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x 6, A19DON YEV, V. L.; BAMI, V.A.; BAUMGARTMI, N.K.; BERS""IN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.M.; BLOOIN, S.I.; BOROVOY, G.A.: BULIV. M.Z.; BURAKOV, N.A.; VERTSAYZIR, B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VOWUH, B.A.; VOSHCHININ, A.P.; GAIaTIONOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. Tan ; GIMIN, Ye.M.; GILIDMUT, Ya.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINOURG, M.M.; GLHBOV, P.S.; GODES, B.G.; GOEBAQW, Y.N.; GRZHIB, B.V.; GNXICULOV, L.P., kand. a.-kh. nauk; GRMMSKATA, I.Ya.; DANILOV, A.G.; DMITRIYEV, I.G.; DKITRIYBHKO, Yu.D.; DOBIRCKHOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZJOWICH, D.K,; ZIMARW, Tej.; ZIMASKOV, S.V.; ZUBRIK, X.M.; TARA OV, I.F.; KNYAM, S.N.; KCLWAYBY, N.M.; KOHAREVSKIT, V.T.; KOMMO, V.P.; KOMISTOV. D.V.; KOSTROT, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY, D.K.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KUZNNESOV, A.U.; TAGhR'KOV, N.I.; W&LOV, V.G.; LIMMM, V.P.; LOMOVA P.;.; MATSMICH, K.F.; MELINICHMO, K.I.; MMMLEVIGH, I.E.; MIIWAYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSI13ffA, R.N.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKITIN, M.V.; OVICS, I.S.; OGULIHIK, G.R.; OSIPOV, A.D.; OSMER, N.A.; ''T '07, V.I.; PARYMMIE, G.A., prof.; PIYANKOVA, Ye.V.; RAPOPORT, la.D.; R11MIZOV, N.P.; ROWC17, M.P., kand. biol. nauk; ROCHHGOV, A.G.; WJBINCHIK, A.M.; RYBCEBVSKIY, V.S.; SADCHIKOV, A.V.: SEMXNTSOV, V.A.; SIDMO, P.M.; SINTAVSFAYA, V.T.; SITAROVA. M.N.; SOSNOVIKOV. K.S.; STAVITSKIT, Ye.A,; STOLYAROV. B.P. [deceased]; SUDZILOVSKIY, A.O.; STRTSOTA, To.D., kand. takhn. uauk; FILIPPSKIY, V.P.: KJUTURIN. A.D&; TSIMWSKIY, P.M.; CHRWASOV, M.I.; CHAWSHIff, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SIMSTOPAL, A.O.; SHWITM, P.A.; SHISHKO, G.A.; SHCHOBINA, I.N.; HWALI, F.F.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; YAKUBOT, P.A., AROANGELISKIY, (Continued on next card) MMON YEV, V. L.... (con-*.- lr;.:u L! CJ-'&:%' 2. Ye.A., re't-,nenzant, nj,~.; AKIlIK'IN, red.; BAIJLMOV, YU.S., retsem-tirt, EAFJLBA,'jl,7, V.A., re,-~.; BATLEM, P.D., retuenzent, rod.; BOILOD11T, P.1%, kuj6-ae.. nn--ak, re~,seazpmt. red.; VAI;JT.'XIY, I.!., Im:-1:1. ttIld'i'a. rel.oonzent, rad.; GRIGCRIYUV, Y.M., GUBIII, M.F., retsenuent, reid.; GIJDAYW,, 1.11%, j-ce.: YMMOLOV, A.!., kand. tekha. umik, ratnaa-,umt, r3e-.; YJ~XXLClf, B.F., - --, w . -~ ax red.; KRITMCIY, S.W., dolnltl~,-. -'ta'jk' r36'... LICH. V.v., :'-Utsenzzent' :7d(:.; TIJYIII, V.T.' WSKIM, Z.D., reteenzent, *:ed.; WLTRIROS-Or, IMURIANW, D,M,, reteanzent, uaAk, r.),~3enzont, red.; CB~OV, S.S., PH70.51MI, P.Y., reteenzent, red.; POLTAKOVI, I.M., rztije~,inam;, re,!.; R7114YARTS"IT, A.M., vo'Ja3lizent, red.; RYABOHIKOV, Y6.1., SUSIROCU, N.G., -BtAcU- zent, red.; TAKAWN7, F.F., TUUNOVZKIY. S.V., prof., dolc'4or takh-n. iu-uk, TIZDXLI. R.R., :-Otavll- cent, red.; FIWORO'7, lb.M., 3-~3d.; SHWiYAKOV, M.N., reteenzent, rcod.; SHMAKOY, M.I., ~?e-'L-un-n:wutu, 7atl,.; ZHLK, S.Th. [deceased], akLdomik, red.; ITLISO, G.A., knud. tekhn. "-w*, red.; FILIMONOT, N.A., red.; VOLKOV, L.N., GRISHIN, M.M., red.; ZHMIN, V.D., prof., c:ol,,Ijji- zw-,a~, -a(!.; KOSTROV, I.N., T-ed.; LIMCHIV, V.P., red.; MEDVEDIV, V.M., lamd. telenn. uauk. red.; MIKIIAYIJDV, A.V., Irand. teldit. -=j-lc, rid.; nr=, G.D., ree,.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SCBOLBT, V.P., FBRING.M, D.P., MYGOTO, (Core4l-.~tiv-.4 ou nox'. ca?d) ANDONIYXV, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Ye.F., red.; TSYFIAKOV, V.D. [deceased], red.; KORABLIHOV, P.N., takhn. red.; GIMN, lfe,M., tekhn. red.; KACK&UMSKIT, N.Y., takhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical account of the construction of the V.I. Ienin Volga-Don Navigation Canal, the TSimlyansk Hydroelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; takhriieheakii otchet o stroitell- stTe Volgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kamla imen-4 V.I. Ienina, TSim- lianskogo gidrouz1a i orositellnykh sooruzhenii, 1949-1952; v piati tomakh. Mosk-ra, Goa. energ. izd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Obahchee opisanie oooruzhenii. Glav. red. S.IA. Lhuk. Red. tome. M.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 p. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specialized operationa in hydraulic engineering] Orga- uizatsiia stroitellntvn. Spetsialinyo edrotekhnicheekie raboty. (Continued on next card) J ANDOWYEV, V.L.... (COntinued) Card 4. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. tom I.N. Kostrov. 1958- 319 P. (Km 11:9) 1. Rassia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo alektrostantaii. D/txro tekhnicheskogo otcheta o stroitellfeve Tolgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Mmdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Deyetvitelinyy chlen Akademij stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Canal-Hydraulic engineering) )- C ~ , rj o .,''. ~ '5 - LOGLMOV, S. S., and D. A. 11112.SLAr.,KTI. Vribor- na samnle". 9 izd., znachitellno pprer. Doptishr-heno v kachostve ucheh, posoblia dlJa aviatsionnykh tnklinikumov. Moskva, Chorongiz, 194'1'. 52h p., diqrs. First ed. pub. 19141 under the title: Avintsionnye priborx. Title tr.: Airplane instuments. Approved as a textbook for aeronautical technical schools. Reviewed by S. V. Slicl,.ipanov in Sovetskaia !CqiEa, 191M, no. 12, p. 56-58. TL589.i-i6 1947 SOO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union,, Lib:-,-ry of Conrress., i-955. BRASLAVSKIY, D.A.; LO-lim"OV, S.S.; FEL'POR, D.S.; ASS, D.A.,. irjz*,:., retsenzent [Aeronautical inatruments] Aviatsionnye pribory. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Mo3kvaj Mashinootroenie, 1964. 740 p. (MIII 18-2) AII-f -rC 127 51) Braslavrskiy, D. A.; Logunov, S. G.; Pel'por, D. S. ory) 2d ed., rev. and enI. Moscow, Izd-vo tsionny-ye prib Aircraft inst7-jments S-h i n o s t r o y e n i y 064. 0740 p. illus., biblio. 11, 000 copiec printed. aircraft flight instrument, aircraft autopilot, gyrocompzza, gyroscope "-.rtgation equilpmen' n --a -i Lion equipment, automatic cor~tro). -,~OVERA3E: A textbook wrilten 4n compliance w-ith the prograri of nc ruf, c h n i cal ~ntF- cou r,3e for ai rIrP. nc -r-t cc, tion t rA Z7;7i friuat-,rzt5 aud or DDIMUM) kabridged): 3 -'f--neral information on aircraft i-metri-impnts 4 1 u r r..- inntrizmen'J, ~O r Im.,L nC, for Teaz~uring t ni u c_n -1 a_nd r, f, r) u-:r~-p t 'L C, n 0 fthe fuel r, 0 r m as, u r 1- r~,i, t a! t 1 tude 4-Teasur, ng ir's ;1.igbt velocity mearsaring in-str=-ents 295 lertical flight velocity measuring inetrum-enta 330 X77. Velocity and ELltitude control devices 341 h XI'l- Accelerometers 357 Ch.. XIV. Aircraft compasses - 373 Part III. Gyroscopic devicas, autopilots and auto-inatic navigators Ch. XV. Eaemonts of gyroscope theory - - 443 -1 t M. Cardan Join gyroscapee 465 L,a,d 77777:*_~i, - c 27 38 *rentiating and integrating F o,~copc-- 476 ~rrw~cou~c de7lces &-nd 6yGtemii for 01* c~-,mrso le-t-r--na"lon -ei)L of ~vertiAl systeTxj 'utopilote 628 Autonavigators 710 i) v A 736 D: 22oct64 SUB CODE: AC, NIG SUR-MITTE 11, E117F SOV: 033 UMER : 001 ,c 315 C TaE!-11';',E T5Li~.'7, 1131 B.IJ J".tAHI CAL A 1 D 3 76 BOOK Call N-).: AF625728 Author: B"USLAVSKIY, D. A., LQGT!gZ, 3. S. ?TLIF R, T. S. 10 1 Full Title: CALCULATION A"D DESIGN O.F AVIATION 11IM-1111'ENTS Transliterated Title: Raschet i konstruktsiya eviatsionrykh priborov Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publirhing Houoe of the De~ense Industry (Oboronriz) Date: 1954 No. p .: 583 No. of copies: Not riven Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: The authors express thanks to Chistyakov, N. I. and Tikhmenev, S. S., Doctors of Technical Science, and to the Staff of the 14oskva Aviation Instrw-,ent Construction Tekhnikum in. Ordzhonikidze for critically reviewing varlouG parts of the book. Text Data Coverage: This textbook is approved by the Administration of the Educational Department of the Ministry of the Aviation Industry of the USSR. It describes the theoretical principles and constructLon of aviation instrunents of mechanical :-ilots and automatic navira- 1A Z Ruschet i konstruktslyn aviatalonnykh priborav ;,11) )76 tors. Electrical instruments receive nUecial attentiDn bocau.;e otl their growing importance. Basic information is given on typical components of instruments such as: potentiometers, elastic sensi- tive elements, transforming and multiplying mechanisms, etc. be- cause of the absence of educational helps in this field. Diaf,,rams, tables, graphs, photos, etc. An interesting and very well-compiled book. Chapters on electrical instruments, automatic naviratora and automatic pilots contain a considerable volume of material and might be worth a closer study. L 05102-67 i~Wf ( L) ACC NR: AP6013238 SOURCE' CODE: UR/04,13/66/000/008/0031/0032 AUTHORS: Verbitskiy, M. V.; Svirkov, V. S.; Semonova, Ye. A.; LqGunov, S. S. ORG: none TITIE: A method for reducing the zero drift of a magnetic amplifier Class 21, No. 180632 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, prowjshlennyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8. 1966, 31- 32 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic amplifier, amplifier design ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presonts a method for reducing the zero drift of a magnetic amplifier with a differential load (see Fig. 1). The design simpli- fies the amplifier and increases its reliability. A signal is fed to the input of the magnetic amplifier. This signal is equal to the difference between the voltage proportional to the sum of the currents of the load at the present moment and to that same voltage at the moment of switching on the amplifier. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.318.435.3 L 05102-67 ACC BR: AP6013238 ':ru- I RL a. Fig. 1. MU-1 and MU-2 single track magnetic amp W iers; RL, and RL2 load; Rl, R R , and R. - resistors; 20 3 We - control windings of the magnetic amplifiers V+ Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb65 4Z-11 0 - 'n" , n. I A ACC NR- !,.P60256ol la"'" Q DVU W3 VO.K`14 '0, 13/ IhIrLMRS: Verbitakiy, Us V.; Solovlyev, I. Ifs; Zavodkova, He Gol Semenoval Yes As? Logunov, S. S. ORG: none TITLE: Static dc-to-ao converter. Glaas 21, No. 163270 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promychlennyye obraztay, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 13P 1966, 41 TuPIC TAGS: tranfliatora'.1d circuit, de to ac convorter ,'aST?ACT: This Author Certificate preaento n trnn3istorized bridge type atatic dc-to-:. ac converter with saturable tranuformer.) in the transistor base circuits. To stabil- izo the output power, copper reoistorn are cunnected in the transistor base circuitf3 (see pig. 1). To atabilize tho output fro(liv.,nvy, a coppor reointor ia connected in series with the primary of the caturablo traziaformer. To broRden the frequency rango of conversion, an inductor with a rjeries-connected diode is connected in parallel with! the base-emitter junction of each transistor whooo collector is connected to B-. Card UDC: 621-314.5-u ACC NR, tP6025601 Q~j W Fig. 1. 1-4 tranaiotorn; 5 and 6 transformora; 7-10 - copper resiatore; 11 and 12 inductora; 13 and 14 - diodes Orig. art. haej 1 diagrams SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 158op64 Card 2/2 J. I- LOGUNOV, V.A. , vaterinarnyy vrach Veterinary smrvice on the collmetive farm. Yeterinartia 36 no.7:15-38 JI '59- (MIRA 12:10) 1. Kolkhoz Iment Komttsrna, Hichurinakogo rayona, Tamhovskoy oblasti. (Michurinok District--Veterinary medicine) LOGMIOV, Vasilly Dmitriyevich; STRASHUN, B.A., red.; BELYAYEV, N.A., takhn.red. (Prosent control of the Danube by international law] Savremennyi mezhdunarodno-provovoi rezhim Dunaia. Hoskys, Izd-vo IMO, 1958. 150 P. (MIRA 11:5) (Danube River-Navigation-4aws and regulations) LOGUNOV, V.I. Asyr.ptotic behavior r' ~he solutions to a linear differential equation of the nth.order with delayed argument, DJf. urav. I no-4:467-468 Ap 165* (MIRA 18:5) 1. Udmurtskly gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. ACC NR' AR6035015 SOURCE CODE- UR/0044/66/0001008/13049/BO49 AUTHOR: Logunov, V. 1. TITLE: The asymptotic behavior of the solutions of differential equations with a delayed argument SOURCE: Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 8B230 REF SOURCE: Dokl. i soobshch. nauchn. -konferentsiy fiz. -1matem. i yestestv. fak. Udmurtsk. gos. ped. in-t. Izhevsk, 1965, 16 TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, delayed argument equation, asymptotic property, solution asymptotic behavior ABSTRACT: Under certain constraints for functions f(t, A g(t) and constant matrix A, a solution of x(t) of the system such that 112 'UDC: 517. 949. 2 NR- AR6035015 corresponds to each solution of y(t) of the system Kh. Tavang. [Translation of abstract) [DW] SUB CODE: 12/ Card 212 I,OGUNQV*,,V.N., LOBANOV, Yu.N., 011CHINNTFOV, E.P., PE7UKTIOV, V.A., RARIN0710, M.S., RTJSONOVP V.D. "Experimental Investigations of Physical Processes Facilitating the Capture of Electrons Injected into the Betatron," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30 1957 AUTHOR LOCUML-Y-E.,OVCIIIMIIKOV,'b.F.,RUSUIOV~ V.D. 89-~-< /214 ' TIfLE -T_heExp Qrim*nta1 DQtwrwJnati.on of the Lfi'ectivity of R;ldiatlon Feud in BptAtron. (Km-cerimvnt2l~nc~eiaelc.dovaniyer,ffwktivnosti inzhektsii v betatrons-Russin) FERIODICAL Atc-nay2 Enor&Jva,, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 6, pp 525 - 531 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT Magnetic and electric altern2ting fields which are artificially produced in the acceleration chamber of the betatron at the moment in which electron food is supposed to takw place give inforriation concerning the offectivit K o of radiation food, It was shown that both and additional magnetic fiold..t affect of which may be compared accoviLng to Kerstfs hypothesis with the in- fluence of an electric alternating field on a particle, and also the field of an artificially produced space charge increases the y-yiald In the betat- ron considerably only in the case of low food currents.(2o - 3o-fold). Generally, it was possible to prove that similar artificial methods essen- tially cause no increase of intensity. ~ualitativo 2nalysis permits the conc- lusion that the effect of the inductivu concentration in agru6m&nt with Kurat is small in proportion to Coulowb's interaction in the case of normal opera- tional conditions of the betatron.It is presumed that only such methods as a- re able to exercise consideratle effect upon the stabilizing forces ofthe bu- tatron Magnetic field, increase the y-yield to any considerable extent, 1/2 8.9-"'/214 Tht~ Experimental Determination of the Eff#,ctivity of Radiation PA - 3962 Food in Betatron. ASSOCIATION Not Given. M3ENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 ,,/'b,';SrAMNARY CUICULA-UN-5 CU Ifi Lft~;j 'ROM r M'~3 1. .1 ECTRON INJECT . N 13FTATRO!" IV r L E. Qycm ~kgw, at ki Ll, VAy. (T~l -,oe of ej~ctrrn cW-urs L-- A gy---::r Rtudlas were m with a twittron litziter to d'-Winina lt~* fil:a And ll-~Aps a curefirit Gccurr-~qf in Me chwnber at the blection mcna-it ith respact to the slio vA 6,1~zpo al W,;ectton fKAsta. Mis posttim of Itts ploo In ro,;pect to Ube caplure area. ard to D4 Inj4dor current arnivilon. A nchime to givtn c( the recordtrg avpuratux wl-h hlEh re.,iollvIng pGwer arA Me bloe.k oystern, c4 tt.* Lnrlvillation. (Ft.v.j.) AUTHORi IDMOV,V.N., OVOEMIKOV,13.P., RUSANOV,V.D. PA - 3571 TITIZ: D, idenoo of Continuous Radiation Intensity in Betatron on In- jeotion Parameters. (Zavisimost' intensivnosti to=oznogo if -islucheniya betatrone. ot onnovnykh parametrov inzhektsii, Rtiasian) PERIODICAL: Zharnal Takhn. Piz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5, PP 1135-111#2 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs This paper aims at explaining the influence exercised by the impulse form at the injector on the capture of electrons on the occasion of the modification of the various injection paramters. The analysis of the obtained curves I output , f ( iem) and Ioutput g f (d ) show that no unifom mode of operation warranting capture at all working conditions of the betatron exists. The first curve shows the derpendenoe of intensity on the a=unt of the current emitted frm the injector into the obs or in the case of a given amplitude of the injection impulse. d denotes the distance between the filament of the injector and the present orbit of the maxim= radius possible. In the ease of low amperages of the injector a non-oolleotive pro- oess takes place at the expense of an adiabatic modification of the magnetic field. Within the range of working currents a collective capturing process exists which essentially determines the effioaoy Card 1/2 of the injectors within this domain. The occurrence of this PA - 3571 Dependence of Continuous R&di&tion IntensitY in Betatron on In- jection Parameters. oolleotive oapturing process, which takes effect with growing In- jeotion voltage, is of a different character than that oocurring with & diminishing impulse domain of injection voltage. The chamo- ter of capture in a flat part is qualitatively similar to that on the occasion of an impulse decrease, The efficacy of capture in the case of an impulse decrease seem to be essentially determined by the decrease of the space charge in the accelerator chamober beow, e with a reduction of the duration of the decrease* capturing in- creases considerably. From the point of view of betatron construction it is desirable to have an impulse form of injection with a slowly growing front and a steep2y declining rear front. (With 10 Illuatra- tions). ASSOCIATICK: Maical Institute "P.N. LEBEDEr' of the AoadenW of Scd PRESENTED BTt SUBMITTED: 2.7-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 AUTHOR: -LOMOV,V.N., OVUHIMIKOV,13.P., RUSANOV,V.D., PA - 3572 SnMOVIS.S. TITLE: Nonstationary Circulating Current by Electron Injection in Betatron. (Nestatsionarnyy tsirkuliruyushchiy tok pri inzhektsii elelctronov v betatron, Russian) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5, pp 1143-1148 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAM. The experiments were carried out in a 30 MOV synchrotron with betatron injectors. Measuring of the amount and fona of the current was carried out by means of an induction ommection be- tween the current in the chamber and the receiving aoil near the chwdber. A receiving- and registering apparatus with high reactiv- ity was oonstmoted. This made it possible to obserre currm t modi- fioations in the chamber during some revolutions of the particles. The main difficulties are described which had to be overcome in con- struoting this apparatus. After a detailed description of the apparatus and the experiment the following conclusions were axAved at: 1.) The absolute amount of the circulating current in the chamber is.determined at optimum conditions by the limitinp_ charge which is bound by the stabilizing forces of the mgnetio field. Therefore also the r -bremostrahlung is detendned Card 1/2 by the limiting charge. FA - 35 72 Nonstationary Circulating Current by Eleotrcn Injeation in Betatron. ASSOCIATICKs FFLESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: IVAILABLE: 2.) The coefficient of electron transition from the nonsteady to the steady circuit grown with an increase of the injection current and attains an optimm value of 0.3 + 0.4. 3-) The induction prooeas of compressing the oz1bit suggested by D.W.1aRST (Phys.Rev. 60, 47, 1941 and Rev.Sci.I.-Atr. 21, 1+62, 1950) is not able alone to explain the efficacy of the in- otion. in the case of a normal operation of the betatron. Weith 7 Illustrations). ~ Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDWI of the AcadenW of Science of the U.S.S.R. 13.7-1956 Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHMS: Logunov, V.M.' Semenovs B.S. 56-6-33/47 TIM- On the Zlecrtron Capture in a Betatron (0 zakhvate elektrcaov v beta- trone) PERIMICAL: Zhurnal EksperimentaLl'noy i Teorsticheakoy Fiziki, .957, Vol- 33, -1514 (USSR, Nr 6P pp. 1513 1 ABSTRACTt Hitherto, a. process in a betatron, which may act upon electron cap- ture in connection with acceleration in the betatron regime has not found much attention. If we study the motion of the electrons in a coordinate system moving on an equilibrium orbit w,~th the azimuthal velocity of the fed-in electrons, the electrons will, in such a oo- ordinate system, move against one another. An, howiver, the valocityl which corresponds to the motion of the electrons &'-,0n9 the radius is low, the probability of a collision of two slaotro-.-A in rather high. Because of zultiple scattering, the electrons, whiah formerly had been oscillating with an equal amplitude, will now have amplitudes which are distributed according to a Gaussian function, and therefore the condition for a sudden damping of oscillation will be given for Oard 1/2 a certain part of the electrons fed onto an eqilibrium orbit. There On the Electron Capture in a Betatron are 1 figure and 5 references, 3 of which are Slavic. 56-6-33/47 ASSOCIATICN: Tmst.'' of Pbroics immi.. P.N. Lebed4v, AN USSR(Pizioheakiy institut im. P.N. Lebeaevs. Mutdemii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTM JulY 10, 1957 AVAnABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 "N SOV-120-58-1-10/43 AUTHORS:Logunov-,_ V. N. and Semenov, S. S. TITLE: Fe-rnal Injection of Electrons in a Betatron (0 vnutrenney inzhektsii elektronov v betatrone) PERIODICAL: Pribo.-,j i Tek-hnika Eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 1, pp 49-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been shown (Refs.1 and 2) that the work of a betatron is still pobsible when the injector is placed on the inner side of the stable orbit. However, there is no information in the literature on the effectiveness of the internal as compared with external injection of electrons in the betatron. This would be of interest in the deter- mination of the possible mechanism of capture of electrons into the betatron acceleration regime and also in the elucidation of the possibilities of practical application of internal injection. Two injectors have been tried by the authors, placed both on the inner and the outer side of the stable orbit. The work was carried out in conjunct- ion with the 30 MeV cyclotron of the Lebedev Physical In- stitute. The photograph of the internal injector is shown Card 1/3 SOV-120-58-1-10/11-3 Internal Injection of Electrons in a Betatron. in Fig.l. The electron optical system of the internal in- jector was an exact replica of the electron optics of an external injector in the form of the usual 3 electrode de- vice. Measurements of the intensity of y-rays have shown that the absolute magnitude of this intensity is the same for the internal injector as for the external injector with the same injection parameters. Figs.2 and 3 show the in- tensity of the y-rays as a function of the emission current of the injector and its position. The curves are identifiable for both the internal and the external injectors. It is concluded that the position of the injector relative to the equilibrium orbit is immaterial. There are 3 figures, no Card 2/3 SOV-120-53-1-10/43 Internal Injection of Electrons in a Betatron. tables and 2 hn3lish references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziclieskiy institut im. P. N. LebedevaAlf SSSR (ImLtitute of Physiceira. 1-1. Lobedev USSR) ,Auade-ay of Sciences SUBMITTED: JulY 3, 1957. 1.-Betatrons--De an 2. Betatrons--Performance 3. Betatrons --Equipment 4711ectron capture Card 3/3 66376 ;Z/'2_000 SOV/120-59-5--29/46 AUTHORS: Logunov, V.N. and Semenov, S.S. TITLE: Contractor for a Betatron PERIODICAL: Pribory i toklinika olcnperimonta, 1959, Nr 5, pp 122 - 123 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description is given of a contractor circuit used to ensure maximum y-ray intensity, using the 30 MoV synchrotron of the Physics Institute of the Ac.Sc., USSR. It is claimed to be more stable than those described so far. The circuit may be used to ensure a greater rate of change of magnetic flux at low consumed power. Three copper turns were placed in the median plane, as shown in Figure 1. The three turns were then connected to the electronic circuit on tile left of Figure 3. Tile input valve is a 6N5S double triode. The maximum voltage oil the anodes of the valves reaches 180 V and the valves are cut off by a negative bias of 150 V. At the instant of injection, a positive rectangular pulse having an amplitude of 150 V is applied to the control grids of the valves. The duration of the pulse is 10 ILs, the rise time Cardl/2 of the leading edge is 0.4 lis and the duration of the tail 66376 Contractor for a Betatron SOV/120-59-5-29/46 is 0.6 lis. The injoction is carried out with the aid of a half-sine pulse, 5 Ps long. Figure 2 shows a typical increase in the intensity of the y-rays, using the contractor and an average injector. The upper curve was obtained with the contractor and the lower curve without it. (This is an abridged translation). There are 3 figures and 4 references, of which 3 are English and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: September 6, 1958 Card 2/2 h 1h 3.14 S/12o/62/000/005/oo6/036 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Logunov, V.N.,- Semenov, S.S. TITLE: The influence of focusing the injector on the intensity of betatron gamma radiation ~,PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no-5, 1962, 35-37 TEXT: A normal three electrode betatron injector is arranged so' that its heam divergence can he reduced from 20 to 3.50 bry means of a diaphragm slit. For optimum-phase conditions and constant voltage on the injector the gamma radiation intensity is slightly higher for the 3.50 beam than for the 200 beam. An examination of the trapping of electrons in the betatron regime shows that coulomb interactions play a large part and that-bad focusing leads to the formation of a space charge 'mainly near the injector. The results indicate that the optimum divergence of the beam lies in the range 20 to 250 which confirms earlier meast&rements on the .Physics Institute synchrotron working in the betatron regime. By varying the voltage on the injector with a beam divergence of 20* the gamma radiation intensity passes through a maximum at ~- 22 KV for a beam current of 50 uA and '-124 KV for a beam Gard 1/2 I ACCESSION NTR: AT3012931 S/2504/63/019/000/0151/0157 AUTHORS: Logunov, V. N.; Semenov, S. S. . . -_ 2- _'.. -t_ - L""'.- , I TITLE: Dependence of betatron Gamma Ray intensity on the main para- meters of internal electron injection SOURCE: AN SSSR. Fizichaskiy institut. Trudy*, v. 19, 1963, 151-157 TOPIC TAGS: betatron, electron injection, betatron Gamma ray inten- sity, internal injection, external injection, capture efficienvi, Gamma brerisstrablung intensity, Coulomb interaction force ABSTRACT: To compare the efficiencies of' internal and external in- jection in a betatron, two 4njectors were installed in the contral plane of the betatron at equal' distancez inside an_-7 equilibrium orbit. Two p-41sed generators were producing a triangular injection pulse and the other a trapezoic:al one wit 'A-A variable flat top duration and with variable leading zrailing Cord 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012931 front slopes. Measurements of the intensity of the -rray brernsstrah- lung have shown that the absolute intensity obtained with both types of injectors is the same for equal injection parameters. The same pertains to compar-Lsons of the capture region, dependence of the capture e ~ on the emission current, the deoendence of ff4CienCy the capture efficiency on the form of the injection pulse. Experi- ments on the inA"'luence of the electron Coulo-,rb interaction -forces cn the capture efficiency were made with an additional injector placed in the cham1ber 30* in azimuth from the main injector and producing a secondary time-varying electron cloud localized in azimuth. At small main-injector emission currents the capture efficiency was greatly increased by the auxiliary injector, but with increasing main emiss.ion current the auxiliary injector became less and less ef'fectLve. This is attributed to the production of an electron cloud by the main injector. The damping produced by multiple colli- sions between electrons, which can contribute to the capture of electrons in tho betatron acceleration mode, is also considered Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012931 briaZly. The net conclusion is that the position of the injector relative to the equilibrium orbit ..s immaterial. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute, &N SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: PH DATE ACQ: 05Sep63 NO REF SOV: 004 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 001 card 3/3 LOGUNOV, Yu. N., inzh.; ALYUKHIN, Yu.S. Semiconductor unit for cooling small animals. Probl. kosm. biol. 4:555-559 165. (MIFA 18:9) M LOOGUNOVA, A. 0. Director, Khar!,ov scientific re3earch lmqtltuts-~~ fol' the cal-e 0"' !Inl child "Pregnandi,Dl le,.el In the urine in mlscarria:,,e and the effect, of' --,.lta=-!n E ulpon it,' by R. S. Id-rsagatova, Akush. I ,,in. no.4:64-69 Jl-A.:, 1952 7. C: -1. . I Cl: --, - '/I sec 15 J~.,-ne 555 Tuloerculosis " PiLr.c)n:!'v Dise.-,,.-~S . 0 1 1211. LOGU NOVA A.G., BUROVA M.D. and DVOYRIN M.S. *Anti -tb v a c- Ukrainian viilage PROBL.TUBERK. 1954. 2 (3-7) Tables 2 (Russian text) From 1949 on newborns at the materrities of the Ukrainian kolchoses are vaccinated. ~~r --j. /5LIJ C VN~ Practically Overy kolchos has a maternity (6305 in the whole country). The inocu- lation is carried out by specially trained people and not only by physicians. A decrease of the number of tuberculous meningitis is attributed to this method. Frey - Berlin (XV, 7, 10) LUR IYE pAleksandr Yudimovichp prof.9 vrAch (1897-1958); 11"ARCHENKO, A.F., prof., otv. red.; YLTDOMOVP A.I.f kand. red. nauk, red.,- KALINI- CHENKO, T.Ya., Irand. mod". nauk, red.; KRUPKO, Yu.A.9 kand. mad. nauk, red.; WGUNOVA9_ kand. red. naukp red,4 PAP9 A.G.9 kand. mod, naukq-J-pe-t-a-.red.; PANCHENKOf N.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; SAVITS- KIYq V.N.9 doktor med. nauk, prof.9 red.; SVESHNIKOVA, N.V., kand. med. naakp red.; TELINOVAP R.I., kand. mod. naukp red.; TIMOMMKO, L.V.9 kand. mod. nauk ' apets. red.; YANKELEVIGHp Ye.7a., prof,j red.; YANKOVSKAYA9 Z.B., red. izd-va; MATVEYCHUKP A.A., tekbn. red. [Selected works) Izbramwe trudy. Kiev, Izd-vo Jdcad. nauk USSR. 1960. 425 P. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk USSR (for lAwlyep Makarchenko) (GYNECOLOGY) LOGUNOVA, A.G. [Lohunova, A.H.), dotsent; MIKHAYLOVSKIY, V.S. [Mykhailovslkyi, I.. kand. med. nauk Some data on the action of aminazine In obstetrical and gynecological practice. Ped., akush. I gin. 22 no-4:54-57 160. (MIRA 11.'5) 1. Kafedra akusherstva I ginekologii (zav. - prof. O.Yu.Lurlye [deceased)) Kiyevskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasno o Znamoni moditsin- skogo instituts. im. akademika O.O.Bogomolltsa Mi-ektor - dotsent I.P.Aleksoyenko) I Ukrainskogo nauchno-isoledovatollskogo instituta neyrokhirurgii (direktor - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. 0;1. Aruty,unov).' (CHLOURCHIAZINE) (GYNECOLOGY) GALUSHIN, WM,; LIKHOPEKS Ye.A.; IMUNOVA, Y.NI; RUBINSHTEYNp N.A. ?:7 -1 Gulls in the moutboastern Tamal Peninsula. Ucb zap. MPI no.227: 279-290 164o imIRA 18:11) LOGUNOVA, G. If there are no indifferent peraonsoo.. Sov. FTofsoiu 20 no-3:28-29 F 164. (Pff RA 17 ~ 31 1. Predsedatelt mestnogo komiteta shkoly No.735, Moskva. KISELINIKOV, r.N,l IT91&';HlNp V.Ya.; 5111ROKOV, S,G&; PrInlinali uabastiyet kRIKHINAj, L.V.; PRISHCREPINA, A.I.; LOGLINOVA, G.V.; LAPSHINA, L.M.; PENYAYEVA, L.A. Production of granulated cartamide from the melt of the distillation column of the fixst stage in a fluidized bed. Izve v7s* uohebo zave; khIm. i khim. tekb. 8 no,3:504-510 165- (MM 18:10) 1. Ivanovskiy khImiko-tekhnologicheakly institutp kafedra protsessov i apparatov, ~cj pre a nf- - F'rnt Far, Fastf-'m --ra G P f cn n Vladivostok. Iiiui. Ucti. 3 no. :34-3~ e4 -Y 49 v aLl /f M XYA;~, Kh. S . LOGUNOVA, K. S. It Roll sullfgidrilInykh grupp v effekte "uskollzaniya" serdtsa ot ugnetayushchego vliyaz2iya bluzhdayushchego nerva". Dokl- AN SSSR.- 1950~ t- 731 No 2j. a. 429-432, ris. Literatura 3 nazv. LOC-4NOVA, K.S.; KIPBRSHL&K, Ye.Z. Correlation between basic electrographic indicators of the frog heart and reactive grouos of Its nroteins. Fiziol. xh. SSSR 39 no. 1:71-76 Jan-Tab 1953. (CIAL 24:2) 1. Denartment of Animal Physiology of Moscow Order of Lenin Statto University imeni X. ve 10mononove Kh. S. Koshtoyants and Logunova had shown that the heart's excape from the sIT)pressing effect of the vagus is due to lack of free SH 1-7roups and that the addition of urea liberates SH groups (Dokl. AN SSSR, Vol.73, p.429,1950). Binding of SH groups by CdCl leads to distinct shifts in the electrogram (EG) of the frog's heart. Addition 9f cysteine reverses the changes brought about by CdCl"o Llrea, by liberating SH groups, produces sharp changes in the initial as well as fthal part of the EG. The changes due to cysteine are not eo-alvalent to those produced by urea. 254T2 v Z~ cut metabolism of the V. Lon-tonsi I" -wv State Univ., Nauk S.S.S.R., Scr. bid. 1954, ), L-2-61; cf. C.A. 47, 5018J.-Alteration of metabo- Nc. r kin cauw3 dcfinit~ chAnWts in die form of the cardicsimm as shown in expts. With frogi. Binding of SH groups by CdClj, causing strtictural diangts Its contractile pruteut and ChAtIgti in cristyinic prix,!ites. lewls to increage of the P-,R ftitl:t 4 and t1atteaisi- or invcruion of the T spike, aftce of the 5 spile tiTLy take place, while the S-7' =1 drcHnei. In trEAtic I iota of cysteine rev.,rts the picture to nortZlity. COUQI,~ grcafly incrtasts the Initial tisjue 1),liential. Parthl ttpjil)ratiori cf C,ICIi to viyocardluni avior A slit- rAve. I 'I 1, 11 to riwlv+fr)~r b~'! wrontl:A of 1h, ,,~Mt. r"111W4421,1 by addsi, (;. N U Y, KOZICV, V.A.; KHODOV, L.V.~ MMOVA, M.M.; TARUBAROV, I.G. Technical and economic results enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy in 1957. Biul. TSIIH tayst. met. n0-8:34-38 '58s (MIRA 11:6) (Nonferrous metal industries) L 10336-67 g6T(j)1w(m) lip(c) ju4 ACC M Ap6o,,,,~uq (-N) SOURCE CODEt UR/003/66/000/015/0006/0086 AUTHORS: Dontnov, A.-A Parka, P.-I.1 Logunova, R. A.; Yermiloval 04 A*1 Dogadkin, B. A. ORGj none TITLEt A mete for ~roteoting polyolefina against zonal S&Z by heat and light. Class 39, No. 'fAA28VZa-nnounced by Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technolo&r im. M. V. Tomcf'iosov (Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheskoy -tekhnologii27 ISOURCE: Izobr~,t` prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 66 TOPIC TAGS: r.-.-rt-on black, polyolefin, light aging, polypropylene plastic ABSTRACT: Thj:i Author Certificate presents a method for protecting polyolefins against zonal nving by heat and light as described in Author Certificate No- 17203lb To increase the stabilizing activity in the case of aging by heat and light, Q-g_1- le d together with carbon black. fidize4-_pQjZR%~q gynolis applie SUB CODE 1 8 ATFt 16jui65 Card 1/1 i.,JL, UDC: 678#74-0,10-4:670.*[42-316-046.2 LOGMTSOV) B. M.: JVtst,~.v Tecla Sell (e,1933) -- "IWV19Stll~zat-'On Of th-a "37-Z3-'C "'l- pendewica in broal-Ing up motilwa-iiard rock with a cul.-tirv- lnatrum,~.--,W'. MOB r UW , 1952'. 1-7 Pp (Acad Sal LESR, Dult (if F.Inlw,), 1~0 coplal" (YL, 7:0 " 1~'-) AUTHOR: Loguntsov, B. M. SOV/z)o-5-8-8-33/43 TITLE: On Problems of Rock Disintegration (Voprosy rizrushenija gornykh porod) Transactions of the Conference in the Mining Institute (Soveshchaniye v Institute gorno~~o dela) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 8, PP- 130 - 132 (USSR) AISTRACT: This coordination conference was held from Lilay, 2o - 22. It was called by the Institut gornogo dela Akademii nauk SSSR (Mining Institute AS USSR). Representatives of scientific research institutes, of universities, of planning bureaux and manufacturing plants participated in the work. The following lectures were held: BX.Leybov on methods of evaluating coal structure. M.M.Protodlyakonov and B.14.Loguntsov on the standardiz,--ition and the establishment of a un-i-f-orm scale of drilling work- A.11.Zeleiiin on a more precise method of the determination of limit values of rock stress values. V.S.Kravchenku, A.P.Obraztsov and D.A.Denloov on the Card 1/2 .. -froq)iency fieldo for the breaking application of magnetic high .1 On Problems of Rock Disintegration. Transactions of SOV130-r8-8-33143 the Conference in the Mining Institute up of quartzites from the anomalous maenetic ore-q from Kursk and from ores of other sites. A.P.Ostrovskiy, A.I.Gollbinder and A.A.Pavlichenko on new methods of blasting in the drift advance of bore holes, M.I.Koyfman on rules governing the rock disintegration by means of rotating and percussion drilling. R.M.Eygeles on the dependence of bore thrustl on the drill pressure, on the drill speed, on rock properties etc. Ye.I.Ilf-iitskaya on mechanical extraction of coal, N.G.Karatavoy on the specific pressure distribiition on the leading edge of the cutter in coal extraction. At the end of the conference it was emphasized that the majority of research work which has hitherto been conducted was entirely of an exper-imental nature. Theoretical and experimental research is to be intensified in the future. Card 2/2 LYUBOSHCHINSKIY, Dmitriy Markovich; POZIN, Yevgeniv Zallminovich; LAZAK. Yuriy Nikolnyevich; ZILIBERT, Izraill SamoylovJch; -TO["-IffT-qOx- a-X--.-Otv. red.; SHOROKHOVA, A.Y., red. izd.- va; IL'INSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. [Breaking of coal by the cutting elements of mining mEchines] Razrushenle uglei ispolniteltnymi organami vyemochnykh mashin. Moskva, Gog. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu itelu. 1961. 220 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Coal mining, machinery) '49 ~ -, , - -. ;' , - 7 , J_ LOGUMOV) B.M., kandAekhn,nauk- Ewluating the operating efficiency of cutters of cutter- leaders., Nauch.soob.lnst.gor.dela 7:93--97 161. (MIWI 15: 11 (Mlining machinery) BARON, Lazar' Izrailevich; LOGUNTSOV, Boria MaWmvich; ARKHANGELISKlY, A.S., oty. red.; LOHILINA, L.N., tsklu6 red. [Analysis of various ways of breaking roas In connection with designing mining cutter-loaderB)Analiz razlichuylch sposoboy razrushenlia gornykh porod primenitellno k sozdeoaliu porodo- prokhodcheakikh kombainov. Moskva, TSentr. ln-t tekhn. in- formataii ugollnoi promyshl., 1962. 53 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Rocks-Testing) (Mining machinery) ,LOGUI.rsov, B.H., kand,tekhn,,nauk I Scientific Technological no.5s78-79 W 162. f (Mining A Conference on Rock Breakin Gor.zhur, f~~ 16:1) engineering-Congresses) BARONS Lela, doktor,tekhn.nauk; 7.AGOBSKIY, S.L.., kand.tekhn.nauk; LOGUNTSOV, B.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Breaking rocks with freely rot.-ting wedge-shaped rollers. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.1:8-12 Ja 163. (PVA 16:2) Is Imtitut gornogo del& imeni A.A.Skochinakogo. (Mixdng machjn9rr.--ju0tjug) ALEKSANDROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; KOCHERGINA, Anna Vaaillyevna; POKHOVSKIY, Leonid Alekseyevich. Prinimal uchastiye KHNYKIN, V.F.; LQGUMMY,j~,M., otv. red.; GEYMAN, L.M., red. izi-va; MAKSIMOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Contemporary mechanization for working placer depOBitB] Sov- remennaia mekhanizataiia dlia rasrabotki roasypei; spravochnos posobie. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 462 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Hydraulic mining-Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control) LOGUNTSOV, B.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Conference on the breaking of rocks. Nauch. soob. IGD 17:164-167 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Mining engineering) -LOGUNTSOVY B.M.; ALEKHOVA, Z.11. Investigating the process of rock cutting with dulling tools. Fiz. mekh. svois., dave i razr, gore porod. no.2:66-71 163. (MIRA 17:1) BERON, A.I.; LOGUI.FfSOV, B.M.; GUBENKOV, Ye.K. Multiple-position two-component dynamometer. Fiz. mekb. Bvols. dav. i razr. gor. porod. no.2:103-106 163. (MIAA 171l) 4, LOGUNTSOVt B.M., kand.takhri.nauk Some problems in the mechanical crushing of rocks as applicable -~o the design of the actunting elements of mining cutter loaders. Nauch. soob. IGD 21i142-150 163. (MIRA 17:2) GUBENKOV, Ye.K.; ZArOiCS.,:Iv_, S.L.; LOGUiiT*V, B.M. Grinding the c-Atters of coal cutter-loaders on the rccks of a mas3if. Fiz. mekh. svoiss, dav, i razr, gor. porod. no.2:81-87 163. (KIRA 17s1) SHIRE1,10, K.I.; HODESTOY, Tu.A.; LOGUSOV, B.I. Testing the chamber and pillar mining method In mine NO.3- U901' 34 no.12:10-14 D 159. (MIRh 13:4) 1. Shakhta 10.3 (for Shirenko). 2. Leningradalriy gornVT inatitut (for Modeatov). 3. Treat Loningradelanets (for Logusov). (Leningrad Province--Shale) (Mining engineering) LOGUSOV, B.I., gornyy inzh. Mschanized digging of drainage trenches in the Estonslanets Trust mines. Ugol' 37 no.8:44 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Shakhta No.6 Kombinata po razrabotke mestorozhdeniy estonskikh goryuchikh slantsev. (Estonia-Mine drainage) LOGUSZ, Stanislaw, inz. i Miniaturization of parta of electric equipment in mining engineering. Wiadom gorn 13 no.12:450-452 D '62. ~. .0 LOGUSZ, Stanislew, inz. Mining telephone cahlea; a discussion. Przegl gorn 17 no.9:489-491 S 161. IDGUTRIOX . E. P. The *Ford* 6000 tractor. Trakt. i sellkhozmELsh.32 no.?:40-4--1 Jl' (MIRA 15:7) (United States-Tractora) - LOGUTENOK, E.P. The new "Caterpillarm crawler tractor. Trakt. i sellkhozmaBh. 32 no.10t46 0 162. OURA 15:9) (United States--Crawler tractors) LOGUTENOK, E.P.j inzh. ha Work of a shredding drum with hir-age-type ftlster:Jr-T Ot (V~:tA. -t7:2) i sellkhozmash. 33 no-12:19-20 D 163. 1. VsesoYuzny.,( nauchno-.Jssledovatel'skiy in,-titut mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. LOGUTENKO, 11.11. In hcapitable Vietnam. Zdorovle 8 no.6:25 T?, :62. Oa.~-A 15: 5) 1. Ctvetstvennyy sekretarl Obshchostva sovetsko-vlyetnamskoy druzhby. (VIETNAM, HORTH-PUBLIC HEALTH) , . -, - - I I- .-- - WGUTMIKO. N.Y. otiveness of different methods for tilling the compact sod of lowland meadows In Gornyy Altai. Izv. vost. fil. AN SSSR no-9:133- 139 '57. (MIRA ll.-J) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR. (Gorno-Altai Autonomous Province-Pastures and meadows) (Tillage) 6 vrol - A 'tt, A Ell WGUTFMO, Na~ - Ecological characteristien of tuftnd hair grass (Deachampsia caeopitosa (L.) P.B.),the dominant species in lowland meadows of the Gornyy Altai. Bot.shur. 44 no-11:1593-1599 N '59. 04IRA 13: 10 1. Biologichnskiy institut Sibirskogo, otdelaniyu Akadet3ii nuuk SSSR, g.govosibirsk. (Altai Mountains--Deachampola) N.V. Lowland meadows and grass marshes of the foreat-stopvj a:i:.' zones of the A] tai Territory and Novosibirsk Proviriae. T.-u:.- TS3BS no.6006-333 163. Mutorials on tha study of marsh and meadow mosses of Lhe forest- steppe and steppe regions of Western Siberia. Tru~ly ..... ;13S no.6. 334-337 163. 17:7) RYZHIKOVA Y A.G.; A now tractor from "Implement and Tractor," no-15 Ag. 19;'11. Trakt. i sellkhozmauh. 32 no.6:45-46 Je 162.. (MIJbI 15.6) (United States-Tractors) AP4010315 S/0048/64/028/001/0169/0171 AVnIOR:' Salsinskiy, N.M. ; Logutko, A.L. Rodi~.-hev, A.M. TITLE: Curve of equilibrium states in magneifzation of a silicon iron crystal 41ne- port, Symposium on Questions of Ferro- and Antiferromagnatism held in Krasnoyarsk 25 Juno to 7 July 1969 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Isvestiya, seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.1, 19634, 169-171 TOPIC TAGS: equilibrium magnetization state,' ferromagnetic domain, ideal magnetiza- tion curve, domain structure, silicoh iron,~ ferromagnet, magentic theory ABSTRACT: The purpose of the work was to obtain the ideal magnetization curve for a cilicon iron single crystal and to Xhvestigdto its domain structure in equilibrium states corresponding to different values of the external field. The purpose of the experiments,was to check the thermodynamic theory of V.A.Ignatchenko, I.F.Degtyarev and Yu.V.Zakharov (rzv.AN SSSR,Ser.fiz.25,12,1961), which predicts, for a case of this type, decrease in the total number of domains and decrease in the width of the disadvantageously oriented domains. The 3.5% Si iron single crystals were etched and polished on two sides and annealed following the standard procedure. The di- Card 1/2 t I AP4010315 mensions of the specimens were 10 xIaO x 0.15 mm; this size was deliberately chosen to be close to the values used in the numerical calculations performed in the above mcn tioned reforence. The plane of the specimens was parallel to within 1-30 to the (110) planes and ono of the sides was aligned with the 100 direction. The exter- nal field was applied in this direction. From among the 80 prepared specimens there were selected four with uniform plano-parallel domain structure over the on- tire specimen. The equilibrium states were obtained by demagnetization with a gra- dually decreasing alternating field In the presence of the desired constant field. Photographs of the domain structure are reproduced. The experimental results con- firm the theoretical prediction of decrease in the number of domains with increase of the applied field. The average domain width versus field curve is also close to the theoretical curve. The ideal magnetization curve obtained from ballistic measur ments agrees with the magnetization curve plotted on the basis of the domain areas. Orig.art.has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION- Institut fiziki Siblrskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics, SiberjanDepa7tment, Academy.of Sciences, SSSR) SU13MITTED: 00 SUB CODE: PH Card '2/2 DATE ACQ: l0Feb64 NR REP SOV: 006 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 ixcuno, A.L.j RODICHEVO h, LA Noir" I I uring the duration o". magnotiq r-Fjfrjrnll!. I/eas rpetalloved, 20 no.2:3Cj6-308 Ag 165. 1. Institut fiziki SibLrakogo atdulenLya All' 35~;H. ACC NRt AP7000655 ~A) SOURCE CODE: Ult/0126/66/0,1,!/',j5/0(,c)b/Cf7Ol AUTHORS: Silanskiy, 11. M.; Logutko, A. L.; Frolov, G. I.; Abakumov, L1. ORG: Institute of Physics, SO Al! SSSR (Institut fizilci SO ANI SSSR) TITLE: Static and impulse magnatization and reversal of mgnotization 0"' thin films SOURCE: Fizika motallov i motall.ovedoniye, v. 22, no. 5, 1966, 698-701 TOPIC TAGS: macnotic hystore3is, hysteresis loop, forrorLignatic fil;,.-,, :-.a.-,rrjtic domain structure ABSTFUCT: The "virgin" mxgnetizzition curve and hysteresis loops of th-,. films con- tainina S2% 'Ali and lVp Fe were doterni-nod in static and pulsating migno--1c fields. 0 The effect of partial rovorsal of the ro.-notic field on the domin strticture of the U specimens was studied. The oxpo:7imontal procedure is described by T. --. Yoffman, I. A. Turner, and T. I. Kilburn ~'J. of British Institute of Radio Enf;ino-rs,1960, 20) 1, 31). The experiinontal ro;5ults are presented graphically (see F" . 1). Photo- igraphs of the domain structure of specizons exposed to different rnl,,,nctization condi- tions are presented. The time dopondonco of domain nucleation on the -..-.:-,nituC:Q of the variable field was also studied. The results are shown gr~.,;,hically. It was found that the change in the dor-ain structure of spocimon, as a r,)Zult of the application of a variable magnWc field, was analogous to that found u~idor similar conditions by 11. M. Salan3kiy and G. 1. Frolov (FIM, 1966, 21, 157). Card 1/2 UDC: _539,21 .2--53F-24 ACC NR: AP7000655 Firr. 1. Static (1) and impulse (3) MO "virgin" magnetization curves static (2) hnd impulse (4-10~ 3 maunetic reversal curves and dispor- sion curve Hk in terms of zaGnitude (11) for thin ferromagnetic film (Hk = 4.4 oersteds, Hc 1.3 oersteds, angular dispersion o(go 0.06 oersted, d - 1100 R). Duration of impulses t jrp 4 - 500, 5 - 300t 6 - 200, 7 - 1501 2 6 8 - 100, 9 - 70, 10 - 50 nanoseconds Orig. art. has: 5 graphs.. SUB CODE: 20, l1/ SUBM DATE: 28Jun65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 oers-7ue.ds Card 2/2 LOGUfOy, I)mit-riL-POInYiCh~-HOISUMO, Fedor Potapovich, kand.biolog. nauk-, RMUTINA, A., red.; MIKHAYL07, G., red.; IOAKINIS, A., takhn.red. (Classificatton tables for valuating pine, spruce, fir, oak, ash, maple, beachi white beech, aspen, birch, alder, linden, and black locustj Sortiumutuye tablitay dlia takeataii soany. eli, pikhty. duba. lasenia. klens. buka, grabs, osiny, berazy, ollkhi, lipy i akatsii beloi* Izd.2, dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strait. i arkhit.USM, 1959. 865 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Forests and forestry-Valuation) GAMBURG, A.L.; YJ*GRANOVA, V.G.; LOGUTOVt,__qF.; RYAZANSKIY, B.V. Treatment of alcoholiam withAntethyl, Trudy Goo. nauch,-isol. poikhonevr. inat. nos20S243-247 159e (MIRA 14:1) 1. Kafedra poikhiatrii Saratovs)cogo meditsinskogo instituta. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - M.P.~2tanin, (DISUL1?IDF,-THEWElJTIC USE) (ALCOHOLISM) KRASROV. S. - WGUTOV P 111~ -, Work of interfarm organizations of the R.S.F.S.R. Zhil.strol. no.10:1 158. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Glavkolkhoz-4 stroya (for Krasnov)* 2, tamostitel, nachallnika Glavkolkhozetroya, (for Logutov). (Farm buildings) .f 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2166 Opy-t ratsionalizatsii kuznechnogo proizvodstva; k 250-letiyu Leningrada (Experience in Improving Forge Work; On the 250rth Anniversary of Leningrad) (leningradl lenizdat, 1957. 194 p. 3,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page); P.V. K-mev; Ed. (Inside book); Ye. V. Yemellyanova; Tach. Ed.: N.I. Rodcheako PURPOSE: The collection of articles is intended for workers and engineers in forge shops and also for designers of machinery in related branches of machine manufacturing. COVERAGE: The book describes the experience gained at several Leningrad plants in the rationalization of manufacturing processes, modernization of equipment, and improvement in the econumics and planning of forging production. Tables and drawings accompany every article. No personalities are mentioned. There are no referenced. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Foreword Card 1/3 ~ "M MR, W-al Experience in Improving Forge Work SOV/2166 Kauraev,, P.V. (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent:, Voyenno-mekhaniches~-!' ktrinstitut] Main Work Trends of Leningrad Forgers T:) Achieve Technical Progress Zarkhin, S.M. (Dwal** Chief af the Forge Shop]., A.I. .Tuamvl3kiy [Senior Eng- ineer,,*Leningradakiy fietallicheskiy zavod] Experience in the Ratioaaliz- ation of Heating Flame Furnaces 15 Serov, A.M. [Chief of the Technological Bureau, Leningrad Kirov Plant) Combination Forging and Hot Forging Oft a Steam Hydraulic Press 32 Logutov, P.V. [Forging Technologist) Rationalization Of Hot Forging -f i;Z_esis_~s~ 43 Loogutov, P.V. Combination-Forging and Hot Forging On Crank Presses 55 Vasillyev, G.T. [Chief of No. 2 Forge Shop, Leningrad Kirov Plant] Rationalization of Hot Drop Forging on Steam Hia ra 73 Gilldenblat, B.N., and I.D. Brin - Practices in Producing Weld Forgings 96 Card 2/3 Experience in Improving Forge Wcrk SOV/2166 Gilldenblat, S.N., and I.D. Brin, Practices in Introducing Hot Flashless Forging of Non-ferrous Alloys On Percussion Presses 1-12 ioskin, L. M.And N.S. Thkarskiy, Press-Diecasting of Molten Non-ferrous Alloys 127 Shereshevskiy, N.A. Practices in Modernizing Forging Equipment and PAtionalizing Its Repair 150 Gilldenblat, S.N. Practices in Modernizing the Power Screw Fercussion Press 167 Kats, A.S. (Candidate of Economic Sciences and Docent, Inzhenerno-ekonomi- cheskiy institute], - The Most Important Methods for Improving the Economics and Planning of Forge Shops 173 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (Ts 225.K336) Card 3/3 TM/fal 10-18-59 BAROII, Lazar' Izrailevich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauki LOGUIITSOVI Boris Makr4mavichy POZ31i, Yevgeniy Zallmanovich; deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSF.M, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; ZELEM11, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsen- zent; GEYM, L.M., red. izd-va; MOZ01"OVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. (DeterEining properties of rocks; reference book] Opredelenie svoistv gornykh pored; spravochnoe posobie. Pod red. L.I. Barona. Foskvap Gos, nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1962. 331 p. (Rocks-Testing) (MIRA 15:3) 'i~l f. sj~ -LOGVINq E.I. (Lohvin, E.I.1 Structure of the Korootyshev granite massif. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 5:29-38 160. (MMA 14:1) (Korostyshev region-Granite) S11-1211ENKC) A.P., akademik, otv. red.; SHCHEMAK, kand. reol.-miner. nnuk, red.; -',A-HTl.'1TSKIY, YeAl., k4nd. khim. nauk, red.;jOGVlLN', E.I., inzh., red.; CHEMOVICH, II.Ya., red. [----Oeoahronology of th.~ Precambrian of the Ukrainel Geo- khronologiin dohpm~')riia Ukrainy. Oev, Naukova durdcal 1965. 261 p. (MilA 18:9) 1. Akndendya nauk DER, Kiev. In.,,I,ytut geologIchnykh nauk. 2. Akadeiniya nauk Ukr.SSSR (for Semenenko). NECHAYEV A.A.; ZAKAMYRDIN, I.A.; LOGVIN, F. Information and brief news. Veterinarlia, 40 n0-3:92-96 Mr 163. (MBU 17: 1) 1. Zameotitall nachallnika Upravleniya vaterinaril, Ministerstva eallskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Nechay-ev). XOZLOV, I.V., dorozhny7 master (stantelys, Kiik Tashkentskoy dorogi); TIMIRE, A.V., dorozhny7 master (stantsi7a Ilva Estonskoy dorogi); POMCIAD. P.I., brigadir puti (stantsi3ra, Perml); IJDGVIN, F-G-; IITJM, R.Ta.; FUTNIX, N.M., dorozhnyy master (stantalra Almznaya Donetakoy dorogi); TINDPE M , S. Give us an answer. Put' I put. khoz. no.5:41-42 My '5R. (KRA 13:3) l.Starehly dorozhnyy master, stantsi7a Beshtau Ordzhonikidzevskoy dorogi (for Logvin). 2. Nachallulk distantaii, g.P~rarnu (for Vul-ka). . 3.Starshi.7 dorozhny7 master, etanteiya Karachev Hoskovsko-Kiyevskoy dorogi (for Timofeyev). (Ballast (Railroads)) LUGVIN, G. We improve the operati(,v of dwellings. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no.10:10~-ll Of 62. (141RA 16!2) 1* Zameatitell zaveduyushchego Sverdlovskim, oblastnym. komitetom komaunallnogo khozyaystva. (Sverdlovsk-Apartment houses) LOGVIN, G. A. (Veterinary Azsistant, Korostensk District, Zhitomir Oblast'). "Treatment of ovine uhen their esophagus in clogged up vith potato tubers"... Veterinariya, vol- 39, no. 8, AuguBt 1962 PP- 51 WGVIN, I. [Ichvin, 1.1 This in how I saw Cuba. Nauka i zhyttia no.11:54-56 N 161, (MIRA 14:12) (Cuba-Politics and government)