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LUPINEK, M. High-frequency heating in the manufacture of radio tubes. p. 28. Vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1953 STABOPROUDY OBZOR Frktha, Czedhoslcrvakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 I'lo. 4 -pril 1956 ,4 LTPrTEK, Characteristic Dropeeties o-," cat-odes vrith hot eni=lon of electrons (Supplement) p. F67. (Slaboproud-~ Cr%-Zor. Fraha. Vol. 1h, no. 11, !ov. 191~~) SO: Monthly List of East E'uropean Accessions, LC, Vol. 4, 110. 6, June 1955, Tincl. LUPINEK, M. Ncw cathodes for electronic valves. P. 74., SLABOPROUDY 0BZ0H, Pra7ue) Vol. 15, no. 2. Feb. 195h, SO: Monthly List of East 6uropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, "o. 6 dune 1956, Uncl. LUPILEK, V. Stivin and others' vvsok rpkvencni ohrey M mi=a1m (Hi;!h-Frg,,Q-oency inducti= Heatim in Industry, ); a book review. P. 337. (SLUOPROUDY QBZOR, Vol. 17, Z,o. 6, June 1956, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl. 2940, _SS FOR E LE C ,t !UFUSIO. L A 17, Nm 393-7 (1956). In Czocli A review paper dealULg %-M the kntmn electricai and ierhnr - q-; --f logical dita abWned %%th '-we oldQT T, cathodu Md B:kW ' CathOdV *iLn DATWIn AL%d~ AA,l ".rfw me -ode., The cathode is made of pare tuftgates powder which Is afterwardu tmpmgnated at high rempar- i. alure JUW has thc eruleaton characterfttirm C." thG Old C=bod~-s %PA Lupinek, M. Lupinek, M. L. N. Dobretsov's Electron 'and -Ion Discharges; a book review. (Supplement). p. L9. Vol. 18, no. 2, Feb. 1957 SIABOPROUDY OBZOR TECTRIOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6, May 1957 NO. -~ CZECHOSWVAKIA/Radiophysics Generation and Transformation of 1-3 Radio Frequency Flucturations. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1958, No 4077 Author Lup , 'i Inst Not Given Utle Magnetron Oscillators for High Frequency Heating Orig Pub Slaboproudy obzor, 1957, 18, rio 6, 362-366 Abstract Pxamination of the fundamental principles of dielectric heating at ultra high frequency waves, examples of its ap- plication in practice, requirements that must be satisfied by high frequency generagors, and examples of constructions of magnetrons Card BANACH, J., inz.; LUPINEK, M., inz. dr.; PETRAS, I., inz.; TRUSA, V. A magnetron amplifier for the 3 cm band (A 48), Sbor vak elektrotech 4: 5-15 164. 1. Tesla, Pardubice (for Banach). 2. Research Institute of Vacuum Electrical Engineering, Prague (for all except Banach). 1WINEK, . SCIENCE Periodicals: METECHOLOGICKE ZPRAVY. Vol. 11, no. 6, Dec. 1958 LUPINEK, Z. Batteries for radiosondes. p. 142. Montbly List of East European Accesssions (EEAI) LC,Vol. 8, No. 5, MaY 1959, Unclass. LUPINEK, Z.; PAMIA, R.; KONECNY, M.; URBANEK, E. Effect of chloroquine on the activity of the thyroid gland. Ser. zed. fac. mod. Brunansis 34 no.6:257-262 161. 1. Katedra farmakologie lekarske fakulty university -T. E. P. v Brne 'Vedouci MUDr. Josef Sajner, C. Sa. Oddeleni nuklearni sediciny katedry patologicke fysiologie lekarske fakulty university J. E. P. v Brne Vedouci Doe. MUDr. Jaromir Vasku, C. Se. (THYROID GLAND pharmacol) (CHLOROQUINE pharmacol) )Z dni 4" -W~a; Given N~L -~f 3 Countr-y: C-.~cchoslovakia Academic Degrees: MD Cbsir of Pbermacology and ToxicolOgy Medical Faculty Jan E. Purkyne Univ- Affiliation: ersit,., (Katedra farmakologie a' Yoxilologie lekarske fakulty University J. .%% P~rlcynej C! tef: Dr J. SAJNV.R; Brno Source I~raglie, Praktick Lekart Vol 41,-n-irzi6, Aug 21, ig6l; pp 6go-693 Data' "Therapy of Undesirable flea4tions to Youlailliall Gro 981603 t I t" 4, r cm. 1e. wor~rx&'. lci. jr o ta ;.t, !37:-'A.", Pr. .~St-ti- of :.p -~,7- --ut Q-* L-', ilr,, r 22. r reti ;o Z3. ;~'.l in 24. r ZL, LUPINITP Z.; RYSAVY, F.; SVOEODA, K.; PRIKRYL, Z. On clinical experiences with some, dnigs used in the restment of angina pectcris. Scr. med. fac. med. Bminensis 38 no.1: 51-63 f65 1. 1. interni klinika lekarske f"-ulty University J.E.Purkyno v Ihne (vedouci., prof. WJDr. M. Stejfa) a Mestsky. ustav narod- niho zdravi v Bme (vedouci-, RUDr. J. Trnka). LUPINKOVAp Z.; ~INEK# Z- On drug therapy of ULen3-Asls. Vhitmi lek. 11 no.3t270-275 Mr. 165 1. 1. vnitrni klinika lekaroke fakixlty Univeroity J.E.Purk-yne v Bme (prednostat prof. MUDr. M. Stejfa). L'UPTIIEK, Z. Biogenic amines. Vnitrni lek. 11 no-4:1+00-40 Ap'65- . LUPIIIOS, B. (g.Amvrosiyevka) They know the value of a human being. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. no-3:66-67 Kr '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Amvrosiyevka--Cement industries--Hygienic aspects) -LUPINOS, B (g.Anvr-o9iyevlm) -10 "1 the Joy of rguat Gabelka. Okhr, truda i sois. strakh. 3 no. 12:33-35 D 160. (KEU 13:12) (Amvrosiyovka--Cement industries--B~rgienic aspects) LUPIN03, I. Science is our aid. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.22:10-11 N 163. (KIRA 17: 1) 1. Predsedatell soveta Nauchno-tokhnicheakogo obshchestva sovkhoza imeni 1 mayal Kharikovskaya obi. LUPT,I,IOS, 1. T., (Chief Veterjrni7 Surgeon of U~e State fa-rr. i-rrzn--'l Yayaj KharIkov oblast2) Control of chicken coccidiosis Veterinariya vo2* 381 no. 9) Septenber pp. 19. PALIMS&IFUM, 14. A. (Professor), TDMNIM, A. D. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Kharkov Zooveterinary Institute) and LUPINOS Is T. (Veterinary Surgeon, pouLtry breeding sovkhoz "imeni I Maya"Y Kharkov Gblast~ "Medicinal effectiveness of furazolidone in chicken cocidiosis" Veterinarlya., vol. 39, no. 4, April-.1962, p. 46 LUPINOS, I.T. Controlling coccidicuis in chickens. Vaterinarlia 38 no.9:. 19-20 S 161. (MA 16:8) 1. G:Lavnyy vetarinarn~7 vrach sovkhoza imeni 1-go Maya, Kharikovskoy oblasti. ljW T 41 of o 6s 0 e *foe 0 0 of 00, n *to A III r. A AA A M 14-2 00 Af tool-I . - ---- go Th. of larmisers an the act-Ularlm of dtric add tbviss"sal S. S. R, P.A. lCurchelay. I C". Ztnl 2M.-Diffemt kinds W "Malthfaks" from the Rumis) oontWu up to 9..'1% citric ". e"llett""It Of the citric acid in ttw 00 .3 k-, Is postible. The wax. &~cmmulmdnn 'Itfic aeki wax obtaitted " he uqe of 9 tefidiser. A( l r il oblahwd per t14. tvrrwnt 330 kg, a(vilric uci Nt. G. ltl.w~ 'a woo ill A18.1ta ellAtLb"KAL L"1141WO CLAIWKAtON WerrNm6-man ##saw "At 4NV 464 4T U-04-cl - U 9 AV !ili. 1 0 a 0 3 1 9 b 14 It a n 0 0 0 of -06 age, woo be* gom got lee LUPIIIOVICHo IVAN STEPANOVICH Vice Pres., Belorussian Acad. Sci-, cl948-51-- Dr. Agricultural Sci.Mr., Editorial Bd., Vestnik Akad. Nauk Belorussian SSR, -1943-. *On the Question Concerning the Change in Physico-Biochemical Characteristics of Peat Soil in Connection with Develop- ment and Agricultural Utilization,O.Iz. Ak.Nauk. BSSR, No. 3, 1949; OContemporary Status of the Study of the Polessk Lowlands and the Undertaking of Scientific Research Organization of Problems of Utilization and DeveloFment of the Productive Forces of Poleslye," from Collection: K voprosy i razvitiya proizvodit, oil Poleslya, Iz. Dokladovna Konfetsii, posvyashch. izucheniyu proizvodit, sil Poleslya, Minsk, 1949. "Zaitriche Soils of West Siberia and their Utilization for the Cultivation of Koksaghyzv* Fedology, No 2, 1942. Prof. LUPINOVICH, I.S. and CHUDAKOVpE%,genii Alekseevich CHUDAKOV, Evgenii Alekseevich and I.S. Lupinovich. Osnovnye itogi rabot Komissii po mobilizatsii resursov Srednego Povolzhlia i Prikamlia za 1942-1944 gg. Moskva, AN SSSRI 1945. 89 p. (Akademiia Nauk 33SR, Sovet po izucheniiu proizvoditellnykh sil.) DLC: TH85.G5 SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951., Uncl. i. . 419,-,l. GIU611GHIENKOV, N. I. LUP11,10VICH, I. S, Iton, komplechoy I-onferentsii po izucheniyu proiznoditellnyM sil poleskoy nizmennostn. akad. ;a,..-.k BSSR., No. L,, 1948, s. 27-38 SO: Letopis' Zhurnalln,rkh Statey, Vol. 47, 191j8 LUPINOVICH i i. S. 42162 LuPD4,ovicH, i. s. Michurinskaya agrobiologicheskaya nauka i yee roll v razvitii sotsialistielieskogo sellskogo khozyaystva BSSR. (Doklad i preniya na zasedanii prezidimma Akad. nauk BSSR 3sent. 1948g.) Izvestinya Akad. nauk BSSR, lio-5, 194B, c. 3547,49-102. SO: Letopist Zhurnalfnykh Statey, Vol. 47, 1948 LUPINOVICH, !. S. 42372 YERMOLEENKO, N. F. , LUPINOVICH, I. S. - Problema ispollzovaniya lyupina. (K itorfem soveshchaniya Nauk akad Nauk VSSR. May 1948 r,,). Izvestiya S. 107-16: lcoit-leksnoryo tekhnicheskoto pri'Otd-Niifizmate- ch tekhn. akad. Nauk Vssr 'No' 5) 1"4L, SO: Letopis' Zhumallnykh Statey, Vol. 03 19h8 -Lumovm, r.s., ad, -- --- AUDEMIrA navuk BSSR,, Minsk* Handbook an draining and agricultural utilization of swamps, Minsk# Goa* izd-vo BSSR, Redo sellkhos. lit-x7', 1949. 290 p. (54-213.64) S621.A4 LUPEX)VI-r-flij i. S. 27220 Sovremennoe Sostoyanie Izuchennosti Polesskoy Nizmennosti I Zadachi NlucILno- Issledovatellskikh Organizatsiy V Probl-2me Osvoeniya I ltawdtiya Proizvodite- llnykh Sil Poleslya. V sb: K Voprosu Osvoeniya I Razvitiya Proizvodit. Sil Poleslya. Minsk, 1949, s. 7-27.-- Bibliogr: 64 Nazv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnaltnykh Statey, Vol. 36, 1949 LUPINOVIGH~ I-mD. 22525 Luninovich, I. C. I Golub T. F. K Voprosu Ob Izmenenii Fiziko- Bibkhimicheakikh Svoistv Torfyanykh Po Chv V Svyazi S 14e3.iorztsiei I Sel'Skokhozya Istvennym Ispolizovaniem. Izvestiya Akad Nauk Bear 1949 No. 3 S 57-77 Bibliogri: Nazv SO: Letopis! No. -30, 1949 L'i,';.f ~f,~-vjrt-, ,T ACriculture Great pro, sects of communism and the transformation of nat,ire; collection of art`cles) Pod red I.S. Lupinovicha. Mlinsk, Izd. Akad. nauk BSSR, 1951 y of' Congres,--, Dec. 1952. Uncla.,--ified Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librax- 1. LUPINOVIGH' I. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture 7. Peat-bog soils in the Belorussian S. S. R. and their fertility. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSRp 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953. Unclassified. LUPINOT194,JJ.; SKOROPANOT, S.G.; BEHISOT, Z.N.; KOTDA, T.A.o otv.rede; WUKOV, r-ad.izd-va; rOLYAKOVA, T.Y., (Transformation of natw-e in-the Polesyan loVlandel Preobrazo- vanie prLrody Polesskoi nizmanAosti. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1953. 77 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Polesye--Drainage) %1. -1. - kN Up //v 6- t~ 1, HIMYL4DVSUYAO V.A.; SHISHKIII. B.K., red.; red.: TOMIN, M.P., red.; AINKSAIIDROVICH, Kh., (Flora of the Polsaye Lowlands] Flora 'Poleankoi nizmennosti. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1953. 453 P. (MIRA lli5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shishkin). 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen AN BSSR (for bipinovich) - 3. Ohlen-korreaDondent AN BSSR (for Tomin) (Polseye-Botany) The Comittee cc Stalin Prizes (Of the Council of Xinisters MR) in the fields of sciewe and invwtlws anno=es that the following scientific works., popular scien- tifle books,, and textbooka have been submitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (SoveteMys Wascavp No. 22-40p 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954) Name Title of Work N=inated ~j LUPINOVICH, I.S. 'Peaty Svamp Soils of the Acadev of Sciences GOLUB, T.F. Belorussian SSR bnd Their Belorussian SSR Fertility" SO: W-306C4., 7 JulY 1954 The comittee on stalin Prize& (or the council of maj um) in the fields of sclenoe and inventions anmowam tbat the following sclentific works, popular sai=- tific books, and textbooks hav* been submitted for competition for Stalinftizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Sovetskaya Kulturs Moscow,, ro. 22-40, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 195411 Ran* Lapinovich I. S. Rogovo.vt P. P. Kedvedev, A. G. Bulgakov, N. P. Chetverikov, V. N. Title of Work "Soils of the Belorussian SSRN Noednated bX Institute of Socialist Agri- culture, Academy of Sciences Ealoruselan SSR SO: w-306&j, 7 July 1954 KAYGORODOV,A.I.; TOPINOVICH I.S., redaktor; MARKOV,V.Ya., redaktor; DiRMICYUSKIt.t. ".,-IOw-O-r f isiko-matematichesirikh nw , re- daktor; POLYAKOVA.T.V., takhnicheakiy rodaktor [Olassifteation of the earth's climates by natural zones] Ratestven- nala zonalluala klassifikatatia klimatov zemnogo shara. Koskva. Izd- vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 117 P. (KLRA 9:1) 1. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Belorueekoy SSR (for 1upinovich, Dzerdzeyevokly) 2. Vitae-prezident Akademil nauk Belorueskoy SSR, (for Dzerdzeyevskiy) (Climatology) LUPIW -5,,, professor; SHCHITNIKOV, P.I., inzhener. 1.11 ~' ~, Drainage and cultivation of swamps and swampy soils in the Polesye Lowland. Trudy Inst.mel..vod.i bol.khoz.Aff BSSR 6: 3-20 '55. (ifra& 9: lo) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AN BSSR (for Lupinovich) 2. Direktor Belgiprovodkhoza. (for Shcbitnikov). (Polesye--Drainage) (Polesys-Swamps) SKOROPANOV, S.G.; ROZSNBLYUH. B.H.; VANIKIVIGH, A.P.; LTJPINOVIQ9, 1 3 MALUP akademik. redaktor; KAZACHENOK. V., reiaktor; KWINOVICH, Tai--.~ tekhnicheskiy redalctor [New and wastelands of White Russia and their reclamation) TSelimye i zalezhnye zemli BSSR i ikh oevoenie. Hinak, Goa. izd-vo BSSR, 1956. 122 ps (MLRA 9:10) le Akademlya nauk BSSR (for Lupinovich) (White Russia-Agriculture) INOVICH. I.S.. akadamik, radaktor; LAPPO, A.I., akademik, radaktor; ---RABTzuvmm, A., redaktor; KA"INOVICH, Ta., tekhmioeikiy redaktor (Corn; a guide to corn growing in White Russia] Kukuruza; rukovodetvo po voxdelyvaniiu Wakuruzy v BSSR. Minsk, Goo.izd-vo BSSR. 1956. 283 p. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR. (for Lupinovich, Lappo) (White Rusbia--Gorn (Kaize)) p.S. , nAixchw rodaktor; SHCHIRBINA, LUKASHIV, K.I., skademik; UIPI-99 T. N. . nauchnyy re"~ 'Utlib4lik L, redaktor; GURVICEI, G., tekhnichaskiy radaktor [Geochamical types of weathering zones in Soviet territory] Zonal'- aye geokhimicheekle tipy kory vyvetrivaniia na territoril SSSR. Minsk, Izd-vo Belorusskogo goo. univ. im. V.Llenina, 1956. 304 p. (KIRA 10:2) 1, Akademlya nauk BSSR (for Lukashev) (Weathering) (Geochamistry) IIJPINOVICH, I.S., akademiks redaktor; SIOROPANOV, B.G.. redaktor; IARIN, T., redaxtorc KARPINOVICH. Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Meadows and pastures of White Russia and their improvement] rormovye ugodlia BSSR I ikh uluchahanie. Pod red. I.S.lupinovicha i B.G. Skoropanova. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR, 1956. 403 p. (MLRA 9:12) 1. AlFademiya navuk BSSR, Minsk. Instytut meliyaratay-i, voluai i balotnai haspadarki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All BSSR (for Skoropanov) (White Russia-Pastures and meadows) LUPIOVICH, I. S. 6 "The Cultivation of-Marshy Soils.," a piper presented at the 6th International oil Science Congressy Paris., 28 Aug to 8 Sep 56. In Library Branch #5 LUPINOVICH. I.S.;,TANUSHKEVICH, K.H., kandydrt biroagichnykh navukakademik. Effect of the root system of perennial grasses on the distribution of microorganisms in peat-bog soils. Testsi AN BSSR Ser.b~:ral.nxv. noig:5-16 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. AkAdonlya nauk BSSR (for luplnoyich).- (Grasses) (Rhixosphere microbiology) (Post soils) Country I USSR Category : Soil Science. Fertilizers, General. j Abs Jour 3 RZhBiol.9 No 6, 1959, No 24641 Author : Lupinovich, I. Si; Golub, T. F.; Va7ulaj Inst : Academy of Sciences BSSR. Title : Concerning the Effect of Fertilizers on the Fertility of Peab-Boggy Soils,- Orig Pub $ Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biYal. no, 1956, No. 3, 5-14 Abstract The joint application of lime, manure and kainite on the peat-boggy soils of the low- land type of the Minsk Bog Experimental Sta- tion (1950-1953) caus,3d considerable increase in the soil of the quantity of ammonia-fixa- tion bacteria, nitrification organisms7 acti- nomyces and spore-fornning =14croorganisms. Mi- neralization processes of the organic residues Card 1/2 Country : USSR Category : Soil Science. Fertilizers. General. Abs Jour : RZhBiolj No 6, 1959, No 24641 Author Inst Title Orig Pub A Abstract t were intensified Ln the soil. The potato har- vest in fertilized regions reached 173 percent in comparison with the harvest on plots under control. - B. Kh. Sukhareva Card : 2/2 47 LUPINOVICH mi TICH, X.N. oppent of microflora in the rhizomphers, of alfalfa on peat bog soils-of new"and old eultivation. Yestai.AN BSSR. Bar. blial. nay. no.4-0-18 '56. (MLHA 10t6) (Alfalfa) (Rhizosphers mierobiology) USSR / Soil Science. Biology of Soils. IT Aus Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 195S, 9573?. Author Lupinovicj._j._,q,., Vavulo, F. P. Inst :-S-el-orussian Scientific-Research Institute of Melioration and Water Management. Title Spread of Mlicroorganisms Which Destroy Cellulose in the Peat-Marsh Soils of the BSSR. Orig Pub: Tr. Belorussk. n.-i. in-ta melior, i vodn. kh-va, 1956, 7, 317-329. Abstract: The influence was studied of the various methods of cultivating peat-marsh soils on the develop- ment of microorganisms which destroy cellulose. Destruction of cellulose Drocceded more actively in variants with autumn plowing plus spring disk- ing and spring cultivation without plowing in com- parison with full preparation of the soil from Card 1/2 USSR / Soil Science. Biology of Soils. IT Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 95737. Abstract: autumn on (disking). With primary cc-ltivation of virgin peat soils, more favorable conditions for cellulose-destroying microorganisms (in the surface horizons) were created by cutting in than were by plow cultivation. It is also indi- cated that in the upper ho-rizons of old aitAle soils, the aerobic cellulose-destroying micro- flora are more active in comparison with the mi- croflora of unreclaimed marshes. There was no marked difference in the composition of the mi- croflora species of these soils. The use of azo- bacterin has a positive influence on the develop- aent of cytophaga and contributes to the increase of harvest on the peat soils. -- D. B. Gurfell. Card 2/2 ~)-7111V V-T C~ P, SXOROPANOV, S.G.; SHABUNINA, M.M.; LUPINOVIC~,,,-J..A.,akademik, redaktor; BARMICHEV,V.,rodaktor izdatellotva; ALEKSANDROVICH, Kh.,tekhredaktor [Importance of farming perennial grasses in bog soils] Agrotekhnicheskaia roll mnogoletnikh trav na torfiano-bolotnykh pochvakh. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1957. 114 P. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Akadamiya uauk BSSR. (for Lupinovich) (Peat soils) (Grasses) LUPINOTICH, I.S., akademik; VATULA, F.P., kand.biol.nauk Distribution of nitrifying bacteria in peat-bog soils of the White Russian S.S.R. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biiale nav. no.4:5-13 157. (KRA 11:6) 1.AN BSSR (for Lupinovich). (WHITE RUSSIA-PEAT SOILS) (BACTERIA, ~ITRIMM) LUPINOVICHLIA., akademik; SIM-YARI A.Kh., dotsent; SINYAKOVICH, G..A.I, redo; LAUMAs M., tekhred. [Through the White Russian Folesye; geographical sketches] Po Belorusako= Polestiu; geografichaskie ocharki. Minsk, Belo- rueskii gos.univ., 1958. 100 p. WRA 12:4) 1. Akajdamiya nauk BSSR (for Lapinovich). (Poleoye) MALININ, B.N.,dotsent. kand.ekon.nauk,; LUPINOVICH, I.S., doktor sellskok6z.nouk, skademik, zameottitell; URUSOV, V.V., otv,red. pu vypusku; LUKAS=, X.I., doktor goologo-mineral.nank. skademik, red,; AVKSENTOYEV, A,N,, kand.geologo-mineral.nouk, red,; ROGOVOY, P.P., doktor seliskokhoz.nauk, akademik, red. Sostaviteli kart: BOBYLLFTA, Ye.A.; VOLKOVA,V.V.; VORONTSOVA, G.V.; M OVA, N.T.; TIEHONRAVOVA. Ye.T.. ILIYUSHIN. I.M., kgnd.filosof.nauk. red.kart; KRAVCHINKO, I.S., kand.istor.nauk, red.kart; KUPREVICH, Y.F., doktor biolog.nauk, akademik, red.kart; BURNAL, T.S., red.-kartograf; GULYUK, G.I.. red.-kartograf; LEVSHINOV, A.O., red.-kartograf; RMOVSKATA, M.S., red.-kartograf; SVIRSKIY, A.S., red.-kartograf [Atlas o the White Russian Soviet Socialist Reimblic] Atlas Belo- rusakoy bovetzkoy Sotsialisticheakoy Renxbliki. Minsk, Akad.nauk BSSR. Glav.upr.goodez. i kartografii M SSSR, 1958. XIV. 140 maps. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Predesdatell Gosplana BSSR (for Kalinin). 2. AN BSSR; prezident Akademii sel'skokhoz.nauk BSSR (for Lupinovich). 3. Direktor Minskoy kartograficheskoy fabriki (for Urnsov). 4. AN BSSR; vif,5e-prozident -AN BSSR (for Lukashev). 5. AN BSSR (for Rogovoy)j 6. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Illyushin). 7. AN BSSR; chlen-korrespondent AN SM; prezident AN BSSR (for Kuprevich). (White Rassia-Kaps) WPOOTICHg I.S.1- GOLUBg T*7*; KdM,'V4,, red.; DUU.T. Oe, red. ied-Va; vDimmabrim, Z., tekha, rscl,, [Peat-bog soils in White Bassia'aid their fertility] Torflano- bolotiVe pochvy BSSR i U& pl~d=idisr. U424', perer. i dap. 141tisk, Izd-vo Akad. nmk BSSR, 1900' -315 r,.,. Omm llzq) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii fimuk SSSR (for Kovda).' (White ftssla-Peat soils) AUTHOR: Gerardi, I.A., Engineer SOV/99-58-10-13/13 TITLEt Melioration Probleme at the Joint 3ension of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sedoncoa imoni V..I. Lenin in blinok (Voprosy melioratsii na ob jediriannoy 8~ssii 'Vfjeooyuznoy akademii sells-kokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina v g. Minske) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1958, Nr 10; pp 61-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From 8-11 July 1958, a joint scientific session of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V.I. Lenin took place in Alinsk. The main subject of this conference was the generalization of scientific achievements and ex- perience in the draining and util-1zation of swamps in the non-black soil regions of the European part of the USSR. Representatives of many scientific research institutes, the respective ministries and of some kolkhozes took part in this meeting. P-P, Lobanov, President of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V.I. Lenin reported on "The Growing Role of Scientific Institutions in the Organization of Agricultural Production According to the Regulations of the July Plenum of the TsK KPSS11, I.S. Lupinovich, President of the Byelorussian Academy obf-Agri- Card 112 ture spoke on the necessity of a fundamental chaniSe in SOV/99-58-10-13/13 Melioration Problems at the Joint- Session of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imGn4- V,I. Lenin in Minsk drainage methods in the BSSR and the Baltic Republics, Te-Ye. Smirnov, head of" the kolkhoz BVO and Hero of Socialist Labor, and K.I, Shaplyko.- head of the kolkhoz 'Chyrvonaya zmena" and Hero of Social-int Labor, reported on the importance and influence of drainage methods im the production of kolkhozes. Academician I.A. Sharov dealt. with "The Improvement of Drainage Methodo in Ot!.,er Regi:)n,- of %,hd'1JS-SR_, and Its Further De-.relopmentlll. I, A, Qelc_ys., Dixectlc- r.A the Lithuanian Scientific Research Institute of IYelioration, reported on progress made in this field in the Lithuanian Republic~ Ya.Ya, Be~rgman, Director of the Lat-rian Scien- tific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melio- ration, presented some data on a harvest increase in drained areas of the kolkhozes "Nakotne" and I~Daylell. There is 1 table. 1. Soils--Moisture content 2. Wr-.ter--Control 3. DraLn%,Lg-; 4. Scientific reporte Card 2/2 uscomm-Dc-U239 KaININ, S.N.; LMRQYI&lLlA.-;, HOLOCHKO, I.S.; ABRAMCHUX, A.P.; ALEKSEYEV. Ye.K.; ALISMIK, P.I.; AMBROSOV, A.L.; Alf=YETA, N.M.; ANOKHIN, A.H.; APORIN, K.I.; BABOSOV, N.M.; BALOBIN,V.H.; BARANOVSKIY, A.K.; BEZ- D3NKO' T.T.; BMISKIY, B.B.; BOBKOVA, A.F.; BCLI&HAKOVA, V.P.; BUL- GAKOV, N.P.; VAGIN, A.T.; BILIDYLUSH, R.T.; VILICIIINSKIY, A.D.; VLASOVA, K.S.; VOYTKO, D.I.; VOLU2NN, A.G.; GABYSIOV, M.F. [deceased]; GAYKO, A.A.; OALASHEV, N.A.; GOREGLYAD, Kh.S.; GAMSHA, I.F.; GOSTI- LOVSKAYA, U.N.; GMUNOVA, N.N.-, GORSKIY, N.A.; GORFINMI, Z.Sh.; GRUBILKO, H.P.; GUSAKOV, V.A.; GTJDAYKIII, A.I.; DANIWVICH, A.F.; DEMEWYEV, V.A.; DENISOV, Z.N.; DOR07.BKIN, N.A.; DUBOV, A.B.; DUBOV- SKIY' Ya.K.; YhVTIKHIY3V, B.Ye.; ZHARIKOV, I.S.; ZHILIN, A.P.; ZHCLITE- ROVICH, A.M.; ZHURAVELI, B.N.; ZABELLO, D.A.; ZAKffAXMXO, G.D.; Zu- BETS, V.R.; IVITSKIY, A.I.; XACHURO, I.M.; KNEROV-ZIMLW, O.K.; KIDA- LINSKIY, V.A.; K1112WARLITS, A.F.; KOVALEVSKIY. G.T.; KOVALOCHUK. P.P.; KOZHOOTI K"Ya.; KOZLOVSKIY, I.Ye.; KOCMOVA. Z.N.; KRIVODUBSUY, I.P.; KULRYAVTSEY, S.F.; KUSTOVA, A.I.; LAPPO, A.I.; LARIONRNKO, V.B.; LASMVICH, G.I.; RALICIDWELlY, V.I.; MAHIKO, N.F.; YARKOVETS, A.F.; ULTSEM9.14.Ye.; MEDYI=V, A.G.; MELITS1M. Ya.D.; MOISEYEV, I.G.; MUSORDF, Y.V.; MUKRIN. N.D.; NAGORSKAYA, Ye.D.; IIALIBOTMIY, S.B.; NIKCLAYHYA. Yu.N.,- IMDGLUWV, I.T.; ORLOVSKIY, I.A.; ORLOVSKIY, K.P.; PAHMICH, A.A.; P=IN, A.L.; PROKOPOV, F.Ye.; PUSECAREV, I.I.; RAZMYSLOVICH, I.R.; RAZMOKO, A.V.; REMOVA, Z.I.; RIUKIS. V.A.; ROVDO, A.I.; ROGOVOY, P.P.; ROZENBLYUM, B.M.; RYZHMANOV, A.G.; RUSI- NOV. A.A.; SAVCHENKO, A.I.; SAMIOV, V.A.; SAFROITOV, I.P.; SVIRSKIY. Ya.N.; SbTrMICY, V.P.; =GE7EV, I.V.; WrAPHOV, A.L.; SIDORENKO, G.M.; (Continued on next card) MININ, S.N. -(continued) Card 2. SKOROPANOT, B.G.; S1MIPNICHDfKO, L.A.; SMIRNOV, T.Ye.; STAROVOYTOV, K.T. (deceased]; STRELKOV, I.G.; SUSLOV. V.P.; SUKHORUKOV, G.Ye.; SMAROV, A.Ye.; TIMOSHOIN, V.D.; TISHOVICH, I.I.; TROPASHKO, I.N.; TRIZITO, S.I.; TRIItA, N.K.; TUZOVA, R.V.; TCWTSKIY, R.L.; UKANSKIY, M.M.; UROYEV, I.M.; KHOTIKO, A.I.; KHROBOSTOV, S.N.; TSE- KHANOVICH, P.V.; C01WAVSKIY, I.G.; CHULKOVA, Ye.I.; CHUNOSOV, M.N.; SHEMPELI, V.I.; SHIKIULMV, X.F.; SHKLYAR, A.Ye.; SHCIEMOV, N.A.; YURGENS, B.A.; YUSKOUTS, M.K.; YAKOVTj.W-,, B.I.; YAKERSON. S.A.; YARO- SHEVICH, A.A.; LUTSENKO, M.N., red.; LARIN, V., red.; Y CHITS, G., [Measures for Increasing agricultural production per 100 hectares of land on collective and state farms of White Russiaj Heropriiatiia p0 uvelicheniiu proizvodstva sallskokhoziaistvannoi produktaii na 100 gaktarov zemellnykh ugodii v kolkhozakh I sovkhozakh BSSR. Red.kolle- giia; I.S.Lupinovich I dr. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1959. 601 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. White Russia. Ministarstvo sellskogo khozyaystva. (White Russia--Agriculture) JUPINOTICH. 1.5,0-ekedemik, otv. red.; MIMVICH, I.A.. Omdemlk, red.; LAPPO. A.I., ekademik. red.; KKDTHM. A.G.. skedemik, red.; NIBUTICH, I.A.. skedemik. red.; ROGOVOY, P.P., okadealk, red.; SHgMLI, V.I., skademik, red.; STRZKOV, I.G., doteent, red. [Materials of the Conference on the Methods of Research on Increasing the Fertility of Light Soils) Xaterialy Nbuchno- matodiohaskogo soveshchaniis po povyshenliu plodorodiia leg- k1kh pochv. Xinek, 1939. Moskva, Izd-vo M-ve sellkhos. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-metodiahookoye eoveshchanive po povyahenlyu plodo- rodiya legkikh pochv. Minsk, 1939. 2. Akademiya nauk BSSR i Akademiya sellukokhozyaystvennfkh neuk BSSR (for Shempell) (Soil fertility) LUPIMVICH, I.S.. akademik Introducing efficient cropping practices on collective and state farms of White Bussia. Zemledelie 7 no.10:3-10 0 159. OUR& 13:1) 1. Akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennVkh nauk BSSR. (Vhite Russia--Agriculture) SKOROPANOT, S.G., glavnyy red.; MEZHNEV, D.D., red.- LUPINOVICH, I.S.% skademik, red.; SINYAGIN, I.I., red.; SOKOLOV, N.S., red.; KHOTI]CO, A.I.. kand.sallekokhoz.nsuk, red.; WMIGA, X.T., red.; UIRIDOV, V.I., [Reclaiming bog and swampy soils of the non-Chernozen zone of the Buropeen U.S.S.R.; materials of the joint scientific session, July 8-11, 19581 09voenie bolotnykh i sabolochennykh pochy necherno- zemnoi zony Evropeiskoi chBati SSSR; materisly obwedinannoi nauchnoi sessil 8-11 ilulia 1958 g. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.sellkhoz.nauk 'BSSR. 1960. 258 p. (miRA 14:4) 1. Yseso3ruznaya akademiya sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. lenina. 2. Chlon-korrespondent.AN BSSR (for Skoropanov). 3. Akademiya nauk BSSEL i Akademiya sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk ---;BSSR (for Lupinovich)* (Reclamation of land) (Peat bogs) DENISOVAY A.Z.; LUPINOVICH, I.S. ------- -.-. --- Effect of gibberellic acid on the mineral nutrition of plants. Fiziol. rast. 8 no.4:454-459 161, (MIPA 3J,: 11) - 1. Soil Science Institute, B.S.R. A cultural Academy., Minsk. (Gibberellic acidiri (Planti-Aswimilation.) SKOROPANOV, Stepan Gordeyevich; UJPINOVICH, I.S-. akademik, nauchnyy red.; MISHANOVA, Ye.A., red.; STERZHANOV,.P.M., tekhn. red. (Reclaiming pmd using peat-bog soils] Osvoenie i ispolizova- nie torfiano-bolotn7kh pochv. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. sellkhoz. nauk BSSR, 1961. 249 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Akademiya nauk i Akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Belorusskoy 6P (for Lupinovich). (White Rusnia-Peat bogs) LUPINOTICH- I.SV. YULAKOVSKAYA, T.N. j Agrochemical characteristics of turf-Podzolic medium-light loam soils and the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizers. Pochvovede!4e no.1-1:17-23 N 162. (WRA p.; 1) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva BSF%R. '~(Podzol) (Phosphates) I . LUPINOVICH I.S. - - - , , - I V.I.Vernadskii and the davelopment of soil biogeochemistry. Vestai AN BSSR. Ser. Fiz.-tekh. nave no.2:130-136 163, (MIRA 17:1) LUP1111OVICH, Ivan Stepanovich; WROVIKOVA, R.9 rod. %-Gav- , [Role of the li-rAng of !ioils in the Jmpro,,em-nt of their fertility) Roll izve5tkovaniiE Lochv v povyshenil ikh plodorodiia. Minok, lzd-lio "Urr)zhai," 1964. 41 P. (MIRA 17:7) LUPINGVICHY I.S. Some regularities in the distribution of trace elements in White Russia. Pochvovedenie no.11:46-52 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pochvovedeniya. Submitted March 2, 1965. LUPINOVICH, I.S.; AFANASIYEV, N.I. Thermal properties of waterlogged soils in the White- Russian S.S.R. Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no.10:683-685 0 165. (MIRA 18.12) 1. Nauchn( issledovateliskiy institut pochvovedeniya. Submitted April 28, 1965. SHOPENP I.P., general-na/or moditsinskoy sluzliby,- LUPINOVICH, L.S.j podpolkovnil- meditsinskoy sluzhby - - - The military hospital struggles in response to the appeal of the communist society. VG,.,. med. zhur. no. 2:13-17 163. (~aRA 17:9) gnn-lrr,]~wiyor inectits I mnkoy Ijl I I LbiLyy p~'wJpclk-)vr,-lL'!*, v~,Altsimkoy A,i Institution of ro.-a=ist labor. Vor~ i's --rod. - - LUPINOV rH, Yu. I. Some mineralogical characteristics of carnallite from the potassi= salt deposit of Starobin. Dokl.AII BSSR 6 no*4.247-250 Ap 162. (MIM 15 :4) 1. Institut, geologichaskikh nauk AN BSSR. Predstavlono akademikom All BSSR K.I.Lu,kashavym. (Starobin region-CarmUite) LUPINOVICH, YU111 Intermittent structure of the lower Bylvinite zone of the third potassium horizon in the Starobin deposit, Dokl, AN BSSR 8 no.2:1.11-125 F 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk Gosudarstvennogo geologA- cheskogo komiteta SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSER K.I. Lukashevym. M usi-TKI V. Z. ; j4EjnyjQ,-" 1. Structural cbaract-eriB ties cf the marglyaL zone Of 'he 21 potassium horizon of the Starobin deposit. Dokl. t.-N BSSR 8 no.11:740-744 N 164. (MIRA 1813) -1. InBtitut geologichesldkh nauk Gosudarstvennogo geologichsakogo koiniteta, SSSR. LUPTNOVICH, Yuel, Meaourement of the croon sention of the industrial part of the 3d potassium h6riz6n Of the Starobin deposit. Tlokl, AN BSSR 9 no.lt44-48 Ja 165. (MIRA 18110) I, Institut goologicheakikh nauk gpsudarstve=ogo geologicheskogo komitata SRSA. LUPINOVICH, Yu.I.; KISLIK, V.Z. Ripple marks in the rock salt of the second potiasium horizon of the Starobin deposit. Lit. i pol. iskop. no.2:174-176 Mr-Ap 165. ~MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut geologicheskikh'nauk Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. FOMINA, V.D.1 LUPINOVICH, Yu.I.; KISLIKI V.Z. Jointing of potassium horizons in the Starobin deposit. Dok:L, AN B-SSR 9 no.7t463-467 Jl 165. (MIM 18:9) 1. Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk GuoudaretvennDgo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR i Fervyy Soligorskiy kaliy-nyy kombinat. LUPINS47A,_&T~~-_ _,.(Kharlkov) From the practice of replantation of teeth ir. outpatients. Stomatologiia 42 no.2t97 Mr-Ap'63 (L-IIn 17:3) LUPINSKAYA, Z.A. Flexion and extension reflex arches in spinal animal during the development of parabiotic Inhibition In the flexion reflex arch. Blul.skop.biol. I sad. 40 no-9:10-13 3 155. (MIRA 8:12) 1. Iz )mfedry normallnoy fiziologit (sav.-prof. G.P.Xonradi) Kirgizakogo meditsinakogo inatituta, Frnnze. (SPINAL CORD, physiology. off. of resection on flexion & extension reflex arches In spinal animals during develop. of parablotic inhib. of flexion reflex arch) (MUSCLES. pbysiolou. flexion & extension reflex arches in spinal animals during development of parabiotic Inhib. flexion reflex arch.) (NFWOUS STSM, physiology, same) LUPE"SKIY, M. I., Eng. Waves Determinin; the speed of Txirticles an the crest of a wave. Gidr. i mel. 4 No. 8., 10':~2 Monthlv List 68 Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1'52. Unclassified USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Dams May 52 "Stone-Slope Protection of Earth Dams," M. 1. Lupinskiy, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroit" No 5, pp 16-20 Describes expts conducted on 1:5 scale model at the Ukrainian Branch of Vodgeo (All-Union Sci Res Inst of Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydraulic Eng Structures, and Eng Hydrogeol) for establishiaR relationship between height of waves and size of 230T13 stones used for upstream slope pavement. Ehpiri- cal formula was developed for thickness of pave- ment. Mpthod was also worked out for detg thick- -ractional compn of backing or ness and optimum filtering layer. 230T15 USSR/Physics - Hydrodynamics 11 SeP 5~ "Problem of the Height of Waves Rolling Up Inclined 11 M. I. Lupinskiy, Ukrainian Branch of Vodgeo Walls, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydraulic Eng Structures and Eng Eydrogeol) "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" voi 86, No 2, pp 239-241 Discusses formula relating energy ofwave E, wave height h, wave length L. and the height of rolling R(P. G. Kisilev, "Handbook on Hydraulic Computa- tions," 1950). Derives a new empirical formula relating H and E, besides roughness of wall n and 235T96 coeff A Involving angle of slope of wall. Submitted by Acad A. 1. Nekrasov 10 Jul 52. 235T96 LUPINSKIY, M.I., kandidat telchnicheskikh ru-Auk. Reinforcing the upper slopes of earth dams with slabs. Gidr.i mel. 5 no.10: 58-64 0 153. (HLRA 6:9) (Dams ) L0,0,(165,k1Y, 98-58-5-15/33 AUTHOR: Luptnskiy, M.1.5 Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Letters and Responses From Readers (Pistma i otkliki chi- tateley). On a New Proposal of Calculating Reinforcements of the Type "Stone Layers" (0 novom predlozhenii po ra- sclAtu krapleniya tipa "kamennaya nabroska") PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye Str0it8l'3tV0, 1958, Nr 5, PP 48-49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Professor B.A. Pyshkin recommended a new formula (Gidro- tiakhnicheskoye Stroitellstvo, 1956, Nr 8) to determine the size of stones to be placed on the slopes of hydrotechnical earth structures in order to protect them from destructive effects of waves. The author refutes the correctness of this formula, because Professor Pyshkin has Generalized all abaracteristic conditions under which experiments were car- ried out and did not observe the physical premises laid down as a computation base. The formula cannot be recom- mended for use. There is I formula, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 LUPINSKIY 14.1 kand.tekhn.nauk; YURKOV, Yu.V., inzh. - Concerning V.B.MW=ov's ougeestion "Precast reinfwcement for stabilizing slopes of hydraulic structure". Gidr.stroi. 32 no.7:48 J1 162. (14IM 15:7) (Irecast concrete construction) (Hydraulic structures) ZOTOV, V.P.; SILUYANOV, V.G.; GUGINA, Ye.F.; AUERMAN, L.Ya.; ALEKHINA, M.S.; HS'ZWBOV, A.D.; BODROV, V.A.; 13UDNYY, A.V.; BURTSEV, Ye~Lo; VAYNSMYNI V.O.; GAVRItLOVp A.N.; GORBATOV, VAI GRITSEJJKO, N.N.; DOTAUSHEVA, L.I.; YEDYGENOV, K.Ye.; ZffURAVLEVA. S.S.; ZACHESKU1, Ya.A.; IVKIN, A.P.; IZOTOV,, A.K'&-,;"Il.'INSIKIY, N.A.; IRINARKHOVA, A.M.; KARPENK".~.; LYSOGOa,.F.M.; LUPLSH,-A4.;-OL3YNIXOV, V.V.,- CRANZHKREY9VA* 7,F.; PETROV, N.A.;-PYATIBIRATO11, M.A.; ROMANOV, L.N.; RAUEEY P.V.; RYZHENK0, L.P.; SEIMMN, A.A.; SHEFER, A.P. G.IA.Ivanov; 6bituary. NTO -4 no.10:39 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) (ivanov, Georgii lAkovlevich, 1897-1962) IC,( ",r, I;JPKIN,D.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk 7 Causes of flashover in electric motor collectors and methods of determining tha conditions giving rise to it. Sbor.LIIZH2 no.145:112-148 153. (Blectric railroads) (MTBA 8:10) 56 AUTHOR:. Lupkin D. M., Docent, Cand. Tech. Sci., Nemchenko, N.M., Ca-n-W-.TVc If -.--S a i . TITLE: The Function of Insulation between Commutator Bars in the Process of Commutation (0 roli lzolyataii mezhdu plagtinami kollektora v protsesse kommutatsii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1957, No.2, pp.25-27 (U-S-S-Jk-) ABSTRACT: In calculating the commutation of d.c. machines there is a tendency to ensure com]~lete compensation of the reactive e.m.f. by the magnetic field of the interpole and it is considered that when this is done the current in the short circuited section varies linearly. However, an analysis presented in this article.shows that this is not so. An equation is derived from which relationships between the currents in commutator segments and the contact resistance are found. Then curves are derived for the Card 1/4 current in a commutator bar with ideal commutation and 56 TITIE: The Function of Insulation between Commutator Bars in the Process of Commutation (0 roli izolyatsil mezhdu plastinami kollektora v protsesse kommutataii) then in several adjacent bars. A current curve is then plotted for commutation in the case when the brush covers a whole number of bars, and similarly when it covers a whole number of bars plus a part of a bar. The first of these current curves follows a stepped line and the second a broken line. In classical theory it is usual to discount the thickness of the insulation between bars so that a theoretically straight commuta- tion line is obtained whea the commutating and constant reactive e.m.f.'s are equal. The total e.m.f. in the short circuited section is zero, the rate of change of current is constant and the current is distributed uniformly under the brush. However, when allowance for the thickness of the insulation are made, as in this case, then, when the commutating and reactive e.m.f.'s are equal, the rate of change of the current varies, though to a lesser extent with constant commutating Card 2/4 e.m.f.; but the total e.m.f. in the short circuited 56 TITLE: The Function of Insulation between Commutator Bars in the Process of Commutation (0 roli izolyatsii mezhdu plastinami kollektora v protoesse kommatatsii) section is however not zero and the current is not distributed uniformly under the brush. Under certain conditions this leads to sparking and the presence of an uncompensated e.m.f. in the short circuited section increases radio interference. These undesirable effects are more severe if the width of the brush is not equal to a whole number of commutator bars. This point should be taken into account in designing machinery. The article contains 5 diagrams. There are no refer- Card 3/4 ences, 56 TITLE: The Function of Insulation between Commutator Bars in the Process of Commutation (0 roli iz6lyatsli mezhdu plastinami kollektora v protsesse kommutataii) ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Institute of Railroad Engineering (Leningrad- skiy institut. inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta) Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Communications Institute (Novosibirakiy eiektrotekhnickiy institut svyazi) PRESENTED BY: SDIMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of CongreSB Card 4/4 L Lk PA - 3116 AUTHOR: I Cand. of techn. sciences, Doz. LUPKINI D.M. 2:~ Cand. of teohn. sciences, POMIL_UYZU;_Y._37.-and Doz. SHLYAKHTO, P.N. 3-) Cand. of techn. sciences, PASHIN, M.F. TITLE: 1.) Inductionfree Condensors for a Capacity Diyidor of Impulge Vol- tage. Benzinduktsionnyy kondensator klya yemkostnogo delitelya impull snykh napryazheniy. Russian). 2.) Ways and Means of Improving Train Motors. (Puti uluchsheniya tyagovykh dvigateley postoyannogo toka. Bus- sian). PERIODICAL: Elefctrichestvo, 1957, Nr 5, pp 81 - 82 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewed 7/ 1957 ABSTRACT., 1.) Concerns the article in Eleictrichestyo, 1955, Nr 9. A number of mistakes are printed out. 2.) Is the answer of the author of the article which was critioi,,ed to by Lupkin. Lupkin's criticisms are refuted. 3.) Aspecial condensor with an additional pair of potential in- stallations, which is connected to the oscillograph, is proposed and described. The potential installations make it possible to Card 1/2 get ried of the parasitic EMK of selfinduction which arises PA-31 1 o- 1.) Inductionfree Condensors for a Capacity Diyidor of Impula-~ Vcl .tage. 2.) Ways and Mleans of Improying Train Motors. without resistanoe in those wires with whose help the conden~ sor is connected to the dividor circuit, (With 1 illustration and 1 Slavic reference.) ASSOCIATION: The Leningrad Institute of Railroad Engineers, PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 -39(30) SOV/112-59-5-9126 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal . Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 10 3 (USSR) AUTHOR: and Nemchenko, N. M. TITLE: Metadyne and Its Application to Electric Traction PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. , 1957, Nr 155, pp 103-115 ABSTRACT: The metadyne, invented by Academician K. I Shenfer in 1929, gained a certain usage in the electric traction in those cases where frequent motor starting is required, e. g. , in metropolitan transportation and on switching locomotives. At present, the metadyne is used on French railroads, the London subway, and the Berlin streetcar system. Algebraic equations describing metadyne operation and connecting its principal parameters are presented. The equations are developed with no allowance for magnetic saturation. In the principal scheme, the metadyne is considered as a DC converter that comprises a two-pole armature, a round windingless stator, and four commutator brushes shifted by 900. The armature is driven by a Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-5-9126 Metadyne and Its Application to Electric Traction separate motor at a constant speed. The role of the "controlling" winding that secures the automatic characteristic of motor operation is noted. Formulae are developed for determining the parameters of the "regulating" metadyne winding; commutation problems are examinfd; the role of a "stabilizing" winding under transient conditions (currei&. -)Ilector break) is clarified; rules for putting the metadyne into service are give- . The figure-8 circuit of traction motors is explained; the problem of the best characteristic of a metadyne-fed motor is considered; a mathematical analysis of the automatic characteristic of a motor fed by a metadyne is given. Regenerative braking by means of a metadyne is examined, Bibliography: 2 items. V. N. K. Card 212- LUPKIN, D.M.. kand.takhn.nauk (Leningrad) Selecting the type of a.c.olectric locomotive. Zhel.dor.tranap. 40 no.4:13-15 Ap '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Electric locomotives) LUMN, D.H.,kand.tekhn.nauk. dots.; GOLINCHIK, L.S..inzh.; DUH3=V, VA.. lnzh.; PZUVOZCHIKOV. S.H.,inzh. Electric locomotives using single-phaae-3-phase current of ind-astrIal frequency with multi-speed asynchronous short- circuit traction motors. Sbor.LIIZHT no.159:71-91 '58. (MIR& 12:2) Ollectric locomotives)