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Inelastic scattering of protons by Ar 36 nuclei. Izv. AN SSSR.
Ser. fiz. 28 no.7%1137-1139 J1 164 WIRA 17:8)
Radiative capture and inelastic scattering of protons by Mg~ 26
nuclei.. Ibid. t1140-1141+
1. Fiziko-tekbnicheskiy institut, AN McrWR.
AKULOVA, H.F., prof.; ANTELAVA, N.V., prof.; ARIYEV, T.Ya., prof.;
BAIROVP G.A. prof.; VELIKOITTSKIY, A.11%, prof.; GABA'-Y.1
A.V., prof. fdeceased]; G ILOITYBOV, G.Ye., prof.;
DOBROVOLISKIY, V.K., prof.; DOLIEA, O.A., kand. med. nauk;
A.V.) prof.; KOTOV, A.P., prof:; KRAKOVSKIY, N.I.J, prof.;
KUZIN, M.I., prof.; L.'VOV, A.N., prof. [deceased];
MITYUNB) N.K., kand. med. nauk; VTVA.ELIDZE, Sh.I., Prof.)
[deceased]; EOVAGMiKO, N.P.j prof., zasl. deyatell nauki
USSR; OSIPOV, B.K., prof.; PIK11,11, K.I., prof.; POSTNIKOV,
B.N., prof.; RAKOV, A.I., prof.; STRUCHKOV, V.I., zasl.
deyatell nauki RSFSR, prof.; FAY'llU4AN, I.L., prof.
[deceased]; FILATOV, A.E., prof.; SIZIELEV, I.V., prof.
(deceased]; PETROVSKIY, B.V., zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR,
prof., otv. red.
(Multivolume manual on surgery] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po
khirurgii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.2. 1964. 771 p.
(MIRA 18:1)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen 1U,11 SSSR (for Antelava, Petrovskiy).
2. Chlon-korrespon(Jent A1.91 SSSR (for I'lairov, Novachenko,
Struchkov, Filatov).
SIMONOV) F.I., inzh.; LIVOV, A.P.,-inzh.
Rectifying device for supplying power to electrolyzers. Prom.
energ. 19 no. 4:7-12 Ap 164. (MIRA 17-5)
tlllfrl~ A. I.
f'A 'Jater Da-r-per in the Idater. Gurlere Glass Coniergers."
SO: Elek. Stan., ~1:110. ICY I!Wl;
"Copper- Graphite Gasket Lining."
SO: Elek. Stan., No. 11, 10,49.
Z 1/~fV 7 -
i /I
LIVOV, A.S., inzh.
Installing corona electrodes. Energetik 5 no.9:11-12 S 157.
(MIRA 10:10)
(Electric filters)
LIVOV, A.S., inzhener.
Block installation of air and gas ducts. Zlek.sta. 28 no-9:75 S 157.
(MMA 10:11)
(Steam power plants)
8(6), 14(6) SOV/112-59-5-8533
TranBlation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5,
pp 19-20 (USSR)
AUTHOR: _1~~~-,f-Iraidov, F. I., and Mileshin, 1. D.
TITLE: Block-Type Lining for a TP-230-Z Boiler
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Energ. str-vo. Vol 3, M.-L., 1958, pp 4-6
ABSTRACT: During erection of two type TP-230-2 boilers, a block-type lining in
accordance with TKZ blueprints was used. The furnace walls were built of
f1sovelit" 50-mm slabs, 125-mm, diatomaceous brick, and 113-mm grog brick.
Before the blocks were placed, economizer tubes were secured by pneumatic
mortar application at the bottom of the erection platform; steam superheater
tubes and shielding tubes were wound with asbestos rope where they passed
through the lining. No ears or places for securing them were indicated on the
erection drawings. The ears were made as shown in the accompanying figure;
they were welded to the side of the'shield frame, above the center of gravity of
Card 113
SOVI 112-59-5-8533
Block-Type Lining for a TP-230-2 Boiler
the block in such a way that when lifted, the block raked by 100 from the
vertical. This facilitated placing the block home. The block was lined an the
erection platform equipped with a gantry crane and a mortar plant having two
80-liter mortar mixers and one 250-liter concrete mixer. A VVG- I vibrator
was used. Before the lining work was begun, a tentative assembly of all
shields in the wall blocks was tried. The shields were smeared, then the
sovelit slabs, the diatomaceous and grog bricks were placed. A casing was
welded to the shields, and hangers for securing the reinforcements were
installed. Mortar and diatomaceous brick were placed on the casing.
Reinforcements and formwork were installed, and the concrete was placed.
The ready-made blocks were delivered to the boiler plant on flat-top cars upon
which the blocks were propped in an inclined position. During erection, the
block top was secured by angle bolts, and the block bottorn was tightened by an
electric-winch cable. Block -stiffening members were so arranged that they
Card ZI 3
Block-Type Lining for a TP-230-2 Boiler
would not interfere with the block placement. The blocks were placed from
the inside, prior to the installation of the shields. Of the total lining weight,
630 tons, the blocks constituted 321 tons, i. e. , 511o. Weights of all 45 blocks
and the lining materials are tabulated.
P. I. A.
Card 3h
lu,-.t ic
8 (6)
AUTHOR: Llvov, A, S., Engineer
TITLE; Speeding Up the Construction of Boiler Walls
(Uskoreniye obmurovochnykh rabot)
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 4, p 6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The assembly of TP-230-2 boilers may be stepped-up by
building the walls in blocks, as suggested by I, D.
Mileshin. According to the drawings of the Taganrogskiy
kotellnyy zavod - TKZ - (Taganrog Boiler Plant), the tubes
of the steam superheater must be covered with asbestos
cord in those sections where they pass thru the boiler
walls. Performing this operation after the superheater
is installed is difficult due to lack of space. Now this
operation is performed on the assembly area.
There are i photograph and 1 drawing.
Card 1/1
_,IUT:!C2.: L'vov :,;n.- JIL n e e r
T LI-LL!j a Settins-the Gorona Electrodes (Pravka koroniruy-
ushchikh eicktrodov)
PERIODI'.'.L: Energetik., 101~9, I-Tr 5, p 13, (U`2)
ABSTILICT: The settinG (adjustinG) of -the c~orona clectr:orles,
upon asscr-bl-u- of the, corona and settlinG electroaes
for DVP-J[.,-.23bs electric filter, on a special stand,
transportir-L; and 1.,,uttinC them intc;-place, used to
be quite a difficult operation. A.I. Buyanov sugges-
ted two simple devices for setting of pipes --nd co-
rona wires, ac sho-jm in Ficure 1. Both devices are
Wooden, have 3.5 ra, lon- 1"Randle-s and car, be applied
from below or above. Application of these devices,
has chozn Good results. There is 1 sketch.
Cara, 1/1
POPOV, Boris DvittriyeviclU LIVOV,, A.V., retsenzent; BESPALOV, IN., red.
izd-va;'PUL'WAj, ,, tekbn. red*
[Handbook on the construction of apartment houses] Spravochnoe po-
oobie po immtathu zhi3.ykb domov. Leningrado Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po
stroit, arkhito i strolt.-materialam, 1961. 143 p. (MIRA 14:9)
1- GlavrV7 inzhener Polvustravokogo domostroitellnogo kombinata (for
(Apartment houses) (Precabt concretp construction)
-- ----MWwmw
Gas pipeline. Rabotnites, 34 no.1:4-3 '56. (MLEtA 9:3)
(Gae. Natural--Pipelines)
-1) V 6 Y "--B, c11. z .. . ~" VOT, B.
Stavropol gas burns in Moscow. Rabotnitea 35 no.2:16-17 Y'57-
(Gas, Natural--Pipelines) (MI2A 10:4)
41 110y, B. . o, ~t I - , , '. . -
Cheapest and most efficient fuel. Rabotnitsa 36 no.1:14 Ja '58.
(MIRA 11:2)
(Gas, Natural)
MROV, An.; L"VOV,&J&.-,
Fl.ving assembler. Grazhd.av. 17 no-7:9-10 JI 160.(HIRA 13:8)
(Helicopters--Industrial applications)
L'VOV,_�-,-Anstruktor podvodnogo sporta, (g. Saratov)
Advice for underwater swimmers. Voen. znan, 33 no,7:33-34 i1
#62. (FJRA 15--u-)
"Arbolit" is a 900d-quality' building material. NM 5 no.3'.50
Mr 163, (MIFLA 16:4)
(Stones Artificial)
Initiative and the honor of the uniform. NTO 5 nql.-46-1,,8 Ja 163.
(HOLA 16:5)
1. Spetsiallnyy korreopondent zhurnala "Nauchno-tekhnicheakiye
obahchestva SSSR".
(CeramiF rwtals)
Biology of' the green sandpiper Tringa ochropis I.. during the
nesting period. Zool. zhur. 40 no. 2:290-292 161.
(MIRA 14:2)
1,, Department of Zoologyp Pedagogical Institute of Orekhovo-
(Orekhavo-Zuyevo region--Sandpipers)
V VJII., H. ie,.
L' vov, B. K. N. Kuchina. A. D. ilchaievskaya, F. F. Zerlorva- "'he
Age of the R-jc,4karovLskiy Magmatic Comples of Southern Urals
to Data Obtained by the Lead and Argon Method,
The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of
Geologic Formations at'the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences
(OGGW~A of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957
Izv. Ak Ik-ok B=g ser. Geo]..,, Hoe Is 1958s P- 115-11T author PekMrskeyn, T. B.
--VVOV.?--#~~K. --
Content r-nd distribution of accea.-ory minerals in granitoids of the
Kochkar region in the Soutnerix Urals. Uchzap. ILU no.312.-190-221
162. (MIPM 15:6)
(Ural Mountains- Trace elements) (Ural Mountains-Granite)
Absolute age of granitoids of the Kochkar complex (Southern Urals).
Uch.zap. LGU no.312:2't~257 162a (MIRA 15:6)
(Ural 14ountains-Granite) (Geological ti'me)
Petrographic and petrochemical characteriatins.of.granitoids
in the Kochkarka region. Vop-magm. -i-jaetam.-U41-59 163.
(MRA 16:8)
(Chelyabinsk Province-Granite-Analyisis)
Uranium and thorium in the granitoids of the Kochkarl region
(Southern Urals). Trudy VSEGEI 95:13-44 163.
(MIRA 17:11)
11VOV, B.K.; 11.1.
4_ - -----
A3--eisory zircon fro-m granito-Ids I'M the ea3tern slope of the
Scuthern Urals. Min. i geokiLm. no.1:62-94 Omrru. 18.9)
Geological porJAJ.on and pe-trograph.l.c- C',
in the Dzhabyksko-Suunduk region (Scjuthern UraI3).
2:54-95 164. Oel'f R' 18:3)
`1~'b '~- Zzs,.q- gpakLZ
oT mas55TB In the SmtheTn mstzm. 664.
~!'V.OV, Boris Kon5~antlnpvich; SKORYNINA, N.N., red.
[Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of granitoids
of the Kochkarl region (Southern Urals)] Aletrologiia,
mineralogiia i geokhii-uiia granitoidov KochkarBkogo raiona
(IUzhnyi Ural). Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 19'5.
163 p . (MIRA 19!1)
LIVOV, Boris Llvovich; IIYAKUSHKOV, V.Ya., i-ed.
- ~- ~- .
[With and without exotics] S ekzotikoi i bez nee. Mo-
skva, Izd-vo ll~ysll " 1961+. 9/+ p. (MIRA 18:4)
"Einsatz der Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie zur Automatisierung und Empfindi-lich-
keitssteigeeri.mg chemischer Analysen."
report submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on Hyperpure Materials in Science and
Technology., Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-2 Oct 65-
Institut fur angewandte Chemle, Leningrad.
LIVOV, Boris L'vovich; LURIA, L.I., red. -
(We are building a house] My stroim dom. Moskvay Zna-
nie, 1965. 44 p. (Novoe v zhizni, naukey tekhnike.
X. Seriia: Molodezhnaia, no.14) (MIRA 18:7)
- 1-1-----4--1--i--1--1~'1
- - 7- -- ~-
v I
PASTUKHOVA, A., inzheneT; L'YOV, B., inzhener.
Wire'resistance wound on glass-fiber coil forma for relay-type
controllers used in-automobile electric systems. Izobr. v SSSR
2 no.6:12-13 Je 157. (MMA 101$)
(Automobiles--lilectric equipment) (Electric wire)
4, Va V, pc~
AUTHOR: Yaroshevich, V.M., Engineer 110-S%-6-22/22
TITLE: A Conference on Nev Electrical Insulating Materials and
Technological Processes (Konferentsiya po osvoyeniyu
novykh elektroizolyatsionnykh materialov i tekhnolor,--icheski-kh
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Nr 6,
pp '?/ - 80 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: A conference on new insulating materials and technolo-
gical processes was..held in Lt-.-qinFrad, in December, 1 5r
9 /
Called by the Nduenno-ueKniii:~ne8ko-ye obshcnestuo energeticheskoy
promyshlennosti, it was attended by representatives of almost
all the electrical manufacturinc viorks of the USSR and of
research institutes and other organisations, altoGether 270
The first report was by Doctor of Chemical Sciences M.S.
Aslanova and Engineer B.S. Llvov of the VNII Steklovolotma
(Scientific Research instLtui-e-for Glass Fibre), who discussed
the manufacture and i3eneral position of flass-fibre insulation.
The conference considered that production of this material is
inadequate. 0
%IThe introduction of silicone insulation.,,vaz-discussed--i-n-de-t"l
Ca.rdl/4 and Candidates of Technical Sciences V.I. Kalitvyar-skiy and
A Conference on New Electrical Insulating Materials and Technological
.K.I. Zabirina reported on "Silicone Llaterials for the Insu-
lation of Electrical Machines". En[_-;ineer Ye.P. Bor, d& nova
spoke on "Experience in LiasterinL the Use of Silicone insu-
lation in the Elektrosila Works" a-nd Encineer B.1-i. Tot$_U~
made a similar rerort for the Dinamo Works. The present state
of sili-one insulation is then reviewed. I.,
(;andidate of TechiAr_;,,l Scionces A.V. Iaval'kovskiy rr-ported
on "HiCh-volta~,e of Electrical L'achinez-, Gla:--:,/
!Jica Insulation Usii- Thermosettin- Epoxy-silicofie ~`Lridersll'
The Blektrosila Works has developed anothcr type of mica-tape
high-voltage insulation v,,-L_Jch wa~ the subject of a ieport by
Engineem V.W. Korolev arid. F.A. liolenko. Accounts of the use
of epoxy resins at the Blektrosila and Uralelektroapparat Works
were read. Four reports on the im-pregnation of electrical
machines were made by Z.I. Kh-olopova (IChELIZ), Engineer R.S.
Kholodovskiy (GIEKI), Engineer I.G. Lim-ov and Candidate of
Technical Sciences V-V. Skipetrov (VEI) and by Engineer
Z.L. Zusmanovskava. S.V. Tsukernikl--(~,Z) reported on "The
Insulation of Low-voltat--e Class F L11achines" for which glyptal-
oil-me.lamine varnish is nost heat-resistant. Candidate of
A Conference on New Electrical Insulating Materials and
Technological Processes
Technical Sciences L.T. Ponomareva (Works imeni Kalinin)
reported on "Ekspanon Insulating Material", which is a
transparent polymer obtained by heating,,synthetic rubber
under appropriate conditions. A.A. Davydova (Armelektro
Works) spoke on "The Use of Polyethylene Terephthalate
Film for Slot Insulation of Electrical Machines". Three
reports on micanite were given by Professor N.V. Aleksandrov
and Engineer L.A. Epshteyn, by L.M. Bernshteyn. and Engineer
A.S. Ovcharova. The economics of electrical insulation was
reviewed by F.-Ya. Kazovskiy of the Elektrosila Works.
A tec-hniQal section, on the soldering of machine windings
and on mechanization of winding and insulation work,, met
c&ieurrently with the cQnference pleni3m. Experience with
hard-boldering was discussed. Mechanization of winding
and insulation work was reviewed by V.V. Solomehinskiy of
the VNII Tekhnologii elektricheskikh mashin, Khar1kov
(All-Union Soientific Research Institute of the Technology
of Electrical Machines, Khar1kov).
Card 3/4
A Conference on New Electrical Insulating Materials and
Technological ProcesBes
The conference decided to set up an insulation section of
the Society, whereby th4 I-C.-ordinatIon of work on insulating
material shctild be imp~roved.
ASSOCTATION.- Filial NII zp-vcda "Elonktrosila" (Branch of the
Scientific Research& irstitute of the Elektr8sila Works)
SUBMI"17ED: February 21, 1958
Card 4/4
1. insulators (Electric)
AUTHORS: Piskarav, I.V. and.L 7vov, B.S., Members of the Scienti-
fic Research Instit-UT9-~ ~Fibers
TIT!E..- Utilization of Glass Fiber as Filtering Material
(Primeneni.ye steklyannykh tkaney v kachestve filltrovall-
nogo matertala)
PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 9, pp 24-25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The possibilities of using glass fiber in the oil in-
dustry as filtering material. are now being studied by the Scien-
tific Research Institute of Glass Fibers. In this connection the
authors state that there are two types of glass fiber differen-
tiated mostly by the length of fiber. The method of continuous
pulling of meltcd glass at a speed of 2 km per minute is recog'-
nized in the Soviet glass manufacturing as the best one. Certain
additives are admixed to the glass of usual composition in order
to maice the fiber more resistant mechanically and chemically.
The most durable fiber is obtained from quartz glass. In a table
Card 1/2
Utlilization of Glass Fiber (Cont.) SOV/92-58--9--24/36
the authors list various filter materials and indicate their
tensile strength. The hygroscopicity of glass fiber and of
some other fibrouB material is low. The high temperature re-
sistance (3000 - 5000 C) of glass fiber makes its use advan-
tageous. Fiber of quartz glass or melted kaolln Is able to
withstand 1,5000-- 1,800P C,, A number of refineries now recog-
nize the high quality of fiber glass as filtering material.
The use of glass fiber for filters in contaet treatment of oil
proved t,3 be expediant and economically m1a3h more profitable than
the use ~Df belting cotton fiber. The throughput of glass fiber
Is much higher than that of cotton fiber. The filtration speed
increases when glass fiber is used In a filter. It follows
therefore that a wide use of glass fiber filters in the oil
industry is highly advisable.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut steklyanogo volokna
(Scientific Research Institute of Glass Fibers)
Card 2/2
115- ~'b'50
AUTHORS: Llvov,_B.-,9,,,Koltunov, M. A., Kuznetsov, V. N.,
.-ShI51kovskaya, Ye. I.
TITLE: Physicomechanical characteristics.of glasa-reinforced
plastics based on polyester resin. Elasticity.constants of
glass-rein~orced plastics
PERIODICAL; Plastiqheskiye massy, no. 8, 1962, 38-40
TEXT: Fxperimental results in determining the elasticity constants and
the effect v; loading and deformation rates on the stress-etrain diagram
of glass-reinforced plastics based on TrH-1 (PX-1) polyester resin and
T -1 (T-1) glass fabric have been obtained in the laboratoriya
stekloplastikov N11PM (Laboratory of Glass-reinforced Plastics of NIIPM)
and the problemnaya laboratoriya fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoystv
polimerov Moskovskogo universiteta (Special Researob Laboratory for th4
Physicomechanical Properties 'of Polymers, Moscow State University).
Isopropyl benzene hydroperoxide and cobalt naphthenate were used as
hardeners at room temperature. Test specimens were out out from the
Card 1/3
Physicomechanical characteristics ... B124/BI$O
fabric with their axes at angles 4 to the warp of 0, 15" 30P 45, 60, 75,
an~, 900. They were'kept at 800C for 12 hrs. Loading and unloading were
done in steps of 100 kg each, and measured with an accuracy of + 1%-.
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of the extensometer pickups wh~Tch
measured with 5% accuracy. Their readings were recorded on.a static
tensometer sensitivity 1-1o-5.. Total error of the system did not exceed
2~j' . The stress-strain diagram is linear up to a deformation of ^-j3-1-o-3.
'.Vorst results are with 450. The fabric has three symmetry axes. The-
glass-reinforced plastic investigat&d is orthotropic.
E~/Eo - ' 4 .42 2 . 4 P where T is the angle between the
4-cos T + Bsin tP-cos T + sin
i T
warp and the direction of-teneiie streas and E - the elasticity modulus
in the same direction. X - E90 and 2B - 4 E90 (1 + X). The elasticity
E0 E45
modulus values calculated from these equations are in satisfactory
agreement with experimental data. There are 5 figures.
Card 2/3
Physicomechanical characteristics
(Ak) compensation
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the extensometer pickups:
7oickup, (A ) operating pickup.
Legend: (A) compensation arms of the bridge, (B) operating arms of the
bridge, (C) changeover terminals, (D) pickup.
1.01y'lewaquemy'sle P/a
Card 3/3
B1 01/B1 44
AUTHORSt L1vovj B. S., Panferovj K. V., Romanenkov, 1. G.9
__S_Fja_Vc~v_a_kay_a, Ye. I.
TITLE% Changes in the physicomechanical properties of glass-reinforced,
polycster plastics due to water
PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye. biassyt no. 91 1962, 16 - le ZOO
TEXT: Longer immersion in water had the foll'owing effect on the physico- Z
mechanical properties of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) which contained
35-40',,'1W-1 (PN-1) polyester rosin as binder: (1) Reduction of tensile
stren(;tb and bending stroneth depended on the type of glass filler. After
6 months' immersion in water, the tensile strength (in % of the initial
value) for GRP with rope glass fabric was 62-5,.With*r-I (T-1) plain weave
glass fabric 68.0, with staple glass fiber 55-9; the banding strength
dropped to 44.0, 66.5, and 35.1, respectively. (2) When T-1 glass fabric
was treated with the organosilicon rbc-9 (GVS-9) preparation the tensile
strength of GRP after 40 days' immersion in water dropped by only 7.6,
the bending strength by 15.6%, while the corresponding values for GRP with
Card 1/2
S/19 62/000/009/004/012
Changes in the physicomechanical ... B101YB144
un',,.-eated glass fabric were '242-5 and 61.8. (3) Result of the cumparison
between PN-I resin and SfS-1 (VFB-1) phenol formaldebyae resin as binderi
After 6 months' immersion in water, the residual tensile strength was
8 3-4`~' f or GRP f rom T- 1 glas a f abric and TH - 1 (TN- 1 ) res in, t he res i dual
binding strength 68. ec, the modulus of elasticity in tension 65.65/1, the
modulus of elasticity in banding 33.6", while the corresponding values for
VFB-I resin are 65.2, 77.9, 61.0 and 73-7- (4) Effect of the thickness in
the case of GRP from T-I glass fabric and TN-1 resin, after 6 months,
immersion in watert For 2.2, 5-0--5.2 and 10.2-10.8 mm thick GRP, the
residual tensile strength was 68.0, 83-4 and 81.4~0, the residual b6ndin6
strength 66-5, 68.2 and 69.8~vj the residual elasticity modulus in tension
65-7, 65.8 and 65-9~6, and the residual elasticity modulus in bending 26-71
33.8 and 57-0 of the respective original values. There are 1 figure and
3 tables.
Card 2/2
AA M REi? SOVs 005 OTHM: .000
Methods of static tests for tensile strength of glass plastics
obtaine(4 by cold setting. Plast. massy no.6:57-60 163.
OAIRA 16:10)
IACCESSIO14 NR; AP4039947 5/0191/64/000/006/0039/0040
AUTHOR: Voloshenko-Klimovitskiy, Yu. Ya.; Belyayov, Yu. A.; Llvov,
_.-S-.; Shpakovskaya, Ye. I.
TITLE: Impact tensile strength at +20 and -196 C of glass reinforced!
plastics based on PN--l binder cured at low temperatures
iSOURCE: Plastichesklye massy*, no. 6, 1964, 39-40
.TOPIC TAGS: glass reinforced plastic, glass fabric T-1, polyester
resin PN-1, impact tensile tent, static tensile test
ABSTRACT: The authors have developed at the Laboratory of the Strength
.of Materials for Machine Building of the IMASh GKA i M a method for
:irnpact tensile tests of glass reinforced plastics (GRP). This method.'
.Makes it possible to determine the tensile strength in uniaxial
,stretching and can be used for calculating mechanical strength. It
iwas applied to T-1 glass fabric-reinforced unsaturated polyesters
resin P11-1. The GRP were subjected to static and impact tests. The
1results, which are given in Fia. I of the enclosure, show that PN-1-
based GRP possess a good "dynamic strength reserve" both at +20 and
.-196 Q,. Orig. art. has 1 figure and I table.
i Card. 2 t:~_
DATE ACQ: 24Jun64
ENCL: 01
OTHER: 000
70- 70,
60- 60-
.50, X 50-
40 40
196 *C +Zolc 196 Ic
S t a t I e Pynami.c-
='tes t9
t-e-s ta 2m/sec'
Fig. 1. Reaultoof static and dynar~ic
tensile testa of PN-1-based glano-rain-
forcad plastics at +20.and -196 C-
a - Along the woof; b - along the warp.
_~rodu~ vqtyi and-sim _t' __'t h- a6gy-_of P-11
nzea tM~: t-i plifie ec nc proce i s,'--
-~r - --vtd--4a, 9!!ixt of he AS~ Pit
_vglag l4io- aal& 6
i ie j~64~~&JrCthil WSR:
a,-VievtO4 aVitchihm, to th'idkeir -fibers. "Ori, 6~f'
igures aiid~l~foj7
(Continuous filament glass fibers; technology fundamentals
and their p,,operties] Nepreryvnoe stekliannoe vololmo; osnovy
tekhnologii i :3voistva. Moskvap Khimijaj 1965. 319 P.
(MIRA 18:8)
L 44581-66-- E;YT(m)/EWP(J)/T JjP (C) vMl~M /o4l3/66/000/009/0077/0077
nAWTOR: Borovikova, S. M.; Lyakhoviah, L LIVOV,-,D-. S.,
Soloviyev, A. M.
ORG: ' none
TITLE: Preparation.c)f glass fiber-filled thermoplastic reslnss
Class 39, No. 181296~[announced by the State Scientific Research-
.Institute of Plastieg (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy
linstit-ut plasticheskikh mass)j
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obi,aztsy,, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9,
1966, 77
TOPIC TAGS: resino thermoplastic resin, filler, glass fiber filler
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate lAtroduces a method for n~.Lking glass.
fiber-filled thermoplastic resins by introducing the fillerginto the
resin melt prepared for'the melting equipment. To si the process,
the glaso-fiber filler in introduced into the corner head of the meltinj
L 44581-66
ACC NRI AP6015675
tank or extrusion press. The glass-fiber filler is a bundle of basic
straight (not twisted) glass threads. [Translation] (LDI
SUB CODE: ll/ Sum DATE: l8Nov63/
C.M 2/2
T&08*Yug=y& mushno-tekhnlchesicayn konforentslym po priasnonlyu
1`141oaktIva7kh I stabillafth isotapow I Isluchenly T niarodnom
khosyArstTe I nauke. Moscow, 195T
P01X141bGA17Q UotOpov. MoshchnM gamma-ustanovki Radiometriya
1 doglastrlyal trudy kortforents 11, ... (Isotope iroduction.
24h-On*r$Y Oammia-Radiatlon Facilities. Radiametry and DOOL-
;:trrj Irlux"OtIons of the All-Unlon Conference on the Use of
410sustIve and Stable Isotopes and Radiation in the National
Zoonomay mad Science) moscom, Ixd-wo AN SSSR, 1958. 293 P.
5,000 *oP4 printed.
SPO"GrUM Assoort Akadealya nauk 333R; Olaynors upravlan.L" vo
Ispollsousualyu, . atomoy energii, 3=.
-241torlal Boards Prolow, Tu.S. (Reap. Rd.), Zhavorankov, N.M.
(D*putY Somp. Rd.). A"tsev, KA.. Altksayev, B.A.. Bochkarsv.
T.T., LeafthInakly, X.I., Malkov, T.P., Sinitsyn, V.I., and
Popawa. a.L. (ftorstary); Tech. Ed.i lovichkov, N.D.
PURF=8 This collection Is published for scientists, technologists,
POrScn* OrMPL90d In medicine or madIcal research, and others can.
earned wIth the production and/or use of radioactive and stable
180topm and radiation.
COTZRORI ftlrtY-slgh-~ reports are included In this collection
under three main tab.-tat d1visionax 1) production of Isotopes
2) bIgh-somrRy Seumme-radiation racl.11tisajand 3) radio"try and
PART 1. PRODWTXOx or isoToms
Frolov, Tu.S., T.T. Boahkarev, and YO.Y*. Kull&h. Development of
X20tap6 ft4xhactlon in the Soviet Union ' 5
This repart Is a general survey or production methoAs.
apparatus, raw materials, applications, inveatigatic"
and futurs, Prospects for radio Isotopes in the Soviet Union.
Card 2/12
11011sho Ye.Ts. Several, Problems an Obtaining Radioactive
Isotopes vIth a Nuclear Reactor is
ftltrlyev, P.P., I.I. Zhiv Itovskly, N.M. Kraanov,
I.P. 3sllnov, and YO.N. Xhavrov. i+*-~ ~riie-rsl Radio-
active Isotopes in a Cyclotron With Deuteron Xnarglem
of , 10 Merv, 26
Maksimov, X-2. Determining the Yield of Reaction Products 31
Karabamh. A.4,and 3h.1. POYzulayev. Cnamicospectral
Methods of analyzing High-frequency Materials Used
in Reactar B"Iding and the Production of Radio
Isotopes 36
.tjBiT."Land 0.1. Xiblmov. The Spectral usntitatlve
V tion of A4mixtures In Radioactive Preparations 50
Card 3A2
24M SOV/170-59-2-6/23
AUTHOR: L'vov, B.V,
TITLEt An Investigation of Atomic Absorption Spectra by Means of Complete
Vaporization of the Substance in a Graphite Cell
PERIODICAL: Inzhenemo-fiziaheskiy zhiwnal, 19r--9, Nr 2, pp 44-52 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: There are several methods for obtaining vapor columns in inv4stigations of
absorption spectra- King's nirnace ZR-ef 12, flame LRef 2,7, closed quartz
cells ZR-ef V and are discharge plasma /R-ef 47. After pointing out some
inherent deficiencies of all tki-ose methods, the author proposes atinew
method of complete erraporation of the substance under investigati6n in a
graphite cell heated to a high temperature. Its design and tht way of con-
ducting experiments are described, and its advantages over the foriner methods;
are-mentioned. The absorption spectra of the following elements were studiedl
Cr, Ma, K, Cl-,, Sr, Ba, TI and Fb, and the relationships between the optical
density arid the cw.:!entration of Me elements inveatigated were established;
Figure 4 shows an examp.].-, of .c-ruoh a relationship for chromium line with a
wavelength of 4,254 k It was experimentally confirmed that oxide and hydrox-
Card 1/2 ide compiYunds of elements in the cell were completely dissociated. Several
An Investigation of Atomic Absorption Spectra by Means of Complete Vaporization of the
Substance in a Graphite Cell
Possible applications of the new method are mentioned& the determination
of atomic constants, in Particular the values of shifts.of resonance lines;
the investigation of thermodynamic charaoteristlas of reactions proceeding
at low temperatures, below 2,OOOOC; the determination of coefficients of
diffusion of atomic vapors in various media, etc. The author thanks G.I.
Kibisov for his guidance and aid in this study and V.M. Gavrilova for
designing the photot-leotrie part of the device.
There ares- I-photo, I diagram,,l graph, 1 absorption curve, 1 table and
13 references, 8 of which are Soviet, I English, America;a and 3 unidenti-
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamen! inst~~ut prikladnoy
kh1mii (State Institute of Appli-ed Chemistry awarded the Order of
Red Labor Banner), Leningrad.
Card 2,12
AUI!HOR: L'vov, B. V. B/170/59/002/11/008/024
I Bb14/B014
TITLE: The Use of Atomic Absorption Spectra for Analyses
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-f iziche skiy zhurnal , 1959, Vol 2 Nr 111 PP 56-62
ABSTRACT: In the present article the author describes a method used for
quantitative analysis, in which a complete vaporization of a
small sample contained in a graphite cell is particularly advan-
tageous. The absorption coefficient of certain absorption lines
is measured using resonance lines of certain elements as a sourc
of light. If these lines are sufficiently narrow compared to the
absorption lines, they may be considered,monochromatic, and for-
mula (1) can be used to determine the absorption coeffijient.
Formula (2) describes the concentrationcf free atoms in the cell.
In equation (3), the absorption coefficient is replaced by the
experimental optical density. This equation may be used for cal-
culation if the assumption concerning monochromatic emission is
atisfied. In the general case, however, this condition is not
atisfied, and equation (3) is therefore not suited. For practical
purposes it is necessary to calibrate the apparatus not only for
pure compounds, but also for impurities of other elements. Ex-
Card 1/2 periments showed that sensitivity is increased by a reduction in
The Vae of Atomic Absorption Spectra for Analyses S/170/59/002/11/008/024
the cross section of the hole of the graphite cell. Next, the
exact measurement of low optical densit is discussed on the
basis of American papers (Refs 2 and M. The length of the cell
has some effect on the relative sensitivity. The following sources
of error are mentioned: the dosage of the aample, determination
of the optical density, and modifications of experimental conditions
(temperature etc). The first source of error can be eliminated by
applying methods of microanalyeis. This is, however, somewhat com-
plicated. The two other sources of error can be reduced by an
appropriate experimental arrangement. There are 2 figures, 2 tables,
and 17 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvannyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znam~-ni institut priklad-
noy khimii, g. Leningrad
(State Order of Red Banner of Work Institute of Applied Chemistry,
City of Leningrad)
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Llvov, B.V., Mosichev, V. I.
TITLE: Quantitative spectrum analysis of the isotopic composition
of boron
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 3, 1961, 279-281
TEXT: As the conventional methods of determining the isotopic composi-
tion of boron are very complicated and require special preparations or
radiation aouroes, a new method is suggested in the present "Letter to
the Editor". In this method, the isotopic composition is determined with
the help of the vibrational electron spectra of BO molecules, for which
the isotopic shift is large enough and can be caused by an ordinary
spectroscopic apparatus. A method has been worked out for the quantita-
tive determination of the isotopic composition of elementary amorphous
boron, whose main substance accounts for - 65~6 by weight. The boron was
evaporated in the carbon arc (air atmosphere). Evaporation in the a-c
are with different additions to the boron powder have failed. However,
spectra obtained in the d-c arc were usable. Their intensity vas largely
Card 1/4
Quantitative spectrum analysis of the S/089/61/010/003/019/021
independent of amperage and oxygen supply. The authors used samples of
7 mg weight, a current of 9-10 a, and a spark gaD of 3 mm length, in
which the analysis was carried out. The sample was put in a channel of
the c,rbon electrode, which was 3 mm deep and 2.5 mm wide. A K(--55
(KS-55) spectrograph with quartz optic8 was used to record the BO spectra
within the range of 2400-2500 A. Exposure took 90 sec, and the slit had
a width of 7 ~L- Spectroscopic photoplates of the type n (P) with a
sensitivity of 16 (according to r0rT(GOST)) were used for the purpose.
The BO spectra w9re examined between 2000 and 8500 A. They contained an
alpha band in the range of 3100-8500 A, and a beta band in the range of
2000-3600 A. In the latter, the 0-1 BO band with the edges B110
2437-10 A and B 10 0 2440-71 A proved particularly favorable but could not
be used since the B100 edge was overla ped by a B110 rotational band.
Therefore, the two lines 2460-59 A (B1 0) and 2460.81 A (B100) were
chosen for the analysis. Fig. 2 shows micro8hotograms of the two lines
for samples with 83.3, 51.2, and 19.2 at% B1 . The background which was
considerably large for the analytical lines, had to be taken into account.
The slit width Of 7[L proved to be an optimum. At smaller widths, the
Card 2/4
quantitative spectrum analysis of the S/089/61/010/003/019/021
intensity of the lines was much lower, whereas at larger widths, the
background was much stronger. An .'I~-4 (MF-4) microphotometer was used
to measure the blackening. The calibration curve Ir, - f(logl) was drawn
to determine the intensity from the blackening. The authors obtained a
straight line with a tangent of the inclination angle of,- 2. The
intensity and concentration ratios for five samples are intercompared
in Table 1. It was found that the relation IB11 O/IB100 - CB11 CB10 is
valid. Thus, it is possible to determine the concentration within the
range of 19.2 - 67.2 at% B10 without a standard which is required only at
higher concentrations. The results I of determination of the BIO concentra-
tion in the five samples are given in Table 2 which also contains the
absolute (1) and relative (2) square errbrs. The method is recommended
for determining the isotopic composition of several solid boron compounds,
There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 11'references: 5 Soviet-bloc and'
4 non-Soviet-bloo.
August 3, 1960
Card 3/4
uantitat-ive *- spectrum analysis of the S1089161101010 0310191021
. B102/B205
MOM r B,;o/r Bled C BU/C B"
7,0 4,18 4,2t
aid 2 t,81 1.85
6,0 3 u,04 0.95
4 0,49 0,49
U, 24 0,20
0 a
C coo' % wril%
02 93
UP V -11; U., V UA
ff$ -2
19.5 0,63 3 2
2 35.0 1,80 5:0
3 .515 1,50 3.0
4 67.2 1,60 4.9
5 80,8 0,99 5,1
AUTHORSi L#vov, B. V., Mosichev, V. I., and Senyuta, S. A.
TITLEs Quantitative spectrum analysis of the.isotope composition of
PERIODICALi Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 280 no. 11, 1962, 1322 - 1324
TEXT: An attempt was made to use the elect.ron vibration spectra of 021
OH, and CO in the visible and ultraviolet spectral region-s in order to
analyze the isotope composition of the oxygen (0 16 , 018 ). The most
suitable was the 1,0 type band (edge at 4123.6 R) of the system of
Rngstrom bands in the CO spectrum. The isotope shift for this band is 9
The spectrum was excited in a high-frequency discharge tube without '
electrode and was recorded photoelectrically! In the range of concentra-
tion investigated 0 - 31% 018), a linear relation was found between the-------_
018 per-centage, ccalcl calculated on the basis of the spectrum analysis
Card 1/2
Quantitative spectrum analysis ... B106/B186
and the real percentage, c-, in the sample (c 0.65 c + 5). The
r calo ' r
deviation of this function from the theoretical straLght line (c calc - 0d
is due to the superimposition of a small peak of the CO spectrum at the
edge of the CO 18 band. The smaller gradient of the calibration straight
line as compared to the theoretical line is due partly to the overlapping
of the rotation structure of the CO 18 band and the edge of the CO 16 band
and partly to the coincidence of the bands CO 16 4123.6 R and CO 4124.8 R
of the Herzberg system. Possible shifts of the standard-straight line re-
sulting from changes in the composition of the sample were not investi-
gated. The absolute root-mean-square error of the reproducibility of a
single measurement is t0.5% for the method describid. 15 - 20 min are re-
quired. to analyze the sample 5 times; the gas consumption per analysis is
r~jlo cm . There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATIONs Goaudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute
of Applied Chemistry)
Card 2/2
Theory of the method of atomic absorption analysis. Zavlab. 28
no.8s931-938 162. (MIRA 151l1)
(Spectrum analvsis)
Quantitative spectral analysis of the isotopic composition
of oxygen. Zav.lab. 28 no.11;1322-1324 162. WIRA 15:11)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii.
(oxygen-Isotopes) (spectrum analysis)
13.V.; I OST"IIE:11,
LIVOV M X 6 V. 1.
Isotopic spectral arialy:3-ls c.' de-uteri= T n; d" -
nc.49:269-276 162.
Quantitative spectral analyslls cC the isotop.lc ou-nposition of
boron in some of its cximpound-.
L 1',TOV.9 B.V.
-- --.-f: ~- .-
an.. a,,.- -- -- ,
Pcssihilit:7 C-f coz--i'lIC-41-~~ -,-- - --- Las~ I--
absorption opect-ra. ~U, . 1.-_,C-. LS !'~ -
r ":.7,;..~~,~.,.,.-~'ii'~"z~,~.zt.,~.,--~:~~~,.,
, . N"Al? - - ---
, -
-1~ 11 1
- - ,
, - - J!,~ :, - ~, -
1 - '~ ~ I - , .
1 ... -, ., -, f; ;1, ~ i !".1.4 --- : --,- , ~- , . - 1- -1 -~Irj :111 1
1. -.: . , . - . , ~. I - , - I , -
L 5429-66 EWP(O)/~WT(m)/EPF(c)/~c-WP(i)/EtC/EWG(m)/TA',iP(b) DS14WIWH
:ACCESSION-NR- APW25294 UR/0051/65/019/004/0507/0510
,AUTHOR: _-L~B ~-V -
JITLE: Determining the absolute values of oscillator strengths by combined measure-
~ment of the total and linear absorption of a vapor lay er in a graphite.,9ell
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 507-510
TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength, optics, light absorption, absorption line
jABSTRACT:. Combined measUreMgnt_o total and linear absorption is used for deter-
:mining the absolute oscillator strengths of spectral lines. An absorption vapor
:layer is produced by pulse vaporization of a predetermined quantity of an element
;with a known effective absorption path inside a heated graphite cell. The substance
xis rapidly vaporized by placing a salt of the element to be studied on the end of a
~carbon electrode Ainserting the electrode into the heated cell, and heating the
electrode-Ey -apovlerful d-c arc from out3ide the furnace. Vapor losses due to dif-
.fusion are reduced by placing the-cell in a chamber filled with argon at a pressure
Card l/
L 5429--66
!of seveval atmospheres. The oscillator.strength is calculated from the formula:
'whereA is a
tomic weight, 3 is the cross sectional area of the graphite cell in cm
;Av i's the spectral interval in cm- M is the weight of the element placed in the
;cell in grams, I and I are the intensities of the nonabsorbed and absorbed beam of
Uight respectiveiy from a continuous spectrum emitter in spectral region Av, coeffi--~
i .
~cient k accounts for the limbs of the absorption line, and ~(D ) is a function of
the linear absorption (defined in the paper) which expresses t9e ratio of the total
~absorption to the integral coefficient of absorption at optical densities close to
~unity on the assumption that this function is independent of line contour. The prod
Iposed method.of measurement eliminates the need for consideration of the shift in
absorption lines with respect to emission lines in making calculations, as well as
,eliminating the effects which temperature and pressure in the experiment and the
structure of the lines,have on the results. The oscillator strengths of
'An 3076 9, Pb 2833 9 and Cd 2288 A were measured by this method. The results show
satisfactory agreement with the most reliable data on the oscillator strengths for
'these lines. The random error in measurements is determined basically by the error
:in measuring the area of the cell cross section, and was no more than 20% in these
experimento. Orig. art.. has* 2 figures, 7 formulas, wv4 1 table. (141
- -24Z,
L 5429-66
__-L 22519-66 W(l)
~Acc m-AP6=443 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/oo4/003/0207/0212
AUTHOR: Bodretsova. A. I.~.Llvov, B. V.; Mosichey, V. I.
ORGI, none
TITLE: Spectral characteristics of h4Ah-fre%jency discharge in tubes with a hollow
electrode (Report delivered at the Fourteenth Conference on PpectrosSM held in
Moscow on.28 January-2 February 1�69-
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektrookopii, v. 4, no. 3.- 1966, 207-212
TOPIC TAGS: high frequency discharge, electrode, resonance line, radiation in-
ABSUACT: Spectral properties of high-frequency discharge in hollov electrode
tubes have'been investigated. To increase the radiation intensity,of metal resonance
lines in hollow cathode tubes, the possibility of tube feeding by a high-frequency
discharge was analyzed. -It uns established that high-frequency discharge, in com-
parison with direct --urrent glow discharge, provides an intensity gain two orders
higher at the same level of self--absorption lines. The reasons for these differences
are discussed. Simplified designs of high-frequency tubes are described. Orig. art.
has: 4 figures and 1 formula. .[Based on authors' abstract.] [NTI
SUB CODE: 14, 20/ SUBM DATE.- olmar65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001/
Card 1/1 uDc: 621.32-535.n2.2
Mounted iMlements. Nanka i zhisn' 20 no.10:35-36 0 153. (KLRA 6:10)
(Agricultural machinery)
I. ;", ~z. ; 7 - ;-:.,-,..~z 7:,%
Ll VOV, D., inzhener.
u.p,-~,, 'r,
New achievements of the construction industry. Prof.-tekh.obr. 11
no.7:16-19 0 154. NLRA 7:11)
(Moscow--Construction Industry--Ikhibitions)
Combine for malcing reinforced concrete element6. Prof.-takh.obr.
12 no.1:13-16 J 155. (MLRA 8:3)
(Precast concrete) (Bailding machinery)
Large brick blocks. Prof.-tekh. obr. 12 no-7:15-18 JI '55.
(BricklayIng) (MA 8:9)
New techniqae of builders. Prof.-tekh.obr.12 no.9.'11-13 S'55.
(MMA 8:11)
1. Direktor Stroitellnoy shkoly fabrichno-zavodskogo obuchenlya
no-27, Dnepropetrovsk (for Bla&man)
-- Yive-year plan of
noOsIO-12 5 156.
(Reinforced concrete construction)
rbinforced concrete constvactione Prof.-takhoobr. 13
(KERA 9:10)
Specific independence of the mosquito Aedes esoensis Yam. (Diptera,
Culicide,e), the vector of Japanese encephalitis. P*nt,oboz.35 no.4:
929-934 156. OUAL 10: 2)
1. Xafedra obahchey biologii i parazitologii im.akademika Ye.N.Pav-
lovskogo, Voyenno-maditainakoy akademii im. S.K.Kirova, Leningrad.
. (Soviet Yar Sast-Mosquitoes) (Transbaikalia-Mosquitoes)
USSR / Zooparasitology. Ilites and Insects as Disease Vectors. G
Ab3 Jour : Rof Zhtw - Biolij Lfo 12, 1958, No 53009
Author : LIvov, D. K.
Inst : '93-f - -gIv-6 n
Title :A Discovery of Little Studied Bloodoucking Malanders (L--P-
toconops) in the MoacuV Oblastb
Orig Pab :Zool. zh., 1957, 36, ~To. 5, 789-790.
Abstract :The malan(lers of gonus Laptoconops, previously found prin-
cipally in the southern parts of the country, w,.;re found in
the Moscow oblast. The bloodsuckers are active at an unusual
tLtie for malanders, during; the daytirda, preferably between
2-4 o'clock, at 23-250. U-ie bites arc aanost painless. Th-_,se
nders attack dogs nore intensely than hmians. The
bloodsucking lasts 3-4 minutes.
Card 1/1
U11311: IP
103 70
1, K
Ac~i.,%,~:n- ,,
;-T arn
ZI f/'0 V
Epidemiological date on tick-borne encephalitis in the construction
zone of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Med.paras. i
peraz.bol. 27 no.1:14-20 Ja-F 158. 04IRA 11:4)
1. Iz otdeleniya epidemiologii i organizatsii bor'by a malyariyey
i drugiml parazitarnymi zabolevaniyami Instituta malyarii meditsinskoy
parazitologii i gallmintologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR
(dir. institute - prof. P.G.Sergiyov, zav. otdeleniyem M.G.Rashina)
(ENCEPHALITIS, epidemiology
-tick-borne encephalitis in construction zone, statist.
imrunolofIcal stri-icture )f t~,e rorulntion in thp f~iothill-tn;7a
focus of tick-borne encephalitis in the Krasnr,.var5k region."
Desyr,,t,-,,ye s-v8shchDiye po rqrP71t0Irwichps'-im
bolemysm. 22-2q Cktyabrya 10110 17
en'h Conference on Fr~r-sitoloelcal
Problems and Diseases with Npturni Foci 22-29 October 1959), L'loscow-
L,eninvrad, 1959. Aendemy of IM-lic.-I Sciences npd Aendp!V )f Sciences
112`5R, No. I 254P-P-
Inst. of Malaria,, Med Parasitology and Helminthology - Moscow
L VOV, D. K. wobb
Immunological-Dopulation study In a foothill taiga focus of
tick-borne encephalitis in Med.paraz.
I puraz.bol. 28 no.2:143-149 Mr-Ap '59. 04IRA 12:6)
1. Iz otdeleniya epidemiologii I organizatsii bor'by a malyariyey
i drilgiMi parazitarnymi zabolevaniyami Instituts, malyarii, medit-
sinskoy parazitologii I gel'mintologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya
SOM (dir.inatituta - prof.P.G.Sergiyev, zav.otdeleniyem H.G.Rashina).
tick-borne. in USSR (Rua))
L VOV, D. K.
mass serological survey of the population living
in the foci of tick-borne encephalitis. Hed.paraz I paraz
bol. 2.8 no-3:318-320 Itr-Je 159. WRA 12:
1. Iz otdola epideniologii i organizatoti bor'by 8 malyariyey
i drugimi parazitarnymi zabolevaniyami Institute, malyarit,
meditsinakoy parazitologii i gellmintologii Mintateretva
zdravoolchraneniya SSSR (dir. inatitute, - prof.P.G.Sergiyev,
zav.otdoloin - M.G.Rashina).
(ENCEPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC, prev. & control,
tick-borne, mass serol. surveys in Russia
LIVOV, D. K. Cand Med Sci -- "Study of the imunological structure of the
population x& in relation to tiok-borne encephalitis in two regions of Krasno-
yarskiy Kray*" Moe, 1960 (Acad Mod Soi USSR). (KL, 1-61, 209)
L=unological pattern of the population of Birilyues7 District,
Kraonoyarsk Territory,. with respect to tick-borne One-Opwitise
Med.parazA paraz.bol. 29 no.4:398-405 JI-Ag 160. (MIM l3sll)
1. Iz otdela epidemiologii InBtituta meditsinskoy parazitologii
i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.lo Martinovskogo Ministerst7a
zdravookhranerdys. SSSR (dir. institute. - prof. P.G. Sergiyev.9
zav. otdelom M.Go Rasbina).
Imaunological condition of children delivered from mothers im-ame
to tick encephalitis. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. no-4:406-408 161.
(MIRA 14!12)
1. Iz otdela-hpidemiologii Instituta meditsinskoy parazitologii
i tropicheakoy meditainy imeni Ye. 1. Martsinovskogo Kinisterstva
zdravookhraneni7a SSSR (dir. instituta - prof. P. G. Sergiyev,
zav. otdelom M. G. Rashina), otdela enteefalitov Instituta polio-
mieliti i virusnykh entsefalitov IM SSSR (dir. instituta, - prof.
M. P. Chumakov, zav. otdelom - prof. Ye. N. Levkovich) i Kozull-
sicoy raTonnoy bollnitsy Krasnoyarskogo kraya (glavnyy vrach F. S.
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Duration of observation of complement-fixing antibodies in
tick-borne encephalitis. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. no.6'716-728
1614, (MIRA 15:6)
1. Iz otdola epidemiologii (zav. - dotsent M. G. Rashina) Insti-
tuta meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy medit6iny imeni
Te. I, Martainovskogo (dir. - prof. P. G. Sergiyev)