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LOGVINMO, V. N. Cand Biol Sci. -- (diss) "I" Cicadellidae
~Jassidae) of the Steppeland Forest-Steppc~of'Left-Bank Ukraine."
Kiev, 1957. 16~pp 20 cm. (Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR,
Ins~~t of Zoology), 100 copies (KL, 17-57, 96)
- 22 -
New data on tho~ fauna of IA&f-hoppm?o (JaRAjdae) of thm Dnimper
left-bnnk area of th- Ul-rainm. Dop. AN URSR no.2:200-202 '57.
( MURA 10:5)
1. Institut zoolngii All URSR. Predstaviv ak&demik AN URSR
V.G. Kaslyanenko.
,,(tTk-r&lne---Lsjaf hoppmrs)
USSR/Granaral ana Special Zoology. insects. P
Systematics and Faunistics.
Abs Zour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 209 19587 92065
Author Lo&YiE!qnko q V, 11,
Inst :-Mtltu'cu~~ logy, AS Ukrainian SSR.
Title I The Cicada Fauna (Jassidae) in the Left
Bank Ukraine.
Orig Pub :Tr, in-tu zool. AN USSR, 1957, 149 57--f4
Abstract :A survey of the fauna material (about 54,000
species) collected during the period of 1953-
1956 by the auhtor and by the coworkers in
the Department of Entomology of Kharkov Uni-
versity during the period of 1950-1953. Al-
together, 199 varictius of cicados were found.
Sixty of them now to Ukrainian SSR anc! 20 new
Card 1/2
6-V i /V -E A) i~ 0V
30 (1)
S071/21 27/27
AUTHOR2 Lchiinenk9~,
TITLE: New Data on the Transcarpathian Cicadinae Fauna
PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 191:'9, Nr 6,
pp 686 -- 68-) (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article names a series of dendrophilic Cicadinae found
by the author in the Transcarpathian region during an ex-
ploration in June - Sep 1.957- Some of them were new for the
fauna of the Transcarl-tthian region, but used to be known
for other regions of the Ukraine. Seven species, viz.
Idiocerus fulgidus F, Idiocerus tremulae Est, Typhlocyba
douglasi Edw., Typhlocyba frustator Edw., Typhlocyba
avellanae Edw., Eurhadina lowi Then and Erythrcneura
uncinata Rib. used to be known for other parts of tht USSR
and other European countries, but had been iinknown for thm
fauna of the Ukraine. Three species, Typhlociba frustator
Edw., Typhlocyba avellariae Edw. and Eurhadina lowi Then
Card 1/2 are also new for the fauna of the USSR.
New Data on the Transcarpathian Cicadinae Fauna
There are 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 German,
1 French and 1 Czech
ASSOCIATION: Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Zoology of the
PRESENTED: By V. H. Kaslyanenko, (V.G. Kaslyanenko) Member, AS UkrSSR
SUBMITTED: January 28, 1959
Card 2/2
-j ( -~ ) li r".11~ 1 -r- '1- -24
AUTHOR: ToCvyrienko, 11. M (Logvinenko, V. ff.)
TTTTE-. Data on Vie 'tul~zdy 7f -;- - '-n' -,
e . endlropM " -c (Ii,.,; J inr,. 'r'n A,.a
of '7--e rr-ranscnrrjE_thian T~ e ~-i on
TlFRTCDTCAT.: T)OT)O~,j,7 4 TT TTr 7
Akademi-i I-,Ruk kr--inq'l:o_J, . ?
pp Pr)fN f'or 17!. -_Q 1
A~ISTRACT: A.-. a result of 1hr, study of t- r. n dr opl- i I t c.
TTOMO ptera -Oicalina f-.mv. of t*:(--
-11SI _7 -,e- -'-t~:!
regarding the -Tf-ci-c compo~~ition, t*e -nutri-l ~n
[,--~Oi~rvpllical occiirelice -,-)f 97 s ecies
t-les of nicndirr.,i inImIllinr trec. Pn' sl,rcib
on V.. t (,r of
Pata ;~ r-(., pre,- 1u
denl-lrop'lilic fa,,ma amoll'i,"' Vll~rlol_ls treo Pn6 sl~-ut s -e-
ci,,s r1e, endinc -)f 'll'ie food rnpcinli7--tin_ii of 1'icr-
,lina. T,-,erp, f-re Plso certpln OAta concerni--ij- t~-e n7lm-
hers of sev,~r,-l formst1neir p'nenoloi-y etc. 1-7re~,t
portion of -;,-' e s7-;ecir-l- mentioned rre f c r "I 1~
_04--at ~iEe 4n fmina. re
Ioviet re-fererces
,7ny/'7 1 -rO-7-24/25
Data on tre Study of the Pendrophilic r-7icadina Pauna of the
Transcarpathian Region
ASSOCIATION: Tp-stitut zoolocii ~" UkrPO? (Tnstitute of Zoology A73
TJkr 39R)
PRESENTED: V.H. Kasoyanerko, "ember A'~ Ukr'-~'T~
SUBMITTED: January 29, 1959
Card 212
IOGVIIMIKO, T.N. [lohvjrnanko, Y.M.]
Cicadas of the genus Mocuallus Rib. (Homoptera, Cicadina) in the
Ukraine. Dop.AN URSR no.5:663-666 ,6o. (MIRA 13!7)
1. Institut soologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR
A.P.Markevichem (O.P.Markevycheml.
LOGVINENKO# V.N. [Lohvynenkot V.M.1
Now and little knovn peeieo of leaf hopper of t3e genus Doratura
(Auohanorrhyncha, Jaa:idae). Dop.AH UHSR no.W.38-241 161.
(MIM 14:2)
1. Inatitut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR A.P.
(Ukraine-Leaf hoppero)
~LOGVINENKOj V*N....f hvynenkop VeMe.]
New species of leak hoppers of the genus Jassargus (Auchenorrh7nchaj
Jassidae) from the eastern steppe of the Ukraine (with summary in
English]. Dop.AN URSR no*3z375-378 161. (MA 14:3)
le Institut zologii AN USSR, Predstavleno akademikom All USSR
A.P.Markevichem (Markevych, O.P.I.
(Ukraine-Leaf hoppers)
Ik)GVIIWKO . V.N. [Lohvynenko., V.M. I
A nev cicada species of the genus Stenometopiellun Hpt. (Homopteraj,
Auchanorrhyncha) from the southern Ukraine. Dop. AN URSR no.l:.119-121
162, 04IHA 15:2)
1. Institut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akad-9mikom AN USSR
A.P.Markevichem [Markevych, O.P.]
(Black Sea preserve-Cidada)
Ecology of Auchenorrbyncha in the Black Sea-Sivash steppe. Vop.
ekol. 707-98 162. (MIRk 1615)
1. Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
(Black Sea region-Auchenorrhyncha)
LOGUNRIKO, V.11. [Lohvynenko., V.I,'.]
Ecologic &nd5uuxUtIezwvImw and the local distribution of cica-
daj3 (Homoptera - Auchonorrhyncha) in the Ukrai.,iian part of the
Carpathians. Pvat:A Inat. zool. AU UI.Si~ i/:Y~-50 '(A.-
New species of the cicadw, ol' thj(prius Psarmot--LLix (Homonteral
Jassidae) from Solonchaks of Lhe southern Ukraine. 51-5~
(IIJJ~A 16:11)
LOGVINEKKO, V.N. [Lohvyntnko, V.M.]
qare and little-known spqcies of .40ichinarrhyncha(HomoptAra) in the
9k,cains. Zbir. prats' Zool.muz. AN LRt.SR no.3D82-88 162. (KIRA 17.'-2)
LOGIJiNIENKIT V.tl- fiolivy-nenIkop V.m.]
- z - - rn
F -.. C: I -) - I ': ane, faljr.!~t,.e reviv", 1', "Llchfmorrh.'' ci~a (,f Ukra-Inlin
-,C.1", 2N73-T) I r" 4.
. I 1 .1,1 .pyatsl Inst. z (MIRA 1814)
.-LOWD&NKOP V.N. (Lohvynenko, V.M.]
New npecies of leafhopperB frou the Crimea. Dop. All URSR
no.11:1526-1530 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR.
M--jlf led method. of dararmU.Ing 1j-; with the help uf ~~indiija
t:-opicalls SK-1+ yeas-t. PriiI. bioktJ-m. i ml.kmbiol. --' nc.4:,.52..
460 JI--Ag 165., (MI.;ZA 3.8! 1,1)
1. Kafedra mikrobiolagii g,:;sud&rstv6n:-,o-"o unJversitE?-,,~
imen--' Ivana Frankc.
Observing the potentials of a natural electric field with
simultaneous watering of grounding holes. Uch. zRp. IGU no.2?8:
160-163 159. (MIRA 13:2)
Mectric prospecting)
Now bunker. Hashinostroitell no.8t29 Ag 162. (KRA 15:8)
Usirg comprossed air for pumpirg over tne rlrmissc. Pash, tell no.4:
0 -
f --
Mv 165. -aA 18;5)
LOGVIR sistant.
Zffect of X rays on the skln of dogs. Sbor.trud.Zhari.yet.inst.
20:2oo-2o6 149. (MLBA 9:11)
(X rays-Physiological effect) (Dogs) (Skin)
Using norsulfazole In postnatal corTlications in rrares.
Konevodstvo 23 no, 2, 1953
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, KM - 1953, Uncl.
WSR/AVdcine Veterinary FD-1317
Card 1/1 Pub 137-17/22
Author Logovinov, D. D.,, Docent
Title : Brief novocain blockade of nerves of the mammary gland in cases of
acute mastitis
Periodical : Yeterinariya, 9, 50-52, Sep 1954
Abstract : Brief novocain blockade of the nerves of udder is a highly effective
method of treatment of mastitis during its early stages. Results of
observations of 53 cows revealed that novocain by its mild action im-
proves the functional condition of nerves. This type of treatment is
ineffective after pyogenic infection or thrombosis has developed; res-
toration of glandular tissue becomes impossible under such conditions.
Institution Kharkov Veterinary Institute
USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Pathology of Reproductions. R-5
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, 64693
Author : _1!2Uinov, D.D.; Yurko) APD,
Inst : Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental
Veterinary Medicines
Title : Prompt Removal of the Placenta in Cows as a Measure for
Preventing Metritis,
Orig Pub : Vyul. nauchno-teldin, inforLi* Ukra no-is, in-t eksparin,
voterinarii, 1957, No 3, 3-6.
Abstraut : In case of the ineffectiveness of the conservative methoda
of treatment, the suthors rocormand to resort to the opera-
tive removal of the placenta within the period between 12
to 16 hours, and not later than 24 hours, after parturition.
Follawing the removal of the placenta, it is not advisable
to irrigate the uterus Nrith disinfecting aqueous solutions@
Card 1/2
32 -
USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Discaseu Caused by Bacteria R-2
and Fungi.
Ab5 Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, 64619
Author : Logvinov, D.D.; Yurko, A.D*
Tnst : Mcrainian Scientific Reaearch Inatitute of Experimental
Veterinary Medicine.
Title : Treatment of Infectious Vestibulitis of Cows.
Orig Pub : 'Byal. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t eksperim.
vaterinarii, 1957, No 3, 7-8.
Abstract : In a widespread industrial experiment, a 40% solution of
ichtyol with the addition of 10% of onion or garlic juice
was used with positive results in the treatment of infec-
tious vestibulitis in cows. The ichtyolphytoncide solu-
tion was applied by means of, an impregnated tampon, daily,
for 4 to 8 days, until cure was achieved.
Card 1/1
USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - General Problem R-1
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10) 1958, 45364
^1nov. D
Author : LOP D., Yurko, A.D., Nmachkin, S.P., Miloradovich,
Inst : Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental
Veterinary Medicine.
Title : On the Surgical Treatment of the Acquired Constriction of
the Teat Canal.
Orig Pub : Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. bla-. n-i. in-t eksperim.
voterinarii, 1957, 1-10 3, 9-10.
Abstract : No abstract.
Card 1/1
USSR/Frrri Snell Hornc~ Crttlc Q-3
A: Jour : Rof Zhur - Bicl., No 11, 1958, No 50025
Author : Gurovr Yo.I.
InA j Ukrrini~-n Scientific Rororrch In--titutc of ExPcrir,cntrl
Vatorinrry Sciences.
Title I The Forsibility of Utilizing S-tur-tc,'. Ra-i~uc:: for Foddor
Enricir-cnt of Cnlciw- Mincr-1r.
Orig Pub t Byul. n.-uchno-tokhn. infor.-. Mcr. n.-1. in-t ck~pcri7'm.
vatcrinTrii, 1957, 140 3, 14-16
Abstr-ct Scturrtcd rc~~idcu (SR) (rcriduo of -uCrr production) ccnfirt,-
of (in percent); 38-51 of wrtcr, 89.67 of c:-rbon dioxide Cc,
md 0.557 (dry subrtrnce) of P 0 -r- sioll rs of 4 nC. per-
ccnt of Nr -n4 14 pcrccnt oi Rr' .' When ymmE. crttL; vrcr,;
ftd SR in darrEce of 500 gr ror hord daily for r period of
24 arys, the hoclth of tho rn17:V1c did not chow my viCn, of
bcin_r k:prirod. When SR is -d--Ani~tnrod in dorngcs of 100-
190 -r per 100 ~r of livc wciZhtj it does not rroducc rny
tc7i~ effects.
Ocrd 1/1
LOGVINOV,,~ '.,dotsent', GUROVA, Ye. I.. nauchny notrudaik; LEVAIJIDOVA,
N st. laborant
Lime mud as mineral supplement and buffer in ensiling corn.
Vaterinariia 35 no. 7:7~-80 Jl '58. (KIM 11:7)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-tooledovatellskiy inatitut eksoerimentallnoy
(Sugar manufacture--By oroducts)
(Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs)
LOGUE"014, Dri.,itriy Donisovich; VUMEJINA, G.I., red.
(Veterirar-i obstetrics and gynecolrgy] I.7C-erinarmce a'--L,-
sherstvo i ginekologiia. Kiev, lzd-vo "Urozhaip" 1964.
436 P. (KLA 17: F)
LCPjVING'V, D.D., dots--nt
Compound therapy o,,' r. - ` ti s. V,3tf-%rinariia 41 no.9.-87-88 S 164.
(M-TRIA 1834)
7.~Icuvator fcr r--n
neft., i nefteu.rai.
Determination of basal meatabolism and the function of the lungs with
the AOOZ-M apparatus. Kaz.med.zhur. no.4:94-96 Jl-Ag 1621.
(MIRA 15:8)
1. Klinika gospitallnoy terapli No.1 (zav. - prof. A.G.TereFulov)
Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituts, i Samostoyatellnoye konstruktorsko-
tekhnologicheskoye byuro po proyektirovaniyu meditsinakikh i fizio-
logicheskikh priborov (nachallnik - I.M.Shpakov).
ACC NRt AP6006347 SOURCE CODE:--.--~-RIO-4iS/66/060/002./'0070/0071'
INVENTOR: us'm ou-'ev O'kY
Peretyagina "'Tsarevs'kiy.._._Y
T. N.; Piats
ORG: none
TITLEt A spirometabolo,&rap.h. Class 30g No. 178027
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki,
no. 2, 1966, 70-71
TOPIC TAGSt spirometabolograph, human physiology, human respiration,
human metabolism
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a spirometabolo-
graph consisting of a dry cavity sensor, absorber, valve housing,
mouthpiece, and a system of tubes. To reduce dead space and to
mIaintain the physiological conditions for respiration of the subject.
a stopcock has been situated between the inhale and exhale valves and
between the absorber and dry cavity sensor. A variation of the above
can purify the breathing system by virtue of a bellows connected to
the dry cavity sensor which Is mounted by means of screws on a
stationary lid. The bellows has a movable cover which can be dis-
connected from the recording mechanism. A third variation is designed
Card 1/2
UDCi 616.24-073.173-7
L 17020-66
Fig. 1. Spirometabolograph
I - Stopcock; 2 - inhale valve; 3 - exhale
valve; 4 - absorber; 5 - bellows con-
nected to the dry cavity sensor; 6 - sta-
tionary lid; 7 - movable lid; 8 - spool;
9 cable of the balancing mechanism;
10 weight; 11 - cam with adjustable arm
to increase the accuracy of the investigation: A spool is attached
to the movable bellows cover. A cab16 is attached to the spool which
leads to a balancing mechanism consisting of a weight connected to a
cam with an adjustable arm (see Fig. 1). OrLg. arb. has: I figure. JCDJ
SUB CODEs 06/ SUBH DATE: 08Sep64/ ATD PRESS:4/2-o7
Card 2 12 )7) c
LOGVINOVp I.I. (Moskva)
Teaching physics in schools vith Industrial training in
mathematical specialties. Fiz. v shkolo 23 no.5:46-50
S-0 163. (WRA 17: 1)
Effect, of a cement ring on the capacity of casing strings
to resist collapsing loads. Neft. khoz. 42 no.6:19-24 Je 164.
(MIRA 17:8)
"The Basic Organization of the Forest Eco,-~omy In the Pi-e-Fir Plantim-s of a
Pine-Whortleberry Type of Forest in -eningrariskaya Oblast.n Cand AFr Sci, Leningrad
Order of -enin Forestry EngineerIng Acad imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1954.
(KLj' No 3, Jan 55)
Survey of Scientific and Technical. Dissertations Defended at USSR HiFher Educati-nal
Institutions (13)
SO: Sum. No. 598, 29 Jul 55
"Brief Couree of L~mamic !.:eteorolopy." Thesis for degree of Cand. !hysicomathematical
Sci. Sub 31 May 49, Centr&l Inst. of Weatl.ur Foreciistinj%
SO Stwunary 82, 18 Dec 52, Lis.-~ertatlons Presented for Eef-ref s In Scicnee and ~,rj-lnecrir..g
in ~bsccw in 1942. From Vechernvaya Mos~y~ Jan-Lee 1949.
PHASE I Treasure Island Bibliographic Report
BWK Call No..- QC861,IS
Author: LOGVINOV. K.T. Ur 8 7
,-AM Titfi-:--Df~Ai:ffC--iCTFCHOIDGY, 3rd edition
'Transliterated Title: DinAmicheskays, Yisteorologiya
Publishing Data
Originating Agency: None
Publishing House: Hydromateorological Publishing House (Gimiz)
Date: 1952 No. pp.: 21+8 No. copies: 31000
Editorial Staff
Editor: Monin., A.S, Technical Editor: None
Editgr-in-Chief: None Appraisers: None
vw*ws: The author expresses grateful acknowledgement to Prof* A.F. D~rubyuk
and Bach. of Sci. N.A. Bagrov for helping him in his vork.
Text Data
Coverage: A concise exposition of fundamental questions in dynamic meteorology.
Emphasis is given to the explanation of physical conceptions of mathe-
matical furmulae. Certain achievements in contemporary dynamical
meteorology are presented,
Purpose: A textbook for students of courseo Intended to improve the qualifications
of synoptic specialists. The author suggests its use in weather bureaus.
Facilities: Courses in synoptic meteorology in Novosibirsk and in Khar'kDv.
No. Russian and Slavic References: 28
Available: Library of Congress.
LOGT! TN0 11. T.
Strerwthenint, of the Orp-ans olf" the ','eather-Forecasti-m- Service, "he ',~Dst
Imr,ortant Y-roblem of the Eydrnmeteorolo-ical -eteorol. i ~Idrolorfya,
No 3, 1953, pp 7-10
Measures taken by the 'Main Administration of the Eydr,-)meteorolo---Ical
Sex-iice since 1953: the creation of weather bureaus in a2l oblast a"Minis-
trations of the Main Administration o-4' "lie Fydrometeorolo~,ical Service,
the compilation by them of weather forecasts into nat-rnl synoptic ranc`
hydroloFical periods, the inclusion into tLe co~rii)ositlon of the weather
bureaus of communication units (uzly svyazt), the introduction of new
five-noint ihde-.-Lbv of the synoptic stations of the USSR. (RZhGeol,
No 5,'1954) U
SO: Stun. No. 568, 6 Jul 55
ODynamic meteorology.* K.T. Logvinov. Reviewed by I.P. Smirnov. Izv.AN
SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.3:275-276 V~7-Je '53. (MT.R.% 6:6)
(Meteorology) (Logvinov, K.T.)
IF, AAP, L A-1-1 D AY - + -j-,bl, --- v c -, '7 J, -, t7 -f, JV-L /'
4 T/ - 6 Y,/ - 5-1 ) ~2 3 kj,j,~- -53
IOOGVINOY, K.T. [author]; MaCOX, G.I. [reviewer].
ODYnamic mateorology.0 r.T.Logvinov. Reviewed by G.Lgarchuk. So7.kaiga
n0.8:8-9 Ag 133. (Kateorology) (Logvinov. I.T.) (MLEtA 6:8)
gidrol. n~i.6:6',-65
A ("N- I, j ~ , ,
V 6 -
'i 'V 1-1
Lo-vinov, K- T-, 7"Q -12 - 1)/ 1,
TITLE: On "he Sessions of tl.".; fcr Ar-' r--Gjg.1 and ('f
mit~ce for Devices -...Id Oljscrv .i,.n .:eLhoc.G cf the -ticrid
lo,~ical Or.~~niz-.It.icii 10 -.o 'Qroloj~ii i 1, t,
po priborat., i metuda..;
organizatsii) n----'jl,ud-n-1i, V~.cL,irioi
PERIODICALt Meteorolugij'a i 1957, .'r 12, pd. 56-58 (USLM)
ABSTRACT. The above-i;,untionef- con.~cruiico too',. placc in Pari-'j darill'~4 1,71C
time cf fro:a June 10, -i) to Jil; 6, 1957.
The dele-ation of th;- U55R haa Giv(.n, a re,.,Ort on th, pro--ra.-.. of t'.
viorko in thu roo'...-et ilivestie"Itions, which -a- in vit;';; i.1 thc So-
vict Union for thu ti%iu cf th,.; "International -jeophysical
-,verj intro~luction of ra~iou~.--
In consideratiurl to the fuct that L
tive ruclei into thu zLt:..o:;,jhere rQ:)rc-z;-:mta u great dan,~er to 'h,!
population, t.-iu Sovict del(.~',ation de:..c,.strated t'-ic-ir objuctic;i',
the artificail distribution of radioactive n.4clei for the
of inveati_-ution of ati-,o.;phuric ;;iotiom.
The main view of th,,, confi.-rinct; of th,; co;:t.iittee f('r devic-~.; Z'ntl
ob3arvation metlic~- waa dLVO',,.!d to the rei.orts ot, deviceri 'tnd r):"..-
ration met ods of the Lietuorolo.,ic-il objervations, *u~in, used t
Card 1/-k the itation net work or variou3 ccantries of thu world.
4TITHOR; Logvinov, K,. T;
TITLE- Conference on the HydrometeorolOKical and Agrometeorolorical
Service in the Cotton Culture (Soveshchaniye po gidrometeoro-
logicheskomu i agrometeorologicheskamu obsluzhivaniyu. khlopko-
PERIODICALs Meteorolo6iya i gldrologiyn, 1958, I'Tr 11, pp 67-68 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the time from June 18 to 20, 1958, the United Inter-
republic Conference dealing with the tonic mentioned in the
title was held in Tashkent, Among those attenlinf, the confererre
vere reseerc;here of the Hydrometeorological Service (UGMS)
and of the Ministries of Agriculture of the cotton-prowini-
Republics, representatives of the GUGMS - Glavnoye upravleniye
gidrometeosluzhby (Main Administrr-tion of the Hydrometeoro-
logical Service), of the Tsentral',nyy institut prognozo-i
(Central Forecastinl- Institute), of the Akademiya nauk of the
Uzbekskaya SSR (Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR), of the
Uzbekskaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (Uzbek
Academy of Agricultural Sciences), of the Sredneaziatskiy
nauctino-issledovatellskiy gidrometeorolof-icheskiy institut
Card 1/3 ((Soviet) Centrnl-Asintic Scientific Hydrometeorologienl
Conference on the Hydrometeorological and Agro- SOV/50-56-11-22,125
..eteorological Service in the Cotton Culture
Research Institute (SA MIMI)) and other institutes, Lectures
were held by the representatives of the UGMS of Uzbek,
Tadzhik, Kirgiz, and Kazakh SSR, by the representative of the
Minister of Agriculture of the Uzbek SSR and the topics
were discussed. Thanks to considerable successes achieved,
the USSR today ranks first with respect to the returns and
as one of the first with respect to the total crop of cotton,
The offices of the UGMS adopted a number of measures to meet
the growing requirements placed by the cotton planters, Also
the deficiencies in this work were Dointed out,; the insuf-
ficient number of meteorological stations in the agricultural
enterprises and the bad supply of existine stations with
equipment and toole by the GUGMS, Hydrometeorological offices
are to be set tip in several cotton-growing areas- Executive
,~,enterpj were the target of much criticism because of their
way of giving forecasts and warnings. The works concerning
the defolopmont And improvement of the forecasting methods
are lagging far behind the practical requiremente-The
Academies of Science& of certain SSR do not bother about
Card 2/3 6uch problems at all SA NIGMI has still not become an
rlonference cn the H7drometeorolowgical and A,7r~- S-VVj/'5C-58-'1-22!2a
meteorological Ser7ice in the C-:~tton Cul,:ure
efficient andmethodical center for the service mentioned in
the title. All UGMS (with the exception of the Uzbek SSR) are
gl'--Aa -7ith 4he gerieral application of the observntions
made in several years, which are therefore little mRde use of
in practice The work done to propagandize and to popularize
techn�que2 among agricultural workers was sharply criticized.
The attention of officials of the 'Ainistr 4r_a of Agriculture
was dzawn to the weak control and insufficient considerntion
of agrometeoro'Logica! and hydrological factors in agricultural
practice. In a decision adopted unanimously measures were
recommended for improving the service under disclission and
to eliffiins.Te deficiencies, The WAS of the Uzbek SSR played
art important part ir the o-,~ganization work required for the
preparation and convention of the Conference.
Card 3/3
LOGVINOV,__~.T,_, kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; HDANOVA, L.P., red.;
F]2!&TfKAYA, L.L., red.; ZARKH, I.M., tekhn. red.
[Faterials of conferences dealing with the results of the
International Geophysical Year (1960) and the meteoro-
logical exploration of Antarctica (1959)] Materialy kon-
ferentsii po itogam MGG (1960) 1 meteorologicheskogo izu-
cheniia AAtarktidy (1959). Pod red. K.T.Logvinova. 14o-
skva, Gidrometeoroizdat (otdelenie), 1961. 363
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeoro-
logicheskoy sluzbby.
(International Geophysical Year.. 1957-1958)
(Antarctic regions--4-leteoralogy)
Third session of the Commission of Aerology of the World
Meteorological Organization. Meteor. i gidrol. no.2:69-71
F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
Fourth Congrvrp -- thf~ Wcrld,
Me-truor. i gi3rol. no.10. ~47--rli 016-1-0 (MIRA l6ill)
1. Glavnoye upravlenilye g-idr-),nf~teorologicheskoy sluzhby.
Differential land rent and problems of equalizing econonoc
conditions for raising collective-farm profits. Vop. ekon.
no.31118-125 Mr 162. (MA 15;3)
(Rent (Economic theory))
LOGVINOV. L. (Saratov); VARZIN, N. (Saratov); KASHIN, V. (Saratov)
Economic role of the socialist state during the large-scale
building of communism. Vop. ekon. no.8:154-160 Ag 63.
(HIRA 160)
(Communist state) (Economic policy)
U.S., tekhn. red. -
[Differential land rent and collective farm economics)
Differentsial Inaia renta i ekonomika kolkhozov. Mo-
skva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 201 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Rent (Economic theory))
(Collective farms)
Small-size unit for the induction heating of rolls before placing
in the rolling mill stand. Metallurg 9 no.503-34 Mq 164.
(FJRA 11:8)
1. Starshiy master tonkolistovogo stana Ashinskogo metallurgi-
cheskogo zavoda.
s.N.- wiEY'-:V, G.Cj MFRKULDVA, R.M.; FYBIN, O.N.--
LOrjVjNOV Lam*, "-11TTRIBY V.V.; MAPOV, V.P.
Efficient rolling conditions wnd the Introduction of strafn
gauges for controlling metal pressure on rolls. Biul. tekh.-
ekon. inform. Gos. nauoh.-issl. inst. nauch. I tekh. inferm.
17 no.120-9 D 164. (WIRA 18-3)
Small-size unit for the imiuction heating of rolls before
placing in the rolling mill atand~ Metallurg 9 no.5:33-34
My 164o (MIRA 17:8)
1. Starshiy master tonkoli8tovogo stana Ashinskogo metallurgi-
cheskogo zavoda.
RANNEV, G."'.; VY"OKiTiSKI-Y, 3.11., MrRE!,11,07A, L001NIC)"J', L.M.;
Using continuous operat.ing dynomorriet,.,ri an :-,tr'-'p Pulln.
Mletallurg 10 no.-'-.-25-2"1 1,'-,5. (MIDA
1. Nauchno-issledovatell'skiy Institut mt.-tallurf-,4-4 - Ash`r,~:,ktv
metallurgicheskiy zavrid.
YEFIMENKO, T.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;. LOGVINOV, M.. red.; WKASIII-
VICH, V., tekhn. red.
[Handbook for the tractor operator) 3pravochnik traktorista. Pod
red.T.A.Efimenko. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 351 P.
(MIRA 11,.12)
(Tractors-Handbooks, manuals, etc.)
ULIYANOV, Aleksey ledorovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; KOBA, Viktor
Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; L0GVII~IPL-FL.,_ped.; MOVA,11. ,
red.; LUKASIXVICH, V., tekhn. red.
[Overall rechanization of livestock farms) Kompleksnaia rekha-
nizatsiia v zhivotnovodstve. Saratovp Saratovskoe knizhnoe
izd-vo, 1961. 261 p. (Farm mechanization) (MIRA 15:4)
Improved technological layout for the production of lubricating
oils, paraffin, and cereein from sulfur-bearing Romashkino-tTpe
crudes. Trudy Groz11II no.4:163-166 159. (MIRA 12:9)
(Petroleum--Refining) (Petroleum products)
LOG111NOV, N. G., Card Tech Sci -- (diss) "Non-stationary Processes in
Mine Air Networks and Ways of Improving Effectiveness and SAfety in Utilizing
Pneumatic Devices)" StaUlno, 1960, 21 pp, 240 copies (Novocherkassk Polytechnical
Insitute im S. Ordzhonikidze) (KL, 48/60, 114)
S . 0. ; 3 F, Mc ',t1 1; 1 M. la
Automatic,n ef technollgical processes in r ydrEtul ic mir.4 rg. ~jgoi
39 no.9:37-42 S 164. ('~IPA 17:10)
1. Donetskiy polltekhnir-,heskiy institut (for Timoshenkc, Gruba,
Lopinov), 2. Ukrainakly nauchno-i--sledovatellskiy imstitut gidro-
dobychl uglya (for Perrhyakov). 3. Cosudarstvennyy proyektrio-kcn-
struktorskly institut avtornatizateii. rabot v ugollnoy promyshlel-
nosti (for Slavutskiy). 4. Vsesoyuziiyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy
I proyektno-konstra-terskly Inatitut dobychi, uglya gidravlicheskirTi
sposobom (for Shmorin).
Effect of transverse compressive stresses on the magnetic proper-
ties of magnetically soft materials. Sbor. trud. TbTi!IGFM
no.25:86-95 162. (KRA 15:6)
(Ferromagnetism) (AUoys--Testing)
P/776/62/000/OZ5/014, ~025
AUTHORS: Klevitskaya, G. Z., inov,_ K.
TITLE: On the temperature stability of the alloy 76HXA (76NKhD).
SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatelikiy institut chernoy
metallurgii. Sbornik trudov. no. 2.5. Moscow, 1962. Pretsiziorinyye
splavy. pp. 244-253.
TEXT: The paper describes an experimental investi~ ation conducted under the
direction of V. Ya. Skotnikov, of the Fc-Ni alloy 76NKhQ, alloyed with 5% Cu iLnd
274 Cr, with the intent of studying the effect of a terminal heat treatment and the
degree of deformation during subsequent cold rolling on the magnetic propertips
and their temperature stability. It is known that the latter are significantly
linked with the temperature dependence of the magnetic -anisotropy energy, The
investigation was performed on toroidal strip specimens, wound from strip 1.1-mm
thick with an interroil insulation made of Mg oxide, electrophoretically applied, and
of specimens assembled from disks 1.0-mm thick that were heat-treated according
to an optimal regime. The static magnetic properties were determined by the
ballistic method. The AC measurements were performed at frequencies of 400 and
1,000 cps by the amperemeter-voltmeter method with a sinusoidal magnetizing
Card 1/2
On the temperature stability of the alloy .... S/776/6Z1000/0Z5/016i0Z5
current. :3ubzero- (centigrade) -temperature magnetic -property measurements
were performed on specimens placed in a glass vessel held in a Dewar vessel which
was filled with liquid-N-cooled alcohol. Before each measurement a specimen was
held in a furnace or in the cooling medium for 30-35 min. Tabulated and graphed
detailed measurements are adduced to show that the magnetic properties of the
76NKhD alloy depend on the total reduction during the last cold-rolling pass. A
best combination of magnetic properties and their temperature stability occurs
after rolling with a total reduction of 70-9076. The T stability of the magnetic prop-
erties depends on the heat treatment applied. Good magnetic properties and T
stability are ensured by a heat treatment with a slow cooling (at a rate of 100/hr)
in the 530-3000C T interval. A change in the T of the cooling medium from -60 to
+ 600 alters the value of the maximal static magnetic permeability and that of the
mw,dmal amplitudinal permeability at 400 and 1,000 cps by *67o. There are 3
figures, 5 tables, and 3 references (Z Rus a ian- language Soviet and the English-
language,paper by W. Randall, Electr.kev.,no.112, 1933, 301.
Card Z/Z
Toward now achievements. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.118-9 Mr '61o
(HPA 14:2)
1. Predeedatell komiteta profigovuza Tagarogskogo zavoda samokWn
kombaynov imeni StAlina.
(Taganrog-Combines (Agricultural mi4inery))
.(Socialist competition)
For you, toilers of the fields. Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.8:12-13
162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Predsedatell zavodskogo ~omiteta profspyuza Taganrogskogo
kombaynovogo zavoda.
(Taganrog-Agricultural machinery industry)
I ss.
V HE t I I
IL! A 52.12 '01sodso
0 id 1. U- a-
ou so.;
c!$'o em. 9;, IN all-P-22. tt A 0 31
H A i Hl
a id a
I z
flo a
.4 16
i rR 30-3.10*
� 1 jillAi
it Him 3 ji
0 c
t da
1.; .3 3
1z b In C;1 P. 4" 1:
.8 -A
st Id
Plastic coatings in the repair of cranes. Rech. transp. 22
no.8s2l-22 Ag 163. (MMA 16.-10)
1. Gomel'skoye otdeleniye AN BSSR (for Rutto). 2. Glavnyy inzh.
Gomellskogo porta (for Logvinov). 3, Starshly inzh. Gomel'skogo
otdoleniya AN BSSR (for Mironovich). 4. Starshiy inzh.
mekhanizataii Gomel'skogo ports, (for Kovalev).
(Cranes, Derricks, etc.-Maintenance and repair)
(Plastic spraying)
2. e- 9
0/1:', r,/;'i lo '10021010
a 9) 2 0
kUTHORSt Yunger, S, V, Lo.,--vinov. V. I~
TITLE: Effect of low- 'j,untin.- nt ')W-6010 on imp.:,.ct renst~,rice of
PE11IODICALt Avtormtiche.,!1,.r,.Ya nwtr,:r.., ric). 6,
TEXT % The re3ultr; nre of ~-,.n oxj-.crimen toil i.wpstij7-Aion at. the Stalin-
grad Scientific Reoear,.~",i Ino t I tutp, o Pyachine Bliildinj3, or S'TITT.',IASh, on
the effect of 1onC hoatiw- at 550-6000'~_on the ix.-paot resistance of welded
jointm on 1XInI49T NIOLI,619T) ntp~?]. It rina proved tbat joInts relded by
autm,iatic narhirje,3 r-ro, rrotio to c!t,br1tL1omont tlirm ~nlntn voldod mnnuftl-
ly with the naro electrode virc.. it, i!, ;i I-rir)-.,,n f;ict that th.-~ pre:3enre of
ferrite in weldr. nri wjstonlti,~ -,teol cvicks, -.-nd
now wireo and Ae---trode.; cont-.in -,nCtituents (f~ilLCO;1.
Vanadium, columbium., et(,,), Vt the f,~rritlo jl~m~C- i', r.Uf-t~nitCl StAiel Wells
is unstal,le at 350-600'30, w"riicli io th--? lizuril 9prvice tr.:,, peratilre for
M18119T zitpel~ Informaticn 1had boen puln1ishel on brittle failure of Welds
due to sit;ma%-phase formation,, The permirsible Cent ferrite ~:,ontent in
Card 1/6
,-)/I 2V617dbrj/o -- 6/002/010
Effect of loni, licating P-t 350-600 DO 40; D112
welds is riot certain, The articlc. includlr~.,l thc chemical composition of
wolds produced by aiffr-rnnt oIrctroIqs in ~~',IITI',IFjh experiments, PnO of the
base IIMIM19T metnlt Content G'I)
Cr NI Ti v 'N 1) at.-Phaso
Electrode 'Weld metal U Mn %
or wire in -'-'elds
M;nnual Wnldinr-
A -39 OX l 611gr OZ-677T m~ M54 9.25 0,08 2.7
39) (MIS119S
--40M OA 1849C.6
401,1) (OKhlfllTgSB)0-07 2.PCI 1,03 M54 9,64 0.06 0.62 5,2
-1 ()-A l8kqC2
~a ) 1. 70 lf,'~ 35 9.27 0,04 - 7.0
-1 (OKhlWT9S2)0.08 1,90 - -
r? ... 2 oy 1800 4-"-,
(GL~2~ (OKh18N?F?S2)0.06 0.74 1,.64 18-05 9.42 m6 2~i6 - 16,0
D X 204902CI5
FOIih2ON9F2SB)O. 10 1-11 0,94 19.90 9,67 0.08 ?.17 1.49 2r,,O
Card 2/6
1125/6)l looolOOV002 IQ 10
Effect of lonf, heating: at ~~0-60)0 L ... OWD11C
c~. -pha j e
Electrode in weld a
or wire Weld metal C Afn Si Cr 1,11 iTi V Ub
CS-04'09~P9 O-A 1SH9 Automatic vreldina
Sv-04Khl9N9) (OKhlGlrg) 0.07 1.16 0.78 17.8 9.72 0.026 1.8
-04-tl6(19C2 OX 18~9,e
(Sv-04Khl8N S2) (OKhlGr1qS 0.07 0.73 1.21 18.84 10.14 0.27 4-7
Cq.-09K19tfq~3C2 OY-18490C
(Sv-u5Khl9N9F3S2) (O1rhl8NqFS)0.0S 0.75 0-85 IB-80 9.55 0.21 l.C8 - 7,2
Base metal
(lKhl8T,TqT) 0.09 O~74 0,85 18-80 9.55 0.52 - 1.0
The vields were tested after loni-, holding at 350-600 The elestrodes ard
wires were standard except for one experimental composition (OKh20119FM)~
The specimens (plates) were joined manually by bu~, welds, with edges
card 3/ 6
Effect of lone hoatintg tt 3r~,0-600 ')040/DI12
bevelled at 3006, in four beads, u_,ing 180-2100 nMP Inverse polarlt,,' culTent.
Automatic Yields were, Yielded without bevelline edgor,, by buried are, with
AN-26 (AN-26) flux of the Institut clektrosvarki (Electric 71oldinr: Insti-
tute), using 700-750 amp 36-40 v a.c., eat a speed of 31 m/hr. Standard in.-
pact test apeciments and separate cylindrical cliecimens for of
ferritic Dhase were subjected to isothermic heatini; for different times be-
tween 100 and 5000 hours. Carbide phase was examined by electrolytic etch-,
ing in 10 % forrocyanide solution in water (with 5 volt current, for 5-7
sec). Alpha-ferrite, and sigma-phase were revealed by subsequent etching in
potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. The structure phases revealed in
metallographic examinations were checked by X-ray analysis, It wan stated
that the impact resistance of welds was higher at ageing temperature than
at room temperature, porticularly in-OKh2ON9F2SB metal (3-5 times higher).
This means that the reduced impact resistance c-aused by prolonged heating
at 350-6000cis most dangerous -uhnn the temperature t-oes Oorm, 0e.g. when
a machine is stopped, and not in operation. AgeinG with carbide separation
was established in weld metp.1 with 3% fPrrite after 5000 honrs at 400012and
1000 hours at 450OC; at hiCher temperatures carbides formed not only on the
austenite-ferrite boundaries but also in austenite adjoining, the ferrite.
Card 4/ 6
~ I
0 -2/0 10
Effect of long heating at 350-630 r, ... DO ~./Dl 12
Siema formed at 550 0C. Ferrite hecame "spongy" as a reoult of long ageinf;,
splity and after the formation of rf~m.,-Aned in si-,.Ae spots in the
form of an eutectoil consistinf of changed aust-nnito an,! ferrite. Concill-
sions: 1) The Initial Content of ferrite compone.-it reduces the resizt-
ance considOL'ably and increases the embrittl,2rcrtt of welded joints over a
long time at 310_6000C~ 2) The impact reoiztPr,cP_ drops mai-ly during the
first 1000 hour-., it drops more slowly betnteen aOOO and 2000 hours, and then
up to 5000 hours the effect of heat is not notioeable. 3) The impact Tesist.
ance over the entire 350-6000C ran,3e riser; considera')ly at ageinz; tempera-
ture in comparison to room temperature. This applies equally to 'reldq em-
brittled by separation of qecon(!ary carbides and sir,-ma, and embrittled
without sigmi formation. 4) Not only tho quantity but I-Aso the quality of
ferrite has a considerable effect, i.e. its distribution in reld metal de-
pending on the weldii,Lr- method and the alloyin,- system. Welds produred by
s an welds made manuilly~ the
machines have conoiderably better propertie . th. V
ferrito content being equal- 5) In the case of identicil austenite-ferrite
veldin~; wires, automatically vielded joints have considernbly better imnact
resistance than manually welded, for machine velds contain lej- filler metal
and hence less ferrite. V, V. Faleyeva rtnd L. V. Yudin, took part in the
Card 5/6
S11 25/6l/OCO/-106,/c- -, 2/11!0
Effect of long heating at 350-600'c... DC)40/.D--,12
investigations. There are 10 figureo, 2 tables and 11 references; 9 'Soviet-
bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-lan,-uaEe publica-
tion zeads as follovist L. K. Poole, Signa and Unwanted Constituent in Stain-
leer, Weld Motal, 'wetni rroL-ress", v. 65, i,~o. 6, lr,-54.
ASSOCIATION: Stalingradskiy nauchno-isolodovatel2skiy institut tekhnologii
mashinostroyeniya (SNIITMASh) (Stalingrad Scientific Research
Institute of Machine Technology)
SUBMITTED% AuGust 31, 1960
Card 616
Investigating the stress relief of heat hardened carbon and
manganese steels in welding. Trudy MINKHiGF 46:164-181 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
LCAGIJ I lll-~Ill Y V ~ -: .
All-!.!nlon fnpica2 '*on.-crFr.~!r -on the '-4elleing of 't~v
i. - - J.': ,, ~ , " 1~ ", -- -
Avt,cm. avar. 18 ro-5-~O 197 165. 1;i 6.)
AUTHORS: Rubanov, G. I., Logvinov, V. M. and Kovalevich, T. A.
TITLE; Problem of the vertical differentiated trap bodies in
the south of the 6iberian Platform
PE'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika-, no. 9, 1962, 37, ab-
stract 9A249 (In-collection: Geofiz. raboty pri re-
shenii geol. zadach v Voa-6. Sibiri, M., Gostoptekhiz-
dat, 1961, 176-184)
TEXT: Unique differentiated dolerite dikes were recorded near the
Yershovskiye Rapids on the R. Angara. Rocks strohgly enriched in
disseminated ilmenite are sometimes observed in the central (axial)
parts of the dikes. The dikes t,.,ere revealed by magnetic surveying
operations on a scale of 1:10,000. Analysis of the magnetic fields
allowed it to be supposed that they are due to steeply-dipping dif-
ferentiated magnetic dolerite bodies. The external appearance and
--composition of the dolerites varies from fine-grained ophitic and
poikilitic at the exocontacts to medium-grained pegmatoidal and
Card 1/2
Problem of the vertical ... D228/D307
micropegmatitic doleritea at the conter, witit the compotiitlonla
preservation vortically. Proceeding from the magnetic field's Otruc-'
ture '3 generations of traps can be distinguished in the Yershovs-
kiy area: 1) a normally magnetized t1iick sill, exposed in the Anga-
ra near the Yershovskiye Rapids; 2) reversely magnetized 100 - 500
m thick dolerite dikes cutting the sill; and 3) the last magmatic
injections, squeezed out from deep in.the magma chamber along the
channels and fissures of the previously intruded and still riot quite
cold dolerite dikes. The data obtained show that time differentia-
ted vertical trap inclu8ions, whose last injections-may have com-
mercial accumulations of ilmenite, should be expected in the south
of the 6iberian Platform, in areas where there are linearly oriented
aerial magnetic anomalies with a variable sign. Z-Abstracter'B note;
Complete translation.-7
Card 2/2
V. M. (En.-I riec,
"Reaction on thermal cycle of welding of carbonic ancl- manganouz stre-ngtf,ened steeln".
Report presented at the regular coriVerence of the Mosc-ow vity administration NTO
Mashprom, April 1963.
(Reported in Avtomati o lies kayn SI'varka, No. 8, Axigiot. 1,W,3, pp 93-5, M. Porckhtn)
JPRS24,651 - i9 may 64
ACCESSION UPt ATS009700 UR/0000/65/000/000/031-f/0-Ul
AUMI'M Loolnov, V. Us; Chinayev. P. Is; Chugunov, 1. 1.
----, _'..
TITLEi The combination of adaptive systems with eler-ents of digital circuitry
5 ~ I
iye, 19650 - 317-341 ---
TOPIC TAGS: digital adaptive system. discrete correlator. control filter. transt-
tion stability control, automatic control system, delay line
ABSTRACTs Several designs representing ccrrbinations of adaptive systems 0=ing
either an analytical or sampling method of adaptationO and elements of digital
circuitry are described. The first of these devices aims at controlling the sta-
bility of the number of transitions of the time dependent characteristicG during
a given Interval of time through the zero level or through a level.with constant
6eviation (see P. is Chinayev. SamonastraivayushchLyceya sistemy I ikh raschet,
KMNP, 1961). n1te second device applies the discrete correlator and control filtor
to d,_,lay lineG (see, e4ge, V. V. Solodovnikov, StatiaticheBkaya dinamika siater
Card 1/2
L 4L425-65-
avtor,3ticheakogo upravleniya, Fizratqiz, 1960). Both devices use extremun re-
gulators for the executor section of the respective setups. The article contains
detailed circuit diagrams, block diagrams, construction information, and extensive
descriptions of their op-arations. Orig. art. hact 2 formulas, 21 figures, and
I table.
NO REF SOVv 005 OTHERs 000
L0,011101i, .111ndimir A%,ellyevich; )IEPPJ:OV, F.T., red.
[Whiff of the steppe breeze; sketches] Slotok Tter-Ilogo
vetra; ocherki. Stavropol', Stavropollskoe knizhnoe
izd-vo, 1964. 78 p. (1-JRA 18:8)
LOGVINOVA, A.S., Felldsher
. ......
The acheivements of a medical center. Fnl'd.i akush. no.5:43-44
My '55- (MLRA 1:7)
1. Xarakozekiy mediteinakly punIct Taldy-Kurganskoy oblasti.
rural dispensary achievements in Russia)
Use of computer techniques in power engineering. Erxerg. i eitktr6tekh.
prom. no.102-73 Ja-Mr 165. 4MRA 130)
I I " . ; T(.,"-'l -1.11 'i :..;
I.*-.; L"()
Pri -3:"!!-
Sulfanilldo.q. Part 18: Phanylamidefl of arylt3ulfonyl-ti-.ir-jlglyCIne,'3.
Zhur. org. khIn. I no.9:1630-1632 0 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Dnopropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitot. Subm','Lt(,A
3eptember 23, 1963.
LCY7r'.'I"CVA , F. t P. F . , ~~nd S-.' "T ~OV~' , r, - I - (USSR,;
IlBiochemir-al '~h-,nr-.~o in the Brriin under No-mftl -ind P-~thclof'jcal
Condit ions . to
Report presented at the 5th InternAionnl Biochemistry nlon,,-ress,
Moscow, 10-14' Aug 1~461
AUTHORS: Minayev, P. F. and im!ao-~~
TITLE. Changes in radiation sensitivity of the nervous tissue
PERIODICAL. Radiobiologiya, v. 2, no 2, 1962, 259-264
TEXT This is a continuation of previous work. The pyruvic acid content in the cerebellum of animals was
examined at different times after local irradiation and also after the radiation sensitivity of the nervons tissue
was changed by narcotics. Experiments were performed on 124 mate guinea pigs and 84 adult dogs of both
sexes. Dogs received 20 curies, and guinea pigs 10 curies, from the PY M-3 (RUM-3) unit. Guinea pigs received
OA-0.1 gjkg b.w. urethane. Dogs received morphine (0.08-0.1 g1kg b.w.) and morphine and utethane (0.8-
7.0 g/kg b.w.) The pyruvic acid content increased 2 hours after irradiation by 76 7. in dogs and by 31 %,
in guinea pigs, and by about 2.5 times 2-3 days later. The lactic acid contents' also incteased by 47% at that
time. On the 2nd-3rd day cerebellar disorders, and morphological changes, were observed. The vitamin B
content and 02consumption decreased at that time. On the 7th 14th day,when the cerebellar symptoms regrcs-
sed, almost entimly the pyruvic acid content returned to normal.The increase in lactic acid and pyruvic acid
content demonstrated disorderg in the oxidation processes of carbohydrates. In animals which received
narcotics, no cerebellar disorders were found, even after 2-3 months, The pyruvic acid content on the 2nd-
3rd day increased only by 17% and no morphological changes were observed, There arc 5 figures and 7 tables.
ACCESSION NH: AT3013149 S/3018/63/000/000/0607/0616
AUTHOR: Skvortsova, 11. 1.; Kantorova, V. I.; Logvinova, 0. F.
TITLE-: Damage of certain oxidation pr6eesses in the.mitochondrions
and tissue of the torebollum and the state of borebellum
n.itochondrions at different periods after local irradiation
SOURCE: Tretlya Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po bioldiimii nervnoy
si3tomy,*,%. Sbornik dokladov. Yerevan, 607-616
TOPIC TAGS: X-irradiation, cerebellum radiation damage, oxidative
phosphorylation, cerebellum cell mitochondrionj purkinjo cell
nitochondrion, isoclectric point, citric acid level, finding citric
acid level, Safronov's method, ribonuclooprotoid isoolectric point
change, purkinje call changet cellular. metabolism, krobs cycle,
isoolectric point allcalinization, cerebellum metabolism
ABSTRACT: The cerebellum o~ male guinoa pigs was X-irradiated locally
with 8-9 kr dose (RM14-3 unit, 15 ma., 165 kv, 118-130 r/minp focal
length 20 cm) to study the effects of radiation on oxidative
plho3p~horylat ion, citric acid level, and isoolectric, points of
ribonuclooDrotoids in purkinjo cell mitochondrions. Indices for
Card 1/3
ACCT--'S3IOTT NR: AT3013149
oxidative phosphorylation In the i-,iitochondr ions were oxygen
consumption and process intensity (measured by mineral phosphate
decrease). Citric acid level Jin cerebellum tissue was dotoxnained by
Safronov's method which Is based on changing citric acid into
pentabromacotato by oxidatIon and bromination in the presence of
bromine and manganeso ions, and then using the color reaction of" the
nc'417 formed pent abromacotato with pyridine and alkali as an index.
Ribonuclooproteid3 of purkinjo cell mitochondrion3 wore fixated at
different periods (20 min-5 mos) after irradiation to determine
changes in their isooloctric pointo. Results show that the phases of
cerebellum functional radiation damage are related to phase changes in
cerebellum structure, The -ooriod of highest functional damage in the
,hc.gt period of oxidative phosphoryla-;-
corobollum corresponds to the hit,
tion inhibition in the mitochondrions and to the breaking of krobs
cycle in its initial stage resulting in a sudden accumulation of,.c.i t ric
acid, A1301 at the same time the number of mitochondrions: In the*
purkinjo cells decreases and the i3ooloctric points of their
ribonuclooprotoids shift in an allcalino direction. Tho'p~rlod when
functional disorders of the cerebellum are attenu I coincides with
relative normalization of tho other indices. Data n this study
conour with tho litarattu-o po3ition that alkAllnizn ion of
Card 2/3
- - - --------
isoolectric points in tissue is related to reduoed metabolism
intensity. Orig. art. has: 7 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut b iologiche slcoy fiziki, AN SSSR, Moskva
(Institute of Biological Ph7sics, AN SSSR)
SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 280ot63 ENCL: 00
Change in the radiosens-itivity of nerve tissue under the effect
of arsenic compounds. Dokl. Ali SSSR 155 no. 5:1209-1211 Ap 164.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut biologicheskoy flziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
AMiBo94 (Jli/riOPO/65/163/001/0235/0.~37
AUTHOR; Minayev, P. F. ; Logvi nova,_ 0.." F.; Mironova, A. P.; Cliukhrovat A. 1.
TITLE: Increased radiosenaitivity of the nervoun systerri under the effect of
SOUHE: MJ SSSR, Voklady, v. 163, no. 1, 1965, 235-237
ITOPIC TAGS: fluoroacetate, central nervous system, biological effect, radlosensi-
Itivity, garnme. radiation, monofluoroacetate, cerebellum, dog
I ABSTRACT: Previous research has indicated that high i0oses of ionizing radiation
primarily impair the oxidation processes in nerve tizsue. In experiment-a testing
this conclusion*, the radiation resistance of the nervous system was increased by the
use of compounds which protect the oxidation processes from the disruptive effect of
'the radiation. When arsenic compounds, enzymic poisons inhibitirg definite links
;in the oxidation process, were injected into the cerebellomedullary cistern, it was
tfound that the radiosensitivity of the nervous system Increased due to the resulting
disruptictlof the. pyruvateoxidase system. Experiments were conducted on dogs to de-
itermine the effect of monofluoroacetate on the nervous eystem. Fluoroacetate is
jsignificaM--in a series of reactions~affecting the citric acid cycle. Doses of
IC rd
LCq- 1/3
L 63559~-65
I_A'CCIESS 1011 NR-:- AP.501-809h
fluoroacetate (5 lig in 0.5 ml) were injected into the cerebellomedullar-j cistern
4o-60 min before the cerebellum was irradiated by the RUP-200 apparatus (radiation,
doses, 3000 and 8000 r; done rate, 216 r/min; time, 1.14 and Tf min). Fifteen and
thirty min after Irradiation, the amounts of citric, pyrotartLriC, and gamma-rvnino-~
ibutyric acids in the tiseaea of the ccr-.bellum were determined, P'nd the process of
ioxidative phospharylation in isolated mitochondrift wai; studied. Radiosensitivity
jof the nervous ;system increased under the effect of fluoroacetate. Ordinaril-y,
I changes in the functional statlebegin to occur with a radi~Ltion doac of 20" Kr; after
iadministration of the poison, functional disturbances were observed after irradia-
Ition with doses of 8 and even 3 Kr. Large quantities of citric acid were found to
have accumulated In the cerebellum - this relates to the disruption of the citric
acid cycle. There is also an Increase in pyrotartaric acf.d. The combined effect
of the poisoning and irradiation raised the content of gaima-aminobutyric acid, al-;
though poisoning alone-lowers its content.- The consiLm-ptiOn of oxygen ia isolated
mitochondria, was zcmewhat inhi.bited; utilization of inorganic phosphat e was hardly
disturbed. Post -irradi ~Ltion disruption of the cerebellar functions were more severe
after poisoning with both fltloroacetate and sodium arsenate. The disruption of the
citric acid golp is a major cause of the Inc-reased, radiosensitivity of the nervous
system poisoned by monofluoroacetatc-. 'The accumulation of pyrotartarie acid may be
due either to a direct disturbance by the radiation of the enzyr-e system responsible
Card 2/3
L 63559-65
.ACCFS-jIC,,',! NR: M'5018rj94
for decarboxylating pyrotartaric acia or to the dwrage dr).v! to th~- cit'ric a(Ad
cycle. Irradiation of the nervou5 system after poisoninF with sodium nrsenat,~? and
fluoro .-ate significantly disrupts the pyruvateoxida,-,e iystern, and the citric F,'Cid
cycle, two links of the metabolic processes responsible for the radiosenGitivity of
-Uhe nervous system. The experiments reported do not provide any explanation of the
disruption of the oxidatiVe phoBphorylation process. Orig. art. has: 2 figures
and 1 table. [JB]
ASSOCTATIOU; Institut biologicheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institllf.e of
,Biophysics, Academy of SciencestSSSR).
Card 3/13
RAFALISON, D.I., kand.med.nauk; RABINOVICH, S.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik (tenin-
grad); Logvinova, O.K. (IrIcutsk); Okorokov, N.I.; VIRIN, I.Ta.(Smo-
looks); GRINKAY, S.I., icarid.med.nauk (Kiyev).
Acceleration of the regeneration of blood in donors in various cities
of the Soviet Union following use of the preparation Hemoglobin 4. Akt.
vop.perel.krovi no.4:15-18 155. (KIRA 13:1)
1. Donorskly otdel i laboratoriya sukhikh preparatov Icrovi (zav.
laboratoriyey - doktor med.nauk L.G. Bogomolova) Leningradskogo insti-
tuta perelivaniya krovi.
ALEKSAINAII, Sh.V., kand.biolog.nauk; ISICHKO, M.P., aspirant;
LOGVINOVA, R.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Comparative evaluation of~5.)rgo-Sudan grass hybrids and their parental
plants on the basis of chemical composition and hydrocyanic acid
content. Trudy "Ask.-Nov." 81251-262 160. (MIRA 14:4)
(Sorghum) (Sudan grass)
- ~ . A-; , _!_-. i-,. . - - ~ I . r ~ , , ~ 1 , ~ , , . , ; ~, , , - ~ -~ . r. : ~ , % , a ~ , - ~ o- , ~ I , ;, - - - - - - ,
1J, -- I - --- -I)- j 1 -!:~ - -
"Reproductive function of Askania m-f-rinc ewes i!, W:t,.
report submitted for ~:,th Intl Cong, A.T-Jliru~!- RerjroduA1on ;,. Artlific-lai inserrinat~lon,
Trent, Italy, 6-13 Sep 64.