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Use of certain nitrofumns and antibiotics in erpipelas. Antiblotiki 6 no.3i233-238 Mr 161. (HIM 3-4: 5) 1; Kafedra infektaionnVkh bolemey (%&v. deystvitellnW chlen #W SSSR prof. G.P.'Rudnev) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo- vaniya ymchey t 1-ya infektsionnaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach F.N. Nyubko) Dnepropetrovska. (ERYSIPELAS) (FUFAN) (ANTIBIOTICS) Certain obamte4tiom of the ollnIcal oourse of rec=vat eMipalas. Sovemeds 25.,noolift-47 A 161. (MIM 140) 1, Is 1-y infektaiannoy bollnitAy Dnepropetrovska (glavnyy vrach IF.K*Nyushko). (EMIPELAS) AUNAS U.N. Uos -of posiaMin-norocalm block In wplpelm. gh:irwgiU 37 120*40105-107 161- (KMA 34t4) Is lwy leektaiarmoy bolinitay (glavW vrach Pole Ifyubko) VAsWopetrovidca., (VOIFLUJ) (VOIC (NOTOCAM) STREWV, K.K.; BMSONOV, A.F.; LOPATINSKAYA, Dj MARANTS, A.G.; DOLOJIM A.Ye. Determining the density of refractories. Ogneupory 30 n o.6t 1-8 165. (MIRA LITdatoohnn institut ogneuporov (for Stralav, Bessonov "~patinskaya). 2. Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (for Marants, Dol gikh). LCPILTINSKAYA V. V. Easily.fus'ible lake clays in glass melting. 1. 1. KITAIGORODSKII AND V. V. U)PATINSKAYA. Keram. i Steklo 8, No. 5-6, 23-25 (1932). -Attempts 'Eo -use lake j1a;T_as the min raw material of the glass batch showed that these clays can be used with sucqess for the manuf. of dark glass. These clays can be introduced into the batch in a quantity up to 93% of-the weight of the glass obtained. Seven % alkalies is sufficient to melt these clays under usual conditions. M. V. KONDOIDY I,OFATfmsxly,. Anast .Magistr-Inshoner. .- =aalsl Building a prec&st reinforced concrete oil* using large-sized elements. Bet.1, shol.-bet. no.1:34-36 Ja 156. (MLRA 9:4) l.Glavnyy inzhoner glavka 'Zapad" Ministerstva promyshlonnop streitalletva Pollskoy Naredney Respubliki. (Silos) (Arecast concrete) LITVINERKO, M.S.; KHVAT, M.b.; BRODOVICH, A.I.; PERTSEVA, N.Ya.; FERMAN, N.M.- Prinikali uchastiye: WPATINSKIY, D.K.; AGARKOVA, V.I.; SAMOKHVALOVAi'N.N.; KRONIK9 I.L. Obtaining sodium thiocyanate for the manufacture of nitron fibers. Koko i khim. no.604-40 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhinicheskiy institut (for Livinenko, Khvat,, Brodovicht Kronik Pertseva). 2. Khar1kovskiy koksokhimicheskiy savod (for Perm"i. (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Sodium thiocyanate) /V -Zll WPATINMaY, 3 Inshener; MCHIGIN. B.. Inshener. Packaging flour and grits at mills. Muk.-slay.prom. 20 no.6:22-24 A 154. (ULRA 7:8) I* Yessoyusneya shkola manterov-krupchatnikov (for Lopatinskly) 2. Rellulohnyy kombinst Iment TSVurupy (for Krichigin) P (?lour) (Heal) (Packaging) UVATINSKIT.Semen Nikolayevich; CRIM, Sergey panteloymonovich; SOKOL4" , 7S"iF"e*u'VF7yddWTbr,' LAZARIVSKff L. 1. , redaktor; GOIUMOTA, L.A. , tekhnicheekly redaktor (installation and operation of weighing equipuent of mills and elevators) Montash I skopluatatmila vasovogo oborudoyaniia aelinits i elevatorov. Pod red. N.P.Sokolova. Hooky&, Isd-vo tekhn. i skon. lit-ry po voprossm zagotovok, 1955. 39 P. (KLRA 9:1) (Weighing-sachines) LOPATINSKIY S. Inshener - - - Determining the operating parameters of machines in the dusting of bran. Muk.-elev.prom.21 no.8:20-22 Jl[Agl 155. (mLRA 8:12) 1. Vsoso7usnays shkola krupchatnikov (Grain milling) WPATIMSKIY - ,q Inzheser. CO-4,4Z. Studying the efficiency of scetwing machines. Mak.-oley.prom. 22 no. 5: 15-17 NY 156. (KM 9:9) I.Melfaitsa Toosoyusasgo sauchno-Issledovatal'skogo Instituta zerna I produktov 4go pererabotki. (Grain-milling machinary) LopATINSxiy,, S. jq.: Manter Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the threshing 61,~- process In the treatment of wheat". Moscow, 1958. 18 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Moscow Tech Inst of the Foo& Industry), 150 copies (XLp vo 6, 1959p 171h) -LOPATINSKEY, S.; SENCHIJKOV P M. Improving the performance of the DVM-100 packing machine. Rgkolev. prom* 27 no.6:15-16 Je 161. (KM 14:6) 1. Akaperimentallnaya mellnitsa Voesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zerna i produktov ego parorabotki. (Packaging machinery) .LOPATINSKII, S.s kand.tekhaicheakikh nauk; KOSTYMOVSKIr,, S., inzh. Use of an experimental rotary pneumatic drier for drying flour. MA.-elev.prom. 28 no.3:25-27 W 1162. (HM 15:4) 1. VoeooyuzVy nauchno-ineledovatellskiy institut zerna i produktov yego pererabotki, (Flour-Drying) &. .4w Yo."e.; AYCSOVA, 1'rinimula uchast4ye UP ; A.1 VASILIMA, V.P. Chomiutry of carbazole derivatives. Part 1. Acetyla,Uon of carba- zole by acetic anhydride in the presence of zinc c,,loride and other catalysts. Izv.TPI 111:36-3,c) 161. (1111LA 16:9) 1. Predstavleno professorom doktoi-om IIiimiclieskikh nauk L.P. Kulevym. (Carbazole) (Acetic anI.ydride) LOPATII;SKIY, V.P.; SIRDTKIIIA, Ye.Yo.; Al',C)SOVA, M.M. Chemistry of carbazolo derivatives. Part 2. Acetylation o,-' 9-methyl- carbazole. Izv.TPI M:40-43 161. (MI.-~A 16:9) 1. Predstavleno professorom doktorom khimichesMh nauk L.P.Kulcv~M. (Carbazolo) (Acetylation) LOPATIA;6KIY, V.P.; SJ-L:iO'.-KIIIjI, Ya.'Ia. Chemistry of carbazole derivL!Iive3. Par4 3. Vinylation of carba- k, u .1 zole with vinyl acetato and tide synthe!;is of a 9-vinylcarbazole polymer. Izv.TPI 1-11:44-45 161. (',U;-~A 16:9) 1. Prodstavleno profe.93orom doktorom IJdmic',i3sU'z':h natic (Carbazole) (Vinyl acetate poly7T3rs) LOPATINSKIY, V.P.; siROTKIIIA, Ye.Ye.; Prinimali uchastiye: I.IELIRIKOVA,V.G.; ~-,--AM =MriOVA) I.B. Separation of carbazole from crude acetylene with the aid of parafor- OURA 16, maldohyde. Izv.TPI 111:107-109 161. .9) 1. Predstavleno professorom doktorom khimichoskikh nauk L.P.Yulevym, (carbazolo) (Acetylene) (Paraformaldehyde) LOP4ZRLOJLLY7-X-,56-, SIELOTKINA, Ts.Ye.; SUBOROSLOVA, M.M. 9-Acetyloarbazole. Metod. poluch. khIm. reak. I prepar. no.11:28-30. 164. (MTPA 18:12) 1. Tomakly politekhnicheakly Inst.Itut imen! S.M. Kirova. Submitted April 1964. v Rc 'rIFIN1,; r~,.~lzol e. Masoj~ 31-'~4 164. 1. Tomakiy pol~teknn-'chegkiy ul"-~tted April 1064. WFATiNSKIY, UAI, Ye,Ys.; ZHMBTSOV, I.F.; 1AYMANp M,A. .I.P. SIROTK. 9-Vinyloarbasole. Ketod. poluch. khIm. reake i prepar. no.11s 37-39 '64- (KRA M12) 1. Tomokly politekhnicheokiy Inatitut imeni SA Kirova. Submitted April 1964. : i Tj . . I , "T1,01)(IN42 TO.Ye. .1 ................................ .......... -'finyl-9-nothyloarbazo-le. Y.P-*.rO. p.*j,uch, Whim. reak. ! prep&r. no.11-.-.40-422 164. (ria 2. Tomaily politekhnicbez-kly Anatitut Imerl Kirova. Submitted April, 1964. L.O*-"AIPNSKT'V-~ 17,;), 7RT-TF:n-TSOV T.P. I 1 9 ,Iv6-DIbr~:mr,:.,Arb&zoIe* Yetod. pcluc~. kh~'m. I no'llla-Aa 164. I A* Tomakly politeWininheakiy Inst.1f.ut Iner.1 Kirrve. Submitted April, 1964, LOPATINSKIY? V.P.; ZHEUBTSCU, I.P.; VFlffZHMGINA, S.K. 3p6-Dichloracarbazoles Matodo poluch. khIx. reak. i prepar. no.1106-57 #64. (MIRA M12) 1. Tomakly politekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni S.M. Kirova. Submitted April 1964. LOPATIN SIROTKINAp YeJe.t, SUKHOROSLUVAp M.M. 9-Mothylearbaxole. Matod. poluoh,khim. reak. I prepar. no.11%69-72. 064. (KMA 18s 12) 1. Tomakiy politekhnicheakiy Institut Imen! 3.M. Kirova. Submitted April, 1964. LOPATIUSKIYt,V.P,j SIFLOTKINk, Y*,Ye, 9-Hydroxymothyloarbasole, Metod. poluch. kh-4a. reak. i prepar. no.11%88.90 164* (MML Igs 12) 1. Tonskiy politekhniobaskly inatitut imeni SM, Kirovs, Submitted April 1964. LOPATINSKIYY V.P.; SIROTKINA, Ye.Ye.; ZHEREUSOV, I.B. 9-( P-Bydroxyethyl)carbazole. Matod. poluch. kht.m. reak. i prepar. no.1.104-96 164. (YIRA 18s12) 1. Tomskly politekhnicheskiy institut S.M. Kirova. Submitted April, 1964. IIOPATIXSM.-.V.P.;: ZHERVIRTSOV.. LP.. --)-C4*ro"rUso1e# Mstod..paluoh, -Mim. re". i.prapar. RO.U&IOU104 (MIRA 18tl2) 1. Tonskiy politakhnichepkiy institut ime-,d S.M. Kirova. Submitted April 1964. v ;-, LOPATINSA.ZY V-'); ',*IQO'--'INA, Ya,Ye.; SMHIRF.'V, Yu.P. . 4. -- H-,&ctlon of amines .rlth vinyl ethers. Part 3% Vinylation of diphenyl- &-nine -with vinyl acetate and the synthesis of N-viny1diphanylanine polymer, Izv. TPI 126~55-57 164. (MIRA 180) VIPATINSKIY V. j SIROTKINA, Ye.Ye.; AMOSOVA, M.M.; TIKHONOVA, L.G.1 PAVLOV, ---S. . Chemistry of carbasole derivatives. Part 241 Synthsais of saw 9-alkyl- carbazolea. Izv. TPI 1260"l 164. (MIRA ISM LOPATINSKIT0,V.P.; STROM-INA, Yaji. ChemJstry of carbaxale derivativen. P~Lll- 11.24 ~!Yntlwaie of sow 3- Acetyl-9-alky-loarfAzolan. lav. T.',! 126.c-12-66 164. Chemistry of carbazole derLvau.v~-:-s. 141 Reduction of 3,6-di- acetyl-9-mathyl- and by alusinum ieopropylato. lbi.d.167-6cj (MIRA 18:7) IVANIOV, G.N.; V.,F. Determination of t -he malienlar weights of organic compounds u2ing therMiNtOrE. Izv. TPI 126vP,/..-86 161, (MIRA 18%7) MSSEDIM) R.M.; PETROV, A.V.; I;CYOV,, V,11..; LCPATINSKIY V.P.- Ye.7e. ) Dielectric losses of polar poirmers naved on carbazole. 7yaokc-m. soed. 7 no.2:328.-332 F 165. OaPA 19:3) AR6031250 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/000/011/DO43 UTHOR: Ivanov, G;,N.; Budayeva, V. A.; Lopatinski-Y. V. P. ITLE: Determination of the molecular we of organic compounds by electrical ieasuring circuits : Ref. zh. Khtmiya, Part 1, Abs. I ID7 5 F SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, no. 136, 1965, 106-109 'C TAGS: molecular weight, organic compound, electric measurement ABSTRACT: A simple and convenient diagram has been developed for determining the molecular weights of organic compounds with the use of thermistors as the thermosensitive elements. The method is characterized by high reproducibility, by rapid determination (15-20 min), by freedom from constant manual operations, and by high accuracy (1-3% relative error). One of the diagrams developed permits automation of the process for determining the molecular weight. Authors' summary. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 Card LOPATIMMY, V.B.; VAYUBNaW, IPA. Tetanus in a 38-week pregnancy. Akush. I gin. 35 no.3:116-117 MY-Je 159. (HIRL 12:8) 1. Is khirurgicheakogo otdoleniya (zav. V.B.Loputinskly) bol'- nitsy (nach. L.L.Cherenlcova) stantaii Ilavayokoye Donetakoy zhelesnoy dorogi. (PRBGNANCT. compl. tetanus In 38-week pregn. (RUB)) (TRAMS. in pregn. in 38 week progn. (Rue)) LOPATINSM, Ya. B. Lopatinskiy, Ya. B. - "The fundamental solution of the equation div grad. u-o," Trudy nauch.-issled. in-ta matematiki i fiziki (Azerbaydzh. gos. un-t 1-m. Firova), Vo. 1, 1949, p. 22-26 SO: U-5241, 17 December 1953p Letopis' Zhurnalfnykh Statey, No. 26, 1949 KOVANIKO. A.B.; LOPATINSKIr Ys.,B., otvatetvenVy rodaktor ~, [Labosgue's Integral] Integral Leboga. L'vov, Knishno-zhurnallnos Izd-vo, 1951. 198 p. (KMA 9:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lopatinskiy) (Integrals) 2. tIM (600 4. Differential Equationsp Linear 7# Fundamental system for solutions of elliptic systems of linear differential equations. Ukr,mat.shor., 3. no. 1# 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 1. LOPATINSKIY, YA. B. 2. USSR (600) 4. Differential 'Equations 7. Fundamental solutions for a system of differential equations of the elliptic type, Ukr.mat.zhur. 3 no. 3, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. LOPATINSKIY. Ya. B USSIR/Mtl~er-Atics-l - Differettial Equatione.. 11 Jun- 51 Linear Elliptical "Normal Fundamental Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations of the Elliptic Type," Ya. IL Lopatinskiy "Dok Ak Hauk SSSR" Vol LMIII, No 5,, pp 6,~15-9-67 Considers system of egs of form Amnun 0 0 (M p) where Amn is partial differential operator with respect to xl , ~ - , Xr times real function of real arguments xl , . , , ir - Establiahes 3 theorems governing subject solns, anallyticity, exiEt- ence, !tc. Submitted 13 Apr 51 by Acad M, A, Lav- rentlyev. 184T75 184T75 LOPATINSKIYP Ya* B* WO/UthmUcs -,81ngtaar Mats U Aug 51 "Tho Debtavlor of th~~Soluttoas or a UnesO 9121ptle Bystem in the Neighborhood of an Isolated Singular :-Point," Ya. B. Lopatinskiy, Inst of Hath, Acad Sci USSR 4Dok A Nauk SSSR- Vol LUIX, No 5, pp 727-730 considers subject problem on more general assumptiOus than Fredholmla. Submitted by Acad M. A. Lavrent-'_ jev 4 Jun 51. WPATYNSIKIY. Ta.B. One method of reducing boundary problems for the system of differential equations of the ellIptIcAl type to a system of regular integral equations. Dop.AN URSR no.5:381-388 152. (MM 6tlO) LInstytut mashynosmaystva ta avtoxatyky Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkeyl MR. (Differential equations) I r I F L(3 IDA-i I 1 %11 -1:1~ k I I ., I/ I - 4--'- LOPATINSKIY, Ta. B. "w~ One =ound~ary pr'Mem for harmonic functions. Yauk.s&p.L'vlv.un. 22:3-11 153. WaA 10;5) (Harmonic functions) UM/14athemstics - Rings I Jul 53 "Certain Properties of Integral-Numbered Group Rings," S. D. Berman DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 1, PP 7-9 Investigates the cyclotomic equation xm.-l in a vhole-numberi d -group ring. Acknowledges in- structions o1417a. B. Lopatinsriy, corr-mem Acad sci U-kr SSR. Presented 21 Apr 1953 'by Academician Yu. Shmidt, author of Abstraktnaya Teoriya arupp ZA-betract Theory of Groupla, 1933. 266T76 LOPATINSKIT, Ya.B.-, I [Principles of linear algebra] Osnovy linaluoi algebry. Isd-ve 161yovskogs gos.univ.. 1934. 94 (KIRA 12:3) (AIvbrj* 612 cL f ' 1'; 1,5- k ; Z /'~L& KARP M 0,G.V.1 doktor takhnieheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor; SAYIN,Q.N. rodaktor; LWATINUff,U.B., rodaktor; L1O1WOV,K.T&.. doktor fig1ko- matemMichaslaza mult. remaktor; NDMTWVSKff V.I., kandid&t Wchni- chemkikh na4k. redaktor; PARASTUKOO*S. I kandidat f1siko-imsteastiche- skikh nauk. redaktor-, PAUSYUK.T.Y., kandidat fLz1kq-yAtsm&tichsskikh nauk. rW#"or; UWBMA.S.. redaktor; RAUMBA,N.P., takhnichonkly redaktor [Some problemis in the fatigue of steel with calculation of the influ- ence of active agentalKskotorys vopromy ustalootaoi prochnostl staU s uohetom Y111anlis aktivnoi sredy. Kiev. lzd-vo AWmil mauk ftS. 1955. 48 p. (MMA 9:3) 14 Akademlya mu'r URSR, Kiyev. Inetttut mehiAosnaystva I aytomstilki. 2. Deystvitollnyy chlen AN USSR (foi Sarin) 3. Chlea-korrespondent All UM (for Lopatinsidy) (Stsel-FAtIg") 'A Call Xr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress-P- (Cont,)MOSCOW jun-.Tur,56 Tpdy, '56 v. 1 seat R s., Izdatellstyq Al 2~diq%, 237 #P. Kuchmar, A. I. (Tstsfii~nt). G rame Theorems of Affil6nmeoe" Uniqueness for a Mon-linear Integral Equation of a General Type. 56-57 Landis, Ye. No (Moscow). On Some Properties of Solutions of Elliptic Equation. 57-58 Lozinkiyj So No (Leningrad). Error Bounds of the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Solved by Approximate Methods. 58-59 Lopatinsl~iy, Ya. B. (Llvov). On One Method of Solution of Theory of Elasticity. 59 Vol Markosyan, So A. (Leninakan). Application of Na Geometrical Method" to the Investigations of Some Problems of Dynamic Systems in a Plane. 59-60 Meymarr, No N. (Moscow). Some Applications of the Method of Finite Difference to Differential Equations. 6o-61 Card 18/80 LOPATINSIXIT, ra,B, I Boundary properties of Solutions of alliptle-type linear differential equations of seoond order* Dop.UR URSR n0-21107-112 156. (KM 9t 12) lo Chlon-korrespondent Akedemii nauk URM* 29LIvivsIk:iy derzhavniy universitet. (Differential equa~tons, Linear) IOPATINSKIT. Ya.B. (Lopatymalkyi, IA.B.] Integral equatlons with an analytic kernel. Hauk. zap. Vviv. un. 44 no,8,.200-203 157. WPA 11:6) (Integral equationx) SOV/21-58-2-1/28 AUTHOR: Lopatinskiy, ya.B., Member-CorreSDondent of the AS UkrSSR TITLE: The Uniqueness of the Solution of Cauchy's Problem for an Equation of the Schr8dinger Type (Yedinetvennost' resheniya zadachi Koshi dlya uravneniya tips, Shredingera) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 2, pp 119-122 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author considers an equation in some region D of the 3-dimensional space Au +/ W U z 0 where " (XI; the function f(x) is a continuous oomp 1ex_;alu on confined in D. The function u(x) is assumed to be a function which can be continuously differ- entiated twice in D and satisfies in D the above equation. The author proves the uniqueness of a solution of Cauchy's problem for this equation. The theorem similar to one of Card 1/2 the theorems proved by the author was published by Ye.M. SOV/21-58-2-1/28 The Uniqueness of the Solution of Cauchy's Problem for an Equation of the Schro"dinger Type Landis in 1956. There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy universitet im. Iv. Franks, (Llvov University imeni Iv. Franko SUBMITTED May 17, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and in3titu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation Card 2/2 ALTHOR: a.B. y Corrczpondin~- Pe&cr i-5 -7-V27 _Lj ~atlns~ki'l 0 t 0 the ,, TITLE t Uniqueness of the Solution of Cauchy'n Problarn for a Class of Elliptical Equations (Yedinstvennost' rosheMys, zada- chi Koshi dpya odnogo klassa uravneni,-,, ellipticheakogo tipa) PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi R3R, 195a, Nr 7, pp 669-693 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A system of equations in matrix form d ", t_ f. K;' 1 (1) A X, ____ u - F (;() Li 0 X X dx",#l ** - ~ * S +i 1 * J+1 K, Kr, I , 5) Is considered in a bounded domain D of a real ( s+1 )-di- mensional space whose boundary consists of a surface and a portion of the plane a8+1 , h. In these equations Oc Asti A (o) A R K.N.1 where are square matrices of p-order with com- plex elements, F(x) is a square matrix of p-order with com- Card 1/3 plex-valued elements continuous in 7,7 function. The author 2l-r8-7-1/27 Uniqueness of the Solution of Cauchy's Problem for a Class of Elliptical Equations proves the following theorem: if det A (a )- 0 for real 0(;~4_ 0 and the system of ei(juationsD del 4 6y) = 0 a OLX (k - 1,..,s+1) has a zero-solution only, and if u(x) is a solution of equation (1) with s-derivatives continuous ir, D, the derivatives of which are equal to zero on r up to the order of s - 1, then u(x) - 0 in D. A similar theorem for the case of a - 1 was proved by T.Carleman (Ref. 1). There Card 2/3 are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 French. 21-58-7-1/27 Uniqueness of the Solution of CaucI716 Problem for a Class of ElliDtical Equations ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki AN VkrSSR (Institute of Yathematics of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 13, 1958 HOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Mathematics--Theory Card 3/3 LCFATINWTj,,T#roplav Boritiovich [Lopetynalkvi. IA.B.); GAVMYA. 5.P. -11 a" '-,S-.P"'-I- ----~--a Ruir . T.T. . red.; MaTAVIO, A.Te 9 I 0; [Fundamentals of linear algebra] Oanovy liniinoi algebry. LIviv, Tyd-vo LIvivalkoho univ.. 1959. 106 p. (KIRA 13:4) (Algebra, Linear) SOV/21-59-9-1/25 AUTHOR: ~ , Corresponding Member, AS UkrSSR _~~opat'ns 'k- .j.y,Ya.k. TITLE: The Behavior in Infinity of Solutions to a System of Differential Equations of the Elliptical Type PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR, Nr 9, 1959, pp 931-935 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the behavior of solutions .) in the infinityj of the system of elliptic type with an as- symptotfeally constant coefficient. Let a kl*..+*_T1 A "T AA I - K7. ~qx Tx) t. tk ?),Jx S0-Ir &2 ,!Aj + A-)- xf Ij - I -A& (xi - 4 - J/x + + k d.1; ~x . . . ax A 7L _4 where A ft -tn a.,.- ec on s t ant matrices, 8K, 1 4; e pApfunctional matrices. It is supposed thato,,Pt ;e Card 1/3 for every non-zero real vector (.,w ...... 4&~ t1iit0 1 SOV/21-59-9-1/25 The Behavior in Infinity of Solutions to a System of Differential Equations of Elliptical Type x R2 K are in the real domain X 4 n, are Wti~ficiently smooth and satisfy t~e conditions: k" 0 KI 'K + Dx" ?y (Y x + Let'//t denote the additive group of solutions of the equation + defined in the neighborhood of infinity and satisfy the condition YA)zOJA/~- . Then, for any real Card 2/3 A.A'< A , the f Rctor-group VA I VA., is f inite-dimensional. SOV/21-59-9-1/25 The Behavior in Infinity of Solutions to a System of Differential Equations of Elliptical Type There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: L'vivs'jy derzhavny-y universytet im. Iv. Franka (L'vov State University im. Iv. Franko) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1959 Card 3/3 f3- "j pu Ilv v -to 4 o"a, .1.1-7 0... t - ." 0 "1 " I V* " t'. "" 9 * a IV, PV IV ~' -. I R 10 1V 119 R. d.1 P UT a w I; p 0 o.0 a': .98 q2 .12 E. 0 il, No 002"t. 0 tj P.4 '0 rp H oa., Z & 2 R Ira Ogg a" & nu Movin 45 V. aa o :3 2 qt-on op- -6 -430 ;r w a 7 n!'w ?T a a- son, SRI ja 0. g 10. 0 0 L~O~PATITS~KIY ~0-, insh- Investigating the LKZ stardard high-pressure stage in an experi- mental air turbines (Tradv] LUZ no.6:9-26 160. (MIRA 13:22) (Air turbines,-Testing) LLPI!SVA, Z.-A., I"zh.- LOPATITSKIT, A.O., tnrh. The ITY-1 experimental air turbine arA the testSg stand. [Truly] LKZ no.6t471-476 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Air turbines-Testing) VOLIFSON, I.M.; YELIZAROV, V.S.; LOPATITSKIY, A.O.; OZERNOV, L.A.; TR~FDNOVA, M.A. Aerodynamic study of the operation of plane and annular cascades with TS-2A profiles developed by the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering. Trudy MEI no.47:31-36 163. (MIRA 17:1) LOPATIMIY, A.O., inzh.; UZEWJ611, L.A., Inzh. Study of a standu.-i-I mi~!i iw;; -pro -3 Lmru L;t-aj;e tit th,, Leningrad Mc--nal- working Plant. Teploenc-1-gu'LiM. 12 no.1:58-63 Ja 165. (1-'IiRA 18-4) 1. Leningradvkly metalli,-heskiy zavc,]. IDPATKA, 11`0,1~*FIIFIT I I I etc ro-hf. k:g I u ti n at 'L cri *V-: -,; ?, -. I ',i, -_,i- 1~ --kcr. --- fY -, ~~- ,, hyper-uro",jilinogenuria in prophylactic studies cri vil'al patitis ameng school childron in tht,, city c;f Bialystcrl- Przogl. epidem. 18 no.l:t.'11-7C'I 1. Z Kliniki Chorob 7akamych Akarlerii 1.1,fdyczrej w stoku (Kierownik: doc. dr. mpd. P. 13orcn). LOPATIKIEWICZ, Janina Analyois of nomination disordm in aphao'La. Rospraydoenauk md. 6 no.2:129-144 161. 1. Z &Uniki Neurologicznaj AM v Kmkovie Kierownik: prof. dr zed. Wladyslaw -Takimoviez. (JUIHASTA) (BRAIN dis) POROWSKI Stanislaw* LOPATKIEWICZ, Janina Studies on the Influence of continuous auditory stimulation upon the course of aphaoic disorders. Neurol neurochir psych 12 no.3:351-358 MY-Je 162. 1. Klinika Neurclogiczna.. Akademia Medyczna, Krakow. (Kierownik: prof. dr W. Jakimowicr). X PORMSKI,, Stanislaw; LOPATKIMCS, Janina Studies on the effect of a continuous auditory stimulus on the course of aphasic disorders. Neurologia. etc., polska 3.2 no.3051-358 162. 1. Z X14n4k' Neurologic4nej AM w Krakowie Kierowniks prof. dr W.. Jakimcitioz. (AFRUIA) (HWING) (CEREBROVASCUIAR DISORDERS) WSHIGhemistry - Cataly3is Card .1/1 1 pub. 147 - 19/27 Authors I Lopatkin,, A, A@; Shakhobalova, V. L; and Lebedav,, V. P. Title t Catalytic activity of Pt, adsorption catalysts during H202 decomposition Periodical I Zhur- fiz- khim- 28/12, 2222-2231,9 Doc 1954 Atstract I I=G3tlgation was conducted to determine tho catal'ytia activity of adsorbed Pt catalysts over aillca gal during, the decomposition of H202 at chaxging degrees ranging from 0,0013 to 0.033. It tas revealed that the reaction of peroxide decomposition fol-laws two phases. It was fomd that an increase in the permissible surfacc of the carrier leads to an appro:ximtely proportional Increase of thc catalytic acti-rity. The complex extreme relation between the catalytic activity of a Pt catalyst and the degree of charging was cstabld-,'..-A. FAght FBSR references (1939-1952), Tables; gpraphs; drawing. Institution The H. V. Lamonosov State Wyersity, lb3c(zf Submitted My 18j, 1954 LOPATKIN, A.A.; STRELINIKOVA, Zh.V.; LIMMV, V.P. Dependence of the catalytic activity of -platinum on the tameraturs, of calcination. Vest.Kosk.un. Ser.mat.,uekh.,astron.,fis.,khim. 11 no.1:255-259 156. (KIRA 10:12) 1. 11afedra obshchey khimli Moskovskogo universiteta. (Platinum) (catalysis) USSR/ Chemistry Phy-sical choardstry Card 1/2 Pub. 147 - 21j/3,; Authors t StrellniKu.a, Zh. V.; Lopatkin, A. A.; and Lebedev, V. P. Title I Thermal activation and deactivation on Pt-black during hydro(;en peroxide di-co!-po-'tio- Periodical t Zhur. fiz. khin. 3011, i?6-2oi, Jan 1956 Abstract 9 Experiments were made to determine the effect of ealcimtion temperature ranging from 100 to 700' C. or, the catalytic rLctivity of platinum black during the decomposition of hydrogen pcrQxide. hydrogen peroxide decomposi- tion was used in the role of a cot:trol process for the purpose of determin- ing the activity of the Pt-black, An extreme dependence upon the activity maxiag was observed at temperatures of 160, 220, 250 and 5000C. The cause Institution : Moscow State Univarsity im. It. V. Lomonosov Submitted : July 7, 1955 Card 2,/2 Pub . 147 - 24/3 5 Periodical t Zhur. fiz. khim. 30/1, 196-201, Jan 1956 Abetract, t for the crop in activity at a tamperature range of from 250 to 5000C are analyzed. Origination of active centers followed an irrreaBe In temperature, these active centers disappear upon reaching a new critical temperature at which the intensity of the active phase increases again. Fourteen references: 9 USSR, 1 USA, 3 Germ. , and I Eng. (18W-1955). Table; graphs. WPATM, A.A. Cand Chom Sci (diss) "Thermal activati= nd do-activation of platinum catalyzers." lbs., 1957 5 pp 22 cm. ( Los State Univ im IL.V. Lomonosov) 100 cqpies (KLj 11-571 97) 7 LOPATKIN, A.A.; STRRLINIKOVA, Zh.V.; OSIFOVA. N.S.; LZBEIWV, V.P. merm,ftt: of the -preliminary roasting on thermal activation and denaotivation, of platinum catalysts. Vast. Hook. un. Ser, mat, makh., astron., fix. khim., 12 no-5:215-219 '57. (MIRA 11-9) l.Kafodra fizichaskoy khimii Moiskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universitsta. (Platinum) (Cataly-ste) ,a LOPATXINp A.A. (Moskva) -f ------ Reaction of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on metallic cobalt. Zhur. fis. khim. 36 no.4t7O9-713 Ap 62. (KIRA 15:6) (Hydrogen peroxide) (Cobalt) 8/069/63/025/OOZ/001/010 Ao57A126 AUrMRSt Avgult, U.K., Kiselevs A.V., Lopatkin, A.A., Lygina, I.A., Serdoboy, Mov. T=: Nature of adsorption by zoolites. Heat of adsorption of benzene and, n-hexane vapors by zeolits type 13 1 (13Kh) 1MIODICAL: Kolloldnyy zhurnal, v. 25, no. 2, 1963, 129 - 135 J'_.TM: The differential adsorption beats of benzene and n-hexane vapors on 13Kh zeolite crystals were measured calorimetrically. The measured adsorption heats are approximately twice as high as the corresponding heats of condensation. The initial heat of adsorption of benzene ia by about 3 kcal/mole higher than that of n-hexans. Little change was observed in the heat of adsorption of ben- zene with the degree of adsorption, while a considerable rise occurs for n-hex- ane. This observation was made also with graphitized soot and explained by the interaction of the n-hexane molecules in the adsorption layer of the non-polar- Ized scot surface. Discussing the possible arrangements of the benzene and n- -hexane molecules in lo-ger cavities of the zeolite, the authof-a statet There Card 1/3 _10106 1OW0011010-.'+ 9/63/025 1 'Natur*e of adsorption by z e6lites.-Heat of .... A057/A126 are four sites in the cavity walls having cations In their centers which are Ca- vorable for the localization of benzene molecules. It can be assumed that the stretched and flexible n-hexane molecules depend less on the position of these cations. Hence, the adsorption of n-hexane is less localized in comparison to benzene. The adsorption on zoolites, however, is highly affected by the geomet- ric and electronic structure of the adsorbed molecules, the geometry of the cav- ities, and the nature of the electric field of the adsorbent. The packing of molecules of the adsorbate In the zeolite cavities differs, therefore, from their packing in the liquid state. Thus Polyani's potential theory of adsorption can- not be applied to the adsorption of hydrocarbon vapors by zeolitvs. The state and packing of hydrocarbon molecules in zeolite cavities will find further ex- planations by experiments with n-alkanes with molecules of different lengths and their substitutes with various "unctional groups, plane molecules, and different electron structure, as well an adsorption experiments with small molecules (ni- trogen, argon) after adsorption of h1gh1v adsorptive large molecules, which &re ~ooseiy filling the cavities. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskly universitet, nimicheskiy f&kulltet (Moscow University, Card 2/3 '- i 3/069/63/025/ooz/boi/ow Nature of adsorption by zeolites. Heat of .... A057/A126 Chemical Department); Institut fizicheskoy khImIi AN SSSR, Gruppa khimii poverkhnosti (Tnatitute of PhysLdal Chemistry of the AS U&M, Team for Surface Chemistry) SUBMITrEDt July 12, 1962 Card 3/3 KISLPLEV, A.V.; LOPATKIN, A.A. Geometric structure of cavities of the A and X-type zeolites. KinJ kat. 4 no.5086-791 S-0 163, (MMA 16:12) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvannyy universitat imeni Lamonosova, khWcheskiy fakulltot. F KiSiEll-W , A.V LCA'A"i KV I A. A. ")I W I G I L' Friorgy of' intoractLan bet%i---,n simple molectilos and zeolites. Dokl. AN S33R 161 no.41853-356 Ar) 165, IMT:;A k - 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unl,,rvrqitft. Submitted "Septnribpr 24, 1964. LOPATKIN, A F inzh. I _= -vp Now method of inalcalling concealed electric wiring. Mont. i pets. rab. v stroi, 25 no.1:21-23 Ja 163. (MIRA 1616) : * Urallokiy elaktromontambnyy treat. (Electric wiring; Interior) STEPUKHOVICH., N.M.; YESKEVICH, Ye.I.; LOPATK111, A.K. Now gas burner for rotary ki.Ins. TSement 28 no.2:20--21 Mr- Ap 162. (MMA 15:8) 1. TSementnyy zavod "Bollshevik". (Kilns., Rotary) (Gas burners) S/U32/ 61/027/005/012/017 B! 32/B206 i0jTHCRi Loputkin, A. P. TITLEi Device for investigating the linear shrinkage of metals and alloys 1963., 608-61L) ~:-,UUDICA'U~ Z4vod8i