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LYAMIN, V..A. Production of resin softeners for the reclaimir of rubbpar. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 16 no.4:4-6 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im, SqM, Kirm, (Peat industry~--B7-products) (Gums and resins) in the cr -it' the hazr~ cr- -yd 21rerd Eirc SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O.; LYWIll, V.I., red. [Present state, ob'ectives and trends in the iLprovement of transportation in new and redesigned coal mines; report at the AU-Union Conference of Designers in the Coal Indus- try] Sovremennoe sostaianie, zadachi i napravleniia uso- vershenstvovaniia transporta novykh i rekonstruiruerqkh ugollnykh shakht; doklad na Vsesoluznom soveshchanii proekti- rovshchikov v ugollnoi pron7shlennosti. Moskva, In-t gornogo dela., 1964. 27 p@ (MIM 18:4) 1. CiLlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Spivakovskiy). FILATOV, V.I., irif,,h.; UAMIll, V.I., red. [Prob- eir of invertigatim: zhe influence of the ex-tent of 0 an ore bed an the effectiveness of its breakinlo; a scientific report] K voprosu issledovaniia vliianiia protiazhennosti sre- dy na effektivnostl ee razi-usheniia; nauchyqi doklad. Moskva, In-t gornogo dela. 1964. 18 p. (milut 18:9) AJEKSEYXV~ Aleksey Vasillyevich; LYk~iijjljll, Valentin I Vaj~entin ~Jv~.ch- GOLUBEVA, I.T.. red. izd_va. inzh. I red.; I . BEi T.M., red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A.f tekbn. red. [Attachments to the TchPA-2 and TchPA-3 automatic saw-grinding machines for electric contact hardening of sawteethl Prisposoble- niia dlia elektrokontaktnoi zakalki zublev pil k pilotochnym av- toratam TchPA-2, TchPA-3. Leningrad, 1961. 14 p. (Iseningrad- skii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom, Seriia: Derevoobrabatyvaiushchaia prou7shlennost', no.4 (MIRA 14:12) (Steel--Hardening) (Grinding machines-Attacbments) TIMIEVEV, S.S.; TRONINA, V.P.; CHIKIN, V.A.; KNYAZEV, G.N.; GULYMMEV, M.P.; ZAKHARCV, Yu.Yo,; CHIKIIIA, I.S.; LYA14INL V.I._, DOCHAROV, V.Yk.; SHIGIN, Ye.K.; KMOV, V.F. - Sciqntific, pedagogical and social activity of Professor V.V. Dobronravov. [Trudy] MVTU no-104:7-18 t6l. (MIRA 15:2) %'Dobronravov, V14dimir Vasillevich, 1901-) SEPGEYEV, I.V.,, kand. teklui. nauk, PETROSYAN, A.E., kand. tekhr. UST-ZOV, N.J.p inzh.; IUNIIN V.I., red. (Gas control with the u~ie of new equipment; report at the All-Union Seminar on Fychange of Expefience in the Field of Safety Measures at Enterprisen of' the Coal Inrlusti-j) ~Ioproay bor'by s gazom pri primenenii novol takhrilki; dollad na Vse- soiuznom seminare po obmenu opytom v oblasti tekhniki bez- opasnosti, na predpriiatiiakh ugollnoi proqjshlennosti. Mo- skva, In-t gornogo dela, 1964, 18 P- (MLtA 18:9) bAGRlhOVSKIY, A.D., kand. tekEn. muk; LYANIINI, V.1., red. [Principles of Lhe thecory of tthe contrel of mine tion networks; Vcport at the ariniverrnry se~;,qjori of tnt7- entific Council dedicn-tod Lo ~hc rnwwry of Academi-,! i Fin A.A. Skochinskii on thp occasion of' the 90th anniversary of b-;rthl 03novy !,eorii setiand; doklad ra iubileinom zn,-.edar-ii Uchenugo suveta, il~-- svia2lichermom pazdati u~adei~lka v ssviazl- 9C-letierr, so dnia rozhdleniia. .',)skvri, In-t gorric~gc, ,(,--'.a -im. A.A. Skochinskogo, 1064. 21 p. D2.) AUTHORS: Tikhmenev, B.S., Trorina, V.P., Uhikin, V.A., Xnyag~,v, G. ""I ""'- Gulyayev, 1M. P. , ZaRhurov, Yu.Ye. , I - Bocharov, V.K., Shigin, Ye.K., and Kr.- ov _ain, V- I. , TITLE: Scientific, pedagogical and general activities of Profes- sor V.V. Dobronravov SOURUE: Moscow ' Vyauheye toklinicheskoye uchilinfiche (Trudy], no. 104, 1961. 14ekhanika, 7 - 18 TEXT: On the occasion of his 60th birthday and the 35th anniver3a- ry of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Prof-?scor, Doctor of Physical eand "'lathematical Sciences, Vladimir Vasilyevich 1)obron- ravov who is at present Professor of Theoretical 1!00winicu at '~4,VTU im. N.E. Baumana (?AVTU iT.1. N.E. Bauman), eleven of hi.'I 13tildenta present this appreciation. V.V. I)obronravov was born on "Tarch 17th, 1901. In 1924 he obtained his degree In mathematics at the 3aratov- skiy Gosudarstvcnnyy universitet Im. N.G. Chernyshevokly (Saratov State University im. N.G. Ghernyshevskiy), in 1927 he accuted the Card 1/3 S/5 49/6 1100,011 8 Scientific, pedagogical and ... 1) 237/D304 poet of A3sistan-, to Inc Profes3or of Physion at the Antrakiian Gta- to Medical Institute, where in oub:3cquent y~-arz3 lie publiLrilird a I,)-- per in zieuro-biophysics. DurinG 1929-31, lie wus Profensor of 1'.-LThL'- matica tit the Saratov A.~ricu.Ltiiral Inntituto viid lecti;red at Sa-a- tov University. From 1931 lie worked in a namber of hif-,hcr eflue:ttio- nal establishments in Moucow and was associated with Eosco'a Univer- aity from 1931 to 1952. In 100 tie wai aviarderl a doct~'rat-3 at !.!os- coa State University and in 1951 lie was elected to the DeparLmint of Theoretical Mechanics at MVTU im. N.B. Bauman, where in sub.'30- V/ quent years, under his ruidance, cruroca In specialized branches such as stability of notion, gyroncopy, osciiintion, vari,ttional ne- thod etc. viere developed. During n1s career the main contributions made were in the field of aiechanles of nozi-holononic syszems. After 1950 he published papers on kinetics of notion of rigid body (Trudy 11M11, no. 2, (10), 1950), stability of linear systems of diff. equations with constant coefficients in (Avtonatika I Telemekhanika, v. 17, no. 3, 1950) etc. In the 1950s lie also became interested in astronautics. He has been a member of the Movicow ?,lathematical Socie- ty since 1944, and is an active member of the Kethodologica-1 Commis- Card 2/3 Scientific, pedu6ogical ,~nd 7 7 sion on the Theoretical 1"ncliazitcs of th,-, ?"tilirtry of ti4~, and Higher Education of US311. At I iru t3 L-n t I I e i i a monograph on' non-holonomic riyntvi::n- ': llorko,,rskoye*ordcn,-t Loninp, i ordr~n.-. tri,o; ASSOCIATIO1, mix7ioni vyssh(--ye teklirticheskuye na, (Moscow Order of Dmi~ and 1~ed Pillyincr of Labor HiCher Technievl Gohool Im. Card 3/3 KHORUN-I~HTY, V.I., inzh.; ,Yt2MjN, V,I., red, [Foundations with controlled settling '-. rel.ort at the All- Union Conference of Coal Industry Flanners) Fundamenty s reguliruernoi osadkoi; dokJad TD% VseccAuzilom zoveshchanii proektirovshchikov ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva., Tri-t. gorno.go dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo, 1964. 10 p. 1'e-4, LEBEDYANSKAYA, Z.P., i-rizh. L-YAKI11-, V.I., red. (Calculating inrushe of wate:- into 3trip mines bv the electrohydrodynamic analogy method; manual, on methods] aaschet pritokov vady v karleiy metodom elektrogidro- dinamicheskikh analogii-, mietodicheskoe posobis.). 1,Toskva, In-t gornogo delay 1964. 22 p. (MIRA 18:1) LYANINq 0 --~nzh, Using precast reinforced concrete components in constructing coolers 0 for cement Iciln . Stroi.i dor.mash. 6 no.,4:27-29 Ap 161. OMRA 14:3) (Cement kiln ) (Precast concrete construction) 1* LYAMIN, V. V. I 2. USSR (600) 4, Electric Motorst Po~yphase 7. Preventing two-phase operation of electric motors, FAbsenergop not 12, 1952* 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. LYAKN,,V.Gvl"q ._~pner. vi jk~, t" !Z~~v , -_ 1-1; Circuit of an alternating-current luxmater. Prom.enarg, 12 no.1:13 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:2) (Photometers) LIAMIN, V.V., inzh. Automatic temperature control in drying cabinets. Prom.energ. 12 no.8:13-14 Ag -157- (MIRA 10:10) Driying apparatus) (Automatic control) AUTBOR. Lyamin' V. V. ii9-5a-6-i3/13 TITLE: A Pi;~ticeleo~o ~U~ Device Controlled by External Illumination (Potoelektricheskiy avtomat upravleniya naruzhnym osveshoheniyem) FMODICAL: Priborostroyeniyes 1958, Nr 6, PP. 32-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The scheme of this device comprises a photoelectric amplifier, a retardation circuit and serves the purpose of causing a relay to respond in dependence on the light intensity to which the apparatus is adjusted. The point of operation can be adjusted for ary value of light current within the range of 4-40 milli- lume b changing the grid voltage of the first amplifier tube rs Zh of. (6 8 The delay is variable and amounts to not less than 30 seconds if e.g. daylight is much more intense than the adjusted light level. In the case of a lower light value which varies according to the adjusted level delay>is less, so that even a small amount of darkening is sure to cause the system to respond. The units of the resistances, condensers, and tmnsforiners used Card 1/2 are given. There are I figure, and 2 tables. A Photoelectric Automatic Device Controlled 119-58-6-13/13 by External Illumination 1. Photoelectric cells-Control 2. Photoelectric cells-Applications 3. Photoelectric cells-Performance ,4. Li&t-Electricai effeets Card 2/9 U. X III 3-~3 9136 83537 S1 112/59/000/0 15/051/068 A052/AO02 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 15, P. 175, # 32197 AUTHOR: LyamiD.,.~. TITLE- Automatic Electronic Thermoregulator PERIODICAL: Prom.-ekon, byul. Sovnarkhoz Permsk. ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, No. 7, pp. 46-47 TEXT: An electronic thermoregulator for maintaining the thermal con- ditions in thermoelectric furnaces and resistance tanks (vanna soprotivleniya) is described. The regulator is composed of the "61148C" (6118s) tube in which one section serves as an oscillator with a constant grid potential. The work of the electronic regulator is based on the change of inductance of the anode circuit coils when the indicator paddle of the indicating instrument shifts in the gap between the circuit coil and the feedback coil. The inductance value of anode circuit coils determines the presence or the stopping of oscillations. The shift of the slide of the pointer of the indicating instrument between anode Card 1/2 4--l' 83537 S/112/59/000/015/051/068 Automatic Electronic Thermoregulator A052/AO02 circuit coils causes an increase of Inductance of coils, a stopping of oscilla- tions and a quick response of the output control relay. When -the paddle comes out of the gap the oscillator becomes self-excited and generates h-f oscillations. In this case the current Is low and the relay opens the contacts. There is 1 illustration. A.V.K. Translator's note; This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. aK Card 2/2 8(4) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/1 Lyamin SOV/107-58-12-37/55 A Lighting Control Device (Apparat uprav- leniya osveshcheniyem) Radio, 1958, Nr 12, p 34 (USSR) The article describes a photo-electronic device for automatically switching on and off lighting systems in streets, factories etc., which has retarding circuits (R 5 C3 and R3C 1 in Figure 1) so that the device does not react to changes in illumination of less than 30 seconds. A similar device has been successfully used in several enterprises in such cities as 1,1oscow and Leningrad. There are 2 schematic drawin-s and 1 circuit. U 9(2) ~- SOV/91-59-10--17/29 AUTHOR: Lyamin V.V,, Engineer TITLE- A Simple Device for Determining of Short-Circuits in Coil Windings PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr. 10, pp 26-27, (USSR) ABSTRACT- At the Author's enterprise, a simple, highly-sensitive device for determining different defects (breakages, short-circuits) in the coils of contactors, magnetic starters, etc. was constructed, The device is a self- excitation generator with autotransformed feedback, as-- sembled on the triode 6N8. A capacitor C divides the circuits of alternating and direct current components. Direct current component passes from the tube cathode through the leakage resistances Rl and R7 to the tube grid; the alternating component - througl~ the capaci- tance 01. The generator circuit L-C is tuned onto a de- finite resonance frequency; the eoil L of this circuit is a standard one, If a coil which has a short-circuited winding is brought- near to it, a sudden break of genera- Card 1/2 tion will ensue, followed by an increase in anode cur- SOV/91-59-10-17/29 A Simple Device for Determining of Short-Circuits ir, Coll Windings rent and deviation of the micro-ampermeter pointer. To test a coil for breakageg its ends are connected to termi- nals 1 and 2; if the neon pilot lamp PN-1 lights up, it shows there is no damage in the coil,, The device is switched on 220 volts network. After switching and hea- ting of the tube during 1-2 minutes, the microampermeter pointer is set at the working position (15-25 mca). The device sensitivity is very high; it is enough to have one or two short-circuited turns of lead 0.14 mm in dia- meter to provoke the pointer deviation by 2-3 points. There is 1 diagram. Card 2/2 LYAMIN , V. V. Simple circuit of an electronic thermostat. Priborostroenie no.7:28 j.1 161. (IURA 14:6) (Thermostat) MIKULINSKIY, A.M.; BAKIN, K-V.; LYAMIN, Ye.F. Attachment for uneumatic tampers reducing vibration t,) worker's hands, Stan.i instr. ;2 no-12:35-36 D 161. (MIRA 14-12) (Pneumatic tools) C - LTAMIN, Tu.; UTKIN, Z. The seven-year plan of a factory* Fin. SSSR 19 no-12:70-73 1) 158. (MIRA 11:19) (Ilactric industries) SM RNOV., V. . prepodavatel 1; UMSHKINp M. P~ ~LYAMIN~Yu... aspirant On the problem of monetary wages on conective farms. Sots. trud no.12:21-31 D t6O. (MM 14:6) 1. Omskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Smirnov). 2. Direktor Severo-Kavkazakogo filiala Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta skonomiki sellskogo'khozyaystvao g. Roatov-na-Donu (for Yanyushkin). 3. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy ekonomicheskiy inatitut (for Lyamin). (Collective farms-Income distribution) (Agricultural credit) LYIC-TINA$ A. (Deceased) U33SR/Minvrals 1)48 Bauxite 113-awaaite I(AWail) From the Bauxite Deposits of the Southern Urals," Ye. V. Rozhkova, A. 'N. Lyamina (Deceased), VII43, 5 pp "Sovet Geolog" No 2) HILstorical account of studies on natural and rjynthatic bauxmiti--. Disc~,isses dL3covery of cryst4alline bauxmite in southern Urals. Results of X-ray !5tudies. PA 69T84 KIIUYEV, Yuriy Nikolayevicl,.;_g-vl-~,kll_,Apq-$--i-ed. [Sand-lime panels] Silikatnye paneli. Fosknia, Izd.-vo "Znanie," 1964. 30 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekbnika, no,14) (MIRA 17:8) jw'~ --4, 41,. S. V. Grum-Grzhimailo and A, R. Llanini&t Optical control of ceramic dyes. P. 2228. This article describes the results of optical and x-ray investigations of several experimental series of samples of ceramic dyes prepared at the Dulev dye factor7o The majority of these dyes correspond in their composition to the natural minerals - spinal of A1203 dyed with Cr. Co,, Ma. The index of refraction was determined, a petrographic description prepared and the curves of spectral reflection were measured. Crystallo-optical lab. of the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Se:U (USSR) and X-ray lab. of the All Union Inst. of Mineral Raw Materials, April 13, 2948 SO: Journal -of A12plied Chemistry (USSR) L11 Noo 12 (1948) MARGOLIS, Ye.'I.;__I~YAKINAI G.G Microdetermination of carbon and hydrogen in chlorine-containing organic compounds. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.2:Khim. 18 no.1:66-68 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Garbon-Analysis)* (Hydrogen-Analysis) (Chlorine compounds) LUNINA., G.14. Mechanism by which children master pronunciation during the second and third year [with summary In Nnglishle Vop-psikhol- 4 no.6:119-130 N-D '58. (MIRL 12:1) 1. Institut pediatrii AMN SSSR, Moskva. (Phildren-LanguagO LYAMINA, G.M. f Development of speech comprehension in children in the second 3~ear of life. Vop.paikhol. 6 no.3tlO6-121 MY"-Je 160.1 ?MIRA As 5) 1. Institut pediatrii MW SSSRJ, Moskva. (Children--Languag'e) ,-.,LYAMINA GMiGAGUA, N.P. Charact,eristies of speech reactionts in children during the third year of life. Vop. psikhol. 8 no.3:155-166 My-je 162. (KRA 15:6) 1. Otdel razvitiya Instituta pediatrii AMN SSSR, Moskva. (Children--Language) LYAXINA, G.M.; PAGUA, N.I. Development of correct pronunciation in children from one and a half to three years old. Vcp. psikhol. 9 no.6:93-105 N-D 16). (KM 17:4) 1. Institut pediatrii AMN SSSR, Moskva. EELIKOVAl R.A.1 KAMIN, V.A.; PLATE, A.F.j PLATE, N.A.; TAYTSI G.S.; jjosp Synthesis and polymerization of 2-vixWlbicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptane. NeftekhiMiia 1 no.2:218-223 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 15-.2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. Lomonosova i Inutitut organichaskoy kbiTaii AV SSSSR im. N.D. Zelinskogo. (Norbormne) (Polymerization) GORBTMOVAJ K. M.; LYPNINA, il. I. "On the reduction of iron in alkaline solutions." report presented at l5tb Mt9, Intl Comm of Electrochemical Thermodynamics& Kinetics, London & Cambridge, UK, 21-26 Sep 1964. Karpov Physico-Chemical Inst, Moscow. GORBUNOVA, K.M. Mechanism of iron reduction fror, alkaline solutions. Part ii ite- duction of iron frczn alkali solutions saturated with hydrated Iron oxide and from corresponding suspensions. Elektrokhimlia I no,1:41- 45 Ja 165. (MIRA 18-5) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. LYAMINA, L.I.; GORBUNOVA, K.M, Mechanism of iron reduction from alkaline solutions. Part 2t Reduction of a hydrated ferric oxide film deposited on the cathode surface. Elektrokhimiia 1 no.51546-550 My 161-7. (MIRA 18-~-6) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khinil AN SSSR. KALININ, K.P.; LYAHIIIA, M.P.; SPIRIDONOVA. M.Z. Frod6`tion of high-purity nickel istrips. TSvet. met. 31 no. 7:56-60 JI 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Nickel--Metallurgy) (Vacuum metallurgy) 3/680/"61/000/020/0',1/0'13 D205/D302 AUTHORS-, Kalinin, K. P., L"mina, M. P. and Spiridonova, M. Z, TITLE: Design of the production technology of the bimetals steel-non-ferrous metals SOURCE: Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellski- I pro- If yektnyy institut obrabotki tsvetnykh metallov, Sbornik naucbnykh trudov. nQ,, 20, 1.961. MetallovedenJ.ye J obra., botka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov, 218-229 TEXT: The present work was sponsored by the shipbuilding and che- mical industries. The task was to work out the technology of the production of the following bimetals: Steql - brass AbZ(L62), steel - brass J10Q-j(L062-1)`2 steel - bronze 9-p0q (,Br04). Ac'-,~;ord- ing to the requests of the sponsors, a batch of bimetal was to be prepired, using the worked out technology in the shape of sheets having a plated layer of 30 - 50% of the thickness. There are only few published data on the production of bimetals with a thick pla- ted layer. The method of covering the sleel by a melted non-fer- Card 1/ 3 S/680/61/000/020/0';I/01_7 Design of the production ... D205/D302 rous metal was used in most of the experiments. The follow-ing ma- terials were employed: Low-Carbon steels Ct,40 (St 1.0) and St.! V in the shape of sheets 10 and 20 mm. thick, copper MO and Ml- zinc lk4 (Ts 1), aluminum Al, tin 01, electrolytic, manganese as a*Cu-.Mn alloy, The semi-industrial batch of bimetal was made using St.10 steel 30 mm. thick,, In parallel with the liquid-covering by non- ferrous metals, experiments were performed On CGmbined hot-rolling of both metals, but the desired thickness of the plated layer could not be obtained by this method. Production of the bimetala by covering the.steel:sheets with liquid non-ferrous components proved feasible., the following being the main technological fea- tures of the proce8e., The steel sheets are heated to E300 -- 850c",' in an induction furnace for covering by brasses L62 and L062-1 and to 900 - 9500C for covering by copper, brass L90 and brcnzes Br04 and BrAMTs9-2. The temperatures of the melt before covering are 1,100 - 11500C for brasses L62 and L062-1 and 1200 - 12-:7OcC fcr copper, bl-ass L90 and bronzes Br04 and BrAMTsq-2. The rolling of the bimetals steel-copper, steel-brass L90, steel-bronze Br04 -JS Card 2/3 3/68 61/000/020/011/013 Design of the production D205YD302 to be performed at 750 - 780 OC, that of the bimetal steel-bronz~ BrAMTs9-2 at 800 - 8500C. The bimetals steel-brass L062 and stee_:- brass L062-1 must be rolled in cold state with the total defo.-ma- tion between annealings of 45 - 60 and 35 - 45~ respectively, A batch of products weighing about 2 tons was prepared on the expe.. rimental plant of.the institute "Giprotsvetmetobrabotka" and sent. to the sponsors..The quality of the bimetals was testedb~y bendingg multiple bending., torsion and tearing tests. The resistance to tearing apart of the bimetal components is 20 - 35 kg/mm2 for the L62 and L062-1 brasses bimetals and 30 - 41- kg/mm2 for the other bimetals. There are 6 figures and 7 references- 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non.-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/3 PO-Z/P~:4/pf-4/Pe-4/Pk-4/Pl-4/Peb IjP(C') BC ACCESSION NR: A'15003301 S/2950,i'34/000/003/0037/0038 AUTHOIL- zwamia~t. 1~. 1. TITLE of simisoidal oacUlations SOLTIRCE: LIKA, -ent'13IMopadlya lzmerenly, kontrolya i avtomatizatsH (Encyclopedia of r meaeurement, control, and automation), no. a, Moscow, W-vo lzergiya, 1964, 37 TOPIC TAUS.. Pneumadc oscillator, sinusoldal generator, Ono wave oc4cillation, neamatic control aptem p - sponse. of narrow band pne.. atic systems ~ABSTIRACT.'-.'~Md unit aw, -orsquarewavere urn ecauff e of-~ ft 1~ a'Itles- At highe f reque-niales, For ead or -to, bbMiit ord e-r r ti preumatic ev Ua or q en een-des164datthe son-trallity- generaWr:,has 6 T y mauchno--i-s-sledcovat y inatitat kompleks-noi aytoftiatizatsit. LCe~t~_-T acientiffe research institute of _go r1p -~.~utornation) !~ j~ anc bu:lt by the Nauchno-issledo-vatel ' stdy institut teploenergeticheskogo priborostroyeafya ~~ -511-il e of thermal-pp%yer machinery construction) . A (Ragrani of if*c e~aearch institute Cie. generator is.showa in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The genernator consirts of a motor Pa reductox with a total transfer r _!j (type 2ASM-5 atio, of 1/600, a paeamattiL tran ducer which, converts, the rotation of the truncated disc into the sinusoidal paeumatic signal, a 1A SOV/1 37-58-7-1612:9 -ran's lation f rom:Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr7, p314(USSR) AUTHOR: Timofeyeva, N.G. , -byaXn .~na, T. P. T IT LE: Chromatographic Identification of Alloys (Khromatograficheskaya markirovka splavov) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. raboty stud. Mosk. farmatsevt. in-ta, 1957, Nr 1, pp 149-152 ABSTRACT: The identification of standard alloys used for the manufac- turing of medical instrumentation was conducted with the aid of chromotography. Fe alloys are dissolved in a mixture of acids [ 3. 2 cc H2SO (1: 1), 0. 8 cc H3P04 (1. 61 sp. gr. ) and 6 cc of water] , oxigized with HN03, then diluted to 10 cc with water (pH 5). Into the column with Al203 (calcined at 8500 for 3 hours; particle size