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A UTHOR: a, L. 11. SOV/115-58-1--4/50 TITLE: The Interferometric "01,ethod of L,easuring the Angles of Foly- gons (Interferentsionnyy metod izmereniya uglov mnogogranni- kov) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 10 - 12 'U73R) ABSTRACT: T8e interferometric method of measuring small angles (up to 2 ) with the Kesters interferometer, permiis precise measur- ing of the ang1r.,j of angular gages (polygons) which are ex- tensively used in industry. The method can be used for cali- bration of polygons. The error limit of measuring the poly- gon angles by this method is very small. There are 3 dia- grame and 2 ncn-Soviet references. 2. Card 1/1 ICYMNDV, V.Ya. Yanufacture and attestation of standsk d polyhedrons. Trudy MIX no.4'-.41-47 160. (XLM 13:12) (00niOmstr7) 0 LOGACIMIA, L.N.; FELIKS, N.A.) red.; SUKi'01-', D.I., red.izd-va; IAKP,:X:, e. takhn. rod. [Interferor,etry for abE:olute masuremnt5 of Epuge blocks' Interferomotry dlia absoliutnykh izmarenii kontsavykh mer dliny. Moakva, Cos. izd-vo standartov, 1961 35 p. (Seriia ob- zorvykh monografii po izmoritellnoi tekhnike: no.16) (MIRA 15-4) (Interferonetry) ,QACHLTA,_L.N.; EYDINUV., V.Ya. I~C Interference method for measuring angles, Trudy inst.Konstand..Imer.i izm.prib no.47:139-150 161. (MIRA 15:12) 1. VBesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Komiteta standartov, mer i izmeritell:aykh priborov pri Sovete MiniBtrov SSSH. (Interferometry) LOGACHPIA, L.N. Erilt for inte-rnal measur,~ment of I.Irc-oFh ryl.~nrlirllra'. with a diamoter from 0,5 to 50 mn. 12 , tck~~. no.2:119-21 F t65. (?41RA 18:6) !41 r Kirgizian Inst. of Epidemiolcgy and Microbiology/Frunze TARVIT-GONTAR', I.A.; W!qA9jgYA,-L-S-; KIGHNrOV, ".A.; KIAEYEVA, O.V.; ROSHKO, H.P.; GOLOBUTO, V.V.; HODIONOV, V.P. Study of centers of tick-borne spirochetosis, and methods for the control of carriers. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.1:44-46 Ja-F 162. ' (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Kirgizskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyony (direktor - kand.med.nauk V.M.Perelygir), Respublikanskoy sanitarno- epidemiologichesicoy stantsii (glavn.Tr vrach - A.A.Mashkevich) i Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo otryada Leningradskogo rayona (glavnyy vrach - P.P.Yagudyayev). (LENIN DISTRICT (0311 PROVIUCE)-SPIROCHETOSIS) (TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) GOR4AN, Ye.A.; VUWFOVIGH, R.D.;j1pGACHEVAI_ V.A.; POLOZOV, A.I.; BERZIN, B.O., I-jard. tekbn. nail , inzhener-polkovnik v otstavke, red.; KOZLOVTSEVv V.A., red.; YAKIMOVICII, Yu.K.9 red.-leksikografj KUZIMINI I.F.9 Uklm. red. [Germano-Russian~dlbtionary of armored force terms] Nemetsko- russkii avtobrofietankovyi slovarl. Pod red# B.O.Berzina. Mo- skva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSS112 1961. 487 p. (MIRA 14:8) (Ge'~n~,:Language-Dictionaries-Russian) (Tanke (Military science)-Dictionaries) L -A- 4 .7p L 0 klpi~~- LO, in-'r MTG ',.hurnal tekhnicheskoy fiT-ii-t, 110,PIC TAGS: magnetohydi-odyr,amica, plauma wave, energy. dz-e$,, ma4petoactive plai3maN mzsgnetic sound wave, magnetoacousti-- wave ABSTRACT, The radiated ene:7Qe spectrwu and the radintion dre:,g are calculated for ral.ation 6f magnetoaconistic waves in a ma~metlzed plagma by %n oscUlatine ----nt nr tl-n acoustic monopnle moving at a comARVA vF.;'-c;(7Ity pslmllel to the tic field. 7-io -Ft: n ~r. ti, a, r-A a ag, r, c t c, hy - nia~n e TN ~Jjntions ".(" ar'~ using the 71 &a,& alnuaoidmiiy V&Z-i.Lae' ---a ~i') nX a C' r) E; C effo--ct: when the velocxty- of LUC- =jjtam d-i der; to a;:Ut~:Cdhvivraence r,,~~Iated energr I tsu- an a-or vargt see --n-f-ir-itc-co irld tf, tfxd-;~ lrtn a--Qunt dic-'Sipantlv'~ mif g7'- q, T, 1+4-807- ACCESSION HR: AP5012042 c."ectreconductivity. The spectrall dl%tributlonG o f the rmdlated energy and tLe radiation drag are found to differ. Both the rad iated energZr- arid the 4rag ircreaaW with increasing cource, velocity. The. in.4egrat"ons over the ap-ectral diatriblutinra i ' e-re perfornma-d and closed expresaions are obtRined for the tot power rad-iated R-rd the drag for the tvo limiting caf-~es that the velocity of n(und i9 either rn-~-h! --r or -uch lesq thp-n th~ U fven ~-f ,LrA )-L1y r%j ia' e--~ ." I n ~Or. 1,12 1 -r~ K- r, -;,e r s hum a.:. for va-I'Aa e 1 G - ,:i 36 f fijr r's. LOGOPEVA _.----(&oVoalbirjQ ---I--V.N. bilit-'r-Y roT'Uorjitj3 jr.' ur.utrs pay-foraticii r,!' t1c. bile duatc.. lhlruiglla t(),-'. (I'lifu .5:3) ~ (GAII BI.ADDER,..DTSFkSES) (PARCREAS.-DISEASES) (PERITOVITIS) Splenectomy combined with omentonephropexy in the treatment of portal hypertension. [with summary In English. p. 150] Khirurgiia, no.1:46-48 Ja '57 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Bolinitsa g. Novosibirska (nauchn" rukovoditell-Drof V.A. Ivanov) (HYPERTENSION. PORTAL. surg. splenectomy combined with omontonaphropexy) (Rue) (SPLEXH, surg. excis. in portal hyportension, with omentonaphropexy) (Rug) kOMENTUM, surg. omentonephropexy in portal hypertension, with uplenectomy) (Rua) (KIDNEYS, earg. same) GRAEETSKIY, A.A.; LOGAGHEVA, Yu.P. Independent work of students during the study of a-rialytical chemistry In secondary general achoolB. Khim. v shkole 18 no.4149-58 J1-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) GRAEETSKrf, A.A.1-LOGACITEVA,, Tu*Po puft or am2ytloal obadvU7 in eacondaz7 gomml schoole vith worig trainlMs Uchosapsmon no~225t5-16 164a (MA 18112) --LOGACHEVA, Yu.p. Developu4nt of nkills during the Itudy of analytical cl.eml.qtry in secondary general schools. Uch.zan.'IGPI no.225:17-23 164. Industrial practice of secondary school otudento, in a factory laboratory. Ibid.!21,-33 M RA 18:12) TUIWICH, Daniil Petrovich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; LOGAK. r.-K. redaktor; ORLOVA. T.P., radaktor; BALLOD, i-eenlcheskiy redaktor; PAVLOTA, M.N., takhnicheakly redaktor. [Operation of drainage systems) IkeDbistatstia osuqhit6j'nykh sletem. Moskva, GosAzd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1955. 93 P.(MLW:12) (Drainalo) ~ IDGAK, L.I. , inzh.; DUDKO, A.A., inzh. I Crushers vitb automatic feed regulation. Hekh. stroio 28 no,6:23-25 Je 161, (Crushing madbinerY) (MIRA 34:7) I LOGAK, L.I., inzh. Automatic crushing and screening equipment. Fvkh. stroi. 19 no.6: 21-22 Je 162. (MA 17:2) LOGAK, L.I., inzh. Investigating an experimental Jaw crusher with two movable Jaws. Trudy VNIIStroidormash 32:10-31 163. (MIRA 17W WGAK, L.I., inzh. Crusher with two movable jaws. Stroi. i dor. zaBh. 8 no.l: 25-27 Ja 163. (MIRA 18!5) LODAKV.I#.I., inaho Now mobile crushing and grading plant for obtaining fine crushed atom Stroie mate 9 no*W3~-14 F t63* (MII4 1612) (GruBhed stons.industry-Equipment and supplies) LOGAK, L.I., inzh. Improved Jaw crusher. StrQ-i. i dor. mash. 9 no.5:32-34 My 164. It 4 Fine ciAting of tcmpered stuce' s. Ts".',-.A-! no. 44, 1',5; 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A!.r3l 194, Uncl- W4. N.S. Attachment used for antonatic lapping of large-size cylindrical parts. Hashinostrottell no.9:21-.22 3 157. (KLRA 10:9) (lathes--Attachments) t-5; BELYANKIII.J.Pe, otvo red.; DEZUGLY'Y, V.D., red.; GROZIN, B.D.p red.; DRAYGOR, D.A.# red.j GURARIY,* M.Ge, red&; 1DGAK3,-JV.S&#.,-red.; MITSKEVICHy ZeA.0 red.; PESM, L.M., red.; RYBQWSKIY, Yu.S., red.; CBMENKOP L.D.P red.; YATSENKO, V*Foj, red.; XUDRIAVTSEV, G., red.; LUFANDD;,# I.j red.; SHAFETA, S., tekhn. red. [Use of plastics in the manufacture of machinery and instruments! Plastmassy v mashinostroenii i priborostroenii. Kiev Goa. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1961. 573 p. IMIRA 14:12) (Plastics) (Machinery industry) (Instrument manufacture) L 42790-f6 A& MC,-i8d-14357 dk'-'---016~17 5/Woff/Wio/alo I (A~ -76- AIDTHORSt Fedorov, V. K.-, Sbivilov, V. D.; Tukalov_,._ , N.; Iroganovi D. To TITLEi Properties of tantalum and niobium SOURCEt Ref. zh. MaahinoetrAqel'nyye materialy, konatruktaii i raschet detaley mashin. GidroprJftdj Abo. 11448-155 REP SOURCE: Tr. Vase. n.-i. i konatrukt. in-t khim., mashi ot!tr.t vYP- 47P 1964, 39-49, TOPIC TAM tantalum, niobium, physical chemistry property corrosion At-"---,e rk, ABSTRACTs Literature data on the physical ajVd corroaional properties of Ta and Nb andi on the utilization of these materials in the chemical inoustr7 are discussed. Results. from an investigation of Wb and Ta. mechanical propertioaltat temperatures from -70 to +300C are presentedg as are data on T~-a-i~~-fl-uence 6F-t~`chnical operations (bendingt rolling, tube expanding, stampingg and welding) on the corrosional properties on Ta of brana TO and on Hb. 3 illustrations, 5 tables. ITranslation of abatracI7 M CODEt il Card 1/1 1.294+4669.2L)3 .... ~Allwll Il- 1! poll)5lIKTN, tl.A~, irizh.' ILGANO V, T... i ,irizh. -i ~ y r. t- VI of viking aIRNIM 81-a inlesu Vte31- 41riproving t - chnolo. (% T 18 D 165. G?j, lp:j2) r-tall 25 no.12-1097-109 0 1. rorikovskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod. O.B.1 LOGASTVv O*P* AIMREMv qwrr~h. zav.2ab. Dwill' rcl cjwtjfjc and laboMtl=Y M (Km 32s22) 31 no*.*'s5l6o%B '1650 BORRI, A.V.; LOGAK, P.I.; TIEJyAKOVA, V.Sh.; 14MHA.KOVA, I.I.V. Investigating the f,,-ctors influencing the concentration effect in optical sensitization. Zhur.nauch.i pr1k-l.fo'U.i kin. 7 no./+:245-251 Jl-Ag 162. OURA 15:8) 1. Filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo kinofoto- inatituta, Kazan'. (Photographic emulsions) Ir',-.' JITV :IWITOITIV V.; JV7.", .'.I. Stud,,-:,.ng the nature of the concentration effect in o.,tic?'l sensitization. Zhur.nalich.i pr'Lkl.fot. i kin. 6 no-4:2~`- 299 JI-Ag 161. (NIRA 14:21) 1. Filial Veesoyuznogo nauchnc-issledovatellal.-oCo hinofotoinstituta, Kazan'. (Photographic sensitometry) DZYUNIP V.K., inzh.;-LOGAKIN, S.I., inzh.; VOLIPER, Ye.A. ThG7 vrito to us. Transp. stroi. 12 no.3:61-62 Mx '62* (MIRA 16:11) 1. Glavnyy energetik Rizhskogo remontna-makhanichevkogo zavoda (for Vollper). L 05241-67 EW(d)/EYP(1) 030 G030 ACC NR: SOURCE CODE: AR6020* 533 W06372 60 oo*i/d /I AUTIIOR: Karn, E; Konelli, E.; Khalpern, P.; Logan, B. TITLE: Self-organizing binary logic element 6) SOURCE: Ref zh. Kibern, Abs. IG210 REF SOURCE: Sb. Probl. bioniki. M., Mir, 1965, 429-457 TOPIC TAGS: self organizing system, binary logic, logic element, mathematic logic. ABSTRACT: A model of a learning system is presented and the problem of optimizing learning systems with respect to any set of functions Is considered. The results of the modeling of the characteristics of a self-orgaidzing binary logic network and certain other networks are analyzed; it is shown that in all the experiments the solf-organizing binary logic network lias a. shorter learning time. 15 illustrations. Bibliography of 5 titles. V. L. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09, 05 UDC: 62-506.2:15:62-501.72 LCr~AIT th,~ in 1:,np tun."Cle, IAt", I 1-5-36 2ct -(,.t (Loto-,Ar 'Zhurnal 'I'Y?h St,'ItcY, :TO- 19:9 SO: TITAHMO. X.Y.,Jmnd. tathn. nauk,;LOGANGMK. L.M.,inza. Alectromagnetic reverse-current relay. Energetik 6 no. 1:23-24 Ja'58. (Electric relays) DROZDOV, A.D., doktor taklin.nauk; IDGANCOK. L.M., inzh. Differential rela,,f without an operating coil for the protection of power transformern with multinle windings. Elek.sta. 33 no.ls65-68 Ja !62. - (MIRA 150) (Electric relays)(Electric transformers) t. : -'~. - ~ ~. f- ~~ - I . KRUMIN, Zh.K., inzh.; LOJ"AIIOV, V.N., inzh. Automatic control devices used in the manufacti,re of sewing needles. Trudy V71IIM-IABH no.1:163-176 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Pine and needles) (Automatic control) LOGANSEN L V 9699bauer effect and new experiments in corroboration of the gen- eral theory of relativity. Fiz. V Shkole 22 no.3:11/-21 ~V-Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Relativity (Physics)) (~Gasbauer effect) V.-YE., 'FLLIDIQU, YA. T. Caspian Depression--Climate Conference on climatological and geophlisical research in the Caspian Sea regiun. Izv. All SSh. Ser. geog. no. 2:81-85 '52 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JulY _19A. Unclassified. P DJGAR, Anton Ir. The contact point. Zobozdrav. vast., Ljubljana 9 no.1-2:1-8 1954. (T2WH *contact point) LOGAR. Anton. doe. dr. Relationship between preservative and prosthetic dentistry. Zobosdrav. vast.,-Ljubljana 9 no.4-6:172-177 1954. (MVISTRY preservative & prosthetic dentistz7, relationship) RM , Dusan, dipl. inz.; ~OGAR, Franc Tenth anniversary of the first radio relay link f.4tted with Yugoslav-made apparatus. Elektr vest 30 no. 10/12: 273-279 162/163. 1. Institute! of Automation, Research and Development Branch 2,, Ljubljana, Trzaska 2. I,/ fol t.lj (I c, RES. Dusan, dipl. inz. (l,lubljana); LCGAR, Franc (Ljubljana); W-GRINTEEG, Joze (Ijubljana) Apparatus for radio relay links, type PUI 1-400. Pt. 1. Elektr vest 30 no. 10/12:280-284 162/163 I ' -:.r. LOGAR, I., Dr. -~' --I - 11-:--7- The Society of Physicians in Carniola. Zdrav. vest., Ljubljana 24 no.1-2:52-53 1955. (SOCIETIES, M'KDICAL, hist. Society of Physicians in Carniola, Tugosl. (SM LOGAR. Ivan ~T.7ci,A%~4E (ir. ca2u); Given Namea Co,intry: Yugoslavia Acadvaic Degreoti: Dr. Affiliatto-,: , not given. ) ~~urcc: Ljubljana, Zdravstvani vestnik, No 3-4, 1961, pp 91-92. "Twenty Years from the Death of Professor Dr. Janez Plecnik." WGAR, P. The SG50/50 service generator of solector pulses. Elektr vest 30 no. 8/9;215 162/163. The SI-1150/7 wasurer of telep).one pulses. lbid.:216. The 800 c.p.s. SG800 service generator. Ibid.:216. DUBROVA, Georgly Alekseyevich, prof.; HIKRA P A.V., ratsenzent; LQQAI~ ~OV ~., nauchnyy red.; LOBANOV, Ye,m,, red.izd-va; BOBROVA, V.A., tekhn.red. (Methods for lowering construction costs and reducing the weight of hydraulic engineering structures] Metody obleg- cheniia i udeshevlenlia gidrotekhnicheakikh sooruzhenii. Moskva, Izd-vo wRechnol transport." 1959. 340 P. (MIRA 12:8) . (Hydraulic engineering) LOGASHEV, A*11~ Complication during the removal of a ureteral calculus with Dormials snare. Urologiia no.1:59-60163. (mlu 16:7) 1. Iz urologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.M.Epshteyn) I Moskovsko o meditsinskogo instituta imeni, I.M.Sechenova. tCAILULIP URINARY) (URETERS-SURGERY) LOGASHEV, A.N. Use of ultrasonic waves in the dete~:tion of renal calculi during surgery. Urologiia no.6:22-26 H-D 163. (MIRA 17-9) 1. Iz urologicheskoy kliniki (zav.- prof. I.M. Epshteyn) I Moskovskogo ordena. Lenina meditsinskogo instituta, imeni Sechenova i Akusticheskogo instituta (dir.-chlen-korresponderit AN SSSR L.H. Brekhovakikh) AN SSSR. TUKHSWAYD, G.B.; LOGASRU, Y.G., radaktor; ZUBARXT, G.K., redaktor ~ K-.'Tit. izdatelletva; YEM". redaktor. [Servicing sectloml-type steerage gear vith electric controls of the dynamo system] Obalushivanis ralevykh priyodoy eaktornogo tipa, 9 slaktroupravlaniom po sistame generator-dvigatell. Heskya, Izd-vo Miniaterstva. morskogo I rechnogo flota, 1953. 43 P. (KLRA 737) (Steering gear) KCIEMIN, G.A.; LOGASHMV, V.G., redaktor; SUVOROYMY, A.P., redaktor; ITAUX, X.Ya. ~ ~sM FRTY-reduktor. [Maintenance of electrohvdraulio steering machinery) Oboluzhivanle slaktrogidravlichaskikh xalevykh mashin. Hookva, Is-dvo Hinisterst- va morskogo i rechnogo flat&, 1953. 55 P. (HLRA 7:8) (Steering gear) LOGASHXV, V.G.,.kand. takhn. nauk. Utilizing radioactive radiations in the electric-instrument industr.v. Inform.-tekh. abor. MEP no.8:54-62 '58. (MIRA 12:1) l.Vsasoymzny7 nauchno-iosladovatellskiy institut alektropromyghlonnesti. (Electric Instruments) (Radioactivity) S/119J60/000/06/09/016 BO14/BO14 AUTHOR: Logashev, V. G., Engineer TITLE: The Main Problems Arising in the Development of Comprehen- sive Automatic Conveyer Lines/Yin the Construction of Electrical Instruments PERIODICALt Priborostroyeniye, 1960, No. 6, pp. 24-27 TEXTs By way of introduction, the author describes the characteristic features of conveyer lines used foi assembling, control, and calibration, with special regard to the situation in the Soviet Union. In principle, a maximum output is demanded with a minimum of workers. Furthermore, a sufficient utilization of the individual points of the conveyer line and a reduction of rejects are required. In calculating such conveyer lines it is necessary to take into account fluctuations of the time required for the individual operations. The securing of maximum productivity is discussed. Next, the author describes the calculation of the total error in the calibration of instruments on conveyer lines. In this connection, he discusses the probability that an instrument out of a certain number Card 1/2 The Main Problems-Arising in the Development S1119 ,16010001061091016 of Comprehensive Automatic Conveyer Lines in BOA/BO14 the Construction of Electrical Instruments of calibrated instrumer d The .~ts meets the demands of adesire calculation of rejeotqqis illustrated by Table 1, after which the elimination of random errors is dealt with. A conveyer line of the above-described type which is now being built, has been designed at the VNIIEP by Engineer K. P. Shubin for the production of current meters. There are I table oind I Soviet reference. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Logashey-L V - G. , jy!gineer 89W4 S/119/61/000/001/008/013 BO1q/BO67 Error Calculation in Automatic Calibration of Indicators Priborostroyeniye, 1961, No. 1, pp. 19-22 TEXT: The errors ocoujrJng in automatic calibration of indicators must be carefully calculated. The author points to the method developed by M. F. Malikov (Refs. 2, 3). The error sources may be dividel into two classes: I)random functional errors and 2) random errors. An analysis showed that the ratio of random error to random functional error is 1 ; 2. Thus Mali- kov's method is suited for both types of errors. New formulas are given, which correspond to the method by Malikov and which take into account the difference between these types of error. The author developed several for- mulas from which "instrument error" may be determined. It was found that the random functional errors may distort calculated results. A table is given to simplify calculations. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. Card 1/1 1-9 TORF A' MT 5,. dek* cr ~Ahn. nauk; LOGAVEV, I ,T tskhn. nauk I P., V.C,.,, kand- Using computers in grouping parts. Mashinostroitell no.6t4-7 Ja 'K (Yunu l8t7) ACC NRs AT6036937 SOURCE CODES AUTHORS: Guzmanp L YR.; pankratova, Ve So; Makarovat To 5,; Vinogradova, L, Vo; Log.acheva,,N. So. ORG: none TITLE:* The influence of some technological paramoters.on the manufacture and properties of cellular carborundum. light-weight refractories SOURCE: Nauclino-tekliniclieskoye obshcho:3tvo chernoy metallurgii. Moskovskoye pravloniye. Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Highly refractory materials). Moscow, Lad- vo Ifietallurgiya) 19663 153-158 TOPIC TAGS: carborundum., silicon carbide, silicon, refractory product ABSTRACT:* A method for obtaining light'-weialit., cellular carborundum refractories made of P -Si0j u202,and S'02 is described. This investigation supplements the results of I. Ya. Guzman and V. So Morozova (Oeneupory, 1963, No. 12, 558). The method consists of the adding an intimato mixture of SIC + S1. to an aqueous Hol. solution and of subsequent firing in carbon-containing media in a GO + N2 atmosphere. The effects of the silicon composition and grain size of the mixture,, pH of suspen.33a and the firing temperature on the properties of the finished product were investigate The vxperimental. results are tabulated. It was found that the best results were ~CC. NR, AT6036937 If 3--h, a moisture content of rusponsion of h0%, and an 5i content of btained at p 300 IJ400C 40"01'. The optimum firing temperature was found to be 1 -- . On the basis of the above results, a pilot project for the'manufacture of refractory bricks has beon initiated at the Podolsk Refractories Plant. Orig. art. has: tables, SVB CODE: II/ SUM DATIEx 02Nov65/ ORIG REF: 002 r,-,bo4-,,rZlltone :-rl fric-Ir o'll 'rildr,-~5ervi-dat, 1953. 196 C), !.'ontliiy ,.i.-t of ussian cc,~.,soions, ~Iol- U' i,o. !~i5l~ /V V, F~ Subject USSR/Mining AID P - n43 Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 21/25 Authors : Rubachev, G. N., Logashkin, V. A. and Davtyan, S. Kh. Title : Improved working methods and their effectiveness in the Buzovnin Drilling Bureau Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 32, #il, 83-89, N 1954 Abstract A method of coordinating drilling operations leading to an appreciable increase in speeds of assembly and dis- mantling of the drilling pipe line and convenience in carrying the pipe sections to the storage pile is out- lined. A hydraulic method is described for cementing the well. Institution : TsIMTneft .(Central Scientific Research Institute for Mechanication and Organization of Labor in the Petroleum Industry). Submitted : No date KHVORDSTOV., S.; LOGASHKDI,, V. Practice of large-block construction of drilling rigs with a pile foundation. Nov.neft.tekh.: Nefteprom.delo no.0':17-23 154. OEM 14: 10) (Oil well drilling rigs) KRAVTSEV D.I. (Kitab); KJKUMEDZHANOVA, S.D. (Kitab); A,Gs jXitab) Mean latitude of Kitab. Astron.tair. no.224s26-28 Ag f6l. (MM 16s1) (Kitab-lAtituds) LOGAS40V, YevAe Effect of the time when blood in drawn on the results of an examination. Lab,delo 4 no,6:13-16 11-D 158 (MrRA 11;3.2) (BWOD--EXAMINATION) --j KADENTSEV, V Effect cr th- r:1sp3rsion oil rij-.j rmtirins, 7.n tr,: yj-:Pzocvr,t.Tdc.,3. KhTm. prom. /J nt-).2~13l)-4:1 -Ar-~- ~ AP6032510 (A)' SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/017/0082/0083 INVENTOR: Koleanikov, L. A.; Logashov, Yu. A.; Makeyev, A. I. ORG: none TITLE: Device for attaching strain gages. Class 42, No. 185530. [announced by Kharkov Aviation Institute (Kharkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronWahlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 82-83 TOPIC TAM: strain gage, strain, strain gage attachment Y '90NF6--0A1 ABSTRACT: The proposed device for attaching Btra n_gagesk a structure under inves- tigation contains clamps for fastening the strain g%es to the structure, an elastic pad, for example of a soft rubber for uniform distribution of glue under the strain gage, and, a heating element for fast drying of the glue. In order to provide a con- I tinuous clamping force to the structure, the device is equipped with a vacuum suction cup connected to the elastic pad. In an another version of the device, in order to orient the device with the strain gage in relation to the structure being investigata4 Card 1/2 UDC:_6zo~172 jIP6032510 Fig. 1. Attaching device 1 - Vacuum suction cup; 2 - elastic pad; 3 - magiets; 4 - cores. L+j it is e(.uipped with electromagnets, whose cores have sharpened ends by which the device ,.s rixed to the structure being investigated prior to the gluing o strain gages. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODM /;P / SUBM DATE: 23jun65/ LVII-SOVIN-U-M. 1, (Logn-bowinski, I.) .............. What must trade unions do to stren,7then worker demo,:r?,,cy, deferid the interiato of laburerg. and build sociallam. V3em.prof.dvizh. no.):40JI4 S '57. 0.11JU 9) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo so7etn profsoyuzov Pol'shi. (Poland--Trade vnions) IDGA-SOVINISKI , I. [Logs-SowiAski, J.1 The road to unity. Vaem.prof.dvizh. no.11:2,9-30 H '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1.Predsedatell TSentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov Pol'shi, vitse- predoedatell Voemirnoy federataii profaoyu2ov. (Trade unions) VAR93, Gerbert [Warnke, Herbertl(Germanskaya Demokraticlieskaya Reopubliku); IM-SOVINSEIYP I. [log-Sovinaki, J.1; ZIFKAI, Frantishek [Zup)m, 7ranticek]. Por the creation of an atom-free zone In Central Marope. Teem. prof. dvizh. no.4.,2-4 AP 058. (KMA 11:5) 1. Predsedatell ob"yedineniya sydbodmVkh nemetakikh profsoyusov (for Tarnka). 2. Predeedatell Mentrallnogo soveta profsoymzov Pol'shi (for log-Sovinekly), 3o Predeedatell TSentrallnogo sovete, profooyuzov Chekhoslovakii (for Zupka). (World politics) LOGA-SOVIUISKIT. I. [Logs-Sovinski, J.] Results of the fourth congress of Polish trade unions. Yeem. prof. dvizh. no. 6:13-16 Ja '58. (MIRA 11;7) 1. Predesdatell TSentrallnogo sovets profsoyuzov Pol'shi. (Poland-Trade unions--Congresses) Important role of Polish trade unions In the struggle of the Worid Federation of Trade Unions fer united action. Veem. prof. dvish. no.12:3-6 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. President of the Central Council of Polish Trade Uniona, Vice- President of the World Federation of Trade Unions. (Poland-Foreim relations-Germany, West) LOGA-SOVINISKIY, I. Solidarity Is our invincible weapon. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.23: 12 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo soveta profooyuzov Pol'shi. (Poland-Trade unions) (Poland--Economic policy) (Trade unions-Congresses) LOGA-SOWINSKI, Ignacy The role of the Trade Unions in the development of tecimolAvicad p-rogre-as; frcm an address of Ignacy Loga-Sowinski, President of the Central C(rancil of the Trade Unions. Przegl techn no.50:4 16 D '62. 1. Przewodniczany Centralnej Rady Zwiazkow Zaqodowych, Warszawa. LOGA-SOVINISKIY, I. [Loga-Sowinskii I On the eve of the Fifth Congress of Polish Trade U121kne- Vsem. prof. dvizh. no.10:27-31 0 162. (MM 15:11) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo soveta professionalinykh soyuzov Pol'shi. (Poland-Trade unions) (Poland-Labor and laboring classes) LOGA-,SOWINSKI, Ignacy I We understand the noeu of strengthening the positiOln and autbOritY of the Chief Technical Organization. Przegl techn 84 no.25:114 23 Je 163* 1. Przewodniczacy Centralnej Rady %wiazkow Zawodo, M h, Warszawa. Y-14 U)GATKIN, M.11_.- KISELI, T.P.; RAMZAYEV, P.V. One-stage method of determining nverage akin temperature. Gig. & man. 23 no-3:83-85 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. In Voyenno-maditsinskoy ordena Lenina akndemii Imeni S.M. Kirovn. (BODY TEMPHRATURE, determ. one-stage method of determ. of akin temperature) (SKIN, physiol. temperature determ., one-stage method) LOGATKINp M.N. Some characteristics of the utilization of endogenous fat during partial starvation and physical stress. VOp. pit. 22 no.5:27-34 S-0 163. (MMA 17: 1) 1. Iz kafedry obshcheY i voyennoy gigiyeny (nachallnik - prof. P.Ye. KalmWkov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Ienina akademii imeni Kirova. -ORDASDV$ 11 P.M., kand.veterin.nauk; BITYUKOV, P.A., kand.vet~-;rin.nauk; MICHU11; M.I.; MALINOVSKIY, I.F.; ILGEYET, A.M. I-lass prophylaxis of babesiasis in cattle by means of early (preventive) chdmotherapy. Trudy NIVI 1:100-104 160. (1-111RA 15:10) (Chemotherapy) (iliroplasmosis)(Cattle-Diseases and posts) GOMONOVA, A.I.; LOGGINOV, A.S.; SENATOROV, K.Ya. Determining the lifetime of current carriers In the wide base of a four-layer semiconductor trioda. vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 3: Fiz-, astron. 18 no.6:43-47 N-D 163. (MIRA DO) 1. Kafedra teorii kolebanly Moskovskogo universiteta. .-J z;~!~',-~ t- A 2" C ES Sa 10 NIiR: AP5005148 s/0188/65/(M/()01/0047/W54 ' AMTHOR: Go-ionove I.: LcqIT~ov A. S-; Senator:~-, A. K. Y,-.. T iTLE i Investigation of trensienta in a p ~-j n a eLO a large sie;nal 207JRCE.- Hoacow. Universitet. Veatzqki. Seriya Fizika, asti-onamAya, no. 1, L,5 IQ 47-54 I , TOPIC TAGS: three junction diode. transitnt resT_vmge- , minorlty -ftrHer, base r e r~ t an cc, emitter junction, caxrier Lifet' tain i~ci 1-3-STRACT: T"he rer-ponze of a three-junot-lon -n to a E;tf--,)- -r!nt laput wax Investigated 'Doth Uheoro,t i of the s-Itchinu- 7, r 7 G tr :~or,~ we r e cLb i e o c, rl e flfl '-n'- vr'r'~ "k"- w! P- nil ILI E; E, 0 1 O"N I'll AP5005148 niGtance and the variation of the voltage on the emitter p-n jun(tion to the tota-I thp ti- -~- " __ r ar, sT1. tn r Lhat tne diode ia one-O,,rrens-,-)nr,_; w, rps,,,- tc. -_;rre, T, r, at -ne me ~JaU I ~7J FZ 7: [--S `-.-I r af i 7 !-a t I 212. ACC NR: AP6030976 -SOURCE CODIS tUil/0181/66/008/009/2768/2769 AUTHOR: Knabf 0. D.; Magalyasy V. I.; lo&ginov, A. S. Astaf IYOV, A. OROS none TIMs Effect of surface on the characteristics of injection semiconductor quantum generators SOURCES Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2768-2769 TOPIC TAGS3 pn junction,, quantum generator, surface property APLTRACT: One of the major paranotors detorninin,, the generation of radiation In semi- conductor sources of coheront radiation writh p-n junctions is ter:poraturo. in this connection, the study of heat cource5 existing in quanttLn generat'orsis of Intarest. It is shoin that the state of the diodo surfaco (lateral facns and faces of the reso- a k. n ~or) substantially affects the output parario'Gors of a quantwn goncrator. Indeed, if the surface recombination is norwadiative in charactor, an additional ;-Icatin, of the p-n junction is possiblo. It in known that the rate oC silrface recombination changes over wide limits with different modes of surface treatment, of a s6niconductor material. The change in the surface recombination rate as a result of tho troatnont causos a change in the volt-ampere characteristic of tho diode. Etching of tho lateral stir- faces of a GaAa diode led to a decrease in the ro7orso current and to a shift of tho i.- straight branch of the volt-ampere characteristic ,Yward higher voltage$. Etching of 'I Card- A CC NR. AP6030976 the lateral faces of the diode caused a ~Anultanoous docroaso in thr) torippraturo of the p-n junction. The stato of the surface sifostantially affects the condition of light generation in the p-n junction) and treatnont of the diode surface causes a marked change in the course of the watt-amporn characteristic. It is concluded that a semiconductor quantum generator in the working state can be divided into two regions! - the active, luminous region of the p-n junction surrounded on the side of all lator-I al faces by a passivo thermal envelope. lids condition must be taken int( account in solving problems involving the heating up of p-n junctions. Orig. art. has; 2 fig- ures, 09 SUB CODE: 207/SUBM, DATE, 23D9c65/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 NRt-AF6u2lq51---- - (jN) SOURCE CODE: UR101U'8/661000/002/0118/0120 AUTHOR: Lo z,-A--Z-; Kurylev,-V. V.; Shveykin, V. I. -in ~i ORG: Department of Oscillation Physics (Kafedra fiziki kolebanly) TITLE: Nonstationary thermal processes in gallium arsenide semiconductor lasers SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 2, i966, 118-120 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, semiconductor lager, thermal process, pn junction, thermal conduction ABSTRACT: Inasmuch as the temperature of the p-n junction in a solid-state laser is an important factor determining laser operation, the authors propose a new method 6f- determining the p-n junction temperature, based on the dependence of the threshold current on the temperature (I tPr = kT3). The method makes it possible to measure the, junction temperature in the co erent and spontaneous emission mcden. It consi:3ts of passing a pair of pulses through the laser diode, spaced sufficiently long to ?emit thermal relaxation of the diode. The second pulse in of short duration and ndjuntablel amplitude. By varying the amplitude of the accond pulne It In ponuible to find the generation threshold for it and to determine the pn junctlon temperature. By varjing the delay time between the working pulse and the measuring pulse, It Is possible to Card 1/2 um 621.378.325 -Acc--fIRI AP6021951 determine the cooling time rif the laser diode and plot the cooling as a function of the time. Test results are presented for GaAs n-type diodes (carrier density 2 x 1018; cl-a-3) of two different constructions. A theoretical analysis of the junction heating jiAder certain assumpttons, based on solution of the inhomogeneous one-dimensional thermal conductivity equation under suitable boundary conditions in a linear alspi-xi p4tion, yielded w anlytic expression for the p-n junction temperature as a function at the duration of the working pulse for a definite pulse amplitude. The expression Ib in fair agreement with thv experimental results. The authors thank K. Ya. Senatoro for valuable remarks and help with the work, and V. P. Durayev,for preparing the diodes. Orig. va-t. has: 3 figures'and 2 formulas. ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2,10et651 ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 005 Card 212 ACC NRi AP7003319 SOURCE CODE: UR/0188 0/ ,AMNOR'. Logginov, A. S.; Genatorov, K. Ya.; Knabt 0. D.; Kurylev, V. V.; Magalyas, iORG; none 1TITLE: Investigation of emission spectra of semiconductor lasers SOURCE: Moscow, Univeraitet, Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 6, 1966, 110 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor laser, laser emission, laser radiation spectrum, emission spectrum, 04 -rROAP'~YfIrIOAl ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation was made of tb.- relation between the spectral~ characteristics of the emission of semiconductor injection lasers and the spatial dis- tribution of the luminescence along the p-n transition (near field). It is shown that ithe observed complex composition of the emission spectra of semiconductor lasers, which does not conform to the rule for the selection of modes in Fabry-perot resonators, is due to the independent generation of the emission in neparate lumillous Ichannels of the p-n transition. The emission of separate groups of modes in spectra land the emission of the luminous regions of the p-n transition are generally polarized:, linearly in the p-h transition plane or perpendicularly to it. Wher, the nwber oil luminous channels is increased and a growth in their emission intensity occurs when the current between them is increased, an optical interaction occurs. However, the Card 1/2 UDC: n n FACC NRI -AP7-00-3319 interaction between channels occurs not only because of the optical relation but alao because of the redistribution of current between uhannelB when the temperature condi- l Itions of generation are changed. The redistribution of current is caused by the ichange in the carrier lifetime during excitation or disruption of generation in sep- ,arate p-n transition regions. The heating of the laser diode p-n transition,when ;pumping current exceeds-threBhold current by several times, has a local character iand is due basically to the absorption of emission near the generating channel and is ! not a result of the Joule losses in the semiconducting material and in the contacts of Ithe laser diode. (WA-!41 [JAI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ 2 LOGGINOV, B.I. 25116. LOGGINCV, B.I. Poll I/Ariupoliskoy (Veliko-Anndollskoy) Opytnoy Stnntfai V Rnsvitil Arrolenso Meltoratsii-V Ogii V.I. Loginov. Trudy Yubileynoy Seenli Posvynah Stolptiyu So Dnya Rothdenlyft Fokuchnyova. M.-L.. 1910. S. 414-417 SO: Letopial No. 33, 1949 -A 4 Tk 0-1 ?rotcctive af Corl- r' Canal. Les. kho7'. no. 4 (43), 19~;2. 2 of Congress, ____Auj- 9. naLhly List of Russian Accessions, Library _ust195~, Ur-cl- Translation from: Referativnvy zhurnal, Geograf4ya, ',r pp 144-145 (US3R) AUTHOR: Log$inov, B. I. TITLE: Division o1L the Ukrainian SSR Into A ultural and . fric Silvicultural Reclamation District Agroleso- meliorativnoye rayonirovaniye Ukrainskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t les. kh-va i agroleso- melior. 1956, 1jr 18, PP 306-319 ABSTRACT: Approximately 40 million hectares of the Ukrainian SSR are covered by forests which protect the fields. The variety of natural conditions in the forest- steppe and the steppe zones has caused this territory to be divided into 16 forest reclamation districts. The cl.imate, soils, hydrology, and geomorphology of the area were considered in delineating thE!se Card 1/2 districts. The forests in each district are briefly Division of the Ukrainian SSR (Cont.) 1--57-7-15U76 I described) and a list is included enumerating those trees and -,hrubs which should be established in the field-protecting forest belts In each silvicultural and agricultural reclamation district. The work also includes a map showing reclamation districts of the Ukrainian SSR, tables of the trees and shrubs which should be planted, an(! .1 description of the climate prevailing in the reclamation districts. Card 272 N. Ya. T. M"~'17r;Y U SlIj a f"!RY ForFiatry. Forest Cultures. JOUR, RMBLOI.2 Ya. 33, 19592 -11o. 10795 4! L(,r;