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_~_L. 10418-66 m 6v ip
Wk )/tWO )AIMIP (t)AIT (z)/hW (b)A-WA (h)AiA(c) I (C) JD/
I=hrdkov, Leonid,.j av
. 4-2.4
Deformable alumint-4 AJ,-IoYs used for work at increased temperatures (Deformiru-
vemne alyum yev.,rye-splavy d1ya raboty pri_povyohennykh temperatur
Moscow] 1%d-vo 90tallurgiya", 1965. 0289 P. illuao, biblio. 2 210 copies
TOPIC TAGS- -alloy, alloy system, aluminum alloy, alloy composition, phase
composliion, chemioal compooition,, metal property,, metal physical pxopex% theme-
mechanical property, high-temperature strength, rupture strongthp,binary
alloy, ternary alby
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book concerns a study.ot the naturet structure and
A__ynper~ies of deformable aluminum alloys, intended for work in increased
tempera es. It presents the results of Rt ti research of an important
group of,industrial aluminum alloya. It azp as in detail the dependence
of alloy propertivis on their structure,_phas d chemical composition. It
presents the physical~and mechanical proFerVeas conditions.for heat treatmento
and also examines he influence on the properties of
of technological.factors
the alloys. Me toook is intended for engineering-technological workers working
in thefield of the production and utilization of aluminum alloys, for vgrkers,
Card 1/2' UDG: 669-715.
Clinical aspects and treatment under first aid conditions of acute poison-
ings with phosphorus organic compounds. Sov. med. 27 no.1l.-76-80 N 164.
(MIRA 18:7)
1. Terapevticheslcaya klinika (rukovoditell - prof. P.L.Sukhinin) Moskov-
skogo gorodakogo nauchnc~-issledovatelfskogo instituta skoroy pomoshchi
imeni Sklif(3sovskogo (dir. 14.14.Tarnsov) i Stantsiya skoroy meditsinskoy
pomoshchi (nachaltnik L.B.Shapiro), Moskva.
ACC NRt AP6028156' SOURCE CODE: UR/0391/66/000/008/0036/0042
AUTHOR: Luzhnikov, Ye. A. (Moscow)
ORG: Rapid Aid Institute in.. N. V. Sklifosovskiy (Institut skoroy pomoshchi)
TITLE: Certain clinical and therapeutic problems of treating cases of acute
poisoning by organophosphorus insecticides
SOURCE: Gigiyena truda i-professional'nyye zabolevaniya, no. 8, 1966, 36-42
TOPIC TAGS: insecticide poisoning, toxicology, pharmacology, cholinesterase,
poison treatment., clinical medicine, therapeutics, organic phosphorus compound,
ABSTRAM: -One'-hundred and twenty three patients poisoned by thiopho's and chloro-
phos were examined and treated. Neurological, respiratory, hemo-
dynamic, visceral and blood chemistry changes were recorded. In
:general,.there were three distinct stages involved in which there
-was inhibition of whole blood cholineaterase and 16 deaths. Artificl:if'.
,respiration and other symptomatic treatment was given along with
.;atropine, metacin, chlorpromazine, magnesium sulfate and ganglionic
[~~A-~Q; CBE No.. 1
;blocking agents. ------
--Ir;~- ,
Errors in the shape of parts machined on lathes with radial fee. Izv.
vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 6 no.3:149-160 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Mookovsk.Ity aviatsionnyy institut,
Calculating, errors In machining parts by the method of trans-
verse turning with a radial feed, Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.;
prib. 6 no,,2:147-153 963. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy- institut.
L 08854-67 EWF(k)lkWT(1)1 a,1T(m)/hWF(t)/Er1 LJP(c) JD
ACC NR: AP6010784 SOURCE CODE: UR/0146166/009/001/015z/0158
;AUTHOR: LuzhnikovskaXa. M. A.
ORG: Moscow Aviation Institute (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut)
TITLE: Calculation of errors in forming lathe work
,SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 1. 1966, 152-158
TOPIC TAGS: lathe, favLa~- g=lztho~, error measurement
!ABSTRACT: The error due to.elastic deformations in the SPEED metal -turning,
i - -
1 system is evaluated; a shaped profile and a radial tool crossfeed are considered.
A differential equation of the thickness of removed metal is solved on a digital
computer, and the results are tabulated. The error is defined as a difference
! between the ov.,~,rall feed and the area of'a removed-metal -thickness diagram, thei
latter representing the thickness of the actually-cut metal. Triangular,
rectangular, and semicircular tool profiles are considered. Orig. art. has:
3 figures, 18 formulas, and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: l5Mar65 ORIG REF: 002
i Curd UDC! 621.9.015
LI C__ /Y *(, V 6 , _~ -,
FOMN, B. ;~.I POLUBOYAR-INOV, V. 1. and LUZHNOV, G. I. (Engr.)
i,;Removal of Ash and Slag Deposits."
A Scientific-Technical Conference on Auxiliary Equipment for Power Station
Boiler Houses. Moscowi 17 - 20 Dee 1957.
Tekloenergitika, 1958, No. 41 pp- 90-91 (USSR)
WZUTAT, x.T., doktor takha. nauk; LUZHNOV# G*I., inzh.; BILOBORODOT, Y.M.,
Phst-iron shot cleaning of the convective surfaces of boilsr units.
Toploenergetika 4 U0612:3-9 D 157- OMA 10til)
1. Ybeeoymxny7 teplotskhnichookly institut i Omekva TITO - 3.
(Boilers I-
Luz HHO V? 'j~"
AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, N.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences and
Luzhno-v G.I. Engineer.
TITLE: Problems in the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Con-
vection Surfaces of Boilers by Shot (Voprosy proyektirov
ustroystv dlya dobevoy ochistki konvektivnykh pover-
khnostey kotellnykh agregatov)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 8 - 12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In an article in TEploenergetika, 195?, No.12, the authors
described an equipment installed at a power station for
removing slag from boiler surfaces by means of iron shot. The
main disadvantage was the high wastage of shot, much of which
was found in the horizontal gas way beyond the convection
shaft, in the furnace, and elsewhere. A diagram (Fig.1) shows
how shot falling from above rebounded from the walls and could
fall into the horizontal gas way. To prevent this, the boilers
of Omsk Heat and Electric Power Station No-3 were modified by
fitting special screen grids on the sloping walls of the lower
bunkers, as seen in Fig.2. Re-designed shot cleaning equipment
will use these deeper bunkers of different wall shape.
Shot is also carried away by the flow of air when the plane
shutters in the gas way are open. The difficulty may be overco
Cardl/3by N.I. Zverev's method of cleaning the shot of ash. This
Problems in the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Convection Surfaces
of Boilers by Shot.
system is applied in the new design of shot cleaning
equipment for the boiler type Tti-230, as illustrated in Fig.3.
A special chamber used to regulate the air flow is illustrated
in Fig.4 and a new type of shot-distributing device, shown in
Fig. 51 is recommended.
In the first installations, the shot was lifted by compressed
air but it is uneconomical to use a stationary compressor for
this purpose. Lifting by steam is inconvenient because con-
densation occurs when theEquipment is cold. It is best to
follow non-Russian practice and to use a high head extraction
fan. Alternatively, steam ejectcm can be used as a temporary
measure, but occasioned some difficulty in adjusting the air
flow to suit the required flow of shot. A newly-designed feeder
(illustrated in Fig.6) gives regular and stable delivery of shot
at any flow required.
The pneumatic delivery often became blocked in service;
remedies are described. Wear in parts exposed to flow of shot
was also overcome. In the design of boilers to burn fuel that
forms hard ash deposits, all convective surfaces should be
Uard2/3 located in vertical gas ways with horizontal tubes. In this
Problems in the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Convection Surfaces
of Boilers by Shot.
OaseI shot cleaning can completely overcome interruptions caused
by deposits.
Tests at the Zak&zak Heat and Electric Power Station (Zakamekaya
TETO show that when the temperature is below the dew point,
heavy ash deposiva are formed and more frequent cleaning is
required, Therefore, equipment operating below the dew point
Rhould also be qxranged in vertical shafts suitable for shot
cleaning. Further recommendations ;,re made about the arrange-
ment of the equipment. , There vixd 'a figures.
ASSOCIATIONt All-Union Thermo-technical Institute (Vsesoyuznyy
Toplotokhnicheal4y Instit)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Oard 3/3
AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, N.V. (Dr.Teah.Sci.); Luzhno-,-, G.I. (Engineer);
Varichev, V.A. (Engineer); PavIZi-l-k-o-;-L-.T.-CFE-gineer);
and Kurganov, B.G. (Engineer)
TITLE: Exoerience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations
for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces
PERIODICAL; Teploenergetika, 1959., Nr 10, pp 49-574 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; Previous articles in Teploanergatika Nr 12, 1957, and
Nr 1, 1958, described the use of shot-blasting to clean
boilers type TP-230-2 at the Omsk Heal. and Electric Power
Station when burning fuel oil of high ash, and high
sulphur content. Subsequently the design of the equipment
was improved and it was tried out at a number oil" power
stations burning anthracite dusts including the NesvetayGRES
(power station)on the Rostov Power systam. Whan
anthracite dust is burned, heating surfaoes quickly
become contaminated and cleaning is particularly important.
In the Nesvetay station shot-blasting equipment was
installed on boilers of 110 tons per hour operating at
steam conditions of 122 ats. and 465 00~ The boilers are
Card briefly described: the proportion of unburned material
1/4 in their carry-over is of the order of 8-12%. Until the
shot-blasting installation was put in, the boilers could
Experience of the AdJustment of Shot-blast Installations foz
Removing Ash Deposi-ts from Boiler Heating Surfaces
operate for 1 to 1* months, during which the resistance
of the convection duct increased by more than 100 mm water
and the outgoing flue gas temperature rose by 25-30 0C.
Typical curves showing the increase in resistance and flue
gas tGmperature during a month's operation are given in
Fig 1. The shct-blasting installation was generally
similar to that previously described, but various r-hanges
were made and are described in some detail. Outline
drawings of the modified shot-blasting installation are
given in Fig 2. To reduce losses of shot to atmosphere,
the shot traps were reconstructed, to the form illustrated
in Fig 3. It was found necessary to fit pieces of wire
1 mm diameter on the conical shutters at the bottom of the
shot traps so that a certain amount of air could leak
round the shutter and equalise the pressure above it.
The results of pressure measurements using the modified
shutter are plotted in Fig 5. Minor modi.ficatior-s were
Card 2/4 made to the ash bunkers to prevent loss of shot to them,
The shot bunkers were made of conical section instead of
square, and the shot feeders were modifiad~ a naw type of
aperience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for
Removing Ash Deposits frcm Boiler Heating Surfaces
sl~rattei, being used. A few othez- modifications were also
made. To ~~.lean con7,reclive heating surfa.-,es effiCielltI7
it is ne--essarry to pass 200-300 kg of shot pez squaze
matve of (11-tict section. The area of the cn-~YTe3tivt, ducts
of the boilers in questlon was 20 ''I !P.2, and vhot was
doli-versd at a total rato of 4:700 kg/hr5 whit-h rx-,rrespon1'js
to 2130 kg/m/hr. If the equipment is used regularly an
operating time of -one hou:- twice a shift J -s sati sfactory.
xllrel~:e made to see -Wnethe:e shs.-,t-ib'-Jasc-~ng, ~~olxld 1,,(i uced
to clean up badly- contaminated surfa,--~~z;. Tih6 results are
Plotted -;Lri Fila~ 7 and it will be seen that although abou",
Q/ tons of shot were passed through the ~-onveotion shaEt
there was no reduction either in the resistanca to flow oz
in the flue gas temperature. Subsequent, axamination
Showed that some of the shot was a?esting on, top :)f -'.,h,~
exist-al-ng t'Leposits, whi3h wera not, :?emovad. 'Ifter e fore ~ A-"C)::*
shot-blasting to ba effect-ive the heating surfaces must be
_-laant~d in the first plac-a and the eq ipment must be used
Cai~d regularly.. Data an the resistance to fLow and flue ga~-,
3 /4 tamperatuzes during six weeks' operatio--a witit, regular use
of the shot blastIrg equipment are plotted in F2-g 8,
Ebcperience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for
Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces
The resistance to flow was maintained ccnstant throughout
this period and variations in flue gas temperature
resulted only from variations in feed-water temperatures.
After 45 days' operation with shot-blasting, the
e,oonomiser and water heater remained clean and ash
deposits were found only in places not reached by the
shot. The loss of shot was about 0.6% of the total
quantity passed and this could be further reduced by
minor design changes. The equipment Is reliab-le and the
main parts may bg used for the design of similar
Card V4 installations for boilers of other types burn'-ng other
There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyu teplotelchnicheskiy institut, Rostovenergo
ez).d Nesvet"aly"YGRES (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute,
Rostovenergo (Power System) and Nesvetay Regional
Electric Power Station)
KUMSOV, N.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; LUZ~1,10V, G.I., inzh.; GAVRILOV,
Preventing pearting in shot blasting cleaning of beating
surfaces. Teploenergetika 7 no,10:27-31 0 160. (14MA 14 -.9)
1. Voesoyuznrr teplotekhnicheskiy institut.
LUZHNO inzh.; ZVF-qEV, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; GAVRILOVpLA.F., inzh.;
PIGAIR,V. V.P., inzh.
Pneumatic transportation of shot in boiler systems and methodology
for its designing. Elek.sta. 33 no.11:12-19 .N 162. (MM 15:12)
LUZHNOV9 GOI .9 kand. tekhn. nauk; TITOVA, Ye.Ya,, inzh.
Study of heat transfer amd aerodynamic resistance of convective
heating surfaces. Teploenergetika 10 no.7:42-47 J1 163.
(MIRA 16:7)
lo Veasoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institute
(Heat-Transmionion) (Boilers)
Primary sarcoma of tho lungs. XMrurgita 32 no.8:66-68 Ag 156.
(MLRA 9:12)
1. Iz fakulitetakoy khirurgicheekoy kliniki (zav. kefedroy prof.
Ys.D.Dobychin) Irkatskogo meclitsinskogo institata.
(LUM. NEOPIASMS, case reports
sarcoma, primary)
(SARGMA, case reports
lungs, primary sarcoma)
DOBYCHIN, B.D. P prof. (Irkutsk, Vuzovskaya naberezhnayaq d.18); -LUZ'1U40V).K.V.;
(Irkutsk, Vuzovakaya naberezhnaya, d.18)
Operative treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by acute thrombophlebitis.
Nov. Mir. arkh. noJk38-43-My~-Je f60. (WA 1-5$?)
1. Wedra fakul'tetskoy khir4rgii (zav. - prof. B.D.Dqbyehin)
Irkutskogo meditainskogo instituta.
LUZHUOV, K-V- (Irkutsk, u1. Khalturina, d.9. kv.1)
Treatment of hemorrhoids in the stage of acute thrcmbopblebitis.
Yest.khir. no.11:8144 162. (MM 15:1)
1. Iz fakulttetskoy kbirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav, - prof, B.De
Dabychin) Irkutskogo meditsLnekogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.1.
LUZHKOV. K.I., inzhener.
Eliminating leakage of oil into an exciter by reconstracting
the packing. Slak. sta. 24 no. 12:50 1) 153. (KLRA 6:12)
Z~t-sxtj/MK- jn7 -P-, tekhniko
LUMOV. X.I.- honer; TIUTRIN* A
ek.stm. 25 no.1:51-52
Reversible 80raP'r feeder for shale, Bl (KERA 7:1)
154. (yurnaoes) (Conveying machinery)
ACCESSION NR: AP4019087 S/0096/6h/000/003/0066/0070
AUTHORS: Gulyayev, V. N. (Candidate of technical sciences); Luzhnov, M. 1.
TITLE: Choice of material for condenser tubes
SOURCE: Teploenergetikadr~o. , 1964) 66-
3 70
TOPIC TAGS: condenser tube, brass tube, stainless steel tube, steel 304, copper
alloy 88 10 2, steel OKK13, steel K1117, steol K1-a7N4AG9j steel Kh2211540,, steel
OKh2ON4AGlO., steel Khl1jGl4N,, copper zinc, tin, chrot-dum, manganese., nickel., traco
ABSTRACT: A comparison is made between the use of copper alloy (88-10-2) tubes
and of steel tubes for condenser application in turbine installations. The
composition of copper alloy wasi 80"v' Cu, 10~ Zn, 2,,13' Sn. It was found that the
Cu2O and CuO formed in copper tubes was deposited on the turbine blades and lowered
the efficiency, After mentioning the success achieved with stainless stoel 30h
tubes at the Rivesville plant (R. Long. 6lectric Light and Power, Vol* 39, No. 2,
1961), the authors discuss the use of Cr and Cr--Xn--Ni steels as a more economical
Card 1/2
expedient. Primary emphasis is placed on the cost of the required alloying
elements for different types of steel. This type of comparison results in the
following cost estimates per ton of 2^0 x 0-5 Mtubes made from the different
steels: OKhI3 (12'p" Cr) - 1615 rubles, KU7 (17,-~, rr) - 163h rubles; idilTAAG9
Gr, It,, Ni, 9% Min) - . 1806 rubles; KI-L22N54G9 (22% Gr, 5"0, Ni, 9~', 1.1n) - 1852
rubles.; Mh=14AGIO - 1824 rubles; MilljG14ii (lb"i Cr, ]:.' Ni, 1",f lin) - 1751
rubles. Altholigh application of one particular type of steel depends on prior
field testing, it is suggested that the aoplication of these steels rather than
the Cr-Ni steels is jWtifil3d both on economic and technical grounds. Orig. art.
has: 8 tables.
DATE ACQs 2614ar64
1,10 Rff SOV3 010
ENCL: 00
OVER: 004
Card -2/2
daktor; RA IN&, M.P., takhaichaskiy redaktor.
[Cyclical work schedule for coal mines of the Donets Basin]
Grafic taiklichnoi raboty ugoll Vkh shakht Donbassa. Kiev,
Izd-vo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, 1953. 52 p.(MLRA 8:2)
(Douets Basin-!-Goal mines and mining)
LUZHNOV) Yu*M*,, nauchqjy sotrudnik; KOSIKOV, S.I.P kand.tekhn.nauk (deceased]
A cause of the slippage of locomotives. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 7
no.4z44-45 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-5)
1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (for Luzhnov).
(Railroads-Track) (Locomotives)
MELEKHINA, V.P.; PINIGIN, M.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: KHRUSTPJ-WA, V.A.;
Materials for evaluating the pollution of air by wastes in the
production of phenol and acetone by the cumene method. Uch.
zap. Mosk. nauch.-issl. inst. san. i gig. no.9t2-5-29 161
(MIRA 16:.11)
1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny
imeni F.F.Erismana (for Khrustaleva, Selina). Sotrudniki sa-
nitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii goroda Groznogo (for Valikh,
Panova, luzhnova, BLmim).
oblemp -the production of phenol and
Principal pr .Qf hygiene In
acetone by the cumene method. Uch.zap. I-losk.nauch.-issl. inst.
san. i gig. no.9:5-3.2" 161 (MM 16:11)
1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut gigiyeny imeni
Erismana (for Selina). 2. Groznenskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-
epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya (for Bunim).
Scintillation method"llbr spectral aniLlysis of - tantalum and
niobium in ores. Zav. lab. 29 no.6:6n-680 163.
1. IrkutskLy gosudarotvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellokiy institut
redkikh metallov.
obium oroo-Spectra)
C,4 L v Z~ H N 0 Vrl, M - I
d 17W S. Turkuva
a I - '=" IT "' '
84, Kl?%~Wi-
Acorns were stuired 60 dayst at 12 - 13" either In Nc, In III%
(lrlfl% M, 10%K)rS%iL(h, in nartnal atm.. of In Or
rk-h atm. (the conim. was I They
wtir then planted In
C14,111111. in mmunim". The W"llwinble t".afrisfilt
COo misesl histwit crinindall4m .1 div nuill,r and
jtrv~stlr-l Iral dre'l, Rrs,idt,th~ in X, ... O.Ivvt- in
in grin-W xr,mlh its the s,ittiv .1di-ni growth, No its im-
linsvills, thr-'ar punt. wrfr bul-talluAlly 'n"ll"I Thr it$-
len-its, C4 re-jamtkin Wit,thichrst for tituril. I'll"ll the arruill.
mlly lomf Anjttl% unil wa, "t"Ov hixh for ttm~, ttriatest
with ruv*4 Ot (mmse 11) 14% inctraw noted). The ,mi,
arl"whic treatment Ird to the hish"I mwo. of reduritig
migarv I" the lrmvr~; the arrishir vatirtiva *lumml low migur
thrmith'sul the quilluseir, N,Irmtttl 51"'ilurn. thow"t
rithanced sucrow fortuation, but low reducing sku Th
tin 4,wirriatitset Iwitis"n Inten,tily of gn)wth and Clrll~lily UOf
ce,spirtilinn could be fouml. Intritw growth dicl 1mrAlirl the
of trilsiving sulrars Swew.M. G~ KV V.-sulnid
LUZIR40VA, M. 1.
"The Significance of the Conditions of Crop Nourishment During
the Light Stage." Cand Biol Sci,, Moscow Ordar of Lenin State U
imeni 14. V# Lomonosoir, 29 Oct 5);) (V14, 19 Oct 5h)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR
Higher 3ducational Institutions. (10)
So: Sum. No. 461, 5 May 55
-EEM.4re Ajit:zd~-va, BARSKMtgla., tekbno reds
[Automation; colleotiou of articles in English] Avtomat:um; abornik
tekstov na, ag3Jid-'-om'iazyk9.' Podbor tekstov, komentarii i slovarl
L.A.Luzbzqkh-I I.N.Sterligova, Moskva# Izd-vo lit-ry na inostr.
iazykakh,p 1961. In piAutomation) (MIRA 3-4:7)
GRESIKOVA, M.0 HAVRAKEK, I.; GORM, F. technical assistance: LUZIC07A. V.:
The effect of pasteurisation on the Infectivity of tick-borne
EnceDhalitis virus. Acta vfr6l.Eng16Ed.Praha 5 no.1:11-16 Ja 161.
1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Stimd1ationof reatcrative regenaration of the liver by subcutaneous
glycogen administration. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 53 n0-4:104-108
Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Iz Instituta eksperimentalluoy patologii i terapii (dir. - doktor
meditsinskikh nauk B.A.Lapin) iM SSSR, Sukhumi. Predstavlena
deystvitelinym chlenom AWI SSSR V.V.Parinym.
a - ---- --
..p TOPY
f6 V,
d, lift' Ff,
its no. - tifihai -a--, ps 'ou o ere
g- HPO dependent
a-reac art,.
Chemical m(Aifloat-lan of tryp3jn u4dsr the effe-,t of irrad.latIvn
ultraviolet light. Izv. AN S'SM. Se.r. kh'Im. noJs559-5161 1651.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut khimichaekoy fizik-L AN SSSR.
Nature of th-err-al aftereffects in tr,,Tsin sol-itionB irradiated
with X rays and ultraviclet light. lt'fldlobiologiiu 5 no-1:11-1(
165. (1-11RA 28;3)
I# Institut khimichoskoy fiziki AT" SSSR, 4cskva.
/I fo BO 11%12 6
AUTHORS: Agronomov, A. Ye., Luzikov, V. N.
TITLEs An Investigation of the Catalytic Pro erties of Pyrophoric
Manganese i\
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, 196o, voi. 132, No. 6,
PP- 1315 - 1316
TEXTs In order to obtain pyrophorie manganese black, the authors used the
method described in Refs. 1, 2, 6, and 7. To do this, manganese amalgam
was thermally decomposed in a vacuum. The amalgam is obtained by the
electrolysis of an aqueous solution of manganese chloride on a mercury
cathode. The manganese black produced is covered with absolute benzene ix
a vacuum, to preclude the introduction of air. The authors then tested the
purity of the black obtained, while they used mercury with an Hg2.3 con-
tent as cathode in an additional experiment. Manganese obtained in the
above manner is of high chemical activity. There is an exothermic reaction
with ignition whemahydxgen-air mixture is drawn through a freshly produced
S/02 60/132/06/24/068
Card 1/4
An Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of 3/020/60/132/06/24/068
Pyrophoric Manganese BOII/B126
sample. The authors have established from the roentgenograms of manganese
black, that a-manganese is produced on the decomposition of the amalgam,
which crystallizes into a complicated cubic lattice of the type A-12
(a-parameter - 8.923 ;L 0.020 k). The authors say that this lattice is
less tightly packed than in metallic manganese. The roentgenogram showed
no lines of manganese oxide or its other compounds. As pyrophoric
manganese is oxidized by ~2 0, CO 29 and even CO, as well as by oxygen, the
authors have restricted themselves to the hydrogenation and dehydrogena-
tion of hydrocarbons. A continuous system with an automatic filling
device was used for the experiments. 23-23.5 ml of manganese black was
brought into the tube without being touched by air. Benzene and air
were removed from the system aA low temperature for two hours by de-
oxidized hydrogen. Cyclohexene'lwas dehydrogenatedat 320-400'0 C. The
gaseous products analyzed on the bvn-'Cy~ev~ice'Xcontained, apart from
98.5-99.5% hydrogen, 0-5-1-5A saturated hydrocarbons. The ultraviolet
absorption spectra of the catalyst showed, apart from the cyclohezene
used, the presence of benzene. Cyclohexadiene erequencies were not
present. The activity of the catalyst was not stable during the first
Card 2/4
An Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of S/02 60/132/06/24/068
Pyrophoric Manganese B011%126
four or five experiments. Only in later ones were reproduceable results
obtained (Table 1). From this it follows that hydrogen does not form on
manganese blaok only by dehydrogenation of the cyclohexene. The
stabilized catalyst is far less aotive than a freshly produced one. The
authors believe that no parallel, irreversible catalysis occurs here.
The lattice of the catalyst was somewhat strengthened (according to IA-
roentgenogram) after eight experiments. There were no manganese oxide
lines here, either. Thus newly produced manganese blacki not only catalyzes
the dehydrogenation of cyclohexene, but also cracks it. Manganese carbide,
and an additional quantity of hydrogen are formed. Cyclohexane is neg;i-
gibly dehydrogenated at 440-5000C, forming cyclohexene. Ethyl-benzenelis
partially cracked between 300 and 450 0C- Carbon and hydrogen are formed.
Neither benzene nor cyclohexene are hydrogenated between 150 and 2150C.
There are I table and 13 referencess 5 Soviet, I German, 1 French,
1 British, and i US.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstrennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED& February 11, 1960, by A. A. Balandin, Academician
Card 3/4
An Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of
Pyrophoric Manganese
SUBMITTEDs February 6, 1960
B011/B126 x
Card 4/4
Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. 1,',-.ral1-xrg 9 no.11:15-16 It 164.
(MIRA 16:2)
1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod I Chelyabinskiy
institut ogneuporov.
BYKOVA, Am losonidovneL. Prinionli uchastiye: VEYVAN, M.I.[deceased];
LUZI-Hj,-A.L.--5HCHENKOVj S,A,, prof., red.; MUMMA, It.., red.
-Tid7--va; TLUGRIA, T.., tekhn. red.
(The theory of accounting] Teoriia bukhgalterskogo ucheta. Pod
red. S.A.Shchenkova. Vloskva, Gosfinizdat, 1962. 352 p.
MIRA 15:7)
-P t)/F-.TI IJP(c) E11,11/3 D
L 363 3-66 EV1T(d)/E?1T(1)/E"'1_1 Ri5__
_ACC NRt AP6014032 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/004/0926[
AUTHOR: Luzin, A. N.
ORG: Physicotechnical Institute of Tomsk State Universitety (Fiziko-tekhnickeskiy
institut Tomskogo gosudarstvennogc~_~nfversiteta)
TITLE: Certain problems In the dynamics of a-crystal lattice and the theory of
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: crystal lattice, atom, waveguide, crystal decay, perturbation,
elasticity theory
ABSTRAM The following two problems of the dynamics of an infinite crystal were
solved: a) two sem1bound crystal parts possess equal but opposite velocities perpen
dicular to the interface at the initial time (collision) and b) external forces
act on the atoms of an arbitrary crystal plane. It was shown that the solutions,
which are -integrals of superpositions of plane waves, can be separated Into decaying
and nondecaying perturbations.0
,,The nondecaying pert6bations have the form of
I'step-like" waves, and they are solutions of the problems in the elasticity theory.
The decaying perturbations are a refinement of the macroscopic theory. They move
with the velocities other than that of sound. Perturbations connected with inflec-
L 36393-66
ACC NR, AP6014032
tion points of the dispersion curves decay the least. The relation between the
problems considered and similar problems in the theory of frequency filters and
diaphragm waveguides was noted. The author thanks V. A. Zhdanov for discussing the
results of the work. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas. [Based on author's abstract]
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 14Jul65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002/
Card 2/2
I-bw"OvAl - W,
A logging camp floats lumber. Sell stroi. 13 no.8-.17 Ag '58.
(MIRA 11:9)
l.Direkto-:- Kuybyshevskoge lesopromikhaza.
1UZIN6 1 7
Yor high labor productivity In petroleum refining. left. khoz.
34 no,-12rl-7 D r56.- (nn lot8)
(TAtbor productivity)
(Ntroloum--Rof ining)
Planiroveniye truda I zerabotnoy platy v kontore burnity planning the work
and wages in oildrilling. a pre..;`.-ical handbook, by (ye. Grekulov I
Grekulov Yevgeniy Fedorovich
Moskva., gostoptekhizfdat 1957
77 p. graph,t9bles
ORLOV, P.G.., inzh.; LUZIN, I.L.I_Amh.; ABAMHIN, D.M.0 inzh.
Designing an electric drive for universal crank presses. Vest.
mashinostr. 42 no.8:37-38 Ag 162~ (MML 15:8)
(Power presses-Electric driving)
Improved sizing technology. Tekst.prom. 25 rio.11:42-44 N 165.
(WRA 18:12)
1. Nachallnik laboratoriy Barnaullakogo nauchno-iisoledovatell-
skogo inatituta tekstillnoy proMrahlennostl (for Sokolov, Luzin).
2. Nachallnik tkatakogo proizvodstva Barnaullskogo malanzhevogo
kambinats, (for Pomagayev). 3. Vedushchiy konstruktor Barnaull-
skogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta tekstillnoy promyshlen-
nosti (for Bakharev)&
LUZIUA, A,V.,vrach; LUZIN, K.A.,inzhener
Portable stroboscope. --est. oto-rin. 19 no.1:94-96 Ja-F '57
(MIMA lo:4)
1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav.-dotsent Yu. K.
Korotkova) Yaroalavskogo maditsinskogo inetituta.
tOTORHINDLARINGOLOGY,. apparatus and Instruments,
laryngeal stroboscope) (Rua)
MINA, A.V., assistent; LUZIN, K.A.y inzh.
Olfactometer based on the principle of ejection. Vest. otorin. 22
no.1:79-81 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Iz kliniki bolezndy ukha., gorla, nosa (zav. - dotsent YuJK.
J'Korotkava) Yaroslavskogo meditainskogo Instituta.
WZIH, Hikolay Nikolayevich [deceased]; MTENSKIY, L.N.. otv.red.toma;
LAWMINTI N.A.,-akademik, red.; GERMOGENOV, A.V., red.izd-va;
SHEVCHEM, V.G., takhn.red.
[Collected works] Sobranie sochinenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Almd.
nauk SSSR. Vol.3. [SU7 ies-on-faHbus problems in zAthqtAt;cs1
Raboty po razlichn" voprosam matematiki. 1959. 505 P.
(MMA 12:8)
1. Ohlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sretenskiy).
LUZIN 'Nikolg Nikolayevich (1883-1950), akademik- NOVOSELOV, S.I.,
7-T=, A., tekhn. red.
5 W. red._1
(Differential calculus] Differentsialtnoe ischislenie. Izd-5-,
Moskva, Sovetskaia nauka, 1955. 476 p. (MIRA 16:9)
(Calculus, Differential)
L el'z / IV, -P C.
DOVGOPOL, V.I.; LUZIN,.P.G.; PISARIM, G.A., inshener, retsenzent;
OB 16YO' 0 . .profesoor, retsensent: BELYNSKIY, S.Y., doktor
takhnicheskikh nau : rateenzent; PTATNITSKIY, A.N. 1. o. glavnogo
redaktora; DUGISA, N.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor.
[Casting chilled-rim cast-iron wheals] Otlivka koles is otbelennogo
chugana; opyt Uralvagonsavoda. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo ma-
shinostroit. i sudoetroit. lit-ry, 1953. 85 p. [Xicrofilm)(MLEL ?ilO)
1. Uralo-Sibirokoye otdeleniye Maahgiz&(for Pyatnitskiy)
(Wheels) (Iron founding)
ANANIIN, AnatolLy Andreyevich; BRILAKH, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; CHERNO-
BROVEIN, Viktor Petrovich; FILIPPOV, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauki
retsenzent; KAKURIN, P.I., kand.takhn.nauk, reteenzent; LUZIN,
P.G., inzh., retsenzent; ZIM, V.M., inzh., retsenzent-f-MM,
- =.., takhn.red.
(Cupola furnace operator] Vagranshchik. Izd*2., dop. Moskva,
Gos.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroitelit-rys 1959~ 175 P.
(HIIIA 12:12)
(Oupola furnaces)
CHERNOGOROV, Pavel Vasillyevich; VASIN, Yuriy Petrovich; LUZIN P.O.,, :Lnzh.,
retsenzent; TSAREVSK17p B.V.p inzhog reteenzent; kand,
tekhn. nauk, red,; DUGINAI N.A.# tekhn, red.
[Making castings with a smooth-surface) Poluchenie otlivok s chistoi
poverkbnostliu. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ryq 1961. 143 P.
(MIRA 34: 7)
TURID, Aleksey Afanas 'yevich kumwts .114&2.199 i- inzh. p r9toenzent;
ANTSIFEROV, Yu.G., red. BOO , N. . , tekw. red.
S -y-
[New developments in free forging) Hovoe v svobodnoi kovke.
Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry,
1961o 22 (Biblioteka rabochego-mashinostr6itelia.
Seriia: Pepr;dovaia tekhnika - osnova ko=mnisticheskogo
trudap no.11) (MIRA 15:4)
1. Urallskiy vagonostroitellrqy zavod (for Turlo).
VOLOSHGMKO, Yuriy IvQnovich; ANBINDER, Aleksandr Danilovich;
LUZIL~~.,, lush.,, retsenzenti KOVALENKU, A.V.,, inzh.,
red.i. wo-irl, N.A., tekhn, red,*
[Manufacture of bimetallic bushings] Izgotovlenie bimetal-
licheskikh vtulok. Pod red. A.V.Kovalenko. Moskva, Mashgiz,
1961. 35 P. (MIRA 15:4)
(Laminated metals) (Bearing iridustr7)
ANTONOV, Petr Georgiyovich,, Geroy Truda; LUZDI, P.Q... inzh.,
retsenzent; OSIN, I.A., inzh., red.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn.
[Advice to a young foundryman] Sovety molodomu liteishchiku.
Moskva, Mabhgiz, 1961. 53 P. (BiblioUka rabochego-
mashinostroitelia. Seriia: Peredovaia tekhnika - osnova
kommunisticheskogo truds, no-5) (KMA .15:7)
I-TJZT.11, F.t-,*0 .1-1-h
Gri.nding prccesc in a harrurinr mili. Teplacriergo-tika 12 no.6:
10-1.4 Je t65. (MIRA 18:9)
2. T-Sentrallnyy kotlrAtLrbirnyy irs-titut.
SOKOLOVY N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; LUZIN, P.M., inzh.
Study of the motion of fuel in a bammer mill using a
model. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.2:41-43 F '64.
(MIRA 17:6)
?.ii., inzh.
Ef fec t of moisture on the mil.1 ir- of 11'azarova coal in mi I-I --
:eploenergetika 12 no.2:~6;;68 F '65.
1. TSentral In-,T
y kotloturbinnyy institut.
~LUZINY P.M., inzh.
Study of the weer of beaters made from different materials and
alloys. Elek. sta. .16 no.1:21-23 Ja 165. 18:3)
Gas supply to agriculture of the Bashkir ASSR. Gaz.prom. 6
no.8:~6-28 261. (YMA .14:10y'
(Bashkiria-Gas distribution)
r Ml
thq fleid. r i
WIRA 1826)
Compensation for expenditures on geological prospecting.
Geol. nefti i gaza 6 no,2:23-27 F 162, (MMA -15:2)
1. Bashkirskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Petroleum industry-Accounting)
Mir, I V..,l " -,
Economic evaluatlon of the prr)cNcta of yetrole-am stabilivttlm;
a topic fcr diticiass'Lon. khoz. 42 no.'12.-39-42 D 16.1+
(11-1-RA 18s2)
Calculating the produntimi of ga8olir,e laz. C, Y-o.2-
. .- - 1
, I- ~r.
5,1,-3 of cover 16'.. 17:12)
LUZIN,-Yasjjjy Ivanovich; BRENTS, A.D., red.; DUBROVINA, N.D.,
ved. red.; YAKUMVA, Z.I., tekhn. red.
(Economic efficiency of capital investments in petroleum
_production based on the example of the Urals and the Volga
Valley] Ekonomicheskaia effektivnost' kapitallnykh vlo-
zbenil v neftedob7vaiushchuiu promyshlennost'; na primere
Uralo-Povolzhlia. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 130 P.
NiRk 16:4)
(Ural Mountain region-Petroleum industry-Finance)
(Volga Valley-Petroleum industry--Finance)
Certain economic indices in obtaining liquid products fro- Lptrole-u=
(casinghead) gas. Gaze delo no.8:47-50 163. OMIRA 17:3)
1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy naluchno-isslerlovatellskiy institute
Calculating the stabilization products of petroleum. Heft.
khoz. 41 no.2:8-10 F 163. (KIRA 17:8)
~ji~ -novichl- DUBROVIVA, N.D.. ved. red.
[Economics of the field preparation of oil and tlj3 re-
finement of oil-fie-ld gasl Ekonomika promyslovoi podgo-
tovki nefti. i pererabotki nefteprouyslovogo gaza. Moskva,
Izd-vo "Nodra." 1964. 141 P. (MIRA 17:7)
AUTHORS: Luzin, V.N., Radkevich, I.A. and Solcolovskiy, V.V.
TITLE: An instrument for continuous measurement and
recording of slowly-changing magnetic fields
PERIODICAL: Pribory i teklinika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1962,
192 - 196
TEXT: A block schematic of 'tile instrument is shoi-m in
Fig. 1. A pormalloy pick-up (K.N. Shorin, Yu.N. bletallnilcov,
G.M. Bozin and L.V. Yeremin, PTE, no. 4,.1958, 25) consisting
of a thin permalloy wire 2 is situated inside a balalicing
coil 1 ; a signal coil 3 is also wound on the permalloy
wire. The pick-up is situated inside an altern -ating magnetic
field produced by means of an audio-generator 5 by using dn
additional coil 4 ; 'the fi6ld has an amplitude of 5 Oe and a
frequency of 10 kc/s. The signal from the pick-up is applied to
an electronic-control system 6 , whose output voltage controls
an automatic potentiometer 7 , the balancing coil 1 being
connected into the slide-wire circuit of the potentiometer.
The balancing current of the coil I is controlled by the
Card 1/2
An instrument for .... E,192/E382
potentiometer and the balancing field is made equal tc the
measured field. A detailed description of the electronic-
control circuit is given. The potentiometer is a laboratory
instrument, type 6n-lo,. Lj,,nA MP-102 TsLA). The instrument
can measure the field with an error of + 0.03 Oe. If its full-
scale deflection is 4.5 Oe, the instruii:e-nt can record fields
varying at a rate of less than 4.5 Oe/sec. There are 5 fioures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy
fizik! GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and
&-cperimental Physics, GKAE) H.amdeN. 0140-~Un
U t
SUBMITTED: September 26, 1961 r--, ca"S'-
r R, 'i: 11
099 z
A 6
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Luzin, V.N., Radkevich, I.A., Sokolovskiy, V.V.
TITLE: The change in field in C-magnets of the proton'
synchrotron after the completion of cycle
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimentA, no.4, 1962, 196-igg
TEXT: The magnetic field in the interval between cycles is
measured by means of a self-rbcording Tagnetometer using a
permalloy probe. The operation of the magnetometer is based on
automatic compensation of the measured fields. A description of
the instrument is given. At a given moment of time t the
measured value of the field B(t) is given by
B(t) = kdId+ k1(t)
where kd, k, Id and I' correspond to calibration coefficients
and currents in the auxiliary and compensating coils of the probe.
Experimentally determined values of coefficients are
kd = 0#4256 gauss/mA :t 0.02% and k = 0.54 gauss/mA + 0.2916.
In order to measure the field at one point 5 to 10 cycies are
required. An account of the method of measurement is given.
Card 1/2
The change in field in ... E039/E42O
It is shown that the value of
B10 - Bres 100%
varies with the azimuthal distance from the centre of the
magnet block. Bio is the value of the field immediately before
the beginning of a cycle when the cycling rate is 10 cycles/min.
Bros is the residual field. At the edge of the magnet
A " +4-5%0 and decreases practically to zero at the centre.
With an increase in the maximum field in the cycle Bros and B10
decrease, the new value being established after 15 to 20 cycles.
The mean square of the scatter of B10 from cycle to cycle does
not exceed 0.04 gauss at the edge of the magnet and is less at thz
middle. The dependence of the field on cycling rate is also
investigated. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki
GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental
Physics GKAE)
SUBMITTED: March 31, 1962
IN, 0761
AUTHORS: Barmin, V.V., Bysheva, G.K., Tumanov,.G.K.,
Agapkin, Ial,, ATidre-y-o-v-, V.N,, Veselovj M.A.,
C"zin V _'Padkovich, 1,A.,
TITLE: Investigation and correction of the horizontal
component of the low-induction magnetic field of the
proton synchrotron
MRIODICAL; Pribory i takhnilca o1caporlmonta, no.4, 1962, 223-229
TEXT: Pernialloy probes modulated at 10 kcs were used to measure
the position or the neutral plane of the magnetic field, It was
found that the distortion or the neutral plane in the residual
field was determined mainly by the neutral polo. This distortion
decreased as the excitation of.tho C-blocks was increased.
Due to hysteresis effects, the measurements had to be carried out
under operating conditions. A description of the probe and its
associated circuits in given. The measurements show that 67 or
the maghots have a deviation of the neutral plans in the range
;t 0.5 mm, 16 magn'ets have 0.5 to 0.6 mm, 3 masnoto o.6 to 0.7 mm
Card 1/2
Investigation and correction ... E140/E420
., 0.7 mm. The average error of measurement is
and 12 magnets >
-0-17 mm. The method of correcting the-neutral plane errors by
Rcans of windings an tho neutral poles is described. There are
11 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut toor etichoskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki
CKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental
Physics GKAE)
SUBMITTED: April 11, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Salcolovskiy, V.V., Radicovich, I.A., Golldin, L.L.,
Kleopov, 1,Fj_Kulakov, P.M.,,Luzin
MozaLavskiy, I.A., aly- n, A.N.,
S.. T
Trokhachav, G.V.
TITLE:' The effect of changes in the regime of the proton
synchrotron supply-systems on the magnetic
characteristics of the blocka
PERIODICAL: Pribory i takhnika eksperim*onta, no.h. 1962, 240-244
TEXT: ~ Measurements are made of the effect on the field and
gradient in the C and X-blocks at a level of 90 Sauss when the-
final smoothing condensers are o1ther disconnected or connected
symmetrically or non-symmatricallyi in addition, the came when
the final smoothing condenaorn.aro in circuit but the primary'
smoothing condensers are reduced to one quarter of their usual
value is examined. The effect of a shunting thyratron and
resistance is also'investigated. Changes in the value of the
field ciiusod by any of the above do not exceed + 0.6% while the
difference between blocks in about + 1%. The ~;ffect of these
Card 1/2
The effect of changes ... E039/E420
circuit changes an the rate of growth of the field covers the
range +3.2 to -8.37, and for the difference between blocks
+,5.2 to -6.9%'. Changes of the working range without altering the
circuit produce significantly smaller effects than are produced by
circuit changes, e.g. changes in the average field of separate
blocks are 0.2 to 0-31; while the difference between their fields
changes only by 0.02 to 0.05','0. The introduction of an auxiliary
control on the value of the residual field noticeably increases
the accuracy of the results, i.e. error reduced to loan than a
halt its previous value. There are 3 figures and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATIONS: Institut teoretichookoy i eksperimentallnoy riziki
GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental
Physics GKAE)
Nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut olaktrofl.zichaskoy
apparatury GKAE (Scientific-Research Institute of
Blertrophyalcal Apparatus GKAE)
SUBMITTED: April 11, 1962
Card 2/2
Apparatus for continuous measurement and recording of s1ow3,y
varying magnetic fields-. Prib. i takh. eksp 7 no 4:192-196
J1-Ag 162. ~KIRA i6:4)
1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosu-
darstvennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR.
01agnetic measurements)
Variation in the magnetic -field in the S-magnet of a proton
synchrotron after completion of a cycle. Prib. i tekh. eksp.7
no-49196-199 Jl-Ag '64-- (MIRA :L6.-4)
1. Institut teoreticheskay i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosu-
darstvennogo komiteta po is ol*zovani7u atomnoy energii SSSR.
(Electromagneta5 (synchrotron)
Effect of variations in the power supply system of a proton
synchrotron on the magnetic characteristics of its units.
Prib. i tekh. eksp. 7 no.4:240-244 il-Ag 162.
(MMA 16:4)
1. Institut teoreticheakcT i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosu-
darstvennog6-komiteta po ispolIzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR
i Nauchno-isoledovateliskir institut elektrofizicheskoy
apparatury Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu
atomnoy energii SSSR.
(Electromagnets) (synchrotron)
Study And correction of -bbe horizontal component of the mag-
netic field in a proton synchrotron on low densities. Prib.
i tekh. eksp. 7 no.4:22,,#-m J1--Ag 162. .(MIRA 16:4)
1. Institut teoreticheskoy i sksperimentallncry fiziki Gosu-
darstvenno o komiteta. po ispoltzovanlyu atomnoy energii SSSR.
Nagnetic measurements) (Synchrotron)
LUZIN, V. 1'.
Luzin, V. P. - "Cin the problem of the stnte -)-f cleodetic stIld-les or tj~e ref--j~)n near
the Caspian Sea in the light of new id,~P-s an,' tasks o' geodesy", (Remrt- to the
Scientific Conference of the Saratov State University, 1945), Uchen. zap-'ski (Sarat.
gos. un-t im. Chernyshevsko,-o), Vl. XXII, Georral'y issue, 1("49, p. 42-57
SO: U-4392, 19 Auplist 53, (letopils tZhurnal Onyk',, Statey, No. 21, 1949).
Making pr6otressed reinforced concrete g1rders. Bet. i zhal.-bet.
no.lo:476-477 0 ,6o. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Glaynyy inzhemer Stroytresta No.4, Chernigov (for Neboaklonov).
2. Zamestitell 1,,lavnogo inzhenera Stroytresta No.4. Chernigov (for
Irazin)- 3. Diroktor zavoda zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy, Chernigov
(for Smirnov).
LUZIN, Yu., inzh.;.BELINSKIY, I., inzh.
Reinforced concrete crane girders with 12 spans under cranes
with a 50-75 t. lifting capacity. Prom. stroi. i inzh. soor 5
no.5:35-40 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:12)
AUTHORS- Okley, L. N., Lomsadze, D. M., Luzin, Yu. F.
TITLE: Pierceability of steel mark 20 as a function of temperature
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 33, abstract
1ID197 ("Shromebi,-Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-t", 1959, no. 3(64)
TEXT: The effect of temperature upon the plerceability of steel mark 20
was verified both under laboratory and plant conditions. On the basis of the
experiments, a curve was constructed expressing the dependence of the critical
reduction upon the temperature. The tendency of steel mark 20 to fracture under
oblique rolling is reduced as the temperature increases.
K. Ursova
[Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Developing a technology for the rolling of pipe made of low nickel-
alloy stainless steels. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHK no.39:191-199 165.
(DIERA 18s7)
~L 00558-66 tk?T(m)/EWP(w)/9;-!A (d)/T/&IP(t)/Pe.'P(k)/D,'P(b)/EWP(z)/El4A (c)
:ACCESSION NR:: AP5019945'
14.; Kukarskikhp
AUTIJORS iTeterinv?, K.; Luzin, yu. F.; Kats, G. I.; Kaufmant I
ve N"
-TITLEt 14anufacture of stainleas steel pipe~.with low nickel content
SOURCE: Stall# no. 8t 1965p 730-734
TOPIC. TAGS vstainless-steel pipej, stainless steelt steel alloy EP53 steelt
EP54 steell OKh2lN6MT steel, OKh2lN5T steel
ABSTRACT: The plastid-properbies and structure of new low-nickol a s OKh2311
aInd 1~5 ;'recommended-as substitutes for stools 18N9T and
?Ml8Nl2M2.r. were investigated at TsHIMM; th echnoloffy of pipe rolling from
in- -e -se -a: 5 i ~1 s w a sdeveloped and introduced at qftotrubrW zavodo Ely hot twistim
it was found that p2Asticity or.the stools increased steadily with working tem-
perature (l and rose sharply above 12000. Thirty specimens were pierced
at differenntte Pe tures C3, of each steel at 1050,, 1100p 3-150, 1200, 1250C),
and im at stren th nd microstructure were investigated. It was found that the
"T V
bapaffeNreng a room temperaturodecreased as piercing temperature increased,
ACCESS MV ]MR: AP5019945
:dro ping-iharply above 1200C (from 20 and 14 kgm/cm at 12000 to 14 and 7 kgm/cm
t1250C for EP53and EP54 respectively) and-that the grain size irreased above
1200C. Thus for satisfactory mechanical and surface properties UP working tem-
..perature should be kept at A; n50C- Comparison of pressure on the rollers and
power requirements between these steels and expensive alloys 1Kh18N9T and
lKhl8Nl21,2T showed those to be 30-40% lower (on the average) for the new alloys.
"After hot-rolling into 41 x 4.5-mm pipes (at 70 food# roller speed 2.0 m/sec, wan
:.thickness reduction 32%, drawing coefficient 1.8-1.85, final temperature 950-
1000G) the anoy properties were found to be O-B = 70.1, 63.0 kgi=12; 0-- - 29 3
29.5%* a 19.81 16.1 kgm/cm2 for UP53 and EP54 respect sly after quenching
G in water. Based on these resul technical parameters were defined
:f0 313-61)
d pipe bl&rJcs (chmru/TsNIICW,1 No 569-
mking pipes (ChNTU/UkrNITI No
- 1
:61). After rolling 108 x 5*5
mm and 89 X
4,5 Mm Pipes under industrial conditions r
it was.found that the best heat treatment consisted of 8-10 minutes at 970C and
quenching in-water (for both steels)~, Orig. art has: 4 figures and 6 tables.
ASSOCIATION, TeNIICh14 (TsHIC1211); Novotrubnyy Zvod.'(New Pi22 Plant)
METTED! 00 ~IK ENCL., 00 SUB (;OD9:"' Mo IE
110 RU, SOV I M., -OTHERt .000
J /2
Nylon combine in Chernigov. Prom. stroi. i inzh. soor. 1 no-1:18- .7
21 0 159. (KM L3:12)
1. GlavMy inzhener tresta No.4, Chernigo (for Webooklonov).
2. Zameatitell glavnogo inshenera tresta No.4, Chernigov (for
(Chernigov--Textlle factories)