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Polygollizat.jon of, 91,93/E383
fragmentation can 6e assessed from the increase in the width
of the X-ray lines. In-Fig. 6, the increase in the width
(PIO-3 radians) of the (211) lines is plotted against the
degree of deformation at temperatures indicated by each curve.
It will be seen that a maximum degree of polygonization is
attained in the materkiil,extended to 9% elongation at 1 150 OC-
if, however, a 0specimen in this condition is held under a- , ,
load at 1 150 C for 80 min, the X-ray reflections become more
diffuse, indicating that this treatment brings about an
increase in the dimensions of blocks.
There are 8 figui-es and 10 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and
1 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-langu.agb reference mentioned
hys. Soc.,
is: Ref. 4: Cahn, R.W. - Proc. P A63, 1950.
ASSOCIATIONS: Institut mashinovedeniya GKAMSM SSSR
(Instituis of Machine Science of GKAMSM USSR)
Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Institute
of Steel)
Card 5/t-
AUTHORS: Lozinskiy, M..G. and Pertsovskiy, N.Z. (Moscol-'-)
TITLE: Microstructural study of deformation of palladium.
stressed in tension at elevated temperatures
PMMODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye
telchnichesk'ikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo,
no. 2, 1962, 136 - 144
Tr.'(T: In continuation of their earlier-work (Ref. 7 -
izv. AN SSSR, OTN, Metallurgiya i toplivo, no-1, 1961), the
authors studied the process of def8rmation and fracture of
palladium in creep at 400 and 600 C. Experiments were carried,
out on 99.8on pure Pd test pieces, preliminarily annealed for
1.5 liours at 1 300 OC with an average grain size of 1-25 mm and
hardness of 42 - 44 kg/mm . The.creep tests were cond2cted
in vacuum under stresses ranging from 2.3 to-7-0 kg1mm . In
addi9tion to the determination of creep curves, photomicrographs
of the surface of the test pieces were taken at regular intervals
without interrupting the test; on the completion of each test a
Card 14
Microstructural study .... E193/E383
supplementary metallographic test was carried out and hardness
measurenents were taken. The resul'L-.s of creep tests are given
in a table. The results of the metallographic examination
indicated that under the experimental conditions employed, slip
in the interior of the grains was the predominant mechanism of
deformation. Slip lines (Atraight and- -siravy), formed as a result
o-L both uniform "translation" slip and transverse slip, wer8 1/
o-served. On raising the test temperature from 400 to 600 C
both the thickness of and the distance between the slip bands
increased. Movement of the grains relative to each other-was
observed at the higher test temperature, as well as formation
and propagation of intercrystalline cracks., There are 6 figures
and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut.mashinovedeniya AN SSSR
!(Institute of 9cience of Machinos of the AS USSR)*
SUBMITTED: March 15i 1961
Card 2/1
Mlicrostructural study .... E193/E383
Table key: Results of-study of palladium specimens tested for
creep in vacuum
1 No. of test; 2 - temperature, 0C;
3 t2
.j , kg/mm (initial applied stress)
hrs (test duration); 5 - elongation on
the gauge length 6 mm.,2 6 - rate of steady creep,
O%I/hour; 7 - HV, kg/mm "ihardness);
.8 - in the deformation region; -9 - on the head of
the test piece.
.w Results of hardness measurements in the centre of.the "hot"
zone (for deformed specimens) at a distance of-3 mm. from the
plane of fracture (for fractured specimens)
xx The tent piece did not break.
Card 3/4 `7
Sokolkov, Ye.N., Lozinskiy, M.G., and Chupakova, N.P.
Some peculiarities in the mechanism of plastic
deformation of austenitic steels and alloys in high-
temperature thermo-mechanical treatment
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo,
no.3, 1962, 71-77
TEXT: High-temperature thermo-mechanical treatment entails
plastic deformation, carried out at temperatures-above the
recrystallization temperature. In the present work some specific
features of the mechanism of this process are studied in the
chromium-nickel-manganese steel and a Nimonic-type alloy. The
treatment was carried out at 1000-1100 *C with rolling at speeds
of 3-6 m/min to give 25-30% reductions; nucleation and growtkr of
new grains being arrested by cooling in water. Resulting
microstructures were compared with those produced by ordinary
Card 1/2
Some peculiarities in the ... S/180/62/000/003/007/016
heat treatment. The authors conclude that in the course of the
treatment studied a slip occurs accompanied by rectification of
the crystal lattice in the zones of slip and in the adjacent
regions. In addition, a diffusion displacement of parts of grain-
boundaries also occurs. These segments, formed as a result of the
emergence of slip planes Ont. grain boundaries, undergo diffusion.
displacement similar to grain-boundary migration in a stress
field. Slip and displacement of grain boundary segments cause
serrated distortion of grain boundaries specific to the treatment,
the coarseness of the serrations increasing with intensification
of the diffusion displacement. As a result of the diffusion
redistribution of the crystal lattice defects produced in plastic
deformation, substructure sometimes appears; its preferential
appearance at the grain boundaries indicates that plastic
deformation is most intense there.
There are 6 figures.
SUBMITTED: December 6, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Sadovskiy, V. D., Sokolkov, Ye. N., Lozinskiy, M. G., Petrova, S. N.,
Antipova, Ye. I., Gaydukov, M, G., MirmeTts_U_ey-n_,V_ A.
TITLE: The effect of thermomechanical treatment on refractory properties of
austenitic steel
PERIODICAL: Referativr*y zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 15, 1962, 21, abstract
15A115 (Iwoollection: "Issled. po zharoprochn. splavam". T. 7,
Moscow, AbL-SSSR, 1961, 202 - 209)
TPU: The effect o!f thermomechanical treatment on the change of structure
of,austenitic alloyed stiel in the process of high-temperature stretching In a
vac 9000C and 95 z stress) and on the rupture strength at 6500C
,uum (at
w4i; studied. The thermomechanical treatment consisted of
35 arid 38 kg/mm2)
rolling with 25 - 30% reciuction in area and 5.7 m/min- speed at 1,000 L 1,1000C
and a subsequent water hardening. It is pointed out that thermomechanical treat-
ment increases the rupture strength and inhibits the process of creep rupture;
this is explained by the characteristics of the structure forming at a high-tem-
Card 1/2
The effect of thermomechanical;..
.perature plastic deformation. There are 16 references.
AAbstracter s note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
Main types of deformaticn microreliefs occurring at high
temperatures in polycrystalline metals with a face-centered
cubic lattice. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i to~lo
no.1:105-126 ja-F 162. (MIrd 15:2
(Crystal lattices)
(Metals, Effect of temperature on)
BOKSHTEYN, S.Z. (Moskva); KISFKIN, S.T. (Moskva); LOZINSKII, M.G. (Moskva);
SOKOLKOV, U.N. (Moskva); Prinimali uchastiye-,.-PODVOYSFAYA,---0,7ff.;'
Thermomechanical, treatment of chromium-nickel-manganese
austenitic steel. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl.
no.2:15-21 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Chromium-nickel steel--Hardening)
L02INSKIY, M.G. (Moskva)i PERTSOV,% IY, N.Z. (Moskva)
Microscopic investigation of palladium deformation in the process
of stretching at high temperatures. Izv. All SSSR. Otd. tekh.
nauk. Met. i topl. no,21l36-144 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Institut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR.
(Palladium-Metallography) (Deformations (Mechanics))
(Metals at high temperatures)
SOKOLKOVP Ye.N. (Moskv4~);_WZIITSKIY, M.G. (1409kva); CHUPIUXOVA, N.P. (1-foskva)
S=e characteristics of the mechanism of plastic deformation of
austenitic steels and alloys during high-temperature thermomechar-i:~al
treatment. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no.3.71-77
my-je 162. (MIRA 15:6)
(Steel-Hardening) (Deformations (Mechanics))
00 s/18o/62/000/004/003/009
AUTHORS: Lozinskiy, M.G. and Pertsovskiy, N.Z.'(Moscow)
TITLE: 51~pecific features of deformation of nickel at various
temperatures and strain-rates
PERIODICAL: Alcademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk, bletallurZiya i toplivo,
no. 4, 1962, 90 102.
TEXT; The object of the present investigation was to study
the effect of temperature and strain-rate on the deformation-
induced structural changes in Ni.- To this:end,'tensile tests-
were conducted oh 99-305-o' pure Ni (containing 0.59% Co, 0.06c." C,
0-170,' Fe, 0.04t,al Cu, 0-050"", Si, O.OO'10,j S and traces of 11n and P)
at temperatures ranging from.20 - 1-000 OC and at strain rat's
of 0.5-o.6, 6-8 and 6oo-8000.0' per hour, the total elonLation
attained in any one experiment not exceeding 20%. The structural
changes were studied by hot-stage metallography, entailing the
use of a cine-camera, and by metallographic examination of
extended specimens at room temperature. Stress/strain diagrams
were constructed for specimens extended at various temperatures
Card 1/4
Specific features of .... E193/E383
and the temprature-dependence of the stress required to provide
a strain of 209,,, was determined. In addition, the temperature
dependence of hardness of Ni was studied and the microhardness
was measured in various zones of extended test piecesa The affect
of various factors studied on the stress/strain relationship is
demonstrated in Fig. 1, where the stress (0-, kg/mm Yis plotted
against clon-ation (Eq %) of Ni specimens extended at strain rates
of 0.5 - 0.6% per hour (graph a) and 600 - 800c,, per hour (graph -z>)
attemperatures indicated by each curve. The results of metallo-
graphic examination can be sumiiarized as follows: 1) metallo-
graphic studies of the surface 0of extended specimens showed that
deformation of Ni at 20 - 400 C at slow (0-5 - 8!1 per hour) rates
of strain is reflected in the formation of microrelief in the
interior of the grains, where evidence of cross-slip can also be
observed. The deformation, as revealed by slip bands, is not 0
uniformly distributed. The formation of sub-boundaries at 400 C
can be just observed and there is some evidence of relative
movement of the grains. 2) The formation of intragranular micro-
relief at 600 900 `C (at the same strain rates) is much loan
Card 2/4
j . S/180/62/000/004/003/009
Specific features of El93/E383
pronounced, the relative movement of grains becoming the
predominant mode of deformation. Intorcrystallino cracks
appear'.r.ind the formation of clearly defined sub-structures
takes place, the sub-grains.tending to become more equi-axial
as the temperature of deformation increases- 3) Deformation
(at a slow rate of strain) at,*l 0000C is accompanied by a
recrystallization whose onset can be-detected almost immediately
'after application of the load. No visible slip lines are formed
but the formation of sub-structure can be observed even at-
lo-w maCnifications. 4) Deformation by slip becomes more
pronounced at all temperatures-studied at hIghor (6oo z 8oo%
per hour) strain rates, with a 'corresporfdinf; decrease in the
.degree of deformation in the Grain-boundary regions; the distri-
bution of slip bands is very -nonuniform, there is a marked 0
refinement of the sub-structure, particularly in the 800-1 000 C
range and recrystallization in the early stages of deformation
at 80CL - 1 000 OC is suppressed. 5) In common with many other
metals and alloys, Ni appears to be prone to hot.;-shortness in
the 6oo - 800 OC range. There are 8 figures and 1 table.
Card 3/4
Specific features of .... E193/E383
ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya Goskomiteta SM SSSR
po avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu, -(Institute
of Machine Science of the State Committee of
SM SSSR for Automation and Machine-building)
SUBMITTED: February 1, 1962
Fig. 1:
r 1
o 10
11 J# L74 8 /Z /5
Card 4/4
ASSONOVA, Ye.A., inzh.; LOZINSKIYO M.Goy doktor tekhnonauk
Effect df temperature on hardness changes and the elasticity
modulus O;r alloys in the sy*tem Fe - Hi, K~talluved. i
term* obro meto no*10:11-15 0 t62* (MIRA 15:10)
1. Institut mashinovedeniya Gp tdarstvennogo komitete, Soveta
Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizatal i mashinostroyeni7i.
(Iron--Aic9ce4 alloys-4Tpsting)
(Metals, Kffdct of teniperaftre oil)
AUTHORS: Lozinskiy, M.G., Doctor of Technical-Sciencco and
Atittpovi, %e-.r-.,Ongineer
TITLE: Features of the structure of nickel at elevated
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i.termicheskaya obrabotka. metallov,
no.11, 1962, 18-20
TEXT: High-purity nickel specimens were heated in vacuum
to 11000C for 30 min, then cooled to 5000C and subjected to the
effect of twelve successive 1 cm3 doses of air. The structural
changes caused by the oxidation process were studied by
observing the microstructure, particularly as regards coloration.
The lowest rate of increase in the thickness of the oxide film
was observed in the light yellow sections of the surface with an
orientation approaching (100). The oxidation was more intensive
'in the orange coloured sections with orioniaiions approaching
Ull). * The highest rate of oxidation was~in the blujo sections,
the orientation of which was near to that of the dodecahedron
plane (110). The change in colour was most*intenaive for the
Card 1/2
I .. I
Features of the structure of ... S/129/62/000/011/003/007
grains with the orientation (110) which passed through the entire
range of colour changes,,indicating that nickel is chemically
more active in the crystallographic directi-on (110) than in the
directions (100) and (111)-'. Coloured selective oxidation after
high-temperature vacuum heating can be usefully applied for
investigating the initial stages of corrosion and for closer
study of the fine crystalline structure of various materials.
There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya GKAM SM SSSR
(Institute of Machine Science GKAM SM USSR)
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Solfolkov, Ye.N. , Varli, K.V. and
Skakov, Yu.A.
TITLE: The effect of high-temperature thermomechanical
tr6atment on the fine crystal structure of austenitic
stools and alloys
PE"RIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13, no. 1,
1962, 137 - 143
TEXT: In contrast to treatment which consists of plastic
deformation of steel below the upper limit of the martensitic-
transformation range (i.e. at 400 - 60o 0 C), followed by
quenching and which, according to the present authors, should be
referred to as "low-temperature thermomechanical treatment"
(NTDIO), the term "high-temperature thermomechanical treatment"
(VTMO) is proposed for a similar treatment in which steel is
deformed at a temperature above its recrystallization temperature
before quenching. It has already been established that a sub-
stantial increase in the strength of steel can be brought about
Card 1/6
The effect of .... E193/E383
by this treatment and it has been postulated that this effect
is partly associated with changes in the fine crystal structure
of the material, formation of stresses of the second type and
texture. It was in order to check this postulhte that the
investigation-described in the present paper was undertaken.
Experiments were carried out on a Cr-Ni-Mn steel containing
o.56v,,~ c, 0-50' si, 8.oo,/. Mn, 12.2,,10' Cr, 8.5c/0' Ni, 1.5(/'0' V, 1-15"", MO,
0-31% Nb (alloy A) and on Nimonic type alloy containing 0.05(,'; C,
Mn, 20. 091" Cr, 0. 60% Al and 2.4% Ti (alloy E) Test
0. 50L Si, 0.35.3 /0 a a
pieces (square rods measuring 11 x 11 x 60 mm) were heated in
air in an electric furnace, hot-rolled, quenched and then aged,
the various schedules employed being given in Table 1. In some
cases, a higher rolling speed (5-7 m/min) or heavier reductions
(56,,,0 were used. At the same time, pilot test pieces were heat-
tre~'ted in the conventional manner by quenching from temperatures
given in column 4 of Table 1. The effect of each type of
treatment was then studied by metallographic examination,
-:,easuring Vickers hardness and electrical resistivity at room
temperature,.determining the lattice parameters of the
Card 2/6
The effect of .... E193/E383
solid-solution matrix, block dimensions and the magnitude of
microstresses, and by evaluation of the character of texture
of the specimens. Some of tbe typical results are given in
Table 2. Similar results were obtained for alloy t-,, which, however,
reqxtiressupplementary study. The conclusions reached can be
summarized as follows:
1) VTMO brings about substantial (in comparison with the
conventional hardening treatment) changes in the shape of the
grain boundaries and orientation of the grains,and markedly
affects the condition of the solid-solution matrix.
2) Vj.',%10 promotes more complete dissolution of the second phase
on heating and more complete,precipitation of this phase during
agei-ng than the conventional heat-treatment.
5) VTMO brings about a decrease in the dimensions of the mosaic
blocks (down to 0.05 It in the case of:.alloy A), this effect
becoming less pronounced if higher temperatures or faster rdlling
speeds are employed.
4) Quite large (up to 1 X 10-3) microstrains are set up in the
alloy as a result of VTMO, ageing or quenching from relatively
Card 3/6
The effect of .... E193/E383
high temperatures.
5) Materials subjected to VTMO have a texture close to axial,
the L1111 direction being the preferred orientation'.
parallel to the direction of rolling.
6) A maximum increase in strength is attained after VTMO
followed by ageing. The beneficial effect of this treatment is
associated with the preelpitation of a large quantity of the
liardening-phase particles, with more favourable distribution of
this precipitate and indirectly with the reduced size of the
mosaic blocks. There are 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of
Physics of Metals of the AS USSR)
SUBMITTED:, September 18, 1961
Card 4/6
The efj'ec-t of ....
Table 1: Schedules of VTMO and subsequemit heit-tj-(,~jjt,jjt~,jt of
test pieces wilich were hot-rol.l.od d uviii~, V,r:;o to -,5(!f)
re(luction at a rolling speed of 1.5 m/min arid then
quenched iii water.
1,iaterial Wo. of Temperature, 0 C Rolling Ageing
treat- and t enipe ra- conditions ,
ni ent. holding time, ture, 'DC 0C
schedule hrs
1 1150 - 1 hr 1100 750 - 11 hrs
Alloy A 11 1175 - 1 lir 1000 750 - 11 firs
111 1200 - 1 hr 1200 750 -- 4 hrs
Alloy I lo8o - 8 hrs 1080 700 -16 lirs
11 1080 - 8 1-irs 1000 700 - 16 lirs
Card 5/6
"M Elm
The effect of .... E,193/E383
Table 2: Properties of Alloy A after VTMO carried out
accorTing to schedule I Eas given in Table 11
Type of Treatment Lattice resis- Block di- I-,icro- Iff,
parameter, tivity mensions deforii, kg/t7im
kx ;,lLi-,~cin A, TL a L 104
Conventional har&
ening without
ageing 3-595 62-7 ~10.2 0 220
Conventional hard- 5.592 61.2 10 290
ening with ageing '~0.2 81
VTMO (without o.o6 4
ageing) 5.598 65.4 0.05 f 240
o.o6 7
VTNIO (isrith ageing) 3-590 59.4 0.0,5 1.0 ..$30
in the numerator - results obtained by the appro:~;-Jma t ion
method-, in the denominator - resul ts ol' ha rmonic analysis.
Card 6/6
AUTHORS: LozinsLy, M.G., Mirotvorskiy, V.S. and
TITLE: A study*of ageing of beryllium bronze
PERIODICAL: Fizilta metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 14, no. 6,
1962, 83!1 - 842
TFMT: Microhardness measurements were used to study various
aspects of ageing oof 2-5~" Be-Cu alloysq which were given 24-hours
treatment at 780 -Cifollowed by watcr quenchingoto ensure struc-
tural homogeneity of the experimental sp4qcimens. Ageing as well
as hot-hardness measurements were carried out in vacuum. The
investigation covered the following: determination of the
temperature-dependence of microhardness of both solution-treated
igaterial and specimens aged for.1.5 hours at 350 OC; comparison
of micro 'hardness of the alloy at various stages of ageing,
both at the ageing temperature and after cooling to room tempera-
ture; comparison of theIiinatics of ageing in the interior of the
grains and in the grain-boundary regions. The results can be
summarized as follows. 1) The microhardness,of beryllium bronze
Card 1/3
A study of ageing ....
aged for 1.5 hours at 350 C increases 0slightly on heating,
reaching a maximum value at about 300 C and decreasing rapidly--
above 400- 0C. The mic-rohardness of solution-treated specimen .s
also increases on heating due to decomposition of the solid
solution but the values obtained at any given temperature arc
loi-ter than those. of the preliminarily aged material. 2) When the
beryllium- bronze is agge-hardened at 350- 0C for 30 - 60 min, its
maximum microhardness at the ageing temperature is the same as that
measured (after ageing) at room teriTperature. When the ageing time
exceeds 60 min the rooni-temperature microhardness of tho alloy
becomes lowar than t1hat weasurcd at the ageing temperature, 2the
difference bctweca tliesc two values reaching about 90 lcg/tiun for
alloys aged for 6 hours. 3) The microhardness of solution-
treated beryllium bronze is Iii,,-Iler in the' grain-bourfdary
regions than in the interior of the grains. Thin effect is due
to a higher conceiitration of beryllium in the grain-boundary
regions where - possibly some precipitation-hardening takes
place during quenching. The grain-bounda'ry region and the
interior of t"ie grains harden at different rat'es during ageing.
The interior of the grains hardens at a faster rate in the initial
Card 2/~
A study of ageing .... r',193/E383
stages of ageing. The microhardness of the grain-boundary zon es
and the interior-of the grains is paractically the same at the
nioment corresponding to maximum hardness; the decrease in hard-
ness in the grain-boundary regions is much.more pronounced 'under
conditions of over-ageing- 5) After ageing for 10 min at 350 OC
the microhardness of the P-phase in the wolutPn-trontod,al;oy
increases froi-,i the initial value of 360 kg/mm to 640 kg/mm .
6) Ageing of beryllium bronze for critical applications should be
carried out under conditions which ensure equal hardness at the
grain boundaries and in the interior of the grains. The optimum
ageing time at 350 OC is 1 hour. There are.7 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya (Institute of
Science of Machines)
~SUBLMITTED: December 27, 1961 (initially)
Juno 20, 1962 (after revision)
Card 3/3
BERGy A.I., glav. red.; TRAFE2-:1KOV, V.A., glav. red.; Bia~!-.-OVIC112 D.1%)
zaml glav. red.; LET"Zi6, A.Ya., dol-tor tel:l,-r-. na-L:~-, --o'
- - 1.7
zam. plav. red.; AVU-J, 0.1.,, red.; AGF.YKIl-', D.I., red.; kand.
teklm. naukp,dots.., red.; AYZERI-W!, M.A.., red.; VMlIKOV, V.A.,
doktor telchn. nauk, prof., red.; VOROUOV, A.A., doktor teklin.
naukj prof., red.; GAVRILOV, M.A., doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.,
red.; ZER11OV, D.V., red.; IL1321, V.A., e-oktor tekhn. naulc,
prof., red.; KITOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KOGAE, B.YA.~
doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KOSTOUSOV,, A.I., red.; M'IIIITSKIY.
H.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk red.; LEVIN,G.A. Prof. red.;
LOZINSKIY, M.G., doktor tekhn. nauk., red.: j.,OSqIYrV5KIY V 1,
red.; MAKSAM, Yu.Ye., red.; MASLOVA.A. dote., red. ;Kk6~,A.A.jred.;
RAKOVSKIY, M.Ye., red.; ZZENBERG, L.D., doktor tekhn.nauk,
prof., red.; SOTSKOV, B.S..,.red.; T11-110'rMEV, P.V., red.;
USHAKOV, V.B., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; FEILIDBAUM, A.A.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FROLOV, V.S., red.;
hlMKEVICH, A.A., red.; KINW40Y, A.V., kand. tekhn. n-mk, red.;
TffPKIN, Ya.Z... doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; CHMUSTKU,
A.B... kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SHREIDER, Yu.A., kand. fiz.-
mat. nauk, dots., red.; BOCHAROVA, M.D., kand. tekhn.nauk,
starshiy nauchnyy red.; DELOPE, N.N., inzh., nauchnyy. red.;
BARPITOV, V.I.) nauchnyy red.; PAVLOVA, T.I.9 tel-Im. red.
(Continued on next card)
BERG, A.I.- (continued). Card 2.
(Industrial electronics and autoration of production Droces-
ses]Avtomatizateiia Proizvodstva i promyshlennaia eleictronika.
Glav. red. A.I.Berg i V.A.Trapeznikov. Moskva, Gos.nauchn.
izd-vo "Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia.11 Vol.l. A - 1. 1962. 524 P.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sotskov,
Kharkevich., Zernav, Timofeyev, Popkov).
(Automatic control) (Electronic control)
Strength of nickel at room and elevated temperatures as affected
by the specific structural-state arising in hiCh-temperature
thermomechanical treatment. Dokl. AN SSSR. 144 no.6:1289-329,2
Je 162. (MIRA 15:6)
1. Institut masbinovedeniya Gosudarstvennogo komiteta 3oveta
Ministrov SSSR pc. avtomatizatbii'i mashinistroyeniyu.
Predstavleno akad.. A.A.Bocharoym.
(Metals at high temperatures) (Nickel)
Lozinskiy, Mikhail Grigor'yevich
~7tr-uc'i~r-~-'-and"--pr'o"perti'd-s -of-- metals and alloys at high temperatures
(Stroyeniye i svoystva metallov i splavov pri vy*sokikh temper-
aturakh) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 525 p. illus., biblio.,
index, platas. Errata slip inserted. 4850 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: vacuum metallography, high temperature metallography,
metal macrostructure, metal microstructure, metal creep, metal
thermal fatigue, internal friction, metal hardness, alloy haid-
ness, tool steel, low alloy steel, nickel alloy, thermal etching,
metal-hot hardness, diffusion, evaporation, seizing
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for engineering person-
nel, scientific research workers, technicians, and laboratory.
workers studying'the behavior of metals and alloys at various:
temperatures. It may also be useful to advanced students at
metallurgical and machine-building schools of higher education.
New methods for studying the microstructure and properties of
metals and alloys at hig'h temperatures are reviewed. Results
Card 1
of inv'estigations of specific features of the structure of metals
and alloys are presented, and laws governing the change in proper-
ties of.numerous pure metals and alloys in a wide range of temper-
atures are discussed. -rrom 1947 to 1950 the research in high-
temperature metallography was carried out at the Institute of
Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov under the guidance of Academician
N. T. Cudtsev; from 1951 to 1953, at the Institute of the Science
of Machines un6er the guidance of I. A. Oding, Corresponding Member
of the Academyof Sciences USSR; and since 1953, by the author. In
the investigation of the microstructure and properties of metals
and alloys at high temperatures considerable assistance was ex-
tended by Academicians I. P. Bardin and A. A. Blagonravov. E. I.
Antipova, M. B. Guterman, N. P. Zaytseva, L. A. Yevdokimova, A. 11.
i Kosinskiy, V.- S-. Mirotvorskiy, N. Z..Pertsovskiy, E. P. Sinodova,
A. E. Fedorovskiy, and S. G. Fedotova partigipated in the develop-
ment of new equipment and*experimental methods and in the carrying
out of investigations.
Card .2 VQ
ALEKSEYEVA, T.A. (Moskva); IDZINSKIY, M.G. (Moskva')
Characteristics of the kinetics of plastic deformation in co=ercial-
grade iron at temperatmw from 20 to 10000. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.
tekh. nauk. Met. i gor. delo no.2:116-123 Mr-Ap 163.
(KM 16:10)
9. Rj ~Pz~ cE~
KRYLOV, V.D. (Moskva); LOZINSKIY, III.G. (Moskva); NTKITINA, I.I. (Moskva)
Fine crystal structure of nickel -following a
thermomechanical treatment. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i
gor. delo no-4:135-IJ.0 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10)
-_-L 1732-1.;.63-. W/EWT(~)/ AFFTC/ Fs-4 WW
ACCESSION NR: AP3004909 S/0120/63/0001004/0158/0157
AUTHOR:, Lozinskiy, M. G.; Fridman, Ye. M.; Nlkojayenko, 0. M.
Ioffe' Yu.
iTITLE- Sharn-focused higher-power X-ray tub for structure analysis
SOURCE: Pribory*i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1963, 158-159
TOPIC TAGS: X-ray tube, structure analysis, URS-70 X-ray outfit, sharp-
focused X-ray tube
-focus X-ray tube with electrostatic focus-
ABSTRACT: A new design of a linear
ing of the electron beam is described. A Z15-mm-long copper housing has a
vacuum-tight beryllium wir\'dow and water-cooled anode. tube prototypes were
1-ray outfit; stable eration w6 6 noted at a rated
tested in a regular URS-701 op
voltage of 45 kv and test voltage of 50 kv. Maximum currents: 2. 5 ma with Mo
and Cu mirrors and 500 microamp, with Fe, Co, Ni, or Cr mirrors. A sample
Card 1/2
Card 2/2
L 1111663, -EWP(q.)/9WT-(z)/PDS AFFTC/ASD JD/JT
ACCESSIMU NR: AP3000491 SIO.1291631000IW51005410060
'AUMM,.~' Lozinekly, M, Mrotvorskiy, V. Antipova, Ye. 1.
'TITIE: Effect,of rolling conditions on recrystallization and heat resistance
Of ~nickel
SOURCE: 14etallovedeniye i.termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 5, 1963,.54-60
Topic TAGS; -nickel thermomechanical treatment, recrystallization range, micro-
hardness, beat-resistance, rupture lite, total elongation,. deformation mechani=:
ABSTRACT: The effect of thermomechanical treatment (Tra) on recrystallization
and heat resistance In 99.5% Pure Ni has been studied. Round bars, .16 mm in
~160'mm long,,were annealed at 1100C for 1 hr, cooled to 900, 8000
diameter and
700, 600, 500, 400i or Mi rolled at these temperatures with a reduction of
;25~, and water quenched. The specimenz verethen subjected to recrystallization
annealing for 1 hr in a vacunm at 500-900C. Hardness tests and microscopic
examination revealed that an increase in temperature of TMT increases the tem-
persture of the beginning andetcl of recrystallization. For instance, In speci-
mens rolled at room temperature recrystallization begini,at approximatelY 57.,c
Card 1/3-_
L 111114-63
ACaSSION 0: AP3000491
and is completed at approximateli 650C. Corresponding figures for specimens
rolled at 900C are approximately 66o and 740C. The temperature interval between
the beginning and end of-recrystallization is not affected by the conditions of
DO and remains approximately 75C for all conditions tested. The kinetics of
recrystallizationvere studied at 600C in a vacuum of 10-5 = Hg. At this tem-
perature a sharp.decreas6 of microbardness begins after approx te 1 hr I
ima 1y n
all specimens rolled at 20--.800C
After 50 hr recrystallization was completed
and microbardness dropped from the original 190-120 kg/= 2 to approximately
70 kg/MM2. In-specimens rolled at 900C the recrystallization proceeded at a
much lower rate and was not comileted even after annealing 100 hr, when micro-
hardness dropped from. approximately 120 kg/= 2 to 80 kg/= 2. The stress-rupt re
tests at 600C under an initial stress of 10 kg/MM2 showed that rolling at 20'u
900C considerably improves heat resistance as compared with that of Ni annealed
at 1100C. Specimens rolled at 20, 400, 800, and 90OC'had the longest rupture
life. Specimens rolled at ~O and 700-900C had the lowest creep rate in the
fAirst-stage creep. The total elongation in stress-rupture tests, which does
not ' exceed 3-4% for Hi annealed at U00C, varied in TMT specimens from 15%
(rolled at 5000) to 44a (rolled at 600 and 700C). Microscopic examination re-
Vealecl a considere-lAe Ufference In the mecheknism of deformations between fully.
L 11114-63
annealed and thermomechadeeMy treated Ni. In the former.' microcracki began to
;~-'form-at the-,grain boundaries at the very beginning of the streas-rupture test
without grain deformation, while in the latter, microcracks ( grain
oundaries) appeared only af
b ter completion of rocrystallization. Recrystalliza-
tion appears to delay both the, generation and propagation of microcracks. Orig.
art. has: 4 figures and I table.
ASSCCIATIOX.- institut rashinovedeniya GKAM pri Gosplane SSSR (Institute of the
&I-ence of Machines GKAM under the Gosplan SSSR
.SUBYJTTED: 00 DATEE.ACQ: 03,Tun63 ENCL: 00,
Effect of temperature and the rate of tensioning on the UneticB
and mechanism of deformation of iron-nickel alloys with 30 0/0 Fe.
Hetalloved. i term. obr. met, no.907-45 S 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Inatitut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR.
,:ACCESSION NR:' AP3007468 S10286163100010091005810058
!AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, Ile G.; Vishnevskiyp G.. Ye4'
'TITIE Unitforstudying the laws of deformation and destruction of samples
SOURCE: Ryul, izobret. i tovarn, znakov., no. 9,0 1963,..58
TOPIC TAGS:, plastic deformation., structural pla'stics., destructive testing
;ABSTRACT: lo Unit for studying the laws of deformation'and destruction of
samples., for examplej, of structural plastic sheets lubjected to one-sided high-.w
temperature heating using air as a medium.. 'or a protective mediumj, during testing
..:for pulling.stress., bending..-or compressions This unit is equipped with a system
!for the tensometric measurement. of the load and deformation of samples, and also for.recording the processes of deformation and destruction of
~Distingtdslffng feaiurefft In order to*measure the temperature of the surfaces-of
!the samples-At the time they are being tested according to.,the' scheduled program.,
the unit is~dquipped with-an open electric furnace., which'aiatomatically moves in
j Card 1/3
labcordance viitha master pattern'to or from the -sam
.2.~ Urdt as per paragraph I* IlLstinguishing feature: In order to determine the
1-exact moment of start of the testing with high-speed one-aided heating., it is
fequipped with a moveable water!-copled slide valve for shieldin'B the open zone of
the furnacco
-eb6l DATE*ACQ: 140ct63 ENCL: 01
-F SOV: 000 OMER: 000
ACMssIoN NR: Ap3oo7468 ENCL:
lo tensometric systems
24, movie camera
3o -tested sample
open eloctric furnace
Cuidos.for moving the furnace
69 moveable wqter-cooled vinive
j:bapd 313
VESSION IM"Oh: A.P3007709 S/02.86/631000/012/0051/0()52-
AURIOR: Lozinskiy, X. G.
TITILE: Device for testing the bonding of metals and alloys in:contact during
~ex_posure to high temperature and to compression in vacuum and various gaseous
~~OUR6'_E: By~l. izobrait. i tovarn. znakov, no. 12, 1963, 51-52
.MPIC TAGS: metal testing, alloy testing, vacuum testing, gas,testing
?kCT: A device for testing the bonding of metals and allots in contact during
exposure to high temperature and to compression in vacuum and yarious gaseous
media, consisting of a vacuum test chamber within which are fo,4nd the sample under
istudy with a heater-and heat shield arrangement; a loading arrangement, consisting
of a,rod and various weights which can be attached to it and a~!connecting rod for
transn. itting the force to the sample, the changing of the loading being accom-
pliened without breaking the vacuum by use of a sylphon bellow6 coupling the con-
necting rod to the bell jar; characterized in that in order to idetemine the
magnitude of the force necessary to break the zone of the bond -and in order to
ACCESSION 11R: AP300?709
:characterize its stability properties, the device is outfitted1with a tensiometric
system which includes a thrust plate to which is attached the end of the rod
which couples to the -connecting rod and also an elastic element to which is
attached an indicator, e.g., a resistor, inductor, or capacitor;.
i SMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 150at63 ENCL: 00
Effect of tensile stresses on the berylliun bronze aging process.
Fiz. met. i metalloved.16 no.3:366-369 S 163. (MIRA 16!11)
1. Institut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR.
Experimental determination of the role of grain boundaries
in the general deformation of platinum during tension at a
constant speed and heating from 20-1000 Fiz. met. i metal-
loved. 16 no.3:409-415 S 163a (KIRA 16:11)
1. Institut mashinavedeniya AN SSSR.
AUTHORS: Lozinskiy, M. G., Antipova, Ye. I., and Hikitina, 1. 1.
TITLEt Device for protecting the inspection glass in high-temperature
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 2, 1963, 237 - 238
TEXTs In order to avoid misting of the field of vision caused by sublimates
when studying the miorostructure of heated samples in vacuo, driving device
is suggested which causes a quartz glass disc of 105 mm diameter to rotate
and simultaneous)ly"to shift in plane-parallel direction at a rate of
3.8 mm, per rotation. This ensures that a clear section of the quartz glass
always appears in-frontof the eyepiece. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCRTIONs Institut mashinovedeniya (Institute of the Sciences of
Card 1/1
Kinetics of the oxidation of metals during heating studied by
means of selective coloring. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:815-817 163.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Metals-Corrosion) (Metallography)
- I n'- - -, " -
W- UP -4 T 'A `c) Rf --L
a~d!-Mc MJ1d/JD/K4/GS
ACCESSION NR: AT4049809 S/0000/6410001000/0014/0026
A17HOR: Lozinskiy, K. G.
The Lmp,:-rtance of the structural factor in solving problems of the strength
-a.loys and metals designed for service at high temperatures
chaniya. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka,, 1964, 14-26
TOPIC TAGS: nickel, nickel a loy, nickel heat resistance, nickel structure, nickel
alloy structure, nickel strength, high temperaturestrengath
/ 1;
A2STRALCT: The utrentA of metals and alloys may be increaaed either by changing
their chemical composition with alloying elements or by changing their structure.
The structure can be changed by creating ideal moll by thermal, me-
Ing, T*heT-mamachanical subdivided
--a-. -anVnr thermomechanical worki torkin
e c f-i nu e 6 10 r ; J- e r e ni 7 .2
~e nal rk 1,
heating at high 77 du K
s ?ertar-med at 100-150C, ensurin.- the
o,: the
1he main disadvantage a-. thl-5 process ts
Ccrd 114,3
L 40000-65
when the steel is heated above 150C. This method is known as "ausforming" or
"ma-z-orking." The high-temperature thermomechanical method includes a c bi tion
,pm na.
__.ot plastic deformation at temperatures above the recrystallizatiorVremDerature
-is method, base-
_a;,id cooling and ",-lbsequen" .I~ __
(hardening) T It,
orking, f~; N!~.4. ;I.ivanta;~e of Ch 5 ""!"vv
i-noortance of structural tactors i:-~
Dicke! and E1437B ;iL-nonic a" 1 -D -w.?re F, ~-.a inz a d iam e
-:7 e at a rate "Ja s eP r a ~ U r'-'A C' i
:or L !~Z'Ur.~nd coo.:ej ir, --ie
E 1', 3'~ B I
="ace at "10~_)C '-J- 31
ater cocl;:)~ cc a~.':
.!,)r 16 hrs. The grain structure afcttr s_~w;t' a c -_,_ r
V P a r a P I -, I 6M c.1 " S -a I a ppea ranc e and 7~, -
o' -~ca d i s ? 1 a c. emk,~ n t , a s we as th, ionnatton of irregu~arilzies ac
c;~' rl.Ca r i e s These irregularlli~.~ may 'nr~ e,~ ~ un-a c ed Dy chi~~ per iod a nd amp
of recesses avd projections at t he o int: B. rhcy -,;ary c score,; to
Ccfd 2/4
~_i3~71:;'._ 7,
L 4OC-00-65
of microns. The increase in the time required for deformation of the samp 19 to the
alloulable limit during NHW in comparison with normal treatment under I
_SLeepi'tests is
-2X,T-J1di-,,ed by the structure formed during Nn'. The redistribution of dislocations
ai.,' concentration is very important for increasing the strength of materials
As the "VIN. temperature increases, t'he. ricke! resz5tance under pla5:IC
ra v a
t-~ deter, c~,,angr,!:, in 7,1 C
is probably )y all
and block boundaries which prevenL soparrate a
4cirmations in the mate-i-al. T'his i)erm~r:S t..P cc,
P?ear~r~g a,:ter z r~2
-oz -,jorkiag pro?erttes cbtatne.-;
t ~i umechanical testing of nickel showed that- nickel hae. tne nighegL C-LaD i
a~t~r VHW at 900C. Orig. arz. has: 9 figures.
Card 3/4
Iou r,
---W;7~tT ~i.- I 'r~'N-;-Wa 0--i
'A =HOR: LqpInsIdy, M. G., Per-onvotdk, M. Z., Ferenets, V. Ya.
7rrLF: Evaluation of the importance of various deformation processes In the elortgation
;of mickel at bigh temperatures
OOUFCE~LSSSR. Mauchny*yscivetpoprablemezhamproc~nv*khsplavov,
si-16dovaniya atiqley I arlavov (Studies on gteale and alloya), Moscow, fzd-vo 'Nauka,
1964, 356-366
TOPIC TAGS- tAckel, high temperature strGtchIng, nickel elongation, nickel deformation,
grain slippage, nickeLi structure, nickel crystallizaUon, tenaile stress
ABSTRACT- The importance of different deformation processes may be evaluated by
,T-iantitative metallography. The present article includes data o--n the total elongation of
nickei sampies when tested an the D4ASbv-5S machine ax 400- 109ffC and at rates from 0.
to 800%/hr. The flat W mm nickel samples were 99 3% pure Rid had passed metallo-
Frap~dc tests. The grain size variation was calculatea by 'te Rachinger equations.
K)o,L---dt1on was measured on a PMT-3 table wita 130X magnification. The quantity and size
of 1~ntezmr-ystalline fractures was alBo measured. The main variations in nickel grain shape
ttL,4~ size for different testing conditions are shown in Figures and 2 of the Enclosure. An
I! ACCMION NR: AT4046869
Increase in the rate of elongation to GOO-800%Ar causes marked disintegration of the
i;tnicture. By comparing the curves in Fig. 2, it may be seen that when the grains are
furtl~er from the aurface, with elongation rates of 0. 5 to 8 %/hr, the grains become larger,
at 600
ve Ale -800%/hr, the i3tructure disintegrates. Sliding along the g7rain boundaries was
Oetermined on the nJokel samples under tension at 400 and 800C and a rate of 0. 5-0.6 %,/hr.
On the basis of the data obtained it is concluded that at a rate of 0. 5- 0. 6 Jj/hr the highest
qupmtity of crackB per unit sample length, the maximum average crack width In the direction
of tension and the largest fraction of total elongation occur at 800C. Fu&,her away from the
surface, these deformations drop sharply. The total. length of separate cracks was also
cLiculated, being equal to 0.25 mrn at 400-600C and reaching 0. 11-0.6 mm at 800-900C.
Php test data obtained show that nickel deformation at temOeratures above 600C is
by recrystallization. The recrystallizal~!OA process varies for different
fit, the raCe drops. rt is noted that nickel
m rates, grain growth increaBing as
t-'.S'"11lizat1on is higher than for aluminum as polygonization proceeds under these.
for J-1mintan. The laws of variation of g-rain shape and size were also de-
-,Pd for diff erent nickel sections under tension at 400- 1000C and various deformation
0. 3 to 900 %Ar. It is proven that the sharp enlargement of grain boundaries
jtJoT-mation rates and at 800C lim!t---7 the dcvplo~,-Tnent of Integranidar deformation
Is observed P-* these rutes, as well as lack, of recrystallizat-,on.
Grcdn slippage
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
~jfFc-re:,Ice in deformiffon processes at the surface and Insfdo the nickel is explained
p!--Jur -r-crystal-NzaVion in the inner layers and by uneq W dig-f-ribution of intergranular
-rig. art-, LIM, 4 El, -eg -11
m9te ri9l. 0 Pit, 4 cq antions and tnble.
VDIIATIM."'.. Non's
I MiTMI: IgJun64
ENCL: 02
IEF SOV: 012
OTHER: 010
mc~$_,-storiw Nni AT4046869
Card 4/5
01- 1 1 to
Fig. 1. Dependence of grain size
variation (-gr/Etot) and coefficient
of relative variation of grain size
(Kp-r) In the middle longitudfnal
section of nickel samples (at a
depth of 0. 9- 1 ram f-cx)m the our-
fni,A% rin tho tPeflnu tamperature
P, __ --- - - _,, - - ~ -
*hen- a total elangaffon Is abmut
20%: rate of elongation, %/hr-
r.- from 0.5to 0.6; b- from
6 to a-, c - frorn Goo to 800.
L 9962-65
Z Varlefiert e mtaUve grain sIze In nickel samples during the deforraWon
!OMC at diffem. t ratoo of elopgation-, a - rt a de-pth of 0, 03-0. 08 mril
.-a ea.-faz-, in the mtdffle lar4atudinAl 13GOU01, of Ufa Samplea (&A a ft,-Oh of
0. a- I MM),
WZTNSKTY, M.G. (NDskva); FEREWW., V. Ta.
Effpct of cyclic flurtuationri 7-,sile stresses
on changes in the Alness along the of grains
and deformations oc urring In commercial-grade iron. rzv. AN SSSR
Ret. i gor. delo no.207-104 Mr-Ap'64 (MIRA 17:8)
"'n ..
AGUSSION NRv AT4043509 S/3107/64/ow/001/009-Volo
Lazins"4F H G (Doctor of teelmice-1
(C&nlidate of tachni-ea-1 scianes's)-
TITJ.F,: Use of microstructural ana-lysis to study _Eallad:~qm deformation during
creep testing in vac4uzi
$OUMCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obsh,,-hostvo mashinostroiteltnoy propy4ehlennosti,
~,ektsiya metallovedeniya i termic'neskoy Gbrabotki. Matallovqdeaiyo 1 tormi-
che5kaya obrabotka, no. 3, 1964, 91-110~1
TOPIC TAGGSs palladium deformation., palladium %T~qV.,test,- palladium mierostruaturej
p-Alladium. propefty., palladium creep, palladium
ABSTMCT i Specimens of 99.8Zrj puree palladium Mm, which had b6en vacuum
annealed at 13000 for 1.5 hr to an average graila size of 1.25 were subjected
to creep testing in ve-cuum at 40C-1000G under an initia2 stress of ~~-42-68.6
-2 (0.45~--7.0 kg/ra2) at a steady creep rate of 0,,1---1.0p'1hr. The results
showed that at 400-60W the machaniam of palladil-1- creep is characterized by
intrf.-tgi-anular slip; the slip bands become wider, and t,-,e space between them
isicreases as the test temparatume ir--reaaas. Above bOCC t6 creep Uadually
car8 1/12
N, Uk~ A
;chana'ea frow, intragtanular to intergranular. At 1000C diaDlacoment
of grains, migration of grain boundaries, and formation of intercrys-
11-r-Iline cracks.and subboundaries are observed. Orig. art. hast 7
figures zin-d F~~abla.
AS ffau&.no tekhn-tchaskoy GbGhcheatvo 2-aahinostraltellno;y prcmyshls,,nnoE;ti
jSclentific Technical Societ
_Y of rhc~lnc Construction Industr
7-7-7-7D~ J cl ATD, ?RESS: E..",
NO REF S')V: '00') ii E R
tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; VORMOV,A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.;
SOTSKOV,B.S., doktor tekhri.nauk)red.; AGEYKIINID.I., doktor tekhn.
nauk, red.; GAVRILOV,M.A., red.; VENIKOV,V.A.0 doktor tekhn.nauk,
prof.,red.; CHLYUSTKIN,A.B., doktor tekhn. nauk,red.; PROKOFIYEV,
V.N., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; ILOIN,V.A., doktor tekbn.nauk,
prof.,red.; KITOV,A.I.,doktor tekhn.naLik,red.; KRINITSKIY, N.A.,
kand. fiz.-matem.nauk,red.; KOGAN,B.Ya., doktor tekhr.nauk, red.;
USBAKOV,V.B.p doktor tokhn.nauk,red.; Mtq,1Eit,Yu.A., dolctor tekhn.
nauk,prof., red.; FELIDBAUMI, A.A.,pi,of., doktor tokim.nauk,rod.;
SHREYDER,Yu.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk,dots.,red.; K1'WLRKEVIC11,A.A.p
akad., red.;TI1.OFEYEV,P.V., red.; 1~.ASLOV,A.A.,dots.,red.; LEVIN,
G.A., prof.,red.; LOZINSK1Y,,1,:.G. 4- cioktor tekhr..nauk,red.; NETUSHIL,
A.V.) doktor tekhn.nauic,pror. "rea.; POPKOV,V.I.,red.; ROZENBERG,
L.D.Idoktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; LIVSHITS,A.L.,kand.tekhn.nauk,red.
[Automa^tion of'produ'ctionand industrial eleotronies) Avtomatiza-
tsiia proizvodstva i promyshlennaia elektronika; entsiklopediia
sovremennoi tekhniki. Moskva, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. Vol.3.
Pogreshnost' resheniia - Teleirreritellnaia sistema chastotnaia.
1964. 487 p. (MIRA 17:10)
?. !,Chlen-korrespondent All SO'SR (for Sotskov, Gavrilov, TJjrofeyov,
ACCESSION NR: AP4028551 S/0101164/000/004/0037/0043
AUTHOR: Vishnevskly, 0. Ye. Lozinskiyj X 0.
TITLE: Durability of VFT-S and KAST-V glass cloth samples on flex testing
under conditions of unidirectional heating
SOURCE: Plasticheakiye massy*, no. 4, 1964, 37-43
TOPIC TAGS: glass cloth, flex test, unidirectional heat, VFT-S glass cloth,
KAST-V glass cloth, durability, life, strength, deformation, stability, stress
limit, critical deflection, I MASh-ll test unit, flexing breakdown mechanism
ABSTRACT: The strength of VFT-S and KAST-V glass cloth sheets heated on
one side to 1000C at temperature increase rates of up~ to 50 degrees per second
was tested on a unit designed by the authors (Ustanovka IMASh-11 dla lzucheniya.
przjchnostny*kh L deformatsionny*kh svoysty listovy*kh konstruktsionny*kh
plastmass v usloviyakh odnostoronnego vy*sokotemperaturnogo nagreva. 1zd.
TarrEiN, 1063.. "IMASh-11 unit for testing strength and deformation properties
CoM 1/3
of sheet plastics under conditions of unidirectional high- tempe ratu re heating.
Depending on their thickness, these fiberglass samples withstood stibsses of
500 kgs/cm
2 for 30 to 120 seconds when heated at a rate of 10 and 25 degrees/
second. Innex tests under unidirectional heating, when the stress is toward the
heater, the sample life is longer than when stress is away from the heater. The
1'- relationship between the life (T) of the samplbs and the level of the initial esti-
mated-stress in the limits of 10'to 120 seconds on the time scale is characteriz-
ed with sufficient accuracy by the expression *r= A-Bcr,, . It is assumed that if
the heating conditions are not stationary, causing structural changes in the ma-
terial, the given relationship can differ from the known time-strength relation-
ship at constant temperature. With the help of motion pictures It was establish-
ed that sample breakdown on flexing takes place in two stages. In the first stage
the preliminary elastic-plastic deformation under the action of the normal tensib
forces of compression of the surface subjected to heat causes the "critical de-
flection" of the samples. In the second stage, after the "critical denect16n" to
exceeded, -the stability of the layers of -the compression zone is lost, character-
Ized by the for=Uon of the shifted folds directed at an angle of ab6ut 450 to the
plane of the cross section of the sample. Orig. ift, hass 8 figures, 3 tables and
3 equations.
No REP SOV: 011
Card 3/3
Effect of Cyclic CC Z~ 16-transformatiors on shape modifications
of iron specimens. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no#12.942-43
D 164 (MIRA 18:2)
1. Insti-tut mashinovedeniya Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po
mashinovedeniyu pri Gosplane SSSE.
L -~'6449-65 aN (m) /WP (w) /ENTA (d)/K,1P(tU)/Z4-P ( b) ."ad MD(t) /AEX, (a) ISSDIAN-LI
A--S(mp)-2/ASD(P)-3 JD/[Tir.'/JT
ACCESSIOU HH: AP4042050 S/0226/64/01-71006/ "53/0908
AUTHOR: tozinskiyt H,._Go; Perts
TITIZ: The problam or the mechanism of failure of polycrystalline metals at high
SOURCE: Mika metallov i metallovedeniyep v. 17o no. 6, 1964s 903-908
TOPIC TAG3: boundary strength# grain strengtht po4crystalline meta.L.t Jeffries
theory, hiab temper atuArle , VlrAticlty, brittlAmed 0 Hit KI re &MY
1 7 '7 -L' I
ABSTRACT: The effects of temperature on boundaxiy and grain strength of poly-
crystalline metals have bean widely Gtudied by Jeffries whose views are commonly
accepted. The authors came up with results which make a further investigation of
Jeffries' proposals necessary. They appLied tensile tests in a 10-5 mm Hg vacuum
at 2-0, 400, 700 and 1000 C to 99.3~ Ni and Ni 4301p Fe specimens. At 20 and 400 C
the plasticity of Ni specimens was 72 and 51% respectively. Deformed grains were
characteristic of the microstructure. With temperatures at 700 C, plasticity
dzxqTed to 15-6% but was restored during further temperature increase of up to
1000 C. Hicroexaminations showed the predominance of e(rdiaxial grains. Plasticity
L 164h9-65
AccEssioN ma: Ar4o4m5o
was also high in, the Ki - Fe specimen with negligible restoration at 1000 c.
The authors propose a generalized diagram of changer. in the mechanism of failure
of polycrystalline metals within a wide range of temperatures. The diagram should
be adjusted in accordance with the purity and the nature of the material but
otherwise it is applicable to many metals andalloys that exhibit a tendency
towards hot brittleness and recryst ZationOduring high-temperature deformation.
However, the rate of deformation has to be invariable within a wide temperature
interval. Orig. axt. has,. 4 figures.
ASSOCLUTCU: Institut machiao-vedeniya Gookomiteta po machinostroyeniyu pri
Gosplane SSSR (Inatitute of Machine Constructi2p, _ __State Committee of Machine
Construction, State Planning Commi a on
SM CODE: M NO EMF SM 01.1 OMM: 004
C-Ord 2/3:
L 16449-65
I; r
Fig. Diagram of changes In the mechanian of failure of polyarystalline metals
(1) intercarystalliae strength;
during heating (Vdef coast)) (2) IntracrY-
stalline strength*
Card 3/3'
2L853-65 F140 (J )13-Tr(m)1FFF(c )/3FR/7,k-1P(t)/F,'NF(b P.--?,! /Ps -i -/pat" 1",Pfc)/
53 1D/ A FW_L-/~ FK1 RJD/Rd
101 WOIWOV047310475
AUTHOR:- AnU22va, Ye. I.; Lozinskiy, M. G..- Mirotvorskiy, V. S.
TITLE: Comments on the problem of the kinetics of recovery in recrystallization
SOURCE: Fizika meeallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 3, 1964, 473-475
TOPIC TAGS: recrystallization, hardness, reduction, nickel workhardening
ABSTRACT: Technically pure Ni was reduced to 251/6 at room temperature, sub-
jected to hardworking at 900C and another 2516 reduction and subsequen't"ly water
quenched. The recrystallization of Ni was characterized by an appreciable de-
crease in hardness with time and a high initial hardness of the recrystallized
sect~ions of the structure which also decreased as the holding perioa was extended.
Speqimens reduced at high temperatures and specimens annealed for 3 hours
wit4in the 500 to 900 C range were characterized by an analogous pattern of initi-
a I 11~,gh hardness of the recrystallization section. Apparent!y, the new grains are
sublect_pd to the stresses which expard throughout. the -Vorkhardened. Material
Card 1/2
1. 24853-65
although the level of internal stresses is considerably lower than in that workhar-
dened part. With the formaticn of new grains, n-icrohardness decreases in both
'the new and the workhardened grains. Deviations from the linear relationship
observed in the recrystallized sections when recrystallization is slight and in non-
crystallized sections when it is appreciable, are attributed to the base layer.
With a base layer softer than the object of investigation, the hardness values are
lower and with a harder base layer they are higher. This relationship mav pre-
vail in the beginning and towards the end of the process of recrystallization when
small amounts of new grains and the remainders of non-crystallized old grains
occur in the basic mass of the opposite structure. Orig. art. has: 4 figures
ASSOCIATION- Institut mashinovedeniva JInstitute of Machine Science)
ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000
Card 2/2
_L _
Precision of microhardness measurements. Zat. lab. -,0 nc.7-.
894-996 164. (M-IRA 1.80)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy Institut
"Some features of the fracture mechanism of co- rcial -1-orl during fatigue
tests within wide ranges of temperature."
report sifomitted for 2nd Conf, Dimensioning and Strength Calculations, Budapest,
5-10 Oct 1965.
" ' ~"P' r'
14-C ~; I I _1iMTk1a)/7_*`k- 1 "'r
ACC-NR.~AT6003652- JD/Gs SOURCE CODEt UR/000)/65/00P/000/W96/0112~
AUTHORS. Lozinskiyp M.'G.; Mirotvaroki)r, V. S.
TITLE:, Construction of devices and.the precision of determining microhardness at
.high temperatures
SOURCE; Soveshchanuiye po mikrotverdooti. 2d, 1963. Metody ispytaniya na,
mikrotverdod . Pribory. Methods and il~strulente for microhardness testing). Moscow's
Izd-vo Nauka, 1965P 96-112
TOPIC TAGS% hardnei 3s, miuim~, iron, metallurgic testing machine
ABSTRACT: A general discussion-of microhardne'ss testing devices is presented. The
devices are divided into four types. To type I belong those in which indentation is
produced at a high temperature but the size is determined at room temperature. Type
11 includes those.devices in which the indentation is measured at the temperature at
which it is produced.- Type III.devices are similar to the type II ones, but include
sighting attachments for precise locating of the indentations. Type IV devices are
similar to'those of type III but also include a mechanigm for applying tensile stress
to the specimens. Five different microbardness tester axe discussed (all previously
described in the literature). The- performance of three devices in determining micro-
hardness of iron in -the temperature range of 20--1300C is explained, and the
r-4 1/2
ACC NR, XP6005652~
experimental results are tabulated. It is concluded that the performances of the
three devices are approximately the same. The equipment tested here has been
described byl. Schenk, E. SchmiAtmann, H. Brandis, and K. Winkler (Arch.
Eisenhuettenwesen, 1958, 29, H. io, s. 653), by M. G. Lozinskiy and V. S. Mirotvorskiy
(Izd TsITEIN, tems, 32, No. P-61-16/4. M., 1961), and by Ye. S. Berkovich (Zavodskaya
labo;atoriyav 19639 No- 10)- It was also found that thero was little or no dIB-
crepancy between microhardneen determinations obtained from ilidentation dimensions
measured at highand at room temperatures for temperatures below -1100C. It is noted
that little information is available on the effect of high temperatures on the
properties (especially on the shape) of microhardness indentorso Further researoh
along -these lines is in progress. Orig. art.,hass 2 tables and 7 figures.
SUB CODE ti, I I)AID/MM DATE 1 1 8Jun65/ ORIG REP t 003/1 OTH REP: 004
Card 2/2
1, Eyt7(m)ZEWP(w)4EViA(d)/T/t-WP(t)/EI'IP(k)/EWP(z)/BVP(b) - 1JP(c)
ACC NRt AT6003654 JD/~fi'l/GS SOURCE CODEt UR/0000/65/000/000/01
AUTHORSs Lozinokiyt N. G I Mirotvorskiy, V.
TITLE: Certain areas of application of the microhardneas method at high temperatures
SOURCE: Som4qhaniZe 2clt 1963. Ifetody isDytaniya na
Do mikrotverd(mkL __
mikrotverdost'. Pribory. (Methods and instruments fo. microhardness testing)* Moscowt
Izd-vo Naukal 1965, 148-157
TOPIC TAGSt hardneesp nickel, bszV#k#ftj metal rolling,
ABSTRACT: The kinetics of high-temperature weakening of cold-worked, technically pure
nickel was studied bythe microhardness method. The specimensp originally cold-rolled
at 20C, were hot-rolled at 400--900C and were subsequently hardened by water immersion
The microhardneas of the specimens at 6000 was determined as a function of the anneal-
ing time. The experimental procedure followed that described by M. G. Lozinskiy
(Stroyeniye i svoystva metallov i.splavoe pri vysokikh temperaturakh. Metallurgizdat,
1963). The effect of re sUllizationlon the microhardness of nickeflispecimen rollei
a.t 20C and 900C respectively was determined, and the experimental results are sente
graphically (see Fig. 1). These results are compared with previously reported data fa
technical iron by the authors (Izv- AN SSSRt ON, Metallurgiya i toPlivoo 1959P No. 3)
Card 1/2
L ID316--W
ACC NRt AT 6003654
for tempered steel KhVG and beryllimn bronze Br.B 2.4 by M. G. Lozinskiy# V. S.
Hirotvorskiy, and A. G. Rakhshtadt (Fizika, metallov i metallovedeniye, 1963, 169 vyp.
3). It if; suggested that measurements of "hot" microhardness may yield valuable
information on the behavior of metals and alloys at high tempera-Lures, particularly
when these metals are subjected to various stresses.
Pig. 1. Change of the high- Tr
temperature microhardness of nickel
during annealing at 600C. Pre- TIT
liminary- treatment i Irolled at
J. N Nil I I I
200; 2 - at 40OCi 3 - at 500d; 4
at 6000; 5 - at 70OC; 6 at SOOC;
7 at OJOOC
I qZ4J-V Z x to Ze JO xg 14,01
Annialling at 600Q, hours
Orig. art. bass 7 graphs.
SUB CODE :13111 SM-UTE: 18J .Un65/ ORIG REFs 007/ OM REP: 002
Card 2/2
BMG, A.I., glav. red.; TRAFEZDIKOV, V.A., glav. red.; TSYFKB"
Ya.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; VORONIOV
prof., red.; AGEYKIN, D.I., doktor tek-hn.nauk red.;GAVRIWV,
M.A.,, red.; VEEIIKOV, V.A., doktor tekhn. naux, proi.y red.;
SOTSKOV, B.S., red.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.B., doktor tekhn. nauk,
red.; FROKOFIYEV, V.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.;
ILM, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., rod.; KITOV, A.I.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KROITSKIY, N.A., kand. fiz.-mat.
nauk, red.; KOGAN, B.Ya., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; USHA&uv,
V.B.' doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; LEMIEit, A.Ya., doktor tekhn.
nauk, prof., red.; FELIDBAUM, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,
red.; SHRFBF.P., Yu.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; KHARKEVICH,
A.A., akaderik, red. [deceased]; TIMOFEYEV, P.V., red.;
MASLOV, A.A., dots., red.; TRUTKO, A.F., inzh., red.; LEVIN,
G.A., prof., red.; LOZINSKIY, M.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.;
NETUSHIL, A.V., doktor prof., red.; POPKOV, V.I.,
red.; ROZENBERG, L.D... doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.;
LIFSHITS, A.L.J. kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; AV111, 0.1., kand.
tekhn. nauk, red.; BLANN, O.M.[Blunn, 0.11.1, red.; BROYDA, V.,
inzh.,prof.,red.; BREKKLI, L [3rockl,L.] inzh., knad. nauk, red.;
VAYKHAR,DT1 Kh. [Weichardt, H.], inzh., red.; BOCHAROVA,M.D., kand.
tekhn. nauk, st. nauchn. red.
[Automation of production processes and industrial electronics]
Avtomatizatsiia proizvodstva i promyshlennaia. elektronika; entsiklo-
pediia. sovremennoi tekhniki. Moskva, Sovetskaia entsiklopediia.
Vol.4. 1965. 543 P. 111TRA 18-6)
-L 54-4,97-65 TP
f?ffn_n=NR: AP5013121 j-D/'r'ff UR/0370/65/000/002/0167/0174
5 39.14.015/019
JAUTHOR: Lozinskiy,,,.H. G.; Pertsovskiy, N. Z.
TITLE: The effect of ausforming conditions on strength properties of nickel at
--.,-,-KlgbL tepiperatures
SOURCE; ~ AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 2, 1965, 167-174
ITOPIC TAGS: ausfoming, thermon-achanical treatment, nickel-, metallography
1, ABSTRACT: The wide use of nickel as a base for high teniperature alloys led to the
investigation of the effects of MllinR a temperatures from 400-9001C (then quench-
ing water) at a rate of 5 m/min to reductions of 2-145%. Materia) rolled at
1room temperature and simply annealed material (11000) were investigated. The most
effectual treatments for increase in 100 hr rupture life at 4000C were hot rolling
at 5000C and room temperature rolling at reductions of 25-45%. Ductility (reduc-
tion in area) for 100 hour rupture life below 20% rolling reduction is substantial-
ly lower for these treatmints. Lower temperature treatments show better strength
properties for both short and long time tests at 4001C, the best results being ob-
Card 1/2
L 54497-65
tained from the material reduced at room temperature. Both 100 hour rupture life
(all specimens) and short time- ductility curves (room temperatu and 5000C treat-
I mints) show pronounced minima at reductions of 5-20%. With increasing steps of re-
duction at all temperatures, optical metallography sho~;red the structure of grain
centers to become increasingly complex. Grain boundarles became irregular in -an
acicular way with deformation at the higher temperatures (700-9000C). This irre-
gularity was also noticed an electron microsccpe replicas. Orig. art. has: 6
;figures, I table.
1:0 PEF SOV: 008 OTHER: 002
Z I f
62 0. 17 2 .2 5-'~,2 -7 55
AUTHORS Lo 41 11. G. (Moscow) - Rom-anov A. H. (Ibscow)
La ~ki
-Strer -iron microstructure
ABSTRACT: Testi equipmenAzed, in the iron W-crostructure experiments is
described. The range of temperature was 20m.1200C. The specimens tested were
90 mm long vith a cross section 1.0 x I =-,., and the load was syt-metrical at 3000
cyc2eq,per minute. Studies were carried out after ap oy-LT---tely 10 million
I Pr
cicie-. Two series of investigations were conducted. In the firFt the disloca-
tions%rithin the grains were"observed, and in the second the border zonq-,3f the
grains was studied. Figure 1 on the Enclosure shou-s typical conditions found in
the first series; Fig. 2 represents group tWo. The 3pecimam were studioul
three temperature intarvala, 20 to 4000, 5000 up to and over 800C, and 40-0 to
500C. Deformations (their origin and propagat-Jon) are described In full.
'Card 14:1
~T 53K-8oo'-6.5
Twelve high quality microscope photographa illustrate the experimnts of both
5ez,L3s, A special type of dislocation is shown, wbare "aubgrains'! Smaller than
one micron are formod within the graii,.s. Another typo or dislocation is found
t-~- caused by recrys tall im tion of the
le bor,ler z,Dne, reaulting in a charge of "he
S.-ze of grains. 5 fiF-ures.
I Orig. art. has.
NO ?3F SOV: 006 OTHER: 001
Card 2/4
SUB CODE 1.414, SS
F fP 'I
5 -79~ -1-455
h j A If Pf -4/Peb ZI/11"
"GE~~-SION HR-' LP5014209 U'R/0122 /65 /000/W 5 /C'C~6/UG63
AUTHORS. Lozinskiy, M. G* (Doctor of technical e;ciences); Romanov, A. N. (Ergi-
TITLE: State ol" the art of the study of fatijue' failure in zmetals and alloys
SOURCEE: Vestnik mashinootroyaniya, no. 5, 1965, 56-63
TOPIC TAGSz fatigue, metal fatigue, fatigue failure, slip Iine, slip band,
Pattcue life / IMSh 10,q -ratus h
--.G': The article presents a review of the state of who art of fariFue fa-"
ur6 Investigat',ons. An alaborate chart of the di-fforerit mc-Lhods for studyinG ti'le
ndcrostructure and the mechanical and physical properties of wtorials is pre-
sar-~.ed (including methode, used for high temperature fgti5-ue). These methocis 5re
under the broad cla5silication3: a) mAicrosc '
a-'.nuctural niethods (for micros tri-ictu,7,e s h.,
--7,41 (mechan~ -a.~ ltjsv-4 C ! t~ H,-"
k pt-;."s pg:- I *.e 6 t aa 5 ue 8 L. e s S h -q!~
lvanova (Ustalostnoye razrlj-,heniye Y.eLaliov. Metealilurgizdat, 1063~
that fatigue cracks begin to appear after only 1-10% of the total fatigue life.
Daze variousa microstrUcture wthods used to study the forrution and growth of thos
s-rnck-e have yiGIded the follovIing gannrnl
r _~ ~i_
A. ~Ior'joyevu y~c A. I.1. Zayt-se,;. Stroyerii-7-i anpi z 2~11._~=Cll -,As n --p z
C aj"; -
In niz-,brsr ar.,; F; -~~o me -
~3. an"~ !`Ilaily f~-4n'
j_i" L ,-'~ne mands do noT cross gralln and the cra_-Pls Ac, no's
-ne a.Lastic property and -m-1croba finn _-f'4aQf_- _4,-i
mou- &t-_'Fr=tur_ iTOIUft-'IhYEV'- zVaPaCn_ N6.- 6t-1953)-.~--- -These indicat~--`-'~
tbet the mid rbhari~~ess- increases with wycles until the slip bands are formed and
then decrease3 while the elastic properties exhibit a hysteresis loon due to in-
ternal friction losses. Changes in electrical properties, magnietic propertlas
(see S. Akulov and V.A, Frarjyukr~.Ob_ izmenenii nekotor-
ykh f4zicheskil~i 5-40YST.V
metallov v Drotsesse ustalcsti. DoUady Ali KSR, t. 717, 11
59) and acousf,~r,
Omission (s MetaI3 "Sound Off" on -a t 4 F1,je Lron Ag
ee N. N. Redsterake, - Iq2,
No, 12, 19,63) hdve also been used to a-cudy fatigue behavior. Ultrasonic ;Ach-
niques (see W, 1. Bratina and D. Mills* Study of Fatigue In Metais
Card 2/3
1. ;7(-A4,7-,1:X
Ultrasonic Tuchniq
,us, Metal Treatmont and Drop Forgingp v. 30, No. 213, 1963)
have become useful in dotormining the a m-unt of fatignto darvarv. Tho authors
b "y -'eacribe an apparatus (DULSh-10-)J~-10-1"-Ioped by Ulem whicil perr-a
Jcn and photographTiCg -ot. e ~sanp~le-rnfcP -struct*,Lre n)--in~7 test;
a SLroboscopic f1ash synch-ronize.-i -ir-%n ,tne
SUB'ffTTB,Ds 00 ENCL: 00 SIM CODE': 1-24
Card 313
--iWi(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EwP(z)/EwP(b)AwA(c) 10(c) JD/Hw
AUTHOR: Lo naki M. G. (Moscow); Pertsovskiy, N. Z. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: Increasing the beat resistance of Ni by means of high temperatt 30-
:-mechanical treatment
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 5, 1965, 164-169
TOPIC TAGS: mechanical heat treatment, dispersion hardening, heat resistance, ten-
sile strength, annealing, yield stress
ABSTRACT: High temperatd"-tensile tests were made on NP-2 Ni rods of 16 mm dia-
meter., In addition to Cdvlhe Ni contained the following base impurities: 0.04% Mg,
0.02% Fe, 0.06% Si, 0.0-l-Vmn, 0.03% Cu, 0.015% Zn and 0.014% S. The rods were given
a preliminary annealing treatment of 3 hrs at 11000C -and subjected to high tempera-
ture thermomechanical treatment.(HTTT) at 500, 700 and 9000C (6.7 m/min) which yield
,ed a series of samples respectively reduced by compression to 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30
and 45%. 'Some samples were tested In the annealed state and others after deformatioi
at 200C. Experimental results are presented for both.brief and protracted tests for
tensile strength at 4000 and 5000C. As the HTTT temperature increased, strength de-
creased. Maximum increases (1.5 and 2 times) were observed for'HTTT at 5000C, and
UDC: 669.24-15i.9
Card 1/2
L 11096,~,66
ACC NRt AP5026365
for cold working at 200C--fdr the more heavily deformed (40 to 45%) samples. The
yield stress was also found to increase more than the tensile strength; the best
treatments resulted in increasing the yield to tensile strength ratio from 0.3-0.4
to 0.8-0.95. For short time testing the same general results were obtained at a
somewhat lower test temperature (40000. In the 100-hour tensile strength test,
strengthening by HTTT was achieved after a deformation of more than 20%. At 45% de-
formation, the 100-hour strength of Mi at 5000C rose to 25.8, 26.6 and 30.8 (kg/=2)
following HTTT at 900, 700 and 5000C respectively; after cold working, to 31.5 kg/M2.
These ialues reflect an increase of 50-85% in strength. A schematic diagram illus-
trates the effect of preliminary plastic deformation at various temperatures on the
heat resistance of metals and alloys. In no case did phase transformations or dis-
persion hardening occur. The low.strength region In this diagram was for low defor-
mation. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table. '
SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATZ: O6Kay65/ -01RIG REF: 005/ OTH IMF: 001
z TON NIR AP5018059
,UUTTIOR: Lozinskiy, M. G.
1TITILE: Ne~~w trends Ln.high-temperature metallography
SOURCE, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 7, 1965, r,7__4'4y,
and inserts facing pp. 25, 40, and 41
WrIC TAGS: high-temperature metallography, vacuum nw_~tallography, fatigue tester,
tungsten strength, metal stracture
,ABS-iP,ACT.: The paper briefly describes two new trends in high-temperature
rnatallograpby: the study of microstructural peculf -arities of samples subjected
to fatiguaAests during heating in a vacuum, and the study of high-melting mater-
Lals I;y direct observations (luring heating up to 3000C and their atretching in a
vacuum or in various gaseous media , The first -me"hod was made possible by the
of the WLASh-10 devic '~i tiaade Jointly by the atithor and .1. N. Ronlanov)
P, 300-t wes nif'o,
Card 1/2
fl, 622 !9-65
!approach was carried out on the MASh-18 device(likewise designed by the author)
which permits direct structural observations and the measurement of deformations
follmring the stretching of samples aubjected contact electrical lheattng up to
3 Block diagram of both devices ar.? gi%en and are ac-cc-panted by brief des-I
criptions of,their operation, The results of studies of the strength propeLtie~_:
Of tunaste )~tcarried out by Ye. 1. Antipova) agree fully with data reported by 1.
-Common hetals, 196,4, v. 7. ~,,- 4*). 0-ig. ar[. has:
.-DT (Journal Less 5
-,')C TAT I ON Tn4titut ma9hinovedeniva (Inatitute of Mochine r.)eqi;znlj
Stroboscope for illumination during study of the fatigue ~inetlc~ ir metals
Zav. lab. 31 no.2t244-246 165.
1. Gosudarstvermyy ilauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mashInovocamiya.
L 3378-66 EWT(d)/VdT(m)/EWP(w)/EWP(i)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/Ewp(b)/EWP(
EWA(h)/EWA(c) IJP(c) JD
.,ACCESSION NR: AP5017207 UR/6020/65/i62/606/im/l'~861
!AUTHORS: Lozinskiy M G Romanov, A. N.; Bochvar, A. A.
'TITLE: Concerning the mechanism of extrusion and intrusion displace-I
irmnt of microvolumes of alpha iron during-fatigue tests under high
temperature beating
~iSOURCE4 AN SSSR. Doklady,, v. 162, no. 6, 1965, 1277-128o
;TOPIC TAGS: iron., mechanical fatigue, high temperature,fatigue,
''fatigue test, crystal imperfection
STRACT: 'The authors report some results of observations of the find
structure of crystalline samples of technical iron, subjected to I
,rfati ue sts by alternating bending in one plane, and simultaneouslyl
,to rad1frion beatIng In vacuum. The apparatus used for this purpose
s developed by the authors and des ib d by them earlier
.4r e
49~4"o. 2, 1965). The apparatus make i t possible to carry
'out.fatigue tests and microstructure analysislof samples heated to
12000 under different mechanical loading concTitions. The tests were
Card 1/2
L 3378-66 --- - ---
~made on commercial iron of-standard composition. Electron-microscopel
,Photographs of the tested samples show that the relatively straight
iglide lines, on the boundary of which the extrusion and intrusion
.takes place, are located at distances equal to (2--6) x 103 crystal-
lattice periods. The causes of occurrence of zones with increased
,displacement mobility'at these intervals are not yet clear. It is
ideduced, however, from the existence of such an effect that during
:.the time of the experiment the imperfections in'the crystal become
iredistributed and move to individual glide planes. The kinetics of
'this effect Is discussed in some detail. This report was presented
iby A. A. Bochvar. Orig. art. has: 4 figures
.,ASSOCIATION;, Institut mashinovedeniya (Institute of the Science of
l9Nov64 ENOL: 00 SUB CODE: SS, MM
;NR REF'SOV: 007 OTHER: 003
rd 2/2
L- 17802:�k EWP(e)/EWT(nl)/ETC(f)/EIVG(m)/E~IP(t) -IJP(c) JD/JG/~T/WH
ACC NRt AP6007702 SOURCE.CODE: UR/0413/66/000/003/0081/008
INVENTOR: L-ozinskly, M. G.
ORG: none
TITLE: Device for direct observation of the structure of refractorv materWs at
high temperatures. Class 42, No. 178549 11
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1966, 81
.TOPIC TAGS: refractory,material, refractory material structure, high temperature
structure, structure observation
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a device for direct observation of the
structure of refractory materials at high temperatures. The device contains a chambe
for the refractory specimen, an optical system with a movie camera, a high-brightness
illuminator, and a mechanism for loading specimens. To widen the range of test
temperatures, the spectral characteristics of the illuminator do not coincide with
those of the tested specimen. Orig. art. has: 1 figur e. [A?,]
uDe: 62o.173.251.2
Card 1/1 1/1-)P 620-175.251.2
-L-36088-66- 1-NT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ErI IJP(c) JD 7661MO-IM510C) .
ACC NR- Az,66i6589 CAdJ) SOURCE CODE: UR/0-129 2T/0329--li
y, M. G.; Temyanko, V. G.; Natanzon) Ye. I.
ORG: Institute of Mechanical Engineering (InsLiLut ma3ninostroycniya)
TITLL: The use of three-layered U7-30-U7 stool for automobile springs
SOUfU;.&: ll,letallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka inetallov) no. 5., 1966, 27-29
TO1?IC TAGS: contact stress, shot peening, fatigue strength, spring steel, steel/ U7
steel, 30 steel, 50KhG spring steel
AlISMACT; The results of a study of three-layered U7-30-U7 steel for automobile
z;* are given. This material was used to obtain high hardness of the spring-leaf
5ur'L'ace3 while jjr-~;ervit, a ductile center. No mater'.1 consists of com.)araLively outer layers of U7k:jtoel and a center layor of 30titeel. In order to obtain a
50rillg band with a thickness of 7 mm after rolling whon the thickness of the outer
laerfi of 07 steel is 1.2 mm, the thickness of the blank of U7 steel mm
U must be 30
1)("'L7,ru rolling whon the total thicknoss of the padkct is 180 mm.~Spri.H4 of this
ri--,Wrial are found to have a hidier fatigue 1:~nifunder the inf1x;e-nv(, of contact
oixesses t:Oan "O','ffiG steel. The fatigue strengtilof the Wiree-layore(i steel that
iWis undergone shot peaning is 26
--30% greater than that of 5OKhG steel (-,0o Fig. 1).
UW:. 621-135-3:621-771.8
L-36088-66- ---
ACC NR: jLj?6ol6EI.'OU-7
46 4t
ii 1 1
fit ~d
i. U'7-30-~
1 1 11
Ah of tli-ree-layered
Fig. 1. Fatil~ic stren.
U7-304FI ;;toel and 50,,IiG steel of standard
"I conipo:;jL 'on t(;sLcd under conditions of
contact shot peened;
- ----- without coI6 workings
41 42 4344 04812J 4MOO
Orig. art. hasi 2 graphs and 1 table.
SUB GODE: 11j 131
AUMORS: LozinBkiyp M. G. (Doctor of technical saiencesp Professor); Russinkovskiy,
I'll. P.
ORG: none
TITLE: Intensification of surface hardening processes of steel and cast iron parts
during high frequency induction heating under a fluid
86URCE: Ve,tik ashinostroyeniya, no. 13, 19~6, 59-63
TOPIC TAGS: surface hardeningo ateelp ferrite, magnetic material, induction hardeninj~
F2-100 ferrite, 14 magnetic material, 15 magnetic material, 45 steel, 50 steel, 40 Xh
steel, 40 IM steelf ShK15 steel
ABSTRACT: The first part of the report discusses the Improved performance of induc-
tion heaters at 60--400 kcps when ferrite F2-100 or magnetic materials 14 or 15 are
used as magnetic conductors. A special dual-inductor geometry (developed by the
authors) is described. The cooling rates in watert in a A/6 water solution of
glycerin, and in oil after surface induction heating were investigated on plate
specimens ~30 x 100 x 200 mm) of steels 45, 50, 40 Kh, 40 1W, and ShXh15, on tube
specimens k200 mm in diameterp 15 mm wall thickness, 200 mm. long) of steel 40Kh, and
on rods (40 mm in diameterp 120 mm, long) of steel 40Kh* Curves of the cooling rates
as a function of surface temperature are presented. The hardening effects of surface
mc: 621-785-5:621-3.023
ACC NR: AP6026719
induction heating under a fluid are discussed qualitatively and, to some extent,
quantitatively. Equipment is described for induction surface hardening of hollow
cylinders (inside)t of cylindrical parts (outside), and of large machine parts, and
schematic diagrams of equipment configurations are presented. It is concluded that
surface hardening by induction heating under a fluid Ion a bright future. Orig. art.
has, 7 figures and I table,
SO CODE: 119 131 SON DMI n(Me/ MUG RUS oil
-Card -?z2_
77 -7
AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, M. G.; Antipova, Ye.
ORG: none
1 14
TITLE: New method and IMASh-X8 unit for examining the microstructure
of refractory-metal materiala\Vduring tensile tests at temperatures up ti
3300C in vactum, argon,, hellum or hydrogen Im
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Svoystva i primeneniye
zharoprochnykh splavov (Properties and application of heat-resistant
alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Hauka, 1966, ~31-236
TOPIC TAGS: refractory laetwg refractory
microstructure investigation._11~ I
ABSTR~CT: A new IMASh-1811unit has been designed for the microscopic
examination of the structure of specimens subjected to tensile testsio
at temperatures of up to 3300C in a vacuu of 1.10-5 mm Hg or in an
atmosphere of argon, helium or hydrogen Lhe unit features three new
elem-ents: a lighting_ system tor the M~T microscop which uses a
mercury lamp of the DRSh-100- utype (power, 100w; brightness, about
100 kob); an MIM-13CO objective which magnifies 2T0 times; and a
AT6 034h6o
161ongatioa, Z
7ig. 1. Elongation-4ime curve for an
;.AV-3 tungsten specimen tested in the
IMASh-18 units
Time, min
monc- romatic f~'blter vhiV passes-light waves A 546 mv. Specimens of
4- 1~
AV-3 99.9%-pure t2aggsten IDontaining OD3%cf aluminum and 0.002% of calciul
were tested Tn-this unit for tensile strength at 3000C under a c nstant
stress of 0.835 kg /MP2 and were found to have very low ductility,~ even
at-high temperature ( Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 4 figures. I
SUB CODE: 431 ll/ SUBM DATE: lOjun66/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REF: 00
ACC NR, AP7005397. SOURCE CODE: UR1014816710001001101Q!63:1~~_
'AUTHOR: Brostrem, V. A.; Geller, Yu. A.; Lozinskiy, M. G.
ORG; Moscow Institute of Machine Tools and Instruments (Moskovskiy stankoiAstru-
iTITLE: A method for determining t~e red hardness of high-speed alloys
SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1967, 142-145
ITOPIC TAGS; hardness, high speed alloy, dispersion hardening, iron base alloy,
Itungsten containing alloy, cobalt containing alloy
ABSTRACT: Methods are developed for determining the red hardness of precipitation-
hardened alloyq. The following alloys were studied in the Fe-Co-W system with addi-
tions of'molybdenum, chromium, manganese and nickel: V27K25, V20MTK25, V27K25Kh4,
V2TK25G4, V27K25N3, V20M7K30 and V2OM7K2O. Control tests were also conducted using
R18 standard high-speed steel. The results were compared with the variation in hard-
ness after two hours of annealing in,the same temperature range. The dispersion-
1hardened specimens were quenched after heating to 13000C and holding for 4 minutes, a
,then tempered at 600*C for 2 hours. Conventional heat treatment was used on the spea
mens of R18 steel (quenching from 12800C, triple annealing at 5600C). The Vickers
hardness was measured under a load of 1 kg on a UIMV-1 installation with heating in a
vacuum to 20, 500 and 6000C with folloving measurements every 500 to 8500C. The re-
Card 1/2
uDc: 669.018.25:620.172.251.222