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S/169/62/000/006/004/093 Det-ermining the elastic D228/D304 waves (Z mounting); the other was placed horizontally, to record the transverse waves (Y mounting). The profile length was 24*m, the interval between points being 2 m. The conducted investigations showed that transverse waves are recorded very clearly; their in- Uensity at the time of horizontal blows is extremely.great. ~or vibrations generated by explosions the intensity of transverse waves is small and does not allow them to be distinguished c1learly on the seismograms. The elasticity moduli of the ground were de- -uermined (they~' are cited in the form of a table). The authors reckon that their method expands seismic surveying opportunities, and that it allows, in'particular, the groundwater level to be determined sufficiently accurately in a number of cases. Z-Abstrac- ter's note:,Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2 ZNAMENSKIY, V.V.; RYABINKIN, L.A.; FETROV, L.V.; VARTANOV, S.P., GAGELIGPITS, A.A.;KGTT'YAREVSKIY, BA; LOZOVSKAYA, I.F.; -LYAKHOVITSKIY, F.M.; MARIIN, 1U., OSTROVSKIY, V,D,; PARII'SKAYA, G.W.; -RIKHTER, V.I.; RUDD, V.V.; SLUTSKOVSKIY, A.I.; TARDTS, G.M.; TURCHANENKO, N.M.; SWIDT, N.G.; SHNEYERSON, M.B.; GURVICH, I.I., red.; BQRUSHKO, T.I., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red. [Instructions for seismic prospecting)Instruktsiia po spismoraz- vedke. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962. 95 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)'4inisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr. (Seismic prospecting) LYAKHOVITMCIY. F.H.; PARFIYANOVICH, V.A. Use of perelission devices in industrial saiamic prospecting. Razved. goefiz. no.102-37 164. (Y-IRA 18-.?) ACC NRs AT7000195 SO-URCE CO-DE: UR10OM/647ooo7ooo AUTHOR: Lyakhovitskiy, F. M. ORG: none TITLE: On the relationship between the elastic and strength -properties of rocks SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Kafedra geofizicheskikh metodov issledovaniya. zemnoy kory. Geofizicheskiye issledovaniya (Geophysical research), no. 1. Moscow, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1964, 294-306 TOPIC TAGS: stlength, YAAk elasticity, soil mechanics, r%4W-m*%4=mimw fail_ ABSTRACT: It is believed that a linear relationship exists between G, the shear modulus, and T, the resistance to uniaxial compression, viz., G - c-r. Statistical analysis of data obtained by B. P. Belikov yields coefficients of proportionality c. for three rock groups; granitoids, quartiites with sandstone, and limestone. These coefficients are 95, 90, and 150, respectively. The relationship between c and the Poissons' ratio v is noted. Formulas are given relating T with elastic-wave velocities, taking into account the dependence of c on v. The possibilities Of practical application of the relationships obtained are discussed. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE; 05Nov64/ ORIG REF: 016/ OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 LYLUOVITSHYP 1. D. -- USSR/Engineering Reat, SteamTurbines Jul 5 2 "Reconstriietion of the Flow Section of a Steam Turbine," Yermakov, V. F. Yhri-Fanov, A. -0'. Dolgov, Engineers. GRES Mosenergo, I. D. Lyakhovitskiy, Cand Tech Sci. G. N. Krushehev, Engr, lab of Steam Turbines, VTI "Iz v-s Teplotekh Inst" No 6. pp 24-27 ,m of turbine to Increase Ito efficiency and reduce Describes changes in desig consumption of theoretical fuel to 480 g/kwh. 'Two-cylinder condensing Siemens-Shuckert 50,000-kw turbine was built in 1930-31. Regulation stage with lhO nozzles and 19 reaction stages were redesigned. Tests showed decreAse in heat rate by 4.3%. Turbine capacity was increased to~2,000 kw at same max steam rate. 231T47 AID P - 4428 Subject USSR/Heat Engineering Card 1/1 pub. 110-a - 8/13 Authors Alekseyeva, R. N., Eng., I. D. Liyak~hOVitskib Kand. -'in'i'kov, ng. ov. _f JZ 1r -Union Tech. Sci. and Yu. V. Rzheznii A Heat Engineering Institute. Title : Testing methods for relatively short turbine bladings and their shaping. Periodical : Teploenergetika, 6, 51-56, Je 1956 Abstract : Various static testing methods are compared for short blades. Data on blades are given. The new VTI design of blades is deemed quite satisfactory. Sixteen diagrams illustrate the shape of various blades types. Two 1955 Russian references. Institution : None Submitted : No date AIEKSIM, RAT., inzh.; ALESHIN, A.I., inzh.; LYAKHOVITSKIY, I.D., kand.tekhn. nauk; RZHBZNIKOV, Yu.V., inzh. Increasing the efficienc7 of the control stage of the VI-100-2 turbine. Elek.sta. 29 no.6:26-30 'Je t58. (MIRA 11:9) (Steam turbines--Blades) PHAEE I BOOK EXFLOITATION SGV/3871 Usovershenstv,ovaniye konstruktsiy i ekspluatatsii turbinnykh ustanovok; sbornik statey (Improvement in the Construction and Operation of Turbine Units; Cullection of Artieles) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 300 p- Errata slip in- serted. 1,550 Copies printed. Eds. (Title page): 14. M. Rubinshteyn, Professor, and A. V. Shcheglyayev, Cor- responding Member,, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed. (Inside book): L. N. Sinellnikovaj Tech. Ed.: P. M. Asanov. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers specializing in the design and oper- ation of turbine equipment. COVERAGE: 1his collection of 22 articles deals with aspects of turbine oper- ations, particularly, varie6tions.:In the heat performance of steam turbines and computation of optimm parameters for gELs turbines. Turbine performance indices and a number of methods for more accurate determination of control parameters for specific cycles are presented. No personalities are mentioned. References follow several of the articles. Card 1/ 9 Impr-xvement in the Construction (Cont.) SOV/3871 TAME OF CONTENTS: .Fbrewrjrd 4 Shcheglyayev, A.V. Certain Problems Relative to the Desiga of More Efficient Steam-Turbine Pl=ts 7 Economic performance indices and the principal parameters for 4 types of steam turbines are tabulated. Blade-work efficiency and aspect ratios are analyzed., Including those ratios applicable to ultra- sonic velocities in B94--type turbines. Results obtained from the testing of VK-150 turbines at the Leningredskiy metal3icheskiy zavod (leningrad Metal Works)are given. Lyakhovitskiy.. I.D.,, R. N. Alekseyeva, and Yu.V. Rzheznikov. Increasing '_tSi_E_c_o_nc-mi_e__RfftW*ncy of DDuble-Are Segments for Short-Blade Profiles 12 The authors analyze the possibilities of improving the performance characteristics of the VK-100-2 steam turbine with short ble-ding in the governing stage. Mechanical design considerations of two arcs instead of one in the first stage are discussed, and test re- sults are given. The essential comparative parameters ftftei- d4aiga im- proveme-nte) for nwzles,"goWming" blades, and thL- flxst we the second axes,of 4 type& of turbines 6.re'presented in a*table.- The o~er&U diag- ram of the reconstructed governing stage for the VK-100-2'turbine is given. Card 2/9 Improvement in the Construction (Cont.) SCV/3871 Iagua,, V.P. Reconstruction of the 34,000-kvt Siemens-Schuckert Turbines at the SLURES and BM?Ts-2 Power Stations 42 The author defines the min economic parameters of three Siemens- Schuckert turbines ( Two at the BTETs.,2 Power Station and one at the SLURES Power Station). Details of reconstruction to meet the in- creased power demands are presente-d. Mcbepetillnikov, M.I. Analysis of Performance Geins Due to Regeneration, Based on the "Heat-Value Method" 56 The a,;thor defines the "beat-value" coefficient. If additional (external)heat ( Cb ) is added to feed-water undergoing a re- generative process, the change in the total heat consumption (used in obtaining nev steam and in ths- intermediate reheating), designated as 60 , is described as 4(~ - q or The symbol q represents the heat-value coefficient. Enthalpy curves and specific values of the 4 coefficient a--e deduced, together with compi:tation results for optimum reheat pressures and feedwater temperatures. Card 3/9 Improvement in the ConBta-uction (Cont. ) SOV/3871 Rubinshteyn, Ye-M., and L.V. Yedig%rev. Two Arrangements of Feedwater Pumping 64 The authors discuss the optiman arxangement of the feedwater heating cycle (to aclAeve m3drmlm effectiveness) and analyze the ef- fects of ftedwater hewbers and feed pumps on performance parameters. Two systems of feedwater pumps are compared. One system utilizes high-pressure preheatears exposed to the full pressure of the feed- water while the other employs prebeaters between two sections of 7 the split pump, that is, the initial (or intermediate) sector of the pump and the main sector. In the second case the heaters are under water pressiue only in the "intermadia-be"seal";0r. The authors conclude that both systems are equally efficient. hLrganov,, B.P* Certain Problems Iblated to the Control-Ectrstem Stability of Turbine Generators operating in parallel. 73 The problem of constant speed regulation and the stability of the speed-:governing system for turbogenemtors cpere6ting in parallel is anal~rzed. Card 4/ 9 Ymprovement in the Construction (Cont.) SOV/3871 Gallperin, I.I. Methods of Turbine Governing in Compensated Control Systems 99 Governing for "compensated systems". i.e.,, systems provided with link- age between speed-control mecharidw and pressure-control mechanisms is ana:Lyzed. Types of interconnections are graphical2,y representedand respective control parameters and practices of regulation and correl- ation are outlined. I Vell6r, V.N. System of Single-Pump Hydredynamic Control lip The article deals with current systems of hydraulic speed-respon- sive governing with one yump and a pressure relay. Four different arrangements of such servomotors. are described. Kirak,oayants, G.A. Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Friction in the Governor on the Ylow-Ragulation Pt!oaess 127 Arp-Vsis of the work done by the governor against internal friction is presented, and the effects of friation on the flow- control valve are evaluated. Card 5/9 improvement in the Construction (Cont.) SOV/3871 Veller, V.N., D.M. Levin, and Yu-V. Rzheznilrov. Control Valve of the VTI Turbine 141 Punctions and performance of the new type of a&Assion valve de - signed to regulate the rate of flow in the main governor of the VTI-type steam turbine are discussed. Murganov, B*P. Influence of the Pomp-Rotor Design on Pump-Perform- ance Characteristics in a Hydrodynamic Gove%ming System 146 An experimental model of a centrifugal pump in hydraulic governors is described. The geometry of the pump rotor and the aspects of tightening are analyzed with respect to the effect of pressure changes upon pump efficie-nay. Shyakhin.. P.N.,, and Ye.R. Plotkin. Inveatigmtion of the Forces Causing Vibration of Turbine Mades 163 The authors examine the problem of vibration of turbine blades when such vibzations are induced by flow irregularity. Dependence of the frequency of vibration on structural characteristics of blading as well as on the nati-re of flow obstructions is traced. Optimum designs for lacing wires and shrouds are suggested. Card 6/ 9 Improvement in the Construction (Cont.) 90V/3871 Zaydellmn, R.L. Comparative Analysis of the Damping Properties of Shrouding and Types of Wire Binding 172 Methods of fastening shroruds to buckets and types of lacing are analyzed vith respect to vibration-damping efficiency. Curves axe plotted indicating the dependence of damping properties on Impact force. Zaydell-n, R. L. DetermInation of the Logarithmic Decrements for Vibratioa Dgmping by Yjeasa---4ng the Frequency of Natural Vibrations 178 Methods of measuring the natural damping cycle of free vibrations are discussed,and values for the logarithmic decrement are deduced. Serezhkina, L.P. Some Results of an Experimental Investigation of Michell-Type Tb-rust Beaarings 182 nm article deals with test stands and methods of testing Michell journal-type thrust bearings. Beveral lubrication systems am described with reference to service reliability and minimum friction losses. Card V9 -)_ - - - -------- SOV/3671 Berman, L.D., and S.N. Fuks. Improved Sealing of Condenser Tubes in Steam Turbines 209 The article discusses and evaluates several methods and coating materials for protecting condensers from direct impingement of the steam. Several arrangements for "packing" tube endi into tube sheets and for sealing water boxes are evaluated. Zinger., N.M. Methods of Designing Jet Condensers 219 Arrangements of mv.1tijet ejector condenEvers and la~muts of stages are discussed and design and calculation methods given. Molchanov, Ye.I., G.G. 011khovskly, and G.I. Siavalov. Results of Final Adjustment and Testing of a 1.,500-kvt Gas Turbine Plant 237 Pre-operational testing of a GT-600-1-5 turbine is described. Mol-chanov, Ye.l. Selection of the Starting Procedize for a Gas Turbine 255 Molchanov, Ye.I. Experimental Stand for Testing Gas-Turbine Rotors for Thermal Fatigue 261 Allowable thermal-fatigue values and stress-distribution patterns for certain rotor elements with respect to their elasticity range are discussed. Card 8/9 Improvement in the Construction (Cont.) SOV/3871 Sharovskiyj A.V. Optimal Parameters for Inlet Temperatures in Multistage Gas-Turbine Plantil 265 The Problem Of cycle temperatures versus pressure ratios per individual stage is discussed. Several methods for selecting the optimal thermal-efficiency regime are evaluated. Folynovakiy, Ya.L. Determination of the Most Effective Parameters for the Regeneration Cycle of a Gas-Turbine Plant 275 The author presents his Own method of computation, applicable to a sta- tiOnarY Plant,, to determine the elements of regenerator effectiveness. The method can also be used for regenerators with cross-flow arrange- ment. AVAILA=: Library of Congress Card 9 AC/pv/fai 9 8-16-6o LYAKHOVSKIYP L.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; LYUBIN, Ya,L,, inzb. Effect of passive connections on the design and aperation of the feed control mechaniBm of a piston pump. Khim, ! neft. maihinostr. no.3.-15-18 S 164. (IURA 17z12) PRINTSE&ALI, Solomon Grigorlyevich; LYAKHOVSKIY L M red. ; Ff(.EGER, VA, k.2 . ~,"n. re** . DiP., rediltd-va; BELOGURO [Modernift%Min of gear-milling machines for the improvement]Mo- Atsila zubofrezernykh stem4wwdlia povysheniia ikh toch- indi 1,-Iopyt Nqvskogo zavoda imeni V.I.Lenina., Leningrad, 1962. 11 1 (Leningrddskii ddm-nauchno-tekhnicheakol propagandy. Ob- i ~ j 6n perikoovym dpytom. Softia. Mekhanicheskaia 6brabotka M ~allov, C.27) (MIRA 16:2) (Gear-cuttihk fiachines) LTAXWTITSKIT, N.M. Immediate and remote results In the treatment of andarteritis obliterans vith M2archonko's preparation. Vast. Ithl . 71 no.1:45-M 1951. P (CIML 20:8) 1. Of the Second SurgirALI Clinic of the Mwainian Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (Director-I.I. Orsiyeako). KARTAVIN, V.A., dotsent; LTAKHOTMEMY ..... M.Mk, professor, zaveduyushchiy; OVSIYENKO, I.I., dotseat, direktor. Technique of stopping hemorrhages from cerebral sinuses. Vap.neirokhir. 17 no.3:54-55 MY-Je '53. (KL~A 6:8) 1. Filial 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki Ukrainskago instituta usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey (for Kartavin and Lyakhovitakiy). 2. Ukrainskiy institut usovershenatvovaniya vrachey (for Ovoiyenko). (Brain-Hemorrhage ) LYAKEIOVITSKIY, M.M., prof. ~s of using curpre preDnrntions in the reDosition of fractures; a preliminnry renort. Orto7D.travm. i protez. 19 no.i:62-63 Y,7-Je '58 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. prof. M.M. Lyakhovitskiy) Kharlkovskogo institutFi usovershonstvavnniya vrnchey (dir. - dote@ I. I. Ovsiyenko). (FRACTM-S. surg. reposition, clirnte anesth., avnlurition (Rua)) (CURAR-P. ther. use. fract. reposition, evniuntion (Rua)) LYAKHOVITSKIY, M.M., prof.; MOYER11al, L.A., doktor (Rharlkov) Anesthesia in strumectcmy for Basedow's disease. Probl.endok.i gorm. no.1:110-1-14 162. (MITU 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgii Yo.2 (zav. - prof. M.M. Lyakhovitskiy) Ukrainakogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - dotsent I.I. Oveinenlro). (GRAIMI DISEASE) Card. Tec,. Sici. Diosert-tion: "Power Engineerinr Verificat'Icn of an 3rirroved Installation for beater Elect'rolysis." 1,%scow Order of Lenin Power Fwinppr-;n,- Im"; imenll V.1. Xol!:)tr;-/, 2J~ 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskya, Sep, 1947 (Project #17836) SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/020/0030/0030 INVEMOR: Levin, 0. -N.1 L.;..Rozlovski3r. A. Innbtsevi. i.- Lyahtovitskiy, M. Sh.; Rodin, Ye. P. ORG: none' TITLE: Preparative method for nitrogen oxides. Class 12, No. 186984 [announced by the State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the !LLtrogM n!~Astr7 and Products-of Organic Synthesis (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut azotnoy pro-z-yelXeinnoisti i,produktov organicheskogo sinteza)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyehlennyye dbraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 30 trogen'oxide', .'-nitrogen oxide preparat '*0 TOPIC TAGS:. ni ion .0-cm ustiov-, ABSTRACT: An Author,Ce'rtificate has Veen issued for a method of preparing nitrogen JoXides from tbeelements'by burning fuel gases in excess oxygen [percentage unspecified r-followed by separation of the oxide's from the cooled gaseous combustion products. To increase the rate of separatiozi*of the nitrogen oxides and the nitric oxide yield without increasing the combustion temperature, the process is conducted in two steps: 1) combustion with an oxygen concentration of 50-60%; and 2) after the separation of nitrogen oxides the combustion is continued until the excess dxygen has been used up. SUB CODE: 0 21 UB!4 DATz: o9Aug6$/ -ATD PRESS: 5104 Card UDC: 661.98:66.071.7 c~C) V - ~~ . )- . 16 /'2 72 1, y a k h o i i t s y a n d i d r, t e n f 1' a f I a g o rs a c e 5 nyYe mpry Prom the 'Exper- F, Primary ience of Teaching F.,--eign prepodpw3n1ya inostranrykh yRzy,-oY;' !~ERIODICALt Veatni~ vp9shey ~7hkoly, 1955, ir lk'~, 7 7 0 AB3TRACT: Recently shortcrimings In Qo- teaching of foreign lanF~jagee have been sharDly c--iti,~-Izel In -!erveral essays, The pre- sent artic1q analyzes the 2ituation, The author wishes to eliminate the impresi2ion that n foreign ipirgvrup~- is a sub- ject of s9condary importance. Djring the p~:ist 10 years the number of lessoni as3ignel to foreign languac-es hap, be'an steadily decr-~Isingr nil;! t~e la.~eralism r2i~-)Iayed in oval- unting the st-,'d~,nt5- has be'~-n ~f 1-1 detri.M~ntnl effect, The aut'nor cr-iti-ci,.zE:-- t .ne m~-tbod of-n-n n3orted in tenchirg forei~7n ianFuage.,~ and the fnc+ t-r.at ,+ the non-linguioti,-- vuze,- from the filti)rc, !3p!c.,cialists~ intoreEts to ~h-e '70'n C~'-- princl nI 127-~ ' C x:, n 7 h e a!~.-- work and th, ~Ii z' r. t ? ! ni,- * nn n,~ n - c las s a rk ',,a E.- -,i Is o Y 1 f~ card 1/2 ed negrniti~,- fe z~ Tle instructrrS sorking the ~2halrs Primary Measures. From the Experierce of Teaching of foreign language3 do nat aiw~qvo I d jo not apply '~.e prrop~,r .anguage an The problem of text-books and instruction~_~, yet been solved, language tt~xtlz-ck.~-" ly, have been revized but stiil do not -_--ully m~. -he re- quirements of present day methods, ,,any vuzes Pre poorly equipped with dictionaries, partioularl.-v 7,p~iclal Orle3. There are 2 Soviet raference. ASSOCIATIONt Kharlkov8kiy institut inzhenerov kommuna. ~-.ogn otyr-, (Khartkov Institute of Engineera of. Card 2/2 I . 1, Liakhovitskiy, M. Ya. 2. ussR-(6oo) 4. Hospitals, Psychiatric 7* Problem of planning new psycho-neurologrical hospitals. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 52 no.11, 1952. 9. Ug_t _oL Li2sian Ac!&2.2iong Library of Corg,,ress, March 1953, Unclassified. T,YAKROVITSM., M. YA. LYakhavitakiy. M, Ya. "The work of municipal psychiatric hospitals -under conditions of war and blockade," (2nd Psychiatric Hospital of Leningrad), Ogr.-metod. voprosy sovr. neyropsikiatrii (VII), 2948., p. 37-43 SO: U-3264., 10 April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 4, .1949). LYAKEOVIT.BKIT, H.Th. Justification of the diagnosis of organic lesions of the central nervono system (vith psychic disorders)* Zhur. usyr. i poikh, 59 n0,8:1005-1009 159# (MIRA, 12 -.12) 1. levro-poikhiat rich selciy dispenser (glavtyy vrach T.I. Tapitsym) Leninskogo rayona, Leningrads. (CISTRAL MVOUS SYSIIK die.) (HIMAL DISORMS diage) PORUDOHIMKIY, I.M. Pathologic anatomy of infectious nongonorrheal urethritis. Urologiia 23 no.6:25-31 N-D 138. OCM 11: 12) 1. Is urologicheskogo otasla (zav. - prof. LH. Porudominekly) i otdela patomorfologii (zav. - prof. To. F. Belyaveva) TSentrallnogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologicheakogo Instituta. i katedry kozhno- venericheakikh bolesney (zav. - prof, A.I. Wtamyshev) Tqe'n+.ml,UW- Inatituta ueovershonstvovanlya vrachey. (URITHRITIS, Pathol., infect. non-gonorrheal, pathol. anat. (Rua)) ii LYA.KHOVITSKIY, N.S., dotsent Use of ultrasonics in the treatment of plastic induration of the penis. Urologiia no.6:64-65 160. 15115) 1. Iz kliniki koahnykh i venericheskikh boleznoy (zav. - prof. A.1. Kartamyshev) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. (FEVIS-DISEASES) (ULTRASONIC WAVES-THERAPEUTIC USE) LIA OVITSKIY# W.Sa. dotsent Some problems In the epidemiology# clinioal aspeevep &ad diaguosiso Sov.=6., 24 no.9&87-93 S 160. (KMA 13211) 1. 1z Icafedry dermato-irenerologil, (zav. - prof. A.N. Kartamyshev-) TSentrallnogo instituta usoverahens-wovaniyu wachey (dir. M.D. Kom-rigim). (MICHOMORIASIS) LYAKROVITSKIT, N.S., dotsent Angiomas of the urethra. Urologiia no.5:64-66 161. (14IRA 14:U) l. Iz kliniki kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I. Kartamyshev) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (URETHRA--MIORS) (ALIGIOMA) LYAKHOVITSKIY, N.S., dotsent Posttrichomonal urethritis,. Sov. mad. 25 no.2:91-94 F 162. WIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I. Kartamyshev) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. M.D. Kovrigina). (TRICIIOMONIASIS) (IMTHRA-DISEASF,S) LYAKHOVITS IL N.S., dote.; ASrVATSATUROV, K.R.j dots., red. -Kp (Gonorrheal diseases in wom-en] Gor-Preir.7e zabc;Ievanii4a zhenshchin. Moskvav TSentr. in-t usovershonstvovariia V'racheip 1963. 76 p. (MIRA 17: 1-1) LYAKHOVITAIY, Mkolay Solomonovich; YUKHNOVSKAYA, 3.1.) red. (Trlchf4=niasiaj Trikhomonoz. 1,!oskva, 1-Mitsia-, 1964. 17 p. (,1,11RA 17.-11) . LYAKEOVIMElYp N,S., dotsent Uretbrostenosis following trichamoniasis. Vest. derm. i-mu. no.3:62-.64 165. (MMA 18:11) 1e &1inika kozhrqkh i venericheskM bolemay (zav. - prof. A.I. Urtemryshev) Tgentrallnogo insti-ruta usovershenstyovamiya vrachey,, Moskva. Zlrr,.Mlp A.A., pTCC. (WvOv);_ LYAIOJOVITSKIY, N.S.p dotsent (IJD&M) 7,avfcrjO* Vogt, &=-, I *nritt 39 V0.4X4_66 A- 165. r .19:2) SOV/122-58-8, -?/29 AUTHORS: Shtokman, I.G.- Dcctor of Ter-hnical Sc-,enr-es,and -scienses I%Yakh skiz,-SA-T~, Candi-JeAe cf Technl~,-- aIlL TITLE: -i-r-o-cedure for the Fatigue Analysis of Cc,nveyor uhains (Metodika raschata na ustalost" tyagovykh t:~,epey konveyerov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik rashinoatroyen.lya, .19r-/8,, Nr 6j pp 23-26 (USSR) ABZTEACT: Freauent fatlgue failurea of coL7eyrp~ -,hains have prompted an ana.;...7s1.;5 of the eq-a-IL-Valent, fat-igue load and its ~,-onpa-rison with the iimit-JLng fatigue strength. The fati.gue load ampilt,ude varies continuously. The equivalent fatigua Aload. is de.fined -by the following relation. The x-th powi~r of equivalent fatigue load, multiplied by the. number of "life) which defines the 11miting fatigu,~, .1oad at- corislant amplitude in a aymmetz-j--al f~y-,11-- 4's ei-,ual t^1 the of all fatigua contribut:.cn te-ms. Each term zefers to a number of cycles during wh-i--h the symmetri,:;ally varying load has a constant amplitude and is equal to this numbe:, MUltipl4ed by the m-.',-h power of the load amplitude. m is the exponent :.%f th,~; f-all"Ing bran~-,h in the load/ (;ardl/'4 fatigua life pl,;~t. It is stated that fca- shains of SoV/ 12 rz8. .83 - ?12 a P~ocedure for the FatiLpje Analysis of t;-#1.!N1eYGr Chlill'i typical coal --onveyors, opera-.ing urLder ir-terise ~orroslon conditions, the limitIng symmetri,ial fazigzi,~- 'Load component is practically independent of the mean load. The example of a mine conveyor chain ;. decigi-,,:ited bKR--.1!.'is quoted wherein the limiting fatIgue load i-i indeper-dent of the mean chain tension and amoumts to ?uO kg. It was found on the basis of some teat results that t-1he symmet-r-ical cycle load amplitude vanishes at the driving spro-_k~atj and grows linearly along the tension side to become a maximum at the driven sprocket. AS the -hain passes over the driven sprocket, its mean tene-Jor, undergoes a sudden Jump from that in the -t-ersion a-Lde tc that of the Side. In doing so, the fluctuating load .~criponent. --ct vary but retains its ma7cimlam. amplitude and, during the passage along the zla^-k length cf the _halir., again- dimini.sliea in -;a,,v -zmt-il it varj_`__~,hes when reashing accordanza with a li the dri*~iing spro~3kat, The f:z~equerizy of is the spro-Aet tc~oth Lveauen,:;,~--. Hence.. the tota.1 numbe-, of fluctuatiorLs is equal -to the numbez o.-l' 'r.~ime~3 link passes ove_r the dri-ing times -,he n-.,,.dber of links (;ard2/4 in the straight pt~rt-j_cns cf tlie ._;haln. it i.-s :-,tated that SOV/122-58- 8---.!/'29 Procedure for the ]TatigUe An&lY8_J1_2' of uo.n7eyor t'_`ha_fx_s the maximum amplit-a-le of the fl-a~,tuatillg-load -.:)Mponent can be determined from a resonan-,e test- of the installed I -Ynarre ,oridit..,Lons. 4.11.S, chain, sinae many cha- _..,.k i,~,_uder res, The combinationof these assumptions, with tbe help of elementar,y a-!gab:,.,a, yields the equi-valent fat-Lgue 1cad (Eq.(12)) whie-h ca-u be c,~..mpared with the fat:.,g--.ie strength measured in rig tests. c.:-~:ample, tlac- 6KR-11 -Ionve3ror chain is installed 4.n a nloa:tv-ajor of 100 m leagth betxeen sprocket centrea. Tha 1-:hain haa a p4lt~h cf 8 c.m and speed of 0~41'2' M/Ses. The mean tension operates at a 14near I in the twit side is 200 kg and in the slack -.-ide, 1 000 kg. The specification salls for d ser7i--e life of 2 100 operatIng hours. The jnaY_i-,T_-_m s_mpli_-rude I-f -t-he fiuctuating- .;,.oad componen't- was fcund to be 800 kg~ Fatigue testsof the chain hava establJ'-sherl a z"ymmetri.~,,al -y?le fatigue strength of 700 kg ',.,onstantl amplitude) 'or a fatigue life I lv V J. of 3 million cycles. The value of the exponent m was 9. The application of the method propised in the report yields an equivalent fatiKue lc;ai of 8_410 kg. It f;:~_Ilows that the effective Icad ex.--eeds the limitins load ani tl.-Le chain Card3/4 cannot be expez~tad to last the ser7i_za 1::_fe~ SOV/i22-58,8--?/29 Procedure for the Fatigue Analysis of Conveyor Chains Considering that a maximum fluctuating~load amplitude may vamy from one installation to another, whilst the other properties of the chain remain the same" it is useful to derive for every chain a relation between the equivalent fatigue load and the maximum load amplitude. In a typical example, both magnitudes are nearly equal at 600 kg. However, at a fluctuating-load amplitude of 200 kg, the equivalent fatigue load is about 400 kg,, There are 2 figures and 8 Soviet references. 1. Chains-44echanical p_,opert-'__~s 2, Cha-1-12s.--kialyn-ii~ ("ha-L-iis --Test methods Card 4/4 LYAKHOVITSKIY$-$,L,kand.tekhn.nauk Research an the fatigue strenzth of the traction chain on the SKR-11 conveyer. Vop. rud. transpo no.2:49-40 1957. (MIRA 14--4) 1. Dnepropetrcyvskiy gorn-yy institut. (Goriveying machinery) (Chains) FLORINSKIY, F.V.., prof;; VOLOSHINA, L.P.., dots.; LYAKHOVITSKIY S.I. kand. tekhn.nauk; SHIROCHEITKO. Ye.V., dots. [djc-ea-s-e-dT; -ARCHAKOVA, L.A. inzh.; GVAYJ, T.B., inzh.; MURZINA, Z.I., inzh. Results of rqsearch on screen vibrating in the horizon%al horizontal plameo Izvovyaouchebazavo; gorozhura no*2:167-170 *60. (MIRA 34:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Screens (Mining)) LYAKHOVITSKIY, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Determining the coefficient of effective load on the shaft of the drive on vibrating screen* Izve vyso ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no. 4:133-136 161. (YJ.RA 14:6) 1. Dnepropetrovskly ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni Artema. Rokomendovana kafedroy gornoy elektrotekhniki, Dnepropetrpvskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornogo instituta imeni Artema. (Screeng(flining)-Electric driv#g)) LYAKHOVITSKIY, S.I., kand.tekhn,nauk; TRUDOVI MI.., Inzh. Preventing accidents.of multiple-bucket excavators operated on rail tracks. UgAv Ukr- 5 no.12:19-21 D 161. (1111IRA 14:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy inoUtut. (Excavating machinery) (Strip mining) KRYUKOVP B.I.; LYAKHOVITSKIY, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; USEMKO, D.M., kand.- tekhn-.nnmk- DeBigning resonance conveyers. Vop. rud. transp. no.6tl36-141 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Conveying machinery) KRYUKOV, B.I., inzh.; LYAKHOVITSKIY, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRUDOV, V.N., inzh. Ipparatus for dynamic tests of vibrating conveyors. Vop. rud. trans,P. no.6:152-158 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Conveying machinery) LYAKHOVITSKIYP S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk .Determining the power consumption of vibrating conveyors. Vop. rud. transp. no.6sl59-162 '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Conveying machinery) LYAKHOMSKIY. S.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Determining tim power of the drive of shaker acreenso lzv. vys. ucheb. xar,; gor. zhur. no.6.-124-127 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Kraanogo Znameni gorny7 institut imeni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy stroitellnoy i teoreticheskoy mekhaniki. (ScreenB(Mining)) KLADOVI G.K.;_L*KIIGVITSKIY, Ye.M.; SHPILIBERG, A.Ya. Checking of arithmetic operations in a deduction code. Kiber- netika no. 4.43-44 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted Nov. 29, 1964. A= NRI AR6035~27 SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/66/000/008/GO11/GOll .AIJTHOR.; Kalashnikov, V. 1. ; Sall nikov, 0. A. ; Lyakhoylitskiy,. Ye. M. TITLE: RandJm-process analyzer for the investigation of automation systems % SOURCE: Ref. 1zh. Kibernettka, Abs. BG65 REIF SOURCE:1 Pribory i ustroystva aredstv avtomatiki i telemekhan. Resp. m ezhved. nauc6o. -tekhn. ab. , vyp. 1, 196 5, 8 -15 TOPIC TAGS: irandorn process, correlation function, autocorrelation function, extreme low Mequency, analyze'r, random process analyzerm-li I lsi~=, ABSTRACT: The ASP-1 random-process analyzer, developed at the El. -Simula- tion Laboratory~ of the Khar1kov Polytechnic Institute, is described and its techni- cal characteristics are given. It to designed for calculating the basic statistical characteristics of extremely 1-f stationary random processes recorded on a magnetic tape from an object or a model. The device makes it possible to record the following statistical characteristics: 1) the mutual-corr elation function of two stationary random processes; 2) the autocorrelation function; 3) dispersion (RMS 1/2 1 UDC- 62-5- 001- 5 ACC NRI AR6035227 deviation); 4) mathematical expectation; 5) the Integral function of random-process' probability distribution. With digital reading the calculation error is 2. 5-3. 50/6. The special fei,tures of the performance of the basic and el. -mechanical unit are briefly described. The results of the experimental testing'of the ASP-l's opera- tion are given. There are five illustrations. [Translation of abstract] (DWI StB CODE: 09.13 /A ~n C'V95K i "A - SUBJECT --.U3SR/XLTHE1UTICS/Algebr& CARD 1/2 PG - 989 AUTHOR LYAKHOVIKIY V.I. TITLE on tre 'question of the decomposability of a group into different nilpotent products. PERIODICAL Mat.Sbornikvn.Ser. A-O.L 401-414 (1956) reviewed 7/1957 O.N.Golovin has.introduced-the nilpotent product (Mat.Sboraik,n.Ser. 27, 427- 454 (1950)) and the metabelian. product (Mat.Sbornik,n.Ser. 28, 431-444-(195I)f ibid. 28L 445-452 (1951)). The definitions and notations in the present papor are the same as in the above mentioned papers. The author inyeatigates the relation between the metabelien -and the.direct product. Let 0 - 10B - Hix H 2P where A a B means the metabelian product, H 3K H denotes the direct -roduct 1 2 X, (A.,B,H 19H2 subgroups of G). The following theorems are proved% 1) Let Ai be the set of components of H i in A, Bi the set of components of R iin B (1-192). These sets are groups. The commutator group of G, (GIG) - (H1IR1)x(H2'H2) is decomposable with the groups (Ai,Ai),(BiIBi ),(Ai,Bi) (iwl,2) such that (HjqHj) - (11.011)x (B1,Bl) X (A,, BI) I (H2'R2) - (AVA2 ) X (B2pB2),K (A 2'22). Mat.Sbo-rnik,n.Ser..4O.L 401-414 (1956) CARD 2/2 Pa - 989 2) Let Z be the center of 0, 2~ EA(Izr C;1 G '], z B [B rjZ (z ZB X ZA X (A,B)(;). Let A and B be direct products of cyclic groups. A B B A Then a) A,B are.torsion groups, then.the characteristics of Z A , zB are relatively prime, b) if one group, e.g. A is free of torsion or a mixed B Abelian group, then 1- 3) Let Z, be the set of elements of Z. which has a characteristic relatively prime with respect to 4 . If the factor group of 1,B with respect to their commutator group are direct products of cyclic groups, then the (direct) nor-.generated metabelian product of A,B can be-decomposed directly if and only if a) A .0 AIX A2-9 B - B1X B2 b) (A W (A a 1. 1IB2)Z 1 2#"1)z1 30139 1-, 00 S/194 61/OQO/007/069/079 D201%,305 AUTHORS: Terentlyev, B.P., Shalthgil,ldyant V.V. and Lyakhov- kfiin,~A.A~ TITLE: A UHF radial-'system of radiacommunication with time division of.,.channels PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnall. AVtomatika i radioelektronika, no, 7 1961 2 abstract 7 K9 (Tr.-uchebn. in-tov Bvy4awz 1M_Vo avyazi SSSR, 1960, no. 30 51-58) TEXT: A s~rstem is dtacribed of radial UHF radio communication as designed1n 1957-19A8 atthe Moscow Electrical and Technical Insti- ...tute of Communication.- This is a multi-chamel system with pulse- pbaition modulation. .1 Operating frequency range 400 me/a. The sys- . . I of a communication grid i.e. tem is tuned according to the MnClp e there is a central atatio.11 (CS3 and several exchange stations. Communication between. two exchange stations is established by the commutator of the CS. Through it, any exchange station may be con- Card 1/2 A UHF radial system,,$.. 30139 3/i94/61/000/007/069/079 D201/D305 nected to any of the subscribers of the distribution network. The number of channels at GS: 10. Pulse duration: I micro second. Cross-talk interchannel attenuation #v 60 db. The peak transmit- ter power of the exchafige station: 30 1,67. The bloc-diagrams and, ..other particulars of the system are given. Z-Abstracter-s note: Complete translationj Card 2/2 TERENTIYEV, D.P.; SIIAKHGIL'I)YAII, V.V.; LYAMMKIN, A, R. Synchronous multichannel radio communication st-at~Jor, 1rudy -98 163. Om I -R ~. I , : 9 ; ucheb. inst. sviazi no.14:93 1. Moskovskly elektrotekhnicheskiy institut svyaz-i. ACCESSION NR: AP4029ZZO S/0106/64/000/0041001110018 AUTHOR: Shakhgilldyan, V. V.; Lyakhovkin, A. As TITLE: Filtration of a monochromatic signal by a phase AFC SOURCE: Elektroavyazl, no. 4, 1964, 11-18 TOPIC TAGS: AFC, phase AM phase AFC-filtration, filter limiter filter system ABSTRACT: A phase AFC (PAFC) system is theoretically considered as a filter which controls the signal-to-noise ratio, and its performance is compared with that of a filter -limiter -filter (FLF) system. The dispersion of the phase of the oaci-Ilator being synchronized is found to be minimum with a proportional- integrating filter in the PAFC-feedback circuit; the real energy spectrum of the reference signal is allowed for. These assumptions are made: (1) The carrier- frequency component is regarded as a "signal" and all spurious -phase -modulation ~Ccrd 1 /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4029220 components as "noise"; (2) the first FLF filter is identical to the filter located before the PAFC system; (3) the narrow-band filter after the limiter has a near- square-shaped frequency response; (4) the PAFC locking-in band is equal to the passband of the narrow-band filter; (5) the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the narrow-band system is p, > 5. With the above assumptions, the PAFC system exhibits a better filtration than the FLF system at a cost of a considerably longer time constant of the former. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and Z5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 30May63 .SUB CODE: E 02 DATE ACQ: 28Apr64 NO R.EF SOV: 007 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 4 frw-, I A I -An -5An1ZR ~-Su URGE;:- --Radlotekhnika 111"i 3Z-4U 7i TAGS an,tot,natic. frequeng control, AFG phase AFG inertiaL phase-- A ABSTRACT:.. The: lock-in band Is-determined, in-analytical form, for the stable irn Ueineh: systems of phase automatic frequency control,(P.AFC) which have complicated.1inear quadripoles in, their feedback circuits. The general differential equation for a PAFC syp~4~rn is replaced with a first-order equation !with slow-vai Ing parameters 1 12 and tho'mothod of harmonicI ba:!xnce is uae.d for ditermining the functions F1, and Fg . These techniques .i ~- -1 - . , Tl~, - L ~'9:L85-'66~ ~EWAW/EWT(l) ACC NRt AR600030 SOURCE CODE: UR/OO58/65/OOO/0O8/HDO5/H00-5 SOURCE.- Ref.- -zh.- , Fizikaj Abe. 8Zh33 q 41 5- 1;- 44 1 T 5- AUTHORS: 10"h9v nk A., A.; Mikho;ylovp A. V.; Zubarevp Yu. I. q~ ORG: none TITITZ: On the phase stability of harmonic generators C17ED SOURCE: Tr* uchebn. in-toy svyazi. M-vo svyazi SSSR vYp- 23., 1964, 18-29 TOFIC TAGS: frequency stability, hamonic osci-Ilatar, phase analysis, semiconductor device TRANSLATION: Some considerations are advanced regarding the factors which determine the phase stability of harmonic generators. A brief estimate is presented of differ- ent methods of harmonic generation from the point of view of phase stability. Two generator circuits are proposed for broad uniform and alternating spectra of har- monies with increased phase stability) constructed with semiconductor devices, The necessary calculation formulas are presented# SUB, COD Et 09, add,e- d CWd 1/1 A-L ACC NR: AP6021786 SOURCE COIEt UR/0413/66/000/012/0050/0050 INVENTORS: Lyakhovkin., A. A.; Shakhgilldanp V. V. ORG: none 1TITLE: Device for filtering sinusoidal signals. Class 21p No. 182770 SOURGE: Izobroteniya, promyshlonnyyo obraztsyt tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 50 TOPIC TAGS- filter circuit, electric filter, phase shift ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for filtering sinusoidal signals. It contains a phase detector, a low frequency filter, a controlling unit, and a tunable oscillator. To decrease the phase deviation of the output voltage while maintaining the clamp poles, the phase detector output is connected through a serios-connected amplifie'r and correcting four-torminal network to one of the inputs of a phase modulator (sea Fig. 1). The second input of the phase modulator is connected to the output of the tunable oscillator. j_Card 1/2 UDG; 621,373,,42 Acr, im Ap6oa786 Fig. 1. 1 - phaso detector; 2 " low frequency 5 filter; 3 - controlling unit; 4 - tunable oscillator; 5 - amplifior; 6 - correct 1 2 four-torminal network; 7 - phaso modulator.. Orig. art. hass. I diagram. SUB COIE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 23.Jun65 Card 2/2 LY.AM,,)7K'.'Na 1.N., Inzhener. NXWAPA"X-#-" Dismcrantnblo- ballast clennor at vnrk. Put8 i p-txt.kho%.no.1-:5-8 Ag (YI-RA (Ballast (Hpilroade)) LYAKRUVIMU Z. Every second student has a meal-ticket book. Obshchest.pit. no.3:50-51 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Starshiy inspektor obshchestvennogo pitaniya otdela rabochego snabzheniya Tullskogo otdeleaiya Moskovskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (Tula-Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) LYMOVSKAYA. V.K. The OF-3-type hydraulic squeezing press. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.7:14-16 158. (MM 11:9) (Hydraulic presses) (Sheet-metal work) SHCHAKIE, Aleksundr Abramovich; MILYUTIN, N.A., retsensent; GUSBYA, M.G., reteenzont; LYAKHOV3KATA, TO.A., reteenzent; SOSULZA, V.O., re- daktor; redaktor. [Making lace on the maltishattle lace machine] Proizvodetvo kruzhav na. mnogoeholnochnoi krazhevnoi mashine. Moskva. Goo. naiichuo-tekhu. izd-vo Ministerstva prowyahlenufth tovarov shirokogo potrableniia SSSR, 1954. 287 P. (MI-RA 8.2) (Lace and lacemaking) GARBARUK, Vladimir Nikolayevich; SHPARN. Rafail Yakovlevich; KOGAN, lav Payeakhovich- U Ye A retsenzent; HIHAYRVA, T.M., b=OYSM '. --I w - - - redaktor; MWVJWV. L.Ta., tekhnicheskiy redaktor CUV-2 waft knitting machine] Utochnoviazaltnata mashina UV-2. Moskva, Gos.nsuchno-takhn.izd-vo K-va legkot promyshl.SSSR, 1957. 91 P. (MLRA 10:9) (Knitting machines) LX,41