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LILICH, L.S.; ANDREYEVA, D.K.; I!gG jlpVj A.A. The water vapor pressure in the ayatems., Mel,-whl-' 0- Cdl -HI -H20,- HgBr &0._HTlie avatemsi Cd[Br - HBr 2 20) Hg12 F11-- H20- LGU tino.16:iOl-1017 -162. (MUM 15:9) (Vapor pressure) (S Totems (Chemistry)) L 36--26-65 fV-!1'Px ( s) - 2 2 ~ /7-1:~ I m %, !??~k ! '- ~ - __) /--t ~ t 11 / --'40N NR: AV~007900 3 ;k U-ni OR : ForZeikin, Yu. I. LoZjE2v,_A, A. Dantlin. V2-S.; Chern~-ayey, V. A. TI TUE: Use of orpanic hent-tringfer aFerits as i wot~-!ng mr-clitim in nur I v a r p m: r p S~11'!CE: Moscow. Inscitut atcra-moy enerFl Issledov,-ni-ya pc. prim,,nenfvu orlznn- i Lif nrgantc heat- trans fer ~,tom 1 zd at , 1964 , 6 3 - 7 7 110PIC TAGS: orgaitc-cooled rea(-tnr 11 Powe r T e "!C t 0 r 1) rma I r (? a, t u r m I C P I r POW(- r ;i1an't, heat transfer agent, biphenyl, berizene T% - -A ABS T24vCT : The use o f organ ic subs t anees as the wn rk i r med i imi ) f -3 s t eam- rowrpr cycle , i.e. , in single-loop nuclear power p] art , w.3~- 1 n s t I g'l t Cd a r d 11) a n I I'1~ is r- h,', 'lie rmodynanit cs is usc.6 to i I i'l- ( rat C- f :~( i 1 if! ~11 i I I r j 1 i7' i _Ph,-.~rv, i aTid benzenc- It was found t1'.-i" ~'Crzr iw I r I, t ti ii- 'f~, T- s up c r - c T c a I pa r arit! t ti t I r 36 - 39 and 31 - 312'~, re9pectively, Pi (,f 1-,tphenyl ir th- --irvi benzene tn the steam-power e-lt- f :T)J' ~-C 112 ie L 367,25-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5007900 large heat exchange on the order of 407, wa5 required to increase the thermal economy of the cycles using biphenyl and benzene. The authors z:r-nc!udv that the power of turbines with organic heat-transfer agerits an bu, to 50 Mw by coflverting the double-flow design to a reduced P.,jmher -f turnq And '-,y 11creasing the pressure in the condenser. orig. ;*.Tt I-) a-, ASSOCIATION: Inst[tut atomnoy energii, mo-cc,,! Fn('77,-~) F~. -,. I _ITL D :0IAug64 ENCL: Do SUB CODE: UP NO MF SGIV., 000 OTTIER: 000 2/2 C' /77 (n) /7~N /Ti V.71-65 1)/rA -2 /7,r; (m F O'N J.R 1AT500 7 r4fl 1?r- A 1"7-1c 'R ia e rm.,i nLS K i k ha N, I ovVI-).V f !x:J-_-' 1 :2 Mf ,vAI TITLE : Determination of critical heat fluxes when boiling hiph-boiling or_p~tc heat-transfer agentsVin tubes ~t SOURCEt Moscow. InstitUt -ItMITIOV enerpil. 1q0kdovqnJya po prtneneniyu organ- icheskikh teplonositeley-zamedlitelev v energeticheskikh reaktorakh (R~~-earch on the use of organic heat-transfer agents and moderators in power reactors). Moscow, ALomizdat, 1964, 107-124 TOPIC TAGS: orgaaic cooled reactor, thermal reactor, power reactor, nuclear power plant, reactor coolant, heat transfer agent, critical heat flux, biphenyl, isopropylbiphenyl :ABSTRACT: Critical heat fluxes were Investigated during the surface boiling of high- t"n perature organtc heat- t ranr,_fer)~IlgentqC-%irncJ,,;oproj)yibfphenyl 17 a mixture of ( 7 1. 57.) -it biphenvI (26.5%) and biphenyl o-Ktd(-' )'j i~ - ttit,4!J All th( tests Qere conducted in a tube having a 10-urn Inner liameter and -a walL 1.5 = thick. Experimental values of q,,it were obtained for tronoisopropylbiphenyl and C43rzi 1/2 i---AT5007903-- ;circulation rates of 4 atid 8 m/sec with a saturation temperature from 0 to 194C. The tests on the mixture of biphenyl and biphenyl oxide -w,-ce conducted at pressures ;of 1, 3, 5, and 10 atm. and circulation rates of 5-15 m/sec with a temperature of A - 160C. It is pointed out that none of the existing formulas can be used to determine q,rit during surface boiling of these fiuid-. The authors conclude by deriving an equation for determining qcrit for volume and surface boiling under conditions of forced motion of a medium. CrIg. arl- has: 6 figures, 2 tables, and 114 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energti, Moscow (Institut of Atomic Energy) SM-IIYM: ClAu&64 FNCL: 00 SUB WDE: UP, TD SO REF SOV: 020 Card 21Z OTHER: 007 L 27851-66 EWP(e)/!--WT(m)/EPF(n)-2/T/EV."r"(t)/'LWP(b) -IJP(C) jb1wx1jG1*1 ACC NRg AP6000785 096765/000/009/'0044/0047 UR/O AUTHOR: Gorshkov. A.S.(Doctor of Tech.Sci.); Loglnoy,, A.U (Engineer); (Doctor of Tech.Sel.0,Professor) ORG: VTI; MBI TITLE: Prospects for atomic heat and power plants SOURCE: Teploenergetika, no.9, 1965, 44-47 planAsea TOPIC TAGS: atomic energy plant equipment, nuclear power water desalting ABSTRACT; The article Is an analysis of the conditions necessary for the creation of atomic heat and power plants and nuclear salt water distillation plants. After a brief review of the present power and heat system In the Soviet Union, the authors Dresent proposed schemes for plants of the above types. The article has two figures. The first shows the thermal ucbeme of an atomic heat and power plant with a uranium-graphite reactor and a 50,000 kilowatt turbine, together with the connection to a regional heat supply system. The second figure shows the scheme of a nuclear salt water distillation unit with a uranium-graphitejreaotor and a back-pressure turbine. This plant has Card 1/9 TIM, 6P1Ai1_9C;.001.R ACC NRt AP6oOO785 a design capacity of 84o thousand kilowatts of electric power and 16 thousand cubic meters per hour of fresh water. It is predicted that the share of small electric power plants in the overall power balance of the country during the next 10 to 15 years will be about 5%. This means that electric power requirements on the order of 15 million kilowatts will be supplied-by small atomic electric power plants. It Is also predicted that, along with their use for heat supply, nuclear reactors will find wide application for salt water distillation in regions which are deficient In drinking and industrial water. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 18,13 SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG REP: 006 OTH REP: .000 L 27847- EWT(m)/EFF(c)/Er/UF(n)-2/EWG(m) Wf1/DM ACC53SION NR: AP5022631 UR/0089/65/019/002/0138/0143 334.4:621.039.576 7/ :ALMIOR: Koryakin, Yu.' T.; Loginov, A. A.; Pharnyayav, V. A.; Zakhnroy iTITLE: Methods of estimating the cost of water and power for nuclear desaltine, plants SOURCE: * Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 2, 19659 138-143 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power plant, nuclear power reactor, desalination ,ABSTRACT: After developing tbo necassaTy back-'round, thn nutbors outline the prospects for the utilization of nucl--3ar pcwpr reactors for desalting, purposes. The power economics of dual-purpose plants are examined and the cost astimntas for fresh watf3r production are -presented separately from those for the electric power generation. In connection with the power entimatea, it Is stated t1int the reactors of the Baloyarsk, Novo-Voronezh and Shavchanka power plants are the most highly developed and reliable in the Soviet Union. Thus, the coat estimates wore calculated on the basis of these types of reactorst It is mentioried that due to higher initial steam temperaturesof the Beloyarbk-ravd Voronezh type reactors, their use is more economical for installations with a hip)ler power demand. The basic preconditions ford 'Card 1/2 6 4 L 27847-66 1AMSSION NR: AIP5022631 the cost studies were reviewed and tho mnthoda of enloulnil-ion weret lestablishad. At first, the cost of fresh wnter wns ontimatod withotittl taking into account tho cost of honting ntearit. Tbon thu, coat of steam wns evnluntod. Fintilly, the total coat of fresh water wns determined. The coot oBtImntes of niectrIc powir pn)(luction were based on the oxiating technical and economicnl (Inta given for Beloyarsk, Novo-Voronozh and Shevehenko types of reactors. Their thermal and electric power enpnetties, tin amount and the cost of fresh water production, aid the cost of o-lectric power generation are summarized in a table. The changes of various technJcol and economi- cal factors are Illustrated by numoroun curves. In conclusion, It Is .mentioned that, from the point of view of Soviet economy, and the long. ~ Irange outlook, it is, as yet, too early to make a final judgement in '7regard to dual-purpose nuclear power plants, Orig6 art. has: tablo, 11 formulaol and 6 p ~ASSOCIATION: None SUMaTTED: 2511ar65 ENCL, 00 SUB CODE: nPi xg $0 M SOV: 0o8 OTTIERS0. 00? _r70 Odtd 2/2 L 1330-66 EPk(s)-.2/F*,ntm),&M(c),&12(f)/ZI)F(n)-2/E.!;)(J)/T/ET,(m) __VN11b?A11M UCESSION HRt APS023766 UR/0089/65/019/003/02SI/0261. 621. 311.2S AUTHORs DanLlijm# V. S.; ZAkbarov, 1. 1.; Wginovt A* Ast Cheruyayevs Ve A*. TITLEt Some of the pmpertlea and the maxims power of diphenyl turbines for central heating plants SOURCEi Atomaya. eaRrgiyat v, 19, no. 31, 19659 257-261 TOPIC TAGSs 'turbine design, beat transfer fluid, atomic energy plant equipment ABSTRACTS The authors examine some of the mostkVortant properties of diphanyl IrW- bines for atomic Mat and electric Dqjmr_TJAnts%f up to 50 Mw. It is shown that the limiting fa-c-fa-r_`w1_t_fi__i;gard to the maxima power of these turbines is not the strength, but the degree to which the flow section.--can be~- expandedc. The fundamental ga3-dynasic properties of diphenyl are also briefly discussed. Thermo dynamic analysis show* that expansion of saturated diphenyl vapor is not accompanL,14 by increased moisture content, as in the case with steam, but by relative super- heating. Thus,, tb* gas-dynastice of the flow in the flow 'sectlon of the.'.tur--,- bine are considerably improved so that diphenyl turbines should have high rvlatLve internal efficiencies (0.86-0.88). A comparison of experimental data shows that Card Z2 E M 0 0 0- L 1330-66 ACCESSION NRi AP50,37b6 1 the specific volumc.ric flow of diphenyl vapor at the turbine discharge Is greater than the flow for condensation turbines using steam. A method is proposed for estimating the maximum power of a central-heating turbine using diphenyl at various rotor speeds. The results show that a diphenyl turbine for a nuclear central-heat- ing plant with a power of 20-50 Mw should have a low rotor speed (about 1000 rpm). The turbine should be of the double-flow type in a single housing. A sinile-Tim regulating stage should be used with nozile vapor distribution. The discharge diffusor- should have L large - flow'-'ekoss * eectionil'.Fr6m, thb standpoint of i valumetria flow at the turbine discharge, the vacuum for a diphanyl turbine should not exceed 0,07 absolute atmosphere, These conaiderations also apply to other high-temperaturs or- ganic heat transfer agents, OrIS. art. hasi 6 figures 0 formlas ZNCW 00 0=1 VA'C0DC1 PRO Is .12 L 1662-66 FWT(d)/L'4P(o)/UT(m)/EWP(V)/DiP(t)/EWP(k)/UP(h)/DR(S)/EWP(b)/ W(l) JD/jU ACqZSSION KAI AT5022883 Va/2776/63/000/043/0013/0039 ves ;- ffsr- - -I :a AUTHORI 4ZtkA_D- A.1 Malin A. P i Markelov,vi-I Androysvlvvi. Lq&Ln_avj_&- rosvh'd. i G.g Akeenov. 0. 1. A.1 o ~'rr Y41 irr, TITLZt zxperiguce in lolling powders in an IpAugtrj&l_Mo rolling sill SOURCZI Moscow Teentralloyy usuchno-issledoystallakiv insti;Vt cbernov ustal' lurxiL. Sboralk trudov, no. 43, 1965. Poroahkovays. natallurgiya (Powder metal- -TUR-27) 153-59 TOPIC TAGV rolling sill, powder matalulw4metal powder,. powder metal rollinag, ABSTUCTs The authors describe an Industrial two-bigh powdar-rollinS sill with roll dismaters 600 and 900 m, based an a standard rolling will originally built In 1940, and equipped with special powder-feeding bun3mrs; The will consists of an opien-top sted housing with variable positioning of volls -- they ms be- aligned either horisontally or at; angles of 22.5% 45% and 6O'C (figs. Is 2), Its win drive is powered by a DO 257.4 kw-(330 UP) 40-600 UK sator. It has bom used for the m"rintatal rolling of strips from t6 powdm of If"$ 001819 stainless stool, mlybdeOuNiq add titanium. These "rLmmtg d9mmostrated the, 7 T 1662- ACCESSION Nat AT5022888 mill's suitability for organisinS the industrial production of poraless strips from the powder@ of different metals and alloys. Such strips, 0.8-1.0 M thick, display physical proportion that are not inferior to those of strips produced by rolling Ingot metal. This strip thickness in to complete agreement with the basic equation of rolling, which Implies that strip thickness to a function of Toll diameters 6 2 (1) wherl y and y art the densities of powd at (bulk weight) and strip, respectively* g/ca , 9 is t9 roll diameter, 6 is th&, thickness of rotted strip, ma; a is the angle of reach, dog; and r is the coefficient of reduction of the powder during rolling. Roact this basic equation applioi not only for laboratory rolling mille but also for industrial rolling sills and can be used In designing the latter. be- fore the rolling of metal powderit can be industriallyintroducod, bowevers these three problems mot be oolvedt lateral restriction of the aoss of defozzation of powder in the rolls; continva", valforn supply of powder to tbs. foMarj mW cam- A=81M pit A15022"4 tiawme sistatiog of the strip. orls. art. bast 2 firres, 3 tables, 5 formulad. ASSOCUTIONS sons sunaMms 00 MMS 02 on omt VK; 'M Now SOVI 010 005 3/03 BIRO.K.P fl - A . , MA L I H P k . 1, , I. ml. li K i:lx) V " j . V . ; '~~ N J-~ F, ~;V, V-S , ,, KU TY 1, 11 KA ~ V ~ M. ~ r,7-,CSVAT.'D,*V.G,, lif(SE'NO11, 0~1., KFIFOKN. V.C,,; TIKHONOV, G.F. Experimenttil powder r~,,11irip , on an Inidlit;trial -~,yps DjIll. Sho r , trud. 7SNIICI!M no.43: r,3-r,,() IE.v. I (MIRA *~,q,lo) 0,-)'lL'RcT')Kiyy A.D.; '-,MlNVJ, A.A.; VISHNEWLISKIf , ").R. Prevention of staphylocorcal dlspases In mot~.,er-n knoll infante by means of Immunization with purified sorbed etaphylocoical anatorin. "Zhur.mAkroblol., apid. i no.12s52-54- D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Arlkhangellskiy Institut epidemiologii, m1krobiologill giglyeny; Arkhnngellskaya gorodskaya lxl'n;t3ti No.9 i epidemioi.oglt I m1krobioloeil imeni Garrialei AWN SSSR. FILYAPD, Mikhail Abram vich; SEVENOVA, Yelizaveta, Ivr--novna; ~OGODIN, S.A., zpcluzhenrWy dpyatell mmiel j %ekh- nikt.RSFSRf Vmfessor doktor, retsenzentl MEYERSON, G.A., prof., Uoktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; ZELIKMAN, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn. naukj retsenzent; LOGINOV, A.B., red.; S"TERNIII, I.M., red.; KAMAYEVA, [Properties of rare elements; a elementov; spravochnik. Izd.2., Izd-vo Metallurgila, 1964. 912 handlx)okl Svol3tva redkikh parer. 1, dop. 14oakvu, 1). (MIRA 17:3) 1115 885 L Lor-Anov. An3toljZ Flegonmovich. Iloslcva nn stroike (Moscow In constmiction) Moskva, "Yolodaya Gvar-diya" . 1955- 414 p. illus LoG(Nt)Vp AoFq Frtic.tures in the beds of Vomnl&n gzsndr-,.,)nes ta tYe :jihkipo-o rq.,13m and their erfse5t. on ths of welle. Naft. rhcj?,. 41 DO.3:, .3f-,42 Mr 163. 17, F.wiluat I niq cai,~,~r5 in4 I :.i,' In, Wells nr. the blisis c;f a .5tudy rZ 42 no.4-1,2-4A jlp 164. Mechankal toem breaker. 4.. IAgirlov. U-13S.R. 69.826. Dec. I I 1 1947- The d, ?W"ter 11 used an let. In"llotion veto. Wort taken ffl"ll the tx)ttom of The vat is inimped thrm b an injector arml an atorniser which dii. clwge The spraylto the fcmm on tUP4 the vat. lil. Hauh ' LOGINOV, A.G., kandidat ekonomichaskikh nauk. On Improving the planning and coordination of development of departmental electric coMmUnicatiOn facilitisso Yeat. eviazi 17 no.4-.3-4 AP 137. (XUU 10:5) (Telecommunication) 8(4) SOVI 112-59 -5-9234 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 115 (USSR.) AUTHOR: Loginov, A TITLE: Determining the Optimum Thread for an Electrode PERIODICAL: Izv- vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Energetika, 1958, Nr Z, pp 41-47 ABSTRACT: Improvement of operation of electric arc furnaces depends on providing a higher arc -metal heat-transfer factor and on providing a remedy for arc-heating disadvantages. In practice, the production effect has been bettered by using a rotating arc which can be created by a longitudinal magnetic field in the furnace. To obtain such a field, it is sufficient to make a screw thread on the electrode. The thread depth and angle should be designed for maximum field-strength value, permissible power dissipation in the electrode, and the mechanical strength of the latter - Threaded electrodes manufactured by electrode factories are more efficient. Card I/ I !!1-58-5-22/2-1 A'j T'-'OR a n J; -4,41 a t -- of c,r or7 nc TITLE: Some Q7,aeetioas Conecruing the Technical aad Ecrincaic Ar.&Iysip. of Intra- rayon Tellephons C!cmrmm_icatiua Netw.-k Plannfug Ofekotoryye vopro- sy tekhni ko-ekoncmi cite u kogo anali:.-a ~~r~_troyoniya skhPrr, se- ti vrutrirayonnoy telefonnoy svya:;i). PERIODICAL: Vestnik Svya-.i, Nr 5, 1958t pp %_3,'3(us,,)-,u). ABSTRACT: The planned telephore communication networks -aithin the rayons, 'volkhoz--_,s and sovkhozes will soon r~,q-ire about 70,000 new telephone stations and * mil.1icn kilometers of new telephone lines. The author o,tlines the present gen- eral structure of toleplione communication ne-tworks in dif- ferent rural regionn of the coiintry and j~iver; detailed re- commendations concerning the Conerul layo,it arid organiza- tion of new communication Systems to be built. About 50'1o' of kolkhozes irclude only 1 or ? settlement:-,, 43-~ from 3 to 30 and T,'~' mt-)re thar. 10 settlemento. :jv(.~r the yenrn 1~54-1957, new sovkhoz,~s were mainly builf. ,,n virgir; IUH3 of ~'azaklistan, L,,iberila and the Urals. In s me iazakhstan rayons, they were built at the rate of FI, to 1-0 annually. Card 112 The autl-or cor_94,fers that it viould bp advi!.able to iitilize I 11-58-5-22/27 Some Questions Concerning the Tethalmll and &ionomia AaaJ~vEis of Intz-a-rayon Tpl.ephone Cramini ioa Ne4.-wtrk P2AnnJnw block-type automatic telephone systems, such as the being develo-ed by ::71"3. it is planned to utJ1ize the capacJlv of which varies from IP to 80 call-numbers in rural regicns. In rayon centers, where telepn 'one sta- tions must be a- the same tire central offices, the capa- city will be 100 to 5(`0 rail-numbers. 'able-lines are pre- ferrv-d to I*n general, but in large sparsely po- pulated r(jeion_i, cable, pcia or cor%bined tel,~T)11.ure ret- workr, can be b,i4lt. ilw!io co=.unications s;-.ouid bn uti- lized al3o, espel-laily between ~~2ttlements more ther. 3r- km apart. In t,,.e German Dflmocratic Renublic, a rad-io tele- phlore unt-r, ~)f "DT-~21" ty!),.2 wns develor~edl for J!.,eratlon or decimater WaVeS. T1 permits +Iie urpar.Jzation up to 5 duplex telephone communication lines in one directior, There are "" fi'pures and I table. AVAILAFLE: Librtry of Cjilgress Card 2/2 1. Telephone systema-Structural anallysis 2. Economics LOGNOV AnatoIiy,,PqorCiyqvich. 1"'Irdr-al uchastlye KAAASIF, 1;.S.; dotf;., retOcnzent; A'DIDLOW, red. (Organization, planning, and deoivn of rural telephone systems] Organizatsiia, plnnirowinie i p~-cektirw;anio sellskoi tolefonnul sviazi. MoAvii, Izd-vo "Oviazl," 1964. 147 P. (EIRA 17:7) 1. Leningradskiy elektrotekhrdcheskiy inotitut :3vyaz'x im. I.I.A.Bonch-briVevicba (Ifor Koksharskiy). 2. Starshiy inzhe- ner Glpvnogo upr;~vleniya gorodskoy i sellskoy telefo-- - sVnz! I radiofikatusii 1,111nisterstva sv:,-azi S~;M (foi Yarasik). PLESHOV, Vasilly Nikolayevinh;-LOGILOV, A.G.,, kand.ekon.nauk, dots., retsenzent; GHBIN, N.M., otv. red.; ROZOPSTWENSUVA, V.A., red. [Principles of the organization of long-dibtance co=unica- tions; lectures In . course on "Theorv of communications and long-distance coTrinmication" for students of engineer- ing and economics departments] Printsipy organizatsii dall- nei aviazi; lektsii po kursu "Teoriia sviazi i dallnei sviazill dlia studentov inzhenerno-ekonomicheskogo 'Lakullteta. Moskva, Red.-Izd. otdel VZEISy 1963. 40 p. (MIRA 17:12) _T- L 43973-66 M(m)/EWrP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD KdC NIt, AP6030448 SOURCE CODE: UR/0193/66/000/od-6-/o-ooi/-o664-'~ AUTHOR: Loginov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Improving the performance of steel-meltin arc furnaces SOURCE: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsiip no. 8, 1966, 8-9 CUI C' TOPIC TAGS: steel melting, are furnace, metal melting i~~ ABSTRACT: A simple and effective method of improving the performance of steel- melting are furnaces has been developed at the Kuybyshev Polytechnic Institute. The method is based on rotation of the arc, whf-cE is achieved by cutting thread- like grooves in the electrode. The rotating are contacts a larger area of metal, which results in lower overheating and lower loss of alloying elements. Short circuiting is less frequent. A threaded electrode lasted through 57 heats with an average duration of 197 min each, and melted 166,257 tons of steel with an average power consuwpti~n of 6 '70 kwh per ton. The corresponding figures for a conventional electrode Vera 23 heats, 223 min, 62,644 tons, and 707 kwh per ton. Orig. art. has: -1 table, JTDJ SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: Card 1/1 0 669.187.2:621.365.2 t4olNov. A. I* our experience in incubating eas -ry,, 1954. 45 p- moolmat d_,Io ,lkho,4, lit 009. 17 LOGIROV, A.I., Inshener. - I Using the heat of cooling water, and increasing the efficiency coefficient of compressors. Xnergetik I no.1:14-15 Je '53. (MLRL 6:8) (Compressors) LoZ:jr,~)v, A. 1, "Tnrrs4i,,jpf, tile Orarntlnc 'L 01 ffi-c-lency Of %-'omr,r,!, Fld'IC~ s C'Ittan ri t n.3t 1955 (Dis-;ertstjo .1vin. I L) n 1 r. I -,q ri n r In SO: Kni--~!nRy--w Ictopis' No. 27, 2 Jilly 1955 / , -,, K i- / _-~~ - e~,- / LOGINOV, A.T Istarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. -,: "., Now railroad trucks for transporting full-length logo. Mast.lesa no.5:34 My 157. (MIRA 10-tlO) I.TSentrallnu nauchno-iseledovatel'skl7 institut mekhanizataii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti. (Lumber--Transportation) -.Railroads--Freight cars) Ur,INITI, A. I., Cand T;-.,ch Sel (diss) -- "Invest ij.,at ion of th- dynamic charac- teristics of couPltrvs of 750-mm forest locornotiv,?s for extracttn--, wood in the bole". Moscow, 11A0. 17 PP (Min Highor anil Tnter Gps~e EAkic qSFSR, Moscow For#!,~stry TRnrllne , ,!rln,~ Inst), I.P.1 copir,s (KL, No lit, 10CO, 132) BRANUVICH, Dmitrly Logviaovich, iazheaer; DUDIN. Vladimir Goorgiyovich, inshoner; log-UMF I andr Nikolayevich, iazhaaar.- RYSIN, A.Ye., 0 40 iaz honer", "YO 00. ks ; KHITROV, P.A., t6khnichaskiy radaktor [Reducing idle time of locomotives in shop repair- the practice of locomotive repair shops of the Juybyshev railroadi Sokrashchanis prostots parovozov v depovokom remonte; opyt parovoznvkh depo, Kuibyahevekol sh.d# Moekva, Goa. transp.thel-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 90 P. (MLPA 9-12) (Locomoti-van-Repairs) DANILYAK, I.G.: IA)GIV0V A S FunctionEl state of the adrenal cortex in myoeardial iafaret and stenocardiso Terap.arkh. 30 no.1:9-13 %Ta '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1, Is Wedry gospitallnoy terapit, (zav. - daystvitelityy chlen ANN 85SR prof. A.L.Mysenikov) lechabnogo fakal'teta I Pookovskogo ordens Lenina meditsiriskogo institute imeni I.M.Sechanova. (AD1WHAL CORTSX, in var. dis. angina pectorie & myocardial infarct (Rus)) (ANGINA PECTORIS. ohysioloa adrenal cortex (Rug)) (HrOGARDIAL INFARCT. Dhysiology. same) LOGINOV, A.S.j kand,med.nauk Level of cholesterol and cholesterol eaters in the blood in the population of Ethiopia. Kardiologiia 2 no.4-.84-85 Jl-Ag t62. (KIRA 15:9) 1. Iz Sovetskoy bollnitsy Krasnogo Kresta v Addis-Abebe (dir. B.N.Kazakov). (CHOLESTEROL) (ETHIOPIA--ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) s, t4 I,, , fe t UM K % LOGIROV, A.S., kand.med~nauk Red blood change and oxyhemometry in myocardial infarction. Sov. med. 25 zio.7:19-24 J1 161. (MIRA 3-5: 1) 1, 1z gospitallnoy terapevtichookoy kliniki (dir. - doystvitelinyy chlen AN; 66sli prof. A.L.Myasnikov) I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskowo Institute. NFWC-114FARCTION) (BLOOD-OXYGa C011TENT) WaTwunw) LOGINOV, A.S. kand.mwi.ratik (Moakva) LaParoscopy Ir d1joases of the liver and biliary tract. K1111.1no(j. no*3:20-26 t62. 0-111bi ]"..3) 1. 1z Tnutituta terapil AW1 SSSR (dir. - dayetvitellnyy (IU6n MIN SSSR prof. A.L. ~Varpjkov) (BILIARY MICT. -DISEASES i (LIVE& -DISEASIZ) (PERITOTIBOSCOPE ) TKAGIZVo V.D.; WGINOV, A.S. Gases in the blood in cirrbosie of the liver and chronic hepatitie. Terap,arkh, no.6sl7-21 162. (KMA 1519) lo Iz Instituta terapii (dir. - deystviteltr*7 chlen ANN SSSR Prof. A L. Myasnikov) AMI SSSR. iLrVER-DISFUSES) (BWOD, GASES IN) ALEKsEyE;V) G.A.) prof.; BAGDAsAFIOV, A.A.p prof.fdeceased]; V.A.) prof.; VOGRALII, ,'Ir nauk; DUL'Tsjj: G., P-"Of.' DEMIDOVA - f YOZICIIAWVs P'~ 0 - ; ZAKR 7J 1-EI'S K IY y kand red. KAYA, N.M. prof.; KASSII-~SKU, , e. L,., Prof 0'. * YO.A.p prof LOG prof.; KOST prof R kand. med IJYASI~jf HI~VSKIY) G.M., prof_; nauk; NES-TEROV V KOV, A. L. ye, 'YAIIOVSKIY, Dell., prof.; OtV~ red.- sHAP,'RoPr'f Otv. red.; TAIJEMr ye I., I prof., am. red. a.ye., red.; LYUDKOVS A, II.I., tekhn. KAY Nuit'volume Manual on interr vodstvo po al diseases Vnutrennim bolczniar:. JllnOgOtOnmoe ruko- 'M'Oskva, Nedgiz. Ot'v.red. A.LJI.iasnjj',Ov. hemopoigtic VO-1.60 [Diseases of organs]1301ezni sisteRr kr thO b-lood sYstem and organov. 1962- 700 p. ovi i krovOtvOrnYkh Is Loystvitelt (MIRA 15:12) Bagdasarov, I~r, rWY chlen Akademij meditsinski-kh naulc SSSR (for E,snikOv, Tareyev) meditsins,kikh nawc SSM - 2 Chlen-korrespondent Akadexpdi (for Kassi;skiy). (BWOD-Dj~,v (HEMOPOIETI ~ASESJ ' SISTEM-DISEASEs) r~j Po biii. P4 Y12, VS Kj..j. cf In nc) (.5 tMIRA 9) MYASNIKOVI A.L., prof.; LOGMOVp A.S., kand.med.nauk. Take care of ycur liver. Zdordwls 9,, no.lal2-13 Ja ',63. (14TRA 1W) 1. Deystvitelln-,yy -.hlen AMN SSSR (for Myasnikov) (LIVER) LOGIllov., k"d. CU,geasf3l, of + 11v o r 9]--()7 () 163,, t in lz I'IYRsnikr,v) Al IN fjr ofa LO'GIPOVO A4., kand,med. nauk Photolaparoiscopy. Terap. arkh. 35 no.104-37 Ja'63. (14Ihk 16:9) 1. Iz Instituta terapii (dir. - deystviteltnyy chlen A14N SSSR prof. A.L. Itmanikova) AIIN SSSR. (PHOTOGRA.PHY, '-IEDIGAL) GEWIMOVA, Ye.N., kand. med. nauki LOGINOV, A.S. 04ogk-7a) Clinical signifisana-) of aldosterone in liver diseases. Klin. med. 41 nc,,2t:70-!-5 P6) (MIRA 170) 1. Iz instituta terapj! (dlr. - deys1.,,1t,--!1nyy rhaer, AMN SSSR prof. A,L. Myaqnjkoi-) MIT SSSR, '7' ACCESSION NR: AT4036047 S/2781/63/000/003/0109/0117 AUTHORS: Brzhechko, M. V.; Vasillyev, M. P.; Grigor'yeva, L. I.; Dolgopolov, V. V.; X~oginov, A. S.1 Pavlichenko, 0. S.; Smerdov, B. I.; Stepanbv, K. N.; Chechkin, V. V. TITLE: Absorption of high-frequency energy by a plasma near ion cyclotron resonance, II. SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upraviyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo, termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- tsii, no. 3, Kiev,.Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 109-117 TOPIC TAGS: cyclotron resonance phenomena, plasma Theatiag, plasma thermal excitation, plasma magnetic field interaction, microwave plasma, discharge plasma, plasma source C*rd 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036047 ABSTRACT: This is the second part of a two-part paper and is de- voted to an experimental check on the absorption of high-frequency energy by a plasma under conditions of ion cyclotron resonance, and a check on the theoretical deductions of the first part of the pa- per. The system used to feed the high-frequency power into the plasma is an artificial LC line fed at a high harmonic. This system is claimed to have several advantages over others. The source of high-frequency power was a self oscillator specially developed for the excitation of the line. The plasma,was produced by a pulsed Penning discharge in a magnetic field in hydrogen (He. 0.8 Tesla). Considerable loading of the generator by the plasma took place near ion cyclotron resonance, accompanied by an increased intensity of the glow of the HP line in the discharge. The shift in the maxima of the load curve away from the resonant value of the magnetic field, and also the form of this curve, are in agreement with the results of the theoretical part of the paper. The system for the supply of the higb-frequency energy to the plasma and the experimental setup Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036047 are described in detail. it is pointed out that since the plasma temperature did not exceed 104 X in the experiments, the ion cyclo- tron damping is negligibly small and the absorption of high-frequency energy is only due to the collision between the ions and the elec- trons. The Penning discharge used in the investigation was not found .to be as efficient as that elsewhere. The data offer evidence that the LC line is a highly effective system of transmitting-high-fre- quency energy from the generator to a plasma in the case of ion cy- clotron resonance. "The authors are grateful to K. D. Sinel'nikov and V. T. Tolok for a discussion of the work. Orig. art. hal: 6 .figures and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 2lMay64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: ME NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 002 Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AT036047 U U# a-9 955 46 Card 4/4 I. 465 fi, Tesla . .- e. ENCLOSURE:01 Dependence of the amplitude of the higli-frequency voltage on th6 line (in relative units) on the magnetic field intensity at differnt instants of time following the discharge ignition: 1 - 200 ~Lsec, 2 - 300 ~Lsec,. 3 - 400 ~Lsec. LOGItIOV, Anatoliy Sergeyevich; KONAROV, F.I#j redo fLaparoscopy in the clinical aspects of internal diaeasesl Laparoskopiiet v klinike vnutrennikh boleznei. Leningrad, Meditsinal 11)~64. 187 p. (MIRA 17:11) LOGINOV, A-So; FATEYVA, N.H,; A. No EXPOrience In the combined u--e of radioiqotopo scanning anrj 11spAros- copy in the diagnosis of liver diseases. Med. rado 9 n .3.,37-47' Mr 164. 0 (MJRA l7sl2) 1. Institut meditainskoy radiologii AMN S"SSR j 111,citit.ut to SSSR, Moskva. r"T.1i AMN S LOGINOV, A.S., kand. mod. riauk; USHA, B.V.., aspirant Laparoscopy and biopsy under viowd control in cattle. Veterinarila 41 nn.1:77-79 Ja 164. (I-IMIA 17:3) 1. Institut turapli AMII SSSR (for Logi-iov). 2. Moskovskiy tekhnologichoskiy instLtut my~avnoy i noloelmoy promyshlennosti (for Uoha). KLEMBOVSKlY, A.I.; IDGINOV, A.S. (,'-Iosk%-a) Some features of the thin structure of liver cells in chrani,~: hepatitis and cirrhosis; clectron inicroscopic study. Arkh. pat. no.1:12-21 164. (11IRP, 17:11) 1. Iz laboratorit patologicheskoy anatomli - doktor r,-,ed. nauk A.M. Vikhert) Irstituta terapl'! (dli-. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN 3&')R prof. I-lyasn-.kov) Al-91 SSSR. LOGINOV, A1,40 Diagnoctic possIbilities of laparoscopy-in diseases of-thi liver and the bile ducts. Vast. khir. 93 no.90-13 S 164. (RIRA 18W 1. 1z Instituta terapi-i (dir. - prof. A.L.Myasnikov) AM SSSR. AFROsiNA ) Z-G k AYJIR~.'. AFUIA~'31yp:iIA K. A. nauic; eo,,jDili~t Z';I:fUGE.R .-kand, r'd Pauk; "' Z,A~ , - -7, , I.A.', kand VASjL:,,,,pjKr~ dc~ktor red. kfi rici : 'r' Fr" f ' K _A, jl~ - .) I 11", 1 - L 1) 'TROD7 yoj'.. kwi(i 1~ , - y pror.; OV Kh Kh. p NAZfdiEj*j-- ye A z,, All, Prof FI'O r~- pro" TIIIKOV "d ka r, rl nauk; TAH~y F, v YT:od. nauk- I r-f '* ("11'7i1,'ySHEVA, ye A A.LO) A 1, Mum. y. -"Od3tv(' p: All -1rternal d-4 ~renrjj'n oen3e~2] 1.,noEotc,,, 1 4 . "'. "Ukc- i24 ~ ~ Roz;kva: Medjtsina~ - Vol D t-' ~r f " t' -" ; , (MIRA JE:g) !-Len cos" (for. Tareyev: Ye.11-1.,, LOGINOV, A.S, Clinical morpholo,,Yical aspects of liver cir!-hosis. Akt.vop.pat.pech, no.3:35-53 '~'5- (MIRA 18:11) LOGINOV, A.S.; REGBISKIY, A.U. Radioisotope scanning and laparoscopy in the diagnosis of liver diseases. Aktovopopat.peche no*3:61-78 165. (MIRA 18:11) :W - .1 -- - A, 0 41111 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 *as 0 0 0 0 0 0: 94 It 11 w is is 11 is 11 U 13 M 0 to 27 a M 1 4 It 9 U to is is is sp 00 V I A.- I t. 1 AA 0 M CV UfjL--I- a _j1. --I ~4 j 4F L&Dt.1 .00 1. 1.40111 .,tml 'A"Oft, I. C, A .00 00 0 0 TIse coagulation of the ##run$ Colloids by 910fitrislytini 10 indivill"Is of various asiss. 11. Tberelatioalit"fils. .00 bon to the concentration of the serum c0olds, R. H. ~410 C .4drialserg and A. V. Islintsy , J. NIff". ill", S. S. k.) .00 22. L'Ill I I 1 1930. 1. 13MI; cf. C. A. 33. lxtjdl~ - With Ill.. 11W 4 all .1-1f."WPIWIninfirr the 00 111,0910'" 111 the CWKIIIA16-11 stfill the Must Value' 14 life .4 lilt W-111111 et-11'.1114 "I varying 1701111,810. III I lit wtunt .4 dogis were inilcm ism left. l'beendvalueut *a so the turbillity (c,xisculation with AlCh) I. first Inertamed with dectraw lit lite emu-n. oil the wturn. At corwris. of 0 1 *.() is. 1 041 it imiched a infix, filter whwh It dmessed 00 agam. At it,, wior prol,-iii .,911clit, lite Oethidily fit the 00 .4 .4.1 114iss oils liedlil 01.011 11141 fit life wtusts 4 0111111 Yining 1141K4. Iswitaw its the 141)lcill ct"llrng all tile blexill 0 ishint, ratimst Ile restatriled as the cauw W the readier m. olltilmuns., fill. lilt. oultoirmw 1. 1,, lie expUnit-1 by the kn- '90 00 thierwr I,( )tilt r con-titutnti ill the him.1 (chassise its the zoo -,nl~nt 4 r1cr1114virs. -4 filminlit, r1r.) fit by rhantri in lite pf"Irins them. jVC, "s tile I'micill cifnifilr1ro, isee %I. G. %Iowe 00 if I L A 411ALLGINUICAL &IIIII-fl,41 CLASSIO'KAMN 00 %I- sit-- ass a., is, U as I so is fits I I a lim a U " 4 " " , " " , " It as IT ft I ;T& 0 0 0 00-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 : :10 0 0 q 0 1111, 11111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 7_9~_omo -0- 0 - 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 10 & 0 a 0 0 0 0 ly 9 0 0 4 9 4 0 30929. LOGINOV, A. V. Akademik Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Vestnik venerologii, i dermatologii, 1949, No. 5. 3. 5-10, a portr. UI~111146-1, A. V. Loginov, A. V. "The differential mthod of -*nv,~:;tI',j,;-ting the 1punctional distvrL-~;nces to L.e ,-.e?urc,-v,2scu!;,r zista, of the skin in di-nn;itose3,11 7~speril-,. L klinich. lssltdovaniy2 (Leningr. kozimo-vencrol. in-t), Vol. VTI, PA9, p. 27-158, - E-Abliog: p. 149-58. SO: U-3736, 21 Vay 53, (Letopis IZI.1~rnzl In:,rl-'i -St;,tey, No. 17, 1901jo LOGINOV. A.V. Gorticovisceral pathoganesis of neurodermatitia. Ceek.ders. 26 no.6: 214 Jnne 51. (CUM 21:1) DIR-IOVA, A.M., mludshiy nauchn", uotrudnik;.~IUV, AL.V., kandidat biologialieskikh nauk, zavedu.-ushchiy; KOITMATIYEVA, A.A., ispoinywishchiy obyazannost' di- rektora. Conditioned and unconditioned vasomotor reflexes in eczema and neitroderwatitis. Vest.en.i dorm. no.4:10.-15 JI-A,-, I!)). NLRA 6:9) 1. Putofisiologicheskaya laboratoriya Respublikanakogo kozhno-venerologiche- Rkogo instituts. (for Loginov). 2. Reepublikanskiy kozhno-venerologicheskiy instWit (for Kondratlyeva). (Skin-Diseases ) (Nervoue aystem, Vanciactor ) LOGINOV, A.V.. kandidat biologicheskijch nauk Effect of the functional condition of the cerebral cortex on the cutaneous blood vessel reflexes. Test. van. L dorm. no.6:3-8 N-D 154. (MIRA 8:2) 1, Tz patofisiol. laboratorli nank A.V.Loginov) respublikanskogo nauabno-iseledovatellskogo kozhno-venerolog. institute, (dlr. A.A.Kondratlyeva) (CMBRAL CORTRX. pbysiology off. on cutaneous blood vessels reflexes) (SKIN, P17siology reflexes, off. of cerebral cortex funct.) v CAUGOPY : Pharmacolot.Zr and Toxicology. Narcotica rind flypnotics 'ADS. JOUR. I ; RZhBiol.p v0. 1 19599 tin. 10~09 MIT-OR LoZjXjaz,__A.,_V_, P'3T. eningrad Chanicopharraaceutical Institute TITL'e', Effect of Bronine, Caffeine, Phenamine and Liuni- nal upon Porlpheral Vascular Reactions ORT(i. FIB, : 3b. nauchn. tr. Lenlzigr. khln.-farmatsevt. In-tj 1957, 3, 266-280 t,BSTPACT : Observations carried out on 400 practically hoal- thy persons are described. Vascular reactions w3re indjeed by thu introductign of histamine diluted 1:10-1:5,000 into the skin of the back, and were estimated accordirig to the r--flox 'hypo- remin or its intensity by means of a contact eleetrothermoneter- 30 n1 of 10% bromine solu- tion, 1-2 ral of 10% caffeine solution an(i 10 mg 1/2 9 - -1 11 -AL.LI CAT;-!rA.).7y -V jr'Ur- R71181.01., Vn, AMOTj 11 '- 1959, N'o. Jjj~C)q D.!ST. TITLE C Oln tCi- or 0-2 g of IU,,in,,,, introduced Per os. The dependence of vascular reaction, the central nervous on tl,-o funationa i systsm I Stat'O of i Was demon~-trRted. CAPJ): 212 LOGINOV. A.V. Leningrad conference on antibiotics, Antibiotiki 3 no.2tl23-126 W-Ap 158. (MM 12:11) (AMIDIOTICS--CoNGRISSRS) LOGINOV, A.V.; DIA40VA. A.H.; VOLTITSKLYA., S.L. Changes in vascular reflexes following the administration of chlortetracycline. Antibiottki 4 no-3:58-62 )tr-Je 159. (MIR& 12:9) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologit i farmakologii (zav. A.V.Loginov) Laningradekogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo inatituts. antibioti- kov. (CHLORTEMCTCLINE, off. on vasomotor reflexes (Rua)) (BLOOD VESS=, off. of drugs on, chlortetracycline on vaoomotor reflexes (Rus)) _ ~V.; DUKOVA, A.M. IOQMQV, A Reflex aspects of the mechanism of blood composition changes due to chlortetracycline (biomycin).Biul. eksp. biol. med. 47 no.l: 43-47 A '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Is laboratorii fiziologil i farmakologii Ieningradskog nauchno- isoledovatellsk(igo institute, antiblotikov (dir. - dots. A.V. Loginov) Predstavlena daystvitel'Dym chlenom AMN SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim.. (CHWRTSTRAQYGL1111. effectso on leukocyte count, reflex aspect (Rua)) (IMUKOCYTI COM, affect of drugs on, chlortetracycline, reflex aspect (Rus LOG111011, A.V.; VOLYI[SKAYA, S.L. Sffect of chlortetrac;rcline on interceptive reflexes from the intestine. Blill.okep.biol. i med. 47 no.6:72-76 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii I farmakologil (sav. - dotsent A.V-Loginov) Leningradskogo nauchno-lasledove-tellekogo instituta antibiotikov (dir. - doteent A.V.Loginov. PredBtavlena deyetvitell- nym chlonom AMN SSSR V-11-Chernigovakin. (IINIESTIMIS, pkyajol. off. of atimilation on blood presanre & reap., off. of chlortetracycline (Rue)) (BLOOD MINSSM, physiol. off. of intestinal stimulation after admin. of chlortetracycline (Rua)) (R]i',SPIHATI0IT, phyelol. same) (CHLOTMURkCTCLINE, off. on blood pressure ?a reap. reactions to in- testinal Rtirrilation (RUB)) LOGINOV, A.V. Effect of chlortetracycline on the physiological process of the A. body. Eksp. i klin, Issl. po antiblot, Is246-253 `58 (gaga 15:5) (AnEomycill) LOGINOV A .; DUMOVA, A.M. Neural and humoral factors In the change in blood composition under the influence of chlortetracycline. Eksp. I klin. is3l. po antibiot. 1:260-267 158. (MIRA 15:5) (AUREOMYCIN) (BLOOD) (NEUROCHEMISTRY) LOGINOV, A.V.; BYSTROVA, V.V.; VOLYNSKAYA, S.L.; DU14CVA, A.M.; OVCHAROV, V.G. Pharmacological properties of antibiotic 26/1. !~-ksp. I klin. issI. po antiblot. 2s268-273 160. (MIRA 15:5) (AMIBIOTICS) LOGINOVt A,V.; VOLYNSKAYAj S.L. Effect of chlortetracycline on the excitability of the chemoreceptors in the intestines. Report No.l: Effect of chlortetracycline on the excitability of the chemireceptors of the intestines to acetylaholim. Eksp. i klin issl. po antibiot. 1:275-280 158. (MIRA 15'-5) 4UMMMYCIII) (ItJTESTI,.'ES-.-IIUIEHVATIOIJ) (CHOLIII:;) SHIBADO L.M.; LOGINOV, A.V.; VOLIFSOTI, N.I. Method of initial selection of antibiotic substances for studying their actions on t=ors. Eksp. i klin. issl. po entibiot. 1:291- 303 158. (MI-rLk 15.5) (ANTIBIOTICS) , (TUMORS) LOGINOV, A.V.; SHTEUILUUT, L.A.1 DUMOVA, A.M... VOLINSKAYA, S.L. I- -,-- - .Change in the functional state of the nervoos and vascular systems in skin diseases during the process of antibiotic treatment. Eks i klin. issl. po antibiot. 2;80-83 160. WIRA 157, (SKIN-DISEASES) (ANTIBIOTICS) (NERVOUS SYSTFM) (BLOOD VESSELS) LOGINOV, A.V.; VOLYNSKAYA, S.L. Effect of chlortetracycline on the excitability of the chemoreceptors of the inteatines. Report No.2t Change in the stimulation of the chemoreceptors of the intestines by chlortetracycline during its prolonged action. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 2:121-126 1600f (MIRA 15:5) (DUESTIUZ-BINERVATION) (AURFOMYCIN) LOGINOV, A.V. - DUMOVA, A.M. Increased body resistance to carbocholine under the infiusnce of repeated administration of oxytetrao~cline. Antiblotiki 6 no.12: ICr/9-1082 D 161. (RLLA 25:2) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii. i farmakologii (zav. A.V.Loginov) Leningradsko o nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta antibiotikov. (8HOLINz;) (OXYrETRACYCLII&) LOGINOV, A.V.; IMLLER, N.R. Cholonergic propertiec of chlortetracycline. Ant'bictiYd 7 no.3:8348 Mr-'162. 'ilaPJ, 15;3) 1. Kafedra fiziologii (zav. A.V. Loginov) Leningradskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskggo inatituta. (AUREOMYCIN) (CHWIC-) SHABAD, L.M.; LOGINOV, A.V.; VOLIFSON, N.I. Metbod for the primary selection of antitumorous antibiotic substances. Trudy Len.khim.-farm.inst. no-13.115-125 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kafedra anatomii i fiziologii Leningradskogo khimiko-farmatsev- ticheakogo instituts, (zav. dotsent A.V.Loginov) i labor%toriya eksperimentalinoy onkologii Inatituta onkologii (zav. prof. L.M. Shabad). (ANTIBIOTICS) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) IPIOII~ MOVA, A.H.; BYSTROVA, V.V.; STRELINIKOV Yu.Ye.; -W DLP v VdttrSKAYA, S.L. Pharmacological properties of soluble sodium salts of nystatin used for inhalation. Antibiotiki 8 no.7t625-631 J1163 (mrn 1713) 1, laboratoriya fiziologii i farmakologii Leningradskogo in- stituta antibiotikov. LOGINOVI A. V.; BYSTROVA) V. V.; VOLINSKAYA, S. L.; DUMOVA, A. M.; STRELNIKOV, Yu. Ye. "Soluble Bodium nystatin for wrocol inhalation and its pharmaco1rgical properties." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-19 Jun 64, Sci Res Inst of Antibiotics, Leningrad. LCOGINOV, A. V.; DUWVA, A. M. CHIRKOVA, 0. 0.; VOLINSKAYA, S. L. --- - --- -- ---- -- "Increased nonspecific resistance of the organism, caused by antibiotics." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-19 jun 64. Sci Res Inst of Antibiotics, Leningrad. 10FINA-, M_; IkGINOV A. V.; 01HUNIKOV, lu. 'Yt--.; TETERIKA) T. A.; CHIRKOVA, 0. 0. "Morphocycline, a water-soluble antibiotic for intravenous use, its sLrrnthesis, properties and pharmacological characterieticn." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-19 Jun 64. Sci. Res Inst of Antibictics, Leningrad. WIUCV, A.V.; CHIRKOVA, 0.0. Distribi,tion and excretion of mytetracycline in adapted and ronadepted, animnlA. Anttbiotiki 10 no.6026-531 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Laboratorlya famakologil (zav. A.V.LogirnO `--l-4-atellskogo Instituta antiblotikov.- -.., - - - I ;?L. FN,jll y A V. , do Lfent of tf!trrA.--Y--line and COrtu-23una acetate on the lizee, animals. Probl. enlok. 1 gorm. 11 nc.2:~2- 67 I-tr-Ap 165. (M-11-RA 1 ~ :7 1. Laboratoriyu furvikologil (zav. - dotoctit A.V.Logliiav) I , n 1 n gra d u k t) g, o na i i c li n o - I so I e d o v! i t, -, I I J k o C o i n s 16 i t, u 'a n. nt b-lotikov (direOor - doktor med. nauk A.',.,. Kli,,,iov) . LOGINOV.A.V. Method of casting screw slot bushings for use with drill hnmers. Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no-103:12-13 154. (MLRA 8:11) (Die casting) LOG INOV A Ye wDisperse Systems in a Chemistry Course of the YAddle School. Canl Pedagog Sci, Moscow Pedagogical Inst ireni V. I. Lenin, Moscow, 1953, Dissertation (BeferativW Zh=nal-?2lWya Moscow, No 2, Jan 54) 30s SW 136p 19 Aug 1954 LOGINOV, A.Ye. (Moscow) Yormation of crystals from solutions. Xhim.v shkole no.5:64-69 a.-0 153. (XLRA 6:9) (Crystallization) Invoiticadon of sodIturt bettitcate st.4 wrmtIna retardef far vneWs In quout niedta. A. It. Loginov. Urkno 74plik I " *~ Wojtos. Pdatal. fasi. 76: Nd. 15. 57-417(105.3); Rrffral. '7hur.. K4ion. 1954, Kn. 3717fl.-A lie i-vott., dve prwert' I USSR Of cjfscoo.*,Ia were stf;41i,-d In far) Watel'.1% Nact rAA,f and In a mixt. of 3% NuCl and 7v/O NAh%.. The metall and brap. 'the efficvy of mudird were steel, CC)ppcr, . C.116COONS wmi below that of K,CrAantl NaNCX. The prt-sence of chilwides In the chvtrolytes Icm-crcd the I#rnwr- I(m 4 C414COONa. The rcquiv"l concn. k detd. by the I)Mpcttic- rA the clectrolyle. In tap wqicr the rxquircil nmt. of C4I1XOON;% was 0.1; 1.5' 'c, lit 37,, NaCl qn1n. the rc_qi,I,td amt. wa,; 12.5%.and in the mixt. nf 3% NaClarkrl AsA emn,sion-rriardant mist. ()Z% CJI.Ct)ONa wid 1.5% ?,:,&140~ 4rc recommended. (I VtCUNtivc Mcct ot% Inam. lit ft-q. Wrti., %vere enivildeml to $m CjlI4CO()Nx-v%td-' ljap~r tot packItig Wel prtfilrt,~%. SL Ifulkil f KZMKHLDZE, V.S. (g. Batumi); LOGINOV, A.Te. (g. Xaluga); IHITROV. V.A. (Voronezh) t A good textbook (Chemistry." O.A.Balezin, B.A.Pavlov. Reviewed by V.S.Nemkhadze, A.I.Loginov, V.A.Zhitrov). Xhim.v shkole 11 no.5:74-76 6-0 '56. OWA 9:11) (Chemistry) (Balezin, S.A.) (Pavlov, B.A.) /Y V USSR/General Problems. A- Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 10, 1957, 33423 Author : LoELnov, A.Ye. Inst Title Some Experiments with Solutions. Orig Pub Khimiya v shkole, 1957, No 1, 58-61. Abstract Methodical and practical instructions applied to the study of solutions in the VII-th grade. Card 1/1 TSAREV3 V., inzh. (Astrakhan'); NIKOLISKIY.? V.; POPOV., Yu., starshiy master; ARKIIIPOV, I., malyar (g. Cheboksary)-, FIN)YURIN, F. (g. Bi7sk); PLAVINP B.M., mekhan:Lk; LOGIIIOV, B,-_ Advertising board. Izobr.i rats. no.2z32-33 F 162. 0-11im 1r, ~ -3) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu kotellno-mekhanicheskiy zavod (for Popov). (Technological innovations) LOGINOT, B.A., gvardii podpolkovnik, voyenn7y letchik pervogo klassa Ye3, tactics is a personal matter. Vest.Tozd.71. no.8:26-28 Ag 160. (MIJU 13:9) (Air warfare) KIRlCHENXD, Ye.F.; IDGINOT, B.A. Device for pneumtIc testing of gas stove fittings. Hats. I isobre predl. Y stroi. n0-7:99-100 '58. (KMA 11;12) (Stoves, Gas) 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Al 0 0 0 1 14-4 1 11 v -, v a if n m41 aw & III a if a A 0 jo 0 a is w u H .0 a if a p a I t 4 A A J, A It 1 1. v 1 0 -A j a a N? ti I *A 00.8 fivains ou wous. .*.et, lit-IfAwr 41~1304 The ~,Lm. t-10,441 -so 00 .00 r. 0 0 Ir 0: age of 9 40* X00 00 00 1 9011 It Q.. t, r, , , , " , I ' I I'll i or a 1 .4& to 0 0 m a It . 0 . it 1, 11 46 #Aj 0 0 IN 0 0 6 * a * 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 SOSO 0 00 Of alpe I '1~ I " M. OwYllil lu "'.111 a 11, '0 a if Ait Iwo 4 10 f "vt#t 10, .." 0- '_4"el 111 so 060