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BETIN, Ayzik Abramovich., clots.; Ivan Vasillyevich, dots.; STOLYA;"OV, bmitriy Favlovich, dots. (Forest mana,enment in foreign countries] L-esouctroistvo v zarubezhrrykh stranakh. Noskva, Lesnaia pror-yshlermostl, 1964. 266 p. (MMA 17:9) LOGINOVO-Jeze Chill drum fro cast,.ng core skeletons. Lit. proizv. no.10:39- 40 0 163. (MM 16:12) LOGINOV,, I.Z.,, Inzh. Universal self-co-oling equipment for centrifugal machines. Lit. proizv. no.9:38-39 S 165. (MIRA MIO) LOGINOV I Z I PETROVSKIY, V.I.; CHIGIR, I.D. Obtaining shaped castings by centr*ugal methods. Lit. proizr. no.245-46 F 163. (MIRA 16-3) (Centrifugal casting) LOGINOV, J,generalplukovriik 4,v:-. V Today arid tomorrow of the Sovict civil aeronautics, LeLecky obzor 5 no-11:341 161 1. Vedouci Hlavni spravy civilniho leteetva pri rale mLnIstru SSSR. Akandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Automatic dead reckoning for navigation in Ice. Kor.flot 16 no.4: 21-23 Ap 156. MAL 9; 8) 1. Hurmanskoy VKU Miniateretva rybuoy promyeblennosti. (Navigation) (Ice-breaking vessels) LOGINOV, K.S., in%liener; MASNOV, Yu.H.. inzhanar. - Matal Manx. Oldr. I mel. 9 no 1*45-47 Jit 157. (MIRA 10:1) Oxcavating amhtnery) * ~RGPMV, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; Prinirzli uchastiye: KISELEVI O.N., kand. geogr. nauk; PIATMOV, V.E., Jnzh.- gidroakuBtik; SERKO, G.S., red. (Hydroacoustical fish detecting apparatus) Gidroakustiche- skie poiskovye pribor-y. Moskva, Transport, 1961+. 289 p. (mlliA isa) ~~- I --. ~ I , ~,; ; IJIT rllj'~T ,rlTr, I . Birch Growing bprb~t* birch with-,ut c,),r,!r. Les . . , l-, . 1-j51. Mionthly--List Of R'66141am Accjssipnu. Libr,,,ry of Con.-r*sz, April 1952. UNCUSSIFIED. KATSM, F.; SHKELEV, A.; LOGINUV, L., starshiy inzh. Use of strain gauges for testing marine internal c=busti6n er~rginev. Moreflot 21 no.5s22-23 my 161. (MIPA 14:5,1 1. Nachallnik otdola TSentrallndgo proyektno-konstruktorskogo byuro No.1 Ministerotva morbkogo flota (for Kateman). (Marine dieb6l engines-Testing) (strain gauges) ACC NRI 0600655~ /0335/65/000/005/000 /0006--' 3 'AUT IHOR: Golavkin, N. (Professor)l loginov, L. ORIG; Leningrad Technologic Institute for the Refrigeration Industry (Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promushlonnosti) TITLE: Proper conditions for the refrigeration of meat SOURCE: Myasnaya industriya SSSR, no. 5, 1965, 3-6 TOPIC TAGS: food processing equipment, food preservation ABSTRACT: The aim of the investigation was to determine the length of the refrigeration period for meat as a function of the temperature and the air flow rate. For convenience and accuracy of the observations, the experiments were carried out on a model material which was in the form of a sphere and whose thermophysical properties were close to those of meat. Use was made of agar models with diameters of 0-055, 0.065, 0.080, 0.090, and 0.100 meters. The refrigeration was carried out at air temperatures of 0, -4, -6, -14, and -190C at flow rates of 0.2, 1.75, 2.5, 3.8, and ~6.9 moters/sec. The experimental data for spheres of different diameters at various temperatures are listed in an extensive table, and a curve shows the change in the -nan temperature of the sphere as a function of the temperature and the flow rate of the cooling medium, at the moment vhen the cryoscopia temperature is reached on the 2 UDCs 637.5s542.46,004.13 zt~~E '6 M ACC NRt AP6006551 [surface of the sphere. In general, the experimental data were found to agree well 1with the equation: NO - 2.708 (Re?-" (12) where, the correlation coofficiontA 0.9893, and the mean quadratic deviation oT-&- - 0.0199. For best results, the rate of motion of the cooling medium, at negative temperatures from -4-to -60C, should lie within thellimits of 1-2 moters/86C. Orig. art. hast 12 formulas, 4 figures, and I table. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBN DATE, none/ CRIG REFS 0051 OM REFI 002 Card 2/2 cLs AQC Nki AP60"9954 A, /V SOURE CODI;i Ult/0413/66/606/015/Oi33/0134, 'N. A.; Dinmn, R.-S-.; BuCrovp-111. S.; N.O-Z.drinp V.; LoC;inov, L. A.. 0~'G: none An automatic lincl~or continuous adjusting, cutting, and inspecting for the ~--re.scncc and for tho type of steel or the hardness of motallio r6-69. Clans 49, No. lV,56-9--7Cai~i6unce(i by Moscow Metallurgical Plant "Sickle and Ho-er" of "no Ordor or Lonin and tho Ordor of iWo-7VI6ikiii'--R 'd Bazifi6i-(M6okovskii'ordolilo~-I;6hi& ....... molot"27 i oracna TrudovoGo Yxaonogo Znamani mota lurgichookiy zavod "Sorp i A'zobrot prom obraz tov zAt no* 15, 19661 133-134 I 1131"*C TAGS: Motalworking, automation, industrial automation, autbmatio control cz 'Ili i"I-1.0at 05TRACII: This Author Certificate presents an automatic line for continuous adjust- illc;' vattinC;, and inapoctina for the presence of surface defects and for tho type of sreal or hardnaaa of motallio rods. To improve its efficiency and the quality o1! inspoction, tho line contains a combination of consecutively mounted (alone the course of,the toclmological procoss)s an assembly for adjusting and cutting the ends of the .OdS; a~ asocidbly for a oinultaneous inspection of the rode for the presence of Gurface defects and for the type of steel or for the hardness (by a defectoecopio card-I 3. 6-422s2 Upci 620.1 9 L 09258-67 ACC NRs APO'029954 assembly); and an assembly for sorting the usable and the defective rode (see Fig. 1). IL Fig. 'I. asnambly for adjustin and cuttlxa; 2 - assembly for dimunt g and. transportina; 3 - defeatoscopic ao embly; 4 - assembly for eortina the usabl and the doPectivo products; 5 - movabl, blade; Ifo finger-, 7 - knuckled 0 clutch; 9 - roller; 10 m lever; 11 movable carriago; 1'2 - rod; 13 - Gemiclutch; 14 !over; 15 - sprocket If P /U V ACC. NRs AP6029954 nnrci.1-Ply 4`61. and cutting of tho roda Imint; lnn,)cct(.d uLay contain a Ivver V., ono movable bl.,,de. Tho ohear contains a finger, a drum knuck-lo with coiiLourad roccna for receiving tho finGor of the blade, a clutch mounted on one I rollar, a uystem of lavora connected to a bearing carrialp and aboorbing the force of a blow from the moving rod being inspected and transmitting the movement to one of U..a somiclutchos. The assembly for adjusting and cutting the inspected rode may also contain a mechanism for'colloctina the cut rods. This mechanism is made in the form of a lover kinematically connected to a sprocket mounted on the roller which also carrica tho knucklod drum and the olutche OrIgs art@ b"i I figures SUB COM Or 6UBM D&TEs IOD9063 Card 3h EFM Possibility of lusing, Dt-,wdm containing riatural radioelements 0 for field irrigation. GIg. i san. 28 nc.(.,CZO-QJ Je'63 (MIF1 171.4) 1* 12 Ukrainskogo Instituta ko=m~- nallnoy g1glyony. 119-11-2/7 AUTHORs TITLEs PERIODICALi Loginov, L.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences Instrument Building on the 40th Anniversary of the Great October (Priborostroyeniye k sorokaletiyu Velikogo Oktyabrya) N-r 11, PP'-3-7 (USSR'i ABSTRACTs In connection with the development of industry the demand for control-meters and regulators increasedl their production increas- ed 23-fold in the time from 1927/28 till 1932. The production of laboratory apparatuses increased 9-fold during the same period. The increasing demand could not be met as the speed of the devel- opment of inutrument building was not sufficient. It therefore was necessary to import different kinds of such instruments equalling a total amount of 476 million Rubels during the first five years. In order to improve this situation the construction of some instrument-building enterprises for the production of automatic regulators and control instruments were planned during the second five-years~ plan. By government law some scientific research institutes and other corresponding enterprises were Card 1/3 founded. These measures made it possible to essentially increase J 119-11-2/7 Instrument Building VZL the 40th Anniversary of the Great October the production of instruments within the periods of the 4th and 5th five-years' plan. The present level of production of control- and regulator-in- atrumenta of heat-energy parameters is characterized by the fol- lowing achievementst consumption measuring instruments of various kinds were produced in great quantities the functioning of which is based on the measuring of the changing pressure-drop in the narrowing devices. The following instruments are producedt swi=er-bell-and ring balances, diaphragm- and sylphono-pressure gauges, consumption meters for the constant pressure-drop, and others. The main interest of all these research institutes has to be di- rected to the development of unified instruments for the measur- ing of the consumption (with a constant relief signal) as well as to instruments which can fully replace swimmer-diffusion pressure gauges working with mercury. Of the prospective constructions of liquid-level indicators (water balances) developed during the last years the radio-active Card 2/3 liquid-level indicator has to be mentioned, the functioning of 119-11-2/7 Instrument Building on the Orth Anniversary of the Great October which is based on the principle of the transillumination of the control object with radio-active gamma-rays. An ultra-short-wave liquid-level indicator was developed. The factories produce pressure gauges of different series, as for example, radio-active ionisation pressure gauges, and instruments for the analyses of gas content (gas-analysers). The sixth five-years' plan provides the production of more than 120 types of Instruments for the analysis of various gases and gas mixtures. At present there are only 41 types in series pro- duction. Of constantly growing importance are instruments for the determination of the content of substances as well as of the cha- racteristics of substances in connection with the intention to carry out the control of processes not by indirect parameters but by means of indices which directly characterize the final pro- duct of production. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 TUSHKOV, P.P.; WGINDV, L.I. Numerical integration of equations for heat conduction in three-dimensional space. Insh.-fix.shur. no.2:22-31 7 158- (NMI 13:1) 1. Institut energetiki AN BSSR. Minsk. (Heat-conduction) (Approximate solutions) AUTHORS: Loginov, L.I. and Syrovtseva, N.N. 30V/170-59-3-17/20 TITLE: On the Roots of the Equation J (x Y 1(kx) - Jl~kx)Yo(x) - 0 (0 kornyakh uravneniya J 0(X)Yl?kx~ Z Jj(kx)Yo x) = 0) PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 3, pp 112-114 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT: In the problems of mathematical physics applied to technique occurs sometimes the transcendent equation cited in the title where Jo(x) and Jl(kx) are Bessel functions of the first kind of the zeroth and first order respectively; Yo(z) and Yl(kx) are Bes3el functions of the second kind of the zeroth and first order respectively, and k is a constant. The roots of this equation were investigated by Sasaki f-Ref. 1_,7, Bogert f-Ref. 22 and others. However, Saoakils semi-convargent series for the roots are not suitable for direct calculations, and the value of the roots computed by other investigators are confined to small values of k-parameter. Yet in some problems, as e.g. in determiration of temperature stresses in a thickness of concrete, it is necessary to know the first root of the equation for consider--lbly larger k-values. The authors com- puted the values of the first root of the above-cited equotion for the k-value varying within the following limits 12 ,- Card 1/2 =Kk=ml30 and plotted these values on the graph given in the SOV/170-59-3-17/20 On the Roots of the Equation J 0(X)Y1(kx) - Jl(kx)Yo(x) t_0 paper. The authors thank P.P. Yushkov for his advices in pre- paring this paper. There are: 1 graph and 3 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Tekhnologicheskiy inatitut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (Tech- nological Institute of Refrigeration Industry), LeninFrad Card 212 DOBRYNIN, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich- LOGINOV L I inzh., retsenzent; 0 0 *1 SHCHXDROVIT5XIY, S.S., nd.tekhn. , red.; AKIMOTA, A.G., red.izd-ve; SOROKINA, G.Ye., tekhn.red. (Devices for use in the automatic control of industrial processes] Pribory avtowtizataii proizvodetvannykh protsessov. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 190.P. (MIRA 13:12) (Automatic control) (Blectronic apparatus and appliances) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4397 Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo priborostroitellnoy promyshlennosti Priborostroyeniye i izmeriteltnaya tekhnika (Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique) Moscow., Mashgiz., 1960. 462 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: A.N. Gavrilovp Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor; Tech. Ed.: A. Ya. Tikhanov; Managing Ed, for Literature on Machine and Instrument Construction (Mashgiz)-. N.V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific and technical personnel in the instrument industry. COVERAGE: The 23 articles deal with the present state and the outlook for the development of instrument mamLfacture and measurement technique. New problems of design,construction5and mamufacture of instruments are discussed in the first two sections. Emphasis is given to problems of automation and mechanization of production and to the application of new techniques in program control, ultra- sonics, and chipless vorldng of metals. The third section deals with new Card 1/6 Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique SOV/4397 measurement methods involving the use of ultrasonics and radio isotopes. Some theoretical aspects of met rology and measurement technique are also discussed in this section. 'No personalities are mentioned. References accompany several of the articles. TAKE OF COMMM: Foreword 3 Logix!q~Y.I.p Engineer. Development of Instrument Manufacture .'B~ -the Soviet Union 5 IMIGN AND CONSTR ION Sarkin., I.G.., Professor. Fundamentals of the Design of Precision Instruments 19 Braslavskiy., D.A.., Candidate of Technical Sciences., and A.M. Yakubovich.. Engineer. Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of Sensitive Elements by Means of Feedback 55 Card 2/6 Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique SOV/4397 Urazayevj, Z.F.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of Loading on the Friction Moment of Ball Bearings Used in Gyroscopic Instruments 77 Vykhodtsev, N.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Estimating the Magnitude of Backlash in Sma31-Module Spur Gearing Used in Servo Systems 91 Oykher, M.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Conditions for Improving the Stability of Magnetoelectric Instruments 100 Goncharskiy., L.A.., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Electronic Transducers of Mechanical Values and Their Application 3.15 MAM)FACTURING HMWDS AND DESIGN Chernyshev., A.V., Engineer. Application of Program Control in Inatrument Manufacture 139 Card 316 Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique SOV/4397 Gavrilaw, A.N.,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.A.R. Khrapov, Candidate of Technical Sciences., and B.A. Khokhlov., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Increasing the Accuracy of Machining on Auto- matic Lathes and Widening Their Field of Application 162 Gantman, S.A.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences.. V.V. Kolobov., Engineer.. and K.A. Kuznetsov., Engineer, Some Ways of Reducing Labor Consumption in the Manufacture of Dies for Cold Pressworking in Instrument Manufacture 190 Yermolayev,v P.D., Engineer. Cold Preesvorking of Metals :L-n Small-Lot Production 201 Kurnyavko., V. Kh... Engineer. Use of Ultrasonics in Instrument Manufacture 220 Kruglov,, A.B., Engineer. Methods of Calibrating Profilometer Scales 235 Golikorvy V.I.., Candidate of Technical Scienres, Fundamentals of the Calculation for Accuracy in the Machining of Small-Module Gears 256 Maksimikhin, B.A., Engineer. Recent Developmerts in the Technology of Brazing of Parts in Instrument Manufactilre 272 Card 4/6 Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique SOV/4397 Belevtsev.. A.T.., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Automation and Mechanization of Manufacturing Processes in the Production of Variable Wire-Wound Resistors 293 PROBIM OF MITROIM AND ML48UFMXM TECHNIaUE Shumilovskiy, N.N,j Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor, and L.V. MelIttser, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Use of Iftelear Radiation in Measurement Technology 315 Shrayber, D.8,0 Candidate of Technical Sciences. Present State and Problems of the Development of Flev-Detection Methods 332 Pavlenko, V.A., Engineer, Basic Trends in the Development of Instruments for the Analysis of the Composition of Materials 364 Sarkin, Vj, Optical-Mechanical Projection-Type Measuring Instruments for Checking Dimensions 377 Card 5/6 Instrument Manufacture and Measurement Technique SOV/4397 Iordsh, Yu. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor. Modern YetILAs of Vibration Measurement 396 Fyux-stenberg., A.I.,, Engineer. Oscillographic Methods of Frequency Wagurement, 409 Etkin, L.G., Engineer, Dynaric Method for Determining the Moduli of Elasticity Under Righ-Temperature Conditions 449 Komarov-Dunayev,t I.M... Candidate of Technical Sciences. Metrological Base in the. Selection of Methods for Checking Dimensions 455 AVAILAM: Library of Congress card 616 VK/pw/mas lo-24-6o LOGINOV, L.J. Manufacture of scientific instruments in Englaml. Priborostroenie no-11:28-32 N 160. WU 13:11) (Great B-ritain-Instruments) f 40 AUTHORS: Loginov, L. I., Yushkov, TITLE: The Numerical Integration Heat-mass Exchange With tie 84269 S1170160100310101014102.' .9019/B054 P. P. of the Equation System for the Aid of Implicit Formulas PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskly zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3~ Nc, 10~ pp. 93-96 TEXT: The authors study the numerical integration of the differential equation system for the heat-.and mass transfer:47hey restrict themselves case, ~iid a u-m-F-M-51-5711 transfer ccefficients or, to the one-dimensional -ss- constant: at/a.T ad2t/ax 2 -t bau/aT (b - F_Q/s) (6) au/a,r ala2u/ax2 (-R i~- x !!~; R) (7) The corresponding boundary and initial conditions are given by (8) - (:01). A. V. Lykov (Refs. 3, 4) had already studied this system. A numericnl integration of this system by explicit formulas had been described by Yushkov(Ref. 5). For the boundary and initial conditions (9) and (10), Card 1/2 The Numerical Integration of the Equation System for the Heat-mass Exchange With the Aid of Implicit Formulas 8~6?70/60/00 3/0 10/0 1 1"102 3 B019/13054, the authors introduce the analogous difference formulas (11) and (12), and derive the implicit difference formulas (13) - (14) analogous to (6) - (7). Thene implicit difference formults ar,? sorriewhat more complex than the explicJt ones, but they permit an incren,,e of the step. Finally, the _sathors give the formulas (15) fcr the numerical integratiln Ar, the case in which a system of four equations with -four unkno%ns is to be solved. There are I figure and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 Brilish. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki All BSSR, Ex. Minsk (Institute of Power Eng-ineering of the AS BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED: March 8, 1960 Card 2/2 4 r,:: j ~Z- ~!i LWINOV, L. I., and YMHKO'V) P. P. "The Numerical Method of Integration of one System of Heat and Mass Transfer Differential. Equations in the Case of Variable Physical Properties." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. ORSHANSKIY,D.L.,gl.red.ARIITYUNOV, K.B., red.; VORONOV, A.A., red.; KARAN=V, K.B., red.; KARIBSKIY, V.V., red.; KRASIVSKIY, S.P., red.; KULEWIR, V.S., red.; LOGINOV, L.I., red.; LUXIN, V. 1. , red. ; MALOV, V. 3. f red. PETROV, BIN., red.; RAXOVSKIY, M.Ye., red.; SMAGLY, L.V., red.; SMIRNOV, A.D., red.; SOTSKOV, B.S., red.; STEFANI, Ye.P., red.; TRAPEZNIKOV, V.A., red.; TSAREVSKIY, Ye.N., red.; LEONOVA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. [EIKA; encyclopedia of measurements, control and automa- tion]EIKA; entsiklopediia izmerenii kontrolia i avtomati- zateii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. No.l. 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Instruments) (Automation) (Mensuration) it L 29672-66 EWP(k)/EWT(m)/SVP~t)/ET1 IJP(r,) JD/F ACC NR, AP6008607 SOURCE CODE4. 3,4' AUTHOR: Loginov., Le Me ORG: none TITLE: Development of the technology of hot rollinv-/of 62E M'-Zine alloys SOURGEi TavetrWe metallyp no. 3.1. 1965p 101-106 TOPIC TAGS2 hot rolling., copper alloy, zinc alloy, metal shoot/L62 copper-sinc alloy, L70 copper-zinc alloy, L90 copper-zinc alloy., M2 copper-zinc alloy ABSTRACT: To develop more productive hot rolling techniques for copper-zinc alloys, experiments were performed at the Department of Pressure Forming of Metals of the NIMMASh and the Artemovsk Plant im. E. is Kviring (Otdol obrabotki met lov davlaniyem* NIIPTMASh i Artemovskiy zavod)o Alloys 21%701%29~%nd M211ere used with the reversible hot rolling machine duo 800 X &0. Metal pressure on the rolls, specific pressure) torque, power, and load on the machine drive vere measured over a range of rolling parameters using the latest instrumentation, Sample u of the h experimental results and curves of specific pressure as a function of ~A_hi (R is the ro3.1 radiusp 6 h is the reduction in mm per passs hcp in the7hcp average thickness of the rolled strip) and of specific power as a function of i L'29672-66 AP6006007 ACC NRi 0 total elongation are presented. Based on a critical review of the normal operating parameters., new operating regimes were established to exploit the full capacities of the rolling mill. With the new parameters 4.5 x 645 mm strip of L62 alloy could be-rolled in 5 instead of 9 passes# 6 x 745 strip in 7 instead of 9 p&3sesp and 6 x 645 m strip of L90 or L70 alloy could be rolled in 9 in3te" of U passes (all from 144 x 600 x 1300 mm blanks). Orig. art. hast 2 figures, 2 tables, and 4 .formulas. SUB CODEs 131 SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG RM 009 I Cod 2/2 LOGINOV, L.N. Replacing bronze by antimonial ca3t. iron. Mashinontroitel, no. 5311 Yq 164. (WRA 17:7) LOGINOV, M. Nxperience of regular production conferences. Avt. transp. 36 no. 6:49-50 Js 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Predeedatell moatkoma Kovrovskogo avtokhozyaystva. (7actory management) LOGINOV I_ 1-1. -- Kavrov highway transport workers help agriculture. Avt trans (MI;,A 14;5 39 no. 5: 54 My 161. T 1. Predsedatell profsoyuznogo komiteta Kovrovskoy avtotra.nsportnoy kontory. (Kovrov.--Highway transport workers) ' I-MINOT M.A. isahamer. Chackiag the vear ix boiler tubes. Zaargetik 4 no-7:34 JI 156. (Boilers) (KMA 9:9) Subject Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Abstract USSR/Electricity Pub. 29 - 8/25 Loginov, M. A., Eng. A- "77. Injury to the turbine blading : Energetik, 12, 14, D 1955 : The author describes a case of damage to a turbine blading, itacaWe5 and the repair work done. AID F - 3703 Institution : None Submitted : No date NASYROV, Yu.J.; GIIJ2Tt, YuJe.; LOGINOV, M.A.; LEBEDEV, V.N. Using C24 for studying the photosynethetic balance in the plantu of phytocoenoses. Bot.zhur. 47 no.1:96-99 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Laboratoriya fizinlogii i biofiziki rasteniy All TadzhWkoy 33R, Dushanbe. (Plant co-minities) (Photosynthesis) NASYROV, Yu.S.,, otv. red.; SAPOUNIKOV, D.I.p red.; PROKOFIYEV, A.A., red.; ZALENSKIY, O.V., red.; '-'AK.%!,!OV, A.N., red.; KARIVOV, Kh.Kh., red.; LOGINOV, M.A., red.; GILLEEH, Yu.Ye., red.; U"OV, P.D., red.; KASIYANETIKO, A.G., red.; RAKHMINAp K.F.9 rod. [Contribution of plant physiology to agriculture; problems of photosynthesis and metabolism] Fiziol,giia rastenii - sel'skomu khoziaistv-u; voprosy fotosint6za i obmena veshchestv. Dushanbe, Izd-vo AN Tadzhikskoi SSR, 19b5. 131 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Akademiya nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, Dushanbe. Institut fizio- logii i biofiziki rastenii. r 2,' .5 o o Ref. zh. Biologlya. Svodrj~j Lorm, ~UhG. ;G57 Ai; -MOR: Lo~;inov,. 1A. A. ; Nasyrov Yu S T17LE: -d plants q ba some cultivate CITED SOURCE: Tr. Otd. fiziol. t blofiz. rast. AN TadzhSSR, v. 3, 1964. 49-67 TOPIC Tdl%GS: photosynthesis, agriculiural crop, steppe productivity, sedge fescue steppe, bcet photosyntliesle, barley photosynthesis, sunflower photosynthf-,3is, plant producti'vity, I -Fl I ~ii-,-idon, assiTydiative capacity, moisUire eowi mpClon TIC) N sing beets, bq-,1(-.; ind tfw d i u m: I~ind w~ i F;- 7 Dt r-,o~Z. ij Tn t1'. ~ 0100-65 ACCESSION NR- AR5008GIl beginning of its development; a second maxinnum in the photosynthesis curve ap-,)C.L,~s tthe 11 --e~ inning of August (in the heading ph;tse). ha contrn.~~t to -ullivattd i , -i~jjs show a high assini,!1;11-~ " --p".-I", ivhich re-sults in hip-,h productivitv. Lhc:s~- :)i iritzi. Lri,, n,~c tn,, r- r) - -,isf,d i(~r ti;, :c)r- '2 -0 D-1 U "I F P~k tp- 7kj-tiO nlt~lr 1:'ovo-grt-,,und ri-,ass, ',A1." :-,-r ~ii~:,s, is J-4 in-,-!4 i-~ Lgh Lic, j,j: - F 1-i1- - I-a! ,- Q 'I f v 09 -,;- ,-I~r J~, conditions, these crops have a low transpiration coefficient (200-350). All of thD3 poiats up the necessity of replacing the natural vegetation by cultivated crops. V. Korshunova SUB CODE-.. W ENOL: 00 I Card NASYROV, YU.S.; LOGINOV, M.A. Study of the photosynthetic balance of herbaceous plant phyto- cenoses. Bot. zhur. 49 no.1:30-38 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-2) 1. Otdel fiziologii i bioflziki rasteniy AN Tadzhikskoy SSR, Du- shanbe. AID P - 5104 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 7/18 Authors Man'kina, N. N., M. D. Loginov, and T. A. Sashina, Engineers. Title Prevention of the formation of copper scum by using sodiu-tri hexa meta r)hosDha te. Periodical Topi:)energetika, 10, 33-36, 0 1956 Abstract Methods are examined for slowing down and preventing .h,i fo~-mation of copper scum on pipes of steam boilers. 6 diawrams. 3 references. Institution All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Submitted No da-ce C 123-1-800 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, p. 222 (USSR) AUTHOR: Loginov, M, F. TITLE: - ------------ --------------- Tunnel-type Furnace for Thermal Straightening of Capacitor Plates (Fech tuniellnogo tipa dlya. termorikhtovki) PERIODICAL: Obmen opytom. Min-vo radiotekhmich, prom-sti SSSR, 1955, Nr 8-9, pp. 16-ig ABSTRACT: The author reports that the Ministry of radio-technical industry plant has constructed and put into operation a tunnel-type electric furnace of 36 kw capacity for straightening plates for standard units of variable capacitors. The furnace's dimensions are 3,000 x 1,500 x 1,200 mm with the 1,600 x 345 x 460 = of working space. The furnace is equipped with a chain conveyer, with 100 ma pitch and 332 mm distance between the chainB. The plates are laid into special compartments, size of which corresponds to the width of the conveyer's belt. The furnace can handle simultaneously 22 to 15 fittings Card 1/2 with the plates for heating and soaking under the 123-1-800 Tunnel type Furnaoe for Thermal Straightening of Capacitor Plates (Cont,5 automatically controlled temperature of 320 to 3400. The soaking time is regulated within 18 to 36 minutes, B*G.I* Card 2/2 KORABLIV, Yu.I., red.; LOGINOV, X.I., red. CCPSU and the build-up of the Soviet Armed Yorces, 1918- June 19411 KPS3 I stroitalletvo vooruzhennykh ail SSSR, 1918-iun' 1941. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo X-va obor.SSSR. 1959. 450 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Russia--Armed forces) .ya=VT-Mariya--Kapitonovna,* LURIYE, Dzhar. Aliyevich; YiZIOVSKIY, Mikhail Illich; ORLEANSKIY, Yakov Pavlovich; SAVITSKIY, Aron Yakovlevich; SHUBIN, Undimir Petrovich; IULKO, M.11.., kand. tekhn. naukv retsonzent; POIYAKCVA, D.I., red.; BYKOVSKIY, A.I.., red.; GOREWITAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Albwn of equiprmit for tho mochwilzation of foundrlos]Allbon sredstv mekhanizatsii liteirykh tsekhov. [By) IIII.K.Loginova i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz., 1962. 132, p. (MIRA 15. 10) (Foundries-Equipmont and cupplies) SOV/JZ4 -58-4 -4 34 1 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p93(USSR) AUTHOR: __.~,~_g~inov T I r LE: Reduction of See~age Losses in Shallow Irrigation Canals by Means of Smoothing the Inner Surface of the Canals With a Flattener at Stavropol (Umen' sheniye fill tratsionnykh poter, vody v kanalakh melkoy orositellnoy seti metodom zatiraniya vnutrenney poverkhnosti kanalov utyugom v usloviyakh Stavropol' ya) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Novocherk. inzh. -melior. in-t (Novocherkassk Institute of Reclamation Engineering), Novocherkassk, 1957 ASSOCIATION: Novocherk. inzh. -melior. in-t (Novocherkassk Institute of Reclamation Engineering), Novocherkassk 1. Irrigation systems--Maintenance Card 1/1 30653 .s/io5/6.l/ooo/ojI/OOl/OO2 19'7 E14o/Y563 3 ~ 36 00/ -3, 11.11THURS - Hogolvtibov, V Vt- , llocto: (;(' Technical Sciences, Shamayev, Yu,M , Uiiididate of Technical Sciences and ~n Enwineer ~23i ,ri,n i~. Trans i en f. pror exmi. , j n r pit c i j ve n etworks conta i ning transformer% with ferrites NAMMICAI Klektrichestvi), tio I I . 1001 , 60-64 r!.,.,XT - The translent procesme-; in reactive networks containing Iransfarmers with square-loop t'orrites are solved taking into .-t-couiat the change of' the Iyn~tmic hystere.-Ris curve as a function of the rate of change of' inaw,netiYntion. The problem ij; qo1ved by i ii t rodu c i ng the murface dc,fined I)v (H - Ii 'goo fill 0 it where H is the external. I:ield intensity, 211 is the width of' thp idealized rectangular stati(- hysleresis loop,o g(B) is the experi- mentally determined specific dynamic conductance and dB/dt is the rate of variation of' m;t.YnctiL indtiction in the core. On the basia of known approximatLons to the experimental curves, an Card 1/2 3065) Transi ent. processes i n reac t i ve S/ 105/61 /000/011 /Oo I /o4 P: i 40/E563 approximate expression is obtained so.1ving this differential t~quatjon and giving the citi've of variation ofB as a function of 41( the ratio of B to the satiii-at ioii in(biction ' B,; To simplify calcill"tions the assilmiltirtv 1.4 madf. that the input pulse is rect- angular and that the sta(it hNst,~to-i~ loop has d constant width, It is stated that these assutnotion-~ are riot essential to the method but tire merely introdticed for- simplification, The initial equations for the solution consist of' Fq (1) iin equation expressing the law of' conservation of current and Kirchhof*f s second law, The equations are solved in the pha-Re plaite to nupply families of curves from which tho- output waveforms of sijch ~i system can he obtained In the Appendix a simple wav is ('or riij)id calculation of the curves in the phase plane Th-r#- are :-) figures, 2 tables and 7 Soviet referpricem ASSOCI ATION - Aoskovskiy enerveticheskiv inmtitut. (Moscow Power Engineering ITIStitute) U IN] ]"IF R 1) December 31 1960 Card 2/2 BOGOLYUf2OV, V.Ye., doktor tc-kYn.n;uk; S&AMAYEIV, Yu.M., kand.tekhn.nLuk; LOGINOV, M.3N., inzh. Transient processes in a network c-intaining capacitance or J--)auctance and ferromagnetic substances with rectangular hystere5is loops. Elektrichestuo no.11:6o-64 N 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut. (Electric networks) (Transients (Electricity)) LOGINOV, N. Volvo-Dons-kil sudokhodny'L kanal. Jh~- 17 1;.,a-rv)r. ':av~vt':~n Canail 0 . IJ , - ---- -,- -- - 11 -54). DLC: Slavic unclacs. i agitats-iia, 1951, no. 6, ,,. r1 SO: '!'O'JTET TRANSIORTATION AND CC!.'- I IOG`AF'.-~, Ll~ r-iry of Conr-ress - ..U1,11CMITY.NS 4 '-1 - -- '- u R-efe nce Derartment, Wash-77tonp 19521 Unclassified. LOGIIIOV, Et~-- Seven-year plan for the Baltic f lost. Mar. f lot 19 no.5:44 My 159. (MIRA 12:7) Ok1tic Sea-Herchant marine) WGINDV, N. 04nskovsWa oblast I) Preventing the inflammation of air-drled peat. Pozh.delo 3 No.6:10 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) (Peat InduBtry) MIR LOGINOV, N. ~ , - , Athletes of the Leningrad Administration of the Food Industry. Obshchestv. pit. no-1:36 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:3) l.Instruktor fizkulltury Len pita. (Leningrad--Food industry~--Zmployees) (sports) 10G~ Physical education enthusiasts of Leningrad. Obshchestv. pit. no.11: 56-57 N 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Starshiy Instruktor-metodist firkulltury Lenuarpita. (Leningrad-Physical education and training) ...... 14, USS39/General Problems of Pathology - T~ziors. Comparative U Cucology. TuLiors of Man Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27473 Author : LoGinov, N.A. Inst Title :Polypous Disease of the Stomch Orig, Pub : V sb.: Materialy po bor'be so zlokachestv. opukholyarai, Ufa, VYP- 8, 1956, 13-16 Abstract No abst---act. Card 1/1 - 26 - LOGINOV, N.A. :--I 1 11": - Trade school of agricultural mechanization. Iffauke, i pered.op.v sel'- khoz.7 nool:17-20 Ja 157. OGU 10: 2) (7arm mechanization--Studjr and teaching) 5(2) AUTHOR33 Ivanovskiy, L. Yo., Loginov, N. A., SOV/7 5 -13-6-10/21 Smirnov, M. V. r---------------- TITLEs PERIODICAL3 Determination of Bi- and Trivalent Titanium in Chloride Melts by Ferric Chloride (Opredeleniye dvukh- i trekhvalentnogo titans, v khloridnykh rasplavakh posredstvom khlornogo zheleza) Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 6, pp 671-673 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A thorough investigation of the electrolysis of salt melts containing titanium requires a separate determination of bi- and trivalent titanium in the electrolyte. The determination methods (Refs 1,2) hitherto known do not always yield satis- factory results. For direct determination of the valences of titanium in the salt melt the oxidation of titanium with ferric chloride immediately in the melt with a parallel determination of the trivalent Ti in an aqueous electrolyte solution is most suitable. This method, however, is complicated by the thermal dissociation and the volatility of FeCl At high temperatures ferric chloride is considerably decompo;e'd. It is, therefore, useful not to melt the sample to be analyzed with pure FeCl 3 Card 1/4 but with its melts formed with alkali metal chlorides. For Determination of Bi- and Trivalent Titanium in SO-7/75-13-6-'C/21 Chloride Melts by Ferric Chloride the production of such ferric chloride melts anhydrous FeCl 3 which does not contain FeCl is molten with the eutectic mixture of KCI and LiCl at 450-500 62 in the chlorine current. In con- centrations of FeCl < 5-6 per cent by weight a homogeneous melt is obtained. In hilher concentrations a second liquid phase is separated on the bottom. This phase has a constant com- position and represents a solution of KCI in KFeCl 4' After cooling it forms0yellow anisotropic crystals with a melting- point of 260 1 2 . The upper layer is saturated with KFeCl 4' This phase separation occurs only in the melt of FeCl 3 with LiCl + KC1, but not in the melts of FeCl 3 with NaCl, with LiCl and KC1. FeCl 2 formed by thermal dissociation concentrates in the upper layer only. KFeCl 4 is more stable against thermal dissociation than FeCl 3* For the oxidation of titanium in C ard 2/4 the melt, KFeCl4 from the lower layer of the ferric chloride Determination of Bi- and Trivalent Titanium in SOV/75-13-6-10/21 Chloride Melts by Ferric Chloride melt is used therefore instead of pure FeCl 3' If this KFeCl4 is added to the melt which contains the titanium to be determined (in amounts only somewhat larger than that required for the oxidation of titanium) and allows then the melt to cool as quickly as possible, a minimum formation of FeCl2 may be obtained by thermal dissociation. Accordingly, a method for the separate determination of bi- and trivalent titanium in salt melts has been devised. The procedure is described in detail. The sum of bi- and trivalent titanium results from the determination of the FeCl 2 in the solution of the cooled melt which was formed in the reduction of ferric chloride. The content of trivalent titanium is determined in part of the original melt (before the addition of KFeCl 4). This method yields very accurate results. There are 3 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 Determination of Bi- and Trivalent Titanium in 5011/7r'-1~-~-110/21 Chloride Melts by Ferric Chloride ASSOCIATIONj Institut khimii Uraltskogo filiala AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk (Sverdlovsk Chemical Institute of the Ural Branch, AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt April 27, 1957 Card 4/4 c'/137/62./000/008/0r,8/065 A006/A 10 1 AUTHORSt Smirnov, M. V., Loginov, N. A., Tsiovkina, L. A. TITLE: Behavior and equilibrium potentials of titanium in mixed fluoride- chloride melts PERIODICAL: 11cferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 8, 1962, 21 - 22, abstract 8G160 ("Tr, In-ta elektro'khimii. Urallskiy fil. AN SSSIV, 1961, no. 2, 29 - 40) TEXT: The authors studied interaction of Ti metal with fluoride-chloride melts containing Ti in 3- and 4-valent state. It is shown that in the presence nf an excessive amount of alkali-metal fluoride,a Ti 2+ compound is being formed whose composition is Me2TiF4 and which is poorly sbluble in molten mixtures of alkali-metal chlorides and fluorides. It is found that the behavior of a Td- electrode in mixed fluoride-chloride melts is like the behavior of a second-type electrode; its potential does not depend upon the nominal Ti content in the electrolyte and is wholly determined by the 4concentration &f fluor ions [F-] according to equation E - 7 2.66 - 4 .10-10 T - 3.97o10- Tlg [p-]b in relation Card 1/2 Behavior and equilibrium potentials of... S/ 137/6 2/G00/V,8/G08/Q')5 AOO6/A1O1 to the comparison chlorine electrode. On the basis of experimental data an uqiw- tion is obtained for the temperature dependence of the pr9duct of MeTIFI, zolu- bility In mixed fluoride-chloride melts: Lp - [T,2+][F-]4; lg L p 4.868 - 2701/T. (Abstracter's notet Complete translation] G. Svodtseva Card 2/2 S/081/62/000/018/019/059 B226/B166 AUT: I Ui,~; tJmirnov, Vl. V. , Yushina, L. 1). , TITLZz The corrosion of titanium in saline melts PEHUDICAL: 11cferativnyy zhurnal. Xhi..iya, no. 16, 19062, 305, abstract - 181152 (T~' In-ta elektrokhimii. Urdl'8kiy fil. AN.JSV~R, no.4 1~)61, 135 - 143) TBMT: Thc corroqion rqtc of Ti in saline melts of different coi,.positions is sl,udiud as a function of the temperature, atmosphere and purity of the metal. Anode polarization curves of Ti are plotted for various corrozion rate conditions. The clect.rochomical nature of the corrosion of metallic Ti in inulten saline media is established.' [Abstracter's notet Cornp;ete .translation .Card 1/1 LOGINOVJ N.A.; SMIRNOV, M.V. Oxidation-reduction potential of Ti34_/ TiYfand equilibrium constant of the reaction 3Ti 4+ -+-Ti0t_4Ti 3+- in an equimolar mixture of sodium and potassium chloride melts Trudy Inst. alektrokhim. UFAN SSSR no.3:17-24 162, iMIRA 16:6) (Electrodes, Titanium) (Dzidatiow-reduction reaction) (Fused salts) S12001621000100410011002 D204/D307 AUTHO.-RS:. Smirnov, N.V., and Loginov N.A. TITLE: Study of '%-,he equilibrium between netallic titanium and its di- and trivalent ions in molten NaCl-KC1, by %the method of equilibrium potentials PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya, no. 4, 1962, 64 - 72 3+ TEXT: The authors studied the reaction 2Ti (Melt) (solid) 2+ 3Ti(Melt)1 to demonstrate the usefulness of the jAethod of equilibium potentials, in an equimolar melt of NaCl-KCI containing 0.23, 0.7, 1.4 and 5.64 -I'j Til between 701 and 9750C The tilgretical background L~1~ is given. Equilibrium potentials of the ;i elect ode were measured?'- under argon against a comparison chlorine electrodeA with an pxcuraj- cy of i 1 mv, at a series of temperatures maintaine within � 1.500-; The temperature dependence is of standard electrode potentials werei. found to be ho j2+ 2.382 + 4,83 x 10-4T, E 0 3+ 2#158 + Card 1/2 Ti/T Ti/Ti S1200162100010041C-01IG02 Study of the equilibrium between ... D204/D307 + 3.164 x 10_4T and E0 2+ 3+ 1.710 - 0.17 x 10_4T volts. Cal- Ti /Ti culations showed-the titanium to be predominantly (99 - 87 M in the divalent state in the above melts, although disproportionation to Ti 3+ and Ti was favoured by increasing the temperature and the over- all Ti content in the fused chlorides. Thermodynamic a-of the TiCl 3/ /NaCl-KC1 (fused) system are discussed and the heat of mixing,of liq. TiCl-A with the above melt is estimated at - 11.8 kcal/molle, showing that anionic comnlexes should form under such conditions, with Ti-Cl bonds stronger than those in pure liq. TiCl The equilibrium con- 3* % stant for the reaction varied with temperature according to log K - 5.038 + 6774/T. The isobar potential for the reaction A. Z = 30951 - 23.02 T cal., proved that Ti + is unstable.in chloride Melts above 10700C. There are,4 tables. I ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy filialAN SSSR, Sverdlovsk (The Urals Branch of AS USSR, SvVrdlov6k) SUBKITTDD: May 5, 1961 Card 2/2 LClG!N(IV, ?;,A,; ';MC~!,Ti, Gurrtnt ef*Clci,!ncy in tlht an,7d-;- chloricio an(~ olxc!i llluroidn-chlor-,de rell ts. Trivii ins elArrokhizm. UFAIII no, 1,-.2")- 3-3 163. U V7 ACC NR- AR50200 11 SOURCE __d0_ ~E, Lrif/d68-]:/j5/C,00/()I~~~069/BO69 AUMORL: Smirnov, 14.V.; 14g1nov, N.A -3 ORG: none TITIE: Thermodynamics of some of the reactions of titanium chloride in a UaCl-Wl melt SOURCE: Ref. zh. 12Limiya, Abs. 12B1178 REF SOURCE: Tr. In-ta elektrokhimii. Urallokiy fil. All SSSR, vy-p. 6, 196.5, )-9 TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic, titanium, titanium compound, chloride TRANSLATION; On the basis of experimental data and literature, a calculation vu made of the thermohynamic values (AG,zw,AS) of the reactions in formlng=12, TiC13, and TiCl j[ from elements in a NaCl-Ml melt and of the reactions due to interactions be- tween these compounds in the given medium with titanium, chlorine, metallic soditua, oxygen and steam. Author's resume. SUB WDE: 07 STOBROVSKIY, N.G... LOGINOV, N.F., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor. -11 " a DRUZqININSKIY, inzbener-mayor; SRIBNIS, N.V., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor. [Our country is the birthplace of aeronautical Hasha strana-rodina vozdukhoplavanils. Pod red. N.7. Loginova. Moskva, Voen.isd-vo Ministerstva oborony Soiuza SSR, 1954. 101 p. (MLRA 8:9) (Aeronautics--History) AUTHORS: AntiFov, V. F., Loginov, N. F. S07/50-58-7-2/20 TITLE: Methods of Calculation of the Vertical Range of Radiosondes '?Uth Resvect to the ~jtrength of the Fnvelope Gas BaF at Low Temperatures (Metod rascheta vysoty pod"yema radiozondov a uchetom prochnosti obolochek pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 7, PP- 11-17 M;SH) ABSTRACT! From the practical use of radiosondes with eynthetic latex envelope gas bags it Is known that they often do not reach the calculated height. As reasons for the reduction of the vertical range of radiosondes have hitherto been assumed: a) the destruction of the gas bags after theIr freezing in the stratosphere an well as under the action of local over- stress and under the influence of ozone in the height, b) the balancing of the radiosondes in lower heights than the cal- culated ones in consequence of the reduction of the bu-yancy up to the value of the gross weight, In the prerent p..per the authors describe the aerostatic method of calculation of radiosondes taking into consideration the strength of the C'ard /4 gag bags at low temperaturep. Tho %-rt~icnl r!,nj,,v o,' SOV/ 5o-58-7-2/'e"o Methods of Calculation of the Vertical Range of Radiosondes Witb Respect to the Strength of the 6n7elope Gas Bag i--t Low Temperatures sondes during day time and during the night was calculated by means of this method. The data necessary for the calcula- tion were taken from the laboratory nxperiments with "nayrite-latex" (nuiritovyy~,,as bags for two-dimenoionai ex- PRnsion. The basic charveteristics are shown (Table 1). The temperature values of the surrounding ir, of the gas bag and of the carrier gas are necessary for the calculation. The diagrams (Figs 1 and 2) were made on the strength of the calculations carried out. As a supplement to the obtained re- sultH it must be mentioned that it is impossible to take into account the action of ozone upon the strength of the gas bag, the concentration of the Aress on single sections of the bag, the differences in the expansion velocity of the bag etc. The influence of these factors on the vertical runge of the radiosonde can be detected only by the introduction of ex- perimental covfficienta into the calculations. Thef3e ci,n be determined by means of special experiments. Ae a uummary It is Htated-that the characteristics of the ascent of radio- sondes depend in the first place on the elastic properties Card :',i'4 of the latex gas bags at low temperatures. Therefrom it may SOV/ 50-58-7-2/2o Methods of Calculation of the Vertical Range of Radio2ondes 'lith Respect .to the 8trength of the Envelope Gas Bag at Low Temperatures be concluded that the ifiitial thickness of the gas bags has to be chosen 7 JSQ-~ . that it guarantees maximum prolonrations even at destructive stresseB. Gas bags which are mass-produced have originally a film of ~Q)Q15 cm thickness which represents an optimum thickness for the gas bags used at positive tem- peratures. The most favorable initial thickness for radio- sondes ascgnding into the stratosphere for low temperatures (up to -60 ) must be determined experimentally. Finally it may be stated that 1) the increase of the elasticity of the latex bags by the production of new materials or by _* treating the materials existing at present with special plastifiers, and 2) the reduction of the degree of filling of the gas bag on the ground are the basic conditions for reaching a greater vertical range of the radiosondes. How- ever, those methods reduce the velocity of ascent. The weight of the apparatus has to be reduced in order to maintain the velocity of ascent# There are 2 figureal 2 tableaq and 2 Soviet' Card 3/4 referencesp SOV/ 5o-58-7-2/2o Methods of Calculation of the V~rtical Range of Radiosondes With Respect .to the Strength of the Envelope Gas Bag at Low Temperatures 1. Radlosondea--Range determination 2. Balloons-44echanical properties 3,i Gases--Properties 4. Mathematica Card 4/4 5W BOV/20-121-4-31/54 AUTHORS: Smirnov, M. V.9 Ivanovski7, L. Ye., Loginoy, N. A. ----------- TITLE: The Equilibrium Potentials of Titanium in Chloride Melts (Ravnoveany.ye potentsialy titans. v khloridnykh rasplavakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 4, pp 685-6a8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors measured the equilibrium potentials in pure argon in a hermetically closed wide test tube of quartz. On the bottom of this tube there was an eutectic mixture of lithium chloride and potassium chloride. An electrode of titanium iodide was fastened to a molybdenum feeder and it was immersed in a salt melt of the same composition. The potential of the titanium electrode was measured with respect to a lead elec- trode. The results of the measurements, (with respect to a chlorine electrode of comparison) are given in a diagram which demonstrates the dependence of the electromotive force on the temperature for various given concentrations of the titanium in the electrolyte. The experimental points ag:.-ee well with straight lines. Another diagram shows the isothermal Card 1/3 lines deduced from the above-mentioned results for 700, 8009 SO'1/20-121-4-31/54 The Equilibrium Potentials of Titanium in Chloride Melts 900, and 10000 K. The equilibrium potential of the metallic titanium electrode in chloride melts which contain less than 6 weight % of titanium depends on its molar concentration in the electrolyte according to the following thermodynamical equation: E E0 2+ Ti/Ti2+ + (2,3 RT/2F) 1g [Ti This shows that such melts contain ions of dixalent titanium and behave as ideal solutions. The quantity ETi/Ti2+ My bs found from the above-mentioned experimental data, ETi/Ti2+ - (-2,371 + 6,09.lo-4T)V is obtained with respect to the chlorine electrode. Por the calculation of the isobaric potential for the composJtion of the liquid titanium dichloride from the elements the equation A Z - (-109 360 + 27,03 T) oal/mol TiCl2 may be used. There are 4 figures and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOV20-121-4-31/54 The Equilibrium Potentials of Titanium in Chloride Melts ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya elektrokhimii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory of Electrochemistry of the Ural BranchAS USSR) PRESENTED: April 11, 1958, by A. H. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 251 1958 Card 3/3 5102016111')6100610201024 B101/B203 AUTHORS: Smirnov, M. V., Tsiovkina, L. A., and Log$ TITLE: Redox potential of the aystem T12-'-/T'A 3+ and equMlbrium constant of the reaction 2TI 3+ + Ti -~3Ti 2+ in chloride melts PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 6, 1961, 1388..1391 TEXT: For the reaction TO + 0.5TI %--(5/2)Ti2 (1) studied by Melt solid Melt several researchers, the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant has not been clearly defined as yet. The redox potentia4l of the system Ti 2+ /T13+ was only studied by Jo A. Menzies et al (Ref. 4). In this caseq TiCl3 was potentiometrically t1trazed with hydrogen in eutectic LiCl - KC1 melt. The authors repeated this experiment at 70OCC. Fig. 1 shows the curves for three experiments. They do not cerrespond to the equation E - E 0 2+ 3+ + (RT/P)1.(CTi 3+]/LTil+l). Hence, the authors Ti /Ti Card 1/5 S10201 61/136/006/020/024 Redox potential of the system... B1017B203' conclude that in the potentiometric titration with hydrogen not E02-r Ti /Ti was measured, but only the potential which corresponds to ths equilibrii'm in the system TiCl + 0.5H I-TiCl + HCI To ottain the 0 3 malt gas 2 malt gas value ETi 2+ /Ti 3+ , the authors conducted the potentiometric titration with metallic titanium. The initial salt solution was prepared by blowing TiCl4 vapor through an equimolar mixture of NaCl and KC1. The redox potential was measured by a molybdenum electrode referred to a uhlorine electrode. Por a rapid balancing of the concentration of T42+ and Ti3+ in the melt, the molybdenum electrode rotated at 60 rpm. The potentio- metric curves of Fig. 3 were obtained. Their course depends on experimental conditions (temperature, concentration, intermixture). But all of them show the typical salient point which corresponds to the redox potential EO 2+ 3+ - 1-72610-005 v (referred to chlorine electrode). Ti /Ti 0 On the basis of the earlier established E (-.2.371+6.og-lo-4 Ti/Ti 2+ T) Card 2/5 3/02 61/136/006/020/024 Redox potential of the syntem... BlOIYB203 'the authors calculate E 0 M (-2.156+3.82,10-4T) v, and find Ti/Ti 3+ loa K - - 2.868 + 3.251/T for the equilibrium acnetant. T~e resulting K values are: 2.82 at 7000C; 1.35 at 8000G; 0-76 at 900OC; and 0.46 at 10000C. Thus, the equilibrium of reaction (1) is displaced to the.left with rising temperaturff. In contrast to other researchers, the authors could not establish a dependence of the redox potential on the titanium concentration. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut elektrokhimii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: September 5f 1960, by A. N. Frumkinv loademician SUBMITTED: August 31, 1960 Card 3/5 LOGINOV, N.G..; GULXV. Yaj., redaktor; KHITROV, P.A., tekhnichaskly redak-tor. [Manual on safety techniques for train make-up foremen and couplers] Pamiatka po tekhnike besopasnosti sootaviteltu poesdov i steepshchiku vagonov. Izd. 2. Koskva, Gos. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1954. 71 P. (Railroads--Safety measures) (MM 8:1), U)GINDV, Hikolay Grigorlyevich; PANDY, T,I., redaktor; KFUTROV, F,A., ~UIMI'd redaktor. (Manual on safety measures for train make-up foremen and couplers] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti. sostaviteltu poazdor i steepshchi- ka vagonov. Izd.3-e Koukra, Gos.transp. shol-dor.izd-vo. 1956. 79 P (Railroads--Safety measures) MRA 9:6i SAKSONOV, Alakoey Vasillyevich; LOGIBOY, Nikolay Grigorlyevich; TSARMIKO, A.P., red.; BOBROVA, U.N., tekhn.re . (Labor protection and safety measures In railroad traffic] Okhrana truda i takhnika bazapasnosti v khoziaistve dvizheniia zhelez- nykh dorog. Moskva. Goo.transp.zhel-dor.isd-vo, 1959. 190 P. (Railroads-Safety measures) (MIRA 12:4) LOGINOV, Nikolay Grigorlyevich; PMA, V.Tu., red.; MEDVEMA. M.A.. tekhn.red',- [Guide on safety engineering for the yard conductor and his assiRtant) PamiatkB po tekhnike bezopasnosti soateviteliu i ego pomoshchniku. lzd.4, perer. Moskva, Vses.izdatellsko- poligr.ob %dinenie X-va putei soobahcheniia, 1960. 50 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Itailroade-Making up trains) (Itailroods-Safety measurea) -F. 1/3 tCgrd 8/0000/63/003/000/0289/0295 AUTHOR: Gushchin, G. L, Loginov, N. L T1TLE: Electromagnetic now meters' axiosymmetrical channels for liquid metal heat carriers SOURCE- Soveshchaniyo po teoretichookoy I prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamiko. 3d Riga, 1962. Voprosy# magnitnoy gidrodinatniki (Problems In magnetic hydrodynamics); doklady* soveshchanlya, v. 3, Riga, Izd-vo AN LatSSR, 190, 289-295 TOPIC TAGS: heat carrier, liquid metal heat carrier, flow meter, electromagnetic flow meter, contact resistance ABSTRACT: The authors consider the effect of the electrical contact resistance between! the liquid metal and the electroconducting wall of the channel on the calc 'ulation and I operation of electromagnetic flow motors with a working channel of axiosymmctrical form. The fundamental assumptions adopted In the study are set forth (constancy, home-' geneity and Infinite extension of the magnetic field along the channel axis; axial Bym- metry in the case of the liquid flow which 18 also assumed to be distorted only to a very slight degree by the electromagnetic forces; electron conductivity on the part of the ACCESSION NR: AT4042306 ACCESSION NR: AT4042306 liquid; an electrical contact resistance between the liquid and the conducting wall whic h idoes not depend on the angle 9 ; axiosymmetry on the part of the flow meter channel if which Is assumed to be manufactured of a material with some electrical conductivity), land formulas are derived, on the basis of which the potential distribution as a function fof angle 9 can easily be followed. This function to shown to be of a simple sinusoidal character for both the wall and the liquid. A further analysin is made of the distribution of potentials over the section of the wall. no dependence of the shunting factor on tile value of the electrical contact resistance for different specific resistivities of the liquid and wall to analyzed, and the output voltage factor Is studied from the same point of view. no authors have shown that In the case of flow metern in which the signal is read, directly from the liquid flow, it is expedient to increase the contact resistance artifici- ally or to design the channel of Insulating material. In the case of flow meters In which the signal is taken directly from the outer surface of the wall, on the other hand, the contact resistance should be reduced and, If possible, stabilized. 'Me presence of 1electroconductivity in the walls of the working channel leads to the occurrence of Points with extremal potential values within the stream. The greater the rhunting effect of the waUs, the more the maximum potential difference between those points will differ from the voltage on the flow surface. lbe authors dosoribo how this phenomenon can be 2/3 Card ACCESSION NR-. AT40423U(i employed to increase the sensitivity of flow meters with internal cathodes. It 10 alBO shown that In the transition from a, laminar to a turbulent flow, no fundamental changes occur In the distribution of equipotentialB and flows. OrIg. art. has: 6 figures and 9 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 04Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE, EE OTH NO REF BOV., 000 ER: 001 ACCESSION NR: AT4042307 S/0000/63/003/'000/02gr7/0307 AUTHOR: Gushchin, G.I., j!aglno~. N.I.,_Subbotin, V. 1. TITLE: Measuring the velocity profile by an electromagnetic method SOURCE: Soveshchanlyo po tooretichaskoy I prildadnoy magnitnoy gldrodinamiko. 3d, Riga, 1962. Voprosy*magnitnoy gidrodinamild (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics); doldady* soveohchanlya, v. 3. Riga, lzd-vo AN LatSSJ1, 1963, 297-307 TOPIC TAGS: hydromagnotics, velocity measurement, flow motor, velocity profile, electromagnetic velocity measurement, Induction current, potential gradient measurement ABSTRACT: The authors describe the essential features of an electromagnetic method forvelocity measurement. Ilia method Is based on the induction of an EMF in a con- ductor travelling within a magnetic field. The distribution of potentials'in the electro- conductive liquid flowing In the magnetic field is uniquely related to the distribution of velocities In the liquid. A mathematical explanation of the method Is given. The point Is made that In order to obtain a velocity distribution by this method, the potential distribution and the mean velocity of the flow must be measured. A single moving electrode, Introduced Into the flow, with the tubing wall used as the second electrode, Is -, 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4042307 sufficient for potontial measurements In a liquid. Attention to called, however, to the difficulty fnvolved in differentiating an experimentally measured potential distribution. In this c-nnection, a two-olectrodo method for measuring the potential gradient Is considered in the article. The authors note that with a velocity gradient present, circular currents arise in the liquid. In tile first place, these currents give rise to an ladditional voltage drop In the liquid, thus distorting the potential gradient profile. In the second place, the presence of currents in the liquid loads to the occurrence of clectro- motive forces, which distort the velocity profile. With regard to the first effect, the authors demonstrate that measurements can be conducted with conventional unshielded electrodes and at an angle of 90* to the direction of the magnetic field. Since the magnitude of the EMF Is proportional to the square of the magnetic induction, by reducing the latter, the second effect can be held to a minimum. The experimental stand, as- sociated apparatus and the experiments themselves are described In a separate section of the paper. In addition to the basic system, the stand contained a system for the continuous purification of the metal and a measuring tank for the calibration of the flow motors by the volumotric method. Input and output of the meta.1 was effected through mixing chambers. The experimental segment In this case was a tube of stainless steel, 2/4 Coed X ACCESSION NR: AT4042307 type M109T. A cone-shaped probe, 335 mm in length, was introduced from the output end Into the segment. 11o probe terminated in t-%%,o electrodes, whose ends were located at a distance of 1. 3 mm from one another. The electrode was a wire, 0. 1 mm in diameter, covered with an alundurn insulation and inserted into a stainless steel capillary with an outer diameter of 0.4 mm. 'nic probe was equipped with a special device, employ- Ing in electric motor, to permit the movement of its end over any diameter in one section of the tubing. Two series of experiments were run. In the first series, the magnetic field was generated by a permanent magnet and a single- electrode probe was used. It was found that the potentials increase, for the most part, linearly, with "bonds" occurring only -ills. The results are analyzed In the article. In the in the immediate vicinity of the tube w. second act of tests, the field was created by a DC electromagnet and a twin-clectrode probe was employed. The experimental profile in this case was found to be flatter than the theoretical. Having discovered, In the course of the experimentation, severe dis- tortion of the velocity profile at an Inductance of about G, 000 gauss, the authors attempted to estimate the permissible magmitude of magnotic Induction, at wldch distortiona are negligible. The final section of the article deals with this problem. The general con- cluulona drawn from Uds study are the circular currents in the liquid do not distort the form of the potential gradient profile in the direction perpendicular to the magneUc field, and that diatorUon of the velocity profile by magneUe forces to very severe. This effoot Cord 3/4 ACCESSIOr Nit; AT4042307 may be avoided by reducing the magnitude of the magnetic Induction, but this requires apparatus of extremely high sensitivity, permitting the measurement of signals on the order of I microvolt. Orig. art. has: 5 figure's and 18 formulas. ASSOCIATIOM nono SUBMITTE D., 04Doc03 ENCU 00 SUBCODE.- EM, ME NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 003 Cal T~ LASHCHINSKIY, A.A., inzh.; TOLCHINSKlY, A.R.$ Inzh.; GOUBEV, B.A.j inzh., retsenzent; YERSHOV, B.A., inzh., retsenzent; LOGINOV, N.N., inzh., red.; VASILrYEVA, V.P., red.izd-va; MIKWEVA, R.N., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAYA, O.V.., tekhn.red. [Fundamentals of the design and calculation of chemical ap- paratus] Oanovy konstruirovaniia i rascheta khimicheskoi ap- paratury; spravochnik. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 468 p. (MIRA 17: 1) Nikolay Vasillyevich; BOBYLIVA. ?.G., redaktor; ZUBRILINA. Z.P., telhnicheskly redaktor; ARISTAKXSOTA, S.L., tekhaicheskiy redaktor L152 lambs frou every 100 awesj 152 lagneuka ot kazhdykh 100 matok. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz, lit-ry. 1956. 29 p. (KLRA 9:11) (Sheep brooding) LOGTINOT, Hikolay TaBillyovich rkohvynov, M.Y.], kand.istor.nauk; -GCROMIT_,1?.Ta. [Horovalkyl, F.IA.], kand.istor.nauk, glavnyy red.; KOVALEVSKIY. Y.T. (Kovalevelkyi. T.T.1, red. [Possibility and reality] Mozhlyvistl i Aiianiatl. lyiv, 1960, 39 P- (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennis politychnykh i naukovykh znanl Ukrainalkol RSR. Ser.1, no.31). (MIRA 14:3) (Russia--Economic conditions) LCGINCV, ?". Ya. "Content of Zinc in the Body of the Oak Silkworm and It15 Influence on the Levelopment of the Organism." Thesis for deparee of Cand. Chemical Sci. Sub 23 jan ~~' '1,;osccw State f-edaj.,og1cn1 inst imeril V. 1. I.Anin M SurLmarj 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Presented for Depre( s in Science and lxf-iner r- iny in Mbscow in 1950. From Vechernvaya Mosi-va, Jan-Dec. 1950