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06546 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio.Electronics of the BTVO SS8R with the problem of the similarity ratio for a wide range of non-relativistic electron-vacuum devices. At the section "Electrodynamics of Super-High Fre- quencies" more than 30 reportb-were heard on current problems of investigating theoretically and experiment- ally shf systems. Theory, calculation and experimental investigation of delay systems were*the topics of the following reports: G.I. Gladyshev (Kiyev) - "Diaphragm Waveguides With Additional Coupling Elements"; Z.I. Taranenko (Kiyev) - "A Wave-Shaped Waveguide as a De- lay System With Positive Dispersion"; V.D. Ivanov, V. S. Mikhalevskiy (Rostov) - "A Spiral-Type Delay System in the Presence of Plasma"; V.A. Slyusarskiy (Kharl- kov) - "Some Calculation'lilethods for Delay Systems of the Type Spiral - Finned-Structure"; N.M. Chirkin (Taganrog) - "A Coaxial Waveguide 1.7ith a Spiral Slot in the Internal Conductor" and "The Theory of Delay Systems"; B.M. Bulgakov (Khar1kov) - "The Influece of Card 8X27 Properties of a Magnetodielectric on the Propagation 0 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the TWO SSSR of Electromagnetic 'Waves in a Dealy System of the Type Spiral - Magnetodielectriell- and a number of other reports, A series of papers was devoted to theoretical and experimental problems connected with the application of shf transmission lines- A.G. Sav- chenko (Moscow) - "Irregular Waveguides"; V.S. Illin (Saratov) - "The Variation Method of Calculating Four- Pole Heterogeneities in Rectangular Waveguides"; V. V. Tyazhelov (Moscow) - "The.Approximated Calculation of the Heterogeneity Influence on Single-Wire Trans- mission Lines"; V.M. Sedykh (Khar~kov) - "The Attenua- tion in H-Shaped Waveguides"; V.M. Sedykh, A.M. Zorkin - "The Attenuation in Cross-Shaped Waveguides"; and other reports. Problems of theory and application of shf resonator systems were considered in the following papers: B.P. Petrov (Taganrog) - "The Problem of Spa- tial Obertones in Resonators. Stray Resonance"i A. I. Tereshchenk-o, V,A. Korotkin (Khar~kov) "The Possibi- Card 9/27 lity of Improving 174agnetron System Parameters"; A.S. 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the TdVO SSSR Bondarev (Kiyev) -- "Deformation of an Electromagnetic Field in Resonators with Non-Ideal Walls"; A.I. Tereshchenko (Kharlkov) - "The Dependence of Magnetron Resonator System Properties on the Resonator Shape"; and other papers. Problems dealing with shf measure- ments were investigated in the-reports of.C K.P. Yat- sub- (Khar1kov) -"The Utilization of Slow Surface Waves for Measuring the Specific Inductive Capacitance of Materials at Super-High Frequencies"; R.N. Bondar- enko, Ye.D. MaybcvodBj V.I. Strikha (Kiyev) - "The De- tector Input Impedance Measurements by the Method of ahf Load Characteristics"; M.M. Rayner, I.D. Khmel2- kov - "A Method of Mleasuring the Q-Factor"; and others, Some problems of shf engineering were contained in the reports of2 G.A. Orlovskiy (Kiyev) - "The Possibility of Utilizing Heterogeneous Lines as Oscillatory Sirstem_- of shf Generators"; V.P. Sazonov (Moscow) - 1171ide- Band Matchin-- of Coaxial Lines With a Spiral"-. Ya. Cara 10127 1,11. Turove~r (Moscow) - "Matching of Coaxial Lines With 06548 SOV./142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the 1.1VO SSSR Rectangluar Waveguides in the Presence uf a Conical Antenna"--- and others. In the section "Quantum Radio Bngineer~ng and Radio Spectroscopy" 18 reports were heard. The report of V.A. Gaponov kGor~kiy) titled "Impact Blectromagretic Waves on Ferrites", was heard with great interest. The report of L.L. 14yasnilcov (Gor~kiy) dealt with "The Quantum Magnetic Acoustic Effect". The author considered the nuclear magnetic resonance and the electric paramagnetic resonance with ultrasound excitation of a crystal lattioe. V.M. Fayn (Gor,kiy) re-ocrted on "The Theory of a,Coherent Spontaneous Radia~ionl', considering some problems of this theory in the radio range and showed that the interaction thru the common radiation field leads to a shift of the own frequencies of the system. The future application of the phenomena in ferrites for amplification and generation of shf oscillations were discussed in the reports of V.P. Tychinskiy (Moscow), Card-11/27 I.A. Deryugin and TJ.A. Sigala (Kiyev). Yu.S. Konstan- 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the DIVO SSSR tinov (Moscow) reported on "An Apparatus for Measuring Chemical Shifts of Nuclear Magx,gtic Resonance". Ya. M. Shamfarov (Kharlkov) explaineJ the results of the work "A Highly Sensitive Paramagnetic Radio Spectro- meter for the Frequency of 900 megacycles", in which frequency stabilization of the signal klystron by the measuring resonator and also automatic frequency con- trol of the local heterodyne were used. The paper of G.L. Suchkin (Gorlkiy), titled "The Theory of the Para- metric Mixer With Magnetic Semiconductors" contained an analysis of a resonance and non-resonance parametric mixer built with ferrites. The report of I.A. Kalya- dina, V.P. Laguzov, G.I. Rukman, Ya.A. Yukhvidin (Mos- cow) dealt with "A Modern Atom Ray Device for shf Stabilization". The report contained information on the construction, principle of functioning and tech- nical application of atom ray frequency standards. At the section "Propagation of Radio 71aves and Radio Card 12/27 Astronomy" 16 reports were heard. A great number of 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the MVO SSSR them was devoted to problems of radiation and propaga- tion of radio waves in plasma and, partially, in the T ionosphere. AM the paper of G.G. Getmantsev (Gorikiy) titled "The Non--Thermal Cosmic Radio Radiation",-the author explained radio radiation by a plane component on the principle of magnetic retardation radio radia- tion of relativisti.~_. (cosmic) electrons. The report of V.V. Zheleznyakov dealt with "The Magnetic Retarda- tion Radiation and the Resonance Absorption in Plasma'.' The author considered the connection of resonance ab- sorption'of ordinary and extraordinary electromagnetic waves at frequencies close to the multiple of the gyro frequency with magnetic retardation radiation of plas- 0 ma electrons, He,also discussed the problem of the radiation intensity of electron flows moving in a magnetic field. The paper of V.D. Gusev, S.P. Mirkotdan tin, L.A. Drachev, Yu.V. Yuyerezin, M.P. Kiyanovskiy (Moscow) dealt with "The Results of an Investi-ation Card 13/27 of the Parameters of the Irregular Ionosphere by the 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the TW.O SSSR Phase Method". Large heterogeneities and their motion in the ionosphere were investigated by the method of recording changes of the phase path of a signal re- flected by the ionosphere. The second paper of the aforementioned authors dealt with "A Method of Cor- relation Proceswing of Fluctuations in the Presence of Slowly Changing Non-Stationary Components". Inter- esting results concerning the radio location of the moon were stated by M.M. Kobrin (Gorlkiy). The report of B.S. Shapiro, titled "An Investigation of the Ion- ization Distribution in the Altitude of the Ionosphere by Means of Vertical Radio Sonding", dealt with a me- thos suggested by the author for determining the geo- metric parameters of ionosphere layers by ionosphere data tables. B.A. Benedikta7, N.A. lilityakov (Gorlkiy) considered "The Calculation of the Influence of the Earth's Magnetic- Field on Radiation". The report of A.A. Semenov, G.A. Karpeyev (11oscow) dealt with "The Card 14/27 Connection Between the Frequency Fluctuations of the 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the UIVO SSSR Field Amplitude and the Drift Speed of Heterogeneities" Du Len-Yao, A.N. I-Jalakhov, V.M. Plechkov, V.A. Razin, V.A. Rakhlin, K.S. Stanlrevich, K.M. Strezhneva, Tan .Shou.;Pe, V.S. Troitskiy, V.V. Khrulev, N.M. Tseytlin (Gor kiy) reported on "The Observation of the Circular Sun Eclipse on April 18, 1958, on 1.63, 3.2 and 10 cm Waves". They explained the construction of sun simula- tors on the principle of intensity measurements of the solar radio radiation during the eclipse. The reports titled "The Radio Electronic Part of Solar Magneto- graphs NIZMIRII by I.D. Gits, E.I. Mogilevskiy, B.A. Ioshp, and "Electrical Light Modulators of Solar Mag- netographs NIZHIR11 by I.A. Zhulin, were devoted to the electronics of solar magnetographs. V.Ye. Kashparov- skiy considered "A Now Method of Measuring, the Conduct- ivity of Soil in Regard to Wave Attenuation and the Results of Comparing the Measurements With Known Me- thods". Ya.I. Likht-er, G.I. Terin reported on "The Card 15/27 Static Properties of Atmospheric Radio Noise Field 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the 1TV0 SQSR Intensity". B.N. Gershman (Gorlkiy) delivered the re- port "The Theory of Low Frequency Wave Propagation in a Magnetic-Active Plasma". At the section "General Radio Engineering" 11 reports were heard resulting in a discussion showing the great interest of the confer- ence participants in the problems presented in the reportt3. V.A, Kovallchuk (Kiyev) reported on "The Fre- quency Division in Two-Circuit Self-Oscillators". In connection with obtaining highly stabilized slif oscil- lations, the author suggests a method for producing oscillations of the same stability in other radio fre- quency ranges,, V.A. Malyshev (Taganrog) reported on "The Solution of Problems of the Theory of Self-Oscir- lators With One Nonlinear Element". In the report of V.P. Kovalev (Moscow), titled "The Determination of the Modulus and the Phase of Electrical Field Strength at Super-High Frequencies by Means of Simultaneous Time Field Components Measurements", a method is sug- Card 16127 gested which is different from the known method of 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the T;11V0 SSSR simultaneous automatic measurements of time field components. The author also presents a model labor- 4 S atory device for th. purpose. Ye.A. Domanova (Kharl- kov) reported on "An Investigation of an Attenuator Based on the Effect of Current Carrier Concentration Changes in a Thin Semiconductor, Located in a Magnetic Field With Electrical Current Passing Thru It". The report of M.M. Gratsianska~a(Moscow), titled "The Vis- ibility of Signals on the Screen of an Electron Ray Tube", was devcted to an investigation of the opera- tional characterist-ics of electron ray tube screens. A.A. Tyutin (Kiyev) reported on "Elements of a Tele- vision Computer for Obtaining Layer and Volume Roent- genograms". He considered one of the possible applica- tions of a new X-:ray engineering method suggested in 1956/1957 by the Corresponding Member of the UkrSSR AS, S.I. Tetellbaum, A.A. Bessonov (Leningrad) de- livered the report on "The Reliability of Radio Elec- Card 17/27 -tronic Devices". It was the only report at the 06548 30'1/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the 1JVO SSSR conference dealing with investigations of the elec- tronic e uipment reliability. The paper of V.P. Lyannoy Niyev), titled "The Investigation of Inte- grator Errors for Performing the Optimum Amplitude- Phase Modulation and Their Correction", dealt with an investigation of integrator errors on behalf of finite integration limits. The correction method suggested provides the possibility for obtaining the required functional conversions for performing the optimum amplitude-phaze modulation. The conference partici- pants re-arded the optimum amplitude-phase modulation as a new method providing a considerable improvement in increasing the effectiveness of broadcasling, The paper of A.G. Kislyakov (Gorlkiy), titled "The Sensitivity of Measurements of Weak Signals 1Yith a Narrow Spectrum"', contained the results of an inve~t- igation of different types of receivers for weak sign- als with narrow Spectrums. The section terminated! Card 18/27 its work with the report of I.A. Fastovskiy (Lenin-' 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The,Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the MVO SSSR grad), titled "A Device for Radio Noise Analysis". At the section "Semiconductors and Their Application in Radio Equipment" 17 papers and reports were read, A number of papers dealt with the phy8ical properties of semiconduct,rs. The paper of V,Ye. Lashkarev, R. M. BondareDk,-_~,, V.N. Dob-ovol-2skiy, V.G. Litovchenko, G.P. Zubrin, V.--*. Strikla (Kiyev) dealt with "Elec- trical and Recombination Properties of Germanium 71ith Beryllium Admixtures" in a wide range of concentrations- V.N. Vertoprakho,a (Tomsk), "The Anisotropy of Some Germanium Monocrystal Properties" showed that the photomagnetio effect's in germanium monocrystals depend essentially on the state of the specimen surface. A.P. Vyatkih (Tomsk) reported on "An Investigation of Germanium Contact Properties With Metals and Alloys". The author studied the process of producing and shap- ing an alloy contact between germanium and indium. in dependence on the crystallographic orientation of Card 19/ 27 germanium surfaces and other factors. "The Investiga- 06546 SOV/142--2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the MV0 SSSR tion of the Temperature Dependence of Germanium Noises" was the subject of the report of V.V. Potemkin and G. A. Chukim (Moscow) in which they investigated the ex-. cessive noise appearing at low frequencies and which presents difficulties in the amplification of weak signals. V.A. Malyshev (Taganrog) reported on "The Theory of Modulation Properties of Photoresistor6 and Luminophores". He explained the results of theoretical plotting a generalized modulation characteristic in case of the most simple luminescense photoconductivity mechanisms. The paper of N.S. Spiridonov (Kiyev) dealt with "Frequency Properties of Drift Transistors". N. V. Aleksandrov, L.B. Gorskaya, Ye.M. Gershenzon, V. S. Etkin (Moscow) investigated "The Influence of a Germanium Plate on the Wave Propagation in a Waveguidell They showed that a current passing thru a germanium plate in a waveguide may be used for controlling the amplitude and phase of an electromagnetic .,iave. The Card 20/27 other reports in this section were devoted to different 06548 SOV./142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference or, Radio Electronics of fhe IWO SSSR applications of semiconductors in radio equipment. Ye.F. Doronki.-, (Kiyev) explained "The Calculation of Temperature Compensated Circuits of Semiconductor Relaxation GeneratGrS". "An Analysis of Phantastron-, Type Semiconductor Generators of Linearily Changing Voltages" was considered by B.V. Voskresenskiy ~Kiyefl, A.N. Yakun"kin (Saiatcv) reported on "The Problem of the Oscillation Excitation Mechanism of a High Fre.- quency Generator 'With a Point-Contact Semiconductor". S.M. Gerasimov (Kiyev) described the results of "An Investigation of Self-Osc-Ll.lators 1.11ith Compound Transistors" T ~.N. Migulin (Kiyev) reported on "An Investigation of Some Semiconductor Amplifier Cir-, cuits",, S.I. Malashenko (Kiyev) reported on rdethods for increasing the stability of a -transistorized dc amplifier. G.I. Olifirenko (Dloscow),, "Transistors in a Line Scannin- Oscillator", presented the results of an theoretical and experimental investigation, B.P. Card 21/27 Bespalov (Kiyev) performed "An Investigation of Some 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the MVO SSSR Frequency Stabilization Methods in Semiconductor Self- Oscillators". The section terminated its work with the report of Ye.K. Vasillyev (Moscow), "Phenomena of Contact Transitions in Transistors and Some of Their Applications". At the final plenary session on Janu- ary 27, 1959, Corresponding Member of the AN USSR, V.I. Siforov delivered the report "Problems of Communic- ation Channels With Parameters Changing at Random". I.A. Kukurite, G.I Rukman, O.Ya. Savchenko, IvI.K. Safonov, G.M. Khapianov (Moscow) presented ihe review "The Future Application of Some Optical Radio Physi- cal Phenomena for Designing New SHP Devices". The au- thors considered the possible application of optical physical devices uoing the low-inertia Faraday, Kerr and other effects, in which alternating fields influ- ence the optical properties of matter. The conference participants approved a number of resolutions concern- ing the direction of further research work, Inter- Card 22/27 departmental and specialized conferences on radio phy- 06548 SOV/142,-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the NVO SSSR sics and electronis must be convened, The material bases of vuzes must be increased in connection with the introduction of industrial training of students. The investigations of the optics of charged beams, plasma and gas discharge must be expanded. The intro- duction of new radio wave ringes mijot be emphasized, as well as the development, of new calculation methods for the design of high-power shf equipment and the development of shf radio measuring methods. In con- nection with the development of accu_rate electrody- namic calculation methods for shf systems, it. is neces- sary to develop or. this basis simplified engineering calculation methods and to compile their results in tables, graphs and nomograms. The theoretical and experimental investigation under consideration of nonlinear phenomiena must be performed on new methods of amplifying and generating super-high frequencies on the basic of phasochronous interaction of fast and Card 23/27 spatial harmonics of electronic beams with fields of o6548 SOV/142-.2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the TWO SSSR parametric interaction. The effectiveness of existing devices must be increased. The development of low- noise parametric devices and high-power generators for communications and other purposes must be speeded up. The extent of investigations in the field o-f" radio astronomy and propagation of radio waves is inadequate and insufficiently coordinated between the vuzes. The number of investigation subjects is growing at a too slow rate. These conditions are especially noticeable when comparing the conference program section of the present and the second conference at Saratov. Vuzes do not work actively enough in the field of quantDm radio physics and radio spectroscopy. The conference participants agreed that the work J_n this field at vuzes must be continued and requested the EIVO SSSR and the WO UkrSSR to cooperate in a commission on ferrot- magnetics (K.M. Polivanov) and ferrites ( 'A.A. Piotol'- kors) and to include the work performed at vuzes in Card 24/27 the general plan of the AS USSR and the Gosudarstvennyy 06548 SOV/1142- 2-2 -24/2 5 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the 1MVO SSSR Komitet po radioelektronike (State Committee for Radio Electronics). The latter and the TNO 33SR and 1JVO UkrSSR were requested to cooperate with the vuzes in the ffeld of quantum radio physics and radio spectro- scopy. The importance of the investigations of prob- lems of the in+~eraction of ultrasound with spin waves effected by the action of ultrasound on ferrites was emphasized, In the field of general radio engineering a coordination of Q-ie. viork on. the optimum amplitude- phase modulatior is required. The Ministerstvo svyazi USSR (Ukr Pliniotry of Comiaunications) was requested to convert one of the existing radio stations to the op- timum amplitude-phase modulation for gathering practi- cal experience for an overall introduction of this modulation system. In the field of semiconductor devices and their application it is necessary to deve- lop the theory of amplification and generation oi oscillations in the latest types of semiconductor de- Card 25/27 vices. The development of new devices must be intensi- 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Union Conference on Radio Electronics of the WO SSSR fied. The State Committee for Radio Electronics at the USSR Council of Ministers was requested to pro- vide further technological improvements of semicon- ductor devices with a minimum parameter spread. The conference participants requested the TWO SSSR and the UVO UkrSSR, to organize courses of radio equipment reliability at radio engineering faculties not later than 1959 1960. A number of spacialists must prepare training aids for the theory of reliability within the shortest time. Also diploma projects of graduating students should include theoretical and practical problems of radio equipment reliability. It is plan- ned to conduct the Fourth All-Union Conference of the MVO on Radio Physics at the Kharlkovskiy gosudarstven- nyy universitet (Kharlicov State University) in Novem_ ber 1960 with sections Radio Measurements, Electro- Card 26/27 dynamics and Electronics of Super-4figh Frequencies 06548 SOV/142-2-2-24/25 The Third All-Un�on Conference or. Radio Electronics of the TIIVO SSSR and Reliability of Radio Equipment. SUBMITTED: February 10, 1959 Card 27/27 81112 sl 14W60/000/01/004/022 6140ao EAO/E463 AUTHOR: Lyannoyo V.P W... TITLE: A Study of Integrator Error in the Optimal Amplitude- Phase Modulation System and Methods of Correcting It PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshi%h uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 196o, Nr 1, pp 4o-48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper was presented at the Third All-Union CnrfPrPnnP of thp TTqqR Ministrv of Defence on Radio Electron�cs, Klyev, 1959-X The optimal amplitude-phase modulation system described in the article is identical with single-sideband systems using broadband phase shifters for cancellation of one sideband. It is claimed that the system was proposed by Tetellbaum in 1938 but no reference is given. The article analyses a circuit in which the necessary phase shift of M/2 over the entire modulation spectrum is realized by an integrator. Error occurs as a result of finite integration limits and discrete summation. Analysis shows that these errors influence the amplitude but not the phase characteristic of the integrator. The error Card 1/2 due to finite limits of integration is most strongly 81112 S/142/60/OOC/01/004/022 E140/E463 A Study of Integrator Error in the Optimal Amplitude-Phase Modulation System and Methods of Correcting It expressed at low frequencies. The error due to discrete summation is most strongly expressed at high frequencies. These errors lead to incomplete suppression of the unwanted sideband and non-linear distortion of the program. A correction voltage may be obtained using supplementary integrators at the input and output of the principal delay-line integrator. A numerical example indicates that with this correction, the amplitude characteristic of the integrator is practically independent of frequency from 250 cps. This can, of course, be further improved by extending the limits of integration. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: May 20, 1959 >'~-[Annotation: Correctly Third All-Union Conference on Radio Zlectroni2 , Kiyev, of the Ministry of Higher Foducation (MVO)] Card 2/2 4 82969 S/142/60/003/002/009/022 E192/E382 AUTHOR: Lyannoy, V.P. 116 TITLE: A Wideband Phase Shifter with an Artificial Delay Line for the System of Optimum Amplitude-phase ModulationZ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnylch zavedeniy, Radiotel;hnika, 1960, Vol- 3, No. 2, pp 247 - 253 TEXT: The theory of optimum amplitude-phase modulation shows that the conditions of optimum modulation are achieved when the phase of the high-frequency oscillations is varied in accordance with (Ref. 1): 1 1n U(t + x) e(t) - P, dx (1) x A system for a continuous evaluation of the functional -11,(t) is referred to as an integrator and was first prepared by Tetel'baum (Ref. 2). In the following an attempt is made to realise a practical circuit of this type. The integrator is in the form of a wideband phase-shifter which shifts the phases Card 1/4 82969 S/142/60/003/002/009/022 A Wideband Phase Shifter with anoiMPIPfal Delay Line for the System of Optimum Amplitude-phase Modulation of the harmonic components of the logarithm of the modulating voltage by ';1-/2 . Such a phase-shifter should meet the following conditions: - it is necessary to operate with a standing wave over a required frequency bandwidth, and all the frequencies should be delayed by an identical amount, i.e. the phase characteristic should be linear. The circuit diagram of the phase-shifter is shown in Fig~ 1. This system can be regarded as a uniform multi-element network. This device should have a constant attenuation across all the elements; this condition is expressed by Eq. (2), where R is the leakage resistance of a capacitor; the significaneZ of the other symbols in Eq. (2) should be clear from Fig. 1. The network can be employed not only in the optimum ampltude-phase modulation but in other systems where a constant phase-shift of f1-/2 is required. The main parameters which determine the elements of the network are the minimum and maximum operating frequencies, F mJ.Ln and Fmax The upper frequency determines the delay time; this is given by &t = 112TVF max The number ot the stages Card 2/4 82969 S/142/60/003/002/009/022 E192/E382 A Wideband Phase Shifter with an Artificial Delay Line for the System of Optimum Amplitude-phase Modulation .2n --n the network is determined by Fmin since F is determined by the Min 1/8n4t The resistance R,+1 attenuation coefficient y as well as R 0 this is expressed by Eq. (5), where r is the "adding" resistor. The above formulae are employed to evaluate a phase-shifter operating at frequencies between 200 And 12 000 cps. The characteristics of this device are illustrated in Fig. 2, where Curve (a)illus- trates the amplitude response of the shifter without a correcting circuit, Curve(PI) is a corresponding calculated 4W%is the am 11tude characteristic of the characteristic, Curve.LC2) P shifter with a correcting network consisting of a differentiating circuitand an integrating circuit, and Curve(61) is the corres- ponding calculated characteristic. It is seen,-,therefore, that the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Card 3/4 82969 S/142/60/003/002/009/022 ZlRr4f ill 2 A Wideband Phase Shifter with an 1cial Delay Line for the System of Optimum Amplitude-phase Modulation There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina politekhnicheskogo instituta, (Chair of Radio Transmission Devices of the Order of Lenin Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) SUIMITTED: July 16, 1959 Card 4/4 24228 7, It S/142/61/004/001/007/008 E033/E135 AUTHOR: Lyannoy, V.P. TITLE: The possibilities of utilization of simultaneous amplitude and ph 'ase modulation methods in high- frequency radio broadcasting PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1961, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 84-93 TEXT: To obtain the.advantages of single-.4ideband working with existing AM receivers, several methods of compatible amplitude-phase modulation (AFM) systems have been proposed and investigated. In the general case, the variation of current in the transmitting antenna with AFM can be written: i = I(t) sin EW 0t + F(t)3 where I(t) and F(t) are functions determined by the time function U(t) of the transmitted programme; wo is the carrier frequency. In general, the modulating function U(t) can be expressed by the Fourier integral Card 1/5 .24228 The possibilities of utilization of.... S/142/61/004/001/007/008 E033/EI35 max UM U0 + U U1 sin [rLt + y (A)'~ dfl (IL Max,:-E>O; F(0=~MI,-= 00 InU U + X)- dX P S . (t + X) dx X X _CO -CO (the theoretical width of the ant'enna current spectrum equals Card 2/5 Inax) 24228 s/142/61/oo4/ool/007/00 The possibilities of utilization of... E033/E135 2) for OAPM with linear-law detection I W a2U (0; 0 (0 >, e > 0; F (t) E) 00 p j, LT _(WO d,; CO (the theoretical iridth of the antenna current spectrum equals 2 flmax)t where: al, a2 are constants; c is as small a positive value as is required; x is a variable independent of time; p denotes the principle value of the integral. The block diagrams for the-two OAPM systems are produced. The particular features and possibilities of OAFT-1 are considered with reference to a pure "tone". It is concluded that: 1) with square-law detection, OAPM enables the transmitter bandwidth (with 10050' modulation) to be halved; 2) the modulated spectrum differs fundamentally from that of single-side band working in that it can be received without distortion by square-law detection AM receivers; 3) OAFM for square-law detection is not compatible with receivers using linear detection; 4) OAPM for linear detection is compatible with both transmitting and receiving equipment in present day use; Card 3/ 5 24228 The possibilities of utilization of.... S/142/61/004/ool/oWoO E033/EI35 - 5) the reduction in the spectrum under operational conditions is ensured by the following factors - (a) the displacement of the spectrum into one sideband, (b) non-linear change in the amplitudes of the spectral components when the modulation depth changes, and (c) the statistical properties of an actual.programme. The compatible single-sideband systems proposed by L.R. Kahn and others in the U.S.A. are critically examined. There are 7 figures and 26 referencesz 14 Soviet-bloc and 12 English. The four most recent English language references read: Ref.16': L.R. Kahn. Improved compatible single-sideband equipment for standard broadcast service. IRE Nat. Convent., Rec. 1958, 6,-No. 7, 55-60. Ref.17: J.R. Costas. A mathematical analysis of the Kahn compatible single-sideband system. Proc. IRE, No-7, July, 1958. Ref.19: L.R. Kahn. Comment on "A mathematical analysis of the Kahn compatible single-sideband system". Proc. IRE. No-7, July 1958. Ref.20: Frank Marx and Robert M. Morris (American Broadcasting Co.) WABC Field Test of compatible single sideband transmission. IRE Nat. Convent. Rec.9 1958, 6, No-7, 55-60. Card 4/5 2h228 The possibilities of utilization of... S/142/61/004/001/007/008 E033/E135 ASSOCIATION: Xafedra radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina pol-itekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of Radio Transmitting Equipment of the Kiyev Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: August 15, 1960 Card 1/5 ACC NRz AR7008647 SOURCE CODE- UR/0372/66/ooO/Pl2/Goo6/Goo6 ,LAUTHOR: Lyannoy, V. P n e pro em o non near nc ona rans orma ons n a system of opt mum amplitude-phase modulation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abs. 12G42 !~F SOURCE: Vestn. Kiyevsk. politekhn. in-ta. Ser. radiotekhn. no. 2, 1965, 225-231 1 TOPIC TAGS: signal modulation, nonlinear automatic control, nonlinear functional :pperator t phase modulation, amplitude modulation 'ABSTRACT: The author considers the requirements for characteristics of devices for finding logarithms in systems of optimum amplitude-phase modulation. It is shown that conventional devices for taking logarithms are not suitable for application in sys- tems of optimum amplitude-phase modulation since the logarithm of the signal is given ~with respect to levels, while the logarithm of the input signal in optimum amplitude- phase modulation.must be giten with respect to the instantaneous values of the signal in the audio frequency range. Functional transformations in a phase-modulated AF channel are considered for the case of modulation by a "pure tone" and the static- ,characteristics are found for a logarithiftic device rapable of implementing these trans- formations. The author studies the effect which deviations from ideal in the static characteristics of an actual logarithmic device have on errors in finding the loga- rithm of a signal with respect to the instantaneous value. 2 illustrations, biblio- Igraphy of 7 titles. B. S. [Translation of abstract) 193UB CODE: 09 I Card 1/1 UDC, 62-501.3 L 24U0-00 E7WT(d)/E67(m)/WP(w~/E1iA (d)/EWP(v)/zWP(J)/-T/EaP(t)/-r,'.-IP(k) /EWA (~~q W-6 ACC NR: - --- IJ (c) JD/ AP6011804 IJ SOURCE CODE: UR/0309/66/000/004/0 )33 AbTHOR:--- Llji~o~j B~ ORG-..: none- TITLE:' Versatil 6 glue-welded aitcraft, SOURCE: Nauchno-t.ekhnicheskiye obshchestva MR, no. 4, 1966, 30-33 jh4Z*A-) TOPIC TAGS: 45'UVaircraf t, aircra.,ft material, aircraft test I aircraft fusela e 3baluminum alloy/AN-', resin, glue-welding, spotwjUillp 2 4 475"Mrta f t, b) 6T I ~ n~ , V7;rT I-L"(5 "~~ I KL11-1A-L1-- I VK-IAIS AAL4- ABSTRACT: Discussed briefly are some of the problems which were encountered in the riveting and welding of-MILY,.6and Y251.~igh-strength_ajmminum aircraft alloys, and which led to the developmend5of the glVe-welding technique u;~dih extensively in the construction of AN-24 aircraft (Cuselage -- 6% glue-welded). An 11-month compr~p- hensive testing,program is described andVe successful use of FL-4SV~adhesive,L~ cured 7 hrs at 140% is mentioned. The glue-welding tec !9.1ique id described in general terms and the subsequent use of KLN I d VK-IMS%epoxy-thiokol,resins (poly- is reported. Fg. - Fha-s-F-f-Tigure. merized at 145-150*C) Or art [LB] SUB CODE: 01, 07, 13/ SUBH DATE: none/ Card 1/1 UVARQV~ YU. ~'. ~ ', 2 YANOVA , Kh.!-, of Lhe PhOtoDynthcrils Cf tw~~ ritmda-t-~ r;f' apr.:~b growing in the mountOn and piedmont. fruit toner, .,r Aima--At-a Province. Trudy Inut.bot.0 Kazalch.5,13M 20::'j.,')3-:tll 16 A . (MIRA LYANSBERG, L.N., student III kurea; RUDENKO, N.F., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Designing the drive of a crosscut-boring machine. Hauch. rab. stud. GITSO MGI no.7:50-60 1959. (MIRA 14:5) (Boring machinery-Electric driving) LYANTSE,V.Ye., student III kurau Theory of almost periodic functions of two real variables. Haak.zaD. Vviv. un. no-5:68-73 147. (MLRA 8:11) (Functions, Periodic) LYANTSE, V.Z. Cauchy problem for functions with real variables. Ukr.mat.2hur, [11 no.4:42-63 '49. (KLRA 7:10) (Panotiona of real variables) LYANTSE, V.Ye.; WEDENKO, B.V., diyanyy chlen. ft~ ~-- ~I !0~ On differential equations in unitary space. Dop.Aff URSR no.4:258-262 '52. (MI-RA 6:10) 1. Akademi7a-nauk Ukrayinelkoyi RSR (for Hnyedenko). 2. Vvivalkyy politekh- nichnyy instytut (for kantse). (Sj~aces. Generalized) (Differential equations) LYANTSE fililleiiAlf 1 !1!" 111,1110~ A nev method of applying Fourier's integral to the solution of problems with initial conditions for systems of partial differential aquations. Nauk.sap.Mviv.un. 22:40-49 '53- (MLRA 10:5) (Fourier's series) (Diffei6ntial equations, Partial) LYANTSI V.I. (L'Yov) One boundary value problem for parabolic systems of differential equations with a strongly elliptic right side. Kat.sbor. 35 no-2: 357-368 S-0 '54. Mm 7:9) (Differential equations, Partial) LTAWTSE, V.N. - ~ Letter to tba editor. Hat. abor. 39 no.4:525 Ag 156. (HLRA 1012) (Differential equations, Partial) AUTHOR8 Lyantse, V.E. SOV/20-121-5-M-0 '"ITLE: Rings of Linear Unbounded Operators With a Decomposition of the Unit and Their Representations (Kolltsa lineynTkh neogranichennykh operatorov s razlozheniyem yedinitsy i ikh predstavleniya) PERIODICAls Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1958,V01 121,Nr 5, Pp 801-804 (USSR) ABSTRACTs It is proved that the set OL(P) of all linear operators of the Hilbert space which CCM1MXte in a certain sense with the decomposition 01 the unit P, forms a ring with respect to the naturally defined addition and multiplication of operators. The ring OL(P) ~is closed with respect to the introduced "uniform" and "strong" limiting processes. If the decomposition of the unit is of finite multiplicity, then every operator A-ECL(P) is isomorphic to an operator which in the L 2 carries out the 6 multiplication with a functional matrix. The L 2 is the space 6 of vector functions being integrable in the square with respect to a distribution matrix 6 . Besides, spectral properties are considered. Partially the results generalize the results of Bade lRef 2J and Dunford [Ref 11, partially they overlap with them. There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 2 American. Card 1/2 Rings of Linear Unbounded Operators With a Decomposition SOV/20-121-5-9/50 of the Unity and Their Representations ASSOCIATIONiLlvovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Llvov Polytechnical Institute) PRESENTEDs March 319 1958, by S.L.Soboleyp Academician SUBMITTEDs February 18, 1958 Card 2/2 1-4 to 83.695 3/020/60/132/05/14/o6g AUTHOR: Lyantse, V. E. TITLE: Conditions for the Closeness of the Contraction of a Self- adjoint Operator 1~ PERIODICALS Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 1023-1026 TEXT: A self-adjoint operator with a simple spectrum is unitary equi- valent to the operator A v Which effects the multiplication with the independing variable in a space L where C' is a non-negative measure defined on the real line; L ~K Let M be the set of all -measurable and G' -almost every finite complex-valued functions on the real line; L'G- C 2. 146r.The operation _L makes correspond a linear manifold U-1- C L.to-every subset* Card 1/3 81695 S/020/60/132/05/14/069 Conditions for the Closeness of the Contraction of a Self-adjoint Operator U C MC- as follows: ~V v C- L AcU~ ex4-sts and is = 0 for all u U Theorem 1: To every operator X A c. Ac. F6, Lq AA A there exists an U C M.. so that M U here U contains no functions from L2L (except zero function), i. e. (2) AX (k) 'while for every u U it holds Card 2/3 81695 S/020/60/132/05/14/069 Conditions for the Closeness of the Contraction of a Self-adjoint Operator W 00 X'l- (3) Whether for given A (1) uniquely determines the linear manifold U C_ M ~- remains unsolved, so that (2) and (3) are eventually not necessary. Under certain additional assumptions the author proves in theorem 2 and 3 that the conditions (2) and (3) are sufficient and ne- cessary in a certain sense. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Llvov Polytechnical T,nstitute) PRE iilbt January 21, 1960, by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: December 28, 1959 Loll'. Card 3/3 _LY2A. Generalized concept of a spectral operator. Dokl. All SSISR 142 no.2.-278.-281 Ja 262. (MIRA 15-2) 1. Lsvovskiy politekhmicheskiy institut. Predstavlano akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym. (Operators(Mathematies)) A., (Topology) LYANTSEI_Y.E. -.) (LIvov) Generalization of the concept of a spectral measure. Mat. abor. 6f no.l: 80-120 IV 163.. (AURA 3.615) (Operators (Mathematics)) (Hilbert space) LYANTSE, V.E. Expansion in eigenfunctions of a nonoelf-adjoint differential opkator with spectral singularities. DAL AN SSSR 149 no.2t 256-259 Mr 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. Prddstavleno akademikom I.M.Vinogradovym. (Operators (Mathematics)) (Eigenfunctions) ~TANTSED V.E. Inversion forwilae generated b7 a slacond-order boundary value problem on the semiaxia in the class of unbounded functions. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:987-990 Je 163. (MIRA 160) 1. LIvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom L.S.Pontryaginym. (Topology) (Boandary value problems) LYANTSE, V.E.; SOKOLOV, I.G. All-city mathematical seminary at Lvov. U3p. ftir, nauk 18 no.31253 Mv-Je 163. (MIRA 16%10) LYANTSE, V.E. Solving certain boundary value problem by Fourier'B rethod. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4016-819 0 163. (KRA 16: 11) 1. Ltvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom I.M. Vinogradovym. . LYANTSE. E.--(Ilvov) Unbounded operators commutative with resolution of unity. Ukr. mat. zhur. 15 no.4:376-384 163. (MIRA 17:4) 39hho 65 "'=N 14R.-~ ~AP4047939 lor IX17 -.04% NOW?,:-let Ed I be a- solution of the equation 1y Xy that sati ., afies,the initial condition Set 6; (r. dx. A S S GIG, I k T I Oil i stitut (Ltvov Polyt chnic 'L'Vovskiy ?61itekhnicheskiy n e SUBMITTED: 27Apr-64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA NR IRET Sloy i - d04~-~ OTHER WO - LYANTSE, V.E. Non-self-adjoint second-order differential operator on a semiaxis. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.5:1030-1033 F164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom L.S. Pontryaginym. LYANTSE, V.E.; SOKOLOV, 1.G. All-City at in llj-',3. T'z~r- ma'. np--.~-K -4:234 (M~Rk 17: 10' 19 no 164. LYANTSE, V.E. (L!vov) Differential operator with spectral singularities. Part 1. Mat. sboi. 64 no-4:521-561 Ag 164. OMRA 17-,11) LYA,NTSE,,V.E. (LIvov) Differential operator with spectral singularities. Part 2. Mat. Sbor. 65 no.1:47-103 S 164. 1 (MIRA 17:11) LYANTSE, V.E. Tnverse problem for a nonself-adjoint operator. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.1:30-33 Ja 166. (111RA 19:1) 1. Llvovvkiy cosudarOLVentiTy iniivarsitet im. I.F'ranko. Sub- mitted Mlay 7, 1965. KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L.; EPSHTEYN-LIrVAK., R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVICH,, Ye.M.; KURNOSOVA, H.A.; SHCHEGLOIIAJ, Ye.S.; FERDIITAIID, Ya.14.; KHGIIK,, S.R.; MAYMINOVSKIY, LoPe; FETROVA, S.S*; GOLUBOVA, Ye.Ye.; GONCHARGVA, Z.I.; SARMAMEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiye.- MEDYUKHA, G.A.; OSOKIMAI L.A.; RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSEVA, 0.1.; DEDUSENKOI A.I.; KOVALEVAI P.S.; KARASHEVICH, V.P.; CHEBOTAREVICH, N.D.; CHIGIRI, T.R.; SKULISKAYA, S.D.; KECHETZH.TYEV, B.A.; DREIIA, A.S.; ZUSIMAN, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.I.; SYSOYEVA, Z.A.; ZINGVtYEVA, I.S.; FALICHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFEIEVA, R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LYANTSMAN S.G. --7 -- Reactivity and immunological and epidemiological effectiveness of alcoholic typhoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:72-77 J1 162. (141 RA 17: 1) 1. Iz Moskovskogo, Rostovskogo, Omskogo institutov epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii, Stavropol'skogo instituta vaktsin i eyvorotok i Ministerstva zdravookiiraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropollskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok (for Synoyeva). 4. Kuyb-f8hevsl-,iy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for ZinovIyeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiolo- gicheakaya stantsiya (for Lyantsman). YUROV, V. S-.; GLEZER, 1. L.-; BALANDINA, A. I.; - LYANTSMAN, V. L. Toprover, 0. S.p 1894- Professor G. S. Toprover. Khirurgiia No. 3, 1952. Monthly jA-9t 2f Russian Accossionsp Library of Congressi August 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. LYANTSM. V. L. Cand IMed Sci -- (diss) "Blood suDply of accelersted moving peduncles. (Experimental study) " Stolingrqd, 1957. 19 pp (Stalingrad State Wed Inst)',"150 copies (KL, 11-58, 121) -124- LYANUPOV, A.A. Operations on sets. Aag. i log. 2no.2347-56 263 (MIRA 8 2"! 1. Submitted March 27p 1963a FALDA, Z.; LYAOI M. Methods of connecting the vascular systen of a patient with the hemodialyzer (artificial kidney). Urologiia 28 no.3: 35-40 163 (14IRA 17 0.2) 1. Iz 1-y kliniki vnutrennikh balezney ( dir. - prof. A. Bernatskiy [Biernac'ki.,A.1) Meditsinskoy akademii v Var-ahave. ACC NR, AP6034917 SOURCE CODE: UR/0419/66/000/003/0040/0043 AbJTH0R.-_Lyaonava, T. 'IM.; Svirydaw, V. V. ORG: none TITLE,: Absorption spectra of some mercury chalcogenides and variations in them as a function of light SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya khImichnykh navuk, no. 3, 1966, 40-43 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, crystal, m ercury halide, halide, light, diffusion reflection, visible region, phototropic halide A13STRACT: A study is made of the spectra of diffusional reflection in the visible reg Se2Br ion of polycrystalline phototropic chalcogen halides H93S2Br2, H93 21 Hg3s2j2, and Hg3Se2j2 obtained from the interaction between mercury halides and corresponding chalcogenides within the 170-200C temperature range. It was found that the absorption edge in the above compounds shifts toward the longwave region from 420 m 2Br fog Hg Se2j2- Illumination by light from /,et-for H93S 2 to 550 M/U--, 3 the region of self absorption results In a gradual decrease in the coefficient of Card 1/2 ACC N'- AP6034917 reflection beyond the absorption edge throughout the entire longwave region. Kinetic coloration curves are obtained for the above named substances; it is found that whereas the light sensitivity of the first three substances is approximately the same, that of Hg 3Se2J2 is considerably greater. Heating of the colored samples brings about a gradual restoration of the initial reflection spectrum. [Translation of abstract]- [SP] LYAPCHENKOV) L. ContTol the cutting of trees better. Ap 62. Fin. SSSR 23 no.4:52-54 (MIRA 15:4) 1. Starshiy revizor-inspektor gosudarstvennykh dokhodov Ministerstva finansov Tatarskoy ASSR. (Tatar S.S.S.R.-Lumbering--Accounting) -hTAPMMQ_AB.I,,: DROZDOVA, K.F., red,; sHZVCBNKO, K.G., takhn.rede (At the head of the new -movewnt] To giave novogo dvizhaniia. Khar1kov. Khar1kovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1960. 41 p. (KW 14:4) 1. Sekretarl partiynoy organizataii zavoda wRlektrotyazhm sh" (for Lyallenkov). (Efficiency, Industrial) SOY/112-58-2-2143 Tra--slation from: Referativ-fyy zh-tLrj:,.a'&, Elekt-roteklmi.11ra, 1958, Nr 2, p 56 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyapich, A. V. and Molibushko: 1. K. TITLE: AC Operation of am Elect:romagnetic Relay J'Rabota elektrornagr-itnogo rele m.-a peTemennom. toke) PERIODICAL: Sb. stc-,d. raizcl.---. rabot politeklin. in-t, 1957, Nr 3, pp W-128 ABSTRACT: The article presents the best resu-Its of the utilization of an EP-100 24-v electr~-,.Tnagnetlc relAy i,~,. AG C-;.-VCLJt13 with no tiTne element and with a sho.rt-citcuited tu.-m applled, at~ch relayB car, et-ldure AC energizing of their wind,--Mg for 10-12 mi-nules. The tf!.errnal darability of the winding is consider- ably Idgher than -.~----der DC (t'-he DC 24-.,/ relay can be gupplied with Z20 -v AG) Re! ,a-yi- with other windhag dat-a :3ho-uld be rewound. Operating time on AG is 0. 01-0.02 seconds; i. e. , it is tha-n. wiV% DC supply. M . Kh. Gard I/ I XAZHKINA, A.O.; KOVAL't L.A.; LYAPICHEVt B.I. - ~ - , " ~.., 1! - - -- -- I- ffElectron mathematics* in the service of geophysics. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser.geol. no.3:100-101 162. (14IRA 150) (Electronic calculating machines) (Geophysics) ~TAPICHL7,_ o__ Filippovich; SERGITEV, N.G., redaktor, doktor geologo-Mine o" cheskikh nauk; RZHONDKOVSKAYA, L.S., radaktor-, SUSHCHIKH, I.D.;redaktor; RDROXIMA, Z.P., tekh.- nicheekly redaktor. [Intrusion complexes of the Pre-Paleozoic and Cambrian in the BoBhebekul region(neartheastern Kazakhstan)] Intruzivnyo komplekay dopaloozota i kembriia Boshchekallskogo raiona (Severo-Vostochrqi Kazakhstan). Alma-ata, 12d-vo Akadenii naxik Ka2akhokoi SSR, 1955. 134 p. (MLRA 8:11) (Boahchekal region--Rocks, Igneous) ~-A FJC H 4- v ~) C, - BORUKAYEV, R.A.; WULkLETOV, S.M.; LYAPICHNV, G.F.; NIKITIN, I.F. An instance of the manifestation of tourmaline-ore mineraliza- tion of the Lower Paleozoic in Central Kazakhstan. Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 11 no.6:75-79 Je '54. (M]12A 7:8) (Y.azakhPtan--Geo1ogr, Stratigraphic) (Geolog7, Strati- graphic--Kazakhstan) (Tourmaline) k 15-57-12-17223 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, PP 71-72 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyapichev, G. F. TITLE: Some Peculiar Features in the Geological Mapping of the Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusions of Central Kazakhstan (Nekotoryye osobennosti geologicheskogo kartirovaniya osnovnykh i ul'traosnovykh intruziy Tsentrallnogo Kazakhstana) - PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR, ser. geol., 1956, Nr 24, pp 26-39 ABSTRACT: The ultramafic intrusions of Central Kazakhstan occur in Precambrian rocks lying in the axial zone5 of large elongated anticlinoria of the serpentine belt. They are commonly in vertical or steeply inclined enses or tabular bodies having an area of 5 to 7 kmi, though some masses cover up to hundreds of square kilometers. Card 113 Dike rocks (websterite, diallagite, bronzitite, 15-57-12-17223 Some Peculiar Features in the Geological Mapping (Cont.) gabbro, diorite, and plagioclase granite) are not abundant. The primary rocks in the ultramafic intrUsives are almost completely serpentinized. Contact metamorphism of the host rocks is extremely rare. The principal intrusions represent a single magmatic complex with spilite-keratophyre formations. The majority of these possess well-expressed primary banding. The gabbroic rocks are multi-phase, in advanced stages of differentiation. Two rock branches are differ- entiated: 1) peridotite, gabbro, quartz diorite, and plagioclase granite, and 2) peridotite, gabbro, microcline gabbro, syenite and alkalic ayenite. The study of the composition of the ultramafic and primary-layered mafic intrusions is effected by observations along profiles transverse to the length of the masses and to the trace of the banding. In studying the uniform or almost uniform gabbroic intrusions, the acid members of the gabbroic series, and the dike rocks, there is no fundamental distinction in method from that used for granitic rocks. At active contacts with ultrabasites, amphi- bolization and talc formation in mafic effusives have been reliably Card 2/3 15-57-12-17223 some Peculiar Features in the Geological Mapping (Cont.) noted. Where ultramafic intrusions occur in Paleozoic beds, dike rocks are not bbserved. This circumstance indicates a fault contact, At present it may be considered certain that the ultramafic in- trusions are confined to regional faults. Some of the intrusive contacts show the effect of hydrothermal solutions of later in- trusions, forming false impressions of active contacts. In order to explain the forms and internal structure of the masses of ultra- basites and gabbroic rocks, it is . necessary to study the planar and linear flow structures. The chief method of studying the structures of primary foliated masses is by comparing detailed sections trans- verse to the trend of the banding. In ore-bearing banded intrusions it is necessary to trace the individual layers along the strike. The flow structures of stock-like mafic intrusions rarely have been well-mapped. Card 3/3 S. P. Bryzgalina I '~ I -I-,- 'I -,r-- - "I ~ ~- -! f- L j ~ -~ BAIMALETOV. S.; ZIIILINSXIY, G.; KOLOTILITT, IW.; LYAPIGBEV, G.; MtR&HM- ZHANOV. S. w-umammusear, Urgent problems.In the further development of feological science in Xhsakhstan. Test. AN Kazakh. SSR 13 no.2:94-97 7 15?. (TAsakhetan-Geological research) (MLRA 10.6) 'A BORUUYLPV, R.A.; LYAPICHN, G.F. Pro-Cambrian stratigraph7 of central ard southern Izv. AN XEtzakh. SSR. Ser. geol. no.2:7-19 '59i (KRA 13-,2) (Kazakhstan--Geology, Stratigraphic) LYAPICHEV, G.r.; MIROSH21ICHEMO, L.A. Joint scientific commission on the development of mineral resources of central Kazakhstan. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gaol. no.2:101-105 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Kazakhstan--Mines and mineral resources) 3MMALETOV, S.M.;BESPAWV, V.F.; BOGATYREV. A.S.; BOX. I.I.; GALITSKIY, V.V.; ZHILINSKIY, G.B.. IVSHIN, R.K.; KAZANLI, D.N.; KAYUPOV, A.K.; KONEV, A.K.; KUSHEY, G.L.; kTAFWIW,,.a&X.; 143DOTEV, G.TS.- MONICH, V.K.; WAGKOV, V.M.; ITIKITIN, I.F.; N3VOKFUTSKIT, I.P.; SATPAYEV, K.I.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D.; SHCIMRBA, G.N. Eminent geologist of Kazakhstan. Vesl,~Aff K"al-.h.SSR 15 no.l: 94-95 Ja 159. - (KIRA 12:1) (Borukanv, Ramazan Aslanbekovich, 1899- ) LYAPICHEV, G..F,l Y kand.Zoolooo--iaineralogictioal-,il-.h nauk k Proterozoic and Sabair-Caledonian intrusiw compleMes in tha northeastern part of enntral Eazakhstan, Sbor.nauch.trud.KazlQ*ll no-184'151-158 159. (MLU 15-,2) (Kazak-hatan-Rocks, Igneous) i SATPAYEV, K.I., Akademik, otv. red.; BOGATYREV, A.S., red.; BDRUKAYEV, R.A., red.; BOK, I.I., red.; RUSAKOV, M.P., red.; MIRGSHNIGHENKO, L.A., spets.red.; LYAPIGHEV, G.F., spets.red.; POGOZHEV, A.S.,, red.; RZHONDKOVSKAYA, L.S., red-.; GASHINA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. (Productive capacities of Central Kazakhstan) Proizvoditell- nye sily TSentrallnogo Kazakhatana; trudy. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo A$ Kaz. SSR. Vol.2. (Minerals and regional geology] Poleznye iskopaemye i regionalInaia geologiia, 1%0/. YjO p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Ob"yedinennaya nauchnaya sessiya po problemam razvitiya pro- izvoditellnykh ail TSentrallnogo Kazakhstana, Karaganda, 1958. 2. Prezident AN Kaz.SSR (for Satpayev). 3. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr Kaz.SSR (for Bo&-,ttyrev). 4. Institut geologiche- skikh nauk AN Kaz.SSR (for Rusakov). (Kazakhstan--Mines and mineral resources) (Kazakhstan--Geology) ABDULKABIROVA9, I.I.A.; ALEKSANDROVk, I.I.I.; .1"'FONICHEV, N.A.; B,'J.._DAJZTOV, S.M.; B;,6PALOV, V.F.; BOGDANOV, A.A.; B01,OVIKOV, L.I.; BOPSLIK, B.I.; BORUKAYEV, R.A.; BUITALKIER, A.K.; B--TOV,., 1.1L.S.; D1~76T-.TSG-11,~' K.I.; D124BO, T.M.; ZHUKOV, M.A.; ZVONTSOV, V.S.; IVSHIN, N.K.; KOPYATKEVICH, R.A.; KOSTEICO, N.11.; KUMPAN, A.S.; hU,'.DYUKOV, K.V.; LAVROV, V.V.;j!j~~~; WCIURKEEVICH, M.V.; HI191AYLOV, A.Ye.; MUJULYLOV, N.P.; MYCIINIK, M.B.; NIDLENKO, Ye.N.; NIKITINI I.F.; NEDDROVA, K.V.; NIKOUTIN, N I.; PUPYSII:-"V, N.A.; i~JS-KATOV, G.I.; REEWaTEN, P.A.; SAVICROVA, A:Ye.; SALIN, B.A.; SEMYUGIN, N.A.; SEEZOV, A.I.; C11LRNY-AFJ1OVSKIY, A.G.; CHUYKOVA, V.G.; SHLYGINI Ye.D.; SHULIGA, V.14.; ELIGM,, E.S.; YAGOVKIN, V.I.; NALIVKIN', D.V., akademik, red.; PMEUYOV, S.V., red.; 11AKEISHIN, V.A., tokhn.red. (Geological structure of central and southern Kazakhstan] Geologicheskoe stroenie TSentrallnogo i lUzhnogo Kazakhstana. Leningrad, Otdel nauchno-tokn.informatsii, 1961. 496 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologicheskii institut.Materialy) no.41) (Kazakhstan--Geology) (MI1,LA 14-7) DZEVANSKIY, Yu.K.; DODIN, A.L.; KONIKOV, A.Z.; KRASNYY, L.I.; VANIKOVSKIY, V.K.; 1.'OSHKIN, V.N.; LYATSKIY, V.B.; NIKOLISKAYA, I.P.; SAILT, L.I.; SALUIJ, S.A.; RABYI'I, M.I.; RAVICH, M.G.; POSPELOV, A.G., NIKOLAYEV, A.A.; IL'IN, A.V.; BUZIKOV, I.P.; MASLENNIKOV, V.A.; NEYELOV, A.N.; NIFITINA, L.P.; NIKOLAYEV, V.A.[decensed]; OBRUCHEV, S.V.; SAVEL'YEV, A.A.; SEDOVA, I.S.; SUDOVIKOV, N.G.; KHILITOVA, V.Ya.; NAGIBINA, M.S.; SHEYNMANN, Yu.M.; KUZNL'rSOV , V.A.; HZNETSOV, YU.A.; BORUKAYEV, R.A.; NALIVKIN, D.V., glav. red.; VERF jX&P_jC1 SHCHAGIN, V.N., zam. glav. red.; HENNER, V.V., zam. glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glav. red.[deceased]; SOKOLOV, B.S., red.; SHANTSER, Ye.V., red.; MODZALEVSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; GHUGAYEVA, M.N., red.; GW)SSGEYY,, V.A., red.; KELLEA,B.M., red.; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.; KOROBKOV, M.A., red.; KRASNOV, I.I., red.; KRYMGGLITS, T.Ya., red.; LIBROVIGH, L.S.I red.; LIKHARLV, B.K., red.; LUPPOV, N.P., red.; NIKIFOROVA, 0.1., red.; POLKANOV, A.A., red.fdeceased]; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; STEPANOV, D.L., red.; CHERNYSHEVA, N.Ye.; red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red.[deceased]; EBERZIN, A.G., red.; S11111NOVA, Z.A., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red. [Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes. Lower Pre-Cambrian) Stratigraftia SSS11 v chetyrnaftsati to.-mkh. jjrxjjiU Dokiijbrij. MoskWat 006. 1n2ucb:no-te k--hn'-I -J*4''*o lit-r'y po geologii i okhrgne nedr. Ft6 I (Asiatic part of the USSR) 1963- 396p. -LYAPICIfEV, G. F. First Kazakhstan Petrographic Conference. Izv.AN Kazakh. SSR.Ser.geol. 22 no.5:97 S-0 165. (IMIRA 18:12) 1. Institut geologicheskdkh nauk imeni K.I.Satpayeva, g. Aljaa-Ata. BORIJKJVIEV, R.A., ahademik; KtYUFOV, A.K., doktor nauk; LYAFICHEV, G.F., kand.geoloj~o-mirierpl. nuuk; L.A. Y-- kk~ii8-0 " i~~ologo-w-.mineral.nauk Tectonic and matallogenic regionalization of eastern Fazakhstan. 'lest. All Kazakh. SSR 21 no.11:14-26 11 165. (MILRA 2E:j2) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for Borukayev). ~,( 17 11 RISELEV, L.I.; SURVIGIN, N.A.; BESPALOV, V.P.; ABDRAKILIMANOV, K. i . )RON , M.D.; MIKHAYLOV, A.P.; BEitZHANOV, G.O.; UAPICHEV, G.F. Resolutions of the Kazakhstan Petrcgraphic 1zv,AIv' Kazakh.SSR.Ser.geol. 22 no.5198-103 S-0 165. (MIFU 18-,12) LyAPICMff P 1. Go "Automatic Weld Seam of a Cutting Tool.* Cand Tech Sci, Tomsk Order of Iabor Red Banner Polytechnic Inst Imeal' S. N. Klror, Kin Higher Zduza~ tl~n USSR, Tomsk, 1935. M, No 10, VAr 55) SOY Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dis- sertations kefended at USSR Higher Iducational Institutions (13) 137-58-1-910 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgliya, 1958, N-r 1, p 130 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lyapichev, I.G. TITLE: An Investigation of Automatically Edged High-speed Steel (Issledovaniye avtomaticheski naplavlennoy bystrorezhushchey stali) PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 88, pp 207-222 ABSTRACT: The cutting properties of an edged tool of grade R9 steel with supplementary alloying elements was investigated. Seven groups of alloyed edging substances were employed: 1) C; 2) Ti; 3) V; 4) Mo; 5) Mo and V; 6) V, Mo and Ti; 7) W. The chemical compositions are presented. Alloying of the edged metal was accomplished by means of sticks of ferro-alloys. It was found that double tempering was the most effective for all the groups of edging materials except the seventh (first tempering at high temperature, second tempering at low temperature). The red- hardness of R9 steel is improved most effectively by Mo (2-3 percent). A favorable effect upon structure and cutting proper- ties is also afforded by Ti (0.3 - 0.4 percent) with a simultaneous increase in the C content to 1 .1 - 1 Z percent. The greater the Card 1/2 number of elements with which steel is alloyed, the more complete 137-58-1-910 An Investigation of Automatically Edged High-speed Steel is the utilization of the solvent action of Fe, and this facilitates formation of a complex. coagul'atloh-re's'iotant carbidt Tests of the cutting qualities of inetal edging (except for the fifth) yielded approximately twice the strength of that of analogous tools made of rolled R18 steel. G.M. 1. Machine toola--Design 2. Machine tools-Test methods Machine tools --Test results Card 2/2 SOV/ 137-57-10- 19468 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 147 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: On the Problem of Determination of Chemical Composition of Metal Deposited by Means of Automatic Welding or Hardsur- facing (K voprosu o raschete khimicheskogo sostava naplav- lennogo metalla pri avtomaticheskoy svarke ili naplavke) PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 88, pp 223-234 ABSTRACT: The determination of the composition of an alloying, cer- amic, unfused flux (F), or of a flux with a mechanical addition of ferroalloys, is based upon the following two assumptions: 1) Introduction of ferroalloys into the slag-forming fraction of the F reduces the degree of overheating of the latter but does not alter the quantity of molten F; 2) at a constant quantity of arc energy per linear unit of weld, the amouzits of molten parent and electrode metal do not depend ori the presence of ferroalloys in the F. The composition of the F may be estab- lished by determining experimentally the cross-sectional area of a bead weld and the consumption of F per 100 g of metal Card 1/2 deposited, and by computing the quantity of the ferroalloy SOV/ 137-57-10-19468 On the Problem of Determination of Chemical Composition of Metal (cont.) which must be added to the F in order to obtain a required proportion of the alloying element. Experiments confirm the correctness of the computational procedures. No variations in composition were observed along the height of the cross section of the weld, whereas deviations from nominal alloying specifications along the length of the weld did not exceed 3-47o. An analo- gous procedure is employed in computing the composition of a bar of ferro- alloys. In order to avoid incomplete penetration, a unit length of the bar must be at least 2016 lighter than a corresponding unit length of the bead weld. Prospects of employing shavings of alloyed steels for purposes of introducing alloying elements into the weld are outlined. It is recommended that bead-welding operations be performed with welding equipment capable of advancing the welding electrode at a constant rate. A. B. Card 2/2 LYAPICHEV, I.G. Compensating properties of welding baths. Izv.TPI 85:307-320 157. (MIRA 10:12) l.Predstavleno prof. doktorom tekhn.nauk A.N. Dobrovidovy-m. (Electric welding) (Metallography) AU~7'HCR: Lyapichev, I.G., Candidate of 7ocl-inical ~;c4cnces T IT LE.- The Alloying ci Bu�lt-m) Metall iii the "Lutomtic c"' '!igh-Spped Steels~L,,Eirf-.van.L,..1e napiavlennogo avtomaticheskoy rapInvke bystrore-zhushchikh stalcy) - -Scn, PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 1, pp 15 - 16 (T) ABSTRACT: The investigation of various methods of weld-metal alloy- ing has shown that the preferable method is to tise ferro- alloy bars and electrode rods of SV-08 type. The chemictil composition of the weld-metal is given in table !,! 1. This is mainly Rg-steel, a.-Iditionally alloyed with carbon (group 1) titanium (II) vanadium (III) molibdenum(TV) molybdenum and vanadium (V), molybdenum and titanium (VI) and tunpsten (VII). The investi-eations %,iere concentrated on the auto- matic welding of med--um tungsten high-speed steel (9 - 10/' ,V',) with a variable content of carbon, vanadium, molybdenum and titanium, and of high-tungsten steel (17 - 24-~O ';;) w i th a variable content of carbon and vanadium. The best cutting qualities were found in the following composition: '-.1'/C C; 4.6;4 Cr; 9-5~~ W; 1.7c'0 V and 2.7f/~ '"'o. Tile addition of ti- tanium is useful up to a content of 0.3 - 0.4'~. 1.nal-,tic were suggested for compu~'~ rg the'chemi- and grahic methods ti Card 1/2 cal comDositon of the welding bath, to de-termine the admis- 1 :5 5 - 5 8- 1- 5/2.3 The Alloying of BuRt-In &-tal in ~'-:e Surfa/,.jpg sible hnterogeneity of the forroalloy dcsi~Ce. Lion-fusion may be consi-dered as a technolop,-iCV.1 indicator of inadmis- sible heTerogeneity in the cher-.icai conposition of the -neld metal. There are -,, 0 tables, " Craphs and j fiptire. 7 Soviet roferencen. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (The Tomsk 'olytechnical Institute) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Metal-Alloying 2. Welding materials-Test methods 3. Welding materials-Test results ALIMOV, O.D., dote., kand.tekhn.nauk; LYAPICHEV, I.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SMOV, Ya.A., inzh. "Now- - Some results of investigating rotar7 impact boring. Naucli dokl. vys. shkoly; gor. delo no.3:47-55 '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Prodstavlena kafedroy gornvkh wnr-Mn i rudnichnogo transport& Tomokogo, politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Boring--Testing) ALIMOV, O.D.; WAPICM, L.G.; MOV, Ya.A. Inve8tigating rotary-percussion boring. Isv- TPI 106:51-74 '58. (MIRA 11. 3-1) (Boring machinery)