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Change of the Magnetostriction ... el - 2 X2 0 3 e2 S/126/6i/oil/004/001/023 E073/E335 (4) In Fig. 1, X0 is the initial sag in the absence of any field and A%H is the absolute change in this quantity on switching-on the saturation field7 H The sensitivity of the method is of the order of 10 for initial specimen lengths of 100 - 120 mm. The main advantages of the method are its high sensitivity and speed. The formula used for the calculations was applied by S.D. Gertsriken and one of the authors for creep tests. The method was used for studying theld-netics of changes in the magnetostriction of nickel, 4- - - - - - -A - 4- 1 -- 4- -- - - - - 4- - - - .- 4~+ -- k -4 - , I-A -- -A Onc) S/126/61/oll/oo4/001/023 Change of the Magnetostriction ... E073/E335 on the time of tempering at a tempering temperature of 100 0C. The obtained relations are explained on the basis of the concept that germination of regions of remagnetisation occur on semi-fixed ring-shaped dislocations which are produced during hardening of nickel from low temperatures. On the basis of experimental data, the energy parameters were deter- m i n e d which characterise the behaviour of defects in the metal. There are 5 figures and 6 references- 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut 11jetallofizilci AN UkrSSR (institute of Physics of Metals, AS Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1960 Card 4/5 -:2 S/126/61/011/004/001/023 Change of the Magnetostriction E073/E335 F ic,;. 1: Fig. 2: Fig. 4: Card 5/5 POemv omwura, vacbs eMR OMIW(leO, VOC4J 27475 S/032/61/027/009/014/019 B101/B220 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya., and Madatova# E. G. TITLEi Exchange of experience PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 9, 1961, 1166 TEXT: A special apparatus was designed by the authors to study the deformation of specimens caused by repeated quenching (see Fig.). Tube 3 of heat-resistant steel is inserted into furnace I and quenching tank 2; specimen 4 is moved in this tube. The time of heating and cooling is regulated by drum 5 which is mounted on the motor shaft. When the drum is rotated, relay 6 reverses the direction of rotation of motor 7, on the shaft of which disk 8 is fixed. A special arresting device stops the disk after every individual rotation. Counter 9 records the number of cycles of thermal treatment. The apparatus was used for studying the deformation of aluminum, silver, gold, and platinum specimens on cyclic quenching In vacuo. Vacuum oil was filled into tube 3 sealed at its bottom end; furnace 1 and disk 8 were put into an evacuated vessel. Cyclic quenching Card 1/2 Exchange of experience 27475 S/032/61/027/009/014/019 B101/B220 resulted in a change of the diameter and length of the specimens, but their volume remained practically constant. [Abstracter's note: Complete translationj. There is 1 figure. V\ ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) Fig. Scheme of the apparatus for cycl Card 2/2 s/ 659/ 62/ 008/ 000/004/ 028 1048/1248 AUTHORx5: Dekhtyarg Joya, and Madatova, E*Go TITLE: Behavior of defects in the crystalline structure during heat treatment SOURCE: Akademiya nauk S88R. Institut metallur ii, Issledovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam. v,8, 1962. 3t-41 TEXT: The variations in coercive force (He) caused by cyclic heat treatment of pure Fe, Fe-Al, and Fe-Si alloys were determined, and the results were used to evaluate the behavior of, and interactions between, defects in the crystalline structure, The metal specimens were subjected to heating-cooling cycles, within the temperature range below the Curie temperature; in 611 cases He increased with increasing number of cycles and with increasing temperature of heating. The mobility of metastable dislocations was insignificant 'under the experimental oondltions, but the number of dislocations increased with each successive cycle and the accumulation of dis- locations caused the increaqe in Hce it is assumed that the thermal Card 1/2 S/659/62/008/000/004/028 1048/1248 Behavior of defects in the crystalline,.. stresses generated during the cycles were sufficient to cause the appearance of Frank-Read sources which, being unable to move along t~e slip planes, caused the formation of blocked dislocations I_4 another series of experiments pure Ni, Ni+3~;,Mn, Ni+PMo, and L4b Cu specimens (in the form of a thin wire) were tempered at 900- 11006C and then annealed for 20 hrs, at 100OC; Hc was measure during the annealing, at one-hr. intervals. The Hc increased during the annealing, from an initial value of about Ir oersted to 10 oersted after 6 hrs. in the case of the specimens tempered at 9000C or to 13 oersted after 16 hrs. in case of those tempered at 11000C. It is assumed that the increase in H is caused by the action of dislocat- ion loops (generated by the inieractions between blocked dislocat- ions ana clusters of vacancies) whioh interfere with the motion of the domain boundaries; point vacanaies, although beinS very mobile, do not leave the crystal volume but acoumulate of the defeot sites. There are 4 figures. Card 212 S/810/62/0001000/0~,/013 -E. G -:AUTHORS: Deklhtyar, I. Ya., 1%,.adatova,.--,. TITL.E: Effeciof cyclic heat treatments:on the volumetric properties of rn.~Itals alloys. j SOURCE: Metallovedemye, i terini6heskaya. obrabotka; materialy konferent5ii po meia. llovedeniiil i terinichdskoy obrabotke, lost. v cr Odesse v, 60 Moscow, Metallurgizqat, 1962, 29-314.. estigation of the mech9mism of TE x ilr': The:p~sper describes-an experimental nv contraction in another di elongatio-rii of ame"tallic.body in orie direction and rec5ion a hi g. --More sp cifically, the investig upon multiple high-temper ture quenc in e at~pn comprised.: ja):The.effect of multiple. quench n the volumetric cTianaeso (MQ) 6 metals, and, (b) the effect of MQ. on the decomposition rate (DR) of -supersaturated solid solutions (SSS). Effect of IVIQ on volume changes: Wire sp6timens 0'.5-0.9 mm diam And..strip 4mm wide azi . thick were, employed. Specimen length: I0G_ 150 -mm. Pure (99.991o) metals, -namely Ag, Au, Pt, and 50~541 alloys .~of.Cu an&AU,'.a brass, andb,alro bra3s, were-tested., Quench,(Q) temporatures, -(T) 50O.-I'dooo.c. ~For a iven number of.T cycles (e.,., 1,000) the empirical 9 elongation equation, e-=Ae~m -.U/kT), appears valid'(A and U are certain material- Card 1/3 Effect of cyclic heat treatments on the volu metric "U8101/z/000/000/00.0/013 dependent constants). The macrodeformation thus obtained appears to be the pim- mation o r. accumulation of the microdeformations derived from each single T ycle, Which,may be attributable to an:,excess concentration of vacancies obtained aftar each.Q and the character of their motion, as. a. result Of interaction with' dislo4tions. It:is fourid,thatthe value oi- :the constantV iS- indeed close, to that of the energy of vacancy formation. MQ~on*theI.DR of SSS: SeveralAg- and,Cu-b4sed alloys, %Oiih various. admixtures were.prepared. ;Photos 4nd,test-data graphs gore shown for'an.Ag .;vCu alloy containing 6 wt - 5a Cu. This alloy was qualitativel repre sentative of -others 'tested. A single Q roduced intense grain growth, th'ff'-ken- ing of grain boundaries, and appearance of porosity. The T and time dependq'ace of hardnes-s (H.) is,tak.en as a representative characteristic, I and it is found thV MQ specimens attain their H maximum ~upon a change in anneal. T more rapidly th4n a SQ specimen, - even .though the value of the maximum H is lower thall in the SQ~ spe - cimen,, ~a ph6nome, non. ,that indicates an acceleration of the decomposition (D) of, the SSS and also an acceleration, of.the Drocess of coagulation of the precipitating p~arti- cles of the new phase. n n agreemen X,-ray-difftactio studies, i, t with micr.ostr*ctural and.H investigations, -show -tha t during- the aging of aspecimen the second phas$ i: appears. much more, rapidly in. MQ specimens than in SQ specimens. In summary, the effect"of MQ on the- volume tric chanve s in Ag, Au and Pt point to the conclusion that in slender speciniens MO leads to a considerable dislocation density, attended Card. Effect of cyclic Iheat treatments o.rx the volumetric. ... sI/8io/67-/ooo/ooo/oAIol3 by great- internal,~stresse,s in'~the solid-4olution c -rystals, and since the D of the solid 3 /048/62 /026//C)C-2/'C B106//B- 12 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya., and 111adatova, z TITLE; ChanFe of coercive L'orce irk temperine- ~f i r~e, PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya v, 26, no. 2, 1962, 270-273 TEXT: The connection between magnetic (domain) and dislc~atlon of ferromaCnetics was investigated. For this purpose the aut,'.ors the change in coercive force H c on low temperature temperine of 2ur- nickel which has been hardened by quenching from 900, 1000, 1-ooc", specimens were 70 mm long and 0-4 mm thick wires After harden"n, r: were tempered at IOOOC for 18 hrs. H c was measured everi hour 'F-,- Calculation of the coercive force as depending on the time of .emperature tempering was in good agreement with the experimen's. According to I. Ya. Dekhtyar and E. G. I'Aadatova (Ref 1: Izv, achebn zaved. Fizika, n). 1, 0", (1961)), the coercive force 'practically stable after sufficiently '-ong tempering at 10COC Card !/'d Change of coercive force on... B-06,/B'12 temperature hardened nickel. This behavior occurs as so-or, as all existing point defects have migrated to the periphery of the cr-~,T;~i-~ deformation loops and the regions of remagnetization are n- longer Nickel specimens in this state were subsequent-y temper,~d a- temperature (7000C) until H 0 became equal to H 0 Coer-,:,,e fc-_~ measured every now and then duri ng the tempering (F-6 T~ exponentially with proceeding time of tempering accord-,nL t- HC - Ho - 6H mexp(-at). The change in free EnerEy of the s,,.stt~a. considered taking into account the kinetics of formati^= and Er~,w- nuclei of the "excess" phase "Excess" phase are the loc'ps d-..glocations which af ter 1 onj~ low temperature tempez,in,~ r~?a. d:.merisions The equations dr/dt = -.:):,T) r I cr for t'he rate of coalescence of the dislocation lo-jps ~'R,2f 2-2 ~7 ~L n d H ~W C Ti d N < (J-* > r /L f.Ir the jepen~.enc- of C 3 Card 2,,:,' S/048/62/026/002/010 "052 Change of coercive force on... B1061B112 on the size of the dislocation loops (Ref. 1) were made the starting Doints. r - size of the dislocation loops r - critical size at the f or respective temper4ture of qxperimynt (dialooation loop with r rcr vanish, loops with r;.r or will gro'w); D(T) - funation deponding on t?mperature in the same way ap th4 rgti# oi autodiffunion, T - temperature of tempering, density of magn~tjo poloo on tho Burface of the separation "plate", d thickness of th~ "Platolf (In tho anno in quoation nearly equal to the vacancy diampt~r d V), N rj 'numbqr of dialocation loops in a crystal of size L, ~ - mean ~ig~ of tho loopol 1 3 ' anturation mugnatization. The calculations yWCt~d -AN MU E Ar 0n5 whore A - o 3 ndc '1 12/L31s; nso = nSexp(Pt)j n. = 24N~/dvj r. i oxp(~t). This expression means that the maximum change in coercive force on tomparing is determined by the maximum radius of the loopa with r,r and by the initial number of or Card 3/4 31046162,102610021019/0"2 Change of coercive force on... B106/B112 all existing flows on the loops of the prismatic dislocations. Th~,re are 3 figures and 7 references: 2 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Kimura H. Maddin R., Kuhlman~Wilsdorf D., Acts. metallurgica, 1, no. 31 145 (1959~; Ref. 6: Silcox J. , Whelan M. J. , Philos. Mag., -~, nc,. 411, 1 (1960); Johnson C. A., Philos. Mag., 1, no. 60, 121~',~ (v,,60). FiF,,. 1. Dependence of coercive force of Ni on glowing time. li, Oe Legend- (1) glowing at 1000c; (2 glowing at 7000c; (fl hrs; (4) min. Card 4/4 DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MADATOVA, E.G. Behavior of defects in crystal structures during heat trqatment. Issl.po zharopr.oplav. 8336-41 162. (HIRA 16:6) (Fetal crystal-Defects) (Annealing of metals) t 7 DEXHTYAR, I.Ya.; kMDATOVA, B.G. Changes in the coercive force during high-temperature, annealing of hardening nickel. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no-15: 123-130 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Nicke-l-ftnetic properties) (bbtals., Effect of temperature on) DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MADATOVA, E.G. Dilatometry of nickel and silver hardened at high temperatures. Sbor.-nauch. rab. Inst.metallofiz. AN URSR no.16:63-67 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Nickel-Hardening) (Silver-Hardening) (Dilatometry) . . . . . . . .... -- - -- -- - - - -- --- - DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MADATOVA, E.G. Studying the rate of remagnetization during the repeated hardening of iron-silicon alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst.metallofiz. All URSR no.16g68-70 162. (MIRA 16'-5) (Iron-silicon alloyg-Hardening) (Magnetization) ---- ------------- ACCESSION NR: AT4010696 ~8/2601/63/000/017/0120/0131 AUTHOR: Borisova, V. I., Dekhtyar, 1. Ya.; Madatova, E. G.; MikhaleakDv, V. S.; Fedcheako, R. G.; Khazanov, M. S. TITLE: Investigation of the effects of nonstationary heating an the changes in magnetic and electrical properties of heat-resistant alloy ZhS-6K SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Insty*tut metalofizy*ky*. Sbornik nauchny*kh trudov. no. 17, 1963. Voprosy* fizild metallov i metallovedeniya, 120-131 TOPIC TAGS: alloy ZhS-6K, paramagnetic susceptibility, surface electrical fesistanco, heat t-eatment, phase transformation, eddy current, heat resistance, magnetism, alloy electrical property, heat resistant alloy ABSTRACT: Application of new methods to the physical investigation of the phase and structural changes occurring during cyclic heat treatment of beat-resistant materials is very important. One of the methods used in this study is Umt of paramagnetic S113cepti- bility, by means of which it is possible*to determine the inte"elationship between struc- tural changes and the states of phases, whether these changes are successive or simultan- eous, and to what extent they occur during the process of themal fatigue. In addition to the above methods the following were also use&- changes In tbarmal rigidity and card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4010696 electrical resistance, form changes, and measurement of the surface electrical resis- tance with determination of losses due to eddy currents. The first task was the investi- gation of the effects of thermal stress on form changes and hardness of samples of the alloy subjected to cyclic heat treatment. The results obtaiied showed that the linear dimensions of alloys with high recrystallization temperatures did not change appreciably as a result of thermal cycles. It is interesting to note that after 250 thermacycles with cooling in water, breakage occurred without noticeable change in the length of the samples. Thermal rigidity of samples was measured in a standard VIM-IM apparatus. It was found that the changes in hardness resulting from thermal treatment depend not on ther- mal stresses but on changes in the fine crystalline structure of the alloys. The dependence of the electrical resistance of the alloy on heat changes during thermal treatment was studied by the potentiometric method using a standard PPTN bridge. It was found that resistance decreases up to 50 thermocycles. The absolute minimum occurs at about 325 cycles after which there is a continuous increase Vp to 600 cycles. 7hostudyof during heat treatment Were was a continuom Paramwetic suscepubulty showed that decrease in the hard'soludon d the fnetrix dAa to tha 6114)US QMDWfttg- TW4 Ptftess should cause a decrease In electrical resistance, The sharp biariso 323 O&G to Card 2/3 -wi- -mow- ACCESSION NR: AT4010696 difficult to explain. Por the exact explanation of the process Involved it is necessary to employ new methods using structural sensitivity characteristics and phase composition. Ile study of paramagnetic susceptibility demands a thorough study of structural and phase changes occurring during cyclic heat treatment. For measurements of suscepUbility a special unit was designed which utilized the compensatory method of measurement. The following conclusions were reached: cyclic heat treatment, with cooling In a stream of air, of thin sam ples 3 m m In diameter merely leads to acceleration of the aging process. With samples of complicated form a considerable stress gradient developed during heat treat- ment leading to an unbalanced redistribution of elements. Under these conditions the appearance of cracks is more probable. The study of paramagnetic susceptibility of the alloy showed that for 3mm samples susceptibility increases evenly. No anomalies were observed, a fact which Is explained by the almost total absence of a gradient of thermal stresses during cooling. Orig. art. has 5 formulas, 7 figures, and I table. ASSOCIATION: Insty*tut metalofizy*ky* AN UkrRSR (Institute of the Metallurgical Phyt3ica of Metals AN Ukr RBR) SUBM=D: 00 DATE ACQ-. 31Jan 64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REF BOV: 001 OTHER: OOZ Card 3/3 L 2 E UT m EWA d t 0-i? F, W Pb Pf -4/P--d/ ASD1a)_5/4'SD(m)-3/ -NR: S/0000/64/000/000,10050/0053 ~A_Cci';SSION AT4046815 A.UTHOR- -Deldityar 1. Ya. Madatova E. G. TITLE The effect of cyclic heating on the irreversible deformation of R~~met~al SOURCE: SSSR. Nauchny*y sovet po probleme zharo rochny*kh sj2lavov. Issl.edev6niya. statey i splavov (Studies.on steels and alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 50-53 TOPIC T AGS.: metal'deformation, thermocyclic treatment, bending stress, irreversible. re deformation, nickel wi .1eformation, hardening temperature, nickel electrical Tesistance, activati on energy -ki ABSTRACT: The. defoi-mation of metals during variable heat treatment was.investigated on both bulky and: thin Nvire samples. Available data for various metals show that, with a const_nq munber of thermocycles, the relative chanp inlength is little affected by sample fflarradrn-,'=d for bulky samplea doet; not exocnd tho value obtained for vory thin s'arnples 01111 elcctric,-A r6sistanc-c treatnienL -J--ta were obtained fdr nickel frorn mea3urements ofthe chanf,e in deflection of an nickel wire fastened between ts connected to electrod -7r pol"n es Th- depq(1(_--nce of the change in deflection on the number of thermocycles band the harderaing teraperature wis shovm, and the vacancy formation 've chn 0 Witl ns the relati azge in length energyEv vas dut rmined. equnI hardeningsonditio Card 1 Az ?-N 13 TD pact I (C) T"I ACCESSION RR: AT5005116 S/2601/64/000/019/0070008 Y ITF -Ab W R: Dekhtydr, I.: Ya. (Doctor of technical sciences); Kidatova, B.G. M TITLE. Comments on the irreveratble change in-form of pure metals during cyc ic heat treatment A SOURCE, AN UkrSSR.: Institut m4~~tallofiziki. Sbornik nauchnyM trudov, no. 19, 1964. Vopr'osy fiziki metallov i metallovedeni-ya (Problems in the hysics of metal,9* and physical metallurgy), 74-78 7`7 TOPIC,TAGS:-,,vacancy hardening temperature heating cooling cycle, nLickel W ire, plastic deformation, annihilation, dislocatioq, elongation, cyclic heat treatment. annealing t3SIRACTrt.~, Based on an investigation of the irreversible deformation of thin wire rods.. the authors contend that vacancies, the effectiveness,of which increases with the hardening temperature and the-number of heating - cooling cycles, are a major. 'act r In JL chanism.of the processes that occur during cyclic annealing. ,-These findings coincide with those of Takamura (Acta met., 1961, 9, 547). Experi- mental data for different metals show that in applying an invariable number of r~t Card 1/4 ,.A --------- - - -------- ACCESSION 14R: AT5005116 E heating zoolin. cycles --the diame-ter of the specimens affects elongation* Ben- t -both -ends . owed ding defelction measurements of Pi wire specimens attached'a sh that, under similar hardening conditions, the relativechanges in elongation ex- ceed 'those of . unattached specimens considerably, a fact attributed to the dif- J ference -in the character of thermal .;tresset~,* The functional relationship be-, -tween-plastic deformation and hardening- temperatures :(see Figs. land-Z of the Ea- ature in the case oEwire_ rods. The excess concentra- closure) is of a general ~n, Ching, tion of vacancies, which f orm. under the inf luence, of high-te-niperature quen -~g tindergoes annihilation during the interaction-with dislocations, The probability of vacancy forwAtion and that: of annihilation on. dislocations are not-equal since fo er is determined by the energy of vacancy formation and the latterby the the rM pct-1-tion energy displacement. The uthors conclude that the mechanism of the a Proces; is detc~m, d by.the interaction botween vacancies and dislocations which causes incremented deformation under the influerce of repeated heating cooling, cycles, Orig.: art.. has-, :3 figures,,-l tabIle and 4 -formulas. A- S SC A Tj 0 N Institut metallof iziki. AN Ukr.SSR (Metal hysics 'institute, AN Ukr~SSR) SUMAITTU: 2OJun63 ENCI;: 02 SUB CODE: M 4,11 ,~OV- 014 OTHER: 003 N4 EVCLOSURE! 01 ACCESSION NR- AT5005116 :A~ Cd.B( 4.5 AL A -40 1-2,0 5.0 1 20~ i 25 Ii 14 ALT I -specimens after 200 Figure 1. Temperatur6 versus elongaLion. i n', pure meta heating cooling cYcles- 4 ACCESSION IIR: AT5005116 02 (Ic uu.-~") 1~7 -0,5 -to 43 Figure 21., Temperature versus elongation in Fe and Ni specimens, L 44-715-,S5 (M)/,r M,-,W/JD ACCESK"ON NR: AT-5008873 S/2601/64/000/020/0088/0093 '-LUT Madatova, E.G. IHOR: Borisova, V.I., s/ nTELE. Eff ect Vf cyclic heat treatment and,plastic deformation oJA the magnetic pVQ- SOUR-6: AN- U-JaM. Thstitut metallofizW. ffbornill- nauchnykh trudov, no. 20, 1964-- Vopro8y fizjki metallov i metg-llovedeniya (Problems,in the P&O-cs of inetals aild physical inetallurgy), 88-93 [U TOPIC TAGS: ermalloy magnetic property, permalloy heat treatment, plastic p magnetic deformation, permalloy structure, coercive force, alloy magnetiz-at permeability t0STRACT. The article discusses the effect of cyclic heat treatiaent (repeatt-d quenching ia viater frQm high temperatutes) and plastic deformation by tora.Jon on the magnetic properties of permallov-80. 3Magnetizatloa-curves of,the annealed samples were rocorded lorce was nlearure After those tests, 0-n-d the d by the ballis 61c method.., the samplezweresubjected to cyclic heat treatment in the presence and absence m a 41 ague - field. The latter Was found to have no appreciable effect on Ho. The cyclic A heat treatment had no effect on the magnetization and Wflal and 11.1namimian permo-bility Card L 44?1-5-65 ACCESSSION NR: ATS008873 nge by only 10'Xi. The effect of ol the permalloy while the residual magnetization chn. torsil Plastic- deformaLion by on (0, 6,' 18, and 60%) on the magnetization, initial permeability, ma:dmum permeability, residual magnetization, aild coercive force vms studied. The data show that the magnetic characteristics of permalloy40 are much ess- i~ensitlve to the presence of crystal strticture.def ects than are these 0puM zqq1tel and hence, a greater stability of thcae chlracteris' expecied'in aterials of Lics can be this typ a. Orig. art. has: - 3 figures, I table, and 3 formulas. ON: InstitLit metallofiziki AINT UIaSSIU3-;Vlstiti~l~- -of or Metals the F~nics A5 Al SR S TE D: 22Apr,%-;7 EMCL: 00 SUB CODE,: 101, FX I-TOREF BUY: 004 OTHER: 004 51 T2 Card -;A L 34099-66 Bil(m)/B1 P (w)/TZ9�,PLt)Z_ETi IJP(C) JQ /KJJ Q ACC NR' AT6013830 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0035/0043 AUTHOR: Borisova, V. I.; Dekhtyar, 1. Ya.: Madatova, E. G. ORG: histitute of Metal Physic~, Al~ kFSSR (Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Change of the magnetic properties of nickel during cyclic thermomagnetic treatment SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye nesovershenstv kristallicheskogo stroyeniya (Study of imperfections in crystal structure). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 35-43 TOPIC TAGS: nickel, thermomagnetic effect, magnetos tr iction, thermal stress, magnetization, magnetic permeability, magnetic coercive force ABSTRACT: The effect, of cyclic thermal treatment,lin a magnetic field on the coercive force, magnetization, and magnetic permeability of,nickel 11 was studied for the first time, Vacuum- remelted nickel specimens were vacuum- 4n-e-atled for 4 hr at 900C to relieve the stresses, then subjected to cyclic thermal treatment,(repeated quenchings) at 250- 1 100C both in the absence of a magnetic field and in the presence of a longitudinal or transverse magnetic fk-.1d. A 25-30% reduction in the increase of the coercive force was observed after cyclic thermal treatment in the longitudinal field as compared to the saine treatment in the absence. of a A sharp reduction of this kind was also observed in the transverse field. Cyclic thermal treatment was found to cause a decrease in the magnetization and permeability of nicke'. 011 1/2 L 34099-66 ACC NR - AT6013830 being directly related to the data on the reduction in the increase of the coercive. force. The effects observed are interpreted in terms of the general aspects of the theory of thermo- magnetic treatment. J;he combined action of magnetostrictive and thermal stresses during the quenching of nickc~,from temperatures above the Curie point causes a decrease in the number of dislocationlRources, and this in turn results in a smaller increase of the V-Jercive force. Orig. art-.-Fa--s- 4 figures, 3 tables, and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 23JuI64 ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF: 006 Card 2/2 vmb 7: GAI/dIkRYA11, L.S.; 1,1ADATOVA, I.R Paths of interaction of the cerebral hemispheres in the case of' complete section of the corpus callosum. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 32 no-4:219-223 161. (MIRJ, 14:8) 1. Sektor radiobiologii Akademii nauk Armyanikoy SSRp Pred- stavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy ssa L.A. Oganegyanom. (BRAIN) - - ----- --- MADATOVA I R Role of the corpus callosum. in the machanistis of interaction between the cerebral hemispheres. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.4:67-71 AP '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Fiziologicheskaya laboratoriya Sektora radiobiologii All Armyanskoy SSR i fiziologicheskaya laboratoriya Nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo instituta akusherstva i ginekologii Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya Armyanskoy SSM. (BRA171) :Z GAMBARYAN, L.S.; VMDATOVA, I.R. Interaction between the cerebral hemispheres of the brain following total resection of the corpus callosum. Fiziol. zhur. 48 no-4:422-427 Ap 162. (MA 15:6) 1. From the Physiological Group, Radiobiological. Section, Armenian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Erevan. (BRAID) KARNAUKHOVA, U.S., doktor ekonom--nauk; BR&GINSKIY, B.I., da r ekonom. nauk; USMKOV, V.F.; POZDNYAROVy V.N., kand. ekonom. nauk; ALTAYSKIY, I.P., kahdidat ekononicheskikh nauk; MADATIAN nauchnyy sotr.; W-IN,-%S' , OBDIENSKIY, K.P., red.; ., red.; DMITRASHKOV E.I., mladshiy red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Methods for measuring, analyzing and planning labor productivity on collective and state farmsI Metody izmeraniia, analiza i pla- nirovaniia proizvoditellnosti truda v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 211 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN SSSR (for 14adatyan). (Agriculture- Labor productivity) 6 0 S/02g60%1?3/OO4/0O4/0O4 C1 11 222 AUTHORS: -Rezikyan, A.M., Agbalyan, Yu.G., and Madatyan, K.A. TITLEs Gas-Discharg4Stabilizer PERIODICALt Izveatiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Sorlya f1zik,,- matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol.13, No-4, pp.65-.68, TEXT: The direct-current stabilizer described in (ref.1) consists cl a gas-discharge tube being within a solenoid which is series-connected with the discharge interval. The axis of the tube is parallel to the magnetic lines of force. In the discharge interval the anode-cathode charges move on spirals, i.e. they have a tangential component of velocity. Under the influence of them the gas begins to rotate 4n the tube. For an increase of the discharge current, the magnetic field increases, the trajectory of the charge strains in, the length of the spirals and therewith the resistance of the interval become greater. the current decreases. In the present paper the authors report on the measurement of the stabilizing coefficient. It is stated that it depends on the magnetl~ field and that it reaches a maximum for a certain field intensit Y" The coefficient is smaller than 3. The measurements confirm (in spite cf Card 1/2 83620 S102 60/013/004/004/004 C11 1YC222 eome deviations) the theory developed in (Ref.1). The velocity cf rc~ation of the gas in the tube and its Reynolds number were iic,-. determined. Hydrogen and argon were used as gases; here the result-4 d1ffered only by the fact that in the case of hydrogen the etabilization began for a somewhat greater voltage. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 2 references: 1 1 Soviet and - Eng,~~t, ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute cf Pe)y~-','-~ of the Academy of Sciences Armyanakaya SSR) SUBMITTED: September 2, 1959 Card 2/2 L 238hi-65 7,_CCES-S1701.4 iTR-. A-04049478 S/00920/64h*59/002/0290/0293 AUTHOR: Madatyan,' n., A.' =1 LE:' Tas oyn~healq of a Uystm for correaUng tka opening of Contacts SOURCE: AN:SS','.'R. DOWAO'- V. 159? no.- 2, .1984, 200-293 V)PIC TAGS: autzmalon flhe-~Ory'~ calf, correcting d-zrdca, orror corre^_tlans - aivitching Ahc-Ory, cvatrara~yztm, TP CT- 'Me p. dA)ffned Ver derive.3. aome.ay aptoffe eatima-tea rf furgotloan prvdoualy. hin thedw SUPP-%ge QO-h CrVitchtn"T hu .a cel'_?-Camacucp vpte='"'Ihere: V%G source of orror in the network to the Moment*- lgg of eae ormoro contacts ~r"-t L ($-) denot tho n=ber of contacts in the system (f),= id L (1E), whore the int to taken over aU self-correcting eyatema for ", ening m ~~&C.Ota' ronazing a contact connection f. Let Ll~l (a) = max Lm- (f), where tho maximum vjm, qvar rAl functions f dependent on the DoolopOvarlables xl,! Xn. 7hen the following, _e3dtz us drved: M as n T-herem U , r~ (n) inj 2 n/n as n 7heorem 2: L (h) < (W.-L) .2 P Orig. art. hu; 3 figures,* 1 tabl% cmd 2 formulan. T, C CE, -.0.3 X 0 11 I'M "A-UP.78 gosudaratvowy WAveraltot Im. W. V,' Lomonosova V B I A D: ISM&YK M4CL- 00 SM CODE1 UP, ZE OiHER: 0 U Smn 003: CO re, I ADATYAN, Kh.A. (floak,7a) R Synthesis of contact sche.-~s sf 1im-4ted width. kib. no.14:301-307 ft,5. Submitted July 2, 1964. KADAMR, S.A., inzh. vice for checking the extent of pretensioning in the bar rein- forcement of prestressed reinforced concrete products. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.12:494-496 D 157. (MIRA 11*1) (Prestressed concrete) IEVI, S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; MADATTAN, S.A., inzh.; FINKIIISHTEYN, B.A., inzb,p red. (Tensioning reinforcement by an electrothermal method in the manufacture of prestressed-coficrete el&ments] Natiazhania ar- matury elaktrotermicheskim sposbbom pri iogotovlenii predvoritell- no napriazhenrqkh zholezobotow7kh konstruktiiii. Floakvap 1959, (MM 34: 7) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektur-y SSSR. Institut organi- zataiij makhanizatsii i tekhnicbeskoy pombahchi stroitellstvu. 2, Laboratoriya betomykh i zbelaiwbetonrqkh rabot Nauchno- isaledovatellskogo instituta organizataii, mekhanizatsil, i tekh- nicheskoy pdm6shchi stroite2lstvu Akademii stroitellst7a i arkhitek- tury SSSR (for Levi). 3. Laborateriya tekhnologii izgotovleniya predvaritellno napryazhemWkh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy Ilaucbno-iseledovatellskogo instituta organizatsii, mekbalnizatsii i tekhniohaskay pomoshchi atroitelletvu Akademii stroitellat7a i arkhitektur7 SSM (for MadatyaA). (Prestressed conarete) 7-e- GVO=V, A.A., prof., dolctor tekha.nauk; DMITRIYKV, S.A.. kand.tekhn. nauk;KULIN. U.K.. kand.tekhn.nauk; BALDIN, V.A., Imnd.tekhn. n,auk; 11RODSKIT, A.Ya.. kand.tekhn.nouk; SMGWVEKIY, P.I., kand.takhn.nauk; FRIERAN, A.R., mladshiy nauchnyy sotradnik. Prinimal uchastiye HADATYAN, S.A., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. KLIHOVA, G.D.. red:i_zd_-_va; HATWOTA, G.D., [Instructions for using hot-rolled ribbed 30KhG2S steel re- inforcements in making prestressed reinforced-concrete con- struction elements] Ukazaniia po pilimeneniiii goriachekBtanoi armatury periodicheskogo profilia iz stali wrki )OKhG2S v pred- varitellno napriazhennykh zhelezobetonnyk-h konstruktaiiakh. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 21 p. (mIRA 14:1) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut betona i zhelazobetona, Perovo. 2. Hauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut betona i zholezobatons (for Gvozdev, Dmitriyev, Mulin). 3. Deyotvi- tellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektiiry SSSR (for Gvozdev). 4. Laboratorlya metallicheskikh konstruktsiy TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo instituta stroitellnykh konstruktsiy (for Baldin, Brodskiy. Sokolovskiy, Fridmn). 5. Chlon-karrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkh-itektury SSSR (for Baldin). 6. Nauchno- isaledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekbanizatsii i takhni- chaskoy pomoshchi stroitelletvu (for Hadatyan). (Prestressed concrete) (Rein-forcing bars) MADATYAN, S.A., lnzh. . wo"b Effect of the electric heating on properties of hot-rolled 30XG2S steel reinforcements. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.10:454-458 o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Electric heating) (Steel, Structural) 4, iazh. MAHAN. S;, Using elgetric heating in stretching rod reinforcements of girders. From. atroi. 38 no.11:45-48 ,6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Mlectric heating) (Girders) ,MADATYAN, S.A., inzh. Effect of electric heating on properties of hot-rolled 35GS reinforce- ment sthel strengthened by stretching, Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.2: 56-59 F 162. (KIRA 16:5) (Concrete reinforcement--Testing) - ---------- YERUKHIMOVICH, P.L., kand. tekhn.nauk;.-MAqgYAIII_�_.A.,-inzh.; KLIYMA, G.D., red.; SHEVCHENKO, T.E., tekhn. red. (Instructions on the techniques of prestressing rod, wire, and strand reinforcement of reinforced-eoncrete elements by electrothermal and electro-irechanical mathods)Instruktsiia po tekhnolo-ii redvaritellnogo napriazlieniia sterzhnevoi, prar;~04.-#aai ipriadevoi armatury zhelezobetonnykh kon- struktsii elektrotermicheskim i elektromekhanicheskim spo- sobami. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. U5 P. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut be- tona i zhelezobetona, Perovo. (Goncrete reinforcement) LEVI, S.S., kand. tekhn.nauk; RATNER, N.A., inzh.; KOPLEVICR, L.Kh., inzh.; MADATYAR, S.A., inzh.; DOROFEYEV, A.K., inzh. D'YACJ1~2-W,--P.Ya-.-,J-n-zb.; KLIEOVA, G.D., red. izd-va; MOCHALBIA, Z.B., tekhn. red. [Instructions 119-61 on reinforcing techniques in industrial and public construction) Ukazaniia po tekbr-ologii proizvodstva armaturnykh rabot v proirryshlennom i grazhdanskom stroiteltstve (119-61). Moskva, Gostroiizdat, 1962. 319 p. (MIRA 15-7) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroiteltstvu. (Concrete reinforcement) (Precast concrete) UTROBIN, L.P.; MADATYAN, S.A.; BELOV, A.A. Using temporary terminal anchors of the "upset bolt" type for reinforcement made of 30KHG2S grade steel. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.8:358-359 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Direktor zavoda zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy No*5 (for Ut~-obin). 2. Glavnyy innhener saktora armatury Nsuchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta betona i zhelezobetona Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Madatyan). 3. Zamestitell nachallnika Proizvodstvenno-tekhnieheskogo otdeleniya zavoda zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy flo.~ (for Belov). (Concrete reinforcement) :~-~`j- :. - - - - - :, -~~~! : ~., , , '_'. ". 1 , _45 T, 1511, b. Vj, P 'ESSION -00/010/0437/C44! AP50016_30 VW97/64/f G AUTHOR: Yladatym, S. A. (Candidate of'technical c. c i,11.1 nc ea T IT: LE Stress changes in high strength reinforcing t-od steel stressed-by the -elect= thermal met.bod MURCTI., B to -b e toi-, no. 10t 156", 4137-441. a n i zhelezo TOPIC T AGX S low alloy atee2~ stress ireasurettent, elactrothermal streos, high strength reinforcing rod steel -Abatrac. When the electrothermal stress r-qethc-d is:used vith class A-IV :reinforcing rod steel-, the actual prest'reas value io, lower than the calcu- value. iatec~ This is explained by the fact calculation,-no ac- -aunt is tak* r- c en of the true,modulus of deformation oil' the-at teel nor of, stress relaxations at high temperatures. In order t1o obtain the required' Drestreae value using the electrotberml method,-itja recovzvended that ~elonpa(,ion of the reinforcem,,2nt be according to tha,:Ioraulaa: L r d, 4- P L 75~ Y Card 1 /3 L 15030-65- AGGESSION NR AP55001630 where P. is the wax innm deviation from the Predetermined eliminaxy atr Pr 0_1 associated vith the tec logical tolerances; 0 -b-no E H is the =Mative modulus of elasticityp taken as equal to 2'10 4 kg/mM2111 2. L iG 'th -e- distance between the outer edges of the oupports on the forms Y bottcm plates and stands. .2) K 1 0.025,2(0.1 0 (2) for low-,alloy eteel grades 2OKhG2Ts, 2OKhGST an EMUS [Cr, M, Z d r U Zr, Mk i S-IL, ~Ti; Cr, 214h, Sj7within stress limits from 30 to,60 kg/;~h and X I + 0.01 - 4 (0.14110-4) (3) ,for 80S and~65M steel, where K ia the multiplier for formula (1) and. is the calculated value for the prestressing in kg/MM2. The stress relaxe tio asing by the: ain high-strength reinforcing rod steel after at i~electrothermal method to a vialue on the order of 0.8-0.9 RRedoes not ex--, a 4 figures and 2 tables. ;ceed 16 of the value' of Orig. a~ft. has Card 213 f ssloil AF5001431 E C no'ne CODE: M14 AS 00 SUB 'HE JPRS orl R. 000 ~ov; o6 'o Im A 5. MADAT-ZADE, A. A. Madat-Zade, A. A. Basic -Types of Synoptical Processes over the Caspian Sea. Izvestija of the Academy of Sciences, Azerbaydzhan SSR (Department of Geological and Chemical Sciences and Oil), Issur- 1, No. 2. 1947 (96-1W). U230,2, 22 September 1952 T 1 . eV,.DATZADE, A. A. 2. usSR (60c) "Stoms in the Southern Fart of t-le Caspian Sea." Trudy institLta P_ec~,iafi; AN asertaydshsnskov SSR, 1, 11948 (3-70 9. J,1,eteorolo;-,iya i Gidrolo~-iya, No. ~, IM Report U-2'.51, i0 Cct 52. MADAT-ZAM, A.A., kandidat fiziko-matematic-ieql'-.ikh nialk. Like Gey-Gell. PI-iroda 42 no.q:ln-4-106 S '5'3. (91-Ya 6: P ) 1. Institut reotyrafii Alzademii weLk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Gey-Gel', Lake) 14-1-676 Translation from: Referativnyy 1957, Na, i , P. 80 (USSR) AUTHOR-. Madatzade, A. A. TITLE: Climate and Weathe.~, a: the TE-Isu Resort fKliw-at I pogoda kurorta Istisu) PERIODICAL: Tr. Resp. nau,h. korferentsil po -azvltlyu I osvoyeniy-u Icurorta Istilisu, 1952. Baku., AN AzerbSSR, 1955, pp. 77-81. ABSTRACT: The climate of the I3tis~l reso~--t, in the Des---e- is exaeptlona2ly favor;able i.-.o the hum.~vi or-gartism. In winter, weak and moder-ite predominate-; In spring and autumn there ar- many sunny days; in summer the-a Is no exhausting heat Bnd dryness. The wind ha" a mountain va.1ley quai-111y, squalls are r-a---e, a-nd the wie,cther in summer is ~-.-alm. Pr-,.z~,:,.-Ipltation is modera-.e and occurs mainly during the summer months. The au+-.ho:- dis- tingullshes 5 basi-I %ypes of atmospherli~ proc-E-see v,.,h!-:3h affe~~t the weather in the ragion of IF-~,tlssu: 1) T~n,~ r-3--,e irruption of cold -a-ir masses from the Ars.-~tlc into the Trans-Caucasus and into the IEtisu region due to the Card 1/2 latter's great height; 2) T-v-ie iri-,).ption of air rw-~%sses from --4-1-676 Climate and Weather at the Istisu Resort (U-Imat I pogoda "-Ur'2r-'a Istisu) (Cont.) CD moderate continentai and oi~~ea-nic latitudes wh&,-, with the development of the Siberian ma-~c-inram aff"--ts the Istisu region only when ths, former is very st,:~-ong; 3) The entrance Int) the Trans-Oaucasu3 of masse5 of tropical air which cause a sIgnifi3a-nt increase In warmth; 4) The effect of the middle Asiatic anti,-,- ys 1 one whose frequency is not great, creates in the region of Istisli, particularly In summer, a dy-y windy weather and rle.-Irps.-?d v1sibility; 5) The influen-e exerted by the ti-ansf-rination of air masses over the Tr9-ris-C,1a.v.(,,asua by a non-gradient ba-ri,'~ fi-ild or a low a,7--tivity ar~--.a of hiuh pressure, provides good weather, and radi-aztiora2 mists during the morning hours in winter. N. Antoshina Card 2/2 MADATZA A.A. A rare phenomenon in the Caspian Sea waters near the Apsheron Peninsula. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 11 no.6:401-404 155. (MIRA 9:6) LInstitut geografii AN Azerbaydzhansko7 SSR. Predstavleno de7stvitellaym chlenom AN Azarbaydzhanskoy SSR H.A.Kaskayam. (Caspian Sea--Ice) MADATZADE, A.A. Basic types of atmospheric processes determining the distribution of winds over the Caspian Sea Lin Azerbaijani with summary in Russian]. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 12 no.12:9?3-979 156. (MTRA 10:8) (Caspian Sea--Winds) MADAT-ZADE, A. A. (Cand. in Physics and Math.); SULET401OV, Dzh. M. (Dr.); "Caoplan Sea," Soviet Azerba_yjLzhpn, Bal-oi, lzd-vo AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSE, 195~~. - I . I I I I 1.. -1 .. I I ; . . 1 T ~ ', - . ... . - 1 1, - -1 .. : , . y . _UUTZAA9 A,A. Aeroollmiatic characteristics of Azerbaijan, and of the Apsheron Peninsula in particulars Izv,,.Ag Axerb.SR, Serogeole-geode nauk no.WO3-112 158. (MIRA W12) (Am*rb&iJan--H*teoro1Od7) HAMT-Z4M,, A*A,,; RWIMIT9 S,K, Uport of Azerbaijan petroleum products to foreign ocuntries. Azerb. neft. khoz. 37 no,4:48 Ap 158* 11:8) (Aisrba4a~-Petroleum industry) FI KASHKAY. M.-A.; DUMITI~SBKO, N.V.; AIMONOV, B. ABASOV, M.A.; BUDAGOV, B.A.; VOLOBUY.&V, V.R.; LILIYENBERG, D.A.; MADATZAM A.A.; I - - 06TMOV, S.G.; KHAIII, V.Yo.; SHIMULIBEYM, E.Sh.; SHIKHLIII'SKIY. E.M.; AGAYIWA, Sh., (Geomorphology of the Azerbaijan S.S.R.J Geomorfologiia Azer- b&idzhanskoi SM. Balm, 1959. 368 p. (MUU 12:12) 1. A-kndemiya rwuk Azerbaidzhanskoy SSR, Balm. Institut geografti. (Azerbaijan--Physical geography) 14ADATZADE, A.A. The Baku norther. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk no-5: 73-88 '59 (MIRA 13:3) (Baku--Windj3) M&DAT-ZA Principal types of atmospheric processes determining the wind field over the Caspian Sea@ Trudy Okean. kom. 5:140-145 159. (Caspian Sea--Winds) (KIRA 13:6) MADATZADE, A.A. Microclimatological regionalization of Apsheron Peninsula. Trudy Inst.geog.AH Azerb.SSH 8:49-60 159. (MIRA 12.111) (Apsheron Peninsula--Microlimatolog7) L ~LL~, --moo ;0 -j9ev m0i -Tvrl-=Md - - -: - _f m 1 'Is6t "61 611 aw -AV,- -5 v__dg. ._(D ........... j ggL I.Qz Qsbl .16,E '(JD3 .1dj jjV ,qw -- -d ... ... -d.A. ) '19. '.-b ". L ...0, ..d- ... A.. ....... -- ~. 1W If ..d,, -.0 ...... --AdA, ...d '9 It VS61.44 .... ti, :Adj Hy . d.. 19)96 'K I - ... V.. . -d~ ... d., 0.. .. ........ . . ... r*61 - d -,A..d -l- A4,.. -.A W. :. d :;: d..'s n.w 't6L d, --d- .,.j .. MIE - ---.d. .--- r-W .... . o I - I I dq '90L 0 9961 Set -"At .... ~j -,-0c "h-E : L-d.- W61 d3D gd..V HV -.") di, C -Oya(t) 33H -.,dg _ L - -d a3xj-:Ml ... IWT 2_'Y .... !,- A), --v lot) '4 ..... ... F ""I 'Z6L LO "0V61 A, I rz LI61 ,Th. M ".. ::::d-" --_ _... cf.~b N., ..... " ....0. .9 'V 9V ' V '16L -9-M -Z t "VE * I--- -d-- 91) = 'tw -MVE - d -M) -d- - -91 -11 .. ... . . .... . ..... ...... ....... d--d, 0. ....... dA-lb ....-dq) .d_ '0".7'.. ... -.dArj .14 4-9 gel 1061 -_qcecrt.,-e S6 '1'6' --9-31 -V I 4.d~ 1-1- 7 4 . ... db :-:,-d ... .... - ... :Th-d.. ---dU -9. v -d