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LOCIVIN MIA* (4hvyn# M.O.)
I.P.Pavlov's speech *Natural science and the brain' and sme other
theoretical prqblms of Modern p4yviology' of 'the higher tunTous
system. Fiziol. zhur. Ukr. 6 n0.6003-713 N-D 160.
1 i (MIRL 24:1)
1. KaNdra filosofU- Ukrainskoy akademii seltakokhospystvanrqkh
nauk._ (POLOY, IVAN PErROVIGHp 1849-1936)
WGVIN, M.O. [Lohvyn, H.0.1, kand.filos.nauk
ROM8ntOUS victory of materialism. Ikuim i zbvttia 10 no.2,,
50-52 7 16o. (MM 13:6)
(Reflexes) (Favlov, Ivan Petrovich, 1849-1936)
.LOGVIN, Nikolay-Petrovichp Geroy Sots ialisticheskogo Truda;MIROROV., T.V.,
red.; tekhn. red.
(The i=ovator's objective t6day becomes the collective's
objective tomorrow] Segodnia rubezh novatora .. zavtra rubezh kol-
lektiva. Moskva,, Izd-vo *Sovetskaia Rosaiia," 1961. 45 P.
(MIRA Wil)
1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Zave Illicha" Kalininskogo rayons, Sta-
lingradskoy oblasti (for LogvZnl.
(Volgograd Province-Socialist competition)
(Collective farms)
ZHEGALIN,I.K.; PUSTYGIN, A.A.p glav. agronom; SPODE!iYTJK, II.I.;
-BYKOV,N.I.; RED321, P.N., glav. agronom; IL%IL,-R-F-,-Gerqy So-
to*iallaticbeskogo Truda; GUSEV, I.D.; PMOV, S.N.; VLU%V, A.111.,
glav. zootekhnik; SHEREM, L.D., glav. bukhgalter; SKAKbl.;OV, N.V.,
glav. inzh.,- SHUMILIN, V.S., glav. in2h.,- LliMNORUBAUK121, N.A.,
kombayner; DRYABO, P.Ye.; ZABNEII, V.F., redaktor; SHLiOKOV, B.G.;
[Hundred million poods of grain from Stalingrad Province] 100 mil-
lionov pudov stalingradakogo kbleha. Moskva, Izd-vt) M-va sell.khoz.
RSFSRp 1960. 133 P. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Pervyy sakretart Stalingradskogo oblastnogo komiteta Kommunistiche-
skoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Zhegalin). 2. Oblastnoye upravlaniya
sel'skogo khozyaystva Stalingradskay oblasti (for Pustygin). 3. No-
khayevskiy rayonnyy komitet Koraunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza
(for Spodanyuk). 4. Nachallnik I.atellnikovskoy rayonn 11 kakho-
crvj se s
zyaystvannoy inspektsii,, KraynJy Yugo-vostok(for Byk - 5. Kolkhoz
"Deminskiyu Novo-Annenskogo raycna, Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Redin).
6. Predsodatell kolkhoza I'Zayety Illichaff Kalininskogo rayona (for Log-
vin). 7. Nachallnik Novo-Annenvkoy rayormoy sel'skokhozyaystvennoy in-
spektaii (for Gusev). 8. Direktor sovkhoza imoni Frunze Serafimovich-
skogo rayona Stalingradskoy obIr.sti (for Petrov). 9. Stalingradskoye
oblastnoye upravleniye sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Vlasov). 10. Sovkhoz
"Dinamou Nekhayevskogo rayons, Stalingradskoy oblasti (for*Sheremet).
(Contirmed on next card)
ZHEGALIII,I.K.- (continued) Card 2.
11. Oblastnoye upravleniye otllskogo khozyayetva Stalir.;~r~_d.nkqy ob-
lasti. (for Skakunov). 12. Sovkhoz "Verkhne-Buzinovskiy"gtalingrad-
skoy oblasti (for Shumilin). 13. Otdeleidye Ilo.6 sovkhoza "Serebrya-
kovskiyu 14ikhaylovskogo rayona Stalineradskoy oblasti (for Cherno-
rubashkin). 14. Zvenlyevoy koMoza imeni Leninto Zhirnovskogo rayona
Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Dryabo). 15. Danilovskaya rayonnaya gaze-
ta "Kolkhoznoye znam7a" Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Zabnev). 16. Zaire-
stitell predsodatelya oblastnogo ispolnitellnogo komiteta Stalin,,rad-
skay oblasti, (for Shirokov).
(Volgagrad Province--Grain)
Mosolovo horizon in the imithwest or the p1titform part. )f
Bashl,iria. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:433-435 N 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.NalivkInym.
LOGVIN, V.V., inzil,
. ...-
Correcting defects in molding with pastes based on epoxy resin.
Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.8:43-1+4 Ag '63. (MIRA 161n)
1. Minskiy traktornyy zavod.
gra o f n i Y:~ 7% Ga r,-j Dn-. Ir vn r-I F- I -
uchrisf.Jye' GAIIRTL0741, -.F., 1.rizb.-kh,,:rA;
- -__ . ,-l-, ~nz- h. -
U.131 c,.,.
khimlk; LOGVTNli, ,.A,,,Inzh.-kjjilik; n.-,
UK, R. N. , Oft; J_;~ I A, , A., i n?.h. C,. ,
.~rzll.-geolov; Ye.S., 0tv.
[Goo'n1leirlstry alli` nn."llytic. cbemistry of rare-earth
I'L.I. lic-ces-30-7 rart)-ir".h mineralt, and of !.r,,, riun
subk,rouy i n 1,11v irk ra 1 Wan C ry.- tall) int, -hj e I'd 'I G~.~o"i.jri I .
l')61,. 161 lIP"R. It,,-tytiit
I ru(iy. % t i:i i :)t~ -71
LOSHKOVOTP ilp kapitan, spetsialist I-go klassa; LITVYAK, P., kapitan;
WGVINENKOO A., starshiy serzhamt, komandliM rascheta puskovykb
We are missilemen. Voen*-.Znane 41 no*12:8.-9 D 165s
(~aRA 18:12)
KAPIAN, S.A.; IA)GVINr.I;KO:,A.A. [Iogvrnenko, 0.0.1; PODSTRIGACH, T.S.
Pidstrybach, T.5
Calculation of gasomagnetic shock wave parameters. Ukr.fix.
zhur. 4 no.4:438-442 Ji-Ag 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. LIvovskly gosudaretvenny7 universitat im.Iv.Pranko.
(Shock vaves)
Viuual photometric observations of the Scho-1 satellite. Riul.
sta.opt.nall.iok.oput.Zem. no.27d5-28 162. (KMA l3xl2)
le Nachaltnik Riahakoy stantaii nabl7udeniya iskusetvennykh
sputnikov Zemli No.040 (for Sbmeling). 2. Dnepropetrovskaya
stantsiya nablyudeniya iakusatyennykh sputnikov Zemli (for
; (Artificial satellites-Tracking)
.% P,i-', e, P,
11M`N~;111~1;1,11Y .: 10.
I P.S~ - Si hDy1jK
Pet.:Yteum of -.he qou1,h,,re;-;te!7i zono of the 71ninp.-n-Donets LoW.1bnd,
D Ali' U9.5 -,i' , - .!
34,~, ~ -3`
kh nzuk AN USSR~ llrecliotul: lano
US,:;R Pon lan~h,iicom fBoadar--l-ak, 11J.-.
~ _0
Photographic method for d-etermining the coordinates of a satellite.
Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.11:7-10 160. (KIRA 14:12)
1. LIvovskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya, Stantsiya nablyudeniya
iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli.
(Artificial satellites--Optical observations)
(Astronomical photography)
SHCHEGOLEV, D.Ye.; NEVELISKIY, AN., naucbnyy sotrudnik
Results of photographic observations of artificial earth satellites.
Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.11:20-28 '60. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Nachallnik stantsii nablyudeniya iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli
NO.031 (for Logvinenko). 2. Nachal'nik stantsii nablyudeniy iskus-
stvennykh sputnikov Zemli No.60 (for Pluzbnikov). 3. Glavnaya
(Pulkovskaya) astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSH (for Panova,
Syshchenko, Firago, Shchegolev). 4. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya
Orallskogo, gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Nevel'skiy).
(Artificial satellites--Optiial observations)
(Astronomical photography)
Device for stopping the timer with the help of a contact
chronometer. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.23:19-20
161. (VJRA 15i3)
1. LIvovskaya astronomicheskays, observatoriya (for Kovallchuk).
2. Stantslya nablyudeniy iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli No.031
(for Logvinenko).
19338-63 E7,Ir(l)/FS(v)-2/BDS/ES(t)-2 AF Prc/A:.'imC/APGC/SSD OW
ACCESSZON INIR: AR3002037 s102691631=1003101819018
,SOURCE: IRZh. Astronomiya. Otdellnyy vypusk. Abs. 3.31.196
AUTHOR- Kovallchuk, V. G.; Logvinenko, 0.
TITLE': The study of standard apparatus for the p~otogi74pk54~_pbsorvation of arti-
ficial wrth satellito
CI'XD SOURCE: Visnyk LIvivs 'k. un-tu. Ser. Fiz., no. 1, 1962, 171-174
"OPTC ZIGS: astronomical photography, artificial earth satellite
TRANSIATION: The -standard apparatus for photorecording of artificial earth sate-
t0s\IZ.V_17A-3S/25' 5 camera, t%e 21-~~prilnting r-hronograph,,0 the T_P-X'kp1jlse attach-
nen'~, and the PRV, radio receiver), was 'studied vdt-hS _~Lotoel6iont', and an 6-loop
___alograph _(~ca_tho% ~.h_o~ssbw'Uer opening was delayed by 0.0022 + 0.0002 sec;
'shutter closin- was delayed by 0.0002 + 0.0002 sec. For the chronograph the delay
depends upon -Uqe current voltavo, which must be strictly stabilized; for e=ple,
delay of tie start of recording with 210 and 230 v ai~ounts to 0.0263 and 0.0254 sec
respectively, and the sam, e for the tern, ination of registration. Total correction
for the moment of observation.is equal to the half-difference of corrections for
the chronogralYn minus the half-swa of corrections for thq shutter. 1. Astapovich
DATEE ACQ:. 30 May 63 SUB CODE: Al ENCL: 00
qard 1/1
-- - -L -
Reconstruction of the film holder of the NkFA camera. Biul.sta.
opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.25.-19.20 162. (1,MU 15,,7)
1. Llvovskaya astronomIcheskaya observatorlya., stant,3iya nablyudeniya
J.skusstvenaykb sputnikov Zemll.
--, Results of photographic observations of the Ekho-l;, 1960, artificial
satellite at the Lvov Astronomical Obeervatory. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.
isk,.sput.Zem. no,26s24--33 162. (MIRA 15:7)
I* Nachallnik LIvovskoy stants1i opticheskikh nablyvdeniy
iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli.
(Artificial satellites-Tracking)
Automatic time vervice. Biul. sta. opt. nabl, ~sk apt* zemo
no-33:3-6 163. WRA 17:7)
lo Llvovskaya astronordcheskaya observatoriya, stantsiya opti-
cheakikh nablyudeniy.
I Ot
Simple method for determining the bAgging of a recording
chronograph. Biul. sta. opt. nabl. isk. sput. Zem. no-33;13-'4
163. (MIRA 17:7)
1. Llvovskayn astronomicheskaya obaervatoriya, stantsiya
nablyudeniya iskustvonnyRh .9putnikov Zemli.
A "y"Irl ~07
A TT~ IT (I P SLog~.rin,~nkog A. A. Fi-ldvll, YtA. ~1.
TIT LE , Auta-m-atic w.Lntrmance of tim(.~, Bervice
AJI SSS? . Ls~rono,_A cleekiy ciovo I.- 'Jr~ 19 ten 9 t~a_n t P.J-y opt J ch---koge)
n-_.b1-Fud1ei_Jya- ii-Imast-i-ennyk-h aputnikc)v t , no 1 W,,
TOPIC TAGS.- t1mo aignal, &utomatic control/ 21 P printing chronograph
Aeterminatim of observation -tim., it ic, necesa*ary to tie in
to the time service of E,. rad-io statLon at least foLir tirmev (twice before anrl wi c e
E'Ster the pas3age of a Satellite). 'rho authoro deocribe a device that- allo-us the
t-of;cillat-or-p-nd-th-e-Drintin-g madmni,3m of the 1U.0 graph to be turned on and proc:jse
_c no
!:time aigmils to be received without the aid of an opemtor. The device is desigmed
-to -97.-lit the piqltohin- in of a volta-~i ro-Antor at ft given timm (1 hour P-nd 46
v .11 0 Z.D U
minutf-o beforo Lhe first tin-ln). 'Cllw OP thiLi regulgi-tor is connected dirt-cUly
to the ouartz occillator and to lonA zP f-I-qalvalent to the power of the rad10
jx.,~~eiver, the pulse attachment, and the printing chronograph. For ten minutes be.-
fo~,e epn!, +4a_4vj feed k othese t1wee units is switched into the valtago regulaltom,
Curd 1/2
L 1~950` I`
, ~". rj;~
ACCES ;;S1011 NR; AT5X3587
within si m1teneous switching in of the load (H,). For ten minutes before the first
tie-in, the motor or the printing cbronograph is switched into the ayatem in cenbi-
ration vith a load It2(by this the rooter is automatically moved frorm the dead points
Fifteen-aecond signals or the minutea 46-50 and 55-60 a:ro fed to the ch-ronograph.
A-fter the tie-in of the 15-second eignala, the ribbon of the 4-hrolograph ir, re-
.ijtretched to a single interval. For the first tie-in, the feed to the radio receiv-
'er, 'nilioe Pttaohmont PA& printing chronograph is owitched into the System in
:combination with the load Rio The authors describe the principle of the device in
a autamat"n-
art. has: I figure.
-----)XS0r_IATI0ffi__V'.y0Vakm -natranomiobeskaya--observatorlyaj stantoiya.,opticheakikh
nablyudeniy (V-vov Astronomical CbaerKqtq~r7, Station for Optical Observation)
suBmium 19oct62- ENCLI 00 CTB CWt IE, Be,
790 RYF SOVt 000 OTHM 1 000
Card 2/2
L 29508-65 LW(l)/1M(v1 Pe-5/Po-4/Pq-4/Pac-4/P&a-2 GW
Avaoft: ~~enkot A. A.
TITLEt A simple method for determininig' delay-or-a printing crystal
ISOURCE4 AN SSSR. Astronomicheekly aovak. Byulletent stontaly opticheekogo
a ~pu ~c i - - 414 -40 9 6 5 iV) 4 4------ -
tab e n iy afal "
s Wo
'RP 7 relay
TOPIC TA(;St chronogra time sipalt
STRLCT: The method ini-olves the use of a contact chronometerp another chronograph
=J a pulse - device. - Second - pulses ofix contact cbronometer-(through an RP-7 relay)
,are fed to the "output" of a chronograVh. The circuit for the setup is shown In
'Fig. I an the Enclosure. Chronograph I will record second pulsea of the chronometer,
with son-9 delay (y, and chronograph Il will have a delay expressed by C 5' These
are related to the total delay by C a C + C + 0,0 whare C is the delAy in the
I 1 2 2
1pulse levice, After a series of at least ten rea4ingv# a ch=omatwr is attached
dirreotky to the terminals of the pulse device, and a new ast of rea4ftigs Is taken.
,In thia case the delay will be C 0 + C The difference between the mluea of
11 2
and C represents the delay of chronograph 1, The Way of chronograph II My
L-Card 1/3
L 29508-65
!be determined in similar fashion. Orig. art. hast i figuro.
ASSOCIATIONt Llvovskaya aatronomich6ska" observatoriyat stantat" nablVdeniya
1,9Z (1,voy Astrcm=ical Obverva o 0 Station for Obaerving Artiftoial Earth
1110 REF SM 000 Orm 1 000
Card 2/3
aw t h
aw tch
Chronograph i
0.7 01#zr~. Z)
11014-66 P',',7(1)/FS(v)-2/EEC(k)-~/E~IA(d)/T TJP(c)
-jcc -NR, Ak-OW4-1-6-sobktE'-CODE;--UR/6271/65/000/009/AO83/AO8Y-:
SOURCE: Ref. zh. AvtomatW, telemekhanika I vychislitoltnaya tekhnika, Abs. 9A634
AUTHORt Logvinonko, A. A. (fF
TITLE: Azimuth mount of a photocamera for observing artificial EWth satellites
CITED SOURCE: Byul. st. optich. nablyudeniva iskusstv. sputnikov Zemli, no- 40,
1964, 3-6
TOPIC TAGS: artificial Earth satellite, artificial satellite observation
TRANSLATION: An azimuth mount for a NAFA-3s/25 photocamera Installed at the_.Djypy----.-
Station of Observation of ArtificW Earth Satellites is described. The mount speeds
UP 'tKe-'C-0ra6Aance- ofobs ervation; it has no clamping screws whose backlash would
cause camera jitter during the exposure; hence, the camera stability is enhanced.
Card UDCt 629.197.6-001-4
AUTHOR: Logvinenko, A. A.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/00610012/0012(
TITLE: Increasing the accuracy of time recording
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.98
REF SOURCE: Byul. st. optich, nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 19-23
TOPIC TAGS: time measurement, timepiece, chronograph
ABSTRACT: The electric circuit and the structure of a chronograph, based.on the
21P-22P type chronograph, are described. To record moments, rotating discs are
photographed by means of two flash lamps producing 10-4 - 10-5sec flashes. To de-
termine the zero point of the chronograph, signals of seconds are superimposed dur-
ing the satellite observation. The print readout accuracy is Os, 0005. The chrono-
graph records up to 25 pulses/sec. The instrument is fitted with a device for bring
ing.the synchronous motor out of the dead center when It is switched on.' (Trans-
lation of abstract] P. A.
ACC NRi AR60287149
AUTHOR: LogvL~~e~_q.,--A. A.
iTITLE: The problem of operation time control in optical artificial Earth satellite
Itracking stations
:SOURCE: Ref. zh, Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.97
REF SOURCE: Byul. st. optich. nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 16-19
TOPIC TAGS: satellite tracking, signal noise separation, artificial earth satellite
~ABSTRACT: A method is described for determining the delay time of a pulse adaptor
lunit (or the total delay time receiver and the pulse adaptor unit) by utilizing the
seconds timing signals with artificially shaped (with the aid of a special transducer)l
fronts whose time of occurrence is determined by a chronograph. The transducer, base
ion the printing chronograph principle, is in the form of a phase shifter whose disc
!makes one revolution each second. This transducer together with an additional pair of:;
,contacts filters out up to 98% of the noise coming into the pulse adaptor unit. A
:'diagram and the description of this transducer which is used in the L'vov satellite
'tracking station are given. (Translation of abstract] P. Afans'ydva
S7-C DE: 22, 09
tMVs A79-7,679-19SA
-S'OURCE CODE UR/0269/66/000/006/0012/0012
I "IF -or
SGUM, , C E.* UR/0313/66/"/00G/0013/0Ol3
AIJITHOR: Logvinenko, A._A.
,ITITIZ: Increasing time registration accuracy during satellite photographic observa-
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye kosmicheskogo prostran8tVa, Abe. 6.62.121
REF SOURCE.: Byul. st. optich. nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 19-23
TOPIC TAGS: satellite photography, chronograph, electronic circuit, time signal,
rl~, 1 periodic pulse, pulse counter, photographic equipment
5-fi7JFi41r6 0,dJFeV17r,1aV
ABSTRACT: An electronic circuit and a description of a chronograph, the basis for
,.ftiich is the 21P-22P chronograph, are given. Rotating discs are photo5raphed to
register the times and two pulse tubes with flash times of 10-4 to 10-:7 seconds are
iused to assist. The chronograph print8 second signals during satellite observations I
jin order to determine the zero point. Accuracy of impression readings is 0.0005
!second. The chronograph permits registering up to 25 pulses per second. The in-
istrument has a device for withdrawing the synchronous motor from the dead point during',-
linsertion. P. A, [Tranolation of abstract]
So com.: 14,22
Cord 1/1
--7- - -,-
I , - ~ ,, - - .. -
Urbvnyeva, G. D. Tcpolb7ovpniye shlazx)v zollnoqultfptry;,h. Shlrht ej~a
vyaz'hushc'AM -ryeshcbyeptv I i7,r?yeliy. '-rudy khtm. - myetallurg. in-ta (al