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vy'CERPTA 39c 2 Vol 1 12/1 rYy51-)1ogy Jan 59 141. rm., Li.,rEcr OF SOME AMINO XCIDS ON THE NEUROTOXIC ACI . 10% OF METHIONINE SULPHOXIMINE - Lodin Z. and KolouSek J. (if Physiol. , Czech. Acad. of Sets, P_ra_g_u_e__-_1MYSIOL. B011E.M. 195a. 7 (87-94) Graphs 4 Tables I The Influence of glutamic. acid, g1litamine, asparagine anti methionine on the neuro- toxic effects of methionine sulphoximine (1) and on seizure susceptibility were studied (percentage of seizures, neurophysiological disturbances and mortality in mice to which I had been administered). Glutamic acid reduced seizure susceptibil- Ity to electroshock in mice to which I had been administered. Its effect was not of long duration, however, and It did not hasically affect mortality and tither effects of 1. Glutamit,e and asparaginc tended rather to potentiate the action of 1, as they increased seizure susceptibility and intensified the neurotoxic manifestations of the action of I. Methionine, ihen administered under the same conditions, had a thera- peutic action on the toxic effects of 1. When administered together with I it reduced seizure susceptibility, normalized the animals, condition and reduced mortality. Hahn Prague Ali IODIN, Z. -," Analysis of changes of the central nervous system induced by MI. Gesk. fYsiol. 7 no.2:122-128 Mar 58. 1. lysiologicky ustav CSAV, Praha. (UPLU, GORDITION39D, eff. of HSI (Oz)) -EXCERPTA-YIEDICA Sec-8 Vol 12/4 NEUROLOGY APr 59 1771. A I I ISTOA UTO RADIOGRA I'll IC STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF SECTION OF THE FACIAL NERVE ON THE UPTAKE OF NIETHIONINE-"S 13Y THE CELLS OF THE FACIAL NERVE NUCLEUS - Fischer J. . L o d i n Z. and K a I o u 9 e k J. Lab, of Neuropathol. 11. Prague - NATURE -TE6`nd-.J-TM, 181/4605 (341-:342) Damage to the axon (trauma, virus diseases, etc.) may be followed by degenera- tion of the nerve cells, characterized by swelling of the cells, disintegration of the cytoplasmic granules and displacement of the nucleus to the periphery. These cell changes might, however, also be due to increased metabolic activity associated with increased synthesis of protein molecules. In an attempt to settle this question, use was made of the fact that previous Investigations had shown that rnethiorune- S35 becomes incorporated chiefly in the grey matter and that the rate of incorpora- tion depends on the activity of protein synthesis. Methionine-S35 was injected i.p. in a dose of 500 juc. in 5 rabbits, 13 days after the facial nerve had been severed on one side. All animals were killed after 24 hr. The hintoautoracliographic section method with submaquent haamatoxylin-comin staining showed that the facial Iterve nuelcum on the moverad old@ had ithoorlied significantly more methionine-S13, measured plant metrically, than the healthy side. From the Increased absorption it is assurned that increased protein synthesis occurs in nerve cells undergoing retrograde degeneration. Roll - Berlin (1,2,5.8.14) MIMI ; FISCHER, J.; GUTMANN, I.; KOIOUSEK, J. Turnover of methionine 338 In the cerebellar, diencephalic and spinal tissues in normal conditions and following nociceptive stimulation in rats. Cesk. f-.Ys iol. 8 no. 3:221-222 Apr 59. 1. Pysiologicky ustav MAY, Praha. Predneseno na III. fyniologickych dnech v Brne dne 14, 1. 1959. (CENTRAL 11ERVOUS 31%T3M, metab. methionine, eff. of pain stimulation in rats (Cz)) (MBTHIONINX, metab. GNS, eff. of spin stimulation in rats (Cz)) (FAIN, exper. eff. on GM methionine metab. in rate (Cz)) EXCERPTA F6DICA Sec 2 Vol 13/5 Y--y 63 2588. TILE EFFECT drso%m Ex'rERNAL STIMULI ON SEIZURES PRODUCED BY METHIONINE SULPHOXIM11NE - Jod in Z. Inst. of Cz#-,cho- .slovak Acad. of Sci_ Prague - PHYSIOr.-UMMr. 1959, 8/3 (231-237) Graphs 4 Tablen I During the paroxysmal period of the effect of mcthionine sulphoximine (1) a s, rong acoustic stimulus provokea a seizure of tonic-clonic convulsions or only the loco- motor component of the seizure. The picture of seizures provoked by t, strong acoustic stimulus in rabbits and dogs is in agreement with the symptoniatology of audlogenic epilepsy In rats and mice. In the first phase after administration of 1, which is characterized as the preparoxysmal period, seizure susceptibility to acoustic stimuli in rats, mice, rabbits and dogs does not Increatie. In the pre- paroxysmal period the seizure susceptibility of mice to electric shock Is lowered. Subthreshold dop6s of I Increase seizure susceptibility to electric shock during the paroxysmal period. They do not, however. sensitize the animals to the action of strong acoustic sUmulus. Pentetrazole increases seizure susceptibility to electric shock within a short interval after i.p. administration, the maximum being reached 5 min. after administration. Hahn - Prague HARTMAN, J.; FILNY; J.; JIROUT' M. A prototyl* of the Czechoslovak cytophotometer. Jemna mech opt 8 no.3s87-88 Mr 163. 1. Fyziologicky ustav, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Prahl; a Vyzkumny ustav zvukave techniky Presna mechanika, Bmo. LODIN NAVRATIL, E.; PODLAHA, 14. A contribution to the mathematical analysis of the statistical distribution of the DNA content in cellular nuclei. Cesk. morf. 1.1 no.2tl35-144 `63. 1. Physiological Institute, Czechosl. Aced. Sci., Prague and Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics, Prague. (DNA) (STATISTICS) (CELL NUCLEUS) LODINO Z.; NAVRATIL, E.; PODLAHA, M. A study of the statistical distribution of the v4umes of cellular nuclei and its relation to the statistical distribution of their projeotion areas. Cask. morf. 11 no.2:145-151 163. 1. Physiological Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics, Prague. (CELL NUCLEUS) (DIM) (STATISTICS) LODIN, Z.1 PILNYp J.; ILLRTMOO J. A universal cy-Wphotometer. Construction of apparatus. Ptqaiol. bohemoolov. 12 xio.2461-166 163. 1. Institute of PbyaioioffV. Czechoslovak Aca.deg of Sciences, Prague. . (PROTOW;TRY) rE4UIPBUT 01D SUPPLIES (CYTOLOGY) (sPEcTRoPHmomErrRY) (MICROSCOPY) (BIOCHEM]STRY) KLEMIZELLZIR, A., Dr. Dr. D5c; KMIKOVA, A.; VACEK, Z; LODDI, Z. ISotabolism Laboratory of tml..'icrobiologicril Institute of the C--,cchoslovak ,Icadc,.iy of Sciences, the 11istolorical Institute of Charles University in Pr-n,,-,uep and the Physiological Institute of the Czechoslovak Acadcmy of Sciences (for all) Berlin, Act~i Biolorica ot ).'odica Oarrnnni". P 11o. 516, 1963, pp 816-620 "Concerning the Local i-zation of Kgr in Killney Cortex Calls mid tho Lechanis.-a of U3rcurial Action on Ionic Transporttl LODIN, Z. ~ 11 ... -I... I Problema in quantitative cytochmistry. Cesk. fysiol. 13 no.2: 126-145 Ja 1~64 1. Fysiologicky ustav CSAV, Praha 4t- NOVAKOVA, V.; PILNY, J.; MED, F.; HARTMAN, J. The use of planimetr7 In cytology. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.6:590-598 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rrague. (HISTGLOGICAL TECHNICS) (micrioscopr) (CYTOD)GY) (LENSES) (EQUIPMENT A14D SUPPLIES) CZECHOSLOVAKIA 11 Instituto of GRAUBAL, K.A.; HARIMAN, J.; 110LECKOVA, Z.; Physiology, Czechoslovax Academy of ScierjCOB (F.(StOlOgiCky U3tav GSAV), Prague. "Morphologic and Cytocheinical Chanre:; Utiring j1daptation of Aniffial Calls to Cold." Prague, Ceskoalovensica rsiologie, Val 1b, No 5, Oct 1965; p 350. Abstract: Study of cold adaptation in hen fibrobla3ts and NeT-1 cells revealed that cold adaptation is accompanied by decrease in total dry weight of both cytoplasm and nuclou3. Paper presented at the 15th Physiolo, C7 Days, Olomouc, 27 May 65, IN 6" 01i ZIKIV, L.; URDIA, Z.; LODINOVA, R. Use of ACTH & cortisone for infants. 5 Dee 57. Cook. pediat. 12 no.UsIO84-1089 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a dite v Praze, reditel prof. J. Trapl vedouci pediatrioksho sektoru prof. K. Kubat. (AGM. ther. use pediatric die. (Gz)) (CORTIM92, ther. use pi9diatrio die. - (Cs)) (PIDUTAIC DISUSM, their, ' Al,',TH & cortisone (0s)) LODINOVA, R.; MEGIR, M.; NEJEDLA, Z. Influence of the repeated administration of 11popol7"Icharides of Salmonella typhi murium on some indicators of Jmaunity 4a infants in their first year. Rev. czech. med. 9 no.1:10-17 163'. 1. Institute tdr the Care of Mother and WA10., Prague-Podoli. Director: Doc. M. Vojta, M.D. Head of the Paodia.irir Department: Doc. K. Folacek, M.D. (LIPOPOLYSACCIWUDES) (SALMOIILLLA TYPHIMOIUM) (ENDOTOXINS) (IMUNITY) (COMPL-MR) (LEUKOGYTE COUNT) (PROARDIN) (ESCBERICHJA COLI) (LNTIPODIES) (IN-1UNIZATIOV) (BODY TEMPERATURE) (FECES) JFDLA,Z.; JOUJA,V. 21ECIR,M.; NF Effect of repeated administration of lipopolysaccharldes on various factors of immunity in infants. Cas.lek.cesk. 103 no.10:249-255 6 Mr164. 1. Ustav pro -peci o matku a dite v Praze-Podoli; vedouc--' pediatrickeho vyzkumu. doc.dr. K.Polacek, CSc. IA)DINOVA, Rabn . ..... rwi~rerg-y.-Cesk. pediat. 13 no-3:258-261 5 Apr 58. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a dite v Praze-Podoli, reditel prof. Jiri Trapl vedouci pediatrickeho vyzkuma prof. Namil Kubat. (Iau=;YTAS leukergy in child. (Oz)) LCDINOVA, Raja; CIHLAROVA.Kveta; KOSTTA. Jaromir The Influence of a nonspeelfic stimilus (lipopolyvaccharide) or- the properdin level in children under 1 year old. Cesk.pediat. 15 no.9: 800-805 S 160. 1. Ustav pro pe2l o matk-u a dite v Praze-Podoli. reditel ustavu docent dr. Miroslav Vojta, Yedoucl pediatrichaho useku primar dr. Karel Polacek 131ologick7 ustav CSAV, prednoeta akademik MUDr Ivan Malek (INFANT, NEWBM phyniol.) (PROFMIN) (LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDIS pharmacol.) LOD11,10VA, Raja Interaction of rabbit 1y ymph node cells with bacteria (Salmonella paratyphi B). Folia microblol. 10 no-5: 275-279 S 1 65. 1. Department of Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sclencon, Prague 4. September 16, 1964. -7 LODINOTA, R.; CI.%,AR0VA, K. The effect of lipopolyeaccharides on temperature, leukocytosia and leukergia. in children up to 1 year of age. Cesk. pediat. 16 no.q: 798-802 S 161. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a dite v Praze-Podoli Reditel doc. MUDr. Miroslav Vojta Vedouci pedfatrickeho useku prim. MUDr. Karel Polacek. (LIPOPOLYSACCIIARIDES pharmacol) (BODY TEMPERATURE pharmacol) (LEMOCYTES pharmacol) DODIS, F.A. Treatment of certain skin diseases at the Taloi spa. Vest. vener., Moskva no-3:20-21 May-June 1953. (CLML 25:1) 1. Of Khabarovsk Kray Skin-Venereological Dispensary (Read Physician F. A. Lodis). AAA LODIS, Y.A. Practical advantages of the use fo sine gelatins caps for treating dermatonVoosis. Vest. ven. i derm. no.5:54 S-0 154. (ML'RA 7:11) 1. Is Xhabarovskogo krayevogo koshno-venerologicheekogo dispaneara. (DEMTOKTCOSIS) (ZIIM--THEIM.JTIC USA) "AciA- e-I! - "le . " -). . I ! , n '; , ~ -rc- i 4 1 AN 1.14D15, F.A., vrach (Khabarovsk) In the Far Bast. Zdorov's 2 no.8:25-26 Ag 156. OWTIA 9: 9) (SOVIET FAR EAST-HIALTH RESORTS, WATERING PJACES, ETC.) LODIS. F.A. Treating some skin diseases at the Anneaskiye Vody health resort. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech.fiz.kult. 22 no.3:73-74 My-je '57. (min 11:1) 1. Iz Xhabarovskogo krayevogo kozhno-vanarologicheakogo dispensers (SKIN--DISEASP.S) (SIKHOTE-ALINI--MINERAL WATERS) LODKIN. A*S.0 inzh., RUSITSKIT9 A.A., k&nd.tekhn.nauk Hydrodynamic characteristics of controllable pitch propellers. Sudostroenle no.70-11 JI 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Porpellers) (Hydrodynamics) IDDKINA, M.M. -W ---' ro Boi~nical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S&R. in October, 1955, Bot.zhur. 41 no.1:137-138 J& 156. (Botany) (KIRA 9:6) WIMIRL M H "eaz- ~ 7hG Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. during November, 1955- Bot.shur.41 no.2:305-306 F '56.(Min 9:7) (Botanical societies) LODENA. M.H. The botanical Institut of the Academy of Sciences during December, 1955 and January, 1956. Bot.xhur. 41 no.3:450-451 Kr 156. (Botanical societies) (KLRA 9;8) -M M LODKINA, H.H. The T.L.Koanrov BOtanical Institute of the Acadevq of Sciences of the U.S.SoR. In March 1956. Bat. shnr.41 no.4:617-618 Ap 156.(mLRA 9:9) (Botnnical research) LODKIMA, M.M. --~X Work of the Y.L.Komarov of the U.S.S.R. during 1731 H 156. Botanical Insitutue of the April-June 1956. Bot.zhur, (Botanical research) Academy of Sciences 41 no-11:1730- (MIRA 10:1) WDKINA, M.M. Characteristics of the development of stamens in wheat and lilies in connection with general floral physiology. Trudy Bot.inst.Ser. 7 no.4:323-377 157. (MLRA 10-3) (Infloreacence) (Wheat) (Idlies) LCDXM, M. M. '"" W~-Llkli --.. Y - Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.; July - September 1956. Bot.zhur. 42 n0.1:153-156 Ja 157. (Botanical research) (KLRL 10:2) LoODKINA, M.M. V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. during October-Decembex 195.6. Bqt.shur, 42 no.3:508-510 K '57. Wail, 10:5~ l.Botanichookir institut im. V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Botanical research) . LODKrIIA, M.M. '*- ~T~heV.I~-marov Botanical Institute of the Aenderv of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in 1957- Bot.zhur. 43 no.10:1515-1519 0 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Botanicheskly institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Botanical research) LODKINA, M.M. V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the UeS*3*R* during the first half of 1958. Bot.zhur. 43 no.12:1781-1784 D '58. (HERA 11:12) 1. Botanichaskiv institut iment VOL.Nomarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Botanical research) ~~2~666-~~ EWT(l) _ACC NR, AP601 277 SOURCE CODE: UR/0292/65/OC)0/011/0024/GT26, S,.;-, AUTHOR: Jodochnikov, E. A. (Engineer); Bulin-Sokolovp.I. V. (Engineer); Mozolyako, L. A. kEnginee_r); Sheminov, Engineer-r- ORG; none TITLE: Miniature D-C motors with static speed regulators SOURCE: Elektrotekhnika, noAl, 1965, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor, diroct current miniature electric equipment, frequency discriminator ABSTRACT: The authors describe the RS-3 free-running static speed regulator ueed with miniature d-c motorsi0of the DPR-NAeries. The regulator affects the voltage in the armature windLngs of the motor to control the speed. A schematic diagram of the device 'Ls given. A block d~ngr am illustratirg the operating principle of the autoputtic control system is shown belowt . .... .......................... measud nm i or F, unit pulse-~idih 1 8 amlif -Modulator elemen i M A d-o speed-voltage generator is rigidly fastened to the shaft of the motor UDC: 621 L 23666-66 ACC NR. if6- as a measuring unit. The functions of the sensing element and the pulse- width modulator are combined in a tuned phase-frequency discriminator. The atT-lifier is a three-stage traraistorized unit with collector feedback. The operation of the circuit is explained in detail, A curve is given showing accuracy of speed stabilizatior for d-c motors with power up to 6 watts at .speeds from 3000 to 6000 rpm with variations in supply voltage by 4-2(Y% of .the rated value,, loads from zero tq the rated value, and+500C vaaations in ambient temperature. The RS-3~speed regulatorPean be ~Ised as a general purpose unit for electric mofo_z,`ewAY.W_ff6_uspower ratings and various nominal speeds.. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 9 formulas, and I tableb [JPRSj SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 Card Y./;l ry 32730-66 M(1) GD-2 ACC INR: AP6007337 SOURCE; CODE: UR/0292/66/V'~"',/002/000610008 AUTHOR: Lodochnikov, E. A. (Engineer); Sherrdnov, V. G. (Engineer); Parkhomenko, G. A. (7ngi=,r), Shalagin, V. M. (Engineer); Ageyav, V. Ye. (Engineer); Vlasova, V. P. I.Engineer); Spannut, V. S. (Engineer) ORG: none 3 TITLE: 'Electric microdrives of !Ih~,-. MB series SOURCE: Elektrotekhnika, no. 2, 1966, 6-8 TOPIC TAGS: miniature motor, electric motor, servomotor / MB miniature motor ut ABSTRACT; A miniature contactle- MB-series d-c-mototio briefly described. It comprises the motor propcr, a transiurmer -type transistorized rotor-position sensor, and a transistorized commutator, its principal circuit diagram is shown. Card I IZ UDC: 6Z1. 313. 13 - 181.4 L 39730--46 .ACC NR: AP6007337 .The motor is actually a synchronous machine with a magnetically hard rotor. The :rotor-position sensor inverts dc into 10-30-kc power which ,9 arnplitude- A modulated with a frequency determined by motor rpm. Threo-phase signal envelopes are isolated and uf.ed for controlling the commutator. The latter h"19 a 3-phase power-amplifier bridge circuit and is designed for operation within t 50G. The motor windings receive a 3-phase square-shaped voltage which does n(t contain even or 3rd order harmonics. Data on five types of the NIB scries whose torques vary between 25 and 400 g. cm is tabulated. The motor is in the devel-Dn- mental stage. Its life is claimed to be between 3000 and 100G0 hrs, depending On. the type. Plots of rpm and i.-fficiency vs. torque are presented. Orig. art. haz3: 4 figures, 5 formulas, and 1. table. SUB CODE-. 09 / SUBM DATE: iione / ORIG REF: 004 Card 2/2,4-/ -5- USSR/ Medicine - Neurology Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 19/53 Authors I Kayushin, L. P.,, and Lodkovskaya, R. G. Title I Elastic and eleatrical phenomena in a nerve during the transmission of an excitation Periodical t Dok. Ail SSSR 10;2Ap 727-728, Jun 1, 1955 Abstract t Experiments intended to clarify the relationship between elastically - volumetric changes in a nerve receiving an impulse and the transmission of that impulse in the nerve are described. The experiments were con- ducted with the help of a micro-interferometer of the M11-5 type, a square- vave oscillator for pulse excitations and photoZraphic equipment for r,e- cording the reaults of the experiments. One U.SM reference (1954). Photograms. Institution : The Acad. of So., USSR, Institute jof Biological Sciences Precented. by t Academician V. A. Engledlgardtp February 7., 1955 of is 1, a -it a n a a M t -A- s is I I I 1 11 U IS e a to 6 1 M a I I A 1P "M!P-L - PROCIISIS AND 0-200JIM146 .of. - 1111praftl -19 of a M04hanized charger (for Unit funulcoell~ I. I)rxAcat.-oisail, P. A. I.,notwurix, V 99 PRIVAIV)DA. AND A, V. Es-xv4. SIN# i Keram. 6 4-9 OU40) --The Thin Layer Feeder serving tank furnace No. 2 at the October Revolution Clan Works was modified in two stage, ialknatti-mpttoinerea!iethtratcOlSUssmelling. Atfirst.par. a tilions wo-re Installett between the 0 bin% of the feeder. Thisin. creased Vie thickness of the charge and cutlet lay" on the feeder ' bl f ta e romi I ll) to 210 mm,; the 14yrr was massive, without any waviness or "rom." After 10 days of operation. directing planes (knives) were installed 10 mm. above the feeder table. along go the axes tit [be partitions. The knives did riot interfere with the 0 0 1 ;V`)vrn1v%%o(%bctAhSr. After this chAnsv. thu ch4clo, %'tit cultel 0 wgAlt qu ruler the funtace tit the form of separate now* tl.4Yrf 09 on I hick 1. w hich w err 4mirl 1y joutol. i he loacr, 0 he ruws beLouting filled with it thin layer of chAt9V A1141 between I foam. (lboexretions made during 21 dAys of uperatio". -ing 06 In.s to is.17. culict. indicate intensification of the Prix-"% (tuelting was complete at the W and 3d pairs of burnt"). The "alintur, temperature was 10)-c. it 6 prupo%41 to conduct introliolkati to rstensivir lcits at not lower than 14. Furtht of the prowcm& is to be attained by changing the fmlt*r to give s an the melt surfwr with no thin layer tit arate laws or hea w p p charge bortwern them. Ct CeraM. .1hilrarlt. 1950, N14Y. 11 Itil It z K SIVALLUNGICAL LITERAIM1111 CLASSIFICATION we ww-- M X Is V a 0 " 'j it ad a it t -2 ..-k- j 1 P 1 0 --- - --- --I 1 0 lot lee ago age lee too to* tie 0 it ;Z a bir;& An I I a not a a a I of 0 a a 4 3 a I IS IN M or at 8 a It 9906660,111, 0000 0 * 0 0 ~ 0 a 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 00 00 *0 0* * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 e & 0 SOLOMIN, N.V., doktor tekhnicbeekikb nauk, professor; GALDINA, N.M.j SULKHANOV, M.B.; IDDOOMaN, P.A. Manufacture and iz:.dustrial testing of "bakor." Stak. i ker. 13 no.9:9-14 S 156- (Mm A 9: 10) (Refractory materialo) WDOCRKINA. T. Ibcpand the dissemination of advanced practices. Stroitell no.6- 10 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. ZaveduvushcIdy tekhnicheskim kabinetom v treste Bazstroy (Kraunotur insk). (Ural Mountain region--Building trades--Study and teaching) LODOCHNIKOV, E.A.., inzh.; FARKHULLIN, N.N... inzh.; VASILICILENKO, I.I., inzh.; LETUNOVSKAYA, A.V.,, inzh.; VEGERA,. inzh. Now series of co=ercial frequency micromotors. Elektrotekhnika 34 no. 12:23-26 D '63. (MIRA 171l) L RAEM'(c)/E3D(0/A"D(a)-5 ill.cci-3510N Nri: AP4048309 (,1-,'n[jnecr'; Lukl-anc~':uk, V. P. (Candidatc of techni CZil science,a); Kufa, V.A. (F-h-linerr) =ILE: Factors determining thf. specif'ic power of car,acltiv(! F-,elierator-' SOURCE: Elektrotekhnika, ro. 11t 196h, 8-11 TOPIC TAGS: capacitive Generator, pcuar equipment, field intensity, permeability ARI:,TRACT: The factors determining the energy characteristics o: disk capacitive gen-srators of both the un'-polar and bipolar types tuere investigated. Starting with neral exprezsion for :;,- power ~7.aximun o1' a ca.racillve generaLar, the ex- p:es,ians for ooth Lrpes ot ge~.erator were- r t-e bipolar ge,-Lerator Pmax- -F, E't m(D, - Dj) n;Fj(p&. D, -,D-i. anA for the unipolar generator ~u replaced ~b. In this equation Z is the excitation volt~agye, e is t1he dielectric perm~eabi-lity, ra is the nLM'--er of disks, D, and D.:, .3re .L - t*.ge extornal arid interruil diairietorz; o;' trio n is tne nunop-r of revolutions. -,m~j.ex ori5 and of 'i:'1L: Is nunt;e- of pole pairs ~-~twerm U,e ',~r j. r ea y- or Card L 15805-65 ACCE'5SION ITR. AP4048309 each type. The effects of tile individual variables were considered. For air at a,_,",c~,,,,,;eric pre.:sire F-3 K,/lrm is --r-.e uu-, cciripressei Fasri~zi ~Ji at, 3" atrl vields E = 62 kv/mm) or a vacuum pprr;jit a hieher E. In vacumms of i of an E exceedirZ 100 kv/nm is theoretirally po3siole, but eiectrode properties decrease the obtainable value to 2! -3~O kvlmn. For gereraturs oporatine at E = 50 kv/",-I-.,i, a --na ec tame -than An induct ' cap-leitive-ge -r_dt_,or_Ka_"___sp s less ive generator af tinlla same paweri For equal weights, the capacitive generator requir an E o es f o,dy, 24 for equal power. At atmosp-eric pressure the capacitive generator is '011 Unes heavier. The effect of E: variation is small because only gases were corlsidered and their E are approxiuia6ely equal. The dependence of ~"'b and Ou on the number of pole pairs and gap width *.s seen in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure. Since there are no windinj.,,s, the output of a capacitive -enerator, operatinil. 3t it's maxi- ixed in t~,ie des ign. Ail tiieoretical poss~.bill fties for p are not obtain- J ur-m for tne n cractice, as consLructioii ,-, 1-imited Dy a,-u f gapc, an,~ ~,:ie ~)r( Qf T ~fr, a a U.Lor, wie gap-z; IG a~;h,,a , r, J1 la, 1 a.LJ 17, a their play. From a construction point of view, the unipolar generator is simpler, but tl~,e uipolar type has superior eiectricai characteristics. For outputs 25-hO kv, *""-e specific power of capacitive generator!; i,"i ccnslaerao~.y ~ar~,er --rian for otner Lypes. Orig. art. nasi I tabie, 5 figure3, and 12 equations, Care 2/4 SUB CODE- EE NO REIF Sov: 002 oviFil: 00.3 Card'. L 15-805-065 ACCESSION NR: APhOh8309 ENCLOSUM 01 0 Fig. 1. Dependence of the functiml b a nd ~,, on the nunbcr of pole pairs. Di V 250 im; D2 a 90 rm; a - d = 2 C'- (a is the distance between stator p1at,--s, and d is the plate thickness). Card 4/4 . . - i ., 0 1 ; ~ -... t I LODOCIII11kOll E.A., -r. .: I'S'PiLIN, inz;,.; - , ,. __-_ , 2 New series of (J.c, micromotoro. 1,le~t,roteklinika El nr,.7:1,() -/,." I(A. .!IRA 17:11) LODOCHNIKOV) E.A., inzh.; PtJIY, I.M., inzli.; FARKRULUN, N.N., inzh.; Yu.N., inzh.; CHERNOVA, A.K., irzh. Now types of step-lTf-step motors. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.1:38-40 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. (s i-2 ACCESSION NR: AP5GO9791 AUTHOR: Lodochni-k-ov, E. A She.--4 nov, 621.51*5.13 - 161.4 (F?iglreer); Toirlir, E. A. TITLE: New d-c micradzives with atabilized gpeed SOURCE: Elektrotekhntka~ no. 4. 1965, Z9-30 TOPIC TAGS: microdrive, trdcrornotor, dc micrornotor ABSTRACT: The development of new d-c rrAcrodrives equippec. with centrifttgal or static speed regulators is reported. The DPM and DPR rnicrodr-veg with ceatrifugal rcgWators (governors) ensure a speed fitability of 2-4m. they ara described elsewhero. The microdrives with a frequency-Eensor-type electronic speed-control system ensure a %peed stzbility of 0. 1-0. 8%; a block diagrarr of the aystem. is briefly explained. The microdrives whoue apeed ir. controlled b)r rTnchronining it with an independent oource of stable frequency nAtilrally enF! re Cord L 52216-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5009791 the highest speed stability. Data oz, four types of 10ovict-made electronic-control microdrives (14 and V v, load torques: ZO, 50, IGO g-crn) Lis rouppiied. "Engineers Q. P. Mudr A. Lcrk!IMOV, arld L V- BU1iR-50k-0!QY tOO-k Prt in the development. Orig. &rt. hag-; figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EE 140 REF SOV: OOZ OTHER: 000 did ljizh.; BULIA-SOKOLM, I.V., tnzh.1 MOZCJ,'AKO, SHEMINCV$ V.G., inzh. D.c. micromotore wlth static opeed control. Elektro-LakhnIlka 36 no.llt24-26 N 165. (AIRA -7- LODOGOIKOV, Vladimir Nikitich, 1887-1943; SOBOLEV, V.S., radaktor; redaktor. [Principal rock minerals) Glavneisbis porodoobrazutuEhchis mi- neraly . 4-e izd. Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo literatury po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1955. 247 P. [Microfilm] (HLRA 8:9) (mineralogy) (Petrolog7) USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic G -2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957p 27216. Author N.V. Lodochnikova Inst All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geology. Title On The Question of the Determination of Small Amounts of Cobalt, Nickel and Copper in Rocks. Orig Pub: Liform. sb. Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1956, No. 3, n6 - 128. Abstract: The colorimetricam method (with dimethylglyoxime, nitrose-R-salt, or dithizone respectively) can be used for the determination of Ni, Co and Co in silicate rocks; the checking with the method of additions showed that in case of a sample of 1 g, Card 14 USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 27216 ten thousandths of 1% of the above mentioned metals were determined with an error of 5 to 10%. The comparison of results of the color- Imetrical and polarographic methods showed that the determinations of Ni and Cu agreed well; the method of direct colorimetrical determina- tion of Co (without its separation) with the nitrose-R-salt and the method of colorimetrical determination of Cu in the solution after polar- ographing produce agreeing results. Precipita- tion of Cu, Ni and Co with hydrorubeanic acid can be used for enrichment. If the polarographic method was used, Cu, Ni and Co are determined us- ing one and the same sample; the presence of Zn interferes with the determination of Co, in con- sequence of which the most expedient way Is the Card 2/3 USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of *Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimlya, No. 8, 1957, 27216. polarographic determination of Cu and Ni and the colorimetrical determination of Co in the solution after the polarographing. Card 3/~ UNKSOV, V.A.; LODOqK1aQU,-U-V, Cobalt and nickel occurrences in igneous rocks and in the earthIs cr~ust. Geokb:imiia no.9:732-741 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. All-Union Geological Institute of Scientific Research, Leningrad, (Cobalt) (Nickel) ZEMLYANSKIY, N.N.; V.N.i I'ANOVV K.A. Synthesis if plumLf jaies of thr. (RCCCF~U.7-2'20 type. Zhu:,. ob. khIm. 35 no.5.843-t-45 My 165. (M---RA 1846) 1. Fizi.ko-khImIchaskly institut impni Karpova, Moskva. SOBOLSV, N.V.; LODOCHNIKM, R.V. Mineralogy of garnet peridotites. Geol. i geofiz. no.6:52-5r) 162. (MM 15.7) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya Ali SSSR NovooibirBk, i Vaesoyuznyy nauabno-issledovatellskiy geologicbeekiy iwtitut. (Czechoslovakia-Peridot,its) (Yakutia-Peridotite) PANOV, T~.M.; LODOCHNIOVA, V.I. KOCH&SHKOV, K.A. A new method for the pr6dizotiOs of ArPbX3 lead organic compounds. DALAX SSSR 111 no.5:1042-1044 1) 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondant AN SSSR. (for Kochesbkov) I Fiziko- khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ta, Karpova, Sverdlovskly gosudarstvannyy meditsinskiy institut. (Lead organic compounds) -C JL o V/-) AUTHORS: Lodochnikcva, V.I.. Panov, TITLE: ~;t -Vaphthyl Derivalk-liv" of the Class ArPll 3 proizvodn~y--. klazaa ArRX 3)' PERIODICAL: lzvestiya MI SSSR OtdcleniyeKhimichoskikth llnuk, 1957, Nr 12t r.p. 14e4-14e6 (USSR) IIMSTRIM On the basin investigations already cnrried cut 5,6, by t-wo difftrent methc(b for the purpoce of cbtaining lead-org.riic co;;- pounds of the olas3 ArrbX-.P, the authors, by one of theic metho6s, obtained a nw.Ler of htth~txto not invcsti~;tea co-=-ounds ulao in the '7;,~ -napbtkyl chain: ( -C10H7)2E9+Fb(CO("R)4- -`C10HTb( cccq,)3+ 'k -ClOH7+Hj~C00R, where CCCR reprezents a reiminder o.? acetic- or i:3vbutjAc acid. ffith the action of amnonia on the triacetate, -n.,x-,htk!l-plumb-,u-- aoid %ms obtained, snd by overaciflification, the tri-anetate vras verted into tribenz-oate. The ' -naphthyl derivativez of the cLi~!s AdlbX3 are slightly yellovr 3ul.,stnnots, zolijble in or3nnic solventu, Cart] 1/2 but not by meam- of k-drolysis. There are 7 rercrences, 3 of .~--NaphtlVl Derivatives of the Class ArrbX, 6 2-12- 1 C/ 2C are Slavic. ASSOCIATICN,. Physical-Cheinionl Institute bueni I,.Yn.KrLri)ov mid State Kedical Institute Sver(Ilomk (Fiziko-khimiches1,Jr in3titut b:i. L.YaXarpova i Sver(Ilovzkiy Zczular3tvenn~-y meditsinskiy in2titut). SUBMITTED: Ju1Y 5, 11,157 AVAIL4BLEi Library of Congress Card 2/2 -Naphthyl derivatives V N 5 (3) AUTHORS: ~odochni -Kovas-'Y.. I., Panov, Ye. M. , !~OY/79-29-7-52/85 Ko'bhe'~hko-v",' K. A. TITLEt P-Naphthyl Derivatives of the Clas3 ArPbX3 (~-Naftillnyye proizvodnyye klassa ArPbX 3) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, fir 't, pp 2253-2255 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As was proved by M. M. Nad' and K. A. Kocheshkov (Ref 1), organo-lead compounds of the class Ar2 PbX . are formed according to the scheme 2 Ar2 Hg + PbkOOCCH 3)4 -)Ar 2Pb(OOCC11 5)2+ + 2 ArHgOOCCH 3' Among the compounds synthesized by this method only di-A-naphthyl-lead diacetate which contained a 9-naphthyl group were described in publications. Recently (R6f 2) the authors found that the same initial reagents, of a molar ratio, lead to the compounds ArPbX 3Y which were identical with the representatives of this class (Ref 3) obtained by another method. It was of interest to synthesize the salts Card 1/3 ~-c 10H7Pb(OOCR) 3 according to di-p-naphthyl mercury in order P-Naphthyl DerivatiVe3 of the Class ArPbX 3 30YI19-29-t-3218J to obtain more complete data on the A-naphthyl compounds of lead. In the present paper the triacetate and tripropionate 00-naphthyl lead as well u3(~-naphthyl plumbic acid -Nere synthesized. It was shown that the latter may serve as an intermediate in tho substitution of an organic acid reoidue by another one. The compounds ArPbX 3 are the first stage of arylation of the salts of organic acids of tetravalent lead according to the above scheme; further they are bound to enter the reaction with Ar 2fig under the formation of Ar 2PbX2. Ar2PbX2 is thus formed in two stages. The triacetate of ~-naphthyl lead with di-A-naphthyl mercury yields the diacetate of di4l-naphthyl leLd. The same reaction was observed by R. Crigee, P. Dimroth, R. Schempf kRef 4) in the formation of the diacetate of diphenyl lead. The compoundsil-Cloff.IPb (OOCR)5 are formed more slowly. They form crystals more difficultly than the corresponding a-naphthyl derivatives which were described earlier by the authors (Ref 5). Acetates are the mo3t Card 213 convenient lead salts. There are 7 references, 5 of which are A-Naphthyl Derivatives of the Class ArPbX 3 j0'11r9-29-7-,,21cSj Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova i Sverdlovokiy gosudarstvennyy meditainski- institut. 4 (Physicochemical Inatitute imeni L.- Ya. Karpov and Sver,'-lovsk State Medical Institute) SUBMITTEDi June 12, 195B Card 313 I4=HIIIKOVA- 7.1.- FA-NOV, Ye.~L; KOCHBSHKOV~ K.A. 2 Para-aaisil derivatives of the ArFbX3 clas3. Zhur.ob.irbim- 33 Lo.4: 3199-1201 Ap 163. (141RA 16:5) (Anisil) (Lead organic compounds) LODOCIINIKOVA, V.I.; PANOV, Ye.K.; YOCIIE,HKOV, K.A. Reactivity of ArPbX3 compounds. Reaction with (COO Sb. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:946-949 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut iment L.Ya.Karpova I Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut. V.I.; Ye.M.: U)CHM"EKOV, r.A. Par&-icc*'phenyl derivatives of the aayl lead trieste'r type. Mhur. rb. khim. 34 no.12:4022-,.ljO24 D 164 (1,11RA 38:1) 1. Fizlko-khlmichpskiy inotitut Jmenl L. Ya. Karpova i Sver- dlov-skJy gosuclarstvennyy modit:3inskiy inctitut. L 49765-:'~L EPF(c)/99T(r0/F",qP(j )/'EWP(b)/EWP(0 pc--4'/Pr-4 1 JP (' c PI-T, IJ D -F SO 0" , -R AR5012248 /0Cv,"/-)0'3,/D030/W!0 SCCAXTR~E: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 3D218 A-UT-HOPS": Bogomolov S. G.; Veselkova, 1. A.; Lodochnikova, V. I. TITLE: Manifestation of c&rbon--lead bond In infrared spectra CITED SOURCE: Tr. Kcmis._po 0 -482 _apektroq.k-PAi. AN SSSR, vyp. i, i964~ 475 TOPIC TAGS: carbon lead bond, infrared spectn= T IM43TATTON: Infrared ffpectra vere obtained for 19 compounds with structure 0) (00 )1 in the regior, (14 of t1hpst- r-,mmound8 w-prf. "d-~-~r )C.C-'R -,r the t rl---e-) I MM CODE- OP ENCL: 00 carci 1/1 J. BiRIAANOKY, F.; LODNINA, V. On the problem of sudanophIlia nrid 11jilds in the b2zoa &nj bore marrow calls. Can. lek. Cock. no.".1:1122-1124 15 G I ~" --, . 1. lAborator pro patofyziologll kivetvorby a jater pr, 14 interni klinice fakulty vseobacneho Iekarstvi Karlovy University v Fraze (reditel Prof. dr. V. Hoenig, DrSc.). LOD31IIIII, E. R15 114.42 Promyshlennoett 35M i Yeye Otra3leva~ya Struiktlira (Industr., of -,-v- USSR I-i and its Branch Structure) Moskva, 1954. 31 P. At Head of Title: Vysshaya Partiynaya Shkola pri TsK KPSS. BLAGOVESHCHENSKIT, N.I.i, LOIYT4~VA, A.B., red.; MIULLIBA, R*Sqq takhn.red. [Advanced vegetable growing practices in the Tatar A.S.S.R.] Peredovoi opyt vosdelyvaniia ovoshobnykh kulltur v Tatarekoi ASM. Kazan', Tatarskoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1959. 75 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Tatar A.S.S.R,,--Vogetable gardening) VOSKMENSKAYA, I.R.; LODVIKOVA, A.S., red.; GALKIIIA,V.N., tekhn. red. [Gurrants) Smorodina., Kazan' Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo , 1960. 20 p. (MnA 14:9) (Currants) SPIRIDONOV, H.V.; NAZAROVA, M., red.;.LODVIKOVA, A.S., red.; TRCFIKOVA, A.S., tekhn.red. [What the vegetable growers have to say; vegetable growing practices on the TakhItov Collective Form In Nurlety Distriot) Govoriat ovoshchavody; is opyta vyrashchivaniia ovoshchei v kolkh028 imeni Vakhitova Nurlatskogo raiona. X82an'. Tatarakoe imizhnoe inzd-vo. 1960. 40 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Nurlaty Distriot-Tagetable gardening) SAMUIIoOVp F.D.; -LODVIKOVA, A.S., red.; GOLKIIIA, V.11., te2khn. red. (Apple tree] IAblbnia. Kazan', Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 53 P. (Apple) (MIRA 14:9) TIUMUMV, G.R., zootekhnik; ZAKIRIYAHOV, Sh.Kh.. zootakhnik; MXHUELEVICH. M.M., red.; red.; SAGITOVA, S.G., tekhn.red. [Bxperience of leading swine breeders of the Tatar A.S.S.R.; based on materials of the Conference of the Swine Breeders of the Tatar A.S.S.R.] Opyt peredovykh evinovodov Tatarii; po materialard respublikanskogo soveshchanila evinovodov. Kazan's Tatarakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 68 p. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Svine) (MIRA 14:1) BUTAKOV2 Yu.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; IDDUKOVA, A.S., red.; SAGITOVA, S.G., takhn. red. [Improvement of pastures and meadows) Uluchshenie oenokosov i past- bishch. Kazan', Tatarskoe tnishnoe izd-vo, 1960. 75 P. (MIRA 34: 9) (Pastures and meadows) 47 q -4A~l gig p-~ OVSKIY, M.F., zootakhnik; MUZHIPOV. R.G., zootekhnik; MENDXMICH, H.K., kand.vaterin.nauk, red.; LODVIKOVA, A.S., red.; GALKINA, V.N., tekhn.red. [What the leading poultry,breeders of the Tatar A.S.S.R. have to say] Govoriat peredoviki ptitsevodistva Tatarli. Kazan'# Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 85 p. (KERA 14:1) (Tatar A.S..S.R.--Poultry) BIKCHIITAYEV, Akhmd Gadi-yevich; LODVIKOVAY A.S., red. (Housing construction ir rural areas of the Tatar A.S.S.R.] Zhilishchnoe stroitellstvo v sellnkoi mostnosti Tatarskoi ASSR. Kazan') Tatarskoe ka1zlinoe izd-vo, 1961. 159 1). (MIRA 18:5) .~;, :- -el-"-~141,~---- - `- :1 ;T- L . .:~ ---'e- ~--' ~- :.- I ". - - ! , - WDY, Ioazlo, Dr.; KROMPECHER, Istvan, Dr.; LVIKW, Gyorgy, Dr.; ~MUROS, Iajos, Mr.; kmxR, Aurelne Effect of eggshell feeding on blood formation in children. Orv. hatil. 99 no.6:192-194 9 Fab 58. 1. A Nyirbatori AlUmi Oneceemootthon (vezeto-foorvos: Lody Inez1o dr.) eq a 'Debreceni Orvostudomanyi 3gyetem hnatomini, Szovet- es ?ejlodestani Intezetenek (Ipgazgato: Krompecher Istvnn dr. egyet. tonar) kozlemenye.- (MM eggshell feeding inducing increasid erythropoiasis in child. (Hun)) (ERTMOCITIS form., increase induced by eggshell feeding of child. (Hun)) BORISOVICH, Yu.F.; Y"PIFANOV, G.F.; MELINIKOVI P.; SERGIYENKO, Ys.S.; SHEVCHETIKO, R.; FROLOV, L.; LODYPNOV, V j NIKOL'OKIY, Ya.D.; LUZYANIN, D.; AZIMOV, D. Information and brief news. Veterinariia 40 no.201-96 F 163. (MIRA 17:2) WDYANOV, N.M. ---------- Semiautomatic chill C23%i%~- runchine for molding parts. Biul.tekh.- no.12:2-4-25 163. (MIRA 1793) BURKALEV~ A.M.;LODYANOV, V.S.; ROGOZHKINP A.G.1 red. (Veterinary manual on drugs] Veterina7nyi spravochnik lekarstvannykh veshchestv. Moskva, Kolos.. 1965. 285 p. (MIRA 18:5) R, i-~U 1. LODYANOYt N. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Phosphates - Krasnoyarsk Territory 7. Prospecting for phosphorites among the Cambrian and krotprozoic (?) deposits found in the southern part of Krasnoyarsk Territory. ZA-bstract.7 Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no. 2: 1947. 9. Mon List of Russian Accessions. Ubrar7 of Congress. March 1953. UnclassIfied. Dc LODYGIN, G., mayor zapasa The cause is irresponsibility. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.6:57 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:11) . :- : ~., - J~-~ - -'- ~, - LODYSE;VA,, M.S.; BURGVOY, I.A. Mathematical description of the dynamic properties of a certain lass of furnaces vith a fluidized bed for the prupose of automation. ZhuroVKHO 6 no.5:553-556 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Fluidi2ation) (Automatic control) Vi, BUROVOY, I.A.; YEMEL'YANOV. S.V.; LODYSEVAj_I~L- nthesis of automatic control systems with a var4able structure for regulating heterogenous thermochemical processes when the constant of the speed of reaction depends on temperature. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.21059-372 164. (MA 18:8) BUROVOYf I.A.; YEMELYANOV, S.V., LODKEEVAS M.S., LUNKIN, B,',% Static regulator with vAmabie 3trunture, "bo-r-. ~ - -,; Gintevetmeta nc).21-400-.408 164. ,A i8i,3) (M7 ~T BUROVOY, I.A.; YFIELUt.'~*O'J, 1LU2`1jA,.-x ~- ; RA5SMTROV, A-k. Integral discrets,~ rep'1)1;ltr)r with ly-ri"de Structur-. nauch. trud. Gint.avetmeta no.21;418-428 164. . ; Regulator of the quality of transient prccesses. (1,17RA !R;9) 'L-14M-65- -,FMT64)/EWP(t)/EWP(b)-- IMM-1 JD ACGE5SfOU---HR: Ap4o48542 s/o286/64/XO/0l9/002,'f/M25 AUTEORS.- Buro!:oyp 1. A.;_ ye;mIllyanov, S. V.; Lodyksevak- M, 3-,; Lunkin, B', V*; K0.ba-Chko'V---' -14.- 1 -contrcUing nonlinear objects -C' lass GNo. 165495 TITLEt A regulator for 5 SOURCE; -Byulleten' izobretenly i tovarny4*h znakov,, no. 19, 1961ts 25 TOPIC TAGS: metal# nonferrou3 metal, metal formingr ABSTRAM - - This-Author Certifi,~Zate presents a regulating-device for controlling nonlinear objects having a few places Qf equilibrium, one of which is always unstable. The apparatus conta JiMs a - ri-Leasuring, -de"Olce" - a static merwtir, and an actuating. mecaanism. To enlarge the do,,-.ain of stability by initial ecinditions and to achieve a high accuracy in L:ustaining the regulatinC parameter, the apparatus incorporater a supplementary lc,op to the ineasuring device. Both the terminals of the supplementary loop and the measuring device are in the logical network switched to the static me~aber. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvarinrhy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsvetny--kh metallov (State Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Ketals) Card PC-4/Pr-41Ps-J41Pi--4 RP4/,S5D(a)/ AIST~/ESD(dD) PYAWIJWIJD ACCESSION 4R:- AT4o4!30I S/3115/64/000/021/0359/0372 ~_'j AUTHOR; Burovoy, 1. A.; Yeml~yanov. S. V.; Lody*seva, 14. S. (6) TITLE* Syn thesis of variable structure feedback systems for t e ccntrol of.ther-_ moch;;I ca IAteterogeneous-proccsses-In which the reaction Val oci-ty, constant Is a function of temperatare Moscow. - ~Gosudarstve~tny*y_ -I nst t tut , tsvetny*kfi metal- I wi. -S;-bornik nauchny*kh trudav, no. 21j, l9f4. Matematichesklye modell tekhnoCKI(Cheskfkh protsessov Frazrabe)tka sistem avtomaticheskago requ;lrovanlya s pi:remennoy struk- turoy (Mathematt cat models of technological processes and development of variable structure feedback-systems), 159-372 .-TOO I C--TAGS --varl abl e-parametitr--contral.-system,--autom-tl-c eous process, ~hermochemlcal proceiis, reaction klnfttics B. CT42---The-nonlinear Alf-fierentiaLt-equaLtIon- which describes ---,-A STRA -this type of system _,I-w;-%s derived by the-authors In a prevtous.sect;on of this volume (Risslan P. 2ZI). From this equationv two nont Uftear differential -equations are derived, which describe the desired control system and which are Identical except that the sign of the -'tatlc gain coefflefent K,, Is reversed. The control system phase-plane plot (Y-X Wo unstalile sIngularitles, normally a saddle point and an unstabla vorsus x) shows t Card 111071.65 fACCESSIOU MR: AT4047301 focus or node, and exhibits large regions of Initial conditionsfor which the sys- -1-tem is unstabiea -The stablillyls-Iff9roved-by changing the regulator equation t either-+--K. or- --Kp-on either-side of a curve drawn n the phase plane. Five specific cases are considere-A. In the first case, the system has an unstable focus eind a saddle point and the dividing curve Is the line. ',clx + c2Y ..=- 0, The regulator function is + K + c iy > 0 and - Kpx for .px for clx clx + c2y < 0..' The resultant system. Is stabi for all Init al conditions and has 1-only-one equI.I.Ibrtum point, bvt_aIso._has--,a, A Imit -cycle whose affplltude Is very if the -saddlepoint Is far away from the origin. In the secctpd case. the iregulator function Is + Kex for (clx + c2y)x > 0 and - Kpx for (cjx~ + c2y)x < 0, which In the case of. a saUdle point and an unstable node results ri a system which Is unstable at the origin. This condition Is corrected by breakInSi the feedback 100P for c x - c4y > 0, In which case the-regulator function becmes +*Kpr, for ~ -i r'2y - K x for (clx + y (clx - 0, O.for c3x c2 ) x < 00 (c3x - c4y) > c4y >0 and In a similar way, when the variation of the dynamic characteristics of the process, are taken-Into-laccount,-a.system Is designedi using-an additional dividing line c5K + c6y +.A 0 0, %'hlch Is Stilble for 311 Initial conditions but has a variable equilibrium point, When one of the singularitles Is an unstable focus, the open- "st-A tir I U p0 I loop stru he NO 1`1 M nt: ai-so-v a-r- les with the In(ttal conditions. - It Js concluded t(cat these results ran Card 2/3 K- L 2-127j--.65 (h)/.FWP(I) -Pt-4 _AM/AJVC(t-,Yj4FETR/ASD(d)/ MP i~A_-Dta -51ESb(dp) -:Jxl!(QZ) ACCESSION NR.0 AT4047304 S/3115/641/000/02110404)/G408 Sava, i AUTHOR: Burovoy, I. A.; yemOlyanov, S. V Lody* _Lur!kl A static regulator with variable structure 1T.ITLES isovRCE1 Moscow. Gosudarstwtifin0y InStItut tivetn0kh motallov. Sbotmlk nauchny*kh 1trudov, n-o ---Z T-, -1964i MatemitIchasklys modall taWind16jlcR k1kh protslismov I razrabotka sistem avtomatichaskago regulfroyanlya s peremernGy strukturGy (Hathe-_ ent of varlable structure irriatical modals of technologi,:al processes and developm- jfeedback systems),-Wo_08 ATOPIC TAGS., - variable parameter -control system, automatic regulation, static regulator, temperature regulation -iABSTRAM-A new statIc regplator with variable,structure.is described, which can be used-- to -control-:procasses; having -at.-.I east two equilibrium points, one of which I's unstable., Block diagramt, of theregulator and-of an--automatic. control system - J_-, J- i based-on- the regulator are, lihown, as well as~a wiring diagram of the regt41a_t0-r_,._____ ',W'hen a pertut-batlon fffl appears, an error signal x le produced and acts on aslave, mechanism whose,galn coef f lalent Is k. When x > E/2 +,d, the serito loop relay Is switched on. The coordinat,021s given the value + I and is dellvered to the 1091.. A At the same time, the logic system receives the coordInat's x* sign x. system Ord L n273-65 J,ACCESSION NR: AT4o473o4 The logic syst hanges theregulator gain co6fflclent from k to K. The gain K Is maintained uemntcfl the coordinato difference x -(Jat the Input to the servo lCW ,becomes smaller than E/2. After the relay Is disconnected, the magnitude of the 7 igatn coefficient returns-to k. The next change of the galn coefficient from k to jK will take place when the difference between the coordinates x and Wagain becones, Jqreater than FJ2 +,& The change In gain coefficiont from k to K will continue -1 r i I .'4 unztl the erro -signal reachiis some maxinxim value. After this, due to change In ,esign of the servo loop coordinate '7), the logic system will start changing the regulator gain coefficient from k to -K. Tests of the liew regulator have shown )that it willmaintain a 555C teaperature with a + 1.5C accuracy. OrIg. art. has: 11 equations and 6 figures, ASSOC IAT ION:,-. none-, SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: SUB 001M, IEt KM MO REF SQV: 000 OTHER: 000 C~ard' 2/2