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Z=NIN, A. V.; LYAFLJIIOVA, Ye. A. "On the nature of cytoplasmic granule:-: having red f1uorescen,~.-e and; 'crc-d-t;---ed in living cells treated with acridine orange." report submitted for 2nd Intl Cong, Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, Frankfurt, 16-pi Aug 64. Moscow. Inst Physico-Chemical & Radiation Biology, AS USSR, Vavilov Street 18, Moocow B-312. PTUNINI, A.V.; BIRYUZOVA, V.I.; VCROTNITSKAYA, MO.; J, &Zlj~ V,' Y LO A. Separation of a subcellular fraction enriched With acridLne orange cytoplasmic granules. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.4:925-927 Je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inst1tut radiatnionnoy I fiziko-khiMiChe3koy biologii AN MR. Submitted July 25, 1964, LYAPUKQVAp Ye.A.; PETRIKEVICff,, S.B.; ZELENIN, A.V. Intzavitality of fluorescence microocopic stuel ~s with the help of fluorochromes of acridins aranga ar4 3,,4-benzo- pyrene. Izv. AN SSSR. Bar. biol. no.6:928-932 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut molekulyarnoy biologii All SSSR. ZALMANZON, Ye.S.; ZELENIN, A.V.; KAFIANI, K.A.; LOBAREVA, L.S., LYAPUNOVA, Ys.A.; TIMOFEYEVA, M.Ya. Effeot of some antineoplastle antibiotics on the synthesis of nw-4eic acids and reproduction of viruses in a culture of human amnion cells (strain FL). Antibiotiki 10 no.7:611-622 Jl 165. (MIRA 1819) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiz~ko-khimicheskoy biologii AIN SSSR, Moskva, ACC NRt AP6027889. SOURCE CODE: UR/0390/66/029/004/0481/0484 AUT11OR: Zelenin, A. V.; Lyapunova, Ye. A. ORG: Institute of Molecular Biolog), AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut moleku,lyarnoy .biologii AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of acridine orange upon the nucleic acid synthesis in animal cells SOURCE: Farmakologiya i toksikoiogiya, v. 29, no. 4, 1966, 481-484 TOPIC TAGS: nucleic acid synthesis, DNA, RNA, acridine orange, metabolic effect OV ;rOZ- CF 67 ABSTRACT: Three micrograms of acridine orange (2,8-bia-dimethylaminoacridine) suppressed cellular DNA synthesis by 30-40% and that of RNA by 40--60%. X-RNA was affected least and p-AINA the most. It is be- lieved that acridine orange affects nucleic acid synthesis in the same way as ..small doses of Actinomycin "D." [WA-50; CBE No. 11] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 12Aug65/ ORTG'REF: 008/ OTH REF: 012 1/1 UDC: 615.778. LYIIVUS'r;('J, A.'K- S-21-JUSMN, N. R LIAPUSTIN A. K-j, tect- t'Clinical ~;~~.~onoT~awate distentions of the stomach of horses." SO: Vet. 2X (11),19481 p. 26 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. LYAPUSTIN, A. - K.; MUM, A. K. 2. USSP (600) 4. Dairy Cattle 7. Some results of research on increasing milk yield and on checking K. M. Letsko's suggested method for increasing butterfat content in milk, Sov. zootekh., 7, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List .2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February, 1953. Unclassified. LYAPUSTIN, A.K., dotsent, kandidat veterinarnykh nauk. Pigment metabolism in animals and differential diagnosis of its disturbances. Yeterinariia 31 no.2:33-38 7 '54. NiaA 7:2) 1. Belotearkovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Jaundice) (Veterinary physiology) LYAFUSTIIJ, Aleksey Konstantinovich (Belaya Tserkov Agricultural In9t), Academic degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, based on his defense, 17 June 1955, in the Council of Moscow Veterinary Acad, of his dissertation entitled: "Seasonal and daily rhythm of cettnin physiological functions of highly productive cow." Academic degree and/or title: Doctors of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 4, 25 February 1956, Byulletent MV0 SSSR, No. 1, Januar7 1957, Moscow, pp. 14-24, Uncl. JPRSE/NT-440 USM/Human and Anirzl Physiolofy - Blood Circulation. T-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,. No 7; 1958, 317o6 Author L u Inst Title Daily Rhythm of Heart Activity in High-Yield Cows Accor- ding to Data of the Ele2trocardiograph. Orig Pub Tr. Novocherkasskogo zootekhn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, vY,), 10, 181-190. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 min - 48 - USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 35808. Author : Lva Inst :-Novocherkasskiy Zoological and Technical Veterinary Institute. Title Experimental Elimination of Leptospirosis in Animals in Four Oblast's. Orig Pub: Tr. Novocherkasskogo Zootekhn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, vyp. 10, 313-316. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 M USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Protozoa. R-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 45435 Author : 14~~puBtin, A.K. Inst : Novocherkassk Zootechnical Veterinary Institute. Title : A Contribution to the Evaluation of the Condition of the Circulatory Organs of Horses in Piroplasmosis. Orig Pub : Tr. Novocherkasskogo zootekhn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, vYP- 10, 317-322. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 22 - DOMRACHEV, %orgiy Vladimirovich, prof., zasluth.daystell nauki RSFM (deceased]; SHARARRIN, I.G., prof.; SHIRNOV, B.I., prof.; CHAGIN, V.G., prof.; UEMCK, Ta.I., prof.-, RYAFVTJR,-A-I., prof.; SMSUIR. IT.R., Prof. (deceased]; ONEGOV, A.P.. prof.;' KHRUWALEY, S.A., prof. Edeceseed]; CHEMSOV, V.A., dotsent; SOLOVEY, A.S., red.; PROKOFITEV, L.H., tekhn.red. (Pathology and treatment of internal noninfectious diseases of farm animalul Patologiia i terapiia vuutrennikh nezaraznykh boleznei sallskokhoziaistvannykh zhivotnykh. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo mallkhoz.lit-ry, 196o. 503 P. (HIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vaesoyuznoy akademii seliskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lsnins (for Domrachev). (Veterinary medicine) AA.; BOZHKO, G.; KONDRATIYET, I.; GARBARCHUK, M.I.; MUSTAFAYEV, -------%%&i-,mlERAGIMOV, R.; ZINOVIYEV, B.; ALEKSEYEV, A.A.; GLUKHOVA, G.; SAZONGVt Yu.; MMEV, I.D. In the Soviet Union. Veterinariia 39 no.11:89-96 rT 162. (MIRA 16:10) -- ~, 4- - ~ -.- . . , - ~ ~ , I - ~ . - - - ~ . I - - ;-.. ~ .. - I -- ~ --- -. , - ~ -. X, - , m : - ~-, ~ w-,~,~, . '- - . I - I o~ "- ~~- : ~ ~ - : USSR/Diseases or Farm AnImals. General Problems. R Abs Jouv: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69458. Author Inst :Novocherkasok Zooteahnical Veterinary Institute. Title :The Chan(3e of the Motor Function of the Stomach of the Horse Under the Influence of Ichtyol and Wdrochloric Acid. Orig Pub: Tr. Novocherkasskogo zootekhn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, vyp. 10, 225-227. Abstract: Ichtyol, introduced directly fmto the t3tomach of a horse affected with achlorhydria, considerably increases the frequency of stomach contractions and at the same time changes the force of each contraction, 30-40 nin. after its adninistration. Card 1/2 1 9 a it 11 u 14 u w 1? 38 1,1 it u a it a 41 a 0 Ad &gasp as i a L M as 0 a A-A -.1 -0, IT ~~.v to -of j pmormace "d emm4fles of IIJIMOWU FUMAICre N. Kusminuikh and "- Ommakowya 00 Pro*, 11, No. 12, 71-6W.- cr 1. d1wimmlon of the performance of the Yushkevkh furnace In bursk"S ural fiotxd~ pyvitft. with rtcranmendation for stnw(ural Chas. Blanc 00 -00 *0 0* so aw 0 00 j zo 0 so *0 00-1 X* 0 0 zoo 0 ze WO* t-06 9$00 E.-I aI L A WALLU"KAL UTISATURI CLASSWICATION slow VO 0 tj as( L s a f1d a A 9 1 Ar 1. 3 a 3 1 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of o 0 o 11 01 1) 14 4. 11 11 AdM MAI UP UP kINIO 01 VON 04. J" I; f `.J - f- N- P.. -I j- a - 4 1. .11--v % t �' A - & _0 , 1- A --A-71 -Tto 01 JAW, 00 A . - . . I . .. ~ I - ~ -1--.1. ~ - I I- t~-- o # A 41 *0 g 265boAGGLOMRATION OF CINDER FRW FLOTATION TAILINGS IN A SV3PZHDfiD a $UTZ, Lya"Unk, go X* and lotorsidi, L- D* (shist, Prols.0 1944, So. 6,'-746). The agglomeration was done by the action 09 4 Z~ 19 of heat while a mixture of cinder and powdered coal was kept suspended to air. The agglomerate was intmWed for use in Vi~ blast furnaces* Best results were obtained vdwr. the temper- aturo at the bottom of the furnace was 1200 20-261. In *41 a the middlo of the furnace the temperature should be 25-30* reo higher than in Its lower part. The chemical composition see of the aalomrat# is satisfactory* Its 9 content does not exceed hWArodths of a percent, the FsO content Is below roe 21 0: that tolerated by metallurgical proco3s*sp it is mechanically strong, and the percentage of subjsequently reducible Fe roe to high. Poo C, At too AiX.SIA' 111TALLU0141CAL LITINATL141 CLASSOICAY100 too .1. Q.. dot alkill 4W Q.- All T I I 1 5 1 . AT :;00 IS!$, IT IT If It or It K a 14 a K tt it It 49 L I a rw 0 A a 1 9 b4 5 a a 3 1 1 ItX q'o cal 0 0 * 0 0 0 S' 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 t 0 * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 *-~;* 00 ejo * 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 * 0 0 : : 0 00 00 0000 0 * 0 & & * 0 & * 0 *. * 0 , A j;fAPU3T'TllA, Yll- lie Of. Ratt-,ral, L ~ i I-t3t for 1ZAP!ST-D;A) Ye' ~2 b 21 Jr, .,U 'rlotat;,O,l Pyrite --icj.des) Ins o, c t 0 LUI 3c'Le.-ICas) 'Fertilize,r* V3 z? 0 Tuclil ( ~ (Diss~-~rt,at,-Oyl Jur . ~ 1952 jw-iuar-Y-7eccriber - .io: i1ccharnaya L113-1~ -777777%77777 Z.: ~wc_ ~v ~6, gm Wang _cc= Xhim. rut,,., M, No. tj~ 1,33a-55, Re- fe rai. ZA u r-., A 11;54,; go udrlp4s ~~-d 0 a t., I e I i era- t".- -alvic4ti. =tczt4 Oro- pw-wttd. possibl'.. devi- wm em-o-'a4ij "a, r&ivul Ripp" LIT 'n t at . em f d vr catZ.1ir cinatiOn in susPeasLna. It is P33timed that at EW* Ft h, ptexot as FeA, atSW-1050' as re.C6 an4 F404- dt 1W" -Ac=dinM- lieu' thOWO&Coitcal -Jj4lhere W" caLed. the quantity of hgat uced de ad' :wvtis XM=~afl 77, 4,_ 7--Z -.7 rv-, ildff Ri -- ~14-1 maw 414., X4, - ed stroizat a iladat 77.7 ci affei: (~iir Arl t riag) is*L . bs ~ptfrm t~ ilt~ ding fA - fttric= ter -"&JPU7ft --ap prox , t Wic, 4~'ftfc ihb~-Uwb.- 0 d416 and ~,Wwff 4*r 0 WA. ' , -'j - in I _V:j I t~, b~,- I-T =etcr Li uhmue vzZ lrt~ --zza the .tu the vIrli ing tht hy~- ;Ilti re4ult,~ mt LYAPUSTIMA, Ye.H.; BABADZHAK, A.A.; BULATOV, V.D, -Producing and processing granulsted concentrates smelting plant. TSvot.met. 29 no.9:24-28 5 15 . (Kiravgrad-Copper-Retallurgy) (Ore dressing) at the Kirovgrad copper (XLRA 9:10) S0Vh37-J'')- 1-277 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, :) 3,~' (USSR) AUTHORS: Apakhov, I. A., Volgin, B. P., Lya7)ustina, Ye. M., Andreyev, A. Y. TITLE: High- temperature Roasting of Pyrite Maintained in a Sus, '3ended [ Fluidized J State (Vysokoternperaturnyy obzhig kolchedana vo vzveshennom sostoyanii) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. polucheniya sernist. gaza iz kolchedana i sery. Leningrad, Goskhimizdat, 1957, pp 71-78 ABSTRACT: The process of roasting of a flotation concentrate may be greatly enhanced if the surface area of the concentrate is increased by maintaining it in a suspended [fluidized] state at elevated tempera- tures ( > 10000C). The material injected into the furnace by blow- ing is preheated to a temperature approaching the temperature of fusion, a partial sintering of the material observed in the process being attributable to the collision of particles; the final formation of the sinter occurs on the bottom of the furnace. The sinter thus obtained contains only - 0.27o S and is well suited for blast-furnace smelting. Pilot-plant tests substantiated the possibility of employ- Card 1/2 ing this method of roasting,--. and, in 1953, an experimental- plant SOV/137- 59- 1-277 High- temperature Roasting of Pyrite Maintained in a Suspended (cont. ) furnace was designed on the basis of these tests. Pilot-plant experiments on roasting of material in a suspended state yielding a tiquid end product, which was subsequently granulated, were conducted in a furnace 5.7 m high and 1.5 m in diameter; the experiments revealed the need for an additional supply of heat; this additional heat could be provided by means of combustion of fuel, preheating of air, or utilization of oxygen-enrichea air, the latter alternative being the most advantageous A. P. Card 9/2 5(2) S0V,/PC-2?-2-C/43 AUTHORSt Fefelov, A.!., Lyapustina, Ye.M. TITLE- On the Rate of the Burning Process of Flotation Pyrite in Sus-- pension (0 skorosti protsessa cbzhiga flotatsionnogo kolche- dana vo vzveshennom sostayanii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol XXXII, Nr 1, PP 515-523 (U33R) ABSTRACT: The 'Jurning of flotation pyrite in suspension is studied in a vertical pipe fvrnace with a height of 1.5-m and an inner dia- mater of 72 mm (Figuia 1), The relatior between reaction rate and temperature is shown in Fig-are 2. In the interval of 485 - 5800C the reaction rate increases sharply. Between 580 and 7800C there is almost no change. In the interval 760 - 1,1550C the rate ri5es again with the temperature but more slowly. The apparent energy of-activa-zion corresponds to the reaction rata: in 'the f1rat interval it is 52,300 cal mole, in the second 620 ;-a!/.,r,.,,1e and Jin the third 3,400 -_ ymole. The burning of thq suspended pyri,~e is very intense. At 700 7500C the elimina-,,ion of the in sulf-Ides reaches 95% Card 1/2 within 0-5 8e3- At 1,0000C 98-5% are eliminated. The in- 3011,160-32-3 -5/Z7 On the Rate of the B-6i-nlvig Frocese ~_,f Pyrlte in Susp?n3lca crease cf retit"l-Irn '111,m-, ff~cm 0.9 to 2 sec raises The de- gree of by Un~.er industzilall coxidit-ions the pyrite of CaO, ate. so that the aulf-'IT is m :.,)'W as 3.~~-30%- in such a case the degree cf -is 96,/o at a t-aimparatzre ol' SCO~,C. Thare a:.,a 5 and 11 So-7'e' refer- ences. SUBMITTEDi Card 2/2 ,,:,LYAPUSTINA T8-9-- IFFVLOY, A-1- Effect of the concentration of sulfur dioxide and of the secondar7 air blast on the recovery of sulfur from pyrite by roasting. M2im. prom. no. 6:512 S 16o. (MIRA 13'.11) (Sulfur dioxide) (Sulfur) LYAPUSTIKA, Ye.M.; KRAPIVNLR, S.L.; RDSKAYA, L.P. Technical and economic comparison of different methods of roasting flotation pyrite. Zhur.VKHO 7 no.1:25-32 162. (MIRA 15:3) (pyrite) 137-58-6-11918 Translation from, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 105 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyaputsov, A.N. ------------------------ TITLE: Determination of the Rate of Circulation of Slurry in a Decom- poser with Air-lift Agitation (Opredeleniye skorosti tsirkul- yatsii pullpy v dekompozere s aeroliftnym peremeshivaniyern) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. alyumin.-magn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 39, pp 94-99 ABSTRACT: An equation is compiled based on the equality, during steady- state circulation, of the volume of slurry raised per hour through the air-lift tube and that dropping through any cross section of the decomposer. The equation is M=m+Tr (RZ-r2)vrn/Q where M is the content of _precipitate in the slurry ejected from the air-lift tube, in kg/m3~ m is the precipitate con-tent in the decomposer slurry, in kg/m3, Q is the amount of pulp ejected from the air-lift tube per hour, m3/hr, R and r are the radii of the decomposer and the air-lift tube, in meters, and v is the rate of deposition of the particles in the slurry, in m/hr. If we determine the values of M and m in selected specimens of slurry and allow for a different v for dimensions of different size, this Card I/ I method may be used to determine the value of Q. A. P. 1. Solutions--%tion 2. Mathematics--Applications LYARSKAYA, Rj Format-ion of'adventitiousbuds on apple roots. Vest. Moak. tm. Ser, biol.', pochv., geol., geog. 12 no,'4:53-62 157. (MIRL 11:5) l' Kafedra vysshikh rasteniy Moskovskogo goitudarstvennoge univer- siteta. (Apple) (Roots (Botany)) (Buds) LTARMAYAL R.P. Development of root suckers in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Nauc.h. dokl. vys. ehkoly; biol. nauki no.2:89-92 '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Prodstavlena kafailroy vysokikh rasteniy Mockovskogo goau(iarstvannogo imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Seabuckthorn) (Roots (Botany)) LYARSKAYA, R.P. Some features of natural,vegetative reproduction of staghorn sumac (Rhus typhym L.) by, root euckera. Kauch.dQtl.vys. shkoly; biol.naulci no.1:117-123 '59- (VIRA 12:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy vvashikh ranteniy 14oskovskogo gosudaretvannogo univeraiteta im. H.V.Lomonosova. (Sme) IOTOVA, L.I.; LYARSKAYA, R.P. Some anatomical characteristics of root accretion In the deodar cedar and Atlas cedar. Nauch. dokl. v3rs. shkoly; biol. nauki no.4:99-104 159. OURA 12:12) l.Rekomendovana kafedroy v3roshikh raslenir Mookovskogr. gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Cedar) (Roots (Botan7)) LYALRSKAYA, T. Ya.., Physician lq4oshkovskiyls Leukocytic Profile and Schilling's Hemogram in Certain Infectious Diseases." Sub 12 Feb 51, Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No- 480, 9 May 55. LYARSKAYAq T,,jYa. Rhinocytoscopic investigation in lnfvliienza. lab. delo 7 no,1;25- 26 A '61, (KUU 14: 1) 1. Klinika (zav. - prof..N.V.Sergeyev) InetituiA virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSU Moskva. tINFLUENZA) I LURSKAYAp T.Ya. Blood picture in influenza during the 1959 winter outbreak. Lab. delo 7 no,2:24-27 F 161. (MMA 14: 1) 1. Klin'kA (zave - prof, N,,T,Sergeyev (deceased]) Institu* virasologii imeni D.I.Iva~c*jkog ANN SSSR, Mos'kva (INFLUENZA) .1 BLOOD--,EXAMINATION; 1* LLVLqWAj,-T.Ys,-t kand.med.nauk (Moskva) lamination of proconvertLn in Botkin's disease. Klinomed. 39 zioOM-34 Hr 161, (KMA 14W I* Iz kliniki (zavo - prof, NeVe Bergeyev [deceased)) Inatituta Virusologii imeni D*Ie Ivanovskogo (dir. - prof. P.N. Kosyakov) r4 baze Kliuicheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitay No.2 (glavnyy vrach A.M. Pylltsova). (BU)OD.COAGULATION) (HEPATITIO, IW=IOUS) KETILADZE, Ye. S.; ALEKSEYEVA, A. A.; SOROKINA, Ye, Yu.; LOZHKINA, A. KNYAZEVA, L. D.; ZAKSTELISKAYA, L. Ya.; LYARSKAYA, T. Ya. Angina in influenza and adenovirus diseases. Vest. otorin. no.3: 9-15 '62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdelerliya (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deyetvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. F. Bilibin, zav. - dotsent Ye. S. Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii AMN SSM (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR -Drof. V. M. Zhdanov) na baze klinicheskoy infek- tsionnoy bollaijay No. 2. Moskv*a. (INFLUKIZA) (ADENOVIRUS DWMTIONS) (TONSIIS-DISEASF.S) EPSHTZYN, F.G., prof.; AGARKCVA, L.G., ka-nd.med.nauk; DREYZIN, R.S.; SOROKBU., Ye.Yu.; LYARSKAYA, T.Yao, kandemed.nauk Acute respiratory diseases in children caused by the 7a type of adenovirus, Sov. med. 25 no.2:81-85'F 162. (IMIA 15:3) 1. Iz Instituta, virusologii AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. P.N. Kosyakov) i Dome. rebenka No.2 (zav. Ye.S. Zhuchina). (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) LYARSK&YA, T.Ya.; CHESHIK, S.G. Rhinooytoseopic studies in adenovirus infections in children. Vop. okh.mat.i det. 7 no.4:14-18 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. 1z kliniki (nauchrqy rukovoditelt deystvitelInyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.F.Bilibin, zav. - dotsent Ye.S.Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii, imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.M.Zhdanov) AMN SSSR. (ADENOVIRUS IWECTIONS) (NOSE) I" ,LYARSKAYA, I.Ya.,, KETIIADZE, Ye.f. Detection of cell inclusions in influenza and its complications during the interepidemic period. Lab.delo 9 no.3:35-41 Mr 163. (MM 16:4) 1. Klinika (nauchnyy mkovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AWT SSSR prof. A.F.Bilibing zav. - doteent Ye.S.Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AM SSSR na baze infektsionnoy bollnitsy No.2. (INFLUENZA) IWILADZE, Y6.3. ZHILINA, N.N. Use of fluorescence microscopy fox Me'detection of viraw inclusions in influenza. Sov.med. 26 no.ls6O-65 Ja 163. (HIRA 16 24) 1. Iz kliniki (zav. - dotsent Ye.S.Ketiladze, nauchn" rukavoditell - deystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.F. Bilibin) Institute. virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. V.M. Zhdanov) AMN SSSR na, baze klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy No. 2 (glavnyy vrach A.M.P711teava). (INFLUENZA) (FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY) LYARSKAYA, T.Ya. Differentiation of cellular elements in cerebrosoinal fluid using fluorescence microscopy. Lab. delo 10 no.3:137-138 64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (Zaveduyushc4iy - dotsent Ye.S.Ketiladze) Instituta virusologii im. D.I.Ivamqskogo (direktor - deystvitell- nyy chlen ANN SS,91t prof. V.M.2hdanov)ijIIoskva. MARSHY, P.A. F.I.Itrahkoy as the ontstanding Russian geographer of the 18th cen- tm7. Geog.bbor. no-3:45-78 154. (MLHA 7:11) (Hychkov, Petr Ivanovich, 1712-1777) 1-,t 0 vmk's Y,., %1/I? q , AUTHORS: Dzens-Litovskiv, A.I. and Lyarskiy, P.A. 12-1-14/26 TITLti The Life and Scient *Ific-Pedagogical Activity of G.G. Shenberg (Zhiznennyy put' i nauchno-pedagogicheskava deyatellnost' G.G. Shenberga) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vaesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1958, # 1, PP 77 - 79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a biography of G.G. 3henberg~ who died in 1954 at Mogilev. He was a senior member of the All- Union Geographic Society of the USSR, and taught as a professor of geography and natural sciences at various in- stitutes. His research success and aims are listed. There is one photograph. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 RATOBYLISKIY, Nikolay Stanislavovich- LYARSKIY. Fetr A sp h;~ LO -- P*- ~ - Y-e Vic ZAVRIYEV, V.Gp pref., nauch VILT I V. A * j prof., nauchn. red.1 GESB, N., red.; FORGUNOVA, G., tekhn. red. (GeograplW] Geografiia. Minsk, Izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 379 P. (MIRA 17:3) LYARSKI--,, P.P.;-MOISEYEV, A.A. (Moskva) Establishing the maxl=ra permissible content of strontium,90 in food products. Gig. i san. 28 no.1:83-89 Ja'63- (14IRA 16:7) (FOOD CONTAMINATION) (STRONTIUIIISOTOFES) LY~S, Lundossimace -oldlng ml=- P. P- Hffg~A, U~ LyAs.!AZn'l"sA ~01'lijen*aya. Vesimo Maskino. llfwxiya 27. No. %-65(1947). Ckem 7evolp 1949. -otk.1- SIR.A.M.'a its- 41, (if city. it$.- In"s-1 I", tgvllt,. c COS. In M-1tall, .1 the molding and t U t t. deta. of thr d-ttCtiOn ol ci-l" c,,es rich "Ys" t tw -an$- The cornpri. of the Ct nr, therein which ClnIl - stiluZ% Of the alowi f I g died-. linseed oil. luminescenCC 01. "aiti 5 wnS st JOU4 n M.,L.A under V rl 1, u Fx,,ri,,. colopbo"Y- %-At - ,41111147SCf-Wed i 'In 31 oil'i , and p2mlTll jilids o( tar. nA 9(2) SOV/91-59-10-20/29 AUTHOR: Lyas V.N., Engineer TITLE: Simple Method of Detecting Burned Fuses PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr. 109 P 309 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To determiae a burned fuse, the high-voltage indicator UVN-80 connected by flexible lead with an additional re- sistance can be applied. When touching the ends of a fuse which is in working order with this appliance, the neon lamp of the indicator does not glow, because the potential difference between the ends is very small. But, just as soon as the ends of a burned fuse are touched, the lamp begins to shine, as the potential difference is, in this case, not,under 1.5 U0. The device is very suita- ble for almost inkccessible places of certain installa- tions. Experience has shown that it can be recommended for use on a wide scale. Card 1/1 IVANIKOV,.Ye.I., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; LYASAKOV, N.A., podpolkovnik mbditsinskoy sluzhby; SMIRNOV, V.V., podpo11Eo-vn1k--m-eHVsinskoy sluzhby Causes for the elimination of students in military flight training institutions for health reasons, Voen.-med.zhur. no.3:57-60 I'h- 161. (MIRA 3J,: 7) (AVIATION MEDICINE) - ACCESSION NR: AT4001260 S/2668/63/000/013/0139/0140 A. V. AUTHOR: Lyash, TITLEt Helium atom ionization with excitation SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut fiziki. Trudy*, no. 13, 1963, 139-140 TOPIC TAGS: helium, helium atom, ionization, helium atom ioniza- tion, slow electron, electron scattering, nuclear scattering, elec- tron bombardment ABSTRACT: This is a companion to the joint article by the author and V. Ya. Veldre (Trudy, Institut fiziki AN LatSSR No. 13, 1963, 135--138) The p-wave is used for the incident electron and the. S-wave for the knock-on electron; excitation of t~he atomic electron from the ground state to the state with 1 is considered. The integro-differential equations for the problem.are reduced to a system of differential equations and computed with a BESM-2 computer Card J/P ACCESSION NR: AT4001260 u nder essentially the same assumptions as in the companion paper. Ionization of the helium atom by an incident s-wave with excitation of the atomic electron in the state ~( -1 and scattering of the p wave is also considered,*and it is shown that the cross section of this process vanishes because of the orthogonality of the wive func- tions of the system comprising the incident electron and the helium atom. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 formulas* ASSOCIATIONt Institut Piziki AN LatSSR (Physics Instiiute AN LatSSR). SUBMITTEDt 00 DATE ACQ: l0Dec63 ENCLt 01 SUB CODE:: PHj NS NO REP SOV: 003 OTHERs 003 Card 2/Y ACCESSION NRt AT4001259 S/2668/633/000/013/0135/0138 AUTHORS: Veldre, V. Ya.; Lyash, A. V. .,TITLE: Ionization,of the helium atom near the threshold SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Ins titut fiziki. Trudy*, no. 13, 1963, 135-138 TOPIC TAGS: slow neutron, ionization, helium atom' 'helium atom ionization, ionization effective cross section, ionization cross section, electron capture,,electron scattering, nuclear scattering ABSTRACT: Neglecting exchange and taking only account of the a-wave for the incident and atomic electrons, the authors reduce the inte- gro- differential equations for the ionization of the helium atom by slow electrons to a system of differential equations. Using an ex- pansion of the Coulomb wave function in Bessel f"C'tions and a ground-state atomic wave function for helium as given by L. Schiff (Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill,. 1955), the authors have calculated Card -L- ACCESSION NR: AT4001259 the cross sections with a BESM-2 6lectronic computer. The results are compared with experiment and with the calculations of S. Geltman. (Phys. Rev. 102, 171, 1956). Orig. art.'haB: 1 figure and 4 formu-- las. T. - ASSOCIATION.- Inotitut fiziki AN LatSSR (Physics,Xnetitute AN ,.,I' LatSSR) ENCL: 01 SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE ACQ: l0Dec63 -NS OTHER: -003 SUB CODE: PH, NO REP SOV: 002' Card 4 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Veldre, V.__Ya. Lvash A. v.'. Rabik, L. I., 0. ORG: none TITLE: Excitation of neon atoms by electron Impact SrAJRCE: Optika i apektroskoplyay v. 19, no. 3, 1965, 319-325 TOPIC TAGS: neon, wave functionp excitation cross section, electron collision, electron shell ABSTRACT: Since there are at pre ent no published d t the total effective cross (/( &G ~V 0 11 sections for the excitation Xn oms by elect h Ua'.vith account taken of the symmetry of the atomic wave functions, the authors attempt to --mluate the effect of symmetrization of the atomic wave functions in-the Born-approximation. The total effective excitation cross sections for the neon atoms are obtained under the assump- tion of LS coupling between the atomic electrons in all the configurations. The choice of a suitable co4ling betweenthe optical electron and the electrons of the atomic core was also investigated) since this question has not been treated in detail in the past. Since no Hartree-Fock wave functions are available, the approximate analytical one-electron wave functions for the electron shells were used in the cal- culations. The total effective excitation cross sections of the unexcited and excited neon atoms were computed for electrons of various energiesj and for all tarms of the configurations (7)2p.. (7)3sp (7)3pp (y)4sp (7)3d.9 (7)4p.. and (7)5s. Plots of the re- card V2 546. A0C-W--A.p5o22858 sults are presented for the transitions Mat are most representative of the behavior of the.total, cross section. Although the calculations were made under the assumption of LS coupling for all the- configurations of the neon atomp it is shown that the type Of coupling of the momenta greatly changes after the ej,-11"iono thei-eby decreasing the-total effective cross sections of the unexcited atom. Orig. aft.. has: 6 figure 3.1 formul"j, and 2 tables. MM CODE: 20/ SM DATN: llft&/ MM MW 0031 OTH W: 004 L 3384-66 ZWT(1)/VdT(M')/E'dP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD ACCESSION NR: AP5023 'P7 UR/0371/65/000/004/0003/0012 7!! AUTHOR- Veldre, V. (Veldre, V. Ya) Lasa T (Lyash, A. V.); Rabiks, (Rabik, L Fridkins, L. (Fridkin, A.)' qi' iTITLE:Total effective cross sections of the excitation of atom by electron impad in the classical approximation SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no.4, 1965, 3-12 ITOPIC TAGS: collision cross section, excitation cross section, neon, argon krypton, xenon ABSTRACT: The problem of the collision of two electrons one of which is revolv-, ing around a nucleus, represents the three body problem and can be solved only with great difficulty. Therefore, practical calculations are made by considering the corresponding two body problem. The present article is an attempt to in- crease the accuracy of the solution within the framework of the two body problem. A table gives a comparison of the excitation cross sections obtained for the n'eon atom in different approximations and includes a comparison of experimental and i Card 1/2 ~f .3L :7 i f- CCT Ve','Gr 37 S roi 18"7) Cv" insti- LYASH, S. "Wiga glass." Znan.ta pratsia no.5:31 IV '59- (AIRA 12:10) (141croscope) LYASH,-5, Meet the semiconductors ("The key to the suiP by E. Borisov, I.Piatnovii. Reviewed by S.Liash). Znan. ta pratsia no. 5:9 My 161. (MIRA 14;5) (Solar.energy) (Semiconductors) (Borisov, E.) (Piatnoviij. I.) LYASHP S. A- Miracle in Bologna. Znan. ta pratsia no..8:10-3.1 Ag 161. (MMA 14:8) .( AO-- i NOMUMs ~ -WO) I I I v J* I f LYASHY S. Three surprises brought by chemists. Znan. ta pratsia no.7:11 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Iatvia-Agricultural chemicals) LYASH, S. I New comers of the blue continent. Zran. ta pratsia no.1:18 Ja 163. (14LU 16-3) (Bathyscaphe) I-j t --ace rltritlc~u iquebim sot LrA tilrit i6l --i ffm ftb4orodon of 4g2b~~ggo-,dde. D. Vu.' 7 -hrVIV rifac 0 f mil, Kh l P 5 tli mo im , No. 21 Mkin. 105f-~To. ab.Tu've m dty da juice . , '-or M depewls ou the 'wt it, tcnlp. g ~ A a gas a " a hem, wwpm. of thi juice. The almrptive capacity o! rd SqW. doCrMej stransly-with dar-mi whe"u tit ownelty of cltrk acid sola. I=V~isa sommue KAGAR, I.S.; LYASHCH, D.Yu. Problem of washing grapes in grape juice production. Ions. i ov. prom. 13 no.11:17-19 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut konservnoy promyshlennosti. (Grape Juice) MAMM, A.T.; FILIDUR, A.L.; XAGAN, I.S.; LYASUCH, D.Yu. Improving the quality of preserved cauliflower* Kona* i ov, prom, 14 no.9:15-17 S 159* (1,11R& 12:12) loOdeaskir %ekhnolo!,1oheskiy iustitut pishchevoy i kholodillno7 promyshlennosti (for Markh, FaIldman). 2.Ukrainskiy nauchno- iseledovateltakiy Institut kouservnoy prom7ohlennosti (for Kagan, Lyashch). (Cauliflower--Preservation) KAGAN, I.S.. LYASHCH. D. Yu. Uee of new eqaipment in the nroduction of grape juice. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.4:14-15 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Ukrainflkiy nauchno-iaslfldovatellskiy Institut koneervzoy promyehlennoutt. (Grape juice) KALITSEV, H.L.; P -1 Testing a nev vacmm evaporating assembly. lons.i ov.prox. 15 n0-11: 8-11 N 16o. (MIRL 13:10) 1. Ukrainekly nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut kouservnoy promysh- lennosti. (DzhAnkoy--Rvaporating appliances) I:P=