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TME., . Relaticn of radioseniftivity of rate with anticridatica activity of bone marrow and nonesterifled atty acid content in their blood while in a stress condition SOURCE: Radidbiologlya, 4, 1963,. 518-522 v- 3, no TOPIC TAGS: aztlo~idaticn,, -bone marraw, nonesterification, fatty acid, stress reaction., radiosensitivity ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed to determine changes in antioxidation ac- tivity of. bone marrow an-1 the NEYA (nonesterified fatty acid) coatent of the blood, Owing a condition of stress and to compare them with changes In radiosen- sitivity of the organism during the same period. Female white rats were used for the experiment. Group I was exposed to irradiatica but not subjected to stress. an Groups 11 and III were subjected to stress produced by a 2-m p electric at, of 2-sec duration given at 2-min intervals. Group 11 animals were ir- curre A radiated 1=ediately after one hr of exposure to electric stress. Group M-1 ani- i mals. were subjected to Irradiation. 24 hr after exposure to electric stress for Card 1) L 33330-63 MCMIM NRs AP3003926 hro in all cases Irraftatica vas produced by COO using BEGO-2 equil:ment in 700-r doses at the rate ot 260 r/bin. A stress condition was found to lawer the anticacidatica activity of bone marrow, increase the IWA content of the blood,, and increase the reAlosensitivity of rats. It is conjectured that cuiLg- fats- frow fat -deposittv antioxidizirg-,agents- are-used up more------, rapidly in i stress eceditlon and that one of the mechiz1=3 resp=ible'f or an ~itarease --radionensitivity of animals in a state of I tress may be the cocidation ill Ze'd -UPIMSO Orldo arto has'.-:3 tables. of mob 1. MOCV=Cfft node SUBKr= t MOW DATE ACQs 15Aug63 -ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM 90 FW SOV: 010 OTM: 014 Card 2/2 LO"!(Tl.lfl , M.A. '/- - b: , " i" , , ' n ;: r : :. -'-;3 .11-,T I ri, j- :-- --.- * ' - !. ~ I t. J " . - - . ., 'I " (~,, : -, "! ' 1 3 , ., ~,:; 2 ~ 1. . I I ... -.. ~ I .",; I- , (1)/BDS/F,3(#)/ES(J)/33(c)/Eg(k) AM/AFFTC' M~4 A/M L I -EWT 1CCESM0,11 AP.500443 AUTHORSs Smtzhlanp As A&I Lomoval M, A,1 ~~eyi~h 'TIT L.Es Qxxant4ly of non-saterifted'fatty acids' In the plasma of rate subjected to SO~Ms AN SSSR,. Boklady*t v. 151, no. 4, 1963t 982-985, TOPIC TAGSt fatty aoid, plasmag acceleration* 1ABSTRACTs White malp rate, %;eighing 130-160,g, were subjected to acceleratiots of 2, 59 and 20g (in some cases 10, 159 25P and 309) for 5xino Immediately after deceleration or after 30 minp or 2t 4P or 24 hre, blood was obtained Prom rate Iby decapitation# Determination of non-esterified fatty acids (IraA) in iolasma i=edlately after deceleration showed that the level of these substances was elevated in all rate except those subjected to 30g acceleration. An acceleration of 2g prodused a 19% increase In the KEFA level, while accelerations of 5-259 produced almost identical increases 05%). This increase was more narked if determinations were made latere A relationship was found in these cases between the rate of acceleration and the increase in the NEFA levels TAe growth. rate was &lower in a group of rate subjected to 1-5-2& acceleration every day (except Sundaye) for 2~5 months, There were no differences in the NEFA levels in experi- ACCESSION MR# AP3004436 mental and control -groups. The response of rate# which had been subjected daily to 29 accelerationt to a single acceleration of lOg forw 5 a4nt as reflected by the increase in the- REFA levelp set in considerably later M-A laoted aomewhat longer than in the oontrol group. The authors consider increases in the NEFA level produced by acceleration to be a stress reaction* OrIg* art* has$ 2 figure66 ASSOCIATIONs , mone SUBYSMEDs llFeb63 DATE ACQs 2IAug63 ENCLs 00 SUB CODEs Ai NO RE? S07s 004 MICLs 008 Card ACC2SSIO'11 'LIM: A~4015088 3/0205/64/004/001/0072/0075 AUTHOR: Loonov.. B. V.; Lomova, M. A. TITLE: Change in total fatty acid level of tissue cultures after gamma-irradiation SOURCF:,: Radiobiblogiya., V. 4, no. 1, 1964o 72-75 TOPIC TAGS: garma-irradiation, fatty acid level, tissue culture strain Nor-2, lipid metabolism, nitrogen levels histochomical lipid investigation, lipid-protein ratio ABSTRACT: The affect of gama-irradiation on lipid metabolism was studied in tissue culture calls (stPain Ner-2) biochemically and histochemically. The calls ware gw=a-irradiated (EGO-2 unit, 270 r/min) with single 400 r dosos and investigated 4 days later* Total fatty acids were determined by Dole's method in 10-15 million cells after preliminary saponification of lipids and wore oxprossod in n,icroequivalonts of palmitic acid for 10 million cells. Total nitro- gen level of calls was determined. Cells wore grown in a single layer and then stained with scarlet red for morphological investigation. Pindings show that the total fatty acid level is 3.27 microequivalonts .Card -1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4015088 for irradiated calls compared to 1.81 mieroequivalonts for control cells and that nitrogen levels are practically equal with 0.50 rag for irradiated cells and 0.52 mg for control cells. Histochemical inves- tigations revealed the presence of lipids in control and irradiated cell protoplasm, but visually no appreciable difference in their number could be found, Fossible explanations for the higher lipid level in irradiated cells Include increased synthesis of fats, lower consumption of fats, and intensified absorption of ready lipids from the nutritive medium. The lipid-protain ratio of 6.3 for irradiated calls and 3.6 for control cells suggests extensive cell degeneration by the 4th day after irradiation. Lack of' quantitative difference in lipids between control and irradiated calls determined histochemically does not contradict biochemical findings because the histochenical method does not reveal finer quantitative changes. The accumulation of lipids in irradiated cells may be a radioproteetivo reaction as' found Por example in irradiated yeast cells, Orig. art, has: 1 figure, 1 table, ASSOCIATION: None Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4015088 SUBMITTED: SUB CODE., I I 23Apr63 DATE ACQ: 101ar64 LS NO REF SOV: 010 ENCL: 00 OTHM: C04 4 Card 3/3 DOROZENSKrL. v.B.; nIDRYAS!IOV, Yu.B., LOMOVA, M.A. Dintributic-m of carbf)n-labeled olai,-, acid in the arirAl Organism. NAuch.dnkl.vj.-,.shkoly; blol.nauki no-3:77-80 165. (MIRA 18:8) 3. Rokomendovana kaf.,%droy biofiziki- Moskovsko.go gosudarstvennogo uni vers i to ta. '129~=66 FSS,2/EW41WsJv)_i nn4n i, ACC NRI AP502415Y SOURCE CODE: UR/0216/65/000/005/0633/0646 AUTHOR., Kas#Zani I. L% Krasovskiyj A# B.- Kolosovt I. Lomovas M. A.;~Iebedev* ORG: none TITLE: Some-physiological reactions of man to short-term weightlessness SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologichaskaya, no. 5, 1965, 633-646 TOPIC TAGS: weightlessness, parabolic flight, human physiology, vestibular analyzer ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted vith the participation of 31 men (aged 23-38 yr) representing various professions. The subjects were subdivided into.4 groups accordin; to profession.. Parabolic flights took place on a jet aircraft where weightlessness could be produced for 40-50 see. Examinations took place before and after weightless- .ness and g-forces were 2.5-3.5 g with 2-5 min breaks between parabolas. In all, 120 flights representing 360 parabolas were flown. During the flights, the blaelectricity of the brain (MG), heat biopotentials (EKG), respiration rate, blood pomposition, and, vestibular reactions were studied.'~ Results are given in Figs. I and '2 arfd Tdbles 1'~. and 2. It -was concluded that periodic parabolic flights are useful in acquainting cosmonauts with short-term weightlesafteas and establishing criteria for selecting spac!- flight crewss- No pathological alterations in physiological function or radical devia- tions in blood morphology or biochemistry were.noted as a resUt of parabolic flfghts. Card ~m)C.- 629,125:612.829.3 -L 3925-66 ACC NRs AMA151 Fig. 1. Change in pulse and respiration rate of a subject at various stages of parabolic MIX. -flight, First parabola; I'L third parabola; 1-5 - sequence of flights; E - Earth; H - hori- zontal flight', G - g-load; W weightlessness (WI - 10,sec; W 20 see W 2 L 3 50 see; 40 sMe- L-L---., --- A-A. F H 0 WJ J J It W1 Wi 04, U'! 4, "U H. NJ 2/5 ~" -ACC-N9, AP5024151 j,? ck tatlon Ccunte;~c?, "Cla C.1 17 postrotational' Fig. 2. Duration o~ . nystagmus (I - bet6ret 2 - after ' o !S;: flight) and counterrotation Il1j-- V dions (3 - before i 4 - after flight) during the performance of a Voyacbek otolithic probe E-4 jV 7 N r - il in respira-tij~n-r-at~e-at--v-ari-ou-s-si*a*-g-es'--o-f--~~ab~ii-iiiii~~.(c~~iFed-' '..vith horizontal fl ight prior to weightlessness) Change in G load ightlesanc as G..Ioad. orizontall, 1 parab. II parabe III Parab. I resp. rate flight increase 11 ~9 T fNo change 14 .19 '20 13 15 Decrease- 3 No. invest 1- r gated 31 31 2l. 26 Card 3/5 ACC NRI AP5024151 Table 2, Content of nonesterized fatty acids during parabolic flights (milliequiva- lents/liter) Subject 1963 flight Before After let After 2nd No. data flight flight flight co=ents 1 12 630 155010 1. No flight before first tent 23 380 6600 :66o* 12 200 13900 A 40 260 2. Firot tent after normal flight 17 - 220 3100 3. Flight before.first tent 2 .24 320 3604 - , L# No flight before first test 16 - 290 26011:. 5i 3 flights before first feet 3 23 260 1206 - 6. No flightt before first test 24 320 4300 71 1 flight before -first teat 4 17 240 2500 go flights before first teat 26 200 2TON h30N IT 44o 5504 470 5 200 3200 24 320 7600- First test after noroaf flight 17 4400~ 220 6 23 370 330* .10. No flights before'first test 7 26' 320... 3000 '11. First test'atter normal flight AP5024151 After the first exposure to parabolic flight, it was comon for the concentration of nonesterized fatty acids to Increase. Criteria Indicating sufficieqV-stability to short-term weightlessness are: Insignificant changes In pulse rate r'elative to normal values during veightlessnesst abbreviated illusions of counterrotation and postrota- tional nystagmus after.a series of parabolic flights, and the absence of unfavorable sensory and vestibular autonomic reactions characterized by spatial illusions, giddi- ness, or nausea,: Orig, art.-has, 5 tablea and 4 figures. JCDJ LS/ SUM4 DATE I 2TM&y65/ OFM; Mr.- 024/ OTH REF: 013/' ATD PMMS-.-AA Card 5/5 LOMOVA, M.F. Materials an the species and biology rX plant lice infecting fruit crops in the lower Murgab Valley. Izv. All Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.3:70-73 163. (~9RA 17::L) 1. Institut zoologli i parazitologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. LonOVA, I.I. F. Root anhids of the lower M-argab Valle-. Izv, AN TLL-k,SSSR. Ser. blol,nailk no. 6:83-85 163. (,M IRA 17:5) 1. institut zoologli i parazitologli AN Turkirmnskoy SSSH. LOMMA ~ 14. F. Fauna of plant lice living on zorophytrz-i in ".Urgab Valley. Izv. AN Turk. Ser. biol. nauk nc).2:7'1-1,0 164. (MI11Jk 17-6) 1. In,,jtttu~ zoolog1i i pant~~zltc~~log-'4, J~IN 3iIj, -JP'b)/DTA(hY--- !JP"c) L 01 286-66 9dT (1) /UIP /RPL- - ACCESSION NR: ATS020453 UR/0000/64/000/000/0087/0104 AUTHOR -. Krotova, N. A. ;Sokolina, G. A.; Yhrustalen. Yu._A.; Agrannko,_j!. I . Lomova, N. F.i Khomutov, A. M. 'TITLE: Change in the surface state of g~~rnanium during the formation of an adhesiol I bond with a polymer 'S0UYCE--" Mezhvuzovqkava nauchno-tpl~hnichenkava konferentsiva (poverl-hriostnyve i kontakt kontaktnyyp yavleniya v poluprovodrilRakh (!;~Ijrfacc and contact phenomena in semicon- ~ductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomsko o univ., 1964, 87-104 TOPIC TAIZ: polyner, _protective coating, surface property, crystal :~urfaca, lacquer/ LVS-31 lacquer, MBK-l lacquer ABSTRACT: The'authors study the effect which the functional groups in a polymer 'have on the surface state of germanium in connection with the use of organic polymer materials for protecting semiconductor devices from atmospheric action. The field effect method was used for experimentally studying the surface conductivity with the: ~apphcation of a constant field. 'rho slow changestz in conductivity with time were a 'Card 11,93 ACCESSION NR: AT50201153 recorded. The material studied was n-germaniun with a resistivity of 40 Q-cm and a diffusion longth of 2.5 mm. The specimen was a plate with dimensions of 20 x 5 x 5 rj-i cut: frojm a ;inglo cryst,-,il of F~rii-naniiim parallel to plane (111). Ohmic contacts iu5ed to the C-rid~; of the specimen. Tho sample was etched in a peroxide-alkali Th~! surface conductivity is sho',;n as a function of time in fig. I of the Fr., cl c-,-; t it, c, .Typical curv---~!, for cunductlvity in tho fleld effect for high resistance 71- 2 '-LI-IM a-.e civen in fig '~ -- ar 2 r-F thQ YJn,-IL,-,ure. These curves Tray be given as AU J'(U) or af3 Au if "? is the inducel charge of a conudenscr determined from the c ~i c -4. t Y .Uere, Lcy indical-er the ch;zn,e in ~-urface conductivity, and V gives the PD-. P(.;Iylll(,rs of th;~ '.inyl scrie~ studi-~d with regard to the effect of the nejtu,r~~ o" fun!-tional groups and tl---~ir ccn~,ezitration in the chain of a copolymer on (-)f- AU :7 Ctjrve~, plott-~~d from mnasurenuents in vacuum. The qjts are I Of Enclosure. Curve-c biro also gliven for col)ol-y-me s 1-11 , All _y_~_ rvethacrylic 'Icid a j:---Iatin-germanium interface (where-t C his functional radicals UH 2 , (.)H arid and for polyhydroxyethylene--a which ha's no functional 1-.olar radicak3 and which has oxygen bound by Gingle bc:~vij,: in rb:. chains. A comparison o F the 2i)rves indicates that functional radicals of Au -while polymers without strongly polar havo effect on. parar.,~~tpr. Compositions of polymers were studied T, 01286-66 ;;ACCESSION NR: AT5020453 with ialong 4ndividual polymers. It was found that two industrial lacquers, MBK-l land bVS-31N offer more protection against moisture than do the indl-v Rua polymers lHowever, the lacquer films are much thicker than the individual polymer films. It iis shown that LVS-31 has-a few advantages over MBK-l as a protective film for semi- !conductor devices. Orig. art. has: 13 figures, 6 tables. .;ASSOCIATION: none !SUBMITTED; 060ct64 ENCL: 03 SUB CODE: SS, MT 1110 REF SOV:~ 006 OTHER: 005 Card 3 LOIAOVA, ~11. 1. "Eicroor6anisms Which are Destructive to Cellular Tissue in the Gastrointeatiwil Tracts of Cattle." Sub 24 RrV 51, Yoscow Chenlcotechnolcgicul lust of the Yeat lrvlustr.~ prenented for cclence anA enrineering degrees in Moscow durin,- 1911. DissertationB - I SO: Sun). Vo, 480, 9 May 55 LOMOVA N I Cellulose-splitting microorganism of the gastrointestinal system Ln cattle. Miltro'bialogiia. Moskwa 22 no.2:155-163 Mar-Apr 1953, (OLML 25:4) 1. Moscow Industrial Chemistry Institute of the Meat Industry. PiLrlzz I Bo~:: Z,4-LOITATICJ sOv/,-?Zq Sove-,hah.inlyo po kritiches'l-im i flyulctuatriya:a v ra::tv,)r-,',,1i. 11-:ozacow, 1SLO. Kritichr--ilclye yavlcniyi I v ra3tvorahh; trudy - I 'IC ,.7 7 1 :U11 -'A y an v a r 1 .1 0 0 rs no-mcna and "lue- tl.lLt'-,~n3 in 3olutionn; or the Conrercnco, JLnuavy 1960) 1:d-vo OZ;-Sil, 1950. 190 p. 2,500 oople;i printed. Sponzorln~,, A~;oncleo: A-:~.dc"Aya nauk Otdolonlyo Ichiml- -he--k.0~h msu1c. 1'o--1xOvz):1y ro,~v.6=1;vonnyy univoraitat im. V. -Lomono3ova. MilrUcheo'.-.1y fakulltet. R ~,.-Donaible Ed.; M. 1. Shuldiparonov, Dootor of Chcnical Scicnacs, Profeszor; Ed. of P~bllohin~ 11oucet E. S. DraZ7unov; "A,2ch. Ed. : S. 0. ~10-11diomirova. PU1120SE I Thin collection of artioloo ia intended for sel-mtific perzonnel concerned with chomiatvf, physicas and heat power r.ngineering. C a rd 1/9 30 CritiG-al Phenom!na and FluctuatIons SOV/5469 COVFUGE i The book contain 21; of the 26 reporto read at the Conference o:i Critical Fhono"rna and Fluctuation3 In .'ol%ticna organized. by the Chemical Divioion of :-oocow State Univcr--Ity, january 26-28, 1960. The reportn contain rc--ult3 of invcoti- gationa carried out in recent ycaro by Soviet phycicint3, ,!henist3. and heat power enoincero, 'Zio Orgcnizing Cc--.1ttoo of the Conference was conpoaod of Profo3sor Kh. I. A-Arl:hrnov, A. Z. Golik, 1. R. Krichevrlciy (Chairman), V. K. Semenchen1co, A. V. Storonkin, 1. Z. Fisher, rnd 14. L Shakhparonov (Deputy Chairman). References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword AmIrkhanov, Kh. I., A. 14. Korimov, and B. 0. Alibekov (Lab- oratoriya molelcalyarnoy fiziki, DaCostanskiy filial JUI SSSR Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dagestan Branch, AS USSR]. 7nermaphyoioal Properties of I-Tatter at Critical Temperature 3 card 2/9 Critical Phono-mcna and Fluctuations SOV/5469 Aldhadov, Ya. Yu., and 71. 1. Bh~alchnrnxonov [Laboratoriya fiziko- Ichiraii rantvorov, Khirdc--ITK~l Lot-, j:o,-,1iovn%iy ronudarat- venyy univeraitat im. M. V. Lcnono3ova -- L!,bor-atory of the Phyisical Chemistry of So lUt4 on.9 Ch,~:ai3tr-j Divinion, I'loocow State UnIveraity imeni 1M. V. Lomonosov). Dicloctric Propartles of Solutions in a Superhigh Froquency Fieldend Concentration Fluatuations Dearid-ze, D. K., and 11. 1. Sh.--khT-)aronov (Laboratory of rhy3i- cal Chcnilstry of Sol-u-Ei-ona, C-S-&.U7;tr--j-Division, 1:oscou State University imeni M. V. Lo-ionooov]. LiC;ht Scattering in Solu- tion3 Having a Critical Stratification Point Vuka, M. F., and L. I. Li3nyanskiy [Laboratoriya molekulyarnoy optiki, Fizicheakiy fakul'tot, LeninCradalciy goGudarotvennyy universitot im. A. A. Mdanova -- Laborator7 of Eolecular Optics, Physics Division, Leningrad State University imeni A. A. ZhJanov1. Intermolecular Interaction and Light Seat.- toring in Solutions of Pyridine andc