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LYAMIFERT I. M . YARESHKO, N. T.; AGABABOVA, E. R. (Moskva) Streptococcal antigens in patient's with chronic nephritis. Klin. med. no.2:81-89- 162. (HIRA 15:4) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (dir. - daystvitell nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V. N. Vinogradov) I Moskovskogo meditsin- skogo instituta imeni 1. M. Sechenova i laboratorii streptokokko- vykh infektsiy Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny imeni N. F. Gamalei Wir. - prof. S. N. Yluromtsev) AWI SSSR. (KIDNEYS-DISWF.5) (ANTIGENS AIM AlITIBODIES) (STREPTOCOCCUS) LYAMPERT, I.M.; VVEDENSKAY-A, 0.1. On the question of obtaining the M-substance possessing antigenic properties from group A streptococei.. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no.4:442- 449 162. 1. Gamaleya Institute of Ep~demiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Moscow. (STFEPTbCOCCUS) (ANTIGENS) LYAMFERTIF L.M.; BELETSKAYA, L.V.; BORODIYUK, N.A.; S14MOVA, M.N. Antibodies reacting with himan heart tissue in antistreptococcic rabbit serum, Zhir, mikrobiolo,, epide i in=. 33 no,2:62-68 F 162o WRA 15:3) 1, Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei AM SWR. (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (SERVIM) - (STREPTOCOCCUS) (ANTIGEW AM ARTIBMIM) LTAKWTj IIH-GLIACH#YANTS., O.P.; BELETSKATA,, L.V.; SHIRROVA, H.*. AntJl6diee against homologbus heart tissue in the serum of animh1s im=ized bor streptococcuss Vopere"o 3 noals3-10 Ja-Mr 163. (KMA 16W 1. iz Institute, imeni N,P.Gamalai (dir. - prof. P.A.Vershilova) AMN SSSR, ;, I (STREPTOCOCCUS) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) .LYAWERT, I.M.; SMIRMOVA, M.N.; SEMINA, N.A. Hypersensitivity ot the delayed type in lalyvatory 6na:i.r,i-u sensitized with streptococcal allergen. Zhur.mikrobliol., epid. i Immun. 142 no.12sl0l-l(Y7 D 165. Ovui,,~,, 1. Institut epidemialogii i mikrobiologii imeni Gem.~lni AMN SSSR, LYA14SHBV,L.M.; SUMUMVSKIY,Yu.M., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; redaktor; KAYUNI,Ye.V., tekhnicheakly redaktor [Reflection of sound by thin plates and shells In liquids] Otra2he- nie zvuka tonkimi plaoddkami I obolochkami Y shidkosti. Moskva, 1zd- vo Akademii nauk SSSd, 1955. 70 P. (MLRA 9:2) (Sound waves) LIA14SHEV, LEOUID M. "Von-specular Reflection of Sound by Finite Plates and Shells in Liquids," paper presented at the Second International Congress on 4stics, Cambridge, 14ass., 17-23 Jun 56. Acoustical Institute of the AS USSR, Moscow, USSR. LTAHSHNT,,~-A- --.. ~ Studies on the field of scattering ultrasonic lenses In liquids. Akust. zhur. 2 no.1:103-104 Ta-Hr 056. Oaa 9:6) l.Akusticheakiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. (Ultrasonic vaves) (Sound lenses) Cat-jetrory : USSR/Aco~wtics - Sound vibrations and waves J-2 At- Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 2102 Author : Lyamshev, L.M. Inst :-Kc-oustics lastitute,Academy of Sciences USSR Title :Non-Mirrorlike Reflection of Bound From a Thin Cylindrical Shell Orig Pub :Akust. Zh., 1956, 2, No 2, 188-193 Abstract :When. a.plane sound wave is incident on a thin bounded cylindrical shell at a certain angle to its axis, one observes a considerable scattering of the sound in a direction opposed to that of the incident waves, the so-called non--irrorlike reflection. An analogous phenomenon was observed earlier in the scattering of sound by a bounded thin plate (cf. for example, Ref. Zhur. Fiz., 1956, 26537)- Using as an example the axially-symmetrical vibrations of a thin cylindrical shell, it is shown that the non-mirrorlike reflections are due to the vibra- tions of the shell induced by the external nound field. The theoretical pro- pagation of axially-symmetrical oscillations in a thin infinite cylindrical shel.1 are investigated for this purpose. It is established that in the high- frequency region, when the dimensions (radius) of the shell are large compared with the wavelength in the surrounding medium, the dispersion curve has two branches. One branch coincides asymptotically with the dispersion curve for Card 1/2 C~O,.e,!~ory USSR/Acoustics - Sound vibration3 and waves Ali;: Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1956 No 2102 J-2 the longitiidinal waves in the thin plate, and the other coincides with the curve for -the flexural waves in the thin shell. The reflection of sound from brass cylindrical shells in water was inves- tigated with the aid of pulsed ultrasonic setup operating at 1 Mc. It was e~Aablished that the directions of the non-mirrorlike sound reflections, in the case of shells that are large compared with the wavelength, al;mo3t coincide with the direction3 of the non-mirrorlike reflections from a plate, which are lea_,ovu to be- due to the propagation of flexural and longitudinal waves along the Card 2/2 Category USSR/A-coustics - Sound -vibrations and waves J-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 2103 Author LMshev. L M Rudakov, S.N. ti Inst cs 1 3 Acad of Sciences USSR Title Reflection of Sound ~y Thick Bounded Plates in Liquid Orig Pub : Akust. Zh., 1956Y 2, No 2, 228-230 Abstract : Report on an investigation of the reflection of sound from thick bounded brass, steel and aluminum plates in water, in a direction opposite to that of the incident wave. Non-mirrorlike rt~flections were observed in directions that do not agree with those of previously-known reflections. By "non-mir- rorlike rerlections" are meant strong anomalous sound scattering in a direc- tion opposite that of the incident waves (cf, for example, Ref. Zhur. Fiz. 1956, 26537, for details). It was established that the non-mirrorlike reflection of sound is observed every time that the phase velocity of the incident sound wave in the liquid along the plate becomes equal to the velocity of one of the normal waves in the plate (in the elastic layer). Card 1/1 LYANSHEV. L. M. "On the Theory of the Dispersion of Sound Produced by a Fine Rod", by L. M. Lyamshev, Acoustics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 2, No 4, Oct/Dec 56, PP 358-365 The expressions for the sound pressure of a dispersion field of a fine, infinite, elastic rod of circular cross section are found, taking into consideration its longitudinal and curvilinear vibrations. It was found that the vibrations of the rod may cause variation in the angular characteristics of dispersion. It was determined that during the dispersion of sound by an elastic rod the phenomenon of space resonance may be observed when the phase ve- locity of the sound wave traveling lengthwise to the rod coincides with the velocity of the curvilinear or longitudinal waves in the rod and vhen the system is submerged in a liquid. It was found that in the case of space resonance the dispersion substantially increases. As in the partial case, the solution obtained is the Rayleigh formula for the dis- persion of a plane sound wave by the rod with finite compressibility and density during the perpendicular incidence of the wave with the axis of the rod. It is noted that the internal losses in the rod material, An the case of a sufficiently fine rod, play the principal role during the dispersion of sound. Sum 1P19 and, sound Vibrations 110 1.956, 3551,8 Y itef erst ost ,,smsuev, L. 14-, of sciences USSRY plates uquill A,tI'0r' t4 'emy - Uoustic Das tute) Acac Bound b'Y Tbjja BOUn"'i sh resUM4 -.u3stitution Reflection Of 33-65; ED611- Title, 1956, 6, ljo I., cil on In 'hung - 1 0-2 resear inclad.- original xca&. Sci. rizental results thin -plates 2 verse I.O&icalt P'cta PUYS an& expe Of SOXW& by due to trans 'Per t IOU? made Of treatlaen , of tlieorY) reflection t reflectLzi-nation is (nonmirrorliXe of jn&jrec P0 e-CE EL thin p~bStTaCtz direct ea. new type le bj I are of the plate & Val ,late 'he an observ omatic 80,31, of the t Ing vibrations e Monocbr I vibrations Ldery an& compression of a 9 f or raction 1% f le%U37a of t1ae f Ourth 01 uatio'n Uation wave e9 f the tile diff late (strip) - -q ifier,nt4al P ,,hooogeneolls The field 0 bovnded. P a a 013 by an vibrations the f Or"' Of ad by .111stic jBiOn aescrib' 1 013 C I coopref waves 4A souglit In lonsitudin" aetrica itted. transverse 00 trans scattered. and the Car& 1/3 J-2 coust,cs _ Sound Vibrations and Waves, .~ngary/A Knot journal: Referat ZIIIII - Fizika, NO 12) 1956, 35548 AbBtract: the aid of Green's theorem. The forces acting on integral with e fields are substituted in the the plate from the side of the wav ions, and the problem right halves of the equations of plate vibrat jal equations with produces to the solution of 2 integro-d-ifferent ent of the sur- respect to the velocities of the normal displacem approxi- face plate. The integro-differential equations are solved of the mately by expanding the velocities of the displacement and pressures in series of the Eigenfunctions of the oscillations Of the plate in vacuum# It is established that as a result of the flexural and longitudinal vibrations occurring when the Bound~ strikes the plate at certain angles one can observe a strong scattering in a direction opposite to the direction of the inci- denti wave, i.e., the so-called indirect reflection. It plained-that the indirect-reflection effect is due to the phe- nomenon of the sPatial-freque"y resonance. The cMcePt Of the settling of the oscillations is introduced. length of the spatial is made At a froquency of,~bme mc, an experimental Investigation with the aid of a pulse procedure of the reflection of Bound from thin brass, steel, or aluminum plates in water. It was found that Card 2/3 Hungar7/Acoustics - Sound Vibrations and Waves., J-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12., 1956, 35548 Abstract: the theory describes the phencmenon satisfactorily. Biblio&-aphy, 4 titles. Card 3/3 L A, SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1477 AUTHOR LJAMSEV,L.M., RUDAKOV,S.N. 1ITLE The Reflection of Sound by a Thin Rod in Water. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk9 110, fasc. 1, 48-51 (1956) Issued: 11 / 195-6 reviewed; 11 / 1956 In the case of some angles of incidence a strong reflection in the opposite direction of incidence of the wave is observed ("non-mirrorlike reflection"). The assumption that this reflection is caused by diffraction- and longitudinal waves in the rod was confirmed by experiments. The device used for the examination of this reflection consisted of a trough with sound-abBorbing walls which was filled with water, a generator for ultra- sonic impulses, a quartz vibrator, a reception amplifier, and an impulse oscilloscope. The duration of impulse amounted to 30 /ksec and the repetition frequency of the impulses was 50 c. The rods had a thi'ckness of less than I mm and were 30 mm long, the distance between them and the vibrator was -150 --m- 0 The angle of rotation was measured with an accuracy of 0,2 and the relative error when measuring the amplitude of the reflected wave does not exceed 10~_ The polar diagrams of the reflection of some copper-, aluminium-, and steel rods are shown in diagrams. The angles of non-mirrorlike reflection correspond- ing to rods of different materials are given. In the case of brass rods of 0,39 mm thickness such a reflection does not occur, Next, the problem of the scattering of a plane sound wave by a thin rod sub- bokl.Akad.Nauk, 110. fasc.1, 48-51 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1477 merged in a liquid is investigated in consideration of the shearing oscillations And longitudinal oscillations of the rod. The correspondinE differential. equation is given. Non-mirrorlike reflection occurs at the critical angle of sin"V6. - C/ox. 17on-mirrorli'ke reflection by infinitely long rods is due to the effect produced by free longitudinal waves (or shearing waves) which are re- flected by the boundaries of the rod. If the above mentioned condition is satis- fied, spatial resonance occurs if the amplitude of the longitudinal or shearing oscillations excited by the exterior field of sound increases considerably. In the case of an infinitely long rod and spatial resonance the amplitude of the scattered field can be considerably higher than the scattering amplitude in the case of a vertical incidence of a plane sound wave. Losses in the interior of the material of the rod exercise an important influence on the scattering of sound in the case of sufficiently thin rods. The sharp de- creape of the amplitude of non-mirrorlike reflection due to longitudinal waves is, in the case of steel rods, connected with the nonstationarity of the oscillations of the rod. INSTITUTION: Institute for Acoustics of the Academy of Science in the USSR. 2o-2-2o/62 AFTHORs Lyamshev, L.M. TITLEt The Diffraction of Sound on a Thin Bnunded EIaBtic Cylindrical Shell (Diffraktsiya, zvuka na tonkoy ogranichennoy uprugoy tsilin- dricheskoy obolochke) PERIODIGALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Hr 2, pp. 271 - 273 (USSR) ABSTRA,",Tt The present paper examines the diffraction of the plane sound wa- ves pi - exp ik coo 9 coo f r + ik sin 9 z), (9 signifies the ~ enoe) on a thin bounded cylindrical shell with a angle of inoi circular cross section by the method of the integrodifferential equation. The author uses more general assumptions than M. Junger, JASA, 1953, Vol. 24, P. 3661 JASA, 1953, Vol. 25, Nr 899, who in- vestigated only the special case of the vertical incidence of a plane wave on an unlimited shell. This shell whose axis is iden- tical with the z-axis of the cylindrical coordinate system r, Y, z be fasten ad in the points z - 0, d in a cylindrical absolutely stiff and immovable screen. Card 1/3 Green's (Grin's) theorem and the condition of the equality of the 20-2-20/62 The Diffraction of Sound on a Thin Bounded Elastic Cylindrical Shell normal vilocities are used here. The solution of the wave equation A + k )p - 0 can be represented in the form p(r, T , Z) - Pi(r, ~P Z) + Pr(r, ~? I Z) - i ci 91 G(r, a, ~ - ~1, z - z1) W(e~ 1, zl)del. In this connection a signifies the surface of the sh 1 and p (r, T , z) signifies the known part of the solution which deserfbes the field of the dispersion of an absolutely stiff unlimited cylinder. G(rf a, T - 91 1, z - ZI) with r > rl - a means Green's (Grin'B) function. This problem is reduced to the solution of a rather comprehensive system of integrodifferential equations with regard to 6) ( F , Z), which is given here. The solotion of this system can be reduced to the solution of linear algebraic equations by developing the displacement speeds u(T , Z)f V( z) tw(tZ., z) and pSressurps 'pi(a, ~p , Z) + pr (a, _V'', z da ording 0 eigenfunctions-in aeries, e.ge 00 00 a, cos m sin(li- nz/d). The coefficients a W( Z) e can approxim. e etermined from algebraic equations and thmn final solutions are given. There are 11 references, 7 of which are Card 2/3 Slavic. 20-2-2o/62 The Diffraction of Sound on a Thin Bounded Elastic Cylindrical Shell ASSOCIATIONs Accoustic Institute AN USSR (Akusticheakiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTEDs February 28, 1957, by N.N. Andreyev, Academician SUBMITTED3 February 27, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 LYN4SHVI, L. M. "Radiation and Scattering of Statistical Sound Fields by Thin Elastic Shells and Plates." paper presented at the 4th All-Union Conf - on Acoustics, MOSCO'.;, 26 ,!ay - 41 jun 58. 10, 46-.4 -1-33123 AUTHOR: ~qamshev, L. 11. TITIZ: Scattering of Sound by a Finite Thin Rod (Rasseyaniye zvuka tonkim ogranichennym sterzhnem.) PTIRIODICAL: Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol.IV, 11r.1, PP-51-58. (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses scattering of a plane monochromatic acoustic wave on a thin elastic rod of finite length and circular cross-section, with longitudinal and flexural vibrations of the rod taken into account. It is found that vibrations of the rod r-ay alter the angular characteristics of scattered waves. For certain angles of incidence of the acoustic wave strong scatterin- is observed in the direction opposite to the direction of the incident wave. This is described as non-specular reflection. In general, not only transverse flexural vibrations, but also transverse conpressional vibrations (longitudinal vibrations) have to be taken into account. A non-homogeneous wave equation for longitudinal vibrations of the rod is deduced which allows:br the action of external transverse forces on the rod. A similar equation for the trans- verse compressional vibrations of the rod is also Card 1/2 obtained. Two Appendices deal with equations of A 46-4 -1-8/23 Scattering of Sound by a Finite Thin Rod. motion for the rod allowing for the finite thickness of the rod, and with the ivave equation for transverse compressional vibrations of a thin rod. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 2 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 American, 1 English and 2 translations of Western work into Russian. ASSOCIATION: Acoustics. Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR'.Moscow (Akusticheskiy institut Ali SSSR, Moskva.) SUBMITUID: Febraary 20, 1957. 1. Sound-Scattering 2. Rode-Applications Card 2/2 4 rAUTHOR: Lyamshav, 46-4-2-8/20 TITLE - Diffraction of Sound on an Infinite Thin Elastic Cylindrical Shell (Difraktaiya zvuka na bazgranichnoy tonkoy uprugoy tsilindrichosicoy obolochka) ItRIODICALs Almatichaskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 2, pp 161-167 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Diffraction of a plane acoustic -wave on a thin elastic infinite cylindrical shell wav dealt with in Ref 2 by Junger. That treatment, however, was limited to the special case of normal incidence of the plane Tmva on the shell. The present paper deals with diffraction of sound on a similar shell in the case of oblique incidence of a plane acoustic wave, using the method of integro- differential equation (Ref 3) and assuming that the shell vib rations are described by equations given in Ref 4; by Kennard. Usiiig Kennardts equations it is possible to take into account the effect of transverse deformations of the shell which are related to the longitudinal deformations, and 'which ware not included in Junger's treatment (Ref 2). The author finds that the shell vibrations can alter to a great extent the polar scattering characteristic and the scattering power As compared with scattering by an Cardl/2 absolutely rigid immobile cylinder of the same dimensions as the 46-4-2-8/20 Diffraction of Sound on an Infinite Thin Elastic Cylindrical Shell shell. There are 2 figures and 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 American, 1 English and 3 translations of Western work into Russian. ASSOCIATIO: Akusticheslciy jastitut AN SSSR, Moslcva (Acoustic* Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow) SUE11ITTED: March 26, 1957 Card 2/2 1. Cylindrical shells-Application 2. Sound-Diffraotion 3, Cylindrical shells-Vibration 1)v AUTHORS:Lyamshev, L. M. and Rudakov, S. N. T x-VeF'in~al Study of Non-SI)ecular Reflection of Sound ITLE ~E by Finite Thin Rods in Water (Eksperimer.tallnoye issledov- aniye nezerl-allnogo otrazheniya zvuk'a tonki-mi osranicheiiny~ii sterzhn-jTami v vode) .,- FERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 283-285 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Results of an experimental study of non-specular reflection of sound by thin finite rods in water are repor- Ued. The rods were made of aluminium steel and brass. A comparison is -made between the experimental data and the theoretical predictions given in Ref.l. It is shown that non-specular reflection of sound by such rods is due to lon-itudinal and bending vibrations of rods, and the ex- perimentally observed intensity distributions are satis- factorily described by the theory of Ref.i. There are 4 Card 1/2 3OV-46-4-3-11/18 An Experimental Sbudy of Non-Specular Reflection of Swand by Finite Thin Rods in Water .-raT)Ils and 1 Soviet reference# ASSOCIATION: Akustiches',--iy institut PdT SSSOR, Moskva (Acoustics. Ino'u-itute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, MOSCOVI) SUB111ITTED: LL-rch 261 1953. 1. Sound--Reflection 2. Water--Acoustic properties 3. Rods--Acoustic properties "jard 2/2 .70) SOV/30-59-2-18/60 AUTHORS., Andreyev, N. N., Academician Lyamshev, L. M., Candidate of Physical and Ifathler-atical Science3 TITLE: News in Brief (Kratkiye soobahcheniya) Extension of Scientific Relations With the Hungarian Experts in the Field of Acoustics (Rasshireniye nauchnykh svyazeY s vengerskimi. spetsialistami v oblasti akustiki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademij nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 2, p 76 (USSR) ABSTRACT. From October 22 until November 3, 1958 the authors travelled to the (Hungarian Peoplels Republic, ~ in order to carry out investigation.-t. They viqttr-d institutions in Budapest$ Biophysics at the Medical State University at Pecs and the radiowo.rks at Sz0_-keAfeb:drvsri.. . They made studies of the de- velopment in the field of applied acoustics, acoustics of large rooms (Professor T. Tarnotczyof the State University in Budapest), of the acoustic characteristics of the Hungarian language and of ultrasonics. The Hungarian scientists ex- Card 1/2 pressed the wish to send young scientists to the USSR for the SOV/30-59-2-18/60 News in Brief. Extension of Scientific Relations With the Hungarian Experts in the Field of Acoustics purpose of receiving further training. Card 2/2 AUTHOR z SOV/46-.5-1-9/24: TI TIZ s Scattering of Bound by Slastic Cylinders (Rasseyanlye zvuka uprugimi tsilindrami) MRIODICAL; Akmstichoskiy Zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, 'Nr 1, pp 58-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Figs 1, 2 and 3 show polar characteristics of reflection of acoustic waves at elastic cylinders of circular cross-aection made of brass, aluminium and steel. Measurements were made In vater in directions opposite to the direction of the incident wave. The ordinates of Figs 1-3 show the amplitudes of the reflected signal In decibels referred to a certain standard signal. The abscissae show the value of the angle of incidence a in degrees. The value 0 = 00 represents the conditions when the acoustic wave Is incident at right-angles to the cylinder axis. Measurements were made under pulse conditions using an apparatus described by the author in Ref 2. The pulses more of 30 msee duration, 50 c/s repetition frequency and the cylinders were of 10 mm diameter and 60 mm length. The cylinders were fixed in a rojating frame fitted with a pointer for reading the angles. The polar reflection characteristics given in Figs 1-3 show maxim of strong scattering (non-specular reflection). These maxima occur at 0 = 12. 18, Card 1/2 22, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 480 on brass cylinders (Fig 1). Ccattering of Sound by Elastic Cylinders SOV/46-.5-1-9/24 The maxima of reflection at aluminium cylinders (Fig 2) occurred at 8, 12, 15, 17, 20, 2-1, 26, 300. Non-specular reflection on steel cylinders (Fig 3) took place at 6, 11, 14, 18, 26, 25, 27, 300. A theoretical analysis of scattering of plane acoustic Ywaves by infinite elastic cylinders of circular cross-section -was used to explain the experimental results. It was found that strong non-specular reflection of sound may be expected whenever free -naves are excited in an elastic cylinder and propagated along it. Acknowledgments are made to S.N. Rudakov for his help in expariments. There are 4 figures and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 German ani 1 translation from English into Russian. ASSOCIATIONukkusticheekly institut AN SSBR, Monk7a, (Acoustics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Moscow) SUMaTTED ; April 1, 1968 Card 2/2 AUTHOR. Lyams hev, L.M. S OV146-b-l -21/2,.1 TITLE On 'a Method of Solving the Problem of Radiation of Sound by Thin Elastic Shellr and Plates (0b odnom sposobe resheniya zadachi izlucheniya zvuka tonV.4mi uprugimi obolochkami i plastinkami) PERIODICAL,. Almstichaskly Zhurnal, 1959, Vo! 5, Nr 1, pp 122-124; (USSR) ABSTRACT, The problem of radiation of sound by a thin elastic shell(plate) is formulated as follows - It is reTaired to find the solution of the wave equationintho space ?1irrounding the elastic shell or plate -which executes harmonic viorations under the action of a mechanical force distributed along the shell or plate surface. The solution must satisfy the condition of radiation to infinity and equality of normal displacements at tne bounaary between the shell or plate and the surrounding medium. The racpaired solution may be obtained without discussing the edge conditions, if one uses the known solution of the diffraction field of a point sourca. The latter solution applie's in the apace out-i!,de the shell or plate. At distances from the source large compared with the wavelength of radiation and with the dimeasione of ~he shell or plate, tne diffraction field in the region occupied Card 1/2 by the so-area may be regarded as the result of diffraction of a plane so'V/46-5-1-21/24 On a Method of Solving the Problem of Radiation of Sound by TIAn glastic Shell-9 and Plates wave. By way of example the author discusses radiation of sound by a closed spherical shell acted upon by a harmonic force given by Eq (11). There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOGJATION: Akusticheskiy institut A14 SSSR, Moskva (Acoustics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1958 Ga rd 2/2 LYAMSHEV, L.M, Theory of the otudy of sound radiation by thin elastic shells and plates. Akust.zhur. 5 no-4.-420-427 159. (MRA 14:6) 1. Akusticheakiy Institut AN SSSR, MDskva. (Sound-Transmission) 240) AUTHOR: Lyamshev, L. M. SOV/20-125-6-15/61 TITLEi On the Problem of the Principle of Reciprocity in Acoustics (K voprosu o printBipe vzaimnosti v akustike) PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 6, pp 1231-1234 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Short reference is first made to several previous papers dealing with this subject. As far as the author knows, no mathematical formulation of the reciprocity principle has hitherto been ' presented, by means of which the connection between extensive sources in an acoustic medium, certain external forces acting upon shells, membranes, etc. and the radiation fields generated by these sources and bodies is expressed. The present paper deduces such a relation. An arbitrary volume -q is assumed to exist,, which is filled with an arbitrary combination of acoustic media and elastic shells (rods, membranes, etc.). These elastic shells are closed or bounded and are fastened to immobile screens. The surface of the shell is denoted by Sill the contour,,. of the fastening with Fi- The author investigates the field Card 1/3 p(l)(70), which is generated by a system of spatial harmonic On the Problem of the Principle of Reciprocity inAcoustics SOV120-125-6-15161 '4 1 -h sources N (i) which is continuously distributed over In that case D~')(I) is a solution of the equation r p (r ) + k p(l (-r+) and satisfies certain . %r boundary conditions, whioh are written down here. Another (2) 4 system of continuo*.191y distributed sources Q (r) is further assumed to exist. The field p (2)(r-t-) generated by these sources (2)(-1,) + kl,(2)(-+, (1(2) satisfies the equation AP r rj (-r-') and the already mentioned bounda-ry conditions. After several steps a rather voluminous equation is obtained, which nay be considered to be a mathematical. formulation of the acoustic principle of reciprocity. The author then investigates several special cases and mentions several possibilities of applying the principle of reciprocity in form of the integral relations deduced in the present paper. Thus, it is necessary to find a solution of the problem of sound scattering by an elastic shell if the incident field is generated by a system of Card 2/3 spatially distributed sources. The required solution is then On the Problem of the Principle of Reciprocity inAccustics SOV120-125-6-15161 reduced (if the problem of the field of the puncti-form source in the Dresence of a shell is already solved) immediately to quadratures. An expression is then deduced for the spectral intensity of the static fiold of scattering. In the 3ame way it is also possible to solve also the problem of the passage of the sound field through a shell (if this field is generated by regular or statistically produced sources). By means of the general relation derived in this case, it is possible to solve also the problem of radiation if the shell oscillates under the influence of forces, moments, shifts, etc (which are given on its boundary). The integra! relation deduced in this paper holds also if quite generally elastic bodies (not only shells and membranes) exist in the acoustic medium. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: Alcusticheskiy instit.ut Akademii nauk SSSR (Acoustio,3 In--titutc of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 20, 1959, by N. N. Andreyev, Academician SUBMITTED. January 18, 1959 Card 3/3 86 -1257 S/046/60/006/004/006/022 49 (9 B019/BO56 AUTHOR: 'Aw TITLE: Th-! -,,f trv~, Acoustic Radiation of an Aerodynamic Turbiilon*. Fl-v PERIODICAL: Aku~i-,oh.-~,,kiy zhurn,~1 :1)0j, Vol, 6, No, 4, r.-P~ 472 - 477 X v TEXT: On the bagia of the ,qua~ion by Lighthill (BE-f., 1), a method of calculating the acazjetv~ radiation of an aerodynamic turbulent flow into frep space and in the prn-senc,~ of an (-laotic. 3urfaoe located outside the flow J-3 hert sugge&tcid Lighthill~-3 r~j--,)a-tion runza-, 2 ti ?Q(1) 2,5 ') Q Q0 3x.Tx7"i'j a t2 t 1. j The author obtains thF-: following expre3sion for the mean square pressure fluctuations- (1)(41)12 4 (2) +(2) r r r r r )p k kp K d+ I d:P' (11) CtA Card 1/.5 86357 The Calculation of the Acoustic RadifItion of 3/046/60/006/004/006/022 a.n Aerodynamic Turbulent Flow B019/BO56 It follows from this forrioula thit for lf~terinining the spectral intensity of the acoustic radiatLon a-t any arbitrary point, the solution of "he non- .steady diffraxtinn at thin! jinnt iflust be known, With a given correlation functicn, th-~ alrulatl,~~n of the flpec-~,rIinten5ity is then a quadrature,. In the lvith(,rtu (Rult. with, Q - Qo , Q denotei3 the density of the ga3 in the fl,~:w, and r; r% the density of the gas and the velocity of sound in thc- ga--;, av,d ~V the pulsation rate in the turbulent flo-N. i-") ~r the spa--.4al correlation f unct ion of the ioiu; An approximation o.f the spectral intensity ir, givein with 0 Ur , )C~ p p 2 K (7' 1 -'P dl'd'" (12) r 1P 00'6 Y- Chu, Calculation with (11) and (12) is considerably simplified within the range of_high frequencies, becauqp for calculating the spectral intensity of the radiation, the solution of the diffraction problem may be Used, which is obtained by mr-ans of ap~,rcij-aiation methoda of the diffraction theory. Card 2/3 86357 'The Calculation of the Acoustic Hadia-tion of S/046/60/006/004/006/022 an Aerodynamic Turbulent Flow B019/BO56 A. N. Kolmogorov and A. M. Obukhov are mentioned. There are 10 referencess 6 Soviet and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut, AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: March 4, 1960 Card 3/3 3~6 046'6o/006/004/017/022 419%) B0191BO56 AUTHORs TITLEs The Bound Reflection From a Thin Moving Plate PERIODICALt Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1960, vol. 6, No. 4, PP- 505 - 507 TEXTs The author places a system of coordinates into a plate moving with the velocity V, the plate'.beipg in the XZ plane and moving in the positive X-direotion. He gives the formulas for the sound field, which are soluble'-' tions of a ditferential equation describing the sound propagation in a moving medium. The reflection coefficients A and B are obtained from suitable boundary conditions and the equation of motion of the plates zz1coo20(1+Msine) 2_ 2Q202 tZ, oose ( 1+Ms in63+Qc) ine)+2Q'oT 2QcZ,cose(ltifaine)-qczcoae(l+msine) jzicoae(l+msine)+qcjfZcoso(l+Msi-n--O-T+--2q-cT Card 1/2 The Sound Reflection From a Thin Moving 8/04"66(07/006/004/017/022 Plate B019/3056 Here M = V/c is the Mach number, c is the velocity of sound in the medium, e is the angle of incidence of the sound waves, and Z and ZI are the impedances of the plate for elastic vibrations and compression vibrations. If only the elastic vibrations are taken into account, the following holdes A Zcose0+MsinG) ZcosO(1+Xsine)+2qc B 2oc ZcosQ(1+MainQ)+2Qc With M - 0 these formulas go over into the known formulas for immobile plates. There are 1 figure and 2 referencess I Soviet and 1 'US. ASSOCIATIONt Akuaticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs May 29, ig6o Card 2/2 (I qAMSEMv--~Ald_Mkkbaylovich, kand. fi~sjko-matem..nauk; NEMMOVA, A.S.,, red.; RAKfT-'B-gl-.T-.--O--tekbja-.- rod, [Sound) Zvuk. Moskval lzda-vo 112tanie"Nses. ob-va po rasprostra- neniiu polit. i nauch. znaniio 1961. 39 p. (Narodryi universitet kulltury. Batestvannonauabnyi fakulltat, no.8) (MMA 3.429) (Sound) .!b ,- 20235 S/046/61/007/001/006/015 B104/B204 AUTHOR: Lyamshev, L. M. TITLEt Sound emission'of elastic shells produced by a turbulent aerodynamic flow PERIODICALi Akusticheskiy zhurnalp v. 7, no. 1v 1961, 59-66 TEXT: An approximate calculation of the sound field inside and outside a thin elastic shell is oarried out which is produced by a subsonic turbulent flow. Proceeding from-the differential equation for sound propagation in a turbulent medium, the author, by means of a voluminous calculation, obtains an integral for pressurey from which it may be seen that the sound field of a turbulent flow, if a shell is located under the flow, may be represented as a superposition of those sound fields9 which are produced by the pressure pulsations, the viscous tensions in the flow, and the sound sources on the shell surface. Moreover, it was found by means of a dimension analysis that in the subsonic range and with elasticq but acoustically "soft" surfaces, the acoustic emission is caused mainly by the velocity pulsations. Here, it Card 1/4 20235 S/046/61/007/001/006/015 Sound emission of ... B104/B204 is, however, assuok that the velocity pulsations are greater than those of pressure pulsations and those of viscous tensions. If, howeverp the shell surface is acoustically "hard"l the velocity pulsations are of no im- portanoe. In this case, the sound field is essentially produced by the pressure pulsations and the pulsations of the viscous tensions of the shell surface. By closely studying the problem raised here, the author arrives at the conclusion that for calculating the sound emission of an elastic shell in a turbulent flowg a corresponding diffraction problem must be solv- edp and that the correlation tensor of the pulsations of velocity or pres- sure and of the pulsations on the shell surface must be determined. If the auxiliary solution and the correlation function are knowr.0 determination of the sound emission of an elastic shell located in a turbulent flow leads to a simple quadrature. As an example, the author calculates the sound emis- sion of a thin moving plate, which performs oscillations by pressure pulsa- tions. Shell diffraction on the edges of the plate and the reflection of the bending waves from the edges are neglected. Calculation is carried out for the Fraunhofer zone. For the mean square of pressure fluctuations an expression is obtained from the study of which an asymmetry in the direction Card 2/4 20235 S/046/61/007/001/006/015 Sound emission of B104/B204 characteristic of sound emission is determined. This asymmetry increases t, with increasing velocity of the plate. In Fig. 1 various radiation char- acteristics are shown corresponding to different Mach numbers, which have been calculated according to the results obtained here. All these results 7".hold also for the sound.field,in the interior of shells. As an example, the' turbulent flow of a medium in a tube is dealt with in detail, where a veloc-; ity that is uniformly distributed over the cross section, is assumed. The author-thanks L.,1M. Brekhovskikhp V. S. Grigoroyev, S. N. Rzhevkin, and V. A. Krasil'nikov for valuable discussions. There are I figure and 10 ref- erences: 5 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR Moskva (institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDi November 16, ig6o Card 3/4 -LYAMIIE'~~ ~14; RUDAKOV~ 5,1,~ ..... .... I !;!~~ Sound emission from plates and shells in water. Akust. zhur. 7 no-.3:380083 161. (MIRA 1/,: 9) 1. Akusticheskiy inatitut AN SSSR, Moskva. (Elastic plates and shells) (Underwater acoustics) AUTHOR: TITLE- Lyamshev, L. M. 23849 S/020/61/137/006/008/020 B104/B201 Acoustic emission from a. turbulent flow-in the presence of elastic boundaries .PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137., no. 6, 1961,-1343-1346 ~TEXT: The author has made an approximative calculatibn of the acoustic :emis*sion from'a flow containidg aerodynamically thin, elastic bodies. The ,calculations are based on the -equation of sound propagation in a turbulent 'flow,,assuming the statistical proc'esses to be steady. The equations can be 'Used for calculating the spectral-amplitude dezjs~ties. The formulism devel- be alio extended to the case of chhracteristics slowly chanefig' .oped here,can ,spatially and in time, i,e., to locally steady and homogeneous random fields. ~ I . n a given zoneS1 of the turbulent flow, the equAtion for the sound 'propaga- .tion in coordinates moving along with the mean flow velocity reads: Card 116 013 AP P=- To 7p, 70 (?x, dxl 23849 S/020/61/137/006/008/020 .Acoustic emission from B104/B201 T QV 'v' + a + (p 02 Obij; q is.the density;.v are the components of ij i i ij 0 1 the velocity pulsation; s ij is the tensor of viscous stresses; p is the Pres. sure of-the ilow; co is the sound velocity in the unmoving medium. With M = V/co