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Yx~ Q.. A, 'ACCESSION NRs AP4030348 5/0249/64/020/001/0031/0033 A. Sakharovs, H. H.: 1-TITLE-t Catalysis over an organic semiconductor based on poly- ~acr~lonitrile :SOURCE: AN Azerb'SSR. Doklady*, v. 20, no.' L.0 1964, 31-33 ITOPIC TACS: catai' yaLs, organic semLcondi~ctor, polyacrylonitrLIes lpol~meric carbon,p ,roly"ed polyacrylonftrLle, pyrolyzed polymer.' y z !Semiconducting polymer, formic acid decomp',osLtLon, Lsopropyl alcohol, ;decomposition 1ABSTRACTi A study.has been made of the catalytic activity of an lorga~nic samLconducior,deaLgnated PAN-3 - heat-treated polyacrylo- ;nitr'Lle with 0.14Z HL as the nitrate added*:Prior to heat creotment. !This:research was performed at the InstLtut*khLmicheskay fLzLkL AN iSSSR, (Instittite of Chemical Physics, AN SSSk) The electrical can- ohm-1 c=-1; the :ductivity of room temperature was 5 10-7 ;specific surface, 1,4 u2/g.. Catalytic decomposition of formic acid Card [ACCE'S'SION NRI AP403Oj48 or isopropyl alcohol ov4r PAN-3 heat treated at 300 and 400C, respec- tively,was studied. In the case of formic acid. marked catalytic activity was exhibited. However, both in catalytic activity and in selectivity with respect to formic acid dehydrogenation, PAN-3 was somewhat inferior to m~tal-free or coppay-containing polyacry-lonitrile semiconductors, The apparent activation energy of decomposition of 1formLc acid determined from a plot of log(decompooLtion rate) versu !reciprocal temperature was 15.2-15,8 kcal/mol. In-the case of isopropyl alcohol, PAN-3 showed no marked catalytic activity in the 1287-381C range, However,no definite conclusions an to the catalytic lactivity of PAN-3 in isopropyl alcobol decomposition could be drawn, because partial decompositLon of poly&crylanitrile took place during .1-jits heat treatment at 400C. The authors thank S. Z. Roginskiy, Corresponding Member, AN.SSSR, and B. B. Krentsall,, Doctor of 'Chemical Sciences, in whose laboratories this work was carried out* jorig. art, has: I figure and I table. -AS-1CXATION: IKhP AN SSSR SUB;..-TTED: 05Nov62 DATE ACQt 30Apr64 ENCLt 00., SUB Cf~DE: CH NO REP SOVI 009 OTHERt 001 -~c-W4-2 /.2 - *A. im) ACC NRs AF6015IB5 SOURCE C(V9t AUTHORs Voroblyev, To. 1q Millmnv N. Ya.; el ORGs none TITLE, clinical and experimental investigations in the field of radiation therapy SOURCE: Meditsinskays, radiologiya, v, 10 t no. 3s, 1965* 90-92 TOPIC TAGSs rats tumors radiologys radiotherapy,, chemotherapyo bremostrahlungg radiation biologia effect, medical conference,, x rar irradiation,, bone marrow, radiation dosiqetry A%clentifi' ses"lon'that dealt with clinical and ex- ABSTRACTt . a 8 ., 1. 1--perimental Problems Dertainin- 31 was held on 1-3 Jun 1964 at the-Central'Scientific Research Hoentgeno-Radlo- d, a Institute of the Ministry of Health USSR at Leningra ong the reports presenteds one by A, 5. Norozov contained data Andicating that oombinod treatment of PlIss lymphosarcomas of rats with saroolysin and local Irradiation was more-effective than lichemotherapeutio or radiation treatment alone, The same conolu-..:'.( :s1on was arrived at by Ye* I. Orlova with respect to treatment ,of experimental lymphosaroomas of rats with ribonuclease and by applying local X-ray Irradiation, The biological effects of -bremsatrahlung of. 25 mev were discussed by V. 1. Gordon, Profs 'L, V. Funshteyn and Se.-I* Shcherban' found-tfist Fe accumulated "In various tissues and organs in amounts depending on the radia- Z_ ligilant tum -The tion dose app4ed:Inthe treatment of j= ors.77 Card 1 2 L 23782-66 ACC NR, AIP6015165 luminescence 6f the blo-od'also-ohanged In a regularmanner with the dose of radiation. It was proposed that data on the accumula-, 'tion of Fe and the luminescence of the blood be used In evaluating the effectiveness of radiation therapy., According to a report by-', G. Ye. Reznikg inhalatloh of 02 alleviated some harmful effects producea Uy radiation In connection with the radiation therapy of," ;lung cancer. Several reports were'presented on the autotransplan-': 'Ttatton of bone marrow from a bone shielded'during Irradiation, This method was applied both experimentally and in clinical work land found.effe~ctive In the pTophylaxis and therapy of radiaAon Unjuries*to,the blood-forming'system. L. A. Meltnikov, 4 r Kantin, and A. I* Starshinin reported on application of Au4J8_1n _: the breast and of the tongue. A eon- TtW~~,atment or oaWdefs amount of time at the session was devoted to problems -of clih.Laal dosimetry. Dosimetry,in coMeetion with the applica 't1oh, of solutions containing Au198 end V4 was discussed. A. A. Gabelov and L, H. Stukova. presentad a report on some clinical o- ~simetry prerequisites for the use of a linear aooelerator In the ':treatment of oanoer of the oervix.1-.After the eolentiflo session a~, icollo ulum n ibysigal-fundamentals..of-clinloal-dosimetry_~ra~q..Oold -7 ~On 3-2 Jun 0 6C, j KS7 "19 sUB CCDEt 06 suim DATz, vonq rd 2/2; -NAJ _ K PTITSYNA, O.A.; LTAT~~V,__G.G.; REUTOV, O.A. Complexes of diphenyl lodonium boron fluoride with arozzatic amineB and pyridine. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.3:584-585 Hr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. PTITSYNA, O.A.;. LYATIM, G.G.; REUTOV, O.A. Reaction of diphenjlirodordun, flitoboride- with aliphatic a-mines. (1,1T 17.'1' Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no. 2:36.1,-366 JI 164. i.RA j 1. Moskovski-Y gosurlarntionnyy universitnt jme,'. M.V. Lomonosora. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Reutovl. LTA ,-JIM., Inzh.; PRUDOVSKIY, A-Me, inzh. Study of open streams on air-Wessure models. Trudy Gidroproekta 2:78-105 159. (MIBA 13:7) 1, Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy sektor Voesoymnogo pro7ektuo- Uyskatel'skogo i nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta "Gidroproyekt" Im. S.Ya.Zhuk. (Hydraulic models) I_YAT.KIIM,_V_J!.; KIIALTURINA, N.V. (Moscow) "Pressure pulsation and fluid surface oscillation in hydraulic jump". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 61t. AUTHORSt TITLEt PERIODICALs ABSTRACTs Berdicbev, and Card 112 Ivanov, S.I., Shalinets, B.A., Myshlyayev, A.M. 47-6-36/37 A Conference on the Method of Teaching Physics(Konferentsiya po metodike fiziki) Fizika v Shkole, 1957, # 6, page 93 (USSR) A scientific conference on the method of teaching physics took place at the Moskva Oblast' Pedagogical Institute with teachers from the city of Moscow and the Moscow Oblast' and representatives of the Moscow, Stalingrad, Krasnodar 14ariyskiy [in Yoshkar-014, Kabardino-Balkarskiy, Tula, Yaroslavl, '3huya pedagogical institutes, the Institut of Psychology APN and the Kaluga Oblast' Institute for the Improvement of Teachers. The following reports were heard and discussedi S.I. Ivanov - "The Methods of Methodical Researches", O.N.Lapina - "The Rise and Development of Concepts of Temperature and Quan- tity of Heat".(at the 7-class school), Ye.Kh. Lyatker - "The Rise and Development (at the pre-school age and the 7-clasa school) of Basic Concepts in the rield of Electri- city", T. Ya. Ishkova - "The Rise and Development (during the pre-school age and at the 7-class school) of Concepts of Magnetism", A.Y. Selenginskiy - "On the Development of A Conference on the Method of Teaching Physics 47-6-36/37 Concepts in the Field of Mechanics and Heat", L.I. Tigranova - "The Psychological Peculiarities of Pupils in Learning the Basic Concepts of Physics", A.R. Kaygorodov - "Conveying to the Students Skill in Making Measurements Before They Take up Studies in Physics", S.F. Shilova - "The Home Work of the Pupils in Physics, Difficulties and Mistakes in Carrying It Out", G.P. Kondrasheva - "Individual Observations Made dn Two Pupils Doing Their Home W;jrk in Physical', N. Ye. Parfentlyeva - "The Porformanco of Home Work in Physics by Pupils of a 7-class Boarding School". The conference adopted resolutions on continuing and co- ordinating the scientific-research work into the method of teaching physics, on the question of forming physical concepts and obtaining skill, and also on the method of organizing home work. The Chair for Method5in Teaching Mathematics and Physics of the Moskva Oblast' Pedagogical Institute assumed the duty of organizing a mutual information program and rendering consultation on this subject. AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 - LYATDER., V.M. , inzh. Thermal calculations for shallow cooling ponds. Vod. i san. tekh. no.6:21-25.Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Water-oupply engineering) TERENTOYEV, Boris Petrovich, prepod.; KITAYEV, Valentin Yevgenlyevich, prepod.; IjORBOVITSKIY, Roman ?~Iarkovich, prepod.; KRAUS, Lyuslyen Adollfovich, prepod.; FUTILOVA, Iya Nikolayevna, prepod.; PrWmala uchastiye LYATKOVSKAYA, A.D.) inzh.; LYUBSKTY, G.S., otv. red.; red, (Power systems of coruurLication enterprises] Energetika pred- priiatii sviazi. Moskva, Sviazt, 1965. 614 P. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy elektrotektmicheskiy institut svyazi (for all except Lyubski-y, Volodarskaya). soi 0 00990 a go 0 0*0 6 0 0 4 a 0 0 1 4 , . f A . , 0 0 6 0 . 1 11 " 14 1% 1 1) 1 11 f. a -10. 6 4 U D M A 4 v )O b I V u M D M 1) a ,# L a it p 0 11 1 V AS a A A I L AA IS CC 44 of U 41.C 0 LYjT K of C'VS K 0 . N, M Yli , Xqutract radiation, Neutron radiation of rocks. 00 ; ?.I. 1~yatkvvsktya and G. V. Go"likov. 6~wpl. read. *06 0ir Of4d. SCi. V. R. S. S. 25, 747-IMIR19).-Neutron rneas- -O* 0A u menti in the stm, were carried out in a wooden house, r t ~ ilt on a WMkly active soil. Ionization current was b u 41 Memrrjt itt a bar= chamber anti in a Kolhdrmer counter with a Uxax screen anti without one. As expected the 1; c*aber and Kollibrster counter rrxi~trt the almnlition of 00 yo in borLx dtffcivntly, sitter Inevious expts. show the " Hchamber is more sensitive to hard -f-rays than the / Kollubrster counter. The intensity of neutron radiation ago 04 j of the soil studied was of tht: -mine ortirr of magnitude as 00 a the inicnsity of cosmic neutrons at va level. Therefore =Go the intensity of neutron railiation of soil of normal ac- COO 10-11 g. Will should Iv much 1e- than ivit (11NAlt In " v v tensity of cosmic twittrous at sca level. he F. KrZ11"S oo 00 -a 010 00 of ~ so 9 l ' g et - 00 1 S o l zoo og :J: Aid ti- -(1AW,-UK4L LIT94,11,91 C1,111,KATICO, 10 Ire 0 010 W3 w. I U q AV .0- it" T- A -1 An too op a et At K a ft it of ff It it of n 1 14 as 0 so 0 0 Ile 0 000 l 00 .1 . tY,',TKOVS)K&YA, 'k-z 11' USSR/Niuclear Ph.,~sics - Gamin ilays Neutrons - Measurement PA ~T50 Ma~;4 190 "Neutron Well Logging by Gamma Itays," 0. V. Gorshkov, N. M. Liatkovskaya, h pp "CR Acad Scill Vol LV) No 7 Ex erimental measurement of' Uw-~-frcet, produced by the ,arrm rayr~ in the ioni- p zation ch&mber of the logging instrument, w!Lich ret.,-i~;Lers, Lhe Wermal ve-IoCILY neutrons directly. 8T" 50 3,9000 S/020/A1711?3/01/2 5/070 6 POO BO14/BO11 AUTHORS: Gorshkov, Lyatkovskaya, N. M. TITLE: Vmiasion of Neutrondyby Rocks PERIODICAL.* Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 1332 No. 1~ pp. 92-94 TEXT: In the paper under review, the authors try to calculate the rate of neutron production in the rocks of the earth crust, and to estimate the absolute neutron intensity on the strength of data published on the produc- tion rate of neutrons in different materials by taking account of cosmic radiation. Those three processes near the earth surface are mentioned in which neutrons are produced. Table 1 compiles the rates of neutron produc- tion in different materialsq and the intensity of cosmic thermal neutrons is given. In order to estimate the rate of neutron production in the earth, it was necessary to calculate the rate of neutron production by nuclear processes occurring in the earth crust. Hereo the authors refer to results obtained by V I Matviyenko, and a neutron output from granite is found to be 80-7-0 neoutrons/aec.ourie on an irradiation with a-particles. The authors obtained a neutron production per second and gram of granite q1 Card 1/3 81719 Emission of Neutrons by Rocks 3/020/60/133/01/25/070 BO14/BO11 amounting to 1-5-10 Such neutrons were caused by the spontanec.19 decay of U238. 2.4-jo-7 neutrons/sec.g are produced by the radium content. 5.1o-7 neutrons/sec.g are produced by the a-radiation of the thorium family. It results therefrom that in granite, by nuclear reactions in the earth, approximately 50 times less neutrons are produced than in paraffin by cosmic radiation at sea level. Hence, a neutron flux of roughly 5 neutrons/CM2 per day must be expected In granite rocks. This flux is beneath the meaeur- ing limit of modern instruments. The calculations made here show that the neutron flux in rocks with higher content of radioactive elements can be measured with modern instruments. The same may be possible with an increased content of some lighter elements. There are 1 table and 30 references: 7 Soviet, 15 Americang 3 German, 1 Canadian, I Australian, I British, and 1 Swiss. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Xhlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Acadeqy of Scienoes,_USSRI. Leningradekiy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im V. I. Ullyanova (Lenina)(Leninglad Institute of Electrioal Engineering imeni V. I. Ultyanov (Lenin)) Card 2/3 8 7 Emission of Neutrons by Rocks 3/020/bO/133 01 25/070 B014/ 01 PRESENTED: September 23, 19599 by A. A. Grinberg, Academician SUBMITTED: September 18, 1959 e Card 3/3 ALEKSEYEVA., Ye.F.; KIRILLOV, V.V.; LYATKOVSKAYAj N.M.; MALYSHEVA, T.D.j ORIDY, V.M.; STEPANOV~ A.S-.; M.I.; GRAMMkKOV,, A.G., prof., red.; S40NOV, F.S., t6kbn. red. [Manual on exercises in pbysics] Posobie k uprazb~eniiam po fizike. Leningrad Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-t im. V.I.Ullianova (L-enina). Part, 1. tMechanies. Molecular pbysics] Mekhani a. Molekuliarnaia fizika, Sost. E.F.Alekseeva :L dr. 1960. 75 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Pbysics-Problems., excercises.. etc.) VOYTSEKHOVSKAYA, I.A.; GM-MROV, A.G., prof.; MMMOLOVA, A.P.; WAT69jq A), 1j.M.; MALYSIIEVA, T.D.; ORLOV, V.Y,.; PIGULEVSKIY, Ye.D.; VASILEVSKAYA, V.11., tekhn. red. [Exercises in physics) Posobie k uprazhneniiam po fizike. Leningrad) Leningr. elektrotakhn. in-t im, V.1,Ullianova (Lenina). Part 3*[Opticu) atondc physics] Optika Iatom- naia fizika. 1962. 197 p. (miRA 16:12) (Physics--Problems, exercises, etc.) e o Ti re Dit I --I,) I r"' . ( ~ , * .- J. 3 13 LTATWVITSKIY, L.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; GARKAVI, O.Ya. I mwwqv-w=r.T StudF of stresses at the ju=tion of dam and foundation vhere is a broken contour at the base of the d=, Izv.Inst.gidrol.i gidr. AN ULM 11:65-77 1540' (MMA (Dame) there 8:4) SIJDZHAYEV, G.A.; BABITSER, A.Z.; KORENEVSKIYY M.A.; LYATOKIIO, N.P. (ki the way to the elimination of diphtheria in Vitebsk Provi-rice. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.3t4-8-50 Yx'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz Belorusskogo instituta opidemiologii, mik-robiologii i gigiyeny i Vitebskoy oblastnoy sanitarmo-apidemiologicheskoy stantsii. BULGARIA District Psychiatry and Neurology Clinic (Okruzhniy psikho- nevrologich-en dispanser) Chief Physician (glaven lekar) St. LYATOV, Plovdiv. "Incidence of Neuroses and Occupational Fitness of Neurotics Among Textile Workers. 11 Sofia, Nevroloaiya i Psikhiatriya, Vol 2, No 2, Mar-Apr 1963; pp 95-101. Abstract [English summary modified]: Interesting review about occupational neuroses among Bulgarian workers; author's study concerned the 1987-worker textile combine "Maritsa" in Plovdiv: 257 'pre-neuroticl,446 neurasthenia, 95 hysteria, 541 neurosis; 1189 normal. Only occupational danger is the extreme noise (57 to 62 decibels all over the plant.) Two tables, 8 Western 5 Soviet and 4 Bulgarian references. LYATSKIY, M.I., dotsent Determining the number of brancheB and the economic dlanoter .-f preaoure condulto of a pumping etation. 1111VKH 20 158. (VIRA 1,-6) (Pumping stations) LYATSKIYP S.P. Reference and information card catalog in a design office. Opyt. rab. po tekh. inform. i prop. no.3:28-32 163. (MIRA 16:12) DZEVANSKIY, Yu.K.; DODIN, A.L.; KONIKOV, A.Z,; KRASNYY, L.I.; MANIKOVSKIY. V.K.; IVOSHKIN, V.N.: LYATSKIY, V.B.; NIKOLISKAYA I.P.; SALOP, L.I.; H.I.; RAVICH, M.G.; POSPELOV, A.G.; NIKOLAYEV, A.A.; ILIIN, A.V.; BUZIKOV, I.P.; MASLENNIKOV, V.A.- NEYELOV A.N.; NIYITINA, L.P.; NIKOLAYEV, V.A.[deceaseA]; OBRUCH'EV, S.V.; SAVE-L'YEV, A.A.; SEDOVA, I.S.; SUDOVIKOV, N.G.; KHILITOVA, V.Ya.; NAGIBINA, M.S.; SHEYNMANN, Yu.M.; KUZNETSOV , V.A.; KUZNETSOV, YU.A.; BORUKAYEV, R.A.; LYAPIGHEV, G.F.; NALIVKIN, D.V., glav. red.; VERESHCHAGIN, V.N., zam. glav. red.; MENNER, V.V., zam. glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K.1. zam. glav. red.[deceased]; SOKOLOV, B.S., red.; SHANTSER, Ye.V., red.; NODZALEVSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; CHUGAYEVA, M.N., red.; GROSSGEYM., V.A., red.; KELLEA,B.M., red.; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.; KOROBKOV, M.A., red.; KRASNOVP I.I.., red.; KRYMGOLITS, T.Ya., red.; LIBROVICH, L.S., red.; LIKHARLV, B.K., red.; LUPPOV, N.P., red.; NIKIFOROVA, 0.1., red.; POLKANOV, A.A., red.fdeceased]; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; STEPANOV, D.L., red.; CHERNYSHEVA, N.Ye.; red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red.[deceased]; EBERZIN, A.G., red.; SPIRNOVA, Z.A., red.izd-va; GURDVA, O.A., tekhn. red. [Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes. Lower Pre-Cambrian] Stratigrafiia SSSIR v chetyrnadtsati tomakh. jljz*j~dj Doloeitbrii. Neakra., Goo naucbno-teWhn tzd-" 3-it-iry po geologii okhivne nedr.-Pt. I (kaiatic part of the USSR5 1963o 396P$ LYATSKIYJ, V.B* Tectonic characteristics of the ancient structures of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Trudy VSFGEI 97:59-72 t64. (MIRA 17:8) DODINi A.L.; KOVIKOV) A.Z.; LYATSKI'Y, V.B. . ......... tern SaYans- I'for'n' StratigraPhY Of the lestern of i;he gas' (1411RP 14:32) S'bor.VSZGEI no.21:81-88 0 1 Stratigraphic) (sayan ,iounL,-dns-GGOl 9V) LYATSM, V.B. Stratigraphy of Sinian and Cambrian sediwnts in the central part of the Eastern Sayans. Trudy VSEGEI 58:161-171 161. (Sayan Hountains-Geology., Stratigraphic) (MM 25:5) MOPOV; I.L.; LY~11'71 " " - - L~~ Actixity of Vlan Cc,.-z--.Ittee frrD;. 19:17 to 193C. Mrudy Inst.ict.est.i 3"1:1,28-241 161. OIM~ 14: 7 -- " (Goolocical societiee) - - - - - - - - - V4, - - - LYAT,qKIY. B.- A characteristic of recurrent vaignetic disturbar.~:es. Geowg. i aer, 5 no.2067-368 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:7) L 23135-66 EWT(1)/FCC- GW W006675 SOURCE CODKI Ui/0203/66/006/001/0162!~/~~3 AGG NR AUTHORS: Selivanov, V. P- ORGs Leninxrad State-University ime A. A* Zhdanov (Leningradskiy got -:1tvannyy ysical Institute of the Kola Branch of M SSM (Polyarw. universitet)j,Folar Geoph eofisicheskly institut Kollekogo filiala AN SSM) 9 TITLEt Transiont.changes-in the veotor of dominant polarization PP aclording to observations at Lovosero SOURGEt. Geomagnetism. i, aeronomiya,, v. 6, no. 3; 19669 162-163 i earth currents geomagnstio field, polarized signal TOPM TAUS n variation in vertir-al magnetic component ABSTRACTs The authors have used data o at Lqvozero and records of earth currents for the same periods to examine the behavior of the voc r of dominant polarixation. Itwas noted that focal zaaes of earth the geomagnatic fiel&' Wssi~ltaneously and their contours are approximately the aame* Centers of polarJ ation are like beads on a necklace in their plot against time. For the period from June 9 to October 4P Card 1/2 WC a 550.385 23135-66, rL AO NRt Ap6oo6675 1964s -twelve such necklaces were observed* Their plots allow comparison of vertical magnetic component and the E-W and N-S components of earth currents. The curves appear symmetrical and the mwdmums of these compared factors correspond closely. The direction of the polarization vector may change within about 309 froat one necklace to another* Within a single necklace the variation is less than 100. All components tend to decline rather uniformly* If it is assumed that the direction of the polarization vector is determined by the position of the source' relative to the observation points the patterns observed may be explained by a smooth shift of the source along a parallel# and changes An direction of the vector due to shifts north or south, If it is further assumed that the.series of polarization positions represent superposition of several necklaces# the sources may be explained either as occupying a single locality or'spread over several localities, If tha first$ the polarization ahouW be expected to behave as in one of the observed necklaces; if the seconds considerable and.irregular changes in direction of the vector may be expectedo The~latter- of course, was not observed, The authors express their thanks to He lei Fudovkip and Bo-Ye. Bryunelli for discussing the present paper and maldn suggestions concerning its Origo art* bass 2 figureso CODEs- 98/ SUM DATNt l8M&r65/. ORM REP# 002/ OTH REFs 001 Card GRINI-3MG, I.V.; SALT! 1, A.A.; Spanivaicro.;,3th'A fta' Ltu'JY,I~g fuels. Rf.-port Na.2. Zhar. pyroly,12 rii-,Yaral arial. I n 5' . 622-628 161'. 1. Institiit geologli i Fp--oIhjr:ii AIT UI-rSSR, (1-11RA 17;6) iskop LYATIYBVA, A.K.; LYAKHOVITSUU, T*Te., red.; ZIOBIN, K.V., tekhn. red. [NiAtritious feed is the basis for good milk yields] Polnoteennoe kormienle -' osuova vyookikh udoev. Alma-Ata. lasakhokce goo. izd-vo, 1956. 11 P. (MIU 1197) 1. Doyarka kolkhoza Imeni Khrushcheva, Kaskelonskogo rayona, A.Ima-Atinakoy oblaoti (for IVatlyeva). (Kazakhstan--Dairy cattle-Feeding and feeding stuffs) SWMELI, KeYa.. Prinizali uchastiye: BLAGOVESHCHMI=YA, K.A.; DZMMIKO, G.F.-, FRAGAYLOVA, V.I.; 7JLZSSUTA, L.O.; KOTSERUBA, L.P.; KOVBASENKO, L.A.;_LTAU=SXAU, Bje.; MILOVZOROV, P.Z. (deceased]; N32HURBNDA, M.P.; M1ITKO, K.I.; YARTWVA, A.V.. KRESHCHENSKIY, Ye.S., (Rconomy of Kiev Province; a statistical manual] Narodnoe kho- ziaistvo Kievskol oblasti; otatisticheskii obornik. Kiev. Goo. stat.izd-vo, 1959. 255 P. (91RA 13:3) 1. Kiev (Province) Statistichookop upravlaniye. 2. Nachallnik statistichaskogo npravleniya Xiyevokdy oblasti kfor Shkrebell). (Kiev Province-Statistico) LTAUDIS, B. K. OAn Investigation of the Deoxidizing Properties of Titanium." Cand Tech Sci, Inst of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Acad Sci USSR, 14 Dec 54. (M 3 Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: SUM No- 556, 24 Jun 55 L) Chemistry -,.Chemical, Technology Pub-'e, 22 - -..34/51 A~thorg_ 1. M, Mem. Corresp. of Acad. of Se. USSR 4audisp-_~Bei K.0 and Sama r i nj Title Solubility.of oxygen in liquid iron containing titattium 101/2 '325-326, Mar 11, 1955. Awaltraot -The 13 o-lu.Ibility of -oxygen:was investigated-in Fe-ri-fusions at 1600 and 1650? The' solubility was determined by,,establishing the equilibrium of the fus- ions in a 4apor-hydrogenmixture of-known composition. Experiments showed ~that with-the rise,'in temperature the solubility of.the oxygen in Fe-Ti fusions increases. Liquid part4cles of reaction produ to obtained'from iron- A. c with titanium were observed in cases when the Ti, content in Fe- Ti-0-fusions did not exceed 0*04%. Table. institution.i Acad. of Sc. USSRp The A. A. Baykav Metallurgical Institute -Submitted December.7, 1954 -K \j 137-1958-1-214 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurp~ya, 1958, Nr i, p 33 ~USSR) A~UTHORS- Lyaudis, B. K. ., Samarin, A, M. TITLE- Determination of the Deoxidizing Capac,ty of Titanium (Opredeleniye raskislitel"noy sposcbnosti titana) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Fiz. -khim. o4povy proiz-va stuli, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 245-.;56, Diskus, pp 3327-334 ABSTRACT, The starting substances ire described, problems havirqy t,~ do with the reaction of the oxides ~n the deoxidizing element and the crucible are discussed, as are matters pert-%ining to the nature of the non-metallic impurities. The thermodynamic character- istics of the reactions occurring upon reaction of Tj and 0 in liquid Fe are di5CUSsed, Melts were rim in BeO crucibles, which had proved to be the hest suited to this purpose, An in- vestigation was made of the decxidizing capacity of Ti in the OA05 - 0.5 percent interval, It was found that the following re- actions were dominant when the liquid Fe contained up to 0.04 percent Ti : ET-] + 41_0_~ + -11 Feliq - 2 FeO - TiO2(li,) - A FO ~~ -294,000 + 107.13 T, while Lt T, content of 0.64 - 0.05 per- Card 112 cent the dominant reaction was [T.] + ? T-0-1 + TiO) (solid) 137-1958-1-~?14 Determination of the Deoxidizing Capacity of Titanium AFO= -140,500 + 47. 3 T. As a deoxidizer, Ti lies between Si and Al, The effect of Ti dissolved in liquid Fe upon th~ activity of 0 and TiO 2 wus determined, B.L. 1. TitaniuK-J_Iaoxidi~d.rig f3ffects-Datermination 2. Irrn (Liquid) --Chemical rtactions Card 2/2 URGER, K.S.; LYAUDIS, B.V.; NMTIN, A.I. Algorithm to determine the momen*'U* for stopping the blowing of a Bessemer converter heat at a given temperature with the help of a controlling machine. Report no&2, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.703-57 t64 (14IRA l7t8) 1. Dneproderzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz. VAR/000/007/018/023AX A16l/AO33 AUTHORS: Garger, K. S.; Kuznetsovp M.P.; Ortenberg, R- V.; Gerasin,-.17,uk-, R. V.; Lyaudis, B. V. 1~ TITLE: The burning-out of carbon in the converter process P.ERIODICAT_-: -Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallur-giya, no. 7, ig6o, 32 - 36 TEXT: A continuous and direct analysis of steel in the converter being still too difficult, the samples are analyzed after tilting. The method is connected with loss of time and impairs the life of converters. In principle, sampling is possible wAh0u`tit6:pp*ing*the' blast, and the analysis lasts 5 - 6 min. Therefore 'b4 eanW),e takdn in the first-half of the heat (in the 4th minute). The dependdnoe of~the carbon~.content.(Z(3) on time must be known to determine the moments 'when the process 1i to be stopped. As proven by S. I. Filippov et al. (Ref. 2: Nauohnyye doklady vysshey shkoly., Metallurgiya, 1958, No. 2, 24) compond'nt elements burn simultaneously but at a different rate de- pending on the metal temperature the ZC = f(t) equation being determined by Card 1/6 23173 S/148/6"/000/007/018/023bg The burp4ng,out of carbon in the .... A16l/AO33 these 'rates. Two -types of kinetic carbon burning curves. have been f oirvi in experiments with a 8 kg laboratory Induction furnace (Ref. 1: S. I. Fillpov, Teoriya protsessa obezuglerozhivaniya stali (Theory of the steel decartonlza- tion process) Metallurgizdat, 10) below 15000C the burning is slower, and above 15000C in the second half of the heat it is higher and constant-. dZC ~R_ = B At ZC below 0.2 % C, the carbon oxidation rate in,inhibited by diffusion. The constant carbon burning rate is taken as the basis~ of the US patent (Ref. 3: D. Murphy, US Patent No. 2807537, 1957). The purpose of the present work was to find the equation for the carbon burning curves throxighout the converter heat. (Figure 1) to apply electronic computers for the converter process con"trol. Two heat groups were studied, with sampling at tilts, and by "freezing on". To eliminate the dependenoe"on the iron charge and C Qontent in iron (Z0) a relative value was used instead of ZCO ZC . The time moment value 0.7 was ehospn Zo Card 2/6 C S/R~RO/000/W7/018/023/TDC The burning-out of carbon in the ..... A16l/AO33 for the time unit after a careful analysis. It nnrresnonds to 3.0 - 3.?. r75 c, the metal bath, when Mn and Si, in most cases are already no longer burnl;cg. This rated time is designated by'V. The carbon burning equation finally evolv- ed for the case of air blast through bottom (curve 1 in Figure 3) is: z = zo eXP 0.331(V 2.936 (3) C C It can apparently be applied to any convex-ter process. The equation for the carbon burning rate(,) is easily obtained by differentiating the expression (3) dT - 0.972T 1.936 exp (-0.331 T2.936 (4) Wc dt The burning maximum iLr,.at IC - .1,265, and -the CO concentration in the separating gas is highest at,thi.s,monie'nt. The accuracy of the data obtained was checked by the "confidence ihtdriiafterthod". 'Curves 3 and 4 present the results of calculations, with dependabilities 0.90 and 0.80. It was concluded that linear approximation is oily applioable'for short time intervals. The equation may be presented in thiTorm of nomograms or tables. Computera would calculate the Card 3/6 23173 S/148/60/000/007/0018/023/'XX The burning-out.of carbon in the .... A161/AO33 moment for the process stop more accurately. A. M. Kublitskiy, V. A. Savchenkc. and Yu. K. Siryachenko took part in the experiments; some data were obtained collectively ;4ith V-~ r. Yavoyskiy, G. N. Oyks and L. S. Tsykin of the M69kovskiy institut stall (Moscow Steel Institute). M~P. Kuznetsov carried out the first tests with'the "freezing-on" sampling method. There are 4 figures and 7 refer- encest 6 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-lan- guage publication reads: D. Murphy, USA Patent No. 2807537, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy vecherniy metallurgicheskly institut (Dnepro- zerzhinsk Metallurgical Evening Institute) and Dneprovskly metal- lurgicheskiy zavod im. Dze:~zhinskogo (Dnepr Metallurgical Plant im. Dzerzhinskiy) SUBMITTED: March 1, ig6o Card 4/6 GARGERv K,S.; LYAUDIS9 BV Heaouring and continuous recording of -the degree of Nblacknesou of the bessemar flam.e. Izv.vyo. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.3:40-44 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Dneprodzerzhinakiywcherniy metallurgicheBkiy institut. (Bessemer process) (Recording inatrwnents) 1.TIV~TTIN, vari Kie,i, 6!, 1 17 GARGER, K.S.; LYAUDIS, B.V.; NIKITIN, A,I. Algorithm for determining the moment to stop the bessemer carr-rerter blowing of the heat at a presaribed carbon content with the help of a digital control computer. Report No.l. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.3:47-52 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz. GARBER, K.S., dotsent; NIKITIN, A.I.; B.V.; MALINOVSKIY, B.N., kand. tekhn.nauk; BELISKIY, 0.1.; VOLKOV, L.G.; KUZNETSOV, M.P.; KUTSENKO, A.D., SOROKIN, A.A.; SrAKHURSKIY, A.D,; TRUBITSYN, L.M.; TRUSEYEV, A.I.; SHAFRAN, I.K., inzh.; SHESTAK, P.I.; ULIYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compu' rs. Stall 23 no. 7:608-610 il t63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichesl~iy zavod-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Malinovskiy). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). LYAUDIS, V. Ya. "Stnj-ktura rqnemicheskogo deystvlya i pe-rerabotlka infc=.-atsfl i." report submitted for l1th Intl Cong, Intl Assn of Applied Ps:icholowy, Ljubl~ana, - 1j 0 Yugoslavia, 2-8 Aug 1964. Kharlkovskiy universitet. KAWIEV, Viktor Nikoleyevicht LYAUER S G nauchnyy red.; NJUCIMA, %LtA V.I... red.; DFXINA, red.j NESFYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Installation and servicing of secondary co=utation systems) Montazh i obsiazhivanie ustroistv vtorichnoi komrmtataii. Moskva, Wes. uchebno-pedegog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1962. ,499 Pe (MIRA 15:4) (Electric sidtchgear) (Commutation (Electricity)) (Electric power distribution-Equipment and supplies) KPIANEV, Viktor Nikolayevich;-,LTAVER,..S.G., nauchn. red.; CHEMAK-BYKHOVSKAYA, S.A., red. (Loboratory work on relay protection and automatic control) Laboratornye raboty po releinoi zashchite i avtomatike. Mo- skva, "Vysshaia shkola," 1964. 101 p. (MIRA 17:4) KAI-TEV, Viktor Nikolayevich;_LYAUEA, S.G., muofui. red.; SILIVESTROVICH, G.A., red. (Installation and maintenance of secondar-i systems] Montazh i obsluzhivanie vtorichnykh ustroistv. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Vysshala shkola, 1965. 549 p. WIP A 18: 5) GUlm,1E, losif YakovIevich [deceasedj; GUI-11111, Mikhail lo5ifovich; UOTINOV, Vladimir rc-dc.,rovIch,--IIYAb-IaI, S.G., red. (secondar-y networka of electric power plants and substa- tions] Vtorichnye skhanW elaktrichaskikh stants1i i pod- i stantsii. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskvaq Iv,,I-vo "Energiia," 1964. 174 (NIRA 17t8) 1,YAUFLIR, V. R.: Master Tech ICL (dian) -- -rhL- operation of vnaorin~-, ~!qulfj-.nd--nt in loading operations in the herrin.-, industry of the Nortl- Atlantic". Moscow, 1958. 15 pp (Kaliningrad Tech Inst of the Fish Industry and Econotwj), 170 copies 4KL, No 10, 1959, 126) GOMBERG, Aleksandr Yefimavich; MUSAELYAN, Erik Surenovich; _IYAUER, S.G.,, red.; BORUNOVO N.I., [Checking and testing of turbogenerators during their inBtal- lation; secondary systems] Proverki i ispytaniia turbogenera- torov v protsesse rontazha; vtorichnye ustroistva. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 87 p. (MIRA 17:3) KIREYEV, Mikhail Ivanovich; KOVARSKIYj4leks,ndr Illich; MUSAELYAN, E.S., nauchn. red.; LYAUER,.._SQ.,._.nauchn. red.; SHUMIIDVA, TO.M., red.; TOKER, )Ci~.' [Installation and operation of.the electrical equipment of electric-power plantB, subatations, and electric power transmission lines) Montash i ekspluatatsiia elektrooborudo- vaniia stantsii, podstantsii i linii elektroperedachi. 2. izd. perer. i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 414 p. (MIRA 16:1d) (Electric power distribution) ILUUEO 0.1. -,:e~ ,;x- Looping of metal during brief disconnection of rolling mills* .3-bor, nauch. trud. KGRI no.19-.100-104 162o (KIRA 16-.~) (Rol ling M~ills) LTAUK,, G.I., inzh.; FAYNSIITEYN, E.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Aaalysis of the exploitation -of electric motors for scraper in iron-ore mines. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.7:256-264 159. (Winches--Electric driving) (MIRA 16:9) LYAUK, G.I. ~p inzh. I. ~ ~ ~' -:7 ' - L . , .-,f ~-. craz~'Iun s, gutomating rc-r- w 4,1. AA A an in a m1ne. Lb,--r. itai:f,-'. 161 1").-8) LYAUSHKIN, U'71,!~ICV '-i. 'I.: D-,~IT:".IY'..'I'-3'KIYy A.: LYAU.3I1Kr.T, A. V., T T N. V. 2. US~'~R (600) 4. Sheet - Diseases 7. Fre,,rention of lung Diseases in she,p. Sov. zootekh. 7 NO. 1952 9. Monthly L-is:~ 21: Russian Accessions., Library vf Congress, July 1952, Unclassified. LYADSHKIN, A.Y., nauchnyy sotrudnik. Specific prophylaxis of bradsot and anterotoxamia in sheep. Trudy Goa. nanch.-kont.inst.vot.prop, 4:35.6-367 153. (KMA 7:10) (Sheep-Diseases-Preventive Inoculation) (Vaccines) A- -; I t, ,,- Y/j, - S "YK / "~, 14. V POLYWVSKIY, M.D.; KAGAII, F.I.; LYAUSHKIN. A.V. Brazy-type diseases of sheen In southern and southeastern lazaMstall. VaterinnriiR 15 no.3:20-27 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Kesnkhatan-Sheep-Disences nnd pests) FOLYWVSKIY, M.D., professor; LYAUSHUN, A.V., mladshiy nauchnvy sotrudmik; KALIMOV, A.M., mladshiy UCLE11"ll WWW"ft Serological method for the diagnosis of brazy and infectious entero- toxemia in sheep.. Trudy VIN 22:76-q,2 159*' (MIRA 13:10) (Serum diagnosis) (Sheep-Diseases and pests) ._i LTAVA":. Re Fixing norms for fuel consumption b7 taxicabs taking into consideration the nature of their operations, Avt.transp, 36 no.8:37 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) I.Zamestitell upravl7ayushchego Ilikolarovskim avtotrestom. (Taxicabs-ftel consumption) "--T6Rii7fCTr, V. LTAVA, TA. I . Juglandaceae in the A.Y. FOMN Botanical Garden* Hauk,zapaKieve un. 8 no.5:223-235 149. (iMLRk 9;10) (Kiev--Juglandacaae) LTAVA, Ya. 1. IMMON"WAI. ~ Gymno"erms in the arboretum of the Botanical Garden of ths-LAC#A$- my vf, Sciences of the Ukrainian 5.~LR. Trudy Dot. sada AS URM 4t 26-46LI5?. (NM 1w) (Kiev--Gy=oBperms) - - I- y i-'t- v A- ) , I fl- - 'A - . -- - LYJLVA I Ya. r. Western red cedar (Jimiperus scopulorum Sarg.) in Kiev. Biul. Glav. bot. sada uo.28:31-34 157. (um 11:1) 1. Botanichaskiy sad Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Kiev--Cedar) LYAVA, Ta.I. ~ Western red cedar (Jimiper-as scopullorum Sarg.) in the Botanical Garden of the Acadeny of Scienceu ~;f t?,a UkTainian i;.S.R. Trudy Bot.eada AN MISR 5:66-1-19 158. (KIRA 12:2) (Kiev.-Codar) TFMIIGHMSKIY, A.I.; PIKOLAYEV, Yu.A.; UMANSKIY, M.A.1 HIM, S.N.; t;tk#nmS A S - KALOVIMO, A.Ya.j PIVCHIK, D.T. 440 of andaxin on healUW people* Vracbadslo nooll:149-150 ff 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra torakallnoy khirurgii i anestesiologii (zav. - prof. V.M. Amosov) Kiyevskogo instituta ucaverohenstvovaniya vracbeye (MROBOIATE) TRESHGHINSKIY~ A.I.j LYAVINETS. AcS, Review of Jiri Pokorny's book "Controlled hypotension in anesthesio- logy, Sksper, khir, i snest, 9 no,2:94,95 &-Ap 164, (MIRA 17:11) BAKSHEYEV, M.S. (Baksheiev, M.S.), prof.; TD-',OSfa2NKO, L.V. [Tymoshen]ko, L.V.1, dotsent; MIKHAYIDINO, O.T. (I-Iyha!lne&.o, O.T.]; LIZAVIEWSY O.S. (LiavynetsI,i O.S.1 Use of a new preparation, ataractic andaxin, in obstetrics and gynecology. Pod.; akush. i Lin. 23 no.6.35-39 '61. (MIX% 115:4) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii No.1 (zav. - prof. M.S.Baksheyev (Bakshbiev, M.S.]) Kiyevskogo meditsinsko 0 ivistituta im. akad. Bogomolltsa Irektor - dotsent V.D.Bratusil. ~ (MITROBAMATE) (OBSTETRICS) (GMECOLOGY) Category: BelorussianSSR/General Division. Problems of Teaching. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol.,, No 9, 10 May., 1957, 35010 Author Liavitskiy, P. Inst -no ~ve~ Title Intra-class Experiments on the Subject "The Nervous Sylstee Orig Pub: Sovetskaya shkola, 1956, No 1, 67-73 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 -18- ! ' I I J,V.XIOIIAIIJ I.A.j T,,'R~NTIYEVA, M.V. M a thods of enr ich ir. g frc d zuffs -,;-, T,:i ti ra : e e 2, C-=~ --L s . -.=~- -: ! " - - -.1 - i -- .. . ---, B3SR Ser. biial. nav. no.1:53-58 162. LYAYHAN ) E * M. "Fish Diseases," SO: bk., Moscowy 1949. LYAYT.IAN, S.M. Agriculbire Practical manual of the diseases of fish. Moakva, Pishchepromizu-3at, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Acce~:sions, Library of' Congress, November 1951. UILICLA3SIFIED. --a M -.b. doktor biologichaskikh nauk; VASILIKOVA. UAIML Ed rd Maksimilianovic ;'IrG;.!WeZt`�r-, 'UHM, 14.1., takhnichookijr radaktor [Deseases of f 'Loh and the possibility of their transmission to humans; a concise practical manual for sanitary physicians] Bolazni ryb i vosmo2hnost' zarazhanita imi cbelovska; kratkoa prakticheskos rukovodstyo dlia sanitarnykh Yrachai. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo mad. lit- ry, 1956. 107 P. (MLRA 9:10) (P13HES--DIBUSES AND PESTS) LYAYMAH,-,Eduard Maksimillyjanovich; KOSSOVA, O.N., red.; CHEBYSHEVA, Ye.A., t ek~n. re-L [Diseases of fish] Bolezni ryb. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1957. 258 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Fishes-Diaeases and pests) DOROKHOT, S.M.; LTATMAN,-X.M.; KASPIN, B.A.; SOLOVIYET, T.T.; KARTYSHEY, Y*G,, yrof., nauchn" rod.;'PZTROT, A.A., red.; UDALOT, A.G., [Fish culture on farms] Bellskokhoxiaistvennoo rybovodetvo. Koskya, Izd-vo K-va selikhos.SSSR, 1959. 198 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Fish culture) RAWYSHEV, F.G., prof., doktor sel'skokhoz.nauk;.LYA7W , B.M., prof., doktor; GRINZVSKIY, I.M. , A.S., kand.biolog.nauk; KARPANIN, D.P., kand.biolog.nauk; BABORA, N.G.. red.; ZURRILIKA, Z.P., takhn,red, (Raising fish in ponds] Pradovae rybovodstvo. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 347 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Fish calture) ,'LYAYWLII, E. H. ReceiWdata on intra-vitam diagnosis of fish diseases. Trud7 sav.Ikbt.kom. no.9:18-2-0 10. (MIRA 13:5) I.-Moskovskly tekbnIcbeekiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva imeni A.I.Mikoyana. Rishes--Diseasea and usets) (Veterinary medicine--Diagnosis) nUY]ff , A. I. ; LYAYMAN, R. M -.- ., -1-- .... I."---i , lpizootic condition of fish stocks on nond fish farms of the R.S.P.S.R. Trudy say.1kht.kom. U04:28-33 139* (MM 130) 1. VeerossiVskiy nanchno-iseledovateliskiy institut prudovogo rybnogo khozyaystva i Mookovskiy tekhnicbnskiy institut rybnov promyshlennosti i khotyavetva imeni A.I.14ikoyana. (Carp-Diseases and posts) LYM"P..Eduard Maksimilianovich,.prof. doktor biol. nauk; IVANOV, -P - A-.;;'Sd-.' GUREIVICH. M.M..,-tekhn. red.; TRUKHINAt O.N.9 Z;. re;.t e t (Diseases of fishes] Bolezni dlia veterinarnykh vrachei. 294 P. z7b; prakticheskoe rukovodstvo Moskva, Sallkhozizdat, 1963. (MIRA 16:8) (Fishes-Diseases and paste) POIMTD/Soil Science Soi-1 Genesis and Geography. Abs Jour : Ref Mur - Biol., No 41 1958) 15252 Author : J. Lyazar Inat : Title A Brief Geological and PetroGraphical Sketch Giving Soil Characteristics of Czechoslovakia. (Kratkiy geologo-patrografichoskiy ochork i Maraktaris- tiloa pochv Choldiaslovnkii). Orig Pub Rochn. gleboziiawaze, 1956, 5, 263-283 Abstrant A summary. A schematic soil map is given. The bibliography has 10 listings. Card 1/1 .LYAZHOV L , combining geological and geophysical methods in the goologic: surveying and prospecting* Izv,v7s,uohebozav,,* geol. i razv. 4 no.1209-102 D 161. (MiRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institat. imerd S.Ordzhonikidze. (Prospecting) KUKHTIN.- V-A-; KIIULL)VA.. K.M.; SHAGIDUIIIII, R.R.; SAMITOV., Yu.yu.; LYAZD-R. ,N.A.;_ RAKOVA 2 11. F. ------- Some new types of the Arbuzov rearrangement. Pa.-t 11,: vestigation of the products of addition of tria2kyl phosphites to d In iacetyl by physical methods. Zhur.ob-khim. 32 no.6:2039-2046 Je 1q.. (MIFLA 15:6) le Kazanskiy filial nauchno-issledovatellakogo kinofotoinstituta. (Phosphorous acid) (Butanedione) 15-57-5-6606 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, p 130 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyazlko, Ye. 'A. TITLE: A Comparative Study of Crystal-Bearing Quartz Veins and Veins of the Alpine Type (Srrivniteltnaya kharakteri- stika khrustBlenosnykh kvartsevylch zhil allpiyskogo tipa) PEMODICAL: Mineralog. sb. Llvovsk. geol. o-vo pri --n-te, 1956, Nr 10, pp 94-104. ABSTRACT: Veins of the alpine type are considered by the author to be formations of lateral-aecretion origin, not directl,,, associated genetically with a magmatic source, and developing under conditions of regional meta- morphism. The characteristic features of these veins are wiven. 1) They develop in folded regions during the bolding and regional metamorphism of rocks at com- paracively shallow depth; the veins are controlled by Card 1/3 fault fractures. 2) The chemicrol-mineralogical compo- 15-57-5-6606 A Comparative Study of Crystal-hearing Quartz Veins (Cont.) sition of the country rora-ks. 3) They exhibit a zonal structure and show a relationship betaoen the widitri of trie near-vein leached zone, and thickness of the vein filliln-.-, scid t-he size of the crystals, on '1 31 on of thc frceture on the. other. the one hand, and on th- dime , - - 1 4) There is a defin-~te miner&l associFtion and order of crystal- lization. 5) There is n---% direcz between the mineral- forming solutions and igneous rocks. It IL3 nezessary to differ- entiate between cryst-al-hearing quartz veins and alpine veins. The former always occur in rocks aith a high, content Of S102 and are characterized by v&rloas structural positions-, by their occurrence in different types of fractures, and commonly, by complex mor- phology. Thay have a simple mineraL composition (some groups, characteristic of alpine veins, are almcst completely absent). These veins do not show a strict. sequence in the order of deposition of the minerals. Leaching has been intense Lond solution of earlier formed crystals has occurred. The author believes that the crystal- bearing veins are hydrothermal and cites the following facts in support of this view: 1) the regional restriction of the veins to districts where single-aged granites occur; 2) the occasional Card 2/3 15-57-5-6606 A Comparative Study of Crystal-BeaAng Quartz Veins (Cont.) Intense hydrothermal alteration of near-vein rocks and the intro- duction of components foreign of the country rocks; 3) t*ie specific local mineral content of the veins, not changing in relation to the country rocks; 4) the direct connection of some veins with massive granites, recognized by study of gas-liquid and liquid inclusions. The crystal-bearing quartz veins, being hydrothermal, are in contrast to the different ore-bearing formations, inasmuch as their most important feature is the extraction of components to the mineral complex of the veins. Card 3/3 S. P. B. MUM, T.A. . Iiind. ma6. nru'k.-. T-7BA. 11 M. kand. med. r;puk ,jur-laical treatment of gia-rit, Cell tlummors. VesL. kh~r. 91 nf,.,J'1,3-14-227 N 163, (MIRA 170.2) 1. Iz Donetskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tramatologii i ortopedii (direktor - kand. med. nauk T.A,Revenko). Adres avtorov: Donetsk. ul. Artema, d. 6j. Nauchno--issledovateliskiy institut travmatolo- gil. i ortopedii. L'23882-66 EWT(m)160(t) IjP(C) ~YJG ACC NRs AP6068636. SOURCE CODEi UR/0365/65/001/006/0721/0724 AUTHORS; Sayfullin~ R. S.; Nadeyeval F. I.1 Lyubimovat 9 N.. 39 ORG.: Kazan Institute of Chemical TechnologZ im. S. M. FArolt (Kazanskiykhimiko- t e k h do-RoV _c We `sk_iy- -in ist i t u. tT TITLE. Electrochemicallmethod for determining the thickness of_pjjladium 2gfi&U= SOURCE: Zashchita metallovq v# it no. 6% 1965, 721-724 TOPIC TAGS:--electiodhemical analysis, metal coatingt j~alladium ABSTRACT.- Electrochemical methods have been developed for determining the thickaess of palladium (I) coatings. Whenever the color of the basic metal differed from that of I (copper, sibrer), the "drop" method was employed* It-consisted of applying 13-- 14 crops of solution containing T,5 dliter of 12 and 500 g/liter of KI per 11A of coating to be removed. The time of action for one drop is 30 seconds. For other cases, an electrojet method was appli Ied, using an apparat us assembled according to GOST 3003-58 directions described earlier (Zashchitnyye pokrytiya. Goeudaretvannyye standarty, M.~,1960)# This method involved the use of the same solution as in the "drop" method, with rated coefficient of 25 sea/m for cylindrical samples and 30 sec/M for flat samples. L11 experiments were performed at 20 � O-5C. The method was plant- tested, and showed an accuracy of � 10%. It can not be used on coatings less than 1,A& in thickness. It appears that the solubility rate for the coating depends upon the C rd 1/2 upot 621.357.2.001.5 ZVEREV, M.Ys.; KUPRYAKOV, B.G. ;--LY- "'!-J, v,." Stand for agitating graduated flasks. Lab. delo 10 no.4;251-252 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. GospitalInaya terapevticbeskaya klinika (zaveduyushchiy - prof. A.A.Kovelevskiy) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Come data on the prith-o-,ere--is rf :.!,ae r;J i r~ljs '-'rlp*.'-Q in diphyllobothrill.9i3. Trudy Top,14111VF) 1,,.. ll~.I. 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy Tcra-di Tomkcgo .nstituta. I--# "I ~-- , I1= - - -- I AO 111 Jull r-- Ij -- LYBKIN E I KNIAMMIKOV) V. Go, [A. Go 1, PErRovA, Go No, SOLODOVIfIKOV, Go M., BOLSMOVA, K. Y., and KOZISHOVA, I"Daily Variation of Short-Period Pulsations as a Function of Geographic and Geomagnetic Coordinates," paper submitted, 5th Gen. Assembly, CSAGI, Intl. Geophysical Year, Moscow 1-9 August 1958 LYCH, G.M.~ agronom-ekonomist - ., ImProVe the utilization of drained lands. Zemledeliie 25 no.12- 60-63 D 163. (MMA 17--4) LYCIII DiCineer Kiev "The 127P. Horizontal Six-spindle Sem-lautcmatic," Stank-I i Instrument, 10, Nos. 1C-11 L I I 19-39. Report U-15,05, 4 Cet 1951 LYCH, 11. H. DOCEDT Hw#iuwy Design Toole, Machine I 'wBingle-Spindel 4droolectrified Automatic Machine, Sool, U Docent N. M. Lych, Cand Tech Sol, A pp ."Stanki Instrument" No 4 Photographs, circuit diagrams..' and performapce of --subject-automatio machine tool-developed by A. N. Prilutekly and V. L. Inosov at Kiev Industrial Inst auria~,,. 194o-1941. It Is characterized by an absence e cam drive. PA76T25