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POSTNIKOV9 L.V.; LYAPUKHOV, V.Ye. Design of a transistorized voltage stabilizer. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no.L:840-847 163* (mm 16.- U) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy '.nstitut pri GorIkovskom universitete. 1. Lyapundy, B. EnZ. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Machinery in Industry 7. First completely mechanized plant. Tekh.molod 20 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of.Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. LYAPUNOV, A. What we gained from using microelements and bacterial fertilizers. Nauka i pered. op v sellkhoz 9 no-5:19-20 Vy '59. (MIRA 12:8) l.Kolkhoz "Belyayevskiy," Gortkovskaya oblast'. (Trace elements) (Soil inoculation) LYAPUI--i'GV, A. A. Co Othelimosti Anal. itichesleikh 141nozhestv. DAN, 2 (1934)t 276-280 Sur Is. Saparabilite Multiple des ersev:bles Mesurab)es B. C. R. 3ce. Sci. de VEtrs., 28 (1935), 118-119. Ccntribution a' LletLde de Separabilitel Multiple. Matem. SB*, 1 (43), (1936). 503-510 0 Nekotorykh Uniformny~,h Analiticheskildi Dopolneniyakh, IAN, Ser. Flatem. (1937), 285-306. 0 Podklassakh V-44nozhestv. IAN, Se . Flatem. (1937), 419-426. 0 Kratncy Otdelimosti Dlyo. (A)-operatsii IAIT, Ser. Matem. (1939), 539-552. 0 Krainoy Otdelim-osti Dlya 4s-~Operatsii. PAN53 (1946)9 399-4,02 SO: MATH - - - - - - - - - - - - Fitt odoof ill P -sat u&titkjsa 'Bu eso ev !~47,8 (Moyj~th -c, fe-r- the" e ii~w of ~ 0' per;-, -0--parurn prov. a a sc, LYAMW, A.A. DOC PHYSIC014ATH SCI Dissertation: "Concerning OperEtions Leading to Measureable Multiplicities." 1 Dee 49 Mathematics Inst imeni V.A. Steklov, Acad Sci USSR SO Vechewyaya Moskva Sum 71 -a c 0 take.~_Almdwmof Continuotts. fuActionsas; i tic i.-Ii, Lit _-~'Mnehi- -_1x1AtCIft_- uk tar-timman xt !S-tle sets- for fitu'll-aild-clok Cl..'astil-C b (Rtvsiau) - , I . - - 4-_ S n)' - Al &A A 1 2- - -An- The system of constructing the algorithms is illustrated by 2/4 an example. A system of linear algebraic equations, repres- 06520 SOV/141-58-1-10/14 Algorithms for the Processing of Information ented by the first equation on p 108, is to be transformed into the diagonal form without selecting the main elements. The computing code can be represented by the second equation on p 108, where the symbol ft t=1 denotes the multiplication of the operators in the order of increasing parameters from 'L- 1 to J= n . The programme scheme can be written as the last equation on p 108, where F(J) denotes the operator which increases the parameter by a unit, while ~4tj is an ope2ator subsuituting unity Card 3/4 06520 SOV/141-58-1-10/14 Algorithms for the Processing of Information instead of the parameter I . The paper contains 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Steklova AN SSSR (Mathematical Institute im. V. A. Steklov, Academy of , Sciences, USSR)" SUBMITTED: June 27, 1957. Card 4/4 ZALGALLF,R, S.I. (Leningrad); SKOPETS, Z.A. (Yaroslavl;); ROFE-BMTOV, I.S. (Kharlkov); LANDIS, Ye.m. 046skva); LEVIN. V. - (1406kva); STECHKIN- S.B. Nosk7a); LTAPUMV, A.A. (14oakva); ARWL'D# V.I. (Rosk7a); LOPSHITS, A.14._(Ws~kv& '- Problems of higher mathematics. Mat.pros. no.3:270-274 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Mathematics--Problems, exercises, Otc.) - ' LYAPMIOV, A. A. and SOBOLEV, S. L. "Cybernetics and Natural 3cience," 7onromi filaBofii j~roblems of Philosrrhy'll 1958, No. 5, Pages 127 - 138. AUTHORz Lyapunov, A.A. SOV/140-58-5-14/14 TITLE: 0;-1raM-h9tfc-arVibb1ems of Cybernetics (0 matematicheskikh problemakh kibernetiki) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematiks,919589 Kr 5, pp 166-174 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper gives a survey beginning with the possible definitions of the notion of cybernetics and then essentially deals with the Russian contributions to the theory of algorithms and to the information theory. As the central problem of cybernetics the author considers the construction of the theory of the most general control and regulation schemes. There are 41 references, 34 of which are Soviet, and 7 American~ ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova AN SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V.A.SteklovAS USSR) SUBMITTEDs November 27, 1957 (Date of Lecture) Leningrad) Card 1/1 PUM I BWX =PLOITATION SOV/3493 Veavoy=noye moveshabanty* po filo3ofakim Yopronam yeatestvoxnanlya Mosofsklye problemy sovremennogo ye3testvoznanlya. trudy sovesh- chanlya ... (Philosophic Problems of Modern Natural Science; Transactions of the All-thilon Conference on Philosophic Problems of Natural Science) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 663 P. M rata Slip Inserted. , r. 6 000 copies printed. Sponsoring Asencri Akadealya nauk 3SSR. 31. or Publishing House. A.1. Kompaneyetsi Tech. Ed.; I.N. DDorokhin Editorial Committee; P.M. Fedoseyev, Corresponding Member, cc sciences Ussm (Chairman), B.M. Vul, Corresponding Meat*r, AoadmW or Sciences USSR, M.N. Omal-yanovskiy, Academician, A:ade.y Of Sciences UkrSSR, M.N. Slaskyan, Corresponding Member, Academy no USSRr V.N. Stolatov, Professor, and Ye.N. Chesnekov, f SOL@ ea Candidate f 0 Philosophical Sciences (Scientific Secretary) PURPOSE. This book Is Intended for natural scientists anJ philosophers Who are Interested In coordinating Communist philosophy with science. COVIMWZ: This In a publication of the transactions or the All-Union :rence on Philotzpbla Problems or Naturql S--Ience which took , In Moscow, October 21-25, 1958. The Conference was attended by 20 academicians and 30 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences USSR, 15 academicians and 34 members or re- Public and special Academies, 186 uftiverWy and college workers, 240 worlars of scientific research Institutes, and 75 Par-Y QrfIcIale. The purpose of the Coaference, " expreamed by the Chairman of the Organization Committee. K.V. OstrovityALnOv. was to unite the erforts or Soviet philosophers and scien-ists in the dialectical-materlallatic interpretation of the &chleverwnts of modern science, and to provide the philosophical background required for the study of modern scientific probl~. Ritin M S . Academician. A Great Ideological Instrument for the _-Dr-6-311iffion and Transformation or the Unl~arse (Commemoratin g the 50th Anniversary of the Co.p ation of V.I. UnIn-s Back- Materialism and Empirlocrit 12 XIMA_ Acadendclan. AS Ukr3SR. V.I. Lenin mid the ;;; ~ ~ . ro ..05n C ro ems of Modern Physics 32 ; A rov A D , Corresponding Member, AS USSR. Philosophic ' 1M _ V . &na 0 C z4Zri.anc* of the Theory of RelativIty 93 X&drov, B.M., Professor. Relationships Between the Different In Nature 137 JPok,_V.A., Academicl~. Interpretation of Quant= Pwchanlza 212 Sobol-q.y.S.L., Academician, and A.A. Lyapanov, Professor. Cyt-rtw-- and Natural Science 237 -.1111kart Certain MethodologIcal Problems ~__VfTm V.A., Academician. a C*szogorij- 268 J~nsk~jl_ CorreepondlnC ha-zibar, Academy or Mcdi:al Scien:es USSR. and Y~A_Enae~ll ar~lt A d-ml I n. Role of Physics &r-l Chemistry In the Mr-or-i-XCgi-2 09%1.. 2911 --- -A.1., Academician. Problem of the Origin of Lire .4n tho &Shlt of tli Achievements of Modern Science 324 ArA2bcb4rA,pv. N.I., Corresponding Member, AS USSR. Lenin's Thocry of Reflection and the Modern Phyziok~ey of the Sense Or&-in% 341 DISCUSSION OF REPORTS Shlrokov, M.P., Professor 365 Card 4/11 16(o) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/31TT matematika, V SSSR za sorok let, 1917-1957.tom 1: Obzornyya at at-i Mathematics In the MSR for Forty Years, 1917-1957).Yol 1. Review Articles) Moscow, Flzmatgiz, 1959. 1002 P. 5.500 Oplea t printed. 4~ Zdaz A. 0. Xurosh, (Chur za.), V. 1. Bityutakov V 0 Bett)FAndidy' * ' To. B. Dynicin, 0. Ye. Shilova, and A. P. Yuahk i;b; Ed. k .InBlde book): A. P. Lapko; Tech. Ed.s S. N. Akhlamov. PURPOUS This book 18 Intended ror mathematicians and hIstorl ns of mathematics Interested in Soviet contributions to the ti Id. : COYMal. This book 12 Volume I Of a major 2-volume work on'the history or 3ovist mathematics. Volume I surveym the chler con- trIbutIone made by Soviet mathemattelans during the period 1947- _ 3~1 1957; Volume 11 will contain a bibliography of major works since . 1917 &nd blograpb1c sketches or some or the leading mathema- tiolana. This woriC follows the tradition set by two earlier workst Matematike v"SSSR 2a pystnadtoat' let (Mathematics In the USSN_r9r IS Years) and tridtoat- let (Mathematics in the usSa for 30 Years). The book is divIded into the major divisions or the field, I.e., algebra, topolco. theory or probabilities, functional analysis, etc., and con- tributiona JLnd outstanding problems In each discussed. A list- Lug of some 1400 Soviet mathamatletane In Included 141th rafer- ances to their contributions In the field. T. A. A. Mathematical Studies Connected With the 8 I i dl 5 e8 n programm Theoretical Stu n6 ' 16 Xonarlthnetlc&l use of computers 3. Theoretical studies of control systems 869 4. certain other problems Or Q- Swra-Su Programming 879 ! 2 88T bekhvalcv, S. V. Nomography Chstve MXq1n~JL_F. Descriptive Geometry 893 1. ........ . -Orem of axonometry and its ganar411 sation. 893 2 MgItIdImansional descriptive geometry 895 3: Parametric method rstudying Images. Poulti0ml and metric completeness 896 J1. Other problems 897 ~Tisll-vey. A. M. Norden, A. P., and PInikov. S. P. Differential aeometr __~ 899 I 1. Problems of classical dirrerantial geometry and their ganerSlIzatiOnD egg 2. Rismann Spaces and spaces or arrine connection 9D7 3. Theory or nets 911 4. Induced connections 913 complex space& 919 Theory-of gcOmQtr1c Objects 91 owe try "in the Large.. 925 1. Geometry On 8 convex surface 926 2. Single valued determination of convex surfaces 93C 3. Regularity or convex surface@ with regular metric 932 4. Gensr&l theory of Surfaces. Polyhedra 933 5* Zzistence, uniqueneabo and regularity or surfaces under given conditions of Gaussian curvature. Certain nonlinear boundary value problems 942 6. 3insularity 0r aurraces given a function or the principle curvatures 944 Arithmetic Invarlanta. Theorems on local derormatiosi- 946 Infinitos almal b*ndi n93 948 9. Certain results on synthetic geometry 951 The History of Mathematics 953 1. Introduction 953 2. Mathematics of the ancient East 955 3 Mathematics Of fiLnelent Greece 1) 57 ( 11: Msthmatl the Mlddle Ages 9~O !n C c Work of . I lane t :d rn me he=at 965 Ork: an the history Or various disciplines and problems; works or a general nature 980 Auth6r'a Index 987 LYAPUITOV, A. A. 7 ),, - r.:, , , on 0 Ik-, - p -, j* , -, , # !,, - , el ' r - , p. 4 : I e,, I . P . . 1 .4 4 1 1 Roic oF , ;i I n E.- 1 1 l5q. (rr~& w0) AMMORt TXTLXs PXXXODICLL& AM3TRACTo Card 1/3 C&.d 2/3 Sec. a!-. L11-Unton Conference as Mlasophio Problems of Modern Utural let.=* (Vas"Massor. cova.hh..iy. pa file-faki. vpr- sommetow-Co yset.stwasnanty.) By the Editor (Ot -dAkt.11) !L U."khL fivich..kikk Amok. 1959. Vol 68. Ks, 4. pp 717-70 (Usz The sloose ocaferswo took placo at Xo"ow in October 19301 it Was attended by sort than 600 scientists, smong them 20 Ac.d.al lans and 30 Corrosp~ftdi.C Member., AS USSR, me all a. IsT d.10::tas from Bmlgsrla~ Buntaryp Ust "roany, and Ca boalarakla. Th* fol2owia,; lectures delivered at the arm, Ile :di Academician 1-3. KimbIft (.a Lenin's t 00 books 6Xatoriallast Ad Rnpirl riticle.- . Acmdeiici.a .:kSX1_ Imoeki~y -1. -r. Lenin And the Philosophic. Pro sea a d.= Critics-). Doctor of ftilosophical droI (*On be Relationship of the rc-* A -I- AM." I f V'etio. of It, I .). Academician V_ I. Fak -laterpretati f quantum Kdabavio.' -'already published 1. U.psthl fial.b:4.1.11(h monk. 1957 .Vol 62 Ir 4)# Corrtapo Air abor As U33H _~~L~fav i-The of "d the 13gelflaaace or tLe Theory of R*I&tiv-ity-)o Academician _V_A, t. . blans of Co-Ag. rj% eSome M.1hod.l.e..1 Pro jrq Aamdent I--- &vA ZrgisAaast Tr p r- 4=*0_ ~~Fl Science"). Carrespadi.9 Meals--- AXII Ac.d.micianT ~A Ir'S ('On the t" ;UCZE :~tt Part Played by Physics and Chemistry In tna ave.Ugstion of Biological Problems*). An.dealai.n A.J~ ~at (' Th. Problem of the Origin of Life In the light ;? tko Progress MAd. by Modara Natural and, finally, Corresponding HeMb.r AS UM 36_tt_Or&&hch&nkov (-Loniuls Theory of R.fl.ati., And Us Mdra the S.".ry arsne). At.ut,.. 30 delegates took part 1;athe discussion of those lectu , I Next, the I.Irodo4tory 4 ..b d4lL,erd ty the rreidbt of the usax .Academician A. 3. Usnayan*.. 1. reprodu.td, and No Ifthe closing speech by Corr.spondiAC Becher 15 053a Z. A. 7#4*otyvr. and finally A reso2usion r~ ... d by the All-UlLion Calfera". an Phil... Phi-I. pm!l..s of,cdr:, natural science is gilea under the ti 1. CA the ask. dealing with Philosophical Probl..a of gat-.1 SOL*=W. The "solution essentially contaIna an ap;wal for the 6.;11 We ci..tific facts I. the ...s. or the IM.tiff.tion f the ry of Us= Isola and of d1alecti. astori.11.. for adaptation :fpid." to the resolution or the 20th P,rly Congress. a a dr.ti.n of institute.. coordination of r ... r.h k- "', as ovas Problems of In conalu.I.r., 01i."Gof Printed vorks Is ELI---, In -hich the Is. tul. . : delivered during ote conferen;i, vare published. There are a 50,14t references. Card 3/~ LYAPUROV,p A. A. and EERG, A. M. -------- "Prospects for the use of electronic coMuters in the State apparatus." report submitted for the Soviet Cozeerence on Nobleas In 4- & A 21 jh pp Cation of Mathematical Idethods in Economic Research., laningrad,, 18-91 January 1960 ILUPOOV, A.A. (Noijk7a) Fundamentals and st7le of present day mathematics (with reference to the article of 11. Bourbald. Mat. pros. no-5:113-115 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Mathematics) (Bouxbaki, NO LYAMIOV A. L. and FINTEELISHTETly Yu, Yu. "On the Formulation of the Behavior of a Group of Autornatic D4,,rices." Report Bubmitted for the SympoBiu-m on Principles In the Design of Self-Learning Systems, Kiev Ukr SSTt, 5-9 May 1961 I PU QZ,-A-A,-and MALENKOV, A. G. ~L~ I "Logical Analysis of Concepts and Methods of Genatics" (27 November, 11 December 1959) report delivered at a seminar on cybernetics, Moscow State University , So: Problemy kibernetiki, Issue 5, 1961, pp. 289-294 LYAPUNOVs A. A. and XMIMOV, A. 0. "On the Systematization of the Main Concepts of Genetics" presented atthe All-Union Conference on Computational Mathematicamd Computational Techniques, Moscows 16-28 November 1961 Sozz Problezy kibernetik P Issue 5,, 1961., pp 289-294 WPUNOV, A. A. (Prof.) and BF-RG, A. I. "On Prospects of Utilization of Computers in the Governrmnt Organization" --~, presented at the A11-Union Conference on Computational Yathematics and Computational Techniques, Moscow, 16-28 November J7961 So: Problemy kibernotiki., Issue 5., 1961, pp 289-294 AUTHORS: TITLE: 43341 S/044/6P-/000/011/064/064 A060/AOOO Bagrinovskaya, G. P., Kulagina, 0. S., Lyapunov, A. A., Moloshnaya, T. N. Some problems in mathematical linguistics arising in connection with machine translation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no 11, 1962, 88, abstract 11V501 (in collection: "Mash. perev. i prikl. lingvistika". no. 6, Mos- cow, ig6i, 19 - 38) TEXT: In this report, given at the Conference on mathematical linguistics in Leningrad in 1959, the possibilities are considered of a further development of the ideas of A. A. Lyapunov and 0. S. Kulagina, formulated in 0. S. Kulaginals paper "on a method of defining grammatical notions on the basis of the theory of sets" ("Problemy kibemetiki", Moscow, 1958, no. 1). It is proposed to distin- guish three forms of information characterizing a sentence: a) indication of the context to which every word belongs (lexical information); b) indication of the families to which every word belongs (morphological information), c) indi- cation of the configuration (syntactic information). The syntactic information Card 1/2 s/o44/62/coo/on/o64/064 Some problems in mathematical... A060/AOOO consists in indicating the number of the vertex in the sentence tree, where every trde is considered as a subset of the universal Cantor tree. The latter assumption is verified by the two-term character of the majority of configura- tions in natural languages. A method is also indicated for describing the syn- tactic information by constructing the universal graph of familica of the lan- guage, where pairs entering in the same configuration are considered as connectei. It ils claimed that it is necessary to couple the set-theoretic modelling of a language with the information-theoretic approach and then one will learn to esti- mate.precisely the degree ok approximation of the abstract model to the real language, and in this connection to establish statistically the fundamental (in contrast to the "non-fundamental") characteristics of the language. It is indi- cated that the solution of all these problems connected with machine translation may promote the development of the still inexistent theory of algorithms with ratings. In conclusion certain general considerations are presented as to the method of constructing translation algorithms, the employment of mathematicians and linguists, and the preparation of cadres in that domain. 1. 1. Revzin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 3/044/62/000/005/055/072 C111/C444 AUTHORS: Kitov, A. 1. TITLE: Cybernetic in technics and economics PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, blatematika, no- 5, 1962, 55-56, abstract 5v3OO- ("Vopr. filosofii,11 1961, no. 9, 79-88, 185) TEXT; One points to two domains of appl-ication of the cybernetic in technics: the automation of controlling machines and of their complexes the carrying-out of complicated calculations and modellings of dynamic J and logical systems and processes. The significance of bionic is explained. Two types of economic problems are mentioned for the solution of which electronic computing machinee can be used: the devel*oping of models of economic systems and thesolution of planing economic problems of optimization. At last one discusses the question of a uniform system of public computing centres and the problem of a rational use.of the electronic technic-of computing. [Abstracter's notei Complete translation.1 Card 1/1 /-Y,9)0 I/ /V 0 V fi ~ 19 - J A. A.; SZESTOPAL, G. A. (Moskwa) LAPUNOW, - An algorismic interpretation of control processes. Rocz viad matem 4 no.2:187-202 161. (Automatic control) (Railroads) LYAPU red.; LUPABOV, O.B., red.; RIKKO, N.N., red.; MOSKATOV, G.K., rs&; IOVLEVA, N.A., tekhn. recL (collection of translations on cyternetics)Kiberneticheskii abornik; abornk perevodov. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, No.4. 1962. 255 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Cybernetics) BUDKER) A.M.; ~LX ..A.,, prof.; UV41C!-XT'Ya, M..A., akademik; T;'nll, I.N." akadamik; MIGUiENKO, G.S., prof.; KURAVLEV, Yu.I., kcand.ffiz Ike- ma-tem. nauk- Birth of a new mothod for tho training of young o3clontists. Tekh.mld, 30 no.11:14-17 162. (MIFU 16-9) 1. Clilen-korrespondent AR SSSR (for Budk.~,,r). 2. Predsedatell Sibirs- kogo otdoleniya All SSSR (for Lavrentlyev). 3. l1ektor Novasibi.rakagro universitota (for Vekua)- 4- Sakretarl partiynuge komiteta Sibirs- kogo otdoleniya AN SSSR (for Migirenkc). 5. Chlen Tsentrallnogo komi- teta Vsesayuznogo Leninskage Kommunisticheskoge soy-uza moledez1hi (for Zhuravlev). (Science-Study und teaching) (Siberia-Acadcriy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) SOBOLEV, S.L.; LYAFUNOV, A.A. Mathematical problems in modern cybernetics. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.5:3-13 162. (MIRA 18:2) LYAPUNOV A.A. (Novosibdrsk); YABILONSMI S.V. 'VI -; Theoretical problemn of crfLot-notles. Probl. klb~ no.)."'-22 0-',IPA 1717,, ACCESSION NR: AT4016491. S/2582/63/000/010/0179/0193 AUTHOR: Lyapunov, A. A. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Thecontrol system of Ilving nature and the general concept of vital pro- Cesses SOURCE; Prablemy* kibernetikil no, 10, 1963t 179-193 TOPIC TAGS: cybernetics, control system, theoretical biology, living control system, homeostasis, mathematical model, structural control, statistical control ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present article (read on June 2, 1962 at a conference dealing with philosophical problems of cybernetics In Moscow) is to propose a cy- bernetic approach to the study of the phenomena of life. In his Introductory statement, the author notes that the physico-chemical trend In biology Is aimed at uncovering the elementary vital processes and studying them from the physlco-cheml-~ Cal point of vlew, while the cybernetic trend Is directed at the elaboration of a general concept of vital phenomena, based on representations of the structure of organisms and of the elementary processes of life. The belief Is advanced that a synthesIS Of these two directions will result In the creation of a unified systeMA Of theoretical biology. The opening sections of the paper are devoted to a de- Ineatign of ther.materlal covereds the precise statement or formulation of the !Card .113 ACCESSION NR: AT016491 problem and the derivation of thebasic definitions. A distinction Is drawn between empirical, theoretical and mathematical natural science. The cybernetic approach adopted by the author Involves the study of the control systems of living nature and of the control process of vital activity. This approach, together with others' (the blo.chemical or bloenergetic, for example), will permit the construction of mathematical models of living phenomena. The author therefore makes use of the system of precise concepts accepted In cybernetics and employs such notions as In-' formation, control system, signal, elementary act and communication channel In his, treatment of the problem. The various states of matter are considered, along with! those branches of natural science which deal with the study of these states. For :; the descriptlon~ of the particular state of matter, the author makes a selection of spatial and time scalar units and a certain set of physicochemical characteristics., paying special attention to the mean values and dispersion of the characteristics I selected. The Importance of the concept of stability Is discussed, along with the! ,:notion of the "accompanying reaction". The author states: "Life may be charac- j. terized as a highly stable state of matter which makes use, for the purpose of .:giving rise to accompanying reactions, of Information coddd by the states of the Individual molecules." In the second chapter of the report this definition of life is analyzed and the energetic cause of the relative stability of living organisms Is Investigated. Two fundamentally different methods of forming a higher control :level are dist.inguished: the structural. and the statIstic, Some circumstances are 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT016491 considered which are, strictly speaking, beyond the sphere of biology and link that science with sociology. The evolution of the control systems Is analyzed, with special attention to the problem of the differentiation of forms. In the third and final chapter, the author attempts to compare his definition of life with certain empirical data derived from biology and collects a number of well-known biological facts which tend to support, to one degree or another, the concepts advanced In the, first two chapters of the paper. The processes of vital activity are considered, in this connection, on different levels.- the mole-ular-blological, the cellular, the organismic, the populational and the evolution;ry. The article closes with a brief discussion of certain possible trendsin the.practical utilization of know., ledge accumulated with respect to the control systems of living nature. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 28Apr62 'DATE ACQ: 2OFeb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS, IE NO REF SOV: OTHER: 000 .Card JiL LIAPUNOV., A. A. (Lyapunov, A. A.]; IAblonski, S. V. (Yablonskiy, ,-~-. - V. j Theoretical-problems of cybernetics. Fiz zat spisanie BAN 6 no. 3:180-198 163. !,-YAN.ITIV,'); A.A. (Ncv-) sA bi rill') Tatallj additim functions. Part 3. A probler, of 1. 1~h. Ne 1ma, Probl. k~b. no.12,4165-168 164. TAF-Ily add3t-,ve vector furettons. Part 4. -Ibi! ~169-179 GLUSHKOV, V.M.., otv. red.; KUKHTENKO, A.I., zam. otv. red.; BLAGOVESFCHANSKIY, Yu.V.. red.; DORODVITSYN, A.A., red.; YERSHOV, A.P., red.; IL~AEMJOV, A.A., red.; YOSKALEN, I.S., red.; PUKHOV, G.Ye d"-~-~bkUNOV T.I., red.; SAMOKHVALOV, K.G., red.; STOGNIY, A.A., red.; TIMOFEYEV, B.B., red.; SHCHERBANI, A.N., red.; LETICHEVSKIY, A.A., red.; KAPITONOVA, Yu.V., red.; MIL11-111K, T.S., red. [Problems of theoretical cybernetics] Voprosy teoretiche- skoi kibernetiki. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965 209 (MIL 18:95* 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. a..different genotype, is described. The genotype is considered to be a'set of genes each of Wch has two alleles, Vand 0, i.e. the genotype is coded as a cortege of n digits with the vilues 0 and 1. A discrete space of genotypes is considered. The individuals in the popula- tiOn are numbered. Reproduction consists in the selection of pairs of inqividuals from ihe nuinbered set., following a specific numerical sequence, production of offspring, deleUon of parents and the Insertion of offspring . in the vacancies thus formed or, if no vacancies are. Who. addition of offspring to the tog-end of the population. The complete cycle of the succes- sion of generations Is divided into the fol1owing stages: formation of parent pairs, formation Card 1/2 VOLIPINJI P.I.; DEMIYANENKO, A.I.; T,VAPIM"_,_~I_ Battery of continuously operating digesters with air blast agitation. TSvet. met. 35 no.9;86-89 S 162. (KIRA 16:1) (Aluminum--Metallurgy) (Hydrometailurgy) LYAFUNOV Aleksand.- Mikhaylovich, akaderftk td-3coasecill-, STETEVSKEZ, 9 Id " - - ,. - . I , ., -'6tv. re . tomna (Collected works in fave vclumesj Sobranie sochirenif ' -,- piati tonakh). lfr,~:A-va, Nauka. Vol.5. 190. 494 p. (141,U 18, 3)