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The kinetic power theorem
search Conference, Durham, New Hamshire, June 1951) and H.A. Haus
(Ref. 28: A kinetic.power theorem, URSIr Boulder, August-1957).
The expression for the kinetic power is derived, assuming small
amplitudes, from the Maxwell equations of continuity and motion
of one electron inside a volume V within a surface S. After.several:
mathematical transformations e.g.
(P..j + (P.) - 0. (16)
is obtained, where (F
r is given by
-jne~IEII IdS: (17)
and (Py
(PX) Re V.. dS;
Card 31Q-2-
'1~ / -
The kinetic power theore'
M D201/D303
(Pr) being the average over a cycle power radiated through the Sur_~
face 3; (PK) - the average over 6 cycle the kinetic power of a N_
beam stream; Vkn a m von vn - the kinetic potential of the stream
of order N, where von is the constant component of velocity Inde-
pendent both of time *and of co-ordinates and v is the amplitude of;
position dependent velocity of electrons. Eq. f18) can be rewritten:
Re (1) V ... (1) - Y, 1. (0) V.. (0)1
/,0) Siv); S= V'dxdy;'j.(O). V". (0). j. (1), VUR (1)
values of the current density Jn and of Vkn at the first and las
cross-sections!of the electron stream. The problem is reduced next~i
to evaluating the quantity,(Pe) = (Pk) for different waves in eleo-~
Card 4/22
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D303
tron streams and to determining conditions for which (Pk) < Ot P
being the average over a cycle power of the interaction between Thei
stream and the field as given by
(P.) Re f EdV. (19),
2) Waves in an e1ectron-stream and the kinetic power theorem. The
kinetic power theorem is applied to waves in an electron stream. As'
known from V.N. Shevchik (Ref. 11: Op. cit.) in a stream of elec- !
trons with an average velocity v0 and average density POP two'waves,
with angular frequency w can propagate having propagation constants,
21 and 132 Bi Be - Bps (21)t
22 0e + BPI (22)
where (,)02
Card 5/U,
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D303
The equivalent resistance Z of the electron stream at cross-section,
Z is given by
V. ft, ES
Z=_ = (34)
1 ZO - f#.S -49ps
ooo (35)
3q. (34) is equivalent to that of a complete resistance of a twin-
feeder with the characteristio impedance Zo and propagation constEnt,
1B . The average over a cycle interaction power between current and
Rnetic potential Vk at a cross-section Z is given by
jfl) 1p. ((Re P)') + To(Re~Re;)]. (36)~
where So is the crose-section area of the beam. It follows from
Card 6/22
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
(36) that the average value of the kinetic power in the wave
consists of two components, positive, proportional to ((Re
and negativep proportional to L(Re - Re V3, The above considersti-
ons were made for a stream of positive particles, but the same will,
apply to a stream of negative particles - electrons, in which case
(P) (2Z. I (EP, E,* - E, Q. (37Y
is obtained. The average power of interaction between current I and:
the kinetic potential Vk is the sum of the power flow of a fast and,
of a slow wave given by
1 A-
tPill (2Z.3 p )- 3 1 El '> 0 (38Y
9a) -:~ '-(IZO PIP)-'Es. ES, -.,1 0. (39)
respectively. The kinetic power (P)-of an electron stream should
Card 7/~Z
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
.not be confused with the electromagnetic power.(Pem) of the field.
From W.H. Louisell, J.R. Pierce (Ref. 31; Power flow in electron
beam devices, Proc. I.R.S. 1955t 43t 4, 425) the magnitude of the
electromagnetic power flow has been obtained much smaller than that.
.of kinetic power# because the problem has been treated as a unidi- i
'mensional one. The correct treatment of the problem can be found in,
works by S.D. Gvozdover (Ref. 32% Teoriya elektronnykh priboroy 1
(Theory of Electronic Devices) SVChp GT1, 1956)t'D.A. Watkins (Ref.;
33: TWT Noise figure, Proo. I.R.E., 19520 40,.1,65) and G.M. Branch,
T.G. Mihran (Ref. 30 Plasma frequence reduction factors in elec-
tron beams, IRE Trans. Electron Devices, 1955t 21 20). The finite
dimensions of the beam cross-section and the wave guide reduce the
effective plasma frequency; 3) The'kinetic power theorem as applied.
to the problem of excitation of a resonator. The resonator consists'
of a surface S surrounding the cavity 0t resonator, the field of
which varies according to the law The kinetic power theore
has in this case the form of
Card 8/-22-
.) I
The kinetic power theorem ... 1)201/7D303
[P fi(O)l = 0 (40)
05) is the radiated power, averaged over one cyclel
and , are average kinetic powers at the input and output rea-
pect vely, as given by
(2Z,Vpf'jEj(O) E;(0)-&&E'jQ)J. (41)
jf( IE, (T.) E; (To) _'E, (%) El', (q~ (42)
- I
where Ej(O) and E2(0) amplitude of the fast and slow waves respec-
tively at the cross-section z = o; Ej(Iro) and E2(q'o) - their re-
spective amplitude at the cross-section z = d; Zo - full impedance
of the beam; Sp = G)p/vo. Comparing (40) with the equation of energy
(Pri + fp 0 1 = 0 1 (47)
Card 9/2S
The kinetic power theorem
22 54
'S/109 617CO06/005/001/027
[i (,To ) I -t~(O)~ - tpe ~
is obtained, which in general cases permits evaluation of the chan-
ges in the amplitudes of both fast and slow waves in the stream due
to the transit through the resonator. Let the beam waves, having
frequency w, be excited by shot noise, they will then be designated
noise waves and it follows that a resonator can damp the amplitude
of the fast noise'wave, but cannot damp the amplitude of a slow
moving noise wave; 4) Energy flow in a double cavity klystron-ampli-
fier. This problem has been analyzed by J.R. Pierce (Ref. 10S Op.
cit.) the graphs in Fig. 3 show that if the resonator is excited by
an electron beam, then behind the resonator the amplitude of the
slow wave increases and that of the fast wave decreases; 5) The ki-
netic power theorem as applied to a T"NT. The above problem hap been
anal zed bK S.D. Gvozdover (Ref;132: ID?.cit.), V.H. LOpukhin (Ref.
351 ~ u e.tronnymi potokami (Oscilla
ozb z deniye kolebaniy i v n eli
tion Wave Excitation by Electronic Currents) GITTLI 1953) and V.N.
Card 1P/22
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
Shevchik (Ref. 36: Oenovy Teorii SVCh. IZD. Sovetskoye radiop 1958~
As shown by L.N. Loshakov (Ref. 37: K teorii rasprostraneniya voln
v elektronnom potoke (On the Theory of Wave Distribution in an El-
ectron Stream) ZhTF, 1952, 229 2, 193) that in a rectangular wave -
guidep filled with dielectric, there exist waves of the type
e where (i - the angular frequency assumed to be known;
(8) the propagation constant defined by the dispersive equations
Y, (0) - Y2 (P)*. (56)
Y, (M _hr___P (57)
0 (58)
Y2 W -
and C0 ILI in, n1,2l W18 CPO
+ Meo
Card 1 1/2z
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
The article gives the graphs of yj(S) and Y2(3) for three different
.values of Cd The same effect can be obtained for Wo = constant and
varying Be Ee. the average velocity of the electron beam. The fast
wave with propagation constant B3 -::: Be does -not show increasing so-
lutions. The wave 22 slow with respect to the electron beam, has a
negative component of kind;ic power while wave 03, travelling faster
than the beam, has a positive kinetic power component. Both waves
conform to the idea of a slow and fast wave of a unidimentional
electron beam. The full expression for the field for the three dif-
ferent values of Wo represents a superimposition of four waves
E E,e-t An
where Sn is detemined by the dispersive equation (56) and the am-
plitudes of waves E depend on the boundary conditions of the input.
and output of the tube. Let the kinetic power theorem be applied to
a WiT. Of most interest is the case of the exponentiality rising
Card 12/t2_
X f
3/10 61/0 06/005/001/027
The kinetic power theorem ... D20140
waves. In the present case the kinetic power theorem is given by
('~rl + (PKI - 01
where (P the average power radiated.through the surface 3
(Pk) - tKe average kinetic power. Assuming surface S to be ideally
conducting (PA is given by
~.)7= 12-1le 1E,,'11rJ,,d1S - -j'L Ile ~ J7,,'i1'J,dS, (64)
the difference in power at the input and output of the wave guide.
For straight electron trajectories (Pk) is given by
~P,,) - Ile (1) V" P (0) V" (0)), (65)
where 1(0,), V k(O)l I(l)P Vk(l) - the values of convection current
and of kinetic potential at croso-uiections z = 0 and z a 1, corree-
Card 13/2Q-
4 1
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D30
ponding to the input and output of TWT. Evaluating (Pk) it is shown
that in general I and Vk in a TWT are given by the sum of three
waves. This sum, after a few simple algebraic transformations is
given by
3 3
Ito I (Z) V" (2) Ito (z),
"n. n'0 %I
P 0
and Sn are the roots of the dispersion equation corresponding to
direct waves. In considering various cases it is shown that in a
TWT the slow electron wave with the exponentially rising amplitude#
transfers through the surface S a negative kinetic power (Pk)-:~-- 0
Card 14/2-2-
----- ------
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D303
which means that (2k),-::- 0. This in turnis accompanied by an expo-
nential increase of the kinetic power (Pk)Se'
Evaluating in Eq. (66) terms of the order e C41 shows that they are
periodic functions of z with a period
21% 3
Exponentially decreasing te=st proportional to e-cel and e-2cil can
be neglected for oLl ::;-3 but must be taken into account near the
in ut to TWT. Terms e'41 are periodic, the term proportional to
e Ki is periodic; 6) The kinetic power theorem and a double beam
tube. From a wave guide model of a double beam tube the expression
for the kinetic power (Pk)i for the increasing wave of current and'
kinetic potential and for the beyond-the-cut-off wave guide is gi-
Card 15/2-24,
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D303
ven by /'(PH) - (Poll) + (pill), IN. (70)
where %
1- 1
(0) r; (0) +
(P.1) (2ZIP"o-I ,--- 01);
oil (71)
ES (0) E; (0) 1 -
All 2eta + Oj); (72)
it follows that with such a wave guide and a double beam amplifica-
tion, the energy flow is analogous to that in the drift space of a,
double cavity klystron. The advatage of a double beam TWT over a ,
klystron lies in the fact that the positive kinetic power increasO
Card 16/R-
. ,p ~
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
with the tube length 1, which permits a larger signal at the out-
put. At the same time, however, the negative kinetic power expo-
nentially increases'whichAs the slow.moving.electrons
and which remains in the been after the information has been re-
moved; 7) Parametric electron.beams and the theorem of kinetic
power. As was shown above, using special communication devices,
it is possible to damp the amplitude of the fast noise.of the elec-
tron stream. It follows that.a. sipal having the form.of such&fast
wave cannot be amplified in an ordinary TWT, For this purpose par-
ametr3"C amplifiers have been suggested. Let the.power of a signal
at a frequencyube applied to an electron beam.together."lith the
power from a pumping-generator at a frequency.w p. Wing to the
non-linear effects.there would be-then.produced in.the beam an
infinite sequence of waves having frequencies(d t n W, then the
expressions for the charge.density, the electroR flow-density
and.the velocity of electrons can be represented by
00 (73)
PO= EP.OxPimWof,
Card 17/12,
I- /
The kinetic-power theorem ...
D201 303 x
J744 (74)
.1 1
MW-00 (75)
P- ---
M-00 n-tj
V YJ I V..,& (M )t,.
M 90 n tI
where pm and v: are the amplitudes of.the Fourier.coefficients
as related to The pump; imt,n, (>mn and vmrk - amplitudes of the
combined frequencies of the signal are given under the assumption
that only
Card 10/22-
The kinetic power theorem ...
the nearest combined frequencies are of importance, so that n takes
only two values ( n M t 1). Using again the Maxwell equations, the
equation of the electron motion and applying the condition of small
amplitudes it can be shown according to H.A. Haus (Ref. 29; A Kine-
tic power theorem for parametric longitudinal electron beam ampli-
fiersp IRE Trans. Electron Devices, 1958, 5t 4, 225) that the fol-
Re,.Z ;WW-'+ 0 + MWI, +0 )dS = 0, (78). (78)
holds, where and rm are the intensities of the electric and mag-
netic field 0 a combined frequency mo)p + W; Jm - current density;
Vm = mvovm/e - kinetic potential of same frequency; S - the limit-
ing surface. The above equations are the generalized equations of
the kinetic potential in case of a parametric beam and the methods.
of analysis discussed previously can be applied in this case as
Card 19/92,
-7 "-
The kinetic power theorem D201/D303
well. The author states that from the point of noise, figure trans-
verse field parametric amplifierst utilizing the so-called cyclo-
tron wavesp seem to be the best. Finally, various types of parame-
tric amplifiers, as met in Western literature are shortly discussed
and it is stated in conclusion that the theory of parametric ampli-
fiers with transverse field is by no means finalized. The existing
theories do not take into account the coulomb forces, the interac-
tion between transverse and longitudinal shift of electrons and the
role of harmonics in the electron beam with transverse excitation
remains to be explained. fhere are 7 figures and 43 references: 10
Soviet-bloc and 33 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-
language publications read as follows-; M.R. Currie, D.C. Forster,
Low noise preamplifiers for microwave receiversp Proc. IRE, 1958,
469 39 570; M. Currie, A new type low noise electron gun for micro-
wave tubesq Proc. IRE, 19589 46P 5? 911; M. Caulton, S-band VVT with
F below 4dbp Proc. IRE, 1958, 46, 5, 911; M.R. Currie, D.C. Forster,
New mechanism for noise reduction in electron beamsi J. Appl. Phys.
Card 20/2-2,
. 4L/
The kinetic power theorem ... D201/D303
1959P 30t 1t 95.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogo
universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (Faculty of Physics
of the Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: September 9't 1960
Card 21/2-21
S/10 61/006/010/014/027
93 D266YD302
AUTHORSt Glaskol, V.B., Zyuzin-Zinchenkop A.A.v and_ERpykhjnv
TITLE: The influence of beam scalloping on the noise
figull of TWT's
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, vo 6. no. 10, 1961j
1688 - 1699
TEXT- The purpose of the present work is to study on a simplified
modei the effect of ,,arying beam cross section on the minimum noi-
se figure. Although the work is based on material published prior
to 1955 a number of recent references on ultra-low noise amplifiers
are included. The authors use a three-electrode gun which ensures
a Suffici 1 smooth potential profile. The varying beam radius is
obta -d b c
4 s~ culating the 40eetory of an edge electron in the
combined elec ric and magnetic fields neglecting the effect of
space charge forces. Without going into the details of cvculations
'the following formula is given for the beam radius
Card 1/4
The influence of beam ... D266 D302
b = b0 [1 + A sin Pk(x) x],
where b0 is the radius in infinite magnetic field; x - distance
along the axis in mm-sp,6 and Pk(x) are parameters representing the
amplitude and wave number of scallopingf and k(x) is given by the
approximate formula
k(x) = 820(x + 6)-3 + Os4a (2).
In the subsequent calculations they employ S. Bloom and R, Peter's
(Ref. 25: RCA Rev.9 1954, 15, 19 95) transmission line equations.
but assume that the reduced plasma frequency varies due to beam
scalloping. 22 different cases are investigated which are summari-
zed in a table. The inhomogeneous transmission line equations are
solved (with the usual input,?Conditions of uncorrelated current
and velocity fluctuations) for these parameters on a computer and
the resultst noise current density against dietancet are plotted
In a number of figures. It appears that under the conditions in-
vestigated the noise due to shot noise is negligible so the subse-
Card 2/4
The influence of beam ... D266/D302
quent calculations are confined to the study of noise due to velo-
city fluctuations at the potential minimum, In Pigs# 10a and 10 b
the noise figure is plotted against normalized drift distance.
[Abstractor's note: Details of the calculation are not given, but
it is noted that the beam entering the helix is assumed to have a
constant diameter]. It is found that with the exception of one
curve the minimum noise figure is increased if the scalloping of
the beam is taken into account. The noise generated by a beam of
constant diameter is given by the dotted lines. The numbers on the
curves refer to the cases investigatedo The final conclusion is
that if !~\ and P are different of zero the minimum available noise
figure is increased. There are 12 figures# 1 table and 27 referen-
ces: 7 Soviet-bloc and 20 non-6oviet-bloce The 4 most recent re-
ferences to the English-language publications read as follows: J.
Berghammer# S. Bloomt J. Appl. Phys.9 1960t 31, 3t 454; W.M. Muel-
lerg T'.R. Curriet J, Appl. Phys.t 1959t 30o 120 1876; R. Adler,
Proc. I.R.E.t 1959t 47, 109 1713; C. Curtis, C. Johnson, J. Appl.
PhYB.p 1960, 31, 2, 338.
Card 3/4
The influence of beam ... D266 D302
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy* fkulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni-
versiteta im. M.V. Lomonosovat Kafedra rddiotekhniki
(Physics Faculty of the Moscow State University im.
M.V. Lomonosovt.Department of Radioengineering)
SUBMITTED: Dec.ember 22# 1960
Figs. 10a and 10b: Dependence of F2 - 1 on e = op (op is the redu-
ced plasma wave number) for case I (case I corresDonds to a cer-
tain choice of the potential profile).
S/10 62/007/004/007/0---,
AUTHORS: lopukhin, V.Y., and Roshallp A.S.
TITLE: Reverse electron-stream amplifier
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, V. 7, n6. 4, 1962,
643 - 651
T--,:'XT: The linear theory of electron-wave amplifier for
streams is presented. Theoretical results of the double-bt--a-
velling-wave tubes (TWT) and those of backaard-wave luubes (B-:-"
show that it is possible to obzain substantial amplificar-io:-. cf
constant amplitude waves by means of interference, alternativ.-I-v
increased amplification of gradually-increasing waves is
in which cuse a double-beam T17T is more effective thar. -he doubiz,
beam BVIT. It is further possible to gain considerable amplification
of the electron wave-type over a broad frequency band using con-
stant amplitude standing waves which result rrom space-ch-crge L1,_,_-t-
ing. The interaction of the reverse electron streams can alzo causc
increased pscillations and self-excitation of the system. Thus a
reflex klystron without an external resonator can generate c_vciJ11L-
Card 1/2
Reverse electron-stream wiplifier D2-IO/D302
tions tuneable over wide limits by varying -.-he potential; thi,-,
mon8trates the mechanism of the electron-aave oscillaticna. ---'he so-
lution of the dispersion equation of the amplifier ic e 1-1. an-i
the diotribution of the variables of the velocity and current is
calculated. The possibility of the oscillation amplificatic.-i '0-
monstrated for sufficiently large values of the current d6nl~ity
Stzeams. The nrobiem is soived by a linear approximaticl.
iu,:,'.ion of the propagation constant and the plottint" cf th2
blo velocity and current density was performed on a
ter; the significance of these results is discussed in
re are 5 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3
bloc. The references to the --inglish-ianguage publia&I.-ion-s
fOl-'017S. W.G. Dow, J.E. Rowe, General aspects of
lification, ?roe. I.R.E., 1960t 48, lt 115; J.E. Rowe, T'A--cry c,-I
the Crestatron - a forward-wave amplifier, Proc, I.F.-.7].,
4, 536; J.R. Pi6rce, Double-st-rep-m amplifiersp Proc. 7.-
37t vp 980.
SUBMITTED: December 22, 1960
Card 2/2
iZTHORS: Martynov, V.P.
TITLE: Theory of backward-wave electron-beam amplifier with
prelilmi-nary double-frequency modulation of the elec-
tron beam
22RIODICAL: Radiotel:hnika i elektronika, V. 7, no. 8, 1962,
TEXT: The results of this work were reported to the .'J.1-
Union Conference of the IMSO USSR on Radioelectronics Kharlhov,
1960. 3y joint integration (on an'electroniccon'buter5 of the equa-
tions of continuity and of motion of the electron, and of the equa-
tions of the backward-wave decelerating system, the authors obtained
the amplitude distribution of the variable components of the currcnt
density, the electron-velocity distribution, and that of the del y-
line voltage; the g.An factor was also calculated. ki electron beam,
modulated at the frequency 24) travels in the field of the back-
ward wave, created by the deceie'rating system; the voltage to be
Card 1/3
Theory of baclavard-wave D409/D301
amplified has the frequency 6) . The system of equations (of the
electron and of the decelerating system) is set up, as well aa the
boundary conditions. Numerical integration was performed for 50
different sets of values of the parameters m, T , b, a', ao and
m denotes the depth of beam modulation at the frequency 2 Oc; (P is
the phase angle between the waves with frequency wc and-24)c ; a' is
related to the bean's plasma frequency; a0 is the space charge -ara-
meter and 13 the propagation constant of the wave in thc z~bsence_ of
the beam; b denote~s the velocity difference between electton and
wave. The results of the integration are shown in the following
diagrams: Dependence of,the gain factor G on the parameter b, dcpnn-
dence of G on m, dependence of the amplification on T, and the dic-
tribution of the amplitudes of the current density, of the clcctron
velocity, and of the voltage. Conclusion: Calculations show-ed that
preliminary modulation of the electron beam shifts the gain curve
towards the region of negative values of b. optimum gain Gccurs if
the mean electron-velocity be-comes smaller than the velocity off the
wave in the absence of the beam. For values of b, which correspond
to maximum gairL in an ordinary backward-wave amplifier, the. Lxml)li-:
Card 2/3
Theory of backward-wave ... D409/D301
'T-;C~d signal of frequency 4), is suppressed. *G depends strongly on
m and (P. There are 4 figures. The most important English-language
reference reads as follows: G. Wade, R. Adler, Proc. IRIE, 1959, 47,
1, 79.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy falculltet Mloskovsllcogo gosudarstvennogo
universiieta im. V.V. Lomonosova, Kafedra radiotekh-
nild (Physics Division of Moscow State University im.
V.V. Lomonosov, Radio Engineering Department)
SWI-AlITTED: October 17, 1961
Card 3/3
Dissertaticns defended at the Tnstitute of 'Radlcenf-ireerirF irl Electrorics
for the academic derree of Doctor of Fhysicrat~,,eratical Sciences: /~& -7
"Excitntio- of 'lectrovagnetic Vibrations and Wnves by Flectrcr Rearn."
Vestnik Akad Nauk, No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145
ACCESSION NR: "4017S94 5/0109/64/00910021OZ41/0251
AUTHOR: Lopukhin, V. M. * Roshal',A. S.
TITLE: Removal of noioe:duetD a'space-charge fast wave by nwans of a
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i slektronika, Y. 9. no. 2. 1964, 241-ZSI
TOPIC TAGS: microwaves, superhigh frequency, SHF tube. parametric
longitudinal field tube. fast wave noise, electron beam tube, electron beam tube
i resonator, noise reduction
ABSTRACT: The propagation of noise described by a matrix of spectral densities
in & resonator with a uniform longitudinal field is theoretically investigated by
means of a single -dimensional single-velocity approximation. The effect of a
passive resonator upon the fluctuation of an electron beam (e. X. , in a parametric,
microwave device) in considered. It to demonstrated that an a result of an inter-
Card I /Z
action between the beam and the resonator field, the amplitude reution between
the fast and slow noise waves in the beam is altered; a correlation between theme
waves is established. By proper selection of the resonator and beam parameters;,
(fornudas. recommendations. and a numerical example supplied), a considerable
reduction of the noise fast wave at the resonator output can be achieved. Such a
iresonator is recommended for parametric longitudinal-field electron-beasn SH]r
devices. Orig. art. has; 5 figures, 24 formulas. and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy josudarstvanny4y universitst im. M. V. Lomonosova,
(Moscow State University)
Card 212
DATE ACQ: l8M&r64
NO REr SOV., 002
ENCL: 00
OTHM: 004
VASILIYEV, Ye. I.)., LOFUh-!!~,'I, y.M.
Excitation of harmonics in the pmping space of electronic
parametric amplifiers* Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.6:1087-1090
Je 164. (MIRA 17:7)
Carci I112
! ! : -1
.1 1, _~-` 5
ti-,e pr:ncl-ple of parametric amplification includes a brief consideraton of
.11 -pumping -field configurations: Adler's quadrapole (with single platcs and
- I __ I - - .1 - _._-___ ____ - 1. -11 -
!!I ectr- c -purnping-
8 e c1loi-I -type), an 8-start-helix twisted quadrupole with rotating purnpin a
4-stait-helix twisted quadrupole, an axisymmetricall purriping field, a 2-varla:,;e-
f:"!,; p,-rnping, waveguide structures, and a double purnping wave, Thet3e
;L arnetric amplifier ty-pes are briefly described: (a) Adler's degenerate type,
(b) a -ondegene rate type, (c) a lower- frequency -purnping type, (d) electrostatic
arnohlf;ers, (e) a synchronous -wave type, (f) an M-type, (g) frequency
converters and multipliers, (h) magnetic-field purnping types, and (i) non-
rnagnetic types. Distinguishing features and application possibilities of
parametric amplifiers are listed in the "Conclusion. " Orig. art. has: 23 figures.
NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 108
Card 2 / ?il
Selecting an efficient minin system and methods of roof control
in mines of the Yarls, Dolomite Combine. Rauch. trudy XMI no.6;
173-190 158. (MIRA .14:4)
(Yom region-Dolomite) (Mining engi'neering)
KUKLIN, B.K., gornyy inzh.; LOPUKHIN, V.T., gornyy inzh.; LIPKOVICH, S.M.,
Response to P.S.Podkolzin's article "Methods of mining coal beds in
the Donets Basin." Ugoll Ukr. 5 no-7:40-43 J1 '61.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Donetskiy nauchno-issledovatel ,skiy ugol'nyy institut (for
Kuklin). 2. Khar'kovski:v gornyy institut (for Lopukhin).
Ponets Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Podkolzin, P.S.)
tOPUKRINg Yea A* a/:L964 1964
LOPUKHIN Ye.A. (deceased]
- ., .3
Spectral composition of direct solar radiaton. Geliotekhnika
no.1:44-48 165. (MIM 18: r~)
1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-isoledovatellakly gidrometeorologi-
cheskiy institut.
CHECHET, Yu.S.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. [deceased]; I~TMINA, Ye.M.,,
kand. tekhn. naukv dotsent
Optimum parameters of motors with
no.3905-59 162.
hol rotors. Trudy YZI
(MIRA 17:6)
New data on blood supply to the own intestinal van in man, Uchen,
apiski vtor. moskov. nod. Inst. Stalina Vol 2:162-167 1951. (CUG 21:4)
. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Department of Operative Sargiry and
Topographic Anatomy (Had-Prof. V.A. Ivanov).
10PUKHIN, Yu. M.
Problem of the length of the small intestine in man. Arkh. anat., Hooky&
29 no.2:58-59 Mar-Apr 1952. (OLML 23:2)
1. Of the Department of Onerative Surgery and Topographic Anatoffq (Head --
Doctor Medical Sciences Docent V. A. Ivanov), Second Moscow Medical Insti-
tute imeni 1. V. Stalin.
LOPMIN. Tu.". (MankyL)
Rulgarlan Journal XhlrarglLa; brief survey of contents In 19339
Ightrurgila no.g.-5&61 3 154. (KIRA 7:12)
Shirurgil&. Soft&)
Affect of proloWd stImulation of the wagus and sympathetic nar'764
on the quantity and acidity of gastric Xco. Biul.oksp biol. I
mad. 37 no.4134-36 Ap 154. 7:7)
I..Is kafedry operativnoy khlrurgil a topografichookoy anatomlyey
(sav..Prof. T.A.1-yakov) Il Kookovskogo neditsinskogo institute,
iment. I.V.Stalina (dir. doteent S*I.Kilovidov)
*acidity & secretion, off, of stimulation of synathetic
& vagus nerves In dogs)
(NERTMg TAGUS, physiology,
*off. of stimulation on gastric juice acidity &
secretion In dogs)
-'Peff. of stimulation on gastric Jules acidity &
secretion in dogs)
ITANN, V.A., professor; WPUKHIN, Yu.M., kandidat seditainakikh man
Nkpartmental cholacystapattV. Khtrttrgtla, Koskva no.3:15-19 My 135.
(NLRA 8: 9)
1. Is lmfedr7 operatlymoy kh1rurgli a topografichookoy anatomVey V.A. Av&&Ov 11 NookovelDogo maditelasicogo lantituts
ismal I.T. Stailm.
(GAM BLAMU. dis.
Surgical anatoor of arteries of the initial segment of the jejunm
in man. Arkh.amt.glet. I subr. 32 no-1:59-63 Ja-*r '55..(KLRA 8:9)
Is Is kafe&y operativwy khirurgii i topografichookoy anatoull
(say. Prof. V.A. Ivanov) Il Moekovskogo meditsinskogo InstItuta
liment I.T. Stalina)
(JAMM, blood supply,
arteries, amt. & surg. aspects)
IOFMIN, Yu.N,. kandidat maditainakikh aauk
Topographical anatomy of the heart and oericardium in some heart
diseases. Xhirurgtia 32 no.8:45-50 Ag 156. (XLRA 9:12)
1. Is kafedry operativuoy khirurgii e topograficheekoy anatomiyey
(sav. - prof. T.A.Ivanov) II Koolgovskogo meditsinskogo instituta
imeni I.V.Stalina.
changes in topographic anat. of heart & pericardium)
insuff., causing changes in tophographic east. of heart
& pericardium)
changes of topographic anat. in hypertension. aortic
valve insuff. & mitral valve insuff.)
511- 239-
Jdxv ,f va's 1.90
cc T.;t '0 Ogtell
or,, a
t cu 7- 015. 100
600 Ops aAz to
to J~;~ 6*90vet;~O~Tcoasl
16V ova A%
0 -0* C.'Coo -too A BOO -C&II
00 00 , tbo CO
to, I G& r'O
x ,to 0 r -at$
st -, "0818 tat4l
Oix aosor~to;ew of
'5) -,*Oe ]~,Ao e 'a'306
as tla t
ID Go al JeIA
card ~2/2
10PUIHINS YU.M. dots,
Projectional anatomy of the posterior pleural borders. JbIrargiia
34 no.8:113-118 Ag '58 (KERAnsg)
1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii I topograficheskoy anatonit
(sav. - Prof. G.Ye. Ostroverkhov) II Koskovskogo neditainakogo
instituta Imeni N-1. PirogoVa.
(PLYMe anate & histol'
posterior pleural ;orders, projectional anat. (Rum))
LWR / Human and knimal Morphology (Ncrmal and Pathological). S
Circulatory ','Vtm. Huc-~~t.
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No. 2913
Author :_Ia=khI.n, 14. M.; Zheltikov, N. S.
Tmat : 21A Zn-ea-I-IMituts Of Moscow
Title : Surgical AnatonV of the YAtral Valve
Orig Pub : Uch. zap. 2-y )bek. red. In-;t, 3.957, 10, 239-245
Abstract : On frash nA tcrmalin-fixed hearts of 50 human cadavers,
figed 38 to 60, did not have any cardiovascular
lesions, it vas downstruted that the d1amster of the
left atrioventriculav opening is 2.)-3.05 cm (mom often
3-3-5) aW, its circumferenco is B-12 cm (more often 9-11).
Ln 5 cases the clicumference norresporded to the length
of the heart. AlBo described aro -the structural
-haracteristics and the nesaurewnts of the anteronedial
uA posterolateral wels, ard those of tendinous cords.
0 ard 1/2
I USSIR / Buman & d Animal bicrPholofW (Normal and Pathological) - 8
I Circule:;ory System. Reaz't-
Abe Jour : 14T Zhur - Biologiy-.,, No 1, 1959, No. 2913
D. the latter the authors distinguish 3 tYPOS: solitary,
ugictral, and loose.
Card 2/2
LOPUMIN, TuA dots.
Projectional anatomy of the posterior pleural borders~ Ahirurfila
34 no.8:113-118 Ag 158 ' XMA 11s9)
1, Iz kefedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy wmtonii
(sav. - Prof. G.Ye. Ostroverkhov) 11 Koskovskogo zeditsinskogo
instituta Iment N.I. Pirogova;
(PIZM9 anat. & histol'
posterior pleural ;orders, Projectional anat. (Rus))
.-LOPUKHIN, TU.M., dots.
Topographic anatov7 of the min orifices of the heart under normal
and pathological conditions. Xhirurgila 35 no.10:66-73 0 159.
(MIRA 12:12)
i. rz kafedry operativuoy khirurgit a topografichaskoy anatomiyey
(zav. - Prof. G.Te. Ontroverkhov) 11 Nookovskogo'meditainskogo ineti-
tute, Im. N&I. Pirogova.
(Rum anat . & histol.)
MART VALVIS anat. & histol.)
LOPUXHIN, Yu. M., Doe Med Sci -- (diss) "Topography of the cardiovascu-
lar complex in mitral defectE of the heart and in hypertonic zickness.
(Problems of projected anatomy)." Moscow, 1960. 31 pp; (First Noscow
Order of Lenin Medical Inst im I. M. Sechenov); 250 copies; price not
given; (KL, 51-60, 120)
UFMIN, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; HOLOOKOV, Mikbail Nikolayevich
[Course in operative surgery] Fraktikm po operativnoi
khirurgii. Koskva, Medgiz, ig6o. 178 P.
IVANOV, VasIliy,Alekseyevich; MOLODENKOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich;
WPUKHIN Yuriy Mikhaylovich; PISAREVSKIY, A.A., red.;
IMIRIO VA, -W-~ ~teT red.
(Surgery] Khirurgiia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 426 p.
(MIRA 16:6)
OSTROVERKWV, Georgiy Yefimovich; LUBOTSKIY, David Naumovich;
DDHASH, Yuliy Maksimovich; MOVSHOVICH, I.A., red.; LDPUKHINY
Yu.H., red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red.
(Course of operative surgery and topographical anatomy)Kurs
opemtivnoi khii-urgii i topograficheskoi anatomii. (By]G.E.
Ostroverkhov, D.N.Lubotakil, IU.M.Bomash. Moskva, Medgiz,
1963. 739 P. (MIRA 16-3)
OSTROVERKHOV, G.Ye.p doktor med.nauk, prof.; IkFUKHIN, Yu.14.,
doktor med.nauk; VIOLODENKOVO M.N.,, kand. med. nauk;
SHUBINAp L.N.p tekhn. red.
(Technique of surgical operations; a portable atlas]
Tekhnika khirurgicheskikh operatsii,- portativnyi atlas.
Moskva, Izdatel'skoe biuro tresta Meduchposobia, 1963. 143 P.
(MIRA 17:1)
I !-IJ-khaII tiUr,14evich,
IIJFUKHO Yuriy M44. lovieb dots.;
GOR-10, reld. 1. -
Practical manual on operative surgery Fraktikurn PO opera
L ts-sna, 1964.
tIvnoj khirurgii. Jzd.2.9 perer. Fiedi
234 P.
LOPOKHIN, Yu.M.t dcktor med. nauk (Moskva)
Kidney tranrplantation in wn in the U.S.A.; personal impressions.
Urologila no.4:43-46 164. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Urologicheskaya klinika (zav. - chlen-korrespondent Awl SSSR
A.Ya. Pytell) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni Pirogova.
IVANOV, Vasiliy A2ekseyevich; MOLODENKOVHikhail Nikolayevichl
ljkpyjQy.;Lph; FISAREVSKIY, A.A. 9 red.
(Surgery] Khirurgiia. 2. jzd., perer. i dop. Moskva,
Meditsina) 1965. 445 P. (MIRA .18:7)
BAKULEV, A.N., akademik; 13UNYATYAN, A.A., kand. med. nauk;
WRAKOVSKIY, V.I., doktor mod. nauk; BUYANOV, VJI., dots.;
GULYAYEV, A.V., prof.; ZARETSKIY, V.V., doktor med. nauk;
S.V., prof.; jAFV)UjRl, Yu.M., prof.; MURATOVA, Kh.N., doktor
ired. nauk; PE7HOVSKIY, 13.V., zasl. deyatell nauki RSF51, prof.;
SAVF,LIYZV, V.S., prof.; SERGEYEV, V.14., doktor med. nauk;
Nultivolumo manual on surgery] Mnogotomoe rukovodstvo po khi-
rurgii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.6. Pt.l. 1965. 577 p.
(ZURA IS: 10)
1. DeystvitellrVy chlen A1411 Mil (for Petrovskiy).
Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6,
p 137 (USSRT
AUTHORS: Malevit5kaya, M. A., Lopukhina, A. M.
TITLE: Data for the Study of Parasites of Fish in the Lower
Dnepr (Materialy k izueheniyu parazitov ryb nizhnego
PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. in-ta prud. i oz.-rech. ryb. kh-va UkrSSR,
1955, Nr 10, pp 40-49
ABSTRACT: Parasites of 11 classes were counted during a study of
fish in the Lower Dnepr. The most com2on tyFes were
digenetic trematodae (37 species). Multigenetic
trematodae,(30 species) were less common. Of a special
interest were Philometra sanguthea,fULnd'on the tail
fins of crucian carp (54.5 percent), and Philometra
obturans found in the blood stream of pike. bamples
Card 1/2 collected during this study showed that the trematodae
Data for the Study of Parasites (Cont.)
group was more numerous than any other fish parasite group; this is
explained by the abundance of aquatic invertebrates which act as
intermediate hosts, and of piscophagous birds. Certain fish parasite
larvae can be dangerous to man, to the carnivorous and to the Om-
nivorous animals. -These larvae are Metagonimus, okogawai of the
Neterophydae group, and also various species of the-Up-isthorcidae
group. Fish which have been infested with parasite larvae may infect
birds, commercial mammals and even man. Parasitological studies
have shown that the scavenger fish of the KoriskAya and'BazavIuk back-
waters on the Lower Dnepr were badly infested with the types of
parasites which can also infest commercial types. This situation
creates conditions dangerous for the latter.
Card 2/2 N. K. K.
Diseases of lavarets and fishes of the Amur River oboerved on
pond fish farms of the Ukrainian S.S.R* Trudy nov.lkht.kom.
no.93110-113 159. (MIRA 1315)
1, Ilauchno-Iselsdovatellskly inotitut prudovogo i ozerno-
rochnogo rybnogo khonyayotva Hinisteretva sellskogo khozyayetva
Wk~raine--Parasites) (Parasites--Whitefishes)
Lommill A . ,q.
Effect of Triaonophorus neduloauo'Pallas (Costoda, Foeudopl-yllida,
of young-of-the-year rainbow trout, Dokl. ar, =R 137 no. 1:244-
247 Hx-Ap 161a (ITIPUL 14:2)
1. Gosudarstvennyy muchno-iosledovatollskly iwtitut ozarnogo
A rechnago rybnogo khozyaystvv,. Pred3tavlano al--ademi- om Ye.r.
(Cestoda) (Paraoites-Trcut)
Meteorologioal Abst.
Vol. 5 No. 1
Jan- 1954
-Part 1
Struoture am physiom
Of tho Atmephero
RediAnd- M, and Doliwhmli~ E. M Sm"ade pe "room IW*U"Mk
I - ll. J. - "
tradlotmotillioldukh I.Conference on tic question of Inv"ticating the trandonmdom d
sif.] mewrotogi(d II Gidy logik, No. 8:49L-30, Aug. 19U. DLC-R meetifts km
'It Ob..try in cooperation ith the Cent
by the C"entral C"Phal
-Acagum, Cpnt Formstinff and Gemb I
masses (by M. F_7Bvxv
I F_ A~U
&.n,. W-ret-l�r
e ffiftte,
Mom (change of clim
rd air mames (by. M. VOZAvAmiq ), heat trmndomatW_--firW-
oD) and actingmeirk investigations of free atn~ (by V.To.
OW uAcd. Special reports on air tranda
were Mad by A-'V
bnom - O=mkwkdjwobIem) an-7
!). Subi
LOPUMMIA, Ye. M. Oard. Tech. Sci.
Dissertation: "Theoretical and Experimertal Investigation of
a Rotor in the Form of a Bollow Nonnapnetic Cylinder." Moscow
Engineering Inst imeni V. It. 1,11olotov, 2F. Feb 47.
ar Induction Motorn with
Order of 1penin Power
SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Feb, 1947 (Project #17836)
PA 167TP
USO/Blectricity =.Induction Motors kay 50
"Investigation of an Induction Motor With a Rotor
in the Form of a Hollow Cylinder," Ye. M. Lopu-
khina, Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Power Eng Inst imeni
"Elektrichestvo" No 5, pp 26-31
Investigates eddy current distribution and losses
in cylinder, magnetic field in air gaps and in cyl-
inder for ideal system, Expressions obtained are
applicable to design of induction motor with hollow,
nonmagnetic rotor. Submitted 4 jui 49.
USSR/Electricity - Motors, Single-Phase Jul 51
"Principles of the Theory of the Single-Phase
Shaded-Pole Motor," Prof T. G. Soroker, Dr Tech
Sci, Ye. K. Lopukhina, Cand Tech Scl, Moscow Power
Eng Inst imeni Molotov
"Elektrichestvo" No 7, pp 43-48
Invest1gates the basic electromagnetic processes
in the motor and derives its eq. Uses the eq to
draw up equiv circuits for a stationary motor.
Establishes a design formula for detg the torque.
Submitted 8 Jun 50.
AUTHORS: I.-Lopukhina, Yelena 144:~i3-yevna? Cand. Tech. Sci. , Lecturer,
and Klokov7 Boris 6~nxsanlinovich- A3piran,
TITLE: D9te-Imination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor
with Non-magnetic Hollow Rotor b,,;, Maans of a Phase
Rotating Amplifier (Opredeleniye parametrov asinkhronnoy
mashiny s namagn1trrjw. pclym r 'crora s pomoshchlyu
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykl,- zavedeniy,
F-lekbromeklianika, 1953, Nr 7, PP 42-56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is very difficult to calculate the parameters of an
induction motor with 'acllow nr.,n--.nag--.a*#.-1.3 roto". It is
ac,-ordingly impo--itant to be able to determine experimen-
ta.Lly the param-eitsrs of the equivalent circuit shown in
Fig 2. Unfortunately the3e parameters are not constant
.7a'. dapend on the saturatuio-n2 spcad and the
.;emparatux,e of tl-.e nauhinu. Mevliocls of Jet3roiu-ing these
parameters that hav6 been hiVlerto e--.',her
4.-Scraire that the ma,.,'&1ine-bt-, dis:aaa,;nLed or have othar
disadvantaso,. Tl,.ts d-3.t:.rJ.'bes 63termination of
t'qe paramo~V*ors by mt;,zlio t~f a phast. .,uta'Jing amplifier
Card 1/6 desorlbod in t-ific. c-rt:*-,,,1oo of Suh:.- an6 Hupp Transactions
De"Sermination of the Paramete.-s of an Indu.--tion Yotor with Non-
Magnet-O., Hollow Rotor by meanz of a Piiase Rotating Amplifier
A.j.E.E. Vcl 71, Part 3, 1952. The phase rotating
amplifier is described in appendix 1, the phase rotator
servos to adjust the phase of the cutput voltage relative
i,o t~e j.rp-(:t voltage so that the equipmont can be used
for POW)r moasu:00men';. The is a further
dsvel,op~,,ion~ of t1hat used by Szhr and -upp; it is
lcisa_ Jbad s F_ -ir-n-if, diarrari givEin in Fig 10 and the
metheod of aCjuOtmen'. J~s, described. in appendix 2.
III viav- (if the spa..-ial feat-a~~es of machines with hollow
nor.-magrot.ic rotors tl-,.~ p3,- ~-edu-_-a desoribed by Suhr was
modified &nd. r.(j,,r fornq-,!~.e wori derived for machines of
this t- L
ype. The basij of the method is the equivalent
circuit of a single-.phase mai-hine shotrn in Fig 2a and tho
nimplifying assump,;Ions r-ade ir- %he work are stated.
The simplified equivalent ci5~rriit deri-m: from the
original clrcult, and simplifying assumptions is givon in
Pig The paramol.-ors of the equlvalon~.- circuit are
de'4-eriiiined froin two SIngle.-phase tests: synchronous
Card 2/6 _?-.r--lcad and short cirouit. F,)r these test condition,;
;;I.e r-j,~nivalent* :.-ircuit cun be still Parther simplified
Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with Non-
Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier
as shown in Figs 3 and 4. From the synchronous no-load
test there may be determined the mutual reactance; the
leakage reactance of the stator winding and the referred
rotor resistance at double frequency. The basic
equations used in determining the parameters in the
synchronous no-load test are equations (6) and (10);
the corresponding vector diagram is given in Fig 5a.
The voltage applied to the control winding during short
circuitsis given by expression (11); see also vector
diagtam, 5b. When the no-load and short circuit test
results are available expression (11) may be used to
determine the active resistance of the rotor. Tests
can then be made using the phase rotating amplifier and
a wattmeter to determine all the impedances entering
into the three main equations (6), (10) and (11). The
phase rotating amplifier can be used to measure power
whilst taking practically no power from the measured
circuit. The test circuit used is shown in Fig 6 and
Card 3/6 a series of equations is then given for the various
determinations that have to be made. ThG valtliPs
Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with Non-
Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier
required for detextdig ~he characteristics of the
equivalent circuit of the hollow rotor machine are found
from two testss synchronous no-load and short circuit
with single-phase supply. In carrying out the tests it
is necessary that the stator temperature should be the
same in all cases and that the no-load and the short
circuit tests should be carried out at the same current
equal to the synchronous no-load current at rated
voltage. The tests are all made on a test bench) a
schematic circuit diagram of which is given in Fig 7.
The test procedure is described. To illustrate the
method numerical test results are given for a hollow
rotor motor type ADP-362 with a useful output of 19 W on
a 110 V supply. Tests were made at both normal and
double frequencies. It is concluded that the active
resistance of the roto-, is not much affected by the
frequency and, thereforG. it is often sufficient to use
the equivalent circ,:At parameters obtained from a single
Card V6 synchronous no-load test. The equivalent circuit
obtained for the motor ADP-362 is shown in Fig 8. The
Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with Non-
Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier
correctness of the results may be judged by comparing the
mechanical characteristic calculated from the experimen-
tally determined equivalent cirmit with that determined
experimentally. This comparison is made in Fig 9 and
the agreement is shown to be very satisfactory; the
greatest difference between the torques is 8 and the
starting torque as calculated differs from the
A. experimental value by only 0.5%. It is concluded that
the method can be used to determine the parameters of
the equivalent circuit without dismantling the machine,
that the accuracy is high and hardly any power is drawn
from the measured circuit; the synchronous no-load and
short circuit tests are easily usable; the necessary
Card 516 formulae are very simple and the method can conveniently
Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with Non-
Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier
be used to investigate the influence of various factors
on the parameters of the machine.
There are 12 figures and 8 references7 6 of which are
Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin Moskovskogo
energeticheskogo instituta (Chair of Electrical
Machinery, Moscow Power Instititg)
SUBMITTED: May 22. 1958
card 6/6
L 4rj
OT50921 &east"", V.S.. Astakhal, "boaka, ?.?.I 1"took
Latimer, A.9
Taterev. I.9.. H. 9.4.
Tins: ft.$. Cb0shos, (0.6*4"d)
TZRIODICALs Slaktriskest.0, 1960, so. 5, P. 09
TLITt professor at %be keeko'skly mord.tishookly
Ilk I to (Moscow Institute, loglacertod asicatist as 9648408us. sad
"04:0art to the field at slosiri :1 sicrosatuago, tied so relbl.ary Z6, 1960.
,::kbers or YOreary 2, 1"4. 1. olvdt&4 at the fkol-tal
11, ago ( of 119ohmiss at the
912 .".to no 1 13 to ijig. Press 19%9 losablog in
z:o;1O:.a:. Is 1925 he gr!Am%*A rise %be elkt"t;k sk I
takul:t Kosko:okog: v7sobage tokkalghookoge Ingbillob,", (I == !f
loot .1 &at sort a at the Nosaeo Risher Ts*boloal School). No published
about 40 act *44itt; 1131-IY42 Direator of the k4f-Ar- *I-kttlgb*-
shik h sooMa (Chat or 82 r1ea.1 Machines) M the Neskovskly Insist*$
9 card 1/1
Okkkallastall I *Icktrifikstail sol-skoge kh4sysTolve (Wassaw Institute
#Adlaokdtrlfl also. of Agriculture). Prow, 1942 "tit his
Pro .Or as a. afdr: sochis Koakovskoge *60TS.Usbeekse,
Institute (Choir for Slootrisal NewhIsse at the Neaeo. IsAtItate, of Fevar
Usloser"s). At 0A case US* he directed a swr at Us
say& ska4salys Ist.'s (111111ory -let losses. agIseastag
Agadew Imes, gursyokov) for 4 amber of scars. Is took hie doeter-O &.at.. to
240. go wrote Me dlseey~tastv& so "Theoretical Priselplon for the DISACulag of
at :,real Wer"oleve- (-le.yestolwattlo sagovs, projaktirewaslya
isky viesseler..). NO ." a Server of the xoeoa~*� imago" S"I.g at wortors.
Deputies) "a better of the Or#or of Louis sad a ovetter of oriole, as -11 "
amir,awn of ths Scott" 11601,1661 11"Mass of The pwtTC1L note to I ftewro.
mard ON
Lopukhina, Yelena Moiseyevna, and Galina Sergeyevna Somikhina
Raschet asinkhronnykh mikrodvigateley odnofaznogo i trekhfaznogo toka (De-
sign of Single- and Three-Phase Induction Micromotors) Moscow, Gos-
energoizdat, 1961. 312 p. 17, 000 copies printed.
Ed. : 4. M. Petrova; Tech. Ed.: G. Ye. Larionov.
PURPOSE: This book is intendedas a textbook for students of electrical and
power engineering in schools of higher education. It may also be useful for
technical personnel designing micromotors.
COVERAGE: The book presents the basic problems in designing micromotors
with three- or single-phase squirrel-cage rotors. Fundamentals and elements
of electromagnetic and thermal calculations, as well as special structural
features of induction micromotors, are reviewed. The authors recommend
Design of Single- and (Cont. )
the adoption of uniform methods of selecting basic dimensions and a single
calculation pattern for all types of three- and single-phase motors. Cal-
culation formulas and materials based on recent data required for actual
calculations are given. Examples illustrate the methods adopted for the
calculation of various motors. The book includes the results of invest1ga-
tions carried out over a period of years by the authors at the MEI (Moskov-
skiy energeticheskiy institut -- Moscow Institute of Power Engineering).
They thank G. N. Petrov, Honored Scientist, Professor, Head of the De--
partment of Electrical Machinery, and N. A. Mushketov, Engineer, for
their advice, and T. P. Illina, Technician, who helped with the manuscript.
Chs. 1, 2, 8, and 9 and the appendixes were written by the authors jointly;
Chs. 4- 7 and 12, and sec. 2, 3, and 5 of Ch. 13 were written by Ye. M.
Lopukhina; Chs. 3, 10, and 11 and sec. 4 of Ch. 2, and I and 4 of Ch. 137by
G. S. Somikhtna. There are 53 references: 31 Soviet,. 20 English, and
2 Czech.
F:K ; C-HMn-U.N.G.
IUrii Sergeevich Chechat; obituady. KLaktrichestvo no-5:89
W l6o. . (KIM 13:9)
(Chechat, IUrii Sergeevich, 1894-1960)
SO URC E' Itlefitiotekhnifta, no. Z.
TOPIC TAGS: servomotor, capacitor servomotor, induction servomotor,
mathematical simulation, drag cup servomotor
ABSTRACT: A e.-ag-cup capacitor servomotor was simulated on an a-c
calculating board, and its characteristics and performance were analysed by the
method of symmetric&I components. The effects of the machine parameters and
capacitor value on these operating and starting characteristics were investigated:
no-load speed, rated speed corresponding to the maximum output shaft power,
Card I /Z
L 40967-e
starting torque ratio, nonlinearity of the mechanical characteristic. and linear-
regulation zone. The above characteristics in relative units are presented an
curves. Theme conclusions are offered'. (1) The method of mathematical
simulation is suitable for calculating those capacitor servomotors which have
complex relations between their parameters and output charactoristics, (Z) Such
a simulation yields general relations between the machine parameters and
NO RZY SOY.- 004 OTHER. 000
Card ZiaI (-
BVCMV Z., kmd.tekbnn&ukj LOF=Vas ~ YeAs kaW.UUnnauk
amt, roning or aspohronoun rAormotwo* MkUvtokWdke
36 na*U27-9 tf '65. (MIRA 3AsU)
.7 ,a. ~19~4 R~in3. t-J~-hn. n,4uk, dot5enLj KRAISNYY, Vatslav,
Inzh. [YranrV, Vaclav!
Choice of relative partwmeters of slave motors with hollow nonmagretic rctors.
Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; alektronekh. 8 no.5.-520-526 165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lentna enorgpticho2kly institut (for Lopukhina).
2. Zavod imeni Lonina, gorod FlIzen, Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya
RespublIka (for Krnqn,-y).
LOPUKRINA.. Yelena Moioeyevna., kand. takhn. nauk, dotsent;
,KRASM, Vatelav, inzh.
Contribution to a parametric method for calculating executive
induction-type capacitor motors with hollow rotors. Izv. vys.
ucheb* zav.; elektromekh. 8 no.11:1229-1239 165.
(MIRA 19:1,'
1. Zavod imeni Lenina v gorode PlIzen' Cbekhoslovatskoy Sotsia-
listicheakoy Respubliki (for Krasnyy).
1, U61!8-66
ACC NR: AP6013418 SOURCE CODE: UR/0144/651000/011/1229/1239
AUTHOR: -Lmmwna, Ye. M. (Candidate of technical sciences# Docent)i jy
Krasnvy, V. (Engineer, Graduate of MI) 27
b4cow x-Angip"ring Institute (Moskovekly energeticheakiy inatitut?
ORG: &
reelkory L_1!k* P,-'_
TITLE: "Parametric" method of designing capacitor-type inductten.drag-cup
servomotors I,,\
SOURCE, IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no. 11, 1965, IZZ9-1239
TOPIC TAGS: Induction motor, wervornotor, drag cup motor, electric motor
ABSTRACT: The "parametric" method of design is b&sed on the relations
between the motor output characteristics and the nwtor parameters connected
with Its size, winding type, materials, etc. The article analyzes ~wo machine-
utilization factorst (1) The coefficient of utilization ~ w Pfrn / F~-" , where P., ii
Card 1/2 -.-UDG: 621.313.333.
L 416i8-M,
ACC NR: AP6013418 0
the electromagnetic power In starting and. Pj,, is the power consumed in starting-
(Z) The specific control power p, a Pc / Pt,, , where Pc in the control power In
wattmo* this factor shown the control power required for producing one synchronoui
watt in starting. The formulas developed for the coefficient of utilization permit
designing minimurn-size motors with an elliptic rotating field. To further mini-
mize the size, a circular rotating field Is recommended for the starting period.
The selection of motor parameters ensuring minimum control power Is specified
Orig. art. has: 9 figures and, 26 formulas,
3UD CODZ: 13. 09 / SUBM DATE: 18M&r64 / ORIG REF: 004
Z/Z ----- --
KOSTENKO, A.V., inzb.; , ZINA. TO.Y., insh.; POGMITSKAYA. T.H*.
.inxh.; YURMS05, A.A.. inzF.--
Structure of nitrided l5KhllKr steel after soaking at high
temperatures. Metalloved. I term obr. met. no-7:48-52 Jl 160.
(MMA 13:10)
(Steel, Stainless-Ketallography)
(Ketals at high temperature)
Ap /A? 0 S/129/60/000/07/010/013
/'Y '7'5~2 0 E193AN235
AUTHORS: Kostenko. A. V., Lo-yukhina, Ye. V,, Pogrebe-tskaya, T. M.11
and Urgenson, A. A., Engineers IS/
TITLE: Structure of Nitrided Steel 15Khl1MF After Prolonged
Service at Elevated Temperaii-i es
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov,
19609 No. 7, pp. 48-52
TEXT: Following their earlier findings ReL. 1 to 3) that hardness
of nitrided stainless and austenitic steelsitecreased after prolonged
service at high temperatures, resent a hors carried out a
systematic study of this effect on nitrided specimens of steel
15Kh11MF which is frequently used as the material of some parts of
steam turbines, operating at approximately 57000. The test pieces,
normalised at 10500C and tempered at 7400C, were electrolytically
degreased pickled, phosphated and then nitrided by a two-stage
process (~O h at 53000 followed by 20 h at 5000C, the degree of
dissociation of ammonia being 35 and 65% respectively) which pro-
duced a nitrided layer 0.37 mm thick, with hardness HRN equal 95.
The structure of the nitrided layer and the effect of prolonged
Card 1/3 Lr
Structure of Nitrided Steel 15KhllMF After Prolonged Service at
Elevated Temperatures
(up to 5000 h) treatment at 5700C in air, was studied by X-ray
analysis, metallographic examination, and microhardness measurements.
It was established that, starting from its surface, the following
strata can be distinguished in the surface layer of a nitrided
steel; (1) Fe2N + Fe4N + CrN; (2),Fe4N + a + CrN; (3) a + CrN;
(4) cc + carbides. On heating in ai:Eaan oxide scale is formed
whose thicknessl after 5000 h at 570 C, reaches 0.09 mm, and the
surface layer of the nitrided steel after such treatment conRins
the following strata: (a) Fe203 (m~crohardness - 768 kg/mm );
(b) Fe;;04 (microUardness - 455 kg/mm"-); (c) Fe0.Cr203 (microhard-
ness --455 kg/mV~); (d) cx + CrN + FeO Cr 0 - (e) a + Cr2N;
M cc + carbides. The most intensive ;xi~Ni?on takes place in the
region which originally consisted of Iron nitrides. This is attri-
buted by the present authors to the fact that nitrides'lform. solid
solutions which are homogeneous within a wide compos on limit and
which are characterised by a high concentration of vacant lattice
Card 2/3
Structure of Nitrided Steel l5KhllMF after Prolonged Service at
Elevated Temperatures
sites, facilitating diffusion of oxygen. Since hardness of the
nitrided layer would be only slightly decreased by removing its
outermost part (to a depth of say 0.1 mm), consisting mainly of
iron nitrides such a treatment should increase the resistance of
nitrided steei to scale formation on prolonged heating and so
prevent the decrease in hardness, usually taking place under these
conditions. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 7 Soviet references.
Card 3/3 q/
El .11/f352
Kostenko, A. ., Lopukhina, e. ., P0 rebetskaya. T.
and Yurgenson,
TITLE: Pecubarities in the Behaviour of Nitrided
Steel During Prolonged Residence at a High
Type lKhl8N9T
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 6,
pp 868 - 877 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors point out that the nitridi of austenitic
steels has not been used in gas-turbin
(Ref 2) because of process and finishing difficulties
and the insufficient high-temperature stability of the
n1trided layer (Refs 3,4). A previous study by the authors
of a group of nitrided steels (Ref 5) showed the superlorlty
of type lKhl8N9T steel in these respects and the present
investigation aimed at a more detailed study. Specimens
of the steel (0.109'0 C, 17-809'a Cr, 9.70,0' Ni, o.6451, Ti,
0.012% S, 0a020% P, 0-53% Mn, 0.58*4 Si) 0were hardened
from 1 150 C, aged for 8 hours at 800 C, pickled in
hydrochloric acid and nitrided at 600 OC for 75 hours.
A 0.29 mm deep nitrided layer with a hardness H R = 92
Cardl/4 N
was obtained. The kinetics of reaction-diffusion of
Peculiarities in the Behaviour of I .r Type IKhl8N9T Steel
During Prolonged Residence at a High Temperature
nitrogen and changes in tDe nitrided layer during
prolonged holding at 680 C in furnaces of a type IP-2
machine (as described in Ref 6) were investigated. For
studying phases at increasing depth below the surface
of the nitrided and scale.-layer X--ray structural analyses
of successive layers were carried out at the Ural.'skiy
Aosuniversitet (Ural State University) in consultation
with V.N. Konev. Figure I shows the structure of the
nitrideg layer before and after holding for 3 000 hours
at 68o C, while the oxides on an etched polished section
after 250 hours is shown in Figure 2. The linear relations
between the square of the gain in weight (g/mm 2 )(Curve 1)
and the square of the depth (mm) of the nitrided layer on~
the one hand and the duration of nitriding (hours) on the
other given in Figure 3 indicates a parabolic law for
nitrogen diffusion. The X--ray patterns from succesive
layers before and after holding at 680 0 C for 4 500 hours
are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively, the nature
Card2/4 V,~~
Peculiarities in the Behaviour of Nitri�IAI~E~g2l
e y JKhl8N9T Steel
During Prolonged Residence at a High Temperature
the phases being listed in Tables 1. and 2, respectively.
The surface hardness of the nitrIded steel is plotted
against duration of holding (hours) at 680 OC in Figure 6,
the corresponding effect on the depth of the nitrided
layer being shown in Figure 7 (Curves 1, 2 and 3 refer to
the whole, base, and transition layers, respectively).
Figure 8 shows hardness as a functio:,k of depth below
surface before and after holding for 000 hours (Curves 1
and 2, respectively). The work showed taat saturation
of the steel with nitrogen leads to austenite de
the nitrogen is fixed as a nitride w:Lth the CrN tructure.
Prolonged holding at 680 0C gave an outer scale layer of
ferric oxide and an inner layer of (Cr,Fe).o 3; iron
nitrides dissociate; inside the nitrided layer complete
austenIte decomposition occurs, with eqialization of
nitrogen concentration with depth and formation and
coagulation of nitrides. The authors recommend that
nitriding conditions should be selected to give the greatest
Card3/4 quality of stable nitrides (not iron nitrides) mechanically
Peculiarities in the Behaviour of NitrfffieA/*;~g IYhl8N9T Steel
During Prolonged Residence at a High Temperature
hindering nitrogen diffusion and to prevent formation of
much alpha-phase. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and
14,references, 12 of which are Soviet, 1 English and
I German.
ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy
turbine Works)
SUBMITTED: January 7, 1960
turbomotornyy zavod (Sverdlovsk Gas-
Card 4/4
NEKTOV, P.P. , kand. tekhn. nauk; '-'APCIIOZH :-3 p I .
: I inzh.; KMIM, A.A., in7Ji. .
LOPUFOIC )V Jq A.Ye., IrIzIl. >
Present-day method of solving tie problen of the distributicn of
masses of earth. Tranop. ntroi. 11* no.4:41-43 Ap 164.
OURA 17: 9)
I- --- - Uro p-. t.el&tfk.#-r1k .
[I'lowaring A4zharial TSvetushchata Adzherila. Batumi, Goo.
izd-vo, 1957- 325 P- (MIRA 11:4)
(Adshmr A.S.S.R.-DeBeription and travel)
ACC NR, AP6035929 (A) SOURCE COM UilO-4-l-3T6676-06/62670104/0195
INVENTOM Arinuahkin, L. S.; Polinovokiy, A. Yu.; Glozmanj Ye, As; Drozdov, N# G,;
ORG: none
TITM Centrifugal pump unit. Clang 59, ~o. 187528
SOURCE: Izobreteniyap promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znakit no. 20, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: pump, centrifugal pump, engine fuel pump, aircraft fuel pump
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a centrifugal pump unit for an
aircraft fuel system, which consists of a housing (stator), oscillating assembly
(rotor) mounted on a shaft, and an electric motor. To reduce the danger of fire
and explosion, the pump's rotating and stationary parts are connected electrically.
SUB COM 01, 13/ SUBM DATE: 27Apr64
-Card UDC:-62l.-k7--