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27169' 5/057761/031/009/005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with ... B100138 Result: oscillatory excitation at u > V, V )~ V Ai* (B) Assumption: tr0V, and r > -~- k 0 ~ ~7j (F). (4) Lo-a- frequency oscillations, disturbances of ma~,netohydrodynamic -ALLves (". 4&) hi) by an ion beam moving through an electron-ion plasma. (A) Assumptions: 0 giro > 1. (a) Assumptions: neClecting thermal effects, r ' 2 2 > 1 ena n < n (G). Then, k2 c2 W2 k2c2 Card 6/9 S/CT517(51/0 3 1 /009/005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with B109/B138 VAI VA W a -2r,-o U1 Result: Oscillatory excitation with u > V. (b) Considering the heat 92 motion in the plasma, and e LA (11) c2k2 IMW= I Us 70 T" 'I - ;1A (42). Result: Oscillatory excitation, if u > V A (c) Assumptions as under k VA, (44)- 1Md= 2 Card 7/9 27!65 S/057/61/031/009/005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with ... B109/B138 Result: Oscillatory excitation if u > V A' (B) Assumption: r, ro /, 1 (a) Neglectine heat motion of particles. Then, IMW =-02 Ct WH 00 (45)9 where V - V Aian/ro. Result: Oscillatory excitation if u > V. (b) Ion beam with thermally conditioned velocity scatter, interaction with "cold" plasma. V_a 02 u - V kro Jmw'=kVAj 2 ~Wkl # W* (47). Result: Oscillatory excitation if u> V - V Aia n/kr0. The authors thank K. P. Stepanov and A. B. Kitsenkc for valuable advice. A. I. Akhiyezer, Ya. B. Faynberg, and G. V. Gordeyev are mentioned. There are 12 references; 10 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 8/9 271b5 S/057/61 1 /009/001)/01 Q Interaction of an ion beam with ..,. BlOg/B136 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Ali Gruzinskoy SSR Tbilisi (Institute of Physics AS Gruzinskaya SSR Tbilisi) SUBMITTED: September 10, 1960 Card 9/9 319)."'. S/05 62/032/001/006/018 BI 04XI 38 AUTHORS: Patarayal A. D., and Lominadze, D. G. TITLE: Excitation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in an anisotropic plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhn:Lcheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. is 1962, 44-47 TEXT: The study was carriod out by applying external alternating currents The anisotropic plasma was assumed to be in a constant external magnetic field ito long the z-axis in the presence of external currents Jos Provided is sufficiently small, the plasma equations of G. Chew at al.. (Proo. Roy& Soc*t 236t M, 1956) can be linearized, and a Fourier transformation applied. The dispersion equation thus obtained from the determinant of the resulting system enables one to study the various types of waves which might be propagated in anisotropic plasmas. The following relation is derived for the emission intensity of magnetohydro- dynamic and magnetoacoustic waves: Card 1/3 3/05Y 2/032/001/006/018 Excitation of magnetohydrodynamic B104 B138 to coat 4P U" - Cox' 0 X T 02 U1 20- 2 NIC03 U! T) 12 Sint i!o,, 6, T) 12 sin2,p ) d2, X j (U2 U3 U2 - U11 j, (U3 U3 3 The first term denotes the intensity of Alfven waves# while the second and third terms denote the emission intensity of fast and s.low magneto- acoustic waves cj,~j T) is the Fourier component of the external field density i. !-Lp(lane perpendicular, to the me netic field direction, S is the angle between the plane,in which To and, 10, and and i10 lie, W0 is the frequenoy of the external alternating current, ui are the phase velocities of the three 'wave types. Some speoial cases are finally examined. N. L. Tsintsadze is thanked for discussions. A. Akhiyezer and A. Sitenkb (ZhETFj L, 116, 1958) are mentioned. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: G. Chew, M. Goldberger, F. Low, Proc. Roy. SOC. KL6t 112, 1956. Card 2/3 3 SAl 2/032/001/006/018 Excitation of magnetohydrodynamic ... B138 BI 041 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the AS Grrzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 18, 1961 G-~/ Card 3/3 LOMINAD2E D G.- STEPANOV, K.H. Induction of low-frequency oscillations in a magnetoactive plasma by a flux of charged particles. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.Ilil3ll- 1314 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut, fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR i Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut AN UkrSSR. 77 L-13810-65 &4T(1)10-1G(k) /EPt,(sp)-2/,EP,,(w)-2/ EEC (t) /T 'EC, Pz-6/ 70 - 177ab-IO/Pl-4 IJP(C)/,*LC- 7.:M(,a)/ Z_'5D(gs) / ~~_--D (t) '~E .ACCESSION NR: AP4046340 S/0057/64/034/010/1803/1806 ,AUTHOR: Lominadze. D, G. IZY TITLE: Amplification of ion-cyclotron waves by an electron beam SOURCS:_-Zhurnal tekhnict-eskoy fiziki,_v. 34, no. 10, 1964, 1803-1806 ~TOPIC TAGS:- ohmic-plasma he~j ~n plasma.heating, ion cyclotron wave, lion cyclotron wave amplification, plasma oscillation amplification ABSTRACT% Ion-cyclotron waves can be amplified by an electron beam. The energy of the directed motion of an electron beam can be trans- ferred to the ions in the following way: The electron beam amplifies the oscillations of plasma at a frequency close to ion-cyclotron fre- queacy. As a result, part of tlie kinetic energy of the beam tran3- forms into the ene-.:gy of the ion-cyclotron oscillations In plasma, i.e., ions are heated loy an electron bean. In investigating tile con- ditions for the most effective transfer of the energy of an electron beam to the ions, it was found that amplification of the ion-cyclotron waves.by the electron beam takes place when the beam velocity is suf- ficiently high. With an increase of the Itnear plasma density N. the Card 1 /2 L 13810-65 0 ACCESSION NR; AP4046340 --for As t1,#3 amplifying frequency ap- _amplification worsen. ;proaches ion-cyclotron f reluen cy--(R--o- -)--the ampli f icat ion _f Acto r -in 'creases, approaching a value rN v 0 (V, - velo-c-it o-r-plasma --electrons -in relation-tolons). Maximum am- :pI acation apparently will be at R >> N ^- 1, In this case, the am----- plificatLon factor is determined only by the magnetic field and ve- -locity-of the beam. Since the electron beam also loses its energy on :excitation-of Ion gitudinal waves in plasma, the amplification of Lon- cyclotron,ancillarions is possible only then when the build-up ircre- ment. during excitation of longitudinal oscillations does not exceed the Lon-cyclotron.frequency. Orig. art. has: 16 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: ATD PRESS 1. -3-1311 14sep63" 00 SUB CODE: NO- REP SOVt 003 OTHFM t 004 Card 2 2 j-i. - V1, - - ,- ~7-r~ ;~i i - - , - A, - 1.-- " - -, e-. - '.. - . 4-4 " I.. , ~~, - t ~ - - -, " v~-, - - : - , - X-6/Pab-,24- ---IJP(4 [39D/iFi~R/Es AHH(4L)/ESD(gS) 'ACCUS ion 2*'::AP4046W ~,0/4305,7/"A" MAM 10/1 X.N* 0.0 Ift a pignm Lila Me 1 7 -Stle field a WKS thursal tekhafdie ICTAGOt-Who-etli-sed Pima' XWO, pla4za -Iravo, --plum - boall-Izteraotlan Pg9kliO_: 1. r4ne 'tlon. ra 7_7 7_I_',_._, 7777t ~o ADS --rdN t au_ifio'r*,,dlflfC4s the1ow 9 A TRAM Plasm In or.-tbvir- wAltaU*m_-_bjA_ ft Gaectraw. 4 !V, led lial The AkrAL,,bY stream of l6ax ands eloctrons *wiz* p4rallel:14 thu &OPI I d b -CH.Stepanov _(UM 35,]Ll* --y in-d- -6i 1-1;;S) The solutions-oUtba dispersion equation are dlj-c~xsa etall f6ed ex- citation- Of - the.~wavos -is -c4maidered. -Loag and-short Iravolongth oscillatLons: are- djjj- --tinguishad; the wavelength of the forster greatly e=sefs the electron Larmor radius band that of the latter to of the order of the ion Lamor radius. The long wavelength IN G 'Cillationg axw_discusse~ in the case when the election temperatuve greatly excoods t 10 5-65.~- 74 !ACCRSS1OWKRvAP4046343 G -temperature 0 mne velocity, in-the direction of the applied f Ie2d is much greater than the lon-, thermal velocity and much lose-than the electron thermal e 3aingth- cillations are discussed for all values of the ra- v locity"he short wave 0 09 1 t io - of- the- ion to-the elf i4tran-temperature ,but for propagation-hearly nortally to --- t*e direction-of -the field is much" the applied field so that:the pharo velocity in less-- th--- - -the -velocity.-These-c"Illations include thoseat fre- 'an -electron-th0troal nd d-M-.1f qtjenates near the ion Lantor frequency, mentioned by W.R.Drummo an Rosenbluth'-- ~hys.Fl.5,1507,1962).-,Qiaillatlons ofall the types discussed can be excited by the dr1f t of Glectrons due -to an external electric lield or by streams of Ions and - .:electrons moving perallel.,to the magnetic field, provided the drift velocity or the ntrea,mvelocity exceeds t1ta phase velocity of the waves. The excitation of the wWM -disc sed In detsilq and formulas for the logarithade I-acre- V -this. As as regards- the density,-tem- -------- --- e1 01-fie"tio Stre'aar-_" - b- -deep-, __00 lp~_cqqcl on$ the aut ors-express-their grati_t`1Jdv__to A.' X;Akhtye em for -",r- or suggestler Aiis -1 tab et and for advice.' OrIg.'a3A..haS:_ 117 formulas, -3 -figures wd I i- M! _7777,- L 2077-65 E47T(1) I SPA( sp) -21T /EFC (t,)/EPA(w) -2/EHA (m) -2 Fz_6/Pc-4/r-ab_10/Pi_4 AIXESSION NR: AP5003250 S/0057/65/035/001/01.48/0151 AUTTIOR: Lominadze, D.G./ Stepanov, K. N. TITLE: On the excitation of magnetoacoustic waves in colliding plasma.streams SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikil v.35, no.1, 10-65, 148-151 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma stability, plasma interaction, magnetic sound wave, 'dispersion relation, mathematical physics- ABSTRACT: The stability against low-frequency long -wave long th o5cillations of two interpenetrating plasma streams moving in opposite directions parallel to a magne- tic field is discussed theoretically. The temperatures of the two stream's are as- sumed to he the same, -and the electron temperature is assumed greatly to exceed the ion temperature. The dispersion equation is written for waves for which the fre- quency is low compared with the ion Larmor frequency, the wavelength is consider- ably groater than the electron and ion Larmor radii, and the component of the phase ------velocity Varq-11ol to the maf:notic field ie- low compared with the clectran anif high compared., with the ion tl irmal veloc tenser, describing Cerenlxrv absorption and radiation, is neglected. The root-i of Card 1/2 L 26977-65 ACCESSION NR: APSG03250 this dispev3ion 'equation are discussed and the region of stability was calculated numerically and 'is presented graphically In terms of coordinates representing es- sentially the ralativo, voloolt~~ of the two stroans and tho atrength of the magne- tic flold. The effect of Cortnkov abilovption awl ritiliAtton on the Rtability regioll is discussed briefly. Orig.art.has: 11 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Gruz.SSR,Tbilisi (Institute of Phy::ics, AN Georgian --7ij b~micotec c natit SSR) , Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Anstitut AN UkrSSR, Kb~r-iiko -P bal. al r ute All UkrS.191) SUBMITTED! Ma~64 ENCL-. 00 SUB CODE.. KE,EM NR REF SCIV: 003 CMIER: 000 Card 2/2 32167-65 EPA (w)-2/ENTf I Po-4 /Pr-6/ Pab- 10 AT NR: A P5005 2 19 AUTHOR: Laminadze, D.G. Stepanov, K.N. streaw-Ina -Mgnatia ft d TITLE; Oi~ --the etab4lity_ tit two coll d ng p uma OOUWE- Zh-iirnA-I--tePh-n,teliesk(iy-fiziki -vt35,--no.2,-I9G5,-2O5w2lI_ T 010 1 CTAGS., plasma st,%bility, pla-qma interaction, plasma heating, plasw beam in- .:stabilJtyo magnetic field ABSTPAGY: - The -authors - dlitc-ass the stability of two plGsma streansof equal density and temperatures moving through cacti othcr in opposite directions plr~lllel to an -external rnagnatic field. Ibe following cases are treated separately- 1) low-fre- agnetic pressure quency longitudinal oscillations when the m is large compared with the kinetic, the electron thermal ve-Incity is largo sompared with the strean, velc-- city, and 'the ton themal velocity is negligible; 2) high-frequency lonq1twitnal oscillatious when the the:rmal velon-Ities of both the electrons and ion.3 are sm~,L] coppared wLth the atream velocity; aud 3) oscillations that occur when the Irn tfm- Peiature -All- high *A n--- oadha - caa(; -Che - roquis Ito-diept.-rai-jz,.-cqu-aticFn- iz-oither. ju5trad- '(AiD.Kitsenko-and K,N.&tepanov# ZUTF.32,30.1,1962)_ or.written from earl 143:,~ -work - Card 1/2 33167~w6tt~-, n-equation is, 1111L.1- ,vithout ddriviitian or-- reference-. -The behav iok of the die rsiv Fe trated graphically 'in each case, the stability cowAitions are derived, and e-qua- tions are derived for the growth constanVe (logarithrnic Increments) near the sta-- bility boundaries. Yhe instability found ir. case 1) winen the stream velocity is large compared[ with the velocity of sound could be employed to heat the ion compo- nent of a plaE;ma, the electron conponent of which hpd been previouslY rai-,;ed tr-- I high temperature. The growth constant of the oscillations in case 3) ~s Small, but these oscitlation-1- may still be imeortant in Interacting plasma streams because the ions c7rry the major portion of the stream energy. "In conclusion, the autha:-s express thair gratitude to A.I.Akhiy zer for discussing the results and for valu- able advica." Drig.art.has: 21 formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIAT104f: Fiziko-tekhnichi~akiy institut Tat- IF- stitute, &'( UkrSSR); Ins titUtO flziki AN GS3P Tiflis nstitute of Physics, Atics g) -M i SUBMITTED: 04h(AY64, ---Ii- EML: 00 SUB CODE: AE4 EM, NR PXF SOV': OQ4 O=Rs 000 Cc -M -7- 14~ F�RMEM718 7, W VMW -P*-4tft-4/rz-6/*b-10- L'Wc) AT/ ACMSION XR: APSM7288 S/0057/65/035/003/0441/W46 2 AUTHOFh Ual tdze JL.Q.; gl9gluey K.K. TITIS: Excitation of oscillations In a plasma by a flux of oscillators SOUF Mf-Zhurtu I teldwicheskoy fit1ki, v.35, no.3, IW5 441448 z TOPIC TAGS: planaa beam interaction, plasma electromagnetic wave, plasma instabl- lity, Ion strawa, adiabatic trap ABS TRACT: The authors discuss the excitation in a plasma of oscillations propagat- ,ing nearly perpendicularly to an exterp-al magnetic field by a stream of tons, all of which have the same Larmor radius. These ions are the "oscillators" of the title. 'rho-se oscillations of the plasma- aria considered for which the wavelength is short compared with the Larmor radius of the exciting ions and the frequency is hl(;h cm- pared with their Larmor frequency. The cmtrlbution of the ton beam to the diele.-- tric tensor is taken from work of A.D.Kitsenko and K.N.Stepanov (Ukr.fiz.zhurn.6, 297,1961) In the form of an Infinite series of Bessel functions whoze arguments are the largo ratio of the Larmor Tadius to the wavelength. The dieLect.ric tansor is accordingly trar-ofomed to a form that converges more rapidly Lmder the cooditials Co,d 1/2 pa P-"~ 1; 3V-41-CM M ~45 A-OCESSION NR: AP5007288 Of, the present - problem, -And the roots-of the dispersion equation are discussed fDr O.Winary, ext iaordi nary -and longitudinal waves. The dispersinn equation has roots not only at frequencies-nea,r harmonics of the electron Larmor frequency and the hy- brid frequency, but also ata frequency close to the ratio of the ion beam veloctty to the wavelength Thelogarithmic Increment of the-long-ritudiaal waves is much grea- ter - than that of - ;he transverse -waves ; it is proportional to W/O 2/5. where n' ani _n art the particle densities -~f.the Lon beam and the plasma, respectively. If the plasma contains no Ions except those of the beam, it Is unstable under all. condi- tions. Instability of th1s type may be expected to &rIse In high density adiabatic magnetic mirror systems in wh."ch the ion velocity dit5tribution is highly anicotro- pie. "In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to Vj?,AjQk9jA for valutible advice and discuasions." Or1g,art.has: 46 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Insti-tut fiziki AN Gruz.-SSRJbilisi (Inst *Iit'u'to of Phyglqg. AH DzUgLt___ SSR); Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy Institut AN Wr88R,Miar1kGT# (Faysicotechnical Institute, SUMITWO: 26Jun64.' ENCL: 00 SUD CCEM ME MR REF SOV., 001; 07FIER., 001 2/211 t 09141-65 P11-L-/?o-4/Fz-6/Pab-10 UP(c) AT/ ACCESSION MR, AP5007289 8/0057/65/035/003/0449/(9,58 AUMOR: Lominadze, B.G.; Stapanov, K.K. TITLE: Excitation of lr~vfrequaacy longitudinal oscillations in a RLajw~ab a stream of chazZed-particles with an antsotropic distribution function ~~bWCE_S~Urn~a icheftkoj7~izikl, V.36i no.3 - -1965,- 449458 TOPIC TAGS- pletsma beith int a eraction, p1 Sma stability, ion stream ABSTRAUt The authors discuss the excitation nf low frequency longitudinal oscil- lations of a plasma In the prese-ice of an extemal magnetic field by a stream o--P charged particles having a delta-function distribution of velocity components per- pendicul-r to the-magnetic field and a Uaxwellian distribution of the velocity con- ponent parallel to the field. The dispersion equation is writtimi without derivation or referance, and its solutions am di,;cussed at considerable length. Long Vvive- tength oscillations occur with phase velocities much greatar than the thermal velo- cities of the plasma particles and, in the case of a highiy anisothermal plasma, with phase velwity Intermediate between the Ion and electron thermal velocities. Cardl/2 L 40941-155 ~ACCESSICH MR: APS007289 2 Longitudinal ionic cy4lotror. waves with wavelength of the order of the pla5ma Ion -radiun,propagate nearly at right Laxvior angles to the magnetic ficld. The excita tion at longitudinal oscillations is discussed separately for the case of a hot beam (broad-distributi-oh of the velocity component parallel to the magnetic f told), itand for that of a cold beam. Foraulas are derived for the logarithmic decrement (or increment) of the various waves, and the conditions for the stability of the system are discussed. Orig.art.hasq 73 formulas. -ASSOUAt-i-61C.--institut fizW AN-Grui-SSR,Tbillai ti tu to qf -vaical Atj 3ruz.",- Fiidk6-UkbAc' ~-t~j heskiy'lnstitut Ukr=,:Khai~lkov(Physicotachnica1 Tnstitute, m7ssa) 7 ZUMTM.-I-9Qun64.. EACL.- 00 --SUEI:C(3DE-- ME- h'R REP SOV '003 0 R: 001 C - -d A~ M -2/1%C (t Pab-10 ;ACCESSION XR,., APS007309 S/005,f/65/035/003/0568/0571 Lominadze, D.G. AUMOR, _7 cerenicov- iidiation'of a ring currcnt-in 6 Brillouin cloud SOURCE: Zhurnal toklinicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.3, 1965, 568-571 ~:TOPIC TAGS: electron beam, electron waveguide, nmgnetic field,-Cerl5nkovradiation, radiation ABSTRACT: The .%uthor discusses the excitation of an axially symmetric Brillouin ;electron cloud,(L.Brillouin, Phys.Rev.67,260,11945) by an infinitely thin current rin.- moving with -uniform velocity perpendictilar to its plan-, and Parailel to th'i Magnetic field. The dispersion equatic)n dcrivcd for the Brillouiri beam di ffers from that obtained by B.N.Ruticovich and Ya.B.Faynberg (ZhTF 29,280,1959) taltho~j!- takln, 0 into account the surface current. The---azimttthal--o-1cCtri'c flitid excitr-KI tjv, rio- by ----tion -of-the-cUrre-dt-ri - is,calculatad,-as -well as the poweii 10138 due to Ciic- lnter-. -of -- the-~ - current ring with this, field, - It- is-, f ound thal. no - action power Is radiatcd .-at,fre4uehci6zf -Langnfuir frequency of the BrIllouin cloud or at a cer-.. -exceedi* the tain critical. frequ.ency.~ (less thanthe Langmuir frequency)_ jbich. depends on the I L.- 311936-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5007309 r adius of the current ring. Expressions are derived for the limiting form of the radiatcd field and the power as the frequency arproaches- tho Langniuir frc,quency. In conclusion, I express my gratitude to Yii.Bfa.~t~jje for suggesting the topic and for discussions, and to V.I.Kurilko for his assistance and h15 c-onstant est in the work." Orig.art.hus: 2:3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: institut fizik~ AN Gruz.SSR, Tiflis (Institute of Physics, ANI Grxiz~;SR) NR, AP5012051 Lrt?/0057/65/(j3S/UO5/0865/08.14 AUTIlOR- 1.ominadze, D.G.; Shevch-anko, V.I. TYTU, Gu the nonlinear theory of i-eqiioncy ci-rcillationg oxatted In a r1Rqra ion bA,,,'ii ro.-*,- 1965, 065-874 --M, TRM- Zhur-nal- tekhnichnakoy- f Iziki, -v.--35, TOPIC TACO- plaim be.-Am interactlon, nonlinear i~yston, plasni heatin-, pja6ni )-nntability, plas= wave, ion teriparature, ion beam, AWWRACT: V.D.Shaplr6 and K.N.Stepanov, separately nnd in collaboration with oj:e Q;r the other of the present authorn, havo discussed the cxcitation of o;1cijjatjcnq. in i~ plasva by charged particlo be-Arv ("IbUTF, 42, I'H5, 19%0,2; 44, 613, 19G3; ZME, p-ent papar 4 of -Ulla CT&r-110-r WCrk. T _09 cill A 10 J ft W_ __1 An pli~ugwa_ by-an -ion beam in the- presence -.of, a, magnotic field, -aod--also the excitafAad eq of A-OngituiAnal clacilIntiop-s tt harman~cn of the Ion lAr--or frequomy. The lnitlal~~ s4-nfye E~:C the developing Instability, In which 09 Icin Lgaan re-anina e3centially ~,q treated In a hydr-_Jyra~io appl-oximatim in wlalch tho orate-a In Card 1pr, _Ji A descrlbed.by the moments o1 the distribution rimictionc. The later r, tage~; in which a considerable velocity dispemifxi dc,velops in 'the Ion bea-a , dire traattid In a quasi-linear approximation MIP expv3ition re3tq heavily on tiaiE, earlier work. The enorgy loss G~. th,3 Lon boam in calcul.,ited, and It ir, foure, teak m comsider--l'Ale fractIon Ot the energy lost bv the baim can appear ,a thormal enomy of the- plaMa -authors- oxprebs~thelr &A Orw i fluggustb~~; Oia problem avd for asaintaxtoo, with oork." Orig. art. hag: 49 foratulas. T02' ASSOCTATIOTI: - rione r, N-C L - (10 _UB C (V U We S U-IrM I T M.: NI REIF SOV! 00 4 MIER: 001 ATD PRE,--s: 3257 777 77 77~ 7 T7. -.11-1 2/2 AT A.-V ACC_NRz -AY6020446 SOURCE CODE*.--- Uk/0000/65/000/000/0155/(1167 ,AUTHOR: Lominadze, D. G.; Stepanov, K. N. iORG: none t 7ITLE: Excitation of longitudinal low frequency oscillations of a plasma by a charged Tarticle beam with anisotropic distribution functions E: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchk-v zaryazhennykh chastits s plazmoy (Interac- of chaz%ed particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 155-167 TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field, dispersion equation, longitudinal magnetic field, particle beam ABSTRACT: The excitation of low-frequency electron-ion longitudinal waves i a Plasma I by a beam of oscillators (i. e., a beam consisting of particles with an identical gi~ro_l radius) in a longitudinal magnetic field is investigated. The plasma is assumed to have Maxwellian distribution while the beam has a similar distribution for its longi- tudinal velocity. The transverse velocity of the beam is zh-in to be a delta function.~ The dispersion relation for the longitudinal wave is used to Investigate the damping co_~__ officients of various waves. A detailed analycis of the 11hct" beam and "cold" beam is made. The criteria specifying the point at which the beam satisfies the above desig- nations are established. In the case of the hot beam, only a emall fraction of the Card 1/2 L ACC NR: AT6020446 ~boam particles contribute both to the excitation and absorption coefficients. The lat-i I ter are explicitly derived. In the case of the cold beam, a similar analysis in which' tlie.problem was broken down into several subca3es was made. At very low temperature a1l particles were found to contribute to excitation; maximum increase in excitations joccurred at particle resonance. Orig. art. has: 64 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: liNov6!,/ ORIG IMF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 2/298 --1-0483-4-67 114 T ( L~ I-XCC-R9,---AT6020449 -WCO~66-/65/d-6O/O6O/Oi62"/0186--- AUTHOR: -Lcminadze, D. G. OW': none TITLE- Cerenkov radiation of a ring current in a Brillouin cloud !SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchkov 2;arlazhennykh chastits s plazmoy (Inter- laction of charged particle bewns with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 182-186 .TOPIC TAGS: Brillouin zone, Cerenkov radiation, Fourier series, motion equation ABSTRACT: The oscMations in electrZ6 beams with an uncompensated space charge in a Brillouin regime is investigated in order to establish energy losses by Cerenkov radia- tion. The beams considered here are infinitely thin rings, Idealizing system3 which can be considered for accelerators and focusing schemes; the electrons move along the waveguide surface. The equations of motion for a static case of a Brillouin cloud are extended to include the high-frequency effects of the excitations, which are applied as an impulse. The homogeneous 3ystem of equations is a Fourier system analyzed subject -to the appropriate boundary conditions. It is noted that E-waves are excited. These have identical dispersion relations with those of the electromagnetic oscillations in a plasma column without the magnetic field allowing the author to apply the results of It .a. erg, - al, 1961 to this work. It is further shown that in the electrostat- [Card 1/2 '-~ 04834-67 ACC NR: AT6020449 ic approximation, the energy loss tends toward zero. In the more general case, this losses occur may, at resonance. Orig. art. has: 16 forvsula3. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; llNov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ -LCod- 2/2afs OTH REF: 004 'L U'-835-67 EWT( 11 j7XC_M-__AT6020448'4 (/V,/ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0177/0181 AUMOR: Lominadze, D. G Stepanov, K. M. IORG: none Excitation of majnetosonic waves in colliding plasia beams SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchkov zaryazhennykh chaLtits 9 plazmoy (Interac- tion of charged particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 177-181 TOPIC TAGS: MHD shock.wave, plasma beam interaction, dispersion equation ABSTRACT: The stability of two identical plasma streams moving along a static magnetic field in opposite directions is investigated in the region interse--ted by the streams. It is assumed that the streams are characterized by an electron temperature higher thar that of the ions. The disipersion relation for the magnetosonic waves is written and immediately simplified by ~he elimination of small anti-hermitian factors, using, in effect, hydrodynamic approximation. The equations hold for low-frequency oscillations with the phase velocity of the waves being much smaller than the thermal electron velo- city but greater than the thermal ion velocity. When beam velocity exceeds the Alf-ven velocity, transverse Alfven waves are excited; however, when acoustic velocity exceeds beam velocity, acoustic waves are generated. An expression relating these velocities is derived giving the region in which beam instability also develops. It Is also showr ACC NRi AT6020448 that more complete treatment of the pmblem predicts wave growth in the region where there is no instability. However, the rate of wave growth is slight. Orig. art. has: 5 formulm , 3 figures. SUB CODE* .20/ SUBN DATE: llNov65/ ORIG RM 003 Card L-04836-67 __7R%_R1-_A:T6020447 ('Al)--- - '__ SOURCE OODE: UR/0(100/65/000/000/0167/0177 AuTHOR: Lominadze, D. G.; tepanov, K. N. OFJX': Done MME: Excitation of plasma oscillations by a beam of oscillators SOURCE: AN MrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchkov zaryazhennykh chastits a plazmoy (Interac- tion of charged particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 167-177 TOPI~; TAGS: plasma oscillation, Larmor radius, plasma wave, plasma density ABSTRACT: Excitation of elas waves moving normally to an external magnetic field by a beam-of with identical Larmor radius (beam of oscillators) Is investigated. The problem under consideration is limited to short wavelength excitations (much shorter than the Larmor radius). Growth rate and frequency of the wave are taken to be much gxv.ster than the gyrofrequency of the ions. This permits one to view the Ions as mov- ing effectively1n a direction perpendicular to the external field. The contribution of -the beam to the dielectric tensor of the plasma is described and the sums of each of the elements in rewritten In terns of suitable integrals. This leads to a simpli- fled expression for the elements in terms of wavelengths, which In turn yields the dis- pervion relations. The latter am characterized by the presence of a resonance factor. The presence of ordinary and wctraordinary waves is f-twther derived and the special 1/2 MF .L.O4836-67 ACC ...,~-AT60201N_T_ 01 cases of propagation parallel and perpendicular to the field ar4i analyzed and the di- electric coefficients obtained. The rate of growth of both wayes is shown to be com- parable when the longitudinal and transverse ion velocities are the same and the plas- ma density is high. It is also shovn that in dense -:)Iasma, instabilities foru when -the product of. norml ion velocity and wave vector is equal to the Itybrid frvquency. This case corresponds to plasmas in magnetic adiabatic traps containing ions whose distri- bution function in strongly anisotropic. Orig. art. has: 40 fccuulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l1Nov65/ ORIG REFt 005/ OTH REFt 001 I-Camt, 2/2M a - Dir ( 1) IJP(c) GD/A 020580 _63(fR_E_~d CE' :__ _U~[6660/65/ 000/000/016 4 /0177 f.,UTHOR: 4zf ORG: none rITLE: On the nonlinear theory of low frequency oscillations excited by an ion beam in a D lasma SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy Oligh frequency properties of plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 1611-177 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, plasma beam interaction ;ABSTRACT: The possibility of heating the ion comp[onEnt of i plasirii by beam instabili- itles is investigated in the nonlinear approximation for the case of plasuia with (_Aec- I _L :tron 'temperature much bigher than that of the ions. The first phase of development of 'the instability is traced out and most unstable branches of the oscillation are de- itermined. Three regimes, namely, excitation of long wavele-igth, high frequency oscil- lations (hydrodynamic phase), excitation of low frequency o;ci1_1,7tLr,,ns (qu-35i-linear ,Phase) and short wavelength, and low frequency waves are investigated j.n detail. -The change in macroscopic plasma and beam parameters (thernial directed Velocit.0 are derived. It is possible to describe -the dcvelopin,~nt of the instability during the quasilinezar phase and d-!termine -the state reached by the plasaia and the be,~m -is a re- Isult of q~aasilinear relaxation when a strong magn-_,tic field is Guperimposed on tile Card 112 ACC t0l- AT60205BO plasma. In general, it is fouDd that the beam eucrry is Fbiftet,' to trarisvercs? er-ergy and leads to enhanced diffusion of 1-r)n3 acvoss magnetic field lines. Orig. art. has: 45 fomulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19NovG5/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH FEF: 001 LOMMADZE, T.A. Some problemB of the ecolop-- of the representatives of the family .Macrocephalitidae. Soob. .. Gruz. SSR 34 no.2.-""87-394 141 t64. (ml-RA 18z2) -1. Institut pal, -)biologil AN Gruzinskoy SSR, TbIlini. SuIcitted July 10, 1963. . I., ~~i: I " -!U'1,~T, f.A. -,!' t~:~f ,i, tl;rol of, 1" :7,;K, YJ ?., I ~: I I .... " d:'~ .- 1':,, '.. I . Ins ti tut pt I All Gm;z Ins kov LL--!ci I I ~ ; , RAMAIMS. Sh.M.; LOMIRADZI, V., spate.rod.; GOORSHVILI, E., rod.izd-va; SAGARADZI, Sh.0 takhn.red. [Blectromagnatic processes in systems with large converting devices) Iloktromagnitnyo protseasy v sisitemakh a moshchnymi proobrasovatollnymi untanovkmmi. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Grusinskogn politakhn.in-to im. T.I.Lanina, 1960. 273 p. (KM 14:4) (Blectria current rectifiers) RA22,'LADZF,, Sh.Y,.; red.; GOGESWILI, N., red.izd-va; KATSITAVV7~. tek.hn. red. 0 1 (Three-phase current rectification] Vypriamlenie trekhfaz- nogo toka. Tbiliti, Gos.izd-vo "TSodna" Mva kulltury Gruzinakoi SSR, 1963. 255 P. (IMIRA 16:12) (Electric cu;-ront rectifiers) L-OM-INAD.ZE,_K~t_QI,Aand.tekhn.nauk (Tbill.31); CHKHIKVADZE, Yu.I., kand. 'tekhmnauk (Tbilisi) Spocial features in the devigL uf three-phase asynchronous braking motora with tapered rotors. Elektrichestvo no.3:46-50 mr 162. (1-11!Lk 15:2) (Electric motLTs, Induction) LONINADZE V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk doteent (Thilisi); CHKHIKVAD22, Yu.I., ka'nd.tekhn.nauk (Thilisij Calculation of the axial force of an asyncbronous motor with tapered rotor under unbalanced rotor conditions. Blektr,ichestvo no.4t27-31 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) I (Electric motors, Induction) 0 SOURCE CODE: Ua/0196/65/000 21101T/lOi7 V0 AUTHOR: Lominadze, V. G. 11--.--.-1----i,---- ~ TITLE: Analysis of transition processes in asymmetric &-c machines SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 121113 REF SOURCL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn, in-t, no. 2(100), 1965, 151-157 TOPIC TAGS: electric equipment, electric motor, motor generator ABSTRACT. As a method for analyzing transition processes in asymmetric machines, the author proposes conversion of an asymmetric synchronous machine to a "hypothetical" symmetric machine vhich is equivalent to the actual asymmetric machine vith respect to balance of both active and vattless pover. A method is given for finding this "hypothetical" machine. 2 illustrations, bibliography of 7 titles. F. Goryainov. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 card 1/1 UDC: 621.313-32.001,4 '4~ 7- 'T 7 V ol IL IV 31 10 Ak Z- -A if 12 *, .. - :j I I I ; 1 ..-1 off Nj , jig z I ijjl;: 41;, 1 . I ': , 84584 s/iC-9/6o/000/009/002/007 3"('600 A005/AO01 Tran3lation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, No. 9, p. 137, # 11055 AUMORS- L-cminadze, V. .. Napetvaricize, Ye.A. 7- TITLE; The Aerosynoptic Ccrditions of Turtulent Currents in The Atmesphere Producing Dumping of Aircraft at the Sulknuml - Thtlial - Yerevan Rotate FEKODICAL: Tr. Thilissk. n.-I. gidrometeorol. in-ta, 1959, No. 4, pp. 112-123 TK)r The auth,-~rs analyzed the aerometeorr, logic materials and considf-r the fundamental synoptic processes characteristic for the Trans.-Caucasus and the tur- b,ilence ani bumping of aircraft of various intc-.nsity, whici are ccnnectel with ttq~- pr-:e~sea. Four -fandamental types of the synoptic; procesies are di3tlrigalshed: I. Invasions of cold air from the West due to the d-~vel,~)pment of ovev *.e Eijr-p,san territory of the USM , and the rear high pressure cres! ccnnectc-d wilth tht-,r. Sach processes are observed in all seasons of the year. The thermobaric field il characterizei by the existence of a frontal zone In the .ipper air having i,!e confliience over 'he Black Sea, which --aLses also 1),e invasions of cDld air Card 1/3 8h58h 3 / 169 /60,toor,,/009 /00 2/007 A005/A0()l TrE- Aerosyr-~ptic Conditions of Turbulent Ourrents in Atin,-~sphr-re Prndu~,Ing BurnVing -,f AlIrcraf, at the Sukhuml - 'rn-11!cll - Yerevan Rcutt- fr:,,n the We.;it. TnP Increase In turb,Aleri-e lz mcjt probabic ahen tln~- pr--:eEses of *!i~- ;-~,uldored type develop lnten~-rly- In cor~iec~,Icn w4th tra% tY!e a,4t-ho:-F estl- rpit',~-,l !.h-? pczsalbilltlea ~f bumming In".he va-lous rou*e seclIonz. 11. lnvaslons fr^m -e East whIch are nbserv,~d predominantly In '.h,? c-lld sea-ton of year a~rd ar-~- :-nne,~-,..ed wi*h the orographl.~ c:~nvergen(e of al.- currents over ne Ca4llan Stt-;t. Tn- frswa.. z--.ne In the jr-Ter air I& local.ed over the easterr, reglenE of Ih,:- Cxi~asjc ani the Cas--lwi Sea. F-iharice-l turbulen,~e is ctse-ved over, ~ht, Su-am!~Yly Pa!:-? and we.=tward of Ttill,-t. ::I. Tne antleycl,3nic state wnich a;rea!-~~ afl,er --ailaa~lmn cf *he lrtvh-.lon-- fr-.,n West art! EaLs' and repre.~onl.s m.t!nly !he concludlng stage ;:f *he p-c(ezze~F I and I!. It. Is charac*.erizerl by a -~nall~-rably le~,3er +,Arbulenct-. but favorable ccn-Jillons fcr its deveicipment ir-4-,c ro~ar 'he rp-,%,mtaln sli~reF. IV. Ths -wave actlvity al. the front lr,-at~-d Ir, 11., ~:)4*-lrn region of the Trajis-'-aiica~~us which is m,:,!-.t effef--tive in ~be warm zf-,et?c.-. cf y,~.ar. 7he- process-p of type give riaA the hipile-it, aftE-P *.ype 1. r-E-urren.-e of tumping. - The weFA*he!- -,:nl'.*l~-n6 anrl fhor~ r-l' re "ar-i 2115 8458h 69/-~O/C,~/009/902/(/J 7 A005,/A(',O 1 Aerosynoptir Condli.lc.ns cf Turbulent Currents in -r.ne A~,rr,~zphere PrOduclIng axmping of Aircraft a~ f-he Sukhumi - T1,111sl - Yerevan Route -~n~e xii lrter~t',y cf, tumving o! a,.rcraft with rezpe.~t I') 'he Zeasons and -irr c rcute are descrIted t. !,~-fily for all four typei ~f pnocesses. Informa- t:cr is given about the alltitude E,-nd thickness of the bumping lay("tr, the horl- Z*M*al. t-xkension of t.he turtulence zcnez, ard the dependfn,--e of t,,implng cn the velTcll~y arJ dtrect!on of"tic wtnrt atcng the noute.. Ye?.F. C-i,igun,~.v rar!~ i r rc~ I,e -7)?Is ii h,~ full IranslatIcn -of lho ~)rlglnal Russlan ab- Carl WHIpuzze V.P. I- Brief results of scientific activities of the Tiflis H7drometeoro- logloal Sojent4fic Research Institute during 1953-1958. Trudy Tbil.NIGHI no.5:3-10 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Georgia-Mateorolorical research) 3(7) A U'N 1 3 1 Lf) r, i r, -- d z - V 1 . DI re,~ f,., r (, f t ".,! 41 wi t i r. 11 f"! ; LIP-' I, t iah Vi 1. 1 1% - _ - _i~ th n i, P. r t y 0 f." i ~ c ; B i t r k i n a ~-, I ci i ! i Z C ha i r m ~t j i ~a c r ~eryc, of the ;'.'K; Matveyev, V. 114. , Chief cif tLe Air-~.(jrt, Umadze, G. Ya. , Deputy Chiof of the l'olitical Dep%rt.,.rnt; YuL~nnikov, :.',. ESP Socretary of the I,nrty Offic,~;Tuialov, D. T.. Ch%irman of the '1.7,; Takhvitava, K. V., Chief of tl.e A!.'~;G; Petrov, V. S., Commanler of thr AL-L-aft ""?-104 T I T L A Useful Entorpriz;e (Poleznoye nachinaniye) MRIODICAL. Mete,,orolfiglya i gidrolaijj:~a, 11',119, Nr 5, pp A.' (USJ7:) ABSTRACTs The Collective of the Tbiliaskiy nauchno-isr!1cdovatol'skiy gidro- metegrolof;icheskiy iriatitut (Tbilisi Hydrometeorological Scienti- fic Resnarch Institute) cstablinh(~d a collaboration with the workors of th~, airi-ort. An api,cal to thr? workors of the A,"-.SU" (Air Wcatler Station of the Civil Air Fle,t) ar,d t,',e flyiner and Croural PCroonx,el cf the air.ort, as v,,,!11 as tl,e oblit-,ations of th? persome]. of Tbili~~i Airt~ort and of th,.~ workers of the A:~'SG, are plublirthec! The arq,(~al requeuts tr, give lectures ;Ind re- ports on phy5ical con,_',itiojia of the atmuBphure. The atmospheric Card 112 processes most irLfIu,?r,,;in,,: aviation re to be explaizoll. A A Useful Enteo-)rise 1- /22 .scientific d!:--ci.,;sion and a!.alysis of cor.,plica-'j'I Mete(;rological conditions in aviati(;n are to be Sy--tezatic rel-orts on tl,e latest achievc,--rits inland and .,Ibrr)ad are to be delivernd. The of t1w t.i.*r-.in[, ivirt in corrc.-,.powl~~xice lesnons of univ,or.Atios Lre to roceive advice ir. ph.,oics, mathematics, aerodyn.-ricri and meteorolopy. T'he of Tbilini Alr~ort aid t',-,e work-Ji-s of the A:.!S(, 1) To carry out careful me-tporolo~7ical oboe vatiois throughout every fli.-',It, and communicate them ir duo tin-le to the MLS(,. 2) The uorkers of tLe A1.10 uj,,ree to coilect systematic:-illy the material of metcorolotrics! obsorva'Lione, to inform the Tbilli!G,'.II in due tire. J,) TI-.e rtirplane crews n-rep to support ans much as poscible the scientific cc)-7iorkura dizrinj~: the fliCht. 4) The airl,lane cre-as agrve to discuss wiy coiriplicated case, of meteuroloi,-ical conditions arising durin_1), tl-,(., fli~;ht, in the presence of V~o CO- wurkern of tl,.c Tbil:;IG,;.I. 5) Th,~ of the airi~ort a--,-(! to doliver lecturoi an jet; and piaton-CnGirt-2 pro,,wilt,d aircraft for the co-workers of the Tbil]UGMI. Card 2/2 GUNITA, S.U.; MMINADZI, V,P., otv.red.,* USMOVA, T.V., red., VOLKOV, N.V., takhn red,; BRATNINA, NJ., takhn.red. (Thunderstorm processes in Transcaucasia] Grozovye protsesey v uslOviis" Zskavkaz'ia. Uningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960, 155 P. (Transcaucasia--Thunderstorms) (MIRA 13%10) LOKIN"ZEI V.P., dotsent Introductory address. Tmdy TibiLHIGH1 no.9:6-7 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Thilisskiy nauchno-inBledovatellekiy gidrometeorologicheakiy Inatitut, (Caucasus---Glaciological reoeuxch-Congrevees) LEZHAVA,, G.P.; IMNADZEO V.P. Development of t7drometscrological servide and science In the 40 years of Soviet Goorgib. Trudy Thil. NIGM1 no.10s 3-9 162. (MIRA 16:3-1) 8/169/62/000/009/090/120 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Lominadze, V. P. TITLE: Relation between types of synoptic process and turbu- lence in the upper troposphere. over Transcaucasia PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika., no. 9, 1962, 70, ab- stract 9B427 (Tre Tbilis5k. n.-i. Sidrometeorol. in-ta, no. 10, 1962, 113-116) TEXT: The article considers the relation between turbulence of differing intensity in the upper troposphere and the main synoptic processes in Transcaucasia. It ie eBtablif3hed on'the basis of the aerosynoptic analysis of numerous flights in the upper troposphere above Transcaucasia that the frequency of aircraft bumping ia'maxi- mal during the Type I synoptic'procees and minimal during Type IV. Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation,_7 Card 1/1 PAPINASHVILI, X.I.; WMINADZE, V.P., red.; VAYTSMAN, A.I., red.; NIKOLAYEVA, G.S., tekhnr*d. (Atmospheric processes in Transcaucasia and their connec- tion with large-scale circulation processes above Eurasia] Atmosfernye protBessy v Zakavkazle i ikh s mftl.~o- toirkuliatsionnymi protsessami nad Leningrad, Cid- rometeoizdat, 1963. 183 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Eurasia--Atmosphere) (Ti-anscaucasia-Atmosphers) BELYAYEV, V.P.; BELTADZE, T.G.; LITOWUNKO, V.P.; LITVINOVA, V.D.; I~~IYWE PINUS, N.Z.; SOFIYEV, Ye., ,t M. ; S HUR, G. H. Some results of experimental investigations of atmospheric turbulence using radiosondes. Trudy TSAO no.54:,v-52 164. (MIRA 17:6) -ACCESSION NRt AT4038390 S/2789/64/000/054/0004/0052 AUTiORt Belyayev, Ve P.; Beltadze, To Go; Litovchenko, Vo Po; LitvLnova, Ve Do; Lominadzeo Vo Po; Pinus, He Zo; Sofiyev, Yeo Ho; Shur, Go No TITLE: Sotte results of experimental atudies of atmospheric tur-. bulence by means of radiosondes I SOURCE: Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya obnervatoriya. Trudy*, no. 54 1964. Atmosfernaya turbulentnost' (Atmospheric turbulence) 4-52 TOPIC TAGSt meteorology, atmospheric turbulence, radiosonde, air route turbulence ABSTRACT: A description is given of methods and equipment for measuring air turbulence over Moscow, Sukhumi (Caucasus), and Tashkent (Kazakhstan). One of the noozeworehy features of the method is the synchronization of measurements of air turbulence with Card ACCESSION NR: AT4038390 such parameters as air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind velocity and wind direction. Turbulence was meisured mostly by balloon-borne radiosondes with an A-22-III accelerometer attached. Sufficient data have been collected (457 radiosonde ascents in 1961-62) to determine a turbulence pastern over the aforementioned localities, Turbulence occurs with the highest frequency in the 1-2 km ground layer, it then decreases reaching a minimum at 6-7 km and then reaches a maximum again at 10-12 km. Data were analyzed to deter- mine other turbulence characteristics depending on location, season, altitude, etc. It was roted that turbulence generally depends on thermal and dynamic stri.tification in the atmosphere.and frequently occurs during pronounced vertical *ind and temperature gradients. i Two turbulent layers are frequently observed: one above the let stream and one below It* Turbulence is minimal on the jet stream levels It wav also observed that over Moscow and Sukhumi the turbulent layer seldom exceeds 200-400 m and only over Tashkent at 5-7 km is it ever.. more than 1000 m thick& The experimental work was carried out by the Central Asrological Observatory, Moscow. Also' Card--- 2. ACCESSION NR: AT4038390 cited are turbulence data for the United,States and data collected by E. A. Hyde (1954) for air routes from London to the Par East and back, and London to North Africa* OrLge art.* hast 12 tables, 20 figures, and 36 formulase ASSOCZATIONt none SUBMITTED: 00 DATi ACQ: IlJdn641 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: F-S NO REP SOVt 019 OTHERs 006 Card 3/3. 1 L, - 61701-65 j-',jT (I ),IF":"7 C'; ;042S5,10N UR: AP5G19430 LtR/0020/65/163/003/0631/0633 AtTr,'O~' -Lminadz _V. 11 Kh e T17"M Effect of mountain elevations on atmospheric hLmAdity SOURCE: AN SSSR, Doklady, v. 163, nc;. 3, 196.5, 631-633 TOPTC TAGS: atnG!ipheric humidity, relative huinidity, absolute humidity ABSTRACT: Mountain ele,iatlons and mounainous regions have a considerable effect an Chq 8tructur4 and properttee of the atmosphore above them. In patti.cular, Lite telative and ab5otuto humidity increasel In the af.rriotiphere over rnountains, the ~,,lr! d i t yiG ht~_-Jtcr than In the atrr)F;rhvre ovcr reighboring flatlands 3ilunted at (nf, rAl"itude. Data oil f-he vaPl)i- pr(_-~qure ovf-r and `1-11i]1~7,1, located in the Ceritrzil C;iuc-,stjs at a dt,_taricu of 2010 km, froin each ether' wt_-re ccmpjj:7"Cd for 01C monthr , ~fivn rhe vapor presc-ure is hlidhei;t rand its on-s ~lre appreciable. The data indicate that the higher vapor presrurp above mountainous regions Is due to greater evaporation fror,,i the forests, tteadowa, a now, and ice of theAe regions. A conacquonce of the riqv in bumidity is a lowering of the ccndenqAtLon Ievel and increase in the am-ount of precipitation of all types,i In addition, an increased humidity catiner, a greater absorption of long-wave Card 1/2 T 63791-65 ACCESSION NR: APSO"19430 radiation from the oun and earth, and explains the higher air temperature above -mountains.- Orig-art. has:- 2 tables. --ASSOC 1AT101h - MoskovekLy_go#udaratvennyy univeraltet-imi H.-Vi- Lomonosova 0joqc.c.V State UnivernAty) 66 C-64-- IT 00 SUBMITTEM Olbe E CL! SUB CODE: ES OTHERt 001 NO MT_ Cor~ woni 13 lv~ 'r ly 0 L 1807-66 F--L (1)/FG',' GW ATTTS-r~ON NR: . AT5022886 (IR/2789/65/Qrffl/043/01')9/0113 551-551-5 P. I ~f~jt e Gadakchan', Lominadze AUMOR: .112&4yp~y, TITLE: Some -results of comparing radiosonde and aircraft measurements of turbulence in the freb atmosphere ';OIJR(*F - .)Cx - Tsentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatorlya. Trn,ly, n~). 63, 1965. Vr,rrl,-Y~ dinamiki. ntynosrpr y (Problems of ntinospheric flynamir.'s), TOPIC TMO: atmosptertq~,.LiLr~u e -- 'free atmosphere, Fily-cr9ft bump, q1rernft inens- lirement, ra-11asonde measurenent ABSTRACT: Meas tirement s mad,! from n1rcrart of atmo9pheric turbulence are Compared with radiosonde meanurementt (wAth an overload attachment) to determine the vnluf~ of radiosonde data for predicting turbulent zones over air routes. To tent the method it was necessary to make experimental plane flights to mensure bumpiness Intensity over the same aea vith the radiosonde measurements. Analyses showed that the.,-,, were zones in wh'ich there was good agreement betweo~n data from the two sources, ine,,~Ing agreement concerning the thickness of the disturbing zone. However, In other cases It was found that altgotwh radiosonde and airplane dFAa simultaneously 06tLhct6d dis- Card 1. 1-12 L 1807-66 ACCESSION NR: AT502288 turbed zonesthe tvwo methods yielded different values for the thicknesi3 of the zone (either method cotad yield the higher value), Coo(i agreement was obtained in about 714% of the comparinons. Date from three series o,' tests In the Tbilisi region Indi- cate that there is a 75--85% probability that turbulence will occur or not occur over a period of 1 1/2 hr. Orig. art. ban: L figure and I table. (ER] ASSOClATION: Tsentrallnaya aerologleheskaya observatoriya (Central Aerological .qbservat0r7) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- ES :NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS:-V-// ;Card 2/2.(~ L EMM) /EPA (sp) -2/T/EEC(t) /EPA (w) -21EUA (m)2 Fv-6/Po-~/Pab-10/Pi-4 IJ_~(c) AT ACCESSION NR: AP5003252 8/0057/65/035/001/0154/0156 AUITIORi Domidenko,1.1,/ Loniino.N.S./ Padalka /Sin 1'nikov,K.D. TITLE., On possible development of instabilities in a plasma nartured by a trans- verse magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal-.tekhwicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.1, 1965, 154-156 TWIC TAGS: plasma, plasma instability, transverse magnetic field, longitudinal magnetic f ield AINITRACT: The deveiopment of instabilities in plasina bursts trapped by a trans- ve,-~se magnetic field and traveling parallel to it were investigated. The apparatu3 and the peculiarities of the capture and propagation of the plasma bursts have been previously described by four of the present authors (ZhTF *34,1183,1964). In the pre- sent experiments the plasma bursts passed through a 1.5 cm diameter circular aper- ture In a screen located 30 cm from the point of capture and were observed at vari- ous distances from the screen.with a "plasmascope". When the screen was of dielec- tric material, or when It was of metal but floating, a to.Vue o:nx rged from the more dense side of the plasma, grew, and rcached the wall of the chamber after the plas- Card 1/2 L 26966-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5003252 ,ma burst had traveled some 60 cm from the scroon.-This Instability is assumed to be of the Raylelgh-Taylor-type and due to -che rotation of the plasma, its inhomokene- ity, - and the- presence, within it of a not negativa charge. When the screen was of metal and grounded, the developmant of this inst,ibility was almost entirely svp- 'ressed_. Experiments were also-performed with a iicreen containing a 4 mm wide slot P _ of a ci-r6ular ilperturU-s In this-ease thy-inatability did not develop. The failure of flute Instability to devdlop in the plasma aheets that passed through --i-the slot Is discussed briefly. Orlg.art.has: 4 :figures* ASSOCIATION:--- Fizilso-tekhnicheskiy institut AN ukrS$RpKhar,lkov(Physicotechnical Institutp,'AN UkrSSR) 14 AugG4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE. ME SUBWMD., 'Elf b_KR REF SOV: 004 005 Card 2/2 L EPF(n)- /EPA(w)-2 ACq~,~_Md,g Y.R: AP5012046 JR/0057/65/035/00510823/C.826 AU~AIOR: Demidenko, I. X. _S.,~ adal V-0 _ALrsAgy_4~; ~~i OTAK~.D S _Mllnik_ TITLE: Investigption og some properties of a elasma aptured by-a.trnnsverse - ------- - -------------------- talc khniches)~Oy fiz,~ki, 54 1965, 023-826.-- -TOPIC_TA(O:, :magnetic-_-1Io1d4 injection ABSTRACT: The authors have previously t-Ound (ZhTF, 34, 43,'1964; DAN SSR, 157, 13350 i'964) that a portion of the plasma injected into a transverse magnetic feeld is captured by the field and moves parallel to it'. They have continued their in- ,cstigatibn of this phenomenon (which is not understood) with an apparatus simii,r*to that previously employed, but larger. In the present apparatus tho longitudinal magnetic field Is maintained in a 12 cm diameter, 300 cm long dr7ft tube; with the plasma transversely injected at the center of the drift tube, tho motion of the captured plasma could be followed for 120 cm. The polarization of t.-,,q captured plasma was obseried with probes. Alter a decrease of 20 to 50% in C_J 1/-2_ L 52020-65- i-ACCESSION XR-. AP5012046 the fi"t 80 or 40,cm, the polarizationdocressed only very slowly*with distance froia the injection point. The expected.drift of the captured plasma in the crossed fields (the electric field dud to polarization and,the applied magnetic field) was obsarved with the aid'of a i;otted plastic diaphragm and a "plasmanscope" (L.ItYelizarav and A.V.Zharinov, Nucl. Fos., Suppl., 2, 699, 1962). The effect of shorting out the plasma polarization with P- copper disk was investigated; this was found, in accord with the findings of D.A.Balcor. and J.F.Hammal (Phys. Rev. Letters, 1962), to Inhibit the transverse motion of the captured plasma. Orig. art. 8, 1570 has: 2 formulas and 3 figures. AS'~OCIATIOIT: Piziko-te%hnicheskiy institut AN S-Qc.;R,, - 1qiarl-kov (Phl2ico-technical Institiata, An SSM) ACC NR: -AUTHOB: Deraidenk-o, I. I. Loraino, ;i. S. Padal;,a, V. G. Safronov, nikov, K. D. -A- ORG: none all TITIY,: Possible occurrence of instabilities in a plasmia captured by a transverse magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 21-26 TOPI-C TAGS: -olasma containment, plasma instability, plasmoid, plasma injection ABSTRACT: This is a continua-tion of earlier inveGtigations of plasma captured Iby a transverse magnetic field (ZhTF, 1964, v. 34, 1183 and elsewhere). Although the con- ditions in the earlier invest igations wi.7;re such that no -instabilities could develop in the plasma, the authors show that such instabilities can develop after the plas- moid passes through a diaphragm -ahich in installed at a sufficJently large Iliatance from the point of injection of the plasma in the ma~-rnetic field. At the large din- tance from the injection point, the -olasmoid hao a -sufficiently large ratio of longi- tudinal enerCV to transverse energy, and an appreciable density gradient. The in- stability begins to develop in the region of raawimum plasma density, and the inhomo- geneity of the density over the cross section of the plasmoid stimulates 'the develop- ment of the instability. Arguments are presented in favor of classifying this as a Card 1/2 5. G. Sinel'- ACC NR: AT6020398 Rayleigh-Taylor type of instability which In the homogeneou7, magnetic f1eld as a result of plasma rotation. A z;imiiar infAabiIIJty was ob.-,ei-verl wher. the dilelec- tric diaphragm was replaced by a metallic bU4 untrounded diaphragm. *Mheri 'he metal- k, lic diaphragm was grounded, practically no instability developed. Certain qualitative~ explanations of the phenomena are presented. Orig. art. has: 4 figurer. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1lNov65/ ORIG 13EP: 005/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 /17-7 ACC 111. Apr,033412 SOURCE CODN: UR/0057/66/036/010JI779 86 AUTHOR: Domidonko, I.I.; Loraine, Y.B.; Padalka,V.G. !ORG: none TITLE: Charncteristics of the interaction of a fast plasna with a transverse magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1779-1786 TOPIC TAGS:-. plasma gun, plasma injection, plasma magnotic field, transverse magnetic field, magnetic trap ABSTRACT: The authors 1nvesti[-,,-.terj Llie entrapment of hydrogen plasma bursts from a 17.5 cm long 7.2 cm diameter coaxial plasma gun powered by the 15 kV discharge of a IS microfarad capacitor by a transverse magnetic field of strength up to 0.2 tosla. The plasmas travelled from the gun to the transverse magnetic field through an 80 cm long tube of glass or metal. The behavior of the plasmas was observed with both electric and magnetic probes and with 4 mm microwaves, and the composition of the plasma that traversed the magnetic field woo recorded with a parabola typo (Thompson) mass spectrometer. The plasmas frog the coaxial gun had two components: a fast component with a velocity of 7 x 10 rVsec and a relatively low density, and a slow componenf with a velocity of 1.5 x 105 m/sec and a density exceeding 7 x 1013 cm-3. The fast component was entrapped by very weak fields (0.01-0.02 tesla), and it is Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 ACC NRI AP6033412 concluded that it would be very difficult to inject these fast plasmas transversely into a magnetic trap because they would become entrapped In the fringe field. Klen the drift tube was of glass the slow plasmas were also rather rapidly entrapped and did not reach the r,3gion of strong nagnetic field. Mhen the drift tube was of metal, however, the slow plasma component tended to penetrate tho transverse magnetic field and could be entrapped in a region of high field strength. The difference betwea. the behaviors of the plasmas in the gliss and metal drift tubes is ascribed to short circuiting of the plasma polarization by the walls of tho motal drift tube and conse- quent deceleration of the plasma. It is concluded that --*or transverse injection of plasma into a magnetic trap one should select an injector that produces slow dense plasmas. The authors thank K.D.Sineltnikov and B.G.Safronov for vAluable disclissiono. Orig.art. has: 9 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 05Jul65 ORIG.REF: 009 UM REF: 002 2/2 I ACC. NR, AP6033417 SOURC'E COD'F.: UZI/0057/66)03,6/010/1819/1825 1AUT11OR: DemidenkoI.I.; Lomino,N.S.; Padalkn,V.G.; Rutkovich,B.K.; Sinel'nikov'K.D. ORG: none -TITIE: Investigation of the motion of a plasma burst in a nonuniform transverse magnetic field 10, 1966, 1819-1825 SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen plasma, plasma magnetic field, transverse magnetic field, norihomogeneous magnetic field, plasma injection ABSTRACT: *This paperbegins with a brief theoretical discussion in the drift approxi- mation of the adiabatic motion of a plasma in a nonuniform transverse magnetic field. It is shown that the plasma is decelerated on entering a region of high transverse 0 magnetic field strength and accelerated on leaving such n region, owing to the trans- formation of kinetic energy of forward motion into kinetic energy of rotation and vicel versa. If the magnetic'field becomes strong enough the plasma can be reflected. The it authors tested their theoretical conclusions by firing plasmas from a conical plasma gun through an 80 cm long 7 cm diameter drift tube across a transverse magnotic field Of up to 0.2Tproduced by a solenoid in a 12 cm diameter transverse tube. The magnetic field gradient was adjusted with the aid of soft iron shields within the plasma drift tube; these shields were covered with glass tubes to prevent the plasma from coming Card 1/2 UDC: 633.9 'ACC NR: AP6033417 in contact with them. The plasma gun war, powerud by tht-, 15 W dischnrge of a 15 microfarad capacitor and produced plasmas containing 7(ri. hydrogen ions with densities of about 1014 cm-3 and velocities of about 2,5 x 10 ;" ,/see. The theoretical linear relation between the square of the plasma velocity and the strength of the transverse magnetic field was confirmed by the experiments. Plasmas with densities as low as 1012 cm-3 were obtained with the aid of an iris mounted in the drift tube. These plasmas did not conform to the adiabatic theory, but were to a considerable f~ctent entrapped in the transverse magnetic field, particularly when the field gradient was high. It is concluded that low density hydrogen plasmas can be entrapped by a trans- verse magnetic field of considorablo strength. The outhGra thank B,G.Safronov and N.A.Xhizhuyak for valuable discussions. Orik. art. has: 10 formulas and 6 figures. SUB CODES 20 SUBM DATE: llOct65 ORIG.REF: 006 OTH REFS OG4 Sard 2/2 LOIAINSKIY, S.V. [Lardwki, S.V. I Some features of the effect of tho mechanical properties of sjIful.- containing steel cantings on the out-Ling speee b 50. Vestai All BSSR. Ser. fiz.--tekh. rmv. no.3~120-124 261. (MIRA 14:3.0) (Steel castings) (Metal cutting) Vohq S/250/62/006/006/005/006 1003/1203! AUVIOR Loriinakly, %OJ.V. 12 IT T,'F. A new motho~,_O_f onlanno 4 ng the machinability of steel 0 n 3 t ings PERIODICAL: Akadomiya navik Beloru5skoy SSR. Doklady., V.6,, z1o.6, 19620 366-369 TEXT: The possibility was investigated of enhancing the r1achlinabl- 11tv of stoel castings by addition of Na2SOV Na2S2-,51 Rnd their mix'tures to the inolten steel before pouring it Into molds. in order to clarify the influence of the sulfur introduced in other forms and to check the as-imption tILqt sodiuin alone might exert any bene- ficial Influonco,, ~r-ick sulfur,, FeS, and '4'aOC03 were added to molt- on stool. Tho nddiLian of Naq,3,10 to the molten steel resulted in 'improved machinnbility, whIle OM of stick sulfur and FeS exerted such In.fluenco to a conalderably lesser extent,, and the addition of 1--a'CO showed no significant effects. The raechanism by which these L~ 3 Card 1/2 S/25 6-0/006/006/005/006 1003Y1203 A now method of. enhnne inr,.. additions influence the mchinability Is described. There are 2 figuros. ASSOCIATION: In3titut mashinovedeniya i autornatizatsil All BSSR 6-1 tra( 115 SUBMITTED: October 17, 1961 ol %.lard 2/2 LOMINSKIY, S.V. Chexica,11 admixtures improve the ma-h' ability of metals. w - In I Mashinvatroitell no.2932-33 F 165. (MA 1813) LOMTYAj N. Ya. PolUnation sqlqc,~ivj,.y in lemon. Agrobiclog.'a 5-7a96-791 50 961. (MjRA 171l1;' 1. Sukhumakaya opytnaya stantaiya subtrapicheakikh kulltur Vseso,7uz- nogo nauchno-isslodavateliskogo instituta rasteniysvodstvajI.-,-'Herad. LCIMIYA, N.Ya. Seed progeny of lemon developed by remote hybridization. Agrobiologiia no.6:844-848 N--D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Sukhuiiiskaya opytnaya stantsiya subtropicheskildi kulltur, g. Gullripshi. LOMIYA, N.Ya. Pollination fielectivit3r of lemon. Agrobiologila no.4; 624-625 J:L-Ag 161, (MIRA 14:7) I* Sukhumakayu optuaya stantsiya Vaesoyuznogo institute, raeteniyevodstva, (Lemon) (Fertilization of' plants) LORIYA, N.Ya. Effect of the pollen parent on the sexual and numellar y-Tcgeny of the lemon. Agrobiologila no.6:912-914 11-D ?61. OCRA 15:2) 1. Sukhumskaya opytnaya stantsiya subtropicheskikh kulltur. (Lemon breeding) of phu,iphollil w aud L. Sltll.jjj;~ Zivr. 0, 117-2-; J. 6, Ch,m. 25, 101- J( tran -1,16oill, cf. C A - 47, M V, 114011 ,m( 8 (ti. 1.701~ %-.as 'If U:c tat-it vilip, v~ncfiing 45"; Jor I fit. ~Ijrring thc illint. wci dild, ivith V(,O, wl,r-l 5-tefifityr, dFaCK1.). with Itq. N.1011" 6 R. p ll(IL"11.01,01: (1), b, 1:3 S'. Oi;~ 1.;; 05, or, 11)41'1~~61AUOJI over I'd ga%,: tilt! P-110C,11,- Clli(31,013fe~, b.- 1211, *0', IlV taUL-11. k1f L With Nj~ '~O ill 111'," .,Off R.I%C tt,V Jtljf~,~Xy 113-15" /IV 1.5'A - M. d o, 11-97T;. U, with C1Cjj!COji Ill 10'1~~, NaWl F;ivt: Cll(*1l~C,1f,- 001:(0,11-p. m. 711 7". O%0%1i(-%i if 11 witit KNNO, g;LV(: .11111 Nli,CO. I wji follut-1 Ili 15 ill, yiuhl ~Owsi the r,;,cuitsti mr. ,t4ig:d ', las. It ttpj. md ill IsIr. at 10 G, iii thu pr,v:lw~- 4 .,Cid trumt