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k -T IVA - IL,t , Y,- f -tA, Y" I
Isomorizatiox of loopropenyleyelobutane over silica gal catalysts
in the conditions of adsorption chromatographic umlysis. Izv.AX
SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.lltl421-1422 N 056. (MIRA 100)
le Institut organichookoy khimii im. N.D. Zalinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR i Komismiya po spektroskopii pri Otdelenii fiz*o-zatemati-
cheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR.
(Cyclobutano) (Chromatographic analysis)
7-1 n-F
L-vov. UnIveraytet
xateAaly x vacs,yuzwo wrreevchani7a po spektroskovil. S. Is
f I Holokulyarnaya spakt.-0";"-PIYA (Papers of the 10th All-Union
lar Spectroscopy)
Conference on Speatr3aGcpy. Vol. ji Moleau
ILIvoy) Izd-vo LIvoyakogo unly-tal 195T, 499 P, 4 000 copies
printed. (Sertest Itat Fiz7ohn37 zblr@7km v7p.
cftlonsl Sponsoring Agenoyi Akadevdya nauk 383H, Komiselya po
spektrosizopil. TA.t ftzar, S.L.) Toth. Xd.% Sar&nyuk, T.V.)
Editorial Board: La.-Anterg, O.S., Academician (Reap. Ed., Deceased).
Keporent, B.S., Doctor or Physics] and Mathematical Scienc
Fabolinskir, I L., D0,41,or or Physical and Mathe=tlcal
VAI-1kanto V.A:. Doctor of M781cAa and MathecLatical Sciences,
mitalds, 7.0., Candidate of Toolmical Sciences, Raynkly, S.M.,
Candidate or Physical and Mathematical Solencea, Kllmovskiy, L.K.,
t- Candidate or Phys-Ical and Mathematical Sci-nots, Miliyanchuk, V.S.,
nd,dsts or Phlsi,34 and WherAtical Sciences, and Olauboman.
A. Y*., Candidate Of Physical and Flathouaticol. Sciences.
Card 2/3o
Alsksarx7an, V T.. M. Ye. Slerin._
d&,Yu. Lukins, st al.
RL= Speo;ra of Certain C7* n-
and the Double-bond Conjugation of a 7hrel-seabared
Ring 64
AlAka-%V"A, V.T., Kh Y
Z.A. and
Sf Certain Xon6alk7l
C7010but&ns$ &Md of Cialobutylbroadde 68
KlOchkov, V-P- Effect Of the SOlVent an Absorption and
Fl.orsacenco Spectra TI
Barobukov, A.I., T.N. *12-ina, and A.X. PrVhorov.
Microwave spectrum at the c2H@cl molecule 75
VA-1POT, 7,1- TOMP4raturs Dependence Of tbA Prequencles
of the Nuclear Q"LdMY010 Resonance 75
Borodinv P-M-, Y-1- Sim-POT. Chemical Displacement and
the Fine Struoture of the nuclear xm= tio Resonance
of nuoring In & Series of Compounds 7A
7@ z
;@.4 77,z '7 7 7,
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CLdd (1) aal t Vol. Acoll at
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-W6 3-.W'fra whkh
iep& ctio
F Ided the SAJ:he,j@r
-,:Wmjiriito& We OdUCt. ;-Cyda-
."'In%-4.4207; a.7612. Azeatropic estaifi-
, i
- Wl"
49 ca
Lt wit
lo'rt No 14T.&A* A'AW yiddini-with
07 % Ef
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I 474@.;IAWL O.OMI ol
Catalytic conversion of by4rqqarbous. KhIm. nauka i prom. Z no.2:
172-180 157. (MMA 10:6)
za4-11761,111. Ya.
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B. A.@ Lukina, M. Yu., 62-11-21/29
Saltnikovat L. G.
TITLEs Catalytic Hydrogenation of the Methyleyelopropylketone
(Kataliticheskoye gidrirovaniye metiltaiklopropilketons).
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR, Otdelenie Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1957,
Nr 11, pp. 1401-1403 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Here under easy conditions the catalytic hydrogenation of
the methyloyclopropylketone, a compound, in which the
threemembered ring is linked to the oarbonyl group, is
investigated. It is shown that at room temperature the
association of the hydrogen with the methyloyclopropyl-
katona takes place very slowly in the alcohol-medium under
presence of platinum black and that It practically stops
after the oonnection of,,--1*3 Mola hydrogen, although a part
of the ketone remains unchanged. The hydrogenation products
weres methyloyclopropyloarbinol and pentanol-2. The
formation of these oarbinols can be explained by the
binding. of the hydrogen to the ketone in all possible
directions of the linked system. The hydrogenation with
Card 1/2 palladium black was different. The reaction took place much
Catalytic Hydrogenation of the Methylcyolopropylketone- 62-11-21/29
faster than in the case of platinum and after the absorption
of one hydrogen mol stops entirely. It is shown that under
presence of palladium black the threemembered ring of the
methyleyolopropylketone at room temperature opened entirely,
whereby the hydrojr3nation only took place according to the
cycle and did not touch the carbonyl group* This experiment
again underlines the particularity of the palladium as
catalyst in the hydrogenation of a threemembered cycle which
is linked to an unsaturated grouping. There are 2 tables,
and 12 references, 3 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Organio Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of
the AN USSR (Institut orgaaicheekoy khimii im. N. D.
Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR),
BUBMITTEDs June 25, 1957-
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHORS. Lukina, M. Yu. , Zotova, S. V. , Kazanskiy, B. A. 2o. 114-4-31/63
@Membert Academy of Sciences, USSR
TITLEt Catalytic Transformations of 1,112-Trimethylcyclopropane in
the Presence of Palladium Coated or Activated Charcoal (Ka-
taliticheskiye prevrashcheniya 1,1,2-trimetiltsiklopropana
Y priCsutstvii palladirovannogo uglya i aktivirovannogo uglya)
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 114, Nr 4, PP- 792-795
ABSTRACT; It has been pointed out several times that cyclopropane and its arecapable of undergoing an isomerization into ole-
fines !A the presence of some catalysts (aluminumoxide, silica
gel, platinum black). The hydrocarbons obtained were not in all
cases identified with sufficient clearness. Furthermore, oper-
atiye data of the reactions are often contradictory. The authors
were determined to find out whether the palladium-coated and
planiBhed charcoal is capable of effecting the isomerization of
a 3-part cycle. The object of the examination was 1,1,2-tri-
methyloyclopropa ne. The reaction took place in a nitrogen current
at 22oOC. It was found that the palladium coated charcoal under
these conditions causes the isomerization of the said substance
Card 1/3 into mixture of olefines. It proceeds with about 55%. Above
Catalytic Transformations of 1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopropane in 2o-114-4-31/63
the Presence of Palladium Coated or Activated Charcoal
all the linkage between the strongest and weakest hydrogena-
ted carbon atoms of the ring is broken up; to a lower degree
another linkage which lies close to the quarternary carbon
atom. The linkage between the two strongest hydrogenated carbon
atoms, which is broken up in hydrolysis, remains unaffected
in isomerization. The diagram drawn and the comparison with
the reaction of the hydrolysis of 1,1,2-trimethyl cyclopropane
in the presence of the platinum coated charcoal enabled the
authors to draw the following conclusionst 1. In the case of
the c-atalytic linking of hydrogen to the alkylcyclopropanes
two processes may be followeda hydrogenoly81S of the 3-part
cycle with a break-up of the ring, and the isomerization re-
action into olefines with a subsequent hydrogenation. 2. The
hydrolysis of the alkyloyclopropanes does not undergo any
intermediate isomerization into olefines; in the opposite case
the final products of both reactions would be identical. 3.The
activated charcoal can not only catalyse the isomerization re-
action of the alkyleyclopropanes, but also the hydrogenation
reaction of the thus produced olefine-hydrocarbons. The.ex-
Card 2/3 perimental partp@ves methods, yields, constants, etc. of the
Catalytic Transformations of 1,1,2-Trimethyleyclopropane in 2o 114-4-31/63
the Presence of Palladium Coated or Activated Charcoal
substances discussed. There are I figure, 5 tables, and 11
references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, AS USSR
(Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTEDt January 31t 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHOR KAZAN3M, B.A., kl@mber of the Academy, ILUKINA, M.Yu., and 5,PLINIKOVA,L.G
TIM The Hydration of Vinylcyclopropane and 1-kethyl-l-Isohexanyl Cyclopro-
pane In the Presence of Platinum and Palladinm
tGidrirovaaiye viniltsiklopropana i 1-metil-l-izogekseniltsiklopro-
pana v priautdWii platiny I palladiya. hussian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii NaUk SSSR, 1957, Vol 115, Nr.2, pp 3ol - 4o3 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT It was recently found that isopropenylcyclopropane at room temperature
In the presence of palladium black absorbs 2 hydrogen molecules and
forms 2-metbylpentane. The reaction takes place with an intermediate
formation of 2-methylpentane-1 and -2. A scheme is given# Isoprop.Vlc.Yc-
lopropane does not'form, at all under theses conditions~ This peculiar
behavior of isopropenyl cyclopropane gives rise to the supposition
that the double bond existing in the side-chain weakens the stability
of the C-C bonds of the three-member"ring which lie near the substi-
tuent against their reactions of splitting and addition to hydrogen.
This apparently takes place thanks to a peculiar conjugation between
the cyclopropane ring and the double bond. The hydration of the mention-
ed substance in th6 presence of platinum black takes place in a diffe-
rent manner: 1,3 mol. of hydrogen are absorbed and a mixture of 70 0/0
isopropylcyclopropane and 30 0/0 2-methylpentane develops. In,
therefore, the splitting 9f the three-mmber cycle under addition of
Card 1/4 hydrogen according to the palladium scheme takes place slowlier than
The Hydration of Vinylcyclopropane and 1-Uethyl-l-Isohexanyl Cyclopro'
pane in the Presence of Platinum and Palladium
the addition of hydrogen to the double bond with retention of the
propane ring. In the first reaction 0,6 mol., for the second one 0,7
mol. of hydrogen are consumed* The present work studied the addition
of hydrogen,in the presence of the blacks of both metals, to two other
hydrocarbons of the cyclopropane series which contatn a double bond in
the side chain (see title). With palladium black (at +20C) vinylcyclo-
propane readily absorbs 2 hydrogen molecules and @orms n-pentane. That
means that here the three-me'mber ring, under addition of hydrogen, is
split just as easily as in the case of isopropenyl cyclopropane, the
double bond of the aide.chain being hydrated in this connection. If
the hydration is interrupted and only 1 H-molecule is permitted to add,
a complex mixture develops.whilch is not yet thorou@ily investigated.
A:t room temp6rature withLJ@plati@um*black or at 100 C with a copper-
-chromium catalyst and up to.130 at. superpressure 1-metbyl-isohexanyl-
cyclopropane is conierted to 1-mthyl-l-isohexyleyelopropane which
was hitherto not described invublications. In the presence of palla-
dium black 1-mthyl-l-ijohexanyloyclopropane Absorbs about 1.6 mol.
Card V4 of hydrogen and is converted, as far as can be judged from the hydra-
The Hydration of - Vinylcyclopropane and l_41ethyl_l_I9ohexaW1 Cyclopro-
pans in the Presence of Platinum and Palladium
tion productso to a mixture of 1-methyl-l-isohoxylcyc3-dpropane and 2,6-
-dimethyloctane. The following explanation is given for that: Patt of
the added hydrogen @s consur4so in the hydration of the double bond in
the side chain; the used for the addition to the isomeric hy-
drocarbon in which the d6uble-bond; under the influence of palladium-
black, had shifted into a.conjugate poaition with the cyclopropane
ringe 1-methyl-isoheiAnvl6yclopropaU2e, produced due to isomerlza:tion,
with a conjugate position of the double bond in relation to th.e cyclo-
propane ring apparently should behave analogously to vinyloyclopropane
and isopropenylcy&opropans in --the presence of palladium and hydrogen*
Namely it should absorb 2 hydrogen molecules and be converted to 2,6-
-dimethyloctans. In the presence of platinum black the double bond does
not shift. Therefore the hydration result is only 1-methyl-l-isohexyl-
cyclopropane. At 1800C this latter is converted to 2,2,6-trimethylbap-
tane in the.gas phase and in the presence of piatinm-plated charcoal
under addition of hydrogen. Therefore the hydrogenolysia of the 3--aem-
ber ring here occurs in the same manner as in the case of other alkyl-
cyclopropanes, namely under a splitting of the C-Z bond lying opposite
Card.3/4 to the substituento Experimental part with the usual data. (3 tables,
The Hydration of Vinyleyclopropans and 1-Ifethyl-1-18ohexanyl Cyclopro-
pans in the Presence of Platinum and Palladium
6 Slavic references).
SUBMITTED 21,5-1957
AVAILLBLE, Library of Congress
AVTHORS: Lukina, M. Yu. Zotova, S. V. and Kazanskiy, B. a. , Acadermician
TITLE: Hydrogenation of Ethylcyclobutane and 1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopro-
pane in Presence of Palladium Charcoal (Gidrirovaniye etiltsiklo-
butana i 1,1,2-trimetiltsiklopropana v prisutsvii palladirovannogo
PERIODICALi Dok]Edy AN SSSR, 19579 Vol- 116, Nr 5, PP- 793 - 796 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The cyclopentane- , cyclobutane-, and cyclopropane hydrocarbons
are able to absorb hydrogen in rresence of platinized charcoal un-
der comparatively mild conditions and under a cycle fission (hydro-
genolysis). Except this reaction common for all lower cycloparaf-
fine, alkylcyclopropanes are able to suffer a second hydration re-
action with a simultaneous begin of a cycle. It leads through. an
intermediate isomerization of the alkylcyclopropanes to olefins
which then can be hydrated to paraffins. The final products of these
two reactions are (as it is explained by means of the schem2), dif-
ferent. The hyaration on platinized charcoal takes place only in the
direction of the hydrogenolysis. Since platinum is for this pur-
pose especially active, the velocity of this reaction exceeds by
Card 1/3 far that of the isomarization, so that the latter does not take
Hydrogenation of Ethylcyclobutane and 1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopropane in Presence
of Palladium Charcoal
place at all. It was pxoved already earlier by Kazanskiy and his
assistants that palladium charcoal cannot catalyze the hydrogeno-
lysis of the cyclopentane (reference 6) and its homolo '-lica (re-
ference 7). The data for alkyloyclobutanes lack. C.clopropane was
more able to bind hydrogen to palladium on pumice at hi,@@her tem-
peratures than to platinum. The results dtained in present paper
(and in the title) are easily to be compared to those on platinized
coal. The experiments have shown that ethyloyclobutane can be hy-
drogenolyzed on palladium charcoal at a somewhat higher temperature
than on platinized charcai. Here also the two possible bindings
of the 4-part cycle were cracked, however, a branched isomer was
produced in a somewhat greater quantity (6qo). Considerable dif-
ferences f@nm the platinized charcoal viere found in the case of
1,1,41-trimethylcXlopropane. It was proved that at 100 and 120 0 both
possible reactions of hydration took place: hydrogenolyeis as well
as isomerization with a subsequent hydration. Thus the catalyzate
contained all 3 possible products of the fission of the 3-part cyc-
le. At 2200 the secondary reaction took place to a greater extent,
and the mixture of 2,3-dimethylbutane and 2-methylpentane amounted
Card 2/3 to already 40 %a of the total mixture. The obtained results show
Hydrogenation of Ethylcyclobutane and 1,1,2-Trinethylcyclopropane in Presence
of Palladium Charcoal
that palladium charcoal is no catalyzer specific to such an extent
of the hydrogenolysis of lower cycloparaffins than platinized
charcoal. Yhe results of the hydration reactions in of
these two catalyzers are only with respect to alkylcjclobutane
approximated to each other. Theexperimental part aith the usual
data follows. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 11 references,
9 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONt Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AN USSR
(Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelir-!"ogo Akudemii nauk
SUBMITTEDs July 1, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, 3. A., Lukina, Yu., Safonova, I.L., 62-1-19129
TITLE: Hydrogenation of Pherryleyclopropane in Presence of Palladium- and
Platinum Alack (Gicirirovaniye feniltsiklopropana v prioutstvii
palladiyevoy i platinovoy cherni)
PERIODICALt Izvestiya All SSSIZ, Otdeleniye Khit.,Licheakikh Nauk, 1958
Nr 1, PP. 1o2 - 1o4 (USS10
ABSTRACT; Formerly it was shown by theauthors that systems which contain
a three-membered ring and a double binding (C-C or CiO) in combin
ed state can be easily hydrolyzed by the aperture of the cycle
in cold (references 1-4). In presentpaper the authors describe
the hydration of thijpherlyleyclopropane in which the three-mcm-
bered cycle is connected with the aromatic system of the double
bin4ings. It was found that in the presence of palladium hydro-
en combines with phenylcyclopropane with a velocity of 30 mll
min. f2he obtained catalysate boils in the interval of o,10 and
was a separate substance (according to the constants). (tables
I and 2). Even with gruat quantities of the catalyst the hydra-
tion took place go timeg slower than with palladium. It was as-
sumed that the catalyst contained propylcyclohexane (perhaps
Card 11/2 also cyclohexyleyclopropane) which the constants of which have
Hydrogenation of Phenylcyclopropane in Presence of Palladiurr. and 62-1-19/29
Platinum Black
not yet been described in literature. There are I fi,@ure, 2
tables, 7 references, 5 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Organic CletaiStry iweni 11. D. Zeliziskiy, AS USSR
(Institat organicheskoX khimii im. N. D. Zelinakogo Akademii
nauk SSS11)
SUBIMTED: July 12, 1937
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Phenyleyelopropsne-Hydrogenation 2. Palladium catalyst-
Applications 3. Platinum oxide cataly5t-Applications
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lukina M otova, S. V., Kazanskiy, B. A. 62-58-3-7/30
TITLE: The Isomerization of 1,1,2-Trimethyleyclopropane in the Presence
of Palladium- and Platinum-Charcoal (Izomerizatsiya 1,1,2-tri-
metiltsiklopropana v prisutstvii palladirovannogo i platini-
rovannogo uglya)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Mauk SSSR)Otdeleniye Xhimicheskikh Nauk,
1958, Nr 3, PP. 300-304 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Dealing with the investigation of the hydrogenolysis of alkyl-
cyclopropanes in the presence of platinum- and palladium-cata-
lysts it was of interest for the authors to investigate the iso-
merizing action of the catalysts upon the three-memberes carbon
cycle. The object of investigation in this case was 1,1,2-di-
metbyloyelopropane. The above-mentioned pa"lladium- and platinum-
-charcoal served as catalysts. The investigation performed in
this manner showed that palladium-plated &ad nonpalladium-plat-
ed charcoal at a temperature above 2000 C causes a marked iso-
merization of 1,1,2-dimethylcyclopropane to olefins. This iso-
merization occurs more actively on a rise of temperature to
Card 1/2 2500 C and its depth remains constant on a, further rise of
The Isomerization of 1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopropane in the Presence 62-58-3-7/3"0
of Palladium- and Platinum-Charcoal
temperature to 2800 C. An analysis of the product of catalysis
showed that the isomerization in the presence of both catalysts
approximately occurs with a 60% yield. On that occasion the
linkage between the carbon atoms of the cycle'which were hydro-
genized least and those which were hydrogenized most strongly
breaks, which is in agreement with experience. But the authors
also could determine another direction of the occuiring tear at
the expense of the bond at the tertiary carbon atom. A scheme
on the reaction of the isomerization is given on page 301. There
are 4 tables and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Alcademii
nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni IT. D.
Zelinskiy AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 19, 1956
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kaztnakiy, B. A., Lukira 11 Y1, , - Soll/62-58-lo-24/25
Safonova, I. L.,,__Ai@.Rsanyan, V. T., Sterin, T-h. Ye.
TITLE: Letter to the Editor (Pis'.ma redLktoru)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye naik,
1958, Irr l o, pp 123o - 128o ( USSFI)
ABSTRLCT: The authors succeeded for the firot time to dif@tribute
1,2-diphenyl cyclopropane and 1-phonyl-2-cyclopropyl
cyclopropane to stereoisomers. The properties were:
1,2-diphenyl cyclopropane (cis-form); boiling point 131,
6-131, 70, (4,8mm); melting point 36,70; n2o 1,5887;
2o D 0
d.4 1,o29C. Tae trans-form: BoilinG point 144,1-144,2
(5,2 mm); meltinj point 15,3 0; n 2o 1,5997;d 2o 1,0346;
D 4
1-phenyl-2-cyclopropyl cyc"Lo ropane; cis-form:boiling
point 100,2-100,5 (11 Mm d2o
nDo 1,533o; 0*9574; trans-
4 2o
form: Boiling point 111,3-111,50 (13,8 mm); n D 1,5371;
Card 1/2 d2o 0,9585. The spectra of the combination disper2ion
Letter to the Editor SO-1/0'2-58-lo-24/25
of both stereoisomcr pairs were inve@ti,-ated and a
considerable increase of the integral intensities of
the characteristic bands of the berizere ring were found.
This effect proves the presence of -- considerable
linkage of the phenyl nuclei with the 3-membered nucleus.
This linka-e is less intense in the spectra of the iso-
mers with low boilin- point. T.,Ie authors explain
this phenomenon by the presence of steric hinderances
that disturb the situation favorable to the phenyl
nuclei. There are 2 references, .;hich are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut orjaniches':oy khimii im.17.D.Zelinskotgo Akademii
nauk SSSR i Komissiya po spe',:troskopii 'pri Otdelenii
fiziko-matematic*hes1r:'%h nauk A,-ademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Organic Chemistry -meni IT.D Zelinskiy AS USSR and the
Commission for Spectroscopy at the Department of
Physical Mathematical Sciences AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 19, 1958
Card 2/2
5 (3jf2)
AUTHORS: Lukina, M. Yu., Zotova, S. V., SOV/20-123-1-28/56
ftzlins Academician
TITLE: Effect of the Nature of the Carrier Exerted on the Direction
of Catalytic Hydrogenation of Hydrocarbons of the Cyclopropane
Series (Vliyaniye prirody nositeley na, napravieniye reaktsii
kataliticheskogo gidrirovaniya uglevodorodov ryada tsiklopropana)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1.
PP 105-108 (Ussfl
ABSTRACT: The authors have already previously reportedoef 1) that in the
literature on the mentioned problem many opposing views are
presented. They concern the direction of cleavage of the
3-membered ring. Most of the authors assume that the linkage.
between the two most hydrogenized carbon atoms (Refs 1-6) is
being cleaved under a hydrogen affiliation (1). But there are
also cases describe& of a ring cleavage in other directions
(11) (Refs 7-9)- Ya- M- Slobodirl and coworkers (Ref 9) conclude
that an intermediate sl@age of isomerization of the alkyl
cyclopropane to an olefin is interpolated; the olefinafterwards
Card 1/4 being hydrogenated. The existence of an olefin in the products
Effect of the Nature of the Carrier Exerted on the SOV/20-123-1-28/56
Direction of Catalytic Hydrogenation of Hydrocarbons of the Cyclopropane
of an incomplete hydrogenation was proved by the Raman spectra.
Reference 9 does not present any definite causes of the various
cleavage directions of the 3-membered cycle. There is, however,
one important factor which is capable of affecting thementioned
direction of cleavage, viz. the carrier of the hydrogenating
metal, in so far as the employed catalysts are mostly used on
carriers. As was previously proved by B. A. Kazanskiy
(Refs 10p 11), silica gel and activated charcoal are able to
catalyze the isomerization of cyclopropane hydrocarbons to
olefins. It was but natural to assume that the hydrogenating
metals, if they are applied on carriers which are able to cause
isomerization resembling the two just mentioned cases, will
lead under suitable conditions to different cleavage direction
of the ring than this would be the case with inert carriers *
Actually, in the first case that olefin is hydrogenated which
is formed in the isomerization of alkyl cyclopropane
(equation III); in the second case, the cyclopropane hydrocarbon
itself will be hydrogenated (equation I). The relative
isomerizing activity of such catalysts on carriers will thus
Card 2/4 determine the cleavage direction of the 3-membered ring.
Effect of the Nature of the Carrier Exerted on the SOV/20-123-1-28/56
Direction of Catalytic 1jydrQgenation of Hydrocarbons of the Cyclopropane
In the present paper the authors describe tests concerning
the isomerization of cyclopropane hydrocarbons to olefins
in the presence of: aluminum silicate, kieselguhr and pumice.
On aluminum silicates, ethyl cyclopropane was nearly completely
isomarized to a mixture of olefins of normal structure already
at 500; on kieselguhr, to 75 lo at 1200t on pumice at 1200 no
isomerization occurred,only at 1700- 20 /. were obtained, then
at 2200 - 45 %. Thus, the influence of a carrier being active
as regards isomerization exerted upon the direction of the
hydrolysis of the 3-membered ring is unquestionable. There are
5 figures and 15 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR
(Institute of O:qganic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
Card 3/4
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B. A., Lukina, M. Yu.,* SOV/62-59-3-29/37
Cherkashina, L. G.-
TITLE: Isomerization of Vinyl Cyclopropane in the Presence of Kiesel-
guhr (Izomerizatjiya viniltsiklopropana v prieutd-vii kizell-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Nr 3, pp 553-554 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a brief communication on the experiment to determine
the influence exercised by the conjugated double bond on the
stability of the three-membered cycle during the isomerization.
It is known that alkyl cyclopropanes isomerize relatively
easily under the action of a series of catalysts and pass into
an olefin mixture (Refs 3-5). The authors used kieselguhr for
their investigation because in its presence ethyl cyclopropane
is isomerized almost completely at 1200 (Ref 5). The experiments
carried out with vinyl cyclopropane under the same conditions
have shown thgt quite unexpectedly no piperylene was present
in the catalyst. With the exception of the first few drops the
catalyzate showed constants of the initial hydrocarbon and pro-
Card 1/2 duced no adduct with maleic anhydride. At 1500 not more than
Isomerization of Vinyl Cyclopropane in the Presence of SOV/62-59-3-29/37
10 % of diene were observed in the catalyzate. It was :)bvious
to assume that vinyl cyclopropane is more reaction-kesistant
than ethyl cyclopropane. This was, however, refuted-in the
course of further experiments. It was found that the three-
membered cycle which is conjugated with a double bond may be
isomerized in the presence of kieselguhr. The degree of stabili-
ty of the cycle in this case cannot be determined according
to the amount of the forming piperylene since the latter
completely poisons the catalyst. There are 3 tables and 6
Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskjy
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 189 1958
Card 2/2
AU T HORS s Aleksanyan, V.T., 4terin, Kh.Ye., Lukina, M,)Eq--.,.3afonova, I.L. and
Kazanskiy, B.A.
TT,TL"E,: A Spectroscopic Investigation of the Effoct of L',utual Orientation 'r,-P
Cyclopropane and Phinyl Rings on their Conjugation (Spektroskopichaskoye
issledovanlya vliyanlya vzaimnoy ortywitatsii tsiklopro-oanovyk), I
f'enillnykh kolets na ikh sopryazhaniye)
FERJODICALL:Optiks, i spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, ITr 2, pp 178-186 (USSR)
1 11
ABSTRACT: The paper describes results of the study of Raman spectra of stersolacmers
of 1,2-diphenyleyclop-ropane and 1-phenyl-2-cyclopropyloyclopropane. These
hydrocarbons -were prepared following the technique described by Kithner
(Ref 4) and Smith and Rogier (Ref 16). Steraoisomers mare separated out
by fractional distillation under vacuo. The Raman spectra were recorded
by means of a spectrograph ISP-51. The frequencies and intensities were
measured following a technique described earlier (Ref 17). The frequency
scatter did not exceed tl cm-1 and the intensity scatter was ;E 10%.. The
integral Intensities were determined by direct microphotometry of the
line shape. The 8OZ cm-1 line in the spectrum of cyclohexane vas used
as a standard and its molar integral intensity -was taken to be 500. The
Card 1/3
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Effect of Mutual Orientation of Cyclopropane
and Phanyl Rings on Their Conjugation
results obtained are tabulated on pp 180-1. The intensities of the
lines at -1200 and -1900 em-1 of the two compounds Btudled were stronger
than those of alkyl benzenes; this Indicates a strong conjugation of
cyclopropane and phanyl rings. The conjugation is shorn less clearly
in the spectra of steraoisomers with lower boiling points. This is due
to steric obstacles which prevent the most favoumble arrangement of the
phanyl rings with respect to the cyclopropane ring. Such steric
obstacles exist only in cis-isomers. This circumstance was used to
identify the cis- and trans-isomers of both hydrocarbons. For
1,2-diphenyleyelopropane the isomer with a boiling point of
131.6-131-70C (4.8 mm HS) and a freezing point of 36.700 was Identified
as the cis-fom, while the isomer with a boiling point of
144.1-lA-4.200 (5.2 mm HS) and a freezing point of 15.30C had,the
trans-form. The cis-isomer of I-phanyl-2-cyclopropylcyclopropane had
a boiling point of 100.2-100.500 (at 11 = Hg) and the trans-isomer
Ga rd 2/ 3
4 Spectroscopic Invautigation of the Effect of Mutual Orientation of Cyclopropane
and Phenyl Rings on Their Conjugation
boiled at 111.3-111-50c (at 13.8 mm Hg). There are 2 figures, 2 tables
and 21 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 8 English, I French, 1 German,
1 translation frad Englisk into Russian and 1 from un international
SUBMTTEDs September 23, 1958
Card 3/3
5 (3)
AUTHORS: Lukina, It. Yu., Zotova, S. V, SOV/20-127-2-29/ 0
-ftmWvki?j'-R A. 1 Acade iician
TITLE: Catalytic Transformation of Alkyl Cyclopropanes in the PresenDe
of Platinum and Palladium Applied to Ashless Lativated. Charcoal
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 191;9, Vol 12'17, Nr C", pp 341-344 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors showed recently (Ref 1) that the hydration of alkyl
cyclopropanes in the presence of platinized charcoal differs from
the hydration in the presence of palladium applied to charcoal
(see Scheme). In the first sase ard at 1200 as Yell as at 2200
only the hydrogenolysis of the three-membered ring takes place,
in the second case, hovever, the isomerization of the alkyl
cyclopropane to olefines wi@h a sifloseTaent hyd=o-en addition to
the latter proceeds besides the above-mentioned reaction. The
quantity of the products of the side reaction increases up to
40 % with the temperature rise up 'to 2200. This side reaction
proceeds either on the account of palladium. or charcoal, if
palladium is able to cause an isomexization of the three-membered
ring in contrast to platinum (first case). The second case is as
well possible, since the charcoal does not remain inert (according
Card 1/4 to Ref 2) in this reaction. If this last assumption is right, it
Catalytic Transformation of Alkyl Cyclopropemes in the SOV/20-127-2-29/70
Presence of Platinum and Palladium Lpplied to Ashless Acti-7ated Cha--coal
cannot be explained why these pi-3perties of the charoo&l do not
appear in the case of the platinum catalyst; or it is a
consequence of the lower palladium activity in the hydrogenolysis
reaction, as the authors aoz-amed earlier (Ref 1). Thus it was
the authors' object to investigate and compare the properties of
these two metals themselvo@;. Th4-Ei ohould be the case in the
isomerization and hydrogenz;!ya'_9 of t,12e uIR71 cyclopropanes under
elilnination of the effect, of the carr,92?. 'The charcoal mentioned
in the title was used since tht! platirram- and palladium blackness
did not cause at all an alkyl ;-,yclopropsaae analysis at 1200. The
charcoal was produced by the -,-arbonizat_fon of sugar. The cyclo.-
propanes were not subjected tG a-4 slianges in the case of a
passage through such a chara-c-al at 2200. Pt- --id Pd-catalysts of
20 % were produced on the bas.4.6 of this charcoal. The isomerization
(in the absence of hydrogen) was carried out at 2200. This
temperature was assumed as optimum temperature in the previous
papers of the authors (Refs 1-3). Yovr neither the properties of
the alkyl cyclopropanes viere changed nor the catalysates contained
unsaturated compounds. Thus it was proved that neither Pt nor Pd
Card 2/4 isomerize under these conditions the three-membered ring.
Catalytic Transformation.of Alkyl Cyclopropanes in the SOY/20-127-2-29/70
Presence of Platinum and,Palladium Applied to Ashless 1-ativated Charcoal
lfl,2-trimethyl-cyclopropane was used for experiments in the
presence of hydrogens The hydration on the mentioned ce alyst
is not complete at 1200. This makes possible a compari-on of
their activity. It was found that no isomerization had occurred.
The hydrogenolysis proceeded on platinum with 65 fo, on palladium
with 50 % Thus the latter turned out to be less active. Thus it
was confi;med that in the-case of palladium the isomerization is
caused by the carrier, not by the metal. The differences in the
effect of the two metals in the hydration depend on their indivi-
dual activity. The hydrogenolysis rate surpasses in the case of
the more active metal that of the isomerization caused by the
carrier to such an extent that the influence of the latter is not
expressed at all. The two reaction rates compete with each other
in the case of the less active metal and the side reaction
caused by the carrier proceeds besides the hydrogenolysis. There
are I figure, 3 tables, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii naak
SSSR'@nstitute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the
Card 3/4 Academy of Sciences, USSR)
50) SOV/2o-127-3-24/71
AUTHORS; __LukinaJ M,,l Yu-+y-Nakhapetyan, L. k., Ovodova, V. A., Kazanskiy,
TITLEa Catalytic Isomerization of Hydrocarbons in the Cyclobutane
PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3,
pp 567 - 57o (USSR)
ABSTRACTi Up to now only few papers have existed on the subject
mentioned in the title (Refs 1-6). The mentioned papers
neither give an exhausting idea of the conditions necessary
for the isomerization of a-cy.cle with 4 links, nor of the
reaction products. This fact made the authors start a syste-
matic investigation of the mentioned field. They investigated
the hydrocarbons mentioned in the title, in the presence of -
catalysts which usually.isomerize a..cycle.with 3 links, under
conditions which allow a comparison of.the resistances of
carbon cycles with 3 and 4 links. former investi-
gations the authors faced-an interesting phenomenon: alkyl-
cyclobutanes (Ref 7) contrast to alkyl-cyclopropanes
(Ref 8), experienced no isomerization with a chromatographic
Card 1/4 adsorption on silica gel) iso-propenyl-cyclobutane, however,
Catalytic Isomerization of Hydrocarbons in the SOV/2o-127-3-24/71
Cyclobutane Series
was completely isomerized with an expansion of the cycle to
5 links (Ref 9). The behavior of alkyl-cyclobutanes thus
differed already from that of an alkenyl-cyclobutane which
even proved less resistant than alkyl-cyclopropanes. In this
connection the authors investigated the behavior of saturated
hydrocarbons: ethyl- and iso-propyl-eyelobutane, also with
acid catalysts (such as silica gel), furthermore with un-
saturated hydrocarbons of the same series with a different
position of the double linkage in the substituent, i. e.
isopropenyl-cyclobutane an.'A isopropylidene-cyclobutane. In
doing so they found that aiumosilicate can completely iso-
merize alkyl-cyclopropane at 500 (Ref 1a), and does not cause
a noticeable isomerization of iso-propyl-cyclobutane, not
even at 25oO. Siliceous earth wbich completely isomerizes
alkyl-cydlopropane at 15oo (Ref.1a), does not influence alkyl-
cyclobutane between 150 0 and 4000; only at 5000 the catalyza-
tion product obtained differed considerably from the initial
hydrocarbon, as far as its constant is concerned. A fact which
Card 2/ 4 can also be explained by the high temperature. Thus it was
Catalytic Isomerization of Hydrocarbons in the SOY/2o-127-3-24/71
Cyclobutane Series
proved that alkyl-cyclobutanes, in contrast to alkyl-cyclo-
propanes are enough resistant under the conditions of iso-
merization. Also here the unsaturated hydrocarbons of the
cyclobutane series.behayed in.quite a different ways isopro-
penyl-cyclobutane was completely isomerized in the presence
of siliceouB earth, a temperature of 2ooO, with
an extension of its cycle to 5 links. In the Raman spectrum
the hydrated isomerizat.ion product appeared as a mixture
of 1,2-dimethyl-cyclopentane with traces of 1,1-dimethyl-
cyclopentane. Isopropylidene-cyalobutane developed a similar
isomerization product. was proved that unsaturated
hydrocarbons of the cyclobutane series could easily be iso-
merized independently of the position of the double linkage
in the substituent. They developed the same products under
conditions which could not effect the alkyl-cyclobutanes. The
catalysts investigated are able to cause a displacement of the
double linkage (Ref 11). This is explained by the scheme.
There are 1 table and 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/4
.Catalytic Isomerization of Hydrocarbons in the SOV/2o-127-3-24/71
Cyclobutane Series
XSSOCIA.TION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. 11. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Ze-
linskiy @f the Icademy of Sciences, USSR.)
SUBMITTED: April 27, 1959
Card 4/4
5. 7 -7@00 6' 0
AUTHORS: Aleksanyan, V. T., Stei-in, Kii. Y(-,., Liberman, A. L.,
.T,Ukina, M. Yu., T,,iyt,,,, G. S., Tarasova, G. A., Terentleva,
,?-e--. -rc.@
TITLE: Invest Igat lon of' Hydrocarbons by Optical Method. @CII
Raman Spectra of Some Hydroc;ivbons of Various Series
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil mtuk SSSR. 01-xicleniye, khlinicheskikh
nauk, 1960, Nr 1, I)p 811,99 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Raman spectra of the following hydrocarbons were
2tudied: 5,5-(Ii-rrietiiyl.iiti(lecane; 1,1,2-tri-
Methy.1cyclopvopano; 2-(-.-y(.,Iop(.-nt-yl-
octane, n-propy1cyclohezai,,!, I-rriethyl-2-ethylcyclo-
tiex-l-ene. Combination of tile chemical and spectro-
picopic (,J@jtj cont'j.t-in 11-hat
on dehydration yields L,~l-(-Iiilk.yl(.,y(.,I.ohexene:3 with
doubl-b bond predominantly in position M.
Card 1/3
Investigation of Hydrocarbons by
Optical Method. XII
cl 1, CI 13
/C., I 151
\0 -CI I-CI 13
CI 1,
-C-1 is
Card 2/3
There ave 26 reVerences, 16 Soviet, 6 U.S., 4 German.
The 5 mo9t recent U.S. references ace: Mosher.,-
W. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 552 (19110); Fenske, M. R.,
Anal. Chem., 19, 700 (19117); Signairfo, F. K., Cramer,
P. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 5.5, @.326 T1933); Foehr,
F. G., Penske, M. R., Indu.,;tv. nnd Engng. Chem., 41,
1956 (1949); Kelso, ft. G., (Iveenlee, K. W., Derfer,
J. M., Boord, C. E., J. Ani. Chem. Soc., 74, 28T (1950").
Tnvestjgation of Hydrocarbons by j,8o6g
Optical Metfiod. X11 sov/62-6o-1_lr,/37
ASSOCIATION: N. D. Zellnsk,-y insti-tute of Organic fternistry of t@le
Academy of Snence@i of' the USSR (Institut organlc@;eskoy
khtmit iment N, D. Zel'-nskogo Akademil nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 30, 1958
Card 3/3
9-9 SOV/20-130-2-21/69
AUTHORSs Kazanskiy, B., A., Academician, Lukina, Ma Yu,, Safonova,
I. L.
TITLEs Synthesis and Catalytic Hydrogenation@lof Diphenyloyclopio-
PERIODICALs Doklady Alcademii nauk SSSR, 1560, Vol 130, Nr 2,
PP 322 - 325 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; From the standpoint of modern theory, the structure of
the cyclopropane ring ha3 not been fully clarified as yet,
According to several papers (Ref s 1 -3), the carbon atoms
in cyclopropane have the same electron configuration as the
C-atome in ethylene, Various explanations of the inter-
actiori of the 6 orbits (3 Gp2 and 3 p) assume that one
valen,ze of each carbon represents an almost pure p-orbit.
Thus, this valence is similar to the orbits forming the
Ir- bcnd. From this point of view, the presence of a -r -
electron cloud in the cyclopropane ring may be assumed,
Acco.,oding to the theory, it lies on the perimeter in the
plane of the tiangle (Fig 1). This cloud must make possible
Card 1/3 the conjugation of the 3-membered ring with unsaturated
Synthesis and Catalytic Hydroge!-.;_'_Jon of Diphenyl- SOV/20-130-2-21/69
groups such as the carbon-carbon double bond, the carbonyl
group or the phenyl ring. As the conjugation can only occur
if the axes of the ring and of the substituent are parallel
or nearly parallel, it is evident that the steric position
of several substituents decides on the higher or lower
occurrence of the conjugation. It was proved recently
(Refs 7,8) that the conjugation effect is differently high
with two stereoisomers. The investigation of the steric models
of the stereoisomers of these hydrocarbons showed that in
the cis-isomers one or both of these groups are partly dis-
placed from a position favorable to conjugation due to the
close position of two substituting groups, For this reason,
a cis-configuration may be ascribed to the stereoisomers with
lower conjugation. Thus, it may be assumed that no conjuga-
tion must occur in 1,1-diphenylcyclopropaae since both phenyl
groups can only have a ateric position which excludes the
parallel position of the axes of theirir-clouds with respect
to the plane of the 3-inmmbered ring. This assumption was
confirmed experimentally by Haman spectra. In the present
Card 2/3 paper, the authors studied the reactivity of cis- and trans-
Synthesis and Catalytic Hydrogenation of Diphenyl- SOV/20-130-2-21/69
1,2-diphenylcyclopropane and of 1,1-diphenyloyclopropane
on the example of hydrogenation in the presence of palla-
dium black (Refs 9-12). The data obtained are in full agree-
ment with the results of the Raman spectra. Thus, the behavior
of 1,1-diplienylcyclopropane in this reaction is quite simi-
lar to that of a nonconjugated hydrocarbon. It does not
absorb any hydrogen. In cis- and trans-1,2-diphenylcyclo-
propane, hydrogen is absorbed by two low-hydrogenized carbons
of the ring. 1,3-diphenylpropane develops here (see Scheme). IK
Steric factors also influence the rate of hydroeenation,
Thus, it was proved that the reactivity of diphenylcyclo-
propanes depends on the steric position of the substituents,
The Raman spectrum of 1,1-diphenyleyelopropane will be
published shortly.There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 16 ref-
erences, 10 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut organichaskoy khimii im, N. D. Zelinsko@o Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni Y... D. Zelinskiy_
of the Acadi-my of-Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: September 30, 1959
Card 3/3
LUKINAP M.Yu., kand.khim.naak; 314OLINIKCIV, V.P.., (MDskva)
Cyclopropane. Priroda 50 no.11:100-102 N 161o (MIRA 14:10)
(Cyclopropane) (Anesthetics)
KA7"KIY, B.A., akademik
Heat of combustion of some phenylcyclopropanes. Dokl,AH SSSR 138
no.4:843-445 Je 161. (KMA 14:5)
1. Yloskovskiy gosudarstvenpyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova i
Institut organicheskoy khipii imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Benzene) (Heat of combustion)
Transformations of isol,ropenyleyelopropane in the presence of
kisei,elguhr. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.2:381-384 JI 161. (11-IM 14"l)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimh im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
- (Propene) (Kieselguhr)
Structure and reactivity of cyclopropane and its derivatives.
Usp.khim. 31 no.8:901-939 Ag '62. (KM 15:8)
1. Institut organicheskiy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelinskogo.
Dissertation defended for the degree of Doctor of Chemical
Sciences at the Institute of Blemento-organic Compounds in
"Investigation of Hydrocarbons with Small Cycles.*
Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145
LUKINA., M.I. (Lukina, M.YA.]
Struc.ture and reactivity of cyclopropane and its derivatives.
Analele chimie 18 no.3:77-122 Jl-S 763.
Syntheses and conversaticns in the cyclobutane series. Usp.kUra 32
no.12:1425-1457 D 163. (14IRA 17-2)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni Zelinsl-ogo AN SSSR.
Comparative reactivity of hydrocarbons of the cyclopropmr-e
series. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.1:114-117 N 163. (KRA 17:1)
1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Reactivity of cyclopropane hydrocarbons as dependent on their
structure. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:357-359 N 163. (MIRA 16:12)
V.A@; IJIVTI)V.., M.Yu.
Preparation of trirnietthylene chlorobromide. zltjur-. prik),
(@-j T RA -
37 m.8:18W-1811 Ag 164. J@ _I -1. 11 )
Reactivity @-f' by -I'!
bromemet.r-je, mf@*,nic!A. flokl. AN S@'@-'.R Ir.8 m@.3.'65@-L55 f:
fl-'IRA 27.20)
L.A.; PKINA.Ll-l. Yu.
Cerltain properties of spiro-(2jl+1-hepta-lv3-diene. Dokl. AN SSSR
159 no-4t839-842 D 164 (MIRA 18:1)
1. Institut organicheskoy khImii im. N.D. Zelinskogo i Komissiya
po spektroskopii AN SSSR.
Z,Wo-t,-,A, ',.-gA, G.V.; LITKINA, M.YU.
3yrithesis and catal-. hydrogenation cf 2-o*,~,~n.,r--'-,-Y-'r-~IL--ir,-,*
r " i -- . ..
D@)kl, AN S,SSP 161@ no.6:1303-1300' 0 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Institat organichaskoy lehirilt im. N,D,Ze3.Jnrkcgo AN SSSRS,
Submitted KLrch 30, 1965a
Reactions of !,-!,?.-triir-e4-lh-ylcyco.propene with e'thyl nagnesit=
bromide and cuprous oxide saltg. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim.
no.8t1510 165. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khirdi lin. N.P. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Sul KC-1i IOV , WKIi1.TFjY'fAI! L.A.; F0111"CIIH, A.-,.; LIVSHTTS, S.Ya.-@
CHIBTSOV, v.i,; FP !@x)V, LUKINA, M-Yu.- ZI,AVOR',)I'FFOV- Nj%
Experimental industrial pr-iucrior, of cy,,;I-oprwan;@.
Khim. prom. 42 no.9:662-663 S '65. (Y-IFRA 18:9)
Easy ethylveim:Lta :@ing q:sn!aig under uonditirt./t of t@,talyti--
hpjr@5gonation. im. LK SSM& Sor. khim. no,1100:;7-2:05!,:@
165. imm 18Lal)
I* lwtitu+. organi7hesk;q kh.m!-i im. N.Do Zelluskog* AW SS3F.,
(A) L 12140-66 MJT(M) RM
ACC NR: AP6000455 SOURCE.CODE; UR/0064/0/000/009/0022/0023
AMOR.- Sok@olov, N. H.; Nakhapetyan, L. A.; Fqmichev. V.;.Livahits, S. Ya.;
Chirtsov, V. I.: Kasimov, R. G.; Lukina, M. Y@.; Zhavoronkov, H. M.-
ORG; None
TITLE: Experimental industrial preparation*of pharmacopoeial cyclopropan q
SOURCE: Xhimicheakeya promyshlennost', no. 9, 1965, 22-23
TOPIC TAGS: cyclopropane, organic synthetic process, cyclic group, pharmaceutical,
propane -15
ABSTRACT* Pharmacopoeial cyclopropan was synthesized via the following steps.,
CH2=mCH--CH2Cl + HBr -0 BrCH2-CH2-CH2CI
BrCH2 - CH2-CH2C1 + Zn -# CH2-CH2 + ZnClBr (2)
In the third step, propylene and other impurities are removed by distillation in a
packed tower. The operation of the experimental industrial assembly used in this
process is described and its didgram is given. The reactor for the synthesis of
cyclopropane is also illusirated. The propylene content of cy;lopropans was
;Card 1/2 UDC: 661.715*4:547*512
L 12140-66
IACC NR: AP6000455
determined by gas-liquid chromatography with a thermal conductivity detector, and
the cyclopropane obtained was found to meet the specified requirements. The study
permitted the refinement of certain parameters of the process by which cyclo-
propane is produced at the various stages, and 'improved - the flowshest
of the synthesis considerably. Orig. art* has: 3 figures.
Card 2/2
Long-range forecasting of the average water discharge during the
vegetation period in rivers flowing from the southeastern slope of
the Fergana Range. Trudy, 17:
74-83 164. OffRA 17:9)
L. bl /@ / Nt4l N, @_,
@A, N. K.
-1:7 -'-" - -
r -, f or short-term forecasting of diurnal levels and streamflow
in the upper reaches of the Syr Darya River. Trudy Tashk.geofiz. 157. (MIRA 10:11)
(Syr Darya River--Hydrology)
Method of forecasting mean decadal discharge of water in the upper
course of the Syr Darya River. Trudy Sred.-Az. nauch.-issI. ridro-
meteor. inst. no.3:45-51 '60. (YJRA 1-4:9)
(Syr Darya River--Hydrology) , '
Analysisof critical water levels in the Am Darya River. Trudy
Sred.-Az. nauch.-issl. gidromateor. inst, no.3:61-64 6o.
r!, -, @MIRA 14:9)
(Amu Darya River-Hydrology)
D.CROSHEK, S.I.; TSEYTLIN, A.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: ZHUIAY, AJ.A., inzh.;
LUKINA,_N.P., inzh.; WSEV, 0.1., inzh.
Kffeaf of temper coloring and thermal stabilization on the
)-properties of spring bands. Stall 22 no,2:161-162 F 162,
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Urallaki-y nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metalloy (for
Doroshek, TSeytlin).
(Steel-Heat treatment)
(springs (Mechanism))
GW@IMIN, )1.1., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nuak; LUKINA, N.T.. kandidat tekhniche-
skikh nauk. ----------
Catting foam silicates. Ne".stroi. 10 no.9:30-31 3 153. (MIRA 6.8)
-- -UMNAP N.- Vl----- -- -- - -
"The Agrometeorological Condition for Growing Oaks in the
Trans-Volga Steppe Regions." Cand Geog Sci, Central Inst of
Weather Forecasting, MaLn Administration of the Hydrometeorological
Service, Moscow3 1953. (RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 5h)
Survey of Scientific and Technical 111issertat-fions Defended at USSR
Higher Educational Institutions (10)
So: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55
Production'of high purity cVclopropane. Rhim. prom. no. 6:462-
465 S 160. (MIRA 13:11)
I -P. (I.
Luldna, P. G. - "Conr-ested ontic nerve erds in b-@,dn tmor-!", -rudy Af-,'Urn'-h. gos.
- I
ned. in-ta, 110-1. Ix, 1941-1 p. 211-14.
SO: U-3042, 11 I'larch 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Iny',-h Statley2 'No. 8, IQ/jq) .
I AT. "I y C-
a 0 Lnzh.
0' -C- E! S T@::
(MIRA 18H)
T@'rallbkoyc @Ldeloniya V@@es-oyiznolfo ntttic,,Ilnc-'.s.-leif;~~!:.teI 1-kogo
,.,.Accmsloit Ift, /65/000/006/0038/603'9
UR 91
25934 Lukina, P. G. otdalennyye rezulltay neyrorafty. V sb:
problemy voestanovit. Lecheniya invalidov Otechestv. voyny.
Astrakhan', 1948, a 156-67.
SO: Letopial Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscowp 1946
Exploration of a r-,eth:>i .1cr chtalnfnj dry 2ertjsp--ra 2ulture-z.
Zhur. mila-obiol., epid. i 42 ric.8-1,214-145 Ag 165.
O@Ult-- 18.@.-))
1. Stavropollakiy institut vakt-sin i syvorutok.
Effect of residual moisture on the survival of the viruses of
Japanese and tick-borne encephalitis in desiccated preparations.
Vop.virus 7 no.4:116_117 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Morphogenesis of the ornithosis virus. Vop. virus. 9 no.2:20&-232
I&-Ap 164. (MIRA 17tl2)
L-transformation of viruses ard rickettsia in tissue culture.
Report No. It L-transfonnation of psittacosis virus. Vop.virus.
8 no.1:24-27 Ta-F'63. (MIRA 16t6)
Ultrastructure of the L-form of ornithosis virus. Vop. virus. 9
no.3:306-309 My@Je 164. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Institut, virusologii imenl D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Gluing YK veneer with MFC-l resin not processed in the vacuum.
Der.prom-5 nof9:19-20 S '56. (MLRA 9:10)
1.1'anernyy 2avod "Krasnyy Yakorl."
(Veneers and veneering) (Gluing)
. Y@INAv T.Aj-(Leningrad)
Fapers and reports on the history of biology. Vop.istsest,i
tekhe no,10:188-189 160, (MIRA 14:3)
Expedition of the Academician Lepekhin in the 18th century.
Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tekh. 41:324-052 161. (MIRA 15:2)
1. institut istorii yestes-Womaniya-i tekhniki.
(Lepekhin, Ivan Ivanovich, 1740-1802)
LUK INA I Tatlyana Arkadly KANAYEV, ItLP
L__ prof., retsenzent;
MIKHAYLOV, V.P., prof., retsenzent; RAYKOV, B.Ye., prof.,
otv. red.; KARIIEKINA, L.S., red. izd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T.,
tekhn. red.
[A.P.Protasov, Russian academician of the eighteenth century]
A.P.Protasov - russkii akademik XVIII veka. Moskva, Izd-vo
Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 186 p. (KRA 16:1)
(Protasov, Aleksey Protasovich, 1724-1796)
-,L@4p4,._Tatly!@na Arkadlyevna; KANAYEll, I.I.@. prof., retoenzent;
lq-,YAZEV, G.A., dok,or ist. iiauk, retsenzent; RKYFOV,, prof., otv. red.
Ivan Ivanovich Lepekhin. f,,oskva, llaukaj 1965. 202 p.
(MIRA 18:9)
EYLER, Leonard (Euler, Leonhard(@ io7-1783)15 KIADO,T.N.; KOPELEVICH,
Yu.Kh.; LUKINA, T.A., SMIFLNOV-, V.I., akademik, red.;
SUBBDTiN'-WF re&.--, RAYKOV, B.Ye., prof, red.;
2 P
SUSHKOVAI T.I., red.izd-va; BOCHEVER,, V.T., tekhn. red.
(Letters to scientists] Pialma k uchenym. Moskva, Izd-vo
Akad, nnuk SSSH, 1963. 395 p. (miRA 16t6)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Subbotin).
(Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783)
History of the foLnding of the Russian GeographicalL Society;
based on materials from Karl Baer's unpublished co.-respondence.
Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 97 no.6:507-517 11-D 165.
(MIRA 19: 1)
MARINYCH, Dmitriy Fedorovich, brlgadirj YEF114OV, Dmitrly Vasillyevich,
sto traBter; LUAINA,,iTAiq;~y.,4,,Dmitr~lyevna, brij.;adir;
(Every worker should have a technical and economic plan) -
Kazhdomu rabochamu - tekhniko-ekonomichoskii plan.
Rostov-na-Dorrul Rostovskoe krizhnoe izd-vo, 1965. 45 P.
(MIRA l8s12)
L 18009-66 ]P-Vff (M)/EWP(J)/T_ ww/Rm
AM; NK -AP6004317 SOURCE CODE: UR/0303/65/000/005/0038/0042
AUTHOR: ftilevich. M. H.. Lukina. T. D.
ORG: none
.-TITLE:- Acceleration,of film-formation of pol ster acrvlates and modifications of
.,properties of polyester@acrylate films
@SOURCE: Lakokrasochnyye materialy i 1kh primeneniye, no. 5, 1965, 38-42
-.TOPIC.TAGS: polyester plastic,,acrylic plastic, polymerization rate, methacrylate
ABSTRACT: The-authors.investigated the possibility of reducing the time required
''for film formation in.polyester acrylates in order to improve the conditions of pre-
paration of coatings and widen their applications. It was assumed that film form-
tion by dimetha.6rylate (bis-ethylene glycol) adipate (MEA) and tetramethacrylate
:(bis-trimethylolethane) adipate (MTA) could-be accelerated by introducing coaccele-
rators (prpmoterslinto the oxidation-reduction ,systems employed, or adding a high-
molecular substance to the polyester acrylatds to raise their viscosity. It was
UDC: 667.612.64 + 667.612.82
!Card 1/2
L 180.09-661.
!ACC NR: AP6004317
found that, theadd-ition of the coaccelerators dimethylaniline, benzoin, triethanol-,
@amine, acetylacetorie, acetoacetic ester, ascorbic acid, and dihydroxymaleic acid
'retards the polymerization of HTA.and MEA-in air in the 20-IOOOC temperature range.
Introduction of colloxylin VNV and polymethyl methacrylate into MEA shortens the in-
duction.period'and increases the polymerization rate, the yield of the three-dimen-
sional polymer, and the hardness of the films. The:results are applicable to the
Troduction of industrial types of polyester acrylates., Orig. art. has: 5 figures,
A tables.
@fjOIJU-;VIC@lp 1.-14146; IV-KTJiA T, aDo
Short4nine the tim fOr UTO GOlatirlizatic- rf Ts-29 vexni&.
Der. proms 31, nos7:20-22 JI 165. 1921)
"Macromechanim" of carbon formation In the decompositiomof
benzene on compressed carbon black. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.3:
616-622 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:7)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
fff""v@ t),
'-O'-G@@ho`ep@fthelioma of the subglottal sp2@ca Of the trachea. Vest.
oto-rin. 19 no.4:101-102 Jl-4g '57. (MIRA 10:11)
1. lz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nose (zav. - dotsent A.Ye.
Ghebotarev) Stalinskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i
2-y gorodakoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy Stalinska, Kemerovokoy oblasti.
(TRACHM, neoplaeme
epidermoid carcinoma of subglottal space)
trachea, subglottal space)
FOMIII, K.F., dotsent-, LUKIIIA, V.A.. assistent
Severe candidamycosis in a child caused by large doses of anti-
biotics. 40 no.1:78-80 Ja-F '59.
(MIRA 12:10)
1. Ix kafedry dermato-venerologii Gosudaretvennogo instituts,
d1ya usovershonstvovantya vrachey g.Stalinskm (i.o.zaveduyushchego
kafedroy - doteent K.F.Fomin).
@, ""p." '. 11 @ rlh'@'UMIDV@ i J
; .., It l.'", -,.. J " T, @@ , - AYF)AROV q T. K. , Prj ni mnl 11 t. -* @ i .
1, U, K I N A V LMTT, I T @@ 7 1 N t
, =_1 I I
DetemJ,nation of ],e,@d in air and in biologiunl n&terJ-)'jfi. Zav.
@ab. 30 no.9,1095.1096 164. 04, f ' HA 3.9 ;3)
m m mmimm I I ---I. . . .. . .--, -,--11, ... tWil,-RYI-M@1401 . -I-. .--"I - ,@zzzz--I
RAZbMOV, V.A.; AYDAROV, T.K.; Prinimali uchastiye: D'URTA21INIP E . Z . ;
0!,IFU,.YEVA, F.R.
Tatrahydroxy-p-benzoquinone as a ffelective reagent for lead.
Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no,6:746-748 164. (MMA 18:3)
I)eterm4r%Ation of chlorine and bromine in liquid orpnic compoundo by
the ScWdniger-Be=ewitz micromethod. vest.IGU 16 no.10:148-.151
161. (Chlorine-Ai3alysis) (Bromine-Ana:LYBis) (KMA 14:5)
q D TV/ 6' D
ACC NRt AP6018342 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/013/001/KO19AO22
AUTHOR: Zhdanova, V.- V.; Lukina, V. I.; Novikova, S. 1.
ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of -the UkrSSR,
TITLE: Thermal expansion of the HgSe in the 50-500-K temperature
range 7/7
SOURCE: Physica.status solidi, v. 13, no. 1, 1966, K19-K22
TOPIC TAGS: thermal expansion, polycrystal, thermal acoustic effect,
mercury compound, mercury selenide
ABSTRACT: The thermal expansion coefficient of mercury selenide which
crystallizes in the zine-blende lattice has been measured in the
20-500-K temperature range, A quartz dilatometer, an OP-I type
recorder (V. V. Zhdanova, Fiz. tverd. Tole 5, 3341, 1963), and
Strelkov's dilat.ometer (P, 0. Strelkov and S. I. Novikova, Prib.
Tekhn, Eksper., NO,5, 105, i957) have been used. The results obtained
with these devices were in good agreement within the limits of experi-
mental error. Measurements have been carried out on two polyarystallii
-Card 1
FACC NR- Ap6ol8342
and two monocrystalline HgSe samples. The concentrations of free
carriers in the polycrystals and one monocrystal were determined from
Hall measuremeBts at the room temperature and were found to be
4xlol7- 1xiol cm-3, The second monocrystalline sample was doped
with Al,-and its concentration of free carriers was 4.8xiol9cm-3.
The temperature dependence of the thermal-expansion coefficient of
Rgse is characteristic for all substances having.a diamond .type
lattice. The transition temperature of the thermal-expansion coef-
ficient bf HgSe to negative values was found to be very high. Negative
values o@ the thermal-expansion coefficient are caused by the increased
role of transverse acoustic vibrations at low temperatures. The behav-
ior of the thermal-expansion coefficient must be taken into considera-
tion when investigating semiconductor characteristics of HgSe, The
authors thank S, Aliev and S,_S, Shalyt for providing monocrystalline
samples. Orig, ar as: I rigure.-7 (NT]
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26Nov65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002
Card 2/2
F A M Ft IS KA YA , 1 . A . ; ,' R T.';'Y 1 @; @-- i I i'VA , Y u . P. ; 1, 1 -1 F. J 11 A , V . T- .
Fz@ p -, ,., c: @ J 'y t L, , . ; r i - Q r,@ @le t;@ 4 (, f l' f, G f - r" @-; '.,,: I -U. i I I " r! j- @; a - I @@J, I and - - ,-J , , , r. ,I
J.,. -1,-, .
Ve,ot. LGIJ @O '65. (MMA 28-4)
Otogenous abscess of the cerebellum; cure. Yest.oto-rin. 16
no.1:73-74 ia-7 154. (MMA 7:3)
1. Iz klinik-i bolezney ukha, gorla i noBa (2aveduyushchiy -
professor V.G.Yermolayev) Leningradekogo ordena Lmnina institute
dlya usovershenetvovaniya vrachey. (Cerebellum--Abscess)