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Boguslaw; SPORIff, Bogdan Effect of action of short duration of ACTH and cortisone in Graves-Basedow disease. Polaki tygod. lek. 11 no.44:1857- 1861 29 Oct 56. 1. (Z i Kliniki Chirrugicznej A.M. w Poznaniu; kierownik: prof. dr. Stanislaw Nowicki) adres: Poznan, u1. Podlaska 27 M. 1. (HYPERTHYROIDISM, physiology. nff. of ACTH & cortisone in humans (Pol)) (ACTH, effects, on hy-porthyroidinm in humans (Pol)) (CORTISOITE. effects, same) I-KACZTNSKI, Bogqslaw; GACA, Witold Causes of functional disorders of the skeletal muscles in Graves-Basedow disease. Poznan. Tow. przyjaciol nauk. w7dz. lak. 13 no.3:1-27 1956. 1. Z I Klinlki chirurgicznej A.M. W Poznaniu (Kierownik Prof. dr. Stanislaw Nowicki). (HTPERTHTR.OIDISM. physiology, Musc. funct. (Pol)) (MUSCLES, in various diseases, hyperthyroidism (Pol)) POLAND / General Biology. Individual Development. Re- B generation. Abs J,jur: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 103316. Authcr Maczynski, Boguslaw. Inst No_t--ATvuTr-.-- Title Influence of Hormones on Tissue Healing. Orig Pub: Polski przegl. chirurg. J? A_)o /: Abstract: A review of experimental works and clinical (~,i)ser- vations on the effect of hormones on tis~3ue ~ieal- ing. The injection of the growth hormone into rats from which the hypophysis has been removed produceE; normal granulation. A number of authors (Tauben- haus and Amronin, Meredith-Olrich, Fontaine, and others) have shown the inhibitory effect of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on rhe fr)rua!;i,_-n Card 1/4 19 ~_ 71M. - -, ___7 ~_ POLAND / General Biology. Individual Development. Re- generation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-3iol., No 23, 1958, 103318. Abstract: of granulation tissue. Chassaigne has found that in rats from which the suprarenal glands have been removed ACTH does not inhibit the formation of granulation tissue or the healing of wounds. On the basis of these experiments it is believed that ACTH affects the processes mentioned by mem s of increasing the excretion of the suprarenal hcrmones. A less vigorous development of granulation tissue results from the removal of the thyroid and para- thyroid glands (Taubenhaus, Hanke). The adminis- tration of thyroid to animals from which the hypo- physis or thyroid gland has been removed stimulates the formation of granulation tissue, which Hanke and Fontaine explain by an increase in the ~;eneral and local metabolism. Normally, granulation tissue Card 2/4 POLAND / General Biology, Individual Development. Re- B ,generation. Abs Jour: Ref 2,hur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 103318. Aostract: and wound healing occur in animals from which both suprarenal glands have been removed and the lives of which have been maintained by the injection of adrenal cortical extract or small doses of corti-sone or desoxycorticosterone. Taubenhaus and others, Scarpelli and others and a number of other research workers have shown that among the hormones investi- gated cortisone exerts the strongest inhibitory ef- fect on granulation tissue, "taking" of a.,zografts, union of broken bones, out the mechanism uf thlo effect has not been elucidated. Many authors (Tau- benhaus, Amronin, Meyer and others) have studied the effect of desoxycort1costerone, noradrenalin, estradiol, testosterone, pregnancy, and cas,~ratior, on t1ssue healing. The role of hormones ..n the Card 3/4 20 RACZYNSKI, Boguebw PeritnnItim caused by perforation of cancer of the rectum. Polski przog'A.. chir. 28 no.8:765-767 Aug 56. 1. Poznan, u1. Pollaska 27 m. 1. (PMITONITIS, stiologsr and pathogenesis. cancer of rectum perf. (Pol)) (RECTUM. neoplasms. perf. causing peritonitis (Fol)) KAGZYNSKI, Bogualaw (Poznan, ul. Podlaulca 27. m. 1.) Pancreatico-intestinal anastomosis in gastric resection. Polski prze--l. chir. 29 no.8:817-820 Aug 57. 1. Z I. Kliniki Chirurgiezuej A. M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: orof. dr St. Novicki Praca wplynela: 2.2. 1957. (GASPirRCCTOMY, -Dancreatice-intestinal anastomosis in (Pol)) :2 L.L ---------- RACZYNSKI, Boguslaw, DROZDMiKI0 Stefan, POPIn, 4-eliks Experimental hemorrhagic sho(jcduring total acute adrenal failure. Fat. kolska 9 no-1:51-57 Jan-Mar '58- 1. Z I Xliniki (-hirurgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu ILierownik: prof. dr b. Nowicki. Alres autorow: Poznan, u1. Podlaska 27 m.1) (AM.0AIds,;TuI4Y. eff. on hemorrh, shock in male rabbit (Pol)) (SHOCK. exper" eff. of adrenalectomy on hezorrh. shock in male rabbit (POIL)) M ORRHAGE, exper. eff. of adrenalectomy in male rabbit (Pol)) ---------- K�GZTNSKI, Boguslaws DROZDOVSKI. Stefan. POPIRL, Feliks Effect of pendiomide on the course of 9:periciental hemorrhagic shock daring complete adrenal failure. Polski przegl.chir. 30 no-3:217-225 Kr 158 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Pznaniu Kierownik: prof. dy St. Howickie Adres autor6w: Poznan. al. Podlaska 27 m-l. (SHOCK, erper. hemorrhagic eff. of pendiomide during complete ndrenal failure. comparison in rabbits with preserved adrenal funct. adrenalectomy (Pol)) (ADRENAL GLANDS, dis. exper. insuff., eff. of pendiomide on hemorrhagic chock. compnrison in rabbits with preserved adrenal funct. & adrennlectomy (Pol)) (PENDIOMIJE, eff. on hemorrhagic shock during complete qdrenal failure comparison in rabbita with preserved ndrenal funct. & adrennlectomy (Pol)) MAGZYI(SKI, B. ; SPORNY, B. Adreml functioning, after uniLaterai oartial excision c-7 the a p Polski przegl. chir. 30 n0.7$733-738 July 38. dr . na 1. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghirurgicznmj A. M. w Poznaniu Kierownik; prof. dr S. Nowicki. Adres autorow: Poznan, ul. Podlaska 27 m. 1. (RAYNAUDIS DISFASE, surg. ndranalectomy, pDrtial -xcis., eff. OIA )&enal funct. 001)) (AMOrALDCTOMY, in various dis. Raynaud's din., eff. of rartial excis. on adrenal funct. (P01)) --7--~-=-~- -t-~ -7----------- --- .14-~~- - ~ ------ ------ -.- - - - - I , -- ---- --- ------- ---- --- - - , - .- I .- -- -- ~- - ---- - - -1, ---. ~ --- ~-- - t -- --- . . .-uCZY TSKI, J. llk)~ lic~,tl -,f Sc,- 1~1~ 1~ I z,,*-Jc ~-!-t'-od j.; Co~7.,ructj-I,- Profiles! of ; 7 ', i -- .1 - I - 'ar p- .- - - . - - ,, -::- ;. Folds", -,. 464, GC~L~I,-T,A I MIT-ICT7,1A, Vol. 2, ::c,. " 195-, Wa-7szawa, SO, Mio:~t'-.1v List o 'I Eafit ~~u-r ),,)ea;i kcce--21o ~s. (IZAL) , LC, Vo I. -, ".o. 5, 1-1;~-y 1955, Mial. MACZYNSKI, J. Some of the pro lems of displaceof a stochastic rnediurp. ~. 2~,E~. (ARCHB4UM "ORNICnIA. Vol. 1, no. 3, 1956, Warsaw, Po SO: Monthly List of Ea~-t European Accessions (EEAL) LCI Vol. 6, No. 9 Sept. 1957 Uncl. H). I Doc) 12 .9 2 2? AUTHOR: TITLE: 23022 P/037/60/005/002/'001/001 A076/A126 Jacek A method of computinC the pressure distribution in a slow flow of a homo-eneous gas in ducts 0 PERIODICAL: Archiwum G6rnictwa, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 147 - 156 TEXT. Pressure distribution due to air flow in a duct can be computed in many particular cases as considered in aerodynamics. Because of practi- cal applications emphasis is put usually on high speed flow i.e. flows with important kinetic energy terms. Low speed flows form a separate class. The low value of kinetic energy makes it possible to concentrate attention on mass forces and energy dissipation. Gas inertia and kinetic energy can be treated as secondary effects in this case. The flows considered are very closely related to flows occurino in ventil4tion networks in mines and there, fore attention is called to the relation between the distribution of pres- sure in a duct and the temperature distribution. Fundamental equations of one-dimensional steady flows of a clapeyronian homooeneous -as form the startin7 point in thi3 consideration. The equation of motion is as follows: Card 1~4 23022 P/0 37/60/-:)0 5/0021001 /CG 1 ..:L'Ithod of cur.-I)utin-- thc, di5trilj'ation ... A076/Al 26 wd-;t + sin 06 + v+ I = 0 gds ds the equation of energy: wdw 3in c4 +0-P dT I dQ = G (2) ,-ds A d3 Awlr,P ds U w denotes mean velocity, c.(,is the angle between flow direction --nd the horizontal plane, v is the specific volume, p - absolute pressure, I the hydraulic gradient, T - absolute temperature, A - the reciprocal of the C - specific heat at constant pressure, mechanical equivalent of heat, F - the duct cross-section, rjan~ wl are inlet value Of specific weight and velocity, Q is the amount of heat supplied to the flowing gas over the duct length from 0 to s and G is a non-dimensional combination defined by equa- tion (2). The flow is treated as aninertial, i.e., gas in--ria i~ neglect- ed. This assumption tends to simnlify considerations and loej not provoke an error greater than 1 k-/m2 when the velocity head varies Iless than about 1 meter. This error is seen to occur in ret_,ion3 of L~reat velocity varia- Card 2/14 - ------ ----- 23022 P/037/60/005/002/00 1 /00 1 A method of computin~~ the pressure distribution... A076/A126 tion, i.e., at the inlet and for minor velocity variations it is wholly ad- missible to neglect it. It is assumed that the hydraulic gradient is given by the equation of Darcy and Weisbach: I w2 (3) 2gD where 'Ai3 the resistance coefficient, assumed constant along the duct, D is the hydraulic diameter of a non-circular duct or the diameter of a cir- cular one. This equation yields with help of the equation of continuity, for constant cross-section: W W1 t1 (4) the formula: 2 (5) where 2 I, /x W1 (6) 2gD For an assumed thermal function Q(s) the equation of energy can be integrat- Card 3/1 4 f 23022 P/037/60/005,/002/001/001 A method of computing the pressure distribution ... A076/A126 ed to yield: W2 2 ' ~ . 0" T = v" T + (7) 2g A 2g + z' + EA AwjIrjF lie made use of the relationship: sino4= dz ds Knowing the functions Q(s) and z(s), (e.g. for constant duct s1cpe or other- wise), the following relation is determined: T = T~s) which is the starting point of further considerations. This distribution of temperature can also be determined experimentally by taking measurements of temperature along the duct. Taking further L! .1tation of Clapeyron into account we get for a homogeneous gas: p = p - V = RT (10) Card 4/1.4 2.3022 P/037/60/005/'002/001/-001 A method of computing the pressure distribution... A076/A126 Neglecting inertia, the equation of motion may be expressed: 2 dz + RT Ik + I, R2 T2 = 0 ds p ds p Dividing further by T2 and multiplying- by p2, we get: P2 dz R LL)- +1, 2 2 0 + Irl R (12) [T(s)j2 ds 2T(s) ds The above equation is a linear ordinary differential equation with p2 as dependent variable and known functional coefficients. This equation is solved with help of the Lagrange method, (variation of a constan-,), to give: 2 = 2 p 2 2f [T (~2 ~!TLz p Pi ex T 1 - 2 Il R s)exp d'ff 6 0 For Il = 0, (the non-~-dissipative case - no flow reosistance) we have: P = P11 - P1 exp i dz 0,0 [- R ~ F-I the solution may be written in this form: Card 5/ 14 if 23022 P/037/60/005/002/001/001 A method of computing the pressure distribution... A076/A126 1~ P ~ P ~ 1 - 2 Il Pi (U) [Pll(-&)j -2 ds (15) Nv RT~ fT To simplify the computations the following notation is introduced: 8 = Z L- = Z ; P- = ~ ; sin 0~= S RT1 RT1 Tj Pi then PA = exp dl r5N = P1 Ic - 0 P N~l 2 Ill F~-' d6 a N The inte6ral occurrin,T on the ri;;ht-hand side of (18) can be tieated as an auxiliary function - 0. 2 d < The form of Eq. (7) 7,hows that 'or G ~ con-t. ari sina~= const. t1--e temper- Card 6/14 23022 P/'037/60/005/002/001,/001 A method of computing the pressure distribution ... A076/A126 ature distribution in an aninertial flow no given by Eq. (2) is linear and given in the form: r T - T, 1 1 + (G - s) 61 (20) Flows with constant G may be called equithermal isocaloric flows. They fom an important class of flows enabling us to approximate more general types of flows. The Eq. (14) allows us to compute P N in an equithermal flow. The following relation thus is obtained: T (21) Ti ,.,there 14 S SS (22) X 1 G S IRT and the 3olution can be written:- = _N ON L (2~) Thus, an equithermal, aninertial and non-dissipative flow is politropic. A Card 7/1 4 23022 P/037/60/005/002/001/001 A method of computing the pressure distribution ... A076/A126 Particular case of this flow is formed by the isochoric flow, where V = Vi; ~o = p" - Ta (24) P1 Ti The index o denotes isochoric conditions in this article. Further, the symbol Z~~ for the relative pressure drop is introduced: 'n' P = 1 - P (25 a) it may be written as: ~ = z' ~o (25) The SojUt4 on of the equation of r;iotion for -,-. isochoric state has the form: po p, - sr, sinOL 0 z I - Se (26) RT1 The quantity 6p0 1 PO depends thus on the altitude dif f erence and Card 8/14 23022 P/03 60/005/002/001/001 A method of computing the pressure distribution ... A076XJ26 the inlet temperature in the duct as shown by the formula: 6po - 6 z RT1 (27) Bearing this in mind A Plo is understood as a "dimensionless difference ol. alti-tudell remembering, however, that it is not a geometrical constant for a Eiven duct, but that it varies in some narrow limits of about 8 to 105 fol- lowing the inlet temperature variations. The following quantity is of int.,-- est-. 1-exp 1- d 9 ] -9A - - 7L AP (28) 6P, 6p0 This quantity for an equithermal case is represented on a graph as a func- tion of Apo and 8-L = 1 of the form: (6-C, LPO) -bta 90/6r. A 9 0 It is plotted in the form of a family of curves in the.�,,apo plane, The Card 9/14 23022 P/037/60/005,/002,"0011/00' A method of computing 'the pressure distribution. . A076/A126 parameter of this family of curves is given by formula: k 6 T- (29) X-1 With help of relation (21), and T= 1 - AV we may write: Z1-2N d6= - NrZj-2N dr= Ago 1_(4, _ 4L 2(1 -N) S-1 S 2( 1 -.N),aC This expreosion may be written after introducing an auxiliary varial-le- 2 a-L ( 1 -N) 2 (61C- 60c) 4n the form; OVA Ir 6 2 (b V- I I I s s een that f J aiui thermal f I ows the f unc t i on 4~ has a doub I e s -. cn~ f r~anc~. It represents once a coefficient used to compute th, a---,,;a! pres- -1 r c a and - , dror. from an isochoric one for a t/;iven temper ture drop E:1. 12F~) 1 aga;n J_t appears ao a -,.orrection coefficient for the variation of h~,draulic Card 10/' 4 P/037W~05/002AO 1 loo 1 A method oC computing the pressure distribution... A076/A126 gradient along the duct. Therefore the ~ function should receive particular attention and be tabulated more accurately. The relations obtained enable us to compute pressure distribution in ducts where an equithermal tempera- ture distribution is observed, i.e.,in such ducts where the quantity of heat supplied per unit length of duct is constant. In practice this quant- ity of heat varies along the duct implying a non-linear temperature distri- bution.. This means that the general equations (17) and (18) are to be used in such cases, It is, however, very often Possible to split the ducl: into parts or stretches where, with an assumed accuracy, the existing tempera- ture distribution can be replaced by a linear one. Any part of the duct forms in this case an individual duct and the inlet conditions for any parf of duct are obtained from the outlet values resulting from the stretch im- mediately before it. The role of temperature distribution as a determin- "ng factor of pressure distribution in dry air is thus clearly seen. It Js vital that in the -eneral case the whole temperature distribution is known, i.e., a function in order to obtain the pressure distribution which --a an- other function. In this sense the Eq. (17) may be treated as a kind of f1)nck-'.r,nal operator providing a correspondence between two functions. The forml,:la (18) (with the expression (17) bornein mind) has a similar characler Card 11/'4 in- 4 .-A -- ------ 23022 P/O 3 7/60/00 ;,,/00 2,'(- 0'./030 1 A method of computing the pressure distribution ... A076/A126 in spite of greater complexity. The occurrence of a functional oper!~tor this solution is of practical i-mportance. Experimental invel-4.Ea'.~on-:1 1~,~~rtainin~; to theobtainment of a real value of th-,a thermal de-press4c-. ir. Imine ven t 4lation networks should lakc 4.-to accc~int 'he fact 'hat 'hi.; de- p_-e_--S'on follows from the -,,,,hole Lnstantaneous distribution of fem-,,eruture and slope alon- the roadaays and Galleries, A fea single values of the temperature, as the inlet and outlet temperature, for example, are f, -;'r from beino sufficient in the general case. A number of additional effects, i.e., emission of ases and vapours were not taken in consideration in the abole .-alculations. There is 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloc ref.-~r,-nc~e~3 I ASSOCIATION: Instytut Podstaviowych Problemovi Techniki, Polska A`IademLa Nauk, '71arszawa (Institute of Basic Techn--cLl Problems, Pol~sh Academy of Sciences, Vlarsaw) S/044/62/000/009/069/069 Ao60/AOO0 AUTHOR. Mpzyi~ski, J. TITLE: Solving nonlinear stationary networks of ducts on digital computers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9, 1962, 64, abstract 9V397 ("Bull. Acad. poion. sci. S6r. sci. techn.", 1961, v. 9, no. 10, 587 - 591; English; Russian summary) TEXT: A method is given for solving systems of equations containing terms of the form IWI - W, together with constant free terms f, by mans of digital computers. The paper makes use of the notation introduced by Kron. The iterat- ing process of solution consists in comparing the free terfns fl, obtained as a result of substituting the approximate values of W1 into the equations with the free terms f given in the problem, and producing from the mean values between f and f' with damping coefficients X. These mean values are utilized to write .down systems of equations which are solved to obtain the new values of W'. The coefficients of that linear system are corrected by means of the values W ob- tained ih the preceding iteration. An elementary numerical example illustrates Card 1/2 Solving nonlinear stationary h6tworks of the method. [Abstracter's note: Complete:,translation] 8/044/62/000/009/069/069 ',AO60/AOOO From author's summary Card 2/2 1 MACZYNSKI. Jacek Transient response of mine ventilation; a general survey- Archi-.r gorn 7 no.1:3-25 162. 1. Rheology laboratory,, Department of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic Technical Probleve.. Polish Academy of Sciences,, Warsaw. '!jCZYNSKI, J.; KRZYSZTON, D. Characteristic functions and the strain tensor in a compressible sand mass motion. Bul Ac Pol tech 10 no.l:[351-[42] 162. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous 149dia, Institute of Fun- damental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by J.Litwiniszyn. LITTHINISZYN, J.; LIN Ci-tong; 1-9,CZY1\'SFI, J., Filtration due to the action of wind during waste or storage heap fires. Archiw gorn 8 no. 2:95-109 163. MACZYNSKI, Jacek,,,, Interaction of rocR beating and the flow of a ventilation network. Archiw gorn 8 no. 2:181-207 '63. T r-y c PC., Lgn L- 17 901.32-65 EN~T(WVP(O)/ =-2 tVj_P(b)/91TA( Pd-I/Pf -4/Pr-h/P3-1V-P-u-4 ASD (N -31, FCj&)/AFvTbA765 ~52/ M: Ar-4049W-1- :/,o Ar.=75SIOTII It 0, 002/P355 ,0' cznyokil J. UM R: Ma A a hot nonhomogeneous norcuse-edium SOMPE: Arabiwum mechaniki stoBdwanejV*1l6.,-no# 2, 1964, 355-363 TOPIC, TASS: 3as flow, gas dynamicsy porous medium, hot medium,, norLhomogenecus medi- tun A SSTFACT: The 'f lov of .,gases in a, norijimogeneous medium is considered Nrith the fol_~ lowlt~tr ascumptiona: pressure variations are ssma.11-(to avoid introducing.nonlinea-.. riti es.) and the Bource of energy for the flov is' thermal, energy, transformed into u,_--c hanica vrjrl,, in a gravity f ield through the actior, of. density differences. Thus'. a 1=ited picture of a flov occurring VIlienthere in a fire ia a porous material is aiscussc-4. The boundnary conditions speoify either a7baence of illow (impermeable "Mu-, cr a. pfiane, of *ace containing symmetry) or a given pressure distri1bution over the aux-L the re~,ioa. It is-shxr~m that incre--ses in the temperaturi~ of the mdlum produce ir-crea,'es in -.he thermomatlye, force up to a vulue of serteral. times the temperatvxe 0. the atmosyhere,, vith further ina-reaseB in the temperature surr=ding of the medium prcducing only slight increases in the thermomotive force. -An example card 1/~ L 1702-65, simi uR: Ap4o4gooi specifyinga V o r 6 u s heap in the form of' ala oblong prism of triangalar cross cection and of uniform grainaize and uniformly heated to a te:% peraturediffereat from that of the surrounding atmosphere is precented in.order to shav the effect of increase in -the tenparaturi of. a porous medium on gas filtration-in its interior* An outline of a general solution it5 given which takes account of variation of the viscosity and the density of the gas, also.variation of the permeability of a non- homogenooua.7pGrOUS Medium.. The problem is split into tvo parts: first, that Of solving " Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a bounded reGior and., secondp that of finding an vxamovn function which takes account of non- unifaratty:of densityj, viscosity, and pera;eabiltty, ich vani and wh shes on the bour-.-. ASSOCIAMOIT: Department of Mechanier, of Contim(ras Mdia, IBT-P, Folish Academy of SUBMI'MO: 00- PIICL-. 00. SM COVE M. NO REP DOV 000 OTHER; 007 Cara MACZYIISKI, J. Flow of gases in a hot nonhomogeneou3 Porrjus me~-,im. A:- c r iw mech 16 no.2:355-363 '64. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, 1nstitute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wirsaw. MACHNSKIL, Jauelf9 dcc, dr. ~.n~, More on atr n -o -2 3 Ja - --- -------- L 1666-66 wr(i)/Ewp(m) ACCESSION MR: APS018530 PO/0095/65/013/004/0363/0368 AUTHOR: Maczvnski. J. (Honchin'skiy, Ya.) TITLE: Jet in a coaxial free stream. Hean flow pattern SOURCE: Polska Akademia Nauk. Bulletin. Serie des- sciences techniques, y. 13, no. 4, 1965, $63-368 5a axial flow, flow profile, fluid mechanics TOPIC TAGS, jet flow, ABSTRACT: On the basis of a previously published experimental analysis (J. F. J. H.aczynski "A Round Jet in Ambient Coaxial Stream, J. FIgid Mech=ice, 13, 1962, 597-608),,curves are calculated for a constant axial rate of.flow (see fig. I of the Enclosur0jogether with,the jet streamlines (seefig. 2 of the Enclosure). In addition, the shape of the streamlines Is showWafter normalization of their radial coordinate using the appropriate asymptotic distance from the axis (see fig* 3 Of the Enclosure). The computational method Is described In detail. The curves and the method of computation may be helpful in designing jdt assemblies.' Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 16 formulas# 1 table. card 1/5 L 1666 -66 ACCESSION MR: APS019530 ASSOCIATION: Zaklad Mechdniki Cleczy i Ga?-,w9' Instytut PcdstawaWch problemow. Techniki, PAN (Department of rluid 1.4achanics,.Instituto of Fundamental Technical Problem s RML11-1 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCG: 03 ~Sus CODE.. 149 NO REr,SOVi 000 OTHER: 001 S cmd a5 at. -2A" I t . . . ................ 0 a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 e G a C a 0 a a 10 0 0 0 a 0 a a a 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 a 6d f 1) 14 it :4 1, 11 It 6 , 1 L N i,k M' 1% Stetearchet ock heat-laculating Materials. LutilAuc Wiimtr-sil *%o 00 %t clymmi. rtt,"iya c4em 14, 73-AM19:10) "Im lWo,itt,ti ai-1- - lo-f-b-I ! M . III to ) idd mmi, mmurmle re.ultit. Aforr a cArd,il rvaloali.... ths- it t, 1, , , 00 silip wit% iswit lof mramiting the licAl 111,111.4tills plolvitir, ol -1.1 Woli'li, ilmli'mult filat'liA, Aint"ta sithirfs the%c mtrN of hest cinid "t-re Imoid -irk 0.0 liastrtl witb cawin 1) (44, exiguitled cork (1037; vitli pa,ttril with sipliAl to 107'' dIA,- so S lllacvou~ bricl, 0 11M; sifict-lsblrxt.~ masi 0 078, magitc-mle nw, I) twill, irlat, 'A (Ali 0 WO hicirae of heat Lond. kill lids not '1111v oil 1111t, pitol'.111r~ of 11~' to.tcr'41 00 a 1twil but alt~ootl the list of its jwvs~ 'V51m0c al'tt I- dr-cill-t fiq Illakil'a rat't'l r.... 00 1 measutecturlits if the hcet cur.1, of various material# A. C, ZACHILI'l -00 '40 40 r a prop"Ves and am(hou a fAcling th Md tALM M. %1ACtY)4qMl A14V W " A oRPEAM."Irml. Prre"Yd Miss. 14.121- l " IMM.-This arilkwiciat;i6a the text anti Okism of oft-tal mcthMs of testittif Polish rt-mil tan. k C L of :0 0 00 ZI .00 elf Ot It. I I.tIIt,, t I I c. 0 040 ;rx Vito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 9 40 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 411 6 A 4 0 0 0 0 0:0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 * a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 7 0 1 4 r 1 0 it if U it M is 4 It is to a it a a .4 a M n it V a) Jj u M is a 1; so so MG .1 Q 4# a a 1! a A -I - a A P 9 A I I V V P. -A-1-, I ~ a !I - W 1- A 4 .0- "If, 1w 1. 11., 1-00 : 0* r febmittm teslim d Millistrits of dam, drows Apolicalloa of a Itiew M400d of * ' ' " 30 rgefxyd ( kePr 15, 124 and ter. 1.111*119 A , Askit-IMMI AMID MAMIMACM41M. 1 13-1 41~ ISCI 1) A lint-torii, e4 mrsalytically and cruthed tp " M 1 ZZ", mrA",'tirl cin wrvrtl its a standard rrfc rerice triatelial It straq beated to 12W _010 anti mixed with the asphalt under teist brought to the ~anw temp The mitt was 37 ( / d t k 60 ,11 11W) into N) C tiamptri with a pmiure ti %q cm rea 1 then li=!trvf first C . 00 s #(in mantunvitc-ir "its rather high pressure wax arrited to maLir a c(ear 00 " I ing"n I cha artfr and 1whaviin, 4 different sampf" A nevAte of 1 4 - 5 ` 1s - l ! V i 00 ) W 4 t Arid somewhat similar tit tile needle tit V"t wav matte to di. t h . Wiri no 0 00 jwtirtratr skraly into the trst faiquet try the force tit an applied Art while tile distarice Im-netrat,if ss~ ricorded on a revisiving drum After a certain depth 44 Imm-fration. 0181 '31 chaMleri,tic if tire latumiziou, lander. the briquet %hattrirril tir tile riviAk. simply 00 ctsinfilvied tire lwnetratkm of the rest tid the twitfuct very rapitify, in either Caste shirrits, =0 0 in& a distinct lirrall its the curve of time vi. distance penctra" Although in a gives) 00 writ& %aried widely thedivIlancir of penctratioct tiefore failure of tire briquet Always omirr.4 at the sarrie depth Numvirwally thk might Ise expressed tire &jtjr arrisgth tit the material fly msran~ n( tfri~ app it was pikaitili: tn uncover iliffi-rencr,, tit aintits primiuct-A by the kind anti pri)1stwition of st"nC Anti asphalt. and tar, to ,tujia the cfT,,ct 4 the .-Mit ,I liaraffin. Anti bv chAng" -inietimi, pecid"OA - i at vuriiius trinp, A C ZACHL. 40 see J AI? -00 it& M INC., U F, P n it as a a it It a IF ar tr it -6- 1 V -1A so a Od 0- a a I Is IN I a W A I T% 0 111 0 0 * 00 06 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 t;i a a e L% 6 000 4 0 a 49 4 0 4 0 * 41 0 0 0 * 41 0 0 0 411 0 621LO C-31.874= Av4folf Z, I'l Chnolapeat Aina' WOW* 0aydAi W. The Tt 13!r4i of Gty adanim (c-Chnajckgfc=e. frtued.,tlejskfa-!~ aaA~ i1" NO, 1, IOUT -d O er , - to flitd -the qufhona at emplod dir :%vike lahac~aus "ai 1~r wilizmg-11j , the, best mcthnd for plvdtx"a r .Yfew of- the pas~dbllljy- *f, IiL, pollsh cc luona, i bfier ~ambtlstlqit ferul for aoftewtiz be A ai cinaers: flements -t follm- r SUFA -in: r~ - nit t1 -t-W. ng:ix ng met tad-. ti , Cal untlyall-to MM 1 7 "Tars of Hi;~h Pitch Content; F Report Read ;A the Scientific Session of Road Bui-Ilers." P. 147, 9, "o. Jlxn~- 1954. ar3zawa, Polmid.) 0~ 7, 'jO :M I Monthly List ast -uropear. -ccessions, L~], N 1101. 3, 'o. 12, Dec. 10/54, Uncl. I;Acz-p,lsxi, m. "Insulating (IMATIM!AL! '~UDCVILAXE. Vol. P, No. 12. Dec. 1954. 'NrAzawa. Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fkat Maroppim Accessions. ( MA L) . LC. Vol. 4, No. 4. April 1055. Uncl. 1AAk-,ZY1,4'S M, 14. "Transportation of qFzphalt In tarikes." 'p.l. (DROG'.-,1C7KO Vol. 10. No. 1, Jqn. 1955- Warazalm, Poland) SO: Mlonthly Liqf. of F-qs" ",,uroptnn Acrfssinsn. 037EAL). LC . Vol. 4. No. 4. April IP-55- Uncl. KOLITOWSKA, J.L MACZYNSKI, M. On pyrolytic oxidation of sodium phosphite lia2EPO3 by usinabrc-rina. Bul chim RUI 8 no.9:449-453 160. 1. Hatedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Politechnika, Warszawa. Presented by M. Smialowski. (Oxidation) (Sodbim*,iphosphite) (Bromine) ZLC~~~ prof., mi-r., inz.; LUSZAWSKI, Stanislaw, drc., mgr., inz. PrellminaT7 results of applying paraffin aspheit rhta-ined frr:r Romashkino raw pptrrleuri jr the r~rnstructicn cf rnvement3 Drcgcwnictwc 17 no. 5:101-105, My 162 BADOWSYJ~, Halina, dr inz. prof.; l-lACZYI-'SFI Maciej, prof. Corrosion cf ferroconcrete chimneys and their protection against aggressive agents. Inz i bud 20 no.11:413-417 11 163. 1. Politechnika, '.leirs-z-Awa. MACZYNSKI, Maciej; KOMOREK, Jerzy Initial research on the influence of various industrial plants of the Warsaw region on the pollution of the atmospheric air. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.10:333-335 0 163. 1. Department of Sanitation Engineering, Technical University, Warsaw. DA?IlLr.CKI, ;n,ir!y,,ila,,,,, prof. :.t,-r !ILAC'~YNSKI, Macie~, prof. in'-Ir inz. Bitimrairona safety -I -j ri q , of' ---irt hen structures Lged in hydraa' i - enG-ineerin,,,-. ~-Icsp 25 n,3.1:2?-29 Ja 165- 1. Dlti3'(),i )l 9,-1 i ~ , ') P tv~e TA. ~ n i t I I -n-L .. ,-)r, ~-ni Tlylr-oi~!At7. - -- 11nive-;it v, W- .. 3n-,~ POIXM / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-35 Application. Leather, Fw., Gelatin. Tanning YateriaB- IrAustrial Proteins. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - KhImiya, Ijo 5,, 1959,, No. 17987 Author Przybylaka, Z.; Yaczynski, R. Inst Nat given Title Accelerated Determination Method of Fats in Leather Orig Pub Przesl. skorzany, 1957, 121P No U. Biul. Inst. przom. skorzan., 17-19 Abstract Accuracy of the accelerated method of determination of the fat content in the 3 tYPes Of slightlY and high oiled for greased) leather was checked. Oil was extracted from the leather samples employing 3 gr of 40 - 600 boiling point petroleum other in an apparatus consisting of a conical glass flask (200 ml), reflux condensers end a metallic tube. Control analysee were Card 1/2 ?_3 IARIIN-BUIU~QWSKI, Jan; RZZY113KI, Stanislaw zLpplication of interference filters for spectrophoto.-I'-tri- Chem anal. 7 no.2;517 -525 ' 61 2 1. Department of General Physics C, Faculty of Chemistry, Pulytf-clhnlcill College, Warsaw. MACMS Kl,, 13tanislav Automatic recording inutrumffrit for meauuring horizorttlta light extinction in the ground of air layers. Acta geophys Pol 11 no-4:239-246t63. 1. Department of Physics, Technical University, Ifarsaw. MACZYNSKI, Stanislaw, mgr. New measuring instruments made in Poland. Problemy 19 no.8: 521-522 163. MACHIISKI, Stanislaw, mgr Congress of the Polish Astronomical Society. Problemy 19 no.12:772-774 163. -- - - - - ~ I - ".- - - --.i' - --, ~;- , --t~~ -- -_ --_ , 1-7:~! - -= ,~-Ii-~- -- , --~ , I- - ::,~ , ----- - . , t - I - . ~ II - --l ~ .1 -~ ~ I- - -I.: , : - --fl, HAD, I.A.; MNIS, E.P. Radioactive isotopes and the tanning extract industry. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 3 no.2:12-13 F 161. (1 MI-PA 14 * 4) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogc otdeleniya kozhevenno-ekstraktovo- obuvnogo kombinata "Blasma" (for Mad). 2. Nachallnik ekstraktovogo zavoda kozhevermo-ekstraktovo abuvnogo kombinata "Blasma" (for Mednis). (Tanning materials) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) MAD, I. A. New developments in the mechanization of the "Blazma" ComUne. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.2:38-39 F 162. OEPU 15:4) (Latvia--Shoe manufacture-Equipment and supplies) f CRG: VepartVMt 017 YedlatrleSp 118partment or tjW00LogYq M(IlCaL un2.versxroy ox 1jE2&Ld$ Szeged (Szegedi Orvostudamanyt Egyatemp Gy9rmskgyogy"zati Tanazek as Nogyogyas zati Tans zek) TIT19: Influence of panthotenic acid on capillary resistance fWa paper was presented at the 29th Fasting of the Hungarian Physiological Society hold in Szeged frcm 2 to 4 July 196-47 SOURCE: Academia Botentlarum hungaricae. Aota physiologic&# v* 26, Supplement# 19659 66 TOPIC TAGS: ratj, blood cli ion~'physiologyp man# vitamin JABSTRACTt.: --The--*ffi;4i--piit- it the experi- in6nti was out on the shaven back of mts oC either sex.' Capillary .1 es r istance was detormined by means of BORBELVs apparatus, In rdspon~e to I.Suction at a negative pressure of 250 mn Hg for one minute, petechl&6 -peared. Followinz the dete -~ap rmination of the Cit value,' the rats were t t F-card L 15511-66 ACC MR AT.6007476 th,panthotenic a kf,,, intraperitoneally)-'.-Capilla' _id-sii_&ii6f~_ ry -:.~,-J` was again determined 3-6 hours after this treatment The study w'as con- sidered -to be. completed when no petechiae appeared after a period of 5 minutes. A 31-nificant increase in capillary resistance was achieved in 19 of the 2,3 animals so treated and no petechiae were visible after 5 min- ~',q a. Autes. Slight elevations in CR, were noted in the - other 4 rats as well., In th ~.'seaond part of. the experiments, the porsistence of the effect was studied.e~-~-'l .-in 18 rats. The effect was prolonged in 11 of the animals,-pr9sent even ow" ven tin 11,-fth day following the administration of panthotenic, acid,. Another ther ~,-'ihree . animals had a slightly protracted effect,'. Te ts made on 16 small :5_ es ch ren.have. likewise shown that~,panthotenla acid increas. SM.GME: .06 SMH DATE t nons MADAI, Gyula, tanar 6 Doctoral dissertation by Ferenc Bodgal on metalworlang in 'he 0 flernad Valley. Borsod ozemle 6 no.2:76-78 162. 1. Foldes Ferene Gimnazium, Riskole. FODOR, Ferene, dr.; MADAI, Lajos, dr. Emergency hospitalizations in Budapest, with opecial reference to internal medicine wards. Repegeszsegagy 43 no.11:337-344 11' '62. .1 1. Kozlemenya Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Kozegeszsegtani Intezetebol es a Fovarosi Tanaes VB Egeszsegugyi Osztalyarol. (HOSPITALIZATION) (EMERGENCIES) (INTERNAL MEDICINE) VP FODOR, Forents [Fodor, Fer-.-n,-j, r-~jktuy-; MADAT, [Maciai, Laj os) doktor (Radapesht) Hospitalization of patlentt3 for emergenc y chw4-'~S- in Budapest. Sov. zdrav. rio.;(It6P-111 16-1 (1"'IRA 6:12) FODOR, Ferenc, dr.; MADAI, Iajos, dr. Emergency admissions to surgical departments of Budapest hos- pitals. Nopegeszoegugy 45 no.DI18-120 Ap'64 1. Kozlemeny a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Kozoges2meg- tani Intezetebol es a Fovarosi Tanacs VB E&szsegugyi Osz- talyarol. KOVAROVA, H.- %YDhJOVAY V. 5 ~,-ady of rea.3'li=5 of some derivatf-ves of 1.3 Indandione with rega,,d to their a7lal]ItLcal use. Pt.l. Acta r nat Univ Com 9 ro.5i:;73-284 165. 1. of Analytical Chemlst-,-j cf the Faculty of Naturs2L S_-.ienr~es of Comet.litls University, Bratislava. Submitted 20v 1963. ~LUALINSKA. Maria On etiology, treatment and prognosis in choroid diseases. Klin. oczna 32 no-3;227-238 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ocznej Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Arkin. (CHOROID) (OPHTI"OLOGY) BRZOSKO, Witold; CHORZMZKI, Tadausn,- MADALIMSKI, Kazlmlerz, N(YrIOSLAWSKI, Adam. Lmmnolluorescence in the diagnosis of disseminated lupus erythe- matosus. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.25.-)42-9U, 15Je'64. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Marsmwie; (p.o. kierow- nikat doc. dr. med. R. Stanlczykowa ) i z niniki Dermatologicz- nej Alcademii 1-tedycznej w Warszawie (kierownik., prof. dr. med. S.Jablonska. MADALEDISKI, Kazimierz; BR7CSKC;, Witold; 110WOSLAWSK!, Adam; A (lam; JP-S I TISKA , Janina Studies on phy-tohaerriagg'lutinin. I. The identity -,f agg1utinating and mitogenic fractiong. I-led. doqw. mikrobiol. 17 no.2:173-177 165. 1. Z Fracowni Patologii Panstwowego 7akladu Higieny w Warszawie (Kierowrik: dr. med. A. Nowoslawski) i Zakladu Radiobiologii Inatytutu Onkologii w "-larszawie (Fierown,-k: dr. med. A. Micha- lowski). -- -- - ------ -- 1-=LINSKI, S. When and how to harvest flax. p. 8. (PLON. Vol. 4. no. 7, 1953) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol- 3, N 4, April, 1954 - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - Dab /v "k-- I MOP Preparation 6f P tnth:dmetoehen a by the oxidation of Ymene with ni C acid. J. Kulesza and W. Mi&liW- 8 L PomaA, Poland T.--Fr-r-2TnYzI CXZn'r.-rr-,ITM 9 C, R-10*,.An the o lilation of p-cyinene (1) to p-methylaceto- wphemou vrth HNOj bezt yields J40% calcd. an 1) are ob.- talned when the acid concn. Is 2 % and the reaction to al. Y4 lowed to proceed 6 bzs. at 86*; 14 references. v KWAPINSKI, Jerzy; MAI)ALINSKI, Wlodzimiarz imestigations an the immunochamical character of the Waaler- Rose reaction. Postapy reumat. no.2:59-65 1956. 1. Z Panstwowego Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warazawis Dyrektor: prof. dr. M. Reichar. (ARTHRITIS, RHRJMATOID, diag. serodiag.. Waalmr-Rose reaction, technic (Pol)) ARK-M, Wiktor; MADALINSKI, Idlodzimierz On metabolic changes of the lens aifter glaucoma surgery. Klin. oczna 31 no.3:245-252 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oazu Studium Doskonalenia Leekarzy Kierownik: prof. dr(Med. W.Arkin. GLIUCO-A surg) (LEMS GRYSTALLIM~ metab) ARM, Wiktor, prof. dr. med; MA.DALINSKI, Ulodzimierz Ghanges in sodi=-potassium balance In the rabbit aqueous humor under the irfluerice of ouabain. Klin. oczrja 35 no.2: 343-348 'b5. 1. Z Klinlki Chorob 0(--,,,iA Studixur, Dookonaleriia Lel,,arzy v AhadUlTlli MQ(lyC'2Jl0j W WRl',3ZA14A0 (Ktoi-owtillcl &.. JIvd. W. Ark Ir ) . VOINOV, A., prof.; MADALINSKIYj_~,_., Inzh.; ZHIGALISKIY, A., inzh. House with walls made of asbestos cement panels. Zhil, stroI. no-7:18-19 JI 161. (KIRA 14:8) 1 DeTstvitel'nyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury S;SR' for Voinov). (Asbestos cement) (Mnsk--Apartment houses) KO&LIYEV, H, Problems of mineral formation in deposits of Uch-ZFAo. Irv. Old. est. nauk A3 Tadzh.SSR no.19:19-25 157. (XTFA 11:8) 1. Kafedra mineralogii i petrogwafil 'Tafthikskogo goaudarstvamtogo univergiteta. (Tajikiatan-Mineralogy) - ------------ MADALIYEV, Y.- _ . Some factors in the formation of the Uch-Kado deposits (Gissar Range). Izv. Otd. est. nauk AN Tadzh. SSR no-1:37-46 158. (MIRA 12:1) l.Kafeclra geografii Stalinabadekogo goopedinatituta iment T.G. (Tagnob Valley--Ore deposits) MADALIYEV, N. Materials on the geology of the Uch-Kado antimony deposits (Gissar Range). Izv. Otd. geol.-khim. i tekh. nauk AN Tadzh. 551? 'No.l. 101-111 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Stalinabadskiy Fosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni T.G. Shevchenko. (Gissar Range--Antimony ores) MADALSKA, 0. Atte=ted shortening of vegetative period of Ricinus communis L. Acta ~oloniae pharm. 11 Suppl.:104-105 1955. 1. Ogrod Roslin Leczniczych, A.M.Wroclaw. (GASTOR BFJdT, shortening of vogetative period of Ricinus communis) 7 7 7- YLWALSKI, JOZEF Cechy morfologiczn,.? -~et=~sk europejskich gatunkow votamogeton (Tourn.) L. i klucs do oznaczania ich 3zxzarhaw dyluqialnych. 'Worclaw, llakl. Wroclawskiego Tow. NaukoweRo, 1949. 23 P. (Wroclawskie Towarzystwo flaukowe. Prace. Seria B, nr. 24) rmol~pho'logic characteristics of Euronean stones of the genus Potamogeton (Tourm.) L. and the key for designation of their diluvial fossils. illus,7 ~,N SOURCE: East European Occession List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No.]. January 1957 Y MADAISKI, JOZEF. Atlas flory polskiej i ziem oscienrych. Tablice Oracowal Tadeusz Szynal. W2rszawa, Paristwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. LAtlas of the flora of Poland and neighboring territories. In portfolio. illus,7 Vol. 1, pt. 2, 1954. 62 p. So. East Earopean Accessions List. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1956 ~4DAISKI, J. I "Jak nalezy zbierad i konsei-wowad rogliny do celo7w naukowych" (Hud to pick up and preserve plants for scientific purcoses), by J. 149dalski. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 14, July 15, 1955 " .A a ' :" ~ "'I INCV o lnz~:. r-, ., . , ";, : - " -, ~ IJ ,-16 3 Ap 1 ;,4 . I I I . . ~~* -L -I .~-, - - - r ~'~Il I - . rl c) ./ . -1 1 - - ~ -1 v ~,/:c , -- ~ z . .1.1 - EY RA11AMINOV, S. Field practice in the study of the zoology of vertebrates, conducted by the Pedagogical Institute. Uch. zap. LGPI no.6:55-67 f5F. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zav. kafedroy zoologii Leninpradskogo gosudaretvennogo pedagorich- skogo Instituta im. S.M. Kirova. (Ieninabad-Zoology~-Study and teaching) (Vertebrates) Enc. c,1 atherosclercsis F-n,-4 '-'Ter- T-': 24 --.2:72-77 N~--A-o I-- I'L ~- 'l- , -I_- 1 -1-.1 0~ . - ---l- - ...2--.--- - - , - --- 32613 S/137/61/ooo/oli/o69/123 Ao6O/AlOl AUTHORS: Radautsan, S.I., Madan, I.A., Molodyan, I.P., Ivanova, R.A. TITLE. Formation of solid solutions in the InP-In2Se3 system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 24, abstract IlZhl43. ("Izv. Mold. fil. AN SSSR", ig6o, No 3(69), 107 - 109) TEXT: The section InP-In2Se3 of the In-P-Se system was investigated. The alloys were prepared from P, In, and Se of-99.98% purity, by the use of vibration stirring according to the method similar with the production of InP, and were studied by the X-ray structure and microscopic analyses and hardness measurement methods. It was established that the alloys with compositions close to that of InP (including InP.In2Se3) have a crystal lattice of the ZnS type. The alloy qInP-In2Se3 has one phase, alloys from 41nP.In2Se3 to InP.In2Se3 are two-phase, but both phases have the ZnS structure. The observed decrease of the lattice parameter as the In2Se3 content increases testifies to the formation of solid solutions in these alloys. The alloy with composition InP-3In2Se3 crystallizes into a low-symmetry structure. There are 6 references. Z. Rogachevskaya Card 1/1 ~17H T 'PIT]. 1-:: a new -,-q, und !n...:HPp Fj I, IfT I zhurnal, r'pt%11urvjy---!, n(-). 11, ~ib-A,r-ct 11'~31 Ak n.). ~-.w : lary n Pn~ Tn.;h-Tri:;t~ ri- ~e ~m~ ~y Y 't' tile ;Y.'t".!' 7 11. Tl~e :arp'-, ir,:. hy ~k' 1-70 fw,~ i rij, (,r:, )nent:; iii it vacuum of I - 10 i wrmiry coluum at, -Oc, U! .'-riour hr-Ifflng Pt this tprry(,r,,jtiirn and a slow to , I at a rate .)f ')~~ X-ray dIffraction and rnicr,)structure studies have sh,win, th;,it in tne ~;Y.';tefri Tn-:ib-Se wid,~ r,~gion~3 of solid solutioni ire absent and no) n,~w nre formerl. :,oliubility of smalL ati-)unt.,i of In:;e in In3b is ;ossiblp. In the -,iy5tem In,CWrr' 3x, ;p i ( I-!.-) .]it :;; 141p )r thr~ ;0)~;r-nco )f' in~;1-6e 3 (,cmpouno, :~rp ~; .41 1,1 1./.' -,,Jt-i .-i !;triirture r)f' NaCl tyie in thp base of In, ;IyFr-- 3' The latti-, Card 1/~-j -)if ie :;t ~ i d t I ri t.1 1,mrametor varlp(l 1'r t., o . I it. :4~1 to t )c =6 mention,-(I a! !,-,y,-i a,-r(~ ; r he (-wh i -~ved %.j I th tcif, ! ti i!. i't to vn;u-,, ot it, pound Therr~ it r(. If-, v,: Abstractor note : f'r),-:p 1 p ti~ trann .1a t i -~n V. ;rf,,In(, Card D/P S/ I 3,//62/GTo/o 11102 1 /045 A052/A 10 1 AUTHnw,): Molodyan, T. P. , Radautgan, ~',. 1. , tjndan, I. A. TITLE: :3otrie str9jettiral and thpnnal Investigations of In., sure compound PER 10DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, ?.:etallurglya, no. 11, 1~62, 18 11-J, abstract 111140 ("lzv. AN rlnldS,iR", no. 10 (88), 1961, Q - "YO TEXT: In,,SUre compound and some alloys*,_)f the InSb Te cross section 3 x I-x were Investigated by means of high-temperature X-ray and thermal analyses. The alloys were prepared frorri;~!_')9.()')" pure In, Sb and Te, each in evacuated quartz ampoules, with t:,e application of vibrational stirring in the process of 7 - 10- hnur holdIng at HOO () C. After that the alloys were cooled to 4000C at a rate of t5 - 20 deg./hour. X-ray analysis was made at'20, 100,, DOO, 250, 4)0, '100, 500, 550, 575 and 585'C.. It is established that In,,SUre 3 compound dissociates In the process of heating and the degree of dissociation Inereages with temperature and holding time. The In, i:3Ure3compound melts incongruently at 5d6 + 50C. There are 7 references. Z. Rogachevskaya ,FAbstracter's note: Complete translationl Card 1/1 RALDAUT-SAN, S.I., MADAN, I.A. Solid solutions of indlum Izv. AN Mold. SSR. no.5t92-98 162. (MMA l813) LYALIKOV, Yu. S.; BODYU) V. I.; MIADAN, L. G. "Alternating current polarography at the stationar-j electrodes." report submitted for 3rd Intl Polarography Cong, Southampton, 19-25 Jul 64. Univ of Kiev. LYALIKOV, Yu.S.; MADAN, L.G.; BODYU, V.I. Pulse polarography on solid clectrodea. Zav.lab. 29 no.11: 1289-1291 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut khiiftii AN Moldavskoy SSR. pA N-D j\ taxtitute zf -,wastry,, ,mtdeszr wt Ettarxeis of tte l:-jcAdwzUa 6~--a Matitat thisit oAdmlt mauk naid4xvikot sa)o snAMACTO vag-a (f*-.- all) iTzeat colleattm of CM0*40S.10 ft YA* miml r4c 1%% pp 413T-4339 '.44WIY-tl* ia- ,MZtAVAM Of UA SUti0*&ry d-r*p Of M*rCUry iM rUI40 LYA11.Hf.V, Yu-.; lif-DYU, Flu-Ise pollarogra~~Ac JeT Zav.l,--b. 31 no.1C:1122 -83 r5. (vj---A 1. Inr; ti ' i-, t kh.;mii All Mo 1(j~a,,r,,3~-()y SSR. I - I I I ~ . I ~ . I ~ . I I ~- - '~ I I~ /71 -" - : I , ~ : ~ , ~ -~ I ~-,. . ~ P, -.* P . .1- - -..- -- ~ - - i~~, KADANCHIM, V., inzhener. Course and landing radio beacons. Grazhd.av.13 no-3:12 Mr '56. (Runway localizing beacons) (min 9:7) MADANCRIYU, V., inzh. IM, a radio beacon landing system. Grazhd.aO. 16 no-3:33-35 Mr '59- (MIRA 12:4) (Instrument landing systems) S/084/60/000/05/019/060 DO4?/DCO6 AUTHOR: Madanchiyev,__V. TITLE: The Let-Down and the Landing Beam 7 PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1960/, Nr 5, pp 12-13 (USSR) 4 ABSTRACT: This is a technical account of how Captain G.P. Moiseyev landed his Il-14 when the cloud height was 50 meters and horizontal visibilitY 500 m. Details of how he used the let-down and landing-beam radio beacons and his instruments to make a landing under difficult weather conditions are given. There are 3 diagrams. Card 1/1 I Lt