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LUTSEK, V.P. ; RUSULM. R. V. *M 0 A table for microanalytic scales. Zav,lab.22 no-11:1371-1372 '56. ()ff,U 10: 2) 1. Institut organichaskoy khImli Akademit nauk SM. (Laboratories-Furniture, equipment, etc.) 8(2) SGIV/372-25-4-54/71 AUTHORS: I Buslayev, R, V., Lavrov, I. A., Lutsek, V. P., Pozengart, I. TITLE: Impulse Timing Relay for Rectifying Columns (Impul'snoye rele vremeni dlya rektifikatsionnykh kolonok) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 4, Pp 493 - 494 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An impulse timing relay was designed for the purpose of auto- mating the removal cf distillates from laboratory rectifying columns. Impulses may be altered over a wide range, from 40 impulses per minute to one impulse every three minutes, the impulse duration ranging up to 38 seconds. The apparatus is with 127 v alternating current. It is 21j cm long, 15 cm wide, and 16 cm high. The relay is actuated through mechanical switches operated by a reversible electric motor which perio- &,i,.14r changes the sense of rotation. It can be seen from the schematic illustration of the rel4.s (Fig), and the descrip- -hat tion that the electric motor is of the type RD-09, and 4. an intermediate relay of the type RPT-100 is used. There is Cara 1/2 1 figure- Impulse Timing Relay for Rectifying Cojumns SOV/32-25-4-54/71 ASSOCIATION: Ins t4tUt organicheskoy khim4i im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii naWc SSSR (Institute of O_rganic Chemistry imerd- N. D. Ze- linskiy of -the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 LYJTSENKO,, A., master aporta Beneath the rotor. Kyrlorod* 12 no.6123-24 Je 161. (miRA 14:6) (Helicorters) .LUTSENKO, A. Behind a drawn curtain. Kryl.rod. 13 no.2:12-13 F 162. (IMU- 15:1) 1. Kamandir otryada, TSentrallnogo aerokluba SSSR imeni V.P. Chkalova. (Holi.copters-Piloting) LUTSENKO, A., master sports. Without a tail rotor. Knfl.rccd. 13 no.0':17 Je 162. (MIM 19:1) I LUTSMO, A. Helicopter above a target. Kryl. rod. 14 no.500-31 Y-7 163. (MM 16:7) (Helicoptera-Piloting) LUTSENKOp A. --, Ma-tri,culation test. Ilryl. rod. 15 no.IzIO Ja 164. (MIRA l7s2) IAJTSENKO, A. B. "Spectral Analysis of Permalloys,w SOI Zhur. Tekh. Fiz.p 15s Nos. 4-5, 1945. Mbr., Sci. Research Inst. Qualitative Steel and Iron Alloys, ;1944-. LUTSENK09 A.D.-, felldsher (Zolottdr4ino Kurskoy oblasti) Boric acid ointment as a method for preventing diseases of the mammary glands in parturients. Felld. i akush..25 no V:46-/+7 D 160, KM 13:12) . (BORIC ACID-UMMEUTIC USE) (BREAST~DMES) CHEFUMAYA, T.D., Vrach; SUN-CHZHOOV.A. [S=g-chung, v.A.]Imeditsinskaya sestra) LUTSMKO,,'A.G., meditsinskaya sestra (Khar!k-ov) Use of preparation ChRM for 14iflueza preveation. Felld, J Iakusha 27 no.12-.7-8 D'62. (MB-A 3.6--7) (nMUENZA,-F?XMTION) (P!ffTCNCIM) VUSIXR, A-As; GRIGCR'YEVA. A.K?; KULICHITSKAYA, V.S.- LUTSIMO A.I.: PER LIZON, R.A.; TRYASUNOVA, M.V.; SLXKZIN, A:r.-, -,eak"tor*, FORIORMY, P.M., teidiAcheskiy redaktor (Soviet live stock in numbers; a statistical manual] Chidlennost' skots v SSSR; statistichaskii sbornik. Koskya, Goo.stat,izd-vo, 1957. 618 p. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Ruasia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statistichaskays upravlaniye. (Stock and stockbreeding-Statietics) AUTHOR: Lutsenko, A.i I SOV/2-58-10-4/15 TITLE: On the Determination of the Number of Cattle on January 1, 1959. (0b opredelenii chislennooti skota na I yanvvxya 1959 g.) PERIODICALt Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 10, pp 21 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRACTt There will be no regular inventory of cattle in 1959. The number of cattle will be determined by data from coll- ective and other government farms, and the number of live- stock in private ownership will be established by a select- ive method based on 10% of the holdings of kolkhoz workers and laborers. The author publishes the form Nr 24 which collective and state farms will be requeAted to fill in dn January 1, 1959. There is 1 table and',1 form reproduct- ion. Card PAVLOV, A.H., otv. za vypuok; VOWDICHEVA, Y.N.; IVANOVA, A.I.; KULAKOV, I.N.; LIAMINA, T.H.; MITOKINA. L.I.; P02MUTAKOVA, N.P.; RODICNOVA. L.I.; ROIWOVA, N.M.; SWI13V, E.S.; OICHKINA, A.A.; TRBSORUKOVA, Z.G.; ZOGATYRXV, P.P.-, BROVKINA, A.I.; IVAHOVA, L.D.; IVASUIN, G.A.; KAMM. R.I.; LTSAHOVA, L.A.; OZHMMIYEVA, %.I.; PAVLOVA. T.I.; TTUTYUNOVA. U.I.; WITSYNA, A.P.; WIIVILIH, U.N.; ALESHICHEV, M.P.; VINOGRADOV, V.I.; TMHIN, F.S.; KRAVCHENKO, Ye.P.; LOVACHEVA, K.Y.; NIKOLItiKATA, V.S.; MAKHOV, G.I.; SOGINA, A.V.; TARXM, A.V.; KHMINA, A.V.; BRYANSKIT, A.M.; BURMISTROVA, V.D.; GRIGOROYEVA, A.M.; JMSENW,.A.)~?; ORKKHOVA, Z.V.; INSKAYA, N.V.; FF.OKTISTOVA, V.I.; BUTORIN, I.M.; BOCKLUMA, L.D.; BURENINA, V.A.; VETUSHKO, A.R.; VIMYATEV, A.A.; SORCKIN, B.S.; TSUMO, L.T.; HIKOV, V.N.; DUMNOV, D.I.; STEPANOVA, V.A.; MANYAKIN, V.I., red.; VAKHATOV, A.M.; MAKAROVA, O.K., red.izd-va; PTATAKOVA, N.D., (Soviet agriculture; a statistical manual] Sallskoe khoziatetvo SM; statisticheskii sbornik. MoBkva, 1960. 665 p. (MIRA - 1):5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statistichaskoye uprav- leniye. 2. Upravleniye statistiki sel'skogo khozyaystva TSentrall- nogo statiaticheakogo upravleniya GSSR (for all except Nakarova, Pyatakove). (Agriculture--Statistics) LUTSE71 "Free lntcrspccic~; Rcz:ollination nz, a Ilethod of Int-reaving tbe Yield of DuckviIieat." Ca:A, A-r Sci, Gork-ly Agricultural Inst, ;'an of C'ulture, Crjorlkiy, 1953. (;-L, ,o 12, 1,1ar 55) So: Sua. No 670., 2,) Sept 55 - Survey of Scient.1.11'ic and Technical Dissertations DeConded at U361t Higher EducaLional Listitutio= (15)) LUTSERKO, A. R. Mustard Cultivation methods for white mustard. Sov. agron. 11 No. 3, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jj= 1953. Unclassified. 4 It It u m is 14 it a 10 8 a A ,-~LvT L: A Ali mu ben lop*&&## v04490 jin&" at- $wW;lWM A. V. Lularnko and N. N. t4oro- kius (SAmr. TrUm. AAK IOM I& W-M. In lltuoalan~ Ni and Mo mn be dr-temvinmi hr qw1mgm-opy in 4 IWmAllo" mitalining lVely. In addition to Fr. %' 24-351!,~. 45-o. 7144L-', (+ An of tho litics Ni 3IOt-6-3101-9 Stitt Mo .4775-4 is conil'amd with that of Ft- 3067-23 and $779-3 A. rcol*ctively. The othorck-ctmic in ofAl (lotter that, thomoo(Peortu). Assn eitainple. nint-tevn detenuirtAl4mis ofNI Ina sAmpk- we 79-4 - t &W... and 10 deteminAlkina of Aft, sairr 4-07 j- (MMO.,. Thr 11111T "I butwwrt tbrm vallw-ti anti thomp of a diptuieml Analvi* in 31,1. (,,r 16T No. -al a- I I L-TI 0%olt CLASIIIFKAiml)li so abj .40 a., Got u 0 &v so 1% F4 0 0 * 4 0 0 0 7-FCP;-cT- .1" 1, Got a., Ili- An L I 1 04 a 0 IF I W a 9 a 4 A 1 IRS 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 oie - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 too as* boo too Lot - - ~ 0 W 1, - - 4 $ I's 0 0 90F if vlim"116 try 100 is to 9 a OOA AX- r a- it AULA-111 -k. -I-- Oot- is*- A **A got 002 j -00 .60 if N Is I Steel tit ti I A V -40 Q eg . . . a N O uan ve YS n 188orokina From ZOVOd- 8 papa and Lutse IrN Lka . . . - I Wja faboraforiya, Y. 12, no. 6. 1046, 6 4-fi76, 7 ' t' zoo ood stion No. llenry l1rutcher, Altadena, Calif. (Tran 0411 13 1909.) Describes an improved quantitative spectroanoly- ties] method suitable for 0.001-0.005% B In sterl. roe The time required for one analysis aversRes 1.1 a minutes. Zoe IjL#~40.SLA ANIALLOOKAL UYINATUOR CLAIMPKATiON flow 4001" - to* ~Ijds') wit ("0 ast 9114134"S 3 1 ZW 00 I I I ; 1 U S AV !00 11 a ; P I t I FM 0 04 Is Si I a 039 1 89 a a U 0 AWA IYA 'a .0 4 o 0 o ile o * 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0~00*000#00**9099 I -- a 0 a . ~ - S!0006000090000690609 4 It 11 "I a 4 11 U 0 11 I I-I-RL A., JLI0-A Aj(~ u Lwmll 0 a SWU-cark DetormelwW j SeMa AM,, Mfg at (-M. V-Adiwn. 00.3 In Russianj N- V- B~ifilftav, Aand N. N. Horoking. Facto *0 0J! IS, Apr, 1047. P. 447-4171. De"'rib" "suits of an Inv6sthration and dgvel. 0 "Pmvnt Of a mothod for tht AbOve usinc a high. vultoxv A.C. are. 00 &0 afl, 09. bALLURGjC&L LiTtItATUAll CLASINKAUCH !,-,IL 91, 4KK : : 0 0 0 400 00 46 Of:0000e*1 10 Is AN '00 " :0 * 0 0 00 * 0 00000060,0 goo goo 400 too MS* wee DR I.',' FEL I D, G. 1. [DuInfe.l. I d, 11. 1. ]; I 11. .,,i~ , iura of c3e~s of Purv;j2 u' the ve~.,Dndi crdar. D,)p. ;.Ii UFSR no.l: Vea, %A 1/,r,-'L7 165* (N1,11i 18:2) 1. K-harlkov3kiy inatitut meklumizatsil i elektrifikatsii sellskougo klicy,yaystva. Predstavlono akalomtkorn All UkrS.311 I.Z. Shtokalo. LUTSENKO, B.N.; PUSIDNOYI B.M. Use of the c6rrelation method in measuring the angle of polarization of the magnetic component of natural electromagnetic fields I AU SSSR. M. zem. no.3;10)-108 16.5. (MICA T8;7) 1. Institut avtomatiki i elektromietrii Sibirskogo, otdoleniya A4 SSSR. i B-1-1. I degult-s -~f th,- contrr~' I-A lLrentionfil 3en.3-iti-,rity triethod for :if~ismir ir, *lhf, of the (11 s lc,,-, a t i c, r! .Glaofi,.~., razv. rio, i't;19-34 164 , (MIRA 17 LUTSEEI~1.0, Mlet,,iods for the interpretation of the materials of controlled directional sensitivity method under the platform conditions in the Volga Valley poirtion of Volgograd Province. Razved, geofiz. no,4:11-17 165. (IMU 18s9) LUTSENKO B.N. StudYing the structire of the western edge of the Caspian Lowland by a seismic method. Geol. nefti i gaze 7 ho-11:55-58 N 163. (MIM 17:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskaya laboratoriya geologicheskikh kriteriyev otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti. LUTSENKO D.A. -.-- .1---f ...... ..- Treatment and prevention of suppurative diseases of the fingers and hand. Khirurgiia 39 no.5.104-107 My 163. (MMA 17: 1) 1. Iz Zolotukhinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.D. Kharchenko) Kurskoy oblasti. LUTSENKOI D.A.p felldsher (Kursk) Reduction of accidents and suppurative diseases by the health center of a hemp plant during the course of a year. Felld. i akush. 26 no. 2:46-47 F 161. (MIRA 14:4) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) LUTSENKO. D.A. Simple apparatus for holding and traction of the extremities. 26 no.6:128-129 Je 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Veydelevskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach T.A. Protasov) Belgorodskoy oblasti. (ORTHOPEDIC APPARATUS LUTSERKO, D.A. Met..,od of combLned treatment of tric~homordasis in women. Sbor. trud. Kurs.k. -goa. mod. Inst. no.16.287-289 .162. (MIRA 17: 9) 1. 1z kliniki akusheratva i ginekologil (zav. prof. A.G. .Butylin) Kurskogo meditair-skogo instituta. LUTSF,h'KO, D.A. Prevention of puerperal infection. Akush. I gin. 40 no.506 S-0 164, (MIRA 180) 1. Gostishahavskaya rayonnaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach Ch. Ye. Yelizarov) Belgorodskoy oblasti. j,jrV-jEl,'KO, D.A. f L - ~ - - Abstmt2ts. Sov. ras-de 28 S .- , - - .. 0 1. Gostishelievskaya rayroam-5ra bal la' tja bolg-rodskoy Oblas!,l GOLUB, A.M.; OLEVINSKIY, M.I.;,~=NKO, E.F. Extraction of thiocyRnate complexes of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.lil2- 17 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Shevchenko i Donetskly filial Vseso3ruznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. L 27816-65;' Pc-4' IJFW JD/JG/RM Ise (bY ACCESSION NR: AP5007.749 9/0073164/030/01211274/1279 AUMOR., Golub, A. K&" ::Glevinskiy, M. I.,;..Lutsenk-o E F. TITLE: Extraction of lanthanum,-cerium (III), praseadymium, and neodymium with tributyl phosphate in the presence of perchlorate ions SOURCE: Ukrainskiy _khimicheskLy zhurnal, v. 30, no. 12, 1964, 1274-1279 TOPIC TAGS: um rare earthixtraction, cer lanthanum, praaeodymLum, tieodymiun,.,tributyl~phosphates perchlorate Lon hate c e Ttibutyl phoop as used to extra t La C (III), Pr, and -sodium perchlo Nd f rom solutions of rate and sodium choride. Data on the effect of the perchlorate ion concentration on the extracl:ion of -each element at pH 3 and pH I are tabulated. Graphs of the relation log K? ffflog (TEP)/ were plotted W_for each elementrLnlorder.to1ind the solvation numbe and were found to be quite similar Ln,characteri -From these graphs, the authors conclude that at PH 3, cam- pounds of the' * vsiti6n Me(= 4MP are extracted, and at pH 1, associates 'd COMP. - r' of the type LTBPH1h4e(C1(Q4 (TB#);~7 are formed. The complete extraction of tiie lanthanides depe7nA on.the concentration and nature of the additives employed, and occurs at LC104:/ - 1.6-2.0 moles/liter. The e ilib tun constants for the ju r ;gett?2a of formation of the rate earth complexes kre close to one another and C91 AVERKIN, A.A.; AYRAPETYANTS, A.V.; ILISAVSKIY, Yu.V.; LUTSENKO, E.L.; SEREBRYANIKOV, V.S. Effect of tensile stress and hydrostatic-type pressure on the electroconductivity of thermally treated polyacrylonitrile. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.5;11J~0-1142 0 163. (KRA 16:12) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR i Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. Prodstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginym. /V x- STARCHENKO, Y.F., golovnyy red.; KANEVSIKIY, O.P., red.; RUDNITSIKIY,P.V. red.; red.; BILOZUB, V.G., red.; PAYLENKO, M.K., red.; SVISTSLIMIK, A.N., red.; XHOTHNKO, M.P., red.; ZADONTSEV, A.P., red.; POPOV, F.A., red.; DANILYUK, O.T., red.; TRITINCHENKO, A.P., red.; AKSIONOV, G.G.. [Agricultural manual for administrative personnel of province and district organizations, directors of machine-tractor stations, chairmen of collective farms and agricultural specialists] Posibnik po sellslkomu hospodarstvu dlia kerivnykh pratsivnykiv oblasnykh i raionnykh organizatsiy, dyrektoriv MTS, holiv kolhospiv i fakhivtsiv sillsikoho hospodarstva. Skladenyi za red.: V.F.Starchenka [and others] Holovnyi red.V.F.Sta-rchenko. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillaikohospodarslkoi lit-ry URSR. Book 1. 1946. 1269-p. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent akademii nauk URSR (for Starchenko). (Akriculture) SHIPILOYA, Alakeandre Iv9aovna;,WT.RgO. Filipp Kironovich; TMIRMOT.A., red.; PAKHCLYUK, R.,' - - - [The OZaporozhota I" amall-displacoment autorjobile] Mikrolitrash- nyl avtomobill OZaporozhets'." Zaporozh1e, Zaporozhakoe knishno- gazatnoe izd-vo, 1960. 1.8 p. (MIRA 14.5) (Automobiles) LUTSENKO, G.I. Shortcomings 'OFthe Incentive wage system in sugar plants. Sakh. prom. 31 no.3:27-~8 Mr 157, (MIRA 10:4) l.Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheBkiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti. imeni Mikoyans. (wages) KOZENKO. T.M.; LUTSENKO, G.M. Apparatus for the registration of arterial -pulse and blood pressure in a chronic experiment (mechano-oacillograph). Fiziol.zh-ar. 39 no.3:365-367 M,v-Je 153. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Kafedra fiziologii Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (Blood pressure) LfJKINYKHS N.A,9 kand.teldm.nmik; TUROVSKIY, I.S., mladebiy nauchmyy sotrudnik; Prinimall h ti e.- LIPMAN~ B.L... mladab~y nauchnyy sotrudnik; uc "MeMy nauchWy sotrildni ; GANKINk, R.G., (Basic principles of the technical design of units for the mechanical dehydration of aewqj~ residne~ on dram vacuum filters] 0snovnye printaipy tekhnologicheakogo 'iascheta ustanovok po mekhanicheskomu obezvozMvaniiu osadkov stochnykh vod na barabannykh vakuum-filltrakh.' Ybskva., 1962& 34 p. (Akademiia~ koymminal Inogo khozia istva. Inforj~atsionne pis Imo no.1) (MIRA 16:31 (Sewage-PurificatiQn) (Vacuum apparatus) LUKINYKH., N.A.; LIPMAN, B.L.; LUTSENKO, G.N.; ZHDANOVA, T.M.; KAZAROVETS, N.M.; FILATOVA, N.P. --- - --.1 1 Effect of alkyl sulfonate and alkylaryl qulfonates on the biochemical processes of waste water purification. Nauch. trudy AKKH no.20:124-141 t63. (MIRA 18:12 ) OV SHANATSKIY, A.A.; LUTBANK, MEGNIA, R.N. Using plastics in resection of the liver* Eksperokhir. 2 no.6: 54-58 U-D 157-, (MIRA 1112) 1. Iz skoperimentalluoy laborstorii Zakarpatekoy oblastnoy klinichaskoy bollnitay (glevnyy vrach G.S.Ioteenko) - (LIM. surg. (P.resection. hemostasis with plastic cuff in dogs (Rua)) IASTICS plastic cuff for bemostaois in liver resection in dogs (Rue)) IMSIUKO, G.S. (Uzhgorod) Treating embolism of the main arterial vessels, VrEtch.delo no..3:271-275 Mr 157 (KLRA 10:5) 1. Zakarpatakaya oblastnaya klinicheskaya bollnitea i kafedra obahchey khtrargii (zav.-zaal. dayatell nauki, prof. M.I. Kolomlychanko) Kiyevskogo idedits inskogo instituta. (AMOLISR) LUTSENKO, G. S.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "rhe use of sympatholytic substanc~!s . `0 -in embolism under experimental and clinical conditions". Kiev, 1953. 16 pp (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner 'Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bogomolets), 200 copies (KL, No 10, 1959, 128) LUTSMO. G.11-- Use of ganglion-blocking substances in acute paucreatitis. Vracb. delo no.1:49-51 160. WRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra khirurgii (zav. - dotoent JL.V. Fedinets) meditsin- skogo, fakullteta Uzhgorodskogo universiteta i khirurgicbeekoye otdelenlye Zakarpatskoy oblastuoy klinicbeakoy bolinitsy. (PANCHMS-DISM&SIS) (AUTONAOXIC DRUGS) LLIT.3's~-ILO, U. -C-1. LU.P3ENK0, G. Y& --"Birth Damages of the Central Uervous System in Fetuses and Nle,,,,~orn Infants." *(Dissertations for Degre,!s in Science and 'E'ng.1neering Defmded al, USSR Higher Educational Institutions) Kishinev ~-_`tAc Vedic-ml lnot., KJ1shL-:t!7, 1~55 SO: rKnizimaya Letopis' No. 31, 30, July 1955. *For the Degree of Candidate in Yodical Sciences. LUTTSMO. G.Te.. kand. med. nauk. Pathomorphological changes in the central nervous system In experimen,- tal aspbyxiation car-Eed bY acute disorder of placental blood circula- latiou. Akush. i gin. 34 no.6:42-45 N-D 158. (MIR& 12:1) l.-Iz Irafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. L.Z. Kocherginakiy) i kafedry pa tologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. F.Ye. Ageychenko (deceased] Kishin0vakogo meditainakogo InBtituta (dir. - zasluzhennyy dovatell nauki prof. N.T. Starostenko). UMM asphyxiation in utero due to blood circ. diaord., GES changes in dogs (Rus)) (ASPMIA EXONATORUM, exper. induced by blood circ. disord.. CBS changes in dogs (Rus)) (CBWML URVOUS SYSTIM, pathol. changes in intrauterine asphyxia & aapbyxia neonatorum induced by blood circ. disord. in dogs (Rua)) LUTSENKO, G.Ye. ----T,rg-nr1Tc~we of injuries of the central nervous system in newborn mortality. Zdravookhranenie 2 no.*1:28-30 Ja-7 159. (MIJU 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii, (zav. - prof. A.Z. Kocherginskiy) KichinevBkogo meditainskogo instituta. (INFANTS(NEWBORN-MORTALITY) (MVOUS SYSTM--WOUNM AND INJMINS) LUTSMIKO, G.Ye.,-, BILINKIS, S.Ya. - gancer of the cervix uteri and preppancy. Zdravook-hranenie 2 no.3:14-16 MY-Je '59. (14IRA 12:10) 1. Iz kafedry akuaherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof.A.Z. Kocherginskiy) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (Umus-WICHR) (PRWRUNCY, COMPLICATIONS OF) UJTSLNKO~~.,-:3~Np..~and. med. nauk Ilse of lidase -4n the prrvantodon of tara=as to the tdr-th tanal. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.79 77-80 JV63 (KMA 17 ?4) 1. Tz kafedr7 akusherst-va i g-Lnekologii ( zav. - prof. M.V. Mogilerv) Grodnenskogo goaud&T-atvennop maditainskogo instf~ tuta ( rektor - detsent S.A. Haalako-ir). 444140606060 o 4 0 00 0 i-T44c4k jk 00 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0,6 : 'a , - fA t 00**0060*460*060 66 to 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0; I is 11 11 11 so 0 so 11 Is to At 1, 1, n a 0 It u as 14 0 m 1? 11041 4- #Ill 44 #i.c 0 A L A IL-f 6. ~X I.- L. -L 4 0 F . 4. A I I V V ~VJA I- L AA 1; &C 9"D UR , , . 0 0 4 1.00 0 4 1 1 14 1 tow of, P1,11...0 --1 1 oil 00 CO- marcurargautc compauadd. XV11. Synthoselis of Misr. -90 g : ;Od da of the pysidlue serfest by thor dittics ~= c COMPOUG a,! . . A. N. Netwincyarov and 1. F. Luistruki). Chrel. (U. S. It. R.) 11. f'-IWV~1111 Wvfv -YU1111miltif bY Or thimu Inctlukl: 3-Imidylou-muttv -filmde imil the ;.'As' Oftmanpli.)) and ittothle (m. 3-j)ythlylpiscisylincretiry (its. 174-511 dild wilso hi.(5. hnnim-3-pyritly0memury (its. V (J%vivillpt,j). =09 Kamich 06 .00 too 00 0 0 0 0. 041. Alm-ILA SITALL OCKAL 1.11111,611001 CLAISIFICATION 12 0 4,81 - --- --------- woo 114~1 43-11. 00 ti -U~94W- 4111j, ~ a.. 11, 4*0 a At w- , r -11 1 a p JA -S 4 fl~ 0- -W 1.9 - ~, at OF III of it It III cc rk 1 114 dna 0 0 0 0 4 0 * St 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 "0 to to * 0 0 0 0 offe 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 0000 WT91-M1,10, 1. F. "On 6rgano7ietallic Compounds of Yerciiry. Part 15. On certain addition products of the Salts of 114rcury wiV-,. Hydrocarbons having an Olefinic Linkage and with Diolefins," SO: Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Khin. Nauk, No. 6, 191.2. Acad. of Sci. of USSR. Institute of Organic Chemistry. - 1942 -. **A 064 004 ZR -m! v 7 I A - I L A 09TACLO"MU Lfft"TWO blew '66 *Wh sho" b to- Wlf With goo See ~6'chvVql 0. W. iii-,) fvo goo -1~~i i iri ii itaii i &it a lir j jr, 09 4 1 0V 1 00000 0, 2 I t$ 0 0A 00 SOA 1111411ta 00 A A 094 0101 �i~~ 0 0 -1! 611111-3 0 1,; l 1 GeV W47 ' -, I ~- "-",a 0 * a' 0 0 so'Sioll 06 0 ot lo 21 All 19 is 11 It I, is 10 11 1) 13 U Is 14 SP 11 Is M..M,(c M_u 16 11 1 Mal "I ~01-ub a L a Od r -;I it 7-6il-kFeil" - - ' ' " " --- eycompounds. X1. HatatMclicaddl morvA d" I 9duct, of moroutfig "Its to opon-ch"is dialeftic compounde. A. N. N"UtYallov and Bid[, arad. Sti. V. R. S. S.. Ouslit it 1. (kim. 194), Z10. A. JIT, 34117. fliallyl Ij we% Iifemicil Willi Id IIII(OAc), fit W cv- Hill.' tiller III bell. thrio was Wifet -1.m I. KV It' 'it) iv, wairr III give a titignt. Y161 of ItilpaWreftram Imrytitil. Itunt Which itc. The pritiluct treatt'l cinnil'. "I healing Witimt nu-Itinf. I Willi :11le NO-1 lit In Water Xmi, v IN), ; (wWrtal Invilly It vilativ -11 oful all "g. im)lAts-41) 4 "i'1 u'll" Mt. t1j. MKIM1. .111111af rt'lin 11"14 fit I by pothiml addii. t4 I0`;, AtIM) Now a total of 75`~ of the at%vvr 2, litt"Inct%. with the rural] compti,iiiii: alitmi To AA x. IlaC1, its wwtcr Woo mil,1411 0 K! Illvl and the Ipplal. 116 viollihi. Wos fifirr"I off. the file floor pinjoliml 0.70711 It. IIVI jilivitivill-w OTI $,). I It m Is v v a Ono -4 11 Adh Allyl other (5 a.) was added to 32 fix OAch In fill, water to Yield. after In hill., Ilint III till. K Cf son., Alie of , t". 1113# rum 14011). R.-ductitinwitI12% its If -No Ili weakly MA". ul few 69 0-112'11- h- I )-1-, 1.41 xsvt* the "'t"Mm-uriaird allyl ether (it X.) Was tnjl~i it till A 9, Itdine and hesteil it, OWL Until derohirized tn Vid" Ll N. 01, (11"1 MIMI. G- NI, K'VA)lar.111 g(OA-9. lit It' 1% nirn,11-94 It .3 S.) W vv~ IN 1-1 111 VIVIII all I Ik"1114 11 "oll 414. Ill m"111111, willo , till 13.111, 44 a pubt; W VI f1hyl)I01m. AVdhVmfd% 11111(f. 0 1411 toll Ili pui7j, trithl, it Ifidt teatillill mall oil; Mike, Willi Vt. No till fit the litrwime i.1 stillickm Atilil if. k"ll the 111111. slightly avill yis-ldril hydrduray and I-butien-A-A lit cumbiartl fileld tit I)IMIIYI&tillllr (A X.) Wd% 4414it-41 Ili 30 1, II#(OA0v fit M, rt' . Willrrl Art 12 his. tilt, *4011. *44 fiffirtt41 istill tril'afrd Willi SO milli, Ill Y11111 X 5~ lit it M441 WIlk-h 1114milvird '6 fit HP!,, NaOll antl till fillkIIIII-11 4 Itig Utilifirs still Inril- flalligii4ou XISVV a while IIIII, Ul '52 otmvtA.3.4),w7PA,-I'mr; miucilittis vith Now. u it 1, a MW n I U An It #w o m I Is ms 9 a a T 190"mitsd units PC it 0 41111 0 0 0 0 0 41111, * 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 to a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 *00 -00 ifillilli =00 0 0 Q 0 0 goill to oleo .460 0 0 0 it 00 Its** LTIM~011111'0) 1. V. f(On Organoretallic Co- poun,~s of Merciir~r, Part 94. The Smthesis of Ac--talA--,',yr3rer,-?irlc Valopenicles and AcetonyLrnercur--c Fal;penitle'll SO: Iz. Ak. Naul- SSSR, Otdel. Kh1m. Nauk, No. 1, 1947. l1bseov Stat~e Univ., Chem. Faculty, Chair of Organic Chem., -191,'7-. 0 0 At . If V to oi 1. 4' if N W .1 .1 -A A-C. -3-ILM-1111 00 0 Ortansomercu compounds. XXXIV, Synth4A of ..410 and batimsercutilecaloses. A. ANIS.1 .1 ddys, Urdic.1 wit 1, 1W VdOl I "fill) tilt -11,11 then with CA),. Ill llsvl, 1100M I/d/jO, its, 0 diswlvcd -00 Jai' (from Mcull), which cv-,Ivrs C.114 tat l1ratillent with 11CL 11filgC11,010 with fit in Clicl, ivy" so 1 lin Russlatil, 0. C-C 40. OW-To a ditectli iaffis~ ut Itecil'k,110, wbkll ral'i'lly ;Kdriturrites 1.) a while W-104 lee 118((14). its 1,141 cv. via(vt was a(filod with shalollic W IlictfMot wit i Oft: C110111 W Fif oil. Ific ('11, C1101141; 11W %all. fitthmetf by *41.1n, lit kt*l, al., lives 011101,C1141 .00 tlA(61 was tivAted with .as. XCI in list mill.anit. of 110-1 Inv. Reaction of Swillyls"s and n1pretak WOW* In 000 its xivV M% C1111011CHO, on. IW-J' (fftxn IM water), Ills Oeonso of a Advast. K, Kh. l1rdtifinA still 0. V it kilt is Used Ill the PP(ti.6 One 011411111 83" Iff,111010- =0 Nipaina. Ibid. 105 #S,- -JfgCI# (3 111 disiers"S *ilfj slats (WO. it[. 114 9, (Ir.1111 walec). It ClIjUlt)(ists-Ain? wt%)l was tirlsir-l with 4 stream off CM, 3 his lit Wo IlW it* 01 is itw,l in.tva,l 44 file ilia detir., the y1chl titL .1 .1a in .3313,; ;tilt th-lir-lud r W. wills W ty. 11.11 (Tf,; 14N)Iioli 'lee PIOVILVII, Ives all jul.l. %$ills (VI14-CII)OI AVV 2~ 0, 6#0 441-4tfo, ill. 74 .1 V. J11.1:110141 lAl it,) Ill 111t) cc. CCI* AIL)Wly tilts wish N11,411t SAVr Irraird slosill 3:31 Al. lit in M. savv M% dillAmmookyl Am (liquid). 1 lit PtUdUC( CAO be Ct"(11. ffUM 1`9011, JrW%s1VF y lit.' 3% this (78 it.). alkled to MeNtillir tftxn orther. of Moll. Flarst". of the im.luct with a twirls. A 161S, healed I Ill., Allowed too Valid OVVIlliSht. Still StA; ''.i title frvrAI4 mly it-acts ed leint-2-chkorct- %mylisirccury chhoofide. It the Coll, rcifitaino 4 toar* #Pf If.. 73 . ill, IAIV, dl.* LKWI; this ('-"I X,) still to jg~ fit'"Alure. 11W Maine Ilt.6,711 r ivr . friRts 6 flaell. .6 -~Lf: Ilawti. KOJI twat"I tol:W-W gAvc tkil.:~ ssoprillwosyl list 1) 15 S. solle trans -.-,Ajwmox Flopy lw,qode. An. ut abir. b. 1$24-13' all 1 AIIM d" 0-71M this (1.2 X.) ullich after relfrated crys (from an unstievolift was Addell to 3.2 i. ITS(bAO,'its'15 cc. water and. when - e -4 , cons G ~f.. KANOUPOO I sisly nt), in. 123 (deamspis ibe tsutd leactitlis MQWAJ. the Itlixt. "oil fil(cfed and the 'I rate Irraird witha.711 g KCI togitv 41117~ AtOlsl 17. Cillacil.010 it.) dit"t 12 .1 its. i(OV Usixis litcOlf CC c. lit (two,M)).Al issist. (nit ositcu. giv") arse Alk"Wed LA LTALLUROKAL LITEMATURAE CtailOKATICIA fife 00 U is AV ill As.; As- y -V 171 its 0 of I Is Is Is J) is 1 0 1 M, 0 0 4111 0 04 0 0 0 go 0 *is AS AS 00 106 *0 00 *0 00 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0: 0 0 al 0 0 040 00 I t I I I t I t " ,A t Q n k --AA K W It l1lis A so IRq&Ctlaa Of MCW dcrivallves of oxv compounds sino Cautomeritm. A. N. Ne-mi,yativiv and 1. F~ Lul#cnko, Pokiady Akad. Xamk 59, I. lilt Ki"tirteast y avrialtlelivalt- asid v1dominjitirvury arritnir 14 1. 42, 11 Igo) ars, tvisilml, %iilt a krw tturtuir which, 00 irw! i~ m1perns its Itiv mirlal m,art. Althmsigh the vraclkm~ .4 them rwitIA, suggi-m rno)-kel-) lault-tisvirii-tit, the ctiol .1its'lurr tmt excludes) 1.4clivir ii t-t 1. lies.). The fral 00 ji'~ vkj,l.iiwtk,i# lirss ku I form ut hylxrr-,t gallull. with dis- 7 2 zoo s* 1 0 grulip, "ith lix pla,villens 'd )lg Cloctru- -- - h l 0 b - I remm, at.,sis w pimuchitsig the lanic ~lislir, whi Ow Insists .I allack IAW r1svinji'llille Acyl graula. it, - 1 A i l I O ~ .1 le tq .Jcl -jvt , r'O.rtmv~ dits, xivrn ,A 111t, mi ty Nt A K G 00 'sisi 'Al- . . "witallis: trilull. ' ZOO 41 A, CL,,s$1PACAT,r. " , , is , *14 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 004 4 06 : : :4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 a a 00 . 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 6 0 VSTIN 3V!~"O. 1. F. flThe FJelrl of Yercury-Organic Co-pourd.-;. Report XL111. Preparation of Monohalopenomercury: ketone5 and Aldehyden ovpr Enolacetaten and thAir S- and 0- Alkylation and Acylation.11 SO: Iz. A. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Khir Nauk 6, 1949. Moscow State U Ineni M. V. Loronosov. -194P- CIA 'N I. = 1_ 407474(1940) I .I lirl j -U 8S R iiiamaii'---aIf -hr -decar'*Wixyletloss C'. of alreto -clam. A~2. N v e' S.-:N. Aminchenko. Vch sFyd jg- 13 OIU44 Ultio, im., Af.V' r Org. Khim, 7; 13"3(100')e~The following -1CW pr Ure 11,,U been deveInpW for the synthesis Of a-mercurStO , ' A s dded to 22 t l 5 9 CAf H k CO (W ) C-Lvy a d;ei"r i 60 . . ow wxq s .-_ c t eto ie e, g. y a % NlaOH iTA 210 ml. 11-0, the mixt. shaken 45 min., extd. -z xe % m rhis treated uader C.His with AeCl jave pa"s wimers nf acetate, bw 4"., with EtJO, the aq.' layer acidifitti to Congo mi with dli. a O.OM, SftaWg 86 g.AeCr-.tiCrit=_t -4th ~M** 1.4260, d- L au evapri. of the e%t. IT,S04 and extd. ag-Lin with Et,O, gave . # D 9. Naoff in 150 nil. Hit) 0 weeks pvc uft.T the -tstml 41 MXOA~ Tais (,td g.~ added to 115 C. lfg- the ent"'e It e f th H t O 13 g,) treated with 'treatment 400,'a AcCEt%CO:11. --This e b d e in a piit. o S sa , H, gav ; : as a ova giv 2f) g. fTg(OAc)j In 100 nil. 1110. and heate mixt, wa3 hL-Ated until HS iott vanished from the soln. The: after Altration and treAtmentwitb aq.- KC4 58% J-ehy4; hot soln. wag littered. treAted with 26.7 g. KCI In 1.50 nil. ' i'a tn. 7' This trCMtCd In SMA ne . To 11,0, Yielding a lipt. of 741!.'p AcCA1e,[[gC1, m. 124 On. with AcCl Zave stttite, ba's. orly added 4 g. AcCE thn (16 9.) in 30 mi. pentatie was dm .160-70-, isig IAM, 16 0.9019, Shakiqg 80 1;1* He 241 It, 10 out. Pentahe and the ruixt. heated an steaus bath 0.6 witio, 12.6 X. NAGII In hr. at 30', cooled, AtexyA. and tht filtrate. after washiag 115 ml. EGO 15 mt*. gave M% free add, an oil' This' i wit:t 3% N40H and H%O,- vks, &td. ykidiag 60510 2- treated with art. fft(OACI; as IrlGve gave a. "etate, bin 140.5-41*. oil 1.4250. cl~, * orfercKf kr.1*P*wftx4W. dc~pi 123* Aith Mieratilla OUR rO 9134, This (0.2 p) tpe%ted Witt% 0.1 C. 2,4-d(nItr*phcny1-~ * 4- i th 2 h 2 j I o the Ccuipouivi-liberiotes Hg in imati-,tit. Z. gin nt i 24 e gave . ~ n 0, - ydrazfn iLad 2 ml, Et i ml. HSO*, ~ 9 . " t% %% ! . Ao~ 'COCIfUeli ~m. 117 jdini1r6pJ;ety1Ajdr4zage of jg~d .01CIU&CI a16 ig.) In xykmA with 7 g, Bj.C1 (to tylene bested't 6 W b h h . ~ irM diaking pvc after usual treatment the Ke add U thk~ form of a 4PLip. This With iii. HdOAO)i -rue W%' Z-'j , f at o , c irs. at then 16 rain. an a stegun ,! the filtrate washed withi 5 ml ridine stdcl n filt d d ikh eated *t in 12a rour . e ere . py , . _ 1 d x ;-with A.0 b ra teff-j- 4-bi NaOH Ptut -dist& gave 6a 9-MAY ~~regde. b.4:196-7*. ag IAM, dviTj.9904.-~ Simifs J%16.1 b4'105*1 Shakitig 51 tion with B&CI give 55910 Co"iiadin -Afo:HtCOBt with-22 g. Koff In 4M ifil. HIQ 2 days. . followed by the above treatment fo~ the df-bfe analogi iRle i l dk ~i 1 e~t the crudo s URd y, . (4-1 g.) adifed to 80 ii. ~goAe~i NI'Mad, Ifto and heit, now iFES'='ll 7 c I'll) .~T. LUTj-]','K(), 1.--, Acetates Preparation ofcK -morcurated aldehydes an,! 11C.--torics from criclacetates. no. 132, 1950. OULCOD-2 1052 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,- ": -tp2S,, Uncl. I , Robert Cooley. 1901~- ; TURIYEV, Tu.K., professor [redaktorl LUTMmo. I.F. " MMOVS O.A.; KOCHEMV) N.K. [redaktors]. [Heterocyclic compoundsj Geterotsiklicheskie soedineniia. Perevod a ang- Makoga, I.F.Latsenko, O.A.Reutova, N.K.Kochetkova. pod red. IU.K.IUrleva. Moak-va, Izd-vo inostrannof lit-ry. 1953- . (MLBA 6:8) (Heterocyclic compounds) Chemical Abit. Vol- 48 No- PU Apr. 25# 1954 OrgBrilea Chotiiatry Oiganonlercurycompovu~ds. 'Symmetrization mercurl) ketones. nw~ Ammomov SOw univ.; rKrow TO-fly ilkad. Nan* 11 r. 11. Krtonvi iflth a I Il(X grmiphig are IYfIl;l?Clr 11~'I Into Rifiz by oicitivi of Nil,; dry Nit, givcq 114w Yield. Simply Ilaw-ff ioto life reaction Inixt., bot Ille ffillowit-4 technique gave good Tmuji5 at room lemp. (lirntbig junq Ix. prevented). To 0 g. AXII.-IlgO !if 2JW fill. (01,0), w1:1 llfld~d a soln. of Nil, in (CII,Cl)j 1111til ppill. rea-XII, I'l. . I filtered off, washcd with frcift solveitt, and the goln. evatxl., yieldhig 4A S. diorcelpayburtrury, m. 60' (froot huplane- C.110. This (0-12 x.) will 0.1.11 it, HgUll brateil 11) ribi, Ill MOIl Ravp 0.8 it. AVC11,1140. ill. IIXI-V. Mintilarly, 11JECHIlIgO flod Mh fit (Cll,clh gave A070 (112011),11g, ro, 168*. 2-(Chter4ititercuri)cyctc3S)eittcttiotits %insilarly gave 70% ill. If(.)-12* (from Mel"It. Mt-alle). which, 11~ntvtl with lfgclt ill Rtoll gave, 111filcl, ill. Reaction or Ivith Nit,, us nbove, gave 6570 bis(2-oracychArx I)wrirury, &comp. 120' (from PhMe-octaw!). M K. )- o -P S'E ///~O) -.7-, AIDWINLD, Robert a.; 999mi-X.I~. (translator]; KOCH3TKOV9 NOKSI (translatori KOYM?IYETA, G.A. (translator); TURIYAT, Tuol,, professor, redaktor; SATAROTA. N.Y.. rodaktor;.GBWINOTA, U.S., takhatcheakly redaktor (Heterocyclic compounds] GeterotalklIchaskis soedinenlia. Pereyod a anglilskogo I.I.Inteanko, i dr. Pod redaktatet IU.K.rUrleva. Moskva, Isd-vo Inostrannol lit-ry. Vol.Z. 1954. 432 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Heterocyclic compounds) NOWIELD, R.; KOOHZTXOV, .N.K.Etranalatorl; 'V V (translator]; -2001 IJO KONMTIYXVA, G'Ta4translatorl; YMIYNV, TUX. ''Professor, redaktor; SHABARM, Yusse: redaktor; GEMIKOVA, Ye.S.. tekhniclieskiy redaktor Egetercocyclic compounds. Translated from the English] Geterotsikli- cheskie.soedine'aiia. Pod red. R.111derfilda. Perevod a angliiskogo H.K.Kochatkova, I.F.Luteenko, G.IA.Iondratlevoi. Pod red. O.K. WrIeva. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry. Vol-3. 1954. 357 P. (Elateroc*,clic compounds) (MM 8:4) USSR/chemistry - Synthesis Card 1/1 Pub. 22 Authors lutsenko., I. F., and Foss, V. L. Title Reaction-of keteIne acetals with mercury acetate. Derivation of alpha- mercurated carboxylic acid esters. Periodical. z Dok, W SSSR.98/3, 407-410, Sep 21i 1954 Abstract The reaction between ketene acetals and mercuric acetate was investi.-ated for the purpose of developing a general.method for the synthesis of alpha- mercurated c Iarboxylic acid esters.. The physico-chemical properties of pro- ducts obtained from such a reaction are described.' The effect of metal chlorides (CdCl2, A1Cl3 and HF), on the polymerization of ketene acetals, is explained. -The resUlts obtained, with less reactive chloro-and bromoketene acetals, are listed. Nine references: 5-USA; 2-German and 2-USSR (1900- 1953). Institution The MOV. Lomonosov State University, Moscow ~Presented by- Academician A. N. Nesreyanov, June 3. 1954 J: '-i ~\O ~V ~' EMERYIELD. Robert C.; REMV, O.A.,[translator];W jj. .�JMq, I (transiator);KOCWMOV, N.K.[tranalator],-KONDTRATITWA, G.-Ta. (tranalator];YURIYXV, Tu.K., professor, redaktor-, SWAROV, Tu.S. redaktor: OGANDZNANDVA, N.A., redaktor; GERASIMOVA,Te.S., tekhnichookiy redaktor. [Heterocyclic compounde.Tranalated from the Inglishl Geterotsi- klicheskie soedinanila. Perevod s angliiskogo O.A.Reutova, i dr. Pod red. Iu.K.Iurlova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, Vol. 4. 1955. 538 P. (MLRA 8:11) (Heterocyclic compounds) L (JT5,C J-~ b T. F, USSR/Chemistrv~..-, Organic. chemi5tr7 caw i/I Pubf_22 24/49 Authors'- 'LutisenkoiLFop and,M=toyp -He H. :=4 t Reaction of HgD'withvinyl others,. I ::D6ke AN,SM 102/107-99 MAY It. 1955 4bstraot: .1 Two. new. methods of synthesizing mercury bis-ket6nes and mercury bis-acetal- dehydes aredescribed, The productwobtained through the application of the now methods are listed, Itwas established.that the addition of Hg to ethylenein an'alkali medium leads only to the formation of ethano-I lmorcury-hydroxide which does not react with-an alkene'surplus, It was also found that the reaction between moist HgD:and vinyl etherep.which results in direct formation of mercuri-organic compoundst passes an intermediate stage or.formation of mercuri-organic.hydroxides. Four references: 3 USSR and.1 USA (1947-1953)6 .Institution t ''The Moscow State University im* 11. V. Loraonosov Presented by 'Acadpniqlan,A~ 11~ Neaneyanov, Dectnb(_-r 20, 1954 Name: LUTSENKO, Ivan Pomich Dissertation: Studies in the Field of Mercuro- Organic Derivatives of Aldehydes, Ketones, and Complex Esters of Car- bonic Acids Degree: Doc Chem Sci Affiliation: ZN-ot indicateg Defense Date, Place: 21 Jun 56, Council of Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State U imeni Lomonosov Certification Date: 29 Sep 56 Source: BMVO 6/57 ----------- - T a~ S_ r 7 W.Aemocm d or AAO El A ""W* maturated c6nim--- an urk,:iv L0!1!60~ F-W,Ite rad. L.44~",~' AMM LI 1; BuU. Acad. Iki.. DIV, Chem: IVIW. 25-O(Pulti. trangLittiou To flitcred win. of 3 r. PhllgOll in 1,10 in) MeOll w,, 2 ii. Etoca:clj, jind the v4n. was etAted. );i thc (.31-mg day, yiRlding M% Plitlig and a rt-skiuaJ ml, which h-t-i with 119CO4 pvc Phlfga. The csi,luid "n~ -.s yielding CM;CHtCH0, m IZI~-V, in 73% vield Simil" M--tlon of 0 g. PMwWf vith 4 g. FqOCH:Ciit guve iixj% Phsffg; the mictual oil wan dild- with BtOll, tivated with t drop ckf mned, HCI, heated to b