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BUKINO V..I~!.; MIXHLIN, E.D.;_.-44J1MXIY, V.Ya.,-, PANTSKAY.-i, Ye.S.; LOGGM,11i, I.j. Producing vitamin B12 by proces.~ing waste products of the distilling industry with thermophilic methane bacteria. Vit. res. i ikh is no-5:90-111 161. (1,UiA 157, 1. Institut biokbimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR i TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut, spirtavoy promyshlennonti, Moskva. (CY"OGOBid.UIINk;) (BACTERIA, 14hTHAIM--FiiODUCIIIG) (DISTILLING INDUSTRIES-BY-PRODUCTS) %Ya, j L9G BUKIN, V.N.~ PAIITSKHAVA, BYEHOVSKIT. PIKIII, I.S.; KONDAMNA, L,?;..~ IVTZINA, G.lt Using earichad mad~a ir. t~jb biogynt*hesis of vitamir. B22 by' metbane-producing bactr.~Ia, Vit, IE~s, I J.kn isp. no.6-,5;- ~5 163. !~MIFA 1*7.i' 1. DistItut bI.Alair.-I 1-me.,,l A.,11. 913kha AN =R, Moskva, TSentrallnyy instlltut, feime-wrifjy J apIrtovoy promphlen nosl~l L Grozrienskly zavo.1, UVOKOVA, N.P.; T.,ZOTYU.'l, Strain ar.;' .lelec Ll.ng Lite tn Its grow.1-ig on aceti;nE;-iCllt-y-l wti;'.-I. Fem. I tij:irt. 31 no. 6; 30 11111RA 18.1/ --);! 16' 5. . C, N yy inStLtut rerriontn(V spIrLOVVI p~oraphlenricsti. T - C.31 kL 17 mA t4~ ~IUA mtJI.-it"Mmucil; -N, S. Lvm-11K17-3 FF~ckr. Absfr~- !;,,. 8744a~ln tp, wm pift-scribv-d M. Ns g~ 11=,~3 dally bor the fint jr;- days ~ 0-23 g, twirt, daiiy for tt Ecocad 10 da~i, , theraittr avx.6 p,r day. L ticats With MO&.1te t d~ h f O o tta i s taxi wav pa - tl n d d d 30 d 0 ~ - - a w:e ral $tat-- W tube Wiis re ~s irnpr~vd r , thl gcrv dty , wt. had i:x-mud- iq tL-- gene r.1 ZU-06 h" l t-,i afrccts a mc. f wel , alwTgi,- rhx=tgr, -. -4--visil camr, ttr,, -IFr or I WAS imcc-MI-mm to a 1,greattr or leise; extent tq feucaptni.- and granulopetm Im 31% .. t - t d d t 1 e "ta wt . r a in a rip ; 0, aim 11 -P "T,eukocyte ',istribution in the Bodies of' Accidentally Killp I 'ealthy .-eonle. " CaTyl Yn'i Sci, Chair or Pat!-.-olor-ic-A ~-na-tor7, Lnst of ",ryerlrent -.1 Yed icine, ~.cad Yel Sc--; T.ISS:P., Leningral, !954. (n, eb 55 T, - Sun- :10. 631, 2,6 Au~" 55 - Surv,~y of Scimt-*fic and Tec"anical Dissertations .Defenied at USSR 'ligher '-7ducatio-nal Institutions (14) Burovoy agregat ZIV-75 (Dr-illin.- unit, ZIV-75) apir-aniye i ri;dovedstvo co eksploatat!:il. Sostaviii B. S. Lopovp S. F. Shtods, G.A. Chechulin. Moskva, 'Gosgeolizdat, 1952. 112 p. diagrs., tables. At hevd of title: hustda, 1-1,inititcr,;tvo (teolc i1. N15 7/4-1.311 .L8 r IC-O'C'v I B. .) . S. Burovoy agregat ZTV-150 (rrr]IIIn7, unit, ZIV-150) opisnnlye I rukovc(jEtvo po 4..sploetntril. 5 P. Shtodaj G. A. Chechulln. Fonkval Gon~geolizdtit, .1952. 11P p. difig-rn., ttibler, A t head of title: Russia. ~Unistcrstva Goclo,711. N'/5 741.311 .Lpl IMV, I.L., inth. Pneumatic vater pump. Makh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 17 no.2:40-42 '59. (KIRA 12:6) l.TSentrallnava nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya po vetrosilovym ustanovkam i vetroelektrostantOiyam. (Pumping machiner7) L (Moskva) V ~11 Designing pneumatic pumps. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.neuk,Mekh.1 marhinostr. no-0162-164 Jl~&g 161. (MIU 3-4: 8; (Air P=P) i, o4641-67 EWT(m)/F1'.'1'(W)/EWP(t)/E_T1 I i P (c A CC NR: Ap6o24412 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/169/001/0085/ODM AUTHOR; Shallnev, K. K.; Stepanov, R. D.; ~~eM I. L ORG: Institute of Problems of Mechanics, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut problem mekhaniki Akademii nauk SSS_RT_ TITLE: Cavitation-mechanical strength of metals SOURCE: AN SSSRAoklady, v. 169, no. 1, 1966, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: lead, cavitation, ultimate strength, erosion, metals stress, creep mechanism, yield stress ABSTRACT: To check on the effect of cavitational erosion on various parts of hydrau-i lic machinery, the authors have set up experiments to investigate the influence of cavitation on the deformation curves of metals under conditions of uniaxial tension. The investigations were made in a hydrodynamic tube with 24 x 100 = working chamber. The cavitation was excited by a round cylinder of 24 mm dia. The stream velocity in all experiments was maintained constant at 22 m/sec; the stage of the cavitation zonel was also kept constant. The experimental conditions were such that the frequency of ! the pulsations of the K1 essurle should lie in the 200 - 30,000 cps range. The material tested was 99.965% purd leadtj~!I/&ade), being -'%-,he most plastic material that retains an elongation defor-m-Mon after removal of the load. The samples were prisms of length 18 - 20 mm) thiclmess 1.2 - 1-5 mm, and height 10 - 12 mm. The load was pro- duced by a suspended weight. Tests were made under both continuous and intermittent conditions. The authors point out that in all the theories of cavitation sight is r.,,j 1/2 UDC: 532-528 L o4641- ACC NR: AP6024412 lost of the structure of the cavitation zone accompanying the erosion zone and its physical aspects. The cavitation zone was shown by one of the authors in another paper (Shallnev, DAN v. .139, No. 1, 1961) to consist of caverns which occur period- ically, pulsate, and are carried away by the stream. ThJs unstable state of the cavitatioh zone gives rise to sound wives and pulsating pressures, producing condi- tions for the material which differ from the ordinary static tests. The tests re- sulted in creep curves for lead under vibration and cavitation at different stresses. The strain curves were plotted from creep curves for int rvals of 30 and 120 sec. The results showed an appreciable increase in the creep gf the lead in the cavitating, liquid, compared with tests in air, and a decrease in the yield point of the lead. I Various other changes in the mechanical properties of the lead under the influence OfI cavitation are briefly discussed. The authors thank N. A. Lysov and I. A. Kolesnikavi for help with the laborious experiments. This report was presented by Academician P. Ya. Kochina 24 September 1965. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20, n/ Sum DATE: losep65/ oRiG rw: oo2/ oTH REF: ool 7cd I,O,GOV,.Igorl Leonidovich; GILRISKIY, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk., rA-s-eni~n-t:-j-YA-L-!~, O.S., Inzh., red.; SaRNOVA, G.V.: tekhn. red.; VLADIHIROVA, L.A.p tekhn, red* [Pneumatic pumpslPnewaticheskie nasosy. lljoskval Mashgizo 1962. 207 p. NDA 15:9) (Pumping machinery) H;J LOGOT, L.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; LOGOV, I.L., kand. tekhn. nauk Kinematics of the UBP-5 crankleaB submerged pump, Izv. vyv ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 10t91,-." 065 (MDU 19 S 1. Volgogradakiy institut inzhenerev gorodskogo khozyayotya. Submitted February 19,, 1964. LI-ICII-7) 1'. - .. !.--, I -I! Lo~-ov, . ',. - IlTlie --ise of ulryl n7w,~" -,o -r Av~.Iie-n - I- I - I-, 17%, -*, lzves-~,Ya A'-a~!. rw,,!f Azerba,,,-(izh. 31'o7i'j 1-14-, -.0. : , . . 11, y k- - - - Azerb--;LJahi). SO: U-3'~42, 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Vnirnal Iny'd-I Statcy, 'To. 87, 194,-,~ . L. ". Yes man, I. G. anl Logov. L. l-. "The tasks of ex eri ent-l winci tec' ncic,. e-- In - h 11 ~ Azerbaydz~anll, (In inlex, secor.-I auti. r is L. '.. Lo,~ov), Dal':I& I;.,- (A:,-,,,i. ra-i-. J~ SSR), 1943, Nc- 11) p. 463--"J), (Riasr-.e in Azerb~l'.'aj). SO: U-3042, 11 Varch 53, (Letop s ln,.,kh Sta ey, :1r,. 10, 1~~4.-)'. ~:, P 'j I ~,, todo'It t. M. Logovv L. H. "The basic conditions for the utilization of vinds in the agriculture of the Aserbaydzhan SSR " Izvestiya Akad, nauk Azarbaydzh. SSR, 1949, No. 1. p. 32-46, (Resume in AzerbaiJani), 0 hibliogt 15 itme. Sot U-3736, 21 May 53, (Latopis Mural trqkh Statey, No. 17, 1949). V. Pnd T. Logov, L. M. and Yestman, T. G. ITbe use of %;Jnd power for the ra,.ioficat4r,:-, of Azerbaijan" Doklndy (Akad. nauk Azerboydzh. SSR ), 1949, No. 3, p. 99-102, (Reswie in Aze-baijanii. SO: IT-4630, 1( Sept. r)3, Latopis 17hurnal Inykh .Xatf-~y, No. 21~, 1949). i T-,T-T-j-tTTI- , 1- 11 .I-1. 27139. LOGOV, L. %, Pogm-hrioy nasos s airtomatrlich~~-sleim regulirowmiyem. Dok-1--d.v (akad. Nauk azerbaydzh 1949, No* 71 c, 257-65*-- Pe.yme na iyc-yer'--aD-,.4zh yaz. SO: Letopis' Zhurmallnykh Statey, Vol. 36) 1949 LCYAV, L. M. 29026 Vetronasoanaya ustanovka s ruchnym mnogostupenchatym regulirov~&niem rozhima raboty. Dokaa4 Gkad. nauk azerbaydzh. 1949, "~-o. P-, s. 3V~--!!. Rezyume na azarbLiydzh. yaz. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Stutey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 3,,- ss 1- j v, V I I 1, :.1!;1 C rnoo 'I CL I !":j I SC: Letc-1:1s, Voi. '.4 y f,],.VI, 1949 lziw~~ ; . ~A. W-And Pcwer Utilizatim of wind I~ower. Trudy Lnerg. inst. JIN A7C'I'. ~-R ?;C. 1C, 1'51 1. U)GOVv L. M. 2. USSR 600 4. Pumping Machinery 7. Crankless piulps for irTigation installations, Gidr. i mel, 4, No. 12, 1952. 9. Yonthly List of Russian Accessionsp Library of Congress, April 1953p Uncl. Pros; ective utilization of th,-, -)f at Baku). Vest. IM-41 3,~6!i .22 no. 7, 1)52- ibntlllv L.1:;t-of LuqsiEji Accos.;iozi~,, I-lbi%xy o~ Uor,-,,-ess Novcm-Lcr l)52. WGOV, L., kan(lidat tvKw~,C'Ief;,-ikh ntuk. Submersible crankleRs electric 7n-r. vol.3 no.9:15-17 6 15'11-0 (KLIU 6: (Pw:pinp, machinery) UrM, I.M., tandidat tekhnichenid" nauk. Grankshaftless vertical submerged pumps. Gidr.i sel. 5 no.4:63-67 AP '53. (YT,RA 6:5 ) (Pumping swchinery) 4. 7. ct I-ri 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, junc 1953. Unclassified. LOGOV. lkoni"Iaksimovich, kand. toklm. nauk;:YULIKOV, N.K., doktor .toklm. naukj retsenzent; FALIKO, O.S.y insh.' red.; ELIKUTD, V#Dop toYlm, red, ''.PI [Hydraulic reversible multicilinder engine] Gidravlichoskii ob- rativyi mnogotailindrovyi dvigatell. Moskvap Mas4iz, 1962. 66 p. (MRA 15:4) (Hydraulic engines) 4 S/262/62/000/008/022/022 1007/1207 AUTHOR: M_ TITLE: New designs of engines and pumps without crankshafts, and their prospective use in industry PERIODICAL: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki, no. 8, 1962, 72, abstract 42.8.430. In collection. "Nekotorye vopr. konstruir., prochnosti i snizheniya vesa mashin". Moscow - Leningrad, Gostesbumizdat, 1960, 78-84 TEXT: A historical review of the development of engines without crankshaft is presented and 8 designs of a pump without crankshaft, developed by the author, are outlined. These types have the following charac- teristics: number of cylinders 3 to 9; pump delivery 3.3 to 120 I/sec; delivery pressure 4-300 kg/CM2 at a rotational speed of 300 to 950 rpm. A mud pump is also described. There are 3 references and I figure. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 .-LOGOV, L.M., kaMtekhn.nauk, dotoent The NBG-2 cranklesa;=A pumps Izvevys*uchebozav.j*, mashinostr. no.8:127-138 162. - (MIRA 15:12) 1. Volgogradskiy institut inshenerov gorodskogo khozyay-st,,Va. (mine pumps) ~- z. LOGOV, L.M., kand. tekhn.nauk; KAf,1,SJ1,1:VlSKlY, V.L., kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; SHULIGIN, V.A., red.izd-va; DEF:UNA, N.F.p tekhn. red. [Crankless multicylinder pumps] BeskrivoshiprWe mnogo- tsilindravye nasosy. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 221 p. (MIRA 17:2) LOGOV-, L.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; LOGOV, I.L., kand. tekhn. nauk Kinematics of the NE76-5 crankleos submerged pump. Izv. VY0. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 1004-99 065 WRA. 19i1) 1. Volgogradskiy institut inzhanerev gorodskogo khozyayotya. Submitted February 199 1964. LOGOVp L*M.) kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent The NEP-5 crankless submerged five-cylinder pump. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.10:157-167 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Volgogradakiy institut inzhonerov gorodskogo khozyaystva. 6 AUTHORt None Given 3-12-14/27 TITLE: The Chair Has a Decisive Part (Reshayuohchaya roll prinadlezhit kafedre). Review of articles and materials relating to students' scientific circles (Obzor statey i materialov o studencheskikh nauchnykh kruzhkakh) PERIODICALs Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, # 12, pp 65 - 72 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This article deals with various publications relating to the activity and organization of students' scientific circles. Dot- sent A.S. Rudakov from the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute describes in his article experiences made by his chair and states that scientific circles must be organically connected with tasks of educational processes. Dotsent A.Kh. Karapetyan from the Moscow Institute of Finance describes the activity of scientific circles where the problems set before the students are connected with the research work of the chair. I.F. Garanina, Candidate of Medical Sciences of the Kazan' Medical Institute, points out that studeats dealing with only one theme become often narrow- minded. I.P. Yemelin and V.I. Osipov give information on stu- dents' circles organized at the Ufa Institute of Aviation-imeni Ordzhonikidze, which concentrate their activity on technical Card 1/2 problems. Dotsent L.M. Logov of the Stalingrad Engineering T4e Chair Has a Decisive Part 3-12-14/27 Institute of Urban Economy says that the scientific circles create favorable conditions for contacts between vuzes and industry. Sh.Dzhafarov, the president of the council of the students' scientific society at the Azerbaydzhan University describes the participation of students at conferences or- ganized at the Tbilisi, Yerevan' and Voronezh universities. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 MATVEYEVA, M.D., nauchnyy sotrudnik (Chita); OGNEV, I.M.; LOGOVA, M.G.; BADULIN, A.V., kand.biolog.nauk; ROKTANEN, L.P.; KAfFERGEITOV, G.K.; LYAKH, A.I.; PETROVA, L.A. EffectivenesB of entobacterin. Zashch.rast. ot vred. I bol. 9 no.11:26-.27 164- (MIRA 18:2) 1. Zaveduyushchaya Minskim entomo-fitopatologicheskim uchastkom (for Logova). 2. Kustanayskaya opytnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya stantsiya (for Badulin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedruy zashchity rasteniy TSelinogradskogo sellsko~hozyaystvennogo instituta (for Roktanen), 4. Toksikologicheskaya laboratoriya, pochtovoye otdeleniye Tolstopalltsevo, Moskovskoy oblasti, (for Kallbergenov, Lyakh). 5. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey biometodap Lubny, Poltavskoy oblasti (for Petrova). WEN, iispektor N. sortoispytuniyu (Miri3k, po-htovoy..- ~)tdplenlyu Kura.;~:vshchlna); -'CrjOVA, M.O. Tetramothy. 'thiuram-disulCide against seed potato diseases. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.9:IP,.19' 164. 041RA 17:11) 1. ZaveduyushoMy Minskim entomofitopatologicheskim aortouihastkom (for Logova). Ximinats shortcomings in the establishment of work norms at the principal metallurgical sub-plants. Sots.tvid 4 no.11:103-108 N '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Steel industry-Froduction standards) (wages) -- _ 4PG Well-organized labor norms are an izportant factor in the developwnt of the steel industry. Sots.trud. 7 no.6:70-75 .To 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Steel industry6--Production standards) LOGOVATUVSKIY . - A. Conforenos of the workers of the metallurgical industry. Soto. trud 6 no.7:147-150 JI 161. KFLA 1617) (Wages---Metal industries) WGOVATOVSKIr, AiA. Potentialities of increased labor productivit7 in blast furnace practice, Stall 22 no*120.128-1130 D 162, (KIRA 15tl2-) 1. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normatiV07 trudul (Mast furnaces-Equipment and ouppliesr (Iron and steel vorkers) LOGOVATOVSKIY, A-A. Addition to the univer4al principle of grooving* Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; cherno met, 5 no.9:135-W 162, (MMA. 15-10) 1. TSentrallnoye bywo prdmyshlonnykh mormativov po trudu pri Pauchno-io6ledovatellokom Institute truda Goaudaretvennogo Komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po vdprosam truda i zarabotnoy platy. (Rolls (Iron mills)) LOGOVATOVSKIY,, A.A., inzh. Urgent objectives in the mechanitation and automation of the iron and steel industry. Mei,.h.i avtom. pj.*u.Lzv. I'/ no.;d;18-2-1 Y 16.3. (MIRA 16.2) (Iron and steel plants-Technological innovations)(Automation) LOGOVATOVSKIY, A.A.- GONCHMOV, F.G. .0 Potentialities for the growth of labor productivity in open-hearth production. Stall 24 no.1:78-81 Ja 164. (MIM 17: X) t-N.As., otv. red.; KATS, M.Ya., red.; KCSSOVSKAIA, A.G.., red.; SHUTCV, V.D., red.; SHLEPOV, VA., red. izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn,. red. (Physical research methods of sedimentary rocks and minerals] Fizicheskie metody issledovaniia osadochnykh porod; doklady. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 270 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Vsssoyuznoye soveshchaniye po fizichaskim metodam iseledova- niya osadochnykh porod i mineralov. let, Moscow, 1960. 2. Geolo- gicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Kossovskaya, Shutov, Kate). (Rocks, Sedimentary-Analysis) (Mineralogy) '5 gi k; BOGACHEVSKIT, M.B.; ALMEYNYA. A.M., redaktor; IMVIIISKAYA, A.M., re- daktor; LIBRIMV, A., tekhnichookly [Pinemees, of the U.S.A. and England in the porio& of the general crisis of capitalism] Finansy SShA i Anglii v period obahchego krizisa kapitalizma. Pod red. A.H.Alekaeova. Moskva, Gosfini2dat, 1954. 341 p. (KLRA 8:6) (United States-Finances) (Great Britain-Finances) LOGINOVSHAYA, L.K. The 7ZLM and IXLII-10 current trans forma rr,. Gos.nauch.-isal.inst.nauch.i tekh.infora I'l 1f,4. (,'.!.IRA 18:3) ROTSHTWN, L.; SHOLONOVICH, L. redaktor; LOGOVINSKAYA. R., rodaktor; JAM=, A., takhnichaskly redaktdr-.-' '--- + [Principles for the organization of vorking capital In Soviet industry] 0snavy organizats1i oborotzqkh aredetT v promqnhlen- nosti WO. Xoekva, Goofinisdat, 1955. 93 P. (MMA 9:5) (capital) redaktor; TOLYPINA, 0., redAktor; DZHATIYEV,S., tekhniche- skly redaktor (Problems of Soviet finance] Yoprosy sovetskikh finansov. KcrIC-1a, Goefinitdat, 1956. ?43 P. (HILRA 10:1) (Finance) ~,'-'?OVIOJI~-RYAP R. LU"79 V., otvotet'venrWy red.; Logovinsksys, R., red.; LXBIIDBV, A., iekhnored. [Finance and socialist construction] Yinanty i sotsialistichaskoe strottelletvo. Moskva, Goofinizdat, 1957. 357 p- (MIJU 11:4) (Finance) C~-ff N Tivj nn AI ABRAMOV, V.A.; ALLMSEYW, A.11.; AL'TFAR, L.B.; ARAKELYAN, A.A.: BAKIANOV, G.I.; PASOVA, I.A.; BLYIJ14111, I.G.; BOGON0IoOV, O.T.; BOR, M.Z.; BRY.GEL. E.Ya.; Yn.TSMAII, N.R.; VlKFlJTtYNV, A.I.; GALITSOY, A.D.; GERTS07SKATA, B.R.; GIADKOV. I.A.; DVORKU, I.N.; DRAG11M. H.S.; YXFIMOV, A.N.; ZHAMIll, V.A.; ZHUK. 1.N.; ZARYAT11114, V.11.; IGNATOYEV, D.I.; WIN. M.A.; ILIIN, S.S., IOYFE, Ya.A.; KAYE, V.A.; KAMMUTSER. S.Ye.; KATS, A.I.; KLIMV, A.G.; KOZIDV. G.A.; KOIDANOV, M.V.; XONTOROVICH. V.G.; kRAYEV, M.A.; KROIMOD, Ta.A.; IAKHMAN, I.L.; LIVANSKAYA, F.V.-, LYUBOSHITS, L.I.; KALYSH, A.I.; M. ZHINSKIY. Ye.A.; MIKHAYLOVA, P.Ya.; MOISNY~W. M.I.; KOSKVIK. P.M.; NorKIN, A.I.: PARTIGUL. S.P.1 PFRVlJSHlN. S.P.; PETROV. A.1.; PETRUSHOV. A.M.; PODG40RITOYA, V.M.-, RABINOVICH.,M.A.: RYVKIN. S.S.; RYIWINA, M.N.; SAKSAGANSKIY, T.D.; SAMSONOV, L.N.; SMMCHOV, B.M.; SOKOLIKHIN. S.I.; SOLURTINSKAYA. Ye.l.-, SUDARIKOV. A.A.-, TATAR. S.K.; TFAM'YkV. P.V.; TYAGAY, Ye.Ya.; M-GIN. Ya.G.; FIGURNOV, P.K.; FRUMKIN, A.B.; TISM1,111, L.M.; SHAMB12G. Y.M.; SHAPIRO, A.I.; SHCHMIKOV. S.A.; NnHLIHAH. B.1.; )MIN, P.E.; MITROYANOVA, S., red.; TROYANOVSKJAYA, N., tokhn.red. [Coucise dictionary of ecorlomicel Kratkii okonomichoskii slovarl. Moskma, Goo.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Economics--Diationarlea) LOr,OVIIJSXAYI, R. ;i~T'~&`nd' foreign exchange crisin in Franca. Dan. i kred. 16 no. 7:79-87 JI 158. (France--Finance) (MIRA 11:7) ZVL%U, Areeniy Grigorlyevich; IPOGOVINSKAYA, R.. red.; LZBEDEV, A., tekhn.red. I ad"Nalm- [3conomic development and finance in the 1959-1965 seven-year plan] Khozisistvannoo razvitie i finansy v semiletke, 1959- 1965 gg. Moskva. Gosfinizdat, 1959. 98 p. (HIRA 12:12) 1. Kinistr finansov SSSR (for Zverev). (Rusais-Economic policy) Crinance) Turnaoes, Open Hearth Furnaces, Blast Aug 48 "Combining Trades and Functions In Blast Furnace and Martin Furrace Shops,," S. M. Imin,, M. D. Logovinekly, ZWneers, Ukrainian Inst of Metals, 4i pp 08tallo No 8 Cycle of operations of main technological processes In blast and open-hearth furnace shops and steady Increase In mechaulzatlon facilitate merging of duties. This reduces personnel required, and raises qualifications for workers. 6 49" PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 50V/5368 Agaletskiy, Filaret Nikolayevicho Izraill Semenovich Barats, Vasilly Illarionovich Volobuyev, and Miron Davydovich Logovinski;r Chernaya, metallurgiya Sovatskoy Ukrainy (Ferrous Metallurgy of Soviet Ukraine) (Dnepropetrovsk) Dnepropetrovskoye knizhnoye izd-vop 53 p. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Ageneys Dnepropetrovskly Sovnarkhoz. Gen. Ed.: N. 1. KrasavtBev# Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.; N. Shinkarenko; Tech. FA.t G. Glushko. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in metallurgy. COVERAGEt The booklet deals with the development of ferrous metallurgy in the Ukraine from 1913 to the present. The following are discussed briefly: Card 1/2 Ferrous Metallurgy, of Soviet Ukraine SOV/5368 technological progress, increased pig-iron production, and advancements In steelmaking, steel rolling, and pipe manufacture. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS3 Introduction 3 1. Development of Ferrous Metallurgy in the Soviet Ukraine (I.S. Baratsp Author) 5 II. Technological Progress in Pig~Iron Production (F.N. Agaletskiyp Author) 15 111. Technological Progress in Steelmaking (M.D. Logovinskiy, Author) 25 IV. Technological Progress In [Metal] Rolling and Pipe Production (V.1. Volobuyev, Author) 33 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/wre/gmp Card Z/2 8-4-61 IDGOVSKAYA, G.K. Study of producing borizons in the lower and middle divisions in the Karadag field based on radioactive logging data. Azerb. neft.khos. 37 no.6:10-11 Jo '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Apsheron Peninsula--Oil well logging, Yadiation) I j AGAMALIYEV, G.H. Determination of the porosity faotor of reservoirs in the horizon of the producing formation in fields of the Kura Lowland based on geophysical data. Izvovyseuchebozave; neft' i gaz 5 no.2:21-14 162. 04IRA 15:7) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy inatitut nofti i ahimii imoni M. Azizbokova i "Aznoftegoofizika". (Kura Lowland-Oil oands) (Porosity) X KIREYEV9 V.F,; LMVSKAYA, G.K,. Method for determining the actual thicknesses In the arose section of the producing formation of the Xalmas field. Azerb. neft, khoz,, 42 no.10-11 Ja 163. (MMA l6slO) (Kura L*qland-Oil well loggingj Electric) - - I.-I , - . 4 . Operation of hydraulic equipment of rural hydra-electric po,~er stations bloskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-rj, 1953. 255 v. (54-16944) TKJOBJ-L77 1. Water-power eledtric plants. ,LWOYTIA, D.M., PILIPYAK, M.I., (Lvov) Malignant neurinama of the left sciatie nerve In myltiple neurofibrown- toals, Arkh.pat. 18 no.1:97-100 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Is knfedr7 pqtologicheeko7 anatomii (zav. - prof. Ye.l. Palichevskiy) I kafedry obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.P. lovtunovich) Llvovskogo meditainskogo institutso (NMOFIBROKATOSIS, compl. neurilemmoma of left scintic nerve (Rua)) (NERMILUMOKA9 sciAtic nerve, left, In multiple neurofibromatosis (Rug)) (NMY33, SCIATIC, neoplnems neurilemmona in multiple neurofibromatoole (Rua)) LOGOYD-At -D.M, Determining the duration of life following trauma by recording the number Of leucocytes in the capillary network of the internal organs. Bud.-med.ekopert. 2 no.45-13 O-D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. raboratoriya iufektsiounoy patologii (zav. - prof. N.V. Voyno- Tasenetekly) Otdola patologicheskoy anatomii Institute. eksperimeu- tallnoy meditsiny ANN SSSR i kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii LIvov- ekogo meditainakogo inetituta. (DUTH (BIOLOGM (LLFUCOGTTES) ,.LDGOYDA, D.1,I.JL'vov) Malignant t=orn of the sypathetic nervoui3 systm (neuro'ulas tone). Arkh.pat. no.10:77-81 161. (,'fIRA 14ilO) 1. 1% patologoanatomicheskogo Qtdclaniya (zav. P.P. Kalynylilc) LIvovskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy krlavnyy vrach !:.I. (ITEUCUS SYSTfV, SYIIPATIMTir.-cArcER) IN" Ot LO',',,r)YDAI D.M. (Liv,,Y) Zperjdymc~chczl!.-d Fapillsnet of t~p sricr~.coccygeal regl:;n, pat. 27 no.llf67-.,?, '(;5- 1. Kafedra rktclcsy!ch--,nkoy amr-mLi (zav, - prof. chevskly) Llvovakogr, meditcOnskogo ins'.4tuta. Submittec' February 18, 1965. SIDOTIEMKO, Yu.P.; LOGOYDA-, Operation of an autm-rated wet pan at the Kr...snoarmacividi Di:-as plant@ Ogneupory 26 no,10:472-474 161. (EIRA l4t1l) 1. Krasnoarmoynkiy dinaBovyy zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogos (Krasnoarmoysh-Firebrick) IIOGR A.Ilt, inshener. , 'J~ ,.J~ 6 p . tj;r 4', -~, , 4 Draining suiface water from subgrades. Veist.TSKII MPS no.2:45-47 Hr '57. (mLRA io:4) (Drainage) IOGUA, Sh.S. Serious shortcomings of a textbook on the electrification of railroads ("Electrtc power supp17 of electric railroads" b7 K.G. Markvardt. Reriewed by Sh. S. Logua). Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.10:92-94 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Railroads--Zlectrification) (14arkvardt, K,G,) . - a: I- . . ,- I z ~.- i LOGU, Sii.S., Insh, Ractifier-type electric locomotive for sections vith direct and alternating currents Zheledoretranspq 41 no.12:15-19 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Blectric locomotives) IA)(RJA,,Sh.S. Electrification of the Irasnoyarsk Railroad using alternating current. Trangrp.stroi. 10 no-7:9-14 Jl 160- (MIR& 13:7) 1. Rachallnik tresta Transelaktromontashe (Railroads-Blectrification) LOGUA, Sh.S. I.- Transportation electrification trust of the Order of Lrnin. Transp. stroi. 11 no.10:8-10 0 'Al. (MIRA 14:1,0) 1. Nachal'nik tresta Transelektromonta7b. (Railroads--Electrification) LOGUA) Sh.S.,, inzh.0 Geroy Sotaialinticheakogo Truda What should be the characteristics of a rectifier type electric locomotive? Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no.3:&-12 Mr 163. (MMA 16s6) (Electric locomotives-Design and construction) ABELISHVILI, L.G.; GABASHVILI, N.V.; KAKABADZE, D.R,; KARUMIDZE, I.G.; XOrLA,*v A.K.1 KURDIANI, I.S.; XPPUAp Sh.S.; MACHAVARIANI, LV.; MESKHI, N.S.1 MIKABERIDZE, A.S.1 sEkwWHVILI, G.M.; TOIECE, M.Z.; TOPCHISHVILI, I.A.; KHEVSURIANI, M.A. In memory of Stepan Petrovioh Kirkesalij 1890-1937. Elektrichestvo no,500-91 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) MWOKY, Stanislaw Votes on food allergy. VWomosol lek. 7 no.111575-579 NOT 54- 1, Klinika Gatsrologiczna. A.M.W. (FOOD allergy) (AT=Gir to food) 104-3-35/45 AUTHOR: Garkavtsev, S.Ya., Technician and Logunin, I.Z., Engineer. TITLE: Experience of operating outdoor fid-~kVdistribution equip- ment with single-column isolators. (Opyt ekspluatatsii otkrytogo raspredelitellno o ustroystva 110 kV ?Idnokol- onkovymi raz~edinitelyami.5 PERIODICAL: 'Tlektricheskive Stantsii" (Power Stations), 1957, Vol.28, No.3, P. 85 (U.S.SoR.) ABSTRACT: An outdoor 110 kV sub-station has been in operation for three years at a power station; it has tivo busbar systems with one circuit bieaker per circuit and single column iso- lators. It has been found in service that the surface of the fixed contacts of the isolators is too small. Corrective mea.sures that were taken are briefly described; the isolators now operate normally and the outdoo_- sub-station is ve3:7/ con- venient. There is 1 figure. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress card 1/1 GARKA7TSFAV, S.Ya., tokhnik.; LORMIN. I.Z., inzh. Experience in operating unit-t7pe auxiliary switchgear. Blek. eta. 29 no.7:87-88 J1 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Electric switchgear) LOGUNIN, I.Z., inzh. [deceased] '-~ 1, .. ' --Melting of ice crusts on 35-110 kv. traction substation power transmission lines. Elek sta. 35 no.10:82-84 0164. (MIRA 17:12) L f j L/ P I 1 10 11 11 is 14 is if 4 a it T 0 A 0 a Is U IS Mpt%Llnnali4i L a L-1 A-h I L.-J. a 9 F 0 1 1 T UTIV--A .1 W a 1 oo~ I oo.t, 'b"I't-ot I ANY 4 1411100 P41 tit .1 A A I .-S-- ~ - --- aTar) Apr. 00 a An,J ""ItInd magn4li" el-d* of Interntrilar matter tPor merhant.m p,toi,arv -niit juitit 11- till,fi- A141 14hrr Wits), Hilwvvrr. owing 14) 1cmilitti,m ,,o1V itvn% -No-# initial energy exronlit, certain 1hre-1-4d oo,lu-. depor"tog 4on the lims' ataimic nuniber%. can thus in- at - rrl~rooltd, it that arit,41.r n,ft hatol.m. ~ probattly Piro vind magntotic fields tit individual stars, " '00 .3 must fundsh he threshold anarglits. It Is shown that lbotior threstorild values are high. reaching the order of magnitude tot the mean energy of the cosmic primaries. And that the 1016 96 rojr tit this rermi mechwom it, potentially that it a re. P 0 d3stribuior of tonertilits. An attempt to made to calculate 0 , lite corrompunding distribution function. , toss-SLA 04TALLU"KAL LIMATLAIR C&AISIPICATICIN, a., U a AV No as' If 41 0 0 a I i 00"I", 4 J, Ail OW to to in s a as o it a i ar at 2 a a s to a 0 o 41 a d 4) .00 Go* ? GO* red :600 I go* woo Ia. DWrbAkm fmatim of ceauk particles of w FFWW.ty CVC+OM'O. YA. P. TmZT3XII Aru A. A. Lmutiov. 74. stipm reor. 17t., 23, Mp. "2T 'wa-M911) /it R"J"M. A study ~f the equutifm of dill'asion of cowic PaE lkles in tho Interstc1tar owdium The cquutionji obt3ined %iih the assumptiotu that thj coefficient qf dirjui;on k br&Arly drpcroknt on the morgy of the particks. and that the increaso in the rnagnctic tield. caused by tho turbulent motion of the iracntellAr gas, pr6ducci-wxr1cration of the particia. The solution or.the. zimplifiLd equation of difrusion, with the xximcs lo,:ated nearer than sorme ciitical radius, gives an exponcwtal distributiost of the particks with rtspect to the energies. IU e"ncmial index is equal to 2- 5 and Is thv saaw for protonsand for ions. 9. MLAMIK 537.391.2 5764. On 'he tuergy sti"trual of Primary Cfj.%ait4: ray --prul(da- A~&-U,(;W,1'-UV A14D Y,%, P. Ti ~tb NKIT.-- Im wlk-,41. Muk 6SSA ~Ser. fiz.) 17, No. 1. 114-35 (1953) In Rusiian. The authors start : n the =umption that primary r,arjjClC,.i are Cnllttcd hom the slzm, than acccleiatcd by Induced electric ficl& and finally further accOcrated ,juorditig to Fermi's nicrhard~m in collision %ith moving rimEncfic fiddi in the Gataxy. I h,--y praposd to impru~c thc re,mis of Fcfini's theory by (tcating the cquRlions for the -turbulent- motion of nristictic fickt; mota a~vuraldy. The integratien of the cilumions, bt,;cd on the assumption. that the diffuslon cocilicictit of the parliclo Gr its curgy, lods Ic an energy sfweirtim of priM3ry pirticici of the rorm: 16 good numcnicrit, %%ith experimental miulm (the cHect. of the exponential' fictor is ncgligihlc up to encrIjiCl Of - 10-- CV). ffransl;ription of Wataglfin'i summary t,:ec Absir, 5747 pbkvvc~.) APIA U33R/Astronomy - Particle acceleration FD-611 Card 1/1 : Pub. 146-1/0 Author ; Logunov, A. A., and Terletskiy, Ya. P. Title : Acceleration of charged particles by a moving magnetized medium Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 129-138, February 1954 Abstract : Analyze the process of acceleration of charged particles by a moving magnetized interstellar medium. Establish that the increase in the average energy of a particle is proportioral to this average energy only for moderate values of the energy. For such values, when the radius of curvature of the particle's trajectory in the magnetic field exceeds the dimensions of the homogeneous portions of the mag- netic field, the average energy increase declines as the energy in- creases. Institution : Moscow State University Submitted : July 23, 1953 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic Radiation FD-3-2,50 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-22/28 Author : Logunov A. A. and Terletskiy Ya. P. Title : Diffusion coefficient of particles Ln the magnetized interstellar medium. (Letter to the editor) Periodical : Zhur. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz., 29, No 5, 701-702, 1955 Abstract : Ratio of diffusion coefficient to particle energy is analyzed. This ratio is assumed to be linear within a certiLin energy range. Six references including three foreign. Institution : Moscow State Universtiy Submitted : May 25, 1955 L C, (7 L),\j jj V USSR/Physics Eleftrodynamics FD-3.?,--;3 Card Vl Pub. 146-22/44 Author Logunov, A. A. Title Green function in scalar electrodynamics in the region of small momenta Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, xo 6(12,), Dee 1955, 871-874 Abstract In the usual theory of perturbations, besides fundamental diver- gences existingffor large energies of virtual quanta, there arise divergences during the integration with respect to the virtual quanta with q2 close to -,ero; this divergence is called the infrared "catastrophe" and is connected with the inapplicability of the usual theory of perturbations to these processes. In the present note the author InyestiEater, the behavior,of the Green function of a particle where Fj on the example of scalar electrodynamics involving virtual electron-positron pairs and Green photon func- tions. He thanks Academician N. N. Bogolyubov for his guidance. Four references: e. g. A. A. Abrikosov, Dissertation, Institute of Physical Problems, Acad. Sci. USSR, 1955- Institution : -Moscow State University Submitted : June 24, 1955 USSR/Nu2'IIc,~:-- Phjgics - Coemic Rays, C-7 Abpt Joarral: Referat Zhur - Fizika, Wo 12, 1956, 34115 A-~thscr: 1,:runov; A. A., Terletskiy, Ya. P. ."13tit'A'.' I.M: None Title: On the Acceleraticn ol~ Charged Particles 14OViDg in a Magnetized MediiLm Original Periodical: ;eL,.n. Mosk. un-ta, 1956, No 3, 63-66 Abstract: The pe:ssibility of accele-tting charged particles is analyzed when tLe charged particles molic- in a zagnetize~ interstellar medium under the condition th;~`. the Drcccss of the incr,:aira in '~Lu -,a, c, field by the kinetic energy of the t*,ii- bulent r4otion of the interstellar LUL: 1,z:-- alreacly been computed and all that occijrs at the predent time are. fluctuations in the clu~nt~es of the magnetic field in the ir- d4vidt)al ro-gi.cns. The analysis of the acceleration mechanism pertains to the re- glc,r of 1.,article energies, where the radius cf the curvature of the trajectory in "!,t r%agrt~L.L: field 'Ls vitch L;[.aller thrAn the average length of the homogeneous re- giong of Vie magnetic field. it is shown that in this case acceleration of the particlej will always occur. The equations derived agree with the equations ob- tained by Femi (E. Fermi, Physical Review, 1949, 75, 1169). / OF / - I - Category :USSR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic rays C-7 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, 110 1, 1957, iio 616 I Author :1,ogunor' A.A., Terletskiy, Ya,.P. Inst :Moscow State University, USSR Title :Diffusion and Acceleration of Charged Particles in Magnetized Interstellar Space. Orig Pub :Izv.. AN. SSSR, ser. fiz-, 1956, 20, No 1, 22-23 Abstract :The diffusion and the process of accelerution of charged particles moving in a magnetized medium is analyzed under various assumptions concerning the ratio of the radius of cur,/ature Rk, of'th6 particles in the magnetic fields, and the aVerage dimension L of the homo-geneous portion of the magnetic field. If Rjec L one obtains the usual equations as obtained by Fermi; but if Rk---,--L, the degree of acceleration of the particles depends on the charge of the particles andobeya the following law where E and Ze and the energy and the charge of the particles respectively, u the vdlocity of the inhomogeneities, and-r the average time that the Card 1/2 Category : USSR/Nuclear Physics - cosmic rays Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 616 patticle stays in the homogeneous section of the magnetic field2of intensity H. In this casethe coefficient of diffusion, D'-~ cE Ile2e, is proportional to the square of the particle energy. Card : 2/2 C-7 A!\ '~ 'j A usml P hyz" i c 3 Card 1/1 Puly. 22 13/54 Authors I Logninov, A. A. Title I Vertex part in sczdar electrodynamics in the region of lar,-(-, pulses Periodical I Dok. AN 53.SR 106/2, 223-225, Jan 11~ 1956 Abstraot I A derivation of a fornula 1s.preselited with the help of which the vertex parts of largo !-.ulnus G ( A , '~ / "r, )enn be erg.-,puted. These vertex parts are usually met in scalar electro(~ynamics. Four USSR references (1937-1955). Institution M65cow State Univer~iity inieni 11. V. Lomonosov Presented by: Academician, 11. N. 13ogolyubov, June 2, 1955 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 143-0 AUTHOR LOGUNOV,A.A. TITLE Spectral Representation and the Renormalization Group. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 109, fasc-4, 740-742 (1956) Issued: 10 / 1956 reviewed: 10 / 1956 In several works a spectral representation for GREEITIS function in the quantur, theory of the field was given. In accordance with this representation the GRFFNIS functions of fields which are in interaction can be represented as superpo3ition of the GREFUTtS function of free fields with different masses. These spectral functions are real and they characterize the field in detail. In quantum electrodynamics the spectral representation for GREENts function of the photon may be written down as follows: d (k2 + (dM2/M2) ((k 2/(M2 -k 2_,6 )) f((M2/m2), e2). Here the function f c 0 0 2 2 2 is real. There follows transition from the true function d ((k /m ), e to a(x,y,e2). The spectral representation for the latter function can be written down as follows: d(x,y,e2)=A(y,e 2)_ ))dln~l 2 ~o0(I(y,,y,e2)/(y,+ 10 where A(y,e ).J- d In'r . 0 The expressions for A and I obtained by the Inoortion of thifi oxprennion for d into the functional equation are explicitly given, and tho following LIE'S dif- ferential equation for the spectral function I is obtained: The GREEN'S function Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 109, fase-4,740-742 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1436 for the photon is a real (or complex) function for the domains k2 < O(and k2> 0 respectively). The following connection between the imaginary part of the 2 function d and the spectral function I is found: I(x,ye "/r,)Im(x,y,e Next, the group equations for the GREENIS function in the domain x > 0 are written down separately for the real- and the imaginary part. Basing upon the equations for the spectral functions it is possible to determine the spectral functions for low (infrared domain) and for high frequencies r by means of the perturbation theory. The approximated computation of the GREENIS functions from these or the other equations distorts 'its analytical structure. Spectral representation and the group equations mentioned facilitate the compu- tation of GREEN'S function without destroying its analytical structure. Now the asymptotic domain of laree momenta is investieated. The formulae mentioned here are then applicable only within the domain (e213R) in Y- < 1. In conclusion the domain V' - y is discussed in short. In this case the spectral functions have no 6-like singularity. IIISTITUTIOIT: Moscow State University 111,1.V.LOM10110S0V11 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA. - 1634 AUTHOR LOGUNOV,L.A., STEPAINOV,BX. TITLE The ri-spersion Relation for the Reactions of the Photoproduction of Pions. PERIODICAL Dokl.kkad Nauk, 110, fasc. 3, 368-370 (1956) Issued; ;2 / 1~35_6 These relations are here determined by the method developed by K.N.BOGOLJUBOV (forming the subject of lectures delivered in January 1956 in several seminars of the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Science in the USSR). The ma- trix element of the photoproduction can be written down with the aid of the formalism of the S-matrix as follows: 3 (k,a; ql,W (2n)3< 181 90 (-)(ql) Sa(+) (k) V I p8 Here T(_~q) denotes the absorption operator of a meson of the type Q Q(Q - 1,20) and a(*) (k) (with Ir - 0,1,2,3) - the creation operator of a V photon, the amplitude of state of the scatterer. The compound indices a and to refer to the initial- and final state and comprise all quantum num- bers characterizing the system (with the exception of the momenta of the photon and of the meson). A more exact expression for this matrix S is given. According to M.L.GOLDBERGER et al, Phys.Rev. 22, 979 (1955)9 ibid. 100, 986 (1955) it is possible to introduce a new amplitude M ~ Cj of considdrably Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fasc-3, 368-370 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1634 more simple structure, which is identical with the amplitude T vithin the real domain of momenta. The expression for M U) is explicitly written down and subdivided into a hermetic (D as well as into an antihermetic (A part. Next, the theorem on analytic properties is employed. It is then easily possible to construct combinations of A(!) which have no line of intersection in the ~fw upper half-plane of E (the significance of E is not clearly defined). It is then possible to employ the generalized theorem by CAUCHY and to write down explic- itly the dispersion relations for the processes of photoproduction. On this occasion it was assumed that in Infinity the scattering amplitude has no pole of an ordwr higner than the first. On the occasion of the practical application of the relations obtained here a phase analysis must be carried out. This problem will be investigated in the course of future works. INSTITUTION: Mathematical Institute "V.A.STEKLOV" of the Academy of Science in the USSR IOGUNDV, A.A,: TAVKHELIDZE, A.N. - -1110ft Dispersion correlations for meson-nucleon collisions in the proximity of nucleons at rest. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 18 no.l: 19-24 Ja 157. (RIBA 10:5) 1. 7billeskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Stalina. Prodstavleno chlonom-korrespondentom Akademii V.I. Kamasakhlisovym. (Collisions (Nuclear physics)) (Mesons) (Nucleons) LOGUNOV, A.A.; TAVKIiBLIDZI, A.N. Dispersion correlations and equations of phase displacements for meson-nucleon collisions in the proximity of nucleons at rest. Soob. AN Gras. SSR 18 no.5:533-50 VV 157. (KM 10:9) 1. Thilieskiy goffudaretyennyy universitet im. Stalina. Predstavleno chlonom-korrespondentom Akademii T.I. Hamasakhlieovym. (mesons) (Nucleons) AUTIM IDGUNOV A.A.P TAVMLIDZS, A.N. 56-6-16/56 - - g ;+ TITLE lations for Photoproduction of Masons on Nucleons D 6n Wr (Dispersionnyye scotno5heniya d1ya reaktaly fotoroxhdeniya ff-miionov na nuklonakh. Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teorets Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 6, pp, 1393 - 1W3 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT In the present paper these dispersion relations are derived by the BOGOLYUBOVIS methods The authors at first compute the amplitudes of photoproduction; the course of the computation in followed stop by step. Next, an auxiliary amplitudd,of this reaction and its proportion are dealt with. The study of the rdle played by the bound states on the occasion of the processes of photoproduction is essential because it is connected with the analysis of the unobserveable energy domain in the dispersion relationse Because of the smallness of the coupling constant e (electric charge), the energy of the interaction with the electromag- netic field may be regarded as a perturbations Therefore# also a de- velopment in series according to the eigen states of the energr momen- tum vector of the meaou-nucleon system is possible, Nextp information is given on the matrix structure of the amplitude of photoproduction In conclusion, formul" for the dispersion relations are obtained on the basis of certain assumptions discussed in the present paper on the degree of increase of the amplitude of the photoproduction in infinity Card 1/2 by the application of CAUCHY'S theorem. These dispersion relations are WTT~~ T :44- 5 6- V-, 1 cj/~~v Dispersion Relations for Photoproduction of Mesons on Nucleons then transformed by elimination of the domain of the negative energieso (With 1 illustration) ASSOCIATION Not given MMENTED BY SUBMITTED 24,7.1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 SUBJECT USS11 / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1914 'AUTHOR LOGU`11OV A A STEPA11OV,B.M., TACEVELIDZE,A.11. TITLE Fn iN ~Par layed by Coupled States in the PrOCed3es of Photo- production. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 112, fasc.1, 45-47 (1957) Issued: 2 / 1957 The present paper deals with the part played by coupled states in the dispersion states of the processes of photoproduction. The study of this process is impor- tant because it is connected with the analysis of the not observable energy do- main in dispersion relations. The authors investigate the energy domain E < Np I + ~, 2/4 JPI , where the production of "coupled" at .ates is possible. At first the antihermitic part of the amplitude of the reaction of photoproduction is explicitly written down. It is presumed that there are no coupled states of the meson-nucleon system between M and M + ~a . Here the domain of recoil momen- -12 < Me- 12 Is investigated. The integration domain in the dispersion rela- ta P tions (which/were mentioned in the works by A.A.LOGUNOV and B.M.STEPPIIOV, Dokl. Akad.Nauk, 110, No 3 (1956)) are then separated into two parts: 2/4) - 2 Y-M-2 T 0 < E I < (M,,, + (/X p + < E, < co .Within the first domain only the p one-nucleor~_states make a contribution to the integral which is different from zero, the states with n I make a contribution only by way of the second domain. Strictly spoken, the second domain contains a part of the unobservable energy do- main. However, the contribution made by this part can be made arbitrarily small DokI.Akad.Nauk, IL2,fasc.l, 45-47 (1957) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1914 if the recoil momentum is fixed in a suitable manner. Vext, the average values of the our;-ents, which occur here, are investigated, and the average value of the meson current is computed by way of an example. The average value. of the electromagnetic current is computed in a similar man- ner. For the average value of the meson current the following expression is ob- tained: < I Ij (0)y 7p S Q p9s Here g is the renormalized pseudoscalar coupling constant of he meson- ad nucleon fields. For the electro- magnetic current one obtains: