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Man Enters the Cosmos TANZ OF COMEMS: Into the Cosmos Kaluga-Moon Our Sputniks Our Lunniks On a Winged Dream Principal Question The Cosmos Waits for You, Young People! Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SOV/4880 3 8 16 21 24 30 35 39 AC/dwm/ifh 3[8/61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4095 Lyapunov., Boris Valertyanovich, Engineer Raketa (Rocket) 2nd ad., rev. Moscov, Voyenizdat, 1960. 233 p. (Series: Nauchno- populyarnays, bibliateka) No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: M.I.Kopytov, 7ngineer-Colonel, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. M. Kader; Tech. Ed.: A.M. Krasevina. PURPOSE:. This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The book gives the history of rocket and missile development, 'describes basic principles of rockets and jet engines, and cites scme examples of contempcrary rocket weapons. One chapter deals with problems of inter- planetary flight. No personalities are mentioned. There are 48 references, all Soviet(inclutling 12 translations). TAkE OF CONTEIM: Introduction 3 Card 1/2 Rocket SOV/W95 1. Motion Due to Reaction and Reaction Engines U. Missiles: Control and Guidance III. From the History of Rockets and Guided Missiles TV. Contemporary Rockets and Guided Missiles V. Rockets in the Service of Science VI. Rockets and the Interplanetary Flight Conclusion Bibliography AMIABLE: U-brary of Congress (TL784.L5 1960) Card 2/2 1-2 39 75 3.10 146 172 215 226 Ad,/Pir/gmp 8-i-1-6o Ships of the depths. Hauka i zhyttia no.21:57-59Fi 161. (KM 14-.12) (Submarine boats) (Bathjscaphe) LYAPUNIOV, Boris ~ -- -11- -- ~---- -- -,- - Earth as a planet. Nauka j zhizn' 28 no.10:22-28 0 I (Astr3nautics) 1-~:1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5993 Lyapunov, Boris Valerlyanovich, Engineer Rakety i mezhplanetnyye polety (Rockets and Interplanetary Flights) Moscow, Voyen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1962. 121 p. (Series: Nauchno- populyarnaya biblioteka voyennogo izdatellstva) 50, 000 copies printed. Ed.: Ya. M. Kader; Tech. Ed.: R. I. Chapayeva. PURPOSE: This popular-science book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The book reviews modern technical and scientific achievements in space exploration, and considers its further development. Descriptions are given of Soviet earth satellites, ship- satellites, the Moon and Venus probes, and the Gagarin and Titov space flights. No personalities are mentioned. There are 35 references, all Soviet (4 translations). An unspecified number of non-Soviet sources i7s also mentioned, Card 1/3 Rockets and Interplanetary Flights TABLE OF CONTENTS: Publisher'!~ Note Tntroduction .L SOV/5993 2 3 1. History of the Development of Interplanetary Travel Concepts 10 2. Modern Rockets and Interplanetary Flights 25 3. Satellites and Space Rockets 41 4. Preparation of a Space Flight 61 5. Space-Travel Technique 103 Conclusion 114 Card 2/3 Rockets and Interplanetary Flights From the First Sputnik to Manned Space Flight Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Aerospace SOV/5993 119 121 AD/wrc/mas 7-11-62 Card 3 / 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6375 Lyapunov, Boris Valerlyanovich, and Nikolay Aleksandrovich Nikolayev Skvoz' ternii k zvezdam I(Through thorns to the stars) [Moscowl Izd-vo TSKVLKSM "Molodaya gvardlya)" 1962. 174 p. 65,000 copies printed. Ed.: V. Fedchenko; Tech. Ed.: I. Yegorova. PURPOSE: The purpose of this booklet is to familiarize the general reader,with the present status of space training and flight, and the space program for the future. COVERAGE: This booklet describes the training of cosmonauts and the orbital flight of Vostok spaceships, gives some data on spacesuits, and discusses possible future space programs. TABLE OF CCNTENTS: Space And Man 5 Before the Big Launch 13 Card 1/8 LYAPUNOV, B. Winged drear~~; Nauka i zhiznl 29 no.2:98-101 F 162. 1 (laRA 15:3) (Aircraft) LYAPIJNC)V,, B.V. Facts and figures that you should Imov. Znan.si..la 37 no.4.,1+6 Ap 162. (JURA 15--4) (Science fiction) LYAPUNOV, B. In the world of phantasy. Nauka i zhiznl 30 no.3:110 Mr 163. (.M_M 16: 5) (Bibliography--Science fiction) LYAPUNOV, Boris Valerianovich; KOBLIKOV, V.,, red. (On the wings of a dream] Ka krylliakh mechty. Kaluga., Kaluzhskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1963. 120 p. (MIRA 16.7) (Interplanetary voyages) LYAPUNOV, Boris Valerlyanovich Rockets and interplanetary flights. Prepared by: Translation Division., Foreign Technology Division. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohios 1963. 2,39 p, illus.,, diagre, (FTD-TT-63-210/1 + 2) Title page alao in Rusaian. Translated from the original Russian: Rakety i Mezhplanetriyye poletyq Moskva., 1962. Bib3iograpby: p. 136-138. 1. Artificial satellites, Russian, IYAPIRIOV, Boris Valer'Z!novich Present and future aspects of space travel, by Boris V. Lyapunov and Nikolay A. Nikolayev Washington,, USJPRS, 1963. 209 p. (JPRS: 20,892: OTS: 63-31666) "...translation of the Russian-Language book ... Skvoziteniii k zvezdam, Moscow., 1962., pp 1-176.11 1, Space flight, 1, Title* LYAPUNOV.-_Boris.V lerlyanovich; IaMINIROVA, Zh.14., red.; RAKITRI, -~ ~ - ..j. .. -~ ~, - 1- - - ~ 11 . , T. p tekhn, red. [Achievements of technology] Rekordy tekhniki. Moskvap Izd-vo "Znanie.," 1964. 39 P. (Novoa v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. 114 Scriia: Tekhnikay no.2) (141RA 17:2) 1: 1 LYAPUT~ov,,,ppjzis.-Va.lerianovich., inzh.; Tplj)E,, Ya,V., red.; SRIBNIS, 11U., tekhn. red. [Space station] Stantsiia vne zemli. Moskva Voenizdat, 1963. 151 P. WRA 17:2) LYAFOOV, Boris Valerianovich; GALITSKAYA, T,1-1,2 redo; - POLOZMMTSMA',- 7. So . mlad. red. [Our planet today and tomorrow; sketches on the way man conquers the depths of the earths the ocean, the atmos- phere and space] Planets. segodnia i zavtra; ocharki o tomp kak chelovek pokoriaet zemnye nedra, okean, atmosferu i kosmos. Moskva, 1,1yslIp 1964. 142 p. (YIRA 18.3) L 1597-66 AM4042763 EW(d)IFSS-21DR(1)IW(m)IFS(v)-31DFe(w)IF&(k)-219ffP(V)IT-21EWP(k)I BOOK EXPIDITATIM UR/ 523.2 L98 ep 1;~-cb (Engineer) a _Am&1on__(Stantsiya vne Zemli) Moscov.9 Voyenizdat, Ye-va obor, Mo.. 1963- 0151 pp.. biblio- 35,000 copies printed. Naucbno- ulyarnaya biblioteks 'POP Voyennogo izdatel'stva, TOPIC TAGS: astronautics, space statign sp manned ace station, extraterrg~strlal base, nacecraft desiga, space platfo-rmj',~-,55 tj q a-Ar PURPOSE PUD COVERAM. The actuality and interest in the building of space stations constantly increases. The inhabited space stations are designated to serve as base both for scientific research and other spacecraft. The idea of space station was suggested forihe' first time by X. E. rDsiolkovski. In this book,, B. V. Lyspunov describes the space stations of the future, They will serve as sciences forunners in universe and an intermediary bases for interplanetary spacecraft, The time has arrived for the realization of the plans consisting in the construction of apace observatories. The idea believed to be a'fentasy until ;-the accoWl1Abmm.t of -the first historical space flight by Gagerin. In detaili the book presents the history of space station concept, the p .resent state of the problem end its relation td the achievements in astronmt-Ics of latest years. Card 1/2 LYAPM]OV2 Boris ValeErij~a~novic ;,ZENKEVICH, L.A., red.; POZIIIDAYEVA, El.u., red..; MAKASOVA, L.P... tekhn-. red. [Ahead of us lies the ocean] Vperedi - olwan! Yoskvaj, Izd-vo "Sovetskaia, Rossiia," 1,901 177 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Predsedatell okeanografiaboskoy komibsii Akademii nauk MR, chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Zenkovich). (ocean) -6 EPA(b)/EWP(J)/W.VR(1)/FK'(m)/BDS/FBD/FCO(w)/FS(b)/FS(v)/L?EC-2/ D '3(v E ~0 F-2 F~SH(V)~/ESI~a)/ZS(b)CES(c)~S(SkYF.Sqo)-2 EXVFT AFMC AnC/A3D/ESD-3/.9SD Pd-h HA PLO~, I OK I I Pc-4/Fe-h/Pb-Iv Pi-4/Fo 11-7 SOV/6375 pa-4 TT/RK/AT/AR/RD/PT-2 Bo-ib Valor# Lyapuziov., I !yan ylqh, and Nikoiay Alekaandrovich Nikolayev Skvoil tornii k zvezdam (Through thorns to the Stars) (Moacowl Izd-vo TSKVLKSM "Molodaya gvardiya,," 1962. 174 P. 65oOOO copies printed. Ed.: V. Fedchanko; Tech. Ed.; I. Yegorova, PURPOSE: -Theipurpose of this booklei-i,,i to familiarize-.the general' readeriwit.h.the present status of space,training and flight,, and the space program for the future. COV&RAGE: This booklet describes.the training of cosmor-aute and the qrbltal. flight"of Vostolc spaceships, gives some.data onspacesuits, and discusses possible -.future space,. programs. TABLE OF CONTENTS: .Space And Man* 5 Before the Big Launch 13 Card 1/8 N~M oil 14'03199'per aspem SOV16375 On the Way to the Universe 28 Two possible methods of compensating fpr &-forces are suggested. In 'one case, as.the g-rorces In;- crease ~the spaceship cabin is automatically filled with water which negates the Increased weight of the cosmo~;utls body and still permits him to main- tain control of the vehicle. As the g-forces.de- crease, compressed air forces the water from the, cabin. In the second caoe, the cabin, an anti- gravity capsule, automatioally rotates so that at all times the cosmonaut withstands the g-forces from-cheat to back. "Terrata 49 1) It may be possible to design,an aleetro- magnetic cannon.to destroy.mateoro threat- -ening to damage-the spaceship. Card 2,A L.1034o-63 Ad astra e~ aspers. SOV/6375 .~2) Experiments have shown that direct radi ationhas stunted the growth, malformed, reduced the produe.tivityo and even changed the color of deeds. Several drugs for*the prevention of radi- 3) ation sickness have been developed and tested on animals, Antiradiation medicines were,cari-ied by Cosmonaut-3 and Cosmonaut-44 .4) The Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 had protootive radiation shielding. In the future it may be necessary to design a special protected section where thq, cosmonaut could-take -cover during solar flares. 5) -In the opinion,of space medicine specialists$ existing shielding is adequate to protect th~ cosmonaut against overheating In case of an emergency, Card 3/8 'L 103hO-63 ZVI Ad,astra'per asp,6ra SOV16NO 00 .6) During their flights, Nikolayev and Popoy1ch made their own medical observations.. In the, future, cosmonauts will probably receive medi- cal treatment automatically,, without commands from earth. An automatic device will change the envircinmontal conditions in the cabin as needed or,. In an 'emergency, will land the space- ship. 7Y Some of the electronic equipment aboard the ,spaceship is very compact, with.up to 2000 parts in one-cubic, centimeter.- the instru- ment *Package and power source-for recording the functiopd of the brain and optic nerves Is ths size of.a match box. YOU the.Cosmonaut Card 4/8 L 103ho-63 Ad astra per aopera ~_SOV16375 Multiday-Group Flight... 103 The assembling of a-station in outer spaAe is .completely feasible. The future-apage progra may be scheduled as follows. 1) More flIghts,will be made to investigate space in the vroxim t of the earth. 2) An orbital flight by a two-man crew will be made.. Two spaceships will try to rendezvous and an attempt will be made to assemble an Interplanetary ship, 4) Three cosmonauts will spend a "ek in space In a fli ht around tba-mopp,noting possible landing sites., Card 5/8 _2 L IOJhO-63 d astra, per aspera SOV/6375 2) 'The supply of provisions aboard.the Vostoks .,was sufficient for a flight to the moon and back. At present, the problem is to provide cosmonauts with a,.supply:of food and water sufficient to last months or even yea.". Presently developed food rat:Lons consist of -paste in tubes and tablets, both [sic] with a calorle value of about 600-800 calories. Three ttibes. or one hundred tablets consti- tute one ration for a 24-hr period. 3Y Authors describe a spacesuit which weighs about nine and one-half kilogramW.and con- sists of several le&ers of nylonVj6in 'ed to- gether,by. neoprene \91nterlaTers-.-~;Thei helmet is of special rubber and.screws onto the suit. Power-source batteries for the spacd- suit arelocated on the back.. A liquid,, ..which.forms a shield against radiation, enters an interlayer when thecosmonaut passeb'through ;.q. Card 7/8 L 61t 'L 'DAO-a ra per aspera SOV/6375 alradiation belt or during solar flares. Cir- culating liquid oxygen in another Interlayer protects against oierheatIng and at the same time absorbs.carbon dioxide. This complicated spacesuit can be donned without aid in about five minutes, In an earlier paragraph the authors refer to a spacesiAt developed by a rivate foreign (non-Soviet] firmi which cost nearly halfa million dollars." Thus it is* clear whether the suit described-above is 'of. _.',.,Soviet.or non-Soviet design. _One.Cannot~Live Forever in the Cradle 145 AVATT-ART, Library-of Congress. ISM3JECT: Aerospace chall~ AD/dk/jw Card 8/8 7/31/63 22(l) 30V/3- 59-4-'1'//4" AUTHORt Lyapunovy Docent T ITL~I The 13chool is Yllaitln,~- for an All-iticiind FE'RIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey slikoly, 1959, Nr 4, pp 2 9 - " 1 (` 1 ABSTRACT: 7YIhen reorganizinfr the Soviet secondary school "lie traini.-.,,~ of teachers, who will be engaged in the students' vocational training, will apparently be carried out by technical and agricultural vuzes, or eneineerin.- and agricultural-pedago- gical departments of pedago,-,ical instiiutes. Teacc..ers on subjects of general education will, as before, be trainel in universities and pedaL-,-ogical institutes. T!,e principal task of the latter will be to train teachers for the mass 8-year school, while the universities will train instructor-; for the senior classes of the 8-year school an," the 9th to 11-th classes of secondary schools. A radical improvement in the traininn,- of teachinr- personnel will be necessary. The author mentiGns the measures which have been introduced in recent vearo bv 'U'-e 11inistry of Higher Education for improving the peda,,-oi~ical Card 1/2 training of university students, and points out the -Droblo-.- SOV/3-59-4-6/42 A. The School is Waiting for an All-Round Zducatcd Teacher which still remain to be sclved. They refer to prof~rams, textbooks and visual aids. He emphasizes the importance of the students' scientific training in his specialty. The Chair of Pedagogics of the GorIkiy university has worked out a long-term plan of its development, providing several meas- ures for the improvement in the pedagogical training of pro- spective teachers. Among others, it is intended to est~--.:)Iish workshops in pedagogy and psychology as well as in methods of: Rusei= language, literature and history, biology and chemistry, pny- sics and mathematics. There are 2 Soviet references. AS30CIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.I. Lobachevs- kogo (Gortkiy State University imeni N.I. Lobachevskiy) Card 2/2 YAABXR. Aleksandr Moyseyevich; GAWARL-4, Ye.l., inzhener, retseazent; _JjAC'DIQj I-&&,Jmndldat tokhnicbesk*ikh nouk, doteent, retsenzoat: Te. ., kandi4st tokiinichookikh nauk, redaktor; LAM-Al 7.10, inzhoner, redaktor izdatellotys; RUDZUSZIY. YaJ.. tekhalcheakiy redaktor [Snginoering precision of gear cutting machines and means of improving it] Teklinologicheskale tochnost' zuboreznykh stankov sposoby so povyehenita. Kiev, Goo yw uchno-tektui. ivd-vo mashinostrit. lit-ry, 1957. 190 P. (IllaL IU:10) (Gear-cuttive, %achines) LYAPUNOV, M.A. Construction ?nd r-r-o,,Ptrv ~)f Ehavors for finishing gear wheels. Trudy KYPI. Ser.mash~ 19. no-5:133-139 '59. (YMU 14:9) (,.,t-ar-cuttinf- machines) L O-G51P-67 E'~',T(d)/Ei',T(m)/F-~-L7,(C.)/.EY,'P-(v)/E';IP(t)/ETI/El,'IP(k)/E7,P(-h)/F-"lp-(I I P-( ;occ ;~YU`019451 Vonograph 0 'Jkhail Alekrard~rovicn (Candidate of Technical Sciences); 7qenta YEv-fen4y 'ch (D3- nt ~Lco In. C: ov=j 731~.Lechnical Scienc I as 11LIf a ell Favlov. oce En -01 V Elec'ric pulse machining of tough metals and alloys (Elektroimpullsnaya obrabotka-k,/ vyso7koprochnykh matallov i splavov) Ki-lev, Izd-vo "Tekhnika", 65. 0149 p. illus~~- 2,500 copies printed. TOPIC T'%GZS-. metal finishing, metalworkin,-, machinery, electric metal finishing, high stren'-th metal, high trength alloy, precision finishing LMI COVERAGE: This book gives the principles of electric pulse working of parts made from tough metals and alloys. ;-Iso presented is the technology of fin'sh- *r.- sectional surface, production and reconditioning of rigging cquip~,kent. The,equip- ment for electric pulse woecin.- (fuel supply, machinery) is described, and recomijn-- dations are made for its use. The boolki~-considered useful to technical engineers dealing with -oroblems in the technical preparation of the production of machine con- 4- struction courses in technical instituteso TABU OF CONMITS (abridged): Preface-5 Ch. I. Main points and electrotechnical characteristics of electric pulse working-7 Ch. !I. Equipment for electric pulse working-21 Card 1/2 11 - I ACC NR-. AX-6019451 Ch. T71. -Principles of the tecu-nology of electric pulse working-46 Q. W. Precision and quality-of the surface of parts finished aby electric pulse e k, -76 *hods m Ch. V. 'E'lectric pulse working of sectional surfaces, production and reconditioning of technological rigging equipment-86 Bibliography-143 ' refractory metal SUB CTIjE: OCI SUBM DATE; 290ct65/ ORIG MY: 028 SOSIPATROV. T.M.; LTAPUNOV, M.F. Obtaining thenardite from the brines of Lake Kuchuk under natural conditions. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:59-68 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR. (Kuchulk, lake--Thenardite) I VISYAGIN, N.I. (deceased); LYAFUNOV,_M F Isothermal evaporation of brine from lako Bollshoi Anzh-Bulat at 25% Trudy Khim.-met.inst.ZaA-Sib.fil.AN SSSR no.12:47-5/+ 158. (MM .14:6) (Bollaboi Anzh-Bulat, Lake-BrIzes) VISYAGINX N.I. [deceased]; MOLISKAYA, Yu*P.; LUWNOV., M.F. Methods for the industrial utilization of the salt resources of lake Bol'ahoi Anzh-Bulat. Trudy Khim.-~et.inst.Zap.-Sib.fil.AN SMR zw*12:55-64 158* (MIU 14-.4) - Bollshoi Anzh-Bulat, Lake-Thenardite) ~Bollshoi Anzh-Bulat, Lake-Sodium sulfate) SOSIPATROV, T.M.; LYAPUNOV, K.F. Variation in the chemical composition of natural brine from Solshoi Azhbulat lake according to data from many years. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSM no-3:76-82 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1.Xhimiko-metallurgichaskiy institul. Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk. (33olshoy Azhbulat lake-Water) LYAMW"X.Y. Formation of thenardite in Bollshoy Azhbulat Lake. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:95-100 159. .(HIRA 12:12) l.Khimiko-metallurgichaskiy- Institut Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. (Bollshor Azhbulat, Imake-Thenardits) ~ - ~- -. -_ LYAPUNIOV, M. F., Cand Chem Sci (diss) "Formation of the chemical composition of brine from B. Azhbulat Lake and its hydroche.,!,ical conditions." Novocherkassk., 19,60. 22 up with grapns; (T-',in'stry of .: ion RSFSF N Higher and Secondary Specialist EducaT; I of Labor Red Banner Polytechnic Inst im Sergo Ord,-,honikidze); 150 0 copies; price: one ruble; (KL, 22-60, 132) LYLPUNOV, M.F Over-all utilization of the water and sat re'aources of the Kulunda Steppe, Izv, Sib. otd. AN SSSR no, 3:54-60 163- (MIRA 14:5) lAximiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN owap Jovosibirsks v (Kulunda Steppe-Water moources ae e1 ant) osi or (Kulunda Steppe--Salt dep to LYAP11,111Vt -M.11 Hydroebemical features of the Ob River In the section,near the Novosibirsk Reservoir. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.2970,-785 t6l. (MMA 14:3) 1. Ehim1k>-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRj Novosibirsk. (OUl River-Water-Ana-lysis) LYAPUNGV, X.F. Formation of the chemical composition of brine in Lake Bolshoy Azhbulat. Izv.,Sib.otd.Aff SM no.8183-92 161. (IMIRA 14z8) 1. Dimiko-metallurgicheakiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Azhbulat., Lake-Brines) NIKOLISKAYA, Yu.P., kand.khim.naul~t LYAPUNOV, M.F., kand.khim.nauk Artificial deposits of mineral salts. Fri-roda 51 rio-4:66-70 Ap 162. (KIRA 15. 4) ~. Khimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, g. Novosibirsk. (Kulunda Steppe--Salt deposits) LYAPUNOVI M.F. Problem of thenardite formation in Lake Kuchuk. izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.2:118-UO 162. (MMA 16:10) 1. Khimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR, Novosibirsk. 11YAPUNOVI IM.F. Salt, f iow f n the Bu---'la- rd,r--r and z;rl Lt uc-urnulatic,-. i -, jak-2 Azhbulat. Izv. 3ib. o'd. -N S~,,R no,12.-92-102 I (M-u, 17- S) 1. Khimikc-metallurgicheskiy in-l~tif.li~ cll(4a'-,,rray:j IiN S1,1113Rt - -k. f Novos2bir_, Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, AUTHOR: Lyapunov TITLE: Plastics on the Base of Aniline-Formaldehyde PERIODICAL: Prom.-ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Permsk. Nr 4, pp 24 - 27 SOV/81-59-7-25424 1959, Nr 7, P 531 (USSR) Resins W ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, ABSTRACT: The manufacture, properties and application of aniline-formal- dehyde resins ara briefly described, as well as their modifications by rubber and the production of articles by die casting. It was noted that the production of plastics on the base of aniline- formaldehyde resins is very promising in the Permskiy economic administrative rayon. A. Vavilova Card 1/1 TIMOF=IA, Z.N.; LY.A.PUTIOV, M.I., red. [Utilization of chemical industry by-products] IspolIzovanie otkhodov khimicheskogo proizvcdstva; sbornik statei. Perm', Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 62 p. (MIRA 17:5) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 23725 S/057/6i/O31/oo6/oo9//o19 111 16/B203 Sedykh, V. M., Zorkin, A. F., Dmitriyev, V. M., Lyapunov,N.V., and Yatsuk, L. P. Parameters of H-shaped wavegriide3 in millimeter and centimeter wave bands Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 6, 1961, 69/0-703 TEXT: The authors divide the papers theoretically determining the parameters of H-shaped waveguides into two groups: (1) papers by foreign authors: S. Cohn (Ref. 1: Proc. IRE, 35, 783-788, August, 1947), K.-Tomiyasu, L. Swern (Ref. 2: Proc. Nat. Electr. Cont., -10, 76-82t 1954), S. Hopfer (Ref. 3: Trans. IRE, LTT-3, no. 3, 1955), using the method of equivalent schemes; (2) papers by L. N. Deryugin (Ref. 4: Radiotekhnika, no. 6, 1948), A. Ya. Yashkin (Ref. 5: Uch. zap. MGPI imeni Lenina, 101, 1957), 11. F. Funtova (Ref. 6: Uch. zap. MG?I imeni V. 1. Lenina, 88, 11054), using the more accurate electrodynamic method of determining the eigen- value (critical frequency) of the H-shaped waveguide (working on the basic wave H10 ). The authors of the _:)resent paper calculated the main parameters Card 1/5 23725 S/057/61/03i/oo6/oo9/oi9 Parameters of H-shaped waveguides ... 3116/3203 of H-shaped waveguides: the critical frequency, the damping constant,'the peak power, and the characteristic resistance, from a uniform standpoint, on the basis of the solution of the field equations. They present the scheme of calculation, the final formulas for calculating the parameters of H-shaped waveguides, and numerical data of these parameters for some H-shaped waveguides developed and tested at the Yharlkovskiy universitet (Kharikov University). When determining the critical frequency (the .eigenvalue)'f, they only study the two ranges I and II (Fig. 1), and CO tir %a= 1-ctg %b2'5~ obtain P! (6) for the calculation of intirst a y 2 2 2 pproximation. 9n h' n + Sn; n 0, 1, 2.,,. In a similar.-jtaY,__they_9btain the formula ets %a jv etg %b = 2�L2~ Ctsf P'b (7) gh "La 22 P. 2 2 2 for an H wave. s ; n 0, 1, 2, ... In the 20 n 17 n; Bri + Pn practice, the H wave is the wave nearest to the basic wave (and 20 --cardl-2/5 .. ..... Parameters of H-shaped waveguides ... 23725 S/05 6110311,00610091019 B116Y3203 therefore the most dangerous one).for the dimension3 of the cros3 section of H-shaped waveguides. Thus, the pass-band'of the H-shaped waveGuide is obtained by d;termining the critical frequencies of the waves H10 and H 20 from (6) and (7). The other parameters of an H-shaped waveguide had been calculated in a paper by V. M. Sedykh (Ref. 7: Izv. vyssh. uchebr. zaved. I Further studies, however, showed LIVO SSSR, Radiotekhnika, no. 3, 1959)- that more accurate results nearly equal to the test,results were obtained by using the formula W,.=-1Rej[EH-]d.,. 2 (8) S for determining the power transmitted by a waveguide of complicated cross secti.on. In this case, the damping constant a at frequencies higher than the critical one can be determined from R.fjHjj2d1 a. (9) i[EH-ld. 8 where R. For an H-shaped waveguide, Card 3/5 W 2372_5 S/057/61/031/006/009/019 Parameters of H-shaped waveguides Bl16/B203 R, [(A)' V, ul (10) f) is written down, where V=9!CO-'-["'n"-t-2(h-i-deoe.b)]-.%.I..2va h2 sin2xb b_!Ln~), 27. htsint%b 27. COO-1a T== 2401,ff a -i- b - T -00%6 -2- & 2T __L f 2 For the peak power of the w veguide, (12) T 2r, .3.S obtained, where W is the peak power at an infinitely high frequency, and In analogy to the rectangular waveguide, the 2 characteristic resistance Z is calculated from Z = veff 711t (13), where veff the maximum effective voltage between the steps and Wt is the transmitted power. From (12) and (13), the authors obtain Card 23725 S/05 61/031/006/003/019 B1!6Y32O3 Farameters of Y-shaped waveguides ... 7, (14) 1 fc., 4r2','2 for the H-shaped waveguide, where Z~, is the characteristic T resistance of the H-shaped waveguide at an infinitely hi,--h frequency (f=;,-). From formulas (6), (7), (10), (12), and (14), they compute the parameters for six H-shaped waveguides, gnd plot the curves a(f). There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyj universitet im. A..M. Gor,kogo (Kharlkov State University imdni A. 114. Gorlkiy) Y SUB14ITTED: July 11, 196o 2a- A b-i C -A4 7`~ Card 5/5 23727 S/057/61/031 /r,,o6/,.,l 1 /01 'o /300 Bi 16/B203 AUTHORS: Dmitriyev, V. M., Zorkin, A. F., Lyapunov, IT. V., and Sedykh, V. M. TITLE: Approximation method for calculating the eigenfrequencies of irregular limit resonators PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 31, no. 6. 1961, 712-716 TEXT: The approximation method described in the present paper is based on the use of the cross-section method, and yields rather simple and suffic-.*.ently accurate formulas for determining the resonance wavelengths of irregular limit resonators. First, the problem is formulated and a general solution is given. The authors consider a section of a tapered irregular waveguide (Fig. 1) made of an ideally conducting metal. The other end of the waveguide is assumed to be closed with a stopper; the waveguide is excited at that end. At certain frequencies, such a device will behave like a resonator. The relation between the reconance wave- lengths of such a resonator and its dimens 'ions is to be determined. The cross-section method developed by B. Z. Katsenelenbaum (Ref. 3: DAIT SSSR, Card 116 2J727 S/057J61/031/006/01I/O Approximation method for calculating Bl16/B203 102, no. 4, 1955) is used for the calculation. The authors study an element lying between the planes S 1 and S2 and the lateral resonator surface, assuming that the lateral surface only slightly differs from a cylindrical one. Then, dz/dt vP~h (z) (1) -holds with sufficient -- - fXO-1---1 2 accuracy, where v v A (z),1 is the phase velocity of Ph(z) 0 c the wave in the cylindrical waveguide; I (z) is the critical wavelebgth of the cylindrical waveguide; and Ao is the wavelength in the free space. After separating the variable.s, (1) is transformed: P P12 dt j dz. (2) f -VI I 0 where ~d is the wavelength in an irregular limit waveguide, T is the oscillation period, p . 1, 2, 3, ... It is assumed that the critical cross section totally reflects the electromagnetic waves like a metal wall. Card 2/6 23727 s/o57J61/031/006/01 1/019 Approximation method for calculating ... B116/-';;207J In this case, the resonance.condition reads: ?'0 (Z) J-P 1.. (3), AP is the resonance wavelength of an irregular limit resonator., If AC (z) is known, the resonance wavelengths can be determined from (2) and W- 'A c(z) must be determined separately for every resonator shape. Now, the authors study a conical limit resonator of any cross-section shape. With the use of the similarity of the resonator cross sections, they_--,-, 0) obtain the formula p AC(O) arctan a (6), where a 2d /'o If P, AC(0), and d are known, it is possible to determine a, and, there- fore, also the resonance wavelength, because %P = X0 = X, (0) (7), V T-T 72 where /A. (Oj is the cri'Dical wavelength of the cylindrical waveguide of the cross-section S; d is the cone height. 'With the use of (6) and (7), it is possible to determine the resonance wavelengths of conical resonators of any cross-section shape (H,il , and others) for which the critical Card 3/6 2 ~'-A 727 S/057/0/031/006/011/019 APproximation method for calculating ... B116/B203 wave length is known. Conical resonators of rectangular and round cross section are studied as examplea. For the former catie, abp a arctan a (8) and 1(mb)2 + (na)2 d % ,2ab A r .. .... (9) are written down instead of (6) 1/(mb)2 + (na)2 -1"i 2 Ttp tan G and (7). For the latter case, u a arctan a (10) and 2na w.ittimn umn 1/1 + J- (11) are en down for B waves, and p 7E tan 0 arctan a (12) and 2.na (13) foi H waves, Um'n r U 'I', /I + a2 mn where u are the roots of the Bessel function and ut are the roots of mn . mn the derivative of the Bessel function. To check the formulas obtained, the authors determined the resonance wavelengths of rectangular, irregular Card 4/6 J i 3/057/61/03i/t,o6/o,:i/oi9 rqethoi~ f 1)v 15116/332 0 limit .esonators 'oy eyp:~ri::,ent'. They examined two resonators with a = 20 mm, a 1 = 16.6 mm, d~ I= 280 inim, a = 23 mm, a1 = 17 mm, and d = 120 mm,, resDectively, t*he nazrow cross section was unchanaed over the length and equal to b = 10 mm. The resonators were excited by the H 10 wave. Since /`0 does nct" de-pend on b in this case, forrrulas (a) and (9) could be checked resonators. LleasureTents were made by the "suc?ing-off" ~lethod in t-he '~ hre e -cent imet er band. The experimental Uest showed that- t'-e lo_-mulas obtained are usable for the practical calculation of conical resonators. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 5 Soviet-bloc .IISSOCT;'ITION: '~qo~udarstvennyy universitet im. A.?,,!. GorIkogo Khar ~ koV U Ii 4- e niversity imeni A. 11. GorIkiy) SU3;',f!TTED: July 27, 1':~60 j/ Card 5/6 -) ~- -, I . -, f ~ n Appro;-r -im a tion met.. oc. c a lcul at in, . . . S/057/61/031/006/011//oig B116/32013 - 26, d - --. oz -:E=- - F,~J Card 6/1 '~.ACCESSION M: AR4023752' 8/0274A4/000/001/AO56/AO57 ."SOURM M. Aadiotakbnika i elaktronvynol, Abe. IA359 AVTHORZ ShUbarine Yu. V.1 Dmitriyev, V. M.; Lyapunovt No V. ':.TITLE: Radiation from the open end of a waveguide of complicated shape CITED SOURCE: Uch. zap. Hhar1kovsk. un-t, 132, 1962, Tr. radio- fiz. fak., v. 7,, 33-41 TOPIC TAGS: antenna, waveguide open end antenna, h shaped wave- guide, cruciform waveguide, directivity pattern, matching with free space, Kircbhoff,integral TRANSLATION: Expressions are obtained for the directivity pattern* of the open ends of an U-shaped or cruciform waveguide in the E and ,H planes. Unlike the known mirror-antenna radiators, made in the ard L F i"ACCESSION NR: AR4023752 form of Ia rectangular or round waveguide, the H-shaped and cruciforml ;?, radiators ensure better matching with the free space and extend the possibility of obtaining a directivity pattern of desired shape. 4 Abe Kirchhoff integral is used to calculate the field. The fomu- ,.Ias obtained are used to calculate the directivity pattern. An Experimental investigation has shown that the measured diagrams aJe 20--40% narrower than the theoretical ones for all,the radiators ~;_The best matching-with free space is afforded.itwy the cruciform ra- diator. Bibliography, 3 titlesi ff. B4;' DATE ACQ: :03Mar64 SUB CODEt GE#*_-~S ENCL: 00 C,,,d 2/2 HOR.,: Dm cai bMi taperl, of th6 t AUtationzodcurs thmugh the- Iris at the wide end giadiii1l, a orm emL reonator -bleavis-ijolved without Wking,iatd acc-3unt attenuation in pro thin intwa InfItte 0. of various typla of'oscillationg. mom ACCESSION NR: AR4023757 S/02*74/64/000/001/AO60/AO60 SOURCE: RZh. Radiotekbni--.a i elektrosvyazt, Abs. 1A384 AUTHORS: Dmitriyev, V. M.1 Lyapunov, N. V.; Tereshchenko, A. I.; Chaban','A. Ya. TITLE: Experimental investigation of electronic tuning of an ir- regular cutoff resonator CTT D SOURCE:. Uch. zap. Eharlkovsk. un-t, v. 132, 1962, Tr. Radio- fiz.-fak., v. 7, 75-77 TOPIC TAGS: cutoff resonator, cutoff cavity, irregular cutoff reso- inator, resonator tuning range, electronic tuning TRANSLATION: The dependence of the tuning of a rectangular cutoff resonator on the electron beam. current passing through the critical section of the resonator was investigated experimentally. The reso- Card--- 1/2- ACCESSION NR: AR4023757 inator dimensions were: a 26 mm, a, 12 rmn, d 86 mm, b 10 mm, where a and a lengths of the resonator broad wall, b -- length of the narrow wall, and d -- length of the resonator. The resonant wavelength for the H mode was 35.5 mm. A thin tungsten cathode 101 0.45 mm in diameter was placed in the critical section of the resona-, tor, and the anode was-the resonator itself, excited through a dia.- phragm. The emission current was varied by varying the filament cur-, rent and the potential difference between the cathode and the resona-' tor over a range at Which there was no space charge. Experiments showed a linear connection between the relative tuning AXA and the I beam current I; the tuning range was 2%. An irregular cutoff reso- nator by an electron beam has a tuning range several times that 0t an ordinary resonator. Bibliography, 3 titles. 0. N. DATE ACQ.-* 03Mar64 SUB CODE: GE, SD ENCL: 00 c,rd 2/ ,jACCESSION NR: AP40425~9 S/0109/64/009/007/1313/1318 ~,AUTHOR: L apunov, N. V.; Borodavko, Yu., M.; Zaytsev, A. Ye. y TITLE: Inductive diaphragms in ridge waveguides C Report at the 19th All-Union Conference of the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrocommunication, May, 19631 SOURCE: Radlotekhnik.a i elektronika, v. 9, no. 1, 1964, 1313-1318 .1 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, ridge waveguide, single ridge waveguide, double ridge waveguide i~ABSTRACT: The. results of a theoretical and experimental study of inductive 1 diaphragms in single- and double-ridge waveguides are reported.. A formula for, calculating the susceptance of an inductive diaphragm in an arbitrarily proportioned ridge waveguide is developed. The formula was experimentally verified with inductive. diaphragms mounted in a single-ridge waveguide; ICard-J/2 A CCESSIOM NR: AP4042529 0. 5 1; voltage standing-wave ratio, 1. 05. A discrepancy of about 20% is.'' !explained by the approximate 'nature of the calculations and by the inadequate diaphragms and flanges. Orig. art. has: 4 f igurea * 24 formulas, and 2 tables$ ;ASSOCIATION: MarIkovoldy universitet (Kharlkov University) SUBMTTE:D: 12.Tul62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC NO RE]? SOV., 005 OTHER: 002 ~Card 777, 77 LYAPUNOV, N.V.; SHEIN, A.G.; TERESHCHENKO, A.I. Calculation of nonuniformities in waveguides using the Lorentz lemma. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 8 no.1:11-17 Ja-F 165. (WRA 18:5) LYAPUI40V jj.,,-_jX1ITR1Y9V, V.M.; SEDY]KH, V.M. Calculation of cutoff frequencies of H and TJ waveguides. Radio- tekh. i elektron, 11 no. 2045-346 F 166 (MIRA 190) 1. Submitted June 2, 1965- LYAPUNOV. V. News report from outer space in the twonty-first centurye Nauka i zhiznl 27 no.11:4-8,16 N 160. 1 (KIRA 13:12) (Interplanstra7 voyages) BABKINJ, N.N.; GREBENSHCHlKOV, L.S.; ZHALIN, N.I.; PROKHOROVAq T.I.; LYAPUNOV Yu.A.; LOBAWV, P.A. &.rerall dust removal from the atmosphere of the Berezovskiy Mine. Gor. zhur. no.5a6l-63 My t'64. (MIRA 17-.6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-'soledovatellskiy gornometallurgicheskiy I institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Babkin, Grebenshchikov, Zhalin, Prokhorova). 2. Berezovskly rudnik, KazSSR (for Lyapunov, Lobazov). Lyapunov, Y-u-iy Ignat"Yevich I ", 9 P " I- ( - T-- ~, L- UiK"'i A[-Z, -Z', -,193404 Sportivnyye sooruzheniya Moskvy L'77uildings used for sport activities in Mosccti7 Moskcva, III-loskovskiy Ral,ochiyll 1957. 103 P. illus. GRISHCHENKO, A.Z.; FEDOTOVA, L.M.; LYAPUNGVA, A.I. Automatic control of the heat conditions in the mass --ercerization of cellulose in a continuous action apparatus. Kriim. volok. no.1; 12-15 162. (WRA 18W 1. Kiyevskiy institut avtomatiki Gosplana UkrSSR. TARASENKO, A.V.; RMCIEVSKIY, I.N.; LYAPUNOVA, AJ. I Device for determining the completion of the reacIlion of sulfitization. I Khim. volok. no.ltl8-20 162. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kiyevskiy institut avtomatiki Gosplana UkrSSR. SOLOMATINA9 0,G,,,, dotgent; LYAPUNOVAI A,P.j, LEVINA, S.I.; KOGAN, N.M. Differential approach to the diagnosis of mitral stenosis in children. Sov.med. 26 no.ls85-90 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Iz revimatologicheskoy kliniki (rukovoditell - prof. R.L. Gam~prg) kafedry pediatrii (zav.,.- deystvitellnyy chlen AMN WISR prof. G.N.Speranakiy) 1$entrall-nogo Inatituta: uaovarebenstvovaniya vrachey na bame detskoy k1fnicheskoy bollnitsy No. 9 (glavnyy vrach A.N.Kudryashova). (CHILDREN-DISEASES) (MITRAL VALVE-DISEASFZ) LYAPIRTOVA~ G. M.~ CHEUPLAK., B. I., 1-'H;Ka1/-1113YAYA, N. S., and KNW.-INICHVI, !!. T. kUSSR) - "The Change in the Properties of Starch under the Influence of Humidity and Temperature." Report presented at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 AuF 1961 -WAFIUNGV,~iy G-. s. 3. 7 1 " 341-87. 1~rafjumva, G. 1,17-1'otera-iya legochnw-r- tuberkoulo-za u .rZ:,czz . I . 1- .1 0 dispansernykh usloviyaUi. Byidilet--a' Ln--ta tuberkuleza Akad. Y-ed. nailc 194.9, ilo. 2 , s.26-31- SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' I-To. 6, 1955 ~--ACC NRI. AP7005.465 --------'SOURer,,-CODE,~.--M/0050/66/000/006/0031:/0035 AUTHOR,. Aniskina, N. A. (Candidate of geographical sciences); Lyapunova, 1. B. ORC. State Hydrological Institute (Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut) TITIZ: Experience in formulating a 8ynoptic-statistical method for forecasting seasonal precipitation anomalies SOURCE: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 6, 1966, 31-35 TOPIC TAGS: hydroelectric power plant, long range weather forecasting, atmospheric precipitation / Lake Lagoda ABS11RACT: This article gives in great detail a possible approach to the solution of the problem of long-range forecasting of precipitation for' the warm season of the year, using a3 an oxamplo the basin of tho resor- voir of the Vol~khovskad-a Hydroelectric Station. The studywas facili- tated by availability of data for the years 1887-1963. Niuch of the approach involves use of the W,C,E forms of atmospheric circulation do- fined by Vangengoym! Much of the paper is devoted to analysis of the i correlation between these forms of circulation and the quantity of pro-. cipittation. The sama circulation forms cause precipitation anomalies in adjacent regions as well. Me same resultant precipitation is ob- served in the Lake ladogr- area, Xb-r example. The correlations derived Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP7005465 in this paper also are applicable to precipitation forecasts for that area. Zhe importance of the paper is not the local application of the described correlation (circulation-p.-ecipitekion) method, 'out the fact the. it can be used for other regions and for othor meteorological ele- =ents, especially mean monthly and mean seasonal air temperatures and certain hydrological characteristics, such as annual and semiannual I-Tunoff, dates of freezing and breaking up of rivers and lakes, Orig. art. has: 3 figures. 1JPRS: 38,6771 SUB CODE: 04, 10 / SUBM DATE; 28May65 ORIG REF: 0.06 Ic ; ard 2/2 S/601/62/000/014/010/012 1003/1203 AUTHORS: Krulikovskaya, M. P., Lysak, L. I., Lyapunova, K. A and Rakhman, P. B. TITLE: Variation in the crystalline structure and in the properties of EI-69 steel upon heat- treatment SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR. lnstytut metalofyzyky. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot. no. 14. Kiev, 1962. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metallovedeniya, 111-115 TEXT: Data published in recent years on the changes taking place in the crystalline structure of . steels and non-ferrous metals during phase transformations do not sufficiently clarify the nature of these changes and the role played by them in the process of the strengthening of metals. Therefore further investigation of this subject is ofigreat importance. The mechanical properties of the above austenitic steel (0.45 % C, 14.0 % Ni, 14.0 % Cr, 2.70 % W, 0.60 % Si, 0.70 % Mn and 0.40 % Mo) after quenching from 11 80-1200'C are rather poor, however, after tempering at 600-750'C the hardness, yield strength and ultimate strength increase, while the plasticity and toughness decrease. This investigation shows that this is due to an increase in the amount of imperfections in the crystall.'-ne lattices and to a breaking up of the mosaic structure of the y-pbase. The softening of this steel as a result of tempering at temperatvr~.-s higher than 750*C is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of imperfections in the crystalline lattice of the matrix, and a coarsening of the blocks of the mosaic structure of the y-phase. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1 3(8) SOV,'9-59-2-15/16 AUTHORS: Alekseyev, P., Kupalov-Yaropolk, I., and LyapLA,0Va_,__N. TITLE: A Formal Approach to Problemo on the Efficiency of Geophy- sical Prospecti- for Oil t~.nd Gas (Formaltnyy podkhod k voprosam effektivnostj ~,~iofizichealcikh rabot na neft' i gaz) PERIODICAM Geologiya nefti 1 195',', Ur 2, pp 68-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This i*a a critical revic%,i of a book by P.T. Kozlov named T "The Development of Geophyaical Prospecting J'..ethods in USSR Oil Industry", published by the GOSIHTI Publishing House in 1957- Card 1/1 L o9152-67 JD .......... ACC NR: AP7002757 SOURCE CODE: UR/0364/66/002/008/0906/0913 BELAS111CMIKO D K., MAGIDSON I A . BSILASHMMKO G. I., And LYAKNOVA =1--n! 2 1- -- - M"cow Ins -a St. (M 3talrt 016,10'Vi tituto ol and Alloys os;,ovGkiy inztitut "Kigration Phenomena in Semiconducting Molts of Thallium Sulfides and Solonidos Moscow, Elaktrokhimiya, Vo 2, No 8, 1966, pp 906-913 ,ABSTRACT: In an oxporimantal coll of the liquid aemiconauctor-noutral no-; itallic electrode type, concentration and temporature dopendonco of the m-oan. coefficient of diffusion of the solution and apparent offective charges of components in melts of the TI-S and TI-Se systems exhibiting semiconductor ,propGrties wore investigated. A discussion of the results wAs based on the :thoox-y of polygonic solutions, the components of which can be in different !states of aggregation. The contribution of the ionic and oloctron-vacancy ~components to total blectroconductivity of th *o molts investigated was*ovaluatod.... 'It was found to depend an molt temporaturo and composition. A conclusion was drawn as to the features of the reaction in the molts of those compounds charac terizod by rolAtivoly high oloctro conduct ivity of an electronic. -nature and bv a predominantly ionic bonding between solution molecules. Orig. art. has: 6 &'igures,:_ 14 formulas and 6 tablea. &NIS: 38,1391 TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, semiconductor conductivity SUB CODE: 20 / SVBM DATE: l2juI65 / ORZG REF: 010 OTH REF: 003 GETSOVA, A.B.; LYAPUNOVA, N.A.; POLIKARPOV, G.G.; TIMDFEYEVA-RESOVSKAYA, Ye.A. AccumulatLon of chemical elements from water solutions in fresh- water organisms: Report NO.4z Accumulation of radioisotopes of eight different elements in mussel tissues. Nauch. dokl. vys. shko"M biol. nauki no.4t82-88 164. (MIRA 17t12) 1. Rokomendavana Institutom biologi-I Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. 1, RTAMOM"Irm, 4- --- Lilac collection at the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.Re Biul.Glav.bot,eada no-35: 27-30 '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Botanichaskiy sad AN USSR. (Kiev--klacs--Varieties) LYAPMOVI . N.A. Genus Forsythia in the Central Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no./+~:17-22 ,62., (MIRA 1(r.2), 1. TSentralinyy respublikanskiy botanicheskiy sad AN Ukrainskoy SSR, Kiyev. (Kie-v-Forsythia) LYAPUROVA9 BORISYUK, Yu.G. [Borysiukl *4H.] Phy-tochemical investigation of Vinca minor L. growing in the Ukraine. Report No. 2z Investigation of the alkaloid compsoition of Vines, minor. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no. 2:42-47 1161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedrs, farmakognozii Kharkivolkogo f T*mtsevtichnogo institutu. (UKRAINF,-VINCA) (ALKALOJO) LYAPUITOM, P.M.; BORISYUK, Yu.G. (Borysiuks IU.H.) Phytochemical analysis of Vinca minor growing in the Ukraine. R~Port Roov'Analysis of the alkaloid content of Vinca.minor. Paimatsev. zhur. 16 no.3:48-51 161. (NDIA 14:6) 1. Wedvp: fa-mg Mlogii Kharlkovskogo farmatsevticheskogo instituta. (UKRAINE--VINCA) LUd-UMA. R. G. IfMorskoy zveroboynyy prom-ysel a-'eutov v XVIII-XDr 'ri. (orudi~ja 4: cre'--tva okhoty). Po materialam k-ollektsi.y Muzeya antropologii i etnogra-- AN SSSR." & Ethnological report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological/Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. Z102016111411GO310161021 B103/3110 AUTHORSs Brumbore, Yo. 11. , 1oycol' , 11. N. , Ccrroapondit~; 11onbor AS USSR, Barskiy, 1. Ya. , Zolonin, A. V-. , and Lyapuno-ia, Ye. A. TITLEs Ultraviolet lunino3conco of colls in mitotic divi3ion PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 3, 19619 723 - 725 TEXTi Colls and tissues Cro-;.-a out3ido the or,-anicm woi-o Btudiodi (a) hument an inoculated &.tozit of amnion collal (b) cultures of embryonic apitholiumi (a) of fibroblaata; (d) ani=als primary culturao of 'he kidneys of guinea -piG3 and mor eya. Sinalc tiscue culturoz wore gro-mu on quartz glass and examined by ultraviolot-luminoucance microccopy either living (in phyaioloGical call. solution) or afto:- fizint; by methanol. The methods had been doncribod provioucly (To. U. Brumbora at al., Biofizika, No. 1, 114 (1961)1 Yo. 7J. Brunbarg al. al. Taitolo- elval Z, 509 (1960,1 Ya. 11. Brumborej Zhurn. ob3hob. biol. ?7, No. 6. Card I A 3/020J61/141/003/016/021 Ultrarlolot lumiroaconco of calla in... BIOW-71110 401 (1956)). Microphoto,~rapho cho--od that th') cello undorc;airg mitozio diffored from cello nt~rent in the foilr-:iln~~ fnatas The calla at root roakly fluoroscal fluorcocanco incraa=; alroady durin:; the early prophaoo and rcaohoo maninun int=nity in thi) mi(:d1c of the rnotmphaaa. Thon, it clowly doorcaocal hrx~;over, tzntil ceii-pletc saparation of tLa daughter cello, it exceado the fluorocconec of the calls at root under- going intorkinaois. The call nuciou-i, uiili',,o tho total oyto-olasm, does not fluorocco. Dark, not fluor~;;cinz: chromoao;-oo can be coon on the background of the cytoplaam. Tho abro~ption of chortra-vo ultraviolet rays (250-270 r3p) by the cello incrcacon with =i_-ing inton3ity Of fluoroaconoo. Absorption and fluorxo_-~~onco pattorna intorrolatod like a negativa and a positive; in both ima.~3,;, howovor, the chromooo=3 remain dark. The fluora3cenco of collu at root ic not so constant a3 that of dividirg calls. There arc alvays individual jroup3 of bri&tly fluorco- aing calla at root. In Most Ca300 those aro doC:onoratinG, poriahing calla vtnooo increasing fluorosocnce is not accom ~ani d b increased ultravi- 0 7 olet aboor tion. Chromoscopic examination Yo. L. Brumborg. DIU, 25, 473 (19 39)3 showed dogenorating calla at -root and dividing calls aro Card 2/4 B/020/61/141/003/016/021 Ultraviolet luminescence of calls in ... B103/Bllo differently colored. Selective oxtraotion of nuclootidos, nucloic acids, and lipoida with porchloric acid in the cold ane, at 900C, and vith ribonuolomoo showed that the ultraviolet fluorescence of dividinf, calls is not duo to the action of those extracted nubatzncoaq excapt the bone marrow, the fluorescence of which rapidly decroasou after extraction of nuclootides. The ohr-,ractor of fluoroscenco cara-tot be chancod by strone oxidizers and roducin.- agcnta (roni-alita, pota,;3iuu perzangcnate). 2/o of urea someahat ircraaoas the fluorov~fjnca of calla at roGt. It in concluded that the inton3ity of fluorescence of calls undergoinC mitosis is increased by hirh-molocular oubstancea (most probably proteins car.- taining cyclic amino acide) which are difficult to extract froza the call. This 'Increase in possibly related to a ravereible denaturation of protein in various physiological procoacca (muscular 77ork). Thin MiCht not be an absolutely for-mal analo6j, since the occurrence of contractile proteins in the call during mitosis had previously boon proved. Thew) proteins effect the mechanical work of chromosome separation and call division. The muscles differ from other ti3aues in their particularly strong ultraviolet fluorescence. It in less probable that call fluolos- canon during division should be increased by low-moleoular substances Card 3/4 5/02 61/141/003/016/021 Ultraviolet luminescence of cells in ... B103YBIIO which are produced in metabolic shifts or accumulatod. This means that these shifts occur only in certain a~.Sas of nitocis (Refa. 8 and 9, see below), whereas an increase of fiuorescenze could be observed during; all stacou of division. Z~:porimcnt3 uill he continued. Ye. S. Zal=nnzon is thanked for supplying 'he tiusue cultures. There are 11 roferancent 7 Soviet and 4 non-Soviat. The three moat r(Irent reforonoes to EnGlioh- lanCuage publications road an folloviat Ref. 8~ H. A. 7lent, Ann. 11.Y. load. Soi., 90, Art. 2, 422 (IQ60); Hof. 9: D. Mazia, Sulfur in Proteins, R. Bensch ot al. odit.p IT.Y., 1959; Raf. 10z J. Brachot, The Blochemi&- try of Development, London, 1960. ASSOCIATIONs InGtitut radiat3ionnoy i fiziko-khimicheakoy biologii Akadomii nauk SSSR ( inatituto of Radiation and Physico- chemical Biolory of the Actadomy of Sciences USSR) Inatitut toitologii. Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Cytolo,-y of the Academy of Soioncon USSR) SUBUITTEDI August 28, 1961 Card 4/4 ZELENIN, A.V.; LYAFUNOVA, Ye.A. Fluorescence microscopy of dividing cells. Dokl. All SSSR 141 no.,4:963-965 D t61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A. Engelfgardtom. (Karyd'Ainesis) (Fluorescence microscopy) VOROTNITSKAYA., N.Ye.; ZELFNIN, A.V.;-LYAPUNOVA, Ye.A.; MEYSELI, M.N. Luminescent microscopic study of normal and tumoral cells fluorochromated with acridine orange at different pH values. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3:724-726 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1, Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSIR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Msysel'). x ZELEIRI, A.V.; LYAIUTOVA, Ye.A. .1 r Effect of acridine orange on the Innorl4ra-ion of !:",_j ziethicnire in the cells of tissue cultures. Dn?!. JUI SSSR 158 ro.1:221-224 S-0 1,64 (I-GRA 17:8) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fizikQ-4,himicheskoy biolagii AN SSSR. Predstavleno ukadamikom V.A. &gellgardtom.