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L 156o-66 ------- ACCESSION NR:. AP5018634 h- an asymmetric curve whose Intensity decreases more slowly on the hig ~er-frequency side of the peak. The Stokes shift depends on the tem- perature. The a ange of the balf-widtb of the phonon band,when kT > 1~2 hm8 varies-as T 1. It is found that the phononless line has the form of a quasi-Lorentz curve with the half-widtb depending on'the tempera- ture. The Intensity of the pbononless line decreases with temperature exponentially in certain temperature ranges. At high temperatures the -shift of the phononless line is proportional to'-tbe temperature. The obtained results can be extended to the case of impurity centers with internal degrees of freedom (molecular impurity) or to systems 'in which local oscillations occur. Analogous results can be obtained for ,the emission spectrumj although it must be noted that in general the emission spectrum will not be a mirror image of the absorption spec- ~rum; the deviation from mirror symmetry decreases with decreasing anbarmonicity,constants. Orig. art. has: 21 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt In'stytut fizyk ANTOR [Institut Miki AN UkrSSR]- (ftsics Institute PON U k r S Isi Rr-5 Card 2/~ M254-66 EWT(l)/T;' lip o) ACCESSION KRS'AP50i6807 u-R/0048/65/b2q/bo8A394A398 AUTHCR2 Lubch!~ok&_A# k, Bo Me Pa 4.0 TIUE: Effect of anharmomism of the atomic vibrations i _p a solid on the spectra of absorption and emission of light b~yl&Lir~cei~%te4/Aeportp 13th Conference on Luminescence hold in Khar1kov 25 Jun r 44 SOURCEt All SSSR* Izvestiyao Serip fizicheskayaj, ve 29, no, 8, 1965, 1394-1398 TOPIC TAGSt absorption spectrum, luminescence spectrum,, ph. ison SPCLt. MOSS- bauer effectj impurity centerp nonlinear vibrationg sriic. -c-ution AMTRACT: The,author3 calculate the effect of nonlinear itt:,ce vibrations on them absorption and emission of light by impurity centersj, taking account of the non- linearity in both the initial and the final electron state* The calculation is performed by the Green's function method of N*N*Bogolyubov and S*V.Tyablikov (Dakle' AN SWRI 126, 539 1959), and the exposition leans heavily an previous publications of one or both of the present authors (Physo stat, solet 6# 319, 1964; 7, 29, 1964; Izvo AN SSSRe Ser* fis*j, 18# 716, 1954;'Ukro fize zhap 1,, 120, 265,, 285, 1956)* The anharmonicity,is taken into account by including in the Hamiltonian terms containing products of three phonon- creation and destruction operators. Card LCU54-66 Acawiw NR% W=W The phonon part of the absorption spectrum is shown. to be asymmetricp decreasing less rapidly on, the high frequency side of the maximum than on the low frequency side. At sufficiently high temperatures the width of the phonon band is propor- tional to the square root of the temperature,, The phonon-free line has a quasi- Lorentz shape near the maximum and is asymmetric in the wings,, falling off less rapidly in the high frequency wing than in the low frequency wing* The width is proportional to the square of the temperature at high-temperatures and is of the order of several reciprocal centimeters@ The intensity of the phonon-free line decreases exponentially with increasing: -temperature, and its position depends on I I tenperaturee . IMurity centers with internal degrees of freedom are discussed, For the higher overtones of the intramolecular vibration the corresponding phonon- 1 free lines increase in width and become closer together; this circumstance can be employed for an experimental determination of the "width" of the corresponding vibrational level*. Origo arts hass 21 formulas* ASSOCTATIONt Mnstitut Asiki kkademii naukUkrM i(Physics Institutep Academy of sciences, arm) SUBMIrTEDI.. 00 ENCM 00 SUB COM OP# SS OMMI 009 J &0 REF Mvi, ra L 36261-66 T IJP(c) ACC NRt Ap6ol8337 SOURCE CODE: W0030/66/013/001/003T/0044 AUTHOR: Lubehenko, As F ORG: Tnatitute of Physics of the AcadeMY Of Sciencen of the TITLE: Effect of anharmonicity on the optical activity of impurity centers in solids SOURCE: Physica status oolidij v. 13p no. 1. 1966s 37-44 TOPIC TAGS: impurity center, absorption coefficients Green functions --t= crystal III- ABSTRACT: The optical activity in the impurity-absorption region of solidss taking anharmonicity into account., has been investigated b1Y the Green function method. The host crystal containing the impurity centers is assumed to be optically Inactive. It has been shown that the dependence of the optical rotation on the frequency of the excitl Card 1/2 L 36261-66 ACC NRj Ap6ol8337 light is the same as that of the refractive index of the impurity centers, and the frequency dependence of the circular dichroism is the same as that of the absorption coefficient. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 14 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] [NTI SUB CODE: 20/ SLMM DATE: 13Sep65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 1-7-4/ 2/2 Card E'WT(l)/T IJP(c) ACC NRs AP6028709 ~_OURCE__ CODE: UR/0185/6-Ci-61-f-fdd-A/0845/0856 AUTHOR: Lubchenko. S I ORGI Institute of PhysicL, ANURSRj _ Kiev (Instytut fizyky AN URSR) TITLEt Phototransitions in impurity centers in a weak electron-phonon coupling SOURCEt Ukrayinsilkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 845-856 TOPIC TAGS: optic transition, phonon spectrum, absorption spectrum, light dispersion ABSTRACT: Calculations were made of the absorption spectra and curves of light dispersion by the impurity centers *of a solid body in which the distances between the electronic levels are of the order of the maximum phonon energy in a weak electron-phonoe,"couplingt The method i of two-particle Green functions was used in the ca~`culations. It is shown that the absorption spectrum and the correspQnding dispersion curve consist of phonon and non-phonon parts. Th9 intensity of the non-phonon line and the refraction index decrease when the temperature increases, The non-phonon line and the corresponding dispersion curvq have a shape similar to that of the dispersion and absorption curves of a classical oscillator. They vary when the temperature changes. 1/2 L 43934-66 -X-C-6 _NR, AP6028709 When the temperature increases, the half-width of the non-phonon 1i increases while intensity decreases. The phonon part of the absorption spectrum is a sum of quasi-Lorenz curves whose half-widths are deter- mined by the electron-phonon interaction and by the anharmonicity. At high temperatures the half-width of each curve increases proportionally! to tile temperature. The intensity of these lines also simultaneously increases. -The intensity of the phonon part of the absorption spectrumi also depends on the energy structure of the impurity centers% at t :e, I same magnitude of electron-phonon interaction the intensity of the phonon part will be stronger for those impurity centers with smaller distances between the electronic levels, When the distances are .greater, the intensity of the phonon part decreases. Orig. art. has: 26 formulas. (JAI SUB CODEs 20/ 'SUBM DATE: OlNov65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH RM 004 ATD PRESS: sz (a hs Ca,d 22- ACC NR: AP7001977 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030166/018/002/0853/0862 AUTHOR:' Lubchenko, A. F. ; Dudkin, S. 1. ............. . ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev TITLE: Effect of concentration on light absorption and dispersion by impurity centers in the case of weak electron photon coupling SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 18, no. 2, 1966, 853-862 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, light dispersion, impurity center, Green function ABSTRACT: An investigation has been made of the dependence of absorption spectra and light dispersion caused by impurity centers in a solid at a weak electron-phonon coupling on the concentration of impurity centers, using the Green's function method. It is shown that at low concentrations of impurity centers' the halfwidth of the zero-phonon line and its dispersion curve, as well as their position in the spectrum, vary linearly with the concentration. Orig, art. has'. 23 formulas. [Authors' abstract] [NTJ SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 04JuIGG/ORIG REF-. 006/OTH REF: 0091 Card 1 314452-66 EWP(f)/EPF(n)-2/ 2/ETC(m)-6 WW 'ACC Ni: 600295'2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/024/0124/0124 DiVENTOR: Strungej B. N.; Belostotskiy, A. M Pesotskiy,_V. Yu.; Lubchenko, M. I.; Turchak, Ye. V. Epshteyn, A. V. ORG, none s, TITLE: A device for improving the pickup of a diesel generator with ggg turbine supercharging. Class 46, NO. 177227 [announced by the Kharkov Plant of Transportam. al Machine Building im. V. A. Malyshev (Khar1kovskfyiavod transportn.ogo tion mashinostroyeniya)] :'SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 124 :TOPIC TAGS: generator, diesel engine, gas turbine ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for improving the pickup ;of a diesel generator with gas turbine supercharging. The device contains a mecha- ~nism for supplying additional air to the diesel cylinders from stand-by tanks. Op- Ierational reliability is improved by automatic valves mount ed on each cylinder. ~The supply mechanism is made in the form of a valve with a controller which is oper- ated by pulses from the generator. Card 1/2__ UDC: 621.436.052-443.2 automatic valve; 2 7 gate valve; 3 controller; 4 generato-.6 9UB 'CODE: 211 suBm DATs.- olAug64. 16 VI< Card 212, LUBCHIK, M A Apparaty avtomaticheskogo (Apparatus Having Electric Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 19 plates in portfolio. N15 741-762 upravllniy ya elektricheSkimi mashinami L9 Automatic Controls) Uchebnyye tablitsy. 1952. LUDGZYNSKA,KOWAISKAp Wanda A febrIle course of endmarditio lenta. Polski tygod. lek. 26 no.32: 1235-1236 7 Ag '6i. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorab Wewnetrznych A.M. we Wroclaviul kierownik, prof. dr, Z. Czezowska. (ENDOCARDITIS SUBACUTE BACTERIA case report) LUBCZYNSKA-KOWALSKA, Wanda A case of associated allergic bronchial astIma with ulcerative colitis and an]-cylosing spondylitis. Pol. Lyg. lek. 17 no.27:1(Yji,-I(Y75 2 JI 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclavriu; kierownik: prof. dr Zofia Czezowska. (ASUMA) (COLITIS ULGEUTIVE) (SPONDYLITIS AIRYLOSING) LUBCZBSKA~ KOWAISKA, Wanda Effect of bathing in an alkaline carbonated mineral vater from the "MieszkoO spring in Szczawna-spa on pseudotuberculosis in guinea pigs* Grazlica 31 no.12tl239-224Z D'63. L. 2 1 KUniki Chorob Vewnetrznych AM we Wroclaviu. Kierow- nik: prof. A.Bleezenski. LUBCZYNSKA-KOWALSKA, Wanda Protective effect on anaphylactic shock in guinea pigu of mineral water from the spring ~Mieszkoll in Szczawno spa. Pol. arch. med. wewn. 32 no.10:1257-1260 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroc2awiu Kierownik: prof. dr Z. Czezowska. (ANAPHYLAXIS) (MINERAL WATER) POIAND KUZZYNSKI., A. JUZVi'IAK I. j 1UDCZYNSKA-KOF?1A15KA 1-1. and SIMMICKI, ige (I ika Chorob I Inte~ na--" cjVfj-ej~-Sc~doj-orWdhc Klin Wewnetrz_nych AM).. 11roclawo Prof. Dr. A. Kleczynski Head; Department of Hygiene, School of Medicine (Katedra Hygieny AML I*oclawo Dre So Fr2ylockis Acting Heade, "Investigation of the Role of 11olds in A3.1ergenie Respiratory Tract Disea- sea in Textile Workers" Wroclaw, Postepy Higiery i Mecb~qyny Doswiadezalnej, Vol 20, No 2, 1966, pp 286-,~~4_. Abstract: The article reports a study of the Incidence of riespiratM7 dMases in twctile workerso Disease symptcms and the presence of of various mold organisms in the individual textile plant departments are described* Prelimin ry investigations show a degree of coircidqnce between the inciden- ce of allergenic and other wjmptmo in the respiratory tract and the anount of dust in the atmoop~ere as weU as the mold flora content, Containa 9 Tables and 25 references (14 Poliahq 10 Western and 1 German- languaae)o Received May 1965o 1 h TRZANKOWSKI, Jai-zy; L:UBCZYNSKli_Andrze .-- A-A.-T 4 ". ~ Idiopathic familial hypercholosterolemia with zanthomatosis. Pol, arch. med. wownst. 35 no.7tlO43-1046 165. 1, Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetranyab woj. Szpitala Nininterstwa Spraw Wownetrznych we Wroclawiu (Ordpatort leks as.Trzankowski), ,!~~ I.- WaR., D.M. , 0 Automatic X-ray diffractometer with discrete recording and pro- gramed control for the study of polycrystalline samples. Kris- tallograftia 8 no.3:440-"5 qv-Je 63. (MMA 16:11) 1. Gosudarstvenriyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut asbestax s;yudy, asbestoteementnykh izdeliy i proyektirovaniya stroitelf- otva predpriyatiy sl3nidyanoy promyshlennosti Goostroya SSSR. KHEYKER, D.M.; VOLKOVp O.S.; ZEVIN, LiS.; LUBEj E,L. - . ..... ~- -.7.. -- Diffractometric equipment for phase analysis. Tr-ady NIIAzbesttsementa no.1605-42 163. (X--ray diffraction examination) (MIRA l6t8) LUBE E.L.- KS1111YAKINAY A.N.; IdlEYHER, D.M. -J, Design of the control program and initial procesLA-rig of experimental data of an automatic diffractometer by a multipurpose computer. Kristallografiia 10 no.1:99-104 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Yarpova, Moskva. CC-MI-s- AY60 0-09Y/00-7-1 AUTHOR: Lube, V. M.; Safonov, Yu. D.; Y~ ~imenk~o~. ~I.- Derchkin., I. V.; Donets. A. M. ORG: none TITLE: Device for studying cardiac activity. Class 30,.no. 187215 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 97 TOPIC TAGS: human physiology, cardiovascular system, bioinstrumentation ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for ~x device for studying cardiac activity consisting of an ultrasonic generator, a piezoelectric sensor with con- 7 1 Fig. 1. A device for studying cardiac activity 1 - Ultrasonic generator; 2 - pie'zoelectric sensor; 3 - transmitting unit; 4 - receiving unit; ia5 - annular gap; 6 - ultrasonic receiver; 7 filters; 8 - recorders. 112 UDC: 615.47:612.171.1 L 07448-67 ACC NRi AP6035875 centric transmitting and receiving units, and an ultrasonic receiver with a selec- tion system and recorder (see Fig. 1). The selection system includes two filters at different frequencies for recording the character of cardiac Tal cle and heart valve movements. T& increase sensitivity the concentric receiving and transmitting elements of the piezoelectric sensor are separated by an annular gap. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 06, 14/ SUBM DATE: 15Apr65/ ATD PRESS: 5104 ~C~grd 2/2 VOLANU GORSK10 Ludvik, dral LUBECKI, Andrzej* Mgra Institute of Nuclear Tachniquess Academy of 'mining " Matahlurgy# (In3tyut Techni)il Jadrowoj Alcademil Oorn1ozc-Hutn1czeJ)y Krakow - (for both)# ~iarsaws 01amis analtlogats No Z# garoh-April 19650 Pp 191-197, "A rapid method of tungsten daterminat'lon in stools by mea3uring bsokscattering of beta particles*" ~- # 5 ;-, 213 jd2~u K.. MachaUki A. P11614elecirfe Monochromatic Pyromete 7;FFrornetr toWWektryczny nvmochr6maity=ny11. Paniary-Autorna- lyka-Kontrola. No. 1, 1959, pp. 2-6, 11 figs. The action of the photoelectric pyrometer devised 4s based on it menurement of the streagtih of radWlort eniftcl by a hot mehd surface arid fallkig'm the obiective cd an optical syutem~ thent upon sgoorneratki,4 an the diaphragm lying behind ft. A dine With apertures is driven .by a synchronic motor and, cotaLng behind the aM of the dis$rragms, produces Swiedical *vIerruptions of the IWM bM Isubw on IL This gives an alternating tenslon at the cathode of the fhotoelectric cell, thecycle of which depenids an 4he strength of radia- um - Le. the temperature, and the frequency - an the angular velocity, and " the number of apertures in 'the disc. The cathode current is -increased by an electronic alternWrew. leumwA wnplifler, then rectilled and directed to an eledroaugnatic inoving-coll'instrunwA or grapher. As compared with other types of pyrocnetert, the device Presented bF the audsors hag the following a4vwAages: 1. A IndicaUs the temperarture atknoet immediately; 2. )treqUiTeS nO MaOlpillatiOn Once -installed; 3. it nukes It "sible to record the temperature; 4. it has it relatively simple electronic system; 5 its mechanical construction Is durable and reslatant to detrimental effects, BAT-A SY, Janoonep dr.; LUBECK, Gyorgyne Should free shelves be established in trade-union libraries? Remarks, Hun 12 no,Wk-25 Ag 962, 1. Koho- es Gepipari bliniszterium azakozervezeti konyrtarosa, (for Balass7j. 2. Prew- ea.Kovacsoltarugyar azakszervezeti k-mvtarosa. (for Lubook). DZIUNIKOWSKIP Bohdan; LUBECKI, Andrzej Application of back-scattering-of, P -particles for determination of heavy elements in samples of variable chemical composition. Nukleonika.8-no.10:6V-694. '63. 1. Instytut Techniki JadroweJ, Akademia Gorniazo-Hutnicza, Krakow. LUBECKIS Kazimierz, inz.; DREWNIAK, Roman, inz. The electronic strip chart recording potentiometer of the nT-250 type. Pomiary 7 n0-10:401-402 0 161. .1. Zaklad Produkcji Dosviadezalnej.. InBtytu-t bletalurg:U Zelaza, Gliwice* (Recording instruments) DREWNIAK, R., inz.; LUBFGKI, K., mgr inz.; LACZNY, W., mgr inz. Electronic charging scales. Biul inf inst metal zel no.213: 15-17 163. 1. Institute of Iron Metalluigy, Gliwice. LUBECKI-f- L. - - - - - - - -- "Control and Analysis of Production Cost's During the Process of Building," P. 209. (PRZ33IAD BUDOriULNY, Vol. 26, No. 7, July 1954. Warsmrat Poland) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL)t LC, Vol, 4y No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. VDOVIN~ L.A.; LUBEGIN, A.S. I)riii-i-n"~g--o-~f",h,;o-,I,e--s, ~in4-gl,ass. En#~rgptik. 13 no.2:16 F 165. (MIRA 18:6) LUBEGINA Z.P., starsbAy nauchW eotrudnik Analysis of the causes of ineffective surgical treatment of chronic suppurative osteonVelitio in invalids of the Patriotic War. Ortop. travm.1 protez. 20 no.9:56-61 S '59. (MIR& 13-2) 1. Iz Swerdlovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta travmato- logii i ortopedii (direktor - chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. F.R,, Bogdanov). (OSTEOMLITIS, surg.) LUBEGINA, Zi~., Uoe of a ~ilatav flap to fill cavitieB in chronic osteomyelitle. Ortrop.travm.i protez. 21 no.3:3-7 Mr '60. (MRA 1433) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogq nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta travmtologii i ortgpedii (isp6lnyayushchiy obyazanndsti direktora --prof. T.S. Grigorlyeva),4 (OSTEIOIEUITIS) (SKIN OUTING) LUBEGIKAp Z.P-q kand.meditainskikh nauk Q-- Bone surgery by MoTychinking's method in treatingwounds of the lower extremities which are slow to haza. Ortrop.travm.i protez. 21 no-4:80-81 Ap 160. (HIRA 13:9) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta travma- tologii i ortopedii (dir. - Z.P. Lubegina)o (BONE GRAFTING) -LUBEGn',A, Z.P. Treatment of non-healing ulcers of the lower extremities with skin transplantation. Vest.khir. no.3-81-84 162. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo naucbno-issledovatellskogo instituta travMa- tologli i ort6pedii (dir. - Z.P. Lubegina). (EXTREIATITIES, LOWMl..-ULCFM) (SKIlq...TRPITSPLANTATION) i 9 1~ MELISHTEYN, B.M., kand. med. nauk LUBEGINA. 4, P., ka-nd, med. nauk; L Bona chondromao. Ortop., traym. I protez. no.8:35-38 16~.. 041RA 17. 10) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedil (dir.- kand. mad. nauk Z.P. Lubegina). LUBEGINA, Z.F..; SIUDIN2 M.Ya.., kand.mad.naukj GUDUSHAURI, ~---'6.11.-,'~'-k"a' The llth Congress of Orthopedists of the German Democratic Republic. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no-4:92-94 Ap'63 (MRA 16:8) (G=4m) EAST-ORTHOPEDIA-CONGRESSES) LUBEGINA, Zoya Petrovna; SIVASH, K.M., red. (Prevention and treatment of deformation of the feet fol- lowing poliomyelitisl Profilaktika i lechenie deformatsii stop posle poliomielita. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 180 p. (MIRA 17:12) RAINS, A.j REIZIN. V.; ELIVIKII, PjElvihs, P.,deceased]; LUBEI, L.p red. [The Latvian Rezekne regiment in the air ... ; Latvian pilots in the Great Patriotic War] V vozdukhe Latyahskii hezhitaki...; latyshakis letchiki v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine. Riga Izd-vo "Liesma," 1965. 267 p. (MIRA 18:6~ J OIUO~ Z Category : FOL~/Magr4etism General Problems Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 19571 No 4oo6 Author :Lubek, Janusz; Pudelewecz, Aleksandra iEe-fe Title :ma f -sounA Recording Orig Pub :Wisdom. telekomun., 1954, 23, No 4, 74-81 Abstract :No abstract F-1 Card : 1/1 LUB-a' J. LUBEK, J. Stereophony. p. 200. Vol. 24, No. 9, Sept. 1955. WIADOMOSCI TELEKOj4UNjKP.CyJNE. TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland So: East European Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1956 LUBEK, JANUSZ Miernictwo radiotechniczna. (Wyd. 1.) Warszawa, Wydawn. Komunikacyjne, 1956 P. 243 (Measuring in radiotechnology.Ist ed. illus., diagrs., graphs) SO: Monthly index of East European Accessions (AEEI) Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1957 LUEEMA, Felieja; WYGODZXA.-LIPSKA, Jadwiga Osseous changee'la leukemia in children. Pediat.polska 30 no.109- 46 Jan 55. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dziectecych Akademii Meclycznaj w Lodzi Xiarownik: prof dr mad. St.Popowaki. 2 r'kkladu Radiologii Akademii 14edycznej w'Lodzi XierGwnik: prof. dr mad. Wl.Trzetrzewinski. Adres: Lodz, Armii CzarwoneJ 15. (LIMNIA, in infant and child, bone X-ray changes in) (BOM I in 'various diseases, leukemia, x-ray changes in child) EXCERPTA I-EDICA See.18'Vol.1/4 Cardiovascular A.Dr 57 1016. reuniatycznej ultztmi-Landis' lesCin rhemnalic .11-i,er in children llediat. pot. 11156, 31/11 (1205-1220) Tables 6 Employing Landis' indirect method the author examined the de-ree of injury of the vascular barrier in the acute phases of rheumatic fever ill 5:5 children. Six healthy children were used asa control group for comparison. Oil the basis of analysis of the results obtained the author came to the following conclusions: Landis' te'st is suffi- cient proof of pathological permeability of capillaries in the active Jill.-Ise of rhelimat- ic fever in children with the exception of 'pure' chorea where the. reaction is negative. Disturbance in the permeability of the wall of capillaries increases in sucha way that no doubt is left to the course of the first rlieuinatic, attack; during the first days of the disea-se Landis' test may still be negative. The degree of permeability of the walls of the capillaries to protein is the smallest in the purely articular form. and much gFeater in the myocardial forms. The degree of penneability of the wall of capillaries is undoubtedly greater in the next rheumatic attack (except chorea). The degree of protein loss through the wall of the capillaries decreases in a parallel manner to the clinical improvement. Therefore Landis' test is of importance ill the evaluation of d the pathological process and to a certain degree in the prognosis. In cases treated by means of ACTH the return to normal permeability of a llaries takes place sooner than in cases treated by means of salicylic compounds c anVis generally in advance of the clinical improvement. Recurrences of rheumatic fever may sometimes lead to persisting disturbance of physiological permeability of capillary vessels. The state of permeability of the capillaries during the quiet phase after the first and the next rheumatic attack requires further studies on a larger scale. (XVIII, 7) RANKMICZ, Naria; REWHUP-GRA13OWSXA, Jadwigaw LUBMXA, Felicja Observation of children after splenectomy for congenital hemolytic anemia and spontaneous thrombopeniae"- Pediate polaka 33 no.233,29-144 Feb 58; I Z- 13.iniki Chirargii Dzieciecej A.M. w Lodzi Kierown1k: prof. dr med. A. Naciejawski'i z I ICLiniki Pediatrycznej A.M. w Lodzi Kierownik: doe dr. med. 19. Wilkoozewski. Adres: Lodz, ul. Armii Czerwonej 15; (SPLIM, surge excis', in congen. hemolytic anemia and Werl;hofls die statist. (pol)) (PURnn. THROM130PIMIC, in inf. & child surge. aplenectomy in Werlhof's dis. statist (fti)) (A,MMIA, HEMOLYTIG, in inf. & child- congenop surge, splenectomy & statiste (Pol)) LUBEISKI, Adam Data on the significance of colposcopy in cases of cancer of the oervixmteri. Gin. Polska 25 no.1:15-20 JTa-Kr 154. 1. KlinikEL Foloznicza i Chorob Kobiecych Akademii Medyezuej w Krakowle. Kierownik: Prof. dr St.Schwarz. (CERVIX. UTZRINE, neoplasms, *diag., colposcop7) LUBELSKI. Karol Graphic transformat--lon of the star of resistances into a com- plete polygon and vice versa. Przegl elektrotechn 38 no.2:63-65 162. LUEELSKI, Karol A graphic and analytical method of determining the equivalent impedance of a parallel circuit. Przegl elektrotechn 40 no.7s 320-323 J1 164. 1. Department of General Electrical Engineering B, Technical University of Silesia, Gliwice, TT z. nf"T IJC LUBELM, S.; SCROGT, 0. (Amsterdam) Unpub3ished results on number theory. II. Composition 'theory of binary quadratic form. Acts. Aritbmetica 7 no.1:9-17 161. 2. Mathematisch Centrum, AmstG2-dan (for Schogt). (Numbers, Theory of) (Formas Quadratic) MAGIK, Ivo, Technicka spoluprace: M. Hampl, -j. ~Wbm J. Svab W Prevention Of untoward reactions following the administration of antitetanus serum. Rozhl. chir. 39 no-1--34-38 JT& 160 1..Vyzkumtw ustav traumtologicky v Brue, reditel prof. MUDr. V1. Novak. (ALLERGT exper) (TBTANUS im-nol-) (IMMUNI Blom, elf. inj) LUM17-F-CU) D. Cl.qssifl ration of Rocks Rpl-tivp to Toclinical otindwirdization. Revista Minelor -(Mininf- Journal), #4:113:Apr 55 LUBENESCU, D.p conf. ing.3 TEICH, I., aspirant Aspects of the development of the mining induztry in R=MlAr during the 20 years since the liberation..,in the light of btatistical. data. Rev min 15 no,8s424-428 Ag 164. UTBETIT-9CIT, D. Soviet Methodolofw, for the Determ, inatirn of Quantitative and Ciialitative Ore Losses in Mining Operations. Revista Minelor (Mining Journal), #5:1-777: I-Tay 5.5 LUEENRSCU, Dan. A rapid"nethod of transposing geological data from photocopies on maps. Dari seam& sed 49,pt.L157-160 .161-162 [publ. 164]. 1. Submitted March 30, 1962. LUBEVESC~1, T.; TEaCH, 1. ='-=7 Methods of computing the Indexes of labor productivity in the mining Industry. p. 487. REVISTA M3NEWR. (Ministerul Minelor, Hinisterul Industrie:L Petrolului si Chimiei, Directia Exploatarilor Miniere si Asociatia, Stiintif-'ca a Inginerilor A Tehniclenilor din Rominia) Bucuresti. Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 3-1, Nov. 1959 Monthly list of Bast European accessions (EEA1) IZ Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Unal, PRIM LURINITS, A.P.. insh. (Bryansk) Reducing the veight of freight car trucks. Zhel.dor-transp. 42 n0-7;58-59 Jl l6o. OMA 13:7) (Railroads-Mraight, cars) I-IRIMA, V.S.; USMMOV,.- n.U.; ISMAUKHMNEDOIR., M.S.;.~UUBLNETS, A.T. Effect of ionized radiations on polysac~:haridess. 'elim. i fiz.- khim. prirod. i sint. Prilim. 110-103-60 '62 (MIRA 1.8:1) 1. Chlen-korresvondent M UzSSR (for Uggirano-T). LUBENETS, B. S. ___. Replacement of a defect of the femoral artery with a venous seg- ment. Vest. khir. no.12:86 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Irkutskogo nauchno-looledovatelinkogo instituta travmato- logii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. Z. V. Bazilevskaya) (FEmoRAL ARTERr--suRGERr) (VEINS-TRANSPLANTATION) LUBENETS, B.S.. (Irkutsk, VolzhBkaya u1., d.17, kv.1) ------ Open dislocation of the foot with skeletization of the tibio- fibular bones. Ortop. travm. i protez. 24 no.5:49-50 Itir 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz Irkatskogo institute. travmatologii i ortopedii (dix.- prof. Z.V. Bazilevskaya). LUBENETS, BS. Orllkutak, V,)1zhskaya, ul.,d, i',', 'I-v.--,) Preservation of the Pxtrenit in a 4~vishing injury of 'rhe leg. Vest. 1-chir. y a f 91 no.ll-.,12'-:'-122 N '63. (MIRA 17-22) L Iz Irl-lutskogo nauchno-issledovatellsko.go instituta travmatologii i ort..;,pe-dii (direktor - prof. Z.V.Bazilevs-&-aya). IUBMWS, G.K., inzhener. Irperience in the manufacture and installation of precast reinforced concrete construction elements. Stroi.prom. 32 no.10:2-6 0 154. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Treot Zaporoshatroy. (Precast concrete construction) LUBMMTS, G. . n2h. Industrialization of industrip.1 construction in the Donato basin. From. stroi. 37 no.6:15-21 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:8) Lb'tatimakly sovnarkhoz, Stalinskaya oblast'. kDonate Basin--Blast furnaces) kNorthern Donets-Donets Basin Usnal) I LUBEZETS, G., Geroy Sotsialistichoskogo Truda Raise the construction of industrial buildings to the level of modern problems. From, stroi. i inzh. soor. 5 no.3:1-3 ffy~e 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Ministr stroitel'stva UkrSSR. (Gonstruotion industry) (Industrial building-Design and construction) LUB MIETS, G. S, LUBE-fETS, G. S. "Experiment in Urowing and Preserving Seeds of VeCe- L' table Crops and Root Fodders in Sverdlovsk Oblast." Moscou Order Of I,-nin Agricultural Acaden7 imeni K. A. Timirj~izev. Moscmi, 1955, (DISSEMATION FOR THE DWREE OF CAINIDIDATE III A-~-RICULTURAL SCIMICE). Kni7,hnaya. Letopis', . No. 27, July 2, 1955. LUBRIETSI G.S.; LARIONOVA, I.P. I. . ....... ..........., Using solid domestic wastes as biological fuel. Nauch. trudy AKKH no.24-.63-68 161+ (MIRA 18:2) SOV/ 137-58-7- 14387 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 64 (USSR) -AUTHOR: Lubenets, I.A. TITLE: Improving Open-hearth Furnace Design (Uluchsheniye kon- struktsiy rnartenovskikh pechey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol 18, pp 220-2Z8 ABSTRACT: The following changes were made in 90-t open hearths (OH). The thickness of the division wall between slag pockets and checker chambers was increased from 1115 to 1380 mm with simultaneous removal of the chrome-magnesite interlayer; the tie-rod roofs of the checker chambers were replaced by semi- circular design; the slag-pocket and checker-chamber-roof skewbacks were raised, the slope of the rear wall was in- creased from 550 to 430, the rigidity of the shell of the com- bustion space was increased, and 2 furnaces were rebuilt to take 180-t batches, hearth area being increased frorn 38 to 5Z rn?- in one case, and to 45 m? in the other, the gas-checker volume being increased from 68.7 to 87 and385 m3, and the air- Card 1/2 checker volume from 90.5 to 114 and 110 m , respectively. A SOV/ 137-58-7-14397 Improving Open-hearth Furnace Design .multiple type of division wall is used in the 185 and 370-t OH (middle of silica brick and faces of chromium -magne site waste). Other design features are skewback-type burner arches in the uptakes, differences in skewback height between gas and air slag pockets, an increase (from 1200 to 1350 mm) in the rise of arch of the main roof, and an increase (from 6 to 15) in the number of suspensions in the center portion of the roof. The gas-port area was increased from 0.38 to 0.44-0.46 m2' and the r-ross section of the dog house to 4.0x3.4 m in 185-t OH and 4.2x3.5 m in 370-t OH. The knuckle height was raised to 2000-2100 mm for single-batch, and to Z150-ZZ50 mm for double-batch types. When 500-650 m3 blower air was blown into the end of the chamber, the temperature of the flame rose from 1870 to 19100C and the speed of emission of the jet from 36-38 to 50-52 m/sec. The length of the flame was shortened. Injection of hot air increased the flame tempera- ture to 19200, and when the discharge rate of blast-furnace gas was reduced (from 6000 to 4000 m3/hr), to 1940o. N. 1. 1. Open hearth furnaces--Design Card Z/Z KCROLNV. A.I.; BLINOV, S.T.;_~~. I,,A.; KCBUMYL7, I.M.; TURUBnBR, A.L.; USIZ17W9 S.V.; 6 -MiA.; BBWV, I.V.; TBLISOV, S.A.; MAZOV, TOP.; KXDVIM, V.A.; XkL'XOV, V.G.-, BULISKIY, M.T.; TEMAMOV, K.M.; SHNSMIROV, TaA.; S'UXOSHTXW, V.T.; FALUR, V.I*; KUROCHKIN, B.N.; ZEDAKOV , AX*; BILIKOV, K.N.; SABIYWg M*Pe; GARBUZ, G.A.; PaDGCFXTSKIT, A.A,; ALYA=, K.S.; NOVOLMSKIT, P.Ie; MOROZOV, A.R.; VASILIYW, A.M.; MARAKH07SKIY. I.S.; MAIAKH9 A.V,; v , B.V.; AGAPOV, V.F*; VICUR, N.A.; PASTUKHO7, A,I.; BORODULIN, A.I.; VAYNSHTNYN, 0,Ya.; ZHIGULIN, V.I.; DIL%VZM# Ye.I.; XLDUSMO, L.S.; KOTIN, A.S.; MOLOTK07. N.A.; SIVIMIY, M.V.; ZHID3TSIEIYP D.P.; MIKUYLETS, N.S.; SL3FkAMff, P.N.; ZkVODOHI07, N.G.; GUDMKMK, V.A.; NAZAR07, P.M.; SAVOSIKIN, M.Te.; NIKOLAYEV. A,Se Reports (brief annotations)-. Blul. TSXIICHM no.18/19:36-39 '57 (MIlm 11:4) 1. Mag~mltogorsldy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for lorolev, Belikov, Agapov.. Dlkshteyn). 2. Emnetokly mietallurgicheskiy kombinat (for 311nov. Vasillyev. Al.N., Borodul'An, Klimasenko). 3. Chelyabinskly metallurgicheskiy zavoa (for Imbenets, Vkynshteyn). 4. Zavod im. Dzherzhinikogo (kor Koburneyev). 5. Zavod "Zaporozhotall" (for ftrabiner, Mazov, Pbdgoretekly,.Yw.~&lovokiyg Savoolkin). 6. Wce~evekiy vetallurgicheskiy zavod (for Tasillyev, S.Val Mallkor,' Zhidetskiy, Allferov). 7. Stallproyekt (for Chernenko, Zhdanov, Zavodchikov). 8. VNIIT (for Belov). 9. Stalinskly metal- lurgicheskiy zavod (for Telesov, Malakh). (Continued on next card) 2. KMCFAV, A. I.-- (continued) Cai~*,L 10. Nizbne-Tae.,.VW..r maltmllvwglaa:~skAy bomibl;oat (fo? KaE,7odev, Movolodskly. Yeaher). 'Ll. Zavod "Asovatal" (fwe Bullskiy, Slapkanev). 12. MaemalliV7 insti- tit chernoy me?;allur-gil TTaatekov). 1,4. Uk-rainsey iasti- tut metallov (for S.U-Rco&leyev, 23.4. Zarod "Krasnyy Cktyabrgffl (fv-1- Pall-vaLl). 15. Tsslloyuzg-:y rauchmo-issledo- vaiellskiy inatitut mstr;,l'.'vLg'L&aeekc%7 teploAjelxbn--*Id (for Khroahkin). 16. Zavod im. Tbroshilm-a (fo:? &'Ayev). l"j. Gtalyabiaakiy poli- tekhnichaskiy insAltut ('or Moro!t~yv). 2.8. Gipras"all (for Garbuz). 19. Urallskiv izatitiev aherrviah ma"alla., (far Paeukhov). 20. Zavod ImPetrovekogo (foi- ZhIgull-m). 22% Min~sters'ry* che=oy me"vallurgii USSR (for Molo'Ukar, Sl-eerakly). 22. Glavapetseall Mizistarst-wa chernoy metallurgii SSSR (for Nik-,Aayev). (Open-hearth proasisa) SOV/1 37-59- 3-5127 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 31 (USSR) AUTHOR- Lubenets, I. A. TITLE: The Filteenth Anniversary of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant (Chelyabinskomu metallurgicheskomu zavodu-15 let) PERIODICAL: Tekhn.-ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Chelyab. ekon. adrn. r-na, 1958, Nr 4, pp 38-39 ABSTRACT: A brief survey of the development of the Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant during the fifteen years of its existence. D. P. Card 1/1 Z: PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5411 Konferentsiya po Mko-khimLeheskim osnovam, proizvodstva stall. 5th, Moscow, 1959. Fiziko-khimicheskiye oanovy proizvodstva stali, trudy konferentsii (Physicochemical Bases of Steel Making; Transactions of the Fifth Conference on the Physicochemical Bases of Steelmaking) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 512 p. Errata slip Inserted. 3,700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgil imeni A. A. Baykova. Responsible Ed. : A.M. Samarin, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. D. Rozentsveyg. Tech. Ed.: V. V. Mikhaylova. Card 1/16 Physicochemical Bases of (Cant.) SOV/5411 PURPOSE: This collection of articles to Intended for engineers and technicians of metallurgical and machine-building plants, senior students of schools of higher education, staff members of design bureaus and planning Institutes, and scientific research workers. COVERAGE: The collection contains reports presented at the fifth annual convention devoted to the review of the physicochemical bases of the steelmaking process. These reports deal with problems of the mechanism and kinetics of reactions taking place in the molten metal in steelmaking furnaces. The following are also cliscussed.- problems Involved in the production of alloyed steel. the structure of the ingot, the mechanism of solidification, and the converter steelmaking process. The articles contain conclusions drawn from the results of experimental studies, and are accompanied by references of which most are Soviet. Card 2/16 Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) SOV/5411 Regime and the Gas Content in Metal 94 Povolotskiy, D. Ya., I. A. Lubenets, M. 1. Kolosov, D. Ya. Vayn- shteyn, and A. N. Mc~r_ozovDesiliconizing With Oxygen for Pig Iron Open-Hearth Furnaces 99 Shalimov, A.G., and A. K. Petrov. Investigating the Effective- ness of Treating the Molten Electric Steel by Synthetic Lime- Alumina Slag 106 [The investigation was conducted under the guidance of S. G. Voinov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, with the participa- tion of staff members of TsN11ChM (Central Scientific Re- search Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) A. I. Osipov, Candi- date of Technical Sciences, Ya. M. Bokshitskiy, Engineer, A. G. Shalimov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, L. F. Kosoy, Engineer, A. 1. Polyakov, and staff members of the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod Card 6116 BOGATENKOV, V.F.; VAYNISETEYN, O.Ya.; ZVEREV, B.F.; KOLOSOV, M.I.; LUB--:'ETS, I.A.; MOROZOV, A.N.; POVOLOTSKIY, D.Ya.; STROGiNW, A.I. Desiliconization of ops-n-brarth pir iron-in the indzeer. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.8:~2-)6 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Cbelyabinskiy metallurgiche5kiy zavod, Chelyabinskiy nauchno- issledovateVskiy institut metallurfrii i Chelyabinskiy politekhnich- eskiy institut. (Cast iron-l-letallurgy) BOGATEITKOV, V.F.; VAINSTEIN, 0J, (vairnghteyn, 0. Ya.]; ZVERIN, B,F,; YOIDSOVI ~ , 1; WW,Y 11, 4. ?J.; PCVCpWTj~"f, 1):,r M. I.; LUBMET, I. A, ~Lu-,-enets,j-~ W (.Povolotskiy) D.Yaj; S-T7RT3VF.DT,' A. 1. Desilicification of Martin iron in mixers. Analele metalurgie 16 no.l: 21-27 Ja-Mr 'G.%. /6., -Z 1Y A1P 11r. 990-4 14 June PRFGRESS IN CHELYABINSK METALLURGICAL PLANIT' (USSR) A. M1 e4 Lubenets, I tallurg, no, 4, Apr 1963, 1-3. S/1301631000/004/001/004 Th~' arc -furnace- phopp of the Chel abinsk Metallurgical Plant are using oxygen Y in rpelting almost all of the steels produced at the Plant. New mold lubricants i have made it posSible to roll incrots of high-alloy steels, including stainless, vii:tjaout conditionin(y. In 1957, a highly mechanized shop-combine (arc-furnace, C, coiditioning, and forging shops) for high-grade steels and alloys was put into op(~raton. The Plant alsobas vacuum-arc and electroslag furnaces. The first 1 fur#ace in the USSR for: melting syrithetic slags is under construction. Syn- A Lhetic slai s will be used for the final refining of steels melted in conventional fur are, naces. The central laboratory of the Plant has developed a method of ultrasonic quality control ofas~forged and as-rolled metal. -,IDV) 7. -Card 1/1- ALIM, L.A.y Inzh.; VAYNSHTEYNs O-Ya.s in*.; KEYSs N.V., insh.; LUBENETS., I.A.4, inzh.; S14MNOVs Yu.D.s inzh.; FIRSOVY S.G., inzh, Production oft St. 5ps semikilled steel for concrete reinforcements. Stall 23 no.4:320-321 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Steels Structural-Metallurgy) (Concrete reinforcements) 3/13346YO00/004/001/011 Ao54/Ai26 AUTHORS; Lubenets, 1. A., -Morozov, A. N., Galyan, V. S., Khizbnichenko, A. M. TITLE: Melting electrosteel with the use of liquid cast Iron Pmomm: stall no 4, 1963, 323 325 TEXT:. Liquid cast iron (containing 4.2 - 4.3% c; 0.75 1.15% Si; 0.70 1-40% r4n; 0.025 - 0.050% S; 0.13 - 0.16% P) is used in an electric melting plantin amounts of 30 - 50% of the charge and is fed into the furnace in 4 - 6 minutes, 50 - 70 minutes after the current was switched on. The difficulties en- countered In deslagging after the cast Iron had been fed were eliminated by feed- Ing the total amount of lime required after tapping the first acidic slag. When establishing the technology for.electrio melting with the use of liquid cast iron it -had to be 'considered that iron ore has a lower oxidizing effect in elea- trio smelte~rs.than in open-hearth furnaces. The.liquid cast iron melting method can only be used for high-carbon instrument steel ( Y 1P,/U12 - Y 7/U7) and =5 (ShKh15) ball bearing steel. Advantages of the new method are a reduced power ."consumption (by 20%) and a higher (by 2%) output of flawless products. Best re- Card 1/2 S/133/63,/000/004/001/011 Melting electrosteel with the use of liquid cast iron AO54/A126 sults.wero obtained when adding 35 40% liquid cast iron. Still better rewilts might be expected if-the liquid caL;t Iron is refined prior to being fed into the -furnace, asthe silicon and manganese and a greater part of the carbon content could then be removed by the duple): process. In electric melting shops this could be'done by a.steam-oxygen'treatment. However, the latter propoaals by the authors are not yet sufficiently supported by test results. The tests described were*cmrried outin co-operatior~_with N-.,V.-Keys,-M. Ya. Yartsev, T. L Malinov__ i skaya, S. T. Ushakov, M. 1. Shatalov, M. A. Bornovalov, I. Ya. Loyberg, A. F. Kozl,ov, G. K. Fekego, V. 1. Berdnikov, and R. M. Khayrutdinov. There are 2 fig- ures.. Card P_/2 L-350) EWT(x)/tdP(b)/LVP(t) JD 3S ACCESSION NR; AP5006155 0/0286/651000/005/0034/0034 AUrAOR:- Paton, B, Ye. Dudko. D. A ; Hedovar, B. I Latash, Yu. V.; Maksimo'Tich B. .; Shevchenko. A. I.; Stupak-, L.-Ij.; Goncharenko, V._L.; pu~uk ov G.' K.- Chudin. N Yartnev, H. A.; Keys, 1. V.; I.; Lubeneta. 1. Li 0 Vnit0ki1r. V. 0.; ; Pts'nennov, V. Kholodoy. Yu- A,* Bystrov, S. H ; Bastrakov, H~ X.; Donets, I.. D., SilMeY_A._Y.%. TITM- Method or elictrosl2g castinAlf ingots. Class 18, No. 168743 SOURCE, Byulleten' izobreteniy i twiarnykh tuakov. no. 5, 1965, 34 TOPIC TAGS: ingot casting, ingot electroslag casting, electroslag melting, steel r,?iting, anoy melting, metal melting P13TRACT: This Author Certificate Introducca a r.--thod of clectroslag casting of ingots in an open or protective c. in vacuum, in which slag is first melted in a rold with a nonconat"i:~Lln or consmable electrode arc or plaama jet. To inprove the metal quality and tl,-! inaot surface and to raise the yield, the raltcu rz,!tal or, Ir needed, th,~~ ij.,-: is poured into the mold through a hollow con- ai~~--ble or nonconsumable alectre-1i (ace Fig. I of tile Enclosure.). Orig. art. has: 16ura. cc;4-d L 35031-65 ACCFSSION NR T AP~F ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinakiy mtallurgicheakiy sayod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical' pi"t) SLMMr=t 00063 ENCLi 01 SUB PODE- Hi, IN o mw Gov: 000 N 01MR: 000 ATD Pms 3215. C-d et jj'/Z7,F_1j a ACCESSION M AP5008709 S/0133/6510OOfOO310232/0235 AUTHOR: nets-1-A.; Zhukqv, D. Voinov, S. 0.; Shalimov, A. G.; PsqY,_ Y.-slinnikov Ye S Chernyako~~,, V. A.; Yartsev, M. A.; Golikov, Ye I ~na G ~_Y e __q slag i~~eintng__qf t~~eLel from large-capacity arc ovens TIM-E: 5yntkq.~tj ~~URCS: Sta-C, no. 3. 1965, 232-M --C TACS: uteel refining, synthetic slag, bal,L 'bearing s teel;_ chromium steel, Impurity steel, arc oven steel ~,STI RACT: During the s~-cond lalf of 1963, one of the electrical steel -ST-nelt t7,,g ntarted introducing the rai~ning of steeI by means of synthetic i__j~nina sla,g into Industrial use. i1he present ar-,!c:e rep-Drtl on ~~e prel4zii-larv concerniag the efficiency c-f t:his new process. Tests were carried ~7 a slag-m-alting OKB-284 oven htavin;~ an in~ert,,t dla4Defar ~f 535C = and, .4 ~;A t ~Ij2 SI'LL ransformer. The wall an,~' c:-,vwi!T- ~o.- ~a I i fi P4 w i th ca rbon b Icar k!-!-i e s-~e Ii nc hnrnb e r nz 01 aiame t e r 0 f 0 V U U IU h2972-65 ACCESSION HR: AP5008709 in. acasiderabip detail. Specifically, 1) the oven produced 2.5 innerric tons/hr. of slag; 2) d4ring prodv=tion of ball-bearing and construction chromium steel, the slag consumption amounted to 2.13-5.07. of the mass of processed metal; 3) the oven consumed about 1420 IcWh per metric con of siag pro-duced; 4) the shortered refining operation decreased the coisumption of electrical energy by 30-40 kwi, met,,tc ton of metal, which cormo ~-ns at ed full,i ror -che energy, requirements `c r ov etne quaiity of the Z e impurity content even further, ''in triis wo-,,-, zarried out in conjunction vith 'ChM, N. V. Keys, V, G. Pe-ov, Ye B.. Men' chen'n, M. A-.- Barnovalov, G. B.. otlers a15.:) t-)'( a t a 7 A A a a n d r art, aa L U a A S S 0 C I A L T I ON None SUMUTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M N"' REF SOV. 001 OTHERR. NO .-Card 212 MBEITIETS 1 A - ZHUNIV D.G.; P,EW~V V.G.; GOL-Mlw', 7 7 I - Refining steel by synthetic slap. "Ietallurg 10 ~10~7:25 - ' ' ~,5 . 'm-;, -p-,.; LUBENEIS ZHUKOV, D.G.; VOINOV, S.G.; SHALDW, A.G.; KOSOY, L.F.; KALINNIKOV, Ye.S.; CHUNLAKOV, V.A.; YARTSEV, I-II.A.; GOLIKOV, Ye.S.; MYSINA, G.Ye.; Prinimali uchastiye: KEYS, N.V.; PEGOV, '1.G.; MEN'SHENIN, Ye.B.; BARNOVALOV, M.A.; SHPER, G.B.; SHATALOV, M.I.; MIOLCHANOVA, A.A.; ANISIMOVA, M.Ye. Refining steel with synthetic slag from large-capacity arc furnaces. Stall 25 no.3:232-235 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) LUBENETS, I.A.; LUKLN, P.G.; GAVRILYUK, L.Ya.; PROKHOROV, V.N. Results of the use of natural gar, in blast furnaces. Metallurg 10 no.9:5-7 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Chelyabinakiy metallurgichaskiy zavod. URNIKOVSKIYO K.B.; LUBENETS. I.P.; CRLOV, V.S.; SHCHELKAMOV, T!V61 DENISOV, Ye.M Induced block caving at the Gore, Blagodat' mine. Gor. zhur no, 12:29-32 D 165. (MIRA 18:12 Gordblagod&Wik&o;~~holezorudnoye mestorozhdeniye (for Wernikov'Atyn' mmuuBmts, Orlov). 2# Institut gornogo delap Sverdlovsk (for Shchelkanov,, Denisov). LUBENETS, L. G. Cand Tech Eci - (dian) "Study of POsoibibties for use of hydraulic amplifiers of "valve-nozzleallj~ooplo-zablonlka7 in metal.-cutting machine tools." Kiev-Minsk, 61. 23 pp; (Finistry of Higher, Secondary,and Professional Education Belorussian SSR, Belorussian Polytechnic Inst imeni I. V. Stalin); 170 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 220) 8/124/62/000/006/015/023 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Lubenets, L. G. TITLE: Inves-tigation of the hydraulic nozzle-shutter ampli- fier PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, idekhanika, no. 6, 19062, 74, ab- stract 6B481 (Sb. nauchn. tr. aS-Dirantov Kiyevsk. po- litekhn. in-ta, Kiev, 1961, 48-58) TEXT: The results are described of an investigation of the charac- teristics of a hydraulic nozzle-shutter amplifier, used in modern automatic control systems. The investigation wa:s carried out on an installation of which a diagram is given. Flow rate characteristics of the nozzle are given; it is shown that the flow rate coefficient is practically independent of the nozzle diameter. An example is also given of the diagram of a hydraulic tracking system with a differential hydraulic nozzle-shutter amplifier, and equations for calculating its static velocity and traction characteristics.. Formulas for calculating the amplification coefficients of the Card 1/2 S11 24/62/000/006/015/023 Investigation of the ... D234/D308 system are quoted. It is shown that the system in question posses- ses very high sensitivity and static accuracy. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2 47 ACCESSION HRt AR4003201 S/0277/63/0O0/W9/0MZ/0MZ SOURCEt Me Mashinostre materialy*, konst0o'. iraso'het detaley mashin, Abe# .9.489409 tube'not AUMORt Sidorkog 1. V,; so Lo Go TITLEs Utilization of the freqijenay method An deter;kning.stability and aontrol factors in hydraulic stabilized.tracking systems; CITED SOURCHt Tr9 Kiyevske politekhneAn-tap ve. 379 1962p 4149 TOPIC TAGSt frequency methods tracking system stability# tracking system control# stabilized tinoking system, hydraulio,tracking system# stabilized hydraulic* tracking systemo hydraulic stabilized tracking system, successive jjtabilization*;~ consecutive stabilization, tracking system suc6aissive stabilization, tracking system consecutive stabilization, successive tracking system stabilization, iconseoutive tracking system stabiliiationg balance equation, liquid consumption: 'balance equationo, valve motion equation'.,hydraulic engine notion equation nonfunogensous linear differential eq"onb tracking system, TRANSLATIONt' .22w dynamLia 'aide ulati~n'l "of gy'sta'ad' witk tracking stabill"tion a A x, A ACCESSION NRj AR4003201 given*" A method in given'of oampiling and solving a system of equations describing- the behavior of the hydraulic tracking drive eyatems The system of equations con- sistg of fuel balinae equations through -the opirstional slats of the installations# ~j gad the 7regigtgnoej of the hydraulii contiats, , equations of ftovemi&,aif the valve of the' control and repletion equlp~wntp - and the squatioi- at W. 166vement 090 the tons are hydraulic,noter Me squat 6f linear diffsewi; set,up: ~n', asystem iiiis~ a im operative forn.0 M CODB;', DO i.-Card.-. 2/?, ------ - NkUMOV, A.L.; LIJBE=S, L,F, Study of the performance of a three-phase rectifier taking ohmic resistances into account. Trudy KTIPP no.17t221-227 '57- (14IRK 13:1) (Blectric current rectifiers) LUPTNEETS, P. A. Lubw-ets, P. A. "The ~!sp~irseitte of" Trans cauc.~ sia. (An c.Y.T)eri- ment in introducinglit into cultiv;it-ion in then North~~-rn Cau- casus and southeatbrn USSR)," Selektsiya. j. semenovodstvo, 1949, No. 3, P. 39-41 SO-. U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis IZ'riurnal Inykh Statay, No. 14, 190). ,%r LLMVIIT'~Ts) 1% 11. ftTnvesf..Ig7'3on of Mglly Productive Hybrids nf Lucern." SO: Acrobiol, 5 1 1049. Cand -)f Arrricult.laral Sci. (Ybr. Al.l.-UnIon Inst. Plant Studies, Ixeninf7rad) -c10;49. LUBMETS., P.A. 23824 Ekspartset zakavkazakiy i novye raiony ago kulltury ( po Rabotam. Kubanskoy opytnoy otanteii Vir) Trudy po prikl. botanike, genetike i selektoii (Vsesoyuz. in-t rastenievodstva). T. XXVIII, vyp. 2. 1949p a. 71-89. Bibliogr 14 naz. SO: Letopiel No.34 LUBEIIETS, P.A., NAGOVITSYNA, A. V. Grasses Use of seeds of wild-grown perennial grasses in Kuban. Korm.baza 3 No. 7, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIM.