv..tud Plants. Gr,ins. 11.,bs Jour Ref Zhur-3101 - 7 15 ) 9 19 5.1 "131 k1ueru~) of i.1111i'd-1,~tiW1 1.5 01- Ov'-"r" sj.r.jjj,ic-,j-jc,,, for nts. the t_r'Pcr,1tur . of 111 J:iy(--r of 1: Pccol,~r..t~_;'j c,,),,T)J(;ti(-,n of t'--~' fOurt',-' c-.,jjsc_.s7 . sharp incr(,'~'LSe anc'. fifth st""'-'-91 in t`v~ nu,ib.-,r of r.,%rs7 th-- f,~r- tility of th, fjo-~.,ersi r,-,ducin,.' th,~; tcr!P~~r~~- ture aftor thi liuht star;_- causPS a shr~rp (2- Cline in thc. nwibo-;r of mC!' th, -IC"Int Of r~rn.i,-, tul-1-y contain. -- C a r d 3/3 35 np~ZH~RSKI,-V,Kh.; KUZOV, K.P. Studies on the parameters of the flov before the radial paddle wheel. Godishnik mat elekt 6:41-50 160. (prubl. '61). I