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0 LYU podpolkovnik I Coordinates should be given directly from the plane. Vest.V)zd. Fl. no.2:11-15 F t6l. (MIRA 14: ) (Aeronautics, Military-Observations) 5/181/62/004/006/041/051 B106/B138 AUTHORS: Pilat, 1. M., @natychuk, L. I., and Lyubchenk-o-, A. V. TITLE: Heat conductivity of cadmium antimonide PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telat v. 4t no. 6, 1962, 1649-1654 TEXT: The temperature dependences of the coefficient X of heat conduction, electrical conductivity 6, thermo-emf a, and Hall constant of p-type CdSb single crystals were measured in the range of 77-4200K. x was measured with thermocouples in a steady flow of heat (Ye. D. Devyatkova, I. A. Smirnov. ZhTF, 27, 1944v 1957). At low temperatures heat conduction is mainly due to the phonon mechanism. This was confirlmed by the hyporbolic K-versus-T curves. At high temperatures, however, a rise in x of CdSb single crystals was observed. This appears to be due to the transmission of infrared light at high temperatures. There are 6 figures Prd 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet (Chernovtay State University) SUBMITTED: November 29, 1961 initially) Card 1/1 February 22, 1962 @after revision) 8110100710061172111132 ACCESSION Ap5oi4@7i ,q AUTHORs Lashkarev. V, 'To. A.Ve; TLejj!!T!no M*K*' Comprehensive investigation of the kinetics or the processes of ching of photocurrent and ga sulfide recombinatiou and infrared quen -1732 SOURCEt Fisilm tvardogo telap v- 7, no. 6, 19,65, 1717 q( TOPIC TAGSs recombination luminescence. r1combination radiation, ir radiationj luminescence quenchingip cadmium, sulfide, cadmium selenide ABST. studies of infrared quenciting antV In view of the fact that earlier RAM recombinationin CdS were limited only to stationary or slow transient procosees, the authors propose now independent methods of determining the various parameters oharacterizing the canters of slow and fast recombination in a unipolar photoconduatore It is shown In particular# that the initial -sections of,thd infrared quenching*relaxatiod curve& can yield additional @Wormationi an the parameters of the-tarious recombination centers In CdS* The methods are based an a'-slakultansous study of. the kinstics of the I @2197-66 -AOCESSION 1111U, AP5014571 rose current@@end Us infrared qug"hing in the p noe of additional illumination produoed!.by. iihort dMration light -pulses of varying intensities and varyIng ... ...... . 0 eotral contents. The measurements were made on thin jingle crystals of CdS b p and CdSe, grown by various methods. The constant Illumination was produced with :71 an Incandescont-lamp and a @et of filters, and the additional light pulse was .5 X lo-6 see and.a set of filters. Longer a flesh lamp with pulse duration 2 pulses were produced with a mechanical disc shutter and an infrared m;nachro.- mator. The pulse methods were supplemented with &n analysis of the lux-ampere characteristic of the material. The parameters determined were the concGntra- .-tions o' the vacancies and of the electrons at the r- and a-levels, the A. concentrations of the levels thGmselvest the fraotiond of the various carriers captured at the r- and a-levels, and the *rose section ?or the capture of an 'infrared photon by an unfilled r-oanter. The methods for obtaining the varicus paremeters.aro indicated* The values of the recombination-center parameters measured b various methoddi in sing1b crystal OdSp and in part also in Me ag art* 7 figure at 26 formulass and tables, a good had$ reamento Orig A- e A a- de-mi, av CIC AT rjP SOURCH:-GODE: OW666616761f6 /dbk/674@ 9871 .1 AUTHORS: She Kj ynkman, fA -A. V. ltvubehenko ' ORG: @-.-Institute of. Semiconductors. -Academy of Sciences-UkrSSR (Institut poluprovodnikov-mA kademii nauk UkrSSR) TITLE iiel m6chan V Two para. isms for the capture of carrier s by one recombinatioweenter SOURCE: SSSHm. Doklddy,, v. 167., no. 4, 1966t 795-798 TOPIC:TAGS: semiconductor capture, ir phenomenon, capture cr ds 0 section @color center,.recombination luminescence transition- J , , . J probability ABSTF-ACT: The authors report that they have observed in CdS, for the time., recombination which proc6eds-via several channels through, o n e... e enter type.:of., enter, and sp cifically that hole capture by the r-C 6 an occ ur in parallel by two channels -- Via a definite excited s tatel: and by'-bypassing this state. This:was observed by investigatin the ki:netics of inf;:ared quench by a procedure described earlier 9 (FTT ,:'C A) TMM W'.'ilP @1 4- 47. P R,7-41P-A 26588-66. ACC NR:,@.Ap6oli430, 717j. 1965V, DAN v. 161., 1310, 1965)j illuminating the CdS N. crystals'with.weak absorbed light on:whicb short infrared pulses at botii extinction maxima (1.4. and 0.9 ev) were superimposed. By -the-frequencies corresponding to the two transitions and by measuripg measuring. directly.. the fraction of,the released holes as a function of the-'temperature,, it becomes,possible to determine the ratio of the i f the two processes 0 and the excitation energy of the probabilit es Jevel.@ The results-can be@reconciled with theoretica excitation calculations only:by assutAngthe presence of the@_two simultaneous capture-,mechanisms. It is p.oihted.out that this.demonstrated Possi Mlity ok.`6imultaneously realizing two different carrier capture mechanisms 6y, the - center taken Intoaccount both during -the.:interpretaition of the recmiblnatidn@and luminescence processes on, rit o in semiconductors. well as in the study of the impu y cen er rti 'of 'dif ferent. F:and.V.. centers in alkali balide.cry tals. pFope es, 8 The. authdrs.::thahk- Academician- o'f.-'AN _UkrSSR V. Ye'. lashkarev and Docto @of hypidal: etatical.:.Se en,.es..., for.interest1n the -work:, and'- dUdiibdiofii__.. This.l rePort@ was aw sented 'bv: Academic i, A' N6 ;k._has::-:-2 fj ts1.afidr:7.:,f ormil for-, -i Kvi i onnw 4@ Ony,1 litak--n SMUTICH. Anton Alaksandrovich; KIKHAYLOT, V.S.. dotsent; VASILMO, P.I.. prof.. red.; LYUSCEMKO, B.M., dotsent, iuzh., red.; VA51LENKO, P.I., prof., red.; VORMY. K.P.. [Using prestressed construction elements In building hydraulic structilras; dams, raluices, pavements, linings, etcetera] Prime- nanie predvaritellnogo napriazheniia v konatruktaiiakh gidro- tokhaichaskikh sooruzhenii; plotiny, shliuzy, pokryttia po"rkhnostei i dr. Pod obahchei red. F.I.Vasilenko. Koak-va, Gos.energ.izd-vo. (Katerialy po proektirovaniin gidroonargetichaskikh uz1ov. Ser.4. Gidroe lekt roe tantaii. Gidrotakhnichaskie sooruzheniia. Konstruktaii I materialy). Pt.2. 196o. 4o p. WRA 13:6) 1. Nachsllnik Selctora obmena opytom Otdola tipovogo proyektirovariya i tekh'informataii Institute "Gidroenergoproyekt" (for Kikhaylov). (Prestressed concrete) (Hydraulic structures) (Pavements. Concret3) BOROVOY., A.A., red.;-LYUBCIMKO, B.M., inzh., red.; TOROPOV, L.N., red.; VOROVD, (Materials of the Scientific Technological Conference on Arch Dams] Trudy Nauchno-fekhnicheskago soveshchaniia po arochmym Plotinam, Moscow, 1959. Pod obahchei red. A.A.Borovogo. Mo- skva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1961. 182 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye soveshchaniya po arochnym plotinam, Voscow, 1959. (Dams) DYSHKO, Ye.I., kand. tekhn. nank, red.; RZHONSNITSKIY, B.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LYUBCHMKO, B-M., :xzh., red. [Construction specifications and regulations) Stroitellnye normy I pravila. Moskva, Gosstraiizdat. Pt.2. SIM.I. ch.l. (Hydraulic rivers; basic regulations for de- sign (SNiP 11-1. 1-62)] Gidrotekhnicheskia sooruzheniia rechnyo.oBnovnye polozheniia proektirovaniia (SNiP II-I. 1-62). 1-992- 31 P. (MIRA-16:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R) Gosudarstvennyy komitat po delam stroltellstva.2. Gosudaratwennyy komitet Soveta KWstrov SSSR po delam stroitel'stva (for Dyshko). 3. VsesoyuznYY nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gidrotekhniki (for,, Rzhonsnitskiy). 4. Vseso7uznyy trest po proektirovan@A gidroalektrostantsiy i gidroelektrouzlov (for Lyubehenko). (Hydraulic stru--tures--Stqndards) 32(l) 3CV/84-591-9-34/66 AUTHOR: _ Lyubchenko, D., Chief Engineer of the Radar and Radio- _ta_-V1,-aui on _Se_rvi ce TITLE: The Automated Corridor Precision Approach Localizers (Corridor Homing Radio-Stations) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1959, Nr 9, pp 20-21 (U33R) ABSTRACT: The author describes how his (unidentified) airport has automated three of its 4 corridor homing radio- stations by using the transmitter of its distant homing radio-station, which, for this purpose, trans- mits a signal of a certain frequency and duration. This eliminates the necessity of having an extra transmitter and secures a high quality of the signal. Then the author provides a general description of the contents and functioning of the employed PTU-2 remote control attachment to the available PAR-? transmitters, illus- trating it by a block-diagram; he briefly mentions how Card 1/2 the radar operator operates his control desk. The al- L1__" S011/84-59-9-34/66 The Automated Corridor Precision Approach Localizers (Corridor Homing Radio-Stations) ready accomT)lished automation of three corridor homing rad-io-stations has proved its efficiency and resulted in a reduction of servicing personnel. The airport is about to autonate its 4th corridor homine station, adding to it a signaling device to signalize the starting of the emergency power supply unit. There is 1 block diagram. Card 212 ACUSSION NR: AP40336qo S/0193/64/ooo/ooVoo05/0007 AUTHOR: Sizov, Ye. A.; Lyubenko, E. A. TITLE: Experimental use of hard alloy rolls for rolling ultra thin atrips 501,THCE: Byull-teril told-,niko-olconojiil.c-.hc3lcoy informataii, no. 1@, 196L@, 5-7 TOPIC TAGS: motal strip, ma I-ril q tr In "n _@c;,cnoss ( 0 . 001_-@ m@m roll! ng C 1_. 1,01.1, r ill, Stool roll, t,U- _34,@Ojj -I I_r, J1 0 wiri alloy VK- 9 tunC3ten ca-rbide, hir-,h polijh lfin'3'1i, cai-lbide roll -4o;ir vuo@stfince 7-'nlal strip "w-, reduced @_,om, 3 n-, I t 0 ail -C 0, a7iiot,)r) _'n r(D_; ctLr,.:u o 1,3 a -)o@ 'shod s; rip oii.-'ricf) lni@ requ!-ro-i -.o -.I al U a o .3 o a c bo 4 n;.. Tun@@31-en carblrlo rol" @3 o c f c I; i ru n s t'.- i a n 3 t o a 1 r o 113 0 t D 1 7 r a a t o ra r di o s , j a n di i E) s s "'H; A N@O Y. 20 r I '-; It 210 t 0 0 :-1 3 10 o s I ri n i L x@ I o,, ic ,i r(i aoa n (i t 0 C' t- f 3tatr-dia:jzi and sto- Is. Tho worl@ n:- lon- w.-.on u3od on stool 11"i.11.7her, lw@ of pancl-la-q la3t tl-l.'CO W3 -L -, I car',L)I-ie roll3. Holls maclc@ of tho harder tu.,-ig,3con (,n--bide VK6@'-', will bo 41 3 uc@stod for f-uTther roducl-JOTI 0, r.lp thickno3o. Orig. art. ha3: ";0- , '10. ASSOC IATIOIN: Nono SU3KLITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 1IN NR REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 1 2/2 _TyTir 1-1 -L I:i- G @@, @ fl," - 1:11 not ---ra*e ellel , r - jo '1@7. . 6. jr, r , 'I - -, ', ntS AV- . - rars- @5 ( I@i' -11 in 7 1 @ Ant- - - -q-- iag) LYTIBENKO, G. F., Cand Tecti Sci -- (diss) "Investivation of the pro- cess of pacxIing rock by the -..ethod of' cou.pression in Lhe worKed. erea leading to the active area of exr@,Ioitatior) of a broaa stope." Lenir.- grad, 1960. 24 pp; (Ministry of Hi_-.ner anci Secoi.@dary Sr.,ecia3I!.:;t Educ- ation RSFSR, Leningrad Mininjw@ Inst im G. V. Pl.ekhanov); 170 copit-.,s; price not Fiven; (KL, 52-6(,", 1@@G) A T' T HOR Lyubchenko, G.G. SOV/21-58-11-1/28 TITLF: Methods of L.- rmining the Identical Truth or Falsity of the Calculus of Assertion Formulae of Bivalent Logic (Metody ras-@' poznavr.niya tozhdestvennoy istinnosti i lozhnosti formul isc@@- isleniya vyskazyvaniy dvuznachnoy logiki) .,I,0:I,',AL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkai RSR, 1958, :,,r 11, E PP 1153-1156 (USSR) A33TRACT: In connection with the problem of switching the operation of calculating machines from numerical computations to those denoted by letters, a method is i,eeded to discriminate be- tween the identically true and false formulae of bivalent logic, which can be applied automatically by a machine. For this purpose, a set of algorithms should be found, from which the optimum algorithm could be chosen for mechanical performance. The author locked for the rules on the basis of which various algorithms could be construed for determin- ing identically true and false formulae of the calculus of assertion formulae of bivalent logic. He has found five sets of rules which make it possible to determine this by means of logical operations of one of the 16 combinations Card 112 of these operations. The rules are designed for transform- WV/21-58-11-1/28 Aflethods of Determining the Identical Truth or Falsity of the Calculus of Assertion Formulae of Bi7alent Logic ation into logarithms which can be used in calculating ma- chines. These rules differ in a number of peculiarities from those of the known method of determininr identical truth or falsity of formulae, and this makes them more effective for using in calculating machines. There are 2 tables and 2 Soviet references. IATION: Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN UkrSSR (Computing Center of the AS UkrSSR) R F S E "IT E DBy Member of the AS UkrSSR, B.V. Gnedenko SUBMITTED: July 2, 1956 N 2T E Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in.this article have been used in the trans- literation. Card 2/2 16(1), 28(2) AUTHOR: Lyt,-':)ch;,nko S @ V/' r, - d TITIZ: The Method of 17h-,i@@P @1' Ergi:!a1 ard Mechanisms por D i g:;-@vll (Mstoiika vitDra log! one9 k,-Kn uperat9ly ik@ Q'P',lnYRY,-ish,-'@-ikh ilya tsifrovykh vych 1@3 te,1' nyK!-. MttsUr', PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy macemati@@'-rzskij .-urnal, iol Nr 4, PP 375-388 (USSP', ABSTRACT: Given: 1) logical operations and other iogi,@al means realizable in the device to be coriqtru,@ted; 2) the class of Boolean functions the -ielues if have to 'be icmp-,ted by the device; 5) the probatility of @he appearar--;e of each single one of these functions at the work of t@e devi,-,e; 4) the time and the energy used by .he device for oarrying out every logical operatiorl@ 5)li3" of tyr. constr-c@tive elements for the device; 6) a n-umber zharacteri-nng the ccmplicatedntss of t@,e device. - Determint@L 1) A set )' 'cal @@hat t@e number of logical 0@eTat!On@2 Used of a-1 functions of the gi-,ren 4@@ ninimaL, 2., a set cf OgIL;a-l qerations for whicf- the sn')eme )f the @og.i,,a-'- -nenha-1,,im is most simple; 3) a set 3f -,Cgl@--al f,,r TAh-i--;h the calculation of' the la can tC@ .:v4 'r a m`r'.ra' -:-,Te W'@h a min'mal Card 1/2 formu j- - k I The Method of th3 of :-al "Pe.- and Me chani sMr: Computers enezgy; 4) a :,Pt c.f I-Igical --perati@.,r-q 5atl-s-ying the postulates 0 - 3) sly 'c-ist, ThF aut"r -,zes -.rly " I@gicai operations @on@--Jigit &nj tw@-digit one.@', where for I.Y,.- final choice of t@e op(,ra+.ion;: and 'the nech@xi@3m ?,-,37 --ariants have to 'be in-7?zsigated, a solvee 'b:r estimat.Lng three times the goodn:s,% :;f -i;-- o;.ngle where'-Y- t@,e Choice can ';)e made in t-@ps- There i--i otte f igur,@ wl,@Ic+ is Soviet, 4 Ameri,;an, and SUBMITTED: May 30, 19;Ii Card 2/2 LY7JFCHEN'KO, G.G., C,@nd 1-nys @iatn @@.L -- (dass.) 11@robie.'ris 6ivw4@w@ logic com.ected .,d@n Lne dc Ji@ning and op@-n@ti" of electrordcb@-Iat@ii@s." Kiev, i-,), r, rp (Acad -')ci U@-136tt. -In@@bt-A -qcieyitii'ic Co-incii of tne iii@;riLute: :,f i,hysic- Matrieni.tics) 1-1.0 c(i-.1L,-s (FI, 2b-59, 122-i'-23) - 10 - A 1 M) 2.@ CIr - C7. ATMORS -Hordeladze. &h.H., Ly-utchenko, TIM@ Or. a Quick-Action Machine for Measliring -ne BriIIIa.:-.:e and '_c-@rj of Stars on Negatives PERIODICAL, Dopovidi Akademiyl nauk Ukrayins Kov'_ FSP Nr, e@. rq@@ 766 76, C@ Strezzing the urgency of some pr-@-_:@ms itne p:01,:e_fr of the stTucture of the Galaxy, for c-xample), requir'rig for Iteir sc! -!on the knowl- edge of various physi2al ol a large n,_:T-@- @:31 Stars @incliding 'neir br,.Ilianr;y In. diff,@-rer,* spec@:-A', a@*:.ori f:@mp@iaslz@ ne ne-eF- sl-y for developing a quirk-.T@ior. meas,.ir'--is and @orro-u-_ j ma:t@.Ine for dealing wlt@i sucr, pro'blems and tr%e bas-- 'ne rc-,_zir'@ of Zach a rrachine. Ttie read,)ut of opera-Ing wl-h SI-Ir negatives, comprises E'-allar of _-.-ers (X, v-)j. spner- Ical (cL, and Cartesian coordinates of stare. 7-%Is would -te macr@tne co)@ld measure 36.,000 star coordinates per ho,jr, Siving o?.'@ 6,000 2--Ilar guch machines Coula Ite widely iisred for di2cov@@ri-_g and i* Adytritz varla@_"e --r-ar-i In Card 1/2-1 51iD._: 1/'60/000/006/.)07/ 3 A 15 YAM' .1 On a quick-Ac@lon Macnine for MeasjrIng the Brilii&n-e @Lr_d -cordina,es if 5,ars on Negatives great numbers, replacina @h,? work effort of -lbou' 300 per5!ans, A b1ock dilaaram of 5uch a would-be maol-.Ine is given cn @, 767. each :omponent of whi@@h is ae- scritted with respect to its funclions and s--ope. Tnere are @ fi@ares and I t1ock diagram. A530CIATION@ Astronomic,ma observa,@,Driya 41 '@-KrSSR. Obc'nyaly-Tal ny-y. 'Sen-:- AN UkrS3R (AE-ronomical Obzer-vat:.,ry of @ne AS UkrSSR '7omPr,*_a'_ion of *he AS Uk!-S3R) PRE3ENTED3 by B,V, Hnyederiko, Academician. AS "KrSSF SUBMI= FebT%ar-I Ic:. 1*0 Card 2/2 2M56 S/021/60/000/008/002/011 D"110/D305 AUTHOR: Lyubeh(ni Ko f@-rR-s TITLE: On representing Boole functions by formulae PERIODICAL: Akadomiya naak Ukrayinalkoy-I WIR-Dopovidi, no. n, 1960, 1011 - 1015 TEXT: The alm of the r)apt-,r is to find an algorithm which al.1011is one to represent tho runotion f(x O..t x ) given by matrix lF x2f n (1) by a formula in uriy complete system of one and two-locus func- tions and riot cont,alnim,; the variables on which the function does not depend earientially. The Boole function (x nP Xn-11 x1) is given by a normal mptrix which haF, the form XM X- I Y3 X-A X X,1 - I, X 1) 0 0 ... 0 0 0 A, 0 0 0 0 1 A, Gard 1/6 On representing Boole functions ... 0 0 0 1 0 AU 0 0 ... 0 1 1 A, I I Ala and will be denoted as ,?6856 L-3/021/60/000/'008/002/011 D210,/D305 (x rixn-1 - 'l )//A1 A2 ... A 2n//. (2) Pollowing A.A. Markov (Ref. j: Trudy Matm.-'in-ta im. V.A. Ste-klo- va, 42 Izd.-vo, AN SSSR 1954) the alphabet lp x1p x 21' -1 xnf (x 1CE21 at I is considered, where x19 x 20 '"1 xn variable 0 - true, 1 false and a ly @"# a2 operations &- 0 & F V P V P :=:@v card 2/@ S/020/6 '/146/003/309/3.1)7 A method of constructing an ... B I I 2/'B 186 This was s'Lmuiated on an computer. This algorithm makes it possible to deturmine the most efficient installation of a prociuction plant and to calculate tne production possibilities by using the parameter values given and by takinq random factors into account, as well as to calculate parameter deviations influencing the efficiency factors of the plant. There i6 I figure. ?R:-;S-'-'.IITE;D: August 3, 1962, by A. 1. Berg, Academician SUBMITTED: july 26, 1962 Card 3/3 Iql/L601 6 @ 'V46/ I "). AID Nr. 966-14 14 may CALCULATION OF A TURBINE STAGE (USSR) Lyubchenko, I. S. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Aviatsionnaya Te1jinika, -no. 1, 1963, 80-88. 1 S/147/63/000j0011009/020 A simple method is given for design calculation of a modern high -temperature aircraft turbine stage with a conical meridional flow and variable inlet param- eters. The same assumptions are made as in hypothetical cylindrical. flow in regard to constant heat capacities, radial displacement of the flow line, vari- ation of the velocity coefficient, and the effect of end losses. Equations are deduced for the motion of gases in the blade clearance, and parameters are established for the outlets from the nozzles and the rotor. A calculation method for checking a turbine stage is also given, by means of which all parameters can be determined on the basis of the given turbine-stage geometry. [ACI Card 1/1 zf@ b k gq -fakuI c P4ygic er Jr ff @-7,777=777:7,1@@777-0 774-77=- 71. :77 -7 am'Usid A r P-At A kzx@---eti materia 1311 im AN c-, -, ida dti-'e -1 turblA -na on, - m. ic tb' 6- d bisJW646 6Aite UM tcdln@,l 6, @ji* alift celtib "",PW eimisq'id -Inv' 0--- h no KT 'fok:th la erlyed - @-'. -.10--- , - A PtOU6 1. L 00564-66 AR5019364 CCESMN NR paramete -11357 2,_ t rMO problem. is-reduced'to a syetem 4o. 5'(77))@ - ttati6ts -861 -integral el @edby ekiddessive, ination.' L. A.''Porfinan: , approxi 00 7 1 : . id 2/2 ACC IN R i AR6035013 SOURCE CODE: UR/0044/66/0001008/B048/L048 AUTHOR. Lyubchenko, 1. :5. TITLE: Solvability of the boundary-value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with small parameters SOURCE: Ref, zh. Matematika, Abs. BB226 REF SOURCE; Sb. Mlateria@y 2-y konforentsii molodykh nauchn. rabotn. Kazani, Sekts. fiz. -tekhn. i mekhan. -matem. Kazan', 1965, 70-80 TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, boundary value problem, solution existence, solution unique.-aess ABSTRACT: An analysis is made of the boundary-value problem dx dX dy '1x- el (I - Y, X), 0