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& 'Iikcv, A. N.; Lon. ov, A- L. he double syrtem. Cu-s" oy ti-r- of -m Theiodynamic propertio~l of n):zo ;-.,j force mothod .-jZ. Tsvotnaya nct~allurgiya, no. 63, 1963, 75-82 U alloy, of Gu-5b, DJn3;-y a:,'-oy M25 galv'nc. -,or LtitdiiA in the tomporature intorval. parts of Cu. T~'e of the C~ -CUT$ CUCI. KCI the oru' 'values int~rpo .7 )C) and 121-~%'. These eraf values we n S b _.o~'aro* 7,*Aa wa.-O u:;u:i ;.0 temoeraturo~, 1115, 1140, zicd to calculate tho lozarithr.,: Q from equation Ig a'c'. 'rho liquicL zo of o-.rcrcoo',?,i co.)pcr at expori,--ientc t a 3n to s~uandard, and the parLial oyccnls ~Iicrrioddyna'm Cal valued; (LO.- ru -,. -i were calculated .1o:- varlous valu3Z Of Cu I an 'Jzj!-,ed tha: 1) t,',,jz system -'iad ble negative a L 2) tl,-:~ of the UU-57b 501ti,ions was accornpanied 1'~- ..a-- atom at 1215.,'L and 0 - 75) sti of ' ~t;o~L %~ntrolrlej o' wero character-. 11Z -U-- v .1 U or. st; is was ex-.Aained by tho lar[;a d--'i'f erencG batweon '.~Io ato,-.i. volu..., x - od r~3onents. The exaerimontal Drocedure fallo,..,cd in this work involl u~c- of the P-~-'--V-I potantiomater arA t!'a ~-25 _,Llvanozmeter. Tomperature was Ori_-. Iias: 5 tables, 3 fi.-ures, and 2 "ISSCDOIZION: ~'o3kovskiy institut stali i splavov, Kafedra fizicneskika ~Mtseaov proizvodstva polu:)ravc.~n-Lkor[*kh materialov i -ar,~ LOMOV, A.L.; KRESTOWIIKO, A.N. Thermodynamic properties of the ternary metallic system bismuth- copper-antimony. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6:1389-1390 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A. Bochv&rom. L 24782=~2'.-WT(z)/EWP(b)/EWP(t) lip(c) JD/JW --_'.ACCESSION NR: AP4049600 S/0076164/038/011/ZS69/2574 AUTHOR*. Lomov,A,. L. (Hoecov); Krastovnikoy, As ff~_(Kazccw) TITLE, Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of binary bismuth- antimony metallic systems by the method of electromotive forces ;z7 SOURCM Zhurnal fizicheskoy. khimfi, v. 38, no. 11, 1964, 2569-2574 binary alloy, bismuth antimony system electromotive force TOPIC TAGS. me- bod, alloy, thermo!~Tamic pronrt ABSTRACT: The, thermodynamic properties of the bismuth- antimony system in the, liquid_ phase: have been investigated by the method of electromotive forces. The emfs. of the concentration cells of the type KC1 -NaC1 I (Bi(NBj)-Sb(N,4 B10111DIC13, 3b) were meadUred at "temperatures In the 11 IS- 1215 K range.. Ten electrode melts with the concentration of from 0. 0679 to 0. 9021 were. studied. Both negative w. d positive deviationet from Raoult's law were found, aswell, ai; negative- positive C,,d LCMOVI A.L.; KRFSTOVNIKOV, A.N. Study nf the thermodynamic properties of the ternar- I y syste= blawth - c,)pper - antimony along the cro2s-oectian NEj : W6 j* 3:1 by the electromot've force method. Zhur.fiz.khim. 38 no.11:2658-2662 N 164- (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut staJA i splavov. --------- - ---------- t --34527~65' )?u-4. (c, ..I I . I _.- _. . A_ ~4_ !-ACCMS- __ ___ _~ _~T' - '~ S/0080[65/0~'/00110188/01n LON NR#.- P500 12-3 8 AUTIIOR-- Loiia6vi L,; Krestovnikov, A. N. TITLE.-, Investigation of thermodyngmic pr2p rtieptof the ternary metallic 8~kerri .2_ Bi-Cu-Sb at1h .*N I#- I by the e. m. r. method e section NBV Sb ;thurnal priftcladnoy khimif, v. 38. no. 1, 1965,188-192 1 TOPM TAUS bismuth: copper antimo 's stem, thermodynamic prope~rty, mixing y df-b Ma. GT-_ I Ahermo -eh I-ABS-T d -metal- alloya -of _HA _Ste ihel3l-cu-91~ sAdm- In which the N -N ia as m*alntained unchanged at 1:1 1: Bi- Sb eat w were studiedat 1915K by the e, m. f. method. These systemr. were characterize& ~aw, ~,e, -,wfte-nO